Subclass Tier List for Baldur's Gate 3

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getting started in balers Gate 3 means you're  going to invariably fall down a rabbit hole of   which subass you should be choosing for your  first or maybe eighth playthrough of the game   of the year in this video I'm going to go over  my breakdown of all the sub classes in a tier   list now this is your first time on my channel  the way I do things here is by UPF fronting the   knowledge of my videos so you can decide if it's  the right one for you so with that being said the   entire tier list I'll be covering is linked in the  description what I will say up front is that the   way I'm approaching this tier list is as a pure  12 l class breakdown zero consideration here of   multiclassing uh which would drastically change  this list because multiclassing is truly the kind   of more Superior way to build out a character  and more often than not outclasses any 12 pure   levels but we're just kind of talking about the  uh pure merits of that class with as little of a   discussion about gear as possible also this list  is entirely based off of my anecdotal experience   so please don't feel like you are playing the  wrong sub class or anything like that you can   beat the entire game with the Arcane trickster  if you want without zero issue remember your   character is one amongst a group of four so you  just supplement the weaknesses of one class with   the strengths of another please play the game  how you want this is a single player narrative   game so don't listen to any content creator game  publication website or Reddit for how you play   your game the best subass in bers skate 3 is the  one you enjoy playing the most so take a look at   the list see if you agree or disagree and then  just jump ahead to any part of the video that   interest you the most using chapters in both the  timeline and the description I've broken It All   About by tier here that's the entire breakdown of  the video though so if that's all you want to know   then please shut the video down and get back to  enjoying the game before you head out please don't   forget to like comment or subscribe each one of  those things does help me out in a huge huge way   if you need help with any other subject in balers  Gate 3 check out my playlist linked below and at   the end of the video let's get started here on my  subclass tier list video for balers Gate 3 so to   start us off we're going to go into the D tier  and just pretty much build this from the ground   up and remember everything in the D tier is not  unplayable it's definitely playable you can beat   the game you're not going to have a problem it's  just what we're really looking at is how does that   subass stack up to maybe the two or depending  on you know if it's a cleric or a wizard it's   way more than two but how does it stack up to the  other sub classes that that class offers and are   those sub or is that subass cool in bg3 compared  to say D and D fifth edition like we look at the   Arcane trickster the Arcane trickster plays just  so much better in the fifth edition DND because of   how Mage Hand Works and we'll talk about that  in a little bit here so um starting us off in   D tier is the wild magic Barbarian and with the  wild magic Barbarian you do get some interesting   situations um and the big thing that's going to  be characteristic of both the wild magic Barbarian   and the wild magic sorcerer is wild magic and  basically this is a feature in which when you   go to do a specific something a lot of random  things will occur and and with the wild magic   Barbarian a lot of those somethings are usually  a bonus action that you have to use so that kind   of that does mess with your action economy which  I I'm not really a fan of and the way that wild   magic works too is that rage instantly causes a  randomly rolled wild magic effect some of these   effects can be activated every subsequent turn  as a bonus action like I said that bonus action   economy eats away other things you could possibly  do and I will say that the wild magic Barbarian as   far as the wild when it comes to like compare it  to the wild sorcerer it has far more positive than   good things I would say but I think that overall  there's not a reliable amount of things that you   can do so you results it results in like kind of  like ah a little bit of a lackluster play style   where you're like well I can't rely on what I  wanted to do with that wild magic ability because   it didn't occur now the big thing I think the wild  magic Barbarian does have going for it is at level   six gets the ability to bolster magic allowing  you to recover these spell Slots of allies or   give them a bonus to attack and ability checks  and that's actually kind of really cool so as far   as a a straight 12 levels go into this Barbarian  class I'd much rather choose Berserker or wildart   it does have its places as a kind of spell slot  battery but I think better things can be chosen   for the Barbarian our next class to slide up into  this spot spot is the trickery domain cleric now   cleric is a pretty damn strong class all the way  around and trickery domain is what we get for   shadow heart but with the trickery domain it's  a little weird we get blessing of the trickster   which helps it advantage on stealth checks invoke  duplicity which gives your allies advantage on   attack roles against creatures that are around the  little duplicity thing you create but this assumes   again as far as a a pure 12 levels all the things  that you can do are are are not that awesome you   do get a Divine strike poison but as far as the  cleric goes you don't really get enough support   abilities from this domain that really lend itself  to being worth it I'd rather choose any of the   other domains which give me so much more party  utility so much more personal damage ability or   so much more healing than the tricker trickery  domain which really kind of augments stealthing   characters and you're probably not going to have  a whole CL a whole party of stealthing characters   which you definitely can that's a pretty cool way  to play but I think that the trickery domain just   kind of falls on its ass unfortunately following  us up is the elder Knight now the ELD Knight is   probably as far as like overall kind of breakdown  of character goes it's one of my favorite I I love   an elder Knight but the Elder Knight in balers  Skate 3 Falls a little flat we get weapon bond at   level three which allows us pretty much to throw  a weapon or do whatever it can't be disarmed but   our spellcasting ability is intelligence so we  now need to put points into intelligence for   our ability score which can be a little rough and  tumble we do get abjuration and evocation spells   from the Wizardry School which could be pretty  cool but Elder Knight needs a multiclass if you   don't multiclass you just have a lot of kind of  lackluster spells and lackluster spell slots and   that's the big problem here if you were to put all  12 levels into your um what's this thing called   eldrich Knight then I think the max level that  you get here is something like uh I'm looking at   I'm looking at another screen um level two spell  slots something like that maybe level three if I   can yeah just just level two and that kind of is  not the best thing for me you know I I yeah it's   only up to level two and I'd rather have much  higher level spells by jumping into even just   a wizard multiclass with abjuration which makes  the Elder Knight stupid strong uh level 10 ability   when you hit a creature with