THE BEST Spore Druid Melee Hybrid Build for Baldur's Gate 3

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Druid the first character I made in ever Quest the first class I played in second edition D and D the ultimate Protectors of the Grove but now they get pretty spicy here in balers Gate 3 in this video today I want to talk about my Spore Druid melee hybrid build using all the fun mechanics of the spor Druid which wants to be in melee in with the fun of a combat class that leverages that melee capability this can go one of two ways which I'll present in the video but I'll be based it'll be based off of the type of melee you want out of the build if this is your first time on my channel the way I do things is by upfront the knowledge of my videos so you can decide if it's the right one for you so with that being said we'll be focusing on Seven Levels into spor Druid which will give us the majority of the benefits from the circle of spores the final set of benefits happens at level 10 but we'll instead opt to go for five more levels in a melee class of your choosing either monk which will utilize our high wisdom or fighter to just add more pure melee damage to the build the decision is really up to you but both present different exciting ways to approach the class but that's really the entire breakdown of the video so if that's all you wanted to know please feel free to shut the video down and go recreate The Last of Us in balers gate but before you do please don't forget to like comment or subscribe each one of those things does help me out in a huge way I currently have 89% unsubscribed viewership on the channel and that's a metric I'm trying to change this year so every little bit helps you can jump ahead to any part of this video to interest you most us need chapters both the timeline and the description and if you need help with any other subject in balers Gate 3 check out my playlist linked below and at the end of the video let's get started here on my best Spore Druid melee hybrid build for balers Gate 3 loading into the character creation screen you have a lot of different ways you can approach this the nice thing here is that as far as your race goes it's entirely up to you um this is always going to be the case because there are no stat benefits of going One race over the other now it's worth noting though that you will get certain benefits such as certain can trips or skill or uh other proficiencies that you would otherwise have to invest in so say going with a Wood Elf here would Grant you um Proficiency in stealth and perception which is very nice perception is a really really good skill um I've just selected a human just for the sake of the video this is going to give me an extra skill proficiency as well as carrying capacity increased by a quarter and I really like carrying capacity increase cuz it's a pain in the ass which you could just as easily go with a half elf if you wanted um dwarfs can be kind of fun here especially if you want to go with kind of something a little unique with a dard druid especially something that's kind of also thematic if we're thinking of the dagar which ex exist in the underd dark and spores and mushrooms and stuff like that and if you played this game before you know you know how on point that is but the dwar have some pretty fun abilities they get the ability to go invisible they get the ability to grow they have a growth abil spell cantrip that will increase the damage that they do in melee so this is actually quite fun for them in addition to that too they get their resilience so a saving throw against charmer paralysis and the innate dwarf one here to give you a advantage on saving throws against poison and a resistance against poison so this is a really cool fun thematic pick be the same thing here with a Dr also in the underd dark if you want to stick with something like that they do get also a Darkness C trip which is very fun to cast blindness around to everything but please as always go with what works for you half Forks are really good in melee because again a land a crit hit with a melee weapon attack you deal an extra dice of weapon damage which is great and you will be using melee weapons if you go with a fighter if you go with a monk it's a bit different Relentless endurance if you reach zero hit points you gain one hit point instead of becoming down so you're you're just a little bit harder to kill just kind of go with whatever makes the most sense for you and the Druid you have in mind now for your starting class here uh the three classes we're kind of thinking about in a rotation and cycle of this um build this class whatever is Druid fighter and monk I think Pro depending on how you want to approach this if you want to be a Spore Druid that does melee start as a druid if you want to be a melee combat that has Spore Druid capabilities start as a fighter or as a monk if you want to be a character that uses heavy armor start as the fighter and the reason you start as the fighter rather than the other two is because you start with heavy armor if you mult class from a druid into fighter you will not get heavy armor and I believe Druid starts with medium armor they do you would get up to medium armor so kind of weigh this into consideration when it comes to starting your character do you really want to go with the fighter route then go with that do you really want to be more of a melee combatant then go with that personally what we're going to do here is we're going to start as a