ULTIMATE Beginner's Guide (Xbox, PS5, PC) to Baldur's Gate 3

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balers Gate 3 has just launched for Xbox while  simultaneously snagging the game of the year   award so whether you're coming with a pending  steam winner sale the Xbox launch or just finally   getting around to playing balers gate can be a  big game to jump into time in this video today   I'm going to step you through a lot of the  more major Concepts within the game to help   you better understand them if you're a d and  Veteran you're going to really be able to hit   the ground running here but for some of you this  might be your first C RPG so we'll take this slow   if this is your first time I channel the way I do  things is by upfront the knowledge of my videos so   you can decide if it's the right one for you  so with that being said here's the subjects   we'll be covering today as it's kind of hard to  you know truncate an entire beginner's guy down   to one thesis but we'll be covering items combat  ability scores skills and proficiency advantage   and disadvantage classes multiclasses actions  and bonus actions party compositions buying and   selling to vendors and lastly some clothing  closing closing thoughts on how to approach   the game you can navigate to each one of those  subjects using the chapters and both the timeline   and the description but if none of those subjects  cover what you're looking for please feel free to   shut the video down and get back to enjoying your  first fora into the wild world wers gate before   you head out please don't forget to like comment  or subscribe each one of those things does help   me out in a huge way I currently have something  like 89% unsubscribed viewership on the channel   and that's a metric I'm trying to change this  year so every little bit helps if you need help   with any other subject in balers Gate 3 check  out my playlist linked below and at at the end   of the video has something like 40 plus videos on  the subject so there's plenty of things to cover   let's get started here on my ultimate beginners  guide for balers Gap 3 so to start us off let's   just go right into difficulty and I'm going to  be pretty brief about this because this is going   to come down to the personal individual and how  they want to approach this game are you really   not much for a challenge or to see RPGs kind of  overwhelm you and you just kind of want to see   what the narrative is all about you're going to go  with Explorer you want a balanced level of play in   the sense that things will be pretty much on your  level you're not going to be dealing with enemies   that are higher level than you that have loadouts  that are pretty on par with what you'll be dealing   with equipment wise in the game and you want to  just deal with a overall balanced game where the   the odds are not stacked against you keep in mind  if you have no DND experience balanced will be   pretty difficult for you in fact every difficulty  for the exception of Explorer will be difficult   for you until you get to level five that's when  the game kind of starts to give you a bit of a   power Spike so keep that in mind if you do jump  into balance and you're like man this game's kind   of hard right now it'll get better I trust me now  the last two difficulties tactician and honor are   truly for people that have either played balers  skape before or are very familiar with uh D and   D rule set if you know fifth edition really well  tactician should kind of come as a natural way of   playing the game because it's all about action  economy using your action and bonus actions   properly and ensuring that you get the most out of  every single um um turn for every single character   taking advantage of your environment and also  being wary of what an enemy's resistances are   to either mundane weapons magic things whatever it  is and then honor mode is tactician on steroids so   you're dealing with harder enemies your bosses  now have legendary actions now and if you're   familiar with the tabletop that just means that  at the end of every turn something will happen   every boss is that much harder also honor mode  is like an iron man meaning you will only have   one save if you die in honor mode the game gives  you you can keep playing you have um a save that   you can play at at will but you pretty much just  come back down to tactician as far as the game's   um relative difficulty is concerned honor mode  and tactician um will play very similarly for   the exception of that that pure save um I'm sorry  that that single save you can see right here it   shows you all those honor mode details and then  you have C cust which is pretty much the ability   to choose certain things like hey you know what I  don't have the Explorer level of enemy aggression   but give me the additional combat mechanics of  tactician and what that also means is uh monsters   that might have behaved One Way unbalanced will  have additional Armament or additional abilities   on tactician so just keep those things in mind  if you're going about this the first time my   recommendation is just to go with balanced enjoy  the game enjoy the narrative then come back on   tactician or honor mode I will tell you though  that honor if you beat it on honor you'll get a   gold D20 die skin which is kind of cool but those  are your breakdowns for the difficulty and a big   next step after you're choosing your difficulty  is going to be your origin now you can choose one   of the origin characters which are basically  the six characters that you get in the game   as companions and you'd play as them meaning you'd  be able to play as them 100% And you'd get special   access to portions of their story that you would  otherwise not get if you played custom or dark   urge now what I'm going to be talking about really  right here is both custom and dark urge the origin   characters are the origin characters you press  a button right here and it'll tell you all you   need to know about the character and you don't  you're not locked into their class you can roll   their class as soon as you unlock something within  act one you can roll all of the classes of all the   origin characters either if you're playing them  or if they are one of your companions so Gail I   can make him be a paladin if I want or I can play  him and change him to a paladin whatever I want so   uh don't feel locked in there anything but the two  characters you're going to think about pretty much   are your custom character and the dark urge custom  character is you're just playing the game whatever   it throws your way you're dealing with it on  your own terms it's completely as if you were to   approach a D and D campaign without any backstory  created for you other than the one you bring to   the table so when you play An Origin character  of custom please make a little bit of an RP for   yourself play something that you want to play  don't worry about your race your class anything   like that they're all all going to get you through  the game at a very great amount of difficulty and   a good amount of um I guess overpowered you  know there's no one that's really completely   terrible at this game all Races and classes are  are very very very viable but the darker on the   other hand is another way to play the game where  kind of think of it like the dungeon master has   a back origin or An Origin already in mind for  your character you will play through entirely   like a custom character but you will be dealt a  series of circumstances that will apply solely   to the dark urge background now the dark urge  background is very I don't want to say homicidal   maybe psycho you're kind of a bit of a psychopath  and you don't understand where these dark urges   are coming from and you're fighting them or you're  embracing them kind of falling into this murderous   Rampage or this sadistic nature or resisting it  and trying to push it away from yourself it's   entirely up to you which one you want to choose I  think if you play one then you should go back and   play the other after because playing the dark  urge will shut off portions of the game you   will kill characters that you have no control over  whether or not you kill them and it will then shut   off quests and vendors that's not that big of a  deal it just is an entirely different way to play   because the custom will be an entirely different  experience so please choose the one that's going   to be best for you if youve played balers gate one  and two play the dark urge it's going to be harder   but play the dark urge and maybe not even harder  it'll just maybe be a little bit more on the rails   I guess I will say but if you're just coming into  this for the first time and you want to just enjoy   every little bit of it you don't want anything  on the rails then play custom that's probably   the best way to summarize both statements now  as far as character creation is concerned I've   covered this in its own video so I'm going to skip  everything to talk about here with race subrace   class subass background all that I just want to  quickly say in this video like I said earlier   this is a single player narrative game don't worry  about the best don't worry about the minmax play   what you want if you want to be a Dr Paladin then  by all means do it if you want to be a halfling   barbarian then just go ahead and do it you want  to be a dwarf Necromancer do it there's nothing   on the internet that's going to tell you what to  play that is correct the only thing that's going   to be true is what you want to play so just have  at this it's a singleplayer narrative game like I   said before there really is no real wrong way to  play this trust me I've made plenty of videos and   talked about this and played this game way too  much to to tell you tell you a farce right now   but what I do want to just quickly talk about is  your background um try and again create a little   bit of a roleplay for your character are you  a former soldier who has kind of fallen into   some monastic order and become a paladin are you  some charlatan who has spent their ways kind of   um stealing from people and lying to people and  now has kind of turned their back on all that and   then has become a paladin are you a noble son who  has followed followed in his Father's Footsteps   and join a paladin order are you a folk hero you  know whatever it is create that background for   yourself because it will allow you to really enjoy  the the game in a lot of different ways and stick   with the that background's kind of roleplay  of decisions and you'll find that you won't   minmax your way through but you will ultimately  enjoy every decision you make when you're playing   balers gate having now talked about so many things  let's go over skills abilities proficiencies all   that action and to understand all of it we have  to start with a conversation about rols so you're   going to roll for everything in this game