Absolute SAVAGE Moon Druid Build In Baldur's Gate 3 (Honour Mode DESTRUCTION Full Level 1-12 Guide)

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[Music] [Music] DRS have been blessed in Ballers Gate 3 after patch five an important bug was finally fixed stavin brawler now applies to all wildshaping forms that attack with their bare fists or with attacks that can be considered unarmed and that is great news because Dro sworn to the Moon draw on its Mercurial nature to transform into massive creatures and Primal Elementals of which many attack with their bare fists or unarmed and these DRS following the circle of the Moon are a true manace on the battlefield shape shifting into many of these different forms and animals to adapt to the situation ation and that flexibility to become something so powerful for any scenario is truly terrifying especially now that Tav brawler has been fixed finally you will see why today abusing this build will result in a wanted de go for you wait wanted de that reminds me of that epic cyber Punk esque hack and slash with the same name want to death has a fun gun fu combat system where you have to defeat hordes of enemies with both melee options like a katana or short range pistols but also long range options like amgs assault rifles and even grenade launchers all weapons have stylish finishes as well to play around with and you ultimately want to defeat the many powerful boss in the game to progress where each level has a unique boss the game feels like a good throwback to iconic Xbox 360 and PS3 games and with a setting that reminds you of the 80 cyber Punk Vision culminating in a fresh experience where there is a fun mix of low Tech 90s retro and advanced technology the combat also provides a challenge you have to adapt to the situation or you will see that game over screen real fast despite the serious setting however the game is also very quirky and it's ridden with jokes and EAS EGS and it has those nostalgic addicting mini gamess as well for you when you want to take a break from all the fighting and I have good news too because the first Pat just rolled out for PC with many quality of life improvements and console players are getting the patch in a few weeks as well so now is really the best time to play wanted dead as the game is currently 50% off on Steam until January 4th and the game is also available on the epic game store and for console players on PS4 PS5 Xbox One and Xbox series X and s use my link in the description to start the Cyber Punk Mayhem now and big thanks to want death for sponsoring this video the circle of the Moon roots are powerful tanky options to use as your frontliner but they don't just tank no the idea is to go right into your enemies faces so close in their face that they become intimidated and scared to the point that the battle is already lost at that point because your enemies will crap their pens and you know nobody can physically physically fight when their pants are filled with excrement to the point that they become immobile if you have always wanted to role play as a literal Savage that doesn't belong anywhere in society and you just want to Maul and shre everything to pieces to the point even your own party get scared of you you have come to the right video what I'm really saying here is that these drusos are so brutal that it's not just their tankiness that is great it is also their crowd control like fearing enemies and their absolutely insane damage that comes in the form of at the very least three attacks per turn now for this build we're not going to just go pure Moon rout no we're going to multiclass a bit mostly dipping after getting 10 levels of Circle of the Moon Roo for the simple reason that Beyond 10 levels of moon rout there is not much to gain anymore level 11 and 12 are quite lackluster but everything before that is amazing and at level 10 we have gotten everything we need from this epic class so we're going to go 10 levels in Moon rout one level in sorer and one level in cleric and this is my personal favorite distribution because it's simply just overpowered and a lot of fun to play but more on all the details later as we progress in this video now before we get into the leveling let's do a quick explainer to go over the basics on how Wild shaping Works in balers Skate 3 basically as I drew it you get an ability called wild shape selecting this ability you get a vast majority of options to transform into and you unlock more and more of these forms as you level and many of these different powerful creatures and Elementals have their own perks and benefits that will become clear to you in this video what is nice is that wild shaping comes as a bonus action so we can wild shape and in the same turn still Maul your enemies completely it is a great combo however it is important to know that when you wild shape you get completely new stats for things like your strength and dexterity as well as your armored class so you b basically become a completely new character all together and as you see these animals are all naked so your gear doesn't marf with the Beast that you transform into meaning gear doesn't do anything for you when you are in your shape shifted form this in turn then means that gear isn't as important for a wildshaping brawler frontliner Druid compared to many other classes as you definitely want to Wild shape as much as possible making this build a really altruistic and amazing choice for any party composition as a frontliner in this game because there's one member less you have to worry about for contesting certain key gear pieces now that doesn't mean that gear is completely useless on a rout because there's definitely useful gear for when say for example you lose your wild shaping form somehow that I will get into later on in this video and finally the build today is really powerful and works on any difficulty mode including solo tactician and the new honor mode speaking of Honor mode reason why this build is now even better is because builds that have the ability to stay alive for a really long time have increasingly become more wanted thanks to honor mode and moon Roots do that you can basically see them as a tank with multiple HP pools because you get multiple wild shapes per short rest and when you die in your wild shape form you still go back to your original humanoid form which also will have at least 100 HP easily with today's setup and considering these wild shapes on themselves can already go higher than 100 HP as well that can mean like hundreds and hundreds of HP for a combat encounter to your frontliner your drw making them an insanely good life insurance and a great anti-arty