Soundbite Of The Year Tournament 2021 - Off The Rails LIVE #22

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👍︎︎ 301 👤︎︎ u/maddiehope23 📅︎︎ Dec 16 2021 🗫︎ replies

Trisha talking about fucking boundaries??!! There's literally a video of her masturbating to Ethan and Hila online.

👍︎︎ 87 👤︎︎ u/Beebzilla 📅︎︎ Dec 16 2021 🗫︎ replies

Absolutely brilliant episode, amazing audience engagement. As someone who can only focus on the YT chat it’s great being able to participate in polls, thrilling and I love seeing Ethan be his authentic self. His restraint to get here has given him the opportunity to go mask off and you love to see it. Thank you king, this is why I’ll never regret the membership fee ☮️&❤️

👍︎︎ 245 👤︎︎ u/Kechavis 📅︎︎ Dec 16 2021 🗫︎ replies

this will be so buried in these comments because of all the great moments this episode, but was dan wearing a hoodie from achievement hunter 👀

👍︎︎ 67 👤︎︎ u/missythemartian 📅︎︎ Dec 16 2021 🗫︎ replies

Did they change the title?

👍︎︎ 64 👤︎︎ u/IssaBurritoWrap 📅︎︎ Dec 16 2021 🗫︎ replies

A bit gutted with Wendy loses the final but super fun marathon of an episode once again.


👍︎︎ 292 👤︎︎ u/meeeeeelk 📅︎︎ Dec 16 2021 🗫︎ replies

Oh shit. The reign of fire that’s coming is going to be amazing. Ethan about to drop the mic and take a three week vacation

👍︎︎ 118 👤︎︎ u/DrSillyBitchez 📅︎︎ Dec 16 2021 🗫︎ replies

So great! I know Ethan felt great getting all that off his chest. TP is a disgusting person and hopefully they’ll be forgotten in 2022.

👍︎︎ 37 👤︎︎ u/aewright0316 📅︎︎ Dec 16 2021 🗫︎ replies

Ethan unleashed on this episode. This was a long time coming. Get eeeem.

