How to MASTER COMBAT IN 2024 (Beginners Guide) in Baldur's Gate 3

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Combat on balers Gate 3 can be daunting and a  little complex the first time you jump into it   especially if you're not familiar with Dungeons  and Dragons maybe you keep dying at a specific   boss or perhaps even the first packs of enemies  are roughing you up well in this video I want to   break down the combat system by stepping you  through a lot of the bigger Concepts you're   going to deal with as you approach your first  playthrough or maybe even you're ready to jump   into the big leagues with a harder difficulty  and need to sharpen those skills if this is your   first time on my channel the way I do things is  by UPF runting the knowledge of my videos so you   can decid if it's the right one for you now with  a video like this it's kind of hard to summarize   everything but let me give you the biggest core  concept of approaching combat don't think of your   individual characters with individual actions  on individual turns instead think of actions as   a kind of total Bank of party-wide actions that  span the entire combat round if you frame it this   way you can think to use things like a character's  bonus action to knock an enemy prone before using   their or anyone else's primary actions to do more  damage to that character something as simple as   that makes all the difference especially when it  comes to characters that roll the same initiative   and can use their turn interchangeably outside of  that we'll be covering a wide range of subjects   in this video so please use the chapters and the  timeline to jump ahead to whatever matters most   to you if you've taken a look and nothing stands  out to you then just please feel free to shut the   video down and get back to enjoying bers Skate 3  before you head out please don't forget to like   comment subscribe each one of those things does  help me out in a huge huge way I've gone from   89% to 80% unsubscribed viewership because of  your help but that's a number I'd still like to   get lower and every little bit helps if you need  any help with any other subject in balers Gate 3   check out my playlist linked below and at the end  of the video but let's get started here on how to   master combat in balers Gate 3 before we actually  jump into combat I want to take a look at some of   the more Core Concepts of everything so we're  on the same page at least on the vernacular of   what I'm going to say for certain things so  taking a look at our character and our UI um   what I'm going to be calling our actions our  primary actions is this right here so anytime   I say the word primary action I'm talking about  this little circle anytime I say the word bonus   action we're going to be talking about you guessed  it a bonus action and then we've got things like   of course like any kind of uh class specific  currency so a superiority dive because this is   a Battle Master Shadow heart is a clar so she has  channeled Divinity or will over here is a warlock   so he has baric Inspirations it's worth noting  here in in this section that class currencies   will replenish on specific circumstances so for  example here baric inspiration after level five   uh will replenish on a short rest or carlac who  has rage hers will only replenish on a long rest   and it says right there right recharge once per  long long rest all right what now again taking a   look over here it's priority die on a short rest  or going over to Shadow heart Channel Divinity on   a short rest and I think it's the same thing for  channel oath on a paladin as well majority of them   are on short rests or they become available  for short rests but there are of course some   that will say a long rest only now back to this  character we have two sets three separate paines   here right and it's worth noting that if you're  playing on PC you can simply press this hot bar   lock button and move things around to maybe kind  of make a little bit more sense right like I am   a ranger and a Battlemaster so I'm going to put  my fighter things right here and I've got all my   Ranger spells I'm going to put them across the top  up here so now it's a little bit more organized   and I'm going to have all my ranged versions of  my attacks on the bottom row here and on my melee   versions of that same attack on the top row let's  go ahead and find disarming attack melee BP these   two around and then that right there so now  it's kind of nice and concise and easy for me   to navigate around one of the big things in combat  that you're probably kind of getting hung up on is   where things are and it's frustrating you and it's  causing a little bit of like maybe not anxiety but   you're just like oh where the hell is it on my  bar I can't find it I can't find it just kind   of take some time maybe do it in between at the  end or at the beginning of a play session where   you go hey you know what I'm going to organize  this a little bit that way it's a little less   cluttered in fact like I hate all this crap over  here I can go ahead and do that if I really want   to and just have it be just these two bars and  even more over I can kind of move this stuff   around to whatever it is and you can have some  fun with this as well you have this custom tab   here well this custom tab is numbered uh if I  bring this all the way down I think this is one   two and 3 four five all the way across so if I go  and press K open up my um Spellbook as it were if   I'm on a PC unfortunately I'm sorry I don't know  what it is on Console but it's the same concept   just open up your um Spellbook and you've got all  of your abilities for all of your characters and   they common abilities here as well right so maybe  this character is exclusively going to be a range   character hint he kind of is so I'm going to take  this button right here the range attack and I'm   just going to put it right there so now whenever I  press one on my keyboard regardless of where I've   got everything all set up it's just going to pop  into range attack way easier to deal with right   I have this set up for some of my Mobility stuff  like if I have fly unlocked via some things that   you can happen in the game I just go ahead and  bind it over here into custom and it's just easier   to kind of navigate around even moreover let's  take all my range attack button you see that's   what I mean this thing is kind of funky like it it  wants you to kind of look at it like this there we   go there's two so it want you to look at it in  the smaller bar then expand from there so now   I've got all my like my special Maneuvers  and stuff like that I get from being a uh fighter where's the other one attack range  there we go it's all right here on this bar   so and go back over to this I can press two okay  that's this or this or this so I just have those   abilities kind of nicely set up that's a big  portion of this right kind of setting yourself   up for Success before we even jump into combat  which is going to be the next section kind of um   but there's also another portion of this UI which  you can't see right now we're going to enter turn   base mode so we can see it and right over here  is this spinny wheel this wheel shows us if I   hover over on a PC it shows us the total amount of  mve movement that I can do which is 45 ft and as   I kind of pull this little movement thing I can  shows me I'm going to move go to 20 fet right H   go like about half so 22 and a half right there  so you can see if the bar it's one half of it is   that teal color the other half is that light blue  color so it shows me that I'm using that much of   my movement to do things this is important to  know when it comes to stuff like jump which   cost you a bonus action and also a movement speed  uh allotment right so you can't move all the way   through 45 ft of your turn and then try to jump  you have to move 35 ft should be right here and   then try to jump so we would do that and then  press this button to do a jump and just keep in   mind of course two hovering over these is going  to tell you the currency that it's going to cost   you to do every little thing any kind of stuff  like hey you know it's going to cost you just   simply movement speed like brace over here which  is a really good ability or it's going to take a   short rest you know how long it's going to last  all these little things are part of combat and   you might have just this might have just bored  you and you might go dude I know already know   all this stuff but I feel like in a video of  focusing on close combat it was important to   talk about it and one of the last things I do  want to talk about is if you are dual wielding   with any character look in the lower left corner  over here and you can press r on a keyboard I'm   not sure what it is on Console to select whether  or not every time you use a main attack it will   chain your your offhand attack into that swing or  if it's like that just a single sword you'll have   to use every single attack manually so that's an  important thing to to to to know and actually you   know I said last thing I lied to you the last  big concept for