How to Build a Warlock (Wyll) for Beginners in Baldur's Gate 3

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the Warlock a class with a ton of diversity  across multi-classing and spicing into a lot   of different classes in this video today I'm going  to go through how to build your warlock out maybe   this is your first playthrough maybe you're trying  to Kit will out to be particularly awesome or you   want to hire a generic uh hireling from Withers  to make them your personal warlock whatever it is   we're going to go through what warlock looks like  at level one discuss some ways that you can bring   this through the progression of the game what it  kind of looks like as you kind of Flesh it out   more and more some different multi-class options  and some other things to help you in building your   monk out in Baldur's Gate 3. you can jump ahead  to any part of the video they interest you the   most using these chapters about the timeline and  the description and don't forget to check me out   on Twitch where I will be streaming Baldur's Gate  3 you can find a link in the description and the   pinned comment let's get started here on how to  build your warlock in Baldur's Gate 3. loading   to the game let's talk about race now this is of  course a single player narrative game do not min   max this play the way that you want to play don't  worry about the race because all of the races how   their ability score modifiers wiped clean this is  how every single race plays the game they start   at eight and you assign the two in one as you  see fit there are some things that every single   race gets access to and we're gonna go through  those here right now for the ones that may be   particularly stand out from a quote unquote min  max point but if you want some suggestions here   you go so I would start off with maybe something  like a high elf a high Elf or high half elf both   uh will fit into this category because they get  an additional can trip now if you've never played   uh DND you know that well you probably don't  know but this is you're gonna find out right   now you can find it that you're gonna learn today  uh cantrips are Level zero spells meaning that you   can cast them every single turn just like your  Eldritch blast which is a big kind of Hallmark   of being a warlock so this gets you access to  stuff like Firebolt or shocking grass or Ray of   frost which are all really really great abilities  um you also get stuff like friends which is really   good for Advantage on Charisma checks so having  access to a can trip out the gate I actually   quite enjoy so high Elf or or high half elf are  both really great options another good option is   going to depend upon what you want to be when  it comes to warlock now if you don't know this   warlocks choose one of three packs one of those  packs is called pack of the blade this assumes   you're going to be kind of a martial warlock  or at least using a weapon to some sort of end   in that the zariel tiefling is quite good because  they will get access to two cantrips searing Smite   and branding Smite and both of those are geared  off of a melee weapon so if you don't have a   melee weapon equipped it's not going to be as  beneficial so if you want to go with a more melee   focused Warlock the zarya tiefling is going to be  definitely good for you so will the half work just   because they'll get access to land in critical  hits with a melee attack you deal in an extra die   of weapon damage so if you want to go with one of  those races they're definitely quite cool now as   far as the small races go the dwarf always sticks  out to me because of the shield dwarf which gives   you Proficiency in medium armor so you'll get  that out the gate that is quite nice if you want   to go with more of a stocky character because  you also get Proficiency in certain weapons   um if you go back to the blade do not worry about  your weapon proficiency because you can just   simply assign your weapon proficiency using that  using ability and I'll show that in a little bit   um another option here too is gizyanki because  and I know it's hard to kind of get past the   whole crackhead look but the female one is is a  choice uh but you get access to Marshall Prodigy   which gives you light and medium armor as well  as Proficiency in a bunch of different swords um   which is lovely can trips such as Mage hand right  out the gate and also ability to LEAP very far   as you go into further levels also their actual  knowledge gets you Proficiency in all skills of   a chosen ability meaning if I chose charisma then  all of the skills associated with it intimidation   performance uh persuasion and deception all will  give me proficiency bonus to them meaning that's   a two three or four depending upon your level  you can see that right here this proficiency   bonus will fall into the skill corresponding  as if you were proficient in it it's a really   really great ability also too humans are great  just because they get to choose an additional   proficiency and they get human versatility which  is human versatility but they also get uh arm   efficiency and light and Shields and they also  get a little bit more carry capacity the last   thing I'll mention here is halflings now I've kind  of done up a kind of cool looking halfling maybe   kind of looks like he's part of the WWE because  I think most people look at halflings and kind of   just dismiss them but halflings are still really  really good they get lucky when you roll a one for   an attack roll ability Checker saving throw you  can re-roll the die and must use the new role so   it's a really strong ability and I think a lot of  people pass up on halflings but if you've not done   a play through playing a small race you should  try it at least once because there's portions   of the game that you can access as a small race  that you were not able to as a medium or large   size race so I definitely