weapon attack it has  a disadvantage on its next saving throw against a   spell you cast before the end of your turn that's  kind of fun to kind of work things around or the   way that canant trips work with um your War magic  all really cool abilities but I would just even I   would even rather go into Champion than stick  with eldrige Knight because I just have such a   lackluster spellcasting capability and in that  same vein let's talk about the way of the four   elements monk now the way of the four elements  monk is really cool too again it's funny that some   of my favorite versions of some of these classes  are the D tier my personal monk playthrough is a   uh four elements Monk and the for allance monk  is actually pretty cool but the problem is it   just doesn't as soon as you're out of key points  you're immediately just a open hand monk that   doesn't have its bonus actions so as far as the  longevity of the character throughout a prolonged   fight it can be a little rough and tumble right  you have a lot of ways that you can regain your   key points but the either have to not be in  combat you have to have special items whatever   it is but you can get some really cool stuff here  as far as their abilities go they get something   like shaping of the ice which they just summon an  ice cube a climbable ice cube it's pretty God God   damn cool and their abilities are for the most  part just wizard spells that are in a special   monk form uh like sweeping Cinder strike is just  burning hands um and they do get better versions   of these but I think that in order for the way  of the four elements monk to kind of really come   online you have to either augment its spellcasting  ability or its combat ability with another subass   so it does require a lot of multiclassing and it  doesn't really stand strong on its own bringing   us to another class that doesn't stand strong  on its own is the Arcane trickster now I really   like the Arcane trickster too it's a really cool  capability it's a really cool kind of um uh uh   concept but the abilities that you get from the  Arcane trickster are very similar to the Elder   Knight where you are just you're very limited in  the amount of spells you can get access to um I   believe it's illusion and enchantment spells  and it's just the same exact issue you have to   now put points into intelligence so that you  can get that online for the Arcane trickster   just like the Elder Knight you're only going  to have access all the way up to um level two   spells and your Mage hand is not as good as it is  in tabletop your Mage hand's supposed to get cool   abilities which it doesn't really get them um it  lasts longer that's cool but it can't do all the   many Myriad of things that it can do in tabletop  like a can here in balers Gate 3 which kind of   again just kind of sucks and you don't really get  any pure aggressiveness from your abilities you   do get special wizard spells for both the Elin and  the Arcane trickster that are that are outside the   two schools purviews of Enchantment or Illusion  so you can get like scorching Ray but you are   also a rogue or you're also a fighter so you're  going to kind of take away from what you can do   as that class to invest in a scoring Ray ability  to do that damage to get your intelligence up so   the Arcane trickster requires again another  class to really feel like you're really doing   something with this class we talked about wild  magic Barbarian to open this section up well now   we're going to have a conversation about the wild  magic Sorcerer And The Wild magic sorcerer is is   very fun and it's very cool because you have such  chaos to all of the spells that you're casting you   don't know are you going to wipe the party are you  going to turn someone into a a rabbit or are you   going to get a stupid amount of Buffs on all of  your spells so you you do have some crazy stuff   with that there's only one item in the game that  that can um augment your wild magic and I think   that kind of makes for kind of a little bit  of lackluster the the game the the game of the   wild magic sorcerer is playing the wild magic  sorcerer do you explode in healing do you get   an action surch do you fly or do you polymorph uh  someone and transform into a beast it just doesn't   it just depends on what's going on but I think  why they put this a d compared to the other two   is the other two sorcerer sub classes are just  so strong and on top of it too I would probably   never play Wild magic in honor mode the new Iron  Man mode that they added to balers Gate 3 cuz   it just just adds way too much variance and too  much chaos to a mode that I cannot um reload if   something happens so wild magic unfortunately sits  at the bottom now for our next three they are all   of the wizard school so we have enchantment and we  have conjuration and we have illusion and they all   suffer from the same problems all the abilities  that you get from them on levels like three six   nine damn that [ __ ] is fine or whatever the  other spells abilities you get at whatever they're   just very lack luster conjuration doesn't make you  any better at Conjuring or summoning anything it   just makes it so that you can you get a cool kind  of teleport and you have unbreakable concentration   um on your Con on your conjuration spells God  too many shuns too many nouns um illusion and   enchantment have a lot of the same things going  for it so there's just not enough of a bonus to   take any one of those three schools over the other  four schools or yeah what is it one two three four   five schools that either do more damage or augment  those spells in a good way or even just better at   being a good supplement like transmutation school  so that's why all three of these sit in D because   they just don't really help now of course you it's  still cheaper to scribe any of that respective   schools spells as a wizard but again I'd rather  just choose any of the other five schools so   that's our D tier let's jump into C tier now so  I think it's kind of easy for people to look at   something in a c tier and think oh God that's a  c tier thing that's not good and it really CTI   is just performing average it's doing what it  should do it's fine on its own doesn't get that   much better doesn't really get that much worse so  don't look at anything on this list as like ah God   it's just terrible not the case it's just that it  performs exactly as it should for the character   and that subass starting with the College of Valor  now the College of Valor differs from the College   of swords and we'll lure for that matter of course  but the College of Valor is the other Marshall   College for The Bard now with the College of Valor  you are going to change your Bic Inspirations to   become combat Inspirations and now you can buff  up your party in combat with those Inspirations to   help out their combat roles the College of Swords  uses their baric Inspirations to do damage and   augment their own personal capabilities so that's  why the College of Valor kind of sits there as   this character that is truly a not necessarily  Frontline defensive character but it's more of   a melee support character versus the College  of swords as a melee damage character and the   College of lore is definitely more of a Caster of  of the of the of the three um colleges so I think   that the abilities of the College of Valor are  great they can be further augmented by a lot of   really cool subass combinations but I think just  playing a college of Valor Bard is a great way to   be a strong melee support for the whole entire  