H3 Podcast #12 - Steve-O

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Both 13 year old me and 26 year old me are happy.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 90 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/unclesamsfunnybone πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 24 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Reposting this from a defunct thread:

Ethan a few tips just in case you're reading this

  1. start tweeting things out 15 minutes before the show so that it starts as soon as the guest arrives and you don't have to put a hold on conversation
  2. don't read and don't respond to chat while you're talking to the guest, it only hinders conversation when you disconnect eye contact, and it's cancerous 90% of the time
  3. bring someone else on to help you with the technical aspects who does read chat, so things like mic errors or camera angles can be fixed without you or Hila intervening
  4. Don't cut it short! I felt like the conversation today with Steve-O wasn't necessarily over but he mentioned something about it being long and you agreed + ended it, you should have affirmed that it wasn't the case and continued talking until it felt like there was a proper close and that you were all done with the conversation. Don't worry about the viewers getting tired, they never do. (unless you or the guest have to go somewhere else, then go ahead and mention that and end it)

Just a few tips I feel would make the streams better, even though they're already going great and I tune in every friday!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 160 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/playpet πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 25 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Steve-O is a great interviewee

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 50 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/htcp1 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 24 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

This one went up really quickly. Will the Boogie one be up on YouTube, as well?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 25 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/The_sad_zebra πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 24 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

That was the best podcast so far for me IMO

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 24 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/skyrimisagood πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 24 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Solo Steve-o 1:01:15 and 2:23:22ο»Ώ

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 17 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 24 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Such a great guy when you take the time to listen to him.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SwissCheeseUnion πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 24 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

I like Steve-O, but sometimes he talks too much.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 28 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

The last bit where Steve O talks about how we only use 10% of our brain and junk DNA was so cringy. We wouldn't be alive if we used 10% of our brain, it doesn't make any sense. We have a heart we use all of it, we have a brain we use all of it. Junk DNA is a real term but is misinterpreted by Steve O. Junk DNA is another work for noncoding DNA which doesn't code for protein sequences . The noncoding DNA handles transcriptional and translational regulation, the scaffolding, origins of DNA replication, centromeres, and telomeres. We use all of our DNA even if it doesn't code for protein.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 38 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/h_rynv πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 25 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies
Welcome, everybody, to the H3 Podcast. I'm here with one of my idols Legend and I'm honestly so honored and happy to have you here you guys know him. He doesn't need an introduction: Steve-O! Steve-O living legend thanks so much dude. Well, thank you bro. God bless you. Been looking forward to this. Thanks man. That actually is really awesome. We're here with Hila Klein, the original Hila Kleiner, obviously. I- My phone is making noises, and that is just fuckin- Put it on mute. So let's dive right into it. I am so humiliated. Wait one sec. Mute it up. Also, I need to whore out for one second Oh, whore away really? Just like five seconds. Okay, cool. So then this goes like: and thank you to our sponsor Abels no audible Good night today. So movies people get them. I was back in that shit Because got audible that day. I'm back in whatever you I'm gonna be like I'm gonna expect a check from audible now It's actually our sponsors today are equipped Rick weak and Black tux, and we'll get more into that a little bit later Black tux. Oh yeah boy. What about your purple text node is black text cell purple. They do I just had a better way to go pink there Yep, fucking go you know that I was back in you, so what's up man would even up to these days I've been up to I've been Pretty quiet on the social media for the last week or so as I've hunkered down and worked furiously on a new video Project yeah user lurk, and we get a little sneak peek. Yeah, well it's um A rough draft, so to speak of What will be my next stand-up comedy special own which is a Multimedia extravaganza? Packed with an anton's a bonanza. Yeah, oh smoke right? Yeah, it's just a while back and notice I thought you know as I was performing one that but you know the stories. I'm telling are largely Shit that happened on camera. So what if my next comedy special if I edited in the archival footage? Of and so just like I want crazy about it. I've been hunkered down that's so cool Yeah, can you go look right because it's the thing is that like it like when I'm doing the show as sometimes I just can't get past thinking There's no way that anybody in the audience believes right not only is what I'm saying true, but that it's actually like There's like an attention to detail of the truth. You know can't believe it. I don't think anybody would because such outlandish Shit, but it's completely true, and so then when when I put this together And I just think I've been going through all this footage that she's never even appeared anywhere And it's like you know at a great show right, and I'm just blown away Did I buy how much there is to back it up and then on top of that? I've been I shouldn't probably say this because we don't have any kind of an agreement But we've been like loosely discussing the the director of jackass Directing and producing this and and and sort of doing like really heavy Marky's stunts, which I would do for a jackass for There is no Jackass for so like I'm to be huge where he's like the big like things And then we've dropped them into throughout the comedy special as it is yet, so wait Let me so you're going to do new stunts on video to show during the show like what to edit and we drop in vignettes Right, but I want to make them pertinent like like I'll go ahead and I'll just exclusive for you. Oh shit My idea for the opening sequence of this this extravaganza this bonanza I've never seen they've got a Traveling billboards which big basically is just a flatbed truck a big a big flatbed Truck in the middle of the flatbed is just a gigantic billboard I see them saying like gays are going to hell and shit I I have not seen that somebody would not say I've only seen them driving around Vegas, okay? But a nanteos and at any rate And they drive around and they promote what everyone promote and so the idea for the the opening sequence is to have one of these travelling billboards promoting the live show itself with the billboard in La We get up there, and we just duct tape my ass to mostly vogue billboard itself, okay? Doug take me to the billboard and once I'm properly duct-taped we get on the road, and we drive way to Vegas Duct tape to the doors for the entire five hour drive There's a lot of bugs on that way that's fine print really bring it you Covered and did but bring it out And I want to join it And then as we drive down and I picture like like dough above dope time-lapse with like you know the you see the Sun's up when we start But the time on to the sun going down at one point like a van is I will pull up and be pacing Alongside in the highway and the door slide open we got all the jackass guys in there, shoot Like shooting paintball guns at me from the moving van sounds desperate Bill That they don't know they'll really pull over and paste like right next we know and I want them to actually Jump out of the van onto the flatbed so they can more Personally torture me as we drive down the highway and then of course we'll get to Vegas We'll go down the sunset strip as the opening credits You know the whole like the whole opening sequence comes to we plot the theater this show takes place in Vegas Oh, that's fucking and so then and said that I'm going to do it I'm not Come except yeah, what was I bad? No cover to bugs and like burn I? think I bitch air we rem kind of film all of the Interstitial vignettes and opening sequence the end what end I think is going to be a really massive deal in like the theater Maybe a vignette outside but but in any case, I'm just thrilled that I'm so excited about it that smells absolutely nana I'm there exactly am a good job that is going to be huge all of the like all of the ideas for the the Really big stunts are major and even the stand-up You just can't ever be left without like Mind-blowing footage this cut into it So it's just like a kind of a docu comedy Marriage of my two world it sounds really cool. I mean, I don't really creative and different okay That's it has to be in a world Saturated with with comedies with so much competition you guys it like Netflix, and so until next year Netflix has like a heavy Heavy hitter every week I've noticed with like with Dave chappelle. You got Seinfeld Chris Rock like I mean all the like ellen. You should be like really really big no So so I like the idea of you know from the director of jackass you know like just marge is crazier than the next like a level of crazy and really more people in with all of the Jackassery I'm genuinely when I'm over when they get there with the stand-up genuinely excited. We're going to the show oh shit I would love to have you guys there. I love it, but let let lets stop with all the Ocean no it is promotional Or man appreciate that I mean like when I first met you for the first time you guys I didn't realize that you were doing Stand-up wow I got that Darius. How's that going look it's been so great man, I I Need never occurred to me to do stand-up even though. I'm an all-around attention whore so it makes sense right alright But the first time it came up was that was 11 years ago almost 11 years ago for a while Right it was um There's a comedian named skyler stone, and he I didn't know who he was at the time But he reached out to me He said that he was hosting a show at the world-famous laugh Factory on the sunset strip in Hollywood California and would I come and and Get on stage during his show and perform crazy stunts as I'll of course again I was out of my mind over you guys do hybl come I didn't give it a thought I was just there doing drugs, and I didn't care as a guy yeah for sure and I showed up I'll just figure out when I get there and when I walked into that comedy club again summer of 2006 I believe it was august maybe I Walked in there and and I just looked at the stage and as like so that's what they do here. It's Terrifying and I just immediately it occurred to me. There's no crazier stunt and I could Come up with then third hand there and do that shit. Oh yeah, so I was like oh my God to do that I'm gonna do that and and I was like I waited for my turn to get on stage as And I've sent around the book well what I'm saying ultimately. I don't think I was on stage more than like three minutes I said it feels like I've never I gotten stage. I was like hey everybody I'm in the mood for a blowjob System does anybody want oh Yeah, look on the spot It was something that I came up with while sitting there waiting for my turn to get should write a nice wit Go some way right unlike sir lancelot good what I watched the tons of Yeah, I decided their own twist Twist their way right, but in any case up. Maybe the overall experience was And real at a real sense that people were excited to see me. They were and they were rooting for me to do well Yeah, how was it exceptional McCleary? I was only on stage of agreement I got a couple laughs people are excited to see me. I felt like they're rooting for me, and I was like man This is what I wanted I want to get into this and I was still out of my mind on drugs it took a while before I really got serious about it, but but yeah 2010 I don't man full. Oh shit you been are you serious? My definitely holy I've been touring I've been trying for a tree on my seven years. He's a veteran, but now I Feel like it. I've made some progress I feel like it's a little bit of an uphill battle my reputation will never be for stand-up. Comedy because you know I Do all this is about enough, but was what was had said? with that said I Come to the table with a Built-in audience He's interested in and you know and and my experience is so much. What drives the stand-up That's just like you know you don't have to really believe I was he can be good at stand-up It's like all that motherfucker's crazy. Let's go simran oh yeah. Yeah instead think dad's mad more and I take it seriously I really do care about about what I do and you know I keep the people laughing and And like I'm super grateful for it man. It's been going to going very well I can tell you as someone whose call me on YouTube I? Dream of doing stand-up and building here, I mentioned it when moe had your your crisis Yes, I feel like I was a part of yeah, yeah zero no I was a part of the crisis near like fuck And I just shot was way too much for for you too bad when we cut your nuts off, right? Yeah, straight of poor Steve-O But like the thought of going on stage is truly horrifying to me in the beginning it is in the beginning it is but pretty quickly you You through experience figure out. What is working for you, and what isn't right and then and then you kind of You develop Your comfort zone where it was where even if you're if you're trying something new and it's going terribly you know you've got stuff that Is proven to work with this material? Yeah, right? So once once you're into honing stuff and we've got like and you've got reliable stuff It's going to go well you can fall back on it Gets a lot easier to venture out of their comfort zone because you're gonna call I tried something fuck didn't work okay, and then I bring it bring out a hammer How's the feeling of like being up on stage and feeling like because I've heard it described It's like being empowering right like empowers. I guess I mean I think that the reality is That there's there's something dark about comedians in general like anybody who's inclined to get on stage and like just desperate for Validation and like please please clap for me, please like there's something that I think is inherently Involved self-Hatred on some level Do you feel like you have to get on stage and really just? Be so desperate for attention and approval. I think that's a good now the same with art to Representing in any I mean and as a society we've become such attention whores I feel like I always look a little bit ahead of the curve But uh but whatever man, it's all good and touring must be pretty difficult to write oh my God That's got to be the worst yeah as we thought about doing a live tour recently we've been Just a neighbor to be so proud. It would be a great. I'm sure would be a great experience We're in the pre very stage of planning it director Delicious no, they're like okay. We're going to take you on the road for two months, and you're doing six shows a week I'm like I'm not thinking about this Right I was like man. I can handle that the comedy club circuit. Which is which is the majority of my tour now obviously eaters here and there and if I'm going international, it's all theaters, but Or music menus sometimes internationally is that because their age is good I don't know I guess they don't have comedy clubs or uh but the way that the comedy club scene works in the u.s.. I I go out on Wednesday Saw dude Thursday morning. Press. I do one show on Thursday I do two shows on all the same club I go for five days to 11.00 that one place I got one show Thursday two shows Friday two shows Saturday and possibly one show on Sunday So it's either five or six shows in the same venue all in one weekend So when you do two shows it looks like I've gotten to a point where I'm like I'll just genuinely dread I just judges ready because not only do I do the whole live show immediately afterwards I take Jamie agree between higher audience. I promise every single person wants a photo as much as you love your fans That's got to be really exhausting because it's like gnarly. It's gnarly. It's hair that you did the meeting greed is a Is harder work than the show it will happen I do whole show a holding be a whole show and a whole new group That's so something that really scares me about it. Is that you have to repeat the same show. It's What scares you but cuz that's like we always do every week or every Day's we do something completely new right? We always move forward with right you're free people getting forward or just like we got Our own experience and being like stuck on great like you're in the loop I got to understand why it's in the same on the day. Yeah Do you ever feel that's something? I thought about what comedians it might not be at all that bad. It's just bad yeah Yes, yes, it sucks and at the same time it You can't you can't perform that many shows? Without improvement, you know even if you try to dear you know even if you try to do the same show You know even if you can still you're good. It's kind of evolved It's not evolving and as you get kind of the bigger picture process is you know you go everywhere? I don't ever want to go back to a place that I've been before until I have a new show And so you kind of go everywhere that you're going to go you'd be bring to be burnable? You know like the crowd is different and good right, so you do your whole circuit And then you tape comedy special and then and then when once you take the comedy special then you start Really doing new material but your video you have until the special airs To kind of do half an arrow and fall back on happened. So then you develop it and then they could start over again It's absolutely different multi guys, so that's also one of the reasons. I'm like concert' or like hesitant to try to get into it It's like I've gone good at what I do right, and I know that it over lately It's like starting all over you in terms of skill set and understanding right? It's so funny. I mean I Think that where you're at with stand-up is where I'm at with the podcast you know I really think because I've I've had this idea to do a podcast for For however long and I've had like the you know the reps Setting it up negotiating and no deal has really been finalized There's been something holding it up or the insurance you know feel you looking to get cuz you just fucking they going Get some mics. Oh God low Rider don't Reservist Claudia well yeah, I mean, and it's not like there's really that much money especially if you're just starting it yeah But but I don't know it's thinking when you have like the sophisticated Representations the big-time agents and lawyers it just serves to slow everything down yeah It does it serves to slow everything down and and and I have actually in the podcast Arena welcomed that because I have kind of cold feet the way you do is tandem - that's like oh of the insurance on riot yeah, Simon Meanwhile I'm happy to go on on other people's podcast, and it's crazy like I Like I have been able to go in some really big ones uh yeah, you've been on Joe Rogan several times all right I have like really notably twice I would say because the first timer tear that I did it there was just such a room full of people and I was really uh it was really kind of early in my process of the comedy from the very first times and so I was Kind of sure that I just wasn't but but the last two times on Joe Rogan has been really just me in him and And then I've Gotten more feedback from those podcasts Then like even being on howard stern or anything like that. It's just it's incredible what a Fuckin badass gerald actually yeah, he's fascinating a guy is Incredible one of them's like a and I can tell I was telling him like what a fan I was and I could see him get uncomfortable just friends. Yeah You know and I'm like yeah wow like I just love it man That like I follow him on Instagram and his post. He always has like this really long Explanation of literally fascinating it kind of makes me angry I'm like why is this guy so fuckin more interesting than me like he puts his time and to learn Like a dedicates himself because his that I'm like dude. He's the back patio games and Let's give you some credit though man. I mean we should dive right into this cuz this is what I like this blanket definitely the Dad now that our relationship began and people Did probably all know this so even though there were articles written about it was there whatever Articles written about it about how I tweeted a one night I was fascinated about some topic or rather whatever it might have been and involved it involved individuals Faking pranks to get into that and I was like and I was like man Because I was like that as I guess is interested like I get away with it. You know It's just like someone I was thinking about it I kind of really get away with it, and so I've started to like researching a little bit I want and the rabbit