BEST Dark Justiciar (Trickery) Shadowheart Build in Baldur's Gate 3

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dark justi years are a really cool concept added in balers Gate 3 and a brand of Special Forces dedicated to the goddess of sh in the story Shadow heart's chief goal is becoming one of these Elite Warriors but the tricky domain is kind of tricky right and lackluster doesn't really provide much punch on its own so in this video we're going to blend together some fun capabilities of other classes to make a thematic dark justicier build that can also provide a lot of damage and utility to the rest of the party this your first time on my channel the way I do things is by UPF fronting the knowledge of my videos so you can decide if it's the right one for you so with that being said this dark jusis here jasher dark warer sauce will be taking Seven Levels into the trickery domain and then five levels into gloomstalker Ranger we'll talk about the progression for this in the video but what class you level up first will depend on the rest of your party comp and what you're looking to get out of this character also I've built this build to be more of a shadow heart build and less of a Poss possible main character build which is unique for my builds but it's absolutely doable I just think that the lack of Charisma and other qualities that are important to the main character might suffer with this build but that's the tldw of this entire video if that's all you wanted to know then please feel free to shut the video down and get back to making your servant of sh in bg3 before you head out please don't forget to like comment subscribe each one of those things helps me out in a huge way I've gone from 89% to 80% unsubscribed viewers ship because of your help but that's a number I'd still like to get lower and every little bit helps if you need help with any other subject in balers Gate 3 check out my playlist link below and you can check out also my twitch where I stream balers gate every Tuesday Thursday and Saturday let's get started here on my dark justicier shadow heart build for balers Skate 3 now moving into character creation we have some options of course like I said this is a shadow heart style build but you can still make this for your main character if you wish you probably want to go with something though like a Dr um any of the teelings actually all three are going to be pretty good in this case because their cantrips are going to be nice just to have as additional spells dwarfs can be pretty good in this case because of the dwar who are going to get a free invisibility also they'll get enlarge which allows them to do more damage in melee you will be a melee oriented class so these three are the tling the Dr the dwarf are all going to be quite quite good um the highelf I don't like as much and it's kind of the same problem when it comes to just playing Shadow hard directly is that this scales with intelligence so we're not going to have any intelligence so all these can trips while it seems cool I get an extra can trip kind of has a shot in the foot so I probably would steer clear of highelf if I was going for a minmax perspective but guys remember this is a first a first person a first player a single player narrative game just have fun choose whatever the hell you want you know since we are going to Wow since we are going to actually go with a cleric GI is very fun because I like a lot of the narrative options a lot of the armor afforded to us as a gith and all that armor is medium armor too which is even better and on top of it you get a special deity as a GI with vth which is just kind of fun um again it leans into a lot of really fun spicy narrative op options so go with whatever makes sense for you Dr is my favorite race in the game so I'll just choose Dr now for this of course we're starting with the claric and again I'm assuming you're going with this as Shadow heart but it can again like I said before can be your main character um uh for your cantrips we're going to go with guidance thury and blade W all three of these will just get tons of use especially guidance man you just really can never go wrong with it and our subass is going to be trickery domain now the trickery domain is not great I just won't lie to you either there it's it's probably the it's probably the worst of all the cleric domains but we're going to try to really lean on a lot of the really cool functionality that we can get out of this like for example here blessing of the trickster Grant another creature advant Vantage on stealth checks that can be fun because we are going to be stealthing uh but there is also the channel of vinity ability of the trickery domain which allows us to uh create a duplicate that we then get advantage on anything within a certain range of that duplicate so it can be pretty fun but also gives us charm person and disguise self just right out the gate um and for your background this is again a single player narrative game so choose a background that makes sense for you create a little roleplay for your character have a little bit of fun with this uh my minmax option is always the guild artism because it gives me both insight and persuasion but are you a soldier that has kind of turned to more of a clerical path or maybe you were a um cleric in the in the service or whatever it was maybe you're an acolyte extended up to a cleric a learned Sage that becomes a cleric whatever it is an Outlander that is a ranger that that's spending some time also in the pursuit of the Divine whatever it is choose a background that kind of makes for a lot of fun for your character and also for your prepare spells what I would probably do this is going to depend upon what your the rest of the characters are like in your party and remember two as a cleric you can swap these in and out at whim you just press K if you're on PC to bring up your spell book whatever that button is on Console then then just swap any kind of spells out you want but if this is your only Caster yeah you know what kind of lean in a specific Direction but if this is a support character you have another cleric or another Caster then try to augment their capabilities do you have a storm cter or