ULTIMATE MOON DRUID (Halsin) Build for Baldur's Gate 3

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shape shifting one of the Hallmark abilities of  The Druids of Dungeons and Dragons and the same   can be said for the circle of the Moon Druid in  balers Gate 3 focusing on the wild shaped form you   have a character that is strong Without Really any  gear throughout the entirety of the game in this   video today we'll be going over how to build  out your moon Druid maybe you're playing with   hson Jahira or making your own character as one  whatever the case will break it down for you if   this is your first time on my channel the way I do  things is by upfront the knowledge of my videos so   you can decide if it's the right one for you with  that being said this is a very straightforward   build you have really two options you can go 11  levels into Moon Druid with one level into either   wizard for unfettered access to all spells or  sorcerer for constitution saving throw proficiency   as well as early Mage Armor the other option  is taking nine levels into Moon Druid and three   levels into Wild Heart Barbarian to gain the full  resistance to every damage type the trade-off is   that you have less spells you can cast and your  wild shape has less Health but does more damage   and takes less damage from all sources the choice  is yours really and we'll discuss both later   in the video but that's the entire gist of this  video and if that's all you wanted to know please   feel free to shut down the video and get back to  enjoying your ultimate shape shifter in bg3 before   you head out please don't forget to like subscribe  subscri it subscribe comment with all that action   each one of those helps me out in a huge way I  currently have something like 89% unsubscribed   viewership on the channel and that's a metric  I'm trying to change so every little bit helps   you can jump ahead to any part of the video that  interests you the most using the chapters and both   the timeline and the description if you need help  with any other subject in balers Skate 3 check   out my playlist links below and at the end of the  video but let's get started here on the ultimate   Moon Druid build for balers Gate 3 starting us off  we're going to go into a conversation about race   as always and really what we're looking for here  are things that transfer to our wild shape when   we go into wild shape and for the most part it's  pretty much going to be any passive ability that a   race offers us so that's what I'm really going  to go through here any one of the ones I talk   about are just fine even if you want to choose the  ones that are not the ones I talk about it's going   to be just fine it's a singleplayer narrative  game go with the choice you want not what I or   the internet says is good so wood elf either uh  half or full gives us Fleet of foot that 5 foot   movement goes towards uh our wild shaped form so  that is quite good we like that quite a bit also   halflings their luck thing here rolling for you  get that lucky role that happens in Wild shaped   form same thing here with brave for Advantage on  saving throws against being frightened that's a   really great uh little didy you can get access  to one of my favorite ones though with um uh   this whole set situation is actually gnome and I  am not a huge fan of small races gnomes get their   uh race feature here of gnome [ __ ] so advantage  on intelligence wisdom and Charisma saving throws   so anything that would otherwise maybe make you  have or make you lose control of your character   you get an advantage on that saving throw and  the forest gnome um gives us dark vision which   is cool but you get to speak with animals it's  just kind of a nice little thing to have and it's   very thematic so you can have access to that um  not important I thought I thought was something   else uh also too they move 25 ft per turn which is  just kind of like your basic racial as in general   um as you can see this guy these guys move 30 so  gnomes are a little bit slower just keep that in   mind but it's not going to matter once you go into  uh wild shaped format I just wanted to bring that   up now dwarf is pretty good here as well because  the gold dwarf this um increase to health will   transfer over to your wild shape form and duar  will get access to a um free enlarge and you   can cast enlarge before you go into wild shaped  form or use a potion of Colossus both things will   all effectively give you enlarge and that will  transfer over to your wild shape form also too   having the dear resistance here for Advantage  on saving throws against Illusions and against   being Charmed or paralyzed as well as the dwarf  advantage on saving toes against poison as well   as resistance to poison all transfer over to your  character which is very very cool um another big   one too is the half Ork now the Savage attacks  will not transfer over to any of the wild forms   that do not use melee weapons the meridon the the  Elementals you can transform into do use weapons   so Savage attacks and defeat Savage attacks will  apply to the meridon that use weapons so if you   want to go hard in the paint all full 11 or 12  levels into Mund Druid you can get a benefit here   from the uh the half Fork so those are some of the  ones that really stand out for me I mean probably   going with um I probably just just go with the  wood elf because I like elves so much and as far   as our class goes we are not going to start as a  druid we are going to start as a sorcerer because   this will give us a proficiency I don't know  where it shows there it goes a proficiency in   our constitution saving throws what that means is  anytime we go to roll for any of our constitution   checks which concentration is going to be we get  our proficiency added to the check starts at two   becomes three and then eventually four at level  9 that is huge because concentration spells are   spells we can cast before we