hole where I was no longer even focused on the Initial subject I was interested in and now I was on to this this this Joey salad guy another Golden moment Oh my God, and then that was I think my first video I watched which will have tailors then the one with him or not at first. I watched the one with the man in a black lives matter and then and then when I watched you When you interviewed him not the whole Saga choji. I get I guess I got part one Angela children Jesus that's fucking shit is amazing and and so then I just started watching Wonderin It's the middle of the night when this is all going on I I have been like 3:00 in the morning, and I'm just watching age 3 video after hD Just respond just go down the rabbit hole and I just and and and then and this is coming from absolutely no idea Said I just heard of you for the first time and I just watched video after video after video And then I got I got a fuckin I got a do something with these guys yeah I got g something with these guys and so then I tweeted at you. Yeah, and for whatever was a thing I had said I don't only just now became aware of Introductions kind of got it so I can do something yeah, well, I thought that I was like fuck this let's go. Yeah right Idiot Lee within 24 hours I was at your house five hours after that sweet we were on the phone. Yeah And you gotta have r at like 11 you were when surfing or somebody surfing like a real badass. Oh shit It was like that like a real badass. I came back from the Beach and we're hanging out It was great. It said Jeff you remember the topic of our conversation when you came out. Oh, I do I remember quite a few topic. We we got into some great stuff because he gave Frank's is close to my heart That's yes, I write. I do what I do. I was like dude chuck and you guys are like the fuckin internet police you know you better watch out like ah oh my god and the latest Magic get off of fake pranks We will certainly go there but but this latest did I guess I give those subconscious on it's time to stop lent Sing one cuz why might never faked anything, so then I'm not worried about that, but uh but what was it like I? tried A Fucking vine star. You know like which called scare sketch the integrand Instagram comedy yeah Instagram college as I said was I saw your collab with Viners, right I do too yeah, I did two of them and the first one ah The first one was an idea. I was sitting on to the longest time I was like man You know like a bathroom etiquette thing and I was like like right up there it is what yeah exactly? Here is my premise, and it's really fucking funny Is that if if a guy heaven forbid comes out of the bathroom and he has left the toilet seat up a woman's? You know likely yell at him mom You're so rude you left the toilet seat up right pizza, but were they what they don't fucking consider is that the reason why the 12-2 is up is because the guy was polite enough to not piss her up and not piss all over in the front that shit - right it's like oh, oh let me let me let me be thoughtful and let me not piss all over the toilets I'm going to lift it up to make sure I don't piss on I don't want to sit my piss that guy gets yelled at but then the other guy who leaves it down piss on it And gets and gets get showered with praise. Yeah, that's a great thing so, how did you trends well? We made like I? Got together with some finer, and I walked animatic any nobody bowlers lately oh Not not the biggest one okay not Big one you have like the broke-ass weird viners You know why I where I got recognizable But you don't know from where you know I was watching it because we were playing to the video on Instagram video instagram comedian So specifically viner I figure on so I was watching everything well, I haven't seen yours Bob. There's a lot to get through But the thing was are what I put when I posted that one the bathroom one it was Still the most viewed thing I've ever put on Instagram wow, I guess yeah Done some outrageous shit and and then the sketch And I thought man I got to really get into this wait a my second my second one What a camera leon you uh wait what it's just on you I've seen in the chat, and we're just saying the cameras on Illa They were demand Was anything? What you're not the director dammit what the camera blues song ring? I know, how long was it on how long was it on you, hela what? Let's get the camera back on Yellin and no Interfere money like no Diana in case they said that was a ghetto self purchase on your last Alright, then the land physics is like I bet I got into the impact I comedy look nobody'll bet I saw some good stuff there. Yeah Yeah, yes, generally these viners the supremacy of these whiners dis Max exodus from vine when it got closed down And they're like these parasites like a dystopia there int. They're like Well getting all the social media should be fair That exodus occurred before vine we let but that well because they were like wow you know we can have longer format So it's like Roy It's like world war two the jews were they were sprinkling out, but once that right holocaust said then you're like Oh, fuck just fighting everywhere. Do you really have to be Jewish say that? you do it help yeah after that help and It's just like that. Yeah. Yeah, so said it was the fake pranks business God I've been so ah So well you have a history with these guys some of the guys we've spoke about a lot, but ali right Roman atwood one who's there the other ones those are the big boys these guys that help me launch my YouTube Channel this was crazy because You know like with the jackass franchise. I was a part of three theatrical box-office Movies you know and all of them were number one you know they were made with like Notoriously low budgets and the profit Margins on the jackass movies were astronomical It's just like you know I even heard that Paramount was like in real trouble at one point and and is it a jackass movie this I mean, it's probably an overstatement to say that we saved them, but we certainly helped. I might really have a question. Yeah I'm not asking to say how much but like I know You guys famously got paid like very little for the first episode or the first movie first movie um the Yep, the I think what I mean, I know that. I got like 65 thousand bucks a Lot of movie me, but there are a lot of quotes Goodbye there guys good exposure a lot of guys get exposure And I would I would have taken that and been like oh my God let me read like the first the first season of the TV show I Got paid not even per episode I got paid per bit And if it wasn't perfect cut your bed out you don't get paid right I? Gave it up. That's going to put up there like pariah and if it was if it was really high impact like dangerous Physical no no stunts success. I got 500 bucks per bed. No way That's it. It was like super dangerous look you had like a 10% chance of dying in a spin I'm going to kick you a couple hundred extra bucks right well if it was uh if there's like a Sight gag you know like a low-impact commodore. You're not in danger. Then there's 200 bucks That is honestly fucked off and because they're they're promoting you. They're encouraging guys to endanger yourselves. Yeah of course that's right I'll stop saying dude by the thing is an event while on the front door like do please don't cut me even with that even with that and it's come to my attention more like it because I I've looked at Dead someone's deal someone who's just starting out and they've just got such a fuckin shitty deal that ties them up for so long and And I look back on like our contract For that first season didn't automatically renew itself you know I wasn't like in it and I think that noxon and true man really protected us from that and and not to a particular with the movies and when it came to that first movie Apparently from what I understand he just said I'm not fucking doing anything I'm not getting in front of a camera unless all the guys have back-end So while we got well we got to see the 65 grand or that's what I got. Maybe then I go You did have a back-end crap. Oh for sure. What did you write? Yeah, what a g? It wasn't like big if you know it was it wasn't it was they might even be aware of that, right? Well happily get fucked over right and so so you know all all things considered It all worked out pretty well there was the first season of the TV show At the end of the day, I made less than 1500 bucks And I think they still air I think it's still out there almost Right and the reason I asked about your mind is because I I think I saw you say this quote yeah I think of it, and it was nh captivated me. You said something How you are super famous, but broke and I never sat around can't imagine I would have said that I was broke that time when the famous but not rich that was right right right, right? And I was like damn that's kind of funny. If there was a quote it would have been some of the effect of It's a lot easier to get famous than it is to get rich I think that's probably why do I feel like you were broke in the early days. Why I don't leave Airy famous I've not been broke and when jackass first came out I was certainly broke because I got so little for that first season. I'd been kicked out of my there were my sister's house where I lived she kicked me out I Was fired from my job I was a circus clown So when I have to hit like that When jackass started when Jack has started to air when it being when it was in permanent premiere on MTV. I was Unemployed homeless and broke work alone at a star. We're actually over you were a previous class. I was veteran Circus clown yeah, but I was unemployed and I had no money and I was no place to live so And you were super famous But it all hit pretty quickly and and people would recognize me and ask me for a picture and autographs and I'd be like yeah Sure like can I sleep on yourself can you? Right so that that I don't know that concept to me is really fascinating yeah combination. Yeah, and then within Two weeks by the first episode aired one week later the second one and then when we captured at the third so when they got the ratings back for the third episode I got a call from the executive producer who said it's officials where the Highest-rated show is kind of Format, and in like the history of MTV I mean obviously not higher ratings and then the vmas or insights, but have any kind of half-hour comedy like theirs They'd never seen a bigger Profit Margin and and and then I was in a contractor I was in a position to renegotiate because because I didn't have a contract that tied me up and I would credit Knoxville with that and Instead okay? So we know we got to pay you for the MTV just ordered seasons two and three Wow in the same time is the first season with eight episodes right? So that said they ordered 60 episodes, okay? You know like as seasons two and three Together they they got into this by of 16 episodes night, so we know we got a page. We're going to give you $2,000 per episode and in my mind They buck using what? and in my mind I was I wasn't even like I didn't occur to me that the first answer is always no, no matter what it is No matter was your first thing. There's no temptation or anything advice. Yeah, the first answer is always no That's just what you do like. I guess. I don't I didn't know that. Oh we've been through the same shit Yeah, you know so in my mind. I'm thinking wow okay, so 16 episodes times mm. That's $32,000 I'm fucking rich is that like what ana and I remember - This is fucking cool time, and I mean I didn't yeah, I didn't care man I didn't think I was going to live man what I was sure that was going to be dead, so soon you know like and I remember they started filming the you know for uh Pretty Craig I would film in short bursts man that whole first season of jackass I filmed in the space of five days died only fellow leland I only found on three of those did Well, then I the first trip yes, it makes sense Above the 30 Mm. I Guess after taxes is more like 20,000 yeah, and then they gave me Half of that largely upfront, and I am remembered I called up Jeffrey and I was like dude I just got a check for all right now, and I didn't just get it So I'm about to get a check for $10,000. I said I've never even heard of $10,000 I said I'm just going to put it to you like this when I get this check It's going in the bank and before that motherfucker even clears I'm going to be on the road driving from Where I lived in Florida? To la I'm driving a truck in La I'm moving to California more fuckin pub pop off of this shit You know your dream to move to la pretty much my life is an agonizing wait to move to la you know across the board Everything I was ever into is from out. You know heavy metal music skateboarding like stunts like you know. Yes I was a huge gold and beautiful opportunity. I was so great I was represented all the opportunity yeah And the dopest thing was there when I told that to tremaine you said if he said, hey click And you're not going anywhere until you give me a list of ideas for jackass stunts in every single state Like give me something give me something for every state between Florida and California Aaron and if the list rules out then I'll send out a TV production crew to follow you as you drive across country And so that's who we did Yeah, it was awesome. And I was like what I think I'll kill it you went into the show Yeah for sure, so I got away a head start and I remember by yourself during those those well what the producers rode with me in my car and Then alleged production team followed behind seven years man It took like five days to get across country, and I remember I was like I was like okay So I'm going to be in Alabama. I was like, Alabama he said the deep south I want to go to like a black Fraternity house at A you know College campus, I just want to show up unannounced and bang on their door and tell them how impressed I am by the by their brands you see like black fraternity guys. They've got these crazy brands You know from branding their flesh with hot irons And I want to print like a like a brand like grammys branding branding flesh with hot Iron and write a brand to people you do that. Yeah, they still do it You see their guys arms And it's all it's called Keloid when when the scar is raised up and they get their their fraternity All right fucking logo like whatever. They're the greek letter like yes, so they're all rockin Yeah, Mr.. Vegetable out. I wanted my skin to be fucking branded okay? And I was and I was going to tell them out of respect for your fraternity. I don't wanna. I don't wanna I'm not a member of returns. I don't want to get your fraternity logo. Whatever it is I want to get a heart the shape of a heart branded over my heart as a metaphor to show that love hurts Wow, yeah, very real it writes out a wonderful thought that was I wasn't mind my ideas Didn't get branded well. Yeah, but the thing was that Then when they said to submit all the ideas, so they'd submit the ideas they came back they got to approve them and Maybe they said okay with you can't get brand Billy We can get branded as if it's by a professional everything had to be under the supervision of professionals So it's like okay It sound like a an in Alabama a tattoo shop where they said okay? We can be branding They didn't really do it, but maybe a professional said aids watch Yes, I got branded oh my good Thinkin so yeah, oh that better to look like when you first did it I was 16 years ago They're very subtle just white heart right? Yeah, I don't. I don't have that a Skin that scars that great. That's right up join me at Arena I feel like I got gypped because if that is good right, okay, you're slamming baby, right? but I'm but then when when when in some didn't they've submitted the Footage then the the standards and practices the TV censors came back and said oh well We said you get Steve-o branded we never say anything about airing on television footage of sizzling smoking flesh Right I ended up. I got kind of branded for nothing which welcome it's a reminded yourself that love hurts. It's true You know sure of that lesson, but yeah, so that's how it all worked and then I got out to I got out to La and Fuck man. I was March of 2001 man long time I didn't find out how fast you can spend $10,000 What the thing was that uh? That I got a call from this guy Like he was like hey Man um just before I left Florida this guy dug me up because we were like really popular on MTV with the first season And he was like hey, man. I'm calling you from cleveland this guy was a rave promoter from Cleveland, and he says I'm having a party on a party and I think it was January 25th, and I want to fly you out to attend this party and I'll get you out the next morning We won't even be gone for 24 hours, and I'll and I'll pay you 700 bucks, and I was like dude Don't just give me 700 bucks. I'll fucking chew and swallow glass I will run myself. I'll lay myself on fucking fire I'll write my fucking head on fire you overvaluing seven is nothing, right? Turned out that everyone out there and It was me wee man and bam. We each got 700 bucks And that doesn't mean that's the first time I ever First time bam ever took ecstasy Craig David Tom okay? Like I got two pills and I broke one and a half and I just gave bam a little baby half And I took one and a half yeah and and bad was like. Oh my God kim what he took one of these you know like Rolling on oh dude. He was rolling on a half an e I was tired taking one and a half. I've done fucking meth mushrooms. You looking better ugh that was gnarly yeah, I was so gnarly and So hey, but I remembered distinctly that I did end up getting to sleep So what are they ghosts on boy? I fell asleep because I meant because it's the same guy the promoter the next day Yeah, he was like hey your flight leaves like in an hour I was like underneath his dining room table like he's like in flight leaves howard. He won't even try another. God I just went in the blend all day that's wonderful shouting run run run bother then I slept all day under the guys table and Then when I woke up like we walked across This bridge in Cleveland to this restaurant, and it visited the Cleveland River and it was January so I'm walking across I looked down and the river was partially frozen and in certain areas and Riots some others like theirs were like frosty and dry you know, but I could see it was like shitty advice You know like sin. Yeah And I was like - I'm not leaving cleveland until I get a fucking pair of ice skates And I go skating on that river until I fall through so I fall through the ice What was it inside of you where it seems like back, then it's like everything you looked at you're like I need this is a challenge - got to prove my shopping. Yeah I was like and I was never in it for the money man like I said I didn't think I was going to live very Long I'd such a terrible drug problem You know I was just like I was just like whatever man like what was it though that? I don't know. I wanted to be remembered forever. You know just saw every opportunity to get out there I just want yeah I just wanted to fuckin be loved and Important somehow you know and remember that like we're all going to be dead And I was like I want to I want to live on after I'm gone I want to still have I want to have a legacy That's that I saw to do it right, but this guy I Was in Cleveland for a week you know before I felt do dies twice I wasn't happy with the footage his first time so when I did it in the shooter shorts It didn't it just didn't work for me So then I went back and did it in a tutu and that day we filmed it better So so over the course that we can in cleveland like this guy real obliga He had made $35,000 on his party He just flew you guys out just to be there just to be there was a great, era generator Yeah, is like a and this was before like the whole personal parents thing was even really a leg D9 I need 35 grand just from riding large sport you think having you guys there promoting an NBA and for sure We were big stars. You know and a number two. He was like He said on may wonder when I miss that flight when I got up He's like sewage, so when you got to give me home He's thinking that like I'm a star and the biggest show on MTV and life is I got shit to do this Again the party was January 25th and and so he says when do I get to get home and I was like oh well Kind of into this chick, and I really want to be home by Valentine's day what some fuck is going on here and uh and he and he was like I had been whoring myself out to this internet company for like 500 bucks a bit for Internet codes and so he was like well, what about what are you doing for money? And I was like dude You kidding me. I have like I bet. I was like I have like 1,200 bucks in the bank Like you know a grown-ass man. Loved it like Right right, and uh didn't have a club. He was just a promoter okay, but I got it it is so funny and and that guy I he pitched us and the sort of public of Personal appearances for a spring break oh and panama city, so he's like I gave me three Grand circa Think of it was three grand for two weekends Oh my God quite a lot more than right right right and sadly got to the point where it was like three But the thing was the first public appearance Yeah, the personal appearance thing was at the largest nightclub in the us, and it was sort of a meet and Greet kinda thing We're supposed to be there We're supposed to appear, but as I was there there was a fucking stage, and I was like there's a dense stage over there I'm getting on it, and I'm like I got on the stage and like thousands of people came over and I'm like jake like go go go give me this give me that and I'm like they're on my fire the birth of the one induced and Uh well it was certainly the birth of a tour perfect full circle beautiful stuff right there Well yeah, what happens like I got on a stage? And I kept people at that stage like like over a thousand people for over an hour They gave me a microphone, and I was like doing like my fire-breathing acrobatics like nut cakes and like this And I kept doing all this crazy shit like cutting myself at the light bulb and cheering and swallowing the glass like all my shit and and the