President Trump Calls In - H3 After Dark #28

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My mispronunciation video made it in the episode!!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 62 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/lobot_the_robot πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Is Featheon a bot? From what Ive noticed from the last two pods, the dude seems to just post one phrase on every comment

Its so bizarre

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 23 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Feeling_ghost_4020 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This was a great episode. I loved the Trump impersonator. I think the impressions are hilarious (this one was pretty close to the Shapiro call).

EDIT: Also, that Ethan mispronunciation reel sent me.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 83 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MotherHolle πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This was a small part of this long pod today and I doubt the majority of foot soldiers relate but learning Hila watches RHOBH was a worlds colliding moment for me

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 108 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/coolestbythelake πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 19 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ethan "bring me another coke, I don't even need this money" Klein.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 50 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/onetimeonreddit πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 19 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

"instead of buying 100,000 bitcoin I bought $100,000 worth of bitcoin mining equipment"

Shout out to his family

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 51 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TragedyPorn πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I have no stakes in this community at all, just like to check in to see reactions to stuff from time to time. I thought this episode was very entertaining. One of their best After Darks even. The NFT drama and seeing these mysterious bidders trying to outshine "the Krack" was great. Really had vibes that this show could go on forever as Hila even joked at one point. Obviously they're not going to do NFT things for the rest of time. But for now on a Friday afternoon into night, that was super fun to watch.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/EchoBay πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Anyone else having flashbacks to the "artist's beanie"

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Vagabond_Kane πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

The trump impersonator was so good!!! I was dying of laughter

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 24 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/itsnotjoeybadass πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
didn't see this oh hello welcome to the h3 podcast after dark where things get a little dicey a little wild and of course this is when ela joins us so it's everybody's favorite episode ela who's looking oh it does okay i thought they were just hanging down you can take it off you can take it off you can drop it and you can put them back on i love it apparently av has the same sunglasses are they like amazon glasses are they right no nice glasses excuse me these are ray bans oh but you don't have the chain are yours are ravens oh those aren't ravens oh no those look like valentino oh [ __ ] those are like hell at night a little above my beard i realized that he left holy [ __ ] and kind of like i said i thought you got those on amazon yeah i heard that wow here's what i know wow shame on me that's my vibe though something that you kind of like you don't know if it was ten dollars or maybe i don't know [Laughter] so bougie over here you look bomb though dude good thing it's awesome anyway today's episode is sponsored by liquid iv we have a really fun episode today super excited first of all while we're live the auction of the legendary one of one vape god coin is going to expire so we're gonna find out does anybody care it expires in one hour and eight minutes current top bid is two hey carlos is on the edge of his seat 2.69 ethereum five thousand dollars we're gonna find out what this thing is worth so i hope i am so excited so i hope all of our high rollers are what tuning in because this is 101 baby it's the video vape nation video i don't know what it means but that's what it is it's gotta be worse more than that right [Laughter] we're gonna be keeping an eye on that uh the president ladies and gentlemen is gonna be calling in the president of the united states is gonna be calling in a little bit yes or sorry that not the pr the ex-president donald trump the former president former president is the correct honorific i think actually technically you're still supposed to call an ex-president the president like they get that title for life president trump i've seen that on the news well he's not currently the sitting president yeah but they still refer to him as president okay but is he the president no yeah so we have one of the things the queen and like the mama queen and the they're they're they're all queen but there's like queen and there's dog queen right all women are queens but then there's so president trump is calling in uh to discuss his thoughts on what's going on with david delbrick and dom i'm really curious what what he has to think what he has to say about all that it sucks that he's not on twitter anymore and we can't hear about it directly because he has no outlet right he's been following the drama and yeah he probably has he's banned from pretty much all social media so this is yeah so we're giving