definitely encourage  you to try it out at least once now moving into   the actual warlock we'll talk a little bit about  some of their mechanics because they have very   specific things we move into the cantrip section  we see their Eldritch blast now there's a lot more   to be had about this conversation I'm going to  save that for the Warlock progression point so   go ahead and jump forward if you want to just  kind of listen about how elders blast is very   good but I wanted to bring it up because it's  a very potent part of being a warlock because   you can really increase this spell which is  a can trip remaining it meaning it is a level   zero spell and you can cast multiple times and  you can do quite a lot of things with it but   the Warlock has this feature right here called  a warlock spell slot now in in fifth edition   I believe it's called packed casting or packed  magic and it says you gain warlock spell slots   now unlike other spell slots in the game those  spell slots regenerate when you do a long rest   but for the Warlock it is a short rest and another  thing worth noting here is you as a warlock will   always be assumed to cast the highest level of  spell that you can using a warlock spell slot   what this means is let's say I've got this spell  right here armor of agathis and it's level one   well when I get to the point where I can cast  level three spells this spell will always cast   as if it is a level three spell now why that  is important is if I decide to take Warlock and   spice this into say a sorcerer or a paladin or um  a bard any of the corresponding spells I get from   them I can choose to use my warlock spell slot to  cast it at the highest possible uh castable spell   level without exhausting a spell slot I might have  gotten from them now if you are brand new to the   game spell slots are something that every single  casting class gets essentially as a resource that   they use to cast spells you don't get you don't  get a lot as a warlock you get something like one   two and three I think is what you get Max because  all level level cap here is all 12. but the fact   that you can just simply short rest to get them on  board quicker is really awesome yeah sure you can   go do a long rest but still it's nice just to  be able to short rest and immediately get your   spell thoughts back to jump back into The Fray  but the nice thing too about warlock is using   tons of your can trips that's really going to be  the big thing for you now another thing you have   to consider with a warlock is how you're going to  go about your pact we'll jump into that a little   bit after we go through character creation here  but dodging the conversation on packs let's talk   about our subclass first so each subclass is going  to deliver a set of spells that are unique to that   subclass and the subclass is associated with  how you get your spells because the Warlock is   all about making a pact with something either a  fiend a great old one or an archbay whatever it   is and from your Patron you derive your spells  so if you get spells from the fiend you get I   guess you could I just I'm gonna say demonic quote  unquote spells but spells that are a little bit   more offensive in nature start here with armor of  agathis and arms of Hadar and what you're going to   also see too is that you're going to get special  abilities from choosing that corresponding Patron   so take a look here we get dark ones blessing  when you reduce a hostile creature to zero hit   points this gift from your Patron grants you  one temporary hit point now this will evolve   as you level and Grant you more and more hit  points and what have you at level 6 you'll get   access to dark one's own luck which essentially  gives you a 1D 10 bonus that you can give to an   ability score I'm sorry to an ability score test  once per long rest so you get that nice ability   then you get fiendish resilience which is  a basically a resilience against a specific   Elemental type of your choice so you choose  those things as the fiend and that's what you   get advantage or what you get access to but you  can see also if I click spells I get burning hands   and I get command which are not there if I choose  the great old one you can see no command here and   no burning hands so these there are spells that  are given to you by each subclass I'm going to   link you to the Baldur's Gate 3 Wiki where you can  see each and every subclasses spell list to decide   if you want to go with a certain one based off  of its spell so for an example here fiend gets   access to burning hands in command at level  one but at three gets blindness and scorching   Ray and at five Fireball and stinking Cloud then  wildfire and fire Shield so on and so forth now   the great old one here is going to have a little  bit more of I guess you could say a um CC Focus   or or crowd control Focus we're gonna get access  to dissonant Whispers And Tasha's hideous laughter   as part of our expanded spell list from level one  you can see they are they are here we get access   to them um but then we're going to get stuff like  detect thoughts and phantasmal 4 sim bestow curse   and slow and dominate beasts and Ivar's black  tentacles those are all part of the Great old   one but we get this subclass feature the Mortal  reminder when you land a critical hit against   a creature that creature and nearby enemies must  succeed a wisdom saving throw or become frightened   now if you don't know frightened his does this it  can't move and empties also have disadvantage on   ability checks and attack rules whenever they go  to do them so it's quite a little bit of uh good   CC here right you also will get entropic Ward  at level six this is imposed disadvantage on an   attack roll against you if the attack misses  you gain advantage on your next attack roll   against the attacker for one term so this is a  reaction so you're gonna do this if something   attacks you you