party and have a lot of cool skills not as many   as the other ones but still a pretty overall  solid character the champion for the fighter   is another really solid subass but it doesn't  really have a lot of spice to it and I think   that's the unfortunate thing about it you do get  a lot of really cool abilities with it but those   abilities aren't active things per se that you can  really take advantage of in the sense that you're   not going to be using cool spells or abilities or  class actions anything like that the biggest draw   that the champion has is that as soon as you  choose Champion you can choose to or you don't   choose it's just part of the champion um your  crits happen more often because standard whenever   you roll your die right to critical hit something  it's a it's a 20 right you roll a die it's 20 boom   crit hit the champion it's a 19 or a 20 so you  crit more often and that's the the first thing   that you get access to as a champion at level  three and that's like the biggest draw for them   now as they level up they get remarkable athlete  jump and proficiency and stuff like that but at   level 10 they get a whole another fighting style  so this allows you to go deeper or to spread your   um combat proficiency I guess you could say as a  fighter a little bit across the board that's kind   of the big draw of the champion but outside of  that again just just just nothing crazy added to   it but it's still just a solid class as it stands  definitely above the Elder night now another Monk   class that is kind of a little funky is the way of  the Shadow the way of the shadow gets very strong   at the end once you get to level 11 but that  Journey from 1 to 10 is just kind of lackluster   a lot of your abilities are geared towards  jumping from Shadow to Shadow and doing all   this Shadow stuff but if if you don't want to play  a stealth character then the way of the Shadow is   just completely lost on that style of play all  those abilities more often than not require you   to be obscured or they have the ability to make  you obscured so it's okay at level 11 you can do   a really cool like psychic damage backstab more  or less that's awesome but to suffer through 10   levels of it is not going to be the most fun for  a lot of players especially if they don't want to   play a monk that has to kind of be in the shadows  for a lot of its capabilities you're better off   just playing open hand monk which is stupid strong  now the transmutation school for the wizard is not   one I would take for an active character um I  would take again any of the other four wizard   schools which really focus on the spellcasting  portion of it now why transmutation though is   above these other three is because you should put  a character in your camp that has transmutation uh   school and also focus on medicine because then  you can Brew tons of potions transmutation has   an ability that they on a successful medicine  check it double or it doesn't double it makes   an additional potion whenever you uh use the  um the potion creation Alchemy screen so this   allows you to create a ton of potions especially  in honor mode where those potions are really going   to help you out and lastly we have the oath of  devotion which is just really kind of the the   just the most boring I guess you could say of the  Oaths of the Paladin it's just kind of there it   does some light damage or radiant damage it just  doesn't have as much going for it as the rest of   the Oaths and the Spells you get from oath of  devotion are spells you just kind of get as a   paladin anyway so it doesn't really stand out to  me versus the other OES which give you so much   more fun and character as you're playing through  the uh uh class of Paladin to really feel awesome   also the oath of devotion I think is the probably  the most limiting of the Oaths as far as your play   style remember as a paladin if you break your oath  you become an oath breaker and if you didn't want   to do that you now have to pay gold to reso  your oath and that amount goes up devotion is   if you're not playing a lawful good Paladin then  you're not playing an oath of devotion Paladin so   if you don't want to play that way it's probably  going to be the one that that puts you the most   on the rails and hinders you from any other style  of play now as we move into B tier we're going to   start to have a lot of a well not a lot of but a  good power Spike to a lot of our classes starting   with the nature domain probably the first domain  outside of trickery we've talked about with the   cleric and the N the nature domain is a lot of  fun because you can have a lot of damage types   out from this domain so you get Divine strike  Elemental Fury at eight allowing you to go do cold   fire or lightning damage you can also mitigate  acid cold fire lightning or thunder damage that   is done to you so when you are an ally gets hit  with that St that type of damage you can have it   so you basically get a free resistance to it which  is really cool it's just a channel Divinity action   unfortunately but a lot of the spells that you  get like bark skin Spike growth which is really   really good insect plague wall of stone they're  all really awesome on top of the already great kit   of the cleric you also get heavy armor proficiency  here which is really really lovely now for our   first Druid to talk about we have the circle of  the land and this is pretty much just a standard   Caster of a druid you get access to all the Druid  spells that you get access to you do have access   to the ability to um take on a wild form which is  great but the cool thing about circle of the land   is that you choose a specific land type Arctic  Coast desert forest blah blah blah blah and it   gives you two spells from that land and this is  basically just a really solid Druid Caster I think   it's a really good character a really strong  wisdom Blaster as it were which is just pretty   much a ranged spellcasting character as far as  it compares to the other two um Druid subclasses   it's the quote unquote weakness weakest but it's  still really really good because you're going to   have access to a wide range of spells that are  really going to kind of fit into how you build out   your party which is what I really like about the  circle of the land as your character progresses at   3 5 7 and N you choose one of those land items to  get the two spells that correspond to it so this   character evolves very dynamically according to  whatever what your other party members are doing   which I really really like now first Ranger  to talk about is the Hunter and the hunter is   the weakest again of the three Ranger classes but  it's still really good because you can specialize   the hunter to a specific type of damage now this  well specific type of Target I guess is probably   a better way to put it this shows a bow and arrow  but you're not going to be using a bow and arrow   I mean you don't have to you can just use um a  great weapon if you want or two weapons if you   want whatever you want to do as a ranger which is  really kind of cool here but you can focus on um   hitting targets that are larger bigger or hitting  multiple targets or hitting something that's   already been taken damage or getting some cool  defensive capabilities for Advantage on uh saving   throws against frightened you get a cool Whirlwind  attack which is an AOE melee or a cool volley   ability which is AOE range it does take level 11  though for the hunter to really feel good um the   the hunter though kind of in the same breath as  the champion but the