BEST HONOR MODE Dark Knight (Paladin/Cleric) Build in Baldur's Gate 3

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Dark Knight the coolest character in Final Fantasy  4 the best job in Final Fantasy 14 the defender of   Gotham and the ultimate anti-hero in this video  today we'll be building out my Dark Knight build   for balers Gate 3 this is similar to the death  KN build I made a while back but the difference   here is adjusting this to the changes made with  honor mode mainly that warlock doesn't get an   extra third attack from their packed of the blade  in this new mode even though I've geared this more   towards the new difficulty this is 100% viable and  balanced or tactician just fine so please don't   feel locked into honor mode as always my guides  should act as inspiration rather than Creed if   this is your first time on my channel the way I  do things is by UPF fronting the knowledge of my   videos so you can decide if it's the right one  for you so with that being said we will have a   wild road ahead of us for setting this character  up we'll start with one level into cleric and go   War domain then five levels into Vengeance  Paladin this will give us plenty of attacks   after that we'll take three levels into Warlock  and immediately respect the character shifting   our ability points or stats away from strength and  into Charisma we'll finish off with one more level   into cleric and two more levels into Paladin for  some messy but very fun character that has plenty   of strong paladin smites spell slots Charisma  based weapon scaling and a ton of attacks to   dish out as you see fit that's really the entire  breakdown of this character so if that's all you   wanted to know please feel free to just simply  shut the video down and get back to enjoying bg3   before you head out please don't forget to like  comment subscribe each one of those things does   help me out in a huge huge way I've gone from  like 89% to 80% unsubscribed viewership because   of your help but that's a number I'd still like  to get lower and every little bit helps if you   need help with any other subject in balers Gate  3 check out my playlist linked below and at the   end of the video but let's get started here on  the best death KN build in balers Gate 3 loading   into the game let's go through some character  creation now as always this is a single player   narrative game so have fun with your race options  go with whatever thing you want but since we are   in honor mode we're going to go with a little bit  more of a Min Maxi approach just because that's   honor mode and there's a lot more at stake right  so starting off with the three big races I'm going   to well four big races four little races I'm  going to recommend is halfling is one of them   just because lucky is very good right when you  roll a one for an attack roll ability check or   saving throw you can roll the die and that must  and you must take the new roll uh it's just so   good in honor mode to have free rerolls and it's  just built into the character and it's really   fun to play a half with a great weapon just looks  cute um then you've got dwarf and the gold dwarf   is where we would stick with because they get one  more hit point per level it's just nice to have a   really crunchy hit point P pool to take advantage  of also you get dwarfen resilience so you get that   advantage on safing throws against poison which is  probably one of the more prevalent damage types in   the game half Ork is going to be really good here  because we're going to get Savage attacks when you   land a critical hit with a melee weapon attack  you deal an extra dice of weapon damage which is   absolutely great and also since we are on honor  mode and total party kills do really end your   entire playthrough Relentless endurance is going  to be very good here if you reach zero hit points   you regain one hit point instead of becoming down  very very very solid option across the board now   the other big standout one I'm going to go with  is the gith gith um have really cool special   narrative options going through the game so if  you've not ever played a GI in this game it's   definitely recommended and on top of it you get  some pretty cool canant trips you get an enhanced   uh leap you get a really cool mage hand and you  get tons of weapons and armor that are exclusive   to the GI lastly you get astral knowledge gain  proficiency and all skills of a chosen ability   meaning of course remember if I choose Charisma  then I am proficient in every single charisma   skill so deception performance um persuasion and  intimidation or if I choose wisdom then it's uh   insight and medicine and all those ones that are  wisdom related so it's nice just to have this   ability to turn it on when you need to in honor  mode where there are a lot of really critical   rolls that you cannot roll or reload right there's  no saves coming here well there technically is but   those are the big Stand Out options I'd go with  you can go with anything else outside of that if   you so wish dragon born for the resistances and  the Damage T flings for all their um canri and   bound spells humans for their increased carry  capacity whatever you want now the first class   we're going to start with here is the cleric which  is great because this is going to give us some fun   canant trips out the gate the three canant trips  I recommend are going to be blade War to give us   resistance to bludgeoning piercing and slashing so  we'll take half damage and guidance which is going   to be useful the entirety of your playthrough it  is so good you won't have to rely on the guidance   necklace which is also a really good source of  guidance but also thury which is going to be fun   here because you gain advantage on intimidation  and performance checks so you can use this when   you're going through any kind of conversation bit  where you might need it our subclass domain is or   our subass is going to be the war domain and  this is going to be cool just to get us Shield   of faith and divine favor two great options but  the big thing here is war priest when you make   an unarmed or weapon attack you can spend a war  priest charge to make an additional attack as a   bonus action you're going to get three of these  War priest charges out the gate we're never going   to have any more than that in this build but the  nice thing is this basically turns on a pseudo   extra attack for us right here at turn one and the  cool thing too is that I mean not the cool thing   but this will also make it so that you have to do  a long rest to get the back but as a war domain   cleric we also get Marshall weapons so we'll  have access to pretty much every single weapon   in the game as far as proficiency goes so that is  really nice because we're going to use the everb   burn great swword right out the gate that's a big  Focus for us right deity go with whatever one you   want to go with if you're playing a gith you can  actually go with a vth which is pretty cool so do   with whatever you want to go with background of as  always please choose a background that makes sense   for you and your character especially in honor  mode because if you are going with background uh   choices for your dialogue you want to make sure  you get as many inspiration points as possible   those inspiration points will allow you to do  rerolls that's kind of crucial here right so again   in honor mode maybe be a little bit more Min maxy  with this I'm going to go Guild Artisan because I   like the skill proficiencies of persuasion and  insight it's my always one of my go-to picks   and then as we jump into skills as well choose  what makes sense for the character I'd probably   not choose medicine um religion history and then  persu Insight innately through gardism that's a   fine enough spread for what we're going to be  dealing with let's now go into a conversation   about your ability points well actually before  we do that let's talk about your single prepared   spell you'll get um actually get a little bit more  because we're going to swap some stuff up but I   would start with command just as we get into the  ship because remember you're a cleric so you