👍︎︎ 297 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Dec 16 2021 🗫︎ replies
two hey guys welcome to the hugest event of the year the H3 podcast sound bite championship thank you guys for joining us this week um wait something seems awesome yeah are you are you flipped I am flipped actually hold on what the flip I'm totally flipped hold on put me back up okay that's better I knew something was foreign [Applause] oh man oh I'm still flipped is Ryan Cavanaugh producing this show or what can we get the can we get things back on track here please oh yeah yeah who flip who's flipped this dang show holy smokes yo triller my things flipped this is not triller proof this is the H3 podcast our stuff is not flipped here okay by the way it's a little crooked the uh you see what I'm saying Dan it's a little [ __ ] crooked there oh my God Ryan Kavanaugh's gotten to the machine or something today's episode is sponsored by curology and upstart who we love so well thank you today my friend you know last year we did the sound bite tournament and it was one of the most beloved episodes of the year so much fun you know the sound bites are such a play such a big part in the show here and uh we we love Zach for make for you know making that just such a living personality I love all you guys really a character of the show so today we honor our favorite sound bites we honor Zach and we have a bracket like a championship rack of the some lights just went out we're having a championship bracket for people who didn't see it last year very fun exciting here let me open the bracket and what we do is we tell the story of each sound bite the origin story and we battle them a live vote everybody in the audience votes on which sound bite is more powerful as they Advance the brackets of Champions and we will Crown a winner of the 2021 H3 podcast sound bike Championship live here today on this beautiful winter Wednesday last year the the winner was Undisputed it was shout out to the family by the one that one took it like by just crushed one after the other now these are all brand new or never before battled sound bites we brought back shout out to the family because who knows maybe it's still undefeated yeah you gotta let the champion have a chance to defend the crown so shout out to the families here otherwise they're all new with the exception by the way we noticed last year we forgot peace and love peace and love Ringo Starr and so we brought that one in but other than that they're all brand new and man the competition is fierce it is stiff we had a a pretty heated debate yesterday when we were putting this together about what will win or what to include uh what will win yeah don't don't share your predictions just yet because I don't want to taint the uh yeah the voting the jury pool yeah are you ready to have your mind blown a little bit though sure always you keep saying the tournament last year it was it was April of this year that we did this last okay well I mean it's not that much it feels like it was forever it's the beginning of the year it just feels like a different because we were still in the basement yeah you know we didn't know I can't say it blew my mind okay well as you promised it would I'll let you down yeah you know but it but you know very cool fact that's what I'm here for Wolf bags so so basically we're going to get to that after the break but we're all very excited everybody in the audience is going to get to participate we're going to be doing the live voting last year we did it on straw poll and we kept crashing their website it was a total Uh crap crap show So today we're actually YouTube implemented a voting system right here in the chat and we're going to be using that that's right so we shouldn't have any problems that's right oh man that's right is that right Yeah so basically we want to talk about a few things at the top of the show before we get into the tournament I'll show up first of all you guys I got I got a real gripe our freaking last episode from Monday after being up for a few hours gets blocked by [ __ ] m b c okay now MBC is a Korean Media Company and you might be wondering what did they block us for well let me show you and this this is just this is just a great this is unforgivable these [ __ ] guys used our clip you remember how they used our my modern art clip and we were watching them react to it they didn't ask permission to use my clip I don't care you know use my clip okay but when we watch the clip of them reacting to us they blocked our [ __ ] video worldwide that ain't that some [ __ ] bruh ain't that some [ __ ] [ __ ] I mean this is insane the copyright system is so [ __ ] and I keep telling YouTube you have to get rid of global blocking you have to get rid of worldwide blocks you know back in the day you had to file a dmca takedown if you wanted it to go down like that which at least holds some legal remedy to to me but the worldwide block is just a tool that YouTube gives any media company they can immediately remove your video they don't have any legal liability because the dmca is a legal notice and the most [ __ ] up thing about the global worldwide block is that even if I dispute it I say hey this is fair use I'm putting my ass on the line and I'm saying this is fair use I can I can use this footage legally let alone it being my own footage in this case this is my footage uh I own this footage you know what I mean and so what happens is when these media companies do worldwide block even after I dispute it the video stays down still for a week or two you can do nothing and when it's like a new post I mean the damages are are it can be catastrophic you know your video is being pushed out to the feed it's being recommended foreign and basically stopping that causes incredible damage to our business and um and I mean it's just horrible for everyone for people watching for us you know if people do a dmca like they're supposed to I can dispute it for copyright and then it comes right back up so what YouTube is doing with these Global worldwide blocks is they're basically giving them less legal liability stronger tools to keep the video down longer uh it is a [ __ ] CAD it's a catastrophe for creators the worldwide block it really is and you know like [ __ ] they're using my Clips I'm not going out blocking people you know what I'm saying like I could be I could do that to them I could go block their [ __ ] video I thought about it too I'll be honest I was like I'm gonna block them [ __ ] them I was so angry that would have been funny but not the right thing to do at first I was like I'm gonna block them I'm gonna block this [ __ ] video but it's not the right thing to do so what we ended having to do is you have to cut it out at least YouTube gives you that tools but why should I have to cut out my own footage so you cut it out and then it gets restored so you know and cutting it out takes like 12 hours yeah exactly it's it takes and sometimes it doesn't even work like recently yeah sometimes we'll try to cut it out it just doesn't work and the video stays down forever there's an episode of I think after dark from like two months ago that something like this happened we had to cut something out and it glitched out so bad that to this day the second half of the episode the audio is like six seconds out of sync with the video well there's no there's nothing you can do at that point it's just it's just borked forever yeah so it's like well good for these media companies that can just push a button and [ __ ] my whole business up but I'm running a business here too and there's got to be some I'm I'm speaking with my lawyers about some framework for holding people accountable who just are going wild west with these worldwide blocks there's got to be some accountability because these people are interfering with my business they are not considering fair use at all uh and it's it's it's insane it's absolutely [ __ ] so you know there's got to be something to do and the the pure irony about this until the perfect timing of it is that I was talking to my lawyer yesterday like dude there's got to be something we can do about there's got to be some framework there's got to be something we can figure out well just as we started thinking about that guess who [ __ ] blocked last week's after Dark at 1 30 a.m last night this [ __ ] goon Ryan Kavanaugh worst dressed man in of the deck what in the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] wearing get the [ __ ] out so you know if you didn't watch our last week's after Dark we watched a short clip of Ryan Kavanaugh's boxing event which we're like well you know we didn't even talk about anything but Ryan Kavanaugh aka the least interesting part of the of the show you know at least like with the current copyright um a lawsuit they have against us they can be like oh well you showed the heart of the fight which was Jake Paul Ben askren no [ __ ] this is the if that's the heart of the fight this is the uh toenail of the fight it's Ryan Kavanaugh dressed like a eight-year-old who dressed himself and exhibiting the personality of a stale bread and that's what we commented on and he this guy probably drunk at 1 30 A.M you know he's trying to edit my Wikipedia page it's not letting him because it's locked and he's been banned eight times he's angry he doesn't know what to do he can't drive anywhere because you know his license doesn't work he needs his driver to go anywhere and so it's one a 1 30 a.m his driver's unavailable you know you know what I when we were um putting together the uh tournament yesterday it suddenly hit me as we were going through all of these we don't have any sound bites of Ryan Kavanaugh and then it occurred to me the reason is is even though he's such a character on the show and we [ __ ] hate him we love dunking on him he is so [ __ ] boring that there's not there's got to be something we like we went through some we've gone through we've looked it's just his voice is like NyQuil it just puts you to sleep like immediately it's not funny he just he sucks that bad there is one we did find that hit me with it it's actually pretty good let's hear it this is the first time performance wow that that that is actually just scary that's like when the ghosts are speaking to you through the radio signals yeah murder [Laughter] I do love when you guys cut it up it's for him being saying something so I loved more of those I guess it takes a lot of work though yeah whoever made that shout out play that again this is the first time performance oh my God that's crazy it's not like a speaking spell yeah so he was sitting at home at 1 30 last night you know angry and he's and he's like well here they they watched they watched this part I I can't sue them obviously for this because this this even I can't even [ __ ] argue this one uh yeah what are you gonna argue this is the heart of the event you [ __ ] child you you trust fun talentless baby you Perpetual failure you obsessed fan you stalker I should get a restraining order on you you stalker freak here let me give you a tip if you want your fight club to succeed stop trying to beat Dana White dude nobody wants to see your pasty [ __ ] cracker ass and got him honestly if anyone's a cracker it's it's Cafe yeah [Applause] I mean he's like you know how there's people that are so white they're red um yeah he's red I mean he's the embodiment of that Price is Right fail sound everywhere he goes yeah if Ryan wasn't wasn't using his daddy's money I mean what would Ryan be doing for a living he'd be he'd be doing selling like uh no offense to the profession but oh he'd be a car salesman a used car salesman he might be a mortgage broker okay like a [ __ ] to your mortgage broker at Chase who like who kind of lies to you and misleads you a little bit and you get into a whole [ __ ] thing when the mortgage doesn't go through because he lied to you Ryan you told me this thing was a sure deal listen I uh you know uh out of my control [Music] and by the way who wears tags to their own event lanyard energy he's got lanyard energy for sure yeah he is laminated he looks like he's laminated resting resting nicely between his [ __ ] tits as uh Alex Jones would say [Laughter] that's a big old giant [ __ ] tit do you possibly eat a lot of soy Ryan Kavanaugh um slowing your diet yeah so he blocked it I [ __ ] love that eh how good is that [ __ ] fantastic so I'm not sure what to do about that because I'm not going to clip it so I dispute it and well we'll see what [ __ ] wants to do about that one yeah Ryan Kevin I've been off the rails lately you've really been off the rails man someone in the chest said he would have been the type of guy that tells a woman they need a new engine when they just need an oil change yeah 100 percent nailed it 100 percent handy handy yeah but he's been totally off the rails man he's not doing well you can tell he posted he's been posting he's going crazy on Instagram dude um here let me just pull it up you know he he he really is an obsessed fan um the [ __ ] he's been posting recently and you guys know he's been getting his post removed for for Community guideline strikes because he's been like putting a bounty on my head and [ __ ] not to kill me but for dirt look at this one idiot fake nurse uses sister's license to get work caring for kids lawsuit now he now he's obsessed with his article about the babysitter he refused to pay he's posting article from 2016. I mean bro once again wait till I read the description though once again [ __ ] you are failing to acknowledge that my ass is literally just reading headlines a [ __ ] Hollywood execute by babysitter and wage spat what in the gods [ __ ] ass do you want from me dude what a [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] dude thank you Hassan is there a correction on this one here before you sue me let's see is there a correction or an update or something there's a button to suggest a correction well maybe you have a few suggestions of some additional uh Ethan Klein um uh I don't want to put my real onions I want people maybe we shouldn't do this I was just going to type something so like hey maybe include that he also got a DOI Hit and Run how about that atmospheric thanks for the enemy well they do say there was a correction a previous version story misstated Ryan's title he's the founder and former CEO of Relativity media okay important so once again bro what the [ __ ] bro talk to Fox uh what do you want from me dude anyway he goes oh he he keeps tagging us too like he talks about inciting harassment I mean he blocks me and then he tags me in his weird [ __ ] post thankfully he has no fans what are you talking about is 5 000 likes all organic every one of them this is a this comment is legit bro this podcast in person should be banned from any media gone too far seriously account is private he should be ashamed for what they've done bottom of the barrel private [ __ ] them [ __ ] let's see oh oh real person okay interesting [ __ ] interesting let's investigate this [ __ ] oh he's oh it's the Golden Triangle guy oh careful um interesting well anyway there's only three comments on it as far as I can tell so I'm sure this dude is I'm sure this dude really cares about the what's going on let me read the description for you it's a little menacing so of course he tags us H3 podcast H3 production next time you accuse him of not paying their baby nurse and encouraging teenagers to send death threats on social media [ __ ] I have never encouraged in fact the opposite is true I have never I've discouraged I say people do not send hate to Ryan Kavanaugh do not do anything like that ever do you understand what I'm saying foreign you tagging me though so of course I'm going to come read this I mean that's what you wanted right you tagged me he says encouraging teenagers to send death threats on social media if you're going to make millions of dollars off your fans oh so now all of a sudden I'm rich because before I was a toy podcast millions of dollars off your fans at least be responsible and do research they trust your word many high school students in trouble because of your podcast they blindly follow some you got expelled from school from you encouraging them to send hostile messages okay first of all this is just straight defamation I have never encouraged anyone to send hostile messages and anyone that does send hostile messages is [ __ ] super wrong and I think that you're a piece of [ __ ] okay I'll just say that if you're sending hostile messages to Ryan if you're sending death threats to Ryan you know [ __ ] you I mean Ryan what do you want me to do you cannot say I'm encouraging people to send you threatening messages you [ __ ] I mean you're tagging me in this [ __ ] so what does he mean he's getting people expelled okay because this is real interest oh Kev new post from one minute ago this is big oh [ __ ] yeah it's hot look at all I got one like okay so we can watch we can watch the Bots roll in in real time actually you can be the first to like that post yeah I'll like it now he'll just see one it'll be just me and Ryan you should comment first I don't think it will let me but I'll try it says comments limited I would just say hi Ryan foreign is really spending so much time obsessed with me phenomenal okay let's see if uh one minute ago 18 likes oh well the fuper Troopers are gonna come in now but let's see it's going to take a minute oh I think all the sun is gonna jump from like 10 to you know five thousand you're such a [ __ ] thank you yeah so I tweeted this out um I guess here let's show this this is exciting well here let me finish this post this is exciting this is real time beef Ryan if you're watching hi [ __ ] face you're a piece of [ __ ] dude you're a piece of [ __ ] you know and by the way Ryan 1 30 p.m is way too early to start drinking like you gotta wait longer bro put that drink down I know you're drinking right now It's Five O'Clock Somewhere yeah not where he lives Ryan's been telling himself It's Five O'Clock Somewhere for way too long that's how you end up with a DUI hit and run yeah you know what I mean I mean [ __ ] dude I'll call ruins lives so he says by the way what was this info he says he's been getting our fans expelled from school what does that mean I assume that that post that we talked about the other day of some idiot messaging him saying he was gonna kill him or something he probably report you know got a hold of the authorities and got him expelled from school which yeah don't do that obviously I mean look if you're sending death threats and Ryan goes out of his way to uh call your school and get you in trouble I mean I guess you deserve it I don't know I mean don't do it ever ever do it yeah true I mean I support you Ryan go get people expelled I don't know what the [ __ ] you want from me spend your day carrying it up calling schools to get stupid little [ __ ] teenager just expelled that's awesome bro they can't hear me because they're listening to Kidz Bop yeah I'm out here I'm just listening to Kidz bopping your ass is okay your ass is full time carrying it up calling our calling people's high schools to get them expelled you weird creep Ryan I know you're watching put that drink down he's watching right now and he's sipping I imagine he's sipping some some whiskey on ice a little Canadian Club so he's getting creeped out because I'm so accurate he thinks he's looking behind his back for a camera that's the next Instagram post Ethan Klein put cameras in my living room uh so he says the baby nurse in question you accused me of not paying real background fraud child endangerment impersonation and under criminal investigation for extortion do we have you looked into this what the [ __ ] is this about I mean it's a case that's it started in 2016 it's still ongoing um I think it's going to trial next year sometime but it has something to do with uh the nurse that's suing him sister um and the nurse is suing him is a part of the trial but I I don't know I mean honestly I don't know but the interesting detail about it was that the dispute that this article has written in question about um that nurse actually sued that family first for unpaid wages and then the family countersued for other reasons so it's a very like messy complicated thing but I thought that was interesting that uh he's also being sued for a very similar reason here in uh not paying not paying a uh uh babysitter or baby nurse I just want to just want to chime in real quick the the Bots just dropped on Ryan Cavanaugh's post okay so 32 likes let's see oh baby here come the pots the Bots just drop Drop It Like It's Hot three comments three you know what's this what's real interesting about this is that he usually only gets 5 000 likes these days I think he understands that when he goes too far it looks obviously fake right so he he limited to like five thousand bots so the fact that you're gonna get all half of all the likes you're gonna get on a post and six minutes is is pretty interesting yeah also this post is just weird like it doesn't like if I saw this on Instagram and be like what am I looking at you just scroll right past something weird like this like the guy doesn't know how to use social media anyway this is pretty exciting we got a live update from Ryan Kavanaugh but so again dude I'm just reading the [ __ ] article if you got a problem talk to Fox if you want them to do a correction talk to Fox Okay dip [ __ ] so he go he continues on now here he makes the cardinal sin he actually goes after Ela and tags her okay now if you want to get angry that's that's where we get angry he says at