wipe party member that can than CC and Destroy now that you know what you can expect let's get started with leveling and we're starting out with picking our Gro obviously and you get to pick a few CPS right away and I would highly suggest picking shil lag for the early levels because your resources are still very limited at this point and this can trip enhances your staff or club that you will start out with or can find really quickly resulting into you simply doing more damage for your other can trip I would suggest to take guidance for having an easier time in succeeding ability checks which in turn can help you out with advancing positively in many scenarios ability wise we go with 16 wisdom as it scales through spellcasting and is one of the few abilities that actually transcends into your wild shaped form and thus is the most important ability for us we also get 16 dexterity for the initiative so our turn starts earlier and in turn resulting into us having a bigger influence on dictating the curse of the battle and dexterity provides us extra Armor class as well in humanoid form which is very nice and 15 constitution for the HP and the safing throw bonus for maintaining concentration spells and we will get this to 16 really quickly via a feat that will go over in a second now for your race I would say that wood elf or wood half elf are great options here thanks to the extra movement that you get with them as well as their sustain related perks like Fay ancestry which helps out against Charmed and sleep status effects from the enemy dagar is also very good thank thanks to doar resilience and Superior dark vision however the main selling point of the dagar is definitely enlarge which you get at level three and this one does in fact work in your wild shaped forms yes making it one of the few race bonuses that actually works in your wild shaped form so that is a great bonus to get through this race I would say those three options get my preference but in the bigger scope of things your Race Choice doesn't really matter that much so by all means pick whatever you want and hson by the way your potential Dro companion is actually also a really good dro pick for if you don't want your face to be the dro but rather a party member of yours because hson is in fact a Wood Elf as well and he gets some exclusive abilities like the Cave Bear W shape form that can be potentially interesting this wild shape is basically a more aggressive alternative version of the bear wild shape that will go into in a second because the Cave Bear has a multiattack for an action that deals great damage for sure so that may be a good alternative Choice For You background you can do anything you want really something that skills with dexterity or or wisdom is probably going to be your best bet what do you like to role play as now at level two you get to prepare five spells and I would suggest to prepare the following spells as early as possible first of all fairy fire no questions asked this thing is absolutely amazing for those first levels why you ask because it grants Advantage not just you but your entire party to whatever you cast it on so that can be easily a bunch of enemies because the radius is actually quite big as well and you're getting Advantage for everyone in your party means everyone has a much higher chance to hit your targets and in those early levels we all know everyone is still more likely to miss their targets due to just being relatively weak to the point that we want to rage quit sometimes so that is a very welcome bonus that we get with fairy fire your second spell will be Thunder Wave and it's a great option here to grab it is the best damaging spell you can get as a level one Roo in my opinion because it has AOE damage and the ability to just insta kill enemies by shoving them into gasms which is great obvious L for your third spell make sure to grab long Strider the faster you get this the better extra movement is an absolute blessing in this game it just gives you so many more options in combat both offensively as well as defensively and it's a ritual spell so it doesn't consume a spell slot and later on you can upcast it as well to make sure your entire party gets it awesome spell fourth is going to be healing word having heals on a bonus action that you can cast from a distance is great you can also use it to bring down party members back into combat which makes it a very good spell speak with animals is going to be my fifth recommendation this is one of the best non-combat spells in the game it provides you the ability to speak with animals and that leads to a bunch of extra dialogue but also content with special Quest rewards related to these animals really good option at level two you also get to choose your circle and here we're going to go with the ultimate wild shaping circle like I already hinted at the circle of the Moon circle of the Moon basically gives you exclusive wild shapes that are really powerful and just gives you a bunch of extra good things that help out with your wild shapes you also unlock a bunch of wild shapes right off the bat which is actually great because you get to level two very quickly in this game and thus you don't have to wait too long to actually start having fun with this class unlike some other classes and as a moon rout you also get the bear summon as a super exclusive which is going to be your defensive really tanky option that I'm also going to start off with covering the bear is a good tanky option early on As It Gets a whopping 30 HP which at level two is quite nice to say the least but what makes the bear especially a good defensive option is that it can goat enemies with Goen Roar into attacking your bear form instead of your much squisher allies at this point in time or any point in time really because the bear keeps getting more and more tanky with every two levels and then the bear also deals quite nice damage with just dishing out damage with its claws it's a monster really while the bear is a great defensive option I would say for an offensive option however you want to go with the wolf the wolf is also unlocked at level two and the Wolf can dish out some very incredible damage early on due to it having Expos exposing bite exposing bite is your best friend now with exposing Bite Not only do you deal damage with it it will also guarantee your next attack to be a critical Hit And as you may or may not know critical hits in this game do a ton of damage in addition to its offensive capabilities the wolf can also provide you very useful utility with inciting hall for example giving the entire party additional movement and it also has back tactics giving