druid um I think it fits overall the the scope that I have in mind for the character and I'm going to go into monk but again you can just as easily choose fighter if you want to be more of a actual Marshall combatant un less of a monk and this I think overall fits the the scope of what I have in mind for the character cantrips here um resistance is okay it's a it's a uh concentration spell I don't like it very much but guidance is pretty fun and shalele is fun too because your staff or Club becomes magical it deals 4 to1 bludgeoning damage and uses your spell casting ability for attack roles so if you're going with the uh monk it's worth noting that a monk weapon is any weapon you are proficient in and if we're going monk we can take advantage of just using our hands or using a Quarter Staff and a shield so think about those things when it comes to breaking your character down um but shalele would really work pretty well with that because it does get pretty out of control not out of control but it gets stronger as you go up but we defin going to go with guidance assuming we don't have another character that can cast guidance but it's nice getting a 1 D4 bonus to Ability checks for your background please as always choose the background that makes sense for the roleplay you have in mind for your character this is a single player narrative game role playay have fun get lost in it make a bad decision because you're a criminal background and you just can't help it just scam after meth I don't know whatever it is but have fun with the background selection for your character don't feel like you have to mmax this you know are you um a former acolyte who's who has converted himself over to the ways of becoming a druid and that's where your Monkish backround kind of combines with the Druid background you you're you're looking to pursue whatever it is choose the one that makes sense for you as far as a min max option I always kind of go with Guild artism because I like skill uh um proficiencies in both insight and persuasion just out of the way for me so I don't have to deal with it and then coming into abilities uh let's take a look at our skills here uh so we are a human so we get an extra skill Proficiency in this guy but let's just take a look at the base two um let me tell you that nature is not not the coolest skill to be proficient in in this game unfortunately your nature checks are not far and wide and they are rarely impactful which kind of sucks they're they're kind of fun in the very beginning of the game when you're dealing with the the uh the Druid Grove but outside of that they kind of fall off quickly and it's an unfortunate thing because my main character is a ranger Beast Master so I would not put points into nature and animal handling is only worth it if you're not going to cast speak with animals if you have speak with animals Animal handling is useless because you just talk to them um animal handling is basic like using persuasion for for the animals you cannot talk to so keep those things in mind but um outside of that you know perception is a great skill to have as I've said many times before you have persuasion unlocked here for you and insight already taken care of so you don't have to worry about those the nice thing too is they are wisdom skills and you'll use these quite a bit in your uh playthrough of the game now I definitely recommend having one Proficiency in a uh charisma skill if you don't already so we already have persuasion so we're good there and then outside of that just kind of have some fun you know religion checks are pretty common um Arcana can be really fun especially if you take certain routes throughout the game um medicine is really only useful for Alchemy and maybe one or two other uh skill checks that I can think of so not the best one survival pretty good you deal with a lot of survival things just kind of choose from there some maybe some sort of RP thing even if you want to say Hey you know that guy I'm going to nature please do it do not think that you by choosing nature you're going to penalize your character have fun choose what you want it is your game you spent your money and so you should enjoy it so here's just some options I've chosen uh let's go with that you know I'll remove intimidation and put uh religion you clearly I can't press a button to save my life there good Lord there we go oh Lord all right so as far as our actual stats go this is going to be the depend upon if you're going with a fighter or not um but either way if I chose fighter with this build I would go with a dexterity fighter meaning I'm using finesse weapons to try to get the most out of my character rather than spreading myself too thin we're going to bring our wisdom up to 16 and we're going to bring our dexterity up to just say 14 for now we're going to increase our constitution to 12 and from there we make some decisions right are we going to be the main character you know what but I'm probably going to bring this maybe to like 10 or 12 um am I going to go with a monk in my case I am so I'm going to bring that all the way up to 16 and I'm going to use these remaining points probably just bring that right up there to 14 what this does for me is it enables me to have a good addition to my armor class for my dexterity it's going to help me as a monk because a monk is going to get a additional bonus to their dexterity across dexterity and wisdom right that's how the Monk's um special ability works and wisd system is going to help