can   swap these spells out at any point but I would  start with command so that you have more casts   of it when you're on the nautiloid ship between  you and Shadow heart because you want to make   sure you get the ever burn Greatsword I've said it  before but it's going to be the biggest weapon and   the strongest weapon you're going to use early  in the game it's going to give and it's going   to last you all the way through act one until  you get something better now let's talk about   those ability points so we're going to respect  this character after we get uh warlock to level   three but to start off we're going to put points  here into strength we want to get strength to 16   because that's how we're going to do the majority  of our damage we're going to put our wisdom just   a 10 that's fine there at 10 and then our Charisma  we want to get to 16 as well because that's where   a lot of our abilities scale off of our dexterity  we can keep at 10 because we're going to be using   heavy armor so we don't necessarily need anything  from it and then our constitution we're going to   jack all the way up to 14 for health and helping  out with any of our concentration roles you can   bring your dexterity down to eight but I just  don't ever recommend that I don't want a minus one   to anything if I can take it right so unless it's  intelligence but a minus one to my uh uh anything   that affects your initiative in your armor class I  just don't want any of that to deal any kind of uh   minus one to a fireball save or anything like that  in this game i' just rather have it at at an even   10 and that way we're set to go we will respect  this character like I said and just to show you   what that looks like in case you don't want to  jump through the rest of this video we would drop   we would drop this all the way to eight and we'd  bring our Charisma actually up to 17 and we would   take our this guy up to 16 and put 14 points into  dexterity even though we're using heavy armor with   this character we would have that 14 Dex because  it gives us a plus two door initiative this 16   Constitution helps with our saving throws against  concentration and it increases our health pool   10 wisdom we don't really care because we're  only putting two levels into cleric and then   17 Charisma is going to help out with all of our  Warlock and all of our um Paladin capabilities and   we'll use things to increase our Charis throughout  the game but that's how I would ultimately end our   stats once we Respec so now you've got both set of  stats you've got your pre- stats and then you've   got your post resp stats so you can basically shut  the video down again if you want to if you if this   is as far you wanted to go let's jump into the  progression for this character taking a look at   how we're going to level up so first thing we're  going to do is jump into Paladin right at level   two and choose the oath of Vengeance this is going  to give us inquisitor's might but it's also going   to give us our two vows at level three of Paladin  we're going to get a Charisma based hold person   there's a lot of really great things here also  keep in mind you know this is a uh Paladin so   has an oath and that oath of Vengeance you have  to kind of adhere to those tenants you can build   this as an oath breaker Paladin if you want but I  would recommend not going oathbreaker until after   we Respec from warlock because if you oath break  you cannot Respec away from the character until   you uh pay the gold to to you know repay your oath  or whatever the hell it is so I would wait to do   it after because the big portion of going oath  breaker anyway is level seven for Aura of hate   so I would wait until I'm at the latter portions  of the game but we'll simply just take this we'll   bring it up now to level two Paladin at level  three and our fighting style so I'm going to go   great weapon fighting for this build but you could  definitely go with dueling and go with a sword   and a shield or protection and go with a sword  and shield or defense and go with a sword and   shield hell if you don't want to decide you could  just use defense and just have a flat increase to   your armor class while you're wearing armor but I  want to go with a lot of two-handed weapon damage   so I'm going with great weapon fighting here and  for our spells you know we already have a lot of   these from our cleric but you can go with some  fun stuff like all of the smites is what I'd   probably recommend here um heroism can be a fun  one just keep in mind though that you do have   a lot of overlapping concentration abilities so  you don't want to choose too many concentration   abilities when you're coming into this Shield  of faith is cool um Divine favor is cool again   these things though are all concentration um  compell duels kind of nifty and I mean command   we've already talked about here so just kind of  go with what makes sense for the character what   your other party looks like especially to that's  going to be a big thing you know hey I already   have a light cleric in my party so I don't really  need to worry about bless here or cure wounds or   any of the more cleric focused abilities CU I  already have a dedicated one and Shadow heart   of someone else so choose the ones that make sense  for the character we're not really looking for a   whole ton of utility here but it is nice to be  able to turn on Psychic or thunder damage when   I need to and the early portions of the game  right when you're at level three Thunder damage   is going to be really good and what I like about  thunderous Smite especially is that it is not a   concentration ability versus the other two  which are concentration abilities so these   will do persistent damage or fear things but they  require concentration this is just going to knock   them backwards 10 ft and maybe even knock them  prone which is really good because it sets you   up for more more damage in the future and keep  in mind too there's a lot of items that will add   reverberation reverberation is the special effect  for Thunder and it will knock things prone after   five Stacks or do Thunder damage there's a lot of  really cool thunder stuff you can do in the First   Act of the game that makes thunder Smite very good  so we'll go ahead and take that and we'll progress   forward here into level three Paladin we'll get  the biggest portion of level three Paladin is now   we get valve Amity gain advantage on attack roles  against an enemy you are going to cast on yourself   because it will give you advantage on everything  you attack for 10 turns that's the big thing with   valve enmity abjure enemy is really cool too  because you frighten them and they'll have   disadvantage on ability checks and attack roles  to can't move this is a nice one but we we'll   be focusing on this more than likely we also are  going to get access to Bane for free and Hunter's   Mark for free uh concentration abilities but  hunter Mark is cool because it's just a free 1d6   damage whenever you hit something which is it's  piercing damage versus say hex which is NE CTIC   damage which we'll talk about in a little bit and  again two spells that make sense for you and we're   going to get up here to level four Paladin and  we will be character level um five at this point   right with four levels into Paladin and one level  into cleric everyone else is going to get extra   attack but that's okay you don't need to worry  about that because we're getting a lot of extra   attack from our bonus action in um your War priest  Chargers from cleric and when we go into our feat   discussion is just a little bit here we're going  to get more attacks from the bonus action of great   weapon Mastery let's now talk about some Feats so  I've I've retooled this build like a million times   to try to really make this work out in the way  that I want to to get more Feats but unfortunately   we only get one feet on this character and it's  going to come down to you and how you want to play   great weapon Master is what I recommend because  that's what we're sticking with the big thing here   is yes you do more damage with great weapon Master  that's the coolest thing