hunter is more active than   the champion as far as its Buffs the champion is  just a better Fighter the hunter is just a better   Ranger it's just kind of the best way to look at  those two things but the hunter has active things   that can contribute to winning things as you  progress through the game next up is the Warlock   with Arch Fay now I really actually like Arch Fay  I just think that fiend and great one old one are   better because Arch Fay gets an ability called Fay  presence where you can either charm or frighten   everything around you um and it's foe specific  it's not creature specific meaning it won't hit   your your allies which is cool and the arch Fay is  geared more towards crowd control you've got calm   emotions you've got fairy fire you've got sleep  blink um greater invisibility dominate beast and   dominate person stuff like that but I find that  the already great kit of warlock spells and the   Spells that the fiend and the great old one offer  me are just better and the other things that I get   at certain break points level one six and 10 for  the arch Fay are just better on fiend than the   great old one beging defense allows me to um not  be Charmed which is okay I get basically a free   Misty step invisible combo which is again okay and  the the only thing I like is Fay Presence at level   one which is the charm and frighten so I'd much  rather go with a uh a different warlock but it's   still not a bad warlock by comparison assassin  here is our next one and I think a lot of people   are going to see assassin and go why is that a b  tier it's a really good um subclass and it is but   I think the thing that makes Rogue interesting  is Rogue is very front-loaded everything that's   great about Rogue happens at level like two and  three and then the Rogue gets stronger every odd   number of levels because it adds more damage to  its sneak attack the Assassin gets all of its   abilities at level three just like the thief does  but the Assassin if you don't have a lot of good   game presence or you're not very good at sneaking  around and figuring out how to trigger surprise on   people then the the Assassin's going to be really  frustrating for you you're you're you're not going   to feel like a strong character you're going to  feel kind of like a weak character I even debated   putting this into C the Assassin works really  well as a a combo with the gloomstalker ranger   but I think that the Assassin requires you as the  player to have a lot of control on what happens   in your game and if you're brand new to the game  this can really really hinder your play style so   I I put assassin at B here because although it  does a lot of really good damage and it really   is strong it requires you to have a certain level  of expertise of what you're going into our last   one for B is the oath of Vengeance for a paladin  now oath of vengeance is um my personal favorite   oath I think it has a really cool ability called  vow of enemity so that you gain advantage on a   attack rolls against an enemy so you're pretty  much always just dropping the hammer on them and   the other abilities they get are okay the oath  spells I'm not a huge fan of Bane Hunter Mark   those are great abilities but they do require  concentration so you are already stacked to   the gills as a paladin with a ton of concentration  abilities and the other oath abilities that I have   access to it kind of makes it really cramped up  for this class you do get really cool things like   Relentless Avengers so you can have really fun  opportunity attack situations and you get haste   at level 9 which is a really good ability I'd  rather use that as a concentration ability than   say Bane or Hunter Mark so the oath of vengeance  is great uh you do get all the standard stuff you   would as a paladin right like your your uh Aura  of courage and whatnot and help out with defense   around you but I think that the other two Paladin  OES we're about to talk about are overall better   for either outright damage or outright party  support and damage as well because of the other   capabilities they have as access to their oath  spells one thing too I will say about Oath of   Vengeance before we conclude this section is that  oath of vengeance is probably the loosest of the   three when it comes to the Oaths and it is worth  noting as a big portion of the the Paladin class   is dealing with that oath I talked about an oath  of devotion but oath of vengeance is kind of ends   justify the means you know you'll do the little  evil for the bigger good and you kind of got to   be that little evil is has got to be kind of on  a gray area it's kind of a little funky there   but that's our B tier let's jump up to a now all  right on to a tier I've made things a little bit   bigger for us cuz we're going to this is a big  tier so to start us off is our barbarians both   Berserker and wildart and I I almost put wildart  into s tier but the big thing with your with your   Barbarian is if you choose Tavern brawler and you  use throwing weapons then you double your strength   modifier which is huge but if you don't want to  do that as far as just straight hey I've got a big   old twoand and I'm going to go to town on things  the Barbarian Berserker and wild heart are really   really good Barbarian Berserker is kind of like  champion and Hunter you're just better at being   a barbarian but the wild heart is really strong as  well because you can choose all of the different   wild Hearts to specialize into so if you go into  say the bear wild heart you are a barbarian that   now has physical resistance so that's bludgeoning  slashing piercing you take half damage from them   and you get a heal or you can go into eagle or  you can go into elk and get a special charge so   the wild heart I think is really cool because  it allows you to supplement the character into   different directions based off of how your party  is going which it's my preferred Barbarian for   carlac I have her as a wild heart Barbarian  with champion actually think I said her in   Battle Master too but Berserker like I said if you  just want someone who's 12 levels of just really   strong ass uh Barbarian then there you go it's a  Berserker you're just going to do more damage and   you get friends you'd strike which is really fun  so it just depends upon what kind of character   you want out of your Barbarian now outside of  that we now have um our College of Swords so   College of Swords like I said before this is the  style of Bard that is focused on using your Bic   Inspirations to do single Target damage you're  using all of the many cool things about The Bard   and turning it into a lot of either increased AC  for yourself so more Armor class or you're going   to do more damage are you going to push something  are you going to attack multiple Targets this is   the kind of class that that allows this Bard  to really kind of shine as a melee combatant   I think college of Swords is not in the standard  uh core rule book fifth edition I don't know I'm   not I haven't played on a tabletop um you just  get medium armor and scimitars your proficiency   but having all those special slashes and defensive  slashes are really really cool to help amp up your   capabilities as a Bard and it really is really a  lot of cool damage too and a lot of really cool   fun functionality for the character that makes it  really really fun and I think kind of stands above   the College of Valor our next up here is the other  or another one of our um Druids if I can find   it aha circle of the moon so this is your shape  shifter if you want to