all my druid casting capabilities my Constitution at 14 is going to give me a good amount of Health but mainly what it's going to do is it's going to help me with any Constitution checks Constitution checks are or concentration checks are Constitution checks so this helps me out a ton if you really wanted to say hey you know what dude I don't want to go with dexterity I really want to be a strength melee fighter you could just drop this to 10 and do like something like that and you'd be good to go probably probably do like a 14 a 14 12 14 split I wouldn't bring my dexterity below 10 and the reason behind that is I don't want a negative one to my initiative well not a negative one sorry I didn't know I thought I gave a negative one I'm wrong don't watch my videos anymore but um I really wouldn't want my dexterity to drop much further than that because I would prefer it to be at 12 to get a plus one to my initiative it's just a nice overall feeling to it but if it's not your main character you you could play around with the Charisma to get some extra points here to push into dexterity however you really wanted to kind of Judge this around to make it make sense for either your main character or for any of the companions you have in mind and as far as your prepared spells um I would just kind of consider the fact that you are going to be a Melee character and go accordingly right like Thunder Wave is pretty good you're going to be in melee I I love speak with animals and it's a ritual spell so I just cast it all the time um entangle is actually pretty good because entangling them it is a concentration ability though keep that in mind they can't move attack roles against to have advantage while it's Attack rules and dexterity saving throws have disadvantage um ice knife is a really cool little rang ability you can use here for this first level it's not as crucial for these spells even just choosing long Strider you get these two out of the way their ritual spells that last until uh a long rest and you're just kind of good you cast long Strider in your entire party they get plus 10 to their plus 10 feet to their movement which is actually pretty pretty clutch um charm person is also very good here as well but these are just some pretty good ones to have right out the gate that you can go with and maybe pushing an ice knife if you want a range attack ability whatever makes the most sense for you but that's how it would start with our character creation for our Spore Druid so for progression for this character I've actually amended my previous thought I'm going to go directly into Druid level two because I just want to get circle of the spores unlocked so we can play around with that as we go through the early portions of the game into level two it'll just be nice to understand how these two abilities work so you have Halo of spores which is a reaction here unleash a cloud of necrotic spores upon a Target this uses a reaction so other reactions won't trigger this turn of course that's how that works now symbiotic entity is the other big one gain eight temp hit points and deal an additional 1 to six necrotic damage while you have them cast Halo spores with double damage so basically you use this and it would use a wild shape charge um rather than actually going into a wild shape and this ends if you early if you use wild shape and it's a temporary hit points right so you can you can only really get this from one source so don't think you can stack a bunch of temp hit point items but this will basically allow you to do a little bit of damage here and your reaction so again remember you're going to use this on a Target and this is nice it's a 20 foot range right so you're going to be up close and personal when you're using this and it'll allow you to trigger this off as much as you can and you'll be able to try to well you know when you can right you can only use this uses a reaction so other reactions won't trigger this turn so we'll we'll show you how that all kind of comes together in the actual combat portion because it's a little hard to explain but symbiotic entity just getting this online early I think is actually better rather than worse because you'll understand how it works as you push through uh the earliest portion of the game and into other stuff and then again same thing here for spells just kind of choose stuff that's going to make sense especially to since you're not going to come back to this for sometime you are a druid so you can swap these spells out as needed so if you know hey you know what I'll go long Shredder now because I need it or I'll go with uh um speak with animals now because I need it or maybe I'll swap one out again whatever kind of makes sense for you but that's just our level two we'll take this and we'll go down to level three where we'll choose monk this is where we will break off and choose our Monk and stay with there from there so what you can see here is we have unarmored defense so we'll get while not wearing armor you add your wisdom modifier to your armor class so previously it just used to be your Dex modifier gets added to your armor class depending upon the armor you're wearing so we're getting plus three to our 10 base AC now we're getting plus three wisdom to our 10 base AC so we have 16 total AC there's a lot of ways you can approach this right if I went with a fighter wearing armor I just don't get that bonus but instead I just wear armor to uh counteract it the monk adds a lot of really fun playing style that