an ice Caster well you're probably going to want creat or destroy water because if you make things wet you're going to double their damage or even just another Tempest cleric in general you can really help out right there or you know what are you going to be coming up to a point in the game where you're going to need to keep someone alive make sure you pick on S pick up Sanctuary whatever it is but I think the three base ones that are really good for you to Kit just out the gate are bless which keep in minded is a concentration ability and command which is going to be really good on the nautiloid ship to drop the ever blade of the everb burn burn Blade the ever burn everb burn blades name of it healing word is a bonus action heal and it's probably one of the better heals in the game I mean I like cure wounds but you have to be in melee range to use it so just kind of if you want to go that route just be mindful of that and it is also an action versus a bonus action but guing bolt can give you some ranged radiant damage you have the ability to increase armor class with Shield of Faith protection from Good and Evil it just depends upon what other ones are going to be in your party with you and I'll just go with something like this B as good as it's the opposite of bless you use it on your enemies right so we'll we'll have something like that but now let's go into some discussion about ability scores for shadow heart so here is the ability spread that I recommend and this is 16 decks 16 wisdom and 14 Constitution now you can increase your Constitution up a little bit more um and we are going with 16 decks because that's where our melee combat capabilities come from you can put points into this go higher Constitution for better concentration but I like this split a little bit more now we have four points remaining and this is going to depend upon you if you're trying to make this your main character then I'd probably put these points into Charisma so you have a little bit of better uh capabilities when you're talking to folk um if this is strictly for shadow heart what you can actually do here is put one put this up to 15 because then you get resilient Constitution as a feat and that gives you one Point into Constitution and it gives you uh other proficiency or advantage on your Constitution checks which is great so now we would have 16 Constitution 16 decks and 16 wisdom so I would go that route if this was strictly going to be Shadow heart and I'd probably put my intelligence to 10 or my strength to 10 the reason behind that is this just helps out with carry capacity and resisting any kind of shove and this just helps out in the times that I would use Shadow Hearts bound can trip of Firebolt right that's an intelligence-based one it's not going to have it go off a ton more but it's better than having a penalty against it right so just putting out a 10 kind of just helps you out but that's what I'm going to go ability wise we didn't talk about skills but just real quick I would probably go history religion and then a conversational skill as well as perception if I had that from the fact that I'm a dark a Dr in this case but whatever it is I wouldn't put points into medicine unless I wanted this character to be a dedicated uh herbalist but that's our ability spread for this character let's go into some actual gameplay and look at the progression progression for this character is going to look a little bit like this so we're going to go five levels into cleric and then around that time you're going to start to transition into the end of act two beginning of act three and we're going to put five levels into Ranger and then two more levels into cleric so by the time you jump into act three you'll be ready to use the extra attack capabilities of the ranger but until then you have a really Sol solid support character that can use Spirit Guardians and daylight throughout act two well you'll need it the most so let's take a look at what we get here at act two or I'm sorry at level two we're going to get invoke duplicity distract your enemies with an illusion within 10 feet of the illusion attack roles have Advantage for you and your allies both the attacker and the creature must be within 10t of the illusion so if you actually have uh any kind of sneak attack or Rogue character with you you can basically give them a free um advantage on attack roll for whatever you want right you you cast this on something everything within 10 ft has that Advantage it's actually pretty cool so we'll stick with that and then our ability or our spells you know just kind of go with whatever is going to make sense for your party and your makeup and what's going on here comp wise jumping into act or act into level three we're going to get two more tricker domain spells mainly of course mere image which is going to be huge for us so this is going to give us three points of armor class per illusion that is AC Ive so casting it you get nine AC and you'll lose three for each one of those so you'll go from 9 to six to three to zero AC bonus from this but the nice thing is it doesn't require concentration it's one of the few spells that's actually really solid that doesn't require concentration so you can stack a lot of fun stuff here also we get past Without a Trace so call forth a veil of Shadows and silence that gives you and all nearby Companions Plus 10 bonus to stealth checks now this does last until long rest which is cool but it is a concentration ability so you probably won't be using this too much but it's there if you want to kind of get clever with it and tricky with it now for our spells we're going to swap some stuff out we're going to pick up hold person for sure you definitely want to get blindness I'd probably drop maybe a bane at this point and get Aid something like that maybe even guiding bolt and get spiritual weapon whatever it is but these level two spells are actually quite good old person guarantees Critical Hits um on any attack that's within 10 ft of the uh the thing that you that you held as it were and you can have a lot of of fun with this with some of the items that we get later in the game blindness is always really good you're blinding a creature you're removing their