do it it goes off and then  if they miss then you get advantage on them   when you go to attack the next turn which is  always going to be a lovely little thing to   have and then eventually at level 10 you'll get  access to thought Shield psychic resistance and   psychic reflection so psychic damage is really  going to be a moot point for you as in a great old   one subclass lastly we have the arch Faye which is  I'd say probably even more based on crowd control   you start off with the fake presence so charm or  frighten nearby foes with phase wild feywild's   beguiling disturbing Magics so you get this as an  action and it lasts for two turns uh you choose   to either charm or frighten something um and  charm 2 if you did not know this spellcaster   has advantage on Charisma checks in dialogue  um but you get sleep and fairy fire are part   of your expended your expanded spell list here  but then you'll get calm emotions and phantasmal   force blink plant growth uh dominate Beast greater  invisibility those are some of the Spells you'll   be getting as Arch Faye at level six you'll  get access to Misty Escape which is basically   um a kind of like a misty step so basically  it's a reaction so upon taking damage you become   invisible and then on your next turn you can cast  Misty step uh which will break your invisibility   but it's a great way to just get out of combat  and Misty step is a really awesome ability because   it's a bonus action so this allows you to just  kind of get away from things if need be and then   lastly you'll get beguiling defenses so that you  are immune to charm as the arch Faye so you have   to choose here for your subclass how you really  want to go about it what kind of spells you want   to take advantage of for your warlock for our  ability points this is really going to come down   to what kind of warlock you want to be do you want  to be a pure warlock or do you want a multi-class   whatever you want to do we're going to go ahead  and take a look at that here so first things first   we're just going to maximize our Charisma that's  just gonna always happen and we're going to put   two points into it now you can decide if you want  to go with strength over dexterity I would prefer   dexterity because that gives me an increase to my  initiative as well as my armor class but I'm also   going to increase my Constitution here because  that's going to help me with concentration spells   which I'm going to have in Spades as a warlock  as well as increasing my hit points and then I   get to decide where my additional one point is  going to go so I'd probably put this to 15 and   then pop that here for 16 dexterity if I want  to be more of a pact of a blade melee combatant   you can also do this just to get better armor  class and also get better initiative but if you   want to have a little bit more Health you can do  the opposite there right and go 16 Constitution   I would still retain these last two points and  put them into wisdom and the reason I say put   them into wisdom is if you're making this for  your main character you want to have wisdom   because your wisdom it's nice to have roles uh  beneficial roles against it but you also this for   some reason is bugged it should not say minus one  it should say zero Insight is a really important   skill if you don't have it you can miss entire  portions of dialogue so having this not have any   penalties into it I think is is very huge and  if you get a Proficiency in it even bigger so I   really like to just kind of have this at 10 and it  also is nice to just have that as a no penalties   to any wisdom saving throws if this was maybe not  your main character and you really didn't really   care you could drop this down and put it into  there if you so wish whatever kind of makes sense   for you or you could swap it into an intelligence  however the route that makes the most sense again   for you and skills too I would focus on if this  is your main character one of the conversational   skills especially since you'll get in tons of  natural bonuses to them because you get your plus   three to Charisma or plus three beats because  of your charisma so something like a deception   intimidation or persuasion should probably put  a proficiency into and then definitely pick up   insight and or perception depending upon maybe  if you're an elf you'll already have perception   both The Elves and the drow have perception  or depending on your background you'll go   with like an Insight or something like that as  well I would definitely want to pick those up   for my uh warlock playthrough now when it comes  to your origin and your background go ahead and   choose what everyone makes the most sense for you  I almost always go with custom but if there's a   specific character you want to play through like  will for example has a very warlock themed uh   uh story because he is a warlock so if you want  to go with will then have at it the dark urge is   another option here you can go with which is a  particularly Twisted playthrough but one that is   very juicy and very very recommended for a second  playthrough as far as your background goes again   go with something that fits the role play if you  want to choose something that is very kind of   crunchy and Min Maxi Guild Artisan is probably  one of the better ones because it just gives   you Proficiency in insight and persuasion so you  can then put your proficiencies in something else   other than these two because they're probably  two of the more important skills but I would   say honestly choose your background based off of  the character you have in mind are you a forlorn   Noble's son that has become a warlock like you  know will or are you a folk hero that has risen to   fame using these spells and and cantrips learned  by The Pact like you know will or are you a former   soldier who has fallen to some Wayward demonic  pack that allows you to kind of uh reap through   the