combat that's going to help you   no matter what is taking your time and making sure  that you examine things examine learn about what   you are fighting what are their resistances what  are their notable features especially if you're   in honor mode this is going to show you all the  crazy stuff they've got active on them what are   their stats and those stats are important because  when you cast spells against them their save is   going to be dictated off of these stats so for  example if I want to let's go to Shadow heart   let's go ahead and look at Fireball Fireball is a  dexterity save meaning that when I cast Fireball   they are going to use their dexterity to see if  they can avoid some of the damage right either   they're going to take half the damage or they're  going to take the full amount because it says on   Save targets will will still take half damage  so looking at carlac she's got 14 decks so if   she passes that role maybe not as likely um then  she's still going she's going to take half but   I really want this to hit this character I need  him to die well you know what he's got 19 decks   it's probably not going to kick off here so like I  said use examine inspect and take a look at these   characters and see where they are and see if it  makes sense to use specific spells on them or   what have you now before we talk about actual  part Buffs I want to go into your consumables   because this is probably something that you're  not using a whole ton of and if you're playing   on the whatever the store I think story mode or  balanced you really can get away with not using a   single consumable and be fine in the game but just  to kind of have a section on that because that is   important for this overall subject we're going  to bring up our whole entire party and I'm going   to do a search on Elixir Elixir are probably the  most prevalent and most important consumables that   you can use because they lack last until long rest  you can only have one active at a time but they're   important because it's a way to superficially  buff your character in a way that maybe belies   what their stat allocation is take for example  here we have got carlac she is a barbarian and   she focuses when 100% on strength right that's how  she does her damage but you can kind of cheat this   system a little bit I can take all of her strength  and I can wipe it clean at Withers I can respect   this character down to having eight strength but  16 decks and 16 Constitution and maybe a little   bit of wisdom in here so that the character can  resist any kind of crowd control effects and then   I'd go over to my why did I say like that like and  then the the gang sneaks into the library and then   you use an elixir of cloud giant strength increase  your strength to 27 until long rest all the gear   she has on and everything and all of her abilities  her strength is still only 23 so to put put this   into into into perspective if her strength were  to be 27 her strength checks would go to 24 which   is going to be a plus seven then to 26 which is a  plus eight so anytime she does damage she's going   to do that plus eight right that plus eight is  going to go in for the rolls and for damage with   melee weapons and stuff like that and if you  look at stuff like the uh Bal onun Slayer on   a hit double the damage from your strength modif  fire so that so right now that would be a plus   12 well with this Elixir it becomes plus 16  so you can see how Elixir give you a lot of   really good benefits when it comes to Stats but  there's more outside of that you can use stuff   like simply the necrotic resistance so now you're  increasing your resistance to necrotic damage you   know hey you know what I'm going to go fight a big  boss and I know they primarily do necrotic damage   or let me just do this cultivation all the Arcane  cultivation I thought when I first started playing   this game that these arcane cultiv ation potions  were just a potion you used it and it replenished   a spell slot nay my friend look at this gain  an additional level four spell slot replaces   effects from other Elixir when drunk of course  um and you're going to think to yourself well   that's great and all I'm just going to get that  spell slot but you get that spell slot and you   can recover it using items such as the spell Crux  amulet which allows you to replenish any expected   spell slot so Elixir are really great ways to take  the game as it is and turn it on its head a little   bit heroism gain temp hit 10 temp hit points  and become blessed until long rest it's just   on it's there it's active it's great um I don't  think I have one of blood lust on me like I've um   Peerless focus is great though to gain advantage  on concentration saves and against being Charmed   um and Magic cannot put you to sleep as well  we're going to talk about concentration it's on   little section in just a second or the oh that's  sea invisibility I thought I had a Colossus it's   another SE invisibility the one the worst thing  about Elixir you'll find is managing them is is   always a pain in the ass I don't have any Elixir  Colossus colossi um but regardless of that fact is   that you'll use these Elixir to a huge benefit  elixir of viciousness helps with critical hits   makes it so that you can um do them one less right  rather than a 20 then you can roll you put quaff   an elixir of of viciousness and now you'll crit  hit on a 19 and a 20 you'll crit as it were um   or perhaps you use a uh elixir of bloodlust which  means that every time you kill someone you get an   extra action as it were in honor mode that's  a little bit different you can only get that   benefit once um but still you can have a lot of  fun with these and this extends to other forms of   consumables you have all of your Scrolls which are  great ways to tap into any and all spells within   the game you don't have to exclusively scribe them  and you can use them and to to great effect on top   of it as well we have yes Elixir but we is that a  viciousness one that's Bane we have tons of other   types of um consumables in this kind of perview  right we have Alchemist fire you can throw it and   blow a bunch of stuff up especially in the early  acts of the game that's a huge benefit you can   throw this at a bunch of spider eggs somewhere and  destroy those spider eggs you can use stuff like   uh antidotes you've got where is it's right here o  of accuracy coat your weapon to receive a plus two   bonus to attack roll with oiled weapons so there's  plenty of ways to get a lot of benefits out of   your consumables and I really really encourage you  to to use them in creative ways that you probably   aren't using right now especially arrows arrows  are huge especially for my character to who's a   ranger who uses his bow and arrow all the time  it's a way to give you a little bit more utility   in the sense that hey I really want to move things  back this gives me a 17 foot push and it's pretty   much always going to going to going to hit home  as far as like actually going off and and doing   it's AOE whether or not it pushes them that's  a different save altogether or I maybe I need   to do some AOE lightning damage or maybe I want to  create a cold surface and have some fun with that   there's a lot of fun things that these arrows do  and throughout the game you'll see a lot of these   arrows of specific slangs uh here's construct slay  here's Undead here's monstrosity here's aberration   you will encounter these things in your game and  if you have a range character that uses a bow it   can be worth it to use it there's arrows of dragon  slang somewhere around here Beast slang one right   there um and you've got a transportation one that  simply teleports you solving is great because it   can cure a target of poison which is okay but  paralysis or blindness or you just simply have   a multi-shot with many targets deal an additional  half damage to three other Targets in range so   have a lot of fun with these consumables you might  not be using them because you might be thinking   I'll save it for a rainy day don't just use them  you have so many arrows that you're Expos at your   disposal and if you need more potions simply press  h and make more here here's that Elixir blood lust   I was talking about right here drink to enter a  blood lust once per turn when you kill a foe you   gain five temp hit points and an additional action  replaces effects from other El Elixir when drunk   so have fun with consumables they will change  your game now to go into the combat stuff well   the pre-party combat stuff and before you start  any combat even before you jump into the Game   World you want to work on some Buffs you want to  look at your characters and see who can buff who   and what stuff will last until long rest or  what have you because you want to walk into   any fight with as much going for you as possible  so let's take a look at my Ranger here my Ranger   has long Shredder now long Shredder is a ritual  spell means that it does not take a spell slot   to cast it and it's a great way to give everyone  in the entire Party 5 10 ft of movement for free   last until long rest no reason not to take it