him we're giving them a platform they call them dumps they sure do um we also have the kraken exchange ceo calling in because apparently he said that we're a bunch of ignoramuses when it comes to crypto and we got a lot of stuff like okay come on explain you know talk to him while the well the bid goes down it'll be fun exciting you feel the energy buzzing i am so excited i am so happy wait oh i was like what's up you know teddy fresh we did a new collection yesterday and there's nothing left so don't don't go no i mean there's some stuff left but like we're really happy though because we uh we spent a lot of time actually on these pieces even though they're so simple looking um and also all the women's fits we spent a lot of time like perfecting it so i'm happy that it all you know was successful it's really cool um it's not our intention to have like it be so scarce it just kind of surprised us on the demand for this stuff yeah but we're gonna restock it so if you missed it don't worry they'll be back on the website we're gonna uh relatively soon you know it takes a minute but we're gonna we're gonna restock all this stuff not so soon it takes time because i see everyone's asking like care bears friend is it time so the cl okay well anyway we're working on getting more classics that you know where there's also another drop coming out next week on thursday just a few more pieces that that's just gonna happen a lot this year because of covid everything is just just thrown off so um instead of having it all come out together some pieces were delayed so next week so you have a chance to pick some stuff up next week but there's still some stuff you know like this shirt is [ __ ] i this shirt i should be wearing this shirt why am i not wearing this shirt this shirt is so sick yeah re-roll it's a terry shirt it's a goddamn shirt named terry oh was that anyway there's that congratulations elon another slammer thank you you know i i we've been talking a lot about the justice league and i have to say a lot of us were being like well pretty much all of us said unanimously that this is going to be horrible in fact it holds a coveted title amongst our highlight clips as one of the most disliked was that about the original one though um i don't think it's one of the most i think it is the most disliked right ian justice league hd podcast highlights is it really of all the things i [ __ ] said and done this is the one this one you crossed the line ethan so yeah yeah really crossed a lot okay so yeah i think we were talking about j we called it justice league as tryhard i think that title this year because it was like that title is ridiculous yeah i agree i don't know if that was my title or i'm sure i feel like i want to blame that on dan try hard garbage i didn't name it actually i could see that yeah i mean i agree with it but i didn't name it i didn't pick that title people are so mad because they care so much about it it's almost like good man but anyway okay [Laughter] it was also one titled justice league will be horrible how did that one do let's see it's in the discord oh you sent me that one too okay well here let me just type it on here justice league will be horrible let's see how people received this one two weeks ago yeah your face bro you got this oh whoa this one's even worse oh my god this just happened yeah this is from two weeks ago wow do i dare you really no i'm scared i didn't even know it went so bad are they gonna get super personal on me absolutely have you read any of these not on that one let me peek let me pee i'm not showing that's how it starts the fever the rage is the feeling oh he's meaning i think that's a line from the movie or something oh not to nothing too this guy looks like he's falling asleep any second he's talking about me i probably was tired okay oh this they go how's this guy gonna watch a four-hour movie with an open mind but can't even watch your trailer properly i'm sorry what's a proper way to watch a trailer bro you [ __ ] explain well anyway it came out last night and i watched the [ __ ] i watched the whole damn thing all four [ __ ] hours you actually got all the way through i watched i finished it wow at like three a.m because i started at like you know ten i was like all right i could stay up to two but then you have to go to the bathroom you get a snack you take the dogs out you know four hours of long-ass time to sit still what am i doing i started watching with ethan and i watched maybe 10 minutes and then i was like okay i get it but i could make better use of my i was like what do you get and i watched the real housewives of beverly hills for the whole time i came upstairs and she was like laying there and i thought she was sleeping so i got ready for bed and i come out and her eyes are open i was like you're watching real housewives of everything hill this whole [ __ ] four or five hours zero regret about that any good drama unfold of course nice camille's house burned down oh that sucks that's not drama that's just horrible yeah and everyone fought with camille she's living oh and lvp has left the show oh she's out they never reconciled she's out whoa real housewives pops off okay so did who else watched this before i give my opinion on the the snyder the schneider snidey who else watched the whole thing i watched it ian did you make it through hold on let me fix my camera really quick to be a little more i'd appropriate a little color correction a little square i fell asleep i'm i'm sorry i tried well you started out you started at like 12 dude i know i know well i was like you're gonna be up to four a.m at least this is what the movie looks like to anyone who doesn't get this okay so so let me get let me share my thoughts because i'm out here getting disliked into oblivion yeah put my neck out i watched all four hours here's what i'm gonna say about it it was pretty good really