land as a warlock whatever you choose is the  right one for you now spells and Cancers are going   to be dependent upon the kind of character you  want to play are you going to be up close and   personal or what have you but if you just want uh  two cantrips that are probably going to always be   very good it you should never not choose Aldridge  blast it should always be a cantrip you select   because you get access to ways to boost uh Elder  blast as a warlock and it is one of your best   abilities because as you level up it goes from  just having one simple tendril or one simple beam   to multiple beams so you definitely want Elitch  blast also friends here gets you advantage on   Charisma checks so if you're playing through the  game you go to talk to someone as a particularly   hard uh Charisma check like a persuasion or a  deception having friends as a can trip is great   because you can just keep recasting it you don't  have to worry about always going for a long rest   now into spells this is going to be dependent upon  your subclass of course I'm going to assume you're   fiend for this but don't worry about it I'm not  really going to say focus on uh burning hands in   command I really really like armor of agathis in  the early game because you get 10 pit points and   you deal five cold damage out you'll find that at  the beginning of the game you are very weak as far   as your overall sustainability and I think this  is just a better version of Mage Armor you can   get Mage Armor but I would just go with armor of  gathus because it gives you 10 bit points and nice   cool damage also hellers rebuke is really cool I  very much like hex because it is a bonus action   and it will really help you out in particularly  hard fights to that you will deal with   um now arms of Hadar is also nice because you  can just blow up everything around you which is   kind of cool I I think it's a really cool it just  depends upon the kind of warlock you want to be   if you want to go with more of a range Blaster go  with like which bolt which is going to complement   your Eldritch bolt you've got those things that  have access that you have access to now depending   upon your subclass you might have something like  command which is very good in the beginning of the   game to get access to the sword of avernus from  that that uh the guy on the nautiloyed ship but   if you go with maybe the great old one Tasha's  hideous laughter is a very strong spell could   not recommend it enough and Arch Faye 2 sleep  is very very good as well so getting one of   those abilities depending on which one you take  is also a really good option for your spell and   once you hit Level Two is a warlock you'll get  your first Eldritch implications and this is what   makes your blast particularly good your Eldritch  blast the first two you should pick up are these   two oops these two agonizing blast so when you  cast out your blast add your charisma modifier   to the damage it deals unless it's negative so my  Charisma fighter is three this will add plus three   to the damage right out the gate it's absolutely  crucial when you're playing warlock also repelling   blast is very good and it is toggleable so when  you hit a creature with Elders blast you can push   the creature up to 15 feet away from you this is  nice to give you some room to move things around   knock them off of stuff knock them into precipice  but you can just simply shut this off if you don't   want something to die that you think might have  really good equipment on it or whatever it is it's   really nice and down the road you'll get access  to more Eldritch invocations but I think these are   the two absolute must pickups you can also choose  stuff in the future like beguiling influence which   is going to give you proficiency and deception  and persuasion if you maybe did not select those   um during character creation fiendish Vigor is  pretty cool because you can cast false life on   yourself now what's nice about these they'll  say stuff like this at will as a level one   spell without expending a spell slot so you get  seven temporary hit points but it falls off of its   usefulness and the only way to swap these eldergen  vacations is to respect your character in fifth   edition uh you could re you could just swap out  your Elder altered in vacations every time you've   got a new one so you could say oh you know what  now that I'm level five I don't need this anymore   I'm gonna do like this and this you can't do that  here unfortunately but definitely you're going to   want agonizing blast and replying blast because  it's just so fun to turn your Eldritch blast   into a machine gun at level three you choose your  packed boom which we talked about before now this   is where you're really going to determine a lot  of things for your character maybe your futures   multi-class whatever it is so the first one is  pack to the chain and you're going to get access   to find familiar but also find familiar imp and  find familiar closet uh impure is going to allow   it's going to be able to turn invisible it can  fly and it can so sting enemies to give them   poison for closet we can have one that can also  turn invisible and it can scare enemies so it can   frighten them and I think it's kind of easy to  look at these and go all right well is that good   is that is that something that I want to be able  to do and what you really kind of have to think   about when especially when it comes to the Imp in  the closet is that these things are not there to   tank damage they're not there to just sit there  and kill things unrelentingly they're there to   basically allow you to move against a ranged unit  and give it disadvantage or move next to something   and give maybe a stealth or on your team the  ability to go do a sneak attack you use this to   do debuffs like scare or sting on things you don't  think of these as these wrecking balls and on top   of it this is