Ela Klein also spoke out against this as if she had info on someone who worked with my child for two weeks she is just as guilty oh [ __ ] I don't even know what ELO like barely talked about it like dude why are you going after my wife why are you going after ELO you absolute freak Show of a human being maybe she should look and who and what she endorses including her husband this guy loves tagging me I stopped tagging him because I was like yeah maybe it's too much but he ain't got no problem with it talking about sending hey good thing Bots don't cause much trouble perhaps that would okay listen to this including her husband perhaps that would interfere with her Rolls-Royce and her Bel Air mansion um it's your Rolls Royce first of all but like so but a few things are happening here it's like okay so are you acknowledging that like I have a serious show now and that like that's not a little toy broke uneducated [ __ ] or right or and then the other thing is like I know this it's like public knowledge but I mean it's kind of menacing to be like I know what car you drive and where you live yeah comes off I don't talk about where he lives or what car he drives even though I could probably easily find it Well we do talk about what car he drives which is none because he doesn't have a license right he doesn't cry he probably has a car but he's not allowed to drive yeah yeah I'm laughing because you big mad he says perhaps that would interfere with her so he's calling ELO like a a gold digger too kind of he's attacking Ela saying that would interfere with her Rolls-Royce and Bel Air Mansion um my she's calling Ela a gold digger okay the Rolls Royce is mine so if anyone's a gold digger it's me because my wife is [ __ ] probably makes more money than I do I mean we make everything together you don't know anything about true Partnerships actually not just in marriage but it seems like in anything this guy doesn't like Partnerships they are lucky I don't stoop to their level as what's around them is dirt and it's ugly yeah well when you when you put a 25 000 Bounty I'm sure whatever you get is super reputable what do you mean stoop to their level your [ __ ] posting and tagging me every [ __ ] day and like and and like uh worldwide blocking my videos what level exactly do you have left you're suing me three times what left is down to stoop I don't understand says their schtick is amusing well thank you but once the stupidity wears off life still stands and their uneducated ill-informed racist homophobic positions permeate the youth oh he's concerned about the [ __ ] Corruption of Youth now don't you run triller I mean like dude that app is probably I'm just saying apps like yours social media apps you want to talk about corrupting the youth I mean what the [ __ ] you want to talk about some idiot with a toy podcast pretty sure you're position is not one of authority on the matter he says too far is too far I don't know why he keeps calling me uneducated I mean I have a I mean I have a I have a bachelor's degree in English literature I don't know about that that makes it Ultra educated you don't do it you see I I believe he went to UCLA right so I mean yeah we come from the same kind of instant School institution I mean I don't again I'm not like that's not the only metric of Education obviously but I'm just saying and I'll be the first one to say my education wasn't great there but I mean you know what I'm saying I don't know why he says I'm uneducated let's see where the likes are at on the bot okay we're getting there Okay so [ __ ] all right here we go so the new post this just dropped 11 minutes ago so I tweeted this lot you guys love this I mean this is phenomenal this guy is unraveling before our eyes let me go to my Twitter account so last night I tweeted this when I really see blocked our off the rails last week so I said [ __ ] Ryan cabinet just blocked our recent podcast worldwide because he we made fun of his weird outfit because there was a Charisma of stale bread [ __ ] you Ryan Cavanaugh basically um and you know I posted a picture and I posted the uh the worldwide block um that's it so let's see what he has to say uh he's tagged okay it was such a boomer he tags us he tags Instagram and Twitter like their General he he keeps doing that dude you know that's not how it works right and if any it's just so ironic because he's the one that's getting Community strikes on Instagram it's like why are you trying to snitch tag dude like you're the one doing the harassing but why you can't snitch tag at Instagram like nobody nobody is going like you own triller well how dumb are you do you read when people when people tag at triller is that where you are you just have a fee well maybe they don't get that much that's what I was gonna say yeah he can he can actually sit through that yeah okay so he says so when did making fun of someone for their looks no way bro bowling I I well and also you're ugly I mean I don't I don't I don't care making fun of your looks so what what do you ate no way he's taking the bowling approach oh [ __ ] stop it You're Building someone stop it since when did making fun this is too good you guys I can't I can't do this since when did making fun of someone for their looks their intellectual capacity and poking fun at them not only acceptable but helps to generate millions of dollars how am I how am I generally he keeps saying I'm generating money from this how am I generating money from this I mean I'm just doing my regular show yeah I mean it's we're turning it into content yeah but I'm saying it like I'm just doing my regular show I'm not like I mean the show has always been you talking about what's upsetting you with that particular yeah I mean I mean that's that's the content it's not like he's giving I'm not it's not like he could drop the lawsuits and we would stop talking about him tomorrow that's an easy solution I don't know if you thought of that yet right well I don't know if I would I would be willing to make that uh I mean he'll become less relevant to me I'm not gonna say but that's what I mean but I'm just I'm not saying that it would be like a uh well how often do we talk a print quote a pro quid pro quo laughs I'm not willing to say that because I mean how often do we talk about Matt Haas on the show like never you know what I mean yeah it's just like what's relevant right but he's [ __ ] posting about me so of course I'm gonna he tagged me for Christ's sake what am I supposed to do yeah this is amazing so when did I make fun of him did I make fun of his intellectual capacity I mean I don't recall yes we've called him an idiot many many times didn't we find a tweet about him talking about free speech yeah he's like you can't call me stupid your free speech stops when you call me dumb I'd say my outfit is funny stupid [ __ ] dude Ryan you are so dumb you are such a [ __ ] stain on society you're literally out here publicly saying that you're making fun of me and how is that okay hello welcome to America I think he's [ __ ] stupid I think Ryan Cavanaugh thinks she's like a Russian oligarch where if you talk bad about him like you get sent to the gulag America [ __ ] Vladimir Putin maybe if your best friends and things would be different I remember he says they're threatening my family and friends harassing my business partners you got to stop saying that at this point you got to stop saying that okay because now you're just defaming me [ __ ] buying or buying to build a website to malign me well yeah we did make a website not to malign you though but it was actually to help you out if anything yeah I think there are up some misconceptions yeah I mean let's see he's referring of course to run if you type Ryan Kavanaugh which I encourage everyone to do um here it is does Ryan Kavanaugh look like Harvey Weinstein click this spend some time on the website click around read what we have I mean it's to help him do you see that poll I mean huge amount do you see it yeah he looks like Harvey so we're basically helping him uh people clarify that it's not RV it's actually a new person my name's Ryan Kavanaugh he says threatening my family friends and harassing my business partner buying build a website to malign me spends hours on his podcast YouTube insta Twitter Reddit and actually raising money from teenagers while doing it is allowed um is he talking about like selling the shirt selling merch probably uh yeah probably I mean I it's a normal business it's normal business yeah and the the team the Zoomer that's not our audience like and he's just he's just kind of wrong like I'm sure we have some teenage audience out there but you know our audience is not a bunch of teenagers he goes surely the world hasn't gotten this ugly [ __ ] I just listened to the Daily there's literally in Afghanistan right now millions of kids starving to death [Music] but no Ryan Cavanaugh surely the world hasn't gotten this upgrade dude this is not the worst thing happening in the world right now I guarantee it it might feel like that to me and you but you may want to [ __ ] read the newspaper if you think this is where the world has gone too far um did you see this morning the the little tidbit that I found in uh this old New York Post article about him no I'd love to read it but let me check out the con so Elizabeth come out with the Banger first he allowed that one interesting H3 got karma coming their whole platform is based off negative energy and they don't have talent okay well that's just your opinion Emmanuel this must be one of his Fighters he's always commenting he's always like one of the five comments that's good at least she's got loyal uh he's got loyal peeps we'd like that you know human followers I'm sure he I'm sure he follows closely you got I got no Talent and Ryan Cavanaugh does what's his talent you've seen him try to Hype up his show anyway show me show me what you got there Dan oh well so I went down this whole rabbit hole and there's this old New York Post article from 2009 about him from and there was a few really funny little tidbits in here first of all he at some point around uh 2009 launched a clothing line called Rogue hold on that's for Anarchist in his word yeah what because he's a rebel and bro you want you're an on a kisser you're complaining that I'm saying naughty mean things about you yeah I didn't know uh Ryan Marcus and antifa uh hero but apparently he is um it it didn't do if if you could if you could believe it it didn't do it it didn't do that well here let me ask you a question let me has has anything Ryan Kavanaugh's ever done do well um on a long enough timeline no and yeah check this out this was the real thing that uh that got me laughing so this was from [ __ ] 2009 right sure Governor's personal life has also helped you controversy in October he was arrested for a second time for driving under the influence of alcohol while still on probation for his first arrest wow he said he intends to fight the latest charges in many ways Kavanaugh's Tinseltown trajectory mirrors that of Harvey Weinstein another Maverick whose astronomical initial success had prompted nothing but uh shot in freuda there you go thank you oh we got to grab that quote and put it on the website the New York Post Ryan are you watching this right now yeah it's funny I mean this article is already talking pretty negatively about him back in 2009 it was his his business lasted for several years past that but um it seems like like the writing was already on the wall back then you're used to being disgraced bro like just show the headline of that one where it's like got the bust of him that's crumbling like the crumbling Empire rank ever we're still finding [ __ ] about this guy like he is one of the biggest degenerates in the professional world um dude that love grab that quote we gotta put that maybe even the header of the website yeah so this is from variety once again relativity in Ruins I mean this guy is is used to taking massive L's should we commission a bus like that like a crumbling iron cabinet kind of Epic I'm down actually I'm kind of I kind of want that bust foreign yeah so I mean guys this is this is the whole thing I think of him what what Ryan doesn't understand is I'm just reacting to [ __ ] he's doing you know he blocked our video he [ __ ] post and tagged us onto on Instagram what do you want from me dude I'm just [ __ ] defending myself and responding to you let's get that quote love at the top here I just say and then just put like at uh New York Post or whatever it was and a link to the article but yeah I think that's a great header like boom all right sure yeah I believe that's the second publication that related him to Harvey Weinstein a lot of parallels apparently yeah but for what they specifically said mirroring Harvey Weinstein too to you know really drive home the impression that they kind of look the same yeah because when you look in the mirror what do you see right yourself your own reflection you know that's so interesting that people have been drawing this comparison before us like a lot of people anyway um by the way this is kind of funny though he says comments limited due to hacked by trolls I still don't know what that means but okay whatever you say he was hacked he's such a [ __ ] Boomer he thinks people talking [ __ ] to him in the comments is is being hacked I'm being hacked right now I'm under attack we need the uh Homeland Security to follow this up and arrest Ethan Emmanuel this is I don't think Daddy Ryan is going to give you a fight for this comment by the way he might he might be that petty anyway um listen he's got to stop saying I'm telling people to send death threats though because that that is just not true and it's actually defamatory you really have to stop saying that Ryan um that's really gotta stop that's [ __ ] insane bro okay and um finally on the topic of cabinet kavanana cabinet I wanted to give a shout out to this guy thought this video was [ __ ] excellent this lawyer called attorney Tom made a video about his recent lawsuit about defamation and it's really good analysis it's a really really good analysis and actually Ryan threatened this guy or he he do you I I don't have their interaction in the document uh maybe I'll grab it I think we moved it I'll give one sec yeah if you could just put that there because this guy made a comment like yo this this new lawsuit against Ethan by Ryan Cavanaugh for defamation is really dangerous stuff uh and then Ryan called him out said he was like a paid chill working yeah yeah and then attorney Tom's like I don't even know this guy bro yeah it is we only learned about attorney Tom because Ryan Kavanaugh was accusing him of working for us okay so basically second the records yeah so hold on I gotta put this in order where's his original post guys Ryan's are the attorneys the attorneys oh it was a uh it was a comment post on YouTube like a community post no it was a Facebook post uh or maybe a community person yeah the top comment here is I do not work for H3 I did not [ __ ] H3 I did not put my deck anywhere near H3 so um yeah he said he goes by the way attorney Tom literally was just said like did the lease thing and he goes now he's promoting the law firm attorney Tom who is now acting like a disinterested party there are so many strings to pull and this story will get more interesting dude what are you are really drunk right now and then attorney Tom has to record he has to respond I have never spoken with H3 I simply made a video expressing my opinion about Ryan Kavanaugh's defamation lawsuit against him and now my professional credibility is being questioned again Ryan Cavanaugh Free Speech Warrior as I said in the video there's an open Invitational Ryan or any members of his legal team to come on my channel for an interview if they wish to discuss the case and educate me you know what a [ __ ] psycho [ __ ] like you really just threatening anybody that supports me I mean that's his goal right he doesn't want people to support me uh here is a brief excerpt reports Ryan Kavanaugh Accused by ex-partner of running a Ponzi scheme that statement in this article which is still published on is at the core of Ryan Kavanaugh's defamation lawsuit against Ethan Klein in today's video I'm going to go through that lawsuit which brings up some very interesting and scary legal Concepts and I'm going to be telling you why that if you support independent YouTubers in free speech you should be rooting for Ethan Klein Brian Kavanaugh is bringing this lawsuit under two honestly it's a long video but I thought the whole thing was super insightful so I recommend checking out attorney Tom's Video here I wish we had time to watch I don't think anyone really wants to sit through this whole thing with me maybe they do I don't know I thought it was awesome we got a big tournament that we got to get to today that's probably gonna take a good while so I don't know if people want to watch this it is with your pause rate that'll be like an hour to get through let me watch like a minute of it separate legal theories defamation and defamation by implication I'm going to discuss both starting with defamation over the past few months Ethan Klein has prominently displayed variety's article about Ryan Kavanaugh in the backdrop of his YouTube set as you can see here in Ryan Kavanaugh's lawsuit here are screenshots of Ethan prominently displaying the Variety article not only is the article prominently displayed but it has been discussed multiple times dozens of times I don't know if you heard that Ryan Kavanaugh this man here was accused by his ex-partner of running a Ponzi scheme awkward but anyway let me get actually into this that was reported in variety just for clarification and even by Ryan Cavanaugh's own admission via his lawsuit petition every time Ethan Klein brought up the Variety article it was conditioned or predicated on the sense that it was published by variety and or it was his ex-partner accusing Ryan Kavanaugh of running a Ponzi scheme yo this petition is very long and it contains tons of examples of the alleged defamatory comments so I'm just going to pick one read it and you'll kind of get the point in July 15 2021 episode of off the rails titled I'm sorry Ela off the rails number five which was made more than one point million times Klein said welcome back everyone to the Ryan Kavanaugh Accused by ex partner running a Ponzi scheme podcast B Ryan this is one from the Variety article over here in there Accused by ex-partner of running a Ponzi scheme which we've now clarified was under oath not once did Ethan Klein and his team ever say Ryan Kavanaugh was running a Ponzi scheme they said Ryan Kavanaugh Accused by his ex partner of running a Ponzi scheme and that's an important difference at the California elements for defamation one a false and defamatory statement about another two the unprivileged publication of the statement to a third party anyway guys you I I watched all it's real good it's real interesting and I thought he did a great job so shout out turdy Tom shout out Tom who is a uh working in the shadows uh he's a shadow attorney and Tom if you're listening the uh the checks in the mail yeah checks in the mail buddy we got you yeah Ryan Kavanaugh's on he's pulling the strings baby he's getting to the heart of it so um we are far over time to do our ad break all right look we got two sponsors so thank our sponsors and let's get right into these action packed sound bite Tournament of Champions it's gonna be and first I want to thank our wonderful sponsor curology I love curology you know it's a Dermatology provider service you go online you take a survey you answer a bunch of questions about your skin you send them close-up pictures of your skin so that a Derm this dermatol Dermatology provider can assess what you need and if it's a right fit they'll send you a formulation to treat whatever's going on with your skin it's a game changer um they'll create a custom prescription cream for you for your specific goals whether it's tackling acne clogged pores skin texture dark spots Fine Lines or something else you start by taking a short online skin quiz and uploading photos and if it's a good fit they'll ship you your formula right to your door and it's even got your name on the bottle so how it worked for me is I did the quiz I sent the photos and they sent me three products they sent me a cleanser which I love doesn't strip my skin of all the natural oils and make it super dry then so you wash you put on the 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audience are like 15. and I know that's not true we should do we should do a let's start off our poll Let's test our polio we're gonna be doing lots of polls today let's set up some age brackets so I believe it restricts you to four yeah four options so maybe 17 and under 18 24. yeah 25 to 30 and then 30 plus or 31 plus great that sounds perfect 17 or another 18 to 24 25 to 30 or 31 plus I I'm assuming it's a community I'm assuming that they're mostly probably you know mid-20s I think that's where the bell curve will be uh let's see I'm real curious is there a way to show this poll on screen you know because like on straw poll we were able to the audience can see the vote yeah there's not it doesn't let you pop it out I mean see that's a problem I think for for the show visually uh you know what I might have a way so basically the votes are coming in I mean it's a little primitive but because you can see the chat but it was better I think the other way where you had it if you minimize it it shows more of the pull are well now it's only showing the