James Charles Is Being Sued & Bill Gates Calls In - H3 After Dark # 36

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Bill Gates impersonator went from Kermit the frog to Trump

👍︎︎ 175 👤︎︎ u/MundaneNhilist 📅︎︎ May 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

The video of Keemstar abusing that kid set me off man. Fuck that guy, you literally cannot run out of reasons to hate him.

👍︎︎ 171 👤︎︎ u/Oregonrider2014 📅︎︎ May 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

They should totally do a Teddy Fresh shirt that says "You wouldn't download a fight..." maybe with a bear wearing boxing gloves? Based on those old videos on DVDs telling you to not pirate movies!

👍︎︎ 140 👤︎︎ u/Kighla 📅︎︎ May 14 2021 🗫︎ replies

Dude imagine if the Pauls and Triller want H3 to never talk about them on the podcast ever again and that's why they're harassing them with this BS lawsuit. I mean, H3 has shined so much spotlight on all the abhorrent shit the Pauls have done and Jake Paul's sexual assault so I can totally see that being one thing that they could ask in mediation and if it is, I certainly hope Ethan tells them to fuck off.

👍︎︎ 44 👤︎︎ u/MattIsWhack 📅︎︎ May 14 2021 🗫︎ replies

Thanks for the Emily D. Baker to call in so spontaneously. That was quite insightful, also regarding Youtubers and employment laws.

👍︎︎ 146 👤︎︎ u/k___k___ 📅︎︎ May 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

As someone who has worked in marketing/PR, it is appalling to see a company like Triller act so shamelessly. It’s so obvious they have an awful company culture; you never see credible companies shake down people without proof of profit loss and even the whole DM situation was a missed opportunity to improve how people view them. In my opinion, I think they recklessly dumped so much money into the fight, didn’t make enough back to cover their investments, and now are trying to get as much as possible from intimidating people. Embarrassing, since other companies plan for situations like that and invest in proper marketing, etc.

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/Old-Addendum-1877 📅︎︎ May 14 2021 🗫︎ replies

Even if he loses Zach will always be our mayo man, peace and love.

👍︎︎ 66 👤︎︎ u/Ziptorzo 📅︎︎ May 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

Hila talking about her name was cool. I really like the way her name sounds.

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/Wintertime13 📅︎︎ May 14 2021 🗫︎ replies

I enjoyed Hila talking about the pronunciation of her name :)