about it I guess but for   this build kind of to to lean into the direction  of getting us even more um attacks great weapon   master has this ability when you land a critical  hit or kill it Target with a melee weapon attack   you can make another melee weapon attack as a  bonus action why that's important here is we only   get three charges of War priest so if we crit or  if we wh melee um kill someone with melee weapon   we should use this bonus action attack rather  than our war priest charge because that war priest   charge you only get three and every long rest so  this is a way to kind of spice in a bonus attack   bonus action attack without having to take from  our currency right um this is if you want to go   with great weapon Master you can go with polar  Master which is cool because you get the polar   Master bonus attack but you are relegated to only  using glaes halberds quarter staves and Spears the   cool thing with great weapon Master is all those  previous four that we just talked about are great   weapons so you'll still get that bonus action this  just guarantees you a bonus action no matter what   and the important thing off of both of those bonus  actions they can trigger Smite so you can use this   bonus action to do a whole another bonus action  of smite so if you want to use pull arms go with   this instead you also make an opportunity attack  when targets come within range which will really   augment well with our level seven Paladin ability  rightous Avenger which gives you some movement   when opportunity attacks are made those those are  the two weapon item or weapon based Feats I would   go with if you want to stick with the shield and  be more defensive go with something like heavily   armored here no go with heavy armor master heavy  armor Master here or go with um where is it where   is it shield shield Master you can choose like  a Savage attacker but again I'd rather kind of   I want to add more damage instances into this  build because damage instances with a paladin   allows me to use Smite this just makes my damage  when when I do do it more right when you're making   melee weapon attacks you roll your damage dice  twice and use the highest result which is great   right your your hits are harder I just want  to have chances to use or get more smites on   the table that's why we've gone with those other  two ability Improvement again you can go with two   but I'm steering clear of it and sticking with  my great weapon Master on to our next level so   with this we have Paladin level five but we  are at character level six the biggest Boon   is extra attack so now our primary attack will do  two rounds of combat right well not two rounds of   combat we'll do an attack twice because of extra  attack and then our bonus action will either be   our great weapon Master action or it will be  our war priest charge so we have in a given   round hopefully three times we can trigger Smite  which is really really huge it kind of pushes in   that pseudo third attack that we would have gotten  from a blade packed level five uh warlock which   you can still do in non- honor mode but we get  more spells so let's get some spells um I like   magic weapon a lot it is a concentration ability  but if I don't have a really good concentration   ability use this is nice just to give me a plus  one to my attack and damage roles so I do more   damage and I'm more likely to hit and I can turn  on branding Smite if I want to add some radiant   damage in what I don't like about all the Smite  abilities for yeah for all these Smite abilities   is there are action and bonus action economy  so they they really syn a lot of your turn into   a single Gambit and if you don't have a way to  roll them they can be very dangerous so just kind   of keep those things in mind um Aid is a really  good ability because you can cast it and it just   gives you permanent Health hit points Until you  long rest you'd probably want to cast this on a   higher level from a cleric you want to conserve  your your uh spell slots as much as you can for   smites but like the actual smites not these smites  um but just to kind of Point these things out as   really fun abilities protection from Poison again  is another really good one that you can use until   long rest but I would not want to waste that spell  slot if I could if I could control it right I'd   probably want to use this from a a camp follower  or something of the sort I'll just pop spell some   of this and we will accept this and now it's time  to Pivot we have done five levels into Paladin we   are now going to switch into Warlock and we are  going to focus on the great old one the great old   one especially because this Mortal reminder when  you land a critical hit against a creature that   creature any nearby enemies must succeed a wisdom  saving throw or become frightened and there's lots   of uh items and stuff like that that can lean  into making people reroll frightened but you   already have tons of sources of uh frightened as a  Vengeance Paladin this just leans into it and the   nice thing is this is when you land a critical hit  so you can critical hit Smite and Mortal reminder   are going to trigger and Mortal reminder is going  to trigger every time you crit so the nice thing   about this is you're not using some sort of  currency to do it right and that's why I really   like it cantrips wise uh go with eldrich blast you  are not going to be an eldrich Blaster but it's   nice to have the functionality to do range damage  when you can and actually have that range damage   be very Punchy because we're going to be Charisma  focused and outside of that you can go we already   have blade Ward through our cleric so you could  go with bone chill if you want you can go with   pretty much anything else in this uh so we're on  honor mode so just be careful with friends you   can't really just cast this on someone and have  it not go aggro most of the time so just kind of   how you're doing it they'll go aggro at the end  of the 10 turns so if you're trying to get um a   rooll to go through on someone to maybe dismiss a  combat cast This and like teleport out of the out   of range or whatever it is but poison spray can  be fun minor Illusions can be really cool I don't   like true strike because it's a concentration and  an action in its resource cost so just be careful   with that um I'll put friends there because why  not and spell wise uh we are not going to get   access to a ton of Warlock spell slot remember  warlock spell slots replenish on a short rest   which is really cool for us right um but hex is  going to be a nice one because this is going to   give us a source of necrotic damage whenever we  want to and force people to have disadvantage on   a specific ability um of my choosing right but  outside of that armor of agathys is nice just   to give me some temp hit points and some reactive  cold damage here and arms of Hadar is another good   one just to explode out from me and do necrotic  damage since I am going to be in melee right so   and if they save too targets still take half  damage but are able to use reactions so this   is still a pretty fun one that you can use we'll  stick with that for now yeah stick with that for   now and we will accept and into level two we  get another spell you can use hellish rebuke   my opinion though is I'd rather not use a spell  slot on a reactive thing to do a damage that is   heavily resisted in this game so I would steer  clear of it um Tasha's hideous laughter is also   really good because it can knock things prone  and it can lock them down but it's up to you if   you want to really kind of lean into that I I'll  put it in here um and if you want you can replace   the spell at this point but Elder invocations  devil side is the primary one it's one of the   big reasons we're choosing warlock so now we can  see in both magical and non-magical darkness to a   distance of 80 feet so we'll never be uh blinded  by Darkness as it were and we're going to go with   agonizing blast because we are going to have  ELD blast be a part of the range package of   this character and we want it to have as Charisma  bonus being added in we'll accept this