be a better shape shifter   this is the way to go and shape shifters just get  better and better and better as you go through the   game they get the owl bear which is stupid strong  at like level six they get really good ones all   the way up to level 11 where they can turn into  just a whole bunch of different things and now as   of the most recent patch patch five you can choose  Tavern brawler which will double your strength   modifier on Circle of the Moon making your Druid  do a ton of damage in close combat so just keep   in mind though if you want to cast any spells  you have to do them before you go into uh wild   form and if you cast any concentration spells  they will persist once you go into wild form   so it's a really really strong Druid that just  gets better as they level up and it's a very fun   thematic one now our next two are both paladins  the oath of ancients and the oath breaker now   the oath breaker just outright does more damage  at level seven because it gets Aura of hate it's   just a flat damage modifier to your melee weapon  attacks equal to your charisma modifier it's huge   and on top of it you can summon up Undead you get  darkness which is a really good ability hellish   rebuke um you can frighten things so you have  a lot of really cool abilities and you can add   your charisma modifier to uh well I'm sorry you  can do damage to a Target Target with a 1 D4 plus   your charisma modifier so they just take a ton of  damage um each turn and attack rolls against it   have advantage that's a really really huge damage  Spike to you with your channel oath now the oath   of the Ancients um I said the oath of vengeance is  my favorite but if I'm playing B Skate 3 oath of   the Ancients is probably the one I like the most  as far as like a single strongest oath because I   think doing dealing with the oath itself is not  as hard as the other two oath breaker of course   you don't have an oath to deal with anymore  right but I like Aura of warding that it gets   at level seven which is resistance to damage  from spell so you take half damage from them   within 10 meters of the guy you get Missy step  you get moon beam very strong capabilities here   um and Nature's wrath is really cool uh invoke  primeval forces to restrain an enemy attacks on   restrained enemies have advantage and they have my  favorite uh Channel oath ability healing Radiance   which is a huge AOE heal that heals twice so it  does it immediately and then the next turn um so   it's proficiency bonus which is going to be at  max level four plus your Paladin level in this   case it's 12 plus your charisma modifier which is  probably going to be around three right so that's   like 19 points of he Health on one term then 19  points in next turn just automatically does it so   that's why I really really like this um it just  offers a lot of really strong party utility and   a lot of damage from moon beam moon beam is a  really great ability Beast Master here up an a   tier as well for Ranger because your your pets  get really strong at level 11 they get really   really strong they have a they have a little bit  of a fall-off point though from like level eight   to level 11 because they don't get extra attack  until Level 11 but the beastmas affords you all   the really cool capabilities of a ranger get stuff  like Spike growth and all that fun action and then   you get a bunch of really badass beasts to take  advantage of the bear can summon another bear The   Raven can blind things and cast Darkness wherever  it lands there's a lot of really cool things from   the Beast Master and it's my personal Ranger  that I've played in my playthrough I love my   Beastmaster Ranger it's one of my favorite classes  in the whole game next is our um wizard schools   here with necromancy and evocation necromancy  allows me to have better uh anime dead basically   I'm going to get one more uh not charge but if  I cast level six anime dead it's usually level   it's usually three dead that I can summon with  necromancy school it's now four so it allows me   to get more undeb on the table I can augment them  a little bit better I mean necromancy and sport do   in conjunction are really fun um but also at level  six is kind of where I do the you get the most out   of this because you also can buff those um Undead  they come up with more hit points that are equal   to your wizard level and your proficiency bonus is  added to their damage which allows for some pretty   nice crunchy um Undead at your at your beck and  call now evocation sh is here up at tier a because   I think it's just the go-to for anyone who's brand  new to playing a wizard and doesn't want to really   kind of get bogged down with maybe the Nuance it  just allows it so if you cast an AOE spell it will   not hurt your companions that alone makes it worth  it and then at level 10 you add your intelligence   modifier to any evocation spells in the damage  roll compartment uh uh department so that makes   it even better too it's just a really really  strong school that is just very plug-and-play   you choose it you don't have to wear it anything  now all your spells are not going to hurt your   friends and they're going to do more damage  well all your damage Spells at least so that's   why I really like that into a tier we have Thief  remember I said this is not a multiclass kind of   dependent tier list we're just looking at them  on their individual merits thief on it if we're   talking multiclass is like an s++ tier because it  adds bonus action and that is what's so crucial it   allows for better action economy within your turn  and that is nice you can do more things with that   bonus action either attack with your offhand  weapon if you're doing that or do whatever it   is Thief is great the problem is though just  like Assassin all the great things about Rogue   happen up front at level three you get your bonus  action and you get resistance to Falling damage   then at level nine you get Supreme sneak where  if you if you sneak around you become invisible   okay whatever so it's kind of the lackluster thing  about thief and why it's not an S tier it's great   to have that additional bonus action but there  are just definitely the things that I'd rather   have an S tier they really allow me to manipulate  the game a little bit better now outside of those   we now have our storm sorcerer from our uh well  Sorcerer And storm sorcerer is really fun because   it allows us to fly whenever we cast a level one  spell or higher it doesn't need to be a storm   spell and we do extra AOE thunder or lightning  damage to enemies within 20 ft whenever we cast   um lightning or damage or thunder dealing damage  spell those are really cool and we get a ton of   storm spells Thunder Wave gust of wind sleet storm  call lightning all awesome unfortunately though if   we're talking about lightning Andor Thunder damage  and trying to do raw amounts of them the draconic   bloodline Does It Better the storm sorcery just  allows me a lot of Mobility with fly a lot of   really cool AOE capabilities with um heart of the  storm lightning and thunder the two ones that do   the 20 foot damage ability and I have um extra  damage that I can do with all that I just really   like the amount of damage I can do with storm  sorcerer but if I'm trying to single Target nuke   something down draconic bloodline really allows  me to amp that up without costing me anything and   we'll talk about that on S tier and the last thing  to talk about in a tier is the I had to look at   my reference sheet knowledge domain life domain  and War domain why all three of