you  should have one character in your party that can   do this it doesn't matter who just one character  because it's not going to cost them a spell slot   so as long as it's active it's all that matters  and use a higher level here so you can cast   it on multiple targets cast everything on your  summons as well we just go ahead and do this on my characters here just we'll do level one and  now everyone's covered that way but there's   some other things we should take a look at too  Shadow heart is a Max Level light cleric and   through the max level she has access to Heroes  Feast so you and everyone around can't be poison   disease are frightened your HP increases and you  make wisdom saves in uh with Advantage those are   all really great things and like I said it  lasts until a long rest that is a huge Boon   even jumping further into her repertoire she  gets Aid Aid's a level two spell doesn't seem   too awesome doesn't seem too crazy right you're  like eh that doesn't seem too fun well you know   what if I cast Aid and I put it all the way up  to level six I now give everyone 25 hit points   that last until until they get a long rest which  is great especially if you have someone in your   group that is going to be summoning a ton of  things so use these party Buffs in a way that   will really augment your whole entire team go  through a lot of the ones that say Hey this lasts   until a long rest and just throw it on them you  don't have to use your primary characters to do   it too you can go ahead and use a character that  you maybe keep exclusively in the camp that is   used to buff all of your characters and then  you send them all back out just keep in mind   though stuff like let's say for example guy or  bless uh just to kind of use both of these in   reference they are both concentration abilities  they're both Buffs in their own right but their   concentration meaning it's mutually exclusive you  can only have one active so if I were to bless um   everyone on my team right now then if I were  to cast guidance it would shut the bless off   so make sure you're choosing spells that don't  have that so for example here protection from   Poison last until long rest you cast it once  and you're done it's there it's present it's   good it's great um freedom of movement last until  long rest all these are really great abilities to   have just keep in mind of your uh economy when it  comes to your level spell slots so for example I   just used my level six spell of Heroes Feast it  increased everyone's HP and then I use the spell   Crux amulet from will here to regain that spell  slot so you've got a lot of really great things   you can do here and just manage through this it's  going to be exclusive to you your party and what   spells you have available I don't want you to  go through a listen say you make sure you have   all these active because that kind of breaks the  Mystique of the game this is a guide on how to get   better at combat not how to play the way that I  play and that's an important thing when it comes   to this if you don't have these Buffs active or  stuff like that it's okay the game's not going   to be unbeatable you're going to beat this game  just fine on any difficulty with any setup that   you want to go with as long as you're having fun  that's the only thing that matters when it comes   to this game so now that you've gotten all of  our discussion about consumables down let's go   through a quick little consumption of some uh  what are these things called Elixir so I'll go   ahead and drink this on Shadow hard that's going  to give her an extra level four spell slot on will   we'll drink Peerless Focus so now she he he gets  a uh advantage on um concentration rolls and then   blood lust on carlac and then on my guy we'll  do just simple heroism just something nothing   too crazy there and there we go our whole entire  party is set up let's now actually truly jump into   combat the opening up combat is going to depend  upon how you want to approach it are you throwing   yourself just straight into the melee because  you don't have any kind of stealth characters   do you have a gloomstalker ranger who's also an  assassin that benefits from surprising things   are going first whatever that situation is you  have to approach this in a way that makes sense   so do you want to press this button and break  everyone up and kind of position them ahead of   time I could you can do that you can even press  this little one to toggle your summons if you so   wish and do that and this would be a good time if  any to take a look at some other kind of pre-buff   as it were um I don't think I have haste on this  car I do have it on Wheel though so let's look at   this spell called haste haste is a really good  ability you can get haste through haste spores   or hastening spores oh no it's a haste Spore  grenade sorry paste Spore grenade whatever I   guess I don't have any on me either way you can  get it through the grenade or a potion of speed   both are going to give you the same effect but  you'll notice so that this lasts for three turns   I think the Spore grenade lasts for two turns  haste lasts for 10 turns so the pre-buff phase   isn't always just finding things that last before  long rest it's sometimes finding stuff like this   that lasts for 10 turns and casting it right  before you you know you're going to get into an   engagement that's going to um cost you or not cost  you but you know it's just going to immediately   jump into a fight so I would use those kind of  situations to to kind of really help yourself   out right okay I'm getting my summons up getting  everything kind of ready here so we're good to go   let's try and set up a little bit of an ambush  I don't even think we can Ambush these guys cuz   they're guards but if we hold down shift we can  see and again I don't know if this is on Console   I'm sorry I can see where all where they're all  looking right this this shaded kind of red this   low opacity red and what's important about that is  even in combat this is important because once this   combat begins maybe I've got a rogue character  or a gloomstalker character someone that has the   ability to jump into being hidden in the middle  of combat well if you're right here let me top   down this for you if you're right here you're  going to probably do that without a problem if   you're right here now you got to make make a  sneak check so try to maximize your placement   when it comes to setting up either the first shot  or many other shots in the game so let's go ahead   and try and just get this going here um go and  just do I'll take arlac we'll sneak and we'll shoot so that didn't stop any start anything  we'll just go into this attack and let's talk   about everything so the first thing that happens  is initiative that was just roll you saw all those   little numbers pop up I don't think it shows us  in our combat log it doesn't right it just shows   combat round one and that initiative is what it's  going to dictate who goes first right and anyone   who rolles the same initiative goes in unison more  or less quote unquote in unison is assumed to be   so that is why Feats like alert that are going  to give you plus five to initiative dexterity   increases your initiative if you're an assassin  you get increases to your initiative if you're a   barbarian you get increases to your initiative  and cannot be surprised surprised means you do   not go for the first combat round if you are  surprised if you surprise the enemy it's they   don't do anything for one whole combat round and  let's take a look up here because this is going to   exemplify one of the Core Concepts of what we're  talking about it's that these little uh frames are   interwoven so they will like I said before they'll  go in unison we just simply select them to kind of   Set uh determine what happens here and there so  let's now jump to a conversation about actions   and primary or bonus actions so all of our primary  actions are going to be the majority of the things   that you're going to use to manipulate the world I  press this button it shows me every single primary   action this character can do right I can see all  my spells I can see all my abilities I can see all   the items I can use that use a primary action and  I can see all of my common actions like help hide   throw uh improvised weapon Dash or disengage now  when you're a rogue or if you're a monk or any   other character that gets special bonus action  versions of these like [ __ ] action disengage   cutting action hide or [ __ ] action Dash you'd  use your bonus action and we don't have anything   on that on any of these characters unfortunately  now it's important to kind of frame your bonus   action as thinking of it as typically typically  this is not true for something like say an open   hand monk um typically your bonus your your your  primary action is the thing that's going to do   the most damage with your character it's the thing  that you're going to do your probably your primary   attack your primary spells whatever it is it's the  thing that you're going to throw the most weight   around with so it's the thing you kind of want to  