for our   last level here into Warlock and we will choose  our packed Boon and it's going to be blade and   this of course the big thing here is you bind your  main hand weapon its damage becomes magical you   cannot drop or throw it and you become proficient  within if you weren't already which is cool but   you can have okay well this it uses the wielder  spell casting ability modifier and its damage is   magical so what that means is now we are going to  resp this character that 16 strength is going to   swap into Constitution dexterity and Charisma  and we will have eight strength so we are no   longer going to focus on that for our character  and for our spells we now jump into um level two   spells what I want you to know though is the two  big things in this category we already get from   our Vengeance Paladin so hold person we're already  going to have for our Vengeance Paladin we don't   need that here and Missy step again already from  the Paladin don't need it here but we do get stuff   like enthrall reduce a creatur's peripheral vision  and make it look at you so you can actually kind   of like quote unquote taunt something to have it  attack you if you so wish you could use Mirror   Image here to increase your armor class by three  as kind of a defensive capability Darkness since   you can already see in it doesn't matter anymore  right you can use this and you can actually have   um you can cast this and run through and actually  do the damage just keep in mind people outside   that Darkness cannot shoot into it if they're your  if they're your friends so kind of use this if you   if you really kind of see yourself jumping into  that and we can replace one of our spells like   maybe Tasha's here with another level two that we  really like you know what I want to give them some   some range Thunder damage or we're going to lean  now heavy into crown of Madness and make it so   that people get really ass wild whatever it is so  that's our setup now but we're going to take this   whole entire character and resp them at Withers  so we're going to accept this we're going to exit   out and we're going to go over here to Withers  and we're going to say can you help me change my   class and this stuff will all remain the same for  how we've chose it in the beginning so don't worry   about that but we're just going to come here and  nuke our strength and put it into put that plus   two here into Constitution we're going to actually  put the plus two here into Charisma and the plus   one into Constitution bring our constitution to  16 and our deck to to 14 if you're like me and you   don't like having to manage a character's carry  capacity and you don't want to use Elixir cuz you   can definitely use elixir on this character to  get get through this but you could do this and   be just fine you know like yeah you got maybe an  uneven Point here in strength but this helps out   with your carry capacity if you don't want to  deal with it I mean you could even do this if   you really wanted too but having our dexterity at  14 gives us more initiative in an honor mode going   as fast as you can is is always good right so this  is what we're going to lock in with the character   we're going to stop right now I'm going to jump  ahead relevel up the way we just leveled up and   bring us back up to uh where we were okay so we're  back to our previous set of levels one cleric five   Paladin three warlock so we're going to accept  and we're going to jump forward now into another   level and we're going to finish off cleric instead  and why we're going two levels into cleric at this   point in the game we're at level 10 now right so  so we should be just ending act two just coming   into act three we've got some very scary targets  to hit so we now will have guided strike you gain   a plus 10 bonus to your attack roll this you only  have I think uh one charge of Channel Divinity I   can't remember off the top of my head we'll take  a look at it in a little SEC oh no we just got a   second one uh oh no this just one we just have  one um and the nice thing here is that it will   replenish on a short rest but the big thing is  that it's just a plus 10 bonus to our attack roll   so we're more likely to they hit targets that are  very scary so we can keep our great weapon Mastery   that does a a little ability that does increased  damage right this all in so attack rolls take a   minus5 penalty but their damage is increases  by 10 well we're going to offset that minus5   and actually give it a plus five with guided  strike to hopefully do that 10 extra damage so   it's a nice way to really kind of bolster the  characters extra many attacks that it has and   it's a grav just kind of spicing a little damage  there um you can take again whatever spells make   sense for you I mean inflict wounds is pretty fun  right very rarely would anyone recommend that but   I'm doing it right now since we're going to be  in melee all the time anyway and we will accept   this and we're going to push back into Paladin  and finish off our two levels here what's nice   is that we will get the benefit of Aura of  protection you and nearby allies gain a plus   one B plus zero bonus to saving throws um that's  going to be based off of your Charis modifier so   right now that would be plus three to our saving  throws and and also that's all good we're going   One More Level we finish off our Paladin here  at plus seven which gives us Relentless Avenger   if you hit an opp an enemy with an opportunity  attack your movement suit increases by 15 ft on   your next turn and we have a lot of spells here  to go through so that is the character all broken   up let's jump into our next section to kind of  take a look at what all of our abilities are like   um on the actual or in the actual game so here's  everything put together let's take a look we have   so many abilities so right at the very bottom  here I've put all of our many many smites that   we can do right our wrathful our magic that's not  that's not a Smite I'm going to swap that around   our branding our steering our thunderous smites  um we'll probably not ever use them once you get   past a certain point in the game anyway uh but  it's nice to kind of have them there if you want   them and Magic weapons there also we have Bane if  we ever need to want to use it hex is going to be   great like I said because it's just free necrotic  damage it is like 25 30% 35% whatever it is of the   enemies in the game are are resistant to necrotic  so just keep that in mind but the disadvantage   on an ability rooll is always really cool just  also know it's concentration it will overwrite   something even though it's a bonus action which  is awesome if I used Hunter's Mark and then the   next turn I try to use hex hex will then shut off  Hunter's Mark so just remember that or if I have   stearing Smite this will shut off one of the other  so just just know you you know this because you're   jumping into honor mode anyway but nonetheless  for the top row here we have all these really   cool Buffs we can you can tap into we'll pretty  much be focusing on on blade Ward if anything we   have guidance when we'll need it in conversations  uh bless had probably pull in through uh it's not   even prepared anyway so what's it even doing there  uh bless I'd probably pulling from an actual it's   not even prepared anyway what's it doing there uh  we have thury which get advantage on intimidation   and performance checks I don't think this prepared  it is cool I put mirror image on the character   because I think it's a really cool way to add  a lot of AC a lot of defensive characteristics   if you're not using the cloak of displacement  heroism if you want whatever it is you plenty   of Buffs now this line though is important cuz  these are all of our kind of like this line is   important because all of our kind of like class  abilities we get from all the many things that we   are so we've got all of our smites that we're  active here right we can go with a 18 to 45   damage or then juice this bad boy up to a level  three Smite for 20 to 61 damage remember though   with smites you want to click this little button  over here on the right I'm