go into wild shaped  form and we will retain those concentration spells   as long as we're not enraged of course which will  become a conversation later so it's nice to get   this on board very early in the game you can turn  it on with resilience um or the feat resilient   Constitution if you so wish but this is just a  free way to get access to it we're never going to   use it again but we are going to also have access  to some can trips so these are the ones I'm going   to go with we've got blade Ward friends is just  nice to have uh bone chill and Ray of frost and   then for some spells um I like magic Missile we  can swap off shield for for magic armor for mage   armor cuz this will work um when we are um in  Wild shape if you so wish but and also cool to   here is it adds dexterity modifier our subass is  going to be draconic blood line because this plus   one to hit point is going to transfer over to us  in Wild shape and mainly Dragon ancestor white   gives us armor of a gais which is going to do two  things it's going to give us temp hit points and   it's going to give us cold damage it is always  going to apply those things so the nice thing   is we can cast this outside we don't even need to  cast this in combat we cast this whenever the hell   we cast this and we get the temp hit points  in cold damage which will transfer over to   being in Wild shape it's a nice ability to have  that adds a little reactive damage it's a great   defensive buffer and it makes things pretty nice  now you can choose wizard here if you want and   wizard implies that you're going to go heavier  into the casting portion of being a druid by   just simply choosing any damn spell you so wish  that's not the the overall take I'm going with   this character I'm going to focus on mainly the  wild shape and Druid capabilities and Sorcerers   augmenting those with what you see here and that  uh Constitution proficiency for your background   please go with whatever makes sense for you and  the role play you create for your character as   I always say these backgrounds are going to give  you inspiration points which you can use to roll   things in your game so having the kind of roleplay  for your character in mind that makes a little bit   more sense makes the game just more fun are you an  Outland who has become uh started initially as a   sorcerer with the innate abilities of a sorcerer  and then became a druid are you a noble who has   kind of forsaken their Noble birth and joined some  sort of uh I don't know Druid Grove or coven and   coven is that that what you that what you call  it and has uh become a druid are you a soldier or   whatever it is choose the thing that makes sense  for you and your character and your playthrough   my go-to kind of uh General pick for men maxing  is insight and persuasion from Guild artisan it's   just a nice to to have skills in automatically  which then brings me into the conversation about   skills if you do go with a Wood Elf you'll have  perception automatically as well as stealth so   those are kind of nice to have and you'll also  have persuasion if you go with Guild Artisan uh   I from there would then probably choose something  like an deception or intimidation to just kind of   add that as an additional uh conversational option  and then maybe one of these it doesn't really   matter you can just kind of go through whatever  you want that fits the roleplay of your character   now as far as your abilities go they don't matter  because we'll be taking in a wild shape we'll be   taking on the wild shapes abilities we can improve  the wild shapes abilities through some other means   like using resilient de feat and stuff like that  but for the most part we're going to focus mainly   on wisdom because that's the only one that's going  to matter because that's our casting capability as   a druid even though we're starting as a sorcerer  we can forsake that but I've put my Charisma here   to 12 because of this is the main character I  still want to have some capability to talk and   use dialogue options that's why that here that's  here in constitutions at 16 just to kind of help   me out with uh overall health pool you could  swap this off to that if you want to kind of   have higher decks for more AC but that and really  more initiative that's the best thing here and if   you're not playing with this as the main character  you can probably take these Charis points out and   put them into Constitution a little bit in fact  I think probably you could do something like that   because we will be taking a resilience so if this  is the main character I'd probably do something   like this cuz we're going to take resilience decks  which will then give us a Proficiency in decks and   put our dexterity up to 16 so you'd have 16 decks  16 con and 16 wisdom which is pretty sick for the   character so if I was doing it probably this is  the way I'd minmax it maybe if I wanted to get   a little bit more out of the main character i'  do something like that just to help you out with   those ability Point scores for the progression  for this character I'm going to be using hon   for this he's a Wood Elf that kind of fits the  overall take of what I would go with so once we   get to level two we're going to Branch off from  sorcerer and we're just going to stick with um   Druid you can do like I said before nine levels  into wild or I'm sorry into Moon Druid and three   levels into Barbarian uh you would just start with  Druid in that case um you could have done Source   you could have done wizard here whatever the case  is but in this video I'm going to be branching off   now into Druid taking my cantrips I like L and  Thorn whip they're pretty cool you can go with   stuff like produce Flame or guidance if you don't  have another character in the party that would do   Guidance just remember you're not going to be  using it in Wild shaped form and you don't want   to pop in and out of wild shaped form throughout  the