Trisha Paytas, Jeffree Star, Hair By Jay, D'Angelo Wallace, Cr1TiKaL - H3 After Dark #19

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D'Angelo:"my time management skills are not on the same level as you guys. You have a well oiled machine"

Dan:"we started 25 mins late today"


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 191 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Ikazino πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 16 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

i love how trisha has been accepted into the family and ethan got so defensive. heart warming hahaha

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 180 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 16 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ethan's title of "Trisha exposes Jeffree Star" would have been muchh better and gotten them tons more views too lol

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 108 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/onetimeonreddit πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 16 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Before Trisha would say β€œyour podcast is boring without me”. But now seeing that she watches the podcast non-Frenemies makes me love her even more. Stay strong Trish πŸ’•

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 94 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/myko715 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 16 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This may win gold medal for most time elapsed after the initial outro has played. Can't say I wasn't entertained though.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 69 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mrmonkey3319 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 15 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

"Poopoo and doodie in a ditch", trisha having h3 live playing in another tab as she's filming Jay's livestream, "that's what your brain does on Jeffree Star", "oh my mom's watching the show. She says I lost weight. Thank you mom.", "the only receipts you showed were of how shitty your personality is"

This was the best roller coaster of an episode. Top to bottom favorite! :D Can't wait for next weeks frenemies to see if there's any updates... and the grilled cheese! I hope it will go well since the last times that they have eaten on the show it went sour.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 58 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/lostinthederpness πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 16 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I feel so bad for Dan and the crew sometimes. I think people don't understand just how much Dan has to do. While Ethan and Hila are the hosts, they're sort of like news anchors (in terms of the general outline of the show, not humor)

Dan has to actually run a live show, and make sure it goes smooth. And there is a HUGE problem that needs to stop with the podcast donations. People are coming to look for cheap promotion. Probably a lot of younger kids, sure. But still. There has to be some foot on the ground.

So people like Dan and AB tend to be a lightning rod for all the criticisms of putting their foot down, to take it away from Ethan. Which makes sense, strategically.

But dear god, these people have to stop donating for promotion. It's getting ridiculous. It's one thing when it's donating 10 bucks and saying "Hey I got this crazy story you guys might be interested in" and then it goes to Zach for screening. It's competely different when someone donates 200 dollars and tries to get their message heard. It's unfair to the crew, the audience, and everyone involved. Because it turns into a guilt thing where Ethan feels like he has to talk about it.

Only the King of Stella, Drunk Ben, gets to donate 100 dollars. That should be the rule.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 155 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/appleparkfive πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 16 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ethan you should totally try out hiking some local trails. I was overweight due to antidepressants and I lost most of that weight in a year. It’s also really nice to enjoy the scenery and be out in nature!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 40 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/xparadiisee πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 16 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Its funny how bad Ethan is at doing the ad reads

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 69 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/1ROYinHD1 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 16 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
in five four three two hd welcome to the h3h3 it's not even h3 welcome to the late podcast trying to make a joke about being late thank you for being patient to be fair it is only bad luck ethan thank you keemstar it's so nice that keemstar wish me good luck every time we make an episode it's very sweet thoughtful of him uh we're only 10 minutes late so it's not like you know could have been worse but i do apologize i mean we've been work we've been later 15 minutes back in the day dan we used to hit that we still hit like 43 like man we just do it the next day right we just skipped the damn day no i'm kidding we'll do it live you know today's been the week's been a little bit weird we um our video that our normal podcast that we were meant to upload yesterday didn't get approved in time the youtube gods did not look favorably favorably upon us so it is up for members and now is a good time to plug our membership if you become a member and help support the show you get episodes a day early and that episode is up there basically how it works is that we submit our podcasts ahead of time for youtube to evaluate and this is their system to make sure that it doesn't get like mature rated and yellowed because it's actually a really great program that youtube made for you know people like us who actually have businesses and employees and we depend on these episodes making money so they devised a pretty ingenious and amazing program where you submit a video and they give you feedback and then or or they approve it but if they give you feedback you can make the changes and then they lock in the rating so that once it's approved they will never flip yellow which is fantastic so we actually always we have a hunt we've always hit our deadline this is the first time we didn't hit our deadline why is that i think they just took a while getting back to it it was just running slow the other day and just fine and we went through multiple rounds of corrections right yeah we were talking about uh some sensitive sticky stuff so that episode is up and thank you to all of our members by the way we love you so much thank you thank you thank you but anyway we're posting it publicly for everybody we just got approval this morning so we're posting it tomorrow saturday with peace and love we are posting the episode on saturday tomorrow with peace and love peace and love peace and love um today's episode is sponsored by loving the good mythical morning uh cup you got there oh yeah i stole this when we were there we did what did we just they gave us a gift basket yeah dude that's my favorite thing when we both have it and i'm like so we're like bizarro good mythical morning let's talk about that uh i'm definitely rat link is like more put together i'm definitely link red is kind of a mess i'm definitely feeling more like right there you know those guys have their [ __ ] together it's crazy they have like they have like a green room a gift basket yeah like a handler there's somebody there to like handle you it's crazy i don't have it in my document thank you to our sponsors okay thank you to our sponsors keeps its keeps right and upstart for sponsoring this episode of the ac podcast you know thank you thank you you're welcome rango [Music] yeah those guys and then what was crazy is when we were sitting down at the desk to do the video they have a teleprompter you probably know this is them but it blew my mind that was in front of the lens so they're reading off a teleprompter and looking directly into the lens that's awesome hi deck we can get one of those if you want what the [ __ ] do i need anymore i'm off the rails baby yeah what am i gonna do with the teleprompter hello this is the h3 podcast welcome to the h3 podcast guess what we're late that's written you can definitely predict that don't you write it into the really good one oh what's the title of this yeah we're squashing the beef with critical so we had two huge youtube beefs that massive beef yeah huge massive beasts that were simmering over the top the foot soldiers were had pitchforks in hand we were storming the capital we were ready we were i saw such a funny line about the capital thing they said i no longer think that nicholas cage stealing the declaration of independence is implausible [Laughter] i was like man that's [ __ ] true like damn so good oh maybe before you get started we can say oh somebody donated what the f they notice me yeah 100 donations notice me are you going to charge that back she actually that same person donated 200. why what's going on i do wonder if we should communicate to our viewers that we don't want it to become that kind of stream when we kind of like just shout out donations right well first of all let's say thank you yes we thank you so much thank you thank you well it's a good one i was wondering if we should limit the donation cap yeah because in a way it starts to make me feel bad yeah i know we're going to miss some of them because the nature of how we do it is we have topics to talk about we don't necessarily want to just be like shouting out no every usually i'll i'll read a donation if it's just like an interesting comment or conversation start or something that's the instructions the guys have thank you thank you for that hundred dollar donation what did she say the first time what did she what did she want to say i haven't seen the president it says somebody read it yeah it it says that she uh is a cam girl who wears teddy fresh on cam and she's being canceled on twitter and villainized in her community much like trisha love you guys over what what's her name i'm interested uh if you're in the discord uh dot nil reb uh dm uh zack you're sorry i want to see first of all what's her name dot mil reb it's nil red i don't know if that's what she goes by on only what do you do to get canceled on only fans here's dot no reb somebody look up the dot nil rep drama and and tell me if you can tell me if there's some dot no rev drama because i i'm interested for sure someone posted the question um in a donation i don't see dot no rib though but go ahead yellow ethan i had a friend in high school who told me she thought everyone ate while pooping she did it with a cheeseburger most recently she also she's burger the ocean both as an adult do you think either is normal okay eating on the toilet on one hand that's a big note for me okay eating on the toilet sometimes i've i've done it but i don't think it's normal i mean like i've like let's say if i'm finishing something if you're finishing let's say let's say i'm on the lab yeah let's say i'm on the last half the back half of a pizza slice and then i got gotta take a dump i'll bring it with me but bringing a whole cheeseburger in there is is pretty barbaric i think both are pretty barbaric i think in general you should not bring food into the bathroom hey it's all part of the process of life in one whole out the other no i think it's a golden rule so wait what was the other question wait is this person you you don't have this friend this is you that's fine it's definitely you but what was the other question pooping in the ocean oh that is what wait what's the context of that you're not a fish i know people say little fish poop in the sea yeah they're [ __ ] living the sea they're poop is supposed to be in the ocean the human turds is not supposed to be in the ocean you absolutely [ __ ] freak what are you talking about are you talking about your deep sea fishing and you plop one overboard because that's what happens when you sit on them no detail they just ask do you think either is normal it depends are you talking about like you're at the beach and you go in and just [ __ ] that's what i eat because there's people there for christ's sake but if you're like deep sea then i guess it's normal i mean i would use a toilet like civilized people deeper i need more details i think [Laughter] uh so dot nil rip with this she is she really because i searched dot never but i didn't see anything let's just start youtube name again i don't but i had like seven subscribers i i don't know because i'm wondering does anyone give oh here zac's of course found it i'm not the only fans expert okay here we go she only has 13 followers what is she being cancelled for i she didn't really specify in the message i don't know what the f okay well i find this story odd and i wish you i don't know how you can get cancelled with 12 people following you to be honest maybe that's just i don't know well if you're first of all to be can't the idea of being canceled means that enough people know about you to look to like get cancelled in personal life is that what she means i i have no idea i don't know how you get canceled with 12 followers on twitter but god bless i wish you all the best all right i'm interested though so anyway i was talking about this is a lot of activity in the donations i don't know how to go ahead let's read it if they're interesting stuff let's go well some of it is well hold on somebody maybe we we got to figure this out yeah we're good you're supposed to be on donations right you're reading donations yeah i have them i just don't know when to interrupt you guys always interrupt always interrupt well we're talking about it now so now it's a good time to shout it out yeah i mean a lot of them are about uh how people want shout outs but um okay i sent one right now on the discord where's for attendance shout out to peace and love with peace and love if you donate for a shout out you will not be read peace and love it almost looks like i'm warning you with peace and love mourning you with peace and love your shoutouts will not be read questions for dan and ethan dan what's your favorite king gizzard song and ethan what's your favorite grateful dead song i don't like these i don't like this question with peace and love this is not this is not a good question for the podcast with peace and love how do i convey what constitutes a good question or not but i think like conversation starters yeah or continuation if we talk about a topic and you have an opinion about it i think generally speaking if you're asking what's my favorite anything with peace and love it's probably not a good question for the podcast right also it's my birthday today can you please no no with peace and love no birthday wishes on the podcast i'm warning you with peace and love stop any birthday wishes will be ignored thank you thank you thank you i have a separate doc right i'm copying the donations as they go through but yeah most of them aren't conversation starters that's why i don't interrupt okay okay thank you thank you so anyway as i was saying what the f was that this game was kind of coke oh my god it's the best sound bite why is he whispering it sounds like he's getting heavy jesus oh jesus oh jesus okay jesus uh so as i was saying we are squashing the beef with some of our biggest longtime youtube rivals uh this could have exploded this could have turned really ugly but just like joe biden we are what does he say we are turning down the rhetoric we are [Music] so first of all d'angelo who's calling in today around one o'clock uh we're squash we had a huge beef with d'angelo who made a video attacking frenemies viciously no i'm kidding it was nice but uh in his in his videos he um well we we went over it but you know i i contacted him i said hey let's do a call on the podcast and he put me in and he gave me an email that i forwarded to dan right and then it was his man i thought he was giving me his email but it was his manager i was like oh i got big times by d'angelo funnily enough i gave him i gave it to dan so we had people talking we had people talking big time him yeah you both big time to each other i feel like my big time was more justified because this is a podcast and you're the producer but he's but you know what i mean he's i'm a god guy he's got a manager dude d'angelo's kind of a big deal you guys it's awesome i never understood what a manager for a youtuber means i gotta ask him what does it mean maybe it's just his friend maybe it's just him maybe it's just another alias for him i know people that do that they set up like a manager alias and it's just them that's smart it is kind of good it's kind of good it has a degree of separation didn't trump trump used to do stuff like that oh yeah john barron was his uh yeah pseudonym that he was oh that was what the twitter meme on yeah that's why there was all these accounts popping up i didn't realize okay that's fine i had to beat off yeah he used to call in as his own publicist and it was obviously him weird weird baby wasn't the name for the stormy daniel [ __ ] too wasn't it john barron i don't know that's what i'm saying he used that name for a lot of like it was his alter ego or is his alter ego love it i love it i love it so and anyway he big-timed me i big time we have people talking to people someone keeps saying that i'm pregnant i gotta tell you i'm not who's saying that why would they say that i wish we're trying we're trying it's not happening i mean it's just it's kind of a good bet to just guess that she's pregnant at any time since we're trying you know what i mean the universe so far is not wanting it to happen since we had theodore i want more kids now i thought maybe two but now i want three i want five kids i want seven kids but trust me as soon as it happens we'll tell you like last time we didn't even wait we we like people usually wait the three months because you may have a miscarriage i single-handedly disapprove of the bad luck vodka is like as soon as we find out well people say it's bad luck but i we disprove that bad luck it's stupid it's just that they don't want to have to tell you when you have a miscarriage but i think that's stupid too because so many people have miscarriages people should know that happens spitting facts queen right my queen do spit facts though so not pregnant but we are trying we're about to start this now we ila specifically is about to start this medicine that like medicine i have i have a procedure to do right i didn't know if you wanted to talk about that i was talking about the medicine you'll take afterwards well first i gotta do a procedure you want to tell them about the procedure i have uh polyps i don't even know what it means but i gotta take them out they just scrape them off apparently it's not a big deal right i think so like plaque like going to the vagina vagina dentist yeah and then once that's done then you take this medicine that like rapid fire blasts your eggs out like buck shot instead of one egg it's like a buck shot which interestingly when you do that it increases the chance of having twins as well right which could be wild but hey you know what would be cool it it it's kind of cool because you're like okay that two for one you know yeah there's like i guess that's the advantage of having two for one let's [ __ ] go you know i don't have to go do this again right i mean that whole nine month process is pretty grueling at times so it's like a cheat code that is by the way next friday and we're going to need to discuss what to do with after dark but we can talk oh because right hmm well obviously nothing comes you know nothing stops after dark so you're going to have to look at yourself i'm kidding i'm coming so anyway i was talking about the d'angelo um so he big time me and then he called actually he called out the crew members quite a bit a b you got called out big time from d'angelo hear them he peed through i mean yeah he was throwing stones here you know exposing shaolin lester he was like the first one to do it and then she threatened him just for context he's we're reacting to him he's reacting to us and now i'm reacting to him reacting to us we're directing the okay i like him i'm not going to warm up somebody in the chat says um he he sided with you and was defending you during the james charles hoodie definitely didn't happen this is the second fact they