you're  going to roll for skills roll to attack thing   going to roll for an ability check so you'll see  Concepts that say attack roles ability roles skill   rolles and we'll kind of talk about them in the  respective locations and what have you but it's   worth noting that pretty much everything in the  game is going to be rolled or checked with a D20   die either you're going to physically see it in  front of you or it'll be just kind of behind the   scenes you'll see it in a combat log wherever it  is so to start this conversation off we're going   to talk about skill proficiency so every single  race every single class and then every single   background will have specific proficiencies that  they can take advantage of so if you see all these   checkboxes These checkboxes are what my race  and class combination can allow for choosing a   different class would maybe change what checkboxes  I can choose and each one of these skills has   a ability that it corresponds to so for example  Athletics here if you look right below Athletics   it says strength you'll see Plus 32 athletic  checks well what does that mean how does that   work well strength will govern a specific set of  skills in this case it would simply be Athletics   let's go ahead and look at Charisma my Charisma  right now is uh giving me a plus two to Charisma   checks which that means is all of the Charisma  skills which are at the very bottom of the screen   here I'll be getting a plus two two because of  that uh plus two to Charisma there and in addition   to that when I click one of these check boxes  I becoming proficient in it so that adds your   proficiency bonus so at the top of this screen  you'll see proficiency bonus right here and it   says your proficiency bonus is added to Ability  checks and saving throws against skills you are   proficient in making them more likely to succeed  it is also added to attack roles when attacking   with weapons you are proficient with increasing  your hit chance so from levels 1 to four that's a   plus two as soon as you hit Level five that plus  two becomes a plus three and as soon as you hit   Level 9 that plus two becomes a plus three I'm  sorry that plus three becomes a plus4 so it goes   from one to three to four at level one then five  than nine just to kind of recap that because I'm   stupid um outside of our skill proficiencies  we also have weapon and armor proficiency with   weapon and armor proficiencies you're adding  your proficiency bonus into any weapon roll   so you can see here simple weapon proficiency add  your proficiency bonus to attack rols with simple   weapons hovering over attack rolles a dice roll  that determines whether an attack hits a Target   the attack succeeds If the roll matches or exceeds  the target's Armor class don't worry we'll get   into that there's plenty of conversation about  that in bit and it's important to note that an   attack roll is not a damage role so first you have  to see if you actually hit the target and once you   hit the target then you would roll damage which  would be based off of your weapon and a number   of other things which we'll take a look at when  we look at equipment now outside of your weapon   proficiencies is your armor proficiency you have  light medium heavy and shields that's all four of   your armor proficiencies to be proficient in an  armor means this wearing medium armor since we   have a medium armor proficiency will not impose  disadvantage on your attack roles or prevent you   from casting spells disadvantage and Advantage  what they both mean is that you will roll to   die and take the higher of the two if it's an  advantage or two die and take the lower of the   two if it's a disadvantage which just tells you  right here uh you roll two dice and use a lower   value negated by Advantage guess what that is roll  to die and use the higher value so if you get lost   on any of these Concepts just simply uh take a  look at them and take and see what they can um   what tool tip what it how it describes it I don't  know how this works in Xbox I assume there'll be   a button that allows you to take a look at um  each one of these these highlighted uh figures   and then outside of that we've talked about skill  proficiencies we' talked about weapon and armor   proficiencies there is also a Proficiency in an  actual ability score and we're about to get into   that but you can see here for Charisma since I'm a  paladin I am proficient in it meaning that I will   add my proficiency bonus to any saving throw for  charisma what is a Charisma saving throw that is   something like okay someone casts I think charm  person Charisma basically anything that would   use your charisma to see if it if if it hits  you um an example further would be um strength   checks or strength saving throws and dexterity  saving throws certain abilities like maybe like a   fireball maybe a dexterity saving throw to see if  you can jump out of the way whatever it is you'll   see all those things but being proficient in it  allows you to get a flat bonus great so again this   would be a plus two because of our um Proficiency  in Charisma now let's talk about abilities so to   bring this back all full circle we go to ability  and ability is what you might think of is like   stats if you think of it that word from another  character from another game another RPG and your   ability scores start at eight this is the base  of everything and at eight you have a minus one   to every single check so what that means is if  I would to roll a strength check and I rolled   a 15 I'd actually get a 14 because of the minus  one after that right but we had two points here   this comes to 10 and it's a zero so that is no  penalties but no advantages basically 10 is your   real true Baseline of no bad things and every  two points after 10 we get one point added to   our respective ability check so 12 points into  strength makes four plus one check 14 is plus   two up to 16 which brings us up to plus three now  this can has different Maxes depending upon what   is modifying it but I believe the ultimate Max of  an ability score in the game is 24 and you'll only   be able to do that through additional items and  stuff like that don't worry about getting these to   the absolute Max just play the game and have fun  um I would say get them to 16 here in character   creation though depending upon the character  you're going to play so let's go through very   quickly what these ability points do strength is  going to be dictated towards any melee weapon for   the most part um there are then finesse weapons  which will then use your dexterity strength can   also dictate though your carry capacity and your  jump distance so these things do keep keep those   things in mind when it comes to the platforming  portions of the game where you have to leap and   find stuff but dexterity will determine your  damage with range weapons and finess weapons   which will use your dexterity over your strength  and also it will add to your initiative as well as   your armor class we're going to I'm going to give  you an actual concrete example of armor class but   for every plus Point here it says so plus one  to dexterity that's added to your armor class   assuming it can be added there's limitations  on stuff like heavy armor which will not give   you a bonus to your um uh Armor class to your  dexterity but you can see this over here plus   one to initiative plus two to initiative and plus  three to initiative and you're getting that from   that plus three to dexterity here and initiative  is a dive at is role at the beginning of combat   so if you roll a 15 everyone rolls a die and you  go in order of who H whose die roll is the highest   well yours automatically gets a plus three so  this can be very advantageous depending upon   the class you're playing Constitution is going to  dictate your hit points but it also will dictate   something called a concentration role which  is used for specific spells talk about that   in spell casting intelligence is used for wizards  and wisdom is used for clerics Druids and Rangers   lastly your charisma is used for bards paladins  Sorcerers and warlocks it also influences Trader   prices so higher Charisma roles will allow you to  get discounts at ADV vendors what's worth noting   is you'll have a primary stat which the game will  just outright tell you hey go ahead and put points   here into strength cuz you're a paladin you want  to use melee weapons well you are also a paladin   that needs its Charisma for specific attributes  or um specific things like their spellcasting   capabilities or any of their special uh class  specific benefits well that's all going to come   from Charisma well you're also going to need some  Constitution so you'll probably want to put that   up to a to a good number and you're probably going  to want a little bit of dexterity because you're   wearing heavy armor and I like to have wisdom at  10 so that way I can resist any of the things that   would otherwise uh control my character like hold  person and stuff like that any of the spells that   it is so if you wanted to play a paladin this is  what it would look like if you wanted to play A   Min Maxi type of Paladin but I can simply press  this button and you can see that this is not that   much different right it changed my Constitution  dexterity and that was it so use recommended is   not a bad way to play the game I wanted to explain  how these ability points work though so that you   understand them going into it and I also wanted  to show you what the difference between me someone   who is min maxed this to to a hole in the ground  and you who just wants to have fun with the game   right that's the difference it's a difference of  two dexterity and one Constitution so you yeah is   it it's better to have even numbers across the  board here because you get nothing if you're   at a uneven number 17 strength just gives me plus  three to strength checks having 18 strength would   give me that plus4 and there's plenty of ways to  get a single strength point in the game but if   you don't know what they are either weapon-wise or  you don't know what the Feats are in the game then   please just go with an even number make it easy  on yourself don't worry about it you're you're   not going to mess anything up trust me there's  there's plenty of there's plenty of ways to   mess up in this game and you won't do it here you  you can roll this all of this at any point in the   game that you want you can just simply Respec  your character by simply going to a character   that you'll unlock in the very first two hours  of the so this is not something to be kind of   locked in an analysis paralysis I just wanted to  explain how each one of them work and again the   last thing here to connect all these dots is that  they all correspond to specific skills right we've   talked about this but just to kind of reinforce  it intelligence for example will apply to there's   Arcana