👍︎︎ 92 👤︎︎ u/confusionwithak 📅︎︎ May 13 2021 🗫︎ replies
welcome once again to what we like to refer to as the h3 after dark despite it being 12 20. h3 good morning uh but here we are again without the morning show no you know morning shows start at like 5 00 a.m usually right i'd rather die than being a morning showhouse i swear to god i'll go working like salt mine go do manual labor the morning is technically after dark it's been dark the last few hours this is after the dark it's daytime it's a daytime show um i was on time dan is the reason we're late he was [ __ ] he was budgeting that's not true i didn't i came down there 12 13 i was like here we go boys dan's fudging with stuff you wanted to change your sweater you had to get the sunflower you were bragging about how good it looks b you got like a whole setup look at oh that's because you're back you're back though yeah you're not here in l.a yeah back home michigan i was like whoa dude you're like ready to host your own show back there i was like i just got the av maybe he can knows today how you doing ab you broke you broke fast right ramadan's over and then it's over yes i'm done fasting thanks for watching feels good thank you you made it all the way through oh god is god is gonna bless your ass hard this year thank you is that how it works i don't know uh hopefully that's the idea that's the idea well no it's far more to you know relate to people who aren't so fortunate but oh it's a humbling experience yeah supposedly yeah anyway it's kind of like a juice cleanse a sin cleanse i'm just kidding i'm just i'm just being an ignorant idiot i don't know hey uh thank you who is uh swanston okay yeah me andy sponsored us thank you dan thank you miandi oh man we've got a heck of a show by the way anyway uh happy uh jesus happy end of ramadan or whatever i'm proud of you though you made it all the way through that's impressive man what do people say to each other at the end it's durham it's uh the id is the holiday to you my friend thank you appreciate you guys round of applause the man made it [Applause] he did it okay yeah we've oh my goodness you guys we got okay first of all bill gates yeah is calling in today as you guys calling again yeah he's calling in today you didn't know that we've been talking about it all week i don't have a big deal i'm really excited you guys all know i'm a huge fan dan come on be respectful because i just said i'm a huge fan yeah you're being ironic you don't i know bill listen dad stop it be respectful to our guests we love dan anyway whoa um as you know he has having this uh big divorce and he's calling in to discuss that so we're getting the exclusive mm-hmm and um oh man and then zach this is exciting you know uh craft mayo put out a challenge for they're looking for a new mayo man and so zach made an application video james charles is being sued oh no i know something about that i'm being sued by the way oh no we're being sued i feel like it's my fault though i feel bad that you're even included in it go ahead speak your mind all right you didn't do it you weren't even naked wait were you even here you weren't even here and actually i had that i didn't think about it at first no it was just me you weren't even here when i was doing it yeah you you you stopped being on the midweek episodes and about a month later we got into the rails baby great that's so true i'm stopping on the episode they were getting sued yeah i didn't even know i wasn't on the episode yeah no you weren't there yeah off the true to true to form off the rails off the rails onto the wait that's not true wasn't it after dark that jake paul fight was no was it was off the rails yeah i was off the rails well we listen we are true to our family i was surprised that okay the less i say go ahead elo that's an ongoing lawsuit the less they say the better you were going to say something about okay i have a lot to say about them i want to say so much about them well get back on the rails ethan this isn't off the rails this is an off the road i'll save it so i wonder if they're suing an episode on off the rails is it am i technically in the lawsuit i guess we don't even know yet well they're suing our company so which they haven't even but that's interesting because it's like oh well and maybe you don't have to be deposed because that far you're like hey i wasn't there right i don't know nothing about nobody [Laughter] that [ __ ] was off the rails there was no conductor ponderosa yeah excuse me oh we got a new rice gum left go ahead zach that was just from a few days ago i think and that yeah and you got this trisha one too it's in the same vein oh okay you know it's not nice to make fun of someone's laugh but rice comes with pigs so [ __ ] him it's just silly so let me ask you this i saw this as a conversation online it kind of confused me so i'm kind of curious what you guys think can you guys unfocus your eyes yeah yeah can you guys like right or just like like i'm looking at the wall i can make my eyes go out of focus anytime i want yeah me too anyone are you guys i could do that yeah zach yeah i can do it as well okay so it's not a [ __ ] debate what's the debate well there was like they're like you kind of focus your eyes like somebody was like what and it turned into this whole thing about you know how we ian you didn't answer i bet your ass can't unfocus can they i mean every time you cut to me what do you think's going on you don't watch the show i mean i do the focus that's just a little off are you in your bathrobe yes are you big are you comfortable what's going on letting myself go a little bit can you unfocus your eyes on the bathrobe just there for aesthetics or are you feeling sick also i can't stand up zach because i am not wearing pants oh my god no wearing pants no zach or ian is that appropriate no it's not it's wildly inappropriate i think he's very unprofessional down here yeah don't start damn we got photos of you walking around with your bare dirty feet all over our office the other day good point ian can you unfocus your eyes yes you can okay so yeah it's a total [ __ ] thing so let me erase this from my document thank you there's no such thing as a coincidence you know there's no there's no such thing as coincidence i can unsquin i can put my eyes out of focus and the fact that you all can too means there's no such thing as a coincidence oh you're zoomed on me you see that sometimes i do it when i draw i'll try to like zoom out on focus so that i see the exaggerated version i know some people can't do it because you remember those like magic eye puzzles where it's like crazy and a lot of people say they can't do those like you just focus right but i know a lot of people are unable to do it so we're just all really talented there's no such thing as the coincidence well i thought it was one of these things where it's like oh i wipe from the front i wipe from the back and they're like what you wait from the back oh my god you you know it's like but it's not like that so it's literally if i could go back and erase this whole conversation i would kill button you want to start over yeah just hit the kizzle glitch it's rewind time yeah we got some more talk we got some more top of shell things i thought this was pretty funny a little cross promotion with a joke new color block you guys know the color block hoodie on teddyfresh.com has been out of stock for a while that's because we have been re-engineering remastering remodeling perfecting this is coming out oh it doesn't have the date but it's coming out next thursday all these colors anyway i made this funny tick tock to celebrate this is what james charles does when he sees the new teddy press my sisters [Laughter] um okay some of you newer viewers may not know of that we had this obsession with um scooter videos we pretty much exhausted the whole internet of every funny scooter video oh [ __ ] i don't show already uh but a new ones came across my desk that i thought was worth sharing for i muted it already i thought it was it was a it was really funny man there's so many good scooter accident videos out there oh my god these people on scooters i'm not gonna make sweeping generalizations about scooter people i'm sure there's fine people on both sides careful in the words of trump let's find people listen there's fine people on scooters there's fine people off scooters but there i found that there's just a reckless endangerment for life from some people some people in the scooter community i think it's because they already lost everything and so i'm coming i've got nothing to lose rebellious scooter movement right yeah them against the world well here's this one um [ __ ] awesome [Music] and i think they don't and you know they don't really know how to operate on this there's not very safe because you like a weapon yeah you're putting like old disabled handicapped whatever people on these kind of like serious machines to help their mobility but i mean that checkout counter looks massive like that's really heavy and it moves it aside like no problem bro he pops a wheelie on that [ __ ] and he never hits the bricks he's just he's like this is it bro popping a wheelie this is how i go out mobility that's awesome nobody was hurt luckily but that woman could have easily just been wiped out oh someone did get wiped out wait let me see oh the woman in the blue kind of gets she disappears wait wait where did she go she got ethered wait there's a woman in the blue jacket oh she she's behind that you fell on the ground there wow it looked like she just got swallowed up no man there's so many great scooter vids though out there unbelievable stuff ricegum loves it um oh people should we explain why we're doing it on thursday or who cares we're just taking a long weekend yeah yeah that's why we're doing it well we're doing a big move this weekend right is taking we are moving some of us are going on vacation and some of us are working hard yeah we won't say who's doing what let's not say who's who thank you dan yeah uh so next week whatever happened with do we confirm with bella porch is that next week no it if it it won't be next week okay regardless it might be we're going to do our first interview back in the new office with bella porche yeah she's actually you know we had dinner with her you guys probably you guys must know her she's super [ __ ] famous but like she's like the biggest tick tocker right one of them she has the biggest tick tock on tick-tock wait she has the most followers i thought that was no no she has the most ticket yeah yeah yeah yeah this is her you guys know her she came over to our house we had dinner it was really she's a really interesting person her story is fascinating like literally it really is fascinating and fascinating fascinating and so um i think it will be a really great uh interviewing episode so look forward to that coming soon just watching my algorithms get crushed yeah yo okay also kind of at the top of the show here this is something that we've been waiting it's kind of crazy since may 22 of 2017 that's four years almost to the almost of the day yeah pretty close four years this was teased on a gofundme have you ever felt uncomfortable okay wait so let me see public places this was teased on a kickstarter and we thought it was so dumb we made a whole video about it we reacted to it and then i made my own dumb invention called the peep and creep which is like uh oh my god you remember the peeping creep yeah i have like vr gog what was th i don't even remember the people it was like vr goggles i never remember what was that is that you can creep on out of people but they don't see your eyes right oh so you can go to the beach and look at girls in bikinis but they can't tell that you're looking at them so i was and yeah it was really weird because i could actually see everything because it just had like a phone on the front this was bad if people don't know what the hell kind of videos we used to do this is it oh yeah yeah yeah i kept trying to cut these ladies off fun though anyway so you know i know right yeah so here's the video anyway the point is these guys put this up the hush me four years ago we finally got it today we actually got the hush me let me play you their trailer have you ever felt uncomfortable when speaking over the phone in public places or open space i know it's like i've never heard that accent anywhere in the world have you ever felt uncomfortable [Music] has getting up from the library and stepping outside oh no i have to watch my ass react to this outside for 30 seconds ever been way too much of an inconvenience for you now you can look like a dollar store batman super villain that never made it anyway it's like you put this on to make it private so we got the hush me so the idea is that you can talk on the phone with this thing on and not and not like interfere with the correcting it's for privacy for privacy so we got the hush me so there's hold on there's a little power button on the front you gotta activate it turn it on bro okay we're all through you know it's funny it looks a lot like the gag thing it looks exactly like that stupid gag thing we made i wonder if they ripped us off so it goes over the head how much was this stan uh oh shoot i forget let me i'll look through 200 yeah it was it was okay so if you're in a public setting did you turn it on here i'm gonna put in the earbuds obviously so i can hear with privacy i don't i don't know that it's on yet so let's say oh i'm at the library or let's say i'm at the podcast and i'm like oh [ __ ] i gotta take this really important call i don't want ila to hear i deserve privacy because it's thursday baby i deserve privacy so what am i doing wrong it doesn't stay on my head i like this yeah yeah so as you can tell that works really well i can't hear you at all it's super it's super discreet it doesn't bring any attention to yourself and it completely mutes my talking voices yeah the audience can't hear you at all you're not able to hear my conversation at all but will you sound okay to the people on the phone it's suffocating me do you want to find out up against my nose i haven't linked to my phone so if you turn it on we can record and then we'll play what it sounds like for the person on the other side it's on the front actually there's like a little button right on the front on the top yeah yeah in the middle give me a kiss okay um we just got update from can you hear me yeah go ahead so the price ranges between 149 and 189 depending on the options i don't know if this is can you can can the audience hear me they can definitely yeah unfortunately it's not really doing the job but here i just made a recording i'm going to send it to you on discord and you can uh i was wondering if it was a live feed yeah so i don't know if we have like the upgraded version okay here's here's my audio if you guys want to know what's the quality of the hush me sound to the people on the other end here's what it sounds like hello oh that was it oh that was me there should be another one right under that or did i send the wrong one hold on no it's super discreet as you can imagine it's super easy to carry around with you you know nobody will notice what the [ __ ] oh this latch key's coming undone here we go hello this is the same one no but what's interesting is it it's actually suffocating me do you see what i'm saying yeah it's kind of hard to breathe can you zoom on my face dan like watch this show decide maybe it's supposed to go over your nose i don't know how oh yeah my nose yeah there's no space so it'd have to be like this i mean is it upside down no no no you got it the right way there is a valve uh i noticed to allow at least some air to come in but yeah it's it's a little you put it upside down maybe no it's no no that's that's right this will cover my whole nose yeah and the nose is supposed to go up oh you're right here's the photo from there yeah the nose is like here's the photo that that guy cannot breathe anyway as you can tell this is basically going to take off i if you could buy stock and hush me i would be all over that you have me all in here you which is really impressive yeah go ahead and talk that's just you talking again dan no no wait keep playing i know but it's funny it picks up plans yeah it picks up you talking i can't hear anything it works it worked that's what the person on the other side's supposed to be hearing though okay so you're saying the person on the other side so they successfully make it reverse yeah the other person can't hear you but everyone around you can yeah go ahead okay they're almost there they just need to reverse technology now the engineer's like oh i totally misunderstood so lost in translation this is the hush me at after four years of long waiting congratulations to the developers you know i feel bad oh and there's also it comes with a screw this is a magnet for some reason and it has a screw on it can you zoom on that dan lift it up close in front of your face so oh yeah right yeah there was just a random screw in it when we took it out of the thing for some reason i don't really know what that was a little extra bonus there from hush me i think will i am will be all over this dude i'm surprised william didn't think of this first here you he can't breathe his nostrils are entirely covered look at this there's no your nose is too big right good point yeah it's it it's ethan's fault right thank you though i love this product it's one of my favs all right let's talk about some serious bro let's talk about triller and jake paul i'm not going all in yet but there are some hot memes that we can look at for example did you know triller the big scary media company that's threatening to sue everybody if they don't give them 4.99 and all their personal information 49. yeah 49.99 and admit and and all their personal information and their threat oh what is this it was oh wait explain this it was removed oh whoa there's more layers to this wait what it got removed by the reddit admins yeah didn't we see that because the trailer went to we've we discovered that triller must have gone to reddit whoa and complain to them to remove it they're anti-evil operations but wait where's the actual dm yeah i'll send a copy of it okay thank you [Music] yeah it was with the guys kissing what i can't believe they did that no dude triller is like super shady super shameless so the story goes someone posted this thank you a.b this is a dm allegedly i mean it looks legit where they're shake there's literally people on the trailer instagram page threatening people in the dms look at this you made multiple comments that night implying that you are watching the paul versus astrid fight illegally please note if you do not pay the 50 fee by june 1st we will have to take legal action so they're trying to pursue every single person that watched every person got your hat by the way this crack legal team don't they have a company to run i yeah there's a good question although apparently i don't know how many people are running the company since it's just [ __ ] going underwater and it's actually just a desperate [ __ ] tick tick-tock rip-off oh man oh man so allegedly i don't you know you never know if these are real or not but it looks real i'd like to believe it's real and it was removed from reddit which is kind of telling isn't it maybe okay we'll look into that but so this guy responds so you guys are going to sue me over instagram dms low please get in contact with one of your legal associates we will provide them with instructions on how to pay the fee bruh like everyone's got a legal team yeah well they're just trying to be scary by the way i this is not my legal advice but i've been watching this one lawyer who's doing a summary of the triller case and she's like if i was your lawyer i would definitely not advise anybody to go to that website and pay that fine yeah and put in your info because you're just being like here's where to find me here's the crime i did so it's definitely listen i i'm not a lawyer that's not legal advice but i did hear a lawyer on youtube say definitely don't do that i don't know right jake paul wants that jake paul gets a cut of each 49.99 oh man he's the person said i have proof i paid for it if you want please provide me with a picture of the activation code and he sent his two dudes uh having mick kissing that is not i think that that's proof of purchase as far as i'm concerned i'm gonna try sending that to um to trailer yeah your honor i submit for the consideration two men kissing as proof of birth [Laughter] i love how passionate they're kissing too like you know that swayed them because they're like this is it this is good so anyway someone posted this and then what happened next is that it was removed okay by reddit's anti-evil operation team what is that okay exactly good question so when you look into what is reddit's anti-evil operation team superhero team it gives you an insight and a clue as to why this post was removed okay um can someone you find it i read a an official explanation i am not ready to research this live i'm looking into operations didn't dan didn't we talk about this didn't you what amazing i'm finding out about this is really i just want to go through this whole conversation with you about this uh somebody else some other dan maybe it was ian one of you guys i'd talk to about [ __ ] come on i didn't dream this am i losing my mind here i loosely remember you having this conversation i just don't know who it was with i think it was dan i'm trying to think all right well somebody get me info because so anyway what's interesting about reddit's anti-evil yeah is this is when companies and individuals send legal complaints to reddit about certain posts and then reddit acts upon those so it stands to reason that triller because this post got had like a lot of why is it called anti-evil i think it's like literally epic meme it's the epic meme reddit stuff you know but it's act but it's it's it's actually such propaganda because the truth is is that they're acting on behalf of huge media companies to remove posts um but this post had like 50 000 likes on reddit it was going like mega viral and so this stands to theorize that triller sent reddit a legal notification being like oh you don't have authorization to show our private dms so they're sensitive little baby [ __ ] who want to sue and scare everyone in your opinion oh i can say they're scared little baby [ __ ] your honor i i am not a scared little baby [ __ ] and i can prove that that was a lie told in uh told maliciously yeah yeah i mean i'm i just google around it it just seems like it's when uh the reddit admins get you know uh official complaint from somebody for breaking site-wide rules whatever that may mean so it was an actual reddit admin that's what i find conspiratorial and interesting about it interesting thank you so much thank you take that as a big compliment um fascinating about the lawsuit that i'm having with