gave him that's just not true shalom lester never hit me with a lawsuit literally i never made a public comment i about the um well now i want to know what he thinks about the hoodie yeah so if i may he said if you may simp go ahead he said that literally we didn't know what we were talking about we gave him uh wrong information dan clearly said he was just reading a donation and uh he did i was just going off the cuff and i don't know anything i'm just i'm just reading what's in front of me and so i have his video down here on shannon lester where he said that sean lester was taking uh threatening him with legal action that she was going to make a police report and threaten him with legal action so we weren't wrong you were close to the truth you squirted up i guess his point is that it never happened right i said threatened though you did say threaten huh well what do we what are we splitting hairs here for easy but okay do some research but actually the the purpose he's calling is because um as i've said this is a pro shane podcast previously but i watched his whole series his whole tati shame yeah we both did and uh jeffrey series which was fantastic i have to say that guy brought the mother loving receipts we actually had nothing to watch that night and we ended up just watching all of them i think i watched all of his like he's good his essays but the shane one was brutal it was like holy [ __ ] like when i when just when i thought it couldn't get worse this guy comes out with like the cr all this crazy [ __ ] man i was blown away by that but you want to talk to him about it you know the girl did clarify she said that twitter was made by someone else trying to cancel me i don't have twitter because of the hate oh can i call in to explain there's before you call in i need more backstory well you guys can get the back yeah you guys get the back you gotta reach out to zach cause that's the biggest keeper of the call with peace and love i don't wanna be trapped in a call with you before i even know if it's interesting or not you know what i mean with peace and love warning you with peace there's nothing worse than when you get a call for someone and then you realize it's not interesting and you don't want to be rude and hang up but you're like oh brother yeah we won't know what's the drama also zach does she have a popular um only fans like what's is she in the top echelon i will look into it okay you know what i'm about to have a diva moment what [Music] i won't say it i'm being theatrical i'm not actually like angry i don't i'm just having to dead air anyway um he's gonna call in and then our uh should we just have him because he's that's in like 13 minutes i don't want to go into the next story necessarily true and we're gonna have to do the ad reads right before uh he calls in so um there is a lot going on in the chat i don't know there's a lot of activity yeah what are they saying maybe well a good quarter of it's about shoe nice oh he's all up in the chat right now is surely causing trouble no he's been he's being very good he's behaving himself okay good good don't blow up our chat shoot don't make me she said she's not on only fans so what did she say you know what what is the story with this girl what who are you why are people canceling you you don't have an online fans you don't have a twitter you said what am i missing is a cam girl zach bring me information don't just say she's not on only fans i want the story man this is all she gave me that's literally i don't know i don't have only fish girl you wanted my attention i'm here i'm begging you for details that's literally all she's saying all right i'm skipping it you're ca you know what not only are you canceled on the internet you canceled by me podcast you're cancelled oh no i have a comment from shoenice um anyone ever poop out a pine cone uh no no did he assuming that's what you were asking somebody donate 100 said how's the weight loss journey ethan oh petty 100 it's good i mean i've been exercising every night i've been every day every night i get on the i get on the treadmill by the way this treadmill was one of the best investments for me as i i'm walking for like an hour plus and playing video games it's kind of epic i have my controller i'm walk i'm walking and playing i already beat the demon souls remake mastered it slammed it destroyed it and now i went back and i'm playing dark souls 1 which by the way at this point in the game i'm pretty much invincible like the four kings that's apparently a hard fight dan it's a decent challenge i popped down there i literally just tanked him through everything and one shot him i mean i didn't die you have lost your sleeping schedule completely i know it's such a [ __ ] mess this is bad but can you be are you can you believe that dan i can believe it i mean you're doing the me if anybody's familiar with dark souls ethan literally did the meme build without even realizing it he's got the giant dad build so anybody that knows uh and you're kind of a giant dad i'm a giant dad so i gotta say when you when you pitch that idea of the treadmill and the playing video games while you walk out i didn't i thought that was stupid i didn't think you would actually do it oh [ __ ] and it's all like well last night we were watching this netflix documentary about night stalker pretty good by the way very disturbing it's a new uh very disturbing man that guy was a sick mother netflix yeah it's great dude oh look at that ethan's hair i just saw that too okay so ethan keeps thinking that he has to wear a beanie because his hair doesn't look good and i don't get that it's just it looks disheveled well why don't you fill me in i tell you your hair's great all the time what about where's my compliments we were all complimenting you this morning well after we already does that that's hot so what did she say i saw her do an update let's get to obama we've spent too much on this girl she says she's top 50 of cam something my free cam why is she being canceled that's all i just want this story she doesn't have [ __ ] she doesn't have [ __ ] it's so stupid so much part of the show expert of why she's canceled it it's not really you know tell me and now i'm in too deep you tell me why she's canceled and i'll be in the discord i'm not i can't move on tell me ian open the discord there's a thing right okay thank you ian come in with facts don't [ __ ] help what is this constant subtle backhanded compliments to elevate themselves over what like one time what the expose account was posting it's just stuff like this one time calling me their realistic goals unlike what does this mean unlike other models they do not care offering meetups and giving away phone number out easily as if to show they're different from other models oh my god do you really think that we can relate to this this is like cam girl drama offering to have both of us meet up with one of my highest tippers who lives in ca and stays in my house without ever asking me what are you talking about cam girl drama don't meet with your biggest tippers trust me she's saying she's being canceled because she has borderline personality disorder ah okay i can't speak on that yeah we're gonna stop in the chat stop with peace and love no one cares so we're gonna move on thank you got deangelo in the lobby yet or look we we had to check yeah let's get d'angelo on the line eh all right let's do this exactly at one o'clock get it he's such a big time well you know that was but for my instructions but like what he's not flexible at all he's like well i just told him it was a live show we're going to bring him in at one o'clock so right away and ask him to be flexible he's punctual unlike some people let's not spread misinformation here let's do some copy while we wait for d'angelo and then we could squash the beef then we move on to charlie who we swash the beef with as well which is fantastic we're we're tenderizing we're tenderizing i i i have to say i'm very happy with critical i feel good i feel happy i feel that we might be able to give him a grace foot rating on wiki feet after watching his video which people do he did complain that we tanked his rating he was a little sad about it so it was funny though and he did kind of you know bow to the king baby you kissed the ring a little bit on that that's all or the he kissed the um the foot ring how do you feel about fit foot jewelry eva i hate it yeah i'm not a fan of foot rings i hate it absolutely i hate it it's like it's i want to smell feet like i never said that [Laughter] like let's say an ankle bracelet okay yeah once you get beyond the ankle insanity toe ring it's like you're really forcing that [ __ ] like you like jewelry but let's be honest the toe does not need a ring no it looks ridiculous too like imagine trying to put a ring on a toe it's like it's just not it's just not right no no bruh no all right let's do it i want to smell feet guys we're going to read the copy and then d'angelo is going to uh join us right that's correct okay let's start with up starts up starts up starts oh nice you know that credit card the one you're afraid to look at as to see what the balance is if you've been avoiding paying your debt off it's time to confront it upstart can help you face and finally pay it off alright upstart is the fast and easy way to get a personal loan to pay off your debt all online whether it's paying off credit cards consolidating high interest debt or funding personal expenses over half of a million people use up start to get a simple fixed monthly payment upstart finds smarter rates with trusted partners because they because they ask assess more than just your credit score with a five minute online rate check you can see your rate up front for loans for more for from one thousand to fifty thousand dollars did that make sense i was reading it i was kind of messing up a lot so i'll read that line again with a five minute online rate check you can see your rate up front that's the name of the company oh [ __ ] maybe it should be up front it's upstart to be very clear with a five minute online rate check you can see your rate up front for loans from one thousand to fifty thousand dollars they're gonna give one of you guys fifty thousand dollars alone it's a bad idea i'm just saying i'm just generous you can get approved the same day and can receive funds dan's doing this to me that's the problem with doing these live is that you can't you can't redo it but it's okay that's the nature of the beast we're having fun out here uh you can get approved the same day and can receive funds as fast as one business day if debt is taking over your life it's time to get a fresh start with up start find out how upstart can lower your monthly payments today when you go to h3 that's h3 don't forget to use our url to let them know we sent you loan amounts will be determined based on your credit income and certain other information provided in your loan application go to h3 [Applause] all right next up is keeps this hair stuff is amazing this is for keeping your hair it just i always think of the the seinfeld episode where george costanza was trying to cure his baldness and he got the weird cream from china and it smelled yeah and like it's happening people are keeping their hair now look at these before and afters i don't want to show the copy but i mean i'm going to read it but this is apparently real real photos look at that [ __ ] before six month difference look at this whoa dude that guy that guy scored big time with keeps you know what i mean that's wild look at this guy dude it's beautiful that's really i gotta say i'm impressed yeah me too five months keeps your hair so that's the real deal folks all right let me tell you a little bit about keeps [Music] listen much of our identity is wrapped up in our hair we don't love it it's just the way it is look at me people are fawning over my hair they are throwing themselves at me worshiping my hair right all the comments about how good my hair looks i don't choose to have fabulous hair it's just the way it is sorry to be flexing on you guys you need this medicine from now i feel i'm sorry it's insensitive to be flexing on them right now no good i can tell i'm [ __ ] up the coppery because everybody's just like come on we're having fun from how it feels after getting a fresh cut to the way it's perfectly styled before going out that's why when we get into our 20s and 30s and start noticing the first sign of hair loss it definitely feels like panic i feel like i just read that but i didn't understand anything i read you know when you do that okay let me read that again because i feel like did it make sense because i like totally zoned out as okay as guys so much of our identity is wrapped up in our hair and how it feels after getting a fresh cut that's why when we get into our 20s and 30s we start noticing the first signs of hair loss it definitely feels like panic time folks because let's face it no guy's ever ready to go bald thankfully now there's keeps the simple and easy way to keep your hair [Music] hmm you used to go to the doctor's office to get hair loss prescriptions now with keeps you can visit a doctor online and get hair loss medicine delivered right to your door that makes it easy and deliver your medicine every three months so you can say goodbye to pharmacy checkout lines and awkward doctor visits boom this is fda approved hair loss products you have maybe tried them before but never for this price the prevention is key keep treat keeps treats keep keep keep keeps keep treatments typically take between four to six months to see results so it's important to act fast the sooner you start using keeps the more hair you'll save found out why keeps has five star reviews more than any of its competitors and more than 100 000 min trust keeps for their hair loss prevention medicine keeps treatment start at just 10 a month plus a limited time you can get your first month for free boo mother efforts yadda yadda host must uh voice offer let's do that where's the offer where's the offer guys call to action if you're ready to take action to prevent here let's go to h3 to receive your first month of treatment for free that's k e e p s dot com slash h3 host must spell out website at least once all right that was brutal huh good though i feel like it was good i mean if people want either of those you know if people want either those products they've got all the information they need yep right uh well d'angelo is in the waiting room showing okay good perfect title let's break about stand by letting him in now i closed my documental accident [ __ ] and he is coming in right there's a link to it in this clip i got it thank you i see him hello oh i hear him there he is hi do you see us yeah y'all look fantastic peace and love you look fantastic too here let me pin your video so i don't see all these goofballs actually can you pin him down or do i need to do that uh you can put it on your computer um whoops here i i can do it d'angelo let's go d'angelo hello hello hello yes how are you my dude i'm doing fine just you know boring youtube stuff the website's acting super weird so i couldn't get a video up today so now i don't know what to do with myself um those youtube dramas so oh so first of all d'angelo did not appreciate being called a drama channel and that's not what i said oh okay well this is a good question but he made a good point ela he said we're as much drama as he is and i agree right you don't consider yourself a drama channel right i i don't know i try not to be too touchy about it it's a derogatory it is what it is right yeah i kind of learned to deal with um that it is what it is approach withdrawal at some point i thought we weren't drama but were you i was like oh my god we're drama channels well it is what it is right no i just try to have fun so okay we have some first of all we're squashing our beef right now okay do you want to cross do you want to maybe put show your feet so we can get you on wiki feed or no um we would have to wait i don't i'm not like mentally there yet we have to do it the right way we can't hopefully i just wanted to give you that opportunity because we have such a powerful wikifoot bump that you'll probably be number two on the website if you did that but that's like hungry not to force you not to force you you know i want to pray no i know who to call now yeah yeah yeah yeah probably won't be soon probably won't be too long okay good that's nice to hear um what is so also i noticed um so you gave me your email it was your manager's email i feel like you big time to me a little bit did you big time me no no i just i try not to read emails my manager takes care of all that because my problem is when i scroll through my own email i tend to say yes to everything um which is not good because people come in with like the craziest offers so instead my manager just looks at all of that stuff in here he's like does your emails i love that way better at handling those kind of things because if you guys have left this to me i would not be here right now my time management skills are not not on the same level as you guys you have like a well-oiled machine well thank you very much we started 25 minutes late today yeah well the wall wasn't 25 well yeah because it was 12 10. it wasn't 25 15. let's not bicker in front of d'angelo he thinks we have a well-oiled machine take it take it all right so a b actually uh has beef abe do you want to do earlier yeah he says abc well he wanted to defend himself a little bit a b oh if you want to maybe discuss that i said i'm a fan of that d'angelo has the beef he said he has a beef with me just a beef hey beef well you know so okay what this is stupid who cares i want to talk about the shane thing same so the shane thing was um by the way we loved watching your videos oh yeah we went on a marathon i watched all three i watched the shane i watched the jeffrey i watched the tati yeah i watched the blaire white and i watched the um wait oh yeah you didn't watch the white yeah i went on either went to bed and i kept watching stay up all night yeah passive aggressive um so okay the shane thing yeah there's so much disturbing behavior in there it's really bizarre really it's true i didn't there so i knew a lot of it but actually your video had even more than what i knew about is shane just like the chances are i don't know anything about shane so i'm just going off the cuff here but my take on shane is that he's a obviously a disturbed person who is probably traumatized as a child through some kind of abuse which is probably the reason why he doesn't know how to tell what's appropriate way to interact and joke about sexual things and that's that's how i see that yeah and not to excuse his behavior right but i just that's how i see it so i don't know what's the solution with shane in your opinion is he can he ever come back to youtube or like what do we do what what tell me what to think about shane it certainly raises a lot of questions in terms of when you have creators who don't set boundaries for themselves but then they kind of get this giant platform like whose job is it necessarily to set that boundary definitely not mine definitely not yours we don't have the power youtube has done what it's done they even did take some of their own action at one point temporarily demonetizing him but as far as whether or not he should come back i mean from a business standpoint this is where he is you know um logically i'm sure he'll be back at some point throughout the year i mean at that point i won't have anything to do with it but i think it just it raised a lot of questions about how much people are willing to put aside in order to watch you know their favorite creator if you will but as for like where do we draw the line i don't know because all i can do is really just draw attention to things you know what i mean i can't i'm certainly no arbitrator nor do i try to be well i have to say i was super impressed with the quality of your video and the depth of research i thought was freaking phenomenal and the way that you presented it was was super good so i do think the praise is warranted i think the hype is warranted with d'angelo wallace and i recommend that shane video you know it's like i knew about like the weird sexualization with kids yeah we've talked about a lot of it ourselves on the on our podcast a while ago but still watching your whole video kind of put it in a deeper perspective because you did have more than we knew of and seeing it all together well dude there was like the animal stuff when i saw all that put together i was like holy smokes the animal stuff was really weird to me i'm one of the people to be quite frank that always believed that cats story it's just way too detailed it's just way too detailed