entirety of your playthrough you want to kind   of stick roughly to one with as much concentration  up as you can if you go with that then as far as   spells go probably get stuff like long Shredder  since it is a ritual spell just to kind of have   that on but you can use stuff like fog Cloud um or  entangle before you go into wild shape and that's   kind of a cool capability so don't really sleep  on those things they can actually be pretty nice   to have um you can even go with like a a healing  word before you jump in if you need to um let's   just choose those because why not we're going  to go and choose our subass now with circle of   the moon so the big thing here with circle of  the Moon of course is that a we get lunar men   so expend spell slots to regain hit points while  in Wild shape so we can use our wild shap our uh   spell slots for healing if we need to and we get  a special wild shape uh for the bear well special   Cave Bear I think is another one of them and  this all kind of comes together with even more   spells that we can kind of access and kind of do  whatever you want with fairy fire can be kind of   fun to throw down if you so wish before jumping  into wild shape and the big thing too is you get   combat wild shape so um you can transform as a  bonus action which is really nice and of course   these wild shaped charges Refresh on a short rest  the standard wild shape is in action so this is a   nice way to get a little bit of action economy  here this brings us up to level three just more   spells now we jump into level two um you can  get stuff like uh you know bark skin protect   your from attacks increase its armor class up to  16 that will help you out jumping into wild form   you can get protection from Poison it's going to  last when you're in Wild form but stuff like maybe   Moonbeam is not going to be as huge because one  of the big benefits of moon beam is you can use   a bonus action to move the beam so just kind of  same thing here with flaming sphere it's really   cool on upon initial cast but the follow through  is the uh bonus actions you can use per turn which   you won't be using once you wild shape but Spike  growth is really really useful throughout like   the early mid even like the early mid early late  game it's very very good because on top of it you   cast this you go into wild form and you kind of  have this thing up and it's a really nice little   diddy to have so we'll have that active for me now  the big question here is Feats which ones work for   the character and which ones do not so let's have  that conversation now so when it comes to Feats   you're qu you're probably wondering you know which  ones even work and I'm going to link you guys to   a really awesome Reddit post by Sono iith he's  gone ahead and put like since like five months   ago he's gone ahead and put all the Feats all the  ilthan powers all the gear all the racials all   the stats everything that works in Wild shape as  tested by or other community members I'm going to   put a link to that in the description so you can  use that as a reference guide so I'm just going   to be pretty much going right off of this and as  of patch five Tavern brawler is the big little   pickup here the big thing with Tavern brawler is  that this is going to enable us to do double our   uh strength modifier to the damage and attack  roles and it only is going to count for unarmed   attacks so as long as our wild shape doesn't use a  weapon which some of the mermans do Tavern brawler   will kick in in here and you know I totally forgot  about tabern Ball's plus one to um ability scores   here so we could probably have put uh strength  at nine or Constitution at 15 and gotten a little   bit out of this I totally forgot about that so  I apologize but you can go ahead and make that   change if you want to not going to be too crucial  here don't worry either way so what we're going to   do from there though is take a look at some of the  other ones because you can still get the benefit   of savage attacker on the meridon mainly the air  Fire and Water Elementals uh Tavern brother will   work on the earth Elemental the Earth mmons is  worth noting the lucky capability does work here   your luck points uh Sentinel will work also on  the meridon shapes if they have that can use it   uh mainly of course the class features here the  latter two will also work here mobile will work   as well so movement speed is increase when you  are in your uh wild shaped form as well as getting   the evade opportunity attacks and be a difficult  terrain situation here and um Mage Slayer works   as well here far as the passives go so enemies  you hit have disadvantage on concentration saving   throws and you have advantage on saving throws  against it so always really good to see those   some other ones that you would not expect to work  are athlete athlete will work for you so you can   jump this up to 16 if you want and you're prone  you'll jump up but you basically the jump distance   is your big thing you get increased jump distance  and being knock prone you can get back up quicker   quicker um heavy armor which is really weird  heavily armored here will give you that plus   one um to your uh uh Constitution I'm sorry uh uh  to your strength while wild shaped that is the big   point there so this will apply that to your actual  uh wild shape which is cool durable as well will   give you the Constitution when you are in Wild  shape and of course you'll get the secondary Bon   bonus here dual wielder is interesting because  dual wielder will give you the AC bonus if you   are wielding two weapons before you go into wild  shape obviously then you'll get the AC bonus while   in Wild shape resilient like I've said before is  the other big one we're going to focus on in this   build and we're going to take resilient dexterity  but the ability point that this increases it will   apply to your wild shape as well and you'll get  the Proficiency in that