ability to do a lot of stuff uh a is going to be huge throughout your base run your honor mode run whatever it is and spiritual weapons always just nice to have an extra Force damaging thing on the table so we'll go ahead and stick with that and jump into act or God it's the second time level four it's like the fourth time level four we'll get another can trip probably going to go with probably like light CU around this time you're going to get ready to jump into AC too right you're level four you're getting ready to rear up for that and for spells just kind of put other stuff here that uh maybe you pulled out whatever it is uh that makes sense Sanctuary is really good if you're coming into that fight at the uh last light in right you cast this on emo and or wrong balers gate you cast this on uh the Priestess or the cleric of saluna and you don't have to worry about her getting uh uh slapped so let's now jump into a conversation on fees so with your feet you want to really Feats it's weird which one do I say uh Feats uh you want to select things that are really going to benefit the character and right now the primary one is going to be ability Improvement because this is going to help us out with our um damage profiles that we do now at this point in the game you could probably hold off on this until you get level four with Ranger because your dexterity right now is not as crazy right we're not using dexterity for anything really other than uh setting up our future attack damage so what you could do is drop that point into resilient Constitution Instead This pushes our constitution up to 16 giving us a plus three to Constitution checks and we have now Proficiency in Constitution saving throws which all concentration roles are it's a really huge one we're going to be using it quite a bit so you can do that and get that Advantage right now another options you can go with instead of resilient is warcaster it's which instead of giving you a a proficiency on concentration roles you're going to get an advantage exclusively on concentration roles versus the other ones all Constitution checks so if you want you can go this route you also get a reaction to cast shocking grasp at Targets mov be on a melee range that's cool but what we're going to be coming into in the next level is a lot of concentration usage with Shadow heart so I think resilient Constitution is probably the better way to go give us a little bit more Health get us at plus three and now if you take a look at this this is going to give us a plus three and at level four we'll get a plus two from our proficiency on all concentration checks that's going to be really nice right and that's going to go to a plus three uh and then to eventually a plus4 uh by level 9 plus so it's it's a a cascading benefit that always really helps you now another one you can go in lie of both of those is uh alert to plus five bonus to initiative and can't be surprised so that's going to be really helpful especially towards latter portions of this build when we are going to be doing quite a bit of melee and sneaking around and then like I said ability Improvement we'll put that into dexterity with our Ranger uh feet so let's go ahead and now do resilient Constitution and go ahead and accept into level five things are going to get pretty fun here for this character because we got our level three spells now with those level three spells though we get bestow curse which is very good but it will be a little funky here so for one um um it's a melee range required spell and it's a concentration spell so it's going to it's going to really Trump up some of our other plans because the other thing on this list is also fear Target drops everything and becomes fearful they have disadvantage on ability checks and attack roles fear is a really good ability if the target ends their turn where they can't see you they can make another saving throw to shake off their fear but it is a concentration ability so keep those things in mind with what we're about to talk about with the spear uh the spell cat category um but bestow curse is cool because it's different than hex is from a warlock the curse uh the curse either bestows disadvantage on checks and saving throws hex only does a disadvantage on I think it's just saving throws it's it's one or the other but it's only one of them and saving throws or attacks so it's disadvantages on pretty much everything for that Stat or you can have it just do necrotic damage whenever you hit something so besto curse is a really really cool ability that I think people maybe probably sleep on because it is a concentration ability and it's going to butt up against Spirit Guardians which is a really strong CLA capability as it is but I think this is a really good one we're going to use later in the build for spells though uh we're going to drop a lot of this and definitely pick up Spirit Guardians because this is what we're going to use the majority of act two right we use Spirit Guardians we simply put it into radiant damage mode and we're going to kill everything in act two we use daylight and we're going to get Advantage we're not going to have to deal with all the crap in act two uh I'd probably drop probably blindness and pick up gliph of warding too to give me some range capability but for the most part this is where we're stopping with cleric for now because now this is a really good character that's going to carry us as is if I didn't put any other cleric levels into this build it's going to carry us all the way through act two without any problems you're prettyy much just going to use Spirit Guardian radiant and have a lot of fun with it it does break a little bit of the the sh portion of this you can use Spirit Guardians necrotic instead though so still there now with our sixth level we're going to Pivot here into Ranger now Ranger is important because Ranger is going to still use wisdom and we can have some fun with this so favorite enemy here you can go with really whatever you want um keeper the veil is cool to gain Proficiency in Arcana but gives you just free cast of protection from evil and good which is cool Ranger Knight does give you proficiency and heavy armor but it's not really what we're going for