THE BEST SUMMONER NURGLE BUILD (Spore Druid/Warlock) for Baldur's Gate 3

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nurgle the god of Decay The Lord of plagues the grandpa of life in this video today I want to talk about how to build out a champion of nurgle from Warhammer in balers Gate 3 now When approaching this you can really think of it as one of two ways melee hybrid or pure cter as that is usually how they can be seen throughout both fantasy and Warhammer 4K we'll be focusing on bringing that to life no pun intended by well focusing on acid damage in this build I did want to kind of jump into poison but there just isn't enough effects from weapons that can stack outside of applying poisons to weapons so you can still do that by all means but you won't be missing out on a ton of the poison related items because of their usefulness dropping off pretty quick in the game it's you have the poisoner's ring the poisoner's robe and the poisoner's gloves and then a cloak and that's really it there's a necklace too but all of them you get an act one and they're not too great beyond those uh kind of first or second act but we will be focusing on l lots of heavy armor and acid so let's build this bad boy out this is your first time on my channel the way I do things is by UPF fronting the knowledge of my videos so you can decide if it's the right one for you so we'll start out with one level of Paladin then we'll pick up five levels of warlock focusing on great old one because that's too similar to The Great unclean one to pass up then finish off with six levels into Spore Druid to give us that spreading plague kind of feel you can really go with any kind of Patron for warlock but great old one gives us the ability to frighten things which in my mind blended into the style of the character more than the resilience of fiend but please build this in the way that makes sense for you that's really the gist of what we'll be covering here today though so if that's all you wanted to know please feel free to shut the video down and get to creating another of Papa nurgle's beloved children before you head out please don't forget to like comment or subscribe each one of those things helps me out in a huge way I currently have something like 89% unsubscribed viewership on my channel and that's a metric I'm trying to change the so every little bit helps you can jump ahead to any part of the video that interests you the most using the chapters about the timeline in the description and if you need help with any other subject in bg3 check out my playlist linked below and at the end of the video well let's get started here on the nurgle champion build in balers Gate 3 loading into character creation we have some ways that we can go about this now with your race do whatever you see fit remember this is a singleplayer narrative game please play the character you want to play um some kind of standout options here are things like you know dwarfs for a lot of really cool resilience and that the gold dwarf gives us an additional hit point I do like that in addition to they have um advantage on saving throws against poison and have resistance to poison damage so those are some nice things that you Advantage up um I always like Dr because D have a very specific weapon that they can get in act two called cruel sting but you can use disguise self to kind of circumvent that and gith is something that I always recommend as well uh but the two standout races I want you to focus on on this build are either dragon born and you can jump into a different uh subaction here so you can jump with the uh the black dragon born which gives us a acid breath attack this is just another form of acid damage that we can get access to I like this and remember this does now scale with your level and let's leave the this is poison uh where is the grass nope copper yeah copper is the other acid one so either copper or black leans into acid damage now you can definitely go with like green if you want if you want to pull some more poison damage into the build by all means go with that if you so wish but I think probably the race that I would focus on solely for this build would be the half orc and the really it's the race features that can shine pretty brightly here for one we get Savage attack so when you land a critical hit with a melee weapon attack which we will be doing you deal an extra dice of weapon damage and what I really like is Relentless endurance this is just reminds me of like disgustingly disgusting resilience and stuff like that from the 40K uh version of nurgle stuff where they can kind of just stay online a lot right rless endurance if you reach zero hit points you reg regain one hit point instead of being down that just plays so well into this kind of overall feel and I think it's the right way to go if you're trying to build this kind of nural champion and they're disgusting looking a half work uh uh uh the only thing more disgusting than a half work is a halfling let alone the the on their crack addiction but outside of that we can push into Paladin um that's going to be our starting class here and what this gives us access to is heavy armor but also simple and Marshall weapons so we can play around with different weapons while we're leveling up it's going to be quite nice um that heavy armor is going to be crucial too because this is supposed to be a very tanky very resilient type of class and I think that this is really how we're going to uh pull a lot of that resilience into this for your subass it doesn't really matter what you go with because we will be breaking this oath to become an oath breaker um and if you don't want to break the oath then just simply choose a subclass you wish I think that healing Radiance from the oath of the Ancients plays very well into this overall uh type of character because this adds to our overall resilience here uh oath of devotion it's not really great it's radiant damage and oath of Vengeance here uh can be nice those two Oaths get better as they level up but if I'm taking just one level into a paladin oath of the Ancients plays very well here I do really like healing radiant I think it's overall very good um and of course we get our lay on hands now for your background please always choose something that makes sense for you your character and the single player narrative you have in mind roleplay this a little bit this is a role playing game get a little bit lost in this even if it's a little bit of time that you spend go okay what kind of character am I going to have have this background