Cleveland guy was like dude. We got to show you know we're going to show and In town, so we just said turned into a whole world tour and really it wasn't stand-up as much as more like nutty I did I promise I will be drunk and on drugs or your money back That's my guarantee for every show. That was my guarantee man cultra Steve-O must do right high it was never in writing was never in writing but but I held up my end of the bargain Yeah, you're you know you're a loyal performer right and uh it is great It wasn't it wasn't stand-up per se but but it was certainly a lot of performance and you know hi How do you look back on those days? Do you look at those like iolaus, or you're like fucked up? It's great Yeah, everything about it was great Man like this is fucked up for like a sober guy, you know I've been sober for a long time now But but I think to myself man If I could repeat like six six months window of my life to just live on a loop that's like the the first six months of 2003 well, we're fucking gnarly. You know it's about to get to okay because you were never should have a car Honey, right you had a little you had enough money where you're like? Oh, I have money. I have freedom I didn't know I had enough money I but I didn't even have an ATM card. I had no AtM card I didn't give a fuck ah it was just like this this guy became my sh'ma Shady fuck commander the cleveland dude And and I started like distributing my DVDS not paying me anything I? Can Salsa right I saw your merch at your stores? And I could not just selling merch at my shows and I don't think I ever got a penny from merged You're selling pre-cut is convolute I had I had a I had a fucking late-night TV commercial support firm For my too hot for TV Stiva video DVD it was why it was like ah man ah a Beginning because that's how it happened, whether it was tremaine when tremaine first told me that Jaga's pilot got ordered he said so so so didn't like write ideas for when we come to smell me in Florida and Take all the video But if you haven't send it in so we can license it onto the show and like a week later it told me that not One clip I sent him was was allowed on TV says unfortunately nothing cleared Standards and practices what I was like. I thought a what kind of a fucking watered-down Bullshit show are we going to make they've been turns out They just had like they're really particular about fire, and it's because of the beavers and blood back and and and and another story I've heard about it's a spiritual axiom then whatever you do is cooler. If you are on fire. Yeah okay, so if you guys don't know this was a huge hiding back in the day right this animated show Beavis and butt-head which is Really revolutionary at the time. It wasn't it was great it was a wonderful and and then periodically and Regularly yeah, beavis would click lighter and go fire fire fire I remember when I was a kid everyone was walking around doing be with somebody impressions It was huge and then a kid burned because I got in a trailer park a kid was playing with Matches or lighter Said the whole trailer and fire killed his baby sister and TV was held liable for so that's like Yeah, it was just the one of the first instances of like There's words of censorship of like This whole thing like our video games principal for violence like I don't know the high traffic What a great question, but it's like I want you to always manual for joking I don't think yeah I want I watching this documentary on airplane and the title of it was our video games really that bad and I watched the whole thing and And I turned it into a joke which I never really used But they didn't what this documentary revealed is that there is no link between? video Game violence and real Life violence, right But there is however a link between playing video games all the time and being a complete fuckin loser Yeah, yeah, we don't need a document That's like The strong wind is very strong Causal relations, and I said that on up that's a great bit. You should take those I said that off the the game grumps vodka these guys they play video games. You know this good those guys are fucking awesome I don't know I actually never met them, but I gotta give props to those dudes, and there's another one where I have an original price man How do they sell out comedy clubs and they just go play video games em yeah? I know I felt like it's basically a podcast set to the visual of a video game, right? And I went in there and said I want to play the most Violent Fuckin videos if I don't want to play like jackass the video games. Yeah. I was like now dude I want the most fuckin gratuitously violent fucking would what should I? Forget what is even called, but it was beers pretty gnarly I'm hilarious hilarious um well. We're selling it through and do this Oh, yeah, let's say. We'll take a quick break. How about that. That was a great. I was a beautiful thing Stevo You're fascinating ah thanks I? Apologize many buddies hurting in these stores before I keep it pretty fresh you know, but you know, what fucking dude She got the first half of this podcasters down second half of me has it been an hour Yeah, that's been a no always just slam. It. Did. Oh my God. You're like button on this guy's I know I know there's no like button, but like met like mentally if you can smash it, right There's a like button. This is one images. Oh my God They're going to be full rockin we were talking about How likes are the currency of the future right you nobody makes money on on YouTube anymore? We all just come for the likes that's right as a validation man. That's all that matters. So we'll take a quick break I got it. I'm going to talk about some sponsors who make this show possible cool and cool cool, but if you won You can go to bathroom just a head start, okay. God bless you So when I get back, I'm gonna fucking crush Guys our sponsors make this show possible I actually the sponsored parts are kind of fun for me. Yeah better kind of I've been learning about really interesting products. They're actually useful We said that we feel like we're and Shark tank says seriously I always look at these product because I'm always looking for interesting products that can like improve my life because you go to Rob's or Some shit or Target. You don't always find like the interesting shit that's out there everything's on the internet I don't know what's on the internet is too big. Here's one. We got This one is called quit, okay Where's my quit brush? So this is an electric toothbrush? Called quit, and this one the invention of the year actually was that fucking Rim invention of the year by time magazine 2016 that's what it's kind of so Let me close the door. I'm hearing myself So this toothbrush starts at 25 bucks, and it's electric. I don't think it I don't think you need to charge it or even put a battery in it, and what's dope is you push the button it? vibrates and then it keeps track of your brushing - So every minute it gives you our 30 seconds. It gives you a little vibrate and it turns off after three minutes It helps you to keep track of your brush, and it's actually I'm obsessed with oral hygiene What do you think ethan actually really is it says? I'm a fucking brushes for an hour sometimes It's not that long sometimes I brush so long I like urine right now like a whole episode if we watch the show You'll find the whole time. Which is probably 30 minutes Yeah, sometimes I leave the toothbrush in my mouth so long that I like where it burns my mouth Do it but I'm obsessed with oral hygiene grow up bad breath and bad like mouth shit. Just is the biggest turnoff ever and - There's actually results for you because whenever we'll go to the dentist. I have nothing to do anything nothing I do just brush your teeth for 30 minutes the fifth is I don't know how you do it. So this guy's quit You go to get quit calm for h 3g t? Q-- u I p comp board H3 you can get this starting at $25 I used it right before the show, and it's it actually works amazingly It gives you that like sometimes I brush and you stuff like Schmutz kind of like you can feel it yeah So with this I didn't have any yeah, and I'm always looking for a good toothbrush when you go to the store They're always like too hard you notice that I? Tell me about it. I'm always on a constant look for the softest too fresh also. This is good I mean, I honestly I'm going to use this I think it's a great out of their toothpaste starts at 25 bucks new brush included free shipping included go to get quip dot-Com for Slash H3 Help the show support it. This is a great toothbrush. I'm going to use this me too. Let's go How is that you guys buying this toothbrush? Anything else to say about this. It's actually legit and for the for the price of 25. It's a great deal I wanted to do the link in the chat, but I on the phone is so hard Yeah that that's the sound of clean teeth. Ye Oh cool snipers got it a pleasure. Thanks doug. Yes, Pam. That Lincoln Chuck get clipped Calm what a great was Denny's noises. Let me check to make sure that works. So that's our first Sponsor and These sponsors really are the shit this show won't be possible with other sport We have a ton of expenses here, and they've graciously supporting us, and I wouldn't I wouldn't bring a product I didn't believe in this is actually a really great Toothbrush And then I think the best part is that it keeps track of it for you It kind of motivates you I don't have that problem at Liz Brice for three minute it goes for three minutes And then it turns off automatically, and I'm really good have it yeah promotes you to fuckin clean that dirty mouth This link isn't working. It's not working, huh get clipped off or /hD it is not working What the hell are you seriously we seriously crash their website you guys weren't ready for this shit Get quit time to get some more bandwidth on your server We just crashed our sponsors website. That's very funny. I Guess that's a good thing Well age three right core man will fuck there's Bocce tqu IP complex issue It's the best spot for them and their websites completely crashing hopefully down there quit hMM This isn't the first their first rodeo. Well anyway hopefully hopefully People will be able to visit that on YouTube okay. I'm finished the copy, right I'm chord the last bit of the pot And I was like fuck man like I'm finishing off then I took a sip It's fucking like cold what it's both not like a hot iron. Oh, sorry. Yeah, what the hell? Do you compose you get the coffee hot? I think I got him you know what the fuck Sorry, Dad Don't blame me oh You want you want me to nominate congress? Yeah? My job. I'll make a whole conference is that okay? No, I want more too. That was. I really enjoyed that cup some reason got me right. Well. I got another spot Do you want to do that wine you want me to go in Follow? I did shoe if I can keep the pace em. I felt like we were on a horse women, baby I wish land. I have anymore just spot to do here. I'm just like fuck man Let's let's keep defining of kids and chest and let's keep the crazy. Oh um keep coming Hello slow slow like a roulade Do you mean like they watch they tune and no it's up and slow so no no it's been done to this point But I'm worried about did ahem. We this release okay. We're alone everyone else We've lost 9% of our viewers no we haven't We got to keep the juice flowing. We got to keep the you know Got to keep the money flowing right gotta get paid or you getting played. You know about that. That's right dude. So here Let's move on for this one though that I just took that piss as I just felt like I was pissing money She said it's the best part about this show man She join me when I go to the bathroom so I can who can piss money together although, I technically you're not but right man I'll give you like 5 Smear day like this All right, let's do this last one real quick. So this one is called a week Winc wink and they have this service Where they give you four bottles of wine every month and the really cool thing is I like wine But I don't know how to choose one you go to the store. There's like a hundreds of bottles I don't know what any of it means you you you know you take your chances sometimes? It's good sometimes, it's bad So what's interesting about this service wink? Dot-com or actually that is get wink Calm four Slash H3 I can't believe you left me in the trenches. Oh God try wink Calm Ford H3 try that's t ry winc calm for H3o quip is up again. This is such a shit show So this wine company you take a quiz and you answer like 10 to 20 questions Kind of ask you some general stuff like do you like nutty you like nutty Flavors? Do you like acid eat flavors right? And so based on your preference they send you four bottles every month and we Tried before we got and it's really fun because it's like a nice variety You really left me in the trenches here, you look We're getting creamed. Dude you fucked that. We're getting creamed out here. I'm talking about we Fuck times up so they send you four balls, and it's a really nice variety so if you like wine I do enjoy drinking wine You get like all kinds of different little treats was to white to red you get to choose it what you like? How did you enjoy the wine allah? I actually really like this the Molbeck Sick Demo back was my favorite. He was like let's fucking get all this I'm just so impressed by you guys really yeah You're doing this looking like it's just great man We all link is down People are saying wink is down. I can't handle this are you serious hold on? I mean, I got to see if this is real or not try wink comm H3 if this is down I'm gonna Fuckin shit my pants and scream. It's down. What the hell's going on Why was was crashing because that means we refreshed their compassion because we're crushing it hit the crash you were crushing But it I don't know if that's probably well. They can't it's a crash to crashing. Yeah, there's a good Christian graduation They can't blame us for the Christian Rabbi Yeah, it actually works. It's very slow Okay, so weak word try Wing works Apparently, they said whip is up if you guys are interested in that toothbrush offer Can you spam that can we get some spam on the clip? We got the wink now? We need the clip sniper? can you come anyway got office would then you go to wink and Go to wink comm trust you go to try wink calm /h, three you get twenty bucks off your first order de Beach if you order now and free shipping Try Winx comm H3 the bottle start at 13 Pop which is a really terrific deal if you guys know anything about wine because apparently it's more expensive than that usually How about the how about that fur is going so bad man? I could like it then but uh I like it, okay Okay, we got it guys. We got toothbrushes. We got wine Thank you so much to our sponsors of Endow sound interesting it would mean a lot to us if you go try their product it Helps support us a lot How do we do that I screwing those up am I fucked? No my fire? I only care you know though Let me plug it. So why your help hearing your expectations are too hot for the shows do it all it's a non So just train wreck. I just I just love like the idea of like when whenever ah Whenever I'm in the or thought well yeah yeah focus and people's attention I just want to fucking hammer time. I want to be fucking awesome The whole time is you're all you because I'm doing will get access, so when we get rup I've just got an open mic, huh? I'll get it women why oh you're done. If you want it Can you want to solo time okay? Why they honored you want to do? I want to be I want be on okay? So here's what we're doing. We're not taking a break I'm gonna go to you want this to be part of the show or you want to just entertain Do you want us off the record on the wreck? I'm giving you all options Whatever you want where there's any such thing is killing me to to but having to jump with us all yep Also, if you want I can let you like look at chatting you can talk to them So I'm gonna roll it I get that comment I'm gonna roll out a little bit of a delay so they hear you so much, diva. They're fuckin they want it They want my eyes out okay? They're begging for it, okay Give it 60 seconds because I need you doing how many people do we have okay hold on. I'm Anna Rola This is the talk about pissing on the red Carpet although. I did piss on the red carpet I'm rolling this sad sad if I can you have two minutes where half the people can see you half can umm Two minutes where half the people here. We have can't Why are we fucking half the people? When taking half the people and just fucking that you're off, okay alright. I'll be back soon Yeah, okay Let me think here like I would I could respond to peeing in the red Carpet was pretty Remember when you died that was funny man. Did you guys have mean people to of course you do? Ignore those right, and I watch them reacting to negative comments with with ethan's parents Okay, so now What what can I say? I'm so impressed with? with Ethan and Ela I really really am and it's good that they're out of the room while while while I kiss their butts a little bit When we did that that Youtube video where we cut my balls off? it's Incredible how much fuckin response there was and here's ireland you know we talked about all likes and I Complained about how my following my youTube buzz like there's stingy with the likes and this and that like um Fuck. I just want to give it give it up to you guys for being such dope fans of H3 and and if you're fans of mine, and show that love if you happen to be in Denver or Tempe, Arizona Which is adjacent to Phoenix I? will be in your your spots coming up first week of july in Denver second week of july in Tempe, so now For that gratuitous plug. I should I should cough up something on I Should cough up something something salacious and juicy Hmm Hmm pissing on the red carpet, but I'm still thinking about that it is so dark and depressing like When we finish making jackass 2 and this is going back what 11 years now? fuck it's about 11 years and uh that movie was that that right there is the best jackass movie no question Like a certain jackass 3 made a lot more money And it was good. It's great and had the phantom camera with the super Slow-mo And nobody had even seen that before the technology with the 3D and the super Slow-mo made jackass 3d very special, but the masterpiece was jackass number two that second movie was Masterpiece and when it came out, I thought my life came to an end I was like you know what no matter what I do after this point. Nothing is ever going to be as big of a deal? Nothing's ever going to be as badass nothing's going to ever be so impressive And so the rest of my life is just going to be just a downward depressing fucking slide Towards Oblivion and I showed up that premiere for that that second jackass movie was just this Dark Fucking my life is over, and I was so mad at that red carpet because it represented like the end of my fuckin Livelihood it represented like the peak from which everything was going to be downhill and I was just so mad at it and I pulled out my dick, and I pissed all over it right in front of my four-Year-old niece she was four at the time and standing out on the red carpet watching me piss with my Dick and my dad was like what the fuck are you doing and I told my dad? Goddamnit, Dad is my red Carpet. I'll piss on it. If I want. Oh excellent. I'm crashing. I'll be back I Think it's a pretty engaging story that I'm telling and if there isn't Moral to it What? Yeah, of course if there's a moral to it. I think that it's important that We be careful about passing judgment on ours Joe Rogan told me. I want to said man I feel I'll never outdo my first podcaster the last one. I did. He said you don't ever try to compete with yourself you know ah Yeah, now there's been 11 years since that second jackass movie fuck man like not everything I've done has been bigger. They're better or more impressive, but but Shit, I have grown up man. I no longer feel like I'm going to be dead imminently You know I learned how to dare look back and back then man. I was so fucking douchey not that I'm not douchey now, but fuck I've grown up so much and then so many ways have improved so much and I've learned I think I think I can say that I've learned that the even if the popularity of of Steve-O is Not not what it used to be that that doesn't mean that my life is miserable. Oh, you're fucking metonic off You know I'm a ton of cotton out there. Yeah Right right and and I'm just expressing gratitude for you guys For you guys. I am I'm so impressed with you guys I'm going to think about it because I'm talking to a million people right now If they're if I'm not talking to a million people right now I'm still talking to a million people yeah fucking million people listen to this I'm back for the one okay good. So now we're now is now, so it's the feat shot. Damn. You know what you're doing There's like at least 10 guys jerking off at your feet, right? Yeah, I don't know I didn't just want you to be aware of that. I think it's pretty dope now I and I be maybe one of them like I Had a special a special little solo time with the audience. There's how I thought it up This is one advice start with a lot of gratitude and butt-kissing towards you guys Thank you, okay, when I went into I went into somebody mentioned this red carpet and pissing on it, and I really I really Pulled back the layers of the Philosophy and the dark depression, and I culminated in an n, hopeful message What was it what? I wanted to like really repurchase. I will go back and watch that guy's number two I felt like was our masterpiece and that when it came out I was ago my the rest of my life is downhill from there So you felt I did and I want to shut up at that at that premiere I was just mad at the red carpet I was like this red carpet just signifies and my peeking out point where everything's downhill if you feel that way I don't know. I was just like I understand the feeling I think We can ever outdo that I got that all good so big it was so good and so big there was never supposed to be another movie after that Successful it was depressing yeah, because how do you fall? I just like I can never I could never be it's like when people