CET the most or try to line up as much as you can   when it comes to the damage for it that's probably  the better way to frame this and that now brings   us to a conversation on bonus actions so bonus  actions are going to be little things that you   can do little things to either sway something one  way or another not not everyone has a ton of bonus   actions that are going to be massive damage things  again open hand monk being a huge exception here   right or a frenzy Barbarian that has um I'm sorry  a uh Berserker Barbarian that has frenzy strike   or or or maybe you're a a a moon Druid that has  um wild animal shape the combat wild animal shape   which is a bonus action but by clicking this I  can see what I can do so conversely you know you   can see the size difference here it's not how  you use it I mean what uh it's just simply you   can see bonus actions I've got so few things that  I can do and keep in mind too that using potions   more often than not Elixir included is a bonus  action right all these will say bonus action and   it doesn't matter where it is in the party you can  you can use I can right click this and say drink   Shadow heart even if it's not in my inventory it  just assumes to be part of the character but just   kind of clicking through my characters you can  see here carlac has a couple things some most   of them are potions right or Shadow heart or  we just look at Shadow heart my main character   no choice but to keep going has some hold back  has like ton of potions right but some as well   so your bonus actions should be used to try to  set up not even your not just your actions but   your whole party's primary actions so let's put  this all together here we've talked so much let's   have some actual combat so what I want to do here  what I want this what what I want to kind of have   happen is I want to set up carlac to do as much  damage as she possibly can now I've wasted one   of her primary actions and doing a [ __ ] little  attack thing so let's try and I'm fortunately I   can't use my wolf which would help exemplify this  maybe a little bit better but what I want to do   is this a powerful shot that possibly knocks the  target prone this will cost me one of my primary   actions that's fine but the big thing here is  that something is then prone they can't move or   take actions bonus actions or reactions and have  disadvantage on Sav On strength and dexterity   saving throws but the big thing here is this  attacks against a prone creature have Advantage   if they're made within 10 ft of the creature so  this is what I mean by use your actions to set   up your party to do the max amount of its damage  use things that will make it so that you don't   need to um blindly grope through combat if if  I went over here and just shot this guy with my   Prim my primary action my bow and then I had Carla  come over here and hit her with hit him with her   sword and then I finally Tri the guy well I just  waste a whole turn of the person being prone and   damage potential that's the biggest thing you  need to learn is how you can set these things   up to maximize yourself so I'm going to use this  ability I your next weapon attack gets an attack   rule bonus equal to your superiority die well  I'm going to do that you know we haven't moved   yet either so I'm going to use this brace spend 20  ft of your movement speed and uh roll range damage   twice use the highest result this character is a  ranged Juggernaut this might this might just mess   this guy's house up but let's go ahead now and do  trip 95% chance it'll hit but what kind of save is   it it's a strength save what is his strength it's  21 he might he might pass that and that okay so   this character will probably actually get knocked  prone let's let's find out I using the right one yes and we'll ignore that boom and she's knocked  prone right so I can do another shot right here   and do damage that's great but blood I can take  carlac and she can oh she can just manage to get   through this without triggering opportunity attack  right if I do this that little red arrow that's   following my movement tells me that she'll provoke  an opportunity attack if I go too far this way to   get to this character it'll provoke opportunity  attack go ahead and switch over to our primary   weapon so if I do if I just did what the game  told me to do if I like walked over here then   I'd get an opportunity attack done on me but this  does not so let's go ahead and go right here but   you know what I'm carlac I'm a barbarian I don't  want to waste any potential damage so let's use   my bonus action right now inent A Rage that makes  you tough enough to stand up to any punishment you   use unring Frost you can use inting frity and  have resistance to all damage except psychic   damage um and I'm thinking of a frenzy from uh  the bird circuit which increases my damage so   either way this is going to actually increase  my more my uh defensive capabilities but still   it's maximizing our bonus actions so we're going  to use Reckless attack we don't need to but you   know what no we're not going to we're not going to  because we already have Advantage I was like we we   want Advantage we we're going to get Advantage  things not prone that's the whole point of this   section so we've knocked him prone through my one  character who still has all of his bonus action   and his secondary P primary action I'll show you  in a sec so we just did that damage the characters   got seven more health I could use action surge  to finish them off or I just switch back to my   other character and use anything else to finish  off this character I can go ahead and use the   extra attack of my primary action to shoot this  character again and kill it more often than not   you do just want to Simply remove something from  combat than just having a bunch of things with   low health because if they still get a a turn of  combat they're still going to do damage to you but   I could be kind of clever about this let's take a  look at where this character goes initiative wise   uhoh at the very end as I highight over it you  can see at the top it's it's highlighting her   portrait repeatedly so I know exactly where she  is or I can just highlight that and it shows me   where she is on the com on the combat field  so I can actually kind of probably leave her   there she's going to stay prone this entire time  everyone's going to get advantage on her until   she stands back up prone is an effect that is  going to cost her movement to get back up and   it's also going to they have to spend half their  movement to speed to stand up so it makes it an   easier Target what I'm instead going to do is  I got this guy over here let's try and have a   little bit of fun with him uh this is a strength  save again there's a chances won't go off but   we'll have some fun disarming attack ranged see  if we can disarm him uh screw it why not boom   critical hit and he dropped his weapon and it's  on the ground Let's Be Clever about this carlac   has used all of her actions in primary actions  right all of her bonus and primary actions are   gone she can't really do anything aside from  use action surge but picking up a spear do not   cost an action you can just simply do it so now  that that's in my invent ventory this character   cannot pick up his spear again and worth noting  if I want to equip this spear it will cost me an   action but picking stff picking stuff up off the  ground does not so I've disarmed this character   he for all intents and purposes is going to be  really kind of useless damage wise for a little   bit until he finds another weapon and I still  have a whole bonus action I can use in this guy   so um I can go ahead and cast Hunter's Mark to  do some additional damage you know what we're   going to do that because I'm going to show off  some stuff with my my little that's not a tiger   that thing is a wolf let's go ahead and put it  on this guy and what about this other dude this   summon that we brought up so what I want you to  think of as summons in the sense that yeah sure   I can go have this guy try to do a charm and if  he charms things he does all this cool stuff or   maybe he does raay of fire that's all sick but  what a better way to kind of frame these guys is   how to lock things down in combat you will deal  with far more enemies than you are right you   there's only four of you in a party you're going  to deal with four plus enemies in most combats so   use stuff like summons to kind of keep things at  a certain distance from you like take this guy for   example I don't really want him to jump into the  fight but I don't want this person this summon to   take damage and Route because of that opportunity  attack so we're going to press Z to fly and we're   going to just jump over here so now this thing is  threatened and an enemy is close has disadvantage   on Range attack roles but what this also means  is moving out of threaten range is going to cost   them an attack of opportunity against them unless  they use disengage right disengage is the only way   to retreat from being threatened and not get an  opportunity attack against you unless you have a   feat