trailer i do i want to make this clarification you should explain that they dropped the first one yeah i think a lot of people probably last heard that it was dropped assume that it's over but yeah okay so here's ethan explaining the triller shakedown that's what it is in your opinion i can say it's a [ __ ] i i could say it's a shakedown just say at the end of every sentence okay minecraft minecraft yes in a video game in a video game they're shaking me down that's my opinion i can state that that's not [ __ ] slander i can say it they're shaking me down i i we're treading carefully as you can tell anyway so triller made this huge complaint and listed like a shitload of people who did different things too like right a jointed complaint a lawsuit is only allowed when you can show or prove reasonably that these people are conspiring together because you can't just list a billion people in a lawsuit and be like here [ __ ] you you deal with this so they listed a ton of people and me and they alleged that there was a conspiracy between me and like spam epic video epicvideopirate.net and they alleged that i was charging people to to watch the link i mean it was like from outer space you know it was such a poorly conceived uh low brain complaint in minecraft correct in my opinion well anyway the jud well it's not in my opinion because the judge actually threw it out the judge literally had was like this is garbage this is an illegal jointer you have to provide evidence that they're cons they're they're conspiring and the the attorney is incompetent i think or just i can't figure out them because like they're either super incompetent we don't need to figure it out online i can fear it's my opinion i'm theorizing either they're super um super incompetent the thing is they're definitely a cheap law firm so i'm trying to figure out what that means is like they just want to like are they just trying to get the headline they because here here's what's interesting the judge threw out the lawsuit and they only refiled against one person guess who that is h3h3 the h3 podcast is that interesting to you guys i actually didn't know that i assumed that they were refiling individually with all of the yeah no only me or you're the only one i'm the only person they refiled against wow pretty interesting right yeah so they're 100 million dollars of alleged losses this incredible [ __ ] uh conspiracy to defraud them of a hundred million dollars all comes down to the h3 podcast watching a 45 second clip and fair usage five days after the live event and they have suffered catastrophic loss as a result makes sense makes sense to me so they've only refiled against us so they are suing us you know the it was thrown out by the judge but they are so they are they refiled against us and again their attorney so bad he just copy pasted the same [ __ ] more or less like he's still left in lines about like me conversion there's like one complaint as conversion which means i'm like selling links to the fight which is like he forgot to erase it so it's like they put so little effort into the complaint it's either like uh i mean it just seems like a shakedown a headline trying to scare scare people to to do the uh the 499 thing you know gotcha so uh so you know right now we're in we're in mediation or not mediation we're in settlement talks right now to see if we can work it out and we're exploring our options but you know at the end of the day i do think it's important to be very clear that this is a fair use lawsuit they are attacking our right to cover their footage it's matt haas 2.0 except we're up against deep pockets and they're way scarier than mad haas so like don't get it twisted right this is literally a fair use lawsuit and they say it in their complaint in their lawsuit they say their damages is that i rebroadcasted their fight to a million people and that's why they're suing us for 50 million dollars that's a fair use argument that it's every person that viewed our podcast they're saying you do not have the right to critique and criticize our footage yeah there i feel like they're using the terms incorrectly because rebroadcasting isn't that more about people who actually just like um pirate the whole thing and then like the people actually oh yeah yeah that's what originally originally that's what it was it was but now it's copyright infringement that's the technical thing right they're suing us for but it's also like this propaganda where they're trying to make it seem like oh it's not a fair use thing the guy stole our fight it's like really 45 seconds of me talking over the whole clip on a four-hour event yeah no that debate of whether what we did is okay or not that's a fair use debate a hundred percent which is what we've been through already and that's what that's what i need to make as clear as possible is that this lawsuit is an attack on what everybody on youtube does that they can just come at you with this poorly conceived lawsuit that barely any effort or research was put into and try to shake you down for hundreds of thousands of dollars that's why we fought the mad house lawsuit you know matt haas tried to shake us down for four thousand dollars and i told him to go [ __ ] himself and we fought it all the way right so now i'm like it's like it's a tough situation i'll just be totally honest it's a really tough situation and it's very stressful for me because on one hand i do not want to go through a lawsuit again ev i mean ever for any reason it's like the worst especially i mean it's obvious it's just horrible it's invasive it's expensive it's stressful it's draining but on the other hand the one thing that we've always tried to do in our career is to do the right thing and there's one thing that i don't [ __ ] stand is when people try to [ __ ] with me especially when i do the right thing and that's why i told matt house to go [ __ ] himself when he asked me for four thousand dollars in an apology and that lawsuit ended up making all the difference in the world for this one here what are you looking up either um [Music] i don't know people in the chat were saying that it was dropped again i'm i'm i'm on it okay that's news to me yeah i don't think i i'm looking at it right now too i don't think it was dropped but there was some triller did get denied in some motion that they were doing i don't know and by the way uh the youtuber lawyer that you're referring to her name is emily d baker oh yeah and uh yeah and she's really cool thank you for saying her name yeah i've been actually watching all of her videos i even though i like fall i obviously follow everything there's a new color black thing jesus i mean that one i'm not mad about is this teddy bear the i don't know why people do the teddy bear always it's like i i'm here let me pull that up is it in the chat yeah oh it's dreams the youtuber i don't know let's tag that because i want to talk about it later you guys got it he's super popular yeah is that the minecraft guy yeah got it so anyway it's like it's good it's gonna be hell right it's gonna be hell it's gonna be [ __ ] hell the lawsuit i can't emphasize how hellish it's going to be but the first time we did it it was the right thing it has a huge impact on fair use on youtube as well and this second time i mean the whole reason we fought the first lawsuit is to prevent [ __ ] like this happening again this is not different because what they are arguing is that by us showing the short clip on our podcast and talking over it um they're saying a million people watched our video therefore um those people will not be watching their live event because they saw it on our podcast yeah they're saying we diverted that is a fair use um conversation that's exactly what our first lawsuit was about and this one will be too the thing is people who watch our podcast watch it for a different reason and we provide different context we talk over it we explain our point of view we commentary and criticism parody the whole thing so it's just i don't get how they are even so uneducated to go after the same thing that we've already been through well because because but they have deep pockets they there's a reason they only file re-file against us because they want the headline they want to scare people and they want to make an example out of us and i they think that we're scared and desperate to settle that's i that's not the case the case is i'm being i'm trying to be very thoughtful and strategic about how i want to handle this but um it's a but i just you guys need to understand this is 100 a fair use lawsuit period so us paying them off what is that sound a bomb it's a thunder clap you were laying down the hammer there oh i did i didn't realize i laid down the hammer yep if we settle this this gives litigious pieces of [ __ ] media companies the green light to shake down anyone they want with some [ __ ] shoddily research and written complaint okay you know what i'm saying if we fight it like we did last time we strengthen the we strengthen the case for fair use on youtube and these big media companies need to understand that they can't just come funk with us because i'm not disney you know what i mean they expect us just to be like i'm sorry chiller you're so scary just take whatever it is and oh by the way they want me to sign a um did i mention that i don't think you can mention that stuff yet no well there's also other conditions to the settlement which i'll probably talk about later that are ludicrous that will never [ __ ] happen in a million years yup uh that affects everybody right so you know we're trying to figure out what's the best possible way to deal with this but um yeah it's pretty crazy it's pretty crazy that they're going after us though ironic too because we're like the people that already proved that we're willing to [ __ ] fall on the sword for the right for fair use but okay i guess that's all i'll say about that for now we gotta do the ad oh let's do an ad speaking of having huge legal fees me undies is supporting us hey listen to that fun summer music summer's coming and for so many of us it's the season of discomfort i know that my undies ride boy and that's summer bye [Music] not a good situation for me when it's hot and sweaty when it's hot out if you could sit around in your underwear you would me undies want you to make this summer of comfort and i want you to know that if you want to sit around in your underwear that's absolutely allowed you should you should probably ask you know feel the room ian's taking up that offer right now yeah just read the room i'd say yeah are you in your underwear right are you in your me undies right now ian yes thank you i knew you were by how comfortable you look get comfortable and express yourself this summer in the undies and classic and bold colors it's fun and adventurous guys rushing home to change into something more comfortable as a thing of the past because guess what me undies is the most comfortable underwear ever made it's made from like this futuristic micro modal it breathe is that saying that right it breathes baby it feels good i'm tired of wearing the same hanes 20 pack underwear that i've been wearing since sixth grade how what's the longest evolved underwear you know what i'm saying definitely a long time you had underwear that's you all have underwear that's disintegrating in your underwear drawer right now guarantee it get rid of that [ __ ] dude it's time to upgrade stay comfy all day and me undies they got undies socks bralettes loungewear and more and you can choose from x dress small to 4xl for our big beautiful friends with their sustainably soft micro moto and ultra light breathe fabric and they've got a great offer for our listeners for any first time purchase you get 15 percent off and free shipping me undies also has their problem free philosophy if you're not 100 billion percent satisfied you get a refund or an exchange no caveats no questions they won't even ask you they'd be like what i love that they'd be like i'm sorry you don't why are you returning the most comfortable underwear no they don't even ask that they're like fine give it back 15 off your first order free shipping go to meundies.com h3 that's me undies dot com slash h3 love them we love our sponsors don't we folks thank you peace so speaking we we kind of got sidetracked with this hoodie thing that i wanted to talk about yeah we have bill gates lined up don't we uh we do and uh we could go to that shortly if you'd like um i do want to uh issue a correction uh the uh that sweater is not from dream the youtuber it's from dream the uh i guess clothing company i've never heard of dream yeah the dream clothing company me you know what i'm just gonna say this this doesn't bother me i don't think this is a ripoff what bothers me is the teddy bear and the exact basement too you know it's like i was like this is the colors are different you know cool fine why you why do you gotta have to throw a teddy bear on the vest it's like just come on bro it's pretty blatant anyway it's different i don't care it's it's not like a james charles thing where it's like a carbon copy yeah doesn't really i just think it's funny they use the teddy bear it's like dude come on what are you doing but i don't care god bless them shout out to their families shout out to their families um um i also wanted to make fun of jake paul a little bit since we're on the topic of trailer um jake paul as you guys know got punched in the face by like was it floyd that punched him or one of his bodyguards pretty unclear because his giant scuffle between a bunch of people but i'm so cynical about all this stuff you know what's funny about triller's lawsuit too it's like do you not want me to talk about your fights it's like i talked so much about your stupid [ __ ] fight before aft and after do you not want me to talk about your fight it's like what do you want yeah it's like self-defeating their whole the whole lawsuit is just moronic with peace and love i'll be sure our lawyers and this is the same case with matt haas too right it was like we are if anything is sending you traffic it's it's like these weird ego plays it's the same thing you know like how do you prove losses anyway if anything they should be paying me for promoting their [ __ ] dumb ass fight you know what i mean uh anyway jake paul got punched in the face and cried like a little [ __ ] i cut your head i got your hat he's crying such a baby he also first of all there's nothing wrong with crying i mean you know i cry but uh all the time oh i'm an emotional wreck but jake paul when he you know again iron eeler jake paul who you know i think that the breadcrumb the breadcrumb on this lawsuit pretty clearly leads which i'll paint for you guys later keemstar snitched on us to jake paul who snitched to trailer that's my theory obviously i don't know anything for sure i'll try to prove that to you guys keemstar of course being the biggest piece of the world which i'll get into but here's uh jake paul crying about his lawsuits um which is just ironic considering the circumstance i have a uh a phone call like with my lawyers for one of the lawsuits and i knew that it was gonna be like a big l and like i'm just sitting on the phone call for literally like like something i did not do like it's it's and it goes back to like people just like attacking jake paul and like wanting to see me fail for literally like nothing like bro like they're suing me for something like on god it's just the most [ __ ] thing and i literally had to pay them a lot of [ __ ] money for no reason and i'm like it just pisses me the [ __ ] off and then [Music] [Music] give him a hug bro [Music] maybe you could sit on that side with him [Music] yeah your piece of [ __ ] hypocrite [ __ ] dumbass and by the way here's what he was sued for he was crying about i'm being sued by a company jake paul has a stake in jake paul was sued i got your hat jake paul was sued for let's see oh this one's actually pretty funny i mean in a horrible way jake and his team drove around scaring unsuspected pedestrians with an abnormally loud car horn somebody sued them saying that they damaged their hearing [Music] he's like i literally didn't do that it's on video posted it to his own channel here's the other one that he the uh the following year jake was sued by his landlord you remember the team 10 house where he was lighting the pool on fire and [ __ ] how could anyone forget right uh the mayor had to make a statement remember that yep so his landlord the owner of that house sued for 2.5 million in damages to the rental property including burn marks in the pool dead shrubbery and broken cabinets i didn't do i swear on god it's just not fair oh god on god bro yo did you guys he did you you anyway um i know gotcha oh and then he was sued a third time uh remember his song litmus where he basically brainwashed kids into buying it was part of his whole christmas album right he had made like a lit miss yeah because it's it's lit uh he was sued for copyright infringement from musicians who he say he stole their track for litmus which was from apparently a 2005 tomb called bad and santa so it was already a christmas beat that he stole um there you have it so my heart my heart goes deeply out to jake paul and uh i just wish i could give him a hug i don't know um but we let's do i've got yeah we better talk to bill gates since he's on the phone and then we'll come back to this whole breadcrumb trail so bill gates um just give you a little recap before we take his call recently divorced 27 years of marriage i was like why aft i was like why would they after 27 years get a divorce unless so my original theory was like did was some did someone cheat you know what do you mean what's so confusing well it's like if you don't like they don't want to be together right but after 27 years and having three kids it's like and and also like so much money there it's like why they could just could they just work it out i'm saying it must something big must have happened i think to justify a divorce i don't know well you just don't one day be like listen i'm over it you're over it that just seems weird to me after 27 years i mean divorces happen like all the time i'm surprised that you're surprised well in this case though well i was right we do know oh okay got your hat dan why don't you tell it because you're the bill gates enthusiast and you take you go ahead because this was your you've been talking about this go ahead dan i won't take this from you yeah well long time fans of the show know that i am a big advocate for bill gates and um yeah uh so an article came out that she actually started talking to divorce lawyers back in 2019 um specifically in october of 2019 and what's interesting about that date is in september of 2019 one month prior there was sort of a bombshell uh i think was in the new yorker uh article by ronan farrow about a lot of rich and powerful people's connections to friend of the show jeffrey epstein and vin diesel come on van um so the timing is a little uh suspicious and um now yeah there is reporting coming out not necessarily confirmed um but the the rumor that is um being published and not i should make it clear it's not like tabloid rumors i think it was the wall street journal that reported this so you know large uh media publications are saying that um that was one of if not the primary motivating factor for melinda filing from divorce from bill so wow yeah so they um pretty crazy right yeah so bill has repeatedly denied a close association with epstein he says that he met him once at a dinner party or something and that was it but what that reporting uh indicated is that that's not really true they actually did do business together they met in 2013 by the way which was several years after he had been convicted for don't say the word come on dan you know better yeah look it up look it up that on the internet information is st you could say um yeah i think most people at this point i think most people at this point know what jeffrey epstein was all about he's a pro you could say he's a predator he's a predator yeah that's honestly that's putting it lightly right he deserves he deserves a lot worse than the predator title anyways um he's epstein he gets his own thing yeah he's kind of on his own he's got his own thing he ruined salt you know there's epstein salt i don't buy that anymore wait are you kidding me i stopped using salt isn't it epson salt oh epson right okay good the boycott's off are you kidding me go ahead dan td mega doodoo anyways um yeah so without getting bogged down in the details uh he did have a longer associate and more uh close association to epstein than he had indicated yeah uh he donated uh he helped facilitate some donations he apparently wandered yeah basically after nation right after yeah after epstein got in trouble um you know he was a large donator to a lot of uh colleges and stuff mit in particular he had given a ton of money to because he was all into this weird like gene editing research and he was like trying to freeze just the guy i want editing jeans yeah he was trying to freeze his sperm so that because he was like epstein was yeah he had this weird belief how is he involved so he was epstein couldn't donate money anymore because he got popped he got blacklisted and then allegedly bill gates was laundering donations he was kind of like helping epstein give the money which was like but that's just it's all gonna come you know when i when i was i'm down trump i mean well i was kind of like a bill gates uh i i thought his work was interesting like the humanitarian work he was doing he's up to some weird [ __ ] dude and how he pledged to give all of his money to charity when he died which but and then when i looked into his epstein connection i what i learned what i thought i've learned was like he's like oh i met him once about some kind of charity or foundation and uh and bad vibes and i never talk to him again according to his wife now ex-wife melinda our soon-to-be ex-wife these [ __ ] what wait bill also flew on his jet apparently um he is he says bill gates reportedly flew on epstein's private jet the lolita express i can't speak to that i had not heard that from new jer well who wrote yeah that's that's not what he called it for the record yeah yeah that was not the official title okay you know that's the uh name that wasn't written on the side of the plane yeah the after watching all the documentaries that came out about epstein i can forgive someone for meeting him once yeah because they're about rich or whatever and yeah they're in the same circles sure but beyond once yeah there's no way you don't know what he's up to it's like his whole life his whole life's purpose was just his the stuff that he was doing yeah it was so bizarre like there's no way you didn't know what he was up to first of all the documentary about him is really good on netflix i recommend but especially someone with like bill gates who's has so