and when he's telling that story it's not he's not kidding i think he [ __ ] on his cat comments certainly no more comments than i've given in that video i just i try not i try not to waste people's time i definitely understand like the image that i'm putting forth on youtube a lot of it at first glance just seems very inflammatory very long so i figure if if people per chance click into the videos hopefully i'll give them something that's actually worth watching you know what i mean because at the end of the day this is my job there is a certain way to do it in order to maximize clicks but i don't think that means you have to waste people's time per se so i do i try to structure my videos in a way where if you come then you're getting the information things that you can actually back up and things are not just speculation and so they certainly do take like a little longer to make i certainly wind up being late to a lot of situations because of that but i just it's the way i enjoy creating that sort of long-form content chat is saying the interview is going to end for enemies i disagree i don't think so yeah they're saying this is going to in front of me that's what people are saying in the chat look the shane topic is just really complicated jesus is um obviously we met him in person when we did the podcast it was nice it was never not nice to us but um all the stuff that are pointed out about him are definitely things worth talking about because it does have a big platform and i think if anything it's really important that he gets to come to terms with his issues and work on them i don't i don't think anyone should be just canceled to oblivion and not be able to work on himself and see where things go you know the i don't think that's a healthy approach for anyone well like i said my i speculate that it comes from a place of deep trauma in his own life i know he's hinted that he's been abused right as a child but i don't think he's ever specifically said so it's tough it is a tough situation you know like when you compare shane to someone like let's just say chris delia who also got canceled last year like shane correct me if i'm wrong but when i say something like shane didn't necessarily well i guess it's not necessary when i say shane didn't really do he he there was like victimless crimes you know what i mean but but what would you say to that if i said well shane shane is just kind of perverted but he's it's more about like didn't really inappropriate stuff um done on video and i think it's like what you said that he has no he doesn't understand what's appropriate or not appropriate well would you say that shane doesn't have any victims do you think that's a appropriate uh description from a legal standpoint unlike unlike um a lot of other creators there's certainly nothing there and i even made sure to um specify in that video you know i'm not accusing him of any crimes or anything like that as far as people just being affected by what he was doing in a negative way there are certainly people who have said that's their experience with that i mean it's not something i have experience with but you would really have to ask the people you know saying that what's your story you're like us you're like a smart eloquent guy are you in college are you out of college what's the deal with you oh i graduated in um 2019 at our lady of lake university it was a fun time are you well people were trying to speculate if you're married or single yeah i am not married not at the moment anyway who knows it's all subject to change not subject actually i think i graduated in 2018. i don't know why i just said 2019. i don't know where that came from but you were close i was i was going to get there eventually what did you major in mass communication with a concentration in digital film and television production perfection that's awesome so how old are you you grew up watching youtube i'm assuming you're of that age yeah i'm 22. yeah i grew up watching i wouldn't say i grew up watching youtube but in my teens that's definitely when i got super into it i was introduced to all these people i was like holy crap you can upload videos to a website and this can be your job you can get rich from this kind of thing a lot of your videos i was watching at that time as well so it's all pretty exciting stuff so that shane video was kind of like a big turning point i remember you said you went from like 10 000 to a million subscribers in that one year is that right um it was somewhere like that was 2020 right so somewhere along like 300k to 1.5 million or something like that damn yeah it was certainly certainly a big jump um it definitely put it definitely changed a lot of the way that i had to approach my videos in the future because i think when you have you know when you don't have to answer to as many people maybe you can get away with a few mistakes here and there but now i really look at my content as like if i'm putting this out and this many people can potentially be viewing it i have to make sure that i'm not putting things out that i'm going to wind up regretting or things that can be easily disproven or anything like that so i just think the main thing is it just motivates me to try even harder i think with my long-form content now my shorter videos are just for fun i don't i definitely don't care about those as much but yeah that's the main thing i would say that changed that's awesome yeah you're definitely a high quality content creator man there's not many people on youtube these days i can actually watch their especially an hour long video so i appreciate that so jeffrey stars oh my god the jeffree star video was great you know i still don't know what to make of that guy to be honest with you i definitely don't know especially not with 2021 starting off with rumors of jeffree star and kanye doing whatever the heck they're doing those rumors people were asking me for my take on that as well too because i guess i accidentally became the jeffree star guy yeah and i was like listen i don't fault you for asking but in 2021 there's like a list of people who i'm working really hard to not give any mental space and coincidentally jeffree star and kanye west are both very close to the top of that list so when i saw them coincide i was like this is a sign i was surprised at jeffree star's background i had no idea because i feel like i didn't even know about him before and i kind of just started to hear about him just like with all the makeup drama so i i only knew him as like the makeup person but i his background is pretty wild he is he really came it's sad that i um it's sad that the video wound up being what it is just because of his pattern of behavior but beyond all that there really is like a rag storage's story he's come very far while being himself and i was like why can't that you know be your biggest your biggest attribute but instead we get all the crazy stuff that wound up in my video yeah dude the theory about him um fake that big makeup heist that was like all over the news it makes so much sense your theory right and it is just a theory just your speculation just to cover our asses but it makes so much sense like why would anybody steal makeup and then try to sell stolen makeup like but also something like that like a heist phone an action movie with right they come from the top window just to steal some like lip line lip gloss or something through the laser beam so just to feel you guys deangelo speculated that jeffrey's whole you guys might remember when it was huge in the news all over this everywhere that he had like millions of dollars of makeup stolen and the story was always a little bit fishy to me but d'angelo speculates that he faked it in order to hype up his next release which would be crazy because i would never even consider that someone would do something like that well it were i mean also props to him i also i do think it's probably it's definitely fraud you can't just can you just say that your [ __ ] was stolen i don't know i don't think you should be able to i don't know it's weird that the media ate it up so much but it's something that i i try to be careful of myself because one of the things i realized is when you have enough followers people will just take what you're saying as fact without looking into it themselves and it's like it's a double-edged sword most certainly on the one hand i guess you could say that's a good thing but on the other hand i get scared sometimes because i even see myself like implying things in videos or me not being clear about things and then people just running with it and i can't then say well hey you know this is your fault for doing this i have to recognize oh snap i have a track record i can see why people are just taking this at face value so even at that i understand why he would just say this happened in a video with no evidence because it makes more sense to believe that i think than to disbelieve that yeah so i understand why it was like never question but because when i was writing that video i was already in the frame of mind of questioning like everything and i wanted to back up everything when i started running into what in my opinion was zero proof of this actually happening i was like oh my gosh is there actually nothing here and so i just left it very open-ended i was like of course i cannot prove that something did not happen that's much more difficult to prove than something happening but at the same time i wanted to pose the question like how much can we really believe you know what i mean yeah there's a there's crates of concealer somewhere we demand answers right no but either way the thing about that too is whether it was real or not which of course we'll never have the answer you cannot deny that the promo it caused was far more yeah for sure i remember i watched that whole video and i don't follow anything jeffree star it was like trending it was fun you know you know what's so crazy we have a teddy fresh release coming out um next week and like someone broke into our warehouse and stole like half of the [ __ ] and i'm just saying to all the news outlets watching it was crazy there was a shootout too there was a shootout somebody died but anyway we got rid of the body but the clothes are gone that's the most important thing teddy fresh capital raid i was there by the way live streaming it oh you were live streaming too the teddy fresh capital raid yes i took charge on them well d'angelo i'm looking forward to your next uh content i will be watching it i'm a fan yeah oh thank you i hope so yeah it's gonna be pretty great pretty great and you guys oh wait okay fun fact if i can just throw a little spoiler there the video is about kovid 19 and you guys are actually heralded as a very positive example yes i knew i loved you i loved d'angelo i knew that this guy was the best creator on youtube yeah with a few channels who are always like testing at the one point when some of your crew members got covered they were separated you guys were just making sure everything's right through all the tests and i'm like okay if the h3 can do it i tr nobody nobody else has an excuse clearly you can continue running a big show with a bunch of people i don't have to pretend well we moved our whole operation to our basement because we didn't want to be in a small space together when we've been in our freaking basement for like almost a year now i get frustrated with other people though who are not being safe and are not being honest with their followers i am so down to watch that video because there are so many creators that are just so [ __ ] irresponsible have you seen the video of when tanner fox calls logan paul and jake paul no oh bro i'll still wait was it the one where he said i have covered and he's like oh i don't care yeah we don't care so jake paul first of all he has a podcast with guests he sits right across from guests and he man it's like literally tanner calls logan he goes i don't give a [ __ ] but thanks for letting me know and then you proceed to do a podcast with people in person yeah yeah we have the sound bites i don't know if you can hear our sound bites go ahead they can they're fantastic so that's jake go ahead play jake i and then play the guy screaming in the background of the j call we don't care that was his friend in the background there's a tan there's a tana mojo clip as well that might be a great sound bite where her and her friend are like we don't effing care and they claim that that was not about exactly that sound bite i you know it wasn't clear enough audio because it was we tried now d'angelo just if you want to sing my praises even more i'm just going to let you i'll just bring you in maybe give you some intel back when kovid's start was starting to peek out i made a whole podcast about it when people said i was being an alarmist and people were calling me a fear monger i was back in like february and i just want to say that uh you know kind of a global pandemic yeah i just want to say i was right oak what is that how do you feel about frenemies how do i feel about friend of mine he made a whole video about it i know but no no no no it's a good question it's a good question i look i was very clear in that video that i watched friends i did not want to frame it as like oh my gosh this is so bad and i don't take part in this and i did watch your last episode as well let me just tell you that was surreal i started watching it as soon as it came out so then we're only on episode 16 something like that and now like i was featured in the beginning of it so the journey from just like a listener to winding up as one of the topics was so funny so i'll take i'll take what i can get half of the frenemies podcast really likes me so that works for me we can bump it up to 100 later in the future well oh my god i do think that the clout transfer is complete although i have to say you did you did me kind of dirty you put my dms in the thumbnail without telling me that's a big no-no on youtube oh yeah totally yeah i didn't just put them in the thumbnail i opened them on stream that was great i was like what the [ __ ] is he doing like i know it was all good but i was like you can't do that no if it was anything that made you look any kind of bad i would have just kept that to myself but you're just like you're i think that's what was throwing me off a bit because um i mean i was i try to be even you can't be even and be human but i try to be even with all of my criticism so i was grateful i think that you kind of saw down the middle of it you know what i mean like i said about the podcast i don't have 100 negative feelings about it i really do believe all the things i said in the beginning too about it being a more realistic portrayal of trisha and about your friendship being real even though a lot of people say it's fake and just about how funny it is so i was glad that that didn't get lost and like the criticism at the end but i will say like multiple sound bites of tricia peter saying i hate dandela wallace it's kind of iconic that's kind of iconic yeah unfortunately trisha will never like you i'm afraid but yeah but on my side of the desk we are stans i have no criticism of you maybe you should i try i try to be i try to be right now i have no criticism but i'll tell you what the moment i have one you'll be damn sure to hear about it live perfect what'd you say about the james charles oh james charles said he said oh yeah so you said you never publicly defended me so do you think james charles ripped me off here and now live on the h3 podcast james charles color block hoodie yes ripoff no bro you're asking me to sacrifice my james charles twitter follow i'm going to have to do some computations is this worth it hey you're the you spit the facts that's it that's your own stick all right here we go yes either james or somebody on his design team it was almost a 1-1 thank you you heard it here i knew that my faith in d'angelo was not misplaced oh my god this is the team what no one tell him anything so he keeps the phone yeah nobody nobody send this clip to james right he'll never know sister uh sister snatch all right deangelo i'll let you go thank you so much it was fun yeah it was a great time we appreciate you we think you're great everybody go check out his channel and um i actually i'm really looking forward to that cover video it's going to be fantastic somebody needs to do that video so january 31st it's my one plug i had to take it really you're planning that you're planning to be like you have that specific of a deadline no it's just like that's the latest possible time i can get it up contractually because there's a brand deal in it oh the brand deal okay i know that yeah all right i'll catch you guys later thank you so much for having me all right take care god bless all right all right bye we love you matched and that was fun i'm so happy that we're making friends on youtube i know the pop like we are making friends on youtube which is something i never really did you know he's d'angelo is someone that speaks only the truth yeah he walks the center line like what was buddha's name siddhartha yeah like siddhartha himself [Laughter] and yet even d'angelo who under risk of being unfollowed by james charles said and i quote it was basically a one for one copy love to hear it yeah his shane video was really okay cool but i'm still torn on like i'm still torn on i personally don't think shane is a bad person like i said like i keep saying is i think it's just a dude who's deeply disturbed and traumatized and doesn't know where the line is you know yeah i mean hopefully during this time he's actually getting to really disconnect for a moment and just kind of like work on his on himself i'd like to think if he does come back that he'll well you know people are saying you didn't mention the part about shane being racist oh right you're right i didn't yeah the racist [ __ ] was brutal actually i totally forgot there were so many honestly i think people should watch that video it is really good there was so much which is why i get it right try to i totally forgot but like yeah i mean so the racist [ __ ] was pretty brutal he had like he did blackface like actually he made a really funny point in his video he said he did blackface more often than he did uh um what makeup or what was it oh yeah because he was saying he's a beauty he was a beauty youtuber so he has more blackface videos than makeup videos because he used to do it so much back in the day also what i like that d'angelo showed is that um saying that that was okay at the time like it kind of showed how that's just not true even at that time when those were made that was not okay he dude he is a really pers he his videos are really really well put together i'm super impressed yeah he made a super compelling argument that like people used to be edgy right but people didn't just used to wear blackface for the sake of wearing blacklights and he compared it for example to like jimmy kimmel has this notorious uh bit where he used to go all black body and do a carl malone bit and the thing is like shane's blackfaceness didn't really contribute anything to the joke it was literally just blackface and also he was he he like in just kind of like in a bad way like this yeah like in a bad way yeah and also like he showed back in the day he was he would just make like really terrible black people jokes too it was like i was like whoa that's tough you see the whole picture it's really tough to to take it all in it's a lot but i do feel that shane is someone who is willing to be as outrageous as possible to get a laugh and i think that's what he doesn't understand the the border it's a great i mean watch it and decide for yourself you know that video definitely does deserve all the views it has so we have a comment from an ex-mormon i would like to explain the magic underwear also have a foot fetish whoa can you have a foot fetish as a mormon what is that ex-mormon i wonder if he had to decide between feet and mormon yeah i actually thought i was going to smell feet throughout this week got messaged by about like five or six mormons who are fans of the show which big no on the magic underwear it was it from all of them said well the magic underwear don't do that i knew that it was only trisha who was like ready to show up and apparently it's called garments trisha wanted to show up in mormon garments aka magic underwear to eat grilled cheese and do trivia i was like we cannot do that oh my god and the mormons wrote in with resounding no you cannot do that what does it look like though i'm actually i've never seen it i'm gonna pull up a picture mormon garments what is it used for it's basic i think someone said it's used for like when you go on a mission because they go on like missions it's