your allies advantage on certain targets all across the board the world provides to be an ex offensive option with utility at level two however you also get the opportunity to Wild shape into a badger does anyone here have sunglasses for our Badger because a badger can be a really amazing option for the more sistic and strategic place due to the fact that it has an ingr Missy step that can CC enemies that you can use on a turn to turn basis yes that sounds as amazing as it is really because you can maneuver through the entire Battlefield every turn and then the burrow of a badger can actually also cause enemies to to be prone which in turn is an amazing status effect especially this early on as being prone means everyone that attacks a Target will do so with advantage and the Target that is laying on the ground can naturally not use actions cannot move and has disadvantage on various saving throws so all in all just a really good thing to inflict on your enemies and the badger can do so every single turn while also having insane Mobility the badger also has the ability to push enemies away which can be highly advantageous considering the dro will as we level pick up a bunch of area based impairing effects that you do not want to be a part of and the badger can yes push enemies inside those areas so it is a really good option that also actually synergizes with the rest of the kit the cat on the other hand is probably the only one that I would say is not as good as the others mostly because its use case is more non-combat oriented to crawl through tight spaces and you can however meow with the cat to gather enemies to set up for an attack though but that's also where the usefulness of the cat ends in combat they are cute though then the final shape that you get at level two is absolutely broken Beyond repair just like in real life by the way because this one causes many traumas the spider now I'm not joking because the spider is insanely good for those early levels due to the fact that you get the ability to use web web covers quite a big surface that can make anything inside it and weed and weed meaning they cannot move and you have advantage against them now web in its spell form is a concentration spell but the web ability that comes with the spider isn't yes so you can spam those weaps as the spider and completely dominate the battlefield potentially AOE and webbing all of your enemies every single turn giving your moon rout an insane power Spike if you go for that strategy amazing CC and the ability for your entire team to hit with more accuracy yes please but that isn't even where it ends because the web is a bonus action so you can combine it with your regular attacks and the spider is also ferocious as it can bite your enemies for high damage Dage but then also poison them simultaneously making life much harder for your enemies so all in all the spider is just busted and honestly four out of five shapes that you get at level two are really good so use them appropriately depending on the context of your combat scenario basically a quick summary spider if you want to go to Easy r and completely dominate bear if you need the defensive tanky option wolf if you're feeling offensive and want additional utility and Badger if you really want to strategically dominate your enemies through your positioning at level two you also get lunar me and I'm honestly not really a fan of this ability you can sacrifice a spell slot to heal yourself with it and the higher you go the more you will heal yourself with it but the conversions are quite bad if I may say so so I tend to skip it you could however use it if you really have no other uses for your spell slots and you're feeling desperate and need to heal but otherwise I would steer away from it level three you get level two spell slots and you get the opportunity to use something absolutely amazing flaming sphere now you might have heard me praise this spell in previous videos but this thing is actually amazing and before we get into why flaming sphere is so good I want to just quickly elaborate on my reasoning for the spells that we will take for our moon RIT with some dips to really optimize our spell selection and get the most out of a moon RIT we're going to essentially focus on three different types of spells as we progress and those spells complement your wild shapes the best in my opinion now you can't cast spells from your humanoid form while you are in a wild shaped form obviously so you want to use stuff that you can use in parallel to your wild shapes or stuff that you can cast while out of wild shape that will still in some way support you and your team while you are in Wild shape and the first type of spells that can facilitate that are going to be summons like flaming sphere because you can use them in addition to your wild shapes and they provide you extra power on the battlefield the second type of spells are going to be terrain altering concentration spells that will make life harder for your enemies through Cc debuffing or damage while we're wild shaping and because these are concentration spells else they will maintain in your wild shaping forms till you're hit out of it so a great thing to pair while wild shaping I have to say that Adu is the king of zoning and area control so these spells are really powerful when used well and the final type of spells are going to be supportive spells that you can either preemptively cast and will last till your next long rest such as long Strider or spells that you can use if things goes out like healing and curing now that you know what we're aiming for let's talk about flaming Sphere for a second second the spell we picked up at level three flaming sphere is a massive ball of fire that you can cast and due to its sheer size it's hard to avoid free enemies so they tend to attack it more often than not especially when you put it on choke points making it a great pair with you as a wolf or a spider because the Flaming sphere distracts and thanks but also can deal some amazing damage on its own by the way and meanwhile you can do your wild shaping duties for even more damage this is obviously a really good combo and flaming sphere can also in interact with flammable objects by the way so you can strategically blow things up for more damage and all in all just get an insane amount of power through this spell hence why we take it at level three and as early as possible level four is another really good level for us as we get our first feat but we also get more shapes we're going to start off with the cantrips however and I would suggest to take Thorn whip here for a cantrip this thing has actually quite some