PRAISE THE SUN MONK (Monk/Cleric) Build for Baldur's Gate 3

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monk is one of those classes that I just keep  coming back to because of how much better it   is in balers Gate 3 than fifth edition that is  certainly the case here with my praise the sun   monk build utilizing both light domain cleric and  open hand monk we get to have a ton of fun stack   in gradients damage the roof the nice thing  about this build because it's a monk is that   a lot of the abilities that you'll get access to  will just Cascade as you level and find that the   gear that makes us even stronger is going to just  well happen as you organically go through the game   monk being not as heavily reliant on gear enables  you to have a lot of fun fast so you can use this   immediately level one or at max level your call  if this is your first time on my channel the way I   do things is by upfront the knowledge of my videos  so you can decide if it's the right one for you so   with that being said this build uses five or seven  levels in open hand Monk and then the opposite   seven or five levels into domain cleric or light  domain cleric this will be of course depending   upon you the character you have in mind and the  other ones in your party do you want to have more   cleric spells and take advantage of improved Ward  then you're going to want to help mitigate that   damage to your party as well so you'll want  seven levels into cleric if you want to lean   heavier into the melee burst damage and get some  very strong defensive capabilities in evasion and   Stillness of mind then go Seven Levels into monk  this will come down to you and your play style but   we'll talk about both in the video so don't worry  but if that's the entire breath of what will be   coming here today so if that's all you wanted to  know then please feel free to shut the video down   and go praise the sun brother before you head out  please don't forget to like comment or subscribe   each one of those things helps me out in a huge  way I currently have 89% unsubscribed viewership   on the channel and that's a metric I'm trying  to change this year so every little bit helps   you can jump ahead to any part of the video that  interests you the most using the chapters both the   timeline and the description and if you need help  with any other subject in balers Gate 3 check out   my playlists Linked In comments ments below at the  end of the video it's everywhere let's get started   here on the warrior of sunlight monk build in  balers Gate 3 taking a look at character creation   we can really go a lot of different directions  with character really go with whatever race   makes sense for you because this is a single  player narrative game but halfling is always   a really strong choice because you get access  to stuff like lucky when you roll a one for an   attack roll ability check or saving throw you can  roll the die and misuse the new roll um just keep   in mind if you choose something like a half orc  which is typically very good for a melee oriented   build something like Savage attacks says when you  land a critical hit with a melee weapon attack so   while this will work with monk weapons it will not  work with unarmed attacks which we will actually   be focusing on for this build just want to be  uh upfront about that but you can still get the   benefit of stuff like relance endurance so that if  you get down you still come back to life with one   more hit point human's always fine here because  it gives you a little bit more caring capacity   uh stuff like dwarfs are really fun especially  the gold dwarf which gives you one more more   hit point here per level so your hit point Max  increases by one it increases by one again every   time you gain a level so it just gives you a lot  of survivability on top of the fact that you have   an advantage on saving throws against poison and a  resistance against poison which is actually a very   prevalent damage type in the game tling is great  because of the innate abilities that you'll get   I really like the mephistophiles tling because  of all of the um uh can trips that you get you   start with Mage hand but then you eventually  get burning hands and Flame blade flame blade   you'll unfortunately not use as this character but  it's a I I really do like burning hands for this   one uh as modius tlinks get access to hellish  rebuke which is very nice and darkness which   can also be quite good just blind things around  you Zario teelings their cantrips are all melee   weapon oriented so I would stay away from them  um even just going with something simple like   a Wood Elf which gives you 10 more movement speed  is actually very strong for a monk this gives you   a lot of Mobility because you being a monk will  give you even more Mobility which we'll cover as   we up uh but all outside of those you really can't  go wrong a good one too as always uh is is is the   gift real big fan of them uh they have a lot of  nice proficiencies to start with short sword long   sword and great sword you being a monk remember  any weapon you are proficient in is considered a   monk weapon this gives you the advantage of being  able to essentially use weapons you wouldn't now   again we will be using unarmed but you can use  this up until we get to the point that unarmed   is going to take over for well non unarmed and  you get three really great uh well two really   good canant trips Mage hand is one of them it's  whatever but then you get enhanced leap and Misty   Step at levels three and five those are so strong  I really really love it and you also get this   astral knowledge capability to gain Proficiency in  all skills of a chosen ability so choose whatever   race makes sense sense for you hopefully this  helps you out and we will be starting with the   cleric and the reason behind