Sanctified stalker can give you sacred flame which we did not take as a can trip and I swear to God I feel like it always misses um Bounty Hunter though is probably the better of a lot of them because you gain Proficiency in investigation which is cool but creatures you hit with in in snaring strike have disadvantage on their saving throw so they're more likely to actually have it go through and for uh natural Explorer definitely go with either fire or poison because these are two very prevalent fire uh damage types and you're just going to get a resistance to them it's going to help you be very tanky so I'm actually going to go with fire here and you'll get more skill proficiencies um so do whatever kind of makes sense for you and your character and all that fun action so we'll go ahead and just take that first level here into Ranger and then our second level here into Ranger we're going to choose some spells and we have some of these already existing so if you have long Strider on another character don't pick it up here if you do if you don't go ahead and grab it it's not going to hurt but definitely get in snaring strike if you went with Bounty Hunter because this is how you get the benefit of it it is a concentration ability though so I just have to keep that in mind just got to know that it's it's there so just know that uh you can go with fog Cloud to actually help you out with some um blinding and heavily obscuring things again it is a concentration ability and you can use Hunter Mark another concentration ability but it's a free damage source that works with bonus action so it's a nice thing to kind of use as we jump later into this build and then also hail of thorns is a really cool one CU it's not a concentration ability for sake and it does a lot of really fun damage gives you little cool capabilities there now fighting style here we're going to go with dueling you can go with defense just to get a flat increase to your armor class makes you a little bit more tanky but this is going to give us more damage and this is a very confusing sentence but when you are wielding a melee weapon that is not two-handed or versatile in one hand the game does not what it's saying is you have to use something in just one hand if you use a long sword or a spear in one hand and a shield in the other hand you will get the two damage I have tested this on balanced it might not be true in honor but it definitely works in balanced so this will work and we're going you can use the spear uh that you get from Shadow heart's Quest whatever it is so we're going to go dueling here progress forward into level three pick up another spell uh I know speak with animals sure doesn't really matter here you can get good Berry good goodberry is actually a pretty cool one never mind we'll go with goodberry because we get a free point of free source of healing but we will go now gloomstalker this will give us darkark Vision which is cool and all Superior dread ambusher which is going to give us a bonus to our initiative and on the first turn of combat your movement speed increases by 10 feet and you can make an attack that deals an additional 1d8 it's just a free extra attack you get built into the class you get the ability to go invisible or bonus action hide and you you get another cast of Disguise self which we don't really get any benefit from but it's here nonetheless unfortunately we can't swap that that uh this guy self out which would be really cool in range of level four we're going to go ahead and pick up that improved ability score so at this point you're around level nine you're coming into the end of act two about to transition into act three I think On My Honor mode playthrough I defeated the end of Act 2 at level 9 and this is the perfect time to start transitioning into this because we can start using a lot of the fun functionality of this build after act two because now Spirit Guardians is going to start to fall off we get our level here and we jump One More Level remember we got that improved ability score into into Dexter I don't think I verbally said it but now that we have level five we get extra attack that is probably the biggest Boon of this whole entire situation and now we have Misty step as well well so this character now becomes very deadly in close combat because they have a whole extra attack they can take advantage of they get Missy step for a lot of mobility and they have a ton of ways to go invisible that is a lot of fun so you can have some fun with this here um guess I already know the spell oh protection from Poison it's just part of my kit as a uh um a cleric but we can have fun here we can put in Spike growth which is really cool it does it's not as great in act three but it does slow things down which is pretty fun uh but bark skin can be cool too protect your from attacks armor class up to 16 if you want it's a concentration ability uh whatever it is kind of choose whatever you'd like um speak with animals is actually I really like this but you can choose it from you can get it from a potion so we'll go Spike growth because it's Unique the rest of it we can all pretty much get otherwise now that we've gotten that we now go back to cleric and this gets us Channel Divinity cloak of Shadows so our Channel Divinity now we can just go invisible for two turns pretty great we have now so many sources of invisibility um let's drop some of these level ones what I have all these little oh my spells got all jacked up that's weird we'll just go ahead and do all that action that's kind of funky I don't know when that all happened Aid bless cuz oh no no we get our last level in NE cleric and the big reason we waited to level or we wanted to get to level seven is cuz this gives us freedom of movement death Ward and banishment which are all really good spells it's just going to depend upon how you want to use your character do you want your character to use banishment as a concentration ability or freedom of movement which is a really great buff death W is another really awesome buff here so you just kind of use these as you see fits sprinkle them into the build as they really work for you but this is the progression for this character and I know it's a little wonky and a