dictate how you decide on different things that you talk about in the game when it comes to uh decisions it makes it a lot more fun other than just simply watching some God on the internet right are you um an acolyte who has become um in some way shape or form militant or are you a former soldier who has uh stumbled through some sort of crazy cacophony of both um nature and uh uh uh not not the Divine what's it called um eldrich horror to become this wild warlock Druid whatever it is make that kind of narrative that one that fits you my always been Max build is the guild Artis and just because this gives us insight and persuasion and into our uh skill options here I would then go with stuff like that I would pick something like persuasion I would pick something like Insight if I didn't already have those two outside of them you can just go with something to like Athletics is fine for resisting and or doing push checks uh religion is cool from a from an actual um what's it called standpoint and I will say too this is a very good dark urge build because you are you know nurgle I mean not corn but I don't doing anything nonetheless here you can have a lot of fun with this medicine is there I wouldn't go with it unless I'm actually going to use the medicine mini game in the game using the herbalism uh this can help out with that but outside of that you'll very rarely ever use this so uh we're just going to stick with what this is but let's talk about our ability score and abilities really you can see that I've got two extra points this is going to come down to two things we want a high amount of wisdom and we want a high amount of Charisma Charisma is how we're going to be doing the majority of our melee weapon damage and wisdom we're going to be pulling in all the kind of fun damage we'll be getting from Druid we're going to completely circumvent strength that is not a focus here at all we're going to completely bypass this because by level two once we get warlock buy pack weapon and all that action uh we're going to be able to use our Charisma as our attack modifier so we don't need to worry about it in the first couple levels it might be a little tricky but don't worry about that now with these last two points what I'd say is we're since we're focusing on heavy armor we only have 10 decks you can put them here if you want this gives you plus one to your initiative which is always really nice nice you could put them into strength just to help out with strictly carrying capacity if you're anything like me I just suck everything up what with one character and that's usually my main character having that helps out with carry capacity but you could put the just into Constitution like this and when it comes to selecting our Feats later in this build you can choose a half feet that gives you plus one to your Constitution bringing it up to 16 so there's a lot of different ways you can approach this if it were me I would probably do either something like this or this just because I hate dealing with uh over encumbrance it's the way I would go about it the big things I wanted to focus on are wisdom and Charisma and they're taken care of and Constitution is going to help us out with both our health and any concentration sh saving shaving shaving roles saving roles that we're going to make with this character now as far as progression goes we've focused on getting to level six with our Spore Druid in this build so I dodge level two Paladin you can can go down that route if you want if you want to add in Divine Smite and weapon damage through this um and just to kind of give you some ideas for those of you that do want to kind of really hinge upon that poison route you can go with a cleric and go into the trickery domain um once you get level seven or eight the Divine strike from that is a poison damage so if you want to go with that you definitely can't but for this build we're going into Warlock and we're going to pick up some cantrips and we're going to choose the great old one the big thing here is this Mortal reminder reminder when you land a critical hit against a creature that creature and any nearby enemies must succeed a wisdom saving throw or become frightened until the end of their next turn so it's just another way to spread fear on top of the fear you will be spreading as a paladin that's a nice kind of thing to do remember you're going oath breaker Paladin and that channel oath capability will allow you to spread some fear and do some necrotic damage for our can trips we're definitely going to be going with eldrich blast and while I usually would go with blade Ward you can go with poison spray if you do want to hand yourself into that poison we're going to pick up blade Ward for this instance here I just wanted to show that that does exist um and then for our spells we're just going to Simply go right here uh you can go with Tasha's and dissonant Whispers if you want I like arms of Hadar because we are going to be up close and personal can explode and do some damage that way and I like the resilience that armor of agathys gives us um some temp hit points here and dealing some uh coal damage I do really like those T thing those things those things working in conjunction that's going to be just our first level here of warlock we're going to jump into a second level get another spell um see I I sleep or sleep is not here never mind I was going to say don't get sleep uh but again you can get Tasha is here to knock things uh down prone uh hea rebuke can be nice hexing things is very very good in my opinion it is a concentration ability but I do like hexing them and they do take additional necrotic damage and that was also an angle I did think of for this build was doing a bunch of necrotic damage and we'll be doing both kind of necrotic and acid damage across this build so if you're if you're watching this go why don't you do necrotic damage it's because there weren't as many things that keyed off of it in the way that I wanted to like a it now for aldrid invocations we're going to go with agonizing blast as a must when you cast ELD blast add your charisma modifier to the damage it deals unless it is negative so in this case is going to give us plus three damage in its current iteration now outside of that devil site is very good you can normally see in darkness both magical and non-magical to a distance of 80 ft meaning if you deal with anything that casts Darkness or you deal with any kind of Darkness effect you can see through it that's actually super good since you're a Melee character you'll be using