win, the Olympics, bro You know when people win a medley like I know a bunch of people from having gone to the university of Miami. Oriole Olympic athletes Briley's Olympic hopefuls and I Train their whole life for it now the the only thing it took a one of my best friends Brian Gillooly this guy won like ten consecutive junior National titles are never going to be outdone and and when when he Turned 18 he went to his first senior nationals Qualified first place won first Place Brian Galloway 18 years old senior National diving Champion before scores Ribbon up they knew erupted so hard And and that was in 1994 However the Atlanta Olympics were in 96 so he went full scholarship to the university of Miami in in 1994 and met me right and like We know sorry I met him in 95. I met him in 95 and mostly in 96 we really broke down and He just became a rock star man. He was the fucking full scholarship. I'm team universe Suntan you He's the guy on the view now started partying so I can he did it and make the olympic student he got at Olympic trials and in Atlanta he got the best dive of the day He was not one of the two people that went to go dive on the 10-meter And so it was like this incredible career And you would think that was the most upset of him the most upsetting thing that could ever happen to train your whole life in the Olympics and then not go when in fact What proved to be the worst thing was our buddy Scott Dhoni who did go to Atlanta? And he got a fucking medal and then there it was and when they put that metal they fucking I was like they hung the end of his life around a Phoenix, that's what it is only try. That's the Moral of story They put in every track where it's a mirror from zero, just given. I mean dude I got goose bumps man like the idea of like they pushing a medal around if you had a horrifying thing it's like It's like here you go. I'm hanging this medal around your neck like it's all downhill from here nothing will ever be that I don't like that you'll never leave Pessimistic what I can to kind of s is mine But I understand our homeboy Scott Dhoni lost his fuckin mind My homeboy Brian Galilee is the head coach of the university of Florida dive team so I can he's great man I just talked to another days guy He's got a girlfriend. He loves and we both have like healthy relationships now and like so it didn't cross Looking back like when you were on the red carpet, and you're like It's all don't matter what I might get I was pissing with my dick On the red carpet in front of my four-Year-old niece here who came out? was my sister and my dad my dad's like we bring your family or did you know you were going to do that was like a Specialized in say with my family. I've always been there like us. I'm done with this to like I know Steve Well, I mean my dad was like. What do you do my dad was shocked and appalled and a fellow that's fun That's a fair. They say it's like. I said what the fuck you doing here. Hit me so what you doing I said Dad it's my red carpet. I'll piss on it If I want you know the bless went out of control man, so so right I'm like I like I like you've got this like healthy kind of mentality And you're just like wait wait like achievement like so you don't see that. You know you're just not programmed that way Like I don't know if I look - oh, it's in there when you have for example It's not even close to confined to that but like for example when we had like a really big video Go viral all of a sudden, and then we had that feeling of like how do you make the next really right? Oh, definitely. I like Subpar. We've been there I'll never make a video as good as this yeah, but it doesn't really discourage me so much. I don't know it's like friend It's a different thing because on YouTube It's like you just keep chugging right, and this is this is literally no more, jackass right. This is the hopeful you know one of my solo time, and I brought it to like this hopeful message because You know and look like I was 11 years ago and and and you know Fuck like how much have I done that was that bigger impressive You know like I could like in the guards in a downhill slide but but over the last 11 years I've grown up in a lot of meaningful ways right like I've become a much better person like overall I like I have grown as a person and so it is important to Just like proverbial speaking. There's more achievements right then just like maybe an attention whoring then I mean, that's and one That's like this way to look at it. I'm a professional attention Whore are we all right in a way, and I don't think of that as a bad thing But just like I think I'm a good attention whore. You're a great one I'm good at writing on Clark as I love and I love when you're looking for my attention. It's like oh man I want I want to wash through with this guy's up to iron the worst ones are the ones from like I don't want to Watch this but I but they're in my fucking face right that was the best. You're right. You're one of the good I think that like I pride myself in particularly with podcasts for for being a pretty strong Podcast guess I think when people say ah steve as I know I kind of dude It's going to be dealt well first of all you fuck you've probably seen and done more shit than almost everybody who's ever lived Well, I appreciate that. I mean you just have had such an interesting life. I'm good I don't litter it about about making shit notable over the years so let's bash on some people. Let's fuck Let's let them have it so okay Cool a die. We got Jack a little bit and the beginner Talking about how when Stevo came over to our house for the first time right? We're talking a genetics right right and and I typed I told you I told you a story And you were like oh my God said on my podcast now. I don't want to fucking burn any bridges You know I will just say I'm not gonna bend you're you're not very thick fine I just got I'll say this but there are some some youtube personalities at One point That I was trying to make a video with and words a tall order hairdo and and they're like oh, whoa What would do this? We'll just fake it, and I was like good What I was like, what the NnI was and I was like stop I got serious and I was like look let's be fucking very clear like if I fake One fuckin thing if I go and put out one fuckin thing and then to be clear by definition this presumes to be real Right cuz you can put things that is mostly big nothing. Yeah, it's one it's when you're trying to pull the wool over your viewers eyes are deceiving your audience exactly by Presenting something as real when it is not, and if I said if I do that so much is one fucking time Then everything I've ever done in my career Will come into class or intelligence that was super great thought everything I've ever done and I'm waiting about faking prank system so you had only went so hard and you know like I've cared so much about my legacy had cared so much about About my art. Yes that to have everything come into question. There's just no fuck away. I was like I said this is like and it think that Without me like having to name names I think that with your help Particularly you guys that anybody who's out there and thought that they could get away with presenting things as real which were not Have subsequently been fucking out it I think they you can't get away with that absolutely and they were getting away with it for the longest time right started doing YouTube videos Nobody was watching us for like year Yeah And all the shit that was super popular at that time when we first thought about doing YouTube was pranks that was like the huge thing on YouTube at that time and They were all just fake not only were they fake. They were super toxic They were all like pranks in the hood or gold digger prank right where they're like the world is ugly And it's a fucked up place and black people are violent and women are just money hungry It's like really not right like they're kinda headed right that wasn't an accurate restaurant So was not only just fake for me That was only a part of it But it really pissed me off was like- baby that the world is like. Yeah like words matter types Yeah, right. No that was the shit that really said me. I think that like looking back. I've read some articles They're evidence from whatever I seen some stuff talking about About like the Sort of YouTube prank you know phenomena or whatever and how like they really in some of the cases just totally missed the Mark and Had and I've seen people compared to jackass where They all even just say like oh my god. I'm tremendously proud of the jackass legacy in that we were never Mean-spirited you know my hard luck in love though Target We target ourselves, and we would have used people, but we would never target people in a mean way, and that's so common That's why you guys were so inspiring right? I think that we were role models only in a weird way fucking maniacs absolutely crazy fucking maniac Self-destructive like you know arguably fucking not a good influence but we were not the spirit of what we were doing was was, so Uplifting really. I mean look I've lived with rage of a couple of kids having fun We would not mean two people and I think that that head of everything to do with like that You know I could cross that line and I certainly have I had plenty but but the creators of Jack Houston Where spike Jonze um that fucking I john him so much every man Johnny, Knoxville? And they're like creative visions. They may just so presented of like wait hold on. That's dark. You know that buddy That's dark, or that's me and like and they just kept it really you know And I just really rad back then I think it took a lot of foresight and presence of mind and intelligence to be like Let's make sure that were the jokes always on us right now I had a thing and I posted a video, and it was really was a super well received I was uh we're at the beach in San Diego and There's just you know like a tick to to leave the beach you go up all these spiraling starck Staircases right and and and halfway up as a shower so my buddy's showering, and I'm on the level above him. I'm looking down I'm like I could just fucking pull out my dick and piss on do we need to know you know He's like and he just wouldn't even know He said I could piss all over there be hilarious, and then also I thought oh, whoa. This is great About a prank where I go around pissing on people Yeah, yeah, yeah right problem, but just whenever but that's something and that figured it out. I was like okay you know legal to it for their strangers right, but but I was I Was going so quickly they have is this thing called the whiz inator Where it's like if you're if you want to pass a drug test? You can go in there ticket. It's a fucking fake like A Prosthetics Ghetto I've heard about that looks exactly like a dick it's connected to a bag you can warm it up and you consider stuff there if you're If your parole up have you ever used that like for real right now for real bird was going on? But I went to I went to like the bond shop like the head shop, and I bought myself It's called a whiz inator and and so I'm like a kid, so I filled it with warm water And start and then in the beginning of my video, I'm like I'm like this is not my dick Jordan's, right? I've learned it better, but sure it wasn't my dick. Yeah, it looks it looks, so It's so exactly it's designed so that your probation officer can look at your deck and make sure that the pizzica mandatory that in fact It's not exactly and so I'll faltering the show by the way just for the record, right? So when I went to uh to the beach, it's like hidden cameras law Mike and like dudes who were? like sleeping child look and I just know I just when I just went up to the and Fuckin uh and just like with it. What's the whizz nate and I squirted warm water like on their foot, right? I'm sure they would wake up and they would freak out they see a dick and like you know and I'd like did you ever get like the Videos on there, and it's called the golden shower creme no-one ever try to fuck you up from that No, I couldn't wrap the video until I did - like a muscle dude, okay? Yeah, of course and and descent my experience was that everyone woke up and they were initially shocked They're scared they back off, and then they took like a second look and they were like oh, that's evil, okay And it was like I got away with it my God They were a good away the fact that they knew you don't I keep going die Thank God. They got me out. They were like and then at the end Oh my God like I was and thank I didn't just go and put out and go on up to like small dudes I did it like a real big like military muscle man, dude, and I fucked in the guy got up And he's like everywhere, and he's like take off your glasses, and I'm sure he's telling me take off my glasses He can punch me and to my credit. I stood there and took them off the yet here It is but not the my whole point with it Is that as I as I do regularly a lot of the time I'll run something by Knoxville. You know name is spike You know like I'll send it to guys be like hey, you know. I can't get it. Give me notes on this before I put it out and knock so is super not down This is the golden shower prank because it's a little mean yeah Hello, main. Spirit, because you're pranking other people right and and my argument with him About my outside see I get it But the thing is that like the the twist of it all it's so it's it's so like water it I got it's only of course. It's on the water and when people Went like when there's a whole like unexpected. Oh my God, you're steve-o a lot is great They're giving me hugs everything it really made it light You know I made it light and then at the end like I went up so I did I Really rolled the dice with a huge guy. He made me take off my shirt to him thinking oh my God I'm about to get me wet out there when me take off my shirt And I turn around then once he saw my bag tetras like you fuckers. I wanted to buy a kill huge So it's a prank only Steve-o can do I guess I some it's some bad guy but that way when I think of that line And how would see Youtube and knock so said I'm not back in it, and I was like you know. I think it's white it's light enough that I'm going to run with it and And there's somehow on YouTube not there's just not that Sensibility in place because there was no comment. I mean, I'm not going to read comments I came and speak for comment, but the like ratio did I get back a like so sure right Mike's versus dislikes it the Golden shower prank was like at the Top pathway this is on your youtube yeah. Oh guys could hit up to go on shower Let's drop some likes on that ah do you john something looks good Actually, let's watch that you want to watch it. Go for it dude Is that constitute a break nope? Oh, it doesn't do you want a break? I mean I don't I don't want to Watch it whenever to go. I like watching stuff, and then we can not even watch it together and comment on it, okay How about that, but don't let me know if you need to go back for some shit you bri. What are you golden shower prank? Go they can see this oh yeah I haven't done pranks in some time, but this is like a perfect like fake YouTube prank like if some prankster Did this it would definitely be fake well right, but I never presented it as as well It was real - oh you knew they would put there was they'd set up the guy oh God Haha, yeah exactly staged a reaction. I really remembered it with an actor pretend to be a milk How did you fill in your first all that stuff like all these pranksters? pranksters doing all the fake pranks and blowing it up 30 million is that we love they were on like I remember back in the Day they're all in like news channels and shit. Yeah They were was a year of the prank it was it like 13, or 14 it was 14 I think yeah when I launched my channel in 2013 because God I die. I was sitting on my idea for my first prank for so long for years, I had the idea to To pour into a condom like dishwasher detergent that looks like cum Oh, God this fuck and and like have a use rubber And then I went walking around in public and people would say oh no It's people can I get a phone? I'll be like of course man and do check it out. I Love and I pull out the condom and I determined that people want to get a fucking photo With some of it somebody who they recognize some TV show man like I'm handing like hoes versa Yeah, how do you hold it remaining? You know and dude this is rabbit lose Robert. I love you It's like neville. I love where your prank minds at because you're like. I'm famous now I can step my pranks up to the next level and is this I I mean I wish there like I did it again I personally the the condom one and my very few people were fazed at all like oh yeah, cool, no No, what do you do though you confronted with the dirty. I almost like a Lion that was that was the first? Things as well it was not very fun person By the way guys if you're not acquainted with what Steve-o's Youtube channel check it out. There's honestly amazing content there here's my biggest beef with Youtube right and I'm just so fucking mad about this right is that is that not just the Algorithm not not YouTube as An institution but but really the mentality of the Youtube audience is to reward frequency and Punish yeah in frequency, and so it's like when I went when I put and I approach it my mentality is Like okay. I don't want to I don't want to put anything out unless I really think it's top notch you know I was right I would not want to Insult my audience with with like quantity over quality and so on so as since I started my channel in 2013 I had posted in the beginning it was closer to every two weeks, but and with no real regularity and Now it's like every like two months. You know months. I've done drop is all your fault good, and it's not the fans It's Youtube's algorithm first of all favors frequency, okay? But I think and also it is the audience to be gotten It's the audience as well as I said because it's a different experience. They want something to watch like I wanted to be there Rapinoe of YouTube I don't know if I would blame I see this is what youtube so insidious because they fuck with your shit And you don't know if it's them or not you end up blaming yourself, or you're like man. What's going on? It's confusing, but I'll tell you what pranks are not popular in usual. I meant the pranks shit. They don't dude I Really think indeed why to go and tell these like ancient? Jack Astor's when like there's the current stuff on my mind that I wanted to bring them. There's one thing I thought I had like a little mental list of things to talk about yeah, and the one thing there's two things that fucking piss me off, and I hate that even bring it up and because The people I really genuinely like who are culprits of this fucking crime better fair You know people generally like guys are doing this thing that irks me okay? Fucking like I love it What is I gotta know like that way? artificial positivity oh Natalie, then I laughs damn it that is an epidemic on you right now It's just like my workload comes Come high returns to normal more because I'm not into that But just like this ayat by the way is a bunch of the kids invention small more. There's a bunch He's where he sells hats this is smile more People walk in their sleep some people walk around but just credit ease in doing that that's been a deal for laundry. I thought It's just like oh guys Your dreams can if you just dream and believe and it's like I mean I Get it I get it and if anything like hey man like I'm a strong believer that There's really no such thing as luck luck is just when Prep the projects when preparation meets opportunity You know if you're prepared then when an opportunity presented out there enough amount of time, right? I've said that and I believe I believe in I believe in in and in front dreams like a dream is sort of Organized to my right. You know in like way more like news When you have in fucking a dream a dream is a goal with no fucking Elbow grease you know a goal is a dream with the fucking actual right action route your own taking place I'm all about all that positive shit It's just that when people yes If you can so that people are thinking are man like how am I going to get more like yeah? How am I gonna get one bikes how might you know engage it let me just fucking put on some like oh We're fake and the people he'll sell it. I feel like our miserable generally yeah, and it's just it's just pedaling too You know what I don't agree I don't get that fans who actually believe it right, okay? And before I ask people guess let me say at least if you're gonna put if you can have this sort of this is uplifting Saying I mean I was deliberately trying to be uplifting I said I had this nihilist limited things coming down here But there's an honest way to do it in a really grads or have it have it be Pertinent to what have the message be built into what so that it makes sense? It pertains to what's going on Don't have a fucking picture of you stand in there, and then some caption that goes on about fucking positivity and like you know how to and and one other thing and there's Two people I can think of who are who are so dear to me, but this is going to break my heart? I know, what a little isn't it let's go Please stop fucking jumping on trampolines and fuckin stupid. I don't care why do you put on the fuck? What are you hannibal you say together? Yeah, have you never seen more bees on a trampoline? Or beam on trampolines you ready. It's fun. Another candidate. No, I mean you even Care why your brother I see all I want to know it. I'm already a fitness swimming pool. That's all I Cart did okay. I wrote a movie script right? I'm really excited. I'm alright so it's thrilled about the description. I had one scene One scene that that was really a big scene, and it took place at a state fair And I was thinking ah man like if I'm going to be at a state fair really need to Do stunts on like a Ferris wheel or a roller coaster sound like big epic like thing And I'm not taking advantage of it I think it's going to be explained Seven and and it's just hard stars like I gotta let go to the state fair and then I thought about my buddy