I wanted to leverage also dexterous attack so we're using our dexterity rather than our strength for all of our attack hits right that's why we're jumping so heavily into dexterity and we have de strikes attack with monk weapons and unarmed deal one to four bludgeoning remember monk weapon is any weapon you are proficient with and it does not have two-handed uh weapons or I'm sorry does not have it's not a two-handed weapon or have the heavy property so great sword would be a two-handed weapon and have the heavy property so if it's got uh uh two hands don't use it pretty much now our last one here is bonus unarmed strike so after making an attack with a monk weapon or while unarmed you make another unarmed attack as a bonus action so you immediately get to weaponize your bonus actions which is really fun and it's a pretty cool way to play the game we're going to accept this here and jump into our fourth level where we get um unarmored movement so as long as we're not wearing armor we get an extra 10 ft of movement and we also get our step of the wind disengage Dash and patient defense so attack roles against you have disadvantage and you have advantage on dexterity saving throws and then you get this ability to basically use a key point and a bonus action to dash it's quite nice here and you get your key points key points are uh it's it's it's Ki key um as opposed to Chi uh but you get an additional key point this is what you use pretty much as your resource as a monk now you think we're character level four we'll be able to jump into a feet right nope that is at class level four so we'll put another Point here in Monk and we'll choose our subass now you can go with whatever you want but we're going with way of the open hand because we want to be better at being in melee and doing melee damage you could be a better caster and go away the four elements but that is not this video and what this gives us is Flurry of Blows topple which can knock things prone Flurry of Blows stagger and flurry of blows push we have a standard Flurry of Blows that we can just use but we get some capability to push things around the battlefield which is very very nice and this is going to get really crazy once we get to a higher level of Monk which we'll talk about in a bit here so once we jump into level four monk we get some fun stuff a we're going to get slow fall but we now get our feet so let's have a conversation about Feats for this character so the best feat is going to come down to the approach to this class you could circumvent everything I've said about dexterity and go with Tavern brawler and focus on being a character that is a monk using strength to get the tavern brawler trait online and this is a really good one because your strength modifier is added twice to the damage in attack roles so if you want to literally punch things through a wall Tavern brawler and monk is going to be for you we're spicing and Drew at that point just to have some fun with it so you can see that this does a lot of really fun things to take advantage of and it's a really cool way to really approach the class that is different than your conventional monk you cannot use this as a well I mean you can use this as a fighter but fighter doesn't really have all the benefits of going unarmed like a monk does ability Improvement score is always nice too as well right if you have if you started with 17 dexterity you could put a point into that to bring this to 18 whatever it is if I could put two points in this just to bring this to 18 however I want improved uh ability score is always one of those ones it's safe to go with um alert is nice just to give you five bonus to your initiative um I do like durable because it increases your Constitution and you regain full hit points each time you take a short rest so you're pretty much always topped off Elemental adapt is going to be nice um if you want to focus on more of the casting portions of a druid but unfortunately we can't do anything with necrotic so I'm going to kind of gloss over this one lucky is good though but you because you get three luck points which you can use to gain advantage on attack ability or saving throws or to make an enemy roll their attack rolls it's always a really really strong one but some other fun ones down here are Savage attacker when making melee attacks you roll roll your damage dice twice and use the highest result which is very lovely very strong um also resilient is really good here because you basically increase an ability by one and you gain Proficiency in that ability saving throw you could do this for constitution if you had like 16 Constitution and you wanted to push this over or any one of these other stats that you just want to put what is called a half feet into to also gain Proficiency in that respective ability which is very nice Marshall adupt is not I wanted to click mobile here is what I wanted to click your movement speed increases and difficult terrain doesn't slow you down when you dash if you move after making a melee attack you don't provoke opportunity attacks from the target so this gives you a little bit of mobility within um the actual um uh what's this thing called within actual combat which is lovely war cter is cool just to give you advantage on saving throw for concentration and gives you shocking grasp but at that point I'd probably go with something like resilient in Constitution because it gives me an advantage on on that saving throw um I would skip all the armored portions of