not sure what it is on   Console but look at but basically bring up your  spell book on console and click the reactions Tab   and make sure you have all of your smites turned  on to ask you if they're not checked here the game   will just automatically apply the Smite why I like  to have all the level of smites turned on is that   in a moment I can decide for myself what level I  want to actually go through hey you know what it's   just a it's just a piece of crap chaff I'll use  a level one spell slot any here right or you know   what it's a level two kind of harder Target I'll  use a level two spell slot because I have level   two spell slots that replenish on a short rest  I'll go with instead or hey this is the big Mamba   Jamba level three time so make sure these are all  turned on for yourself we have inquisitors might   which we can use early in the game until we get  the vows uh or valve enity or abjure enemy which   we both talked about we would cast this though on  ourself just like that um we have a heal with lay   on hands which is really cool remember lay on  hands though can be a cure a greater heal or a   lesser heal and be your hands with divine power  to heal a Target um I think this uses two right   yeah two charges for the greater heal we also  have our Ora of protection so a plus three Save   which is nice just remember that when you cast  this like this it's always on 10 but everything   that comes in and out of 10 feet is what's going  to get that benefit so if they're not within 10   feet they won't get that benefit turn Undead which  we can use probably never but it's there um Divine   sense gain advantage on attack rolls against  celestials fiends and Undead as a bonus action   and it replenishes on short rest just don't sleep  on this ability in act two it's going to be very   helpful for you because you'll deal with a lot of  the latter too um so just get a free advantage on   attack roles rather than wasting your um Channel  oath charge right you're like hey I'm fighting   an undead Target It's A Hard to Kill Target use  this rather than that until unless you're right   up against them right like you you can kind of use  these two to get different types of Advantage this   only lasts for two turns though so keep that in  mind and we also have our damage abilities like   ELD blast or inflict wounds or bone chill or arms  of Hadar which we could spice up to level three if   we really really wanted to you know we wouldn't  but it's there hold person which is going to be   nice because remember hold person you can cast  this and then go to town with your bonus action   from your War priest charge and do a critical  hit on it it's a really great ability because   it's coming off of our Charisma because we got it  as a paladin or as a warlock wouldn't matter but   still it's coming off of our Charisma and some  Mobility with Misty step keep in mind though you   know your channel Divinity so this guided strike  that replenishes on a short rest guided strike is   our ability add plus 10 to our our attack roles  our Channel oath is on a short rest as well uh   so now we can we can get that valve Andy back on  a short rest and our lay on hands is on a long   rest as well as our war priest charge that war  priest charge is going to kick in whenever we do   an extra attack as a bonus action so just kind of  keep in mind those are all of our currencies and   we go up to level three spell slots with short  rest replenishable level two spell slots last   thing though we do want to make sure we always  bind our packed weapon because that what turns   it's it's damage scaling so right now this say  69 damage because we've swapped off of strength right now it does 10 to 23 so you can immediately  see the effect that it has on any weapon just by   simply uh binding it with a pack weapon and of  course it can't be disarmed even better great   great great great let's now talk about some gear  so let's focus on some of the items I don't have   on my character first before we go on the ones  that I do have so the everb bur blade is of   course going to be the big first Focus that you  get you get this on the nautiloid ship you have   to use command drop from yourself and Shadow  heart on that cambian Commander to get it it's   absolutely crucial you do get this weapon that's  why you've got both of you using command to try   and really ensure that this does happen and you  do get it you're going to use it throughout the   majority of the First Act anyway and it just  adds such a good amount of punching power to   this to this character I strongly recommend it  now another first another one that you're going   to be able to get here in act one is the Luminous  armor so when the wearer deals radiant damage they   cause a radiant shock wave those radiant shock  waves add radiant orbs and those radiant orbs   are minus one to attack roll per orb added so we  can do radiant damage through a bunch of resources   right we have our inquisitors might which allows  us to do radiant damage we have Crusaders mantle   whatever the hell the one that allows us to do  radiant damage one to four every time we hit as   a level one ability so we have tons of sources of  radiant damage and our Smite is a radiant damage   ability so this is a shock wave every time we do  a Smite it's stupid strong and it couples very   well with this the holy Lance Helm creatures  who miss their attack rolls against the wearer   must make a dexterity saving throw or take one to  four radiant damage W bam so that's another free   source of radiant damage every time they miss  an attack on us it's so they they work so well   together now outside of those two weapons too or  those two items you can get the diadem of Arcane   Synergy when you inflict to condition your smile  will do that gains Arcane Synergy for two rounds   this is going to add your spell casting ability  to your melee damage so this would add our con   or our Charisma to our damage in conjunction with  our strength adding it in this is an act one item   so you would probably choose between the diem of  Arcane Synergy or the holy Lance Helm whichever   one you really want to go with and then kind  of swap things off as you progress through the   through the game and the last one I want to focus  on here is the armor of persistence I'm just a   poor [ __ ] in this playthrough I haven't bought  it but the armor of persistence here reduces all   incoming damage by two you get this in act three  you buy it from Damon so if you kill the goblin if   you don't kill the Goblins you s with the goblins  in act one you can't get this armor um because   they'll kill Damon but you also get legendary  persistence you gain resistance and blade Ward   it's just there it's always on it's amazing it's  a really really really good um probably the best   purchasable heavy armor in the game it's just  super expensive on honor mode so make sure if   you go to talk to Damon to buy this you do it  with the character with the highest amount of   persuasion especially or particularly one that  has persuasion expertise this will knock down   the cost of this significantly let's go now into  the items that I do have and we'll start off with   our weapons now there are a lot of weapons you're  going to come across in this game and the blood   of Leander is a really good one but it's not a  two-handed weapon like so if you see a weapon that   I don't talk about that you really like just use  it like I've said before these guides are meant   to inspire you not to act as Creed don't mind my  messy damn inventory in fact you know look at the   inventory like when someone comes into your car  and just covered in McDonald's wrappers yeah no   I I eat healthy so uh the one of the first ones  we've and I've kind of tried to organize this   from things you'll find in act one down into act  two and three so follow alve you'll find in the   underd dark and it's a really good weapon it is  a finesse weapon but that only means it'll scale   with dexterity if it's higher than strength so  in this case it's not and it will give us access   to the melody which will either bless or do uh  kind of like a pseudo Bane and on top of it give   us uh one to