for my circus days who is he was a boss clown in the Ringling Circus And he was like the the you know what about one of the administrators of clown college And he became the ringmaster of this great circus that has no animals, and he should go see it at photos Mostly in California It's called Circus Vargas, and I was like I'll cool man like I could switch this hand from State fair to Circus I just looked up at google. It's a circus Vargas it happened to be in fucking burbank that night So my scriptwriter, and I was like dude fuck what come on we're going to the circus so we went to just like scope everything out and looked everything and This is fucking so killer like you know. I'm like okay, so because in the movie. I'm running from running from the law and And so it's like I get to the you know I get to this circus where the guys you know whatever. I'm hitchhiking woods He's got to go there I come out the cops chased me into the big ten and then fucking motorcycles are driving around the globe of death and the Cops are chasing me and so I'm like fuck and I go climb up into the rigging of the Fucking of the actual big top you know and I we went around I went backstage I was like the behind everything I figured it out that I can actually is Logistically make sense I can climb up into the rigging And the cops come about me and so I try to go across a high wire and I even saw theoretical planning for you Oh, yeah But you know it all and it all like works logistically two sheets are made I made some fact-check and then figure out another research So I try to go across the high wire to get from away from the cops by a fall and you know and I'd crawl across then go up into the rigging and Further up into the rigging and there's like a hatch to come out where the tent pole is right You know how to do the piece of it? Yeah? so I can come out of the to get away from the cops crawl inside the tent where I climb up out of the Time on top of thing and I jump up and slide off the whole fun binge in shit Yes line off The whole thing and fuck can eat shit on the ground and then and then fuck and now I'm outside so I've got like a real bona fide head start away from the cops and Then like the first trailer, I'm like oh, I got hide the first trailer going to is the clown's dressing room and we've established me as a guy who is a History the character, I wrote who I play is also a clown so what I get is on truth So then so then I thought again, I'm in the clowns with him And I fucking make myself into a clown right come out on face to face with the fucking head investigator. Cop Who's trying to find me that he holds up a picture of his have you seen this guy? and I'm like please to shake my head like now and so whatever the thing was a thing like that had my vision for Thomas story and gratuitously like promoting my Authority let go more class And I participated in there and participating as I watched the show like I and then fuck I love I've seen circus Vargas come every year like I think three of the last four years or I Don't know. I believe it every year was it about the circus that you love I've never been to the circus Never occurred to me that I wanted to be a clown It was just I wanted to be a stuntman and I was the way and I thought if I could go to clown college I would be a trained service Professional that would help me so for those of you who don't know and I find it's just one of the many fascinating things that I've learned about you. Is that you went to clown college. I went to ringling Brothers and Barnum Bailey put me Oliver yeah, I didn't know everything I thought it was harder to get into clown college than Harvard All right, but no so now I'm at Circus Vargas, and this is only a couple months ago if that and had trampoline act Right at a fucking train way back and these world-class motherfuckers these world-class fucking at just the level of Acrobatic fucking ability and mind you like the circus Community just would There's no way that they would want to be on YouTube because then you can see it on YouTube I would go buy a ticket and go to the circus Yeah, so they're trying to avoid and I'm just thinking in my mind to compare these fucking people with oh This time we put we this time we put corn flakes on the fucking trampolines Invested oh yeah, I'm like well. I'm just I'm like oh my God like like these fucking dis sure this trailer Disrespecting the art this why me they're disrespecting and they get amused but did put the biggest crap outside These fucking like quadruple Twisting fucking triple pipe back flavor fucking going on and they're just every balance is is is It's just incredible it's impressive and then though and then these these Assholes flopping themselves onto a fucking trampoline that happens to have some shit light on it. I came iran has over both What is please then into the Youtube audience stop in washing so I have this thing that? So watch it says trampoline covered in some bullshit. You just don't like it Watch it or trampoline, but isn't anyone you could be the biggest consumers Here's the thing about I have you though on you, you whenever you see something like that. You can't explain it So stupid like who the fuck is watching this the answer is only and every time one thing kids I Mean it was it was it was dope for a while, but now at this point. We have seen we trampolines covered in fucking shit I Actually haven't seen actually honestly. I haven't seen shit sounds like It's um it's not well. Gee there's still there's an old territory to explore. It sounds like I won't make want to try a new idea for Steve-o's you could go just Lock it up that one ends the whole thing what shit is not brent friendly So those guys are not going to do that right I would start to get another Trampoline video with my homeboys the juice box is so deep to the trampoline to attune that guy to their credit my homeboy jacked any of the Jig squad Really? Single-Handedly started the trampoline verses phenomena. Well I'm not mad at him for that I'm just mad as everybody fucking a totally trying to wring out. What's the dumber? I wanted reg to the Fuckin I the the last milk a yeah I mean, it's ringing out every last drop out is on YouTube though every any time like the fidgets spinner shit, the One of the most obscene ones was the heating up shit yeah the knife the knife look I'm pretty proud of what I did with Jack Canada. I was like hey Let's do something new with the champlain and we built it on to a fucking pickup truck I saw that every guy can Like like pretty high speed so I can move in pickup truck with the trampoline mounted onto it and bounced off of edge I saw that you got in trouble with the police for that right? I did. I'm such a maniac. I'm such a fucking maniac I'm on probation right how just for further It wasn't that it wasn't that it was very gnarly in there. It may be 30 feet like a Bipod between 25 jumps from an overpass into the river with the speed of the truck I Didn't just fall down you can see in the video and exactly you're usbs Odd Dih it is doing it landing on water made me bleed There's only time my life that happened, but um and then the plea How did it happen to please knock out on your ass for that right what this isn't saying is I'm on probation From something I didn't do that one clearly where I climbed up a crane She had a protest seaworld and be an attention whore I brought later will killer whale up on this crane in like 80 firefighters 18 Cops a helicopter and a swat team all converged on the swat team, that's important, but yeah We're gonna shoot your ass what they know you don't need that because I 150 feet up in the air on top of ugh I love they are on probation for actually doing like activist shit right right? Well, it was like It wasn't pure activism. It was attention whoring meets activist, okay? That's nice reading a little touch of ration saving there exactly yeah, and I do believe in it so it's not itself It's a sea world as fuck. No hasn't failed to be authentic It was it was authentic, but so many kids if I if I get arrested for some bullshit Then I'll violate my probation in my life will be Arguably difficult, but I was like when I jumped up and trampling off the river bridge. I thought man you know if ever there was a cool thing to violate my probation born this is it so I sent the video to TMz. I was like hey guys. Here's this video. I'm liking it nobody seeing it I'm not going to post it for a couple more days. So you guys can have like a 48 hour exclusive for TMz if you want to run this video And what makes it particularly like note notable? And newsworthy is that it clearly constitutes a violation of my probation sorry eyes? Set it to TMz with the footage and and told them like that. What makes it. What makes it What makes it newsworthy is that it's totally against the law and should violate my pride tried Violate my own information yeah like in Romania, and then as soon as I said that I was like what am I doing? What do I know I'm not ya know yeah, all right? I'm like what am I doing? I'm not this is bug crazy like well. I'm out of my mind and thankfully the the County in Florida where this happened Determined that since nobody called it in and since like they did and and I forget what the name the County is but it's like south of Tampa and On the the west coast of Florida, and I went to the Twitter because I was copied in some things and go there investigating Right and so I clicked their Twitter link And it actually said on their header like their bio whatever for Twitter isn't there the this they are mindful like as a Whatever, you know a police department. They're mindful to not waste money of the taxpayers no no And they're like this just isn't fucking worth it That's a minute ago great this wonderful audit, so they said they said nobody fuckin called it in it wasn't fuckin worth our time We just didn't nobody got hurt We don't care yeah and and so that the thing was I was off the hook that's actually awesome. God bless them, right? God bless saying I didn't understand that I thought they came after you, but turns out. They were very they did they're been different things where they did come after me, but uh Yeah, that was it. That was a particularly reckless case of me trying to violate my probation. I think that is pretty I don't know about that combination I'm suspended as far as to the you chose to message TMZ and also I feel like everyone's like running away on them Um based on their like such douchebags Right well no when when Ryan dunne passed away, I mean, I saw that story how they run you up in the middle band Right, and they're like right you know that your friend died, and you're like. I that I That was shitty that was it sounds really shitty that was sure that was how I found out And then my buddy died was because six o'clock in the morning my phone rang I was totally asleep, and I woke up and they said hey, it's pansy I Were calling for a comment? Can we get you to comment? I'm your buddies debt and then and I just woke up to that like and I was like Huh like what he's talking about and I was like no, I can't comment You know and then I woke up and then sure enough that was the case that was you should believe it at first like what was going through your head then uh I Mean I I didn't Want to believe it. I didn't like I Don't know. I just like it was so just like you know ha and then churn out there was real and That was a fucking piece of shit thing to do really you know it was a piece of shit way to handle that situation but I Don't know do I have beef with tansy for that or no, I think that my relationship with TMZ Like I should say that's where I get my news Really? I'm not yeah, I thought I got I wake up the morning timsy I'm how do I go to tim's that's where I get my news like they are like like I'm there absolutely piece of shit yeah people right There there, they are a piece of shit Institution which does piece of shit things but with that said? their Journalistic integrity is sound they're true. They don't work They do not like yeah, that's what I've heard really have journey broken some big stories actually a lot of it They don't lied. They're like a tabloid They are a piece of shit tabloids that has a virtually impeccable record a record for journalistic integrity Insofar as reporting. What is true? Yeah? Yeah, so to that effect I Believe everything I see on there is it appropriate is it spiritually like the High Road no But but but but is like is there something compelling about learning of the misfortune of others absolutely bonus Why do you if I watch you? So why do you think I watching you I? Curate that's all we do man, right? So you know it is what it is man, and I also I should say as a consumer of Media that I believe in I just I'm entertained by James ian, and it's factually correct and as a manga of media attention It's a tool man, and if I've got something that that I did I Like to take a couple days to edit my video And so why wouldn't I give to give them a 48 hour head start and it's it's not exact you You can't like hold a grudge against them There's none of these things where it's like tons of pot and even even the the Ryan dunn debacle It's different people making different choices. You know I held it personally against the one person who made that phone call But I let that go a long time ago, and and I just it was a bad judgment call now in person But I didn't hold that didn't hold that as a grunt I just I remember seeing that clip of you talking about I found it fascinating Just that whole situation was like so fucked, right? Yeah, so just shitty right just almost hilariously shitty thing for shitty and here. We are Fuckin three days Three days it was the anniversary of Ryan's death. Well the day. We're talking about was six years and three days ago wow Yeah That's crazy hat time flies almost seems like long and fought like short at the same time right. I heard about it It's so fucking crazy at times wise man. You know I'm a boy. I've been clean and sober for nine Years now I'll clap for that. Thanks Anna. I don't know that it's a clap or Something you know I heard someone make the distinction that they're not proud of their sobriety rather They're grateful for it and I identify with that interesting well what what do you mean by that like well somebody like data From dear friend of mine may be my favorite for the Sober guy Who's an entertainment lawyer? He's been sober for over 30 years And he said that he went out to dinner with a woman And mentioned that even so Bree said I don't know why I mentioned I just did and she said oh Why you got to be so proud? He's not not proud. I'm grateful. So now I don't really come on That's a big deal like to get pestering by like I really got to be proud. That's a big deal Can I give you some credit? There's no, I'm not proud Rick said a few times He said then I was sending finally to look yeah How did how did he put it? recently he said he said look being proud of an alcoholic for staying sober is like being proud of A Cowboy with hemorrhoids for staying off a horse The Cowboy was ready for the Cowboy who has hemorrhoids is grateful that he's managed to stay off the horse, right? Grateful and grateful implies in some way that you don't take credit for it though well yeah, and you know why should you do you feel like like you don't think Thing about alcoholism, which is like like long proven many fuckin years ago is that the alcoholic of his own like personal power Cannot combat alcoholism. We cannot stay sober alone. I would try to do it on our own We get loaded every time it's when we get together with other alcoholics and we do it together and as it like a fellowship as a communities as People help how we stay sober by helping other people get sober was that the drug do it? We don't do it by ourselves, and so why would we take credit ourselves ah? That makes sense right the community effort We took that we cannot do it, but that's a beautiful and that is so important It's important that you not try to do it by yourself. Okay. That actually that's only going to you. Yeah, dude. What's up dude? I feel bad. I feel like bashing on the trampoline. Maybe people like back to the trip people might really you know if they like Trampoline oh we're gonna triple it if there's come in if there's demand for it then trample me All the trampoline videos on YouTube and I want you to smash that dyslexic guys Let's talk more shit. What I'll see you later. What else do I hate um I? think that you and I You guys like I think taste of hate I said I do and can we get can we give ourselves a pat on the back first like an absolutely eviscerating the part when you're five Did you hear that aftermath of all that? Lost their child for they're lifted about that. How did you feel about that? Yeah My I had very conflicted - I don't think that What we first of all we had you're saying you're saying that you have feelings of guilt for that Oh, I'm conflicted about like is that a good thing or not. I don't think me and you hold any battles anyway It was so plain first of all our Approach to that was like very much in the spirit of jack us like you were saying like we weren't mean I think we approached it in a really funny there was nothing comparable about jackass and what we did with Daddy of five I mean in the spirit of nothing comparable about it because jackass is something that uh that you contrived there or what they did is not comparable though of course that's Saying the video that you and I made together it was a reaction video like I said we create something from scratch And it's got its own premise or whatever it is It's it's own thing like where as what what we did was way more journalistic. It's like okay now Let's take some chicken, but everything's separate that is a sign tone and and and and what I mean is like to inherit It wasn't it was next one Expose we added them. We drew attention to something which is like black and white fucking rock. Yes I would say that we passed judgment on it, but there is no genuine sedately so clearly yeah I mean the attention of the video for me going in was to be funny. I didn't want to be like Overbearing like the press like look I don't want people to go and that was why when you said something that at the beginning of the podcast about where We felt like it was going badly during yeah Yeah, I expressed concern when we made the video like how do you I don't know if this kicks ass like I'm worried like that. We didn't make a good good video, and you said, oh don't worry about it I think that's where I came from is it yeah it was so it was serious subject that we were dealing with yeah What is showing? I'm dark you had a so dark house. I caught me in that I felt like I wasn't funny It's like oh yeah, that's why we were talking about childhood. Yes, you mean of course you weren't fun You made that comment to me after we had busted the video right? I think it was on the phone, and you're like man I realize finally why I felt like I couldn't be funny We're watching actual child abuse comes and get things get there I think I did a pretty good job right and so there is a big backlash for that And of course it then that's great I guess how do you feel child services came, and took their kids away, let me just say premise I don't feel responsible at all for what happened But how do you feel about them losing their kids and apparently I don't think that's a permanent situation where they lost their kids I? Don't they went and lived with her mom who's apparently also a total loser piece of shit Alcoholic lunatic would you I didn't what the beginning? So they took the kids away from the dad who was making money on YouTube they were making a good living and now we're really making that money yeah They were I mean they're making an ominous a must ever for a family and fucking Arkansas whatever They're you know yeah Here's the kids went and moved in with their shit mom bigger a bigger picture Question to ask. You know do I feel bad about that like like no of course not because look at what they were look what they did the bigger question is Like like how is it that for some people like a fuck up means the absolute end of you're done, and that's it You're never coming back And then there's Chris Brown cruz brothers first of all Chris Brown's a piece of shit and fuck that guy, why I? Completely agree like I said I agree with you from our sensibilities are aligned but my question is Chris brown I can't like like a he look what he did to Rihanna's fucking face He dresses like he beat her nearly to death he'd be heard Fuckin man. There's no way there's no he can like hit someone in the face that hard not to do some kind of branding that I was reading I was Reading the police right and then and it was not an isolated incident where like are you can explain the rage? I think there's been thing after thing after thing at the thing Where it all points to the same fucking pattern of that just the kind of guy he is yet yet? He why does it happen popularity people like him nobody gives a fuck about Daddy five And he's gonna fucking not only does Chris brown continue to have like concerts in arenas extremely sick. He's more sense He sells out Arena and Miami I think that the the gender ratio at a Chris brown concert isn't is largely female yep? When I first heard about a beautiful I had no idea we were we're doing the reaction video to DJ khaled's first video and Chris Mom was in it And I didn't know what for defeating it was yeah Very first one with Chris brown that was before he should ever really maybe on a different one because I remember you Have not everyone doing out about that. I was are you serious? Are you were the one who told me about fuck me I'm pretty sure that's what I was going to say huh yeah, yeah He's a total shit and the same year the same year daughters Well anyway, my point was that I was shocked that that happened And he still was making like really popular more popular than ever and I never even heard about the the whole thing I just right. That's the same year. He should have Rihanna several months later He was hosting and performing at the grammys right and people were applauding him Right right, I mean and then what's