going to be a ritual so you'll be  able to cast each one of these abilities without   using a spell slot and you can just simply do it  every time uh one of them dies you just go ahead   and do it again so you just bring it right back  to life so these are really really important and   Powerful things but it lends itself to a specific  play style so keep that in mind pack to the blade   is the more kind of melee oriented one with pact  of the blade itself you'll be able to summon a   weapon into your hand it uses the wielder's spell  casting ability modifier which in this case is   charisma and its damage is magical and you are  also proficient with the weapon which is crucial   so what this means is you cast this ability and  you can summon a number of specific uh weapons   to your hand now those weapons are uh we'll show  you in a little bit but it's like Rapier Halbert   great ax Warhammer longsword you could use a bunch  of ones and those will level up with you so there   will always be pertinent but later into the game  you're going to find particularly good weapons you   go you know I really like that one I'm going to  go ahead and use it well then you're going to cast   bind packed weapon so for all intensive purposes  this turn it turns a normal weapon into a path to   the blade in that it is going to use your charisma  modifier it's going to become magical and you're   going to become proficient in it so are you a  strength or a DEX based character maybe you're   trying to multi-class as a paladin or maybe you're  a warlock multi-classing into ballot and whatever   it is and you have a ton of strength and you want  to use a finesse weapon which uses your dexterity   well bind pack weapon you're good to go or  maybe vice versa you are a dexterity based Melee   character using finesse weapons that uses your  dexterity modifier and you want to use a strength   weapon find pack weapon and you're good to go  so this is a really really awesome ability that   allows you to have versatility across every single  weapon in the game it's really really awesome   back to the Tome here is going to Grant you access  to three cantrips three additional can trips as   we've said many times before level zero spells  calcium anytime you want guidance is really good   it's going to help you throughout the entirety of  the game if you're disarming traps if you're doing   any kind of conversation it's probably one of the  strongest can trips in the game and you can get an   ambitious mockery which is going to disadvantage  on next attack roll and then Thorn whip which   allows you to pull things closer so choose your  packed based off of the character you want to   play the Warlock you want to build or maybe the  multi-class options you have in mind starting a   conversation on Feats we have a lot of different  fun options for the Warlock which will also be   dependent upon are you going to be a ranged magic  Blaster style of character do you want to be up   close and personal doing damage whatever you  want to do we can have fun here with this feed   selection so just to kind of start off ability  Improvement is always good for every single class   you can simply put two points into this and there  are plenty of what are called half beats meaning   it is a feat that will also give you a bonus to a  specific ability so if I put two points here into   a Charisma it puts it at 19. this isn't enough to  give me the full plus five to Charisma remember   it's every even number after level 10. Instead at  level 4 8 and 12 we get these uh these Feats so   actor would give us an additional Charisma Point  putting us at 20. so abilities Improvement choose   actor I think that's another one called like  performer or something like that yeah performer   that gives us a Charisma feed here so there's  plenty of ways to get Charisma through your   Feats and ability improvements uh and increasing  your Christmas great because if you're doing pack   to the blade that's raw damage if you're doing  just range spell casting that's raw damage so   Charisma is absolutely crucial for you outside of  that we have War caster which is always a really   good one you gain advantage on saving throws to  maintain concentration on a spell stuff like uh   hunger of Hadar is a really amazing spell that you  get access to I think I actually have it right now   no no no no I thought we did um we get access  to and getting keeping concentration on it is   always huge but in addition you get a reaction to  cast shocking grasp when someone moves out of your   opportunity range remember they're in close  combat with you they move away you can do a   reaction to do an opportunity attack but instead  you can do shocking grasp which is always cool   you get spell sniper which is great which is going  to give you an additional cantrip to choose from   but also this is going to give it make it so that  you need to roll a critical hit with spells is   reduced by once rather than rolling a 20 you can  roll a 19 and or a 20. um getting access to as   well Elemental Adept to any one of these is really  nice uh you can do something like cold which does   trigger with Hunger of Hadar but basically spells  you cast ignore resistance to that specific damage   in addition you deal uh cold damage with a  spell you cannot roll a one so you cannot   outright fail These are nice options that you can  choose mobile is a nice one here for the ability   to kind of move around get over through things  ignore opportunity attacks lucky is always very   good you gain three luck points which you can use  to gain advantage on Attack rules ability checks   or saving throws or to make an enemy re-roll  their Attack rules it's all very very nice   you can go down uh specific types of armor if  you want to stick into that you can go into   great weapon Master if you want to go with like  a two-handed weapon based warlock to really kind   of pull more damage out of using great