these are here   is that the knowledge domain is going to give me  something really important I get a Proficiency in   tons of different skills so if I have a character  that I want to really be as kind of a jack of all   trade knowledge domain really fits that I can use  a Proficiency in all these skills as a channel not   oath Channel Divinity capability which is really  really nice and in addition to that too I have   just more proficiency as a knowledge domain in  general they just get right off the bat they get   a ton more uh proficiency that they can they can  tap into which I really like the the the knowledge   domain cleric is not necessarily like this crazy  combatant but they get emotions hold person which   is very good they take a little time to get going  but at level eight they add their wisdom modifier   to the damage they deal with cleric cantrips so  that's a nice little bit of damage increase there   they do get dominate person and telekinesis so  they have a lot of more crowd control Centric   stuff but basically having them as a character  that can have proficiency on damn near anything   that they need is a really cool way to get through  maybe picking a lock conversation whatever it is   life domain cleric is my go-to healer it just does  such a huge amount of healing it gets heavy armor   it's just right there in the thick of it and  I don't have to worry about a damn thing War   domain cleric is a really cool way to add a lot  of combat capability to not just the cleric itself   but also to the entire party which is probably my  favorite thing about this the war domain cleric   will get an ability called guided strike where it  gains plus 10 bonus to your attack roll but I can   actually extend that out to the party and have  them get that bonus instead which is really cool   and with the war priest charge which is something  the domain cleric uh the war cleric gets they can   just have more attacks they attack with the  primary action and then they can use this war   priest extra attack to attack again this is why  the war domain is really good if you multiclass   this in with a a combat character because you  get so many attacks and they get flame strike   which is really damn good uh freedom of movement  Stone skin Spirit Guardians which is an amazing   amazing spell which is probably one of the best  things about them but this is your a tier class   can't go wrong with anything in this entire tier  I lied we're not done with a tier because the   fiend goes here and the fiend for our warlock is  a very good subass because we get access to a lot   of raw uh temp hit points which is is good but  I think the problem with it is it falls off by   the latter portions of the game because you can  get temp hit points from so many other sources   it is charisma modifier plus warlock level so at  max level this will probably be somewhere around   let's just say 15 plus which is a lot but if you  have 10 pit points from something else it won't   overwrite each other um what I mean by that is  the source of the temp hit points its max amount   is what is kind of Paramount right so if you  have something that says oh it's going to give   me 15 um and then something else wants to give  me seven I don't get 22 I just get the 15 and   if that 15 is dropped to eight then I still get  that it stays that 15 one until something has a   higher amount of temp hit points so it's can be a  little lackluster for me and dark one's own luck   is an ability to get level six where you can call  in your Patron to change your fate and add one d10   to an ability check recharge every short rest I  just don't like that that's an every short rest   thing and feish resistance at level 10 is where I  choose a damage type and get resistance to it um   and I can swap that out every short rest which is  cool and all but I like a lot of the things I get   from great old one they're all it's all really  strong capabilities having flame strike to is   really good cone of cold wall of fire fire Shield  those are all really strong spells that you get   from the fiend um I just like what the great old  one affords me as far as a lot of the passives or   reactives from great old one over the fiend and  I think that this is kind of dealer's choice I   think a lot of people would probably say oh no  fiend is s tier versus goo as it's called the   Great old one but it's really going to come down  to you and what kind of Cl warlock you want now   we're on S tier the one as you can see everything  in the bottom here is going up on that category   but it's just going to be in whatever order I  want to talk about it starting with the College   of lore Bard's my favorite class in in D and D  so it's I'm prejudiced here uh or biased here   this is not the word I am biased here College of  lore is my favorite bar because you get access   to like damn near everything in the game you get  magical Secrets at level six and at level 10 you   get uh skill proficiency you get skill expertise  you can basically have a skill proficiency and   or expertise and damn near everything in the  game so nothing is really closed to you as a   college of lore Bard maybe you can't be the best  melee combatant sure but you get access to such   a disgusting amount of spells that it makes you  kind of a real strong Powerhouse and with that   too you're going to be able to converse your way  through anything in the game and then after that   you're going to be able to spellcast anything down  that you have to I think the College of lard is so   strong on its own and it augments anything it  wants to jump into as a multiclass even better   into our cleric we have the Tempest and the light  domain both are just so godamn strong on their   own I I think what I like my uh Shadow heart is a  light domain cleric but the Tempest domain cleric   is also very strong and the Tempest domain cleric  has an ability called Wrath of the storm using   a reaction strike back at an attacking creature  potentially dealing lightning or thundering damage   if they fail a DEX throw or otherwise take half  damage which is a really cool ability so it does 2   d8 lightning or thunder but at level two they get  destructive wrath where I will do the max damage   of a thunder or lightning spell because all spells  will say oh does you know one d8 or 2 d8 whatever   it is types of damage right nope destructive  wrath I'm just doing the max damage of that   spell so this is why the Tempest domain cleric for  me is really strong and all you have to do is make   something wet and then they will be vulnerable to  both thunder and lightning damage they will take   double that damage this goes the same for storm  sorcerer so this allows you um a ton of damage   potential as the Tempest domain cleric and they  get a ton of ways to access that they get Thunder   Wave shatter call of lightning or just call  lightning wow a Divine strike Tempest they get   destructive wave which is a huge capability when  you deal thunder or lightning damage to a creature   that is large or larger you can also push it with  their Thunderbolt strike ability so they have so   many ways to Leverage The Domain strengths which I  think is what makes them really stand out compared   to a lot of the other domains and the same can be  said here for light domain which has just tons of   radiant damage and in addition to that they have  warding flare so warding flare allows me to have   basically imposed disadvantage on an attack R  against me but eventually I get improved warding   flare at six so I can have an ally take advantage  of that and that's just a reaction doesn't