Creating the BEST PARTY Comp for Baldur's Gate 3

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creating a character is hard enough but what  about deciding on your entire party how do you   even really create a working party comp for  Balter SK 3 what if you make too many close   combat characters what about not having enough  healing will you make it out alive without a   rogue we'll answer all these questions today by  going over how to really create an effective party   composition for your first or maybe your next  playthrough of bg3 if this is your first time   my channel the way I do things is by UPF fronting  the knowledge of my videos so you can decide if   it's the right one for you now with that being  said what will be talking about today is going   to be pretty loose there are no real hard and  fast rules here what I want to really impress   upon you is that this game can be defeated by  a party of four barbarians or four Rogues it   doesn't matter the first two difficulties are  going to come down to understanding the game   itself rather than the composition of your party  will stronger will super strong builds you see   online trivialize things for you yeah absolutely  even the latter two harder difficulties though   come down to proper action economy management and  placement more than your actual build but I will   tell you that we'll be touching on how your main  character or face character as it is often called   will Thrive with having a few extra points into  Charisma and then an investment into one of three   conversational skills when it comes to the other  three companions it's all about making things that   complement you or each other made a fighter go  with a cleric or even another supporting Melee   character like a paladin or Barbarian then  flesh out the other two spots to either add   to those first two characters strengths or short  up their weaknesses so if I made a fighter and a   cleric well let's add some range potential  with a sorcerer or a wizard to help us get   some crowd control elements into the party as  well and maybe a rogue or a barard to help us   with traps lockpicking or other Wy portions of  the game that's really the the too long didn't   watch of this entire video there's no wrong way to  do this so make a party that is fun for you so if   that's all you wanted to know please feel free  to shut the video down and get back to making   the best party for yourself in bg3 before you head  out please don't forget to like comment subscribe   each one of those things does help me out in a  huge way I've gone from something like 89 to 80%   unsubscribed viewership because of your help but  that's a number I'd still like to get lower and   every little bit helps you can also check me out  on Twitch linked in the uh description below I do   stream balers Gate 3 and a number of other games  if you need help with any other subject in balers   gate check out my playlist linked below and at  the end of the video but let's get started here   on creating the best party comp in balers Gate 3  so before we actually jump into the video itself   I want to show off balers gate Wiki because what  I'm going to talk about some things I might say   heyy you know what plan out this character take  a look at this character maybe look at what their   abilities are whatever it is and the resource  I'm going to give you a link in the description   here below is for the bg3 wiki because it's going  to have every little thing that's going to happen   from the character from level one to level 12 of  any desired class so when I say things again like   hey take a look at what the fighter gets at this  level or that level see if you want this over that   and then decide how to multiclass or do whatever  what I'm talking about is being able to click on   the fighter over here and being able to see this  chart okay well hey they get an extra attack at   five I definitely want to get there oh but they  get a a feed at eight let's bring myself to eight   before I multiclass whatever it is so being able  to kind of look at these things and then drill   down onto the individual sub classes is going to  be pretty huge for not just simply creating your   character but also building out how the rest of  your party is going to interact with each other   you know like hey I'm going to make a fighter but  am I going to be a fighter that is going to worry   or that is going to really help out the party with  a lot of really utility being the Battle Master or   am I going to be a super tanky fighter using the  shield spell from Elder tonight so you kind of   get those things in your in your in your brain  by kind of looking through and Diving through   some of these pages and then going hey I've made  that kind of fighter well you know what I want to   go with a cleric like I said before that is going  to be a life cleric and really do a ton of healing   so you've got these uh this resource but the other  resource I also want to show off is this one here   that'll help you out when it comes to all of your  spell slots the big thing is of course trying to   get to those max level of spell slots in four  five or six or I'm sorry getting up to the six   level spell slot so you might tell yourself hey  you know what I'm going to be two levels into   Paladin here but then I'm going to put 10 levels  into Bard what does that get me oh awesome look at   all these spell slots I'm going to get for these  juicy Paladin smites or maybe I'm going to take um   let's go six levels into Wizard and I'm going to  take six levels into Ranger I never heard of