Arcana and history and investigation and  nature as well as religion you can see they they   all have they're all tied to intelligence or  animal handling and insight and medicine and   perception are all tied to wisdom your benefit in  those your ability bonus in those applies to this   skill so now we've talked about all this stuff in  character character creation let's talk a little   about some stuff that has to do with combat and  actions and stuff like that loading into the game   let's talk about Armor class because this is a  very important part of combat and how everything   works so bringing up our inventory we're going  to take a look at our character and we can see at   the bottom of the screen it says Armor class I'm  going to take this armor off of my character and   you can see that it is now 10 10 is the base  Armor class of every single character in the   game no matter what you then then add on to this  Armor class using your dexterity or you take on   the armor class of any armor you put on so if I  put this armor on my armor class is now 14 keep   in mind my dexterity is 10 so I only get I get  no benefit from my dexterity to my armor class   if this was 12 though my armor class would be 15  because it would add plus one to this and what you   should see here though is that the type of armor  reflects how much bonus you can pull from your AC   so for example the scale male of the Ancients is  at the very bottom here AC bonus from dexterity   limited to plus two now there are different ways  you can change that and mitigate that and do all   sorts of stuff with Feats and their special items  in the game but we're talking about just the base   principles so medium armor for all intents and  purposes no matter what it is will always be   limited to plus two for the exception of course of  spe special rare ones that will tell you otherwise   also you'll see a disadvantage on stealth checks  on this heavy armor now I'm going to put all three   of the armor types up here on the screen and you  can see each one light medium and heavy armor and   you see the armor class difference from each one  as well basically what the trade-off here is light   armor will will allow you to use the full bonus  from your dexterity so if you were to say have   16 dexterity it would add plus three to your AC  and you will not have any kind of disadvantage on   stealth checks medium armor takes a kind of Middle  Ground R you will get just a plus two to your AC   from dexterity and you'll probably still have  disadvantage on stealth checks depending upon the   heavy AR or the medium armor then lastly we have  heavy armor which will give you the highest amount   of raw AC as you can see here that uh our plate  armor is giving us just 18 armor clashes added   into the character but we get no bonus from from  dexterity you'll see that there are there those   trade-offs and of course there's the disadvantage  on stealth checks it's why I say if you're wearing   heavy armor just don't worry about your dexterity  because you can't pull a bonus from It Anyway   outside of your initiative there's one other  little piece to the armor class equation here   and that is your Shield those Shields if you can  wear them will just give you a flat bonus to your   armor class almost like a DEX right your dexterity  ads plus whatever well this is going to give me   plus two Armor class regardless of whatever armor  I'm wearing it will will always give me this bonus   and it will not give me any kind of issues when  it comes to stealthing what have you and keep in   mind just like the other armor classes the other  armor proficiencies if you are not proficient in   an armor you cannot cast spells same thing with  the shield you're not proficient in a shield and   you have a shield on you cannot cast a spell you  can have heavy armor on and be proficient in heavy   armor and you can cast wizard spells if you want  or vice versa putting light armor on and casting   whatever the hell else you want as long as you  are proficient in there's of course other ways   to add to your armor class through spells through  potions and stuff like that but this is just the   basics and how all this works and comes together  with all that though we now have your actions and   your bonus actions the main ways that you interact  with and control or damage or affect the world   and that is your action your primary action and  your bonus action for all intents and purposes   everything that you do will be done with these  even if you're not in combat you can go ahead   and press this button I don't know what it is on  Console unfortunately to enter into kind of like   a pseudo combat it's called turnbas mode from  here you can kind of gluth around stealth into   locations Mak things a little bit easier for  you whatever it is but this gives you an idea   of how your actions and bonus actions work without  jumping combat so if I click this button or select   it on Console this will show me all of the things  that I can do that require an action conversely   if I press this button it shows me all the things  I can do that require a bonus action things that   are bonus actions are typically stuff that using a  potion on yourself is a bonus action any most any   and all potions will do that casting some spells  are going to be bonus actions doing little tiny   things like jumping or dipping my weapon in fire  or shoving something something is a bonus action   then as far as our action goes there are the more  critical things you can do casting any of your   major spells that you can do any of your weapon  attacks your weapon actions that you get through   Proficiency in a weapon your major things like  dashing or hiding or helping someone up that's   been down or throwing something they're all done  with your action even so some things require both   for example if I'm dual wielding if I want to  attack with my main and my off hand it will use   both I can press this button right here and kind  of toggle that but for all intensive purposes most   attacks just used your action certain it'll even  tell you right here at the bottom the currency   that is being used to do whatever that ability is  so for example two here let's go ahead and look   at lay on hand lay on hands is going to require  an action and a lay onand charge so even though   we have our actions and our bonus actions we also  have these other little nodules that will give us   context tips as to what they're going to apply to  right okay I click this button well it's just the   can trips click this button well that's what's  basically you're clicking this and seeing what   uses this every single turn so a turn is basically  when this character activates and then when it   activates again that distance the time between  that and between everything else happening is   a turn so if I hover over this it says re where  there you go recharge once per turn replenishes   res resource your primary resource in combat  so in kind of conclusion here your actions are   pretty much every little thing that you can do  that's kind of major even just doing something   like taking things on and off can often times as  you can see right there be an action so I put that   back on it cost me an action to do so and that now  means I have to wait a whole turn before I can do   something so if your character gets disarmed and  you pick up your weapon that's all fine and good   that's not going to cost you anything uh but  to put that weapon back back on it's going to   cost you an action so your actions are kind of  your primary one the big one that you're going   to do a lot of your stuff with whereas the bonus  actions are usually things that are like Mobility   related even spells are sometimes they're more  mo mobility related like something like Misty   step which allows you to teleport is mobility  related um stuff like too like hex is a spell that   is a bonus action it's less of a direct damage  capability and more of like something that kind   of supplements you so just be mindful of this says  these are the two biggest things you're going to   worry about through the majority of the game and  as you get to level five well pure level five as a   specific uh character so for example a level five  Paladin will get extra attack meaning when they   use the attack action they actually attack twice  per action so all those things are very important   to know because actions and bonus actions will  occur outside of actual combat right like say   for example here I'm going to use jump and watch  this little triangle when I press this button that   actually would use my bonus action if I were to  jump if that were to jump me into combat so doing   that Dash would do the same effect so you want to  make sure that you're managing these before you   jump into combat so that you're not sit there uh  doing something and then jumping into combat and   go well why did I not have an action to use in  that combat it's cuz you probably did something   that burned your action right before you jumped in  into combat so your character couldn't do anything   so it's just important to kind of manage that  stuff especially if you're playing any kind of   Rogue character that was trying to sleuth around  and take advantage of um anything around them what   ever happened jumping a forward just a little  bit we now come into an actual combat so our   characters have rolled initiative which we have no  control over we cannot change or do anything about   it but we can see from this that our characters  here have gone and gotten the same role for their   initiative which is both higher than all three of  these imps allowing us to go first in that order   this will change throughout every single one  of your engagement it's never going to be the   same but in combat you can kind of get an idea of  what's going to happen and every time you see this   kind of twist around the borders right here at  the top I can use these characters simultaneously   I don't have to use them um sequentially so I can  go ahead even though it started on lasel I can go   ahead and use Tav right now and go do whatever I  want so be mindful of these things cuz this allows   you to say well you know what um this character  is a Melee character but I can get some really   good things off beforehand because I've got two  enemies that are split left and right to me and   I don't know where I want to send the character  well use maybe your other character that has a   range character or a Caster to deal damage to the  opposite Target to see where you go or maybe you   debuff a Target first before you sign in for an  attack whatever it is you can use these moments to   really line up the Big Al the strikes as they were  and In This Moment too you can see what's about   you on the battlefield kind of take a look around  you um you can on key on the uh what's this thing   called This is a PC I can press this button and  this gives me a it's O allows me to have a