some sort of range capabilities here in there I actually very much like this for this build um repelling blast is good cuz it makes it so that you're your uh eldrich blast can move things around those are typically my auto picks but since we're going with a melee route I'm probably going to go with devil sight now we will get one more Elder invocation before we stop using Warlock and fish Vigor can be good in the early game just keep in mind you're only allowed temp hit points from One Source meaning if I cast false life and it does not cost a spell slot which is really nice um if I want to cast armor of agathys I won't get those temp hit points you can only get temp hit points from one source so just keep that in mind if you do want to go with fish Vigor you will be uh having to really kind of determine where your 10 hit points are coming from so uh that gives our level two uh warlock a a risk and into level three warlock is when our character can really have some fun now it's worth noting you can just simply go with Paladin all the way up to level four if you want and then choose pack to the blade that's probably the more efficient route to go and just focus on strength and just be a normal Paladin up to that point and go oath breaker the reason I'm showing you this is because it just shows a nice sequence of events and I'm just explaining it at this point so you decide how you want to go about the game if this is your first character you're just starting out maybe starting as a paladin and rrolling at level four is the way to go this way you can get pack blade online because otherwise you're you're struggling with not having enough strength you can substitute your wisdom into your strength if you want as well but need to try to simplify things as much as I could so pack to the blade here is going to allow us to basically become proficient in any weapon that we're wielding and we're going to start using our Charisma rather than our it uses the wielder spell casting ability to modifier and its damage is magical and we're proficient in the weapon so no matter what weapon we use we can use it and we now use our Charisma to do our damage it is absolutely crucial and huge for this build if you went with uh the fish sight the sight of the devil or whatever it's called um darkness is a pretty good spell to pick up here because you can cast it and not worry about it actually affecting you which is really cool uh Ray of enfeeblement is very fun as far as just kind of just kind of leaning into that nurgle angle of decrepify things and and and infesting them with plagues that weaken them or certain things like that so we can go with something like that whatever you kind of wish Misty step is very good just to give you a lot of really good mobility and it is a bonus action too that's even better right so I'd go with one of those three if you want to kind of stick with that General uh angle for the character let's pick up here another another level into Warlock and we're going to choose more can trips I'll just choose you know what I'll do bone chill for the necrotic damage is whatever um and we'll do that Ray of inment for just the the I of it all and now we get to choose our feet so this is going to come down to a number of things how you want to build this character out for the type of damage or the type of character you want to be within the build you want to focus on a specific element and really just kind of go oh you know what we're just going to do acid here this just makes it that when you deal acid damage with a spell you cannot roll a one not as crucial here we're not going to be using a whole ton of acid spells we mainly rely on our weapon to do the acid damage so I just want to bring that up do you want to circum vent using us a a shield and go with a great weapon Master you definitely can do that but I don't know of very many acid-based weapons that are two-handed we're focusing on one-handed weapons and shields in this build so keep that in mind ability Improvement is always a really good one just to get two simple points into Charisma or wisdom to increase our damage or our melee damage a spell damage for wisdom and melee damage for Charisma depending upon which route you want to take for your character I personally would probably go more of a melee route and go those points into Charisma here if you did indeed go with orc add Savage attacker into it when you make melee weapon attacks you roll your damage dice twice and use the highest result you'll just kind of have such a good amount of um additional damage coming in with crit hits and stuff like that you just have a lot of really good fun supy numbers to hit into your opponent which is very nice uh resilient is a really good way to give yourself Proficiency in Constitution and that plus one Constitution to your stats to help get you that 16 Constitution it's a very good way to just kind of get that half Point online for yourself um you could even go with something like where is it um athletes is nice gives you strength or deck that's not what I was looking for uh durable there it is your Constitution increased by one and you gain full hit points each time you take a short rest so this makes your short rest even more effective for yourself because you are as a warlock you'll replenish your um spell slots on a short rest this is a really fun thing to kind kind of lean to if you so wish spell sniper can be good here you learn another canant trip and guess what that canant trip can be any one of these so you can go with like a thorn whip here shock and grass rare Frost Firebolt whatever you want um this will key off of your charisma which is which is crucial I just I'll just select this one but um the number you need to roll a crit hit with spells is reduced by one so your elage blast will can now crit on a 19 or 20 or any of your Druid Shenanigans can now crit hit a little bit easier so this will really come down to you the character how you're going to approach this character and everything like that also to uh Shield Master is good since we will be using a shield in this build you'll only be allowed two Feats because of the way we've set everything up so go with whatever you wish whatever is going to make sense for you um just kind of have some fun with it I'm probably going to go with just where is it where is it there it is Savage attacker for this into level five our last level with warlock and the big reason we're taking it is this right here deepened pack blade packed holders gain an extra attack with their packed weapons now if I was going