it like mel gibson. What were you gonna? Say you said I shouldn't say this I seduce baby. It's nothing particularly things just it was there to give up where I live that. I live good neighborhood I move oh you live near Chris Brown Chris Brown I had like this is in the summative you get your news from TMZ you would know that he famously was Spray-Painting graffiti on his own house, okay. There's a big wall of his own house He was spray-Painting in pretty talented artists right guys these monster characters Apparently like I did Terrified all the children neighbors are complaining with their kids live because he's scary monsters around and it was just unsightly and kid Is the worst neighbor ever okay? And I'm very very close into the same neighborhood at the point when I bought my house just over three years ago um Chris Brown was in Jail and Selling the house, so he was never there after I moved and got it, but I just have more of a oh my God Right in the fuckin this particularly fucking pisses me off, and it's not a known fact about Chris Brown He spent 50 thousand dollars at this old house to build a fucking huge cage Ostensibly to breed pit bulls. What a fucking loser Brietta low like this thing ever like on it has been a dog fight it had Michael Vick written all over a dude Okay, you doesn't know about dog fights so but to breed pippen and in just like many things I'm seeing if you're all the time Because I go hiking around there, so you know about first of all this episode of sample with the cockfighting Yeah, it's like this whole it used to be illegal It's a total sociopath thing where they create fighting dogs to fight and kill each other in the ring and you bet on them So it's extremely illegal now, but it still happens underground It's like what you have to be a real sicko to get pleasure editor Had that he probably doesn't not we should say that then we don't know you heard it here. You know you don't know Absolute like reading reading people's and fighting pit bulls is Something let's just say let's it like we're drawing the heart if you would you can't we can't arrive the good we're drawing a conclusion Right whether is where there's no in our opinions that seems a likely conclusion from I would I would have Suspicions. I would have a very efficient the imagining students like Crystalline doug right. I mean I can't save her at all We're like there's definite But apparently like I don't know I can't see him was a doing that someone said he said I can tell this here just And expenses I heard fifty thousand dollars to build this fucking ridiculous cage and as soon as you put dogs in into it Apparently they just were crying so loud oh, oh and so perpetually non-stop applying the trying that it was just a misfire and then Put them in there and and he couldn't keep him in there cooking and so this cage remains any of their been to how to owners someone bought the house a dude and then that owner assaulted two trees and now owner who's a woman right and The entire interior of the house has the same graffiti Like painted all these characters all over the walls in the house in the garage and I know for a fact that the first owner Who bought it from him kept that Prison-like Kris pilon into the preserve? I don't know it's a woman who now lives in it have Painted over to imagine. I right that's probably a repaint. I don't know no I would have to imagine it as you kept it I'm really curious one of thousands of women Criminals Christian, you're crazy This house is so fucking tall it is so fucking tall that like to live in it I can't believe the Chris brown put on any weight while I was living there because you got a little bit Chunky at one point Didn't do you got in your gw brown you can't nothing good let me have a living stairs here I'm going to show you guys Chris Brown's our fees, right? No, I don't like I'm like yo see there's outside the house, and there's also inside the house if I'm buying a beautiful And no, it's in a nice neighborhood. I'm not sure I want this a my Adoring my oh I read where that I guess I was by the fucking out what I don't understand I can either not it. That's not it. Okay. It's his house. You are said Chris proud not that's not his house He died on things well. I mean here it's Brown house You okay Chris Bosh's graffiti, but wires mount has Chris found houses old house, right? Yeah, it is which was over to live the middle middle of the lamborghini right there? Here yeah. Oh that's hideous right? Well, let me I look at Something when done graffiti I don't get that one It's good scare because the neighbors hate them because what's a rich white neighborhood probably it's not Actually, that's the other than surprising is considering how like you sell that arenas in the house like you sold it pressing 1.5 million that Looks like when there's a little bit too sensitive of the neighbors first of all I wouldn't complain But you when you get into like these weird like rich upper class neighborhoods like it's just like some urban shit Is east of the 101 Fes fuck its east of the 101 where Rio says way? Less than really yeah, it's like I'm surprised He didn't have a more expensive house But the neighbors fucking hated him so much because at all hours of the night fucking parties Which is like the whole roads just blah Honor cars parked and it's just her Music and people were like people say like please please can you turn it down? He'd be like fuck you dude Right why there's just one great story. You know J. Cole is now the famous rapper And she doesn't see the interior the house so she has this interior I'm like Olympic but he has this story where he bought a house and like a nice suburb of La and He was chilling mine in his own business and the fucking neighbors called the police because they said that he's selling drugs at his house And so the police all raided his house without any evidence of it aha, so it's like just because they're an anxious eye Trapper and like a nice manhood is immediately a drug dealer and right I think that suspicion is real and neighborhoods like that. Well like there's no suspicion going on. Where you go? Oh, it's very nice actually it's styled. It's not like all over the fucking place. I would keep it probably I Mean he's done did and let's give him props where he deserves and Chris brown can dance dude I've never liked if There's ever a point like where it came to my attention the crisper Chris Brown's getting a lot of play this podcast, right? If ever if ever I came to visit there was a Chris brown fine like I said to be turned off I can't name a single song I don't know well He always does the same thing you I have seen him dance and it's fucking up. Yeah, you can dance Yeah, and he's a little dangerous too. He's like Oh, shit, dude And his old banger and and she I would have drugs like a mother but do you know what people were saying after you beat? The shit of Rihanna. They're like you can like that bitch should stop wanting. I'd let you beat me anytime like That's great, but this I mean, it's it right I think the women were the one kept sending them who else has been forgiven for just oh, yeah Roman polanski was raping kids and now people still work with them here's a great one that fucking drives me crazy Brian singer producer of the x files and atonic our Admin sorry not exiled excellent. He's a producer and creator of a ton of shit ton of shit There's a really good documentary has hung out with known serial Pedophile child rapists Okay, this guy has been known to hang out at these hollywood parties with underage kids on drugs with a fuck kids Oh yeah, and he's still working in Hollywood everybody knows this guy. I mean, okay again. What's one of these alleged? destroyed He has a incredible resume on on This shit. He's work, right? Again, it's one of these Situations where it's like allegedly, but these sensibilities like when when you call something out I'm right there with it, but the thing I think we're perfectly aligned in our hatred for well, it's rational It's like right you know right? It's not a mystery the internet police. Thanks Doug Yeah I think you need good internet a better place This guy really pissed me off this bryan singer guy let me tell you like by there's been a ton of accounts He's at the parties. He's with these kids, and he's working with the biggest stars in the world are still working with him It's the same thing with Polanski What was the name of the documentary we saw I remember we all got yeah under that list So the thing that's fascinating about woody allen if you guys don't know story. He was married to a woman and They had together she had a thirteen-year-old or he didn't adopt him. She hadn't adopted Asian Chinese Mia farrow It was hit was shirley affero adopted an Asian child. It was hand after he left He left me affair and married his own his underage Stepdaughter but here So that should she was adopted so it's not I didn't know that but here's where that story guy thinks here's doctor. I don't know That should alone like though that information is disgusting and weird as hell, but this is when it gets interesting for me They stayed together right? I think they're still together so in a way. I'm like okay. There's something there was actually something there Right truly like a people you know I like. I mean really they stayed if they stayed good for 50 years, right? I mean not look at beauty and the beast the beast is fucking tough character root for yeah I went to see that movie, and I was like wait a second. Why should I fuck this guy right? It's a Chris brown situation guy starts out as a complete fucking asshole. No redeeming qualities come on He's a little mountain and aftra turns into a beast. He's just still up spotting dick nothing or dangerous This is kind of a deep analogy. What's going on here? This is the Chris brown shit girls my monster that is Terrifying but rich but rich and then even even when he kind of got a castle That's all he has gone even when he comes around at the end and starts being kind of cool. It's very big grudge He's very cool. Very he's bi. He's got a problem. He's a dead like I don't shoot yeah He's the kind of guy. Who'd be like I love you, baby, and then maybe you fucking serve dinner a little cold and you catch one on the fit chin right? Yeah And then he's like my dinner serve local days So the other way that documentary is called an open sick and open to an open secret family It's the dude watching a movie about these producers and managers in Hollywood who are fucking kids? talking about this guy bryan singer who are documentaries man this one is disturbing and fast for the longest time and I Had a boycott against fiction Citing that I thought there's so much about the world that I've heard oh yeah, right. I mean fuck I want to be people are so ignorant you know. I'll take her Iii Yeah, I'm ignorant. I want to learn about shit that actually happen I don't have time to learn about shit that didn't by the way that's Yeah, that's really I think a smart yeah, and it's really just as entertaining So you might as well, but that's why I think but then I then I could Fuckin had a kindle I was reading. I actually broke down as an exercise. I shall read a nonfiction Book, and I got roped into and then I was like flagging it and then and then I got an iPad nesser watching breaking bad It's been all addiction What I mean, what's your favorite TV show I? Would trust your judgment on a TV show so okay across across all genres And let me say there when I when I tell you about your sense really I mean, you know that's it will mean you look definitely guys are clearly a lot of like one press We come together and decide these things isn't something you know right? This is a Very serious about the absolutes like a quality TV show I'm going to say number one Whoo I have an answer for this But I'm curious what you going with the neck the neck the neck this is across all genres I don't know what the neck my God like the knicks of kids. I have short furred Knickerbocker hospital This is a fucking period Piece drama set it's a drunken turn-of-the-century our 1900 Partially based on on true events as they as in in the year 1900 there they were just experimenting with what are now commonplace medical procedures, but to trial and error like the Modern medicine is going to be this and sort of become shaping. There's like it's fucking fascinating It's fucking it's so good is it an issue? I can't believe it Wasn't more like an insanely popular nick to to more such it. Yeah There's two seasons fucking incredible so my I think our favorite like dramatic Show is probably the wire I couldn't do it man is my dark sauce try again. So I'll try again. Everybody was show. No, I made like Five I Restarted that show many times yeah I was so pissed because I'm like how can the lead fuckin accurate struggle with English so much if he's from Baltimore Why the guys I can barely be able to talk? I didn't have the predominate fucking guy He's not Americans like what did imposter the first time we tried watching it. I didn't understand anything, and I was like all done I'm not watching it by the way. We started over and we watched it with English subtitles Yeah, that's actually it really helps it is dialogue. So yeah, it is really like reading a book you know stringer Bell you remember that character. He's like this gnArly Brooklyn fucking Hampton black guy We are not on the same page, okay? Well trust this news placing us other than let me try again. Okay, I? Trust is not in this place. Well favorite show of all time is seinfeld. Yeah, okay I'll back that they fridge drama of all time. It's a underwhelming you know it's for me The Seinfeld was like the beautiful television You know like you can't argue what I really enjoyed even though. It's slowed down in the middle was the young pope I was enjoying that Ela made me turn it off. Oh yeah. Why she wasn't into it? She was Aikido down in the middle But probably because it just come all the it all just came together for the most fantastic end I didn't yeah, I may in like three Eps, and I was starting to get into eels like turn this shit off See that she hit me Fastenal thank you imagine. They put this guy in place because I think they can control him, and then all of a sudden It's Gonna tick yeah I was really into it the frame was really interesting I can really and I read and I Waited until I finished the the holes is the whole ceiling I wait until it's over - because I didn't want to ruin anything with spoilers, but our whole time I was watching I was thinking oh my god be at the end. They filmed this in Vatican City like so much of it there on location making this which gotta be considered fucking ultimate blasphemous yet the most this had to be the most fucking contrast and I was dying to research the backlash of What is there did you look up and find out? And then what I what I did come to really read I waited total when I Googled Controversy Young Probe HbO and apparently On the network that aired it in italy it was just so fucking insanely popular and you tell me and it was and and They said that the pope himself was silent About it. You know I didn't speak up one way or another and the guess Whatever like maybe Speculated that The pope was utterly pleased with it. The pope is Not-- we have a dope pope Buzz there, there's a style of Evita Dope oh, I'm do joseph come around those are the two shows I'm a young punk and the nick like visually the fuck do with the budget sector Oh, God Yeah But what what great dramatic shows do we love you know what you'd why is the most? Incredible shock that guy's been through like oh big transformations all throughout his career. He's one of those really interesting actors Unbelievable yo I got to do this read really yes, let me just get this out here You want it should we take and happy with that we should get into the spooks. Oh yeah, we'll get into that. Okay here We go guys I almost peed out okay here. We go here we go You better be hot motherfucker. It should be guys today I bring to you a gracious and wonderful sponsor who has supported our show and makes all this possible Steve-o's come out here is a great guys blessed us with his presence here on this podcast today And we thank our sponsors for that today Steve-O's back we want to know the black Tux this is a really interesting service guys ok You ever go you get into a wedding you're going to event you go to a bar, Mitzvah Ok it's a nightmare. We lit. What's up? How we doing? Okay, thanks sec. We're getting a little camera Justin. 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I don't know why I keep going back to bar, Mitzvah That makes sense to me. I'm a my imagination everybody's everyone's headed to a bar, Mitzvah Okay, looks like their site has not crashed it so top of the morning to you So anyway, where's the bow tied? How's the food I just at it. Oh there? Oh, it's under my okay? and guys best of all the most compelling thing of this offer, the Thing that makes this all pop the Bowtie Cops pretty hot kid anyway. We're ready for bar. Mitzvah. Oh my honey. My is it my bar Mitzvah or my Entertainer I Don't know anyway you get that it tightens. That's okay, so guys thank you to the sponsor A-plus with free home try on you can see the fit. Yes, I said that Anyway, it's a really cool service. There's a ton of different styles. It's Sleek. It's modern you guys know so thanks for sponsoring us guys if you have an event coming up made a lot if you go try out their service You might love it. You're probably right, and you'll support us as well got Got them, okay Cuz I showed you that Cool everyone was saying that you look about I like jacked go to the black tux calm Slash H3 and you look jacked like me Cool Alright. Thanks guys for hanging out. Do you want to do solo time? I'm going to take a break through the bathroom get some coffee. How do you want some salt? I'm so here We're bringing you back some soil time with your boy Is I've and are you guys beyond the solo shit? Oh God are you can I think that's all they want I love that shit you guys can out we get a whale in the chat just so we can visually see The solo appreciation here it comes solo There it goes oh They want ghost stories. We'll get into the ghost drawers when we get back We got ways we got yeses they don't care about a trooper. Yeah, they don't care about I mean we have a higher number Yeah, it's a good usual. It's a good turnout How are you doing right now great? Are we are we over 15 k we've held 15k pretty pretty strong. Which is really good Yeah, yeah The real cuz eating into the territory of the longer podcast how long have we been going? Actually, it's two to three hours, okay. I have no. Yes how are they going to tell you two and a half owns two and a half this is definitely caso analytics tells you the Your retention rate, so on YouTube we have that info But the real test is on Youtube which I think this is the average viewing time we'll repealed you're so technical Yeah, what's going on here? We are getting my shit. Well, you know I'm just curious it's not about marketing your shit about me wanting to believe that I'm holding a Stronger retention rate than the average podcast that I am at you ollie, you know I'm going to crush the number I'm gonna crunch the numbers and if it's bad I'll lie to you It's Gonna be great come on You know this is I'm sure many people have pointed out that this is exactly like howard stern I totally ripped it off. Yeah, I will when we when we had our set designer here, I said Well howard was like my inspiration for the show not really podcasts my dream was to have more acts and more stuff going on which I think we can build up to but I says Ripoff Howard's set as much as possible because I think I got the best set Of the letter the font is the same I'm a huge Fuckin howard. Yeah Yeah, my dad is like upset you listen to it on the app The Sirius app know who you're blowing it where else. Can you listen good though? thing is they see if you listen to it streaming then Whenever you stop the car ready listen when you're driving mostly, right? So when you stop the car, then it continues to play so right guy the car you miss it. Oh yeah, Mr. Chuck and then when you get back in the car odds are you're going to rehear a trunk So there's going to be certain parts that you don't hear at all and other parts that you hear twice Rehear now when you listen to the app and we put it in run-ins with your bluetooth? That's very cool. Then when you stop the car. You know you stop the car It pauses where you are so then when you get back in the car It picks up immediately where you left off say you want to move in you miss nothing whatsoever And you never hear anything twice and furthermore, then after Wednesday like you you're still stocked up So you don't run out of howard. Don't run out of howard. Okay? I can't believe you were on you. I mean you I was on howard like and in my life like I think 16 times wow yeah, so howard Is like a you see a different deal I used to be on every way everyday He wouldn't have these vacations all the time and it was frankly if you how old is he these days his eyes He looks good. Oh seriously Oh, he's got that old 63 a young man, so, but he's a legend on life is order I can tell you like my personal belief is that God, I just can't I can't go on you know like I only does three days a week You know if I reach out to gary which I do very sparingly and really try to not waste anybody's time over there And say oh, I got something to promote or can I get on nice to know the best? I'm going to do is get on the wrap-up show Which I always do what I'm hugely grateful to do. I'd love to be a part of them such a fan I have my siri not all these is howard now. He does a lot less shows The only three days a week, but since he went on America's got talent This is only a theory but but people. It's big huge a list celebrity needs to be terrified to go on how wright has Cancer interviewer because you have to ask questions about money And answers to sexual should be hard it was too scary, so sorry a lot of people were afraid to go on there And that's why I was so I've gone there talk about whatever pray right now. I'd like But then I think that