use because you can use it to attack enemies from a distance first of all but also pull things towards you so you can use it strategically in different ways such as pulling enemies into holes or pulling the enemy away from your allies for new wild shapes we then also get decent options it's not the main selling point however of this level but we get the dire Raven which is actually quite a squishy shape but it can in fact blind your enemies so for Caster type of enemies it can be actually tremendously useful as you may or may not know blindness limits the range in which the blinded entity can attack and it gives them disadvantage while giving you Advantage overall a really good CC the other new wild shape is the Deep rut and this one actually has a really fun ability you can charge with it into your enemies for good damage and it's yet another source of applying the very powerful prone on your enemies so it's an AE damage potentially prone inducing ability do you need to say more than that really and then it Gore ability deals nice damage as well and it's great for breaking through those annoying doors and walls another nice shape to use and while the shapes are nice and all the real winners here that you get is first of all our seventh spell Spike growth Spike growth is absolutely amazing you cast it and it controls a big portion of the area however what is especially so deadly and good about spy growth is that every single time an enemy moves on it or through it it takes damage and that damage can cumulatively speaking become absolutely insane versus a bunch of different types of enemies in the game sometimes it can just win you the fight all by its own especially around these lower levels because it is a level two spell remember and what is also good is that every single instance of damage triggers a check so enem enemies with concentration spells on can easily lose their concentration just by trying to move around on these spikes and oh Spike Road also has movement of your enemies so it's safe to say that this thing is pure torture you being able to use it while also being wild shaped is another huge bonus obviously this spell pairs exceptionally well with the badger since he can burrow beneath it to end up at an enemy Target to prone it into just obliterating them straight up or you can also mix it with the just unlocked Raven since the Raven can in fact fly over these spikes to move around so move around blind enemies attack them while they are simultaneously being eaten up Alive by the spike Road yes that combo is delicious so that is an absolutely amazing spell for ad rud get it you do not want to miss out on it and then what is also so good at level four is that we get our feet which is like we started the video off with absolutely no questions asked going to be Tavern a brawler give Constitution here the plus one bonus to get it to 16 and that's why I started with 15 to get the opportunity to make it even here and now we have more HP and a better time maintaining concentration spells as well and Tavern brawler works on all of our wild shapes that attack unarmed and it modifies the strength modifier of these wild shapes giving us flexibility in our humanoid form by just completely dumping strength because it's only relevant for when you're wild shaping tver brawler gives you an amazing increase in damage but you also get such an insane accuracy with it that results into you essentially always hitting your enemies with your wild shapes and never missing from this point on onwards absolutely amazing especially when you consider what we get at level five wild strike yes moving forward we can attack twice instead of just once in our animal forms really good and even better with the just Goten Tavern brawler for spells we get another absolute Banger here and our first level three spell plant growth now plant growth completely decimates the enemy's movement just look at this clip it's it's just hilarious and the best thing is you can spam these plant growths and stack them even because because they are not a concentration spell and each one lasts like 10 turns making it an absolute huge pick here as we can use them in conjunction with our wild shapes but it gets better because at level six we get an absolute nuclear level up two words the owl [Music] bear the AL bear is such a devastating form for you it is game over going forward here for any enemy you will ever face first of all it has an ability called crushing flight that gives you huge movement on the field and whatever you land on well let's say it ain't got a lot of time left on this plane of existence and it might also get the great prone stus effect at the same time and since this ability crushing flight is a bonus action you can accordingly just Maul them completely and Destroy them afterwards using your regular attacks which consume your action and now you get two of them and later on spoiler red you get three attacks at level 10 making the AL bear even better you definitely want to utilize this combo as much as possible especially because nobody is with holding you from using it literally every single turn but that is not even everything you get with the all bear you also get an AOE attack known as rupture but even better is enrage which is also technically an AOE ability that fares everything around you potentially but also increases your strength with two so all around really good abilities and just a monstrous form level six is a big one for your playthrough and is yet another huge power Spike if you thought that was all no you also get the panther which unlocks stealth play for you so you now have pretty much come to a point where you can do everything really with your wild shapes and really go for different scenarios in combat because with stealth you can set up for a nice surprise attack for instance to cause all your enemies to skip a turn but it will also deal extra damage when you get out of invisibility and the panther also has that ingrained prone through pounds which is a leap attack and it rewards you for attacking prone targets because it will in Deal extra damage against everything that is laying on the ground with its jugler strike nuclear ability all around Panther is a really good shape as well and with both of your new forms unlocked well let's say you're eating really good onwards after this level you also get Primal strike by the way at level six which is great for overcoming resistances from certain enemies and we get another option to get at level six for our spells and here we're going to go with SLE storm absolutely another amazing area control type of ability SLE storm is the answer to casters with concentration