winner yeah can you see that Ian like is that can you guys make that out is that good for me why why you got to do that because it needs to be full screen there's a reason I did it here I'll make it bigger okay there you go that's awesome so yeah it looks 18 to 24 is about half and then 20 so you could see that 17 and under is by far the smallest demographic yeah so cavca's teenage teenager conspiracy does not chip past the vibe check sorry we love our our we have such a mature audience folks don't we I mean YouTube this is wow wow we are wow we are mature we are adults and we don't send death threats right folks no of course not no no true fan whatever you're saying it's a school day you think that there's less well we're always on school days when are we never on school well yeah but like right now you think that the teenagers are voting kids are in class but also maybe they're not so I think there is a lot of kids in class voting on that poll to be honest with you or or you know call or students let's say that's true well let's get it let's kick it off man this is okay so we're gonna start let me familiarize myself with everything here I'm gonna click this I've got a lot to navigate here let me open my docs Okay so we've got basically how this works is we watch the origin the first round is going to be lots of origin story and then the next brackets are going to go pretty fast so here up first is the world champion of 2020 the Undisputed Sound by king of the world David Guetta in the wake of the tragic death of George Floyd made a stand he he he made a beautiful tribute to George and his family this racism stops now he said and this beautiful trivia lives forever [Music] when already things are so difficult so shout out to his family oh and that and that's when Aces raised yeah so you know and that's when racism ended my friends it's over so when you hear conservative or when you hear like psycho right-wing conservatives saying racism doesn't exist anymore well they're right and it happens since since uh David took the storm right exactly shout out to his family yeah so there's no sound bites yeah all right so that's our first first bracket and he's up against Wendy Williams just saying that's that's good now what are these this isn't so so here's what we've done there are certain sound bites that always come together on the show like they're always kind of played you know one after the other or something um so in those cases instead of just picking one which we felt would be unfair because it doesn't really give the totality of the drops as they're used we we kind of cluster them together so this is an example of that um debt to all of them and her talking about making people suffer you know so you're doing basically Wendy Williams as a single contestant here yeah and in some cases it's like it's not just Wendy Williams although I think this might be her only entry on the bracket is that right well yeah well for example like Yeah Wendy Williams farting sounds would not be grouped with this like this is Wendy Williams threatening to kill people well we're I don't see the just saying here I see clap if she should suffer which I'll play here like the original one that's on the bracket isn't here but here let's listen to this one should she suffer all right clap if you think she should suffer so that's Wendy fantastic that was weird wasn't that Ryan Kavanaugh behind her should she suffer what why is she talking about Ryan Kavanaugh all right yeah that's weird she's following the suit oh well this is from 20 this is old yes she was following the suit weird last year two years ago zooming a little bit more I think that's actually Harvey Weinstein [ __ ] um um [ __ ] damn so that's that one and then there's also the death to all of them iconic obviously how dare you Mr Spears you had me fooled and you too Mrs Spears death to all of them he shocks I mean and you know she shocks herself and the audience everyone is just she went full Isis on that mother you know where's the where's the original one so there's two we we couldn't really find just saying we'll play it yeah let's hear it just just the same yeah so okay we found them for the most part uh there was like one that one and one other one though Kenneth Copeland oh one of the Kenneth Copeland ones that was like a total deep cut yeah all right well you've got Wendy Williams just saying which has become you know widely used it's it's a great sound drop but the competition is stiff I mean she's going against the World Champ I don't know go ahead with the poll let's see what happens you want to go for it but yeah of course okay also we've prepared um a little timer um for these votes so that you know we have a cutoff point of um well it seems pretty obvious so um shout out to his family just saying slash uh death to all of them all right here we go with round one I can't see on my screen here on the right Dan I don't know why that one do you need that one on the right uh yes okay that's the bracket [Music] so here we go yeah this I think we're in for a surprise here I mean shout out to the family is an oldie it has been around for a while it's very good though that's it the king is dead I mean that's it you're not even gonna wait you're gonna I mean dude that that's I mean that's a pretty it's a blow up that's a blow-up and you know that's a blowout and I gotta say I agree I think Wendy took this year with the sound bites go ahead play them all Zach guy I mean die Wendy Wendy is just too good the star the [ __ ] that comes out of that woman's mouth is truly shocking at vile I mean if anyone should be giving a a eulogy for George Floyd it would be uh Wendy Williams what would William what would Wendy Williams say very tactful to all of them yeah she'd be like that and be like whoa just saying we're at a funeral they are iconic drops okay well uh yeah you're right that's a that's a blowout well I think if anything it just shows this is a new year there's new competitors and there is going to be a new King on the Block this year the verified winner is Wendy Williams buy a landslide and dare I say possibly a favorite to take the whole tournament I think yeah it's got a good chance it's got a good chance I mean a lot of banners in this competition though just okay well let's move on to the next round we'll see you know all right so up next we've got um okay I've been listening to Olivia the entire time the ominous threatening spooky uh uh our beloved uh Olivia one of my favorites I gotta say it is I've been saying it around the office constantly it's so catchy wait hold on Ian aren't you showing on Dan's computer do you you need me to zoom in on the bracket because why don't you just show what I've got and then you can click this is good just like this yeah I'm just kind of bouncing why do you need it open on your screen Dan because okay I guess I don't yeah because if you want to show me some well just choose which one you want to do well I have to put the poll up on the screen anyways just just use mine yeah just mine yeah thank you um so basically we've got this one here [Applause] Olivia who is here also right now with Mom and Ashley Olivia is that Olivia I had a feeling that was a little I've been listening listening to Olivia the entire time why does he say it like that I have never actually seen that he's like creepy like people make fun of Joe Biden being creepy how he like Touch Hair and [ __ ] and whisper in ears this imagine Whispering that in your ear and Ashley look how sweaty his face is Olivia are we gonna talk about the fact that he said Ashley and then Olivia oh my God that's crazy was sick calling you Ashley yeah I'm also Ashley [ __ ] Olivia Trump is playing 5D trap wow how did you find this one Zach so this was actually submitted by one of our mods blizzard Woofy wow what a good fine he's the zombite I love that man this is a good find yes I'm so jealous it'll never be in Donald Trump a b sound bite everyone else got one has he ever said a baby yeah don't say that he has me the baby hey baby hey baby what is there an Ethan one Jack uh yeah there's a Ethan Ethan oh yeah Ethan Ethan there won't be a loved one don't say that guys don't say that in the right context but I think this this I think you should probably group all of the them in with this one so why don't you play all of the names uh Trump sound bites we've got Zach okay one second foreign please stand up Ethan please stand up Zach please stand up we have please stand up as a different one oh we do in the bracket okay all right well no okay all right all right well anyway we've got Olivia uh who have been listening to Olivia the entire time Olivia and of course a new and very powerful entry this one is strong the quartering um who famously peed in his basement wow because his wife went for pizza without him no I'm not taking this this uh clip is the original but the one that we've nominated is actually one of the updated ones that includes uh a Masha the the mashup all right well let's play the original yeah but this is New York taking a pause to pee yeah so he says I'm not gonna pause my game to pee I'm just gonna pee right here as any thoughtful well-adjusted adult does uh-huh clearly and um well we made a mashup of him taking a [ __ ] of him telling a story where he [ __ ] his pants sack go ahead with that one I'm not taking a pause to [ __ ] all over the floor it gets me every time that's good all right well let's do a poll we've got the quartering [ __ ] on the floor versus uh Donald Trump uh naming people this is a tough one I mean I feel like these are both kind of deep cuts you know they're they're very they're good in particular moments you know all right polls going up but I don't know if these are well I it's hard to say I mean the the quartering one is it always makes me laugh it's a classic Trump okay oh wow yeah well Trump is taking the huge dub Trump taking the dub his first one there's only a thousand votes and let's let's give it a minute we'll give it one more time but yeah but first oh wow there you go like Kavanaugh's Bots the votes are rolling in yeah three two one we're calling it okay okay wow the the quartering just uh woof sorry he didn't want that title this year well well congratulations Olivia how do you feel good I why is my voted for myself so what is happening here you voted for yourself oh I did I've been listening to Olivia the entire time advancing to the next round fantastic just so clean yeah no it's great I love it fantastic shout out I've been listening to it yeah thank you Jack so okay good um moving on we've got keemstar let's see of course this was a new one we discovered of a keemstar deep cut actually okay so this this is a mega compilation I guess of keemstar ones because there's just too many I guess we actually there isn't one that stands on its own it's a little confusing guys to have like three together and then one by itself I have to say let's just do this one keemstar shut up [ __ ] um this was a deep cut I don't know what this is from keemstar used to be up to some weird [ __ ] and it was run by this like eccentric rich guy who like all of us hate games and keemstar was trying to chime in and I'll keep David I guess his name is team stuff shut up everybody knows I'm gonna win this shut up [ __ ] and he shuts up real fast I don't know who this guy is but he really uh put keemstar in his place and we love that for him and this one gets a lot of play obviously keemstar shut up [ __ ] and it's it's tremendous I mean this is a sound bite that I really appreciate yeah just nice to see him put in this place you know anytime he's talking he's here's a here's a few other honorable mentions I have been caught in 4k I'm busted what was this one he got caught he was wrong about something he said about me so frustrated I'm pretty sure it was about me h3a true was playing this clip of me saying got to all Jews like he had this oh and he said that we faked it he said that we edit it yeah we right I was like I didn't [ __ ] yeah and so then he found out he did actually say death to all Jews oh natural yeah I so have been caught so frustrating I'm busted yeah well you said it so [ __ ] I don't know what to tell you bro and then of course another honorable mention is uh murder animals let me get this straight y'all exposing Trisha Paytas for having rabbit fur chairs right and I bring up the point saying well uh how come you didn't call her out for murdering the chickens when she was eating a chicken sandwich murdering the cows when she's eating the hamburgers how can we call her out then huh huh and you say oh well it's a difference one you use for substance you know energy for your body and the other one she just murdered it for a chair okay [ __ ] okay [ __ ] you're really gonna reply to me on a [ __ ] cellular device on a [ __ ] laptop or a cell phone hmm the lithium batteries inside those where do they get those oh they get those um out there and they have the mine and then destroy forest and murder edibles all fake you stupid [ __ ] I get why him and Ryan Kavanaugh get along the road stupid [ __ ] there's got gas in there they have to [ __ ] mind that they have to pull that on the [ __ ] ground and guess who dies animals die all right like dude the forests are being destroyed animals are being died for you to just existed that you live in so when you're sitting there [ __ ] chirping right oh my God she murdered rabbits for chairs dumb people are like yeah she murdered rabbits for chairs smart people are like well pretty much everything you do in your [ __ ] life you know you're murdering animals for stupid [ __ ] that's uh that's been a wait what does he say at the end I remember it was funny he goes stupid [ __ ] [ __ ] murder oh murderer yeah so play all the sound bites yeah animals die yeah okay [ __ ] okay [ __ ] stupid [ __ ] yeah so that video alone was basically The Giving Tree of keemstar sound bites we calling this one wait what are you why are you running the poll already because it takes a while for it to show up on stream for some people I didn't even play the next one yet oh my bad keemstar spazzing versus the Vin Diesel family oh this is a dark horse this is a dark horse I think this one's going far this is one that you know made a recent addition to the catalog of sound bites it's kind of taking the cake and it reacts and actually family family family family family family family family family family family family family family family family family they don't stop they didn't stop dude this was a late addition that has really taken the community our whole chat by storm it's just nothing but families right now that so I mean wow this is stiff competition out here this year well go ahead with the vote I mean yeah it's a tough one because this is a tough one keemstar is obviously those are fantastic sound bites yeah um murderer [Laughter] but damn if it that if that family one isn't powerful so get those votes in holy [ __ ] no way oh I don't know about this it looks like Keem is rigged Ryan Kavanaugh's Bots are in here [ __ ] up our tournament well that's like a blowout and I gotta say I mean I love those teams that shut up [ __ ] one is so good but I thought the family would take it but no this is a huge upset in my opinion I agree with you on that I mean it's it's relatively I mean 60 40 you know that's a blowout I mean I remember we did this last year a lot of them were real close but this is like a clear win I mean I don't know what to say this is a clear win I'm a little upset to be a little bit devastating ah this is wrong so I don't think so I think the people have spoken shut up [ __ ] it's so good yeah I think we're confusing like the meme with the sound bite like the sound bite itself I say keemstar all day right we love our family it's true that's true I mean that's that's a fair point we have to bear in mind I don't know though I'm surprised by this I feel like he could use the family in any context you know should we do it again should we do a Revo should we do it well that would be fun I think you should get one Silver Bullet if you don't agree with a vote what is it you get one thing to bring back if you don't think that it was voted on correctly I mean it got [ __ ] clowned by yeah I mean it's not even close wait let's do a revote like Florida hanging Chads and [ __ ] I mean you're you're you're you're dealing it you're convincing everybody to vote a different way I mean it's not it's not fair it's the last year all over again yeah giving Keem what he wants it's almost 20 000 votes and what I mean the family one I I I'm sorry I think the Keen ones are way [ __ ] better yeah I thought everybody was agreeing that no I mean most everybody is but I disagree no the key drops are amazing yeah and screaming murder animals murder animals give it to me all right I mean come on and another thing is just Zack's timing with them are always so good like it's so good his timing would cracks me up every time yeah I mean that one video alone did so much for the Sound by Community it really did it really is just incredible and the families is a is a nice meme but okay I think it's a dub for for keemstar shut up [ __ ] all right I mean congratulations every word he says in that video is sound better yeah the percentage really isn't I mean it's not movement we're almost 20 000 votes yeah for you so wow okay well the people have spoken all right I guess if it was closer we could do a wreath sure but that's a blowout yeah that's a blowout what's the you know in a real election if it's within what percentage it's got to be like a half a percent oh is it that's small yeah it's got to be really tight margin or maybe five percent five percent how about let's do five percent if it's within five percent we can call a recount okay five percent differences astronauts exactly all right so that's right All-Star is spazzing is moving on to the next faster wow this is shaping up to be quite a tournament this year so moving on to the next bracket here we've got the Marvel mashups basically if you guys aren't familiar Marvel has been putting out these marketing stings where the audio editing is such a [ __ ] train wreck where they've just mangled in Frankenstein the audio that it just comes out it's so funny here listen up this is the one that burst it all and this is the first time for me in the Marvel Universe yeah so this actually turned in this was blowing up on the internet I mean this has 1.2 million views yeah this is the first time for me and the mark so we say that all the time in the office yeah as well all the time at home I can't stop saying that somebody but also birth the New Meme like play the Ryan Cavanaugh one I mean it's always this is the first time for me eating uh Carl's Jr whatever first time yeah beautiful it's a symphony but apparently their audio engineer uh uh has done a lot of work for the for the uh he's done some editing work for Disney Plus for example listen to this one there's a hunger for this character to come back that one is really good that one is really good there is a hunger for pizza you know Dan Dan said the word fungir he was trying to say finger a few episodes ago so I edited something oh does sound like it there's a finger before this character to come back well done Zach that's great um and then of course Shang Chi the same audio engineer struck again hi my name is Aquafina and I am in the movie no it's probably the worst I don't know I think the first is yeah so that's basically the whole genre of terrible uh Marvel audio engineering and we're up against love our very own love who basically there was an attempted assassination of lovebot by a b number forget oh we don't well it is I do not know what's happening it's true over there without the event Jesus not one of you guys could have caught that what happened I didn't even see it happening dude it's like they even did that everyone saw that and and we did you know we went back if you check the footage you can really see that Amy got real aggressive with that foot can't wait for more messages from love stands down I do not know yeah when you give him a little push he usually will just roll back and I was rolling him back give me a push man I was I was giving a push because there's a little diviner between us and I honestly was afraid he was going to fall and I gave it too hard of a push oh yeah you I mean that's that's an assassination attempt look at that look those are brand new headphones I just threw off to try and save him well that was a brand new Love Boat and look at me now man come on dude was new for like six hours see they're still fightings they're fighting words no no we're on the same team now all right well I'm starting the poll so that yeah so we've got basically the attempted assassination of lovebot versus uh Marvel audio engineering this one could go either way honestly I'm I'm not quite sure I mean both are good for this character to come back which one is more versatile I think the Marvel one is I don't know med school the Marvel one's pretty Niche well I didn't want to reveal yet well I want to see the voting take place okay we got another blow up probably the biggest blowout yet wow [Music] thank you guys it's equalizing a little bit as the votes come in but I don't think the scuffed edits are going to overtake that lead wow wow I'm honored guys thank you wow how do you feel love I mean that is a that's a huge win that's a huge dub and against a really formidable competitor as well yeah I feel like over overwhelmed honestly this is crazy 61 to 40. that's crazy well let's see in the next bracket you're actually going to be facing keemstar