that is we want to  get Radiance of dawn online as fast as possible   that is part of your light light domain um  Channel Divinity capabilities so for our can   trips we're going to just skip out on Resistance  and pick up blade Ward these three are going to   help us throughout the entirety of our campaign  uh sacred flame is just another form of radiant   damage so that will be nice to have a domain is  of course light keep in mind with that we're going   to get warding flare now if you go with a level  seven cleric you'll get improved warding flare   but the nice thing about this is Shield yourself  with a Divine Light use your reaction to impose   disadvantage on an attacker possibly causing their  attacks to miss it's just so good because you can   kind of just use this thing non-stop it is a very  fun ability the light domain spells are whatever   burning hands and fairy fire so those are another  here or there for the de deity we're going to go   with Leander it doesn't matter matter who you go  with uh poor is the uh the deity of the Sun but we   can't choose him in this game so this is just for  your own personal choice uh now for our background   here go with please whatever makes sense for you  and the narrative you've built for this character   please build a narrative for the character that  you're playing it makes playing through very fun   and you kind of choose the decisions of this  character you have in mind less so the ones   that are Min Maxi right like are you um a former  soldier who has kind of seen too much war and has   turned to some sort of cleric monastic Society  whatever it is are you a former Sage that in your   monastic Pursuits has perfor has has pursued some  sort of divinity with it all sorts of different   backgrounds you can create for your character as  always my typical kind of Min Maxi approach is the   guild Artisan if you do not want to do that and  you just want hey just give me give me a number   Guy this is the one because it grants us insight  and persuasion these are two of the more prevalent   checks in the game and if you do not if you fail  them in certain conversations you actually kind of   shut off certain things within the game also nice  to know when you're if you're a gith there's tons   of weapons and armor that are accessible only  to GI so it's actually a super strong uh race   but now but let's now talk well you know let's  go to skills first really just choose whatever   you want here uh if you're not going to make a  bunch of things with herbalism don't bother with   medicine but religion's actually pretty good as  far as dealing with those roles same thing with   history um and since we already have insight and  persuasion chosen through our Guild Artisan this   puts us in a pretty good position let's now  talk about our ability scores now as far as   things go for a monk and a cleric this is going to  be perfect for us right we get plenty of dexterity   which is going to help us out with being a monk  and also being a cleric because it's going to   give us our armor save it's going to give us our  initiative bonus this is going to help us out if   we're using any kind of finesse weapons but again  we're using unarmed so it's not going going to   matter and we get plenty of wisdom this is going  to help us for our cleric spells and it's going to   help us an absolute ton for all of our abilities  as a monk because a lot of them are going to help   out with wisdom benefits some items are going to  pull from these wisdom check benefits or that plus   three wisdom right there is going to be quite good  also we have 14 Constitution this is going to give   us a plus two to any of our uh concentration roles  and it gives us a nice healthy pool of hit points   lastly I went with 12 Charisma cuz I'm assuming  this is going to be your main character if it's   not your main character you can just drop this  all the way down to eight if you want and put the   points somewhere else I mean unfortunately you're  kind of jammed up in that anything you put points   into is not really going to equal an even number  and remember every even number over 10 gives you   plus one to that ability score roll so I mean  if you really wanted to you could put it into   strength if you don't want to deal with the carry  capacity issues but we're not using strength at   all so just keep that in mind I think 12 Charisma  is a really good spot to be in especially if it is   your main character because you can see persuasion  gets that nice plus three it's going to be nice   and juicy for you outside of that let's talk about  our spells really quick when we're starting off   we're going to stick with guiding bolt because  this is again a source of radiant damage and the   next attack roll against this target has Advantage  so you actually will probably use this quite a bit   depending upon how you approach the game your  character and your play style bless is a very   good one here I love it absolutely um it's just a  nice little free buff of well not does cost you an   action but it keep in mind it is a concentration  ability just a nice way to get a good little buff   in the beginning um also Sanctuary is one that  you'll be using quite a bit throughout the game   depending upon certain things that go down you'll  use this to cast onto an ally to keep them them   alive and maybe a certain narrative portion of the  game it's just a nice way to completely mitigate   damage to someone you're trying to keep alive even  if it's someone that's like right on death's door   and the nice thing too is it's a bonus action and  a non-concentration ability so it gives you a lot   of value out of this one little ability command  can be very good if you don't have another cleric   in the party especially in the very beginning of  the game so that you can command the uh uh tling   to drop their sword