yeah it's pretty good no spoilers by the way the exception of like a few almost intolerably corny moments you know yeah i'm surprised you said that because i'd say the first like hour that you were watching it you were repeatedly messaging us with like what the [ __ ] is this movie yeah i mean they must have really turned it around at some point there were certain well there's just certain moments where you're like why do they make it so [ __ ] corny like every time a girl get though it shows up on screen and it's like oh oh yeah the music like there's like amazonians like and everything's in slow motion and then like um just every shot it's like when aquaman's in the shot he has to back up slowly into the water or there's always so many close-ups of like gal gadot or whoever being like superman or just you know it's like unbearably corny that being said for a four-hour movie i thought that i didn't actually mind the length because you know in a lot of these movies they try to tell so much story in like two hours and you're like that there was no [ __ ] pacing that was a nightmare so actually i thought you know with the amount of story they're trying to pack in that it was pretty good and i didn't mind the length the only part i hated i'm not going to give out a spoiler is the ending which and i think i i don't think i'm spoiling anything because i've seen all over social media people know that jared leto made a cameo jared let his joker in the cameo and so i saw people on twitter being like jared leto has proving himself to be the true joker i was like no no way i buy this so anyway i'm watching i'm watching and at the very end he makes his little cameo and that was the worst part of the film by far by far by far i mean i i honestly i until i thought this is a really good movie i i even say really good up until the last you know 20 minutes and i was like this is no longer a really good movie this is a good movie you know what i mean it went down a point jared leto is by far the cringiest joker he's horrible uh he's proved he's doubled down on the whole yeah he somehow maybe you said i think it's true he somehow made his laugh even worse than it was in the it's just he literally goes i swear to god that's how he laughs oh my god he doesn't break it up anymore he doesn't go ah he goes it's just yeah but i just it's horrible so but with peace and love to jared leto you were the worst joker and the worst part of the movie other than that i thought it was really cool i thought it was good okay i like the perspective you get on all the individual characters and the culmination of the story i thought was very nice nice i like it yeah did you like the by three ratio i didn't mind it cool well at first i was like i like it i was like who makes a four by three four hour movie about superheroes i was like [ __ ] this is not schindler's list but then dan explained that it was like for imax and i was like okay it makes sense i didn't mind it nice so there you have it [ __ ] eat my ah eating my words man it's a pretty good movie you know um but dan i feel like you're the biggest hater so you need to watch that yeah i'll probably check it out over this weekend right maybe i didn't feel like watching a four-hour movie yeah no i know i don't blame you go ahead ab what do you think oh yeah i agree with what you said yeah pretty much yeah it got better as it went on but the ending was kind of unnecessary bro the last the ending apparently i'm not gonna again i'm not spoiling but apparently they re-shot all the ending and that was like a big deal that he it was so unnecessary bro you did not need that it was so stupid it was [ __ ] horrible do you understand what i'm saying horrible it's just so unnecessary bruh bruh oh my god [Applause] you know i'm not going to talk about david dobrik today but everybody likes that no it's just one comment that we all enjoyed that we agreed we should read somebody said oh that was my favorite david dobrik asked his fans to piece together a puzzle i don't think he expected it to be this one i missed the mark with that one okay yeah you might say so there's so much more stuff coming out there's gonna be a lot to follow on that story i think cuz like there's just a lot of similar stories as to the one that was covered in that article coming out like identical stories yeah so this was just the tip of the iceberg in my opinion that was a good impression dan we've been looking for james charles impressionist but i don't know if we need one keep going can you say hi sisters today i'm going to be doing a foundation tutorial hi sisters today i'm going to be doing a foundation tutorial yeah the problem with the james charles impressions you don't want to sound like you're doing a caricature of like a super flamboyant gay person because that's like offensive but it's weird because that's what he sounds like that's how he speaks it's tough yeah that is so true that is something [Laughter] but we're looking for a perfect james charles impersonator i know you're out there the depths of james charles videos um there was a lot of people worried about shredder i just want to con let everybody know that shredder is fine people think shredder is dying because i said that he pukes off doesn't happen all the time it's not like a daily occurrence safe shredder uh well thank you for being concerned but we've already we've take so shredder puke sometimes in the morning we already took him to the doctor a while ago the doctor said that little yorkies like him often have overactive um bile so she said you know if he doesn't eat for a minute he can over produce uh stomach acids and you know it's something that happens with dogs like this so we've taken him in he got all the tests and everything he's fine that we've he this has been going on for a while yeah he's been going he's good shredder's good don't worry about shredder but thank you for