being told to shut up so how are you feeling in the next bracket you feeling confident yeah I'm not feeling confident well maybe I don't know if The Love Boat seems is going to pull through maybe maybe not we'll see okay well congratulations love thank you yeah I'm glad to have come this far and we we all did see that by the way we did also I'm even honored to be to be included absolutely thank you things the way he says AV that makes it so good everybody saw that he's like it's like on the downbeat all right we have the winner love Avery did that everyone saw that there it is can someone grab me a sodi please sure and also like a pizza or burrito or a sandwich or something oh oh do you want the rest of my breakfast burrito oh for real yeah if you actually want it you ate half of it yeah let me see the let me examine the situation let me see what's the damage [Music] bring the burrito over here [Music] thank you all right let's see so this is Olivia's burrito what kind of burrito is this Olivia a bacon breakfast okay I like that now obviously I don't I'm not going to eat from the eat-in part I mean should I eat it backwards you can I mean it's totally your choice how you choose to eat that I don't wanna right right we are in a pandemic how is it don't look at me like that Dan right it's not looking like anything about that I wasn't looking like anything I'm just you're looking at me like this that's just my resting [ __ ] face oh my gosh it's so good hmm you just think I'm judging you anytime you're eating you're reading into it no you are all right okay next up oh next round is a doozy woof next round's a doozy this one is you know strong competitor drop this sound bite when Trisha was talking about something I don't remember what but it was an iconic moment uh shut up [ __ ] and my god I've never heard it say with such gusts though such a passion The Rock has an absolute talent for saying shut up [ __ ] that is such a good sound bite one of my proudest moments Ethan I don't say you don't want to admit that bro people got real mad at you for that too late rip rip to the goat my dude yeah you can't take that back um here it is full screen it it's full screen GG really good making people huh wait it's not that it doesn't seem long enough like we reflected on it for a while didn't we okay let's go it's almost two minute long okay go ahead oh and it felt really good and I think people obviously people liked that so much more I saw Tick Tock of this amazing artist names Inky witch I actually remember Jesus heck what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is wrong with you that's so inappropriate yeah we cut it out because we're like this is too [ __ ] up but then we all it was just the funniest thing one of the funniest things ever happened on the show that we showed it later on so that's kind of the history the sound bite definitely makes its rounds to this day and um so what is what is he up against um we've got shut up [ __ ] versus you don't even have to think about it dude Crowder making fun of me incidentally became a sound bite himself yep governmental body with scientists and [ __ ] that just tell us what to do you don't have to think about it dude [Laughter] seriously they're just telling you don't have to think about it dude by the way my rule is right whatever we say always just extend the context a minute in either direction it only gets worse like who wrote them so stupid why is he questioning uh any like the CDC or fauci yeah seriously bro you're not a doctor I don't even know I don't want to think about things what people tell me and we just went through without you how he went from it occurred in nature anyway shut the [ __ ] up Crowder yeah I mean your daughter who just just got banned this morning he just got banned again for more hate speech like how much hate speech YouTube speech yeah wow what a [ __ ] man bro you're such a piece of [ __ ] shut up anyway [ __ ] stupid bro well anyway it would make great use so that you don't have to think about it yeah very versatile during copy reads yes right yes they even have to think about it all right so I'm gonna I'm gonna launch the poll right now yeah go ahead so you know two strong competitors but yeah I think Crowder's got an uphill battle here but but we'll see I mean that's my hunch as well I mean Crowder was a participant wow all right hold on only only 1500 votes but obviously uh there's a strong lead here I think we may have accidentally skewed the results again that's what I was afraid of but I don't think Crowder Ever Had a chance anyway yeah true again shut up [ __ ] but yeah I mean shut up [ __ ] is so good all right seven seven thousand that's a 19 but yeah it's close to 90 percent [Music] you could call it yeah I think we're calling it there that's by far the biggest blowout I mean that's a that's almost 90 win to shut up [ __ ] yep all right so the rock congratulations Crowder shut the [ __ ] up [ __ ] and even without the Trisha context I mean you you're afraid that's what's skewing it a b potentially because there's just such everyone loves that moment but that's not skewing it because that was that was the origin story just like any other origin story I do think we need to make a statement that you should try like an impartial jury to separate the sound bite from the moment [Music] oh my God all the people saying no Paul it works fine it's on your end shut up shut up these are these are shut up [ __ ] shut up [ __ ] shut up [ __ ] these are our members we love them we have tens of thousands of votes coming in it's it's the polls working fine it's it's you whatever it is working better in straw Bowl yep so your vote wasn't tipping the result in that one anyways the 90 90 percent shut up [ __ ] thank you Olivia I did it all right I'll even the part that she touched I did oh so then sorry you don't feel good promise I was boosted last week game dude I was boosted yesterday I'm crying my Wi-Fi's off how weird now it's back on so honestly looking at this so far the rock is gonna be a strong contended Contender yeah I think so going down we've got Copeland and Kenneth Copeland the demon stuffed into human skin go ahead we don't have a source for this one so just go ahead and play it do you see it you have any other Copeland ones you want to group in there yeah I mean I I have a [ __ ] ton from can I get that spear Zach aha watch a demon die from Death To Life Kenneth Copeland's Evangelical even gelatist Spirit yes one of these psycho-prosperity preachers who is ultra rich off the backs of poor working class uh conservative Christians he is evil he's scary he's psycho psychopathic and the fact that someone like this can even be successful in this world is proof that uh evil does exist in this world oh Jesus if anything he's proving Satan exists the the uh haha you see it uh really came prominent with the uh Harvey Cav [ __ ] yeah oh do you see it when you're comparing that yeah right some beautiful timing on those Zach yeah thank you yeah the utility of the do you see it is incredible so we've got basically the Copeland uh mega pack Copeland mega pack amen and up against it is my own mother Donna Klein with dubrick um she doesn't want to say David dobrik fantastically here do you want to try the white claw game well you know I do baby [ __ ] yeah yeah very good oh that's my mom doing what club gave yes it's a there's a another little twofer so then this is the the dubric one here first names or name of the YouTube channel I'm giving even giving you a hint or you you know what I have no I wait a minute the guy on the left that is that David uh dubrick no he's not it is not okay I don't know why it's so funny okay you can't hint if you dubrick is so good the way she says it and the fact that she's wrong anyways whenever we talk about it I mean you say Newburgh yeah yeah dubrick so basically we've got um the Donna Copeland versus dubrick so all right so I'm gonna see it Copeland versus dubrick that's a Tuffy [Music] oh wow oh oh wow that's a blowout I am blown away at this really I mean nobody cares about Copeland no I love I love Donna but by far out of any sound bites on the show Kenneth Copeland kills me I don't know why he's my favorite I'm not super I'm surprised that that my mom's winning by such a margin but I get it I mean dubrick I mean also you're dude you've got the Don arcs in this yeah that's right they're voting for the person not the soundtrack you're gone oh we got the Don arcs out there Copeland's angry he's not happy about these results that's good he's not happy there's just you know I love Donna full Don Arc but the Kenneth ones are they're they're probably one of my personal favorites I just love when you do the do you see it when Ethan's like zooming in on something funny on that he spotted in a video or something it's just it's just got such utility too yeah it's very very a lot of them have a lot of utility but there you go the people have spoken Don arcs are out in force do brick dubrick let me see if my Tick Tock posted a lot of people in the chat saying they couldn't see it yeah because it because Tick Tock is let's see oh it's up now it's up do you see it yeah they don't post [ __ ] right away they just uh because my account is like on the [ __ ] [ __ ] list yeah I get so many videos removed they hold all yours for review yeah they have to review it first but it looks like it passed all right for now anyway yeah so what's up oh my god it feels so good to say that I was like oh my God please God let me say something about this I was like I'll just wait till the wedding's over all right well Donna is is the clear winner here so Donna takes the dub ma takes the dub by the way the monarchs are flourishing this year so it's the year of the Monarch for sure all right up next Donna Klein here we go this one's a deep cut I mean okay let's see this is of course comes from the prince family someone that we've content corded the most annoying intro of all time you're gonna love this I think I might have found because I couldn't find the specific one that the Zack sound drop comes from because they do it in every video but I found maybe the worst one okay great well here it is [Music] yeah can you do me a favor play the one guy who's crying for his son where he goes I still love you and he goes you have that one play that and I'll play hers okay here we go wait hold on wait wait wait wait wait wait pretty good it's great once again guys yeah I think they need to do that again with more energy so that's Bianca they're the ones that like click bait their kids dying and [ __ ] right or like not even like having horrible mutations like skin diseases yeah I just sent my favorite thumbnail of theirs if you want yeah the prince family's some YouTube legends oh she fella they're like my kids yeah this is a recent one I mean this was this one's silly but it's not as bad because like the other ones was like my kids have got leprosy and it's that one like boils all over their face yeah in the [ __ ] thumbnail I mean Jesus Christ ah so we got Bianca up okay well yeah I mean you've got in a book hump from keemstar in a book and I'm sorry but I don't know man in a book is really good oh yes office photos tweet it out for proof contacts show tures of Charlie demilio for her Instagram oh okay and it was used in a book huh take two little set laughing foreign I'm pretty sure he's got the same uh audio editor as Marvel yeah a lot of proof guys attacks showing what the [ __ ] is this used to take pictures of Charlie demilio for her Instagram oh okay and it was used in a book huh take two little dude what whom first of all drop a dislike for game uh first of all it goes watch this watch it says on the bottom left shared feedback with Creator okay thanks thanks for letting them know I don't like his video yeah so I don't know what he was thinking but it has served us well we know keemstar doesn't know how to read so that's why he's so confused about the notion of a book well anyway let's put these let's to put these two uh against each other shall we we shall the poll is being issued right now foreign Bianca verse in a book huh yeah that's kind of what I expected another big blowout that that's actually maybe our biggest blowout 93 in a book huh I mean in a book is real solid I dare I say don't say it go ahead say it I think it might I don't necessarily think it'll win but I think it's going to go far that's what I'll say I think I think in a book is going places huh in a book huh in a book huh animals die okay well stupid [ __ ] all right well that's it that's that's an easy oh wow wow wow wow the next round is looking it's loaded Stacks first we have what has quickly become mine and many people's favorite moments is Jordan Peterson crying over the state of men posted for by Red pilled knowledge red pilled knowledge ladies and gentlemen big ass [ __ ] like dry skin flake uh what do we get here love oh sorry I sent that in the wrong shots okay yeah so what the hell are we gonna do this is this is just my favorite I love this so much what the hell are we gonna do without men here you see all these buildings go up these men they're doing impossible things they're under the streets women could never build up buildings those [ __ ] women are worthless they're worthless they don't work with their hands they can't think straight they're working in sewers sewers they're up on the power lines in the storms and the rain they're keeping this impossible infrastructure functioning this thing that works and in miraculous manner they work themselves to death you know guys are we really this pathetic that we need like this [ __ ] sad song for ourselves just get your [ __ ] together man it's not what the [ __ ] do you want this is all just because dudes can't get laid let's be honest this all just comes down to dudes can't getting laid that's the only like masculinity oh here's a good comment let's leave out the fact that many women who enter these fields are subject to extreme sexism and a hostile toxic work environment no way Jordan Peterson Mister if you wear lipstick you're asking to get sexually harassed your ass can get slapped on my on your ass no women wouldn't come in the sewer what are they going to show up in high heels and lipstick to work in the sewer it's outrageous Minch women should be making sandwiches raising children men should be getting drunk at the bars and having sex with strangers because they work themselves to death they deserve it [Music] and taking a benzo every once in a while to take the edge off to death almost to death here listen let's keep listening no often literally it's it's very useful to tell everyone not just men that they have an important role to play a necessary role yeah I mean obviously yeah look the truth is that you know the suicide rate is way higher for men and uh life expectancy is lower so shout out to the man obviously it is true not to Discount the problems of men but but anyway this is a great sound bite what the hell are we going to do without men so that's the sound by and we love it so well where would we be without men with beautiful muscular bodies I mean women are okay but I can't get off to that I would say being straight is probably the manliest thing you could do is [ __ ] another guy think about it I love muscles and hairy men and big old raging [ __ ] I mean what's what's manly about us a petite little hairless woman [ __ ] that give me a man right anyways that's that's uh Jordan Peterson up against Jeff wittick uh his disastrous interview with us on Frenemies yeah here it is yeah if there was a paywall on it and you wanted to get those clicks through doing it this way they had lawyers David's lawyers were threatening them non-stop they have I don't know I I don't know this stuff well you act like I'm with David every day well it's in the article if you would have [ __ ] read the article okay Ethan pretty bad pretty rough still one of my favorite moments of the entire show I mean again I I do I do like acknowledge that he came on the show which I appreciate you know it's not easy no one else did that uh but he didn't read the article in question and it didn't serve him well I didn't realize someone just uploaded a 18 second clip and got 300 000 views that's pretty cool all right so uh this is gonna be tough because I think these are both beloved moments if there was a paywall on it and you wanted to get those clicks through doing it this way they had lawyers David's lawyers were threatening them non-stop they have I don't know I I don't know this stuff well exactly I'm with David every day well it's in the article if you would have [ __ ] read the article okay Ethan I mean you feel bad for him Olivia I heard you go oh why I don't want to talk about it I don't I don't love Jeff I just is she your type I mean who's more your type even more Island Boy definitely Jeff definitely Island boy I'm totally kidding however he did he did talk about the only reason why I said Oz because he did talk about someone read it to him but he was dealing with stuff with his brain never mind extract delete me from this conversation my client has no more further he's full of [ __ ] he didn't read the article at all he had no he had no interest in actually examining what was going on and he viciously attacked everybody that was reporting on it and then came on our show and was like a sarcastic [ __ ] about it uh represent me on these matters anyway I'm only representing myself like I'm sure you feel you're I mean you're nicer than me I I feel I do feel bad for Jeff and I mean but okay whatever let's not relitigate the whole damn thing we're just talking about okay Ethan first what are we gonna do without men so this is a tough one love them both you know this is going to be a close see maybe we haven't really had any close ones yet this might be our first let's see yeah the ones that were 60 40 are probably the closest we've had I couldn't guess which one's gonna go yeah I actually don't oh definitely close wow wow within five percent wow wow wow wow oh let's Let It Ride for a little bit so the situation on oh my God we have what are we gonna do without men fifty percent okay Jeff 50 this is astonishing 9 000 votes and still 50 50. this is unprecedented on can you see the exact Vote or does it just show percentage uh uh just okay what are we gonna do without man took a slight lead there 51-49 guys get your vote in because this is important this is close your vote matters 52 what are we gonna do without men [Music] guys get your votes in this is important your vote matters democracy in action come on now 52 what are we gonna do without men oh another update 15 000 votes are have been cast everybody one more update let's get it in there before we call it 52 what are we gonna do with that man 16 000 votes well seems to be holding steady with Jordan Ryan Kavanaugh if you're watching get your bots in 17 000 votes I think we have a winner here and our closest battle yet yeah what are we gonna do without men inches it just ticked up again it's holding steady at 52 so Jordan what are we gonna do without polls people are voting people are taking to the taking to the streets to vote amend women they can't vote women shouldn't be able to vote let's be honest their brains are too emotional men men I mean my wife can make a really good sandwich and we just like to you know let people do what they're good at but we're doing a possible things we're voting in polls we're doing podcasts it's unbelievable come on all right wow all right congratulations Dr Jordan Peterson put a little respect on his name oh this is a really recent entry eh this is brand new Britney Spears with their her little white claw Gabe impression holy [ __ ] [ __ ] balls whoa girl [ __ ] wow oh my God holy [ __ ] well [ __ ] balls a yeah holy [ __ ] balls yo this is Brittany Unchained this is [Laughter] the conservatorship is over and Britney is Unchained my friends this is this is everything so this is this is why we fought so hard to free her and up against Brittany is uh Tim Poole also very prolific sound but it's used quite a bit here he is saying that I it's a fact and that's why people like Stephen Crowder should not debate him and that's why Steven was right for cutting him off and saying no and Ethan Klein is is damaging everything making it all worse Civil War pool ladies and gentlemen what the [ __ ] did I do yeah yeah Stephen Crowder is it's serious business and then also he did the Flaming turd bag uh from the same vid yeah as well here it is caring about the world and being a self-interested you know whatever when Ethan steps in and just throws a flaming a bag of turret you know flaming turd bag in the middle of the real [ __ ] you're talking about bro flaming turd bag pretty good stuff I mean it's our flaming turd bag turret you know flaming turd back I guess he's talking about like when you were a kid and you would ding dong ditch and light a bag on fire I think that's what he was going for yeah yeah and I'm gonna get pissed off about it you know I did that once as a kid and you just what happens is you come with the poop yeah oh because I didn't on ditched but I don't think I ever did the bag I think we tried it once and what happens is um you come back and all there is is a burned bag and a piece of dog [ __ ] because nobody else on it like that doesn't actually happen yeah at this point all right I'm gonna pull it there it is Brittany holy [ __ ] versus Tim pool flaming turd bag of turkey I mean I feel like I know which one's gonna win but you never know you never know you do you feel like you know a little I'm questioning it my