you'll see a big old flaming  sword you can use command he'll drop his sword   and you can take it the blade of a verance is very  very good um protection from evil and good is also   quite good keep in mind it is a concentration  ability but it lasts until long rest which is   very nice and it counts for aberration celestials  Elementals Fay fiends and Undead you'll be dealing   with those quite a bit in this game and you can't  be Charmed frightened or possessed by them which   is lovely and they have a disadvantage they attack  so this can be quite nice to cast um and it is a   really good ability you can use Shield of Faith  at the very beginning of the game it is also a   pretty good one to help you out with some early  armor class issues if you have any but let's just   go ahead and go with that so this would be my  starting lineup for uh spells let's jump into   the progression for this character so leveling up  here right away we're going just going to stick   one more level into cleric the reason behind  is this is we want to get this Radiance of the   Dawn Sun's divine power dispels any magical  Darkness doesn't affect creatures that have   have total cover from you basically what this  does is it's a 30ft AOE damage spell that does   2 d10 + one that plus one is your character  level I'm currently only level one why I like   this versus a lot of other things when it comes  to kind of multiclassing is that sometimes that   plus is based off of the class level versus The  Character level or a specific stat ability in   this case we can benefit it because we're going  to get 12 levels into this character and for those   that watch my videos I finally reached level 12  so we can get we can see this build in its full   entirety but uh this will get that full plus 12  it's not a huge amount of damage at the end of the   game but it's a nice AOE spell and if we get this  online immediately you can use it throughout act   one and especially through act two where this will  absolutely capsize a lot of the opposition you'll   face it's a really strong ability it's one of my  favorite when it comes to the light domain cleric   which is already kind of a blaster range damage  cleric as it is so we're going to have a lot of   fun with this ability right here for our prepare  spells again this is a lot of the same situation   we were talking about before so don't really worry  about this whatever whatever you've done before is   fine you can now just add another spell into the  mix if you so wish whatever you want to do and now   that we've leveled up we're going to pop off of  cleric and we're going to go over to M and we're   going to stick here for quite a bit of time and  if you do not know these things monk this is when   we're going to talk about so here's a couple  things so for one we have unarmored defense in   the same way that a barbarian does but only ours  works for dexterity and wisdom versus dexterity   and Constitution it's why we have high decks and  wisdom in this build so while not wearing armor   you add your wisdom modifier to your armor class  meaning that we will now get plus three and plus   three so we will get six AC from our base armor  of 10 making it so that at the start of the game I   guess at level three we have 16 Armor class which  is most than which is more than most medium armor   wearers so this is a very very huge capability  for us we also get martial arts dextrous attacks   so attacks with monk weapons and armed attacks de  with your deck modifier instead of your strength   so that's going to give a plus three for us  um death strikes attacks with monk weapons   and arm deal one to four blooding damage unless  their normal damage is higher and then we get   bonus unarmed strike so when ever we do an attack  with monk or unarmed you can make another unarmed   attack as a bonus action so we have a very nice  volatile uh bonus action we can take advantage   of which reminds me is you can kind of go kind  of crazy with this build and drop two levels in   a row to get an additional bonus action for even  more hits but we're not I want to keep this kind   of simple so we're going to pick up monk right now  it's level two this gives us three fun actions um   also too remember I was saying that monk itself  is very mobile right so unarmored movement this   now is going to give us an extra 10t while you're  not wearing armor or using a shield so now we if   you're a Wood Elf and for example this character  is a Wood Elf we get a total of 20t extra movement   as this character which is very strong also key  points are what is going to be able to kind of   turn on a lot of our abilities as monk which  we'll talk about once we get past this section   and as you can tell my allergies are clearing  up but I still sound like I'm talking through   a jar as far as our actions go we have patient def  defense step of the wind Dash and step of the wind   disengage so we can use a bonus action and a key  point to give us a little bit of bonus here right   so disadvantage uh attack rols against you have  disadvantage and you have advantage on dexterity   saving throws or this allows us to Sprint and jump  no longer requires a bonus action um or Dash not   Sprint sorry um or disengage and jump no longer  requires a bonus action so this allows you to have   a lot of Mobility as this class and we're really  going to lean into a lot of the these defensive   capabilities as we kind of push up we choose our  subass and it is the way of the open hand because   this will eventually evolve at level six monk to  enable us to do radiant damage so taking a look   at this Florio blows push Flor blows stagger  and fluro blows topple so we can use our bonus   action and key points to basically do more damage  and then throw in a little effects here right so   knock them into prone stagger them or push them  which again