four lightning damage on targets  remember I was saying there's a lot of early   sources of Thunder damage well here's an example  of one and it replenishes every short rest too so   it's even better now in act two you can get the  halir of vigilance which is just so damn good   because it adds free Force damage in there you  gain a bonus to initiative roles and advantage   on perception ability checks and when you make  an attack roll as a reaction you make it with   Advantage so this is something that really works  well with the polar arm master in fact if you go   polar arm Master this is the weapon you get you  stop getting every other weapon because you have   advantage on a on um attack roles you make that  as a reaction opportunity attacks are those roles   you make opportunity attacks anytime someone  comes into your like field of engagement right   and you as a Vengeance Paladin move 15 ft your  next turn if you've made an opportunity attack   so so this is the best one if you're going that  route some other really cool ones though are like   corpse grinder you'll get at the very beginning  of act three it does free Thunder damage and it   has this cool ability to do a ton more damage  slam your weapon to the ground thunderously   impacting nearby foes and possibly pushing  them away it's just a really cool two-handed   Hammer there's not many of those in this game  um another really cool one is the blackard or   black guard's sword on a hit infused with one of  your smites you got tons of them the target must   succeed a constitution saving throw or become  dazed which is kind of like a free effect you   get from inquisitor's might remember that does  that days effect to enemies well this just kind   of adds it in as a as just having this weapon  equipped and it's a long sword so you'd use it   in two hands absolutely love it then you have the  baluran Giant Slayer which is probably the quote   unquote best in slot right on a hit double the  damage from your strength modifier this weapon   grants your advantage on attack roles against  large huge or gargantuan creatures if you went   this route though and this is why I was going  to say it's it's maybe best in slot if you go   this route you have to qua a potion of cloud giant  strength which is just fine um do I have one on my   character I know I've got one you could use Hill  giant too it doesn't matter but the the point of   that is cloud giant strength is going to set this  character's strength up to 27 so that plus eight   gets doubled with this weapon right so if you  want to use this weapon you have to swap spawn   over to um not have to swap you just have to  use that Elixir cuz this doesn't say from your   whatever modifier it say specifically strength  so even if we bind it onto um our packed blade it   won't matter it's still going to try to pull from  strength but the best the good thing is when we do that it will get a bonus to its damage from our  Charisma so we're getting a little bit bit of a   a double dippy Doo here not a sentence um another  great weapon though is just simply the sword of   chaos why I like it is it just gives us free hit  points it's a really good weapon profile does some   Prett necrotic damage I I just absolutely love  this weapon and you get it in act three as well   so that's our our split for weapons let's go into  some gear now now for gear early off in the game   you can get the helmet of smiting when you apply  a condition with one of your Smite spells you gain   10 pit points equal to your charisma modifier I  think you'll swap off of this very quickly but   it's a really good early Paladin helmet to get  and then in act two you get the flawed hell dust   helmet which I really really like it fits the  cool theme of the character wer has a plus two   bonus with saving throws against spells and you  get a contion saving throw plus one for anything   you're concentrating on it's really nice if you  go with GI though you can use stuff like this the   Circ of psionic Revenge when you succeed a saving  throw the fo that caus the throw the throw takes   one to four psychic but you get a plus one to  intelligence wisdom and Charisma saving throws   there's a lot of really cool GIF items in this  game but probably one of the best ones here in   this list is saravo horned helmet the number you  need to roll a crit hit while attacking is reduced   by one you can't be frightened and cannot be  afflicted with other emotion altering conditions   and for some reason it's not in my character well  you also have the helmet Baler on the helmet heals   you two hit points at the beginning of every turn  you have plus one bonus to Armor class and saving   throws you can't be stun and you can't land crits  on you what I'll say is you just got to choose   are you going to go with more of a um defensive  character or more of an offense Ive character and   really too since we're talking about honor mode  a lot in this video Helm of Balon more often than   not means you have to go fight answer which is  a really scary fight if you're doing honor mode   and you don't really have a super min max build  svok is a much easier fight in my opinion so you   could probably get this Helm easier than this Helm  I've heard you can actually skip fighting aner and   just kind of do some trickery to get this but keep  that in mind when it comes to getting this weapon   or this helmet it is trickier than than most same  thing here with the baling Giant Slayer because   you do definitely have to fight answer for this  for armor um I'm just wearing chain mail plus two   because it looks really cool for this video but as  far as the actual armors go um the Dwarven splint   mail is armor you can get very early into the game  um you're going to get this right here at the end   of Act One beginning of act two I can't remember  who drops it specifically but you can also just   simply get the adamantine splint mail from the  uh Grim Forge it's a really great piece of uh   uh heavy armor and it's going to last you for  a good amount of time until you get the Reapers   Embrace which might be one of my favorite armors  for this build all- incoming damage reduced by two   Reaper rigidity when activated you can't be moved  against your will by any spell or action but have   disadvantage on Deck saving throws which does  suck but you get this cool howl of the Dead that   numbs all nearby creatures and that numb move and  speed haved creature spellcaster has advantage on   attack rols against the affected entity so that's  another free form of uh advant AG on attack rolles   for you I I just really like it for this build um  if you're wondering too what this die I've been   going with man bloody Plum it's like the way to  go with like everything I swear well look at that   Regal beautiful awesome now the other really good  one here is Hell dusk armor that's probably the   one you'd want to get if you went with the House  of Hope remember this is honor mode maybe you're   not trying to make that kind of risky move but  it's got the highest Armor class of 21 when you   succeed a saving throw the Caster receives burning  for three turns you have resistance to fire damage   and you cannot be burned you take three less  damage from all sources and you get Fly that's   the coolest part of this right and when you're  fighting the final fight in the game having fly   is going to be huge if you do not take all those  iled Powers another cool one though is simply the   black guard's plate all incoming damage reduced by  one advantage on wisdom saving throws disadvantage   on stealth checks just another on that's in there  for our armor or for our gloves early gloves uh   gloves of heroism are great when you use your  channel oath spells you gain heroism so just a   free form of heroism here you get it in the under  dark very early same place you get the helmet of   smiting then you have the Luminous gloves also  very early into act one when the wearer deals   radiant damage the target receives two turns of  radiating orb so you take the Luminous gloves   you uh add the holy Lance Helm and you add the  Luminous armor and you are just a radiant damage   Powerhouse it doesn't really fit the Persona