your concern peace and love peace and love abe's birthday today i have so many uh things to talk about here abe happy birthday how old are you birthday thank you i am 5 29 so you are 16 years away from a doctor doing a prostate exam on you just about having a finger in your ass or yeah 45 yeah so that's exciting can't wait for like semen is it really just a finger yeah i've had i've had a finger in my ass for a hernia check it doesn't sound that bad it wasn't that bad and they exaggerated i went into the doctor he goes okay lay on your side because apparently you get in the fetal position which feels a little like compromising you're like a grown-ass man getting in the fetal position he puts on a glove he puts some lube and he just he goes in wiggles around it wasn't that bad and people people exaggerate although i've never had a prostate exam so i don't know if that's deeper or more wiggling or i don't so uh do anything fun maybe any plans no not really hanging out at home playing my playstation nice and safe yeah love that happy birthday thank you so are you kidding me so the other thing i want to talk before we kind of get underway you know dave david has been like fully canceled okay at this point or like it's happening i don't know to what extent it will go but this really kind of [ __ ] upset me is that james charles meanwhile who in my opinion is i don't think we need to say who is worse or who is better right right because i know we don't know what you're trying we don't need to play the olympics yeah the olympics game but he just put out a collaboration with dream corps husband and pewdiepie and a bunch more including by the way a 16 year old minecraft player oh timmy in it oh no now how is it that this is possible when he admitted himself that he was sexting and exchanging nudes with a [ __ ] 16 year old boy it's such a bizarre world it's just people like we just finished watching the allen of earth pharaoh yeah woody the woody allen documentary hi sisters which was so hard to watch um but you see how like people it's just easier to believe that they didn't do it don't want to think that people are so bad or that they would do something bad and it's like you feel like you're already trusted i mean he admitted on twitter you know what i mean at least woody like yeah i know what you mean but or i'm assuming these people must just not know which i guess is possible yeah because look at you you have to really follow all the stories it's like overwhelming likes this you know what i mean people are stoked but when they come here and they co-sign charles james charles they say oh it's okay to associate with him the dude is a known predator straight up yeah like you're saying the woody allen thing it's really disturbing because you can see how long he got away with it his whole life woody allen literally assaulted his own daughter and members of his family and all the and there was other [ __ ] going on too he never had to account for that he went on to win all these awards work with all these actors make all these movies he started this whole campaign of attacking his wife as if it's all her fault and people followed that you know they just buy that yeah it was it was dude the documentary is really good it's very disturbing though so definitely a trigger warning on that documentary but it was really good very disturbing and it just makes me think like we all think there's like this huge change like me too and stuff you're like oh how could that happen with woody allen or roman polanski or uh harvey weinstein it's like dude it's happening right here on youtube before our [ __ ] eyes well let's not forget that me too was pretty recent you know so it takes time well but they even touched on that because the his daughter when she first wrote an essay of um what happened to her and published it people weren't ready for that it was before me too and then after me too she published it again and then there was a real response to it so right i don't know it takes time like society is just not ready for this stuff i just don't know what to make of this like dream corpse husband and pewdiepie all collaborating with james one week after he admitted to preying on a young boy which is a pattern of behavior that you know he does and all these people have predominantly younger fans too so they're they're literally putting their fans in harm's way um the fact that something someone like woody allen can exist in our midst in our own community and the same thing happening history repeating itself in the same way is is a a terrifying thought because i don't know it's just it's it's it's it's disturbing i was just going to his channel to see kind of what he was up to and i was like what all these people are co-signing james charles right after this happened i don't get it these are like the biggest creators on the platform and chipotle one of the biggest brands still the videos up right highest like they didn't you know yeah i mean if dave if david why not james james came out and said it happened right on [ __ ] twitter sister it's disturbing man it's upsetting he's a [ __ ] he's a predator okay okay let's lighten it up here okay let's lighten it up with a little bit of windy remember it's not wendy williams it's wendy williams because she passes wind you like that it's okay pound it thank you all right you guys know you all remember wendy pass gas uh epically legendarily oh no i put the cat out of the bag wait i wanted to show the original fart gate oh deal look at her look at that lean vote she knows she's about to pass gas this is the the original fart gate sold you're old enough to understand political correctness in the times that we live now you can't just slap people on the booty yeah of course he probably knows it's not right to a man but you can't even do that locker room thing that cop wasn't playing that i mean you're lucky it sounds