this is really nice capability to   have and this is a bonus action so it's a fun  little ability to add on just raw damage we're   doing uh to the face but now we're finally reach  level four and we get slow fall which is cool you   get resistance to Falling damage and another key  point but now we get a feat so let's talk about   the Feats as far as their feet option goes they're  kind of limited you're not using any kind of   special armor you're not using any melee weapons  and your spell casting isn't necessarily geared   towards a lot of range damage damage while while  you can do it like that it's not as absolutely   crucial so our list is not as wide I think the  biggest one and most important one is probably   just simply ability Improvement to put two more  points into wisdom just to make it so that we get   that nice plus4 it's a nice thing to just kind  of have that going for yourself outside of that   you can go with something like lucky which is I  think just something that's good for every single   character in the game you gain three luck points  which you can use to gain advantage on attack   ability or saving throws or to make an enemy roll  their attack rolls it's very nice to kind of Dodge   a really heavy hit Mage Slayer is actually pretty  cool too when a Creature cast a spell within melee   range of you you have advantage on any saving  throw against it you also have tons of ways to   just mitigate um magic damage coming your way  so this kind of adds to it you can also use a   reaction to immediately make an attack against  the caster which enables you to start the game   or start your turn using your bonus action to do  an attack with weapon or with your unarmed attack   if you want enemies you hit have disadvantage  on concentration saving throws against you um   so that there is that is nice if you're trying  to break someone's concentration outside of that   you can go with a specific resilience towards  say Constitution which will help you gives you   Proficiency in Constitution saving throws which  concentration roles are so this can help you out   with that you could also use warcaster since  we will be in in um melee a lot and you'll   gain advantage on saving throws to maintain  concentration spell Advantage is different than   a proficiency bonus right you're rolling two die  versus just getting a flat bonus so this is just   an option I wanted to throw it out there for you  you don't necessarily need to go this route and   another one too is spell sniper if you want to  really lean into the spell casting capabilities   of the cleric this makes it so that we can crit  on a 19 and a 20 rather than just simply a 20 and   you can pick up another canri if you so wish you  can go with even just simple stuff like tough if   you want your hit points Max increase by two  for every level of you have gain if you want   to really lean into just more tank of ability um  mobile is a pretty good one here since we're not   going to monk level 9 monk level 9 would basically  give us a lot of these abilities but your movement   speed increases and difficult terrain doesn't slow  you down when you dash if you move after making a   melee attack you don't provoke opportunity attacks  from your target so basically we're now getting an   additional 10 ft which at monk level six we'll  get another 10 feet and we already got 10et and   I'm a Wood Elf so I get even more 10 ft so I I  can really really use mobile to get around the   battlefield a lot so I'm just going to go really  simply here with the ability Improvement score   because I think it's the right way to go at the  very beginning but go with whatever makes sense   for you and character after that let's go keep  leveling up monk now we've gotten to level five   this gives us extra attack it's a crucial point  in this build and from here you also get stunning   strike stunning strike is really really nice here  as well it just has so much capability attached   to it and it also will key off of your wisdom so  the more wisdom you have the more plus it does to   this of great ability now you can decide at this  point do I you know I can press accept do I stay   with Monk and bring it up to level seven or do I  pivot back to cleric and bring cleric up to level   seven it's really up to you and the character you  want for this build I I truly think that it needs   to at least be six monk so that that there be  a six monk six cleric or seven monk five cleric   just depends upon you and the reason behind that  is this ability right here manifestation of Soul   Infuse your strikes with key from outside your  body your unarmed attacks deal an additional 5   to eight radiant damage radiant damage is what I'm  hinging this entire build on so for me this makes   the most sense and I don't want to dodge away  from it or what the hell do that mean I don't   I don't I don't want to not take it you can e you  can do psychic or necrotic that's not part of this   build um but now we also get key empowered strike  so your unarmed attacks count as magical for the   purpose of overcoming resistances and Immunity  to non-magical attacks we get an additional 15   ft I thought it was 10 it's an additional 15  ft and fullness of body so regain half your   key hit point or key points and enter a temporary  state of wholeness where you where you regain key   points and have an extra bonus action absolutely  crucial here key points are going to be so so so   so important for this going to take one last  level here on the monk jump into level seven   that's going to give us evasion so now when  a spell or effect would deal half damage on   a successful deck saving throw it deals no damage  if you succeed succeed and only half of you fail   and lastly Stillness of mind you can no longer be  Charmed or frightened lovely if you are if you are   Charmed or fighting you automatically