him going on I like how the therapy that he does in all this here And he's become a more. I don't know like less scary to Celebrity I think going on a gt had something to do that America's got talent There's a judge often often didn't stop him up at more Mainstream it made him more uh Less scary, you know it may have been more family. So you think he's got like More he's acting like a tireless like now. It's just straight up a list talk up a list Bonanza Yeah, and and it's great. I think it's a combination of less shows and more interest It is like there's less tated less sure it's harder to get on and there's more competition because now Everybody wants to go on there. Did howard is fuckin crazy what he's achieved, and how like that has a Entertainment. God it's crazy. Yeah, that's a real age. I'm a huge fan and props to you for paying homage Yeah, yeah much, definitely Idly admit an up that we just completely ripped off his studio. I'm like that I'm not going to try to reinvent my studio design. I'm just gonna fucking ripoff howard. Reilly. Good science what they were doing Well, it's pretty much just a fun. I'm a humble man in the game. I'm just getting ready to listen to Bill Burr Bill Birnes Podcasters now, and I'm talking about bill burr as a guest on Howard Week or two ago, okay? That's a great combo so so yeah, I'm way behind. What was it? I don't listen regularly my dad was a huge fan of howard. So I've listened through it through him, but I don't write Okay, you know I'm pretty religious about Crazy because I used to be on all the time I never listen, and then I became a little super fan, and I they won't actually Like Anna come on You want to do some solo things you got the champion, okay? Give me a topic to delve into talk about Talk I hate this because I miss the best part, but I'm going to use it anyway talk about that. I want to hell Okay, death yeah talk about what do you wear your this I? want to know how craziest things you've ever done on or off camera that I'm buying weed in Jakarta Like they kill you then I got my possession of marijuana is possible of all the shit. You've done it the crazy Well, it's punishable by death I can tell you the closest I've come to death which is totally anti-Climatic man Scuba diving They told me the sharks are at the bottom. I'm sorry hall and asked for the bottom everybody's good with us Wow, Dan Scuba diving's fun and scary man I'll be back all right say yes all the time. I'll take some suggestion. See my best drug story Oh my God, okay. I'll tell you oh My God, this is fucked up get ready for a fucked up story. I used to do this in my live shows but I determined that it just wasn't fucking funny. I'm Gonna shut this door now, I was so helplessly addicted to cocaine it was insane like if I ran out I would call this drug dealer and I was waiting for a call from him. I'd be like just using my Cell phone as a pillow so that when it Vibrated like it would wake member be like oh. Yeah any drugs now if I went to if I caught up the drug dealer, and if he didn't answer I Would just fucking show up at his place. I would just go there look hot when I got to his place I would I would try the door sometimes it was open and I would just walk in and Sometimes it wasn't open and that was upsetting This guy, okay this drug dealer Wasn't just drug dealer he's also like a hardcore addict when I can I'm talking about cocaine this guy would inject cocaine he would shoot up and For some reason because I never injected anything Some reason that I just don't understand about people who shoot up cocaine is that with their syringe? They squirt their own blood all over the place. I mean this guy's apartment. It was off like this On the walls even the fucking ceiling the furniture this motherfucker had just kissed with his syringes Squirt all over the place blood so I and sometimes when I showed up And I would walk in I'd find the guy like sitting there with like I was literally needles fucking hang on silk It was hanging out of his neck one time in here sitting there, and I walked in he was like whoa. Oh, hey What's up, Dana pull needle out of his neck like oh, hey. What's up, bro? you know like I fuck it was gnarly and Yeah, I did. Whatever I wouldn't judge him. It's like oh yeah, hey man I'll be Gonna give me some coke I would buy like a bunch you know like Todd so I can always buy like quite a lot and So this one fucking time. I showed up his door was not I was it was locked And I was open I walked in it wasn't in the living rooms in his back bedroom it was like a guest house kind of deal and It wasn't like an apartment, but it was is like the Guest house He went like the back of someone's driveway, and then his musing in the back And I walked in so he's in his bedroom in the back and like the dudes like he wasn't dead Obviously like but he was not responsive. You know he was so hidden. I guess been awake for so many days There's no fucking waking this guy up, and he's like. I'm like trying to wake him up yeah I mean, I need fucking drugs. You know like he there's no getting this guy up, so Fuck man like I just finally he's like, okay. Fuck. You know. He's just sleeping So I was not going to get him up so I went myself into his living room to the table where he would weigh out all his drugs and There was from him weighing so this guy's sold so much fucking drugs that on the table itself there was just like a fucking residue of Coke is built up, and I'm looking at it like I knew that if I took a card that I That I could just I could scrape up like the gnarliest pile of cocaine. I just knew it I'm just like I'm just going to God I want drugs, and I'm gonna fuck. I'm gonna go fucking help myself I'm gonna Scribble, so now I go and I sit down at the table, and I'm looking at there's cocaine cocaine all over it But like I said the motherfucker squirted his own blood everywhere So it's like cooking with blood Like Splatters a thin like you know, and I'm like fuck This is a terrible idea like there's this is fucking bad and I'm like and I just start scraping up fucking cocaine and Like I can exist ibly like in the pile and scraping like it. I can see specks of blood and This is the this is how fucking bad I was addicted Sad there and fucking snorted the motherfuckers blood dude. What the fuck? Won't be on yeah, I hate asking for my craziest drug story That was on my I wanted to ask you that well. I got the I watch the video drives dropped it I watered it and Stevo literally said and I snorted his blood I snorted the motherfuckers blood did oh my god. Oh my God see I'm told I wrote about that story in my book. You know. I think it's like I should say they go on Podcast all the time. I never fucking really promote shit like you're you're right that I might have a fucking crazy life and And I have not only a book the New York times bestseller and on top of this this is unheard of for a best-seller The average customer rating on Amazon for my book is a full five out of five stars or you know partial stars Well, if it's like a bona fide flaw on five star numerical Sl It's called a professional idiot fortunately it available in Amazon No, whatnot but fuck Amazon because good Amazon on my website. I oughta graduate coffee uh rather every single Copy and like Inelegant pledge stars yeah, and I am a lot of people they charge a lot for the merch on online like I Got signatures tivo sunglasses for 18 bucks That's actually pretty amazing, but it's not I got I got two shirts 20 bucks and uh I got I have autographed Books like 25 bucks so I can fully autograph so what is your autograph? It's Steve-O calm So if you guys want some Steve-o swag yeah I heard up man get over there and fire that shit up way and uh yeah So now like I talked about there's one element to this drug dealers story that I've never shared because it's fucked up It's five let's hear it now. I'm intrigued me though and the guys the guy remains anonymous I've never like I'd not been anybody would know him anyways like with drug dealers and a long time ago, but we both Got sober right like I got sober first and then he starts showing up like in places. Where sober people go At one point the guy essam at a place where sober people go I can't believe I'm about to fucking say this it's like a guy uh He says him in Kentucky and like closing sideways, but in private conversation, and he's like hey dee I know That at one point. You snorted my blood I Really missed the beginning person, but I'll go with you I'ma fall yeah. He's like like this was years and years after the fact so who knows when but he was like like it So I can I tell you it's like when we came up hiv-positive it He wasn't fucking with you. Nah, dude. What the fuck? How did you feel at that? Why I didn't give a fuck because I had I had at that point. I already been clean and sober for years and Like routinely fucking tested you know you were clean I've been tested for hiv so many times over and over and and that's the thing about it is that God what this habit? Wait hold on that's an important detail You didn't just snort blood you have to include a choice Abroad one by the time the reason when the blood was there because the guy's an interviewer And there's something about it fuck you snort is blood I Need to know that I'm not judging you're gonna have to watch your little white now black, and why did it go? Oh my God? You guys get the best. I'm Gonna leave Really the best most interesting shit goes down when I'm not in the room, right? Oh my God that's what we're talking about hiv and aids rates with the infected blood When it comes into contact with with open air it really does not live very long at all That's why it's difficult to get aids from a tattoo needle because a tattoo needle is a solid needle Right the Tattoo needles are solid knee or anything on it is on the outside of it, and we're exposed to the air however It's very fucking an effective way to get it from by using Drug needles because those needles are hollow and it's like a little strong you poking in and then So within air cannot get all the way through Attacks was the opener got it in the middle of that hypodermic syringe Needle which is essentially a straw the blood that lives inside the needle Michael There's an edge of it aids so if you shared Needle That's the way oh my God is there anal sex is clearly how the guy got it because because within within that fuck in The middle of that hollow syringe needle when the bloods in there fuck it can live it can live for days Days, I don't maybe even weeks and so if you take someone on so take someone else's fuckin Take someone else's fucking drug needle and you do that fucking edge is alive and well behind a syringe Let it sit for a week or more use it cracking Run run bleach through it. You know that's how ya know really yeah, this like the pig blazing up like an you know good That's a good deal dude hidden in these new storage what a fuckin creepy motherfuckers relic on the gas pump You can see if somebody showed me like what the fuck is this it's on the gas pump And they're like taping their used fucking eight aids hiv Drug needle to the fuckin thing so that when someone goes to grab the pump, hooah Why would I do it there are people out there - I don't? Fuck could anyone do that they're doing so when you fuckin grab the gas pump then you get fuckin that is h? Oh Fuckin jump Jong-kook google it. They're googling try to imagine a world where how you get aids Aids Fuckin gas pump and then it's like Eddie Murphy has this great bit. We're like This is like when people. I was up it was the same in stand-up But this was like back when people hated it was like cool to hate gay people and nobody know house aides works And he's like your wife. Go home with one of her gay friends. Give him a kiss and then she come home Give you tips and you have aids and then you have to tell people you. Have aids and like of you fuck dudes. I Don't know that was a really butchering by the way by the way he also has a bit and that don't worries like I hate when white dudes go and Free to try to retell my jokes. Oh yeah. I think about that got all covered Is that one right fucking slam dunk all right? Let's move on there's one part of this show that inexplicably Inexplicably always comes up menial are very skeptical people right somehow This is a fascinating thing and everyone's into it everyone loves it We always ask our guests about ghost stories well speaking of which the whole Dr.. Lance. Whatever yeah Yeah, very long as you said And then I trust you fully like not implicitly explicitly write is inaccurate I trust you expensable yeah, I trust you explicitly thoroughly. Yeah, like a hundred percent. Thanks and your Journalism on this guy's fuckin look at that a bit and yeah bank with his jacket with the jackoff cream I mean it could have been there for like just like a cup. No way. I mean if it's really fake its fake we're cool of course, but they're Judging you know, how did the green screen yeah and the jackoff? He was gotten happen. It's not like it's not like the guy was like oh It'd be so fucking funny if I made like I put a jackoff cream there you know waking she would notice that it was cutting up No, he was literally thinking that is the event rate back to his bed And our job yeah, God what am I just trying? jacking off her with cream Canada don't go and try every right so at whether thinking about that now this guy Wasn't what I wanted to know he got him so bad. I'm the pulled out of bed. It's fucking real by the way He's talking to ghosts and spooks like like did you get? any backlash from jersey I do you hurt my feelings to take the video down and if not hey has anybody that has been like That stuff used to happen a long time ago I think people stop they understand now that there's no, but we are being sued right but before people understand that our videos are not going to back and I wanted to see I didn't want to bring up the lawsuit or like or some questions I'm really pretty interested in because I got it. I you know if I can't talk about it I won't say but you can have anything well I just think they'd like me And I guess I come from a different realm you know like I was talking about you know like MTV like sort of TV shows We made like movies, and it was a tough pill to swallow for me to even learn how to add it to make Youtube videos to upload to YouTube I was justified. That's a good undertaking if you edit all those by yourself. Yeah, I totally do and I love it I took them I taking my life into my own hands and before that before 2013 I was I did not know how to edit a piece of video But I would need someone to help and like they're like I was I Couldn't do anything by myself and then and then you know slack is such a gnArly It's such a gnarly time and noxon was making the second The bad Grandpa, and I was like fuck he like they're making jackass movie without the jackass guys You know not now Whether what is the bad grandpa? Oh, I know I ran it. Okay. I'm like now now are the Jackson for cousin yeah? We're now now. I'm the Jackson for right. I we did like National Timberlake done Which by the way is not at all like what happened You know and power to me fucking did that you know I like there's like nachos - Captain knowledge I'll be in this day. This is just my perception my fuckin dark fuckin shitty Fucking is it nihilistic the word nihilistic means you don't care about anything, okay right linda. That's not pessimistic Probably message is my doomsday via can darn yeah Like I wish I was a novice like right olivia nihilist clack I killed or not care about killing to be a nihilist Thanks for helping my my already impressive vocabulary But let go yeah serves. I had this moment and when I was up going on. I was just like I'm over I'm done with my mom Jackson floor I got and then And then I just swallowed this fucking pill, and I'm like I'm going to become a youtuber man You know but it's work, but you were telling me. It was like a second the second life really revived I mean, so so many someone's everything good has come about as a result. Maybe no so like I Fuckin You know does social media like and everybody from not following me on social media for God sakes get on there Please like nothing. I got like every way. I won't waste your time If anything I'd post considerably less for them to be careful I that's my philosophy as well to be careful So if you see me, I'm not going to clog up your feet follow this man Yeah, it's paramount, but I wanted to tell you during this moment when we were Dissecting lance's video right he got pull out of the bed right and I had this moment when I was like way, too Self-Aware and I was I was like gala This is fucking dumb like this is obviously so safe why am I again and it's so exactly I am I like bunking this like This feels so stupid like well, not anybody ended up shit because we can jerry used to see these isis, but I'm like okay You're even after our next our video his next video was still this is real still right car like She's out in israel. What is not wrong and wiggle it is specifically referencing that one thing Yeah, another joey salads Phenom. Well at least he's not blaming black people. It's a victimless crime Yes are and girls under the bus. What alternatives are getting spookstreet pregnant the reason I was talking about when are you assholes enquiries? That's the question yeah any ghost stories. Yes, and holy shit do I ever let's hear it That's what let's go alright. Yeah, that's gonna happen thanks, but this got me other thing. I didn't want to get go anyway Oh shit. Now. I'm intrigued dude was Imagine like the most like tangent is God Like I have the most fucked up ghost story ever we gotta go there do it. I can't we gotta go there. Yeah When I was doing drugs, okay, like I did drugs to the point where I was hearing voices Okay, like it's called the technical term for in this would be psychosis Where is this a little mental and and and what's what's so? peculiar about the phenomena of pSychosis which is characterized by audit Auditory hallucinations when you're hearing voices visual hallucinations, I was watching people walk around my apartment people who were never there I was one hour walk through walls same damn day. They fucking this stage like an intervention on me at one point I had like an apartment for people who were there said to having a formal intervention But they were never looking. They're aware that they wanted I watched him I watched a motherfucker you think it was really you when you was around I knew it was real into this fucking day was real In the shell fucking damage, but in retrospect you liked that was obviously a resonation totally fucking Spiritual entities then the way right now. It's always why I think it was a hallucination you think there were real spiritual entities And then the fucking line is completely buried under minds completely fuckin dirt and I think the reason why I'm seeing them as hallucinations is because They're yeah Do you think that the drugs like open your mind? I think is the deficit drugs That's why I'd like was it with pSychosis. I got like meth whether it like I've Methyl do it so cocaine Particularly on the third straight day of a cocaine bender with no sleep like wild inhaling Like nitrous oxide to the exclusion of air as much as possible right when when she would really pop off and just you know She would pop off did you invite it at one point, okay? The first time I had like a spiritual like intervention where it was like, okay? I was sitting in and I was I was inhaling nitrous oxide I was doing cocaine and I had been doing so for two to three days I was I was I was in a chair that was fun. Just like this one and I Was um I'm seeing in front of a big pile of cocaine and I'm sitting there. I'm thinking myself as I as I go to snort another ridiculous Helping of cocaine I thought to myself Wow, I'm killing myself. You know like like there's there is no Longevity, and we're like what I'm doing. I'm dying I'm dying here like this is me killing myself, and I'm dying and I thought very specifically calm never forget this it's not I Don't care if I die And I just leaned over to go fucking right now as I thought I Don't care if I die like as like as a reaction to those specific words, I thought to that thought like Physically in the spinning chair then as I went to it fucking spots I was like a fucking it was like there was a big strong dude who fucking Spun. The fucking terms like it was like with the power of visit there was like a fucking mechanical bull It was just like a fucking saw and like and and it was not granted This is a this is a tactile hallucination meaning. I like every feel it I Know fully well that if there was a surveillance camera in my apartment at that time it would not reveal this Experience that I had right like I'm clear on that, but it fuck can happen What do you I wouldn't reveal like you never spun at all you think which didn't is that my experiences that I did? but if you're someone else in there camera Still it I got right it was it didn't look like I know well I know well enough to know that like this is an experience that I had that was outside of the Dimension rover that were in right and like it was so clear When this happened that like I thought I don't care if I die then whoa you know it was like think again motherfucker like think again like this was Completely in response that I don't care if I died it was like think again like you like the message was clear that there's some Entity the distinctly cares that I not die well. We like rick again I was like fucking I like something powerful is fuck. Just spawn this thing to genetic the line we of course of course, but something powerful is fuck wants me live wants me to see the importance of Don't not care like like I should care something wants me to care about living like he's got to live for something Yeah, I had and that thing might have been later that night We know there was another night when I had the formal but benefit did I had this I - shoe sponsor And there is this these cubbyholes whole wall shoes and and and like the mess thing something in my apartment? She was just going off and all these shoes were sitting there like like Tapping