fake but i guarantee you we've isolated that sound by if you've watched the show for a long time you know we love that sound bite zach hit it [Music] that's literally the sound she made right here you can listen okay you only got battery oh i'm playing that i mean you're lucky you only got such a gnarly rip so that's wendy williams now there's a new fart gate going around where she burps and then farms at the same time now we're gonna open this clip we're gonna watch it we've isolated the sound bite obviously and we're gonna debate and see what exactly is going on so here listen closely my friends she's not lonely [Applause] i love her she's like oh jesus christ she's not lonely all right zach so so can you play that you know give me some gain give me some give me some maybe even go ahead can you slow it down a little bit i mean what's their debate well zach doesn't think that the uh the fart is a fart what is it i don't think it's a fart i think she's burped and she's trying to cover herself up so she goes she burps and go oh like she's not good interesting let me watch she's not lonely it's so weird though that's a [ __ ] dude where's the sound coming so it's so hard but i think it's it's hard to burp and fart at the same time unless you like are super sick like one of you burped and farted like consecutive well she might have some kind of condition you know that may be true but i don't know well i don't know she's up here apart and burping it's happening all the time i mean i can see if you so let's say you burp and you get surprised your body tense up you slip one out but wouldn't you suck up when you put like no the gas is there it's just a little one you know what i mean it's just a little uh little toot yeah it's not like a rock i think i think she just went with her mouth she's not lonely that's just my opinion okay i feel like if we zoom on her face why does it not let me zoom okay wait i know how to zoom hang on all right all right do you really think so like let's wat there's unless she's like jeff dunham doing like ventriloquy i don't know hey paul she's not lonely when does she make that sound with their mouth yeah i i don't if you look like also how do you make that sound you can make that sound with your mouth but your mouth is clear that's not the sound it has a pitch to it it has appeared here here's the part that sounds like a tooth to me it sounds like a part she's not all right mindy we've heard a wendy williams fart before just you know she was ripping ass that time that time she had a lot of gas she knew she had to fart you see the angle she was hitting her his cheeks were clapping on that one i don't but not this one though can we get a straw pull up i'm curious what the people think sure one second i don't see her mouth going i've just i've heard enough farts before and like i don't know it just doesn't hey zach i'm older than you i've heard more farts okay when are you the fart expert i don't know i've i've ripped some pretty gnarly farts and i'm not denying you of but you're saying okay dude somewhat that makes you a fart expert she's not lonely all right the polls up i pinned it and i'm spamming it in the chat so all right you guys tell me what you think i feel like what are you gonna vote here oh can you drop it in the description well it's obviously a fart but maybe people maybe you know maybe people see it differently and so i'm interested to know it's making me verify come on what are you voting you well i don't think i should say i'm not seeing any results yeah me neither you know a bunch of websites have been having issues today oh yeah yeah straw poll is uh not working huh what's the wendy keeper oh she's sabotaging the sound bite just keep playing the fart it let me vote but it's just not uh showing any results oh it just it just like went through and then play me the original fart there we go yeah and then play me the new part just play just hit me with it let me think on it [Music] play the old one yeah keep it going well [Music] the overwhelming majority is yes on this [Music] one holy [ __ ] i just spilled so much water on myself at least it didn't get on the electronics i don't think so that was the biggest water spill ever okay what do we need you need a towel holy [ __ ] dude what do we do here i just spilled like a whole game like a big cup this much water i probably could use a new shirt sure i mean i'm so okay damn that was intense and none of these electronics are wet right i think it was like the best spot okay wow stand by here for a moment here guys holy damn i shouldn't put my cup there right in the path of the arm thank you thank you dan we have less than 40 minutes in the auction oh [ __ ] well so wait we have to take a break and then yeah it's actually it's a break time now and then we're gonna have the president call in and then have we gotten any new bids or nobody cares there was uh it's well i guess you already showed there hasn't been a 269. uh no actually it went up it's at 282 now oh there was a bed okay oh mine's not updated so what's fun is that um when there's a new bid it extends the timer by 10 minutes oh so we could get into a potential bidding war here oh interesting thank you guys for your help on that all right let's let's cut to the ad break get trump on the phone and then we'll talk to the kraken sorry shredder freak shredder out wow all right what do we got liquid iv you dan you wanna cool crap hit me with that metal dan crack open a liquid iv tell me about it you just sip that [ __ ] as i read this dan's been hitting that liquid iv at home hitting it hard hitting it hard you go he walks in you know i've been hitting liquid iv and i like it i'm into it we got a passion fruit one right here listen liquid iv is going to help you become a better version of you fitness routine staying hydrated whatever it is it can help one goal for myself is to stay more hydrated or