cast St on  a mind to remove the condition it is it is very   very very good because those two effects you're  going to deal with throughout the entirety of   the game and they are not fun to deal with but  you already kind of have a nice stack against   them because you have wisdom plus 4 um still  it's just nice to have that taken care of so   we're going to accept here this is going to push  us into it'll say monkey but we're pushing now   back into cleric but now we get into our cleric  and we get more spell levels which is fun and we   get domain spells the domain spells are good and  bad just depends on which ones like this one for   example scorching Ray I absolutely love does fire  damage pretty cool pretty fun pretty flavorful not   a huge fan of flaming sphere just kind of kind of  sucks and it is also a conentration Bel so I'm not   a huge fan of those as far as our abilities go I I  spiritual weapons always nice because it just adds   something to the battle field for the AI to attack  that you don't need to deal with which is lovely   right that's a nice one hold person is always good  if it goes off because then that thing cannot do   anything for the entirety of the time it's held um  silence is always very great to shut down any kind   of casting enhance ability is good because you  gain advantage on ability checks with a chosen   ability so if you're trying to say maybe have a  thief open a chest you can use enhance ability   whatever it is uh even just something simple like  Prayer of Healing is nice because it's basically a   free form of short rest it does just simply cost  you a uh level two spell slot so keep that in mind but let's go with I just hold person think  with that take another level here and we'll get   level four and I think uh for canant trips we  just go with resistance oh God I really hate   we'll do thery get advantage on intimidation and  performance checks for Feats I'm going to go with   mobile to really add a ton of movement speed  to this character I think it'll be very fun to   Showcase that um other abilities here warding  bond is actually pretty cool here Warden Ally   they gain resistance to all damage and a plus one  bonus to their Armor class and saving throws each   time the Ally takes damage you take the same  amount of damage each time the warded creature   takes damage the spellcaster takes the same damage  this can be fun to to use in conjunction with uh   maybe another Frontline uh a fighter or Barbarian  to kind of help mitigate a lot of that damage so   don't sleep on an ability that did I get okay that  was level four there it is so now we're to level   five and this is what grants us sweet ability like  daylight oh I'm sorry Fireball and daylight will   be useful uh and this is going to be great it's an  always fun just mega nuke of damage really great   here and daylight daylight does not seem good  but I will explain to you why it is indeed good   enchant an item or shine enchant an item to shine  like the sun or summon a sphere of sunlight that   dispels all Darkness around it items can only be  enchanted with daylight for 20 turns keep in mind   you're going to use this throughout the entirety  of the playthrough it's very strong in act two   but I really like it all the way around now as  far as your spells here you I think you only get   one level oh two level three spell slots lovely so  what we're going to do here for this and we have   so many prepared spells we have such high wisdom  I want Spirit Guardians it's very good already on   here uh because this call forth the spirits to  protect you nearby enemies take 3 to 24 radiant   damage or the necrotic damage and their movement  speed is half it is the spell you're going to be   using the most as a concentration spell almost  every time you jump into a fight it is going to   be awesome for you you will just be able to rip  apart stuff with it and outside of that you can   jump into something like Beacon of Hope if you  want to help out with healing I love Glyph of   Waring it's probably one of my favorite spells and  you can have a lot of fun changing the elements of   this and you can even use on to just push things  around and knock them all over the place this   gives you a little bit of that kind of five four  element Four Four Element touch whatever the hell   it is the Four Element monk flavor with all the  damage capability of the Open Hand monk there's   a lot of fun to be had here so this concludes  our leveling let's talk about some gear actually   before that let's talk about some Monk things like  key points and what have you so here's our bar we   have eight key points we have only one channel  Divinity Point that's okay F stuff because it   replenishes on short rest so you can kind of have  this going pretty often same thing here with your   key points so we click this button right here and  it shows us what we can use our key points on such   as Flurry of Blows look what that does and I I  I'm cheating right now Ive got a ton of items on   here that add to this right so 24 to 40 damage and  we have all of our step of the Winds which we use   our our key points on right then Channel Divinity  you can see this Radiance of dawn this is going   to do 14 to 32 damage a lot of fun capabilities  here but let's go to passives we have all those   passives we talked about earlier so now we can  turn on manifestation of Soul so your unarmed   attacks steal an additional 5 to8 radiant damage  let's come back over here look at slur blows 34   to 56 damage coming out of this it is sweet I am  stoked to show you more but this just gives you   an example of how you'll be basically punching  small sunbursts into people with a lot of the   fun from this build talking about gear really  kind of narrow things down uh weapons we don't   even need to worry about there's only one weapon  to really talk