really just this eh okay it's just like conservative looks comfortable the mormons are stacked bro look at this look at all that space nice deep v and [ __ ] nice deep i mean that's it i like it for pajamas to wear around the house don't wear that it's disrespectful no i'm not going to i'm just saying it's kind of oh yeah it's kind of baller actually it's kind of baller that's what i'm trying to say it is kind of baller so they wear it when they go on missionary or when they go in the temple i don't know i really don't know what why is it like why did they do like a sexy version of the mormon underwear [ __ ] anyway um so d'angelo is off my enemies list and onto my friends list we're making friends do everybody see the chat spamming uh alan dent over and over again i do and i have no idea what they're talking about me neither uh ellen dent is the guy who said let me call in but he's not about the mormon underwear but he's not part of the discord so everybody's writing for alan dent huh oh that that was the ex-mormon was alan that's true yes i followed the chat sometimes because i'm trying to it was just a wall of alan dent and i was like what's what's going on here yeah um um so moving on we have critical who first of all the beef began when he proclaimed himself the god of wikifeed it was it was a critical error right well said dan who as you guys all all well know he is he's not only not the god of wikifeed he's not even close to number one on the website that of course that title is of course goes to yours truly maybe av shut up sorry but that really pissed me off the only reason i'm number two is because i was the one that was reporting the critical situation live don't you think it's a little opportunistic amy that you snuck into the the number two spot i just explained how i didn't say i've never not one time i've ever said i've already i've always said don't do it i said it because yeah but you know what that means don't do it don't act all innocent it's because i was there reporting the uh that's mad because his feet went up the same day and lord knows what they say ethan klein oh people have been digging and finding new feedbacks oh evie you're not on here anymore oh there you go whoa they removed you huh you got bomb sorry holy [ __ ] they removed you ab wait zach that's weird you know what's crazy is that through all of this they keep me number one the people on the website the moderators of this website have deemed that i shall be number one you've done a lot for this website i put them on the [ __ ] map yeah you know what it was it's probably my co-workers who did it because ian and zach are conspiring against me because they're mad i got that second how do you figure ian was ian was sending to the chat last week dude they added so many holy crap i wonder if this was a fan or one of them if someone didn't think that you were kidding like wait hold on this is intriguing someone went back through the last i checked this page like a week ago yeah these are all new then this was the newest pick from our from our uh trip for your birthday yeah and so i want to talk about somebody went back yeah really far i don't even know what what video is this from i have no idea what the f and then this is yeah way back 195 boy i wish huh man these people are freaks oh geez look how skinny i am cool i'm going to be like that someday what is this why do you look like that what is this you can't even see my feet it's okay because it's frames you're moving that's hot i could jizz to that yo somebody said uh i could shed some light on the mormon garments they're actually worn as much as possible and only removed when showering and swimming they're worn underneath regular clothing oh so they do wear them all the time i like it you guys want to learn about magic underwear i think what we just did oh we just did thank you that's it that's all you need to know i'm no foot fetishes but i feel like you could definitely jerk it to this let's read the comments because there's always funny ass comments on a mix of like foot super troopers and actual genuine members of the website who are confused someone wrote and donated a hundred dollars i have an amazing 2020 success story where i lost 100 pounds in seven months and now it needs to be shared and i know you want to hear it too please let me call in say what it needs to be shared send us some before and after pics we'll look at it that's amazing somebody wrote nasty rude excuse me somebody wrote nasty gaga86 okay user gave me one star ugly feet [ __ ] you gaga blacklist user what does that do how is it possible here we go listen to this one star how is it possible this man single-handedly ruined this entire site's rating system it's crazy frankly what him and his psycho fans did such a shame it's just one person why you got to be such a hater ass [ __ ] is it possible that people on the website actually just like my feet you punk okay something is happening here yeah that one oh well i got three stars from them at least nice oh my god this looks a lot like bro you're let me look at this profile picture before i read this comment put slave 82. brad you got issues dude he didn't rape let's not judge i'm not judged true no judging what do you think about these these little boys oh bro you guys are [ __ ] why should i derive this i'm i'm the law these are my people looks a lot like his fans are making accounts just so they can give him a five-star rating i mean this dude currently has 6.4 he has a higher rating than sean mendes chris hemsworth the zac efron justin bieber who says just because they're handsome more handsome than me that they have nicer feet than me there's no logic he says your feet are average as hell or rightly or wrongly the undisputed kings of wikifeed men this guy's feet are average as hell well not in the opinion of all the people who raided they're not good feet at all one star right man stay mad haters 6.5 for five dollars he said look into the mormon handshake that gets you into heaven i've heard it's a big secret oh there's a mormon handshake are they not are we not supposed to know about the mormon handshake i can't tell if he's trolling or not let me look into it no that sounds something real mormons are up to all kinds of tricky business like they have all kinds of secrets they seem overall like there's nothing bad no they're nice dude mormons are the nicest people ever i love dandelion mormons oh yeah mormon handshakes real interesting holy [ __ ] yeah this video from youtube says secret mormon temple handshake with hidden camera huh oh well we're not supposed to watch it oh i'm watching it why is the secret because they have there's all kinds of secrets in the mormon church there's like different levels it's kind of scientologist scientology in that regard i don't like that they have like secret sanctums and stuff and secret teachings and and i swear to god i i know that the truth the church i think no longer believes this but they the one of the original tenets of mormonism was that black people are evil spirits straight up that that's why they were black because there are evil spirits that lost the war and you guys i'm not wrong about that right i hope not i hope not no i swear to god i swear to god they think that black people are evil spirits that lost the war against angels you say you say i swear to god and then you say i'm not wrong about that right i'm 99.9 i'm 99.9 on that hold on let's find the secret handshake sorry to all the mormon fans i'm just intrigued dude you guys have a mole deep in the mormon church you know what i mean here just you you see what they get up to and like the deep sanctums of the temple they're like main churches in l.a it's like this crazy ass looking temple they're like what's up dog what's going on are you good i just i just got a message from someone in discord who's mormon he said yeah i would be okay talking about the underwear but the handshake is definitely off limits he said watching the video you're gonna get a lot of people mad what can i do man it's on youtube he said with the black people thing there's some history about that i believe look at that touch bro hang on i gotta see how this goes down forgive me but i gotta know about this secret handshake they're like hey dog what's going on you good baby give me some skin boy just a little embrace a little dab yeah just a handshake it's just a loving embrace jesus it's just oh then they touch again they let go they touch again very gently it's a gentle embrace so hear what they're saying they go there's no sound oh yeah let's hear [Music] the second token of the ironic priesthood it has i will to the veil heinrich [Music] what is that the first token of the melchizedek priesthood or sign of the nail right [Music] it's weird you guys someone said this is how me and my weird dealers that's the perfect convert yo it's just doing a mormon handshake that's a perfect handoff like yo what's up baby that was good love love said it sounds like an npc conversation in oblivion hello be careful there sir what is that sorry to the mormons if i'm being insensitive but i'm very intrigued by the secrets hey don't be mad at me being mad at this [ __ ] guy this guy's a rat this guy put a camera in his robe and went and started shaking hands and [ __ ] this guy's a rat man you know what i mean i'm just here for the tease oh what's this trisha just posted a video of why she is scared of jeffrey and the thumbnail looks like she's crying oh my god trisha okay we better watch that for this purpose i wonder if she's baiting us to watch it like she's on that level these days [Music] she knows exactly what she's doing and we're gonna watch it man these guys have soft hands [Music] it's crazy it all goes down in the road you guys stop spamming about army hammer yeah i know shut the [ __ ] up it's really hard already to follow the chat while i'm trying to um engage conversation with ethan too and not go arm and hammer isn't that a baking soda army hammer the story about him oh dm's getting leaked he's like i've been i've been trying to make sense of that story i can't tell what's true or not yeah after army hammer has been accused of being like a cannibal and then well one of the initial people said that they made the story up and then other one of his ex-girlfriends came out and said that he he was just like abusive you know which i don't know but but the really scandalous part is that he apparently like wanted to eat parts of them but we don't know if that's real or not right yeah uh i was reading up on it yesterday and it just seems like it's still a developing story we'll follow it maybe we'll talk about it next week we're aware of it you don't have to spam about it thank you thank you with peace and love did anybody find out about the black the the the thing i said about black people ethan is right about this black beautiful thing thank you thank you oh until 19 1978 when god changed his mind about us you should watch the book of mormon it may be a commentary musical but they're super accurate about the religion right oh god god's like you know i know i've been saying that black people are evil demons but i changed my mind i was wrong just gonna walk that back real quick same thing with the four wives i command you to take four wives um i take it back i was raised mormon for a while i was super anti-mormon and resented the whole religion i was definitely brainwashed this all being said i'm sorry this being said all the mormon people i've ever met have been extremely extremely nice like the nicest people ever and i used to be mormon i was raised mormon and i have so much insight what are we going to do what are we going to do and another person said that he's also an ex-mormon who can explain things so there's a lot of ex more yeah i think there's a huge like ex-mormon community because it's the thing about mormons is it's a very tight community and they kind of like work with each other they marry each other they stay within each other's community is very very tight and so you know people have reputations and they're judged and concept and the rules and everything so it's pretty it's pretty it sounds pretty intense small communities it sounds awful to me because i kind of feel like where i grew up is kind of like a small place and inevitably everyone just knows everything and i just there's no open mindedness in those kind of communities you can't just do whatever you want without getting looks without it you know when i came to you when i came to move in with you guys when i came you were getting dirty looks right you people were gossiping well it's like everyone wants to know everything it's like none of your business i don't know yeah yeah either neighbors were weird they were like peeking out the windows kind of yeah i have a neighbor across the street that it's like she's crazy she she's always freaking out the window looking uh so bored like if someone came home late she's like really hmm oh my god what are you out this late you want to watch this uh um trisha crying video uh you don't like to speak up someone want to vet it yeah i'm yeah am i what is this okay like here she's crying let me just watch this i don't know what this video was in the beginning he paid for the car services so i'm like watching the full hearing video i posted something in my vlog channel how i just saw like a clip of this guy like this is jeffrey stars like wing guy and also his friend he took him to wyoming like just a few days ago like they're they're the tight group of people that were being so awful to me on this vegas trip a year ago i think watching this is so triggering for so many reasons something this video apparently i guess she she got mad at jeffrey because he was being real mean to her yeah although i thought 2021 trisha was pro jeffrey but i know what these [ __ ] are and i don't normally don't like to speak up on them they're [ __ ] so quiet then that jeffrey's actually a nice person [Music] they take an advantage that jeffrey's not about airing people out anymore okay that he's not about airing people out anymore he could he's lucky he's a nice person how are you gonna talk about a person after you got in a private jet that was paid for you didn't spend the time okay your [ __ ] room was paid for he paid for the [ __ ] concert to go see mariah carey front row i sat next to you for the food for the restaurant there's more than just buying people [ __ ] you dumbass like just because he brought her on the trip doesn't mean he wasn't a douche like just because he brought her on a trip doesn't mean that she needs to [ __ ] get on her hands and knees and say his praise forever like weird world view dude yes you were such a boring time you were such a boring time you were so negative such a what boring time what are you saying who is this guy why are you talking [ __ ] on tricia who's this [ __ ] guy by the way the cultures are boring i can i'll just have i gotta intervene bro i can tell you're a boring weirdo boring time what is she there to entertain you like [ __ ] this guy i remember he even checked they're like yo what is wrong with you girl we're trying to make you feel better and she's like um we were like hey we have to leave by nine o'clock it's seven o'clock like i'll put trisha's awake first and then i'll put sure oh no if we don't have time for my i literally will go out like this i don't care like you know yeah i'm perfectly fine what three who's doing that who did that me not me who did that who did that wasn't me it was not me that wasn't in the video right hold on let me go back just to make sure it wasn't in the video hey we have to leave by nine o'clock it's seven o'clock like i'll put tricia's weight first and then i'll put choice oh no no if we don't have time for mine i literally will go out like this i don't care like you know i'm perfectly fine no that was today's episode she probably had the tab open waiting for the live stream to start and then it started in the middle of her recording ah trish is watching huh interesting hi trisha hi sister [ __ ] you dan i do not like this guy by the way he is such a douche but let me hear or nobody [ __ ] rides for my friend if somebody can talk [ __ ] on my friend it'll be me not this [ __ ] come on oh come on oh my god that's so funny i thought it was one of you guys yeah we know which one you thought it was well yeah he's so [ __ ] lucky he does not air this [ __ ] out of here you know what was the bro are you like the trashiest person alive doing this while you're someone's working on your hair like bro you're not that serious i don't know who you are talking [ __ ] while someone's doing your hair like it's people get upset when they have something good and then they do something stupid what is he responding to we talked about your skin [ __ ] but your [ __ ] skin looks like [ __ ] till this day oh my god what what a [ __ ] [ __ ] he's so aggressive wait i gotta hear i gotta hear this we talked about your skin [ __ ] but your [ __ ] skin looks like [ __ ] till this day a whole year later [ __ ] oh my god that makes me like i almost feel like he punched me in the face you know this guy is is who is this person is anybody is anybody working to identify this man yeah i believe he's a hairstylist i'm not sure because she said so you guys know just to be clear when i asked that i'm not it's not a rhetorical question i have three people here yeah no i was watching before you even started the video i'm i'm ahead of you okay so who is he i i believe this is the hair by jay i'm trying to find his own hair by jay oh thank you who is that this guy is an evil [ __ ] that is just here we have his instagram let's find out who this [ __ ] is this guy is evil bro [ __ ] you who talks about another person like that like if you want to criticize her as a person that's one thing but be like i called just i mean that's just dude you got problems bro good and then they do something stupid i despise this man we talked about your skin [ __ ] but your [ __ ] skin looks like [ __ ] till this day a whole year later so don't you just admit that she's right though you're trying to act like it's all good but you just admit that you were talking [ __ ] about her and you just did it again how was you making fun of her skin at all that woman right there is plain evil i've never seen anything like that bro you're [ __ ] here by jay i wouldn't let that guy touch my i won't let that guy touch my hair i won't get i won't let that guy near me he's like he'd be doing my hair he's like damn your skin is [ __ ] up dude you're ugly bro be doing my hair nah i'm not down with this guy how you gonna broadcast that bro you want to talk about good hair and what in the hell is with this bro you just liked it i did oh [ __ ] i didn't know i was logged in bruh dog you are the biggest you get the biggest douche of the of oh brother i can't believe this guy's real i can't people like this for real yeah get the [ __ ] out stupid dumb worst looking ass [ __ ] maybe she should go on a [ __ ] diet and get like on her [ __ ] brain okay dude you gotta stop you gotta stop dude you are so pathetic you're attacking her skin and her weight oh my god well trisha don't feel bad he's really just exposing himself as a rotten human being and funnily enough he literally just admit to you just admit to what you accused them of which is funny yes we paid yes we bought our flight and brought her to a show but we yes we also made fun of her skin called her time and she was boring holy [ __ ] treasure i wouldn't feel bad about not falling out of grace with these psychopaths holy [ __ ] and the fact that he's talking all this smack while someone's doing his hair it's just it's like bro you're just a [ __ ] hairstylist you're not that serious so important yeah that i cannot even stop for a moment to shoot this dumb video bro you you gotta have someone doing my hair while i'm doing it this seems because every minute of mine is money you know i clicked this video going in skeptical but i have to say trisha this is some heinous [ __ ] maybe all that fat is [ __ ] up her [ __ ] brain all right i don't think you need to shed tears over this guy though to be honest trisha he's literal have some respect for the woman doing your hair just wait till she's done man so weird oh my god oh my god i felt so awkward and and you know they were fat shaming me and you just admitted you just admit that you were doing all those things you really want to hang out with people that make fun of your weight and skin like that's not a good time dude you literally just admit to doing that touch me double and i cut in pain and they were making fun of my skin and yeah we i thought we were friends i thought you just admit that all that's true i should have talked about it and all that [ __ ] let me tell you something let me