with a pure Paladin warlock build I would take Paladin to five and I would take warlock to five this would give us three attacks since we're not doing that this is still just getting to give us our standard two attacks which is nice but you can't abuse this if you go down some specific routes for spells here we're going to get access to our level three spells and counter spell is very good because it allows you to kind of just completely shut a spell down which is nice the empiric touch is nice here because it does jump into more of that necrotic damage we've talked about a little bit ago but what I like about it too is it kind of leans into the resilience portion of nurgle touch an enemy to siphon their life force and regain half its half as many hit points for 10 turns you can use vampiric Touch again without expending an additional spell slot so this allows you to get two uses of this from one spell slot which I really really like one of my favorite spells though is is hunger of hatar and what's what I'm going to be choosing right now because it does acid damage which is lovely and cold damage but it's just a really nice way to kind of crowd control especially in the early game by the time you get this at level uh six you'll be into act two or just jumping into it so you can have a lot of fun with Hunger of hatar I really really really like it and as we jump into our Elder vacations I'll just choose repelling blast here to have a little bit of fun the level five one is you get a specific one level I this yeah sign of ill Omen you can C you can cast bestow curs with a warlock spell slot I'm just going to go with h repelling BL the works for M now that we've done that let's go into our next set of levels so here's another choice you get to make as a player do you want to go really heavy into casting and being a druid and going into Spore druid then you could actually just take a couple levels of Warlock and go nine levels into um your Druid you can go six levels into this and six levels or and five levels into Druid if you so wish but in my opinion the way to do this is we do five levels into Warlock and six levels into Druid because then we get the most out of our Spore Druid we have some casting capabilities and we have some mil you want to become more of a spellcaster I would just simply get your Druid to nine and and then get your warlock levels up that would mean that you'd only put two levels into Warlock and you'd focus more on just simply doing the casting capability that You' probably go with like chain warlock or home and and go from there we've done with more of a melee hybrid build and that's where we're going about from here you can go with poison spray if you wanted to do that poison route um where is this there's something to be said about shalele you can go into shalele and use the uh legendary staff to get a lot of really cool stuff with acid but we're not going to be doing that I'll choose guidance assuming you don't have another guidance Caster in your party if you do don't use guidance as far as our spells go here you can have some fun with this right we're only level one so we don't we're not really getting into stuff really crazy you can give yourself some healing remember that although papa nurgle is uh often associated with plagues and Decay and all stuff he is a god of Life about the circle of life about death and Decay but also about birth and rebirth so healing actually does play into this way way more than you would think off the off of looking at any other the characters in murgle anything but even just jumping into stuff like long Strider to get that as online since it is a ritual spell is going to be quite nice for you I'm just going to press some stuff here uh speak with animals sure our first levels uh Druid spells aren't exciting then we jump into level two where we choose the circle of spores now we do get access to all of the wild shapes which is nice but we're using those wild shapes as a currency for our subclass here uh symbo symbiotic entity gain eight temp hit points and deal an additional one to6 necrotic damage while you have them cast Halo of spores with double damage so this kind of goes back into what I was talking about with false life armor of agathys symbiotic entity you just got to be careful about your temp hit points your or jammed up it's why I also didn't choose fiend for my warlock because you can only get one set of temp hit points so just kind of work around your temp pit points to make sense for yourself and your character you can simply push off of those things that give you temp pit points by the time you get to two Druid by respecing if you so wish but this uses our wild shaped charge and then you cast Halo of spores with double damage and Halo of spores does necrotic damage unleash the cloud of necrotic spores upon a Target this uses a reaction so other reactions won't trigger this turn but this will do and it doesn't react like a normal reaction you use this it's an action ability you actually press this but it actually it uses your reaction it's kind of a funky way explaining it but if you use hex on something this adds additional damage right hex does an additional 1d6 damage this is a nice way to kind of add a lot of fun necrotic across the board and then for ourant trips we're we're being granted bone chill I did forget about that so early on the build I said pick a bone Shi don't pick it up um as for our spells we just get an additional one with whatever one you want maybe something like entangle have these poisonous roots that they kind of come out from the ground and grab something that fits for me in a doid level three we get our level two spells which can be quite fun uh protection from Poison if you so wish you can even get something like flame blade conjur flaming simitar in your hand that deals 3 to 18 damage and sheds light in radius that's fun but just kind of have just kind of choose something here heat metal could be kind of cool unfortunately a lot of this stuff is not too thematic so I would say choose whatever kind of fits the character you have in mind here um we'll go with enhance ability because I really like it and um by the time you get Spike growth it's not that great something like that maybe cuz the big thing we want are things that we get from actually being a sport Druid that's the big Focus here I'll choose resistance in this location and for our feet you know what I'm going to go with heavy armor master um because incoming damage from non-magical attacks also decreases by three while wearing heavy armor just