weapons  there's a lot of really cool ways you can do this   if you want to go with a ranged or like a ranged  attack like using like bows Sharpshooter is very   strong here Shield Master is actually pretty good  if you go with a shield on your warlock there's so   many ways you can go about this and I don't want  you to get pigeonholed into just saying I gotta   choose these ways of approaching my character  you can go with polar master and Sentinel if   you want to use pole arm spells or I'm sorry pull  arm spells pull arm weapons as a warlock for your   packed weapon or you've multi-classed into a  paladin that does use it so plenty of ways you   can do a ton of different things with your walk  and hopefully these feed options help you out at   level five something else special happens with  your Warlock and that is your deep in pack so   this is where your choice of pact gets a little  bit well deeper blade act holders gain an extra   attack with their packed weapon meaning that  whenever you go to do an attack it costs you one   action but you get to attack twice it's very good  it's crucial everyone gets this but now packed   to the chain familiars also gain an extra attack  and you're packed with the Tome warlocks can cast   animate dead haste and call lightning once per  long rest so if you chose pack to the Tome and   you're like it's a little underwhelming this is  when it becomes really good because all three of   those spells are very strong for you so it's also  a point when your cantrips will start to scale   and do more damage so this is kind of a bit of a  breaking point for almost every character in the   game level five is a pretty big jump for you but  you'll also get access to your third invocation   and your implications I didn't talk about this  uh earlier but you'll start to get access to more   invocations and that will happen every couple of  levels like at level five you'll get sign of ill   Omen admire the Mind those are two ones that  are added here for you so these two right here   I'm in that level seven you'll get access to  Dreadful word sculpture of Flesh that's going   to give you polymorphic confusion but if you do uh  the The Pact of shot or The Pact of the Tome then   your book of shadows now gives you Ray of sickness  chromatic orb and silence so if you really want to   want to be more of a spellcaster that pact of the  Tome is really the focus you want to take then at   all you get millions of Chaos level nine which  gives you Contra Elemental and level 12 gives   you life Drinker which means your melee attacks  deal additional necrotic damage equal to your   charisma modifier so you will get quite a few  invocations in your your playthrough I believe   in total you'll have six invocations that you can  choose from so it's just kind of worth noting that   level five is a pretty big breaking point for  your character and as you level up your warlock   you'll just choose more spells you'll get more  subclass features as you can see here's dark   one's own blessing this is the 1d10 tone ability  check and this will just kind of progress for   you all the way through your uh warlock levels  you'll choose more more Elder genification I'm   just going to choose one doesn't really matter  here a book of ancient Secrets I I think I made   it sound too much like you can only do this if you  are packed of the Tome I was saying that pack to   the tone gets to get more benefit from book of  the ancient Secrets this was when I was talking   about that gives you Ray of sickness chromatic orb  and sound spells so just more spells that you can   take advantage of and they don't expand any spell  slots when cast because they are rituals so that   is always very nice but again progressing through  this you're just going to be able to choose more   and more of these abilities until you get to  level 11 where you will eventually choose a   mystical Arcanum which is a level six spell  from the warlock spell slot or spell list so   the Warlock here has a ton of things to choose  from and a ton of things that you can do and I   want to now spice into this how you can look  at this angle and usually I stop here around   level eight or nine because I think it's like  that at that point you're just kind of doing a   lot of the same um we're going to take a look  at this now from different multi-class angles   because you can go even crazier in different  directions with this class for those wanting   to make Moe be more of a support or a Caster  style of warlock there is The Good Old Faithful   Bard lock now this can be done one of two ways you  either start as a warlock and go five levels into   Warlock and then the rest into Bard choosing  the school of swords that makes for a more   I guess you can say melee Centric warlock  but it's still your arranged Blaster with   the capability to use your bardic Inspirations to  help you out in a melee standpoint so if you want   someone that can hold their own in combat that's  the way to go but the other route is choosing   Bard and going with the school of knowledge and  choosing only two levels of warlock to get access   to some additional fun things so let's take a look  at what that might look like so level three on   bars where we get access to our subclass right so  we go with College of lore which is going to give   us access to our spell slots which are crucial of  course because we can buff them up as a warlock   but we also get access to three proficiencies  essentially the College of lore turns you very   much into a Caster but also a very big skill  monkey so you can go heavy into sleight of hand   here I can then pull more of it into um side of  hand and go even better at disarming traps and all   sorts of stuff you can have a lot of fun with this  you can get really heavy into persuasion you can   get heavy into deception getting that additional  bit of skills with expertise and skills with   proficiency allows you to really have