little crazy but you'll see once we jump into the next section how all of it comes together looking at all this stuff laid out before us we have a ton of things that we can do we have a level five spell slot even though we don't have level five spells we can upcast one of our level four spells into that slot or even any of our other ones right we can go ahead and do it with Spirit Guardians uh where is that which is a level three spell we can go ahead and set it all up from go from 3 to 24 radiant to now 5 to 40 radiant if I so wish you know what whatever kind of situation you want to set up with these you definitely can you can have a lot of fun adding additional damage to Hill of thorns all the way up to 11 to 61 whatever type of situation you want but with that too we can polymorph we can invoke duplicity which we talked about we've got blessing of the trickster to Grant another creature advantage on their stealth checks we have got the ability to jump into hide another ability to go invisible another ability to go invisible so we have all these ways that we can make our character invisible and all that will come together when we talk about our gear but being invisible will allow ow us to do a ton of damage now we don't have sneak attack that's something to kind of keep in mind I had thought about you know hey what if I put some levels into Rogue here and that's can that can allow me to do that and it's not so much that we're using the sneaking around to do tons of damage and stuff like that it's more to allow us the ability to increase our crit hit our spell save DC whatever it is through any of our many capabilities and two when you look at this you can wrap yourself in Shadow you wrap yourself in Shadow you go uh you turn a shadow right but these other ones help out your party you can uh you can use these this kind of fits in that area you can use these to kind of turn other people invisible or help them out in becoming invisible or help them out with their sneak attacks whatever it is there's still some support built into this because it's not a kind of selfish quote unquote cleric class that's only going to do its own thing it does have plenty of functionality we have lots of armor class with mirror image armor class right now is just 20 as is and we haven't turned on anything defensively so you can see that there's a lot of fun little things that this does and it's really difficult to try to make the trickery domain work and this is the only way I could really think to make it have punch without losing a lot of its teeth the other thought I had was just simply going five levels into cleric and Seven Levels into assassin which you can also do you miss out on extra attack you're just pretty much a sneak attack character that is going to rely on doing things with their bonus action so there is that to kind of keep in mind if you want to take that route this I feel though fits the need of having a cleric in your party while also having the character that can be up in the front line not necessarily tanking but can actually take damage and help out the the entire party right can give some support abilities can really kind of hinder something and the big thing we're going to look at is how fear can really really be turned on in a lot of really fun ways with this character so let's now talk about our gear going into our conversation about itemization we're going to start with two items I actually do not have in this playthrough but they're going to be pretty good the dark justicier gauntlets that you're going to get in act two in the uh The Gauntlet of sh uh your weapon attacks deal an additional 1 to four necrotic damage they're just a really cool glove set of gloves that you can wear they're thermatic they fit the whole entire regalia you're going to be probably wearing and it adds some necrotic damage into the mix now another one at the beginning of act three when you jump into the jungle when you uh trick the Jin the genie is the band of the Mystic scoundrel after hitting a creature with a weapon attack you can cast an illusion or enchantment spells as a bonus action this is a really crucial ring that I unfortunately don't have but it's going to add a lot of functionality to the character because a lot of the Spells we've talked about especially the ones that come from trickery are illusion or Andor enchantment based so this is really really good going to be a huge Boon for you even if you want to use this on mirr image which is an enchantment or Illusion it's one of the other it's it's an illusion spell I think actually but still there's a lot of Enchantment and illusion spells in our repertoire and we'll show those off in a little bit uh once we jump into rest of our conversations and another item I actually forgot about I'm adding it in here in post is Justus this year's simitar you'll also get this in act two can't believe I forgot about it it's like one of the best weapons for this build because it has Shadow blinding if you attack with Advantage you have a chance of blinding your target now why this is really cool is because you have a lot of ways to kind of incur Advantage into this build either with uh your trickery abilities or just with any of the other spells that you can cast so there's a lot of ways that you can create Advantage with your attacks and thus hopefully have a chance to then blind them and lastly it has a shadow soaked blow which is a special blow that it can do where it will strike an enemy adding your proficiency bonus to the the damage moreover if the attack hits it deals an additional 1d6 psychic damage and this attack doesn't break concealment so you can actually do this while uh hidden which is pretty cool but now for the items I actually do have and again this is an illusion spell mirror image here um polymorph is a transmutation spell uh fear is an illusion spell so you can attack something then cast fear if you so wish um that's that's not that enchant hold person is an enchantment spell so you can attack someone you cast hold person as a bonus action then use your secondary extra attack to finish off and get a crit hit on it so you can see there's lots of ways to trigger all the many things with that uh ring but items that I do