that   but six levels into Ranger oh okay cool I'm going  to have a fifth level spell which should be pretty   juicy but I'm still going to have some fun for my  Ranger capabilities so this gives you just another   way or another method of planning out characters  for yourself or for the entire party but I wanted   to show these off here and you have those in that  as references in the in the uh description below   so loading into the game the first topic to talk  about is our main character our face character the   one that's going to be doing all the heavy lifting  and when I say heavy lifting of course this is   the one that you kind of put the most effort into  right you know this is one you care about because   it's your character it's you and the world  whatever it is and what I'll tell you is this   is kind of going to create the future blueprint  for the entire party and but you could even work   reverse if you wanted like if you've already  played the game and go hey you know what this   time around I want to play shadow heart as a monk  and not a cleric well maybe you can kind of work   backwards from there but I'm assuming we're coming  at this from the main character onwards and you   don't really know much about what characters are  coming your way and that's okay I just wanted to   kind of uh establish that first so when it comes  to selecting your class what I'll tell you is just   choose one choose the one that you that interests  you the most the one that you're kind of really   interested in don't get stuck in the doldrum of  reading something online that says well you know   yeah the barbarian's pretty good but you know what  you're not going to have a high amount of Charisma   so you probably want to go with a paladin or a  sorcerer or a Bard yeah sure those are all three   very strong characters that have super strong  builds attached to them as well but if you want   to be an Arcane wizard that has spent all their  time pouring through books and learning things   then by all means do it I'm going to show you how  to kind of circumvent that absolute need to have   super high Charisma what I'll tell you also is  that high Charisma kind of trivializes I've used   that word so many times in in the last couple days  when it comes to this stuff but it does trivialize   a lot of the game it's such a super blown out of  proportion ability score that I think that if you   approach this game saying my face character  has to have uh 17 Charisma which is the max   amount you can have here at character creation  you will push yourself through a lot of fights   you will I'm sorry you'll bypass a lot of fights  with that Charisma sure but that also changes the   way you play the game and approaching the game  as a barbarian who just shouts at people than   be charismatic is a totable viable way to play the  game even has specific uh dialogue options for you   as a barbarian where you just shout at someone you  just straight up shout at them you don't you don't   even have like a coherent conversation so you can  have a lot of fun with these things don't think   you're locked into one of these three or four I  forgot warlock in this list predominant classes   that focus on Charisma don't this is your main  character this is the one that you want to have   the most fun with you want to play an open hand  monk that just uses wisdom and doesn't even have   a little bit of Charisma fine I'll tell you from  my personal playthrough the one that I have I'm   the farthest I'm just about to beat the game with  finally it's a ranger I'm playing a ranger and I   don't have 16 Charisma I have uh what do I what  do I have I have 12 Charisma that's all I have   on that character and this is where this kind of  comes to selecting your face class character if   this is your face character the character that  is the main one that's going through all the   dialogues and all that stuff all you really have  to do to kind of Shore that up is get 12 Charisma   because this gives you a plus one to all Charisma  checks which are going to be related to the skill   proficiencies deception intimidation performance  and persuasion are all Charisma skills so just   simply having a plus one there is huge and then  from there just try to have either An Origin or   a skill Proficiency in one of these um skills  persuasion intimidation or deception one of   those is a conversational skill and it's really  all you'll need yeah are you going to fail some   of those checks absolutely but you're playing a  Ranger and a ranger isn't always known for being   someone that's going to craft their way through  every conversation and that's just fine you don't   need to break the game by only beating all the  conversation scores cuz then you're just playing   conversation simulator might as well play Sims at  that point which I can't wait for the next one to   come out a hard sag way but now getting back  to your class decision and we'll we'll we'll   kind of create this character right here and we  we'll we'll fill out the rest from this point   on so a big thing that comes down when it comes  to your your composition is do I need to go with   multiclassing what kind of multi I don't even  know what a multiclass is you know I I barely   passed you know English 101 all you really need  to worry about is just choosing one and going   with it you can spend 12 levels into each one of  these classes and actually be a very strong very   fun character 12 levels of fighter is actually  one of the strongest characters in the game so   don't worry about it 12 levels of sorcerer is  also stupid strong 12 