much resources and hope high profile i'm assuming that anyone he meets with or even entertains going into business with is vetted to like the nth degree you know what i mean yeah you don't get a meeting with bill gates without them knowing who you are yeah so it's it's definitely sus um wow as far as the flight log thing i i don't know who put that in there i i'm pretty certain that isn't true because i i've when we talked about that scene stuff a few years ago i looked into the flight logs and who was on there and there's a lot of prominent names and bill gates you said it's not true he did not fly on the thing he did not it was going around on the internet for a while but that's what the flight loss was damn you're trying to get me sued by bill gates i don't put it in there yeah like i said i i did i i was unaware of any connection bill gates has his own plane i'm pretty sure yeah bill gates doesn't need to hit your ride on anything yeah exactly um lolita express yeah but regardless the point being he he had vehemently downplayed his connections to epstein and anyway it creeped out his wife enough to want to get a divorce right and i guess his wife had already expressed that like i don't like that you're associating with this guy and he's like okay no problem i won't and then it came out even has an update new york times march 2013 mr gates flew on epstein's gulfstream plane from teterboro airport in new jersey to palm beach florida according to a flight manifest mr arnold said mr gates who has his own 40 million dollar jet hadn't been aware it was mr epstein's plane he didn't know it was epstein's plane yeah no your own plan okay i guess there's some interesting according to ian who's a reputable source ian is a legend yeah ian's not wrong well anyway listen there's a lot of questions but like we've got bill gates on hold yeah i mean we're asking we can ask him and have him clear this all up wow i didn't know yeah let's talk to bill okay hold on one second appreciate him standing by i know he's busy yeah you know he's like semi-retired now so maybe he's you know let's hear what he's gonna say so give me one second i'm uh but this is quite an honor i mean this is an exclusive i don't think he's publicly done any interviews or spoken about the divorce or anything like that right uh bill are you on the line do we have bill yes i'm here oh oh oh oh okay first of all bill thank you for joining us i understand excited to be on well thank you though it's likewise now i understand there's a lot going on i just want to ask first of all how are you doing well i'm i'm i'm okay i'm just a little um a little uh depressed and sad about a lot of the vilification uh around uh the vaccinations and then obviously what's going on with uh my possible impending divorce and i just thought i'd reach out to you because you have a wonderful platform with a lot of people who are dating and having a good time oh wait a minute dating yeah uh bill there our audience might be a little young for you right oh well that seemed that's okay that's okay i can handle that right it's ages are you saying age is more just a number to you age is just a binary metric uh of someone's life it's not necessarily where they are in their life right i get it it's all just ones and o's well let me ask you this bill to be more specific would you consider someone that age 100 to be within a territory or no well i am looking for someone look i i mean you know this i i'm going to be honest with you because your group of people who listen to your show know that um that probably have been reading and my i'm in a loveless marriage and it's time i i want to take the shackles off and turn my software back into hardware oh wow really live the last few years of my life with someone who's much more attractive and fun oh so is this so well according to uh media reports your wife is the one that's leaving you are you disputing that no i i'm not disputing that it's the only woman i've excuse me oh i'm sorry it's it's just it's the only woman who was willing to marry me and now she's leaving so i'm kind of back to zero but it's it's okay i have a lot of money uh she's gonna get a lot of it but i feel i can uh be with someone for these last you know few decades that it's much more um much more fun to be with melinda was always about charitable giving and saving people all i've ever really wanted to do is party because you can probably tell i'm a party guy right when i say party i mean reading right sure of course um well uh there's been a lot of concerning the reports has been that your wife actually left you because of your alleged ties with epstein are you well i i ethan i would like to say that it's not necessarily i went to uh mr epstein who i barely know i was only to his island 23 or 24 times wow that is weight that's a wow okay i was just in and out honestly basically i was just there to ask for some money uh because we figured he'd be a wonderful uh a panacea to a lot of people who are philanthropic to help with a lot of the work that we were doing well i'm i'm sensing a little bit of bs here uh mr gates you were asking epstein for money you're like the richest man of the man in the world i mean what i mean to me that i'm i'm just i'm not getting a satisfactory explanation for why you need to go to that island i would ethan i would like to point out that you remind me of my uh wife's divorce attorney number one and secondly i would like to say that uh uh i am even though i'm one of the richest men in the world i believe in opp oh what is that other people's money oh right i guess i guess you don't you don't become the richest by using your own money right bill exactly exactly and that's how we built microsoft to be one of the greatest corporations in history with one of the greatest operating systems what do you think about um what do you think about like are you're not putting microchips in vaccines here right like i want to ask you that just straight up oh we tried but you kept showing up in the photos they were too obvious we just couldn't get them small enough right right okay so they're not so just to clear the record they're not in there you try not but if you're yet we're working as hard as we can to get them as tiny as possible probably the next round of vaccines will have it oh that's comforting to know yes exactly wow but i was hoping that maybe your audience could help me to get back to uh dating and there's some dating sites i'm unaware of so much of what's going on out there what dating sites are you on are you are you on any are you looking i wanted to ask your people maybe even you and your lovely wife who you're you're having a wonderful relationship with yeah as opposed to my wife melinda but uh there's a site called elite singles which i thought would be perfect for me uh farmers only oh farmers only i know that site yeah there's a zusk is that anything that you would use zeus i'm not familiar with that um our time which is for older people then there's a lesbian one called her oh lesbian that would double my chances i don't think i don't think that you i think a lesbian site's probably just i mean well seeing as i mean you're not a lesbian right i don't want to misgender you or something or no no i just figured if it's the whole site is women i'd have a better chance i see that i don't think that's the intention no yeah i think you missed the point there there's something uh called a bumble have you heard of bumble i have heard of bumble that could work i think that's perfect for me because i love tuna so that might be a wonderful thing you like tuna right and then there's christian mingle oh oh are you looking to meet a christian woman not necessarily but there's also satanic singles so if i you know i could cover both bases you know uh mr gates i want to ask you there's this famous video i don't know if you can see my screen can you see my screen dan uh no but uh well there's a famous video of you drinking uh poo water yes that's the that's my poop water yeah you want to tell me a lot of money into that here let me play for the audience he has this whole refinery where he is very raw sewage the solution we're seeing here and it generates electricity it generates potable drinking water so right how was that poop water i've always wondered it's it's it's not just poop it's urine too all right thank you for that correct world electricity it makes incredibly clean water with just a hint of salt you know what i mean and there's not just the regular water there's chunky too oh no it's got a pen you know they it's interesting though a pinch of salt you know like there's there's certain labels that do that for they say a little bit of like uh you know salt for flavor right right and we we have that we're we're taking just tons of poop and urine and turning it into you're probably drinking it now and you're not even aware of it well oh yeah what you know what you used my whole life growing up you were the richest man in the world straight up bill gates now you've got you've got people like elon musk you got jeff bezos and well jeff and i are friends he told me he'd be my wingman if we went out oh right both recently devoured that funny eye which i think is going to turn the girls off yeah who do you think who do you think would have an easier time picking up girls you are or jeff well i think jeff because he's got that shaved head and he looks like uh uh he i think him with a monocle on and a tuxedo he'd do very very well i don't see why you can't rock that you know jeff has been working out uh far more than i have because i love my cheeseburgers and french fries which we're trying to get to a totally plant-based uh kind of because i'm working with the impossible burger people okay that's important i i appreciate that insight but are you jealous of perhaps of elon and jeff's because they're both doing the space race do you feel left out at all that you're not like i feel totally left out i could have easily come up with a rocket ship or something like that but i am this is all melinda's fault by the way because we're so busy trying to save the world and uh climate and all the boring stuff and these guys are going up in rockets and they're making me look like a total loser right yeah yeah you better step up that space race stuff and you better get your story straight with epstein because i'm a little bit worried about you because you told us today you went to his island 23 times that just sounds suspicious to me so mr gates like i said i was in i was out i was in i was out that's no that does not sound good mr gabe no that's uh my attorney uh about that you know but we're we're doing so many wonderful things i'm investing in so many companies and you know i was i predicted covid uh many many years before it happened really wait i did a ted talk on it i did a full ted talk you can watch it i said this was going to be the the issue and that's why we were so out front with the vaccines so you predicted it so okay bill are you did you invent kovid did you release kovid i i wouldn't say invented it but i helped put it all together oh man that is not something you want to say well because otherwise the ted talk would be worthless so the ted talk now if you go back and watch it it has a little bit of a difference makes perfect sense it makes sense i'm still pissed about not having rockets to go to mars oh man bill you've got a lot of messaging to work on with your lawyer i'll say that absolutely absolutely and i i i want to clear up one other thing and i don't know are you are you going to be asking me about that other thing i told your producer not to ask me about uh no because i don't know what what is that well what do you want to tell me about it i mean the whole thing of the foreskins that we've been taking oh you know you've been harvesting foreskins yeah i i'm curious about that bill um what what are you doing with all those foreskins basically what we're doing is extracting the stem cells from the foreskins and then we're done with the foreskins i make wallets out of them oh no bill bill where do you get these foreskins by the way this is a real story this isn't a gag right uh yeah no he's uh he's been on a uh an easter egg easter egg hunt kind of situation well where are you getting foreskin in this world uh well actually biso bezos has them on amazon now but directly uh when we're over in some of the countries we're working in oh man i i would name the country but then i don't want every other billionaire rushing there to right right right wow man yeah you don't want the competition so we're we've got bill gates here drowning i can see the photo with uh elon musk and uh uh what's her name gizelle i think you know her name yeah i'm pretty sure you know her name i can't remember she looks very familiar though oh do you yeah have you met gisele uh just chisel jizzle lane maxwell i i i i would be remiss if i said i didn't let me ask you one more thing do you have any idea how epstein managed to un-alive himself do you have any involvement in that now that we know you're no i have nothing to do with that neither does bezos neither does bloomberg neither does clinton all of us got together and pretty much decided we had nothing to do with it all right okay that checks out yeah listen bill good luck with all the baby foreskin i'm sure you're working on something really exciting well that's my next big thing is baby forest and get out in space there will you you're embarrassing yourself absolutely as soon as i divorce uh whatever her name is melinda then it's going to be party time for bill gates well st i just stay away from known predators all right and you'll be good absolutely and don't believe what you're gonna read online in these next few weeks okay all right i'm getting ready to not believe it thank you bill gates for calling into the show what a what a honor what an honor thank you bill good luck best of luck to you bill gates what an exclusive wow yeah there's a lot of a lot to unpack there um 23 visits to the island that's kind of a big revelation i mean it takes usually a couple dozen visits to kind of get an impression of somewhere zach are you where are you speaking of epstein's island look at that has backgrounds of the beach yes uh chill day today [Music] that's actually a true story about the baby foreskin though isn't it uh evidently so he actually is collecting foreskin interesting can you get a headline i actually want to know there's a lot you can do with baby foreskin dude i mean right it's a valuable commodity i just want to know if he's really doing it though there's a facebook group on it okay well then it's true then [Laughter] uh for the youtube raiders watching this um that was all parody including parody parody parody and minecraft parody in minecraft so back up to my conspiracy i am very surprised by the whole story though i didn't know well his wife kind of like oh you know was another interesting wrinkle is that like weeks before she filed for divorce bill sent her like uh two billion dollars in microsoft stock like he was trying to like pay her off because this whole revelation about the epstein connection is pretty groundbreaking yeah because when i read about it i was like ah he didn't have any like what he didn't even you know what i mean but his own wife is like nah this guy is way too close there's no such thing as a coincidence what it's like bill said in the call he's like me clinton trump bloomberg the royal family bloomberg all got together and decided that they had nothing to do with it so oh here it is oh wow so here this happened bill gates transferred 2.4 billion in stocks to assume to be ex-wife melinda 600 million more than what was initially reported on the day of one of the wealthiest couple's announcement they were splitting so what do you make of that weird yeah super weird there's no such thing as the coin that's right oh man super weird hey um joe biden do you think i should get pizza tonight i don't think he's on the call no but joe oh i probably best i don't oh oh deny what about the economy won't that boost the economy joe biden [Laughter] sleepy joe provided me okay i i need the whole sound bite here this is my favorite soundbite of the i'm just gonna pull it up on youtube this is the best sound bite of the decade joe biden whispering it grows the economy i don't think you've seen the whole thing yet either no i haven't guess what it crossed the economy these are all really long here someone just find me the short one because these are all super long so anyway before bill gates rudely interrupted we were talking about uh um guess what yeah it goes the economy there benefits everybody hurts nobody okay now let me ask you again joe biden what do you think about ordering pizza tonight you see that's pretty funny nobody right and bro you don't [ __ ] hate joe biden is the man dude across the economy across the economy [Laughter] that guy gets killed you know what i want to do because i have to pee come on we have this um okay should i play the mayo ad i don't want to miss it though i just have to pee really bad maybe i should just give ila a moment to shine eli you shine shining how do i i'll be back in literally 30 seconds what a big pimps ask joe biden about things that will stimulate the economy um joe biden should i buy a new bag right should ethan and ela buy me the zero gravity uh joke should even anila buy me the zero gravity uh gyro chair that's right thank you joe benefits everybody you guys have donations uh ian that you guys saved that we should read or no not really it's just they don't show anymore uh i saw one that said 4.99 can you all please not have bella thorne on your show well it's horn she's harmed so many sex workers and she is actually gross that's not the girl we're talking about we're never going to have bella thorne on the show but um bella porch different bella and there's too many bellas we've dealt with bill delphine i guess that's bell not bella she her and i kind of connected in the dms and you slid into bella's dms huh ela she's really nice and i think that i don't know i feel like she gets no i feel like she kind of gets like i don't know i don't know if it's just like maybe i just shouldn't look at comments ever but sometimes i see people kind of being mean to her and um i feel like it's going to be interesting for them to hear her story and hear more about her because she really is interesting i really don't know very much about her at all uh other than the fact that she's a huge she's huge on tick tock and everything but um yeah and you guys said that so i'm kind of i'm curious for the interview as well which uh assuming we're able to work out the logistics and she comes on um her first interview so kind of a big deal she's never done one before so um okay someone said waiting on ela pronunciation so how to pronounce my name the thing is that i before i find out on goddamn youtube that's how we've been finding all the advantages right i didn't even know i was being sued until i saw that press release everyone knows everything before we do it well usually you get served we didn't get started well because their lawyers are such [ __ ] and competent they don't they go on the complaint it says h3 puck has an unknown business entity they don't know anything about us they don't know the name or business they don't know where we do business how are they going to serve us when they haven't done the bare minimum to even do that research here's this is just came out from emily baker here here i'll just pull it up here [ __ ] me okay this is big news let me just finish i'm sorry this is just big news i got excited go ahead is joe biden approving i was gonna talk about the my name pronunciation so because it's in hebrew it's like in english i don't know you can say it however you want really in hebrew you say ilan so go ahead and translate it however makes sense so that the emphasis is on the the second uh syllable right but because like i always say ela oh well i americanized it and he said like hilar because ela i say i like silent age yeah yeah don't use the i spell it like i l a but i see the way i write it is h-i-l-a just because that was what i thought made sense the thing is there's the sound in hebrew that doesn't really oh my god did i even can i get one of those too oh my god legend oh i thought maybe once for you thank you so much oh my goodness elizabeth if you got some more yeah i'm sure i'll take some elizabeth just brought us coffee it was the best moment of my day oh i yeah why because this one says it's darker oh um you know i've been wondering lately did i not spell my name correct no it's fine it's just is that how you would spell it though h-i-l-a i think that's how you spell that's how people spell it no i like the way it's spelled it's just that in hebrew there's this pronunciation that doesn't really exist in english the like it's like the h i sound in your name is is something that you don't see in english hilah hilah but it's like hilar it's like the inflection too right the reflection being on the on the back half of the name yeah he's not unusual for like he loves i feel like yeah but that sounds like so odd i feel like i'm shouting your name like you're like it's like you're speaking here but the thing is that when you you're speaking english you can't say like that it's like it's like right it doesn't fit the rhythm of the language it's like saying homos or hummus you know right like hey i'm gonna eat homos it just doesn't go in one sentence yeah when it sticks out yeah so i get used to the way you say it but i really don't mind if people say it like another way because i mean it's not like one way is incorrect some people call you gila and i think that's totally fine too yeah it's not like incorrect okay this is just breaking news this was just posted an hour ago by emily d baker who's been following and reading all the complaints that i've been following so this is news to me this is breaking [ __ ] news okay so uh the title is triller motion denied i don't know what's coming but let's find out we're not done with the judge says just yet judge anderson the judge from round one of the truth okay so just for update for guys who haven't been following closely judge anderson [ __ ] slapped them he he like destroyed them on the first complaint and everyone was like wow we when they filed the second one against me we're like wow we really hope it's the same judge because he has no patience for them and it's well let's just watch h3 lawsuit has declined to take on round two of the h3 triller lawsuit saying that port ordered plaintiff to show why the separate alleged infringers named in the action were properly joined plaintiff had no well-pleaded facts that the defendants did anything other than operate independently the judge is saying that this case is so separate from the others there's no reason he should take it on to his docket and denied the transfer to his court one more time to say that plaintiff had no well pleaded