nice   good top down view again that's o on PC I don't  know what it is on Console but this allows me to   kind of better navigate what is around me and  there are some things to kind of note when it   comes to combat so I have set in my settings um my  measurement system like this it'll it'll be meters   for you you otherwise right but you can see where  your movement goes by this dotted line and as this   thing changes colors if I were to walk over say  anything that was like on fire it would show me   like hey this it's going to turn like bright red  in that little Split Second because you're going   to take fire damage if you go over that that  substance like this right here right here see   that how it changes its color it's showing me that  little bar you'll you have a possibility of taking   fire damage there be careful and as I extend this  all the way out it will turn that like reddish   pink right where it's like yep you can't go that  you don't have enough movement and this is further   reflected in the bar around end turn and see as  I drag this out it Shades that from that blue to   like more of that like teal right that more of  that like shaded in cuz it's showing me how much   it's taking up and movement to is very crucial  because you can move and do anything anything   you want and however you want to do it but you  just have to be mindful of how you're kind of   applying that movement do I want to really close  the distance between me and say this target well   I can dash cover more distance this turn double  your movement speed my movement speed if I hover   over this using PC it tells me 30 feet everyone  for the most part moves 30 feet until they get   more levels or if they're a Wood Elf that will  kind of be buffed up a Wood Elf will be start   40 ft or if you're a monk you'll get unarmed  unarmored movement and a bunch of other ways   it'll increase it but base is 30 for the most part  and I can press this button Dash and it'll allow   me to close this distance but I've just used my  action to do that right it says action Dash and   now I can't attack so I'm right up against them  unless I have a bonus action that can do the   attack so in combat you got to be really mindful  of how you're using those actions and bonus AC   how you're lining your yourself up for these hits  because it's going to make the difference another   thing too you can do with uh your action here and  in combat is throwing things and throwing things   you might that's not too that's not too cool dude  why would I going why am I going to want to throw   something if I never get it back well there are  things in the game that you will get back if you   throw them but mainly it's the ability to throw  potions you can take this potion that says 4 to   10 healing and you know what I'm a fighter I  don't not going to heal anyone as a fighter   but my Paladin's really beat up I can throw this  directly onto just ignore that disadvantage and   percentage it's always going to hit um You' throw  it and it would hit the target and heal them so   throw is something that can be very advantageous  to every single character in the game because it   allows you to get a heal out without using one of  your critical resources like a spell slot more on   that in the spell casting section this of this  huge guy but from this little this little area   here we can determine if we want to go do melee  combat using this weapon or we can press this   button and switch into range combat so you can  use either one on either character whatever you'd   like whatever uh fits LEL here is a is a master of  every single weapon right CU they're a fighter you   can use whatever you wish for whatever situation  and you can close the distance using stuff like   you know Rush attack if you're a fighter or if  you have Misty step like I talked about which   is a really cool spell that a lot of characters  can tap into and you can use these as you see fit   now one thing I do want to talk about too is if  I go ahead and move my cursor over here it says   provokes attack of opportunity and the game will  go through a lot of this stuff for you here but   I think it's important to understand how attacks  of opportunity really work attack of opportunity   basically locks you into the range of this target  if I hold down control you see that circle around   lasel that's basically my attack of opportunity  range anything that comes within range of my sword   is within my attack of opportunity once they walk  into that range they're pretty much locked there   unless they do something that would shut down my  attack of opportunity knocking me prone putting   me to sleep using the ability disengage Retreat  safely moving won't provoke opportunity attacks   now opportunity attacks are basically just a  free attack that they get against you there's   no special anything to it unless there's special  Feats applied or whatever it is but by and large   it's not going to be that deadly if they have  an opportunity attack it's when that this is on   perhaps a wizard who only has like eight or seven  hit points at the very beginning where that can   actually be pretty rough to deal with so you'd  use disengage to get out of those situations   it's important to note because this is how you can  also lock the enemy down take for example I move   over here with Lal this creature will cannot move  out of my opportunity range without taking damage   and that is crucial cuz it basically will the AI  will be locked into that and they'll they'll stick   there they're not really going to try to defy that  they they're they're very rarely will disengage   but you'll also see when moving into range  threatened an enemy is close has disadvantage   on ranged attack roles this also includes any kind  of ranged attack spell that I would like to use so   basically moving into close combat like this even  if I can't do damage still allows me to shut down   any kind of ranged uh play like this character has  a crossbow on them though you can't see it yet or   any kind of range spells they are impose imposes  a disadvantage on both parties I conversely cannot   use my bow and arrow right here because you can  see it says disadvantage and it even tells me   exactly why I have disadvantage underneath the  health bar to imp threatened disadvantage and   the same thing with that imp now another big thing  for combat is inspecting things or exam examing thing right click oh we will right click I don't  know what this is on Console I hope that it's   just a simple button for you guys um and I can  right click and press examine or since I'm on PC   I can hover over and press T that gives me all  of the stats of this creature hit points Armor   class race attributes initiative everything so  they all rolled to minus 21 this shows me when   their initiative is all that kind of stuff their  type it's a fiend size small that doesn't seem   important but it will come to be important later  in the game because you'll have spells that will   say hey you know what take less damage from  fiends or outright banish them whatever it   is and what's important from this screen is to  know what their Armor class is right so that's   a big one so I know that if I roll an eight in my  attack roll I'm going to hit this but I also get   to know what all of their stats are and that's  really beneficial for any spells that apply to   these um corresponding stats uh and I know like  okay you know what I'm going to cast a spell but   it's going to require a wisdom save well this  does not have a high wisdom I'm pretty sure   it's going to go off so you can kind of cater how  you address this creature you'll see any kind of   conditions that are applied to them through say  threatened like this or poison whatever it is   any kind of resistances and resistances will Happ  have the damage or they'll be outright immune to a   specific damage this res resistance will apply  to any mundane weapon like flashing piercing   bludgeoning or any element like lightning thunder  uh radiant poison acid light or fire ice all sorts   of things they can either be vulnerable to it  whether they will take double damage resistant   to it they will take half damage or immune they'll  take no damage and you'll see there little context   clues it's very very obvious which which is what  and the notable features are anything that the   creature just has persistently always on them they  always have dark vision they have devil sight and   they have opportunity attack I ah and do this on  T over here I can see all these notable features   that the character always has on so you see that  you get quite a bit of information by hovering   over pressing T and examining them and you just  kind of go through this process left clicking and   attacking your way to Victory and if if you  want more information on this you press this   combat log button I can see all right imp armor  class was seven my attack roll was a four plus   two for my proficiency plus three for my strength  holy [ __ ] just just barely going off at a nine   then I made a damage roll five plus 3 equal 8  I'm going to quickly talk about that cuz every   single weapon will have a damage roll on it now  youve got versatile weapons you've got one handed   weapons you've got two handed weapons versatile  means you going to be used either with one hand   or with two hand that's why you see these two  sets of dice here otherwise you would just see   this one set of Die this shows me one D6 so a  single six outed dice will be rolled and I'll   get a plus one to its bonus versus this a single  10-sided die will be rolled and I'll get a plus   three conversely if I had if I was using a shield  a single eight side of die would be rolled and I   would be getting a plus three compare this over  to Tav who has a versatile weapon as well right   you can see the difference between which Dy is  highlighted here uh between Tav and lasel you   can see the 1 d10 is highlighted and you can see  the 1d8 is highlighted so versatile means you can   equip again you can use it with one-handed and  equip a shield you can dual wield it doesn't   really matter but you can also take your Shield  off and use two hands just like that and then   from there you would do all of your damage get  getting any kind of modifiers from proficiency   strength whatever it is go ahead and apply those  damages after that attack roll but that coincides   with just combat and melee and everything like  that again too we we've used our primary action   here so we can do other things in these moments  and don't kind of sleep on your bonus actions   you don't go okay well all I can do is shove  here or or pomel strike that all seems really   boring shove is extremely important cuz you can  actually push someone into like a precipice here   like if I had enough movement and I could really  kind of like finesse this around you can see the   dotted Arrow of where this would go if I got  this right I could push this creature