huge ability  score bonuses to again disarm traps pick locks   or perceive hidden things or traps Insight your  way through certain conversations persuade your   way through certain conversations you just have  so many tools at your disposal when you go with   the already innate jack of all trades your vast  experience makes you more likely to succeed in   your undertaking add half your proficiency bonus  right now down to ability to checks that you are   not proficient in so bards if you've not played  a bard they can bypass so many parts of the game   that you'll never experience that you would have  experienced maybe on a fighting based characters   you're like I gotta fight them but The Bard can  just talk their way through it it's pretty crazy   um but you also get cutting words use your wit to  distract a creature and sap its confidence whereas   the other two get different types of Arctic  Inspirations spells here as well you can just go   ahead and choose your typical kind of spells that  you would as you progress through this and uh what   did I do oh there's choose things randomly there  we go I'm just pressing stuff now pushing here   into four we would choose our feet and I'm just  going to go ahead and and pick up something like   I'll go with uh actor I'm just gonna choose it for  the sake of the video to push through this portion   of the the video quickly because we what we really  want to get to enhanceability is Awesome by the   way get an advantage on ability checks with a  chosen ability so advantage on Charisma for all of   my uh conversation rules we want to get into level  five which is of course always good because it's   going to give me some fun stuff I get improved  Bardock inspiration which gives me a 1d8 and a   font of inspiration you regain all your bardic  inspiration after a long or short rest whereas   previously it was only a long rest so that is  always very crucial here but the big thing I want   is either to multi-class now after I've gotten  these two to increase my bardic inspiration or   wait until level six to get magical secrets from  College of lore so you show you how that works   magical secret so we choose two spells from this  list and it's it's pretty awesome right you can   also armor of agathis is on this list that we  already get from being a warlock uh hunger of   had ours on this list which you again already get  from being a warlock so you can choose these other   than getting them on the Warlock portion but you  know what stuff like Fireball is really great uh   I don't know I'm trying to look at other ones uh  spirit Guardians is amazing so you can have these   already going at college for your college of lore  in addition to your spells and I'd say after this   point I don't know what I would choose here or  just your whole person's good after this point   is when I would pivot for two spicy levels  into warlock so we'll go ahead and do that and your subclass here can be again based off of  how you want to play your game do you want to go   more with great old one or Arch Faye or fiend  it's really going to come down to you and your   personal preference I'm I'm just gonna choose  great old one because I always choose fiend but   also definitely pick up Eldritch blast and I'll  go with I don't know minor illusion seems fun   and then at level two as a warlock what do we  get access to are Eldritch invocations it's not   so it's not so important we get access to our um  uh access to our was I'm sorry what's it called   our packed Boons it's more important we get access  to these objectifications and because our spills   are only limited to level one here uh as far as  our options go you can choose hunger of Hadar in   those magical Secrets or any of the other spells  from the Warlock list that you really couldn't   tap into and what this allows for us to do is get  some really fun stuff going here I mean you can   go pack boom but we're not gonna we're just gonna  go back here level level seven I'm just I'm just   gonna choose one doesn't matter and let me show  you when we jump back into the game what this   now looks like so here are all of our spell slots  and this is only level nine so if I want to cast any of these abilities here  let's just go ahead and press   this I can use so many more spell slots than I  would otherwise have access to because my level   1 warlock spells can tap into all this so I can  just go ahead and cast those spells on that rather   than wasting them on a different one and then  they're just replenishable for me so you have   a lot of spell slots you have access to a ton of  different other little things that you can do and   your vet you're also a Charisma class twice over  right you're a warlock as well as a Bard with tons   of things to take advantage of and you can really  do a lot of powerful things with this now another   really popular option is going with Paladin and  warlock because they are both Charisma based   classes now here you'd go with oath of vengeance  is my personal preference because I just really   like it it's really good uh with Avengers paladins  you know you have your certain tenants but the   point of this would be to become an oath breaker  you don't need to you could just stick with oath   of Vengeance if you so wish but oath breaker is  just really fun and thematic to be an oath breaker   and a warlock it just is a really cool RP there's  nothing about one over the other that makes them   anyone better I just choose an oath that you like  but let's just say oath of Vengeance because for   the pretense of this video I don't want to go  quickly break a tenant and show it off and it'll   blah blah let's do oath of Vengeance and here it  is and you go ahead and level up and you start to   get access to some fun abilities you know you get  your Divine smites and all sorts of fun fighting   styles which you can choose you know do you want  to go with a great weapon to really just double   