levels of wizard warlock   monk Barbarian it's all totally viable you don't  need to multiclass and this way if you're coming   at this the first time maybe you're brand new to  D and you're brand new to crpgs or that you've   played balers gate in the past and you didn't  and multiclassing and dual classing were a whole   different beast and you didn't want to jump into  it like I said just go straight up 12 levels into   fighter super easy and it's very damn strong a  Battle Master fighter is a very strong character   in this game so what we'll do is I'm going to  assume that you're going to choose Fighter for   your main character and I'm GNA I'm going to play  around with these stats this isn't a video talking   about how you should set your stats out and what  build you should go with I've got a million build   guides and there's so many on YouTube it's an  oversaturated point at this point I just wanted   to talk about how to go about approaching creating  this party so that you don't feel so overwhelmed   with the decisions coming your way so um let's  just say we're going to be a super uh strong   Fighter character right here we'll use recommended  there and I'll kind of tweak it from there we'll   go ahead and drop that there we'll put that to  there that should not be that high there we go   that's a perfectly viable character and we even  we can even tweak a little more around here there   that that'll do pig you know that that that's just  fine I now have my point into intimidation so I   can be a real [ __ ] fighter that kind of like  Gruffs my way through things my background here   is a charlatan it's going to give me deception  SL of hand skills so I have to worry about that   I usually kind of recommend people for they Min  maxing and not caring about background I like   Guild Artisan because it gives me persuasion for  free so now I've got persuasion and intimidation   so I can use both of those in conversations and I  get a plus one to those roles so it's actually in   truth it's GNA say it shows it right there right  it says plus three so it shows you um that it   reflects that specialization bonus plus the stat  so I'm pretty good for the majority of the game   and that that proficiency bonus is only going to  increase from two to three to four eventually so   let's assume then your face character is going to  be a fighter and again that could be anything you   want maybe you went with a wizard instead or  a cleric whatever so but for the for the sake   of this video I'm assuming you've gone fighter  let's now talk about another subject before we   get into party numbers 2 three and four and it's  about Companions and with that I really want to   focus again on choosing what you want don't jump  into the game and go well you know what is Shadow   heart really good doesn't matter if she's good or  not because you build the character out yourself   any one of these characters yeah sure Shadow har  is a Char cleric Lazelle is a fighter um will is   a warlock Will's character Maybe is really a big  warlock from his story right or Gail is definitely   a wizard in his story and and um Shadow heart  is definitely a sh cleric in her story but it   doesn't matter change their change their class  around do whatever you want and when it comes to   their personality of the character if you like  it then that's the one you're going to take go   with your gut you like things that are entirely  different from the things that I like you have   experienced entirely different things in your life  that allow you to like things and dislike things   that I maybe don't like and more often than not  I hate being myself but I'll tell you what I like   my preferences so if you prefer a character over  another disregard everything you've read online   disregard everything you've seen from YouTube  videos my own included and just go with that   character if you want to go with the party of will  Gail and um Lazelle then do it if you want to put   carlac in instead of another one of them then do  it and swap their classes out as much as you want   you can stick with a lore kind of uh Trope if you  want like hey you know what I I'll I'll multiclass   gaale off of warlock into something else or I'll  keep um Shadow heart along the lines of a cleric   but I I'll still go into a different route do it  if you want don't do it if you don't because at no   point in the story they're going to go well you  know as a wait am I still a cleric of char like   they they don't care you're going to hear the  story regardless and yes they could be a cleric   of sh but it could still be a worshipper of char  she doesn't necessarily say oh well because I'm a   cleric she says because I worship sh so have fun  with this do whatever the hell you want and do   not think about your companions as anything other  than things that you want to have along for the   journey and the next time you come about do it  with a different set of them maybe you stick a   couple ones that you like from the previous ones  in there who knows but just want to break apart   that analysis paralysis because I think a lot of  people get hung up on well do I want to take that   character this character uh will is a warlock  can I make will of a fighter [ __ ] yeah you   can you paid money you do whatever the hell you  want so let's now get into our next party member   so on to our second party member and our first  party member is that fighter we created right   and I've I'm using one of my other saves that  I have so you're going to see that it's a um a   tlink fighter but with that fighter how do I want  to