tell you something this stupid dumb walrus warts oh he's wait he's watching us he's watching instagram if you want to watch him i got to react to him watching him here by jay you're you're you're going down mother no i'm watching him right now he's not watching us okay yeah i have some words for her by jay this is why i love live because you just go to war with people as it's happening you're one of the rudest saddest most pathetic people i've ever seen on the internet you were just a rotten dude you know what pisses me off that i actually liked her i actually got along with oh my god well for someone that liked her it sounds like you're a real [ __ ] [ __ ] ethan the uh the foot soldiers are rolling out his his chat is all like h3 and uh talk about trisha tricia's queen yeah dude this guy trisha is queen sorry you know but i got this it's just giving me bad vibes i don't like it it is one like foot soldiers are mounting a defense for our oh my god i'm sorry go ahead no just funny they're like they're all spamming him you you're a clown they're not effing around he's trying to get a little upset how do i open his send me his live feed so i can watch it okay i want to watch him he's a clown send him clown emojis too much made her feel uncomfortable was so negative to her but afterwards [ __ ] don't forget to say but i got to fly to vegas because that person paid for a [ __ ] who gives a [ __ ] the fact that he bought her a plane ticket doesn't mean anything who cares dude is that your whole world is just controlled by currency and favors like dude get a [ __ ] grip on reality i slept in the [ __ ] room oh my god you have dude you are consulted with my [ __ ] sweets yeah yeah she can pay you back [ __ ] yeah perspective don't uh for this idiot i really believe it's actually just like setting up we got to defend our questions so i'm like watching the full i don't need to watch the tricia crime but you shouldn't cry for this guy dude he is such you're such a douche send me his live stream i want to see what's popping over there oh sorry soldiers are in full effect right now he's like all flustered he's live on instagram i i don't think you can watch them unfortunately oh wait maybe you'll always just wait about the things that she was saying on it okay what she said was totally false and the thing that upset me was that these things were being said right sorry right these things were being said even though i'm here thinking this whole time you [ __ ] said you literally just said i paid for your room paid for your flight that's why you shouldn't complain you justify being a total [ __ ] douche bag to her he needs to apologize you need to apologize bro straight up you justify being a total douche bag to her because you bought her what is she a peasant that you could just bring around and [ __ ] on because you bought her things trisha should send him a check so he can shut up yeah you want trisha to send you a check [ __ ] you bro what what's happening now how'd you get here wait this isn't uh live no uh the bullet being shot but they don't see why the shot the shot was fired okay oh no so what are you talking about now she creates a uh a a youtube video and i tell the the girl that's doing my hair i'm like yo let me borrow your phone so i could watch hurt the video on live so they you guys got my first oh my god just apologize bruh yeah i just apologize the first reaction out of me you get me okay so i see the video on live money this girl gets along with me i'm thinking we get along so in the video she's saying that there's a car alarm going she didn't like the service because she felt i overcharged her okay whatever she said it doesn't justify what you said about her she fell okay you over throughout the night um touch her up and it seems like fair criticism brah not [ __ ] calling someone fat and her skin bad no no no no here's the thing let me tell you guys what i'm not going to apologize when you're about oh no no there's no need to apologize for something that i knew i was saying okay when someone is upset you don't say no you need to apologize things to make that person feel you want to check [ __ ] you say [ __ ] that's going to piss them off too the same oh okay so this guy's a doo-doo head what happens and everybody knows i love that when he gets challenged a little bit he starts all of a sudden he's not that tough and not that serious interesting that we got to see that happening live to i got trisha's back on this one man that was some rude [ __ ] you know why does he keep showing me this video the story i guess well i'm clicking for the accurate things okay [ __ ] that who cares like suppose she did say that i charged her more yes or which is some stuff like that when you say that i'm talking about you and i really wasn't you're not even making sure that's when it's going really pissed me off you didn't even bring that up in your videos okay yeah i didn't watch the video the latest video recently but they failed to show those parts where i'm bringing out receipts you didn't bring [ __ ] you [ __ ] this guy's a douche case closed guys closed case closed i was ah man that's what jeffrey that's what your brain does on jeffree star sounds like somebody wants this guy obviously lives his life transactionally right i have no idea about him so i don't well based on what he said about trisha that she should just endure whatever uh she should just endure whatever abuse comes her way because because he's buying her [ __ ] so that that's how i assume his relationship is with jeffrey you know what i mean he's on that jeffrey t so hard he's so desperate he just debased himself it's upsetting yeah trish are you watching this yeah should we have her call him man whatever trisha if you're out there we got your back girl you can message me on whatsapp let me see if she messaged me my mom messaged me oh my mom said she's watching the show it says you look like you have lost weight thank you mom she said and my my parents are the harshest critics they're telling me straight up my mom doesn't pull punches on the wait [ __ ] should be like you're fat she's like you look fat tell you that way your mom wanted an apology alive you should do it well you're whatever oh yeah i do owe my mom an apology kind of made it sound really douchy when he was telling trisha about our proposal he said that the ring his mom gave him was trash i didn't mean that i i so didn't mean it it was a grandma yeah i so i that was messed up i shouldn't have said that so it was a family it was a heirloom yeah i didn't i don't know why i said that i was just going over the story really fast i didn't mean trash that's not what i meant i mean i said that but i wish i didn't say it like that anyway my mom said tell ela i had fibroids removed also it's an easy one day procedure nothing to worry about oh there you go nice nice let me see if trisha wants to calm people seem into that idea how do you know what people are into here i'm looking at the chat you get supervision you think so it's not that far maybe you can message your dan on the in the frenemies chat i don't know if she's watching or what i'm on the opinion of like you should save it for monday but maybe not oh save it for bad day we do have a show to do well whatever messenger maybe we should you know look at awful a good alfredo i mean if he wants to then look at him what are you doing he's so funny you know if she wants to let's do it because people are interested yeah that was not cool that was so disgusting what up oh my god i was blown away by that guy oh my god i gotta update god his instagram just went private holy [ __ ] my soldiers don't [ __ ] around the soldiers do not [ __ ] around holy [ __ ] he just went private he was out mounting his old defense and everything what did he say wow he went private huh he can't take any little clown emojis bro you talk so much [ __ ] and you couldn't exactly you couldn't be private he's my phone number listed in his uh instagram bio well okay first of all it's in it's in his public thing so probably one of those fake bullshits uh i want to stay in touch with you guys let's just be clear we do not condone no no no no no no well it's in his i'm just saying it's just it's just in his in his profile so it's not like zach was showing anything not public but we're not trying to harass him no i just wanted to defend my girl dude just apologize you don't have to private your account and do all this hubbub just [ __ ] apologize for being so rude to her and basically confirming i like her i showed the receipts in the video and it's like actually the only receipt you showed is of your shitty personality yeah we got the receipts on that good point he's like yeah we were making fun of your skin and calling you fat but that's just only because you are it's like oh [ __ ] dude you really got her you really proved their point um another update the number is gone oh [ __ ] you took it down dude just apologize if you apologize oh don't spam the number and chat you guys right now wait what who's doing that dan said there are people spamming the number we're not we're not arrested guys don't do that you can block it you can do a block and block the number in the chat if you can you can ban the you know i mean the digits don't do that you guys please do not call that number i'm not saying that ironically do not call the number anyone who drops out i'm banning them if they do people who drop the phone number will be banned with peace and love with peace and love all people dropping a number will be banned i'm warning you peace and love wow the foot soldiers are will not be stopped that was so disgusting i'm still just kind of like gross close i find it interesting we're trying to get trish life is so wild i feel like we're just getting a taste to like i know the stuff she goes to well i thought she was being dramatic and then i oh as you know like oh trisha's being dramatic but i watched the clip and i was like oh the thing is you know his homies talking like that you know him you know jeffree star is saying the same exact [ __ ] yeah he's just a little bit smarter he's not going on live and advertising what a psycho he is yeah not cool i did message trisha so she gets back to us i will let you know um oh sean balog just messaged me he said jesse had the same i don't know if you want me to read this text sean but he said that it's an easy procedure that's all you said so it sounds sounds all good i didn't even know that was a thing man me neither apparently you get like spots on your uterus or something yeah or something and then they just take it right off yeah female anatomy the more you know also to check for it they had to put like uh fluid in there and do like a ultrasound with fluid it's weird i think this the name of this episode you know you owe me forever because everything that we have to do it's all me yeah i know and you're just home sleeping and i and i got fluid ultrasounds look it's happening yeah no i am totally appreciative of that i i i i don't feel like i i feel like i tell you tonight bro how are you gonna act how are you gonna act like i never ever see even say no like i am appreciative you know i always say that i mean straight up i'm just really happy that you have to do it and not me nice truthfully if it had to be me i'd do it but it sucks [Laughter] i don't have a choice it's awesome because i don't have a choice usually it's like like this morning it was 6 00 am and theodore woke up and we were like having we're having i wouldn't say we weren't arguing but we were debating who would go get him yeah so anyway i went up and got him but when it comes to like having a baby there's no debate so it's easy like man i'd do it if i could i would totally do it if i could do it some people are wondering if drunk ben is what is he doing today don't encourage drunk ben that guy's gonna be broke okay drunk ben 7 a good one though i hope it wasn't too hungover oh i was saying we should we should rename the um the episode two squashing two beefs and creating a new one [Laughter] two beefs back one beef forward is born yeah i want to say uh just real quick um thank you to everybody who's joining these members um it's been an incredible amount of people doing it on today's episode for whatever reason so thank you thank you thank you to all of our members i will say three or four hundred people have become members over the course of the stream fantastic thank you guys the membership helps the show a lot it helps keep sustain a good even plane you know we've had a lot of uncertainty in the show and we're trying our best to deliver some good value as well for the memberships as like like i was saying earlier in the show the episode that's going to be posting tomorrow that we had the delay a day for reasons i've already explained is up already for members because we don't have to censor anything on that we don't have to worry about getting approval from youtube we put it up as soon as it's recorded and the members get it immediately yeah so that's actually been up since uh wednesday evening yeah wednesday evening so you get it okay so we're asking for the critical yeah so thank you thank you to all of our members we love and appreciate you it's so important to the show without you i would unfortunately have to fire ian thank you who is doing something i don't know what ian what are you doing you're you're inspecting something so closely on your desk talk to us i was just scanning through comments on my phone oh good thank you [Laughter] okay okay let's move on to charlie critical reviews so critical once again i was kind of get into that before we got into the sidetrack with this new drama yeah but they talk about one of the old dramas that we are burying what does it mean squash the beef anyway it's like can you squat that's like taking beef and like squashing it like a meat tenderizer you know oh okay yeah is that squashing it's more like pounding it's what comes to mind when i hear that term i have no idea squash the beef because that seems like more dramatic like we're gonna squash you should eat the beef let's look up origin cook the beef um they're saying youtube finally made it easier to join via iphone oh that's fantastic that's probably why yay it's got so many people for a long time i think there was a dispute between apple and youtube app yeah apple wants their thirty percent and then i think that youtube's action that goes through the uh right so they were negotiating i think with apple and it sounds like they finally were able to add the button that's fantastic it's there thank you to everybody on apple you now have a members button let's go origin of squash the beef i actually want to know i'm curious and i'm sure everybody else is too oh interesting wow it goes it goes way back eh here pork bear pork barrel wait what is all this [ __ ] ham it up what is this dumbass turkey yo hold on this is a dumb artist i was getting i was getting excited but this is actually just horribly dumb it's like meat related idioms like okay and not even squash the beef by the way ham it up ham it up cold turkey how the sausage is made shut up miriam webster don't you have words to define it's horrible thank you okay um squash the beef what so some maybe someone else should try to figure this out thank you anyway so char so we sent charlie a package you guys may recall we sent him a wikifeet hat signed by me number one on the website and we also sent him the smells like my butthole candle because i know he had previously reviewed goops gwyneth paltrow smells like my vagina candle and i thought he had a good palette uh so packaging so i sent him it may look like i just got out of the shower and my hair's still a bit damp but that's only an illusion a ruse from the master trickster charles what this actually is is grease i've got a thick layer of gamer gunk on me right now i'm real filthy a real dirty boy it's been almost three days since my last shower and today i'm gonna be smelling ethan klein's [ __ ] it's gonna be hard to know what smells worse his butthole or me so it'll be a really nice clash of aromas now i'm sure all of you know by now that i'm the preeminent expert when it comes to genital candle fragrances i just have a super sniffer that cannot be matched by other human beings i've shown you its power when it comes to gwyneth paltrow's vagina i've always wondered is he just riffing or is he reading something because he's really i don't think he's reading anything i think he's just good he's quite good yeah just doing that yeah he's really impressive he's super funny just yeah he's got a good uh the dude's got a good brain for talking smart guy funny guy of course i always have them nearby just in case of emergency we have good power notice how much our candle looks like hers i have to kind of tip my hat at how what a great job we did on this candle in gwyneth paltrow's vagina both of which i've huffed extensively i've made two videos about these bad boys so i'm really like the scent sorcerer when it comes to gwyneth paltrow's vagina i'm the the patriot of [ __ ] perfume from gwyneth paltrow and ethan from h3h3 really wanted to test my nostrils to see what i would think of his butthole smell now of course this is my first rodeo smelling butthole in fact far from it nobody and nothing smells more [ __ ] than i do the only thing that might even come close is dogs when they're meeting a new dog and they start sniffing their anal glands but other than that i'm at the top of the food chain when it comes to analyzing [ __ ] smells so he came to the right place he even sent me this nice hat that says to charlie always number two from ethan number one and it's about wikifeed because he [ __ ] tanked my wikifeed rating because he was scared of my feet on there by the way everyone that tanked my wiki rating you ruined my christmas all right that was just that was uncalled for but anyway hey bro i'm just saying look i'm not here to say if it was called for or not i'm just saying you got to check your facts before you got there and claim to be number one now the foot soldiers decided to retaliate okay i had nothing to do with that my guns i may have gone to your page and said give him one star okay but if they chose to do that of their own volition i didn't force anybody but holes let's go ahead and smell the candle i will say i love the packaging and if you want my first impression even before lifting it out the box that this came in smelled atrocious when i first picked up the box i thought he had just taken a pile of like tuna dumped it in there and then covered that with like dog [ __ ] it was really strong and the hat smells just like it too that's awesome with ethan klein's [ __ ] smell it's like so pungent that it's ruined all of the air molecules that it touches it is actually [ __ ] terrible smelling i don't know if it's the candle or just whatever happened with the box and [ __ ] again but it is absolutely oh yeah i will say the packaging is spectacular even better than gwyneth so i gotta say our packaging is better than gwyneth's goops [ __ ] candle like that's just pathetic man one of my biggest regrets of the past 20 20 year was not making more of those candles [Music] next year yeah we we even debated doing a re-up but i think yeah i think it's gonna be a holiday special exactly i gotta say the people who did get their hand were fortunate enough to get their hands on that i was hoping for i wanted so i want somebody to light it in the company of others and film their gradual understanding of this like what is that smell well it's interesting because as you'll see you haven't seen this full reaction i did i watched it because he he says lighting it actually dissipates the bad smell you know not my experience yeah yeah not my experience but he burned it for a long time but so maybe we should do a new formulation for 2021 holiday where it's like smells like my my uh balls is too pedestrian it's more like my huge my gooch yeah your taint sounds smells like my taint what'd you say zach it smells like my bo no that's too pedestrian smells like my taint because it's a very specific smell you're going for it's not just beethoven because it sounds funny smells like my gucci are good smells like my gooch those a lot of people be like what is a gooch so that's kind of funny too no my food doesn't smell like that well we kind of cornered ourselves you start with [ __ ] there's nowhere really yeah you know it's not that it's a work it's different it's not i'm not trying to make it smell worse trisha is making a bunch of tick tocks and apparently she's my mad at shane now and ending the friendship with him what sorry guys i gotta i have to get to the treasure friendship with shane is over oh well maybe then we can finally hold on hold on hold on i got it well you guys uh i gotta i