down on this and then make that a packed weapon  because that's what you're going to do you're   going to put seven levels into Paladin and five  levels into Warlock and those warlock levels are   going to be focused on really pulling more out of  your melee melee capabilities so choose between   sword and board or choose between great weapons  it's up to you defense is going to increase your   armor class while wearing armor dueling just means  you cannot use two weapons or a two-handed weapon   if you use a weapon in one hand and a shield  in the other hand you still get the bonus here   of dueling so don't think you can only use  one weapon used to be called single weapon   fighting or something like that protection here  you have a shield imposed disadvantage or when   you have a shield imposed disadvantage of an  attack against your allies when you're within   five feet and it's a reaction so if you want to  be more of a tank you've got those capabilities   let's go a great weapon fighting because it's  going to be a fun little showcase here and as   you just kind of progress through this we'll jump  we'll jump ahead here but we get fun things to   get going here right like Divine Health we've  got valve entity ABS your enemy we already had   uh our divine Smite kick in and we also now get  access to wrathful Smite possibly frightens your   target or searing Smite deals on an extra 1D uh  six fire damage or thunderous Smite so we start   to get all the fun capabilities that we get as a  paladin let's now jump ahead and see what it looks   like spiced him with some warlock so here we are  at level seven for our Paladin and the big thing   here is we wanted this last subclass feature so  whatever oath you take you'll get you get another   subclass feature at seven you'll get your extra  attack at five you'll get some other benefits here   and there as you go up through this and you also  get your feet at four so you want to get all those   things online and then we would go ahead and just  accept this I don't care what the other stuff is   and we'd go ahead and start spicing into warlock  right and the focus here for that is these two of   course go with um a go with pack to the blade now  we're not going to be able to get here because I'm   on that level 10 on this character uh but pack  to the blade is what we want to get because that   that packed weapon is going to be even stronger  because we already have so many amazing things   going for us as a paladin maybe we go with oath  of devotion and you can add your charisma score   into that even before you become a warlock so you  have a lot of ways to go about this you get your   aura of protection or whatever Aura it is that you  get there's an aura that you get active here at   like level six and you're just kind of spicing  in more and more fun things into this class to   give you a lot more range capability or reaction  to whenever you get hit stuff like that so this   is a very fun and very up close and personal  way of playing you get access to your channel   oath charges which you get lots of armor in the  very early parts of the game to take advantage of   and you can do a lot of really cool things with  you get your lay on hand charges you get all the   fun things here uh Paladin let's go passives  that uh we have all of your repelling blast   stuff here and everything that's fun and active  there there's your oral protection you are nearby   allies game plus three bonus two saving throws  so it is a permanent one so really take a look   at these two multi-class options because it's  a great ways to turn your warlock into a person   that you maybe felt was a little underwhelming  and maybe you want to jump into the sorcerer a   warlock sorcer is an amazing option going maybe  with the pact of Shadows I'm sorry a pack of the   Tome and pulling tons of spells from that in  addition to what you get from the invocations   down the road if you go heavier into warlock  than than sorcerer you're taking advantage of   the innate bonuses you already get as a Charisma  based class and spicing it into one of the other   three Charisma based classes that are already  very good and there's tons of other multi-class   options you can choose from to really have a lot  of fun as a warlock so if you're struggling is   a warlock please go ahead and let me know in  the comment section below how you maybe are   struggling or what you really are struggling  to get off the ground with them or if you're   playing the Warlock and you have mastered this or  you've played fifth edition and you want to give   people some suggestions throw in some multi-class  things that you uh have really seen successful in   Baldur's Gate 3 in the comments section below I'm  always huge on you guys trying to promote and give   as much information about these classes to people  that are brand new to this series to really help   them get off the ground maybe you want to have  will be a different character this is some of   the ways you can do it multi-classing him and  spicing him into different directions but as   always guys thank you so much for watching  here today have a good one and take care [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 27,890
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Keywords: How to Build a Warlock (Wyll) for Beginners in Baldur's Gate 3, baldur's gate 3, bg3 classes, bg3 build, baldurs gate 3 build, bg3 tips for beginners, bg3 warlock guide, bg3 warlock multiclass builds, bg3 warlock build guide, bg3 warlock multiclass, bg3 warlock multiclass build, bg3 warlock the fiend, bg3 wyll build, wyll build, baldurs gate 3 warlock build, bg3 warlock build, baldurs gate 3 warlock guide, baldurs gate 3 warlock, baldurs gate 3 warlock build guide
Id: t41m38C7oko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 52sec (2572 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 29 2023
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