spells it just says no to them you're not going to con great really good counter to those casters and it also makes the entire area icy so another source of inducing prone and yeah that can synergize with a lot of things let's say level seven is another huge one because we unlock one of the best root abilities in the game conjure Woodland being this thing is the definition of overpowered why you ask well this is a summon and this summon can summon a summon on its own so basically it's summon setion and the respective summon that comes out of this summon can summon as well okay not let's not get ahead of ourselves but it can apply CC of its own through its entangle abilities and also just tank and attack normally so it's essentially just another source of damage and another HP sponge and more CC but the Woodland being so the main summon has something very interesting on its hot bar do you see it yes Spike growth everything I just said about that absolutely overpowered ability well our summon can Now cast this amazing ability on its own so we can concentrate on something else like flaming sphere or SLE storm while our summon takes the spike growth Duty beautiful but it gets even better because the summon has an ability called Nature's step and it applies to the entire party it makes us immune to difficult terrain and that is obious see a huge effect to have because from this point onwards we don't get affected by the movement impairing effects of our own area controlling abilities like plant growth or Spike growth while enemies at the same time will still have their lives completely ruined by those ability giving us full domination on the battlefield make sure however the Woodland being is summoned as much as possible in your playr to have that effect as active as much as possible because for a level for summon it does truly fascinating things oh and it also packs a punch so all around the board absolute s+ tier pickup right here level eight we get our second feat and we get the Sabertooth right here guys and you know what that means let's first talk about the Sabertooth because this thing is a menace it's a bit of a mixture of a panther a all bear and the normal bear there's a few reasons for why I say that but from a damage perspective it can lower our enemy's armor class through its sh armor which is nice and Sh armor also deals damage but it also has the same juggler strike as the panther however the main setting point for running the saber is going to be its animalistic Vitality passive it's 2 the8 automatic healing every single round of combat so it has great offensive capabilities but also great sustain and does defense making it a really good form as well and it can just straight up heal all the way to full HP when ctively it just keeps healing every single turn so another good shape to transform into for sure we also get another feed to pick up at level eight which is huge alert is a good option for more initiative since the faster we have our turn the faster we can start manipulating the battlefield as well as make our presence known however we will get a bunch of extra initiative through gear and we already have 16 dexterity so it is not as important in my opinion war cter is also great due to the fact that we have a bunch of concentration spells in our kit in humanoid form but what takes the Kake here in my opinion is the resilient feed as it transcends into your wild shaping form so yes you will in fact benefit from the plus ones you get from these both strength and dexterity are my favorite here strength synergies with our Taff brawler in Wild shaped form but the winner here is going to be resilient dexterity few reasons are strength modified through Trav brawler and the implications of that is already absolutely overpowered we don't need another plus one in strength dexterity however is going to benefit our initiative and AC in well shaped form which is great and as you see in the table on b3. Wiki there are quite some important wild shapes that will benefit from that plus one to dexterity because they get even dexterity level so I do like to go with resilient dexterity here but that's not even all because as you may or may not know resilient dexterity gives Proficiency in dexterity saving throws and those are very important for a frontliner think about things like negating CC related abilities bed down upon you by the enemies to not lose your concentration spells but also negating damage or powerful spells cast against you they are tied two very useful mechanics that with this proficiency you will have a better time resisting so all in all what I'm saying is resilient dexterity is a great option here for your spell I'm going to recommend conure minor Elemental now for your level four spell slot I highly do suggest you to prioritize the Woodland being since it's just much better but the minor Elementals are quite nice as well however we will unlock something even better in a second but keep in mind you can in fact stack all your summons as you see here which can mean a lot of extra power on the battlefield speaking of set better spell that we unlock look at that we're leveling 9 conjure Elemental is what I was talking about you can swap the minor Elemental out right away for it if you want because it's just a better spell in all shapes and forms however it does consume a level five slot at the very minimum instead of a level four spell slot but I would say you want to upcast cure Elemental and more on that in a second when we get to level 10 you can now also swap out conure minor Elemental for something more powerful like insect plague which is another area controlling spell that can do bits for sure and stacks with other spells like Spike growth and such you could also just put in great restoration here another another level five spell for if things go south you know it will provide you a way to cure allies but outside of that level 9 is mostly just new spells level 10 however is a big one a really big [Music] one because we get another canri nah I'm just joking but produced flame is probably best here reason why level 10 is so good is because well many reasons actually let's start off with saying we get another attack every single turn through improved wild strike our wild shapes can now attack three three times a turn that is amazing and really good and I like it you also get a new spell here Mas kirun is probably a good option for if things go out but you also unlock the dilophosaurus say that 10 times in a row and see what remains of you this one is absolutely amazing it has a ranged nuclear missile built in basically if you want to snipe things from across the battlefield