to drink less soda and caffeine you know or coffee because it's bad for my stomach so you get the caffeine boost liquid iv and you are raging you know what i mean you don't need anything that [ __ ] hit it dan that packet goes in the cup you s yes you stir the damn thing yes baby listen what do i like about liquid iv the taste the function the how easy it is to use it's less polluting than [ __ ] you know every time you want to get a some other kind of energizing drink you have to buy it in like a bottle or some [ __ ] you know what i mean yeah nah nah nah first thing in the morning before a workout when you feel run down get your daily hydration maintenance you're for a hangover for hangover cure etc etc you know what it is so what's your favorite flavor dan you like the watermelon one you say uh actually the one that i had just now passion proof oh it's really good yeah so is that the boost the immune boost one no this one's just a hydration multiplier oh okay so you're just getting all jacked up on water just john freaking i'm not i'm like moses over here yo did you guys know that one serving a liquid iv provides the same hydration of drinking two to three bottles of water alone contains five essential vitamins more vitamin c than an orange and as much potassium as a banana it's healthier than sugary sports drinks there's no artificial flavors or preservatives and there's less sugar than a freaking apple dude made with clean ingredients it's non-gmo vegan and free of gluten dairy or soy you don't want soy though because you're not a soy boy i don't know that's not they didn't write that just for clarity yeah those are the opinions expressed by me and not so grab your strawberry liquid iv or other great flavors in bulk nationwide at costco or you can get 25 off when you go to and use code h3 at checkout that's 25 off anything you order when you use the promo code h3 at promo code h3 get better hydration today at promo code promo code h3 was that clear promo code h3 got him okay so how much time do we have on the on the um on the auction uh uh it ends in 34 minutes wow okay this is coming up fast so let's get the president on the phone because i know i don't want to keep him waiting i know he's busy um uh yeah is he ready to go he's a busy guy uh hey hey i think i do see him in the waiting room so um just stand by let me set up so yeah i mean you know i know i know um donald's son from back in the day uh a friend of mine went to the same country club and yada you know so i happen to have it in with the president can i get some of your water so i can spill it all over the room again actually i have another so i'm very privileged and honored to say to say welcome mr president hello can everybody hear me yeah we can hear you i feel i sound good tremendous i snuck back into the white house for this because this is such a big deal right i appreciate that hello ethan and ela that's a tremendous name and i know names because i married a slovenian woman so ethan you and i have a latin cabinet oh yeah very nervous turns to gold we and we love immigrants we love the immigrant people tremendous people so uh of a son his name's teddy fresh is that your son's name teddy fresh yeah well his name is theodore yeah theodore great name great thank you underused name by the way underused name well thank you for acknowledging that mr president i'm so glad that you're able to make the time to come out here today uh it's it's quite an honor i wanted to bring you in to um to ask you if you've been following the whole david dobrik thing i know you've had some allegations yourself so i thought maybe you would have an interesting perspective on what's going on david is an absolutely fantastic kid he's a smart kid he's an attractive kid he's always smiling he's always he's always up to some shenanigans or something like that he likes that he likes to be close to where people are having sex and i think that's a good thing right i think that's a good thing you know what i mean everyone has their friend i look at him as a young as a young jeffrey upstairs wow that doesn't sound like a compliment mr president well were you ever at any of jeffrey's parties this guy had great parties right right and he hangs out with that weird guy nash these guys always have another guy you know they made another guy and another guy that's so interesting observation but so you think he you do you think david is kind of like guilty should we cancel david i mean people are saying that he facilitated some kind of assault so i mean what should be the punishment for somebody like david well isn't he currently on an anti-bullying tour i mean i think that's more important at this point don't you think that he should be out there you know being like be best right he had a tremendous tremendous program on anti-bullying and i don't think canceling people is good unless i'm doing it then it's really incredible harley davidson 18t right you know i canceled so many people i cancelled i cancelled rosie o'donnell for eight years i mean she had a nervous breakdown i know how to cancel people i know how to care to people most people have no idea how to cancel people you know what i mean i canceled the nfl can you believe that eight sports it's really incredible right incredible i go big i go big not just one player the entire franchise well that's a good point right now i see your point um do you go and so david's doing i can't i can't get over hello i mean gee i had no idea there's so much money on youtube it's really incredible yeah oh yeah there's lots of money here um do you think you think he should be canceled do you think he should be cancelled um that's a tough question i think at least he should get a haircut at the very least right well that's a good observation you know and then there's this other guy dom involved right dom so yes i heard about the dom too so what do we think about