ability's saving throw   which is huge so those are a lot of the really  big ones uh warcaster will work as far as the   um gain advantage on saving throws to maintain  concentration on spells so if you want to maintain   those spells you can keep them up pretty well here  with war Caster that will work but those are all   the Feats that do work in Wild shape but the one  that we're going to focus on right now in this   situation is Tavern braw for a huge increase on  the damage of our character into level five it's   just more spells and really this is just going  to start to come down to how you want to play the   game and how you want to make your character call  lightning is a really good upfront damage ability   even though it's a concentration ability you're  not going to get advantage of the bonus portion   of it but it's still really good uh plant growth  is good for slowing things down you can just kind   of really hinder them it turn it says um it  quarters their movement speed it turns their   movement speed from 100% to 25% to kind of help  you understand how that one works but pretty much   go with whatever works here even daylight will  work once you uh jump into act two and you need   a little bit of benefit there with a lot of light  into level six we get this cool subass feature   Primal strike while Beast form your attacks  count as magical for the purpose of overcoming   resistance and Immunity to non-magical attacks  which is huge and you get wild shaped owl bear   which will probably be the primary shape you'll  use outside of sabertooth tiger until you get into   your latter portions of the game and it's worth  noting your all of your wild shape shapes your   the all the shape shifting you can do your health  is dictated by your Druid level not by your um   actual car character level and that's important  because at 8 10 and 12 those Health pools go up   so for example here I think it shows me yeah so 65  is what it starts with at level 8 it becomes 78 at   level 10 it becomes 94 at level 12 it becomes 112  So they will get more hit points every two levels   depending upon when you actually get that shape  um saber-tooth tiger for example will get increase   to hit points at levels 10 and at levels uh 12  but bear for example will get more hit points at   four 6 8 10 and 12 so every two levels you get  more Health onto your wild shapes also you get   wild shaped Panther which is fun um prepare spells  again just kind of choose more concentration Andor   active spells that you're going to cast before you  jump into combat hey maybe you got a really hard   guy ahead of you eat metal make them drop their  weapon and then pop into wild shape whatever   makes sense for you remember your character is  not the this is not the only character you're   playing with if you do have tons of other ones so  try to really get the benefit of that and another   big thing too are conjurations so conjure minor  Elemental and conjure Woodland being are going   to work because you can cast them they last until  long rest and you can go in your wild shape before   you even jump into well I'm sorry you cast them  before combat and then when you jump into combat   you can cast whatever spells you want whatever  concentrations you want and then go in your wild   shape and you have a summon up to Aid you while  you're doing your thing and the wooden being is   actually pretty cool because they have a summon in  themselves as well so you can go crazy with that   or the mud methods in the minor Elemental category  are really really cool cool freedom of movement is   really great here um i' the wall spells are really  awesome wall of fire they're just kind of tricky   to kind of really get down so even Stone skin is  really really fun here as well so have some fun   with these use those defensive ones if you want  to or offensive ones depending upon the kind of   character you need for your part and into level  eight we'll go ahead and pick a new feat I'm going   to go ahead now and go with um resilience so let's  stop right here and let's take a look at all the   stats of the wild shapes to help you in deciding  which resilience to take I'll provide a link to   this down in the description as well but these  are all the wild shaped forms and we're going   to organize this by strength or by decks or by  con whichever one we want to really focus on   and whichever one you want to play the most with  your character so if you're going to want to play   the uh owl bear then we're going to want to take  resilient constit because this is going to give us   one more point of Constitution that will put the  owl Bears Constitution to 18 giving us that plus   whatever bonus from that respective ability score  remember every two points after level 10 we get   plus one to an ability modifier say for example  though you want to go with the Sabertooth tiger   well we would go maybe dexterity instead because  dexterity is going to give us more AC for that   respective um shape if it jumps into the next  category right so the AC right now for the owl   bear nope for the saber-tooth tiger is 13 if we  go resilient decks that's going to make its AC 14   or for the dilap of thorth over here it's going  to put their AC up to 15 so take a look at this   list and kind of get a feel for what you want to  go with with your uh playthrough of the game do   you want to focus on the Sabertooth tiger do you  want to use the owl bear do you want to use the   meridon and N this really matters to you then you  know what go this let's take a look at the meridon   uh Earth madon has got 17 so one more point in the  Constitution puts it up to 18 uh the fire madon is   going to get up to 16 Constitution here where's  the other one air madon they're both at 14 you   can go with strength on some of them but most of  them are even numbers the fire madon would jump up   to 14 and the Wolf would jump up to 18 but for the  rest oh the barar jumps up to 20 which is actually   