complement them and when the fighter you kind   of think of a character who's using heavy armor  who's using two-handed weapons or a sword and a   shield or maybe even two weapons so when it comes  to kind of encapsulating that second class think   of maybe something that complement them up in  the front row are they a fellow Paladin that's   going to sit or a fellow Melee character like a  paladin who sits toe-to-toe with them and fights   alongside them are they a barbarian who just  kind of throws fisticuffs whatever it is kind   of get that in your head as far as like okay do  I want this this next character to kind of be one   that complement them directly in that strength  right it's two Marshall characters up close and   personal doing damage in my personal opinion I  like having one character that is going to be up   close and personal even a monk it doesn't need  to be a tanky character wearing heavy armor it   could be a monk it could be a barbarian a paladin  a fighter even a melee based Ranger a war cleric   a moon Druid that's shape-shifting a sword barred  a blade pack warlock it doesn't really matter just   someone I I like to kind of have in front because  that person can then kind of divert the rest of   the enemies either around them and hopefully  causing opportunity attacks or kind of at least   stting them from getting to my quote unquote  backline so in this example here we have our   fighter right our first first character is our  fighter so our second character I think going   very safe and generic is just fine you know going  with a um a life or a light Druid light Druid like   12 I'm sorry cleric 12 levels into light cleric  is stupid strong actually the light cleric is   probably one of the best domains just pure on its  own it's really really really good I love it and   in my playthrough my main character is a ranger  Shadow har is a 12 level light cleric so what   I'm going to do for that second character is I'm  going to directly complement their weaknesses of   my Fighter by providing range spell damage which  the the light domain focuses on the light domain   is really more of a quote unquote Blaster as it  were but it also will help out because I'll get   this ability warding flare the light cleric has  an ability that can give disadvantage on attacks   to them but at level six they can throw this onto  their friends so hey you know what my Fighters up   close and personal my light domain cleric is able  to cast spells from the backline and also kind of   help me out with this warding flare ability and  has some healing capabilities now I will say when   it comes to Healing you do not need it in this  game like die hard fifth edition DND really like   super knowledgeable folk will tell you you don't  need healing in the game the best healing is just   killing more if you want to play a character that  heals then just do it go with a life domain cleric   and just get a ton of healing it doesn't matter  it's actually really fun to have super crunchy   big heels it's a really cool part of the game  but the light domain cleric still gets plenty   of heels because it still is a cleric at the end  of the day so we'll go with this as our second   character to kind of add a little complimentary  spice to the mix and keep in mind too you might   have characters that are going to overlap when  it comes to like a fighter and a paladin when   it comes to gear right they're both going to be  wearing heavy armor maybe and they're both going   to be using two-handed weapons there's plenty  of items in the game to go around for that style   lots of heavy armor choices lots of two-handed  weapon choices what I will say though is you do   want to have kind of a mind of what Focus stat  wise you're taking with the remainder of your   party members okay my fighter I'm going to focus  on their strength cool done well cleric is going   to focus on wisdom okay well that's two different  that's two different ability scores or stats and I   can focus on them differently well when it comes  to like a paladin well am I going to focus on my   strength yeah but you also probably want to focus  a little bit on Charisma because you're going to   get a lot out of that and that's where it kind of  gets sticky what if I want to have a warlock in my   party who focuses on Charisma you as the as the  Creator have to really decide for yourself who's   going to take the benefit of that stat over the  other right Warlock and Paladin are are examples   of two characters that both use Charisma but the  Warlock cannot do damage without Charisma so it   needs that Charisma versus the Paladin yeah I can  fall back on all my my close combat abilities my   smites don't do more damage because of my Charisma  there's just other Paladin things that get   benefits my Charisma okay cool that solves that  but what happens if I go between a sorcerer and   a warlock well again there is a really good hat  for Charisma casters and a really good robe for   Charisma casters there's still good alternatives  to those but they focus predominantly on taking   Charisma benefits and add to your charisma score  scores all that so you would just decide for   yourself hey you know what my warlock has really  been sucking it's has not been doing damage so I'm   going to give the things that augment their damage  directly to the Warlock and the Sorcerer I'm going   to do things that maybe help their spell save DC  or their spell attack roles so they have a higher   likelihood of their spells hitting but I want my  warlock to actually hit harder because he's just   really not doing it so you're