into   here and it would die out right and another big  thing with your bonus action like let's say I   couldn't actually reach all the way over here  well if I press this button I'm going to move   a little bit and then I'm going to jump to this  location so while I could not run this distance I've jumped over here and I still have six  more feet to come over here and do damage   and it doesn't matter where you place yourself  with this character you'll be able there's no   like oh I'm back here I do backstab damage or  anything like that not like that in this game   but just to kind of finish this off there we go so  this covers our combat our melee our actions our   bonus actions putting everything together here  let's talk a little bit now about spellcasting   another note too on combat here when you go into a  situation like this you have two characters paired   together and you've ended the turn on a previous  one if you've not ended both those characters   turns you can come back to this previous one  and you can see here at the bottom well I've   used lazelle's bonus action but I did not use  her primary action and I ended her turn well   we can cancel that end turn and still use that  primary action so if you've ended a character's   action and it didn't just jump to the next thing  in line you can kind of backtrack here and go I   made a mistake didn't mean to do that let me go  ahead and take advantage of that action that I   left undone and shoot this imp this allows you to  kind of uh Shore up any little issues oh you know   what I'll get the final little bit of walking  out we'll switch over back to her melee weapon   because if something moves within range and  moves out of range if the melee weapon isn't   equipped they will not use an opportunity  attack we then end that turn over here and so just another little tip for combat there that  you probably didn't know about that you're like   oh man I I I completely botch that you can  still sometimes Rectify it if you have two   characters bound together like this spellcasting  is another portion of balers gate that is very   wide and spanning and it is very important too  I'm going to go ahead and bring up our spell   book if you're on PC that's simply pressing K  uh but you can see here that we are looking at   Shadow heart she is the cleric and she has all  of her spells Wizards will scribe their spells   into their spell book using Scrolls that they  find Sorcerers will get their spells innately   and bards Rangers and Paladin will all get and  monks depending if you're a monk of four elements   or not will get their spells whenever they level  up now all classes will have different ways of   dealing with their spells warlocks as well will  get their spells when they level up um you will   put them into a spell book like this and you  can simply swap them out depending on the CL   ass so for example here a wizard can swap them  out a cleric can swap them out a druid can swap   them pretty much everyone else has to actually do  this on a level up and I might have missed one or   two there I maybe pal but still my point remains  be careful when you're doing your level UPS you   can simply Respec your character right but just  you use your Spellbook to swap these in and out   depending on the character but why we have this  up though is to talk about some other mechanics   you've got this right here which tells you your  spell casting ability and this applies to whatever   the spell is you can have a multiclass and a  bunch of different spell classing capabilities   I I did a whole video on this linked in the upper  right hand corner but for all intents and purposes   we are a cleric so our spell casting ability is  wisdom it tells us right there we then have our   spell save DC DC stands for difficulty class  basically it's whatever the enemy is rolling   against so you would say hey I'm going to attack  someone with a spell and this is the role that   I'm basically going to be using right so certain  spells require enemies to make a saving throw the   higher your spell difficulty class the harder it  is to resist your spell so right now if I were to   cast let's just say x spell then the enemy has  to beat a 13 or higher for their saving throw   or else that spell actually goes off so if they  were to roll an 11 my spell spell goes off they   were a roll of 14 they beat my spell save DC and  the spell goes off your spell save DC though you   can see right there at the bottom it's a base of  eight and then your spell casting ability is added   into this that is three because our wisdom is  high enough it says right there wisdom plus three   and then your proficiency bonus this will always  grow over time right once we hit level five that   number becomes um 14 because we have a proficiency  bonus of plus three once we become level 9 it now   will become 16 because our proficiency bonus is  plus four now you can just see this all truncated   right there if you wish like okay that three and  that two it's just right there you don't have to   hover over both you can look at this and go okay  cool it's said 13 because of the plus five got   it understood let's just go let's just go to to  now from that though we get some different ways   to look at this and approach this I'm going to  hover over guiding bolt guiding bolt will tell   me that it is an attack roll meaning a role that  determines whether an attack hits a Target the   attack succeeds that the role matches or exceeds  the target's armor class that is important range   attacks are subject to High Ground rules and have  disadvantage if you are within the melee range of   an enemy um and then the next attack will against  the target has Advantage so there is also a wisdom   save that is being done here so you can see that  there's a lot of different things for all these   like attack roll wisdom save attack roll wisdom  save have any more Attack rules here no I don't   think oh here we go um this is just straight up  a DEX save so usually what these are saying is   um you are doing this damage and the wisdom save  is what's going to basically determine whether or   not they're going to save against it or there's  a secondary effect and it's an attack roll it's   going to hit and then there is a secondary effect  that's going to kick in if they make that wisdom   save so you just hover over these to get that bit  of information and it's going to tell you how that   attack Works what it's taking advantage of as  far as the uh the spell casting ability might   be using all sorts of things so guiding bolt  your next attack roll against this target has   advantage and that lasts for two turns but if they  succeed this wisdom save then boom you know what   if the rooll H is higher than the difficulty  class the target resists the spell so there's   a lot of things that kind of go on with a lot of  spells and some spells Auto hit like magic Missile   will Auto hit no matter what uh they have to use  spell shield to reflect it away or whatever it is   and outside of that some spells will say this  concentration so the way concentration works   is you cast it I'm I'm even going to show it off  for you here let's go and put it on the [Music] character C it properly there we go so now it says bless and  concentration bless you'll see this right here   that notes that we have bless active bless lasts  for 10 turns so this thing's going to fall off by   the time I'm done speaking but what this means is  I cannot cast another concentration spell unless   I want bless to fall off if I were to cast let's  say Bane which is also a concentration spell it   will replace my character's concentration on  that spell so this is important because you're   going to have a lot of characters that have  overlapping different concentration spells   so using two concentration spells the game  will prioritize the most recent one cast so   for example if I were to cast Bane right now I  my character would auto shut off bless and cast   uh Bane instead conversely you can press this  little X to shut off that concentration and   another thing to consider here too concentration  will stay active as long as your character has   not been hit or the spell hasn't expired so in  10 turns bless expires but if my character gets   hit they make a constant conentration role which  is basically a constitution check unseen perfect   Caster needs to focus on maintaining the spell  they can only cast one conation spell at a time   and their concentration might be broken when they  take damage so if someone were to hit me all that   damage resolves and everything like that and then  I make a concentration roll which is based off of   my Constitution so I'd roll a D20 die and I would  say okay I got to go I got to if I roll um an 11 I   fail um so I got to make sure I I I beat oh sorry  I'm basically rolling against my Constitution and   I I want to make sure I I I get high enough if I  don't I screw this whole thing up and I failed my   Constitution right so you want to make sure since  it's a since a saving throw like that you want to   make sure that you're rolling it appropriately  you're not doing the roll the game does it all   for you so that's why High Constitution helps  you out or Constitution proficiency helps you   out in M maintaining your constit tion or your  concentration roles Constitution concentration   like I oh God they just get jumbled up in my  brain now the last little bit of information   I want to talk about with spell casting are  spell slots as you can see here uh for almost   all casters spell slots regenerate on a long  rest as opposed to a warlock which gets them   on a short rest and what you get here too  are basically a resource all spells of a   corresponding level will use that level's spell  slot but most spells that are say level one can   use a level two spell slot it sometimes Buffs  them it sometimes does not there's no concrete   rule on that um take for example bless if  I were to cast it with a level two spell   slot I doesn't get a buff to the to the to the  amount of uh bonus here but I can cast it on   another Target or some spells will just tell  you yeah there's no bonus to Casting it with   another spell slot it just allows you to cast  um with a spell slot you might actually have   a surplus of or whatever and that's important  because let's say I got ahead and just um let's just so now you can see they're gr out I am out of  level one spell slots I cannot cast them until I   do a long rest now in this scenario here in this  this little nautiloid ship I can't long rest so   there we go my spell SLS are regenerated and I can  go ahead and cast those spells you can click this   thing and it'll just show you what your level one  spells are and when you go up to level two 3 four   5 and six is an absolute Max you can click those  corresponding ones and it will show you what you   can do outside of those level spell slots though  is a cantrip now cantrips are Level zero spells   meaning