facts and that remains the case in this lawsuit i'm interested to see what the judge assigned does next i have no idea what that means well she kept saying that their lawsuit's so thin they don't have well-pleaded facts which means like when you file a lawsuit you need facts like on this show at this time on this time stamp this is when they did the damage you know what i mean and they don't do any of that and she was saying like we need to get uh she was saying that this could be easily thrown out just for not having well pleated facts i don't know obviously she's not my attorney so but but i don't know what this means so i guess it's not as exciting as i thought i don't know who's judge anderson but it sounds good he's the guy who [ __ ] slapped him the first time agent anderson i like him oh her description here maybe this is helpful he oh judge anderson legend astrix legend legendary judge anderson was asked by triller to take on round two of the trailer h3 lawsuit this would make litigation potentially easier to coordinate for triller i guess they're just taking short trying to take a shortcut like the whole lawsuit is a big shortcut judge anderson is having none of it says the cases are not related denied the motion but not without stating the complaint lacked well-pleaded facts one last time i guess in his opinion he keeps [ __ ] slapping them it sounds like he's just um not allowing this technical thing of like grouping it together but it's not like it's dismissed no it sounds like they keep trying to take shortcuts to like save money they're like okay we're going to remove everyone and just do h3 they're like no you have to i don't i actually don't understand this i'd like to call her not like for legal advice but just to have like a breakdown because i don't i don't think that my attorneys would want to necessarily you want us to dm her on twitter or something see if she wants to call in yeah let me that would be [ __ ] epic that'd be amazing here let me jammer could we follow each other oh or eden alexander said about to bust my matter of law shirt from the first i know i know well you know you know we're gonna have to be selling matter of law part twos you know i gotta merge the [ __ ] out of this to help to raise money right like lock him up with jake free ethan shirts something is about too much so i gotta sell some like call the lawsuit super bowl kind of memes like super bowl super bowl two hopefully not there's not three yo you available you'll be able to call into our show here oh so um people are saying it just means that it's gonna go to another judge so so why would they why would they want the same judge because i think it was out of the district they they're they were like suing in the wrong district the whole thing was a mess because obviously we're in california and they were trying to whatever not interesting disappointed disappointed okay whatever and see if she responds though because she is interesting anyway so keemstar is a snitch so keemstar who as you all know is the worst person in the world stand up fella admits that he snitched and i guess he takes great pride and the thing the thing about keemstar's you know what actually let me talk about this first on the last episode we were like where's the [ __ ] why do you have a edica folder on your desktop you remember or like you're so psychotic so keemstar thought he'd be cute and make an ntf of keemstar's desk or nft of keemstar's desktop except there's one folder missing the one that we all thought was the super creepiest he's like look he's like look i'm gonna make a joke out of this yeah self-aware [Laughter] except where's the edica folder that we all saw yeah and the top comment is keem we're going to need an explanation on the edica folder like all of the comments without that of course of course because of course he's just drawing attention it's like he's so stupid he's actually did he sell any of these i'm curious can i tell if he sold any bids uh i don't know no active bids yet killing it game starts crushing it with these hot memes literally zero bids should we bid i think that would be yeah what's the let's see um oh here he's got a few sails he has a bit of zero but wait he minted it and then he put it on sale 10 editions for zero eve so he gave it away it's just so he wouldn't be embarrassed that nobody bought it i say so somebody bought it for .005 eth okay no he said he listed it for zero it's right but you can bid more than zero you know what i would pay for the screenshot of that you know what let's make an nft of the etiquette folder the correct one and that's the real [ __ ] uh obviously not but such a [ __ ] weirdo yeah exactly so keemstar thinks he's like playing 3d chess so keemstar in an effort to i guess 3d chess is just like normal right not the best time to mess that up sound like an idiot so keemstar whose main goal in life i guess is to try to like ruin my life or something as uh he's going against his own self-interest in all of youtube's by snitching on me to trill here's in his own words um i don't think trailers looking to go to war with like a creator you know what i mean no they are they they are i talked to him so that's just so banks goes why would trillar go to war with the creator keemstar says no they are i talk to him that's just part one here's the part where um one of his friends explicitly says the following keemstar called into nick's stream and he said look yeah i did snitch the thriller all right i snitched them i told him that he admitted to pirating your fight on the show and and sure enough something happened to ethan so [ __ ] them because ethan's been trying to go after me and go after hell my right to own a kid that's what keemstar said and that's true like literally last week the last episode we took a look at on the h3 podcast they're literally talking about a keemstar shouldn't have a kid um i i wish keemstar didn't have a kid but i didn't say he shouldn't have a kid these kids are so demented bro so he goes i'm gonna snitch on h3 to triller and [ __ ] up all of fair use for all of youtube just to get a one-up on ethan that's [ __ ] up so this is my breadcrumb theory is like obviously keemstar doesn't know when that trailer he's a [ __ ] nobody so he but he's friends with jake paul he was you remember he was defending jake paul being like um he's like i totally believe jake paul and this person accusing jake paul is lying because she could have just turned her head so he's friends with jake paul so i think he just told jake paul who already hates me and jake paul told this one other guy anyone that we criticize on the show can start immediately like the end it's so great dude it's wild like bryce hall started tweeting at me and i know that keemstar's keemstar was involved because they always end up tweeting out the same video of me being like this you yeah it's like always the same videos like oh my god keep i can't believe gabriel is like hey you want some dirt you have some dirt on h3 yeah yeah it's like bryce hall was tweeting at me being like oh old man why are you talking [ __ ] i was like okay dude lay off the steroids bro so cool so he snitched um great really really nice let me know because i got a [ __ ] files on top of files to swing back at little did i know that his father he had files on files on etica yeah he's just such a nice guy he came yeah yeah he's a sweetheart a lovable psychopath um but it's fine you know we're dealing with it but um well the point of course talking about that is since we noticed keemstar had that etiqa folder on his desktop and it you know really disturbed all of us we were actually able to leverage some of our here's the screenshot for the record where he uh you know oops did not include where is it top top top left edica top left that's the most accessible one spotify etica steem etika uh so we were we actually hacked into keemstar's computer i know i'm i'm confessing to a crime here so hopefully keemstar is just sticking on me to the fbi well he's gonna just throw it in the folder yeah throw it in the hd crimes here's another one for your folder [ __ ] timestamp disconcert send it to the fbi yes we hacked into your computer and we found what a bunch of thumbnails for upcoming drama alert videos and you guys are not going to believe some of the videos we found he's working on seems like he's really kind of expanding the horizon of uh his content too really so here we go guys my favorite beard dye and makeup palette getting into makeup tutorials yeah yeah keemstar is working on a beauty palette is daytime uh kilometer routine getting ready getting ready for work in the morning very important stuff uh the next one oh no oh no so this is an episode he was planning but cancelled after the tragic death of his friend of course after you know epstein was in the news he says fun times with my best friend forever it's a picture of keemstar with epstein at his private island fun time what's too bad that's shocking that would have gone before i understand why i didn't post that one though that is a shocking admission for him to make wow next one you know how to make custom jorts oh that's nice because keemstar is always wearing shorts as you know a man of class and taste and so he's actually he is planning to do a tutorial on george those are jean shorts by the way i've always wondered how he did that pretend to be a good person yeah where do you find those right yeah all right oh no keemstar oh no now this is of course this classic video where he's angrily calling a gentleman by the name of alex a racial slur starting with the letter n what and he's replaying those here on drum alert kind of a little retrospective you think it's a reenactment maybe he was gonna reenact it kind of got the glasses back yeah oh crap his beard they messed up his beard what is this it's a barber lawsuit oh my god my barber messed me up dog it looks like keemstar is gonna have a lawsuit on his hand with his barber or maybe his oh man who knew that's what he's hiding under the beard that explains a lot which is kind of true that's keemstar without a beard folks oh my goodness how i destroyed fair use on youtube snit and this is him on the phone snitching to triller interesting wow this is the moment he snitched to triller wow we got it on camera which is kind of true yeah he goes i'm going to destroy fairies on youtube but as long as i can just get put ethan klein through a little bit of a pain in the ass then it's all good you know interesting he also was like three feet tall which i didn't know not to like short uh not to like short shame but like this ice cream comb he's only like 10 times taller than this ice cream cone yeah really cross the line i'm sorry you're right oh flipping alcohol prices for big profits he's selling alcohol to kids it looks like kim juice game juice keem juice that's inappropriate sounds like something he'd do though doesn't it [Music] david duke interview oh wait a minute that i can actually see happening ironically david duke of course famously uh former head of the kkk or something i don't know if he's the head he was a grand a grand dragon or one dragon wizard graham wizard yeah grand dragon sounds like some no that's that's a real kick they're dragons really all it's still doesn't sound like so white supremacy it sounds like no the whole it's all it's it's i know wizards it's all like cosplay for weirdo white supremacists are using that grand they call themselves the grand wizard they really do yeah the wizard i didn't know dragon though that sounds like what yeah uh the grand cowboy yeah something white trash what's that then i just looked it up grand dragon yeah grand dragon dr samuel greene in atlanta georgia flanked by children yeah i mean it's a i want to be a dragon [Music] um oh here's another one top five lives i've ruined interesting that he keeps tally tony that's of course the uh old streamer he accused of being a p word falsely alex as we all know scarce oh i'm on the list ethan i don't see i won't say you've ruined my life the ice cream kit [Music] you guys are the ice cream kid pull that up just for recollection keemstar ice cream kid prank he says this is fake you're responsible for this if you he says this is fake but if it is this is the best i've ever planned so we got you modern warfare 3 for the xbox do you have an xbox no guess what we got you an xbox too and a controller so you can play that game isn't that awesome cool giving back you ready to do this hold over bring it look at it look at it why did you do this oh i'm doing that but at the end here we're fans of the bad kids show happy thanksgiving jaden this is just a joke it was just for a video okay so i got you some ice cream cool so epic don't you guys love keemstar can you imagine he goes oh we were just kidding he goes oh we were just kidding yeah that kid was definitely happening it is literally that kid is not having a good time yo we were just kidding look how much joy by the way you could tell this guy feels bad he's like i'm sorry but keemstar is about back being like yeah baby [Laughter] can someone explain how you can live with yourself while being keemstar no conscience like so anyway he this kid just a little retrospective about this kid is actually the ice cream kid makes the list so he's still in therapy to this day uh here's keemstar in the woods they will never find the bodies ela they will never find the bodies very important stuff cops are looking for me [Laughter] oh keemstar is suing [Music] a theme park he hates roller coasters because apparently he finds the top the height limitation discriminatory interesting oh here he is with his best friend face blanks our new business is not a scam they say and they have a picture of a pyramid with team at the top and his followers at the bottom looks like a pyramids game but they've assured us it's not a scam oh and this is my favorite ela i was born in the wrong generation death to all jews what was that keemstar death to all jews [Music] disgusting well there you have it [Music] yep we've hacked into his desktop and those are all genuine videos he's planning i'm looking forward to a lot of those yeah i got notification i hit that bell notifications on born in the wrong generation that one shocked especially with him saying death to all jews that's just out of that's just out of pocket even for him even for a dude that has an ethical folder on his desktop that's too far right [Laughter] we have fun don't we folks oh do we have speaking of keemstar oh here this is [ __ ] hilarious just unrelated but fake you know i've been calling faze banks phase blanks i think he's [ __ ] because his perpetually horribly like brain dead takes so faced blanks commented on my making fun of him on the recent podcast here is this take you guys should enjoy this i think he's [ __ ] stupid to be honest and it's funny because he refers to me as face blanks says i'm dumb um h3 if you're listening to this i'm infinitely smarter than you and um infinitely more successful than you and i don't know he's infinitely smarter you guys it can't even be measured his intellect is beyond is beyond measuring face blanks he's blank i just love that we have a sound bite of him yeah if i if i'm so stupid then how come we got a sound bite of you saying phase blanks i'm infinitely smarter than you and um infinitely more successful than you you know what's ironic ela the only way his iq could be infinitely different than mine is if it was zero checkmate phase blinks zero iq turns out i'm infinitely smarter it says also oh and he goes i'm infinitely more successful i was like bro i didn't even say anything i never said you were unsuccessful insecure much yeah yeah listen to this i think he's [ __ ] stupid me too trust me i'm reminded every day how dumb i am h3 if you're listening to this i'm infinitely smarter than you and um infinitely more successful than you and i don't have to make [ __ ] infinitely more successful i can't measure how successful he is to dumb youtube videos with you know cosplaying with trisha paytas and punching down and making up [ __ ] about every other creator and i'm not gonna lie down i thought he was more successful than you yeah if he's more successful yeah wait a minute you can't be both blank blanks i'm infinitely smarter than you and infinitely more successful and i don't like you punching down on me this is [ __ ] stupid this is the dumbest man one of the dumbest men in existence right here folks face blanks that's why we call them face blanks which is hilarious and now we have a sound bite of him saying face blank so checkmate dumbass blanks yeah i'm dumb too i'm a dumb idiot but i never said you were not successful by the way so that's just your own weird projection yeah like that was never part of that he's like listen i have scammed so many kids of cs go lottos i have so much more money than you hey i didn't i never argued that but hey don't punch down i'm infinitely smarter than you and i'm infinitely more successful than you by the way that's a joke that's a alligator that's just a ru i've i heard uh allegations that he was involved in cs golotto i don't know for sure that is just a statement without so you know legal disclaimers and all that not a lot of love has a correction for me got to correct me love um right he owned cisco wild allegedly oh the face oh so i wasn't wrong because he seems like the type of dude to scam kids on cs go gambling that's why i made the pyramid scheme thing he's like bro i'm infinitely more successful than you face blanks [Laughter] i love him this guy's such a these guys are such goons i mean look at them they're like the frat boys that never grew up look at these two unloved these guys were not loved growing up i'm sorry that seems low but i mean how do you end up like this you know what that's not their fault though i love them i want to love them face blanks it's not his fault his head is empty i feel like i could be friends with faze blanks do you think he was gonna have to stop calling him face blanks probably if you want that to happen well he's the one that said it not me i don't know if you would hang out with someone who's infinitely dumber than him that's just me like like he's like hey ethan you wanna hang you wanna play video games i'm like i think he's [ __ ] stupid yeah i agree we do agree on that trust me oh this 30 second clip is like such a jewel to me when i heard this i was just giggling dude really thought i was i think he's [ __ ] stupid to be honest and it's funny because he refers to me as face blanks says i'm dumb um h3 if you're listening to this i'm infinitely smarter than you and um infinitely more successful than you and i don't know infinitely anyone who says that about themselves it can't be true it's so insecure bro it's like the most he's losing insecurity i'm hella smart and successful bro oh and ethan if you're listening i'm hella smart and hella successful some nights are just so they're so clean they're so crisp yes christmas come early from faze blanks chase blanks it's so awesome yeah that was that was my favorite that was my favorite thing why can't we oh i don't want to see any too good but why can't we be friends i feel like i could be friends with faze blanks i think keemstar is too evil to go to college first yeah i have to go to like uh physical therapy i have to learn how to use like the i have to learn how to speak again you gotta get the diamond ring in the call of duty i need to go to re physical uh i it's like my br you know when you get like a terrible head trauma and you have to re-educate yourself how to talk that's me compared to his infinite intellect face blanks is crushing algorithms that we can crushing algorithms in his sleep bro faze blanks is mining bitcoin in his sleep with his brain [Laughter] face blank he's crushing algorithms like his brain's processing power uses the equivalent energy of the country of ireland yeah yeah exactly did phase just watching my algorithms get across exactly phase blanks is making don jr blush with how he's crushing algorithms face blanks blanks i can't believe he said it i think that's the best nickname i've ever came up with anyone for um for anyone i'm just so proud of it and the fact that he said it i just can't get over it anyway enough about those bozos you want to see if you got a dm back oh sure let me check my phone real fast i got a text from my lawyer facebook what is love's update on thinking about his family being shot in the face every day all right that was last week yeah oh i forgot have you been have you been doing that love oh yeah bite okay so just the update thank you oh my god the chat reminded me i almost forgot i was like elo what are you talking about okay so last time we watched a video garyvee saying he goes i want you to sit at home for five minutes and genuinely imagine someone you love being shot in the face um once a day genuinely sit there for five minutes and make pretend one of them got shot in the face that was his tip to finding happiness in life so love tell me about your happiness your schedule first of all tell me about once a day i went all out tell me about your first of all like your your uh tell me about your ritual what i was thinking like the only time i don't do anything normally is in my bed so i just took it down so every time before i before i fell asleep i think all right and then who did you imagine was being shot in the face uh well i went through the list i went through my whole family i had seven days on me so pretty much my whole family okay right and what did you feel did you feel it really or did it feel silly or did you really feel sadness doing it it sucked it it's really terrible i don't recommend it say like a quick tutorial to get depression i feel like you choose depression speed run okay so wait this is really interesting yeah so you would lay in bed you would imagine for five minutes straight would you time it or would you say that's enough no yeah pretty much until i'm completely just if after three minutes you're just it's enough kind of bored of it yeah so you didn't follow his rules though he said five minutes yeah then maybe that's why it didn't work that's right yeah i think you might need to do it again this week and report back no no way well love you said everyone that everyone you loved the most did you event did you imagine me being shot in the face well didn't he say family like family okay i was just testing his loyalty otherwise of course i would have thought about you thank you just testing you so immediate so immediately after following gary's v advice you would come out of this trance and what what would you be feeling just pure sadness horrible horrible and then you would go [Music] and then you would go to bed when you woke up the next day did you have any like appreciate appreciation like that didn't happen this person is alive and everything's okay no just it was just a bad time before i went to sleep that's all damn that sounds like it was a bust i was