prediction I'll wait but let's see [Music] yeah I would predict to Brittany hmm nobody cares about Tim pool I think the temple drop is better though as good as it is as useful as it is right nobody gives a [ __ ] about Temple and those Brittany that Brittany clip is [ __ ] fantastic so let's call it Britney Spears takes the dub sorry Tim I have ruined everything yet again this guy is a manipulative lying con man he said that about me he did I think what about Sam Cedar um I don't remember hmm could have been you could have been Sam Cedar all right I'm ending it Brittany uh what was that that was her birthday dude that that is a great video that Brittany made so up next we've got this yeah I feel like this one as a potential man The Shack delete me from this conversation is so good he went on like this milk podcast and they were all talking about oh I [ __ ] like 100 girls and before milk I couldn't get any [ __ ] but now that I'm with milk and I'm rich and famous I [ __ ] girls like crazy and Shaq was like delete me from this conversation they're just flexing on the gram and they're just talking about the ladies because I like my privilege oh it's even worse than that they're like girls on Instagram are just they're just trying to get they're just trying to find a rich husband wake up is it just like take photos so they can eventually like bag like a rich guy well yeah like they're literally just flexing on the gram and they're just talking about the ladies because I like my privileges with the ladies delete me from this conversation you guys just got [ __ ] told off by Shaq y'all should have moved on real quick when he when he said that Tinder but yeah you can send messages on Instagram that's what I don't mess with I try to get on Tinder but they didn't believe it was me really yeah you've been all right isn't he married what's Shaq doing on Tinder or maybe single can you imagine matching with Shaq on [ __ ] Tinder um he's not married I don't think he was married from 2002 to 2011. but let me see him well okay so he's dead now he has a girlfriend is that the little one or is that a new one her name was Shawnee O'Neal that's his last name right that's the that's the wife that's his ex-wife ex-wife oh the the really short girl was his ex-wife I believe so man can you imagine matching with Shaq on Tinder though like what do you do with that delete me from this conversation now that the short girl was his uh girlfriend okay okay yeah he needs to date like someone who's like at least six two otherwise it will look like another situation where she's five six and he's seven one he's seven one I didn't realize it was that tall holy [ __ ] anyway shout out to Shaq for creating an absolutely fantastic uh sound bite and being actually just mature and speaking some sense to these young morons these pathetic womanizing freaks I don't know why he was there in the first place but at least he uh you know said something good to him so we've got Shaq first another really really really iconic one here coming from ex-president Donald Trump gentlemen and what he wants so badly 13 years old Ian lonfe he's an eighth grader from Arizona and please stand up Ian stand up he's always dreamed of he ain't stand up stand up again stand up and stand up right now yes he's up Ian stand up I'm up stay up again okay Dan please stand up stand up oh now the chair again it's kind of hard it's kind of difficult stand up Dan stand up Ethan please stand up of course Zach please stand up Zach just putting it in my face it's okay yeah we'll stay seated before maybe well that's that's pretty stiff I mean you got Shaq vs Trump two Titans let's see where the chips fall all right I am starting her up here we go again I think I for me I feel there's a clear winner here I'm gonna wait till the votes come in because I don't want to pollute the jury pool oh [ __ ] looks like we're pretty close whoa hmm I mean the stand were you gonna say the shack one was yes no because the stand up is like an iconic thing on the show oh we're down to a four four point spread the thing is delete me from this conversation is so funny and so good oh oh my god oh wow my comment couldn't have made that effect could it have no I think it's just close enough that it's yeah yeah I think it's just close enough wow okay so now Shaq is up by one point here get your votes and people your vote matters Shaq is winning 51 Trump 49. thirteen thousand votes cast let's get those last minute votes in guys 14 000 votes cast 51 Shaq 49 Trump so close this is the closest by far yeah I mean oh my goodness the last one was a two-point spread or a four point spread if you would yeah and this one is just so close fifteen sixteen thousand votes in stays the same 51 Shaq 49 Trump let's take one more one more dump we need the massive dumps okay we just got our last dump with 16 273 votes cast 51 Shaq 49 Trump we have oh and there we go 52 Shaq that's a clear winner for Shaquille O'Neal delete me from this conversation another L for Trump not a good year Well Trump trump is out I mean you know he's not even [Applause] this election was a fraud listen Mr President uh I feel like we conducted that fairly I don't know what to tell you the shock one like is great for awkward conversation yeah and like it will always work I adore that sound bite it's so good and the usage of it in the original video [Music] okay this is real interesting the next [Music] um the next bracket we have Demi Lovato the I guess and the quartering are we teaming up here this is a weird we kind of we have all these edits that kind of bounce between the two sound bites and so okay well Demi Lovato had an Infamous story this year the yogurt store didn't have the yogurt she wanted and it ruined her whole week as you know uh they wanted they wanted sorry thank you baby life is hard as Ryan Kavanaugh said can you believe this world we live in you know millions of people are starving in Afghanistan from famine and and the collapse of their economy but Demi Lovato can't get the yogurt she wanted and uh well that ruined her week so three times a day this is something that will live that will be with me for the rest of my life I left that yogurt store and didn't get the yogurt that I wanted and then I had a hard time the rest of the weekend to be totally transparent and that's probably something that nobody wants me to say like I'm yeah so what's worse is she tagged or sorry they tagged the yogurt store and worst and they were sending a bunch of [ __ ] they were uh review bombing them on uh which is like open stuff like that like dude it was so it was so beyond three times a day this is something that will live that will be with me for the rest of my life I left that yogurt sore and didn't get the yogurt that I wanted and then I had a hard time the rest of the weekend I mean this was one of the most insane things from an out of touch celebrity that I have ever seen I mean this is way worse than Bill Gates saying that pizza rolls cost 25 bucks would I remember that [ __ ] when he was on Ellen yeah foreign how much are these pizza rolls oh about I don't know a hundred dollars I would guess so so that's Demi and then you have Jeremy whose wife went out for pizza without him and these are being these are blinds my wife went out for pizza without me and I'm angry about it so I'm gonna win this round and I'm gonna pee if I don't win this round I'm gonna pee in my own basement there you go wife take that she you know how much she hates when I pee in the basement and it sprays all over the wall it's impossible to clean it's impossible to get rid of the smell this man is sitting in a basement with the smell of urine wafting up into the main portion of the house that's awesome uh so what's the relation here Zach go ahead and play the sound bites my wife went out for yogurt without me and then I had a hard time the rest of the weekend I think you should just I think we should nominate just the my wife went out for pizza without me probably really or whatever I mean it's just weird to include them both in one bracket I think but well I feel like it's food I mean that's the one that we play the most on the show is why we so play it again Zach it's like food disappointment my wife went out for people yoga without me and then I had a hard time the rest of the weekend can you make it longer where he's like and I'm gonna pee in my own basement and then I should all over yeah I feel like it's missing a Beat well anyway that mashup is against uh phase blanks frequent sound bite uh recipient right phase blanks I think he's [ __ ] stupid to be honest and it's funny because you're talking about his face blanks he says I'm dumb um H3 if you're listening to this I'm infinitely smarter than you and um infinitely more successful than you I just I I love this so much he's infinitely smarter and infinitely more successful not only yeah we got him saying FaZe blanks I mean come on it doesn't get better folks it doesn't so shout out to the face blanks with this 150 billion IQ move of saying phase blank so we could sound Bud it um and then there's another one here that we're going to group with it you already know we just cracked the funniest humor the whole time just like I don't know because in the real world like uh I can't even get through this [ __ ] they you know he ain't cracking no funny humor phase yeah oh he's a laugh Riot FaZe blanks we'd be cracking the funniest humor bro you know sometimes you we run into these like weird little h3h3 situations where people just are just really just talking [ __ ] you know what I mean like back and forth It's all talk it's just [ __ ] you know Twitter Fingers um yeah but in the real world bro people don't behave like that they don't operate that way so it's just it's funny to be in um like real life situations like in a bed or a party or so this is where keemstar panics because he's afraid FaZe blanks may actually be um complimenting me and keemstar is a little bit of a panic and they start fighting on the show incredible stuff something social like that and just it just hits you it kind of hits everyone like [ __ ] is so dumb just crack wait what the [ __ ] what is this story are you high bro what are you talking about you started you started talking about Jason Nash right now me and Jason Ash crack like h3h3 humor when we're with each other and like just make like funny comments about the internet and just he's a [ __ ] really funny guy in his he's got a good soul that was my point I would love to have him on the show it's not I'm so confused h3h3 is not funny until keemstar is such a dumb like he can't even just let it go he's like wait why are you complimenting Ethan we gotta go back and you're [ __ ] high we all agree Ethan's not funny right nobody nobody here thinks Ethan's funny right he was about to block FaZe banks on Twitter right then he's waiting for it it's funny because keemstar has always been I feel like he's consistently always been like Ethan's funny but he's a piece of [ __ ] or he was always like yeah I'll admit that was funny he's a fan yeah well they used to be funny oh it used to be funny okay and he'll say he's welcome for people to tease him but the moment someone does he blocks them or I used to think you were funny before you started making fun of me anyway here for this I'm not talking about bro are you [ __ ] high right now we crack jokes about H3 they're actually so dumb they're speaking right past each other and even I don't know what anyone's talking about I think that I think that FaZe blanks was saying that he was him and Jason Nash would react to internet videos together and crack each other up basically and then realize that he stepped in it saying that and completely 180 because what he clarifies he was saying is nothing like what he had just said it's just a total flip he's a fan dude it's a great it's a great podcast really yeah it's awesome when The Two Hosts can't even understand each other it's really good so you got phase blanks reverse flanks uh Demi Lovato slash the quartering let's see dropping it my wife went out for yogurt without me and I [ __ ] in my own basement I [ __ ] all over the floor that's what we need Zack yeah [Music] those blank straps are too good I mean I love the blank straw yeah play all the bike shops for us Zack [Music] oh [ __ ] okay blanks blanks what the [ __ ] are you saying oh it's up it's a blanks out it's a blanks out I've been eating my yogurt someone said I peed I just peed in my yogurt I cannot get mad and it ruined my whole weekend I'll match them up I just peed in my yogurt and it ruined my whole weekend I'm gonna carry this with the rest of my life well that's a big dub for FaZe blanks congratulations sorry Demi it does keep narrowing every drop but I don't it's still good it's still got a big spread 62 face blanks 38 Demi I'm so sorry Demi and quartering FaZe blanks is infinitely smarter and more successful than both of you and then I had a hard time the rest of the weekend yeah I know his sound bites are just too clean his voice is so deep that they're perfect they are so perfect he just sounds like such a dumbass one blanks I am infinitely smarter wow this next bracket is exciting these are two big big contenders you've got first the ace family talking about how his it wasn't him who scammed his fans it was his mysterious partner um and it kind of like hurt us in a way because in reality like you guys got scammed um like the way the site was built it wasn't by the way I love how he addresses his uh his fans paying for something they've never gotten it's getting scammed on Instagram live yeah like let's bury this there's 15 000 people watching let's bury this word nobody ever gonna see this [ __ ] scam built to the degree that we needed to be because obviously the ace yeah it's not your fault right some mysterious developers so go ahead Zach Play the clean sound bite please in reality you guys got scammed which has been great for when we most recently been talking about the ace family about the news yeah it's been great yeah okay he's Family Revival and as that's a good sound bite that sound bite would win against almost any sound bite but from the Shadows the wedding has passed and the queen is back upon her throne so you can alrighty you you you you you so we've got phase blanks first five percent no no no we have uh Ace family you guys got scams oh [ __ ] that's uh Refreshers Zach sorry you in reality you guys got scams so play them both went off a bit of a tangent here a little bit go ahead Zach in reality you guys got scammed first the five percent it takes that five percent all right there we go it's the Cali one the Cali one all right all right well let's throw it to the vote I'm throwing it up um I wonder who will win yeah I wonder who's gonna win this one I mean you got scammed is such a good one you know you guys cans is great it's a shame that it's probably gonna go wow [Music] 89 he takes that five percent and that should tell you something because you guys got scammed is a s tier sound bite and I feel like he takes that five percent is is a competitor here S Plus it takes that five percent well I'm just gonna end it early because yeah this ain't happening that's a dub for sure shout out to uh Cali or Kaylee or whatever [ __ ] your name is five percent he thinks that I love that she thought she was doing something with that video and she ended up deleting it and that's always their defense of like why I delayed it and after I was up after everyone was telling me how [ __ ] dumb of a take it was but it was but everybody already downloaded it you already said it and you tried some [ __ ] it ain't my [ __ ] fault you're an influencer don't act like you're not she is she's been on the video she has her own of account she's she's an internet personality I don't give a [ __ ] what the [ __ ] got five percent of an operating brain foreign [Applause] he's got five percent of an operating brain she does she does seem very dumb yeah yeah yeah now she comes across as a yeah dumbass not very bright um all right sorry so the next the next round is looking very strong uh yo triller my thing is flipped [ __ ] iconic I mean iconic Noah back who apparently is a equity holder and trailer for Christ's sake my things goes on triller my camera talks about how their app sucks go ahead Noah take it away yo trailer my thing's flipped my camera's like flipped around right now but look I'm I'm trying to uh it's so awkward what is it doing hey guys like look it's when I put it this way oh I see it yeah it's weird it's like mirrored and should I head off I love at the end he's like oh this app sucks this [ __ ] is flipped it's [ __ ] horrible oh it's all flipped laughs ugh this thing's a nightmare Ryan Kavanaugh is a real [ __ ] idiot so great one and then Don Jr coming out with another s tier uh hey guys hope you're doing well just watching my own algorithms get crushed I guess I did something to piss off the Instagram God so hopefully you're seeing this stuff [ __ ] angle man and similar to White Cloud gay but how white cloud Gabe sometimes lays in his bed [ __ ] baby crushing my algorithm my algorithms [ __ ] [ __ ] baby you know um Don Jr my algorithms are getting crushed iconic beautiful sound bite what can I say so we got two two heavy weighters heavy lifters here and um Noah back they're both great first Don Jr here yeah yo Chiller my thing is flipped and just watching my algorithms get crushed let's take the boat flipped watching my Algos get crushed now we're almost to the end of the first round and from here it's gonna it's gonna pick up we won't have to review each one yeah okay uh um clicking the button and let's see what we get all right trailer oh wow okay so triller my thing is flipped uh the first dump 79 trailer massive dumps and there's gonna be more massive Doms coming yeah so let's wait and see 5 000 votes are in that's a substantial amount trailer my thing is flipped at 78 percent uh that's a w we can lock that up I'll blowout uh so awkward you know and people who are on a delay and so you know you don't get to the point that you see it it it's at 78 it's it's not flipping uh itself oh yeah sorry if people are waiting but yeah I mean in the interesting sometimes I keep seeing people say like by the time we say it's done it's uh it had it it's yeah we have we have we have statistically more than enough to call it I mean 10 000 votes 79 percent that's yeah it's not flipping just like triller that's not flipping all right now we're back congrats let's move you on yeah we only have three more match-ups and then we are out of the first round the quarterfinals I believe you will call that a that's uh that's right all right well up next the basically what is in my opinion one of the most iconic moments in internet history um and was a snubbed last year and what could only be described as a tragic oversight we forgot to include peace and love Korean ghost star so this year he's making an entry uh here he is Ringo Starr this is a serious message to everybody watching my update right now peace and love peace and love I want to tell you please after the 20th of October do not send fan mail to any address that you have nothing will be signed after the 20th of October if it's because it dates on the envelope it's gonna be tossed I'm warning you with peace and love too much to do so no more no thank you thank you and no objects to be signed nothing uh anyway peace and love classic classic I have too much to do with peace and love love that man so up against a new entry and a powerful one William Shatner went to space a couple minutes of Jeff Bezos on his giant penis and he had some grape yeah oh Jesus oh Jesus hahaha no description yeah wait this is nuts oh oh God this is uh oh holy hell [Music] wow how did you get such clean sound bites Zach I uh boosted the game go ahead and play the sound bites they're so clean when you play them I can't believe this oh Jesus oh my God oh my goodness me oh I'm telling you I'm telling you oh listen I know like blue origin which is bezos's space tourism thing if they want to make a commercial use those Shatner sound bites those are [ __ ] makes me want to go to space I'm telling you weightlessness weightlessness oh I'm telling you oh look I mean they're great for when we're talking anything sexual related oh wow so those those are always uh I'm gonna launch the poll because I've I based off of what I'm seeing in the chat I think this is going to be a really close one so we're gonna okay we're gonna need some time yeah I mean I think if we ran peace and love last year it would have been a really strong competitor it's a little bit old now uh but you know what still used all the time though so it will be a blowout surely you think so you think peace and love blow out oh yeah I also think so yeah okay well so far peace and love first dumps in first dumps in love at 67 uh not a I would call that a blowout but a strong strong commanding lead tightening a little bit on round two five thousand votes in 66 peace and love 34 percent oh wow 7 500 votes are in it's looking like a clean lock for our beloved Beetle Ringo Star this is a serious message with peace and love peace and love all right calling it oh my goodness oh my Ringo sorry I'm sorry William so next up really really good stuff here Ja Rule friend of the show the fire Festival man I mean this conference call where Ja Rule is basically scrambling to explain the Giant dangerous fraud that was fire Festival has one of the greatest lines in business history come on guys there's a lot of smart people on this [ __ ] phone call man let's think of how to dig ourselves out of this [ __ ] man we didn't kill anybody nobody got hurt we made a mistake we'll get past it I mean Grant nobody died but we did flat out lie to the public about what we're giving them I mean that's fraud like and that's not okay like as a company operates [Music] full sabotaging love that [ __ ] [ __ ] love that [ __ ] so technically what we've dominated though is uh is Zach's edits of it which have breathed new life into all these drops yes uh I would call that uh that's frog yeah by the way just thinking how to dig ourselves out of this fraud by the way false advertising I'm pretty sure is a type of fraud yeah I think so I mean at least colloquially I mean the whole Gambit of Ja Rule sound bites is has left its mark on this show and it cannot be it cannot be uh you can't you got to appreciate it absolutely but we're up against a combination of Hell yeses okay we've got Jeff Bezos with his psychotic uh Dr Evil hell yes disturbing she's a grander space Ambitions than going to the edge of it did this moment motivate you to push deeper into the cosmos hell yes God he's [ __ ] disturbing he's one disturbing man hell yes so then there's the hell yes by Bezos and the hell yes by dream uh when dream broke his world record albeit while cheating hell yeah hell yeah all right so what's the mashup Zach well it's just both of those he always plays them back to back yeah when we're hell yesing give us an example hell yes hell yeah hell yeah all right and play the fraud for us one more time you can put it up then I would call that uh let's figure out how to dig ourselves cracks me up man it cracks me up the front oh yeah I love it love it love it you know I think I know the winner for me there's a clear winner there it is I would call that fraud 87 it's a blowout guys that's not fraud no that one's a lot of fraud yeah that one's legit I mean it's 85 percent 5 000 votes and we can wrap it up the drink yeah the dream hell yeah is good don't get me wrong and so is the Basils but come on okay it's jaw let's go and then this is our final bracket of the first round things are gonna really pick up from here we've got woo friend of the show and you know one of the most interesting sound bites because it has prophesied so much I mean we've seen so many coincidences that have come out through this and there's no such thing as a coincidence here it is it's William there's no such thing as a coincidence the fact that you're watching this video means you're energetically aligned with me and this message your thoughts create your reality but you already knew that yet you still live a life that you dread excuse me that is because when you visualize your dream and he claims this is 100 real right I believe so I don't know if I believe it but I believe it I do believe it I totally believe it but you already knew that yeah you still live a life that you dread excuse me that is because when you visualize oh man if this is real and I do think it is he says it's real and I believe him I think this is uh one of the best [ __ ] things ever yeah you still live a life that you dread that is because yeah that's a good one there's no such thing as a coincidence first our very own Dan swerdlove I'm gonna come and I can't jerk off to this and you know the word the what jerk off one really really comes in handy is that wait wait wait Zach you should be choking from the front yeah I don't think anyone that is the front I can't jerk off to them yeah I mean choking from the go ahead and play the sound bite for a sec I can't jerk off to this yeah and it's really good I mean that one comes in really good use and of course there's the I'm gonna come I'll do whatever BTS is doing I I I'm gonna come out of the closet right now and let everybody how did you think to I mean he said come real funny it's just something when did you pull that oh there was like a million comments on that episode with timestamps and I'm like when we were taping it I didn't even it went over my head I didn't even hear it yeah of course that's what I would expect yeah um but it's you know God bless Dan for that one I'm gonna come all right well that ends our first round we are moving on we didn't vote right right so I'm starting it right now yeah they're both great I mean you know obviously stick your finger I think [Music] kick your finger enemy and I'm Gonna Come [Music] I don't know I mean yeah oh [ __ ] dang you're beating wow no such thing as a coincidence I call that an upset I thought it was I call that an upset but how do you feel about that Dan you feel honored to be above William Knight that no such thing as a coincidence guy that is I'm gonna come that is quite an honor that's quite an honor that's a huge dub that's 65 I can't jerk off to this 35 no such thing as a coincidence we've got 9 000 votes and 11 000 votes in man oh man that's a fungur one funder put a finger in the air for danger in the air I'm Gonna Come all right that ends our first round wow the playoffs the big leagues now we're moving on to the corner finals do you mind I I gotta pee really bad I have to pee so let's just throw it to a quick slate here five minute break with some fun H3 music okay we'll take a five minute break when we come back we're gonna do the quarterfinals the semifinals and the grand championship stay tuned it's gonna go fast now we're just gonna vote boom vote boom this is going to be huge so we'll throw it to a quick break we're gonna play some fun music stay tuned we'll be right back [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] thank you foreign foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] challenges [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] we're back are we back we're back thank you guys for waiting apologies to uh you know I kind of went off on Trisha so I want to apologize to the uh vegan with uh rabbit carcasses on her uh dining room table and steak for her wedding meal yeah actually no I saw the menu it was all vegetarian she posted a mukbang oh they were eating steak Yeah apologies I know she's a vegan now she's transcended oh boy I was bottled up what can I do you know [Music] all right let's let's wrap let's do this eh yeah all right so so back to the top all right we are in the semi-finals now this is where she's real we get we cut to the chase this is where it all happens our first [Music] okay so we have Wendy Williams just saying versus Trump I've been listening to Olivia the whole time play him play him you can get the poll up Dan play him Zack to re to refresh the memories die just saying versus death to all of them I've been listening to Olivia the entire time all right so we've got Wendy Williams just saying slash die plus whatever the [ __ ] and Trump I've been listening to Olivia the whole time this is our first semi-final Showdown [Music] uh it's gonna be it's gonna be tough I don't know I feel like I'm feeling a blowout here yep that's what I thought Wendy Williams such a great collection of sound bites well hold on there's only one thousand books I gotta give it a little more time oh that that actually just went increased the spread [Music] yeah sorry trumpet you're not overcoming that kind of uh margin 73 Wendy Williams 27 Trump 6 000 votes in I think we can call that a w [Music] [Applause] fair enough all right so that's our first Victor in the semifinals indeed huge dub Wendy next up we've got keemstar shut up [ __ ] versus a b or Love A B did that everyone saw it go ahead and team star shut up shut up [ __ ] sir shut up you know and and really put keemstar in this place which is I think we need to cherish that moment uh for it really is beautiful uh versus uh if you did that everyone saw that oh so powerful beautiful moment thank you thank you it's a big Showdown I foresee a big another blowout unfortunately you do I do I'm scared I do all right well I am initiating the vote um oh oh okay not a blowout so Harris is like Humanity Festival we have 1600 votes and 52 keemstar shut up wow 5 000 votes and 52 keemstar shut up 48 AB did that everyone saw it's a tight one guys get your votes in we want to make sure we get uh accurate yeah we're gonna oh okay yeah inching up on keemstar 8 000 votes and 53 keemstar looks like we have yeah 10 000 votes and 54 keemstar that's a dub for King 10 seconds left um I think that's uh oh sorry sorry love ten thousand votes in that's 53 keemstar shut up [ __ ] which we love so well and uh you know love you you put in a good battle semi-finals definitely a good showing oh oh yeah I'm very happy to make it thank you guys and you're up against a really good sound bite there so oh yeah absolutely yeah nothing to be ashamed of absolutely no all right all right I'm calling it ending the poll okay so we have our first uh first bracket for the we have our first quarter final bracket there right which is going to be windy versus keemstar that one's going to be real interesting okay next below we've got the rock shut up [ __ ] versus dubrick go ahead stop [ __ ] that is [ __ ] strong that is a strong contender dubrick versus my mom saying David dubrick again sensing a blowout but let's see what the people think all right initiating the pole sensing a blow out here [Music] shut up [ __ ] on hooks are strong I don't know oh yeah that's kind of again not that strong I mean initial let's wait we get some more votes in here for another big dump but initial is showing 82 shuttle [ __ ] six thousand votes seventy nine percent shut up [ __ ] twenty percent do brick that's looking like a big w for The Rock [Music] yeah that's nine thousand votes 77 shut up [ __ ] we're blasting through these um congratulations to the Rock sorry to all the Don arcs out there the competition is just too stiff this year up next we've got keemstar in a book huh and it was used in a book huh versus what are we going to do toxic masculinity the hell are we gonna do without men what are we gonna do without men versus in a book now this one's a coin toss for me you know yeah both really strong two extremely strong competitors here um keemstar and a book huh verses what are we going to do without men all right Paul is initializing two powerful power okay so we got the initial feedback here it's closer than the other ones with 2 000 votes and 59 wow keemstar's winning okay this is actually oh we just tightened about quite a bit 7 000 votes and 53 in a book huh this is really close guys get your votes in this could go either way 9 000 votes in in a book huh 53 47 what are we gonna do without men this this is a close this is our closest five percent okay it's still tightening ten thousand votes fifty two percent in a book called get your votes and guys this is close close if it keeps tightening I mean we gotta we gotta wait this one out yep we're gonna wait this one out eleven thousand votes 52 in a book huh [Music] my voice is starting to go oh 12th okay so just tight it just uh the the Gap just widened yeah we got 12 000 votes 53 in a book I think we can call that for keemstar and a buck huh sorry to the great doctor joy and Peterson what will we do without men I just don't know where would we be without men as if it was an option as if it were an option to go forward without men all right congratulations uh keemstar on that one and where would we be without books huh so absolutely that our net there you go you got that that other semi-final bracket is uh shut up [ __ ] first in a book huh so that will be interesting and going down to our other semifinals we got holy [ __ ] Britney Spears for Shaq delete me from this conversation holy [ __ ] balls eh yeah holy [ __ ] balls really good [Music] delete me from this combo delete me from this conversation okay yeah so again powerful entries I know which one I like I'm not going to say it both powerful in their own right but I know which one I would vote for that's the one shacky looking good 1400 bucks 67 percent delete me from this convo let a little more votes get in here five thousand votes 65 to leave me from this conversation sorry Brittany um we love you and we're glad you're free but Shaq just a little too powerful delete me from this conversation eliminated in this round it would seem unfortunately she's gonna have to go back to the conservatorship oh stop it yeah that's her Punishment No no no we don't we stand a free Brittany 11 000 votes has Shaq winning Shaq is in everything including this delete me from this conversation well we will not be deleting you from this tournament just yet that's right Shaq takes the W delete me from this conversation fantastic Jack's moving on next up FaZe blanks versus Cali he'd take that five percent to these blanks you know love the face blanks but is Cali too powerful he take that five percent that's that five percent the five percent is even it's even bigger than the show I mean I see that everywhere now and five percent yeah even from Trump you've got the Rogan five percent differences astronauts and I see five percent everywhere now I see it all over the place and it really is makes five percent yeah yeah Cali send me all your bills I'll cover even though the show's over I'm still sending Trisha royalties so that five percent is still in action oh my oh oh oh wow yeah you know unfortunately phase blanks the competition is just so strong and this is a blowout like you wouldn't really expect to see in the semifinals you got 89 you take that five percent and it's not like I mean the face lights are strong too so that's 9 000 votes and 89 you take that five percent and yeah you're up against a really strong phase blanks those are powerful sound bites people yeah strong strong sound bites but getting absolutely annihilated but you take that five percent with ten thousand votes in 89 that is a clear clear W for Cali congratulations to her he takes that five percent five percent is indeed everything it's astronomical all right so next now that's another bracket delete me from this combo versus you take that five percent coming up next uh next round but until then in the semifinals you've got yo triller my thing is flipped Noah back versus Ringo Starr peace and love go ahead Zach yo triller my things flipped uh it's all flipped hit us with a it's so awesome love peace and love and hit me with the oh it's so awkward oh it's so awkward very good and kept me with I'm warning you with peace and love I have too much to do I'm warning you with peace and love thank you thank you I think they're both great you know oh very okay now coming down to the wire here in our semi-final Showdown with 2 500 votes in 52 Thriller is flipped Ringo Starr uh who was snubbed last year making an appearance and doing quite well but he may have met his match here yo Chiller my thing has flipped at 52 percent with 9 000 votes nine thousand votes and people 52 percent yo Chiller my thing is flipped it's tight it's close it's a difficult match-up both powerful strong competitors peace and love peace and love this is a serious mess after the after December 15th with peace and love Ringo Starr will be uh removed from this tournament he has lost our beloved Beetle has lost to dude it just narrowed to oh [ __ ] 12 000 votes 51 yo triller my thing is flip peace and love 49 it is tightening this hole could flip we need all votes and 13 000 guys thank you we need all the votes in this is the tightest race so far in this semi-final bracket 13 000 votes in 51 percent yo trailer my thing is flipped this could go either way get those votes in these dumps we need those dumps oh it's holding tight at 51 we've got 13 000 votes in we need more votes this is way too close to call guys come on come on guys the the Voting is right there in the uh chat 14 000 votes 51 yo trailer my thing is flipped so absolutely oh my God holy [ __ ] you guys we have a statistical tie fourteen thousand four hundred and sixteen votes are and Ringo is happy to be making gains here yo triller my thing is flip 50 peace and love 50 this is a tiebreaker situation 15 000 votes guys get it in because this this this thing is tight wow this is a 50 50 vote holy Mother of God wow two absolutely Savage competitors at the top of their game I can't believe can we break this down and this can we see the exact number I'm going to look in the back end of uh the studio right now to see if it actually shows more specifics because at this moment guys I mean as more votes come in we're at 16. oh it highlights which one is so it actually just flipped peace and love is even though it says 50 50 it's highlighting peace and love because that is the current leader no way so you're sure about that yeah it what had been on uh the top one this whole time and then it just holy crap I'm still looking in the back end to see if I can the votes are still coming in we're at 16 600 votes it's 50 50. it looks like peace and love actually took the flip flip the flip the vote flip the script peace and love 50 50. 16 750 votes you guys this is the tightest competition wow yet wow Noah back I'm so sorry he had that early lead but uh the The Beatles fans came out in droves to support Ringo this is a serious message Seven Seventeen thousand votes it's still 50 50. this is insane this is insane it is still 50 50 with 17 000 votes my my people this is this is on an unbelievable matchup truly unprecedented here at the H3 podcast we've never seen anything like this but I think at this point it's it's still giving it to peace and love at this point peace and love is highlighted 17 500 votes are in holy I think that's it I think we got to call it I think we gotta call that is just so close wow my condolences to Noah back because such an iconic drop what a fighter thank you thank you my thing is flipped but wow you know Ringo Starr iconic member of The Beatles he still got it after all these years still producing bangers with 18 000 votes cast peace and love is going to take it all right I'm calling wow I wish we could see just how close it was yeah I'm trying to we can tell we can tell based on the way it's highlighting peace and love that it's winning yeah people are demanding a recount I mean is it really going to change anything maybe we should do a recount with it being that close it's a freaking it's a total 50 50 like this is a hanging chad situation for sure I mean Trump is calling the uh the uh State the secretary yeah uh the governor cities PR agent to go threaten people's families yeah this is he is asking can we just find 50 more votes nobody likes me wow people are demanding a recount let's do a quick recount it's way too close to call it's 50 50. okay all right 15 500. oh this is okay the recount guys recount this is too close to call yo triller my thing is flipped and the first recount of the 2021 H3 podcast Championship we are having our first official recount we ended up after 20 000 votes with a 50-50 stalemate way too close slight technical issue here the call yo trailer my thing's flipped keep playing them Zach it's so awkward uh it's all flipped all right setting it up again okay recount warning you with peace and love yo trailer my face peace and love peace thank you thank you love wow 55 okay here we go and these are two absolutely vital competitors as we close out the year here we we honor both of them uh true competitors they've made such an impact on the show it's hard to understate we're back with the recount guys get your votes in if you want your person to win now is the time close again peace and love go with the early release it's tightening so we have 8 000 votes guys get your votes in this is where it counts eight thousand votes in 52 peace and love at this moment let's get those dumps in yo triller my things flip get your votes in before Mike pillow comes in and Demands a recount twelve thousand votes and 52 peace and love big massive dumps oh no we need more dumps here guys they call them dumps 52 peace and love at 13 000 votes this is just a nail biter 14 000 52 piece of love I think we got a winner here because peace and love was was mentioned ahead yeah it was the pointiest catching up the whole time so with peace and love I think I have to say triller Noah back you are flipped congratulations to Ringo Starr wow he has still got it after all these years I was riveting peace and love love the dark aura how dare you that's why he won dude no I refuse that Ringo Starr is peace and love he has no dark ores act shame on you all right next up we've got Ja Rule I will call that uh false advertising versus Dan I can't jerk off to this I would call that uh that's fraud let's think of how to dig ourselves out of this makes me laugh every time do the false advertising one I would call that uh full sabotaging [Music] love Ja Rule love the fire Festival uh fire Festival debacle so much fun so I'm Gonna Come Dan can you uh can you jerk off to this I can't jerk off to this no cannot but you can come to this stick your finger stick your finger well it's a toughy damn I'm gonna come our very own Dan versus Ja Rule I I'm I'd be shocked if I can overcome jaw well I don't know let's see what the people have to say okay the votes are coming in Ja Rule verse our very own Dan 52 I call that fraud it's closed down oh another close three thousand votes in interesting this is closer than I thought it'd be [Music] oh 6515 votes we got 52 I call that fraud 48 I can't jerk off to this is a close close one guys get your get your fingers in there oh my goodness gracious another tight battle oh God nine thousand votes stick your finger eleven thousand votes I call that fraud still holding strong at 52 I can't jerk off to this down at 48 it is a tight tight margin another drop but the lead is holding strong for jaw rules it's not I can't believe it's this close but