their toes like okay throw away the drugs are always impatiently tapping each other kid through it's very fun my God And I'm just watching it all this shit playing. Okay, wait. A whore is that happening and I'm thinking that's really crazy That's what's happening, and I'd look again like yep champ. It's still happening I totally like like in any objects where the look communicating to me and now they're again you feel like in that situation with the security camera that shoes are moving correct high percent correct and and and so it's a Spiritual entities ghost like whatever and like my dear friends there were there were different classifications of them there were angels Clearly angels that cared about me living and they would even see in there, okay. We were worried about you You know like visually we've heard you're killing yourself And it's not a can they were very loving and and angel they they were like rooting for me It's like really what I prayed to you this day like you know like when you go to rehab and say you have to have A higher power like you know like that I was like whatever spun that fucking chairs just I pray to that you know something that cares about me So they're the angels then there were demons for sure there were demons like the voices would tell me like so I can suffocate yourself to death is urging me to kill myself and it was like Super Dark entirely and scary and then and I would probably classify this as demons as well, but much More funny like the trickster spirits like shit. They would just fuckin entertain that same chair that I was that I was in right like The spinning office chair which was I had a big dining room table like this the computer set up at the TV on the wall and That fucking chair was in it Just caught fucking fire engulfed in flames and flames didn't hurt It's just they're showing off like cool shit for me like it's like whoa like whoa the check it out like sure enough It's on fire the whole fucking chairs is on fucking fire. I'm like whoa Fucking cool. I just wanted to do more drugs and power boards That's why I classify these as Demon spirits because they just tricksters enabling. They wanted me. I love it So all this is cool this fucking shit was so cool There's so much of it like lights that were never even there ever who just Flashing was a fucking light show just like bah bah bah bah the curtains are opening and closing on their own the whole place is Going fucking nuts, and I'm like woah, this is a fucking coolest party ever Like I just want to do more drugs to keep the chin happening I had I had this off and then scarier like I loved it I loved it too much at certain times it got scary there was a lot of Fucking dark creepy scary shit that went down to layer you by yourself usually when I am going to hallways just you know how hey there were there were a couple times but but but the other person if they were there they wouldn't be tribute to it everybody like You know there's like. They're like rules for the spirits, but I had this song I know the rules They're not they're not supposed to interfere With it. Can't physically like they can't they can't like manipulate like like how the camera fear with free will they can't like Manipulate things to alter the course you know so really They've got those rules you learn from interacting with them uh-huh and they weren't sources like say anything they like and it's like the committee and you can hear them kind of you know, but like And they're in another thing, but if you do enough drugs That's why the same thing happens if you're on meth as if you're on a coke or even like sometimes the alcohol like all roads lead to the same place if you if you do enough drugs And you fuck yourself up enough even PCB like that You erode the the barriers between us, and these entities you know and and then you start experiencing? That's why I still believe it's real dude, and yeah, I'd like some of the other Trickster shit was fucking bad-ass me I like that. I had this at this globe like the Earth and and the base of it I drilled to a skateboard and then the skateboard I drilled to the wall, so the globe is coming out protruding like this I Sat there and looked like I looked at fucking cloud. I watched my own face like the linkwood terminator in the Globe like I Can't push him out It came pushing out like the fucking globe and and my first came pushing out and then started head bang the globe boom I? Was like wow? yeah, Majan watching the gnArly And watch that of you. Oh yeah, and I would make my own dad. You know it like I would not omit. Oh well Yeah, I mean like guys exist You know yeah? There was a whole documentary that was made about my downward spiral and pSychosis and ultimately to my own footage of you like Internet and and dude what the footage reveals is me reacting to a lot of this stuff that like Having there not ever you can tell like I'm like wow You don't know Yeah, so I mean there's a million. That's a million fuckin things Okay, so in in this world where these spirits are real like what what is their motivation? What are they doing like on the other side and white? Why is it so compelling to them to come interact with people on drugs I? Think it's the people who are on drugs. They have at a receptive. So what's an access to like them um? They get like a signal. They're like I can talk to this person where they don't have access - Like they're not everybody rags and like I don't know man. Maybe I'm just out my mind No on your I mean if I dread personal experience right right right right my experience my belief And said ah is it the barriers are guard. You know like for you you aren't aware of them because he's got these barriers in place which have not eroded right to the point where you can become aware of Them sound there, they're aware when your barriers down uh-huh for sure got it and that and once there When woodson motivation I think the tricks or stuff that just made me so hungry to keep that shit happening? I just want like this all like just even the voice is everything like the people walking around. I watch the fucking dude come out like I last time on in 2003 and Yeah, it was really kind of a traumatic thing for me not that I lost my mom but but the last five years of her life were she was she survived an aneurysm and and She was very fuckin damaged like she is physically and mentally horribly disabled and had bedsores, and it was just fuckin terrible like she was in great pain and her last five years were traumatic and Netflix Nimbala at one point when when I was in this apartment like Denman in mind fucking pSychosis. I want you to come out of the bathroom He walked right behind me he stopped and and as my interpretation went like that Right which I interpreted to be like he stopped and so I can paid respect to my mom and then turned Ii kept walking through the apartment I watched this fucking dude pick up pick up the ball pick his roll out smoke Put it back and then so I can walk through the wall motherfucker was never there dude Never there And you'll hear people who have said coach to talk about shadow people like I'm not talking about there's a lot of shadow people too But I'm talking about they were like fully formed totally people picking up actual objects Rivers The Spirit World is real in the sense that you've experienced it. That's just so bizarre like what are they? what are They what is the question if I may in fucked it like wouldn't like that this this third dimensional? experiences So like minor dude and so like I read a book and this is theory Do you know about junk Dna do you know that that? For the purpose of science for the we can only our best Scientific knowledge of our own Dna indicates that we only use 10% of our brain and that the We can only identify that there is any purpose whatsoever to 10% of our dNa leaving the scientific position of the Scientific Community has the position that 90% of our Dna they call it quote junk, DnA They do not know what it's for and probably hurt like hereditary. You know from all the man I guess by Were usually been like billions of years of evolution. You know Right, but it's just interesting that like to suggest that here where this complex you know thing and that ninety percent of what makes us Up has no purpose whatsoever, and that is just totally junk and for that matter that 10 to 90 percent of our brain power Has no purpose whatsoever the resistance. We just have in laying around We're never going to use it that is the theory that I read which I have a pretty easy time with and it's kind of it's a fucked up theory But that there are more dimensions and that had that then we are intended to be multi-dimensional beings and that for us to use 100 percent of our brain or firfer for 100 percent of our DnA to be active that means that we are simultaneously connected to The versions of Ourselves which are in other dimensions Right, but the theory that I read in this crazy book and adds this might be a little far out there But but I have an easier time believing this then the that I would believing that word junk the junk DnA in theory that that the Earth is sort of a library so to speak and a lot of you know I had like information and such and it's very very valuable in in the universe and all dimensions you know and that the theory is that some 300,000 years ago ownership of the Earth Has switched right into the new owners of Earth? Found that as multi-dimensional beings which we used to be a cordon of the area Scientology should It's really it's really not to tell me or whatever but the idea was that we used to be fully multi-dimensional, but we were too difficult to control interesting so so the the This is this new like ownership whatever They would basically went under the hood and unplugged 90% of our DnA which leaves us without us being plugged in we don't know What the fuckin meaning of life is we have no idea what our purpose is and regard man like this kind of like We're like a little bit don't know why were you what's going away more than me You know meets the eye or we write or sieve that's all right We were not what we're not plugged in anymore So we don't get we look at the negative Canada the connection to exact is the evidence from is that we only use 10%? Of our brain and building, but like not only 10% 10% nah. Yeah, that's fine. I think that we Abandoned doesn't miss it was living around I think I think that they're having two percent of our brain, but just at different times I think that's I don't know I want to effect said let's do a mag check on John John Vianney We do we use I'm more. I'm almost more more interested in the DNA I haven't heard the junk Dna that is fascinating yeah jump in and ninety percent of our dNA They have no fucking idea what it's for humans use 100 other brains despite popular myth. Uh about College students from believe me on his temper said well, this is just some dumbass website, but alright ensign I'm way more concerned with junk Dna, but just for the record because this was a really realistic right they wonder yeah I believed it for a long time and someone told me that have been some kind of developments in the scientific Community regarding junk Dna that are newer But still we don't fucking know don't talk about brain use now let's look into their junk name. Yeah be a dare dna right and Non-coding Dna is what it's called and what good brand is it's a total fucking like Is this a fucking controversial thing for a clean and sober guy to say because like the higher power is such a big Part of the recovery process you know fades and God I think it's fucking full-scale arrogance to say that that you are your atheist and then you're 100% sure there is no, God And I think it's all so fucking arrogant to say that you're a hundred percent sure that there is I think that we have limitations Yeah, we have we have a fucking limited fuckin ability in our Physical form completely heaven, and you know the woods like it. Yeah, I think that you're arrogant if you're anything but Agnostic so I think I think the definition is to believe in an octave. I'm agnostic So I think people misunderstand a theism. Well there is that means I'm sure there is no, God No, it's not it's not quite that that's the misunderstanding of it, but well these are like fedora wearing like 15-year olds I'm very deep atheist I think atheism in the true sense is that I don't god don't believe in God because I've never been given any reason or evidence to believe in God I don't that's a nice definition of an agnostic, and I always used to say that as oh I think I had no trouble believing like I say I would say she's really not to know I got it Open to the idea of God, but I don't know I don't know right that's where I fall But an Atm is Atm is I don't believe in God Because I had a reason to believe in God, all right I thought it's not like it is a conviction that there is no God like I think that though some media has misrepresented atheism. You're saying atheist means that assuming there is a god I'm pretty sure he wants his privacy Yeah, that's me and eventually don't ya What's that the founding fathers were deistic and that means I think I my favorite death metal band is d died so deism is fuckin Awesome and all the founding Fathers were into the shit They're like there is a God he came he created the university granted the Earth and then he fucked off My share about us. He doesn't interact in our lives at all. He came. He saw conquered anything, okay? It's kind of fascinating well I shouldn't think did this is where what I would believe there goes right back to the whole thing where we're talking about with the spirits and entities is that We are fucking made it is the same way that we make cars and they run right the whole thing Like we're just a fucking The human Body is like a fuckin. It's like a toy car made by like a spiritual entity on the han solo I can't how about how about this, okay like the one strong argument for not killing yourself Is that when you take the gun and when you pull the trigger and he's fucking dead the first thing that happens is you're like Why am I still thinking? You know like why am I knowes and that's how can you confirm this well you can't confirm it But but my theory here is that that weird that the brain is not a generator of consciousness, right? It's not the it's not the place where we're consciousness that I think you're not is on it's not a brain phone There's a brief agree the brain does not Generators, I should say the brain does not Transmit the consciousness rather to Glenn Oh, yeah, right? my theory because if the brain is a receiver of consciousness so as to say that my thing so as to say there like when you pulled it when you pull the trigger and shoot your Brain it's kind of like taking a radio right. You know like larry like this fucking thing right here, right? This iPad is not generating that image it's receiving that event of three sort of so if we take a hammer if I take a hammer that fucking smash this iPad like Right like like it just which is the Analogy for taking a gun a machine in my head if I smashed this iPad to smithereens my shoe or the gun That fucking and but have to go out there So you're only you're not killing the fuckin signal you're telling the receiver that's called science And that's the soul as soul Is that is you soul is what the signal that is being picked up by the supes even killed it? That's a nice thought I haven't thought about that way yeah we killed us like a receiver you haven't fuckin killed the signal that's very dope and so now so now what is The receiver the body the brain right it's a fucking toy some is a toy in a spaceship it - toy Like a fuckin like a toy car like whatever the kind of things we make except at the creator and there are Like the ultimate creator. God they're Fucking levels of the stairs at dimensions, and there's so much going on that We don't know about and they're I hope so it's a lot more interesting though Is there are creators that created us like fucking little vehicles? It's like a fucking car. We make a car We get in the car. We drive it around. We're a fucking car. That was made by a fucking low-level fuckin Spirit Creator and Fuckin they're in the car And they're driving around the me car and so in that sense yeah our creator fucking laptop I still not totally convinced of this idea of like a Create a crater right I do believe in higher power like God is my sense of like there's just Something so in x book about about existing at all sure. It's just overwhelmingly Impossible to even conceptualize like the thought of like existence first non-existence it's weird What in a philosophical sense much easier to prove that we don't exist and to prove that we do exist, right? but the thought of like a Creator or like intelligent design. I think is easy to fall into that because the it's so hard to conceptualize What evolution looks like over billions of years right like a trial and error on the micro level over billions of years It's like it's pasta. It's very possible Explanation for how you start from a one cell organism up to this sushi Ellicott like we just can't Fathom that and the same way we can't fathom a god because it's kind of just nature I mean, you know the universe is like 12 billion years we've been fucking Evolving for like 25% of the whole history right the whole existence of the universe, right? And I believe that we're not I would they talk about ascension, and you know how it said, it's like We're just not plugged in I think I know I hope so I always have always hoped that there's more because it's way more fucking interesting than your dog and and again like with the toilet guard the charm right that's what you want to believe it with the car analogy and I like where they say where they say we're not human beings have a spiritual experience rather. We are spiritual beings having a human experience I realize yes, I'd just like a little car You know they and then the car fuckin dies and the spirit when we win this fucking? physical incarnation dies the spirit gets out of the car and Fuckin gets in some other card that other car might be a fuckin plant or you know whatever whatever the case may be is For sure, but in Medinah looking for me. I don't doubt any of that dude Did I think that conviction is awesome sometimes I wish I was more and isn't there like pretty undeniable proof of reincarnation All right Well, that's a another big statement. What is in your opinion proof of reincarnation? I like that Like Little two-year-old kids that have memories and previous live and they just blow it out about that dad think Google undeniable proof of reincarnation here we go Looking it up Going along yeah, we should we should cruise let's lunch rappin that was by the way. I think the best ghost story That shit was a gnarly go. Thank you probably ranked that with this yeah I love all that the help is honestly I don't want chapter in my book called angels and demons mmM Fascinating not really a minute Let's wrap it up. Yeah. Oh, you're a legend. Thank you guys for coming on today We really want you guys know it was emotional roller coaster. I was glued it was a great time man I really I love it I think I enjoy being a guest on podcast mo and then the idea of how to my own pack I said it's a completely different experience. Yeah, there's no obligation feel like I can really like There's a lot but but but with that Sena do need Anybody who is interested in my story to grab that fucking autographed book on my website yep? go support Stevo Well, I didn't get my bird didn't get a fuckin five-star rating because it's not accept really yeah It's by definition the most guaranteed great book you can read by definition I named drop like a mother's go to Stevo calm right to get on cooking works like a god serious There's little of there's little links for all the social media and so I can scope out the youtubes likes so so media followers Check him out. He's on the road doing standards right? I don't wait for your big show. You're working on I would love to have you guys there man. Yeah, yeah doing Second I love you guys man. I love you, man. I can't believe it's so surreal that's a real like Yeah, I was watching everything in Israel even in Israel. How about you, jackass all right? Yeah, yeah, well that's that review was huge and is ready now. Let's keep stamping out the fakes let's stamp amount Let's get them. Let's I can you know get people to Just not Gonna have some integrity Stop deceiving your followers show respect to the people You know who click your links what can you do? There's me you can never stop these people because there's so much money There's so much audience for it, but at least we can have a lot better, right? Yeah, let's last release we can do let's let's fuck any blossom. Let's expose the sake stay let's go cool Thanks, man for coming on it was a great great time. Okay. Thanks everyone for watching Oh, yeah, and like let me know if you've been watching this Fucking and throw me a tweet the road almost whoo. Yeah, so um I check it out I can check out my fuckin mess at Fibo right at Stevo doesn't get easier Does not lot more to it throw me. It gives it a sponsor by fate. Oh, what fun? Yeah? so means Fuckin 22 guys Thanks for watching thank you. Love you. We appreciate you You guys and all next Friday we have oh yeah, it'll know where it's filling though You guys were going to freak out, but we've been talking to Jake Paul say messages every day, bro We've been maybe we might have Jake Paul is he that it. What is it sitting up every day? Yeah, I actually have fake ball. You mean the guy who's got Kendrick Lamar. Just running Yeah, right this fuckin very worried about its career Next I've loved kids just another day rob. It's everyday, bro All right, got it got it. Thanks for watching guys. Yeah
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 7,087,344
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Keywords: steveo, steve-o, h3h3, h3h3productions, ethan and hila
Id: mtDOr9UY-yk
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Length: 187min 42sec (11262 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2017
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