corrosive spit is your friend but it also can pounce enemies and B them dealing not just piercing damage but also acid damage yes we now have a source of acid damage in our team making it complete with the merodon that we will talk about in a second what makes dilos amazing however in particular is that it can melt armor class away due to corrosive spit so those enemies with a lot of AC use corrosive spit and you can remove up to five whopping AC from them with this ability making life a lot easier for you and your entire party really good in civilizing certain tanky and annoying bosses with very high AC aside from the D fasara you also unlock the madon which is exclusive Moon root territory and these are absolutely great things it's one of the main benefits of going mundri now I didn't talk about conjure Elemental the spell we took at level 9 yet but that's because you want to upcast conjure Elemental when you get your level six spell slot and that way not only will you be able to Wild shape into a meridon you will also summon a meridon like yourself in addition yes Shadow clone JSU time Double the Trouble there are now two of you and that's why conjure Elemental is so good as a spell choice as well now the merodon come in four flavors and all of them are great really they all have something unique and good going for them and I'm going to start out with the Earth one because it's the only one that attacks unarmed and thus benefits from Tavern brawler making it exceptionally good I would say to the point that many nightmares are made of these earth meridon the earth meridon not only has over 100 HP it attacks with such power that nothing ever has a chance against it it can wipe out entire parties all by itself and also has various abilities related to the Earth that can benefit from it things like AE damage and abilities to knock surrounding enemies prone but the greatest feat here is obviously those Tavern brawler enhan three attacks per turn on a shape that already starts off with a whopping 18 strength use the Earth meridon for when you just want to feel like an open hand Tavern brawler monk rogue build and we all know what that build entails the fire midon is really good as well because not only has a three attacks it has a built in haste functionality so in honor mode that is another attack and in regular modes that is three more attacks huge extra power and attacks are both single Target but this one also has the capability to do a nice little AOE cone type of fire wave which does back a punch for sure it also has built in hellish ruk and can send your targets a blaze so applying the burning St effect essentially which will deal damage to your targets every single turn very good the water madon is really good as well because it has this AOE type of attack called explosive ice schol that you can launch from a distance and it's three different hits with a single gas so that is amazing power obviously just look at the Village trivializes some encounters completely the one water mimon also has powerful single target attacks that can chill its targets called heo strikes and on top of all of that it also has a heal ingrade in its skit and it's an AE heal so do I need to say more the water merodon is also just fantastic finally we have the her merodon for your lightning damage and this one has a good ability to control the field essentially but also has electrified flail which is a single Target hardening lightning attack that can in fact stun your enemies so another great Contender for your shapes to Wild shape into these Elementals cover you for four different types of damage essentially and if you want to make use of the enemy's weaknesses then it's accordingly A wise choice to use the appropriate meridon if your enemy is weak against gold use the water meridon if your enemy is weak against fire the fire madon is your friend and so on but ultimately these meridon in themselves are a big reason to go Moon Druid because they add incredible additional power to your wild shape roster both in terms of new types of Elemental damage to use strategically but also just with their kits being insanely strong now that we're done with leveling our moon druid and as you just saw from everything I just said the build has incredible variety it has so much things going for it and also keep in mind that every spell we chose is prepared so that means that all the spells that we didn't choose are still a possibility to use at any time making this class an under benefit you can just prepare whatever you want to use at any time as Dre it so you can also check out the ones we didn't pick but I do think the selection I made here in this video is easily the best one as you level we pretty much got a new amazing spell at every level shout out to wall fire however we didn't mention it yet but this is a very powerful spell as well that you can definitely use here and there to cut off choke points and accordingly enemies will jump to their death if you play it well freedom of movement is also a good alternative shout for if you can't always rely on your conjur Woodland being for that immunity too difficult terrain so after getting 10 levels in Moon rout it is time to multiclass like I also stated at the start of the video reason being is because we don't really need a third feet with Tavern brawler being so good and we've already unlocked all wild shapes and all goodies at level 10 anyways so it is a perfect time to start multi classing first tip we're going to get is going to be AER sorcerer now I would strongly suggest to respect at level 11 and go level one sorcer into 10 levels of moon rout and pick everything exactly as we just did in this video again yes it's worth the effort because starting out with sorcerer at this point in time grants us that Constitution saving proficiency of the sorcerer class and at level 11 that translates to a whopping plus four bonus to the rules of our die giving us a nice boost for maintaining our concentration spells and we do have a bunch of concentration spells in this build as you may or may not have noticed so that bonus is really welcome while this Prof is nice to have I would say that you don't want to initially start with the sorer because that would mean we would delay so many good things like great shapes at level two DAV brawler at level four extra attack at level five Al bear at level six bunch of great shapes and a third attack at level 10 and so forth the level one delay for all those things stacks and just makes you miss out on a lot of power at certain phases in the game so the respect is really good here and I would definitely recommend it however if you don't like respecting