have ignore the messy inventory because my shadow heart is a interesting Blaster character so we're going to start with uh a menu I can't move there we go Jesus we're going to start with the weapons and some of the weapons that you can use and one of the ones I I really Rec recommend here is the dualist prerogative now this is pretty cool because it does really want you to only just use this and nothing in your off hand which you can definitely go with while your off hand is empty you score crit hits when rolling a 19 so you basically crit hit easier moreover you gain an additional reaction so that's cool but wither and cut on a hit with a meleia weapon use a reaction to deal additional CTIC damage equal to your proficiency so by the time you get this in act three you're just going to do an additional Four Points of necrotic damage every time you hit also you get duelers enthusiasm which is a weapon action while you are not dueling you can make an additional melee attack with the Dueler so if you don't have any spells to cast in your bonus action you get three attacks in one turn you can do your attack your extra attack and then use D's enthusiasm to do as a bonus action so you do quite a bit of damage in melee with this it's a pretty it's a really really good weapon and I really like it some other ones you can go with are the saluna Spear of Knight or the sh's version of this sh's version is probably probably a little bit more aopo but you know saluna ones here you get advantage on wisdom saving throws and perception dark vision gives you free cast to moon beam and moon mode I don't have the Shar version unfortunately uh but that's another really good one here that that basically helps you out anytime you're obscured it adds a little bit of damage into the into the mix so that one is also really good if you want to lean into the stealthy portion of this but even something like this the doore emoris you land a crit hit with this when you land a crit hit with this weapon it deals an additional seven weapon damage that's great just put it in your main hand and have fun uh you can use bellm which is cool because this gives you the same situation as a dualist prerogative and what I also like about this is Whirlwind attack so when you bestow curse on things on something Whirlwind attack will trigger it because bestow curse if we go ahead and click this it's this one nope it's this one nope it's this one none ah here it is so creature curse a creature with your touch your attacks and spells deal in an additional 1d8 necrotic to the Target so you could cast this ability and then use the Whirlwind attack on something else and get the 1d8 add it onto the thing you cast to bestow curse on and then just hit the other thing with the Whirlwind so I actually like it it's it's pretty fun and pretty cool for this build gives you a little functionality it's a finesse weapon so you can have a lot of fun with that another really good one too is the infernal Rapier if you're using will and you're not well if you go through Will's Quest and you don't actually use them because this gives you spell save DC and instead of its dexterity modifier the affected entity adds its spellcasting modifier to attack roles so you could use this uh to get wisdom if you wanted to focus more on wisdom but you also get a free summon of a demon alongside you so it's a very very cool Rapier but now we've talked a little bit about our uh weapons and really throughout your game just use weapons that you find that you like you nice finesse weapons like the F aluve which Buffs up you or debuffs anyone around you is a really good I I have it I don't know why I didn't put it here that's a really good early act one weapon that you can get access to that I strongly recommend that is not the f l it's somewhere in here aha there it is I for some reason have two of them but uh this is a great finesse weapon you can use it's versatile so it sticks in one hand you're good to go you're set there you don't even need to use uh a finesse weapon until you get Ranger if you don't want you could stick with something like this which helps you out with increasing your bless right bless grants an additional 1 D4 to saving throws and weapon attack rolles and an additional 2D forto spell attack roles so your blessings are now super blessings right so you can use this until you transition into becoming a ranger to do more damage whatever you'd like to do just grab something that you like and use it have fun with it it's your game after all now let's jump into some armor conversations so with this you're going to have a ton of options for gear and some of the stuff that you're going to get in act one is like the shade spell circlet from the mine flare dude dellum in the Mite Colony while the wearer is obscured in Shadow their spells gain a plus bonus a plus one bonus to spell save DC making them more likely to succeed so you can get this and you can use all of your many capabilities to sneak around and have your spells go off easier this just gives you plus one crit hit while you are obscured and it's very easy to be just lightly obscured so right now my character is lightly obscured all I'm doing is standing in a shadow hold down shift right this is all these little all that little half Sun like that I believe that would actually be a waxing or a waning uh um uh half Sun um this is all lightly obscured as long as it's not that full sun you're good even if I stand right here I'm still lightly obscured hence a little kind of like TFT of of smoke coming off from me so it's pretty easy to get that active and you can always get a plus one to your crit like that so you can get this in act one you can kind of use it out the entirety of your playthrough but you can also use the helmet of Arcane Acuity whenever you deal damage with a weapon attack you gain Arcane Acuity and Arcane Acuity here is a plus one to spell attack rules and spell difficulty class so this kind of combines very well with what you're doing right you can use this put this thing on jump into close combat get two hits on something you got four stacks of arcan Acuity you use your bonus attack you got six stacks of arcan Acuity and there you go they falls off by two each