cost   me anything so having these capabilities on light  domain cleric is really strong in addition to just   having really strong um spells as a whole and I  think that's probably the big thing right light   domain cleric also gets that um destructive wave  capability but they get guardian of Faith wall   of fire flame strike Fireball just a lot of  really damn good abilities and they also get   Radiance of dawn so they basically um it's 2 d10  plus character level radiant damage so 2d1 plus   12 at max level right explodes radiant damage in  like a 30 60 foot whatever radius around them and   it just just a ton of really good damage and it's  reliable damage because not everything is weak to   radiant and if you're an act two they're actually  probably taking double damage from radiant so   it's just such a quote unquote Blaster cleric  character next up is the Battle Master which   is really strong it's just really really damn  strong they use their battle Maneuvers to do   a whole ton of supplemental things as a fighter  it's why they're the S tier fighter because they   can they're strong on their own and they're strong  with other classes you can take three levels into   a Battlemaster in any other melee class and have  a class that now has a ton of utility they can   disarm something they can knock them prone they  can push them they can weaponize their reaction so   if something misses them they do damage and just  skull [ __ ] them back I don't know why I went   with that descriptor but I'm sticking with it the  Battle Master is just such a fun one you can even   get a heal out of this it's not great one but you  get rally and you can heal things give temp hit   points it's a a really really really really strong  fighter class outside of that we have the outside   of that the next one is circle of the spores which  is probably the true Necromancer of the game I'm   not going to lie you get an ability as a druid  with the circle of the spores at level six where   you can basically make a bunch of fungal zombies  like you're watching The Last of Us and you can   match this in conjunction with the necromancy  school and you can have just a legion of Undead   trailing behind you you the circle of the spores  is really cool you can do a lot of AOE necrotic   damage you get a ton of temp hit points a ton  ton of temp hit points so you yourself are just   very tanky and you can absorb a lot of damage  you can still go into wild shape but you're   going to use those wild shape forms for charges  for something else and you still have access to   all of the standard Druid spells plus circle of  the Spore spells which are more necromancy or   necrotic damage based it's just such a strong uh  uh class and originally it people didn't really   like it they're like ah this feels funky but once  we've really kind of sat it down with the classes   and really kind of like sunk into it with bg3  there's so many fun ways you can really abuse   and have a lot of fun with this class way of  the open hand is a disgusting Monk class that   you can do so much damage with you could go Tavern  brawler and do a ton of damage you can skip that   and just go with your dexterity wisdom standard  monk build and do a ton of damage because your   primary action will do damage with your punches  which will then give you you an unarmed attack   as your bonus action or the way of the hand has  a bunch of bonus action abilities to either stun   things knock them prone um push them back a bunch  of stuff to do and it eventually gets the ability   to turn all of its punches into either radiant  necrotic or psychic damage so you just have such   a really cool kit of abilities as the way of  the open hand and you're very tanky and very   mobile at for a monk you're going to have a lot  of abilities that allow you to move very quickly   you can throw um ranged things back at things as  a monk thing in general but the the monk itself   is far tankier than you would think for someone  that's just not wearing any armor at all in the   game gloomstalker you know if I had to think of  like the one class that probably has the most raw   damage potential without taking stuff like Tavern  brawler and kind of abusing that ability it might   be the gloomstalker because the gloomstalker can  just really go to town with things it right out   the gate as soon as you get Gloom socer at level  three you get an ability that that allows you to   just have a free ranged or melee attack right  at the start of combat so depending on how your   character is set up like if you have dual wielding  weapons or dual wielding crossbows your primary   action will do damage your bonus action will do  damage and then you get your special action which   will be either range or melee whichever you want  that does damage and you can cast spells and you   can stalk around and you can just have a lot of  fun as the gloomstalker it's truly the probably   the real assassin of the game it's why the  gloomstalker Assassin is probably the strongest   Single multiclass Character as far as like a non  Tavern brawler just raw damage output it's such   a good good class next is our draconic bloodline  now I said that the storm sorcerer is really good   right but I said the draconic bloodline does a lot  of what the draconic S saucerer draconic bloodline   uh does a lot of what the storm sorcerer can do  but a little bit better and that's why and the   reason behind that is a you're going to get one  more hit point per level so it gives you more   Health B you get your draconic resilience which is  going to set your armor class to 13 if you aren't   wearing armor so if you're just talking pure 12  levels into draconic um bloodline that's really   great but now you get to choose an element or  a draconic ancestry so you know red for fire or   black is acid or blue is lightning whatever it is  that's going to Grant you a a spell which is cool   you can get like armor of agathys which is a uh  warlock spell but let's say now I want to focus   on Lightning so I'm going to go Blue which gives  me witch bolt now at level six this is just a   passive capability I don't have to doesn't cost  me anything to do this my Charisma modifier is   just added to my damage all the time so I just  have a flat damage increase regardless of any   situation it's just that specific Elemental  Affinity to that specific damage type so if   I'm doing lightning damage as draconic bloodline I  have a flat bonus to the mod to the damage from my   Charisma modifier which I like more than the storm  sorcery which feels a little bit more wonky so I   just like that flat damage bonus also I have a  resistance to it too and at level 11 I can fly so   it's really cool if you play Never winter nights  too you sprout dragon wings but you don't in this   game damn it but draconic bloodline definitely is  up there and it's also really just cool looking   damn do I not love it and I'm biased too again I  like draconic bloodline it's my favorite sorcerer   subass so you might swap these two so just kind  of think of those things as you're looking through   this whole entire thing great old one coming up  here uh as our go-to for um the Warlock and this   comes down to the ability mortal reminder when you  land a crit hit against a creature that creature   and any nearby creatures must succeed a wisdom  saving throw or become frightened and frighten   is great it locks things down they can't do much  of at all with it the spells that the goo offers   great old one dissonant Whispers Tasha's hideous  laughter uh detect thoughts phant fantasmal force   not as bad but bestow