thinking about it one day because we were kind of laughing about it and i was thinking to myself like if i really tried to go there in my mind i did i couldn't even let myself go there because it just seems awful she seems like what's the point it's just bad it's almost like enabling like uh this intrusive thoughts right but like times 1000 and it's like why would you want to do that it's because it's like all it's like all these motivational speakers they they say something that sounds really profound but it's like shocking it's really yeah so yeah i cannot try to imagine for who that this would be good for i mean i'm doing pretty good like i'm not i'm i'm just chilling like i'm not sad generally i'm pretty happy so this would just make me sad but maybe for someone who's sad already thinking that something could be worse well gary that might be the thing right gary vee seems like a guy who's got it all together right he says the biggest thing for my happiness play the sound bite [Music] the biggest thing for my happiness like he said he says nothing makes him happier nothing maybe once a day genuinely sit there for five minutes and make pretend one of them got shot in the face and then he says nothing contributes more to my happiness that's so messed up than doing it no way he's a psychopath yeah that's pretty crazy all right well you know what love came around on that because he was a little bit more skeptical last week but after doing it for a week it's like gary's uh love has your opinion of garyvee changed after performing this exercise well yeah of course i'm near to near full depression like i don't like him anymore oh what if like this is step one and then step two branding his name on your genitals step two is imagine you are the one shooting them oh stop it that is so good you could you have a future in self-help gurus yeah you could sell that course you need to start a seminar wow are you willing to do that next week no i'm just kidding don't do that please well i mean first thing for the show no i don't want you to i don't want you to suffer love first of all join my i i'm sorry i'm sorry you went through that yeah thank you for doing it i mean it was a real i'm actually i actually found thought the experiment was really interesting so i appreciate your putting yourself through that yeah it works you're okay though you're all good yeah i'm fine as i said i'm just happy i'm feeling so that was just like a momentarily sadness that's all it was i i knew you know i and i knew that sounded like a terrible idea but i'm glad we got some empirical evidence to back it up yeah i mean and and love being like a well-adjusted happy kind of person i feel like if you were actually depressed that might tip you over the edge i mean yeah i don't know possibly yeah that's just kind of irresponsible to be honest you shouldn't really be putting that [ __ ] out there genuinely i love those are genuinely like no missing this is not hyperbole i am literally instructing you all thank you um one more thing the chat is asking if ab did it too oh did you do it a.b i didn't but after visiting home yeah i might try ela's theory to help me fall asleep really having some beef with the family back home yeah i came home and like half my cousins are now who are you kidding crazy right ring like what conspiracy theorists yeah like not to that degree but i see some of them possibly dip in their toes and yeah different types of that yeah we got in a fight before we got home i got picked up from the airport and we got a fight before i got back to the house what what were you guys arguing about i'm honestly embarrassed to say that i'm even i mean i don't want to get anywhere yeah yeah that sucks really it's that it's i'm so curious wait dan you know the details because dan said no no no but i'm just i'm i'm getting the vibe he doesn't necessarily want to share that bubble you brought it up yeah i'm gonna come no just i don't know just i'd love to know i mean people getting their information from memes facebook uh news sources right okay well they should he you should listen to the podcast this is the only source of uh correct and accurate news well you're back soon ab we miss you thank you miss you guys yeah forget a b lena's like [ __ ] thank you lean is impossible to live without uh i'm just kidding we love you i miss and i i look forward to seeing you guys both um okay so moving on we got a lot to talk about here still we got the craft mail i'm sorry the lawyer wants to know when can we talk while you do that i saw people asking for a nail how long we've been going down update uh about two hours holy [ __ ] it's gonna be a long episode y'all let's party can you zoom in uh will that work yeah uh give me one second wow it's little teddy bears oh is it really yeah so cute nice it looks awesome i'm sorry guys i'm just uh this is urgent about this did it take a did it take a long time to do it yeah no it's i'm just setting up a time to talk to him okay yeah um sorry what's that oh emily wants to call in right yeah i was wondering she wants to call in okay so so i'll send you the zoom link should i send her your email what should i do i'll just give you the zoom link right now and she can uh she can dial in okay this is exciting dude we have so much to do we still have like some great stories here there's gonna be like a 10 hour ep let's go baby it's thursday maybe yeah yeah [ __ ] yeah it's thursday i deserve to talk to a lawyer i deserve to be sued yeah yo are you say where'd you send it dan in uh i got it i got dude we can get emily the legend to call in emily all right send her the link okay i will keep an eye out on zoom for when she signs in she's coming hey hey i feel like i'm about to talk to carlos this is a celebrity [ __ ] hey hey hey all right let's talk lawsuit look at nitty gritty on this [ __ ] exciting so she has the link dance so keep an eye for that um in the meantime craft mail oh has really yup put out a contest that was made for zach we are about to win zach ten thousand dollars and make him the face the new face of craft mayonnaise wait she's already she's signed in do you want okay to do this first or do you want me to oh [ __ ] i guess so this can wait yeah yeah yeah let's take her yeah a little tease for later in the episode you got all right uh give me one second you guys are not going to want to miss that craft mayo segment because i'll tell you what zack is winning that 10 grand so give me one second emily d i see her oh so do i let me uh pin the video can you hear me emily d baker esquire attorney at law celebrity attorney youtube extraordinaire welcome to the show and thank you for calling in on such short notice not a worry i was picking my kid up from school and my twitter exploded and then i saw your dm and i was like hey where i mean i've been talking about this suit i feel like for weeks but it's been the shortest lawsuit since that fight so you know yeah i know it's good to see you both do you what do you think first of all the fact that the short is the fight is short does i'm wondering like is it my fault that they had a shitty fight like if i'm covering fair use right and they say oh you should you showed the whole fight two minutes it's like i'm sorry it's not my fault your fight sucked so under fair use they look at the length of the clip you use but they also look at does it diminish the value of the thing and it was what five days after the fight that you talked about it yeah right so how are they going to prove that they had a diminished value it was done and over it's not as if you uploaded it contemporaneously and people could choose to go watch it there and not watch the pay-per-view because it was so many days later for comment are you a lawyer or something i love the way you explain that i'm a lawyer or something i've been a lawyer for over 15 years and i was a district attorney so i don't like uh using the courts for nonsense there's a lot of actual stuff that has to go through court process they didn't plead a date they didn't plead a time they it's one of the worst pleadings i've ever seen wow so you know i'm glad first of all i've been following your coverage i think even back in the day during the matt haas lawsuit i i just i love hearing all the different perspectives and stuff because it's always nice to hear the outside opinion so what like in my case like i'm a defendant on what is a poorly conceived complaint that is um bordering on frivolous so so like how do you as a private citizen or or let's say a corporate entity or whatever def certainly the underdog compared to triller um like like what's the remedy to that how do you keep from getting [ __ ] around by these big media companies so not legal advice but lawyer thoughts um for anyone who's facing a lawsuit one of the first things you want to do is make sure you actually get served i'm sure you haven't been served yet um and it's going to take them some effort to do so they haven't even pled that they know where your company is because they're not suing you they're suing the h3 podcast and they haven't seemed to figure out what kind of legal entity it is yet so one of the things is if you see something breaking in the news and you haven't been served yet you have to wait until they do process and actually serve you because if they don't serve you then their lawsuit can be closed for failure to go after it or failure to prosecute so you aren't really even in it until you've been served with it even though you're aware of it at this point how um it really depends on the court but they have reasonably about a month that they could get away with it they're not going to find me what if i go what if i go hide in a hole or somewhere they could try to perfect service later um but it would be it would be a challenge because after that the court will be like what is happening with the suit why isn't it moving along and after that then you get the 21 days to respond to it but they have to serve you first and the court hasn't responded to this suit yet we saw that in the first suit when they filed the amended complaint to bring you in the court had already said where are the facts here please so the court might take action on its own or sue aspante as they call it and say something about the suit because it doesn't even plead a date so the court might do things before you even have to answer it which would be interesting but that's a conversation for you and your lawyers to have whether you want to reach out to the law firm or whether you want to wait and be like hey come find me right that's interesting because this lot you know what's funny about this lawsuit is we didn't even find out about it until this big press release where they're like we're suing h3 because they you know play but that was like a week after it's been filed so as far as the clocks ticking it's been two or three weeks already and these guys don't are still they don't they don't even haven't even done the basic research to identify our business entity like you said they they can ex try to extend service it looked like i pulled court documents today because i got asked about the judge's denial of the of transferring it to a different court what was that so judge anderson who had the first case who was very sassy and threw it out and took pot shots at the fact that the fight was only two minutes long um who dismissed all of the other defendants they moved to have him take the new suit that they filed against the podcast into his court and said hey we want you to have the suit against the only dependent left film daily and bring the h31 here it makes it easier for them the judge was like uh these aren't related no i don't want to look at your lawsuit i don't want to look at you you can't come to my court so it's staying with the judge that it got assigned to why would they want that one judge who's asked them to have it i guess because i was thinking i want that judge you know what i mean yeah i i was hoping that that judge anderson would take it too so we could smack it around a little bit more because it was a very funny minute order and he i don't know if he's had interactions with this law firm before or if his research attorney has because they took action on this lawsuit very quickly and it it made me wonder if they have had similar suits with this law firm before because once you're suss about something you're like oh there you are again let's see the old cell goodman thing absolutely so i was hoping he would take it he didn't he said they're not similar because they're separate actions and they're totally separate things but for triller it can make it easier for them to coordinate discovery and for coordinating motions and stuff to have one judge hear them got it it can make it more expensive for them to be good let's bleed them dry let's bleed their billion dollar well their billion dollar well um i want to clarify something because for the public there seems to be some dispute about the nature of this law this is a fair use lawsuit right i mean ultimately essentially yeah it's a copyright lawsuit so fair use is one of the defenses to copyright infringement people can come in and say you've infringed my copyright and you can say i've used your copyrighted works but it's permissible because of fair use so fair use is a defense to an alleged copyright infringement because at the heart of it you can't use anyone's copyrighted material anywhere but then fair use allows you to use it for commentary which is really the purpose that you use it for based on what i watched and and and so right if i if they're sending me an unreasonable what i perceive as a very aggressive unreasonable settlement offer or let's say we go to court and lose to them what kind of precedent is this setting for youtube community at large and how youtubers rely so much on fair use with how they you they oh i mean you know on youtube it's very common it's con it's norm the norm to be interactive with other people's media so how do you see this affecting youtube if trailer is able to win a lawsuit against us on this it is hard for me to conceive of how this lawsuit can even proceed because they haven't played it well enough to go forward but if if they might they can still amend the complaint if they modified it and brought in facts or in another scenario where somebody a large company's going after a youtube channel for fair use and saying it's not fair use each judge and each district decides fair use based on these balancing factors and so it can set precedent but it depends because each thing is so factually specific so it could be oh well in this case because the clip was or in a case because the clip was large and the the overall thing wasn't then um you know maybe it's not fair use but that doesn't impact other cases that aren't under that same fact scenario i don't like and i'm normally not as as open about how i feel about a suit i normally just break them down and explain what they mean what i don't like is using the courts for [ __ ] and not pleading a date not linking a video where you said something not making it clear what the issue is makes me feel like they're just trying to gain traction for this website where they're trying to get people to say hey i watched the fight too this isn't a parroting lawsuit they're trying to say that it was redistributed but it wasn't it was commentary yeah and they didn't that's what they could copyright strike the video on youtube did what did they do did they copy strike the no that's the other thing they never dmca they never claimed it they never made any attempt to remedy the situation uh you know and the other thing is like let's just say they've made a settlement offer i don't know if i'm allowed to talk about that but i won't but let's just say no yeah okay even when the lawyer is shaking her head no because look what happens in so if people were in settlement talks and i've talked about this with other lawsuits relating to other youtubers once you go into settlement talks everything that happens in there kind of goes behind a wall and then if that doesn't happen in a lawsuit proceeds nothing that happens in the course of settlement talks can come into the lawsuit so it gives you some room to be candid with things and really put down like this is where we see this case and this is where we're at where are you at because that can't be used against you going forward in the lawsuit because it's for the purposes of settlement now this court has a standing order that prefers to go to mediation so even if the case moves forward it might end up in court mediation anyway but they would have to fix that complaint and i imagine that the conversation between lawyers would be like would you like to provide a date or some facts about what you're saying that we've done because at this point you're just saying words that don't have meaning because they're not actually well pleated facts which is the standard for a federal complaint right but you know you're you say that it's all about just trying to get people to get paid 49.99 i think that's my speculation i think that's a very good speculation it feels i mean it's a very very good speculation there are other channels that have uploaded the entire main card event that will be in that first lawsuit yeah mike i love your coverage of mike fine mike they have no idea there's a guy there's i love that that was crazy there's a guy his channel name is just mike he uploaded the fight to youtube and they put him in the lawsuit as just mike like they're just mike yeah no other details no information just mike yo mike and of course their original complaint alleged that i was in a conspiracy with mike to defraud right and everyone else yeah and everyone it was a massive conspiracy between all of us so stupid but it also said that it wasn't just a conspiracy that you were all agents of one another employees of one another they were alleging all of this relational stuff that is and mike's my buddy he's my best friend shout out to mike wherever you are that was sarcasm right you're gonna add that to the lawsuit oh yeah well mike's off the lawsuit now [ __ ] [Laughter] yeah exactly sarcasm alert they kept saying that um nothing less than cyber criminals i was waiting for the teddy fresh like cyber criminal line of merch oh that's a good one because i'm trying i'm trying to think of good merch ideas to help just you know raise capital to ease the blow cyber criminal is great i was thinking free ethan lock up lock up jake paul like lock her up you like that one [Laughter] no comment no comment but i like cyber criminal that's really cool it's what does your dude mike mike just mike that's that's kind of your meme but i hope you don't mind us taking it just mike you know i'm spartacus i'm mike we're all mike everyone's mike when the mischief um nike satan cheese lawsuit went down mischief made a shirt that they called legal fees and put the front of the lawsuit on the shirt that they were selling and it was hilarious that's pretty good yeah that's a really i'm gonna i'm gonna get creative with it for sure um hey yeah it's a pain in the ass it sucks lawsuits lawsuits are stressful even when they're totally [ __ ] they can they be expensive assuming i mean time on the phone with lawyers is i mean unless it's me it's never fun um and and i don't do transactional law anymore i did years and years in court but taking these things through to prove that they're [ __ ] can be expensive and extensive and that's part of the problem and i think that's what judge anderson was trying to cut off was we're not doing this this is ridiculous but lawyers can get in trouble for filing complaints that have no merit and no basis so at some point they're going to have to prove that there's merit to this and re saying that you re-upload and distributed the fight and charge people money on paypal isn't yeah they said that they literally said that in the new complaint that they filed against us there's a there's mention of paper yeah there's a the one of the charges is uh how do you call it it was called transaction or conversion conversion they say that we were accepting money on paypal okay what the [ __ ] it was from the other one yeah they just copy paste it from the other one and forgot to erase it that's how much effort they're putting into this it's i don't i don't know why you would sign your name to this as an attorney i don't i don't i can't conceive of the point because the point is not because they think you did something wrong because otherwise they would share right you said this you did this here's the time stamp here's the clip here's the video here's the date they did none of that so to me it feels like a publicity stunt oh that's not a proper use of the courts thank you for saying that emily i appreciate that and you know it's like what do you make of the so they've got this whole big uh uh lawsuit against all these people right and the judge says i'm throwing this out it's improper jointer and then who who else have they filed against from that original lawsuit well none yet i keep looking on pacer because i'm very curious i imagine a lot of those websites she said no other person but me right just the h3 podcast and in the first one they sued the h3 podcast and h3 productions and they didn't resu h3 productions they just sued the h3 podcast but they don't know if that's and do not help them with that they do not know if that's an llc a corporation um they don't know they don't know what legal entity that is yet because they didn't do anything well according to phase blinks i have an infinitely low iq so i don't know anything about anything um yeah what do you i i have a question actually emily it i have no idea if this actually would um come into play but i i do know because there was a very public one a few years ago the whole thing with uh devin nunes suing people for making fun of him on twitter or whatever there's like these laws that are specifically to get rid of frivolous lawsuits right it's called like slap law and stuff like that is that something that potentially could come into play here or is that not really applicable in this situation so the the slap and anti-slap laws are strategic litigation against public participation they're like laws that are to try to stop people from using the courts to get you to stop talking and to exert your rights to free speech and to stop you from participating publicly this being a copyright infringement suit doesn't really play with the slap laws because they're not trying to stop you from doing something in the future they're trying to fix something that they're saying happened in the past which if they had pled a date we would know they're not trying to stop you from talking going forward got it okay that makes sense i'm just curious but it's it is they are very powerful laws and the california slap statutes are very powerful it's one of the most common things i dealt with when i worked for judges in the superior court in la was slap lawsuits they