this because I'm going with a Monk class but if you went with fighter definitely take advantage of those and if you're going with fighter go with something like great weapon Master if you want to if you want to stick with two-handed weapons if you want to go sword and board go with Shield master um just kind of depends upon the fighter you're trying to bring into this right going with great weapon master and Sentinel is a lot of fun or polar master and Sentinel those two combo together very very well and you can have a lot of fun with those so just kind of go with some that kind of makes sense for the character you have in mind for this build there's a lot of different ways that you can approach this but I think that going with something like Savage attacker is a pretty easy one just right out the gate so I'm going to choose that let's now see what this looks like in the future so level five monk is a big jumping point for us we get extra attacks you gain the extra attack feature from more than one class ignore that you make an additional free attack after making an unarmed or weapon attack that is the important thing here so whenever we use our primary action to do an attack we get two attacks out of it that is what makes that so important and now we also get stunning strike now looking at this you're probably like dude what do I care 1d6 plus three w w well stunning strikes takes into consideration your wisdom is basically its spellcasting check if you want to think of it that way it's a little bit more convoluted than that but stunning strike unarmed stuns the Target and stunning strike melee possibly SS a Target so you can do whatever one you want if want to use a weapon it's a great point now you could jump One More Level into Monk and do six monk six Druid if you really want and let me just show you what happens if you do here because we're going to Pivot back into Druid um and that would give you here key powered and uh strikes your unarmed attacks count as magical for the purpose of overcoming enemy resistance and Immunity to non-magical attacks and manifestation of body which keys off of what we're going to be doing with our Spore Druid and already doing tons of necrotic damage but basically I can decide if I want to do necrotic psychic or radiant damage as my just base attack which is really really cool and I get Hess of body which is a heal so if I want to if I want my monk to be better at being well a monk and more into melee combat I would just do a 66 split but for this video I'm going to go ahead now and pivot back over to our Druid and I'm choose whatever spells you want I I let's just say uh you know we're not going we'll go with like Sunbeam or something like that and remove this and ability is really good uh darkness is or that's dark version whoops Spike growth is great uh bark skin can be very fun if you're in the early portions of the game and you don't have good armor class this is good and if you're especially if you're going with uh not a monk this can be nice just kind of jump it up to 16 but let's just kind of move on from there because our uh Druid capabilities start to come in here as we push higher we get a new feat let's go ahead and just I'm G to choose I want something quick I'll just go alert I think right now I'll go I'll go where's that no no no mobile mobile mobile I'll just go mobile just just to put something in the video and we'll get Thorn whip whatever push ahead into five where we start to get some fun stuff we get our animate dead and we get our gashes form which are going to be part of our uh Circle spells and it's level six that we really care about here so I'm going to push ahead One More Level we do get wild strike you make an additional attack after making an arm strike while in Wild shape but that doesn't matter because wild shape is fueling our Spore Druid level six though is where we get this this is where it all comes together fungal infestation raise a mude mold en crusted zombie from a corpse that is the most important thing of this build because it allows us to well summon up the undead and we get a whole ton more spells right and again we're duid we can just swap these off whenever it's kind of why I've not put a lot of effort and time into this but if you want to think of some really good ones here uh call lightning is always really fun uh one protection from Poison is actually a very solid one uh sleet storm can be nice to knock out any kind of concentration anything like that but this is pretty much the the top end of our spells we'll get the fourth level of spell at level 12 once we go up to all the way Max to level seven on uh Druid but this character is not that high so we're going to go ahead and end this portion and let's talk a little bit more about how we can make this fungal infestation work for us so very similar to our Death Knight build right we're going to use this fungal infestation a mil raise a mude molden crusted zombie from a corpse so we've got a corpse right here and there we go we've got another one right here and hey you know what got another one right here what you'll notice is we have these fungal infestation charges Point used to cast fungal INF infestation raising a zombie from a humanoid or beast once per long rest and we've got another one right here oh well I'll go get another corpse but still I would be able to use it on another corpse here this is unfortunately a doppelganger so I suppose it doesn't work um but either way we would be able to raise these beasts