of  Dark Knight but it's [ __ ] cool because you do   a ton of damage and ring orbs like I said earlier  minus one to attack rules for each turn remaining   and you have so many ways to apply these so you'll  just have things will have a harder time hitting   you in melee which is crucial um the blackards  gauntlets too this has a free cast of inflict   wounds and a plus one to your attack roles which  is cool and staring saving throws the gauntlets   of Hill giant strength are one you can go with  I don't know if I'd really recommend it 100% but   it's just a free way to get your strength up to  23 if you're going with the Baler and giant slayer   and that allows you to jump into a different  Elixir if you want you can use the elixir of   um blood lust to get even more actions out of the  character so keep that in mind you don't have to   lock yourself into the legacy of the Masters  which I recommend is the best gain a plus two   bonus to attack and damage rols with weapons so  now it's just way easier for you to hit and when   you do hit you do more damage now for our boots  we have got the boots of striding which you'll   get from Menara unless you kill her by smacking  the bridge like I did and you don't get to loot   her or get her in your party cuz I'm an idiot but  the boots of striding here when you cast a spell   that requires concentration we've talked about how  much of this stuff requires concentration right   you gain momentum for one turn which is great but  you can't be knocked prone or be moved against   your will that's the best part about it which I  really like boots of psionic movement here are   cool if you go with a gith the blackards Greaves  are great because it's a free they just put long   Shredder on you the best boots which are still  pretty pricey um and unfortunately if you went   if you do side against the emerald Grove and kill  Damon you can't get the these but the boots of   persistence which match the armor you gain freedom  of movement and long Strider that's just on you   they're really really awesome boots they really  really fit this character overall as far as our   cloak goes this is going to depend upon do you  want to do damage or do you want to be defensive   the mantle of the Holy Warrior is probably your  better bet act three as well here gosh Crusaders   mantle their weapon attacks deal an additional  one to four radiant damage per uh for 10 turns   it is a concentration ability though of course  so just keep that in mind so it's threee radiant   damage Source again you can couple those all the  radiant damage we've got on the build but some   early stuff you can get act one is flesh melter  cloak something hits you you deal one to four   acid after that cloak of Elemental absorption  is a good defensive one the best defensive one   though is Cloak of displacement at the beginning  of the wearer's turn the turn activates granting   enemies disadvantage on attack roles that Target  the wearer I'd probably put this on a squishier   character to be honest but I wanted to give you a  defensive option for the character if you wanted   to kind of go with that rather than this offensive  one for our um necklaces and jewelry we have got   the Amulet of the Harpers is a really good  one um actually I was supposed to put this   this amulet on sorry I thought I did um this  is probably the better amulet to be put in the slot there we go it's Amulet of Greater health  so this sets your Constitution to 23 and you   have advantage on Constitution saving throws what  I will say about this amulet though is I'd prefer   it on a cleric which it is in my build in this  in this playthrough I have it on my light cleric   so that she can actually maintain concentration  but if you need a ton of Health this is how you   do it right we have 106 right now now we have 142  so it's a really huge jump up in your your health   pool I do really like the amul of Harpers  though because it's a free cast of Shield   I love that quite a bit um other ones though  is Moon drop pendant just to give you um the   ability to move around below 50% Health that don't  provoke opportunity attacks you are on honor mode   so trying to have some Mobility when you are in a  dire situation is really nice and Amulet of Missy   step is cool here just to give you you another  cast of Misty step that is outside of your spell   slots which I do love and lastly for our Rings we  have The Crushers ring to give you some movement   speed um right here in act one you get it at  or um at the goblin Camp you talk to the the   merchant you can buy it oh no no no you have to  kill Crusher it's specifically the character named   Crusher um not to be confused with the doctor from  Star Trek coruscation ring when the wearer deals   damage while illuminated by a light source they  also inflict radiating orb upon the target for   two turns goes along with the Luminous gloves the  Luminous armor and the holy Lance helmet and even   the Crusaders or the mantle of the Holy Warrior  lastly we have ring of free action and why I   like this is that we don't have a source of this  innately built into the class like a lot of like   say the monk does or the ranger does for example  where they get to ignore difficult terrain this   gives us that ability and you can't be paralyzed  or restrained I really like this on the character   if you don't have another Melee character that  doesn't have this on on them in your party it's   a really really good one but killer sweetheart  is so good for Auto crit Hits and The Ring of   regeneration is really good for just some free  heals at the end of the turn what you should   keep in mind though the Ring of regeneration  does trigger things that say when healed do   this so ring that ring that gives you bless the  Ring of regeneration would trigger it the gloves   that give you blade Ward The Ring of regeneration  triggers it zor's gloves from the emerald Grove   guess what this triggers it any item that heals  you will trigger those things that that will give   you an effect if healed so keep those things in  mind when you're thinking about your character   as you level up and lastly we have the Deadshot to  give us a number you need to roll a crit hit while   attacking is reduced by one so that in conjunction  with serox helmet here gives us the ability to   crit hit on rather than a 20 now a 19 now an 18  so it's a really really good set of situations   so let's now put this all together and show off  some combat now before starting any fights just   make sure you have any kind of Buffs active  either before you leave long rests or before   you actually jump in so an example here would be  magic weapon I'm going to turn this on right now   um but this will last until a long rest which is  great it's going to eat up one of my level two   slots that's okay I meant to use one of my that's  all right it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine   I should have clicked you click this and you can  use specifically your your warlock spell slot so   it replenishes on a short rest which I probably  should have done in that instance but just know   that I'm now concentrating on this so if I wanted  to use Crusaders mantle from the cape we talked   about it's going to shut off magic weapon or any  of these other smites so just know those things   make sure you're prepped before you jump into a  fight because you are going to want to make sure   that you have that economy up at all times okay so  jumping now into a full-fledged combat let's have   some fun here I deliberately used Mirror Image  just to have some fun to show off some of the   defensive capabilities here because with mirror  image active we have 30 Armor class this makes   this character which is already a pretty good  tanky one because we have um heavy armor even   more tanky also keep in mind too I have quaffed  a potion of speed so I can use more actions in   this instance to show show off more things in  the video and lastly while we are using elixir   of cloud giant strength to show off what we can do  with the baldder and great swword what I would say   is majority of the time I'd probably use an elor  of blood lust so once per turn when you kill a   