to kind of make this character super super tanky and then into level five we get some spells gaseous form so transform yourself into a gaseous form cloud has advant uh the cloud has advantage on Constitution decks and saving throws they're another here nor there an animate dead again Nei here nor there uh because we're not necessarily focusing on that per se you can cuz remember you know nurgle does have uh a lot of fun things with pox Walkers and plague brers although plag brers are demons but things that come back to life as a result of their plagues it's the spores that we want which happens to the next level um let's go with something like kind of just stick with this perhaps it's not very nurly don't don't tell Papa nurgle we'll get our last level here and this is a very convoluted build I know but this is what gives us fungal infestation raise a mude molding crusted zombie from a corpse so we can now have some fun here with our level six spor Druid and kind of create this Army of little not necessarily nurglings in this case but uh I guess more along the lines of pox Walkers to do some damage for so this is our entire build all kind of spread out choose the Spells again that are going to make sense for you and compliment the kind of play style this character or your other characters are doing remember it's not just you in the in the party you have three other characters so make these spells work in conjunction with them or going into more details on our equipment and gear I would say this is a build that and I this is my first build that I actually recommend this go hard in the paint get every single elcid power become just get every single ilod power just trust me when I say that sentence without trying to spoil anything just become an absolute ilth Nightmare and there's more stuff that will happen with these ilid Powers as you go through the game and without spoiling it those that know you know what I'm talking about um but definitely go into all these really kind of steep yourself into this corruption not necessarily for acid damage or necrotic damage but I think thematically it really works especially as we get into these locked ones which again I don't want to spoil but I think really leaning into them is a really good uh call for this build in specific ruid Paladin we've got all these abilities let's put them all together and talk about this really quick because what we're going to really be focusing on as far as our little plue pox Walkers like I was talking about is fungal infestation now that we've gotten level six with our spor Druid we get four charges of this and the Ado replenish once per long rest but our little Bros last long rest so we press this button and we have some some fresh corpses and we're go ahead and press that right there and back have a lot of fun with this right that kind of get the up and go now they're not the most damage here right that's not the that's the important thing if you played 40K you know that poxwalkers aren't there to really do damage they're just there to take damage and you've got these bungal zombies which have Undead fortitude so even though they've got nine hit points if someone were to do 105 damage to them they still stick around they'll come back to life with with one hit point and that's pretty fun and we're going to talk about how we can make these more resistant with a headpiece in a little bit here but uh that's what we'll be primarily doing with that fun infestation we've got these kind of uh surrounding us acting as a little bit of a meat shield and we also though get symbiotic entity so now that we're at level six and we're not going to get this till the end of this whole entire build it's why I said tempit points you'll deal with them as you deal with them because this is when this really comes online gain 24 temp hit points and dealing a additional 1 to six necrotic damage while you have them cast Halo of spores with double damage Halo of spores will now do because we're level six before it did 1 D4 now it does 1d6 1 to six damage and it will double that so it'll do 2 to 12 basically and this will cost us a wild shaped charge and this lasts see here until long rest that's just online for us we've got all this stuff going but it doesn't even end there we can still lay on hands if we want it's for healing We Care we don't need that um but we have spiteful suffering the target takes four to seven necrotic damage each turn and attack rolles against it have Advantage this is very nice here right this gives us that free um necrotic damage it's very nice to just kind of lean into and we've got hex make your attack your attacks deal an additional one to six necrotic damage uh to the Target and give it disadvantage on ability of your choosing so this is a concentration ability but it is a bonus action so it's easy to get online you don't really have to kind of uh you can use this at the end of everything so you can have a lot of fun remember I said halo spores even though it costs a reaction it's in activatable there it is right there um so we've got all this stuff and you could even really if you wanted to you can you can still wild shape uh for for narrative purposes right you see little things where you need to okay I need to go get into that little hole I can wild shape into it that's actually a really fun thing to te uh have um the ability to take advantage of of which I actually really like also to uh just any kind of necrotic damage you can lean into is going to be kind of nice here right uh having arms of Hadar just do damage around you boom explode prevents targets from using reactions 10 feet just like this we can just go ahead and explode or for every level we do more necrotic damage so you can really have some fun with just that ability right there uh hunger pad R2 is going to do our acid damage which we'll talk about in just a second we get into our gear section but being a druid 2 we can swap any those spells out that we saw you know what actually I really want to use that spell rather than this spell you can do those things you've got those capabilities uh with a warlock though you can't you have to respect them as a paladin we're not to level two so we can't jump into any of the BS so uh just to kind of show off some of that that ability here and last but not least is pack of the blade you can summon a packed or you can take a current weapon and bind it I'm going to take a current weapon and bind it or using this flail I'm only doing 6 to 18 damage let's go ahead and press this button now we're doing 10 to 22 because we're adding