gotta see it i can see i'm i'm looking she posted about 12 tick tock i'm sorry 13 tick tocks right now okay i'm going to watch i'm going to watch it smells like my toes my toes my toes don't smell smells like my feet smells like my wiki feet number one on the website all right let me finish this avi you put together a reader's digest of the anti-shane videos please wish me luck good luck like this it's really oh wow wow wow so with gwyneth paltrow's candles as i've made very clear in the past i've been very vocal about it her candles don't smell like [ __ ] surprisingly i haven't uh able to get in touch with her agent to actually uh schedule a play date where i can smell her vagina and compare it to the candle but i can't imagine her vagina smells anything close to the candle it just doesn't they smell like lazy candles that are also kind of bad like they can get really strong like not good smell but never like vaginal sweat smell this smells terrible like this smells like liquid ass you know that like liquid ass spray that you spray in your parents car and they're like oh who just [ __ ] their pants you know this is gross i know and you're like i kind of took that as a slight because i was hoping that the fragrance was more nuanced than that and i think it was i think it is more nuanced than like liquid ass why because it it's it's it's it's not meant to just smell like liquid ass don't you understand it's musk it's sweat we tried to create a real nuanced fragrance so it's just good ass sounds pretty deadly to me so just write it off as as liquid ass is frankly i think that should be a compliment i know he means it as a compliment but me as the architect of this scent uh you got pranked it's actually just liquid ass but i did [ __ ] myself too this is what that smells like it's really [ __ ] strong my compliments to the chef i'm sure he had hundreds of flavor scientists working on really concocted something evil in this candle yeah my god that is impressive it's like he just like trimmed his ass hair and like sprinkled it into the funnily wax that was my original idea which you guys vetoed because you thought it was too gross yeah was i wanted to put little like fibers fibers in there that look like pubes yeah the the people that made this aroma prime is the company and uh our our fan actually liam who is a regular watcher who reached out to us um they're experts at this i mean they they make the the unique smells that you smell at theme parks and stuff like this is this is what they do no yeah we have scientists yeah literal scent scientists working on this you guys really think that the pubes in the wax was too gross i mean maybe i personally did maybe people maybe listen it's not you know what i mean yeah okay maybe next time i haven't even burnt it yet holy [ __ ] i'm actually i'm actually skeptical if there's even wax this looks like the alginate that you use for edible anus molds i'm actually curious about like the creation of this candle how it was made like what did you do ethan like prolapse your rectum and just like stamp each candle with it like it is that would probably smell better than the candle i certainly wasn't expecting that i thought this was again going to be just like a lazy candle but this is rancid this is absolutely repugnant even before burning the candle this [ __ ] thing smells like if you climbed into the back of a dump truck and found a rotting corpse in there that's still decomposing it is absolutely awful a lot worse than i was expecting so good work on that thank you really captures the beautiful aroma of [ __ ] so that his reaction can't wait to have this burning emanating throughout the room spreading i'll let that burn for a little while make a wish on it so i did notice that when you say if you blow out the candle ethan klein has a little g-spot tingle interestingly enough whiting the candle has immediately made all of the all so i did notice that when you light the candle the smell kind of retreats but i wouldn't say it smells good it kind of retreats i guess i couldn't uh leave it on for too long so kind of you get used to it yeah after a while i've been letting it ruminate here for like like a minute two minutes maybe it's it's really like tamed everything it like reeled back all the flavor it's super odd like now that it's burning it just smells like another [ __ ] candle it's like all of the latent ass juice was in like the dried wax and the second you start melting it it just reverts to normal wax yeah it's like a de-evolution like when you're trying to stop it i'm going to write you you like bring it back down yeah yeah he ultimately says it it sounds it's nothing but a pool of wax i will say the wax coloration is very interesting it's like urine in there so maybe he also took like a piss in there and froze it like an ice cube which would be cool that'd be a nice little special surprise inside the cereal box but as far as the smell goes the whole awful ass smell that the candle did have is gone this actually smells like summer when i was a child like you know outside in the sun you know dad's got the hose and he's spraying the hose in the backyard and then ethan klein has his pants down somewhere in the background and it smells a little bad over there but otherwise it just it smells like summer i don't know it it really doesn't smell bad this is actually a pretty decent candle at the moment like this would be a candle i'd have just leisurely because it's like a really light non-offensive smell it's like oh i smelled a little something oh okay and then that's it it's it's not interesting yeah it was horrible before i started burning it and now now it's kind of it's kind of relaxing what it might have been is maybe the first layer of wax is where all of the the grime and stench was held prisoner so by burning off that first outer rim here of saturn's rings i've really just gotten into like the more normal candle part like the entire like flavor headquarters is in that first small film on the top and now that that's gone it's just like kind of normal candle smell but uh yeah you know overall it would it smelled like pure [ __ ] immediately but when you actually do burn the candle yeah it just doesn't smell bad it really doesn't pretty impressive stuff thank you even mine if this is what your [ __ ] smells like i mean congratulations to ela then i mean that is that is something special like if this is what your butthole actually [ __ ] smells like with like burnt candle on it impressive stuff that's like giving yourself a lysol enema it's crazy that's got to be the cleanest colon of all time if this is what it smells like really really good work well yeah anyway i'll blow it out because sometimes that brings out the latent potential i feel like when i blew it out the scent he said became let it roll for like 10 minutes though um it could have never lasted that long right exactly but he does make an interesting comment at the very end here this is just [ __ ] crazy so i've let it sit for another like three or four minutes just to cool down and just kind of stew in its own filth smells [ __ ] horrible again when this thing is lit fine in fact even good sometimes when it's just sitting it actually does smell like ethan klein wiped his ass and then just stuffed the toilet paper in my hand so this thing needs to just like burn eternally like the olympic flame because otherwise it's awful interesting but when it's burning it's fine so he said once he blew up the flame then the smell was good or bad again yeah i know i know that fascinating stuff it's awful again yeah so thanks shout out to critical we have buried the hatchet really good at reviewing yeah yeah he totally we got to get him an infomercial or on this out products uh so update um i actually have trisha on the line oh what she's calling wait i thought you said she didn't want to call it yeah you said that originally but uh oh we got trish on the line she's here yeah so um the tricia faded the tricia princess trick unless it's another princess trish in the waiting room bring her in what are we waiting for i'm bringing her in now standby did you watch the shane stuff maybe do you have a yeah it was just one video okay can you hear me or not yeah we can hear you did you see us going after that [ __ ] douchebag yeah i didn't want to watch the live because the d'angelo thing but then i saw the part where you guys were being nice and i was like okay let me go on here real quick oh my god this is a guy such a [ __ ] oh well like he was here at my house yesterday my security guard i showed the text messages on my tick tock my security guard i showed him the video because at the end of the video the guy's like i'm gonna [ __ ] you up you're going to be anorexic by the time i'm done with you the only person your funeral is going to be your mom he said that yeah on the video on his instagram live the previous one and so i made a video because i was like oh my god what do i do so i sent the video to my security guard and he's like oh that guy was here today he's taking pictures of your car he's with another guy in a black dodger they circled around they circled around um yeah and so i called the security company today i got another security guard over here and then our our centers were going off at night last night like front driveway front driveway and the one security guard we had kept sleeping so we got like two now at night and it was like this whole thing i said i didn't know he said such awful things i watched his full live it was like 35 minutes and it's him just telling me that i'm like this fat piece of [ __ ] that he's gonna he's gonna i'm gonna get what's coming to me like that i like he's like by the time i'm done like the time he's gonna [ __ ] me up that i'm gonna look like i'm gonna you know in anorexic i'm gonna be in a funeral like all this crazy [ __ ] and he's like crazy this guy does my wigs for a long time and he like would tell me he would show me like fights he goes in i'm like beating people like beating people to death he'd always like yeah i killed that [ __ ] like all that [ __ ] like he's crazy and it like scares me so that's why i went on tick-tock because i was like i don't know what to do like i don't like like the cops can't do anything unless he shows up and my neighbor's a cop which is good but like until he like comes back but he really can't do anything other than he had the threat so they can like they can they can i guess arrest him i guess if there's already threats against me well he wasn't that tough people sent him a few clown emojis and he made his whole instagram private i i haven't even seen all that i was like i just i was like catching my breath i don't know but he is he's like scary like he's like like he's he's like well i can tell he has anger problems because he like snapped on you so fast and by the way when he was like when he was trying to justify his behavior all he said was that you said that he overcharged you right right i i had said that in a recent video that that he did and he overcharged me whatever he never said his name nothing four thousand dollars and it normally was three thousand dollars four thousand dollars for what which i paid for by the way for a week two weeks what that's how much it cost it doesn't usually cost that much i don't know that seems like a lot oh my god they gave you context like it was on a trip that went on with jeffree star last valentine's day and they were they basically told me they basically made fun of me while i was on the trip basically yeah like he said it and and jeffrey too and i was trying to be cool with jeffrey because shane and rylan stuck up for jeffrey and i just was like all right i'm going to be cool i'm not going to be that mean or whatever i'm not going to come for jeffrey and expose him but i finally just kind of like let it down a little bit i'm like he's not a nice person whatever and then i said the thing about jay overcharging me and like he did he said thank me for my skin they said that i was boring that they wanted me to go yeah i offered to pay i offered to pay for the i offered to pay towards the private jet i offered to pay my hotel room i offered to pay every single thing like they never took me to dinner he's like oh jeffrey paid for all your meals never they'd always ditched me before dinner like who cares what he paid for huh who cares what he paid for his whole thing was like oh we paid for all this [ __ ] so you have to endure and whatever we say and do to you it's like what it was the worst trip of my life and i came home and i told shane and i told my sister i told my mom everyone who knew i came home i came home early they were awful they basically like smacked food out of my hand told me i shouldn't be eating told me i was poor because i asked the price of a balenciaga bag like oh my god you have to ask the price of how much that is before you buy it like you're so poor by the way that guy's a hairdresser like what the [ __ ] is he to talk about asking prices oh my god no i know it was and he said that too he's like she runs at how she lives in she doesn't own it and that's something jeffrey says like that's that's their petty [ __ ] that they say and i was like it's just so crazy to me it's so insane and like i'm just so sick of people like getting away with that stuff especially jeffrey like rylan just had jeffrey on his podcast and it pissed me the [ __ ] off because jeffrey is the worst person and these are the and it shows by that guy's video like i am a crazy person i like i have drama with people but i never like go for people's like look smells i'm gonna say they're dead like all this stuff especially jeffrey and that guy there's so many low blows i could take it i don't because it's like what is the [ __ ] is wrong with people so wait i have never heard of people acting like that and it was all low blow even never yeah it was all evil so wait what's wrong okay av said you made a video about shane a tick talk about shane no someone just said like um what why like i don't even know what the tic tac was something along the lines of like why does shane still support him or something i'll tell you right now it says is your best friend shane gonna stick up for you and then this is and it just it just kind of did trigger me because they had him on chain on ryland's podcast like just a week ago talking about the kanye west thing and i'm like this person's shitty like he's a shitty person to me and anyone who's been shitty to them i just disregard you know what i mean but he's an actual awful person they knew the week it happened how awful it was and i was just i was just i'm just done i'm just done i was protecting jeffrey because he was friends with shane but i'm just so done with it all and that's why i was just like i don't know it just was like a lot and i'm just i'm just really heated at the moment because all this is happening and the people showed up to my house not once but twice and like threatening me and all this crazy [ __ ] and it's just like a lot it's just like a lot because why because i said like i like and he was he like harassed me before the trip i asked him how much of the weight how much of the weight he's like jeffrey's got you jeffrey's got you don't worry about it and then like the day i come home early and don't come home with them he's like oh you owe me four thousand dollars for the wigs and i'm like that's fine it was a sunday i'm like i have to transfer money and all this crazy [ __ ] and then i paid him it wasn't an issue i paid him i didn't even say that you overcharged me i just paid him and then i was like i just left a bad taste in my mouth i talked about it briefly and it's in a mukbang or whatever i didn't even see his name i was just like this is this is what happened and they were awful they're the worst people and that video proved it and i was like this is the case it actually does prove it it's interesting because it would it was just like your word and but like in that video he literally admits to him and shane calling you fat making fun of your skin saying you were born what did i say jeffrey oh jeff what did i say oh sorry i mean jeffrey and his little homie making fun of your skin calling you fat he was saying you were boring it's like what kind of [ __ ] comment is that you're not there to end it because i didn't want to go out to the club with them but when they were out of the club there's a guy that was with us on the trip that wasn't on jeffrey's payroll that made a video but took it down and he said he had video footage of them at a club that i didn't go to and the whole night that they're supposed to be at like partying having fun they're just talking about how disgusting i am and how greasy my skin is and how my hair is from i 100 believe that after watching that video there's a video there's a guy took it down but i'm sure someone re-uploaded it the guy that was with us on the trip i forget his name but he was just a friend and he's like they just kept saying how poor trisha was and disgusting or crazy how poor what kind of [ __ ] that's not a criticism it's just it just just so yeah i don't like jeffrey the chat is all saying how beautiful you are trisha people are saying the chat is writing it and i've just been having so many issues and on the first video he's just mocking like that i'm suicidal and stuff like that it's just like all this crazy [ __ ] and it's like watching it all over again i'm like these people will suck and like i'm so tired i'm trying to like tiptoe around it and even on the last friend of me and i was like maybe i'm too hard on jeffrey but no this is like him and this is jeffrey's like bffv this is how they talk about people like this is how they talk about this why are they still friends with jeffrey i have no idea but i don't want to say i'm not that person to be yeah but shane and jeffrey are like they have like this whole history together of selling the makeup and making a bajillion dollars yeah maybe that's why and that's the only thing i can think of because he's just a shitty shitty person and i'm never to be like don't be friends with this person or whatever but it's just like shitty thing after anything not once did jeffrey ever defend shane during any of this like they both just hid you know what i meant and i was just like and i stuck up for and i was like jeffy's a shitty friend and a shitty person and i'm probably gonna get killed like i honestly i'm actually like scared because like the person's like come to my house like my security guard why are they coming to your house i don't understand that i don't know the guy told me he was in a black dodge charger then he got out with his friend there was two of them took pictures of the car the guy my security guard got out of his car because they stay in a car which car your pink your pink uh rolls no it's in the garage what were they taking pictures of oh oh like of it was moses's car and my other car i have a different car and not the rolls royce the bentley yeah is it possible people are just looking at the nice cars no it always is and that's 100 true but i sent him the video of the guy he's like oh that 100 was this guy that was here twice yesterday and it was like not a doubt in his mind he's like that's the guy weird because they got out of their car people take pictures of the car all the time and like that's fine whatever but he's he had specifically remembered them and um yeah so that was that was it and now i have another security guy coming over today so there's two so one goes to the bathroom the other one's here that's crazy wow yeah but anyways i saw that i didn't want to be a part of this because i thought d'angelo was on but then i was like oh then you guys are sticking up for me and being like amazing so then i was like we didn't really travel man yeah we had a good combo with d'angelo yeah i didn't watch it but i'm sure he's fine i'm sure he's nice and whatever it's fine i get why people don't like shane i'm not like trying to defend him i just like love shane so like no matter what if you kill somebody i'll be like oh i love shane you don't mean fair enough yeah okay well well that was painful to watch i really couldn't believe this guy i think that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that everything you say about jeffrey is true he literally admitted it's interesting right right and that's what and to be honest like it was that's why i was like oh finally people like see this [ __ ] i mean like it's it's so it's so and it's it's honestly it's worse yeah it's funny or jeffrey's probably gonna be pissed cuz this guy basically just outed him as all that [ __ ] being chill you know i know and that's his friend that's his person that he had with him on his trip to wyoming two days ago so this is someone that's like close to him