going to juggle  these instances and if you're new to the game   you maybe don't know when or where or what those  items are that's okay you're going to stumble upon   it and find them in due time and you're going to  feel it out for your own party and go [ __ ] my   druid just really not doing any damage I'm going  to give them the wisdom item rather than my cleric   whatever it is you're it's going to be unique to  you and how you're playing and how you're enjoying   that class and what damage you're getting out  of them to determine who gets what item as it   pertains to their primary stat now for our third  character we're looking at someone that's going   to maybe add a little bit different spice into  the party right am I looking at my I've looked   at my fight or my cleric a very kind of generic  way of approaching Dungeons and Dragons right a   fighter a cleric a wizard a rogue Ah that's there  it is you've got your four you and you could still   go at that party and Crush [ __ ] by the way so  with this third character let's think about some   of the rules that we created in that previous  character conversation right who can augment my   first character my fighter well I can go with  another close combat character like a paladin   I can do that and I'm looking at lazel here and  I'm specifically doing this for for a specific   reason um maybe you know what I want to support  my Fighter character with a ranged Marshall   character in the sense of charact someone that's  using like a bow and arrow or like a rogue right   that can maybe get up close and personal and use  the sneak attacks to do a little damage but you   know what we have a cleric here so the cleric's  going to give me a lot of range boom boom they're   going to give me some healing and they're going  to give me a lot of really fun staying power so   you know what I'm going to do lelle is a gith  and gith typically are also practiced monks   so I'm going to go with a monk and this goes to  my conversation about two characters that share   a similar stat because clerics and WIS and monks  just like Druids all rely on wisdom and Rangers   so I'm going to take a look at my stats here and  I'm going to focus on increasing my dexterity I'm   going to increase my Constitution and I'm going  to increase my wisdom and I'm not going to really   worry about it because oh did I mess up this yeah  went all won aotus which is a a term the Romans   use we all know that the Romans use the word to  wotus I'm going to increase my strength a little   bit because I like to um we go with something  like that actually no we will go with yeah I   like that we'll do that we'll do that I'll get I  would do something different with my my my build   in a different time but wisdom is different here  for a monk than it is for a cleric because monks   have this special unarmored defense while not  wearing armor you add your wisdom modifier to   your armor class so I'm getting an increase to my  armor for my decks of plus three and my wisdom of   an additional plus three and the Damage I can do  for my monk later in their leveling and this comes   back to kind of planning things out using the uh  the bg3 wiki I can look at okay well hey at this   level the monk gets a special stun or they get  this special uh key resonance ability and it's   all kind of based off of my wisdom modifiers and  stuff like that okay that's how far down I'll go   into this and the difference too being is that  a monk and a cleric I as a monk am doing damage   with my wisdom helps to augment things whereas a  cleric uses their wisdom yes to to do damage but   it also is available spell slots and all these  things so when it comes to getting an item that   maybe increases my wisdom there's only one item in  the game that does that so don't worry about this   um but still my point remains I would probably  default it to the character that needs it the   most in the circumstance that it it feels right  oh my cleric I need more spells or I need their   spells to hit more often so let's go ahead and  augment the wisdom on my cleric because my monk   is still an upclose Melee character and I need  their dexterity to be higher so they can actually   do more damage with their fists there's a whole  conversation about tavn brother monks I'm not   getting into right now but we can see here with  a monk we're going to augment the abilities of a   fighter by being next to the fighter and being  able to kind of throw literally fist to cuffs   with that fighter and this also can be augmented  further from the cleric who can heal the monk   increase their hit points using spells like Aid  and also divert damage away from them because we   went with a light cleric that can completely do  that and again the monk has super mobile so if   someone gets in the backline up to next to that  cleric the monk can be there and it can help out   so this is how we kind of piece things together  by kind of creating a web between these three   characters that have an overlap let's now go to  our last character on to this last character and   just to recap here we have a fighter we have a  cleric we have a monk and now we have another   choice to make and we have a character that can  do some range spell damage with the cleric we   have a monk and a fighter that can be up close  and personal and punch and kick the crap out   of things so what do we do now and this can come  down to whatever it is you can you can have kind   of like a wild card like hey you know what this  doesn't really fit along with what wanted I mean I   could go with another I could go with a