foe you gain five temp hit points that's neither  here or there but you gain an additional action   and keep in mind this action in honor mode is  not like a full-fledged action in that I get a   whole another round of attack and extra attack I  would just simply get one more attack or spell or   whatever it is so more often than not I'd probably  have elixir of blood lust up in in the game I   just wanted to show you what we can do with this  beefy sword so let's come over here time to press ahead oh let's have some fun I'm just so  excited to blow something up with this   with this uh uh character I'm going to save in  case we mess something up too oh yeah speaking   of like buffing ourselves right we got to use  vow of emnity gain advantage on attack roles   against an enemy we would use that right here  to get Advantage um so we would do this which   is of course now going to eat up our our  bonus action economy we should have done   that before we even started the fight  to be totally honest with you but this   gives me a chance to show off the defensive  characteristics so we'll do we'll do a swing here and we've got guided stri that we can use if  this attack R is not going to go through they need   an 18 to hit they roll to 17 so we're good it's  not good I don't know why I said that there we   go now let's just supercharge this with a Divine  Smite 3 and let's show off that damage so we did   34 damage because why the [ __ ] not and then  we did another 24 damage with our divine Smite   and we didn't even crit hit so we can just keep  doing this though Miss again there we go but at   the same time I could have done any other thing  here right we could have arms of Hadar that entire   little pocket of people to really get a whole  ton of damage Dage off we did kill something so   we have our bonus action here of our great weapon  Master we can do a lot of fun stuff so I'm going   to go ahead and end this turn actually let me  come back to this character cancel and put him   right in the thick of things I want him to kind of  pull as much aggro as possible Right There will do   and turn and now everything's going to kind of  take their turn maybe attack me maybe not there   we go see Mirror Image we lost one of our mirror  images we lost another Mirror Image but we're we   have tons of AC to kind of take those hits and  and in a in an instance like honor mode where we   don't really want to get hit as much it's nice  to be able to mitigate that as much as we can   with stuff like mirr image just keep in mind like  I've said before those those that cast of mirror   image think of it also as removing that um uh  spell slot from a Smite which you could easily   replenish using stuff like um spell Crux amulets  and all sorts of things that replenish those the   pearlescent amulet which will replenish up to  level three spell slots so just kind of keep   those things in mind you can mitigate some of that  cost of those spells looks like not many people   wanted to attack my big scary dude and I don't  blame them but we get to come back and have some   fun now so let's do that um we can do this right  here move over to this side of the character cast   arms of Hadar and in this configuration we would  get two four because of our double primary action   and five attacks because of the bonus action we  get from here so just kind of keep that in mind   too that we have a lot of attacks and damage that  we can do let's just do an arms of hatar to show   this off so we can do this damage right here can  cast it with our um our short rest replenishable   warlock slot rather than our actual warlock  slot here we have a lot of different sources   we can hold person on something to try and really  drive a a big hit home so a lot of really cool fun   stuff that we can do let's go ahead and or we've  also got inflict wounds try and do that or ELD   blast um keep in mind as as you can see right here  we're threatened right so we don't get the actual   Advantage but valve enity does work on anything  that's going to do an attack roll your Elder   blast will so if you use valve eny and you're  like oh crap I'm too far away from something to   do damage you can still get that advantage on  your ELD blast and since we're Charisma based   it's going to do a respectable amount of damage  4 to 13 three times right and plus three Force   there from the or 1 d10 plus three because the  force of agonizing blast in three times it's   still a great ability okay cool yeah I just  accidentally did that right that's stupid of me there we go we'll use our level two  replenishing slot do that just Just Hits   things just wanted to show off hitting stuff we'll  use all this weapon Master oh we crit hit oh yeah   baby level three Divine oh so we did 42 damage  plus an additional 42 damage so we are really   slapping things around here right and we can go  ahead and do another round of damage Divine Smite   it sure we got more damage though and you can  see uh because we did a primary action with this   a primary action attack a follow-up extra attack  and it's still blinking right CU it's showing us   you hover over this at the bottom bonus action  War priest charge or you use this there's no   benefit to using uh the war priest charge over  this you want to use the one that doesn't cost   you a currency which is this one right so we use  this we killed something and we crit hit right   sure gued strike made it go through boom got  the hit so you can see that this build has so   many fun tools and it is different than my death  knight build which is a 75 Paladin warlock right   and that that that five Warlock um packed blade  extra attack was a real big flavor of the month   but I think that this adds a lot of really fun  punching power in a lot of different directions   it's extremely viable in honor mode because it  gives us a lot of answers to a lot of situations   that we can get ourselves into right we've got a  lot of Mobility we've got a lot of CC we've got a   lot of ways to do a lot of damage and we're very  tanky and durable the entirety of the playthrough   it doesn't just become tanky and and durable  at the end of the game we have that durability   throughout all of it and the Big Challenge here  was to try to make a build that was fun and   crunchy and did a lot of really cool things but  it wasn't requiring level 10 to come online yeah   sure our Charisma scaling starts once we get that  last level of warlock but you're doing big damage   early in the game cuz you've got smites because  you've got the everb bur blade and because you   can really tap into all the radiant damage you  can do through the entire set of luminous gear   especially when you're playing honor mode when  that is going to be absolutely crucial for you   so if you have any recommendations or ways you  change this or or alter the maybe the leveling   spread whatever it is let it be know in the  comment section below but guys thank you so   much for watching here today if you have any  suggestions for any builds you'd like to see   I'm I'm thinking of like a really super tanky  character that is like a light cleric using   Spirit Guardians using all sorts of really fun  reactive stuff off of healing or another character   that is like a Samurai based all sorts of stuff  just go ahead and let me know in the comment   section below if you'd like to see any other  builds but as always have a good one and take care [Music]
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 100,477
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BEST HONOR MODE Dark Knight (Paladin/Cleric) Build in Baldur's Gate 3, bg3, baldur's gate 3, bg3 paladin guide, bg3 dark knight, bg3 dark knight build, bg3 vengeance paladin build, bg3 vengeance paladin multiclass, bg3 bladelock, bg3 war cleric, bg3 war domain cleric, bg3 pact of the blade, bg3 paladin multiclass, bg3 vengeance paladin, bg3 dark knight honor mode, bg3 honor mode paladin, bg3 honor mode build, bg3 best honor mode paladin, bg3 best honor mode, bg3 honor mode
Id: qKAeV_uTp6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 43sec (3463 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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