All Hidden Pets in Baldur’s Gate 3 (And How to Get Them)

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first up is a pet intellect Devourer now in act one you'll want to be sure to free us the intellect Devourer before leaving the nautiloid you want to do this because later on in Act 2 you'll be able to free us again and get him as a permanent pet so take that elevator when you exit the first room of the game and gently remove us and make sure not to labote him either because that will give him an ailment later in act two also make sure he doesn't die while you have him in act one because if he dies then he's dead and he's not going to be in act two next up is the SP swarm pet how would you like to have a bunch of spiders as allies with a Max of five each with six Health to get them there's a cliff right outside the Grove and at the top of that is a little camp on the right side of that camp is a rock with a ton of spiders surrounding a pouch if you get the pouch inside is a spider egg which you can actually drop on the ground and then attack to break open and you'll have four spider minions at your command it's really cool although I wish you could summon them over and over but it's just a onetime thing you get to enjoy having a swarm of spiders following you around for a bit next up is scratch scratch is a dog you can find in the forest just Northeast of the blighted village if you're friendly towards him and pass one of three difficulty checks you can eventually give your scent to him so he can find you at Camp if you do you'll find him at camp and eventually learn the spell find familiar scratch this ritual spell can be used once per short rest and scratch has some very useful abilities he has scratch's sniff which notifies you that he found something of note nearby usually a dirt Mound that you can dig up scratch also has help giving him the ability to help up down teammates and remove certain conditions he's also not all bark either he has bite which deals piercing damage and you can also play fetch with scratch back at Camp by using throw scratch will just approach you and bring back anything you throw to him in Camp which can be a fun Pastime all right next up is summon ogre horde this was so cool when I stumbled upon this so in the blighted village there are three ogr camped around a dead tling if you engage in conversation and choose the right dialogue options you you can get these three ogres to fight for you for free it's going to you're going to have to roll a 20 but you can convince them that their reward for fighting for you is going to be them being able to eat the enemies that you slay so they're going to agree and they're going to give you an item called lumps horn and all you got to do is like when you're in combat just blow the horn and these three massive ogres are going to come help you and and fight your enemies however after each summon there is a catch you know they're going to say oh this isn't enough food uh you know why should we keep fighting for you and you're going to have to convince them to fight for you again so after you summon them the first time you can tell them okay next time you can eat the enemy but you can also we're also going to give uh you like a thousand gold right after the next fight right so you don't have to give them gold now you just promise it later so you can just kind of keep these ogres working for you kind of just give them a carrot to chase after and they'll just keep fighting for you which is really cool coming out at number two is the quasit pet now the quasit pet can be summoned from The Scroll of summon quasit you can find this scroll in one of the boxes in the cellar the alchemist's house located in the blighted village I suggest learning the spell instead of using the scroll because the scroll is a onetime use but if you learn it it's actually a ritual spell meaning it doesn't use a spell slot and it can't be used during combat anyway so you can use it as many times as you want it's a permanent quasit pet that's actually really really useful besides being an extra body that can take hits and attack it's also got invisibility which when attacking while invisible to start combat will surprise enemies making them all skip their turn which is really powerful also if you choose the right dialogue options as a warlock Wizard or sorcerer you can also learn to summon shovel meaning you could technically get two and if you like that tip don't forget to click that like button and subscribe for more balers Gate 3 videos next up is the dance maab this powerful spell summons four Undead minions and in order to get this you need to First find a book in act one that book is called the necromancy of F this book is in the room hidden behind the ornate mirror in the room where you just found the quasit you'll need to answer a few questions correctly and then the ornate mirror will let you pass once inside you'll find a locked and barred door with a couple of traps protecting this book use a character proficient with lockpicking and disarming to get past it and pick up the book once you have it you'll need to find a dark Amethyst in order to open it the nearest one is in the whispering depths which is below the blighted village you can just take the well and go down there there's also one in act three if you miss this one but once you place the Amethyst in the book you'll need to pass several checks eventually leading to learning forbidden knowledge now some of these checks are actually pretty high roles I think it eventually gets up to 20 so you'll want to be quick saving before the roll and then after you succeed I think there's a total of three roles if you're a sorcerer when opening the necromancy of they book you can instead choose the class options of Sorcerer And dialogue which are Charisma based rather than wisdom it's going to be much easier as a sorcerer at the end of these roles you're going to walk away with the spell speak with dead learned but there is actually more to the book however but not until act three but the reason you'll want to do this now though is so that you have the book cuz you can't go back and then eventually by having this book you'll learn how to summy an army of ghouls with it from the spell dance maob in act three so definitely pick this up if you're interested in having that spell later all right next up is second marriage if you're looking for a zombie pet right here right now look no further this amazing zombie summon has a buff called Undead fortitude causing it to come back to life instead of dying unless the killing blow was radiant or a critical hit now unfortunately when it comes