about it's this one hammer of the   just you only get it in act three and by then all  the things that kind of really help out with being   unarmed take over and you'd only be able to use  this if you maybe started with like a dwarf or   something I just wanted to Showcase it because it  does add radiant damage and I originally had this   build in mind using Paladin but I said you know  what it's more fun doing this as a monk and we're   going to go through all of our items to talk about  that so all the items we're wear wearing right now   are kind of the most of the Min Maxi ones there's  there's only one item that is not in here that I   don't have and we'll go over that in our ring  section horns of the Berserker are a very good   headpiece here we have a lot of alternative ones  here but for the the head you gain plus two bonus   to attack rolles when attacking creatures that  have already taken damage which is great and   bloodthirst unarmed and melee attacks will deal  an additional to necrotic damage as long as you   don't have any as long as you don't have your  full health if you don't deal any damage this   turn though you do take one to four so it's a  nice way to just have more damage but outside   of that you can get the scabby pugilist circul  circlet in act three your weapon and unarmed   attacks deal in additional two damage while  surrounded by two or more foes I just I hate   those kind of circumstantial ones that require you  to be surrounded by foes because you don't really   want to be in that situation but nonetheless this  would allow you to take advantage of that and it's   a perfectly fine one to use also one I don't  have that's that's very good that you're going   to get in just simply in act two uh is the Hat of  uninhibited cush youo after dealing damage with   an unarmed attack or a monk weapon the wearer  gains a plus one bonus to their spell save DC   until the end of their turn just it's a great  monk helmet that you can get very early in the   game just go ahead and stick with it and it has  a really cool look I I wish I had picked it up   earlier but those are your helmets as far as other  gear goes we do have the cloak of protection which   is just kind of like always good plus one armor  clasp plus one to saving throw you can use the   cloak of Elemental absorption to absorb Elemental  damage and do damage back uh you very rarely will   be dealing with Radiance damage to you to yourself  so getting the bonus of this is not going to help   you as much um but vious cloak is also nice you  gain 8 10 hit points after casting a spell while   in melee and you have plenty of spells to be cast  in melee so all three of those cloaks are going to   be quite good for you uh chest pieces really just  use whatever you find uh you're going to find the   armor of the uninhibited kigo uh at the end of  act one as a reward for request you can stick   with that you can stink with stick with whatever  Barbarian armor you find in act one at the embl   Grove it just as long as it doesn't say medium  light or heavy armor it's all you need but in act   three you'll get the V test of Soul Rejuvenation  whenever the wearer succeeds on a saving throw   against a spell they regain one to four hit  points which is always great but the greater   Kush go counter here the wearer can use a reaction  to make an unarmed strike against any attacker   that misses them that's a great way to basically  uh weaponize any times that anyone misses you and   it's plus two to your AC so you can see our  AC right now is through the roof across both   of our decks and our wisdom scores gives us quite  a bit here now probably one of the most important   pieces in this gear set is this the saric uh  sfic uh pugilist gloves your unarmed attacks   deal an additional 1 to four radiant damage and  now you get a level four guiding bolt as just a   bound spell uh of course it's going to be every  long rest but that's a free 7 to 42 damage and   your next attack roll against this target has  Advantage so basically you could use this where   you cast guiding bolt it lasts for two turns and  then you use your bonus action to use Flurry of   Blows to really stack a a lot of damage into the  target a lot of great ways you can use these two   in conjunction outside of that though you can get  access to the Luminous gloves in act two which are   going to be great so when the wearer deals radiant  damage the target receives one turn of radiating   orb and this is important because radiating orb  you'll take a look here uh affected entity has   minus one to attack RS per remaining turn it also  sheds bright light it counts as being illuminated   and that's important once we talk about our  ring in fact I'll just jump to that right now   well the other one you can go with is gloves of  uninhibited kigo but this deals more with throwing   damage and improvised weapons it's just I wanted  to show showcase another kind of weapon in or um   uninhibited Kush item when it comes to illuminated  things let's talk about that let's talk about our   rings so I have coruscation ring when the wearer  deals spell damage while illuminated by a light   source they also inflict a radiating orb upon  the target for two turns okay well what the   hell do I why do I care about those two things  so now I've got rting or orbs that are going to   do damage here right and if I do radiant damage  my radiating orb plus these gloves is going to   last for three turns which is minus three to their  attack but also I get this ring called the callous   glow ring the wearer deals an additional 2 points  of damage against creatures that are illuminated   and doesn't do radiant damage unfortunately but  it does trigger with the whole Radiance system   you have going on and it's creatures that are  illuminated so if you have something lit up by   daylight that counts as being