saying this and yeah he had him without even trying but honestly like aren't they making fun of you for being poor isn't that like jeff bezos hanging out with jeffree star and being like he's so poor he can't afford his own yacht like you're not poor yeah you're wealthy um yeah i mean i i i don't know it bothered me for some reason i don't know why he's so poor she's so poor she doesn't even own her own 15 million dollar mansion psychos it's so it's so weird it's so odd i was so confused i don't know the whole thing i just wanted to put it out there because like it was actually kind of scary when i saw like the the first ig live was like 38 minutes long and there was like so much hatred towards me and i was like holy [ __ ] this is actually like kind of scary yeah yeah and then when i sent the screenshot yeah you're so excited my car not thinking anything but yeah he's like he's here but he was so angry and i've never never had someone like just that much hatred just you know like when it's something like low blows like that i was like oh this is weird yeah he felt aggressive to me just in the way he was talking yeah he is aggressive i mean like he'd show me videos all the time of him like kicking people's asses which is like that's what scares me is because i know his history like he he there's a viral video someone he's no he's like i don't know he's he's pretty big but he was at six flags there's a viral video and he's jumping into the fight of beating like these people up at six flags and he's like that's me that's me rapping at six flags that's like the trashiest thing i ever heard in my life dude it's a viral video it's like a family fighting a family and he just jumps in and he like will show everybody dude dude if you're watching you are the trashiest human being alive getting in a fight at six flags is rock bottom dude yeah but i thank you guys for always like defending me at first i was like oh no because like i clicked on the live and i heard you guys talking about shane and i was like let me click out and then i was just like whatever i don't care like at least you guys are like defending me and i was just like oh [ __ ] so and i just i just it just makes me nervous and i feel like the more i just get it out there at least people will know because like i know i'm like paranoid a lot and i hope i'm like just paranoid about this but like if i get killed when i go outside or something without moses like like at least people will probably know like there's a direction you know it's not just no one well as you always say if you do get murdered that is pretty iconic well i hope it's not by here by jay that's pretty good that would it would be less iconic if you could choose to be murdered by any person who would it be i guess jeffrey himself that'll probably get down bigger yeah interesting that's more iconic yeah i wonder what you'd have to do to get him to murder you i don't want this i don't this is going to be like a last clip of trisha or something i don't even want this out there because i feel like it's going to be like bad so but but i'm just saying of everyone on the earth jeffrey would be the best person to kill you in terms of iconic points yeah because i feel like jim carrey could play him or something in the movie yeah jeffrey if you're watching we love don't send your people to do it just do it yourself do it yourself yeah yourself i'm pretty sure you could overpower jeffrey though uh i don't know well like yeah so um well we'll see you on monday yeah live yeah we're doing trivia on monday but i'm glad to see you're not crying because i ever i think everyone in the chat was feeling like they wanted to see that you're okay because it it honestly looked so bad to be on the receiving end of that video no it wasn't well i didn't i did a youtube video earlier i was like shaken up but i feel like now that more people know about it and that i have people here moses is on his way back like i feel a little like better but i was definitely like shaken up because i just felt like holy [ __ ] like this is it you know yeah so aggressive so angry i was like what the hell yeah but anyway um he showed his true colors though we will see you on monday we're gonna be in trivia we'll be eating grilled cheese and apparently you you you posted on instagram some cookies which apparently i understand you want as well so if you ever want any specific food on frenemies just post it on instagram because i'm so poor i can't afford them so yeah yeah we can afford them we can afford the cookies that's why i got it yeah all right all right see you on monday bye hi trish we stan a queen oh my god that was my favorite part of the last frenemies um trisha's subliminal message to you oh yeah that was so funny how was i supposed to understand that she led with peanut butter like if she wanted me to understand that she wanted to eat grilled cheese why beat it with peanut butter she says people eat grilled cheese with peanut butter nobody does that right i didn't think so either but i've since heard that i guess that is a thing in some places how you put it in the sandwich i'm not really i don't really know i don't want to look up a recipe this week because we're making them on monday so hold on hold on let me tell you peanut butter i don't see how it goes grilled cheese let's see it's a wonderful thing you know about this oh yeah freak you do yeah well i mean we're talking about a grilled charlie from italy sunny in philadelphia oh right and it's it's actually pretty good it works wouldn't you just rather grilled cheese yeah it isn't peanut flavored wouldn't you just rather like the grilled cheese why i mean if you want to take a walk on the wild side i don't people saying grilled pbj is so good i mean i could see that now i'm just looking at peanut butter and jelly that's what i'm saying like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich what do you mean grilled peanut butter it's just yeah it's a peanut butter jelly sandwich it doesn't matter if you toast the bread or not right i don't like better with the cheese seems odd i don't like it at all well you're gonna eat it on monday frank sinatra's favorite cheeseburger had peanut butter on it yeah well he's dead so do the math [Laughter] okay ela i haven't had a hamburger in like years no no i walk my ass off every week eating fatty ah trisha but i only eat one meal a day everybody says i look good let's keep it going i'm doing it for you right but i eat one meal a day and i walk for like two hours but you don't want that one meal to be a burger no it doesn't matter because even if i go even if i go all out it's like what max 1200 calories i guess but you might be hungry again fatty tricia stop this doesn't it this doesn't concern you i just defended you and now you're calling me fat um how long we've been going dan uh quite a while um kind of so much almost two and a half hours uh we should wrap it up but there's so much here there's just so much here i'll think that you should eat the burger that's exactly people think food soldiers you've got you've done it again here's the thing you the thing about the diet is to be sustainable you have to treat yourself but how frequently you had pizza like the other day no it was like a week ago you know it was not it was like my cheat meal for no reason i swear to god it was a week ago eel is tripping it was maybe it was over the weekend i think so that's not quite a week ago but but it wasn't just the other day i need to start writing it down for your benefit sure i think people would be interested in a food diary okay i would be by the way i didn't really enjoy the pizza it was kind of haha [ __ ] i'm laughing because you big mad you said you didn't enjoy the pizza no it was like it doesn't count then right it was it was disappointing because of my business no i'm not i'm just saying that i didn't enjoy it was a shame because it was from this italian place and it was like they called it what did they call it flat bread and it was just like super it was it was a disaster that's poser pizza they shouldn't be they shouldn't legally be allowed to call that pizza well they did call it flatbread like when you have a newborn baby you do a baby journal i'll do a food journal keep a food journal i welcome you but the thing is even if i'm eating questionable food i'm still under calorie and exercising every day my trajectory is still down okay you got to trust me now pizza is actually very nutritious a.b i notice that you eat almost only fast food that's pretty crazy what's your eating habit like it's horrible it's it's because of well moving for one and then covid and my sleep schedule combined they're kind of uh but you don't have groceries in your house i do but you don't cook you sand right what is it you don't cook right oh i just i don't poop yeah uh cook yeah no i don't really cook that much um lena's been cooking this past week though so shout out to lena that's good if i'm gonna first time i went over to your house ab you're like do you want something to eat i'm like oh okay what do you guys thought well i got an orange and orange he made that whole story out of me eating uh an orange and asking if he wants one he's like you want an orange oh did you make that up zach no that's all he has he's accusing you of making that story up i said he got the whole narrative from me offering him just an orange well that's all i got in your fridge did you see my fridge i don't think you saw my fridge okay you weren't what was in your fridge did you have more than an orange i had some water bottles somewhat some water bottles yeah so zack is right yeah no i had a few yeah i guess not a lot i'm just always like on the go like i'm very impatient that's my problem with everything so like if i'm hungry i'm not going to make something and lean is asleep i don't want to wake her up so i have to try i was for years man i finally had you slow it down if you prepare something at home you'll eat faster than if you go to probably a drink how old are you baby 28. in two years you will stop being able to uh to eat that way oh i'm starting to feel it i'm definitely trying to kill it so what's your favorite fast food um that's tough i don't know probably this this is gonna sound trashy maybe but kfc but i don't i don't eat that that's the one i eat the least often less than any other yeah what do you eat most often because if you're eating a lot of fast food like what's your go-to oh mcdonald's what do you got it's it's just the closest one probably a quarter pounder with cheese meal not halal bro if i can say one more thing just to give you a little more love his sleep schedule he's like going to bed when i'm waking up no his sleep schedule is mine is messed up his is truly [ __ ] yeah i don't understand his sleep schedule because like i'll send a message at 3am he'll answer oh and then i'll send you a message at 6am it's just it's just you always always answer well sometimes you don't actually sleep i i'm a very light sleeper like if my phone's on loud i'll hear it you think you actually have a sleeping disorder or you just have a bad schedule no i think i have a sleeping disorder my parents like they like they don't sleep well either but i'm definitely worse than they are you have it diagnosed uh no my my parents have got sleep uh studies but i haven't i need to get one ian did a sleep study ian could recommend you yeah yeah i got a plug i know a guy last night i was actually about to sleep early but lena's like lena has like night terrors and she talks a lot in her sleep oh you know her like chanting yesterday and she scared that she scared the [ __ ] out of me like what's wrong with you did you say now she does this thing where she like could wake up and conversate with me while she's sleeping oh my god she's like i have to send the samples or something i think she's talking about words oh those are the worst nightmares i used to have this all the time when i was a uh james charles is trending y'all oh yeah i don't know why rug for clapping back at a yeah this episode is off the chain what's james charles stranding for clapping back at a i'm assuming woman of color is woc well you okay let's get the details before i call that sister sister snap sister snatched sister snatched james charles is trending everybody sister snatched let's see guys queen vaughn and james charles i don't know who that is what a stupid tweet one so this was from today one from dude james charles is such a diva like he gets in [ __ ] with everybody okay one foundation cost fifty dollars artists have to buy every shade for their kit and that's just the first step it's expensive to work as a make up artist either pay an artist rate for the time school do it yourself or get it done at a counter and risk looking busted i didn't see the tweet he's responding to him here oh here it's on his twitter still you can actually go to the tweet uh oh is responding to a tweet that says if you charge over 150 to do a face of makeup you can go to hell respectfully and then he just like attacked her it's like bro just chill why you gotta it's like okay maybe she's not maybe maybe there's exceptions you know but why you gotta like [ __ ] attack her yeah she goes yo and then he goes what a stupid tweet you're gonna look busted he got really sad why did he have to go out of his way too that's what he always does he just he thinks he's such a [ __ ] big deal wasn't and then she responded to him right hang on now i'm in the [ __ ] drama sphere right now but james charles go to her page let's get glam let's get glam okay so she responded what a dumb ass to be in my business replying to something that has absolutely nothing to do with you i agree i'm having a debate about hood prices baby stay over there in hollywood where they have you looking ghost i mean she's right like mind your own [ __ ] business why are you going on blast oh is she talking about this bro you get you gotta shut up james you're always causing [ __ ] this is a little spooked mcgoot spook of magoot sounds racist all right well okay we're up to date on james charles drama sister someone in the chat said ethan asking evie about his diet is dirty talk for him oh dirty talk yeah but so do you not eat a lot like what's your deal do you not no i do eat a lot how many meals how many meals every time i hit you up you're like hold on i'm driving back from del taco or whatever yeah i'm usually want to get a burger you know i i mean i i did i got lucky i guess with my metabolism but now it's slowing down because it's going all to my gut and nowhere else my arms legs are still skinny but getting a gut oh you're still a stud you are still stuck though wait how many times a day do you eat all over the place i feel like i'm always snacking but like an actual like meal probably three times so you you'll eat like mcdonald's three times in a day all right sometimes i mean that's all it's gonna be crazy dude no yeah you're gonna have to do it even at my worst i don't think i would you can't like when you hear your thirties it's not gonna stay like that your body will not stay like that yeah yeah yeah don't you even feel like you need vitamins and [ __ ] no interesting i always wonder about that because people go you gotta eat good food you gotta get vitamins and you it's like people survived on bread and rice like like you know what i mean i think it's different is vitamins overblown a little bit uh people literally survived on rice that has like nothing in it surviving yeah but you know look at ap he's flourishing the dude eats mcdonald's for three meals a day i wasn't bad when i was you can do that in your 20s when you're young he's 28. he's not that young well he's just said he's starting to feel it and yeah that is right around the time where you start to feel it for sure yeah i mean i ate like that in my 20s too you did oh yeah big time horribly ah those were the days well in college yeah every meal because i didn't cook [ __ ] so it was like subway mexican yeah that would be fast food almost every day you can't do that no you can't do that sister snapped my pillow's trending what's that about yeah somebody in response to you saying people lived off of rice says and they died in their 30s life expectancy was a lot shorter when do you think it was the rice or just like the the fact that they didn't have ruining water if somebody was literally only eating rice that that isn't good i guarantee you that's a fair that's i mean that's a fair point sure i know genetics has a big you know deal a big part in it but i also feel like i don't know i could be wrong my own theory too it's like how you were raised to like your diet growing up um that can of course combined with your genetics i feel like contributes as well what is the my pillow drama i love this my pillow guy he's such a [ __ ] stooge and by the way for the record i have bought a my pillow it [ __ ] sucks that's what zach said too it's a shitty where you're like yeah i should yeah i should have a better pillow i don't think anybody likes my pillow i think it's just everybody trying it and then being like this pillow [ __ ] sucks every time he comes on the tv people are just wondering why he's in the um white house and he was seen with a document that has notes on it and like it's about the but insurrection my fellow guy is leading the insurrection he's uh he's the napoleon of naga there's like something marked off with a marker yeah oh wow they actually got a close-up of it i love it yeah he's the my pillow guy and trump are like close which is so odd like how much is that guys what is his name mike liddell or some [ __ ] yeah um his commercials are all about jesus too like it's always like a close-up on his cross and [ __ ] you're like oh that's good what what net worth of mike liddell from my pillow 300 million i actually would have thought more he sells pillows than infomercials i know but he's got it's an empire man why it's that what how do you make that much money selling pillows brah i don't know ashton ashton asked ethan tell us more about your workout routine i'm trying to drop some 20 20 weight and curious what you do i'm still i'll get to that but this my pillow guy he started his business in 2014 in a mere 16 years that is amazing qvc picked it up too and that's where he gets like the majority of but i don't get it because the pillow [ __ ] sucks like does anyone like this pillow is that the one that you just bought no that was a different that one also sucks don't buy pillows online or don't bike pillows you see in commercials just don't i my thing with pillows i've tried good bad expensive cheap there's no trick with pillows they all suck just get one that you know what i mean like there's no trick it's just a [ __ ] pillow just get one you like there's no life hack but you would think if you made this much money selling pillows you would be onto something but they really suck what kind of sleeper are you side me too sick bro so my my my workout routine is really simple i just get on the trip so i have a peloton which is basically just a stationary bike and a treadmill and i'll just walk on the treadmill at about two miles per hour with a slight incline and i just walk basically until my feet are just killing me which is usually like an hour and upwards of two hours and you can you burn like 300 calories easily in an hour which is pretty substantial sometimes if my feet are hurting really bad i'll just hop on the um pellet the stationary bike because it doesn't it doesn't hurt my feet at all sometimes i'll start on the stationary bike do like 30 minutes and then finish on the treadmill so it's i like having both because sometimes my feet just hurt and so i can get on this the stationary bike but what's really what really helps for me is that i have something i like doing that distracts me so i look forward to doing it right and the time passes so fast and it's just such a breeze like i'm playing even on the stationary bike i've got my controller i'm playing and the time just goes by so fast and you're doing something you enjoy so it's just it's just a good time honestly i like it someone is saying um put the incline up more and you'll burn more calories faster and jumping rope burns more calories okay here by jay's back y'all send me the link baby let's see is he going to go live how come he just went private for like two seconds it's weird here by j you owe trisha apology anyway i'm over here by jay so that's about it oh i got the link i'm back in let's see oh yeah so have you seen the cube pillow it's for side sleepers i want to know if it's good that's this [ __ ] socks it's so dumb it's just dumb it doesn't make sense it's so stupid i don't think anybody that actually buys it likes it that's it i don't know but it's it look they have the slick commercial and it looks like