then it's not that much of a problem the Constitution saving throw proficiency is just one slice of the pie goodness that we get with dipping into sorcerer because draconic sorcerer also gives us draconic resilience which is a nice bonus to R AC for unarmored wild shapes that have lower than 13 armored glass and as you know all our shapes are in fact from armored and there are a few wild shapes that have less than 13 AC as you can see in the table so they will benefit from draconic resilience which is really nice and the only draconic colar that will actually synergize with our build and that is simultaneously very powerful for a moon rout is going to be the white one because it gives us armor of agus armor of agus doesn't just work in your normal form no it actually stays with you in your wild shape making this an absolute amazing multiclass dip for this build and idea behind it so you'll have armor of agus active while you're in Wild shape form and that is obviously huge because this is extra HP and it has that retaliatory factor of dishing cold damage back every time something hits you and if you upcast to say level five and I would recommend to do so because you can cast armor of agus preemptively and it can last till your next long rest you can deal 25 damage back to back to what ever hits you at any time you can literally now just kill off enemies whilst their thir in your wild shaped form which is another very welcome power increase to our build just make sure to upkeep armor of agius as much as possible as a sorcerer you also get to choose a few spells and canps and I would highly suggest to go for sustain and utility here as pure damage spells skill through the sorcer main ability which is charisma and we are a wisdom based spell Caster so that is a mismatch good options for cantrips will be the ray of frost for that movement reduction from a distance shocking Gras for that reaction denial and both of those scant trips have that Synergy with wetness to get their damage doubled which is a nice bonus blade War for reduced damage minor illusion for group gather potential setups for AOE nukes spells we go matching missiles for guaranteed damage from a distance when we need to and something like false life or shield for extra sustain now for your final dip I would highly suggest to get a level in war domain cleric few reasons why first of all war domain cleric gives us weapon proficiency which is nice for our water fire and air mmons that we just unlocked because they are the ones that use a weapon that requires proficiency for optimal results with the war domain cleric dip we will be able to use these meridon with the most optimal results and they now can compete with our Earth meridon form that in fact benefits from our T brawler just like every single other animal that we can morph into and another main selling point for the war domain cleric dip are the war priest charges which gives us extra attacks on our bonus action and that aspect really does synergize with our improved wild strike which already provides us three attacks with our main action and now with these War priest charges we can also attack up to three times extra every long rest with our bonus actions for up to four attacks in a single turn absolutely amazing you then also get some extra useful spells as a cleric you get Shield of Fai for extra sustain and divine favor if you need some extra damage as a gift for going War domain can trips go resistance sty and light for some Max extra utility that we don't have yet and you also get potentially some very useful cleric spells to prepare and that's great because clerics just like groots have their spell casting driven by their wisdom so there's a great Synergy to be found there I would get guiding Bol for the range attack that can apply Advantage on our targets command for the various amazing CC options Sanctuary for if you need to be immortal for some turns and want to have a big safety net included in your kit really good on honor mode but any mode really and blessed for the extra accuracy on our attacks and saving throw bonuses for our entire team as you see the cleric provides some really good level one spells that also synergize with our build and dipping cleric is really just another win-win situation and with that my friends we have now completed the leveling progress in its totality it took some time but we have done it and as you probably have seen from everything we have gotten this build is incredibly versatile with our 10 Moon Ro and two dips one white dragon sorcerer one W domain cleric multiclass distribution we have completely optimized the idea for this build and we have gotten as many synergies as possible for our wall shapes which is the most important aspect of this build now like I said your armor and gear doesn't trans over to your wall shaping forms however that doesn't mean that gear is completely useless gear can in fact be very useful and you want to to basically gear yourself with three main Notions in mind one use the few gear pces in the game that actually do trans over to your wild shaping form and yes there are in fact some pieces specifically catered to us wild Shapers notion two make sure to have as much sustain through HP and armor class and initiative as possible for when you break out of your wild shaping so you can still perform your tank duties and adapt quickly to the situation in humanoid form but also to start off combat as well as possible and notion number three give us some kind of bonus to maintain our concentration spells as much as possible because those technically speaking transfer over to when you enter wild shape and thus we still benefit from them in our wild shape forms with all of that then in mind let's go over our gear first of all we start out with our Shape Shifter head this head was just made for us shape shifters and is really good actually because it increases our wild shaped charges by one per every long rest and when you think what I said earlier about how these wild shaped charges can technically be considered as Shields you can read this passive as basically saying here have another 100 HP for dire situations when needed every single long rest and that is obviously huge value for when things go south and having such sustain for Honor mode is amazing and this head is also just nice for flexibility sake as you have an extra opportunity to Wild shape every long rest then we get the vivacious cloak for our cloak gives us temporary HP when we cast a spell in melee range great cloak for sustain then we have another wild shaped exclusive piece right here for our chest piece the armor of moon basking this thing is an absolute