to its offens of abilities he just has slam which does four to n damage so he's kind of just a meat bag when it comes to hits however to summon your zombie you just need an item called second marriage which can be used over and over only using an action the one downside of this though is that the zombie only lasts 10 turns not too bad really considering you could just resummon him after 10 turns and 10 turns is a pretty good chunk of time now in order to get second marriage you'll need to save marina from the hag so go into the witch's layer and after you you've let the hag get away there's going to be a wand in the second area called bitter divorce grab that wand and the other valuables you're interested in and then exit through the mushroom ring and head towards the coffin and you're going to find Marina next to her husband's corpse you can then use the wand to resurrect him as a zombie and you're going to get a few choices of what to do with the wand and I recommend you keep it so that you can summon a zombie at will for the rest of the game and I think that's just perfect for a necromancer build it doesn't even require a corpse and then you know pair this with the Necromancer of and you've got a really nice Necromancer build coming together which is really cool next up are the Spore servants by using animating spores from Sovereign glut in the underd dark you can reanimate the corpse of any monstrosity type creature you encounter in Acts 1 and 2 and it will become your pet for as long as you and glut remain in the underd dark you can get glut to join you by accepting the quest from Spa in the mikid colony to eliminate the dwar and then talking to glut once he's on your team you can use animating spores on the corpse of any monstrosity type creat creature that you can bring to the underdark since glut won't leave the underdark and he also won't Cross eban Lake so you can't bring him to the Grim Forge first up is the pet mimic to get the mimic as your spor servant you need to head to moonrise Towers once you get to the top of the stairs go past balthazar's room to eventually find a curious Treasure Chest that actually turns into a mimic when you get too close slay it and then pick it up now in order to do this I had carlac wear the mighty cloth which grants plus two strength and doubles your carrying capacity I also drank an elixir of Hill giant strength for good measure after emptying carlac inventory she was able to pick up the mimic then it's as easy as teleporting to the Mike inid colony and have glut use animating spores on your new mimic pet you can also use these spores on nulls the newly born null weighed the least so I dragged his corpse down into the underdark to offer it up to glut as he breathed new life into the corpse began to float and glow a sickly green and I really wasn't sure I was the good guy anymore then I was convinced I was the bad guy when I commanded the null to tear off its ear and use it as a throwing weapon you can even use these spores on the harpies in the emerald Grove you'll need to slay them and carry their corpses to glut but these are pretty light so you shouldn't need much strength they actually keep their luring song ability which is pretty cool but the music doesn't play when you use the Ability which is a bummer and the harpies are also missing quite a few animations such as climbing so they kind of just Glide down ladders in this weird squatted position kind of like they're taking a dump you can also use these spores on the grishka and the more Monastery but sadly they do not keep their magic allergy as a Spore servant which would have been really really cool so it's kind of just like a cat familiar with a much stronger bite also it doesn't have fur if you ever wanted a furless cat pet and you can even use these spores on the Eder caps which wins the award for the grossest pet I think I've ever seen in this game as if the Eder cap wasn't gross enough in life in unlife as a Spore servant this monstrosity truly earns that label can shoot webs multi-attack and ice skate yep when the Eder cap tries to sneak he actually breaks out his ice skates and Glides around and you can use these spores as well on wargs there is one small one named Claw at an outpost right before the goblin encampment being lighter than other Wars is Perfect Since we need to drag his corpse to glut to reanimate and the other Wars are too heavy the undead Warg looks incredibly gross too and just has bite so really not the best Spore servant but very nearly the grossest looking and of course it's widely known you can also use these spores on the ble this massive monstrosity creature Burrows and emerges periodically while you are in the underd dark until you slay it and this is one of the best creatures to use animating spores on because of its massive Health pool and high damage you can also use the animating spores on all of the phase spiders from the smallest ones to the biggest one and all are considered monstrosities and can be animated as your Spore servant the phase spider ethereal jaunt is a really cool looking ability to help it get into position you can also use the animating spores and the minur found in the underd dark as well these massive monstrosities have really cool art and are definitely up there in terms of good choices for animating spores and last you can also use animating spores on hook Horrors these can be found near the suser tree in the underdark and are quite powerful to able to knock enemies prone and then use multiattack on them for burst damage and next up is a pet drier being that there is only one dder in balers Gate 3 we need to go after carnis light of the absolute in Act too and the way to get him as a permanent pet is to use control Undead on him now you might ask but he's alive so we'll need to un alive him and make sure he gets turned into a shadow cursed Undead this is possible by avoiding the Convoy and going straight to the Harper Ambush spot instead of the Harpers though you'll be there and you'll actually be presented with some unique dialogue options for hiding if you eventually reveal yourself you can demand the lantern from carnice and send the Convoy on its way without protection from the shadow curse if you do you'll actually find them later right outside moonrise Towers being Shadow cursed Undead now one thing about using control on dead on carice is that your target needs to be lower level than you carnice is level six so you need to be level seven but once you're level seven you have almost a 100% chance to succeed on your role to use control Undead on carnice and he's got quite the health pool making him a formidable