curse slow dominate Beast  is all right but Ivar's black tentacles dominate   person those are all great things and at level  six you get entropic Ward imposed disadvantage   on an attack roll against you if the attack  misses you gain advantage on your next attack   roll so if you're going pack to the blade great  old one you can really kind of have a lot of fun   here with entropic Ward allowing you to get a lot  of cool damage that does require a short rest to   uh recharge but it's a nice capability you do get  psychic resistance which is lovely too um and when   you take psychic damage your attacker takes the  same amount of damage so this allows you to kind   of have a lot of good psychic things you're not  going to experience a ton of psychic damage until   the very end of the game or at portions of the  game in between maybe you deal with mind flares   or gith but psychic damage is it's a very big  amount of damage you deal with but you won't deal   with it in lots of occurrences I guess I could  say not like fire you deal with fire like all   the time and to round us off is the abjuration and  divination School TOS for the um that thing called   that Wizard and the reason these are so good is  that abjuration allows you to become a super tanky   wizard which is a lot of fun actually um it has  an ability that every time you cast an abjuration   spell you get um a protective Ward that basically  absorbs damage so each time you cast an abjuration   spell the intensity of the ward increases by the  amount of the Spell's level up to a maximum of 2x   your wizard level so 24 each time you take damage  the ward blocks an amount of damage equal to its   intensity and is in uh the intensity is decreased  by one so at max level it'll be 24 right if I take   25 damage it mitigates 24 of those 25 points of  damage and the intensity goes from 24 to 23 if   I take 25 damage again it mitigates 23 of that 25  damage and the intensity goes to 22 so it actually   allows for a ton of of damage reduction for the  character and the coolest thing about it is you   can project that Ward at level six onto another  character in the party and it does has the same   exact effect and that is really really sick it is  really really sick at level 10 you know you get   each time you take a short rest the intensity of  your Arcane Ward increases by an amount equal to   your wizard level so you short rest and you just  get that much Ward granted to your character so at   level 12 we would short rest and get 12 intensity  you can really keep that thing going and it gives   you just such a really cool amount of party  utility and personal defense that you can afford   across the entire table and lastly is divination  and divination is kind of It kind of sits in the   the park with assassin where you do need to  kind of have a little bit of presence of mind   about the game but I think it's just such a strong  ability basically you get these portant Dice and   the portant dice allow you to have static roles  in the bank um they refresh every short rest and I   think then eventually every long rest it it starts  off at every long rest but the important die are   pre-roll die and so it's like uh like a TW like  a 12 a 20 and then a 15 and you just have them in   your back pocket and you can say okay I failed  that die roll of whatever it was but I needed   a 15 to succeed just so happens I've got a 15 in  my back pocket I can swap those two out and that   is a really really really really big bonus here  you get more of those as you kind of go through   the leveling of this character you get dark vision  and see invisibility which are huge but I mean you   could just go six levels into divination School  and get ton of benefit just from that ability it's   just any kind of time you can manipulate dice in  a in a strong favor to yourself it's huge but it's   not just simply your roles it's the enemies too  so that's why those low roles like one or two or   three or four are beneficial to you because you  can swap them out for what they ever the enemy   rolls so that is our s tier that is everything  put together let's talk it all out so here is our   entire tier list I guess you could say and I know  that some of these would probably swap around for   you guys like I said you know maybe you're going  to do this and that or maybe this goes up here   and that goes down here and that's totally fine  please play this game how you want not how I tell   you to play what I'm really kind of going through  here too and again this is these are pure classes   I think very few people are going to play their  class as a pure class personally the only person   in my party that is a pure class is my light  domain Shadow heart everyone else is some mix   of something um and I think that every single one  of these is still strong in its own Merit I think   playing a wild magic sorcerer is a fuckload of  fun I would play it probably over a battl master   fighter which even though it's a stronger better  quote unquote character it's a more wild and fun   and crazy character that I get a ton of crazy  playability out of maybe every single experience   with the Battle Master is the same everything with  the wild magic sorcerer is going to be different   so when you take a look at these classes don't  think of them as this is the best and this is   the worst think of them as this stands on its own  as a really strong character that can do what it's   meant to do without anything anything else whereas  everything at the bottom needs a supplementation   of other characters maybe gear or or items to  really get itself going or or get off get off   oh God I said it again to really get itself uh  getting a lot of momentum to really help you take   part in the game so think of that as the way you  should look at this tier list and not just if you   don't take College of lore you're wrong don't take  College of Valor it's not that way man it's just   please have fun with this game here's how I've  broken this up here's their strengths in their   weaknesses so go ahead and let me know in the  comments section below maybe you think the oath   of devotion is the true s tier nothing everything  else is a lie go ahead and let me know in the   comment section as always and maybe help encourage  people they say hey I'm really struggling to get   my uh circle of the spores jid online help if you  see someone in that in the comments with a with a   comment like that jump in help out tell them what  you've done to help out with your circle of the   spores I've got videos on it but sometimes  it helps us to kind of get that different   perspective or different View point on something  to really kind of get you clicking in the right   direction but as always guys thank you so much  for watching here today have a good one and take [Music] care
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
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Keywords: Subclass Tier List for Baldur's Gate 3, baldurs gate 3, bg3, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3 class tier list, baldurs gate 3 class guide, baldurs gate 3 classes, baldurs gate 3 best class, baldurs gate 3 which class to play, baldurs gate 3 class rankings, baldurs gate 3 all classes ranked, baldurs gate 3 subclasses, bg3 subclasses tier list, bg3 subclasses ranked, bg3 all subclasses ranked, bg3 subclasses guide, bg3 subcalsses i avoid, bg3 best subclasses
Id: 2afDqSudoak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 23sec (3323 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 03 2024
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