must eff it has a bunch of effects that all apply in your wild shaping form we're talking a bunch of extra HP reduced incoming HP higher Armor class and advantage on saving throws this thing right here is orgasm inducing alternatively for a more offensive option the mutilated caras is a great piece to and works when while shaping for your gloves my first choice is going to be the wanderous gloves you get it really early on and it gives extra Armor class do I need to say more however if you have a pesky Bart in your team which very well might considering the syi with extra short rest and more wild shaped charges and you want to desperately give it to them then the Gauntlet of the Tyrant or the hust gloves are great as well for maintaining our concentration spells but the first is going to be obtained quiet late on in act three and the second might be contested yet again by say a sorcerer in your party so if all of those are not up for the grabbing then I would finally grab the stalker gloves for that extra initiative regarding boots we grab the boots of striding which is an absolutely amazing piece for this build since we have so many concentration spells so that momentum is very welcome but the main selling point here is that immunity to prone while concentrating and as you may or may not know prone is a major offender for breaking concentration prematurely as well as it just being an annoying status effect to have on you because you have to basically waste your turn to get out of it also very important to note Focus stride which provides this effect carries over into your wild shaping form as you see here meaning your well shaped formers will in fact benefit from that immunity to getting knocked prone absolute best in boots for this build next up is going to be the defender flail for our main weapon now we don't really want to use our weapon right so it's wasted to get something here that's really good offensively and has some amazing offensive ability no we want something that has sustained for our main weapon and has more the property of a armor piece than a weapon and the defender flail does exactly that it is amazing for that purpose it gives armor Clans and reduces incoming damage with the steel physiology trait excellent option for this build we also grab a shield and the Sentinel Shield is absolutely amazing for this build fun thing is that it gives us advant perception ability checks which are really annoying if your party fails them but obviously the main selling point here is we want that armor class and also that huge plus three bonus to our initiative roles and this is actually just like getting alert on a Gear piece really with this piece and our high initial dexterity investment it pretty much means we will kick off many fights in our humanoid form which gives us that early concentration spell or that early area modification to immediately ruin our enemy's life or that early wild shape coming with a spell so many great things you have with higher initiative and this Shield was just really made for this is buil in my humble opinion for our bow we go down with the gter mail bow reason being is that it just gives you a free haste with no lethargic condition and haste is overpowered for builds like these that already attack so many times and if we ever need to snipe things well both of celestial light will be there for us Rings we go Shape Shifter Boon ring it is another ring that works in shape shifting and gives us a plus one D4 bonus to all the checks that we have while whale shaping and the other ring is going to be the Ring of regeneration for that extra stain if the ring of protection is not contested by anyone in your party you can alternatively use that instead of the shape shifters boom ring in my opinion for even more armor class and saving throw bonuses and finally we get the Corvette token for our amulet this is the only amulet in the game that actually synergizes with our wild shaping forms giving us extra Mobility by enhancing our jump and it also gives us a permanent ther fall that also persist while we're well shaping now the Amulet of the Harpers is a decent alternative amulet as well it gives us shield for free at advantage on our wisdom saving throws which can be useful in some scenarios if nobody is contesting the ulet of theout in your party then that is a great alternative ulet as well due to the spell safe DCS however be careful because it is a best ins slot item for many cleric builds one more thing I have to note is that things like mirror of loss and the potion that you get in act two that permanently boost your strength by two actually also works for your wild shaped forms so that is a plus for bonus that you can use and synergize with t brawler for even higher accuracy and damage and these two elements are a very important thing to keep in mind to make sure your wild shaped form become even stronger and with that we have come to an end we have discuss everything possible about the moon rout and how to make it as optimal as possible with this build you have absolutely everything you are a massive tank with several hundreds of HP potential with so many different forms and kits that you can tackle on any scenario any situation in combat and with your CC you can really ruin the lives of your enemies and make everything much better for yourself and your party and your damage output is absolutely amazing as well making you not just a powerful meat Shield but also a powerful obliterating force that can attack many times per turn and does so in style as well if I may say so it took a long ass time to discuss everything needed for this video for this build as there are like 8 million aspects to this class but that also obviously makes it one of the most fun builds and really powerful now as well with that davn brawler fix so all in all this is a s+ tier build in my humble opinion and if you want a written guide of this build and just everything I just said check my patreon I put those on there and you at the same time can support the channel and future videos If you obviously like the idea of that and becoming a patron but otherwise giving the video a like subscribing is more than I can ask for so if you haven't done that yet consider doing that let me know your thoughts in the comments thank you all for watching and enjoy being this massive monster on the battlefield going [Music] forward
Channel: Nizar GG
Views: 160,559
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: YOUJt9ss68s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 54sec (2814 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 28 2023
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