don because david filmed it but dom's the one who did it so how do we what what should we do with dom do you think well something is very strange about the whole dumb thing i think all of this is very very weird you know what i mean the way they set this stuff up the way all these things happen you know i don't know do you know what if he's a republican or a democrat whatever he is dom i don't know his political affiliation because if he's a republican i'm fine with it but it is a democrat this is pretty disgusting really really upsetting you know the proximity to all these strange things and i noticed i noticed i had one of my i had kelly kelly did a wonderful little quick wrap up on everything and uh the kissing the guy's kissing what's going on with the guys kissing well you know and i love the gays don't get me wrong but why is he always setting up this situation where guys are kissing all right yeah you're talking about seth seth was a guy who thought he was going to be making out with a girl but they put the mask on this guy nash and they they tricked seth into making out with nash who but seth thought he was making out with a girl that's what happened in that situation that's very disappointing that's very disappointing that never happened to me though but i think it's very disappointing so this guy nash is he like uh you know galen maxwell to jeffrey epstein yeah that's a good analogy sure that's a good analogy yeah it's a very odd thing maybe maybe we don't cancel them and we just take them off the air for the a little while we get rid of their corporate sponsors let's see how he does that right see how he does that all right good that's a good point well um listen it's been fantastic getting your insight i mean wow yeah i didn't know you follow all this topic absolutely and i love the fact that you love feet you love feet oh yeah it's really incredible your foot guy your foot guy what you called foot wiki or wiki feet yeah what do you feel no i love wikileaks i love wikileaks we love wikipedia the way i take wikileaks believe me but i the big thing is wonderful because you know i've learned two beauty pageants and i love love love beautiful woman no one loves beautiful women the way i love beautiful women i must i mean i married three of them right right right right right um you're very i mean i appreciate you coming out i'm surprised you have time are you still are you very busy now that uh got nothing to do i go off and eat you know and i can't tweet i can't go on any of the social media i really have nothing to do really okay well that explains so i'm looking for something for that's why i want to get back into office that's why i want to get back into office because i think i could really turn this country around because sleepy you know i'm here in the white house i'm here in the white house sleepy joe's walking around like where am i where am i you know he's so old you know he's over 100 years old a lot of people don't know that a lot of people don't know that but he's really old they discontinued his blood type but i have plenty of blood because i'm a stable genius with a big brain a huge brain and a very very smart and my uncle john trump taught at mit for 40 years so you're here okay okay well listen we're not here to uh campaign necessarily you know you're sure because it's a great platform you have many many no no no no no we're here i was here well thank you i was really here just to hear about uh david dobrik but i'm glad that david david dobrik but i'm glad but you know he didn't weigh a bunch of cars right he did yeah he did he gave away a bunch of cars i mean that's socialism we should cancel them just for that right well that's a good observation there's a lot of things not so much socialism with that david dobrik so if i'm understanding correctly you're saying the assault okay the car giveaway not okay bad very bad socialism bad socialism bad right you know and then and the borders are like swiss cheese right now it's like swiss cheese it's like fondue they're just coming over here in droves and probably because of the car giveaways that david he's ruining this country right well that's interesting observation certainly mr president absolutely absolutely i'm a very smart guy i have a big a well bahrain glad you have so much free time in a way in a selfish way because i'm glad you're able to follow this drama and probably i'd like to even if you're if you're willing to have you even call in and comment on other topics as as they unfold if you absolutely absolutely i love catching up and you know the thing with me is i'm on i'm on twitter i had 80 million 90 million probably more followers than anybody so someone like david dobrik and his kid what's it called the vlog squad yeah vlog squad very horrible name verbal name really bad marketing here with the v with the v very feminine i don't like it you know the thing is the thing is i have to know what's going on on social media because when i come back it's going to be big it's going to be bigger whatever you and your audience well we're going to be we're going to be working hard to make sure oh we're going to be making we're going to be working very hard again if they broke it into your compound we're going to be working very hard to get your twitter back and to bring you back we just actually i kind of think i want your twitter to stay down so that we can involve you in the show more i prefer you when you're bored thank you thank you yeah when i'm bored i'm a lot of fun yes we love when that's fun the way i have fun believe me believe me you know hopefully i'll meet up with uh you two live and in person and you can be milan she's very nice you'll have a lot in common a lot yeah you know yeah right mr president thank you thank you so much for having me down this way this will be your highest rated episode ever probably all right all right take care thank you