and we'd have our own little fungal zombie army now I'm using a very specific item which gives them Undead Ward effect is resistant to bludgeoning slashing and piercing damage and they have Undead fortitude here if the killing blow wasn't a critical hit and wasn't radiating damage this Undead uh this Undead comes back to life with one hit point and you can see it's only got nine hit points it's going to pretty much just absorb damage for me I use these guys I toss them in it ties things up it mucks them around so that I can use my spells or I can go and just Judo chop them right in the throat whatever it is it's the strength of using a Spore build and it's one of the most fun things about this build is really leaning into those capabilities here also to you have the symbiotic entity which I'll just go ahead and cast it myself so you can see how that works and that is now just active on me right there you go effective unit has gained 24 temp hit points because of my level as long as it has temporary hit points it's melee weapon attacks and unarmed strikes deal an additional 1 to six necrotic damage and it deals D damage double damage with Halo of spores so this little guy right here it's going to be able to do rather than doing 1 D6 it will do double that damage now this will scale right if I bring myself up to level 10 this becomes a 1D 10 I've chosen not to because I just didn't want to take that route but you definitely can if you so wish you could do 10 Druid Two fighter if you wanted and get action Surge and everything like that but that is how the Spore Druid Mechanics Work and how they're so fun and exciting now as far as gear goes for this character I've pretty much optimized it to show you the best uh as you're playing through you're going to find a lot of this gear the uninhibited kigo gear and just wear that and you find it pretty much right away in act one and an act two right in the very beginning portions of the game and the nice thing about this build is you're not kind of searching for this armor the whole build but what's also nice is you can use a lot of the Barbarian armor you come across in the game so uh like the blood Gorges or gulpers armor whatever it is that you can buy right there in Emerald Cove it's a good one to use so anytime you see Barbarian armor you can use that because it's no armor armor right it's it's just cloth or clothing whatever it is considered um but some other ones here this one I really like though because the wearer deals additional damage equal to their wisdom modifier with unarmed strikes so my wisdom it's already going to just do on top of the the inate bonuses we already have going plus three additional wisdom damage or I'm sorry additional damage braas of Defense gain plus two bonus to Armor class as long as you're not wearing armor or holding a shield uh then we also have the cloak of prot protection which gives us plus one Armor class and plus one AC and we also have one of the most important items here circle of Bones Allied Undead within 20 ft are resistant to bludgeoning slashing and piercing damage by the time you get this you'll be coming into the sixth level of your spor Druid so this will just come online and it's going to be nice to use because it's going to give that resistance damage that half damage to bludgeoning slashing and piercing damage for all of your little zombie Bros and you'll have those little guys chittering about it's a really really good helmet it kind of fits the overall look and theme of the character too but again you could be if you want to jump heavier into the monk side of things there's so many monk cowls you can use there's so many Barbarian helmets you can use go ahead and use those because it just increases damage when you're unarmored and one say one way shape or form so just jump into those now the only things I'm going to talk about oh ho hulet of the Harpers here gives us advantage on wisdom saving throws which doesn't matter cuz we have monk that gives us that Advantage but it gives us Shield here which is going to help us just get an additional cheap 5 AC out of nowhere you conversely you could go with um any of the amulets that Rec that restore spell slots um there's plenty of other ones too here like I don't know if I have it on this character no is it is it where ked's gift is nice for plus one wisdom um it might actually be in my bank here my traveler's chest which is unorganized mess ah here it is these sentient amulet this is the one I wanted to talk about because it gives a shatter which is nice but also key restoration so using the spiritual energy in the amulet you restore a number of key points equal to your Martial Arts dice so I actually really like this one a lot I totally forgot about it until I started making sort of recording this part of the video so remember when I said it's optimized I lied now it is haha so there we go we're going ahead and pop that bad boy on um Rings here I've got this one on during combat when the wear starts their turn with 50% or less they gain momentum just to kind kind of move around a little bit quicker for myself um but God my inventory is a mess uh killer sweetheart is the big one when you kill a creature your next attack roll will be a critical hit once spent this effect refreshes after a long rest so it's just a guaranteed crit hit you can get so you can see now this character without even going to the armor yet cuz that's going to be uh one of the only other things you can really swap out reliably is 21 