kind of cool and the lurs all okay okay maybe  I didn't make my point so well but still you're   going to choose the resilience that matches the  shape that maybe you want to play the most I in   this build I want to go with the saber-tooth  tiger I really like the saber-tooth tiger it   does a lot of cool things for me but I'll show off  some of the other stuff so I'm going to go with um   resilient dexterity and I already kind of built  that into the character at the start but remember   two I could go resilient Constitution and still  benefit the owl bear as well as the saber-tooth   tiger so don't think you're kind of pigeon holding  to one or the other jumping back into the game to   remember that when you choose this you're going  to gain efficiency and that ability saving throws   so having a uh proficiency index saving throws  which I actually might already have I don't um   is going to be nice you get I think get wisdom  as a uh oh no we started as a sorcerer so we   get our constitution saving throw proficiency so  that's going to turn that on it's going to bring   our dexterity up to 16 now which will match our  wisdom and it's going to help us out once we go   into wild bear form well wild whatever form right  so we'll accept this and I'll just choose another   one here let do that this BR us up to level 9  where we get access to more spells so this is   where you would stop if you wanted to go into  Barbarian right nine Druid then you'd go three   levels into Wild Heart Barbarian and you'd be able  to enrage and you get a bunch of resistance which   is cool but insect plague is so good here or you  can conjure Elemental and get another meridon that   matches the meridon you will eventually evolve  into you can um plan our binding to uh uh bind a   specific Ally that is well of the plan archetype  right target must be Celestial Elemental Fay or   fiend you take control of them basically you can  go with a healing here you can go with contagion   you can go with wall Stone whatever kind of  makes sense for the build you have in mind   for your entire party just going to do this just  to have some summons up here we're going to get   one more level into Druid uh well two more levels  but here's a big thing now we have improved wild   strike you make two additional attacks after  making unarmed strike with wild in Wild shape   and that's huge that's huge huge huge huge huge so  now you're going to get far more Advantage out of   Simply being in a shape and this is the last time  that we're going to get any kind of cool subass   features or anything of that sort because we now  have Dilophosaurus and we have all the mmons that   we can evolve into as a moon Druid it's quite fun  we get our final can trip we'll just choose one   and we get some more spells so this is why we go  to 10 on the Druid you can stop here too and put   another Point into sorcerer or wizard if you want  you could have done two levels into to fighter to   get action surge but remember you cannot use those  abilities if you are in Wild form and while I'm   jumping up to level 11 is this gives us a level  six spell slot cuz now we get level six spells so   I can go ahead and use Sunbeam and then jump into  wild form and do it having done a ton of damage   with that or I can go ahead and use Heroes Feast  which is huge you and everyone around can't be   poisoned diseased or frightened your HP increases  and you make wisdom saves with Advantage so you   just get a lot of really great benefits to jumping  into that 11th level of Druid to to get you some   more casting remember you are a wild shaped  Druid yeah sure cool but you still are a druid   and you have a lot of really strong Spells at your  disposal and you can use that first turn to cast a   spell and then go into wild shape in the same turn  other Druids can't do that remember they've got to   do their spell wait a turn then go into wild shape  if they so wish that bonus action wild shape is   huge it allows you to turn on your concentrations  use all of your spells and have a lot of fun and   before we move into a conversation on gear just  to show this off so what I've done with this   character is that I got my druid to level eight I  took three levels into wildart Barbarian and then   I pivoted back into my final ninth level into  Druid this gives us our level five spell slots   so I can go ahead and have fun here with like  conjure Elemental insect plague two very very   strong abilities and I get all the capabilities  I would have um of a level 9 Druid so I have um   saber-tooth tiger I have pretty tiger is that it  I feel like I'm talking about a Power Ranger I   have all my really great abilities as a moon D up  to this point but with that being said remember   I'm going to miss out on four well not four but  level 10 and level 12's worth of HP increases for   the wild shapes I want to use so there is that  kind of trade-off that you have to kind of think   of when you're taking a look at this and the  nice thing though is it's the the trade-offs   still you know you get I went with Wild Heart bear  because in our rage that makes you tough enough to   stand up to any punishment you can use relenting  ferocity and have resistance to all damage except   psychic damage you can't concentrate though or  cast so basically if you're doing this you're   only really going to be using your character to  Wild shape and the frustrating thing about that   is with this character too you're going to have  to come in and out of wild shape to use rage   because rage is going to end a after end turns 10  turns or once you're not in combat so I just want   to be up front and explain the pitfalls of this  type of character it's still sick because I can   go be an enraged Bear Tavern brawling my way to  Victory and I get resistance to all damage types   but I'm vastly handed in the amount of stuff I can  do as this character it's pretty much just wild   shapes just damage just enrage it's a really