illuminated when you  do swap off of those gloves that we talked about a   little bit so you use all three of these items in  conjunction very early in the game and it really   allows you to stack a lot of Radiance damage into  things and really keep those radiant orbs going   especially because your Radiance of dawn will put  radiant orbs on everyone it hits so they'll all be   illuminated so it's just a great great amount of  Wombo comboing you can do with all three of these   items now outside of those items though I have two  other ones uh the Ring of regeneration here at the   beginning of your turn ring activates you heal one  to four hit points just always a really solid one   and a killer sweetheart for just guaranteed crit  attacks it's always nice to just kind of have   this one on tap um there is another set of gloves  here that I don't know where they are oh no it's   not the gloves forget what I said it's the boots  the uninhibited Kush boots here the wearer deals   additional damage equal to their wisdom modifier  with unarmed strikes so this as you can see all   these things really lean into each other to make  it so that our unarmed strike is just an absolute   Powerhouse of damage and it is really really good  now boots that you can find throughout the game   just find some nice Mobility ones something like  this the boots evade and comfort when the wearer   heals a Target it gains an additional three temp  hit points you'll get this very early and since   you have the ability to kind kind like do some  healing if you want you can use those um but   click heals is nice because this allows you  to use a bonus action to um the heal to gain   speed and freedom of movement so your movement  speed doubles and enemies have disadvantage and   opportunity attacks against you so you get these  early and they're great Mobility uh uh boots also   our evasive shoes you'll find these from uh Mattis  the little tling thief in Emerald Grove and if you   keep her alive she'll be an act three as well but  this gives you acrobatics plus one or Armor class   plus one just free AC to have onto your character  if you so wish now as far as your amulets go   you'll get this in Act One sentient amulet you'll  have to do some wisdom scores you'll get this in   the Grim Forge it gives you shatter gives you key  restoration and as you go through and complete the   quest in act three you'll lose the thing that that  constantly detracts from your character which is   nice the nice thing about this is it gives us key  restoration so using the spiritual energy in the   amulet you restore a number of key points equal  to your Martial Arts die keep in mind your key   points regenerate on short rest so this allows you  to keep your key points online for just a little   bit longer than having to go through two short  rests and then go to do a long rest you can get   basically two and a half short rests while we're  using this amulet so it's very nice but another   Direction you can lean rather than the uh uh key  points is in the Amulet of The Devout you'll find   this underneath the the storm Tabernacle so you  gain plus two bonus to spell save d and you gain   an additional use of Channel Divinity once used  it is restored upon taking a long rest so Channel   Divinity does restore on short rest but with this  ability it's going to give you one more use of it   but that will only regenerate on a long rest  so again it's it's the same exact thing as key   restoration it just depends on what you the player  want to get the benefit out of right do I want to   really lean heavier into my key or heavier into my  channel Divinity then use the one that corresponds   to you and then just a good old one is amul of  the Harpers event Dage on wisdom saving throws   since you already have proficiency on your wisdom  saving throws it's a nice to one two together also   gives you Shield so a free five AC when you deal  with situations as far as a react or a reaction   goes here right there you go plus five AC and  you take no damage from magic Missile always a   great capability these are your items they're very  very simple very very Bare Bones but they're going   to really stack together to do a quite a bit of  damage here let's jump into a little bit of combat   jumping into combat let's have some fun so I kind  of gamed this up a little bit and I precasted uh   spirit Guardians we have a level three Spirit  Guardians that's just ripping and gripping   through the field now this is going to do 3 to 24  radiant damage and that's going to be lovely for   me right and keep in mind too you're probably  wondering why did you cast it you're not near   anyone that's okay I just need to move into range  and it'll all it'll do damage to them and keep in   mind too I can move a staggering 90 some feet H  where is it where there it is 90 ft exactly so   I can move quite a bit and if I use like a potion  or a spell that gives me fly or and then Dash I'm   going to be moving across this battlefield like no  one's business so we can open up this fight in so   many different ways we can use a guiding bolt that  will then give me advantage on things but it does   a little bit of radiant damage right we can use  Radiance of the Dawn which is what I really want   to showcase right now for you guys to do a bunch  of AOE damage before we even get into doing even   more damage so let's go ahead and move right here  to make sure we get this person now we're going   to get all these people they're going to get hit  with Radiance of dawn let's go ahead and Trigger   it doesn't do the most but it does a little bit  and on top of it too we're going to move over here to just trigger that Spirit Guardians across  the board so we can see that they're all taking   damage they're all being hit by stuff and as  their turn activates they will take more damage   I can even try