time the entity takes damage but um reduce duration by two each time the takes damage so you can keep a lot of stacks on and you can use an Elixir to to get even more Stacks but arcanic CU is really going to help you out in trying to make sure your spells go off while you're still doing melee damage with your weapon you can get the shadow of menzo Barons on if you want to be a little bit of a dtoo urden and get sh out of Shadows because it makes you invisible another form of invisibility Helm of balon's a really cool one just gives you health and it mix so you can't be stunned and you can't be crit hit plus one to your AC and saving throws it's just a really cool defensive only if you want to go that route for some early and good armor oh uh also there's the Dark Justice your helmet plus one to bonus saving throws against spells and you get a plus one to your crit while obscured and contion saving throws plus one which is huge for maintaining any and all of your concentration spells and on that note too uh early armor you can get as the spider silk armor from Menara either killing her or bringing her with you but you get it this is one of the only other armors that gives you advantage on Constitution saving throws get a plus one bonus of stealth too and it looks really damn cool so you can stick with that all the way up to the point in act two when you get the dark justi to your half plate while obscured the wear has advantage on stealth checks and advantage on cons and saving throws and it get chars AIS AIS agus whatever one you want to go with um if you so wish spider silk is just some free plus one stealth dark sist your plate gives you that necrotic damage to attackers when they hit with a melee you're hit them with a melee attack even at the end in act three you can go with elegant studed armor give you a bonus initiative and advantage on stealth checks and a free cast of Shield so just depending on how you want to use this character you've got a lot of options open to you with your cloak I like the Shad Slayer cloak here gives me a plus one to my crit hits but I could instead go with cloak of displacement which at the beginning of the wear's turn the cloak activates graning enem disadvantage on attack roles that Target the wearer this effect lasts until the wearer takes damage and it's really really great to add on top of being in Mirror Image so you just have a ton of armor class and they have disadvantage on attack RS against you it's just it's your so hard to hit for your gloves a lot of fun things you can be can be done here gloves of archery are an early one you can get if you want to lean into some of the bow stuff you can do but flawed hell dust gloves are good for some fire damage you can use any of the like cleric based gloves um anything you want really glove wise spell save DC gloves anything like that you can get the the hell dust gloves later in the game here for spell save DC and spell attack rolls but also giving you plus uh one to six fire damage and raise of fire um whatever you really want but some two standout ones are Legacy of the Masters for plus two bonus to attack and damage roles uh always a great pick but I really like these the cerebral Citadel gloves charm or frighten a creature to gain a 1 D4 bonus to attack rolles and saving throws so anytime you fear something you get basically a free bless and I really like that because we're going to we're going to couple this with our Shield of the UND devout your foes have disadvantage on saving throws to resist your spells are actions that inflict fear so now they have a disadvantage on being feared and fearing something in and of itself is really strong right so fear something they're fearful they has disadvantage on ability checks and attack roles and must run from the source of its fear and can't take any additional actions and the spell fear they drop their weapon for a turn too so it's a really nice capability and the fact that you get advantage on it triggering and it blessing you is a really cool combination and it's a concentration ability so these going really well with it with the striding when you cast a spell that requires concentration you gain momentum for one and you can't be knocked prone or be moved against your will while you are concentrating so all this works very well in conjunction with each other but let me show off some other Alternatives you can use Shield wise you can go with something like the adamantine Shield or even just kric Shield if you want some spell safe DC but other gloves or boots you can go with are just disintegrating nightstalkers for more Missy step can't we being webbed and Tangled and snared or even just space shunt boots which is just additional dimensional door cast which you already get access to by being a trickery domain cleric so a lot of fun stuff there and on top of that fear stuff we were talked about we're using the bow of the Banshee on a hit possibly inflict frightened gain a 1 D4 bonus to attack and damage against frightened creatures so that bonus is going to jump into things that are frightened so you can really really amp all this frightened stuff up together it's a really cool set of combinations that I I think is not a very common pick but it's really cool and fits into the theme of this whole entire character which I really like you could go with Drake fire bow too if you want to just get a resistance to cold since you already have your resistance to fire from Ranger but it's there nonetheless now lastly we have some jewelry I think the the big pick here is anal of The Devout you gain a plus two bonus to spell save DC and you get an extra cast of Channel Divinity so you can go uh clo of Shadows you can use invoke duplicity whatever it is probably invoke duplicity towards the end of the game but even if you want it can go invisible here and as far as our Rings we already talked about the uh the band of the Mystic scoundrel which I would use here but I don't have it but shifting Corpus ring is another form of invisibility and it also gives you blur which is really cool attackers have disadvantage on attack rolls against you so blur is the same thing is what that this one cloak does this gives you blur so just a cool cool s sort of uh