cool  thematic kind of thing but I wanted to kind of   show you where this will have some issues because  you're going to need to do a lot more short rests   to get these wild shaped charges online um relying  on some items that we've got to help us out with   short with uh wild shaped charges but we'll talk  about that in just a second so this is the Wild   Heart Barbarian Moon Druid version of the build we  just talked about now now as far as your gear goes   it's super straightforward just use everything it  doesn't matter once you jump into wild shaped form   there's only four or five like items in the game  that really honestly matter the rest of it is not   going to so if you're in act one all the way up to  act three act 3 is when you get those items just   whatever you find wear it because you're going  into wild shap form anyway so just have some   fun the ones that are going to matter though are  the shape shifter's hat which you're going to get   in act three increase your wild shaped charge by  one this additional charger restored upon taking   a long rest and the armor of moon basking which  you get right inside of the sewers lunar Beast   steel Vitality you gain 22 temp hit points after  casting wild shape while those temp hit points   are active reduce all incoming damage by one so  if you get this you would not be using armor of   aasis anymore because you can only have 10 pit  points from One Source you'd want to focus on   one over the other armor of gais is going to get  you all the way up to the point that you get this   in the game though so it's it's going to still  serve its use and anyway it's just part of you   being a sorcerer you're not wasting a spell slot  or anything like that um the braces of Defense   are cool if you're not wearing armor in this case  we are but just I had something on and then the   boots of striding are nice because this will give  you momentum while you are concentrating you can't   get knocked prone or be moved against your will  these will activate actually in Wild shaped form   so if you concentrate on something go into wild  shaped form you can't be knocked prone which is   really really nice and prone a automatically ends  concentration on something so I like those quite a   bit they are medium armor though and I I'll show  you why that's a a big deal in just a second the   necklace of Elemental augmentation is nice when  one of your canps deals acid cold fire lightning   or thunder damage add your spellcasting modifier  to the damage dealt um worth noting here there is   another necklace called the corvid token which  will give you a feather fall and you can move   you can fly like 5 feet further I'm not using any  of the aerial ones so it wasn't as big of a focus   for me so I I just don't have it and it's in it's  in the beginning of act three from Mattis uh the   shape shifters Boon though is the only ring or  only item you can get in act two you'll be able   to talk to the strange Ox at the um uh last Light  in the the light light in the the big big big   light in whatever the hell it's called and that's  where you would get this ring while shape-shifting   or disguising yourself gain one D4 bonus to All  Checks it's basically a free bless and then I've   got ring of mental inhibition you when a foe  saes a saving when a foe fails a saving throw   against one of your spells or actions they gain  mental fatigue for two turns which means they get   a minus one to wisdom intelligence and Christmas  saving throws now as far as your weapons go there   is the defender flail which I've heard does give  you resistance when you are in um form when wild   shape form but I've been unable to test it that  you get an act one in the mountain pass again   can't I I don't have it to test and I'm way beyond  that point but I would just choose stuff that adds   to your spell save DC and in general items that  save to your add to your spell save DC or spell   attack roles are going to be huge because you  want your spell attack roles to actually kick   off if you're not concentrating on a spell that's  going to um buff you if you're concentrating on   offensive spell or you're casting offensive spells  before wild shape you want to at least make sure   those spells actually go off so that action is  not wasted so using uh uh staves or Shields and   that are really going to be beneficial and the  reason I like staves or staffs whichever you want   to call it is going to be because this will have  Synergy with shalele this just gives you four to   11 bludgeoning damage and uses your spell casting  ability for attack rolls that's not going to be   huge in Wild shaped form but I might as well get  the benefit if I'm outside and someone tries to   throw fisticuffs with me I can at least use this  to try and give me a little bit of room you can   even use some of the stuff like Arcane battery on  something like this alleviate the AR the Arcane   burden of spell cast and the power of the staff  this the next spell you cast doesn't cost a spell   slot so I can go ahead and use Arcane battery cast  a level six spell and then go into wild shape form   and that's how I want you to kind of think of  those abilities as you you're you're augmenting   what's about to come with your um wild shape so  just have fun with wild shaped stuff things like   boots of uninhibited cush which add your wisdom  modifier to unarmed attacks they don't count here   or the flawed hell dust gloves which gives one  to four necrotic if you're doing unarmed attacks   it does not account here same thing here flesh  melters cloak hey something hits you and it does   one to four damage reactive it does not count  here um and also by the way I'm wearing cloak   of the weave just to add to my spell save DC and  spell attack roles so again just find those kinds   of items in the meantime until you land on the big  boys like this one and this one but for the most   part you're really just kind of having fun with  what you