that they can be cast as many times as  you want don't ever worry about their exhausting   us spell slot a spell that can you that does not  use any spell slots and can be cast at will every   turn I can go ahead and cast this I can go crazy  use all these can trips as much as I want it's   not going to matter it's not going to do any it's  not going to um affect anything so Hand trips are   nice because it basically gives your spellcaster  some form of way to be useful every single turn   if they're even if they're out of spell slots  and it's a nice way too to help you out in the   actual world right I can use guidance on any of  my roles to get a 1 D4 bonus to Ability checks   there's plenty of ways to use canant trips I just  wanted to really bring them up and it's also last   thing too here some spells will be actions some  spells will be bonus actions I have any bonus   action spells okay yeah here we we do healing word  for example is one that will use a bonus action   and a level one spell slot that is how you know  how all these spells kind of come together what   they're really kind of be going to be using how  they really kind of fall into each other and how   it all pulls in the same thing now outside of  your spells you have any kind of class actions   not to be confused with class action lawsuits  um that maybe your class just gets innately   say for example my Paladin has class actions of  healing Radiance lay on hands and divine sense   these are not bound to spell slots they're not  bound to anything and more often than not they   are bound usually to a short rest before you can  use them again or in some cases a long rest just   depends on what it is you'll have things which  is just everyone has access to this or you'll   have special stuff that is maybe specific  to your race so for example weapon common   and passive this everyone gets access to these  depending upon their weapon proficiency here for   some of the stuff but you know like these two  everyone's going to get as you can see M's over   here for Man attack um but then you'll see your  racial ones are right here in this section at the top reactions though are different reactions  respond to events and triggers even outside   of your turn you can toggle them on and or off  and whether they automatically Trigger or ask   for input this is important because you will be  dealing with a lot of things in this game that   will trigger reactions and reactions as you  can see is replenishable resource reactions   such as opportunity attacks are responses you can  have to events reactions can trigger both during   and outside of your turn an opportunity attack  is is the quickest and easiest one to give you   an example of but you press this little button  here and this little button this checkbox choose   whether the the reaction triggers automatically  or whether the game pauses for your decision   whether or not it clicks off uh you'll have items  that will trigger reactions spells all sorts of   abilities it's going to be very prevalent and then  you can click this and just shut it off entirely   so it'll never even ask you it'll never even  trigger Rea it's important to kind of know this   because reactions can only happen once per turn  it says recharge once turn per turn so if someone   moves within range of me triggers my opportunity  attack once they try to leave that range I use   it and hit them and another person tries to move  outside of range of me I cannot do an opportunity   attack on them it was once per turn I've used  my once I have to wait until my turn again till   I can use these so outside of our spell book and  everything like that just wanted to make sure you   knew about this stuff before going forward now I  know this is a beginner's guide but here's a big   strong beginner's tip when you're playing through  the nooid ship and you get to this part this is   the end of the nautiloid ship you're going to see  this guy this big flaming SW before you have gone   into this engagement if you go to your spell book  and make sure Shadow har has command on her spell   list you can go ahead and use this spell command  drop command a creature to drop its weapon on its   turn and do nothing else just to kind of give you  a little bit further into this this you can see   this lasts for one turn it's got a range of 60  feet and the character must make a wisdom save   now this guy doesn't have the highest wisdom at 12  but he still has decent wisdom if I click this and   I hover over we can see that it's probably going  to be a little difficult for this to kick off and   too if when we take a look at this we can see  all the resistances that we talked about before   right we see this character not only has fire  resistance but it's really going to be hard fire   damage haveed against this entity from magical  attacks is haved fire damage against this entity   from non-magical attacks is haved so this thing  is really not going to take a lot of damage from   anything right so if this had a little kind of  glowy box around it it would be completely immune   but I wanted to show off what resistances look  like and how we kind of take a look at these stats   but we're going to go ahead and press drop on this  character it might not happen right now we'll see   if I get lucky but I can get lucky too and have  that character drop his sword hey it worked holy   [ __ ] so we jump back over to my main character  who's within range of that sword I'm going to hold   down alt on my keyboard that's going to highlight  everything around me right so I can see what I can   loot what I can interact with I'm going to put my  cursor over ever burn blade and pick that up go to   my inventory this is the best two-handed weapon  you're going to get in act one bar none you'll   maybe get a replacement at the beginning of back  too but this thing will last you a long time cuz   you can see here that it does oops that it does  uh its normal amount of damage of two D6 which   is substantial plus an additional 1 D4 of fire  damage so if you're playing maybe a two-handed   paladin a two-handed um Barbarian whatever it is  this weapon is going to be very beneficial for you   and this is usually like kind of like a tips and  tricks video but it still helps to examplify a lot   of what we talked about I picked up that weapon  didn't cost me an action but I did equip it so it   did cost me an action and now I'm going to try to  run away from this creature it's going to trigger   this cut scene and it did not trigger its um uh  what's it called its opportunity attack because   it was just recently stunned and it came out of  its stun I'm lucky there but still regardless you   can see how I used the spell took a look at this  character's wisdom we just basically got that off   at 55% picked up that weapon and now we have  a su super strong weapon for the rest of the   game and it's going to allow us to push towards  the end of this ship now another big focus of   the game is on Inspirations and Inspirations  will basically give you a free roll to Ability   checks now you can just simply save scum you can  press F5 if you're on um PC to quick save and f8   to quickload in the middle of a conversation  to do a quick to to save scum I don't really   recommend that I mean you can you definitely  can't I've done it I mean but I'm just saying   I've noticed though that it kind of gamifies the  game and and it takes away a lot of the inherent   risk of doing any of these rpg-esque rolls so  with Inspirations though it gives you four Max   of four rerolls that you can do on any kind of  ability check maybe you're trying to pop up in a   lock maybe you're trying to disarm a trap maybe  you're trying to do a specific dialogue option   whatever it is you'll get these Inspirations these  Inspirations are dictated off of the background of   the characters you have joining you in your party  their background goals as you can if I click over   Soldier says you are trained in Battlefield  tactics and combat having served in militia   mercenary company or officer Corp show smart  tactics and bravery on the battlefield to enhance   your pros and what that's saying is it has to do  more with like your decision to deal with quests   or over come obstacles did you use maybe your  Brawn rather than your intelligence or rather   than you know something that is kind of siding  with the Divine or in service of others like   the acolyte would be folk hero which is saving  innocence and imminent danger will make you make   your Legend grow all these little things for all  the characters within your party will grow your   inspiration and once you get to four you're maxed  out there so you should be using them throughout   your campaign it'll tell you if you fail a check  you can use an inspiration to do the reroll but   it's something the game doesn't quite illustrate  how they really work for you so I wanted to bring   this up as a quick little uh primer on them  because you should definitely be using your   inspiration to push through a lot of the harder  checks you're going to have ability checks are   a big portion of the game and I've talked about  every little bit about the ability checks and how   they operate but I haven't shown off how they  actually work in in actuality when it comes to   your conversations so you'll see here what happens  when we're going to go make an intimidation check   this is a Charisma check for myself and I can see  that the difficulty class also known as the DC is   denoted right here I would click this button and  it's going to roll the dice for me but then i'   see at the bottom all my total bonuses right so  plus three for my Charisma and plus two for my   intimidation proficiency we also have bonuses that  can be added to our character from things like   Bic inspiration from BS or the guidance spell here  that is a cantrip from clerics Wizards or warlocks   and other I think bards even get uh friends well  actually I don't think warlocks get friends but   friends is another one that would get added into  here or Charm person there's all sorts of bonuses   that can be added into your dice roll but you can  only get one bonus from one character at a time so   we can do this and add guidance into our uh uh  total amount of bonuses it's worth noting here   this will say total bonus 69 sometimes you can get  a bonus that'll add an advantage remember like we   said Advantage is taking two die and rolling them  simultaneously whichever one is the higher is the   one you will take and it will actually tell you  if you decide hey you know what I'd like to do   an advantage here it'll tell you the total amount  of bonus so sometimes just adding flat bonus to   the dice roll is better than an advantage um I  guess typically the general rule of thumb that   I've heard for D and D players is that if you  can get bonus like a flat bonus like this and   Advantage it's the most advantageous way to  do a dice roll versus just two flat bonuses   um I'm