came up all the time because people don't want other people talking about them what's your right what's your take on triller is a huge media company valued in you know the billions of dollars i think what is your take on why they are putting apparently so little money and effort into this lawsuit it's just because it's just a headline but they gotta follow it through because this is triller fight club two llc they're not suing under triller because trailers involved in a pretty big lawsuit going on with tick-tock that's across multiple states going back and forth and it's completely different law firms than what's going on in this suit so who's making the decision who's making the decisions for trailer fight club 2 llc i believe it's jake paul i hope jake paul is not their legal strategist okay that's interesting to know so they've got the whole and then why it's funny they got yeah got your hat that's their legal defense you know they've they said it's the the triller fight club 2 what triller fight club 2 llc so what's the actual plaintiff is there a triller fight club one or is that the event name or what we don't not that i've seen so they made it llc does that make sense to make a llc for one event it's odd they could make it for one event to protect from losses so companies can do that you see like real estate investment companies doing this where they section off each property so if they saw it as a property but this might just be the wing that they run all of the fights through and that this is what they run the fight club through or that they run each fight through a separate llc which would be interesting if they do but they could do that and an llc is a limited uh liability is a partnership right so does that mean it's owned by two people well llcs are limited liability companies they an llp would be a limited liability partnership but they could be owned by one person by many people they can be owned by another company is it public who owns this llc uh this llc the llp uh the llc we could probably find it i just haven't looked it up okay but it's a delaware limited liability company yeah because i'd love to know love to know who these people are it could be that triller owns triller fight club 2 llc and then so it's so funny okay so who owned trailer fight club 1 llc who owns trailer fight club too is it trailer is a trailer fight club two owns trailer fight club one llc we're gonna have to do a deep dive into who owns the companies it's interesting tracing them back and delaware doesn't put as much information up as other states because this is a delaware limited liability company operating in california emily can you tell me why do all these companies go set up businesses in delaware i sure can they think that there's tax benefits to them to doing that and some additional protections to doing it um i actually like wyoming a little bit better but when you're operating out of out of california like they say that they are all the laws in california apply anyway so then it becomes whether they're using it as a holding company and whether they're using it as a way to move money between companies which is not improper um and a lot of companies do that when i did a deep dive into jacqueline hill's corporations she has a number in delaware and then a few in florida so it's not uncommon people perceive that delaware adds more protection but if you're operating in california california's laws all apply yeah we're operating in like any state it could be any one of them nobody could possibly know that just saying absolutely yeah who knows or i don't even know i might even just be an individual on on you know i'm saying might not even be a company at all always possible you know what i'm gonna come out now and tell you my company name it's trailer fight club part three llc fight club three llc coming up now you know what i'm gonna we gotta have you keep calling in i love the legal perspective if you're available and happy to i'm happy to i legal commentary is my favorite especially in the youtube space you know between the james charles employment lawsuit and this it's we're i think we're going to see more lawsuits in the employment law area with regard to influencers but this stuff the the improper use of copyright really frustrates me because when copyright is actually infringed on it should be pursued right when it's stupid it makes it worse for everybody and it's so obvious if i'm like like mike god bless his soul he infringed on copyright with peace and love mike with peace and love you know shout out to mike wherever you are [Laughter] fight club llc uh roman numeral 1-5 the thing is they didn't seem to copyright strike that either the whole fight still uploaded so they're not interested in getting the fight taken down because if they were there's options to do that right that's not what they did yeah they're just trying to maximize damages or they just don't give a [ __ ] and they it's it's all odd but you know um um what's your take by the way since you mentioned james charles we're about to talk about it what's your take on okay okay am i allowed to have dan shave my ass as james charles for example alleged or his his ex-employee alleges that he had her shave his ass i mean i'd be happy to so it would kind of be moot but but dan's just putting it out there right but she might have not been willing so okay well let's see let's just say ice go dan i need you to shave my ass for a bit illegal or legal sister snatched so it really depends on the employment relationship and if your employee feels harassed and if that's part of their job thing if it's like hey it's for a bit there's no harm but we've seen hey it's for a bit go really really wrong with david dobrik so in a traditional workplace environment your bare butt at any of your employees is going to be a problem and california's employment laws do not favor the employer so you know the problem with harassment in the workplace is you could ask dan to shave your butt dan could be totally cool with it but another employee in the room could feel harassed and that employee could sue you so it's not even just it's between you and dan i didn't mean it okay am i allowed to slam dan into the side of an excavator and uh potentially kill him i'm gonna go with a hard stop on potentially killing people um i also think that the you know the whole vlog squad should have probably been employees it's interesting to me that there aren't any employee lawsuits because i got the sense from a lot of what i've watched that they were not paying vlog squad members to be on the block pretty interesting right horrifying and shocking and well yeah the currency is for the cloud yeah that's that and that's not even a joke that's not like usually we say like cloud as a joke they were that was actually the currency you can't pay people an exposure in california it's not the law yeah that's super interesting i bet none of them you know what's funny i'm sorry you look good i mean that's jake paul's currency too clout clout i'll pay you in clout ironically jake didn't pay them he took money from them that was what the team 10 house was is that yep he actually he was reverse employing them uh yeah but what you say about employment is so interesting regarding the vlog squad because i guarantee none of them have even thought about that like oh i'm entitled to something or i need to be employed you know that's that's very interesting yep california changed their employment laws um a while back there was a supreme court case and i will not bore you with all of it but the way independent contractors are classified changed and i talked about this with creators a few years ago because if you're you know somebody like shane dawson and you have android swifty following you around with the camera he's employed by you he's not a contractor you make videos he's filming you that's an important role that makes sense it sounds like our hunch was correct that going out with the excavator unlicensed and unsupervised and slamming one of your homies into it is got to be a legitimacy i wonder what the agreement has been behind the scenes because if cases like that and i've been part of cases that have settled before they've even gone to court you normally get i call them you suck letters some people call them shakedown letters but you normally get a letter saying if you don't do this i am going to sue you for this we should probably have a chat and you do pre-litigation negotiations and in that you can have people sign all kinds of agreements never talk about it never sue you again or turn over all the footage pay all the medical bills pay this amount they could have resolved this behind the scenes for you know you're gonna allow me to to use your footage you're going to allow me to do it here i'm not going to sue you whether there could be criminal liability there for negligence in utah is interesting to me i don't know if utah will pursue it but they they're even if they resolve it civilly it doesn't um remove the potential that that was a a assault or something that's a that's another interesting wrinkle right is that the state independent of whatever jeff and david agree on can pursue legal action against david yes they can and that's the interesting thing with me about this triller settlement website it's like okay well you can go and say oh yeah i pirated the fight here's my 50 bucks and my name and my information but that doesn't stop you from the potential criminal pirating that people can go after too it's not just a civil case there can be it's unlikely but there can be criminal liability there so you can't really have someone admit to it and say oh we won't go after you because you're not the only party involved in that the fcc can go after you too so do you recommend people going to that website and paying 49.99 as a lawyer as a lawyer i don't give legal advice on the internet right right as a private as a private citizen yeah as a private as a human i would never go to a website and say yeah i did this thing here's where to find me no i would never hi my name is they're suing you and they still don't know where you are what your corporation is or the date of the thing that happened right i don't have a whole lot of faith that they're going to try to track down vpns and find everyone who might have watched this right subpoena they're gonna subpoena vpns i track down uh individuals who click the link i mean and also what's the damages for clicking a link i mean it's a 50 fight right uh i think that would be the maximum would be the amount of the fight i don't know how you could get more than that so sounds pretty scary that sounds pretty scary i don't like using the court system for nonsense so and we love that about you thank emily well i've really enjoyed this chat i found it really insightful would you i i would like you to be now today our legal correspondent emily baker i am honored and i am happy i am happy to help break down the legal [ __ ] that's happening around the interwebs happy to do it and uh hidden within this conversation was an engagement letter that you uh unknowingly verbally agreed to and your rate is zero dollars an hour thank you oh clout i get clout thank you yeah is that acceptable form of currency i'm happy to come on you know how to contact me yeah so if you need anything please reach out and ask i'm sorry thank you and by the way emily d baker is your youtube channel right yeah i put a link to your channel and on the twitter what's your twitter i'm the emily debaker everywhere on the internet there you have it yep emily thanks for calling that was awesome appreciate it thanks for having me on um it's a pleasure and i'm sure i will talk to you guys soon thank you so much take care thanks for calling cool fantastic that was i'm still staring at emily so okay there she goes it always takes time i'm only nice things but i go wow that was such a great call and i'm staring at her trying to turn off them that was such a great call she's awesome yep there you have it folks oh there's one other question i wanted to ask her if i was going to go to jail oh dang it can we get her back on i think we know the answer to that yeah because keemstar keeps saying i'm going to jail oh faze blanks by the way who's infinitely smarter than me predicted i was going to go to jail for six months really or maybe not maybe not no no no no no i thought he said he was the one that said that no i don't think yeah his vast intellect never mind face blanks to be fair to blanks between those two he's definitely the brains of the ark he is infinitely smarter than thank you star yes yes i will i will gladly say that he's crushing algorithms compared to what keemstar wow shout out to emily d baker legendary what a great call thank you emily that was fun really interesting insight on everything especially the david dobrik [ __ ] like whoa imagine it's always funny to talk to a lawyer that's following like youtube stuff i love it because most lawyers will have no idea they have no idea that's why it's so hard to find a good lawyer when it comes to like you could tell the lawyers who did the triller lawsuit don't know [ __ ] anything about youtube space right so it's so important to find someone who actually understands all the wrinkles and stuff [Music] damn anyway you guys want to talk about mayonnaise so we have a call we have a call at um and we have got time but we have a call with our lawyer well we've been going for almost three hours that's great we're having too much fun out here today boys maybe uh let's do the mayo is the well we gotta do the mayo the finale i guess there's not much more to say about james charles lawsuit yeah i was gonna say we were gonna do a whole i did yeah i kind of went over it just now well i'll just give you the gist of it and then we can end on a bang uh he's being sued by an ex-employee oh no during this time she would produce she worked a bunch she claimed she worked 80 hours a week yadda yadda uh she's suing for wrongful termination unpaid overtime disability discrimination and forcing to shave his ass no that's not what that charge is failure to provide reasonable accommodations yeah i read the article um uh in insider um and if you want me to just give you like the kind of the key allegations of what she's saying well she also claims he regularly used the n word with the hard r they put in parentheses and then this is this i like this is a funny detail insider reached out to people who knew james in high school to corroborate in high school that he would casually use the word all the time i [ __ ] up so there's like i just imagine insider reporters calling going through the yearbook hi did james that might have literally been what they did that at the time that this all happened he was only 18 so he was he had just graduated from high school so it kind of makes like you know if you're trying to corroborate something like that who do you else you reach out to but people that knew him in in high school everyone's like oh yeah they're like oh yeah that guy she also claims james would walk around the house naked uh weinstein vibes freak pretty weird um and if you think that's bad everything she said you know what's funny is james felt the need to go to twitter for literally no reason to defend himself against this lawsuit i was like james if you think that's bad imagine you should hear what other people are saying about you who care who cares about being a shitty employee you sexed minors yeah i'm sorry however watch how upset he is it's like bro you sexed minors who cares hi everyone i'm being accused of being a bad employee you sexed minors bro employer yeah employer it's like i'm sorry stop you're [ __ ] he's literally i feel like he's just trying to divert attention away because he's like here's this thing i did that's not nearly as bad constantly trying to portray himself as the victim and that's what he's doing here too maybe if those little boys weren't so cute that's a line from a movie i think i'm not physically attracted to older guys right it's from a chapel stand up okay thank you i knew that i wasn't the architect of that joke and i didn't want people to get angry get mad at chappelle not me i hope you guys are all having a beautiful i hope he's all whispering he's in quiet mode i gotta use the bathroom okay should i wait for you no okay you guys notice he's in quiet mode four days so you know he's serious the answer is knowledge thank you wow good job zach no but the real answer is um pictures of uh little you know here in my garage males under the age of consent oh i am being cornered and have to make yeah another public statement i know people are sick of these i don't blame you i'm not even going to bother right now who cares about the lawsuit you sexed miners you know what i'm saying and the lawsuit i mean i did anybody on the crew know that this lawsuit was happening no idea like this this brought attention to it like nobody was talking about this nobody cared about this lawsuit not and not saying that people shouldn't care because i mean yeah compared to the sexting miners thing it seems relatively mild but it's still [ __ ] up like dude what the allegations are in this lawsuit but why pay attention to it like nobody it was under everybody's radar i think james has this thing of like i am a serial victim who is always being blamed and this is this feeds into the narrative he's trying to paint is that he's just this perpetual victim that everyone's taking shots at and it he in a way trying to deal de-legitimize the sexting thing because it's like here i am the victim again but i mean not to diminish that girl's suffering but like this is like jaywalking compared to the other [ __ ] he's done i mean that does diminish it a little bit right well well i mean because it is still bad i mean and i don't think we covered when we talked about what happened but the the the wrongful termination part of it was that she was getting they were getting their nails done together because this girl from the way she describes it was basically his his servant in every aspect of his life in addition to being his producer and they were getting their nails done and the fumes from the nails at the salon uh made her faint and she fell on the ground and knocked her head on the tile so hard she got a concussion and so she was out of work for a week and yeah wow that's [ __ ] up that's so that's that's the wrongful termination part and yeah i mean it's really [ __ ] up yeah and the way that she describes the relationship i mean she was doing everything for him in the period of time that he blew up i mean he was already relatively big youtuber but it was the time that he exponentially grew in the six months that she worked for him he went from like 2 million to like 9 million subs on youtube so this was like his renaissance that she was like doing everything and then she missed a week of work for getting injured doing something with him and see ya that's cold-blooded yeah that sounds really wrong wow sister snapped that's what he said when she painted it worse than everything else i heard because i kept hearing about this yeah i didn't hear about it and whatever but that is way worse yeah that's horrible that that's the wrongful termination aspect but then there's also she he she was working 80 plus hours a week he never paid overtime yada yada yada there there was well that's a whole slew of things that's all like he said she said this and that i was like you know whatever but it's like the lawyer said it depends on the what the relationship was like and how it was set up i mean not every like you can work in a way that is not hourly based whatever the whatever look the details of that old nitty-gritty wasn't it's like well only they know the truth about that but like the story of her passing out and being like oh [ __ ] her snap and stepping over her corpse on the way out to hire someone new that's how i imagine it she's passed out on the floor he's like oh sister schnapped and walks out over her body i need to leave my own news what abe i said he's like can you shave my butt real quick i need to leak my own nude you know what happened he probably farted in her [ __ ] face and she fainted easy and he's like just your snap that's terrible no the the butt shaving was actually it was specifically for the infamous uh coachella right appearance yeah so that's evidence that she shaved his ass because i saw his bare ass and she shaved it you know what i mean oh yeah yeah yeah we're gonna say something like rudely interrupt video i'm gonna say that everything together is painting such a bad character on oh yeah when james charles did bro can't even keep the people around him you know his friends hate him his employees hate him yeah he's sexting minors he's threatening people in dms dude that is so true dude needs therapy and uh and he needs to like move to tibet and become a monk i feel like that's his only salvation that's his only way to do salvation he needs to go live in an orange robe and like eat vegan for his life you know you still get up to shenanigans at the at the monastery though you'll be like peeking up people's like robes and [ __ ] oh my god this is a little stupid i bet you the monks would even kick his ass out they'd be like listen james we're all about peace and love here but you got you gotta leave you're making us all very uncomfortable let's get glam okay so that's james oh he posted this video which is like again it's like bruh yeah he he gets real quiet though hello everybody james here i hope you guys are all having a beautiful day afternoon at night i mean 50 000 likes so people are buying this i guess i hope you're doing well as well you wouldn't like it unless you were supporting him right i mean for the most vast majority of people right yeah i mean he's got 10 million followers though so i mean of course there's going to be lots but still support them damn that's amazing let the conversation begin right um don't worry this is not my return to social media but unfortunately i am logging in today because i feel like that kind of is though another public statement it is people are sick of these i don't blame you i'm not even gonna bother writing out like a whole notes out thing today i'm just gonna hit record and start talking to you guys one on one because it's so capable so legit so unrehearsed um as you guys know for the past couple of weeks i have obviously been offline i've been taking time away shut the [ __ ] up freak hit him you're a sex criminal just [ __ ] go to tibet sell all your earthly belongings and move to the bed dude that's the only salvation for you at this point all right it's time for the grand finale oh man yeah let's just do the grand finale this is important so as i was explaining craft mayonnaise has thrown down the gauntlet and as you know zack our resident sachs the sound lad is a connoisseur of mayonnaise look at that yes sir look at that look at his background here let me show you first of