Ally for act two and not only that but he also Al has spindle web fanaticism spindle web fanaticism grants you an additional 1d6 psychic damage and is a damage Rider so it is most effective on characters with a lot of attacks since the dder is alive and most players probably don't turn carness into a shadow cursed Undead in order to control him this Aura is pretty rare to be kept beyond the Convoy next up is Us Part Two If you freed Us in act one then you're actually going to find within the Mind flare colony's morg inside of a cage along the wall your old companion us who can become your permanent companion if you free him you'll encounter a humanoid named chop that you'll either need to convince him to release us or slay him for the key to the cage but once you free us you'll receive an item called summon us which is described as a sticky graying Mass exuding a slightly sweet putrid odor you can summon us once every short rest and us has 65 HP at level four and can claw your enemies but what's probably one of the coolest things about us is that it will magically change its form to a cat when entering town to avoid causing a panic what a good brain Kitty all right next up is the shadow wraith pet in act two within balthazar's hidden room there lies a necromantic Sigil inscribed on his workbench if you interact with this sigil as Gale you can use the materials remaining on the bench to create a shadow Lantern one dead pixie and one broken Moon Lantern later and Gail has a new Lantern which can be used to conjure a formidable Shadow Lantern wraith this wraith has 24 health and can use strength drain causing 3d8 necrotic damage and possibly leech its targets strength by three it can also use necrotic claws which deal 7 to 17 damage this level six necromancy spell requires a medium or small corpse and can be used once per long rest not bad at all all right number nine is qu The Raven this is an illusion to Edgar Allen Poe The Raven poem but it is also a permanent pet you can summon using the Raven gloves which have the level three Conjuration Spell summon quote The Raven to acquire these gloves you'll need to head far to the east in the shadowlands and speak to he who was he will give you a quest to find a ledger inside the bar known as the waning moon The Wretched distiller Theobald Thorn will initiate dialogue with you leading to either combat or his demise you'll find The Ledger nearby and once you return to he who was choose the correct dialogue options and he will reward you with the Raven gloves and you have a new pet Raven and number 10 is the infernal Rapier this very rare Rapier grants a plus one bonus to spell save DC and melee caster which grants the wielder the ability to use their spellcasting ability modifier for attack roles instead of their dexterity modifier and the holder also gains planer Ally cambian once per long rest so this Rapier is quite rare to find because the only way to get it is by freeing zaro's asset in act two while you have will in the party and then you also have to pass a dc14 persuasion check to ask for a reward which is this sword so if you want this weapon you'll need to save the Grove right so that will doesn't leave and then you're going to have to make sure to have will tag along for when you're rescuing zaro's asset and since you can't fast travel or go back to Camp while you're in the mind flare Colony you basically have to fight Krick with Will in your party as well so it is a little tricky uh to get this this particular weapon if you don't have will in your party beforehand all right next up is a hidden summoning spell within the basement of sorceress sunry there is a hidden room containing a book called caution before the cely this book recounts the experience of a halfling forced to join the cely court when you read it you're given a scroll of beastial communion this scroll can be used to cast sights of the cely summon Dava this powerful companion has revivify help and wrathful smite along with a whopping 136 HP and if you have at least one level of wizard on your character you can of course scribe this scroll into your spell book allowing you to cast the spell by using a level five spell slot once per short rest which is amazing to be able to have this pet basically permanently and last the dance maab once you acquire the thite Codex while it's in your inventory of the same character that has the necromancy of th you can read the necromania Fe again and you'll be faced with a wisdom check if you manage to pass it you will learn the dance maab spell this spell is a level five necromancy spell that summons four ghouls to fight for you previously six however if you're Necromancer subclass wizard this spell is currently summoning five instead which is pretty awesome it's a very powerful spell that requires you to have gotten both the necromancy of the in act one and then the thite Codex in act 3 so it's actually really quite rare if you didn't know about these two items beforehand now in order to find the thite Codex you'll need to ascend rami's Tower by taking the portal in sorcerer sunri once there you'll see a curious set of furniture floating and glowing blue and you can actually jump down to the them and reach the middle floor you'll need to use Sea invisibility or find the elixir of sea invisibility on the outer ring of the tower to read the plaques which are invisible which detail which weave buttons do what and you'll be looking for a weave button that says Vault now pressing the wrong weave button can lead to activating pretty difficult to kill Arcane cannons so make sure you're pushing the right one pressing the Vault button teleports you there and you'll be looking for a door called ramith behind that door are three more doors and a puzzle you need to pass through the right sequence of doors to find a lever that will open the door leading to the thite Codex
Channel: Toyhouze
Views: 552,101
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: toyhouze, bg3, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate iii, us, crag spider, lump, chock, frank, cheeky quasit, quasit, fork, basket, shovel, minotaur, spore servant, glut, animating spores, hook horror, cambion, danse macabre, drider, quothe the raven, shadow lantern wraith, ettercap, phase spider, second marriage, deva, sights of the seelie, summon deva, intellect devourer, shadow lantern, gremishka, bulette, baldurs gate, minion, summon, pet, pets, kwazit, quote, raven, familiar, scratch, dog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 5sec (1025 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 07 2024
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