or some characteristic that would allow you  to do that otherwise but all intents and purposes   this is what you would have to use which costs you  an action so that as we've seen the the primary   action is one of the most precious resources in  the game and with this little bit of uh of turn   kind of finagling you've seen us basically we  can flew we can still do ton of stuff here now   totally forgot about that let's go ahead and  do this did we get lucky hey we Charmed them   now they can't do anything against me so because  this character's been Charmed um you a charm of   humanoid to prevent it from attacking you well I  might as well since this character can't attack   me move over here and now I've threatened this  character and you can see my attack range is   pretty huge so that's the radius in which I'm  going to threaten things so this character and   this character now cannot move out of opportunity  with me without taking damage or using disengage   like I was just saying your primary action is your  most precious resource that's why we navigated   around the actions and primary actions of these  two characters to maximize their damage in a given   instance so let's go ahead and press end turn  here let this kind of cycle forward easy these days we're going to get some Tom fugy here from  fist mirin what they call a fisty and we now have   reactions so reactions will work in a number  of ways it depends on your character what they   have got going for themselves stuff like that  you can see all of all of your more prevalent   reactions are going to be right here and you can  see that uh carlac or not I keep saying carlac   dude I don't know why I do it uh you can see  that uh um Shadow heart has improved warding   flare because she's a light cleric the reactions  are a replenishable resource right reactions such   as opportunity attacks are responses you can have  to events reactions can trigger both during and   outside of your turn and it says recharge once  per turn what they mean here is basically once   once per uh round right so it depends on the  situation and which the reaction is and if you   have ways that you can kind of break this but  you can only use your reaction once per entire   turn of everyone going so that way you can't spam  certain effects now there are certain things too   like improve Waring flare seems to be one of them  where you can just simply go about it um impos   disadvantage on an allies attacker possibly  causing their attack to miss has no effect on   creatures that can't be BL blinded and we have  toay FOC if we click over here to shadow part we   click this button we can see our reactions over  in our spell book we talked about our spell book   earlier right has our common on our spells but  this shows us all of our current reactions that   we've got like our bull workk our opportunity  attacks um warding flare improve warding flare   warding flare would beond myself improving players  on others and War cter opportunity spell so you   want to either click checkbox here or this and  basically if you click this little circle you   are enabling this to turn on if you click the  checkbox you're enabling it to turn on and to   query you before just going ahead and using it  if you don't have this box checked the game will   just automatically use warding flare so let's just  go ahead and use this and oh hey cool got a got a miss and get my next thing up so I  can talk about it but this just taking forever some damage on me no big deal it's all  right we're taking shots from all angles aha   now we can talk about a very important subject  called concentration so concentration is going   to be exclusive to a bunch of spells a bunch of  spells like I said to earlier you can only have   one concentration spell up at a time from  one character so take for example here moon   beam moon beam is a concentration ability Caster  needs to focus on maintaining this spell they can   cast only one concentration spell at a time and  their concentration might be broken broken when   they take damage so hopefully we can set this  up properly to take damage with this character   to show you what that looks like in fact I'm  just going to put her In Harm's Way once I cast   a concentration spell um wish I could just sort  this by concentration see see get some good fun   ones up Spirit Guardians is really really good but  I don't want to kill everything so quick um here   you know we'll cast FL sphere it's a really good  early level spell and just a little flaming summon   that's just going to be over here but what's  important is I'm I'm moving myself into combat   deliberately to to move a point it shows me right  here that I'm concentrating on this ability right   and it's got this little X I can click this button  and I can stop concentrating and cast another   spell if I want or just simply cast another  concentration spell will um override it the   reason why you have the ability to exit out is if  maybe you've got like firewall up or Spike growth   on the ground something that would cause damage to  your friends that you want to turn off or an ally   so you'd go ahead and press this button and you  could shut it off before they they uh encounter   any kind of issues but what's important too is  you can see that represented up here on their   portraits at the top so my guy is concentrating on  Hunter's Mark she's concentrating on flaming fear   concentration is going to and I I'll show you the  actual damage R that's why I'm moving myself into   close combat um concentration is going to take  into effect your Constitution when it comes for   it so what I mean by that is if someone were to  hit me right now you have to do a concentration   check your concentration check is against your  Constitution and right now I it's it's stupid how   strong my Constitution is right so what happens  is if someone were to hit my character and do 20   damage then the DC the difficulty class for the  concentration check is 10 the rule for the for   this is It's either 10 or half the damage so if  they were to do 14 damage to me the DC check is   10 if they were to do 40 damage to me the DC check  is 20 so that's why on characters like uh I keep   want to call her carlac for some stupid reason cuz  my brain's dumb Shadow heart here um that's why I   have things on her that increase her capability to  um to maximize her concentration checks so she has   Max Constitution from this amulet and that's  going to help her uh get a plus nine to this   saving throw but you know what this ulet also  does advantage on Constitution saving throws so   now when I go to do a constitution save a con  concentration check it's a constitution saving   throw so I'll roll two die I will add the number  six to those die and I'll choose the higher of the   two so that's why we try to get Constitution  advantage or Constitution proficiency on our   character as much as we can if they're going  to be using a lot of concentration um rolls and   checks because this allows us to actually push  through it without losing some sort of really   big buff or really big offensive ability and you  know like I said offensive ability here wall of   fire that's a really high damaging ability and a  concentration um blade barrier really high damage   it's concentration so this just goes to show you  that there are plenty of spells on the list moon   beam is a really good example too that requires  concentration or our spirit Guardians requires   concentration that if you lose concentration you  lose the economy You' spent on it which is an   action and a spell slot and you lose that damage  potential so that's why concentration is such a   big focus is because you do not want to lose it  but let's now get back to more of this combat   so we did our primary action of using flaming  sphere and I would not recommend you to throw   your casting characters into melee combat after  casting a spell but for the intents of this video   I've done it to to prove how uh concentration  works so we can see the actual role behind it   um but we still have a bonus action we can use  and I deliberately saved this for this specific   scenario because we can still have a lot of fun  with summons in the middle of combat especially   spiritual weapon it's one of the best summons you  can get it's only available to clerics I think   maybe I think it's also available to bars with  magical Secrets I can't remember but still it's a   very uh uh slim picking choice so what we're going  to do here is actually kind of look at our our   Battlefield a little bit and to press o to jump  into our tactical stance oh where's the brother's   down here usually oh he's over here now if I press  Tilda it highlights everyone so you know what I'm   going to take why I like some in the halberd here  is that it is a pull arm so it has a longer range   uh much like our cambian here is using a pull arm  has a longer range uh the other ones do a lot do   like different damage profiles and stuff like that  but I'm going to go ahead and go with a halberd   and you can see that this range what's nice about  it is I'm basically summoning something that   like we said before threatens so I've summoned