that's pretty sick right so we have a nice amount of armor class we're very tanky as far as that goes we have 80 Health 24 that temp hit points in because of our Spore Druid capabilities now as far as our armor goes we've got two options the first one is the monk monk pure monk route the vest of Soul Rejuvenation whenever the wearer succeeds on a saving throw against the spell they regain one to four hit points which is nice but greater Kush go counter the wearer can use a reaction to make an unarmed strike against any attacker that misses so you have to weigh for yourself do you want to use the Halo of spores or do you want to use the vest of Soul Rejuvenation uh because again you're only allowed one reaction per total combat turn so you'd use this as you see fit you know like hey it's nice to have the option uh it's not like temp pit points right where you can only get temp pit points from One Source having multiple reactions means you just choose the reaction you want so that's what I like about that in this case um so I I think it adds layer to the monk but if you want to be more on the spor Druid side you would do this so this you can see I put this armor on my AC dropped from 17 to 21 the monk AC bonus from monk I'm sorry from wisdom and dexterity is nice but it's not crucial you don't need to focus on unarmed armored combat you can use light armor and medium armor if you see fit I'm showcasing a monk route because I wanted this to feel like more of a monk route for my own personal tastes but you could just as easily have gone with any of the Druid armor you'll get throughout the game but this one is the most important one armor of the sporek keeper the wearer gains plus one bonus to spell spell save DC and when dealing necrotic damage they deal an additional one necrotic damage all sources all of your sources so if I brought my monk to level six and I did that necrotic damage with my punching I would do one more necrotic damage my halo of spores does one more necrotic damage right and this double look look look where's it remember that doubles my halo of spores damage right so this you deal additional 1 to six I'm just doing more necrotic damage across the board but here's the coolest one Spore Sachs while imbued with symbiotic entity you can spread Biber bang spores here let's hover over that Biber bang spores they deal 3 to n poison damage eject poisonous bbang spores and create a cloud of noxious fumes for three turns or t or teos spores you do uh poison damage again that can befuddle creatures effect can't control its actions and wanders around without direction or haste spores now what is sick about this is it does grant you haste right and haste has plus two bonus to AC advantage on Deck saving throws and its movement speed is doubled it can take one additional action per turn you don't get fatigue after this like you would if you used a potion of quickness which is nice now the reason to I'm offering you a choice between armor of the spor in this it depends upon how you approach the game that you even get access to this so if you miss it you miss it and that's no big deal you'd miss it an act three in the lower City that's all I will say you can just look up how to get it if you want the spoiler I didn't want to I don't I I try not I try to keep these as spoiler free as possible but that is your alternative depending on how you want to approach this character now for your weapons I mean you can use morning Frost very early in the game when dealing coold damage the wheeler deals an additional one dealing coold damage with the Spell possibly F chilled upon the target I mean this is a Quarter Staff so you can use this if you want um you'd gain Proficiency in it because it's a monk weapon right uh you just just have to know though you'd have to use I believe a shield in order to shut off the both hands thing right the monk weapon uh stuff but I think right now it still works but either way staves do work there's a staff that in Emerald Grove that actually uses unarmed oh I'm sorry no no no you don't need to use a a shield you can just use the staff as is cuz it's first um but you can you there's a staff right in the Aral Grove that gives you a bonus to using unarmed strike so you use your staff and you get an unarmed strike as your bonus action even this one is nice because this gives you alleviate the Arcane burden of spell casting with the power of the staff the next spell you cast doesn't cost a spell slot you're not relying on your spell slots but if you want to you can use even this one so you have a lot of staves you can take advantage of throughout the game or you just simply throw fist of cuffs with your fists and have a good old time one thing I did want to mention too is there are two items that are actually very good there are gloves and a helmet piece I did not mention them because they're spoiler heavy um if you've already played through the game they have to do with Raphael and that's all I'll say and if you played through you probably know exactly the two pieces I'm talking about but you can go ahead and Google them if you want that spoiler and I know a lot of people are saying like hey you know the game's been out for this long spoil away buddy that is not my prerogative this is a narrative based game if you spoil something no one gets to have a chance to re encounter that for the first time so I'm trying to keep that intact for anyone so jumping into combat for this character let's see what we can do see how we can have some