not a big D and D player unfortunately um  also too quick side note lower left corner click   this button to change the die design if you wish  if you have any of the collector's additions and   stuff like that that can do this you would do this  in lower corner but we'll go ahead and roll this dice so we got a five dead on but now we got a  three and a two and this dice rolls for a plus   one so we succeeded the intim theh check here  now it's worth noting this is the most important   thing to know about this role if it is a one  it is an autof failure you get no bonuses so   if that difficulty class was a two and I rolled  a one all my bonuses would have given me enough   to succeed it but no matter what a one will  always fail in every single role in the game   but on the opposite end of that a 20 will always  succeed so you will encounter difficulty classes   that'll save 30 or some sort of stupid High number  if you don't already have a bonus that's going to   bring you up to 30 just simply rolling a 20  say simply uh rolling a 20 would give you a   critical success which is contrary to number one  is a critical failure and you will automatically   succeed whatever the difficulty class no matter if  it's 500 or if it's two you will always succeed so   that is how your actual ability checks come  into fruition here in the game but if I were   to fail this it would say right here inspiration  you'd click it and it would redo the whole screen   prior to this and you roll the die again but I  really wanted to show off how these checks come   together in the actual game so we've done a bit  of combat we've roughed ourselves up a little bit   at the left side of the screen some characters a  little more be up well you can use healing potions   to heal yourself which here or you can go ahead  and press this button and do a short rest if you   have a Bard in your party they've got the uh song  of rest if you have a cleric a level two spell is   the Prayer of Healing which is a basically like  a healing from a short rest but you'll see here   short rest twice a day you can restore 50% of your  hit points warlocks restore their spell slots also   if you have anything such as this reaction that  says short rest a little recycle um thing button   whatever that is right there recharge all those  abilities are going to get turned back online so   short resting is very crucial because it allows  you to not have to go back to Camp which is our   long rest so you can use camp supplies to regain  hit points spell slots and short rests so you have   these two short rests before you have to go do  a long Rest Long rests I'm going to go ahead and   press this button it's going to end the day for  us well no I don't want to I don't want to end   the day but you'd press this button we'll just  go back to the camp there we go the button below   it just sends you to Camp without doing the rest  and you'd go and use this let's see what this does   and it would tell us to end the day we would use  our camp supplies everything here would turn to   nighttime and it would further narrative portions  of the story so maybe you have a specific romance   that you're doing with a character or maybe you've  talked to someone in a portion of the game they   said well I'll see you in your Camp that's when  you would see them so long rests are still very   important to the narrative and there's the only  cost for a long rest is camp supplies which you're   going to have in Spades so don't feel like going  and doing a long rest is a bad thing or it's going   to slow down the pace of the game or anything  doing long rests furthers a lot of the really cool   stories you're going to interact with in this game  and I encourage you to do them as much as you'd   like because it allows you to really see each and  all the details of everything in between let's go   back here press this button to leave camp and  we'll go back to where we were in the field and   we'll go ahead and press a short rest get people  healed back up let's talk now about leveling once   you reach the max amount of experience for a  required location You Can level up let's press   this button and we can see the level up screen  so the character will tell us hey you're level   two now what do you want to do now that you're  level two you'll see all the things that you   get by hting that new level health class action  spells any kind of passives anything like that   any fighting styles any new spells whatever but  you'll also see in the upper right hand corner of   this screen this little cross that is AD class so  this is how you multiclass this is how you spice   into the direction of adding more classes into  your existing class so you've got two different   types of levels your character level which you can  see right here level two your character level is   the combination of all of your class levels so  our class level is one Paladin and one barbarian   equaling two is our overall character level  and you can spice into any direction you want   this will give you proficiencies this will give  you scale uh skell skills from specific classes   you'll get all sorts of things that gets kind  of flavored into your character and anything   you gain as far as proficiencies you'll see over  here on the right side of the screen it'll just   pop up it'll tell you um and then anything you  get as far as any kind of spells or abilities or   features or actions it'll be under here in this  location you can press details this will also   show you all that stuff right there as well and of  Pop through them it is worth noting though I have   chosen Paladin Paladin starts with heavy armor and  fighter starts with heavy armor these are the only   two classes in the game that natively start with  heavy armor for the exception of Ranger if they   choose a specific favored enemy in Ranger Knight  or cleric if they choose a specific domain such as   life light and war and Tempest I think yeah yeah  yeah and Tempest oh light doesn't get life does   the Tempest war and light and nature they all get  heavy armor so if you don't have those to start   with cannot add heavy armor typically what I mean  by that is if I started as a warlock and I said   you know what I want to be a warlock that wears  heavy armor so I'm going to add in fighter well   if I start it as a warlock fighter will only  add medium armor to me you have to start as a   fighter and go into warlock heavy armor is just  one of those weird ones that depending upon the   class you take and what combination doesn't add it  into your character unless like I said you go with   the favorite en of Ranger Knight for Ranger or a  specific subclass domain from cleric it's it's one   of the only they're the only two classes that will  give you Heavy Armor after they're not starting as   a heavy armor class it's just a kind of a weird  proficiency thing that I did want to bring up so   again if you want to be a wizard or a sorcerer or  a warlock or a monk or a Bard or a barbarian or a   druid that wears heavy armor you have to start  as someone who wears heavy armor or multiclass   into cleric or r Ranger to bring heavy armor into  the character multiclassing a druid into a fighter   will not give you heavy armor but this is how  you would multiclass and you would simply select   whatever you wish to add into your character at  whatever Point you'd want to do that then you'd   simply press accept and they would get all the  benefits that you decided to multiclass into now   another big portion of of balers gate is going to  come down to your party composition and I don't   really have anything to show off for this screen  I'm show you the camp and this is more of an ethos   or a way of playing or a style of playing and I  don't want you to get hamstrung in the analysis   paralysis of having like say the typical RPG  uh Trinity right of a damage dealer a tank and   a Healer you don't need that in balers gate you  really don't even need that in fifth edition D and   D A lot of people actually tell you that healing  is really bad for Action economy if you want a   Healer then do it if you want to play a party that  does not have a cleric and doesn't have have any   healers then do it you're going to be just fine  like I said you can throw potions at people and   that heals them your character can qua potions as  a bonus action and it heals them there are plenty   of ways to heal your character so don't get caught  up in like oh man I I got this this composition   idea with like a fighter a barbarian a rogue and a  wizard but I won't have anyone to heal that's okay   you've got tons of potions you've got I don't know  the fighter has a heal on their own your wizard   has tons of ways to mitigate damage Barbarian has  got just a disgusting amount of Health to begin   with and your Rogue can just kind of poop into  smoke and go all over the place there there's   plenty of ways to navigate the game without a  Healer so I just don't want you to jump into   this as the first time and go all right well let  me make a cleric let me get a paladin let me get a   rogue and let me get a wizard and just go about it  and if you want to do that that's a perfectly fine   viable party I just don't want you to get lost  in the sauce of that and go okay well I got to   have these furthermore too the one thing I would  say your character your class your party whatever   does need is someone who has a good slight of  hand skill this can be a Bard it can be um a   character that is a paladin that has the slide of  hand as part of their background like a charlatan   or a thief uh you can sit you can jump into a  rogue who's got it my Ranger had it when I played   through the game I didn't even use any other  character other than my Ranger to pick locks and   disarm thing so while it is not necessarily bound  to a single class it is a single skill I think   you should focus on because picking locks in the  game is nice you can destroy any lock chests and   it does not destroy items though that's a crucial  bit of information where it does do that for other   crpgs like bers Gate 1 and two and Ice Dale one  and two you can destroy anything that's locked   if you really want to but uh disarming traps and  picking locks can be very very advantageous so   just make sure I'd say you you have one character  that can do that other than that make the party   comp you want to play with there's minmax ones to  do this there's most OP party comps I even have a   video with that exact title ignore it if you don't  want to play with that party comp play exactly how   you want with whatever origin characters that you  want to play with because they're so fun and so   diverse and it encourages replayability into  the game you can swap out different characters   at different points in the game if you feel like  that's the one that's better fit for them like oh   you know what you're in act two and there's  a lot of nature stuff so I'm going to bring   the Druid character with