got so putting it all together how can   we really have fun with our spell slots before we  even jump into our wild shaped form so let's kind   of let's go a little crazy with this and and  one thing thing I did want to show off too is   we're wearing armor right now and at the whole  point of taking sorcer and draconic resilience   is you're not going to have this armor through  the majority of the game which makes wild shape   stupid strong 22 temp hit points reducing damage  by one and granting two AC to a wild shape that's   huge man that is absolutely huge so with that off  and for some reason the game looks at this as uh   armor for the intents and purposes of bracet  of Defense but not for draconic resilience so   we don't have armor on right now we have draconic  resilience which sets our AC to 13 dexterity gives   it a plus three and become the bull workk from  those gloves now we have 18 AC now we have Mage   Armor which gives our AC to 13 we can cast this on  ourselves we go ahead and do it we we don't need   to because we already have draconic resilience but  I wanted to show you that if you decided not to go   sorcerer you can still get that base a a uh base  AC which will apply to your wild shapes if um you   use Mage Armor so that there's there there's  that cast right there now we also have armor   of agathys and I'm going to go ahead and use the  Arcane battery and supercharge this up to level six boom we got 30 temp hit points and we're going  to reactively do 30 cold damage when something   hits us very cool right we have stone skin bark  skin and stone skin you can use one or the other   they you can't use both Stone skin though because  it's you're getting this at level uh four turn   a creature's flesh as hard as Stone it takes  only half damage of all non-magical bludgeoning   piercing and slashing damage go and cast that  it is a concentration ability that will lock   up our concentration here so just kind of keep  that in mind and let's go ahead and conjure an elemental we'll just we'll just go with a basic  water Elemental uh do I want to do that yeah   I think so I think so I why I would cast out a  level four we'll cast a woodland being at level four that's that bad boy is up and we'll  cast a level six just to just to show off   some stuff here right a level six  condra Elemental we'll do an air meridon we could even do a level five one  here and do a water Elemental oh that's   right it does one or the other I forgot I  forgot my bad but still my point is we're   summoning up a bunch of stuff here because  now we're going to jump into wild form just   to show you what you're going to have active  here let's go ahead and go to saber-tooth tiger so we are now on saber to Tiger we have  two summons up we can even kind of get spicy here H come back where you going buddy now we've  got three summons up for all intents and purposes   the wood will is only going to apply to her and  hson is benefiting from quite a bit the draconic   resilience AC this character this specific wild  shapes AC is already 12 but we get that plus one   from draconic resilience and we get the plus two  from dexterity because we have that resilience   to dexterity that put our our dexterity up to 14  right says right there at the very bottom shape   shifting 13 one from resilient dexterity we also  have a Mage Armor which won't apply here obviously   armor of agathys which we're getting Stone skin  so now we have resistance to all of these physical   damage types which is lovely wild shape here  animalistic Vitality which is part of this wild   shape Mark of the shifter which is our ring and  resistance to poison damage cuz we're within uh   this Aura right there so we get all this just  nice and active and turned on um I didn't even   use other things like resistance to pois poison  I didn't use the feast I didn't use Aid on this   character all these things that can even further  augment being in a shape-shifted form so just to   kind of show you how you can really have a lot  of fun before you even jump into a shape shift to   really take a lot of advantage of this character  let's put it all together and show off some combat   jumping into combat let's see what we can do here  we've kind of buffed we've kind of we have buffed   this character up a little bit I didn't use  armor of agathys because I want to kind of save   that because we have this uh robe on so I used  a potion of haste to give myself an extra action   for the you know the video we're doing here since  we're lining stuff up and let's go ahead and use   I didn't use ston Skin e either because I wanted  to show off some more concentration abilities so   we can go ahead and cast like plant growth right  here and slow everything down or we can go ahead   and use Spike growth here and now they are slowed  and they take damage or we can use insect play   looks attack everyone within range making the  area difficult terrain and impose disadvantage   on perception checks we've got a lot of these  really good concentration abilities that we can   use to our advantage even just simply like wall of  fire to just do a damage in like a a big old block   like that and then I can attack from outside that  wall whatever the situation is I'll go ahead and   just use o Locus plague real quick just to kind  of show it off so that's up right now and we also   summoned up a water meridon over here so that  water madon is on this turn as well cool thing   about the water meridon that I do like is that  it has a healing Vapor spell that I can use um   it also has a ton of um cold spells that you can  take advantage of as well and it has a pretty cool   Elemental warp and a himl strike just go ahead and  just slash the sh someone if you want whatever it   is you can use whatever merodon you want I just  wanted to show you a level six summon that we can   have alongside taking advantage of all the other  things we can do so we've gone ahead and casted   a concentration ability