in our spell casting capability and this flail is going to get even more disgusting once we jump into our gear discussion so I just wanted to kind of talk about how all these things can come together because you can have a lot of fun with them and we can still even too have fun with anime dead which I didn't showcase here I've got an extra corpse somewhere but I can go create a zombie or a SK skon and the skeleton will do range combat for me so you can really have some fun with this you you aren't necessarily A a necromancer right and that wasn't the focus of this build but I felt like not doing sporer would would be kind of a disservice to this type of build let's talk now about the gear and how we can really lean into a lot of these things all right let's have a discussion about gear and the first thing I'm going to talk about is our weapon so up until you get to act three use whatever one-handed weapon makes sense for you there's not a lot of acid dealing one-handed weapons in the game until you get into act three and then they're just they come from Sky uh but if you want to just maybe for for go using a shield for a little bit you can just use something simple like the argument solver this is going to give you access to some poison damage you can go with something like that but since we can use um our abilities to add necrotic damage into stuff or we get the costic band which we'll talk about in a bit we're just going to be doing acid damage no matter what so have fun use whatever one-handed weapon you find or want to lean into because you'll be just fine uh even getting something like hand maiden's mace in act three is great because it just does poison damage and you natively do acid and necrotic it does set your strength to 182 which is nice for carrying capacity purposes the two weapons you're going to focus on are either the corrosive flail which natively just does it's just a flail and then it has this ability here corrosive strike deal an additional acid damage equal to your proficiency bonus on hit create a pool of acid on the Target that reduces Armor class by two you can do those things um it's a good flail I like it a lot if you don't want to use that though the best one I think though is flail the ages elements of an Epoch depending on what kind of damage this weapon does it also inflicts acid condition chilled condition or burning condition and then we have elemental age those are the two things here because this is going to inflict acid condition which is cool right reduces Armor class by two and then Elemental age so give the flil of Elemental ages plus one bonus to attack rolles and an additional 1 D4 acid cold or fire damage to its strikes depending on the elemental age embodied so we press this button and we choose we're going to go with corrosive age this is just going to give us 1 D4 additional acid damage and look at this too the blade can be unequipped and equipped again but it has to stay on the the spell Caster's person so just make sure it's staying in your bag it's a bonus action and it lasts or it shows it but it lasts until a long rest so uh this is just going to stay on us just like symbiotic entity does so we get plenty plenty of bonuses here that are stacking into our damage take a look at our weapon now it's doing 10 to 25 with one plus 1 D4 acid plus 1 D6 necrotic plus an additional two acid which we'll talk about here once we get into our actual Armor Gear but this is pretty much the biggest weapon and the and the primary focus of the entire build when it comes to our melee acid damage and it's where we're pulling a lot of that from so now let's talk gear and before we get into anything there's one set of gloves I am missing unfortunately the Icarus gloves when the wearer deals acid damage they also inflict noxious fumes Target and this is going to allow us to just again further kind of weaponize our capabilities um to use what's this thing um acid damage and noxious fumes just makes it so that things in a 10 foot radius of the creature you hit or hosle creatures in a radius of 10t take 1 D4 acid damage so that's the only item I don't have just wanted to talk about it up front let's talk about the rest of this and it it really it's going to key off of some fun things so CTIC band here your weapon attacks also deal to acid damage so we're doing 1 D4 plus two for having the FL of Ages on and the flesh melter cloak whenever a creature deals melee damage to the wearer that creature takes one to four acid damage unfortunately these two things won't work in conjunction because you are not using your weapon to do it it's the other thing that's hitting you but still it's just a lot of acid damage being thrown around and noxious fumes are going to trigger off that those are a glove thing that you're going to wear throughout the majority of the game till you get to act three now there is one other item too here uh Elemental augmentation from the necklace of Elemental augmentation when one of your canant trips deals acid cold fire lightning or thunder damage add your spell casting modifier to the damage dealt so as a perk you can take magic initiate wizard to get acid Splash and this is how you could lean into this necklace if you so wish but I just wanted to Showcase it here if you wanted to take that route you can take that perk I totally forgot to talk about it but nonetheless that is an option for you outside of some other best and Slot items here we have uh the legacy of the Masters gain a plus two bonus to attack and damage rolls with weapons plus one saving throw Black Guard or blackard gaves gain long Shredder plus one Athletics you can also use the boots of persistence which give you long Strider and freedom of movement they're just very expensive I also really like this chest piece uh blackard the blackards plate all incoming damage reduced by one advantage on wisdom saving throws disadvantage on stealth checks I think I did it from a thematic standpoint we've got four other types of uh chess pieces to talk about so don't worry about it the helmet that you'll be using very early in the game and the helmet of smiting when you apply condition with one of your Smite spells you gain 10 pit points equal to your charisma modifier you'll Swap this off quite quickly right because we are already just chalk full of additional temp hit point uh routes it's just a cool one to have very early game you get it so early in act one where you aren't jammed up with your temp hit point as far as our Shield goes Shield of the UND devout your foes have disadvantage on saving throws to