fun so I didn't want to talk about this in the other portions because it's a really weird mechanic so Halo of spores it's a reaction but it's not a reaction you use it on your actual turn um you go ahead and press unleash the cloud of necron and you click it and you go ahead and do the damage that you want to do here um and I have all my bonus actions that we can do as far as you know flurries here that we that we can push that we can topple our step of the wind we've got we've got all this stuff and it's using more key points and everything like that so what we can also do with this is let me go ahead and take a look here um I was going to say I could do something with some some bonus attacks but I couldn't quite set it up quite well but reaction here let's go ahead and see what we can do here oh she saved against it but that uses our reaction unfortunately but we can use that reaction as we see fit and kind of D out that damage as we need to and uh I pressed the wrong button and go over here and let's go ahead and just punch her in the head and that just goes ahead and kills her right just knocks her out I can then also use my stunting strike unarmed keep in mind too I still have my bonus attack for my unarmed strike so I could go over here let's do the 80% oh man save save the damn stun you're messing up my video over here bro so I can use my unarmed strike for 8 to 18 or we could also jump into our Flurry of Blows and we could stagger the target knock him prone we could just simply push him 70% that's 70% let's just go ahead and do oops wrong character that's why I was man that seems funky 60 there 60 there let's let's go ahead and go with um stagger and there we go so we've gone through the a turn with this character and we still have our zom Bros that we can take advantage of and kind of send them onto onto their respective ways I reloaded the game and it it it made them look like normal zombies they should still look like they're from oh there we go here's one normal looking fungal zombie for some reason now had I had an extra action here I still have a fungal infestation charge um it is a reaction so if I had not used used uh this Halo of spores I could have in this turn punched her out used that and summoned her back to life for me to start fighting in this whole entire fight and helping me out even more so you can see that this class leans into a lot of different directions I could have used any number of spells here could have used moon beam to open up do a lot of damage to these two that are nice and tightly packed then come in with my bonus actions to do a lot of my flura blows you've got so many ways you can dish out damage and you've got such cool variance and variability about how you approach this class you know I've shown you the monk but the fighter is a totally viable option here where I opt for using more light and medium armor and a typical sword and board kind of layout using any number of the mass the the awesome shields in the game that benefit your spellcasting capabilities while also leaning into you being a upfront personal combatant so don't feel like you're kind of shoehorned into a monk for this build like I said before you can even approach doing the monk differently a six monk a six Druid a seven Druid a five monk a 10 uh Druid Two fighter if you really want to like lean heavily into that Spore Druid and the fighter is only there to give you action action Surge and a little bit more applicability for different weapons it's there for you or like I said seven Druid Five Fighter you're getting access to all the armor pieces you want to do all the Marshal weapons you want to do you get action search you're going to get a feat at level five and you're going to I'm sorry level four whoops and you're get extra attack at level five so plenty of ways to approach this I hope this gives you a lot of ideas on how to play a sport Druid in your playthrough I think it's arguably it might feel like the weaker of the three uh subclasses but I think it's the one that really spices out to other classes in a really fun way the Jud of the land is very much a Caster the Jud of the moon is a shape shifter so anything that you spice the Dr of the Moon into you're taking away from your shape shifting capabilities the Spore Druid you're circumventing your shape shifting and you're using it for all the Spore mechanics that can supplement to pretty much any class that you wanted to I could have gone with Ranger here if I wanted or War cleric if I wanted have fun with this class have fun with this build there's a lot of ways to approach it hopefully this gave you plenty of ideas but as always guys thank you so much for watching here today have a good one and take [Music] care [Music]
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 40,064
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: THE BEST Spore Druid Melee Hybrid Build for Baldur's Gate 3, bg3, baldur's gate 3, bg3 spore druid, bg3 druid build, bg3 spore druid build, bg3 circle of spores build, bg3 spore druid monk, bg3 monk multiclass build, bg3 monk guide, bg3 spore druid guide, bg3 fungal infestation, bg3 fundal druid, bg3 spore druid monk build, bg3 best spore druid build, bg3 best monk build, bg3 best builds, builds, bg3 builds, bg3 monk subclasses, bg3 open hand monk multiclass
Id: u7V725dL2Zc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 41sec (2441 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 19 2023
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