it is it is holding steady oh oh my God it just tightened uh-oh Here We Go Again guys you know the semi the the sem the quarter or we're in the semi-final the semifinals I mean this is the best of the best this is the cream of the crop guys and this is showing it here 14 000 votes 51 I call that fraud the race is tightening 15 000 votes Now 51 fraud holding strong 49 I can't jerk off to this let's figure out how to dig ourselves out of this [ __ ] man wow Dan how do you feel you're putting up a fight against the jaw rule he's a legend I mean he's a Legend um was uh I can't think of any of his songs right now you know I expected the fraud one to kind of take it away but Dan is showing a powerful showing here 16 000 votes cast 51 I call that fraud 49 I can't jerk off to this a tight tight battle here in the semifinals 16 000 votes cast oh it's back I think that's it we're gonna call it now because oh it's a gap just widens I call that fraud is going to take the W at 52 um Dan well done Dan you should feel proud I feel proud I I was a contender I went I went the full uh rounds just like Rocky you should feel very proud of that Dan's a good man thank you Joe Dan's a good man but ultimately I mean listen Ja Rule it's a great [ __ ] sound bite it really really is and so and so that concludes our semi-finals it's not actually the semifinal this is the quarterfinals no no it's not even the quarterfinals it's just round two it's the quartering the next round is the uh quarterfinals and then the semi-finals and then the final oh the semifinals is the okay all right so uh jaw moving on to the quarterfinals okay guys we have four brackets now this semi I'm going to call this the quarterfinals that would be accurate because it's like thank you we're here in the quarterfinals there's four brackets this is really getting down to the wire and this is when it becomes it's going to be tough a nail biter guys up in our first bracket we have Wendy Williams just saying first is keemstar shut up [ __ ] wow to all of them um die wow I know what I want to win keemstar shut up shut up [ __ ] it's just it's a tough one we love Wendy Williams it's such useful material but shut up keemstar [ __ ] put him in his place and we love that here we are the first round of the quarterfinals uh on the board get in your votes we have Wendy Williams with a quick lead a 56 percent not a blowout there's still time 1400 okay we have 5 000 votes now this is a substantial voting uh pool 58 Wendy Williams taking a a quick lead there not a blowout by any means but uh it's a it's a clear winner now okay 8 000 votes the Gap has widened Wendy Williams our beloved is going to take the W here today with 10 000 votes we're ending at 58 Wendy Williams death all of them I mean yeah how do you compete Wendy is just she is a toward the force she's a tour de force we love her alrighty the next round of our semi-finals The Rock shut up [ __ ] shut up [ __ ] versus in a book versus keemstar in a book huh yeah so fantastic Sound Bites The Rock shut up [ __ ] is honestly just iconic uh but keemstar and a book huh really good really interesting too Kim star who has never read a book is confused by the concept of in a book and again another tight race here in our semifinals 1300 votes 55 shut up [ __ ] this is a tight one this is not a blow up by any means guys get your votes in 5 000 votes and 56 shut up [ __ ] 44 in a book huh tight tight race we got a we got a leader okay and The Rock shut up [ __ ] 55 9000 votes in votes are rolling in this is a close one it is close but we've got a leader here and shut up [ __ ] at 55 10 000 votes in his holds his lead at 55 percent wow here in round 26 of the semi-finals of the 2021 pastry podcast champ Sound by Championship 12 000 votes it's a 10 point spread I'm gonna call that shut up [ __ ] by The Rock now I gotta say I thought the shut up [ __ ] was gonna take up take a stronger lead I gotta say I'm impressed by the keemstar showing there today a strong competitor absolutely putting up putting up a really good fight there and as we come to the lower bracket of our semi-finals these are our last two brackets of the semifinals delete me from this conversation Shaq delete me from this conversation oh yes and a very good sound bite that is but versus the powerful Kaylee Cali whatever whatever it takes that five percent he takes that five percent this is gonna be a toughie man this is a really really tough bracket um some of our strongest competitors happen to be in this bracket this could easily be the finals in an alternate universe yeah true um he bought oh my goodness we have the first blowout of the semifinals he take that five percent seventy percent margin this is a clear blowout there's lots of Cali fans in the audience clearly it's showing Jack we love you what a fantastic submission to the issue sound bite verse but with 8 000 votes casted seventy percent favor you take that five percent the first blow out and a contender to win the whole damn thing 5 means everything could be Cali advances and congratulations to her uh of course she took the tick tock down after a short time but still it lives in infamy doesn't it folks it does you can't take some things you can't take back a week before I started working here I went to a party and I told someone asked me what I was doing this summer and I was like I'm working um at this podcast called H3 and the first thing they said to me was and he takes that five percent yes it's the five percent uh heard around the world it's an important sound Bud yeah historical truly well at the very bottom of our quarterfinals we have the last bracket Ringo Starr peace and love snubbed last year making a strong appearance this year peace and love peace and love verse Ja Rule I would call that a fraud go ahead I would call that a fraud I would call that uh hit me with some more Ringo Stars thank you thank you peace and love no more fan mail do the do the I'm warning you with peace and love all right let's see the voting it's all right wow decent love actually started first and then on the second dump switch so it's neck and neck right now here in the quarterfinals the competition is stiff and we are having a lot of close battles because today here we have 7 000 200 votes cast now 9 500 votes cast I will call that fraud is inching out at 53 peace and love snubbed last year making a strong appearance but could this be the end of the Beloved Ringo Star at 47 uh 11 000 votes cast guys get your votes in this is a close one important I'd call that fraud 12 530 votes 53 Ja Rule jar rule coming in close the fire Festival I'm warning you with peace oh Ringo is not happy with these results I'm happy he's not happy he's been and seen so many things and come this far into loose to Ja Rule wow that's gotta hurt fourteen thousand votes in I would call that a fraud 53 Ja Rule is gonna take the W here my friends and you know with peace and love to the one and only Ringo Starr he has been dethroned by Ja Rule wow of the fire Festival I will call that a fraud and now my friends we are here at the semi-finals the moment we've all been waiting for we have just two brackets left this is intense here we go at the top okay wow look at this Wendy Williams just saying versus The Rock shut up [ __ ] now if you remember just saying I believe both of these were somewhat narrow winners in their previous bracket so it's going to be tough to choose a favorite here we're gonna have to leave it up to the audience but Wendy Williams they both had to come through keemstar I see that that's very interesting you know okay so the rock you know a lot of lore a lot of a lot of uh a lot of history here on the show versus Wendy Williams also a favorite Wendy Williams so versatile guy go ahead and play the sound bite Zach give everyone a to all of them very close whoa very close okay guys the first semi-finals is underway I am flabbergasted here today it's close Wendy Williams is inched ahead at 53 6 000 votes cast I gotta say I was I thought I thought The Rock was going to take it the shut up [ __ ] was just that good but Wendy Williams she's just she just has it all she's got she's got that extra and I'll tell you what the Gap is widening Wendy is is is is is is taking down the rock WWF style it just went up again Wendy Williams has double suplexed The Rock and she has gotten him in a choke hold he is about to submit [Laughter] with 13 000 votes cast Wendy Williams has got him in a choke hold and the rock is tapping out that is a W for Wendy Williams 55 after 14 000 votes congratulations I gotta say I thought the rock would take that one I really did you play that again in a second [Applause] she's so overwhelmed with the motion that she won I just cannot discount you cannot you can't discount Wendy you never count her out wow what a strong competitor I have to say so yeah that's our first finalists so Wendy Williams enters into the final bracket incredible just saying I gotta say the rock made it far but wow wow wow Wendy Williams is our first finalist I thought for sure the shuttle [ __ ] I thought so too I did not but Wendy has served this show I don't know what's gonna happen when Wendy has frankly served this show better than her own yeah she's the shadow star of the show she's my co-host yeah yeah you owe her five percent absolutely if anyone if any I owe anyone it's windy five percent all right guys all right this lower bracket semifinals this is going to determine our final final showdown guys we have he takes that five percent by Cali he takes that five percent has basically blown out every competitor so far she has completely dominated this bracket um and now she's up against possibly her strongest rival Ja Rule I will call that a fraud here we go keep playing them all yeah give Gerardo's dues yep holy smokes guys here at Round 30 the last bracket of the semifinals right on the eve of our final showdown he takes that five percent with 6 200 votes 74 not even close like a massive blowout for jaw rule full sabotaging yeah he's pissed and you know jaw roll hasn't seen a blowout like this since the lawsuits over the fire Festival this is bad bad bad news for Ja Rule 11 000 votes and 72 percent he take that five percent Cali is sweeping at this year she has blown out every competition and if it reminds me of anyone it reminds me of a young upstart by the name of David Guetta who took it last year dominating every bracket swept the whole damn thing all the way to the finals right and now we have what seems to be the new takeaway kid Cali he'd take that five percent that is a absolute blowout here in the semifinals wow he takes that five percent wow okay here we are here we are at the Finals should we perhaps review the paths to this final that each of these two had to take absolutely go ahead yeah so let's see Wendy where did she start I think you got to zoom out yeah well if you put it on the front one it will track the path I think it literally won't let me scroll up there we go all right so Wendy actually started by defeating last year's Champion that was her only one [ __ ] and then took out Trump took out keemstar shut up [ __ ] uh took out the rock shut up [ __ ] all these people were telling her to shut up and she would not she's a strong independent woman she will not be shut down by any man stop but I gotta I have to reflect a little bit on Wendy's path uh to beat the Rock shut up [ __ ] to beat last year's World Champ David Guetta shout out to the families uh Wendy is literally so powerful here it is and it really is and to review uh Kaylee's past yeah so started with uh Austin McBroom in reality you got scared again that that could have easily been a deep competitor deep competitor uh face blanks in the second competitor huge Shack delete me from this conversation these are all great and Ja Rule everything to Victory like they didn't this was not a sweep by any means these are well-deserving finalists Wendy Williams versus Cali and I gotta say man made May the best woman win in this case I'm blown away I would have never guessed this wow okay I'm setting up the pool now what would you have guessed Zach I would have guessed shut up [ __ ] between the Vin Diesel family that would have been my final two really the Vin Diesel those guys got shut out early yeah seriously I'm sure these were my top two I'm feeling good about it really okay I want to join your fantasy team or whatever you are more than welcome you know this is a tough one because Cali has been totally blowing everyone out but the Wendy Williams one is just really powerful it really is he takes that Five Guys now before you put up the poll Zach give us the full Gambit of all the sound bites we're judging from today just saying you're gonna hop up death to all of them wow is all I can say to that that's strong so so powerful wow oh wow versus one simple little passage he takes that five percent one simple little Tick Tock but such meaning versus Wendy's whole body of work this is coming down Dan this is tense I'm nervous man I'm [ __ ] nervous man but the intense music is rising my dude what the pull up here we go wow here we go guys final round the votes are coming in [Music] oh my God okay oh we're close we're close we're close okay this is wow wow wow wow dude six thousand six oh no 6 600 votes 50 Wendy Williams fifty percent take that five percent I cannot believe what I'm seeing yes at this moment he take that five percent has a narrow leader we only know that because it's highlighted but the poll itself is showing 50 50 9 000 votes and we're at a 50 50. Whitney Webb just hits the lead again it's still at 50 50. 12 000 votes are in it is a dead tie I cannot believe what I'm seeing 13 000 votes 14 000 votes in 50 take that five percent it is 50 50 take that five percent it's got the Highlight I mean this is a narrow lead but we're up to five fifteen thousand votes oh my God I cannot believe what I'm saying here oh my God I cannot believe what we're witnessing here on the H3 podcast with 16 000 votes in 50 percent Wendy Williams fifty percent take that five percent I this is unbelievable the competitions we've never seen anything like this before take that five percent it's still highlighted but it's been flipping back and forth this whole time I am just beside myself folks this is the greatest competition oh 17 000 votes take that five percent has gained the lead 51 take that five percent it's all unfolding it is all unfolding here I'm speechless folks 2021 soundbite Championship we have a leader we have 51 he take that five percent we're up to 18 000 votes guys let's get twenty thousand let's get twenty thousand and get your votes in now your vote matters people 18. that oh my [ __ ] just crashed that's okay I don't need it [Applause] that wasn't her guys get your votes in 18 500 votes 51 he take that five percent if they're not more Wendy Williams stands out there in the audience to give it that little inch Wendy is angry she wants to kill people guys we are inching it on 19. 19 000 votes come on get your votes in we need 20 000 at least to call this because it is just way too close too close 19 000 votes this is perhaps our biggest showing uh in terms of votership yeah yeah and it and and well and while it should I mean this is the finals Wendy Williams 49 take that five percentage 51 we're almost to 20 000 votes we're at 19 255 votes guys to get it in now five percent means everything I cannot believe what we're seeing here today is unbelievable I cannot believe what we are seeing here today the HP podcast Sound by Championship 2021 or 500 away we're 500 away from the end [Music] I'm just blown away here this is the greatest competition man has ever seen of all the supporting events of all of the mashups of all of the fiercest competitors in the history of mankind this is perhaps the greatest Showdown we've ever seen 19889 votes 51 you take that five percent guys with about 111 votes left to seal the deal he take oh and that is it twenty thousand it's over 36. 51 don't take that five percent wins by two percent and that my friends oh that was the right choice in my opinion I agree [Music] wow congratulations to Cali congratulations to the whole paid his family they got a huge W in the family now you know many say that Cali has always been the uh always the bridesmaid living in the shadow of her sister but today Cali is the champion with that five percent she is the winner of the most prestigious championship last year it was won by the powerful David you so shout out to the family this year Cali takes it not five percent but two percent I am blown away wow there's a lot of competition if I don't remember I don't remember last year the finals being that close I think David crushed we'd have to go back and review but um but David yeah that was actually an easier path to Victory you know there was flip-flopping there I was I was losing it I I was just absolutely Blown Away there intense wow [ __ ] intense [ __ ] hell well well let's get some five percents going doc he takes that five percent five percent means everything five percent difference is astronomical wow we're gonna need more than five percent five percent five percent five percent five percent five percent five percent five percent five percent five family family family family family family family family family family family family family [Music] family family family family yep five percent well what an honor for her yeah wow a good really congratulations to all the contestants I mean just to be included was an honor so shout out but Wendy was so close she was so close oh she almost went the distance Wendy was getting pissed at the end but you know the thing is that the five percent has so much going for it the fact that Wendy almost took the W was just astounding yeah so congratulations what a riveting show my goodness okay wow wow wow huh guys should let people know what's going on tomorrow because it's very out of the ordinary right so tomorrow wait I'm yeah tomorrow because usually we don't normally do a show on Thursday right okay so as you guys know co-host of leftovers Hassan [ __ ] was banned from twitch for saying the word cracker and I am d which is pretty weird as a cracker I am deeply deeply offended by that well I was hoping he'd get arrested or something for being so offensive well that's why we're bringing him here so we can beat the [ __ ] out of him yeah so actually since he's banned we're going to do our leftovers episode live tomorrow and we have a lot of fun games uh I'm looking for example at a do you want to give it away 30 gallon uh tub full of crackers so just to give you a little which is not even close to all of them yeah just to give you a little preview of what we're planning amaranth will be here as well we're going to be um taking a hot tub in a pool full of crackers with amaranth and Hassan we're gonna be playing all kinds of cracker related games that's right so we're going to be going live tomorrow at 12 30. in fact one we can make the event when we end this sure it's gonna be great so Thursday live people have said I said that with a hard r AKA no I said cracker no but are we supposed to say cracka that sounds worse that sounds way worse that sounds worse patterns yeah we're crackers here we hit that ER crackers and that's our word to say I I say anybody can say it well I'll be the judge of that okay it's my word to say it's my word too five percent it's my word well what are you the spokesman for all white people no no I'm not yeah I don't I don't want that on me yeah delete me from this conversation all right jack well it doesn't involve you because uh this is our word Shaq so you are deleted from it but anyway we're going to discuss all that so we're going to be live tomorrow at 12 30. leftovers and then Friday we're going to be live again so many lives and then next week's our final week that's right and it's only a half week because it'll just be a Monday and Wednesday show it's the end of the year so we're going all out here guys with them we're pulling all the stops with the championship and next week we've got a really special final episode of the year we'll taking a break for three weeks not too long you know just a little something to recharge your batteries for sure it's been a long year I'll [ __ ] ready then eh so we'll see you guys tomorrow live Thursday 12 30 be there and bring your cheese to put on those crackers that's right that's right that's right there's already a c word it's the one that's really derogatory against women I think there might even be multiple it just goes to show that you know maybe when we have multiple of every letter of the alphabet words that are bad then wait what's the other oh a slur again with the c in it yeah yeah five percent [Laughter] all right we'll see you tomorrow guys thanks for watching hope you had fun I sure did congratulations to our congratulations again Cali World Champ 2021. we got to send her a trophy or something definitely are well I don't want to be too aggressive I'll wait you make our Trophy and have it here if she wants it she can come get it I get a quest that we send it yeah all righty guys see you tomorrow [Music]
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 1,921,861
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3h3, h3, h3 after dark, h3h3productions, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila, off the rails, soundbite tournament, soundbite tier list, soundbite
Id: tI_5oCeF_g4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 213min 33sec (12813 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 15 2021
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