a  spiritual weapon up here and that spiritual weapon   is going to roll an initiative die and it's going  to go at its desired turn but now this character   who is ranged has to deal with this spiritual  weapon they have to disengage they have to kill   it whatever it is and that's what an important  thing here of using threaten and try to use these   summons is use them to kind of set yourself up for  Less damage being taken the AI will always kind of   like default to attacking them for some reason if  they're right next to them so go with that now our   other little guy here is our uh summon from my  Beast Master so I've got capabilities like bite   lunging bite which knocks things prone remember we  talked about how important prone is well you know   what let's see what we can do here no I don't  want to knock that I'm going to knock this guy   bro and I'm going to show what an opportunity  attack does so you can so we can kind of show   how this works so this is going to provoke an  opportunity attack because I'm moving out of   the attack range of this guy which is going to  give him a free attack on me right so let's talk   about that attack of opportunity I'm going to go  ahead and press this provokes attack of opport and he's going to get his response attack  I'm going to ignore this we can press this   right here so opportunity attack attack an  enemy moving out of your reach we talked   about this being a reaction of course right  this is one of those reactions that's going   to trigger and they'll get one of these per  turn uh so they're not going to be able to   just constantly have opportunity attacks  triggering off unless they have a way to   increase them so opportunity attacks aren't  always a bad thing I I won't lie to you um   you don't want to take damage if you can if you  can avoid it but sometimes you can let you can   set yourself up for a really strong hit right  after it so take the opportunity attack take a   little bit of damage here and there often times  there's like overlapping opportunity attacks and   what I mean is I moved out of range of  this character to come over here to do this I actually probably should have said let will  do his thing he's saved against that but if I had   knocked this guy prone like I had intended to do  it would have given me a lot of value right but   this person can't just simply get a free attack  on me next turn he has to move out of range of   carlac to get an attack on this character so  he's probably not going to fall through with   another followup attack more often than not  taking a voluntary opportunity attack is not   a bad idea because you are not you're typically  not pushing yourself into a situation where that   character is going to get another follow-up beat  down on you so if it breaks you out of a a really   hard spot or lines you up for a better hit just  do it especially if it's a summon because I can   just summon this little dude back up right at  the uh uh end of combat here so let's go ahead   continue combat and end this turn let's finish  this and yeah do that there he's going to get   his turn do a little throw and we have multiple  reactions showcase here and also the currency of   those reactions will use so cutting words is one  I've not showcased because will is a uh lore Bard   so he's going to use a reaction and a bartic  inspiration and the reason behind this is that   the Jepson used throw on me and I needed a 22 to  hit he needed a 22 to hit he rolled a 25 I can use   this and they get a 1d8 penalty now you don't  always do this right if they rolled something   like oh they needed to roll a 10 and they rolled  a 20 a 1d8 is just not going to it's not going   to matter even if they rolled an eight on the 1d8  it's still going to have enough to go through but   in this it's only three more so I could press  this button and we have to press do not react   on the other one and hey you know what still  happened did it again so the nice thing here   too is we get to Showcase a uh concentration  saving throw because we've made a couple of   them now okay so let's go back over to to this  character so we talked about concentration a   lot right so kaleed my character succeeded  a concentration saving throw so difficulty   class is 10 saving throw is 16 and it's a 10  right because they did six damage had they done 20 damage it would have still been a 10 had  they done 12 Dam 22 damage it would have been   a difficulty class of 11 but the saving throw  was is a 1 D20 plus one plus two plus two plus   three plus two you can see all those modifiers  kicking in here right so we had that 16 that got   all those nice additional 10 Stacks into it with  26 total we beat the hell out of that difficulty   class and we succeeded when you fight bigger  scarier monsters though this is a not an not a   hard fight at all right like these guys are level  eight I'm level 12 I'm cleaning up the floor with   them but levels things that are on on level with  you is especially in the early portions of the   game these concentration roles are not going to be  as easy as you see in this video so don't look at   this and go how the hell is he succeeding all this  I keep failing dude I I sucked those concentration   roles in act one for sure act two maybe a little  bit better act three I took me some time to get   the gear and the stats so if you're sucking at a  lot of this stuff that's okay it's just the way   the game is supposed to be so don't worry about  it you're going to kind of you'll come through   its own in its own pace and like I said when I'm  jumping into things that that are more My Level   those concentration roles are way scarier so it's  more me just kind of showing off how how they work   but one thing too to show off here as well is that  will got some temporary hit points so temporary   hit hit points you will only get from one resource  um well like well fortified instead of dying you   have gained temp hit points equal to your charisma  modifier um that's because of his potent robes   that he's wearing really cool things so the game  will always give you the highest form of temp hit   points available from any new source meaning I  have four temp hit points awarded to will right   now if I were to use of course of course why would  I have anything that would give me 10 pit points   on my bar right now that would be a smart idea for  this video but if I were to use armor of agathys   that would give me 10 even just on level one it  gives me five hit temp hit points the game goes   okay we'll choose that one and it Awards you that  but what's really weird is and I I might actually   have this wrong if you if I have it wrong please  correct me from the in the comments but from   everything I've tested and looked at if I were  to have two out of 10 temp hit points awarded to   me from one resource and the game wanted to go  another turn and give me another five temp hit   points from another resource the game will default  to keeping the two out of 10 because it looks at   the the primary the the the max amount of 10 pit  points you would have received from that source as   being better than the 10 hit points you're about  to receive that would overwrite your two meaning   again breaking that down if I have a source that  gives me two 10 temp hit points I've lost eight   I've got two left and something else were to give  me five temp hit points the game goes oh well   you've got a 10 temp hit point resource you're  going to keep that it's a really weird convoluted   system so that's why I try to tell people in your  builds or anything you're looking at only get temp   hit points from one resource temporary head points  from one resource so you don't have to worry about   losing out on them if I have something that's  going to give me four temp hit points and two temp   hit points and six temp temp temp TI tip points  um then it's too much for you to keep them track   of and it's such a a Ply amount so it's either  all or nothing right like carlac gets temp hit   points every time she enrages cuz the Bon Spike  guard it's 15 it's there it's the only thing that   gives it to her sick good easy to track every time  will takes his gets a turn or maybe it's the first   time at the beginning of the wear's turn the robe  activates graning them temp hit points equal to   the Charisma it's the only thing that gives him  temp hit points I don't have anything else that   gives him temp anymore on his profile so trying  to reduce that clutter for yourself is another big   portion of combat trying to streamline your items  in your build to make sense for yourself so you're   not always going what what what happened there  why why did he cut words with who he insulted   someone's anus what's going on like these things  are are crucial to yourself so back up here to the   spiritual weapon which we summoned earlier we'll  just go ahead and slam this guy that's the whole   point right it's just to harass this dude in fact  you could probably even use weapon action like   lacerate back to will we have some fun stuff and  one of the things I haven't talked about is this   little box over here if you have a sorcerer  you're going to be familiar with this