oh that makes sense you know but it does it doesn't it just doesn't work there's no shortcut higher incline speed for 30 minutes okay guys people here are getting very detailed thank you so anyway that that about wraps it up for today so remember guys if there's a new episode tomorrow new episode of the hp podcast tomorrow with with some redactions unfortunately the few redactions yeah we had to chop out which are available to our members yeah if you wanna if you if you're a member and uh since we have a lot of new members people might not be aware if you um i believe you'll find them in the community tab there's a members tab now too it might be there yeah if you go to the communities tab um there'll be posts there with links to the members only version and that you can get the the uncensored episode and it's available now for members and otherwise they'll be out tomorrow for everybody else and just real quick we got a few donations about um background play i know we have a lot of new members we've acknowledged it before but that's not on our end they didn't fix that still i don't know i still see the complaints about it it's a it's it's a youtube thing i've been bitching at youtube forever and i don't know why there's something i wonder if it's to prevent people the only thing i can think of is it if it's to prevent people from downloading it somehow but to you know get around them they told me it's a bug so it's just a bug okay yeah well yeah unfortunately it is out of our control we're not we're not intentionally turning it off if that's what you thought but thank you so much to all the members it really makes a huge difference it's very beautiful very nice god blessed uh also just a little announcement at the end of the show here teddy fresh next week is going to be care bears week so we actually just got word today oh wait we have to wait we have to oh no we have to delay the release this has been up on our website for like a whole week i know we've just been wayward today i've just been sitting at home watching the countdown i know but people oh that's so sucky and that's why it's just cove it is just the splash screen you guys put together here though we've had so much fun working on this one and it took a long time to perfect everything but i cannot wait i didn't remember realize you're wearing that yeah it's a little carob is inside the letters it's really cool tell us about it yeah that was fun it was a good episode thank you guys for joining had fun as always love being here with you guys love the live show eh hey i do love the love [ __ ] the love the love i'm so glad we're doing live again we mentioned it earlier but we'll have to figure out um what to do about it next week right because of uh ela will be out so you guys want a live stream of my polyps being removed why don't we just do it on thursday or something don't ask that people will be like yes why don't we do we can do it on saturday or thursday uh yeah i guess well let's talk about it because yeah let's talk about some other episodes planned for next week as well so we'd have to also just skip for a week as sad as that is tragic that would be true tragical tragic all right y'all you know how i feel about you and i'll give you a hint you're listening to the hp i like you a lot more than jada's hair likes trisha i feel about you guys how jay if you would convert what jay does here about trisha into the invert into love and appreciation affection that's how i feel about you guys i joined to tellington not to be disrespectful about mormonism with peace and love peace and love i'm sorry listen i think mormons are the nicest people in the world i mean don't be mad at me about the secret handshake some stooge [ __ ] put a camera in his robe it's crazy it's crazy that someone penetrated that feet and was just a total stooge like a total undercover it's pretty impressive probably someone who was already thinking of becoming an expert you think so maybe you're right you know you're watching it because that's a real circle of troubles wouldn't it be funny though if they were just like the secret handshake come here though it was just like like but come on don't you know how to do it like like what's up doc what's up that's it you're like what's up oh my god that's kind of that would be dumb i've seen some messages saying be careful it goes deeper than what you think like people bringing up like illuminati i know mormon goes deep deep deep deep and i ain't [ __ ] i don't want any part of it you know about the whole thing uh that mormons are way over representative in the intelligence i think that it's because they um they live such a clean lifestyle they're considered they're like perfect fbi agents right and fbi too maybe it's fbi and not cia actually or maybe it's both i just know that there's a lot of mormon intelligence well i will say about mormons i know mitt romney is like a famous mormon he is in my opinion conducted himself with so much respect and uh integrity throughout this whole thing so yeah i think he represents mormons well gone through the end song so there's starting the third rotation there's a division here people are saying don't eat the burger and people are saying eat the best well let's do a straw fall and they're all typing in all caps do the straw poll for eat the burger eat the poopo eat the burger all i know is i'm starving because i haven't eaten today that's what i'm saying like it's three o'clock and i haven't eaten anything that's how we do it and then i have a meal and i walk for a trillion years i'll be hungry again later no i cut it out i i go no more food [ __ ] this is sick here open the results are actually here send me send me two in the chat so i can put it on screen someone said that in the chat all right let's see come on soldiers yes so close well okay hold on the way that you the way that you phrased it down is a little [ __ ] up no it's a noun i'm just saying it the way he phrased it is [ __ ] up how close it is because he's well well there's a clear winner here yes is winning by you know 10 votes there's a lot points people than that watching right now so i i found that the margin never changes on these things you know that's interesting like you got a sample look the votes go up but then it's always like that in straw polls they lit like the sample size is so statistically predictive it doesn't ever change it's pretty amazing all right oh jeffrey tweeted about trisha drama go click send it hold on we can't help it i'm sorry oh here he goes i have personally apologized to trisha several times last year about vegas and she has never responded which is her right i respect it and what happened is between us don't drag me into new drama not interested what someone else says does not represent me hmm well like you said he's probably pissed at that guy yeah yes no it does seem like to jeffrey's credit it does seem i don't know what's going on behind the scenes but it seems like he wants no part in this anymore you know what i mean like he's trying to stay out of it let me think about this i mean that guy was way out of line for sure yeah and he he 100 yo if you don't want to be dragged into drama you better tell your homie to keep his [ __ ] mouth closed then because he brought you into it right i mean you pop but like so he's confirming what she says which does mean that you're kind of a like major [ __ ] psychopath second tweet uh oh let's keep it going jeffrey someone said imagine if we didn't have social media no one would know what others did or thought exactly i've already said my piece to her and if she ever wants to call or text me back she will what jay said online was [ __ ] disgusting okay it does not reflect how i've ever felt i should have shouldn't have to say that but i'm screaming it okay that's good i'm glad to hear that jeffrey you are absolved right obviously well i'm not there i'm not absolving you but i'm glad that you disavowed what jay said and you said it was [ __ ] disgusting i mean you have to be insane to not do that but yeah well he could have just said nothing yeah but i guess he feels like he's in a drama now why are you laughing dan i cut to myself uh collapsing so i gotta go every night the chat is slapping on it oh this is turning into a scoop now trisha finally coming out and talking about jeffree star and hair by jay really shows how long these things take to talk about dude jeffrey and hereby j bowling tricia is so disgusting oh we got to change the title of this episode now we gotta title it jeffree star and hair by j bullying trisha paytas that's true do you think bowling will get us oh yeah so hold on maybe verse trisha paytas jeffrey did jeffrey really bully her yes back when they were in vegas definitely he's saying that he apologized and that and he's distancing himself from that well i get it you're trying to dan are you serious okay all right all right i'm just what the [ __ ] we just read his tweet i'm talking i'm click baiting don't you understand yes i do i understand and it's not even necessarily not true he admit to doing oh she she responded if you didn't want to be involved in the drama why is he speaking your name in the video on your behalf confirming all the hard [ __ ] you guys said about me i have been cool but he speak on your behalf multiple time in his feed dragon girl this show is such a [ __ ] this is awesome okay let's work on a title do we have to do that live yes this is interesting as we learned earlier how the sausage made ian is that interesting why are you asking ian i don't know because i haven't heard from him sorry what was that it's so interesting nevermind i feel like that kid when we're like you know in classes getting out the one kid's like wait don't we have to turn in homework or something i feel like that's what i just did right now by sending that last tweet it was great i'm glad you did so listen keep me updated if there's more tweets because i don't want to miss anything okay all right for sure michelle let me like this real quick you go girl love being in the middle of this i'm not in the middle i'm just i'm enjoying the show but i'm team tricia of course all the [ __ ] way okay here's the new title trisha paytas vs jeffree star and hair by jay do you want to give someone an idea of how to propose to his girlfriend after five years hold on hold on yeah i will but but do let help me with this title guys we need to slam dunk this is that good enough art jeffrey starr and hair do people know who chair by jay i was about to say who's here by james arie you're nobody sorry you're nobody excuse me trish is rubbing up on you we have some big people following him cardi b follows him oh for real yeah all right i wonder what he says about her binder back does anybody you're getting good with that zach good job man so fast i like that thank you that's my that's my dream yeah that's my dream for you to be able to be that quick i uh all i think now is in sound bites it's like i'm not even joking that's what i want from you jeffree star and here by jay but don't you think like jeffree star bullied trisha is kind of epic but we don't like the bully we don't think bowling will hit land good like what the i don't think it was gonna like the word bullying yeah i don't think so either but the verse is clean it's not really a verse it's like he's being a douche to her what about what about um squashing the beef yada yada and trisha calling trisha calls in we got to get rid of squashing the beef nobody could that's like that's old news bro that's nothing [Music] yeah it's interesting though no people wanted to hear about that squashing the beef with washing the beef and warming up the tea then you're muted someone's fun oh come on is do people have um suggestions how about this oh i got a good one okay shoe nice things were stoned [Music] okay wait wait wait trisha paytas exposes jeffree star and hairs by jay hairs by jay some suggestions uh trisha versus jeffrey insane and no i'm not doing the whole trisha versus mean girl jeffree star well hold on i think i have a good one trisha paytas exposes jeffree star and hairs by jay [Music] [Music] we love the beef squash okay this is it tell me if you think it's good trisha paytas exposes jeffree star live live on call teresha keep the drum roll going zach don't hit the gong until we decide trisha paytas versus jeffree star and d'angelo calls in [Music] there's so much action d'angelo calls but is d'angelo enough is just his first name um he's the d'angelo on youtube i mean there's not another d'angelo you guys don't like what i said trisha calls in and exposes jeffree star it's a little that is such a good title people a b zach ian chime in why don't we insinuate he was at the capitol riots too trisha paytas called well trisha paytas calls in to expose cue anon shaymin jeffree star the beef episode featuring trisha paytas calling trisha paytas proves conclusively that jeffree star is cute jeffree star is cute shouldn't i said i hate the paul brothers okay chill it's kind of irrelevant that's what we're talking about thank you you guys like my shout out paydays match jeffrey's wig on livestream oh chef say that again trisha attacked by unknown hair stylist like bro by poor poor hairstyle poor unknown hairstylist threatened us and a little overweight yeah um trish versus jeff starr d'angelo and h3 smashed should i ate a burger ethan ethan she did a burger 55 okay here we go trisha paytas [Music] keeps restarting trisha paytas exposes jeffree star and hair by jay live that's the one but that's the one i like there's no it's nobody backing me up it's not great it's a little like okay okay trisha paytas snatches jeffrey's wig live i mean that's pretty good what does that mean it's pretty good i like that one no what does that mean snatch the wig well exactly exactly what you just said what does that mean it draws interest not really why don't i just call it poo poo in the duty you know with wig snatching when someone unexpectedly and abruptly airs out somebody's dirty laundry in front of me do people know what wig snatching is exactly you know what wig snatching is no [ __ ] i've never heard that in my life no idea yeah you have no business knowing what that is hayden said like something lovely long time ago can you guys have trisha read hamlet on frenemies she hasn't done a fast rate in a while say what he wants it he wants to read like yeah okay sure let's do it it'll be funny to be here not to be this is the question i'll try it too [Laughter] ten beeps once two [Music] okay deangeloni yeah i'm reading comments how to lose friends by influential people okay i make meats now smoking these meats here poo poo and duty in a ditch yeah like oh it doesn't make any sense it'll make intrigue [Music] pork berlin [Music] trisha paytas [Music] okay that drum roll going zach keep it going to beef or not to beef to e3 h3ht trisha sister snatches jeffree star these are not helpful you guys [Music] okay here um this person said oh my god y'all just do trisha versus jeffrey and hers by jay boom i like that there you go okay so wait here's the title trisha versus jeffrey and harris hair by j trisha paytas versus jeffrey starr and hare's [Music] i don't know why i said that too hair by jay tricia calls in live stop dude plus deangelo [Music] don't do the dog on that we're not ready no he's right you ran out of time bring the drum roll back oh god no okay do we just like trisha paytas first jeffree star and here by jay he's got alfredo do we like that guys i'm trying to wrap this up he'll be hold on yeah i know he's cute that was good poopoo and dude in a ditch or well that didn't create more intrigue i don't know which one's better russia finally tells the truth about jeffrey and kanye right like trisha finally oh that's just that's just brutal all right ian wait so so trisha finally tells the truth about jeffrey starr live no you just changed it but that's good tricia versus jeffrey and here by jay done i don't know if that's good do people like that it's perfect it's poo poo and a duty in the ditch poopoo duty [Music] [Laughter] all right let's take a look let's look guys what do you what's the best title here ian wake up and help me what are you doing ian what's the title oh you're working on thumbnail that's nice what's the title what's the title ian just put jeffrey tricia d'angelo critic just put their names oh that's kind of a 15 names in a row okay let's do this oh jesus is that what you think trisha paytas jeffrey starr hairs by jay d'angelo wallace critical see i'm seeing yeses we like that yes and people are begging us to end the podcast is that it which isn't usually something that happens okay i think you can hit the gong [Music] it's poo boy i didn't do it in a day trisha paytas jeffrey starr here by jay d'angelo wallace and critical make it happen oh jesus all right we're done jeffree star hair by j hair by j jeffrey star hair by j d and jello d'angelo wallace whoa dash h3 after darkness and critical read it back to me jesus jeffree star tweeted out i just landed back in l.a and there's fires is that real what and somehow i'm being dragged in someone else's mess turn the plane right back around what else is exactly boy you better own it up those fires though oh jesus i'm assuming the drama no it's okay whatever we'll find out when we okay so read it to me dan trisha paytas jeffrey starr here by j d'angelo wallace critical h3 podcast after dark number nine is that everything let's just put alfredo's name in there don't do it good luck with that thumbnail ian for after dark we just do you guys usually oh we gotta snake them in there we gotta sneak some faces okay we're not starting now a conversation all right guys we've done it all we've said and we've done it all so you're listening you're going to have a podcast mexican yeah what are we thinking today i mean we've been through a lot to decide so are you either making fun of me or you weren't paying attention next to the three three three three curious man it's burger it's burger you know it's burger burger boy have you not been listening straw poll mexican versus ian were you listening to the burger part are you just giving me a hard time i'm just you know just trying to open up the opportunity what are you eating i don't know parker sounds good you're watching it you're watching it to the three three three three you're watching h to the three three three [Music] he doesn't appreciate it's because at the end of almost every episode you actually always say you said do you want mexican he doesn't appreciate the trauma this is obviously the source of decisions what threw the banana peel down you 404 why are you so shy i didn't hear what he's saying i just i didn't hear the words this has been a long act how long we've been going all right let's wrap it up though for real this is becoming more of a pooper in a ditch now a poop and a doodle in a ditch add to the title ian roasts ethan oh my god ian ruins ethan's weekend i'm sorry and people are saying i'm hangry maybe i am hungry you are hungry i don't want people to start thinking that like me and actually have beef like what happened last time we're gonna have to squash it that's nice we're gonna have to squash it next week we know the title in next week's episode already ethan and ian squash the beast yeah all right the song has played twice again all right then just cut it i mean why would you say why do you want mexican food after everything we've been through this side we voted on the hamburger i even got the majority by a miracle of god i've somehow convinced ila that it's okay to get a hamburger and then you got to come in with the mexican food question look i'm saying how much trouble that's going to cause in my life all i'm saying is i think you know you had a lot of beef today all right yeah i'm leaving too thank you everyone my drinks are made while the incest honestly shredder will stop bopping off readers at the suite we'll do the real raw ritual with more and e.t share relax with the ringer see y'all look jimmy lee they said we wouldn't come back but you we always do embrace from the ashes like the phoenix on the flex back to two you're watching h to the three three three three you're watching h to the three three three three you're watching h to the three three three you're watching h to the three three you
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 2,915,177
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3h3, h3, h3 after dark, h3h3productions, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila, after dark, d'angelo wallace, dangelo, jeffree star, trisha paytas, cr1tikal, hair by jay
Id: QBmlIdXpGeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 191min 25sec (11485 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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