barbarian  this mix right now and I'd still be just fine and   I've made a point too to change Lazelle away  from a fighter to show you that you can do a   monk and she fits pretty well with her lore and we  know will is a warlock and we know he has a pack   with a demon I know that all exists and you could  even then still go with a warlock and be fine in   that party comp we just talked about but let's  think about some other things because we have   a character that's really good a decent enough  at conversating we have a character here that   is really good uh with wisdom scores and stuff  like that and and one thing to kind of mention   too that monk had very high dexterity I could have  gone with slight of hand if I wanted to you know   or stealth in the character whatever it is I'd  have to get slight of hand through a different   means of course but my point Still Remains here  that they have high enough dexterity I my Ranger   I've my Ranger did I did this Urban tracker so  and this is going to fall into what I was going   to talk about right now is we kind of need someone  that's going to pick locks disarm traps do we need   to no because you can break open all those things  and be just fine it doesn't destroy items like it   did in previous baller's Gates and you can kind  of suffer your way through a lot of traps if you   really want to let's go with a ranger here to  Showcase something this character we're going   to go natural Explorer because it gives him  a Proficiency in side of hand and I'm going   to make him someone that uses a bow and arrow  in this case so I'm going to drop this strength   here we're going to bring his Constitution up  up we're going to do this let's actually do that yeah let's not do that let's do that there  we go don't need intelligence at all put that   up because I I hate dealing with car capacity  and I'm going to put stealth and side of hand   so and perception so I can spot traps so this  character for all intents and purposes could   be the character that takes care of my traps  can stealth around can pickpocket can steal um   can pick locks can spot traps with perception it  can be this character it doesn't need to be that   Rogue or The Bard it doesn't need to go down that  route if you don't want to and yes this is another   wisdom-based character but wisdom when it comes  to Rangers is just so much different than it is   for clerics you know I'm I'm I'm not thinking of  my spells as has the big driving force of what   my Ranger does yeah my spells can help augment  what my Ranger does you know I can use lightning   Arrow at Max like think like level 11 Ranger or  something like that or I can use in snaring strike   and such and so and so forth but really what I'm  doing as a ranger is if I'm A Beast Master I've   got a beast and I'm shooting a bow and arrow or if  I am a gloomstalker I'm trying to really maximize   my gloomstalker abilities which are really far  and away from my spell casting capabilities so if   I went with Ranger that would be three different  wisdom-based characters in this party and it would   be just fine and even two looking at the armor  spread this character is light and medium armor   this is a no armor character this is light medium  and heavy armor it's a cleric whatever whatever   you can slap on them and the fighter is heavy  armor well light medium and heavy right but this   shows you we've spread across a bunch of different  uh stat layouts right we spread across a bunch of   different armor layouts and we set a bunch of  different weapons layouts because the cleric is   probably going to use a staff and a shield or  maybe a mace in a shield if you want to go the   Classic route the fighter is probably going to use  a two-handed weapon and there's a lot of really   good ones or sword and shield or two one-handed  weapons same thing here with that Ranger right am   I going to use my bow and arrow am I going to use  a two-handed weapon we we have that flexibility to   choose things but what I will tell you is maybe  don't have four characters that need heavy armor   and two-handed weapons there's enough to go around  but it's going to now come down to you choosing   favorites who's going to who's going to get the  hand-me-downs all the way down the character list   so this diversifies our characters it diversifies  our skills it diversifies our equipment options   and it diversifies even though we have a bunch  of decks and wisdom characters it diversifies   the play style of each one of these party members  but even then over uh what what does that mean one   more over we could simply just go with a Bard  and I could simply go into my ability and I can   go with SL a hand because Bard can learn every  goddamn thing under the Sun so you don't have to   stick with the things the character would do from  their um from their Story I mean aard still kind   of fits the blade of the Frontiers maybe he made  a packed to be the best goddamn musician this side   of balder's gate and that's what you're going  to stick with that's what you can kind of play   within your head Cannon and you can have fun with  a character that is set up exactly like this and   you can do a ton of crap with them because bards  can do [ __ ] everything in this game in all in   all in D and D so when you kind of jump into the  driver's seat of this and you're looking at it and   you kind of say okay hey you know what let's go  with The Bard this is going to give me different   spellcasting than my cleric right I can go with  some healing I can go with some buffing but I can   also really lock people down with