but any   kind of sorcery points or special items that give  things that are of the same ilk or maybe like this   character right here he has this thing that comes  from a weapon action they'll pop up in this box   um and you can see here I've got Adroid Caster  cantrips targeting foes and allies can Target   an additional creature the same creature can be  chosen twice cantrips require targets to be close   together unless those cantrips are projectiles now  if I press this button I click ready the frost I   choose two Targets but ELD blast is a unique  cantrip in that it will split its tendrils   depending on what level you are you'll get one  and then two and then three different beams of   crackling energy energy but if I use this ability  it doesn't give me three it gives me four so I   don't get to choose two different targets to do  three beams to I just get an additional Target so   I wanted to kind of point that out because these  little things are typically stuff that breaks the   rules of the game it's like a hey here's a button  you're going to click it it's going to cause some   sort of recycle but you're going to be able to do  something an example here further would be on my   main character his perfectly balanced strike  is basically using my offhand weapon to do a   very specific strike that would use pretty much  its primary damage profile meaning something in   my off hand does different damage than my primary  and you can see right here this does 7 to 12 the   1d6 plus 6 this does 8 to 18 1d6 plus 6 Plus 1d6  so this these things are just kind of little ways   to break the game always be over here that's why  the sorcery points and sorcerer stuff is usually   in that little column there stuff that kind  of sits outside of the normal purview of what   your character can do right like oh here's brutal  leap which is a different jump than what you would   normally have stuff like that is my back to Will  and in the same notion of things over here let's   talk about call lightning Now call lightning is  going to be similar to stuff like moonrise beam   moon beam moon beam and other abilities that  will often times give you something that will   occur after you cast it an example two would  be oh I have to kill a Target first uh Warden   of Vitality is another one I don't actually have  it on this character do I no I don't flame strike   is not another one of them but basically you use  this ability it says right here lightning strikes   all Targets within range then for 10 turns you  can call down lightning again without expending   a spell slot again a further example of using a  single spell slot and an action to do damage and   then having the economy to continuously use this  ability without costing you a spell slot that is a   huge Boon keep in mind though it's a concentration  ability so I cast this right now this is going to   be juicy by the way G I'm I'm going to I'm just  going to hurt some friends uh we'll be fine right   here actually is this water or is it blood okay  it's just blood things are uh I was going to get   kind of kind of clever here and see if I can do  this but basically you can make you can you can   afflict things with a status affection um effect  from water to make it so that they become wet in   which case they take double damage from Thunder  and from uh Frost damage which is unfortunate   I couldn't do it right there but let's go ahead  and do this okay so they just got hit with call   lighting but now like I said this thing now  exists over here I can use it it does cost me   an action but I can use it every turn and just  continuously cast these spells and furthermore   too will has some really strong bonus actions I  can hex targets I can use baric inspiration to get   a little bit of flare to my character Inspire  an ally to add 1d8 bonus to their attack roll   ability check or saving throws whatever it is  or I can use Missy step and just get out of a   tight situation right we can go ahead and jump  up here I can well maybe not not line of side   but I can go all the way over here here and now  we just not in danger anymore so you can have a   lot of fun with a lot of these ways to kind of  break and move around the game let's end that   turn and that turn we'll come around to kind of  coming back into full circle um sure we'll use it   so we Ed cutting words earlier to um help deflect  an attack we'll not react here we'll use Waring   flare again so this is to show you you can kind of  like you can choose what things go off here in the there that's nice I can show off that effect too  good perfect everything's working kind of like   I want it to yes yes do it oh perfect so they  just used Mass cure wounds and one of the most   important spells that you'll find in the game  is counter spell which just outright shuts down   a matching spell level I uh spell stop a spell  from being cast is it if it is higher than the   spell slot used to counter spell you must roll  to prevent it otherwise it's just shut down so   let's take a look over here they're casting mure  wood wounds that's a level five spell so if I do a   level three spell slot I'm going to have to roll  let's go ahead and do level three because maybe   it'll fail hopefully it'll fail okay so we use  counter spells reaction does it show me the roll here well we rolled and it it it didn't  oh there it is failed counter spell so can you show me the role usually it shows  the role well yeah they failed the that's that's   annoying sorry guys well yeah usually it says  if well there's the whole entire explanation   here if it is higher you must suceed a check to  nullify it the difficulty of which is based on   the Spell's level if it is higher level than  the spell slot you use to counter spell you   must make a check using your spell casting  ability to prevent it check's difficulty is   equal to 10 plus the level of the spell you are  trying to counter so that was I deliberately did   it that right that way right um we did a level  three counter spell versus a level four counter   spell we could have done um and that was level  five spell so it definitely went off damn I was   really hoping it would show that role usually  it does game is so transparent with so many   with so many other things it's funky oh well but  that brings us back on just about full turn now   which you should also keep a look at take a  look at to on the right side or left side I   guess you could say uh not guess you could say  it actually is on the left side are any kind   of status effects that might have fallen onto  your characters like My Little Wolf here now has now has off balance the affected entity has  disadvantage on strength and dexterity checks   and attack RS against it have Advantage remove by  taking damage or when helped so this is important   when you kind of look at stuff like oh someone  blindness on me no big deal it's a video game   I can see no blindness is huge and it's going to  affect your character they can't cast spells they   can't hit anything from ranged unless they  have some way to kind of either turn it off   through some sort of ability or they've got some  innate ability that allows them just ignore it   so having a good mind for stuff like oh man that  stus effect is on me right now is going to keep   you alive longer in the uh the harder portions  of the game we'll jump to whoever's turn it is   go over here do a little damage little flaming  Aura there we go I should have charged but oh   well no big deal and ENT turn so we come back  over here to our cambian now I can fly you can   fly him out you can see here just fly I'll go  over here that provokes an opportunity attack   a little five damage whatever no big deal just  keep in mind that every time you do something   like that it says provoke opportunity attack and  that opportunity attack it has to go through and   then you can go do the action uh you don't just  it doesn't like interrupt your action you can't   like oh man now I can't do it damn it we can do  drain and kiss oh it's all the way over there   damn it use really cool ability lay a deadly  kiss upon a foe Charmed by your fenis charm   so it would have done 10 to 55 psychic damage  which is really sick can we do multiple let's try oh man yeah guys I never never  had this thing go off this much only   only in this video is this going off as  well interesting thought we would have   got an opportunity attack right there that's I  didn't use disengage some Tom fluid just just occurred and now we're going to talk about one of  my last subjects in its damage instances so damage   instances are going to be basically relegated  to certain things or items or stuff in the game   I don't think I have anything on me that shows a  specific instance oh your weapon attacks deal an   additional 1 to six fire damage your unarmed  attacks deal an additional 1 to six necrotic   damage and can possibly inflict bleeding that's  important because sometimes that can trigger a   damage instance so for example here I don't  think this is going to do it I have hunters   Mark query on fist Keo I'm going to shoot  with this bow I'm going to hit this target   hopefully thanks for thanks for stopping in  guys