all they put out this co this contest they said prove your love to win the next craft mayo endorsement here's their video do you think they're going to claim me can you imagine that'd be pretty [ __ ] up i'd be like [ __ ] you crap you know what i'm not going to show their dumb video because they probably are going to claim me he's eating mayo straight out of the jar who i remember somebody doing that at a real game is this him or is this like a reenactment straight out of the jaw who is this guy okay so there was some legend in the audience at a game eating mayo at the jar yeah and everyone games attended picked up a spoon i just knew dude that was awesome that was the best thing ever look at this legend so anyway they say all right well you know here's one hero but where's the next hero hungrier than ever do you have what it takes to win the next may endorsement prove it so they say prove it hashtag craft mayo dorsment hashtag contest i love contests like oh yeah the only content in the world yeah i think craft mail endorsement is specific enough hashtag make sure to include a hashtag uh salami sandwich anyway so for a chance to win follow so this is basically for you now dan do we follow real craft mayo i sure did i followed it on the podcast account and we have to post a video do we have the full video on to on there or do we haven't posted it yet but it's okay here's what i want to do then i want to watch it on our twitter so that everybody can get engaged oh i see uh so you love love you had it queued up so if you could uh be so kind as to post on the podcast twitter podcast twitter at the h3 podcast we follow realcraftmayo and we are about to enter our submission and remember to use the hashtag now love remember to use the hashtag we pre-made the message in the the and don't forget contest yep hashtag contest is in there and did you did you include food uh no no food we did uh include i think it's like hashtag zach the mayo man or something no don't do that that one's confusing no it's not what okay fine i just want to make sure like because we got food as long as it's got their hashtags it qualifies egg salad hashtag egg salad i know that's good with mayonnaise uh yeah okay okay just put so anyway yo be sure to submit by 5 14. that's tomorrow right holy [ __ ] we're doing it right now so they say eight finalists will be nominated via instagram or twitter direct message where does it say you won ten thousand dollars there's like a whole rules page and then i think in the video itself they said it too but not just ten thousand dollars the winner gets put on a billboard in they say your hometown which for zach is la so dude that's tricky imagine me on the sunset after you guys see the video we made i don't see how zach doesn't win this wait i'm trying to see where they sit because they definitely said one two okay so anyway zach's gonna win 10 grand did you guys post it uh love give give me confirmation that it's up yep it's up it's up okay all right baby this is it make me the mayo man dude there's no way after you guys see this oh great there's already a clip of us live on deaf noodles twitter ethan klein response to triller lawsuit being refiled against him yeah whatever which is funny h3 podcast drama okay zach this is how you feeling zack i am so hyped for this you have no idea i'm so excited i'm like [ __ ] carlos right now dude here's the thumbnail beautiful oh wow lots of engagement already thank you guys for supporting our young our good sweet boy zach you feeling you feeling confident you're going to win this you're going to take this home i am the mailman i was born for this yeah there's i there's no competition man i don't think anyone's gonna move mayonnaise like you do if i'm being honest i mean come on like what what you guys are about to see is [ __ ] game changing like nothing you've ever seen in your life all right all right all right well without further ado introducing the real craft mayo man zack [Music] hi how you doing today my name is zach lewis also known as zach the soundline beautiful day in southern california today i'm going to show you why i am the true mailman and why i should win from craft the mayo endorsement you can see all the mayo things i've done eating it raw i put mayonnaise in my hair with the help of big ed dressed up as the joker i put mayonnaise on my face for a christmas special who else does that today is the ultimate challenge a bathtub full of mayonnaise [Music] wow that was a dramatic and now for the massive mayo movement we've all been waiting for yes you see that right it's a kiddie pool full of [ __ ] mayonnaise craft mayonnaise that's all craft managed man the finest mayonnaise in the world may i add craft mayonnaise which brand is it number one brand craft mayonnaise baby let's go you know where to get it you know what it is high quality craft manic hear that baby pour oh yeah that looked real good real craft man oh a little chaser baby nice toe damn wicked feet what's up dude yo chill dog okay here we go all right we're going in into what the real craft mayonnaise that's right oh yeah oh this feels nice yo those are handfuls oh gosh i'm the real mayo man okay real craft mayo endorsement here you want some damn good you sure yeah i'm pretty sure no ela you want to come shake my hand thank you yeah there it goes all right now that's a superman [Laughter] you're my superman's eye oh that's sweet got a sandwich in there it's so gooey here it comes here it comes give it a squeeze [Laughter] there we go there it comes [Music] oh yeah that's what i'm talking about let's take another bite from the real craft mayonnaise i'm hungry actually [Music] [Music] oh yeah boy yeah but let's go real craft mayonnaise is that real crap man it's real crap mayonnaise baby love me we got the power washer out the mayo footsteps for me [ __ ] cold stay safe trying to be gentle gentle touch for your consideration craft mail endorsement contest zach loves craft and hashtag um potato salad i don't know man how do we lose this thanks for watching the greatest mayo ever made exactly and what's your favorite mayo brand [ __ ] craft real mayonnaise man i liked and retweeted it by the way let me leave a comment so love you're saying we have to do what we have some kind of specific action we need to take or was that a b i'm sorry somebody said there's something specific we have to do what i mean i think we just said love said you we got to tell people to comment that we sent them on their instagram and twitter oh we're supposed to say that we don't have to but okay you want oh they'll find out i thought there was some kind of rule yeah let them know we sent you i mean i'm pretty sure they'll see it yeah the i think just the main thing was just using their two contest hashtags so so i'm going to follow did you follow uh the real craft on the instagram account because that's part of the that ha the podcast does yeah yeah you guys all right cool yeah zach don't worry we got you boy what are you so how are you feeling i mean tell me about the experience first of all how many tubs of mayo did we get how much did we spend on mayonnaise well dan very graciously went got costco sizes of real craft mayonnaise there was like 10 10. yeah they were gallon bottles and i got 10 so that was 10 gallons how much how much did we spend on mayonnaise um you know it really wasn't actually that bad it was probably like 80 bucks or something okay 80 bucks for mayonnaise maybe a little more than that but yeah it really wasn't and what was the fee did you did your skin feel healthy and rejuvenated look look at my hair did it you're glowing you know what that's actually true your hair looks really good look at my hair today it's like yeah i wonder if they would take that vertical of like mayo hair care product like maybe it's a whole new vertical for them i i mean it's just you you want hair like this you get yourself some real crap mayonnaise yeah that's what i'm saying there you go did you get any mail like down your pants or anything oh it wasn't like crack it was everywhere it was everywhere i took two showers when i got home oh my god my beard still kind of like it's in there you know but it's cool if i you know but it doesn't bother you right because you love it no i am the mayo man i am the mayo man yeah and this challenge is accepted and i have to win this yeah i feel i'm feeling confident i don't i don't see how you could possibly lose yeah otherwise it's rigged as trump said you know either you win or it's rigged you're stealing it they'll probably give it to mike right i hear that guy shits his gym shorts well is there anything else you want to say for their consideration before we uh say goodbye and wish you all the best uh i want to say that um i am the real craft mayonnaise man and um i've worked my whole life for something like this and first and foremost i have to thank you ethan and ela for you know helping me achieve my dreams of becoming a male thank you and dan and emma yesterday and a b and love for all your support absolutely i'm going to be the craft mayonnaise man and it is going to be glorious are you are you uh what does trisha say when you like imagine something manifest are you are you manifesting right now absolutely out hundred and [ __ ] 50 i'm manifesting the male man i'm manifesting for you right now too everybody manifest this [Applause] prove to the world that anything is possible that you can sit in the kiddie pool of mayonnaise and win ten thousand dollars i'm sorry and that that you could just be a young boy from uh a small suburb of los angeles and rise to such greatness all right believe we all believe and zach thank you for for going through all that exactly do you have any plans in case that you do win the ten thousand dollars you gonna buy bitcoin or ethereum rollout or moon or or are you gonna buy a rolex well i was thinking about that but i think i'm gonna have to be a little more practical since like i am on my own yeah you know there's that would be [ __ ] cool but there's other priorities so what are you going to do with it probably just put in the bank yeah that's hard look at that i heard you can get a hundred trillion moon uh safe mode safe moon yeah safe ones going to the moon baby i heard safe moon's uh old news now actually now it's a galaxy or something or real i don't know it was just another one of those shitty wait did they really make a new coin called safe galaxy i i think that's what it was called holy [ __ ] galaxy there's a sucker born every [ __ ] second you know that saying there it is what's the safe galaxy worth uh let's see save galaxy well zach we found a good investment opportunity for you i just bought 39 million shares of safe money is worth 0.0000053 dude that means that just means you're getting on the ground floor right look at this mayo festing oh mayo festing instead of manifesting mayo oh that's good from the chat that's good shout out to the chat for that one yeah we're mail festing yes love it they're gonna have have they if they haven't even already respond it's rigged like let me look at the stats on this here i retweeted it i liked it people have been going crazy it already has 2 000 likes 420 retweets i mean this is it this is a baby you know what let's look at the other contestants i'm curious what the competition is let's see um i think maybe we shouldn't it's just some people minding their own business right i'm just oh you looked at it already i just don't wanna we don't wanna we don't wanna stick the uh the mob on yeah right that's a good point i don't wanna do that either all the foot soldiers who we love and are very loyal we don't need them going after no yeah yeah yeah we'll let zach's going to win on his own merits we don't need to we don't need to interfere with it i'm just genuinely curious but you're right i shouldn't uh i shouldn't uh solely the the integrity of this content i love your enthusiasm man well i'm starving i'm gonna go eat tomato myself oh yeah i don't know what ever eating mayo again after yesterday next time you guys see us that's actually not true because friend it's weird we're keeping frenemies frenemies will continue to be brought to you from the basement uh due to some logistical concerns with uh with trisha and everything um but yeah theoretically the next uh off the rails and or uh after dark will be from the new studio i'm gonna have to do it assuming everything goes smooth i mean fingers crossed you got it you guys got it i believe in you if we if you if we're back in the basement uh next week you know that uh something uh didn't quite go according to plan this weekend that being said off the rails might be canceled after what i know right yeah i was gonna say we i'm gonna need like a lawyer with me when i do off the rails it's hilarious i'm so off the rails i need a lawyer with me the whole time emily becomes a new uh co-host wrangler is it really off the rails if i have a lawyer next to me it's kind of a funny gag though where they always whispering in my ear like oh i i i take that statement back that statement was uh erroneously stated right or or the episode would just be all cut up like jump cuts because we cut crazy [ __ ] out then jake ball said and then well anyway in other news off the rails is trouble got your hat well gotcha wait play this guy where's the crying one so can you express so back to safe galaxy for you zach can you express it's point zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero four nine four that seems like um gosh ten how what is that like one millionth of one cent yeah it's going to the moon baby the gas money baby and it's money baby so hypothetically speaking if i put in let's say ten thousand dollars how much safe galaxy can i get oh jesus cause it's going to the galaxy baby [ __ ] [ __ ] lot oh man the uh i mean the market cap on it says 48 million 40 million unbelievable yeah but also low because like safe moon has like billions in market caps yeah for a crypto that's actually low but that does mean that 48 million dollars worth of money has been happening suckers have been uh separated from their money yeah your investment will infinitely grow say what maybe i said infinitely uh grow and safeguard right just like going to the moon just like blanks uh intelligence uh oh right right the value of safe galaxy can only be compared to phase blanks uh iq number dan's crunching numbers in his head yeah it's easy 500 millionths of a cent whoa yo you guys can get on the i think i might i might have [ __ ] it up by one decimal but at that at that low of a number five you guys been on the ground floor of galaxy moon galaxy safe safeguards galaxy it's only one 500 millionth of a penny you guys yeah something like that yeah so what did you say well you said like ten thousand dollars worth that would be dude that's like more stars in the observable universe you need like a super computer to crunch that number oh man look at shredder all right guys this is a long one eh we've been going for a while yes we've been going for quite a while here was a great episode i had a lot of fun how'd you what'd you guys think you had fun today did i say too much that's for you and your lawyer to discuss it this afternoon are you going to yell at me when we get off there no [Laughter] sure ed you're so beautiful i love you i love you so much all right well it's thursday baby you guys all deserve the weekend yeah now weekend for us this weekend shout out to the families you guys enjoy your weekend you deserve it thanks it's i know you're being genuine but it doesn't sound like it but i know you are being i know i am i am i don't want to say it too much i didn't want to accidentally say too much info that's why but yeah no i know you're being genuine though and thank you baby for saying that i hope this doesn't make you sound like a douche [ __ ] you zack [Laughter] oh man i can't wait to sit next to zach i haven't sat next to the guy since i worked for you guys you haven't seen that we're all gonna be in the same room yeah don't push that button except for poor love over in sweden but you know what's gonna be weird soon we're going to be able to see people without a mask again oh did i say about the cdc thing i don't think so they just before the show went live cdc put out a new guideline saying if you've been vaccinated you can be around you can now wear um not wear masks indoors in and outdoors no match fascinated cdc let's go baby get that shot do you have your passports did you get yours making me uncomfortable tucker tuck the dick carlson all right real quick i just i think you'll find this amusing i saw a thing that the latest in the conspiracy world is that some you know anti-vaxxer conspiracy theorist type people apparently now think that people that are vaccinated uh are breathing out some sort of harmful particles oh i think i heard that and that they should wear masks to protect themselves wait that's got to be i can't troll i kind of had the same thought that that's something but like apparently that is like going around the best book troll ever one of the fights with my cousins right there are you serious really i thought i thought he was trolling me i'm like there's no [ __ ] way you're serious wait so he believes he needs to wear a mask to protect himself from our respiratory droplets or whatever he was saying that he was understanding actual illness oh my god this sounds like aeronautic go ahead and say the source was more reputable than what we get on the news but you're vacated how come he shared a car with you it was just an awkward situation i don't know i don't know yeah oh yeah yeah wow call me your update oh we have a mayo update yep oh craft like the tweet okay we have a mayo update breaking news we have a breaking announcement they liked it let's [ __ ] wait what is this live caption huh it's like sorry that's just says hi how are you doing is that just someone messaging you love no no yeah don't worry about it i demand to know what this is it's twitter has a captioning thing he has the captions on that's that's the captions of the video oh okay i understand sorry facebook faith blanks never claim to be smart [Laughter] oh my god it's on their likes okay so we have an official like oh from craft mail all right this is a huge developer this is a huge step forward we are mail festing this i am very excited i'm thrilled to announce whoa we've been acknowledged and hack your famous dude craft twitter is blowing up right now this is what i'm talking about baby yo this is amazing we've we mayo fested it or whatever zach left his house and he's like watch how high i'll fly [Music] that's right i'm the mayo man that's right baby here let me go to crap while i'm here on twitter yeah this um i saw shake shack is training and it seems like because this uh in new york city they said locations will add free fries to your meal in may if you show your vax card really wow that's kind of epic that'll get that's going to motivate more people to get vaccinated than like uh dr fauci did somebody say fruit french fries yeah you know what you can put on those french fries real craft mayonnaise [Music] [Applause] yo um wow they really liked the tweet they really liked it you guys oh my god i mean come on this is this is the most attention their contest is gonna get who's coming to math who's coming to real craft mayo on twitter i have no reason in my life to interact with mayonnaise on twitter i know that is just not something that would ever happen yet here we are here we are this is huge you guys this is huge yeah this is exciting all right well we'll have a lot of exciting news to report well guys i guess that's about it anything else y'all want to add anyone want to add anything before we sign off uh free fries i deserve that i deserve that it's [ __ ] thursday yo can we get some tasty food because it's kind of like the we're having like so hungry i'm starving i'm starving too i'm so hungry what do you want to eat let's discuss food people like when we do this [Music] shake shack all right let's end this now should we drive there or order he wants to drive defense uh i don't think we can drive yeah oh also we have a call i do have i have another little programming note did you want to talk about the podcast you're gonna be a guest on next week uh shh i don't know what's gonna air those guys like can episodes for like oh they like pre-record a shitload of episodes okay but yeah i'm doing uh you could say well i'm just saying i don't know what it's going to happen that's a good point no i forgot that they yeah it might not i'm doing a podcast with my friends bert kreischer and tom segura but i don't know when it will air recording it next week because those [ __ ] can episodes like it's like it's pringles nice i don't know how people do that it's called smart and yeah i think they like block intellect bro it's called it's called intellect my dude um there's a donation i think we should read go ahead what you got y'all y'all should see if a magnet sticks to your vaccination site if it does you all been chipped [Laughter] oh man that's true that's a good science experiment i don't have any magnets on hand that's too much fun i hate to say goodbye but uh all things all things uh good must come to an end there's been another fantastic episode of after dark i thank you all so much for being here you know and let's just say i don't want to blow the war horn but wow just saying the calls of battle are nowhere to be found are not echoing through the hills yet oh oh go ahead and just give them a sneak peek i'm ready to go to work don't do it oh [ __ ] he's got a sword in him oh wow sword i don't want to kill anyone a.b for protection oh i say okay he's your short he is your sword should there be like chiller be like new complaint we were threatened with violence physical violence from uh av zach play the horn all right kill switch that was actually me that was i'll play the horn sneaking that in no i'm not saying i'm blowing this but let's just say wow that is powerful that's a really powerful world i'm getting shivers just hearing it and the stream okay i love you bill i'm sorry all right guys we will see you next week and until then it's friday baby it's thursday on friday baby yeah baby bye-bye i deserve shake shack bye-bye gaps with all the guests you'll see the best podcasts in the world take it from me jc over j hp baby we podcast now you're watching three three three three three you're watching eight to the three three three three you're watching h to the three three three three you're watching h to the three three three three my drinks are made out of you
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 2,345,141
Rating: 4.8319383 out of 5
Keywords: h3h3, h3, h3 after dark, h3h3productions, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila, after dark
Id: 4CP_nl037_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 200min 45sec (12045 seconds)
Published: Thu May 13 2021
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