Tasha's hideous  laughter I can use disant wh Whispers Whispers to   frighten them and give disadvantage bandages  right I can charm someone I can put them to   sleep I can really do a lot of crazy things here  so let's let's do that let's let's kind of set   that situation up and can trips here you know  vicious mockery to kind of like taunt someone   and tell them that their mother smells like their  father I don't know what the hell that means and   we've got ourselves a party so let's put this  all together and kind of take a look at things   for some closing thoughts now that we've created  our four person party let's take a look here right   we've got a fighter we've got a cleric we've got  a monk and we've got a Bard we've got everything   covered and I showed you how you don't really  need to take that very stereotypical route to   cover it yeah sure The Bard's going to be the one  picking locks and that's kind of a little bit of a   stereotypical route but we talked about possibly  being a ranger or being any other character that   wants to take that dive towards not stealth of  hand side of hand stealth or sight of hand um it   can be a rogue can be whatever we have our healer  D Dash casting character back here in our cleric   and that's a rout you can take but it could be a  wizard it could be a sorcerer it could have even   been an ancient Paladin that I really focused on  a lot of the healing capabilities it could have   been a land Druid that I went with this over here  we have our Monk and the monk is going to really   augment me up and close and personal right do a  lot of really fun big heavy hits that could have   been a barbarian that could have been a paladin  that could have been a melee based Ranger I could   have had a ranged and a melee based Ranger in  this class in this group and had and had a ton   of fun one is a beast master and the other one  as a hunter or the other one as a gloomstalker   doesn't really matter so hopefully this kind  of breaks apart some of that again analysis   paralysis of creating a party comp it comes down  to creating this face character right here right   this this this character you want to be and then  building your party around it and you can see even   that I didn't really go with like a super generic  party here we don't have a wizard we don't even   have a dedicated scroll casting character right  we don't have anyone who uses uh Michelob Ultra   orb whatever the hell it's called or magic Missile  we had someone who's going to just shoot things   with radiant and fire damage um and yeah you can  think of every little Nuance of oh but we need a   cold damage dealer a fire damage dealer a thunder  damage yeah take the time to do that if you want   have fun with this enjoy this process don't get  so pigeonholed into thinking about how do I make a   character that breaks the game because that's what  the internet tells me to instead make a character   you know what dude the monk looks really good I  keep seeing a lot of cool gameplay for Monk and   I'll tell you U my honor mode character laelle or  honor playthrough Lazelle is a monk and she just   eats ass kicks ass she kicks ass she's so strong  she just kicks the crap out of everything and it's   it's so fun it is so fun to have a character like  that and you can enjoy that you can enjoy kind of   taking those different approaches don't look at  these characters and think okay it's got to be   a very set approach it's got to be this build or  that build you can just go pure classes and also   have have a great time so if you have any other  advice to anyone who's approaching making a party   comp go ahead and let it be known in the comment  section below maybe you say hey yeah that this guy   brought up a lot of really good good points but  one of the biggest pitfalls I keep falling into   I keep seeing people do is that they don't have  someone with medicine to make potions and I I I   recommend you do something like that whatever it  is let it be know in the comment section below   your experience at balers Skate 3 is going to be  different than mine and my understanding of how   action economy works or how I should do things  in the game is going to be different than yours   so all those things matter so just take a look  at it take some time have some fun with this   process because I wish I could go back and and go  about this game for the very first time I've put   hundreds of hours into it and I absolutely love  it but I wish I could experience for the first   time again with so much mystery attached to all  these classes and these characters and and so much   fun don't get too bogged down in it enjoy this  process because you'll never be able to do it   again right but as always guys thank you so much  for watching here today have a good one and take [Music] care
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 56,816
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Creating the BEST PARTY Comp for Baldur's Gate 3, baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 party composition, bg3 party composition, baldurs gate 3 guide, bg3 party comp, bg3 party members, baldurs gate 3 beginners guide, bg3 party formation, bg3 party build, bg3 party management, bg3 companion guide, bg3 best team comp, baldurs gate 3 best team, baldurs gate 3 party guide, bg3 best party composition, bg3 guide, bg3 companion builds, baldurs gate 3 best party compositions
Id: __aDx7SykK8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 19sec (2059 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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