resist your spells or actions at flict fear which we can do through our reaction as a uh great old one warlock so we have that also additional spell slot you get another additional plus one spell slot use whatever Shield you'd like cuz almost all of them are really really good in this game I just wanted to stick with this um kind of fear causing mechanic and our other ring we've got the killer sweetheart to just basically give us out some some autoc crit hits now our other items though I would probably eventually swap that headpiece off for something like the circle of Bones so that allies within 20 ft uh all I'm sorry Allied Undead within 20 ft are resistant to bludgeoning slashing and piercing damage meaning they take half damage this is a very good headpiece for this also just simply something like the flawed hell dusk Helmet or even the Grim skull helmet just to give you some uh Auto defense against crit hits those are all really really really good helmets that you can use and you get very early in the game all three of the helmets I've just mentioned are all before the midpoint of act two you'll get them super quick so go with kind of whatever makes sense for you and your character I think this is probably a pretty good one if you want to lean into these summoning side of things and another helmet you can go with that does lean very heavily into the defensive capabilities of this build if you get at the end of the game pretty much um is the Helm of baleron the helmet heals you for two hit points you have plus one bonus to Armor class and saving throws you can't be stunned and attackers can't land crit hits on fire so this very much is that kind of nurly resilient style of helmet um if you don't want to buff up your Undead it's definitely probably the way to go for just kind of pure combat purposes um but I just wanted to talk about those as well um as far as some of our neck pieces go uh the spell Crux amulet is really good just for spell slot restoration The Spectator eyes which is you'll get an act one gives us Ray of fear and wounding Ray just very kind of thematic with our build and defensively speaking The Amulet of the Harpers gives us advantage on with saving throws but also gives a shield as a reaction which is nice remember though you only have one reaction per turn so as far as our chest pieces go um don't there very early you'll get the poisonous rope you can use it if you want and you want to lean into poison damage and maybe you don't want to use heavy armor at all in this build I just am bringing it up so that you know it exists there are two other poisoner items that go along with it but it's there you can do it if you want but even something early like the adamantine uh this is the scale the medium armor but but but the heavy armor version of this is very good cuz it's magical plate and all incoming damage is actually reduced by two with that plate and The Reeling lasts for three turns and attackers can't land crit hits on the wear it's a super solid uh set of armor that you're going to get very early in the game and it's probably going to last you the entirety of act two when you can get at the end of it the Reapers embrace all incoming damage reduced by two when activated you can't be moved against your will by any spell or action but have disadvantage on Deck saving throws and how of the dead let out a bone chilling H that numbs all nearby creatures their movement is have the spellcaster has advantage on attack roles against the affected entities so I think probably like this is kind of like more quote unquote best in slot I just kind of like the look of the blackards plate uh this is also very nurly looking as well you kind of look at all those things together as far as our gloves go the blackards gauntlets are actually quite good strength saving throw plus one attack if you don't want to get the legacy of the Masters uh the legacy of Masters cost money versus the blackard you'll find early gloves can be something simple like the gloves of power because I assume you're probably going with more of an evil build and getting the brand of the absolute makes it so that you can uh get this basically this Bane going on and you get plus one to side of hand um but there's plenty of gloves just use whichever ones kind of lean into this like I said the ones that you probably want are those um Icarus gloves which you'll get those noxious fumes online for but you'll use those to the majority of act one and two for your cloaks uh again we've got the flesh melter but you can use the cloak of Elemental absorption if you want to stick out that take half damage from the next Elemental attack targeting you deal an additional 1 D6 of that Elemental type on your next attack so you can do even more acid damage on the chance someone uses acid towards you which is not going to be often for Rings we have ring of regeneration just to kind of lean heavier into that nurly regenerative capabilities and the Ring of exalted marrow to give us an ability to command Undead and ghoulish touch is just an additional form of necrotic damage and paralyzing the target which boots here for disr disintegrating night Walkers because it's a really nice way to just can't be un webbed entangled or un snared and you get Misty step and two just to shake showcase another Shield you have the adamantine Shield which you can also get instead of another piece of adamantine armor or weapon um it's a very very good Shield but but the time you get it there's so many Shields that you'll be able to replace it with it's kind of hard to it's you get pretty jammed up also too when it comes to gear just any kind of acid anything right acid vials Arrow of acid all those things are going to be very beneficial to this build so feel free to lean in them let's jump into some combat and show off how this happen and how it can all kind of come together now I'm going to go ahead and Skip through Will's turn to jump to my turn but I want to show how having these little zombies these fungal zombies around can actually help me out cuz these zombies have oops um where is they have Undead Ward so this mixes with the res resistant to bludgeoning uh slashing and piercing because of the helmet I'm wearing we talked about that earlier and remember if they take nine if they take 100 damage they'll still come back to life with one Health one thing we have not talked about with these zombies we'll see on their actual turn is that they actually have the ability HOH all right well for that um they actually have the ability to hurt things and make it so they