to opportunity move out of this  or I'm sorry disengage move out of this and go   damage them if I want I have all of these options  but for our action let's see what we can do here   we can have fun with wholeness of body right  to regain our half our key points to enter a   temporary state of wholeness we regain key points  to have an extra bonus action uh this again gives   us more key points online like that amulet does  which is really good can use our stunning strike   here which is going to do 7 to 28 and possibly  stun the Target and remember our base is just   17 to 28 we can use Flurry of Blows which is  going to be a bonus action don't worry we're   going to do that in a little so let's have some  fun let's do some damage we did the radiance of   dawn we still have one more uh action to use let's  go ahead and use stunning strikes since such such   a big thing of being a uh monk let's go ahead and  see if we can one hit this person oh 1410 and two   damage and since we have our extra attack we  just do another round of damage and we could   use that on another round of St stunning strike  if we so wish so we can just kind of really do   whatever we want here uh you know what we'll  do it again let's just hit this there we go 11   8 and two martial arts unarmed strike now had  I had additional bonus actions from say being   a thief or anything like that I would have been  able to really have a lot of fun with this right   I would have been able to do that bonus action  in between all that but we're not going to use   our unarmed strike here we're going to use that  FLIR blows cuz it does 34 to 56 and it can also   push things or knock them prone or stagger them  let's go ahead and you know what I'm just going   to move go remember that that guy lost the spirit  Guardians so you can see the spirit Guardians here   uh takes three to 4 per turn and movement speed  is H is HED even if they save it they still take   half damage so [Music] stagger so let's just  bring this guy up real quick to see what that   did so we did Floria blows nine bludgeoning two  necrotic seven radiant and then nine damage two   necrotic 11 R and it killed him it killed him out  right I mean he didn't have full health but still   so you can see that this build has a lot of fun  it uses a lot of things it really leans into this   radiant damage Direction and when you're dealing  with a lot of the dark things in this game a lot   of the Shadow creatures which you will deal with  tons of in the second act you'll find that this   character can Blitz through almost everything  I cast daylight here to illuminate things to do   more damage and stuff like that but with all the  special abilities you have as an open hand Monk   and all the ways that you can really lean into  them this is probably one of my favorite melee   classes that I've been able to Showcase if the  storm sorcerer was my probably my favorite pure   Caster this is up there with one of my favorite  melee characters just because of the amount   of fun I can have with Radiance damage I think  personally it's my favorite damage type in this   game so really got to lean into it and have a lot  of fun with that what is this that's what what is   my character so try this build out go more into  cleric than you maybe the monk or maybe stay how   you want or go split it six and six however  you want to approach this class is going to   be the right way I mean I have uh Shadow heart  here and she's already a light cleric and if I   end this turn and someone attacks me what happens  I'll just go ahead and spit and push through that   they ran into Spirit Guardians and that did damage  them right so this is example though of improved   warding flare I don't have access to this on this  character because we didn't push them to seven but   if you did you'd get access to this and boom okay  well it still hit that sucked but still you can't   control the RNG in a video uh there are definitely  instances I'm just going to go ahead and uh here   we can even do another Radiance Dawn if I wanted  to but we'll skip through that to see what happens   if if more characters attack character of course  why wouldn't you blow something up but you have so   many ways see they just jump into my uh uh spirit  Guardians and I'm getting the benefit of being   able to maintain my concentration because of my  high Constitution and just to exemplify here how   great improved waren flare is being attacked  again I can use this again miss so it's just   something that kind of keeps on getting which I  really enjoy oh you push me push me out of the   re of your spirit Guardians what a bastard but you  now see what this class can really do and how much   fun you can have with combining the light domain  and the open hand if you have any suggestions   or ways that you would change this class or  improve this go ahead and let me know in the   comment section below or maybe say hey you know  what this is what I've done instead and I really   like them but as always guys thank you so much  for watching here today have a good one and take [Music] care [Music]
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 45,320
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PRAISE THE SUN MONK (Monk/Cleric) Build for Baldur's Gate 3, baldurs gate 3, baldur's gate 3, bg3 monk build, bg3 cleric build, bg3 monk multiclass build, bg3 monk multiclass ideas, bg3 sun soul monk, bg3 praise the sun, bg3 light domain cleric build, bg3 light domain build, bg3 light domain, bg3 open hand monk build, bg3 way of the open hand monk build, bg3 best monk build, bg3 radiant build, bg3 radiant damage, bg3 radiant orb build, bg3 radiant cleric build
Id: AlnU7ktKJWI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 2sec (2522 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 21 2023
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