right so let's see about  anything that's not a concentration ability which   I don't even know if I took any of those doesn't  look like I did that like a like the well this is   not oh that is that is that is it is damn it of  course what a great what a great video this is um   we and remember too like rare Frost magic Missile  it's going to use your charisma as a spellcasting   ability so just be mindful if you took any of  your sorcerer abilities just to make sure you're   not using one that you maybe don't want to or  whatever it is can actually use go ahead and use   conj Woodland being here just to just to exhaust  my actually you know what no we'll use our primary   action to go into a wild shape and I have focused  with the saber-tooth tiger here and I'll show you why and with this haste we still have an action to  use saber to Tiger I like the jugular strike lung   a creature's throat if the target is prone you  deal an additional 1 to 16 or 6 to 16 piercing   damage shred armor rip into a target's weaknesses  reducing their Armor class by one shredded armor   uh Armor class has been reduced by two mov by  so basically one per turn remaining um you get   your lunar mend which is part of you as a moon  Druid and we have our bite here so we have quite   a little bit here and of course just just the  character itself um we're concentrating so now   we're at momentum we have momentum up right and  lunar Vitality is part of our chest piece so that   is a little bit of a cool thing with this as well  um there is an innate regeneration I don't know   if it shows it on here well the ah animalistic  Vitality so affected entity regains 2 to 16 HP   every round of combat and that's just part of the  saber-tooth tiger here so I'm going to go ahead   and you I know we're going through this it'll be  fine this is something that's not prone and look   at that we just did 16 plus that additional 16  bit of damage there and we have another attack   we can do I just did another 32 but look we  get even more because of that level 10 ability   as a moon Druid so let's just go ahead and shred  something armor going to Target myself got 75 75 [Music] 85 hope that all catch up for a second  there we go we shredded its armor and now it has   both mental fatigue because of my ability and  armor class reduced by two so this just gives   you an idea of what the moon Druid can really  do how you can really have a lot of fun with   this character and use a lot of his really fun  abilities we haven't even shown off how we can   use owl bear to just jump and smash things so  let me jump to that very quickly so without   going through everything let's just press wild  shape and we'll go into an owl bear and remember   we are a Tavern brawler so being a Tavern brawler  we get to really take advantage of this juicy plus   five from the strength here it's going to double  when we go to hit things so as this character we   can do a crushing flight which is really really  really cool so I'm going to go ahead and we also   get our enrage as an ow bear I'm going to skip  ahead to this character's turn again with that   crushing flight to show you how you can have a lot  of fun so a big part of that Al bear like I said   is crushing flight I am not enraged which would  actually increase my strength by two thus helping   the damage here but just to kind of show you here  what this does I can I can click this character   we're going to deal with an opportunity attack  that's no big deal there we go so it doesn't do   tons of damage in this very s simp in this very  quick instance but let me just show you so it   did four 1d8 bludgeoning plus one 1d6 bludgeoning  just got terrible rolls divided by two plus five   strength modifier Tavern brawler so we added that  Tavern brawler strength modifier into this to do   even more damage it would have otherwise done  a Ply amount same thing here they unfortunately   saved this um this uh the uh saving throw on being  knocked over but they still did a little bit of   damage so you can have fun completely crushing  things with your well crushing flight in range   makes this do of course more damage uh because  you've increasing that number from uh five now   up to six because you're increasing your strength  by two but just to kind of show you how this is a   really really really really fun class it gets  to do a lot of really cool crazy things and I   think people maybe get a little to um pigeon hold  and just thinking about the wild shape there's a   lot of casting you get to do as this class too  I focus on more the concentration and having fun   in the wild shape but I really augmented it with  all my casting capabilities and I encourage you   to do the same when you try out your wild shape  Moon Druid but as always guys thank you so much   for watching here today have a good one take care  if you have any suggestions on how to change this   build what to do differently or maybe I didn't  really do crushing flight properly with the uh the   owl bear like you like to do it or whatever it is  go ahead and let me know in the comments section   below always like to spread as much information  as I can but like I said have a good one and take [Music] care [Music]
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 99,857
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ULTIMATE MOON DRUID (Halsin) Build for Baldur's Gate 3, bg3, baldurs gate 3, baldur's gate 3, bg3 druid build, bg3 jaheira build, bg3 halsin build, bg3 best moon druid build, bg3 druid, circle of the moon, baldurs gate 3 druid build, bg3 druid build moon, bg3 druid wild shape, circle of the moon druid, bg3 moon druid build, bg3 moon druid guide, bg3 best moon druid items, bg3 what works in wild shape, bg3 wild shape tavern brawler, bg3 wild shape guide, bg3 wild shape forms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 31sec (2671 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2024
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