come back as zombies I'm just going to get him out in case there's any what I'm going to talk about we'll end that turn sometimes if obviously if it's not in range it's going to um um they're not going to have to deal with being in R they're not going to have to disengage not going to have to push it away whatever it is so my zombies weren't in range in that instance even right here they're going to try to throw knock all three of them down myself included actually which is going to mess up my entire video and I'm trying to mask how angry am about it but I'm just going to go ahead and push through um so what we can see now is we have a lot of things that we can do instance I can go ahead and cast arms of Hadar and explode doing 2 to 12 or amp this bad boy up and do 4 to 24 neonic damage I can go ahead and use my reaction and do Halo of spores I can go ahead and use hex here so make your attacks deal an additional one to six necrotic damage so let's go ahead and do this uh this guy's got Charisma right and and spiteful suffering let's go ahead and use that we get lucky we did uh not it sound like I recorded this before and it didn't go through but neither here nor there that cost us one of our actions right cuz that was an action ability but we can go ahead and use Halo of spores here which is a reaction so we'll cast that that went through that did five and two damage which is nice and we can go ahead and then use like a hex right so make your attack steal an additional 1 to six um so let's go ahead and do uh let's just do we could have I messed up kind of the the order of events here on casting all this but now we can come around we're doing Advantage because of SP spiteful suffering right uh we're doing additional damage in general because of both hex and spiteful and everything in general so we can have a lot of fun with this or I can just simply just cast ARS hatar do a little bit of damage um if something's far away from me I can Thorn whip them into me there's just a lot of stuff that you can do if someone's at range I can go ahead and use alri blast we've got tons of stuff that we can really kind of fit into any let's go ahead and do this oh just to show the juicy damage you can do so uh receive condition acid so his AC was reduced by two we got lucky and got a crit on that bludgeoning damage we did nine with that AC damage so as we can see the elemental weapon and mfic excretion gives us that additional nine and then we have a 19 necrotic the symbiotic entity gave us some additional damage hex give us that additional damage all across the board and then we have the Charisma modifiers in there we're doing lots of good damage here let's do ahead go ahead and do this again we'll probably one shot him then 11 12 5 so just to give you an idea of how real Punchy this character can be while also being very tanky I can just sit here and take pretty much any amount of damage these characters around us are going to dish out and then I use my little Bros let's have some fun I don't think I can really fortunately I probably should have kept him alive to show something um yeah I can't really but yeah we don't have any actual actions to do anything but we'll jump over here and we're out of action here surround this Target and I can't show this off like I want to but this is their attack slam hit a target with your bare Fist and infect it with crawling gnaw construct Elementals ooes plants Undead and members of your adventuring party can't be infected but look at that if the affected entity dies before the infection wears off it will temporarily rise again as a zombie I don't know maybe we'll try okay so we hit there for 14 and it's carlac turn maybe we can maybe we can get kind of spicy with this a beast let me see don't mind Roman my dog cring his back ah of course not right why would I be able to let's see let's see it we might be able to get this there we go and boom we get another full-fledged zombie alive helping us out a pox Walker is born from nurgle's filth so this gives you this really cool idea of how you can have fun with this build how it can explode out to this Legion of Undead zombies how you can be this nurgle Lord kind of controlling everything keep in mind the newborn zombie one damage per turn zombes born from The Crawling GW cannot last they take one necron damage each turn and only follow the zombie that infected them so keep that in mind right uh but this just shows you that this build it's super tanky it can do a pretty good respectable amount of damage but it has a lot of tools it can do a ton of different things with its damage profile and it's a very fun util utilitarian thematic really evil type of build that you can really go all over the place with now if you've tried this kind of build or you've done something similar with either acid or poison go ahead and let me know in the comment section below if there's any items or anything else that I missed I tried to stack up as much as as I could I thought about using stuff like the staff of necromancy and going with a staff build or using the armor that really hinges upon the Spore Druid but it broke the theme of using a heavy armor kind of um nurgle character nurgle characters have stuff like flails they've got sides they've got uh uh maces so this character kind of hit all those checkboxes for me from an aesthetic standpoint but you definitely could take more of a staff route if you wanted to go from of a pure Caster but as always guys thank you so much for watching here today if you have any other builds you'd like to see on the channel go ahead and let me know in the comment section below people are talking about a pure summoner build and stuff like that but I'm always down to experiment with as always again thank you so much for watching have a good one take [Music] care [Music]
Channel: ItalianSpartacus
Views: 45,847
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CHAMPION OF NURGLE (Spore Druid/Warlock) Build for Baldur's Gate 3, baldur's gate 3, bg3, baldur's gate 3 spore druid build, bg3 spore druid multiclass, bg3 nurgle build, bg3 spore druid nurgle build, bg3 spore druid warlock build, bg3 paladin oathbreaker, bg3 oathbreaker warlock, bg3 pact of the blade paladin, bg3 spore druid melee build, bg3 melee druid, bg3 best spore druid build, bg3 best warlock build, bg3 best paladin build, bg3 acid build, bg3 acid, bg3 necrotic build
Id: F7sPRDn1tt4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 3sec (3003 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 28 2023
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