source of damage mitigation and invisibility uh the whispering promise when you heal a creature that's wrong ring didn't mean I have that equipped uh when you gain when you gain advantage on attack rolls I'm sorry you gain advantage on attack rolls and receive disadvantage on saving throws so this is a risky ring as its name do does say but it is also a great way to just get uh advantage to help hit crits uh death saving throws plus two uh during combat when the wearer starts her turn with 50% hit points or less they gain momentum for one turn pretty much any ring you want here to you know you can jump into bring regen for health or killer sweetheart for some Auto crits just whatever Crushers ring if you want movement here or ring of free action to so you're not affected by a difficult terrain whatever kind of makes sense for you and how you're playing this character let's now jump into some combat and see how all this comes together jumping into combat let's have some fun and see some of the things that we can do I mean I could open up this combat right here with invoke duplicity and just drop down a little guy here to give me advantages there we go that's there great thing is I'm hidden that's thing can stay right there it's not going to cost me anything that did of course cost me concentration though and it did cost me chall Divinity so we can now kind of push into combat however we want right I can go ahead and use hail of thorns I want to open up like that um I can go ahead and jump into Spirit Guardians oh Spirit Guardians if I want which would end this but I can just come over here and do that and wither and cut boom so we can take advantage of all what we just did right there right so we got 18 damage it did two necrotic we did four uh necrotic damage there and I am also using uh a hasten potion as well as Elixir viciousness so that's going to help me out with triggering all of my crits uh keep in mind to I have a disgusting 31 AC I didn't talk about the armor of agility but I'm using the dark trissia plate which limits my AC bonus um from decks to only two if I was using the armor of agility I wouldn't have that that that uh uh that issue and my decks would be plus4 to my AC we' be looking at plus 33 this would be 33 a AC right now so we have just a ton of capability but you know what we also can do we just can use fear here let's see if I can get a good cast on that's that's four targets let's see what we can get that ends our invoke duplicity of course now they dropped their weapons they're all fearful right now and that gave me a free bless Lees of the underd dark blessing game plus one bonus to attack rules and saving throws and they all had disadvantage on saving those it I don't think it shows me right it just shows me uh does it show me they fail how they failed it well they had a disadvantage because that was a fearing effect right and I can still come up here and go ahead and use J ambusher melee another 30 plus4 damage into that action so we have a lot of fun functionality that we can do with this character or you know what hey I'm now I'm kind of want to get out of this tight bind or I can go ahead and I'm threatened right now so I can move backwards and what not that's weird should be able to but if I want to I can just jump out of the situation and teleport somewhere else or go threaten someone else and go right here whatever it is you have a lot of Mobility you have a lot of functionality you have a lot of utility you have a lot of ways to see see things you just got to keep in mind though the biggest thing with this build is going to be overlapping a ton of concentration issues you're going to have I mean we didn't talk about Spirit guardians but Stow curse um I'm just going to kind of pull off all the real cool things here that we have in this build um well even that one right they're all going to be and didn't even show that off it would have been a really cool way to open it would have been hold person for a guaranteed crit but all all seven of these abilities right here here all um eight of these abilities are all concentration abilities and they're going to be a lot of the things that pull the weight of this build so just keep those things in mind you don't want to accidentally cast one thing and the next turn cast another and overwrite something so just know that right um also too at that bonus action I could have used Dueler enthusiasm here rather than going ahead and doing um uh Misty steps so we have a lot of ways to to Really pour on damage with this build and I think it's very thematic for a shadow heart dark Justice here which I just really struggled to make get off the ground so if you have another way to do this build go ahead and let me know in the comment section below maybe you went with five cleric three fighter I'm sorry three assassin and Two fighter that would have been a pretty fun build that's actually leaves two levels on the table so maybe seven seven uh cleric um I thought about doing this as a cleric fighter rogue build at first but I just kind of ended up wanting to lean heavier into being a rogue or I'm sorry being a cleric and doing clery stuff without trying to be a rogue that happens to have cleric spells so go ahead and let me know in the comment section how you maybe do this a little bit different whatever the situation is always love to hear your take on things guys but as always thank you so much for watching here today have a good one and take [Music] care [Music]
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 58,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BEST Dark Justiciar (Trickery) Shadowheart Build in Baldur's Gate 3, baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 shadowheart build, dark justiciar, bg3, baldur's gate 3, bg3 dark justiciar build, bg3 dark justiciar shadowheart, bg3 builds, bg3 shadowheart build, bg3 trickery domain, bg3 trickery cleric build, bg3 trickery cleric, bg3 trickery cleric multiclass, bg3 trickery ranger, bg3 ranger build, bg3 shadowheart trickery build, bg3 cleric, bg3 trickery
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 38sec (2738 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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