great amazing video I've got going here   for you okay so that that that went off so  what I want to show here is that this did not   give me a different damage instance it added my  damage in why those things are important is that   sometimes there will be effects in the game  that'll trigger on different damage instances   this is a singular damage instance if I had an  effect that would have said hey you know this   adds like these gloves in fact what we'll  do is I'll put them on carlac forever pal no me not enough resources what do we do did I  swap something I shouldn't have swapped G how'   that happen how did that happen I wonder if  this is worth the cost well we'll wait till   we get to Shadow hard and I'll show you how that  instance works but basically that this is an inst   a singular damage instance and with that singular  damage instance we are doing something and what   I mean by that is you can modify that damage  instance through other things and sometimes   things will trigger on them it'll say like hey  anytime you do um damage on certain items or   mental fatigue where is it when a foe fails  a saving throw against one of your spells or   actions they gain mental fatigue for two turns  so often times this is um sometimes there's a   saving throw attached to stuff like this uh  the compos flick bleeding so if I was doing   an unarmed attack with these hell dust gloves  equipped and this ring of vental inhibition   and they fail that saving throw all right well  boom they get mental fatigue so you can stack   a lot of these effects up and it's why it's so  important in combat is to know how these effects   these effects will kind of interact with each  other damn I'm kind of mad I can do this stupid   [ __ ] thing let's go ahead and survival is all  that matters let's just get through this and I'll   catch my breath another important cool thing  to know I press space bar these two characters   are bound together right they went at the same  time I pressed space bar to end his turn well   I didn't mean to so I'm going to press cancel  and turn and I can go ahead and do whatever I   wanted now oh you know what I'm going to action  surge in fact I got idea let me see if I can do this action surge n for some that's bugging out it's not  letting me equip them uh but I was going   to show you is putting them on him to show  how that those damage instances because why   this is important is that with the damage we did  here Hunter's Mark adds damage to my character   it says6 piercing Hunter's Mark so it added  damage to a singular damage instance versus this which didn't do anything for me use  a potion of speed if we can get it done I   mean she's not a she's not a melee combatant  so yeah right cool cool cool cool cool cool   cool cool either either way what I was going  to say is when I hit that Target it'll it'll   show me the damage she does with her Spear  and then it'll show me an additional one to   six damage which is that seate damage instance  which has a chance to trigger any effects twice   whenever you do one effect so it allows you  to take a swing and get maybe two stacks of   reverberation or mental fatigue or all these  other little tiny things that you can do from   these damage instances now this changes though  when you jump into higher difficulties it will   reduce those damage instances to prevent you  from cheesing the game so that kind of puts   everything here together and covers a lot  of the bigger heavier subjects in in this   game let's go ahead and move further all the  way little opportunity at teasy there we go oh okay jump back at me jump the wrong  neighborhood buddy buddy War flare on herself oh and he passed his concentration roll as we saw  over here right six damage so succeeded against   it but what to do now well let's go ahead and  use a potion of speed real quick it's going to   have some fun I don't recommend you clapping  them as much as I have in this video I'm just   doing it because I'm trying to do something let's  go ahead and we have a disadvantage here because   this person is threatening us right they're too  close um I'm just going to try and see if we can   get it to go off cool launched them and we can  go ahead and use this activate call lightning   again like we were talking about earlier we  can really get a spicy spell going I have a   good level four a good hunger of Hadar  to be honest go ahead and do like this there we go lot of Juicy damage going off right  there so you can see where we're just kind of   using a lot of what what already exists with us  oh hey this character kind of broke out from our   what we were doing these are so damn immobile  Mo over here yes you never seen a hird go up   and down side of stairs well you have today  gosh get up close to him as much as we can even then right there I didn't use  his action on accident I was just   kind of trying to push through stuff  and we will repost into him and do   damage because that's what the Battle  Master can do and cut words trying to   use every little thing we can to kind of help  out these fights just go ahead and do yeah do that I'm just bring it back  to the beginning of the turn just to show off this cool finish or this uh   training kiss oh damn it we don't  have anyone oh we don't this game sucks 30% disadvantaged I had a feeling we'd  Miss so as you can kind of see we put all this   together here and we we have a lot to talk  about right we've we've gone through a lot of   different subjects a lot of things that kind  of help us in disseminating how we approach   combat from the second we get into it right  how do we set up our board how do we set up   our our Buffs all these little things because  they matter it matters on how you can really   get your character in the most optimal state to  do the best damage that they can either through   Buffs through Elixir through whatever it is  and then when it comes to being in combat it's   how you can optimize this party's actions like  especially now like I've said too when it comes   to like carlac and uh my main character having  the ability to go hey you know what Sweep with   prone ah he saved it damn leave him with prone  oh don't have no superiority Die game gone this   game's gone downhill should didn't deserve its  victories well either way I was saying is like   you knock him with prone you you have KAC come  in and do some do some damage here like you you   just kind of use one character to line up another  character for maximum success or use one of your   minor actions bonus action to have your primary  actions do more try to set it up so that you   are not just spending all of your time with one  character smashing your face against a wall and   trying to go why isn't this character doing the  most damage because you are not playing Call of   Duty you're not you know one man against a team  you are a party against another party and that's   the way Dungeons and Dragons is played you are  sitting with friends discussing how you're going   to attack this group of NES that that beset you  on the countryside or deep inside of a dungeon   how these skeletons and a lich are are going to do  their legendary actions to really mess you up and   how you're going to mitigate as much as that as  you can by doing as much Tom Foolery as you can   think of your things that you're doing in this  game as a party not as an individual and it'll   change the way you play the game it'll change  the way you frame your actions and your bonus   actions but most importantly it'll guarantee that  you succeed as always guys thank you so much for   watching here today if you have any questions or  you're struggling still with combat go ahead and   let me know in the comments section below there's  definitely things I miss you know I didn't talk   very much about negative effects like gaping  wounds or all the other many different things   that you can do like I didn't go into weapon  actions very much it's just part of your your   primary actions use them if you got them if  you don't don't do it but I think more it's   understanding the ability or how to break apart  the abstractness of approaching combat that is   going to really help you it's not going to be a  cure all that's like hey you press this button   every time you're going to win it's how you  press buttons on all of your characters that   allows you to win but as always thank you so much  for watching here today have a good one and take [Music] care
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 55,280
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to MASTER COMBAT (Beginners Guide) in Baldur's Gate 3, baldur's gate 3, bg3, baldur's gate 3 beginners guide, bg3 combat guide, bg3 comabt explained, bg3 mastering combat, bg3 getting better at combat, bg3 combat basics, bg3 combat tactics, baldurs gate 3 beginners guide, baldurs gate 3 guide, baldurs gate 3 tips, baldurs gate 3 tips and tricks, baldurs gate 3 starter guide, baldurs gate 3 new player guide, bg3 combat help, bg3 beginner guide to combat
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 19sec (4339 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2024
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