me or you know what  you're in act three and there's a lot of like   weird things that coincide with the Starion so  I'm going to bring him with me for this act you   can do that or you can just stick with the same  party play the game however you want spent your   money on it don't worry about the comp there's  to go about this one of the last subjects I want   to talk about here though is your vendor your item  management all that kind of stuff so taking a look   at our inventory I've jumped over to another  one of my characters my monk specifically you   have the ability to move things around as you see  fit you can organize things by pressing this sort   by button you can search for things if I type in  health or heal there's my potions of healing close   that filter out you've got all these ways that you  can manage stuff I can left click here hold down   shift if I'm on PC and do that move a cluster of  got lots do this and right click and I can send   this to a specific character so you know what the  person who holds all of my let's just say arrows   I'm going to send this to this character there it  goes it just right click and sends it right away   to them and from here too I can do another thing  called add to Wares so if I click this let's shift   click all the way through right click I'm going to  see add to Wares I unfortunately I'm sorry I don't   know what that is like on Console but all these  little symbols pop up shows me that it's in the   we and we're going to show you what I can do with  this so we're going to talk to Aaron here need   anything else trade so I can go ahead and switch  this at the top between trade and barter trade   just allows me to just sell my Wares or just sell  things outright so I can go ahead and just press   this button and it's sold or press this button and  it sells all my Wares conversely we click this and   it offers me the capability to barter so you know  what hey you know what I really want this dagger   at the bottom demand value is 40 and I'm offering  nothing so I can press the little scales and it   will just simply put the 40 gold I've got and  we're good to go go ahead and move that but if   I want to add a bunch of items and maybe you're on  PC you're like oh man I'm going to drag these all   one at a time just simply double click them double  click add them all across that way you don't need   drag and heard your finger doing you've got all  that and that would allow you just to Simply put   everything put it everything in there now outside  of that though and you also have these filters too   I should probably say that a buyback filter too if  you need that um outside of that is the standing   of this character over here in the lower right now  I can cast friends on this and this gives this guy   like 100% disc account it's not free it just he  has the cost of everything for the most part and   if I hover over this it tells me the cost lower  right hand corner right so let's just look at one   item in specific this shovel cost three uh you  know what I want some a little bit more so it's   a little bit easier to see what the discounts like  we'll go with this Goblin cimitar cost me 75 right   because I don't have a discount associated with he  doesn't really like me doesn't really have a any   kind of discount here for my charisma nothing of  the sort I'm going to go ahead though and give him   some money I'm just going to donate it to him now  I do not recommend you do this with every single   vendor you come across in fact I think only very  few vendors are worth doing this for example in   the very first location you get to the emerald  Grove if you are not going to be evil doing this   to d d m m o n I'll show show you where he is  on the map will allow you to have a discount on   a vendor that will be existent throughout all  of the acts of the game as long as you're not   an evil playthrough so just kind of be mindful of  that you don't need to do this with every single   character there might even be some things that you  just don't want and the inventory of these vendors   will reset upon two things one you level up or two  you do a long rest so some item or some stock here   that you're like you know what I I really wanted  a hand crossbow but it doesn't have a damn hand   crossbow go to a long rest and hand crossbow M pop  up get another level and you'll get better items   accessible by this character up into a point like  it won't just it won't just grow into an infinity   and you can get the best gear on the first level  um uh uh person here vender but just to show you   what this does and this amount of gold for the  discount amount will vary depending upon your   level uh I think level one to get 100% all the way  over this little bar all the way over it's like   400 gold so we're level four so we'll say 737  donate these items yes okay cool so we're just   shy of 100 attitude but it still gives us a 23%  discount this Goblin Scimitar which was 75 gold   is now 61 so that's just kind of a bit of a trick  of the trade I wanted to show off and talk about   you can use this the cant trip friends just keep  in mind if you're on a harder difficulty they'll   get pissed off at you they'll be like whoa whoa  whoa you trying to enchant me buddy what you put   in my drink like they'll get upset but if you're  playing on balanced or Storyteller mode whatever   the B the base one is they're not going to M  they're not going to mind at all unfortunately   don't have a character who has friends that I  can see I do not but that character Damon that   I was talking about will be right here on the  map if here's the emal Grove when you come in   you're right here I go cck over there there'll be  a little tling that is over here in this you can   go ahead and take advantage of giving this guy  over here a really good uh attitude towards you   he'll give you good discounts and he'll be there  for all three of the axe and it's a great way to   take ADV but vendoring and item management and  selling is a big portion of this game and I don't   think it really gives you a ton of information  on how to really take advantage of it to the   most of your capability you can also if you're if  you're kind of a a Trixie devil you can do a lot   of stuff like stealing from them which a lot of  people do I don't really play like that but you   definitely can like you can use one character  to like okay I'll press this guy we're talking   well press character selected lower left here  switch to a Starion use my rogue go into sneaky sneaks and pickpocket him oh you know what let's  just try to take some of this off and that and   this I don't know I'm just clicking items press  the steal button hey we succeeded so we stole   those items right so or that item so just to kind  of show you here that you can actually steal once   you've sold or done other things there's  plenty of ways to kind of interact with it   that's a super cheesy way to do it but still  I wanted to kind of illustrate that I have a   whole guide on stealthing and stealing and and  ambushing and assassinating and all that but I   wanted to explain that as this section cuz people  will bring that up in the comments I'm sure about   that it kind of brings our video here to a close  we've covered a lot of the major Concepts within   the game you know we've covered combat we covered  how to multiclass how skills and proficiencies and   ability checks and spell slots and spells and  cantrips and vendoring and all these things and   how they work and there's still more stuff I did  not cover in this video but hopefully this gives   you a really good idea on how all this stuff  really kind of comes together and you're going   to be discovering a lot of this throughout the  rest of your gameplay and experience and don't   worry about taking it slow you're going to  fail through some of it you're going to save   scum through some of it don't worry about that  I said it's a single player narrative game enjoy   yourself through this experience because it is  truly one of my f favorite person like I've been   playing video games since I was like six this is  personally one of my favorite video games I've   ever played I grew up on like Ultima Online man  I'm from I am from the Crypt but my biggest bit   of encouragement to you play the game as the  dice's role try not to save scum if you can   if you do who cares I do it I do it all the damn  time if you really don't want an outcome for your   story then just save scum you know have fun with  your with your experience this game because it's   very rich and you'll only have this experience  once the first time right and even then when   you go to replay this game there's going to be  a lot of [ __ ] you miss you're like oh man I'm   going to experience a lot of stuff for the first  time all over again so have fun enjoy it try to   stti with the decisions you've decided for your  character and the role play and how the game kind   of unfolds before you you know maybe failing  a role on your first playthrough is going to   be so much more fun when you come back to that  point but now you're a dark urge character and   that whole point is way different now because  you've colored the game in a different way so   have fun enjoy yourself if you have any questions  or anything like that you need help with go ahead   and let me know in the comment section below as  I've said I've got like 40 plus videos that's not   even hyperbole a link at the end of this that  should help you out in jumping into any of the   characters a bunch of different builds bunch of  specific mechanics you'll find that in the end   of the video the upper right corner all over the  place you can jump into that playlist and two if   you are a veteran watching this video kind of  wanting to see oh what did this guy even talk   about help people out in the comments if you see  someone that is struggling with a certain portion   of the game um tell them how you got through  or what you can do to help yourself in these   situations or if you have any general tips  just let it be known in the comments section   below but as always guys thank you so much for  watching here today have a good one and take [Music] care
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 160,063
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ULTIMATE Beginner's Guide to Baldur's Gate 3, baldurs gate 3 beginners guide, baldurs gate 3 guide, beginners guide, baldurs gate 3 tips and tricks, baldurs gate 3 beginner tips, bg3 guide, baldurs gate 3 starter guide, character creation, bg3 beginners guide, baldurs gate 3 class guide, baldurs gate 3 beginners tips, bg3 beginner guide, bg3 beginners guide xbox, bg3 complete beginners guide, bg3 beginner, bg3 beginners guide ps5, bg3 beginners guide pc, bg3 getting started
Id: XIzSN4kqo6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 49sec (5089 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 09 2023
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