guys mr president wow the president you believe this guy's got the time on his hand to follow all this drama no pretty incredible actually i kind of got nervous like i was really talking about it be respectful you were he goes on and on with the campaigning i was like all right you know um on the reel though we were just talking to the great what's his twitter trumps no this the impressionist oh uh i thought i had it here i'll put in the we'll put it in the description he's a he's an incredible comedian so funny so funny so just to recap the official stance of the uh of the former president is david is like his good friend friend epstein and there's nothing wrong with that i think it seemed like his biggest issue was just with the name of the vlog squad or that he gives away cars yeah right oh right he didn't like that at all oh here it is if you guys want to know who we're talking to with your boy johnny d there you have it we love him don't we folks you bought boys [Laughter] so um let's get yeah so well let's get the kraken on the phone because our our the golden token trump to unleashing the kraken huh the coin sale ends in 20 minutes oh it did go up a bit let's see we got a bidding war between okay this is exciting one of those is jesse yeah he's involved okay he's got the second highest now so i am so excited excited when can i see when these happen did these all happen recently it doesn't show the time yeah they yeah it happened recently within the last like 15 minutes because yeah this was where it was before okay i see okay interesting we got ashley involved i don't even know who that is ashley who's ashley a new contender it's actually a gentleman i'm talking to him right now on the discord oh so why absolutely oh should we get them all that'd be interesting if we get them let's talk to the kraken first just have these guys duke it out live this is extremely rare opportunity to own a rip now how do we rip this video you made this uh ian did you just rip it off youtube or like what's what's the video file in here in here for the vape nation video uh yeah it's um some high-tech crypto stuff converters what a digital is it 1080 like what's the quality the hd quality of the video we're talking 720 1080 anywhere from 240 to now well one thing it's actually in four by three snyder style well it is the only one authentic certified version so if it's in 240 or 1080 what does it matter right right the knowing that counts that's art so where's the kraken uh i just spoke to him he actually just popped into the waiting room so let me uh you ready because we can watch a semen preacher update um i i told him 115 which was a few minutes from now but it looks like he is in the waiting room so let's bring in the crack [Music] we're bringing in the big connect guy i man if we could get carlos we've tried i've tried i've tried i think he's he's hiding in some southeast asian country trying to oh actually okay is he do you know any what's the intel on this guy ashley is he a serious collector i mean um does he not want to say anything about himself he said he bought a few thousand ethereum at eight dollars whoa really yeah he said that he loves us all very much but he may so he's like a crypto he's a crypto uh a mogul yeah he's a crypto mogul he bought thousands at eight dollars what a legend yeah he said he runs a few finance businesses good for him you hear that kraken you got competition all right yeah i just pinned him so he's ready do you mind if i call you the crack that's fine so we have here um with us um jesse i'm sorry jesse powell is that right that's right first of all thank you for calling in this is very cool to be talking to you so you are the seat are you the founder and ceo of craig of kraken exchange i am nice nice ten years ten years in crypto space wow this is quite a big uh company now it's like one of the really big ones right i mean tell me about your company a little bit yeah so we're about 10 years old 1500 people trading 50 plus coins um you know we're one of the top exchanges in in the world uh number one in europe number two in the us probably number three globally um yeah we've been around a long time uh got got a lot of people um and uh you know i don't know it's been it's been a very long road uh over the last 10 years you know and it's kind of interesting that nfts are now all of a sudden a big thing it just kind of came out of nowhere um and it's cool to see that you guys are getting it into it i'm really looking forward to the the frenemies edition oh yes that was your idea i saw trisha is cool with it so yeah once she found out she can make money then she's cold i think you guys got to work on the the tokenomics a bit though and you know the pumpamentals of your existing uh offering is pretty good but you know not many people can afford like a thousand dollars or two thousand dollars for for an nft so i think if you in the next edition do like the frenemies edition do like you know make them like ten dollars you should do like five thousand at ten dollars each or something instead of like you know five and a thousand well to be totally frank our goal wasn't necessarily to it was more of an experiment to see like is anyone actually going to buy this stuff right yeah i had been pushing for mine to be priced low and you you pretty much completely overruled me and said no we're doing them at one yeah well you i fully admit i was wrong on that i didn't think anybody was gonna buy any of mine but they sold out so there you go it's exclusive i mean you can still do you can do two versions right you can have like the foil animated version and then you can have like the normal oh right just like a trading card tell me why did you make kraken exchange did you how do you one of these guys that had this like premonition of like this is going to be huge i'm going all in i've heard about people like you is that yeah pre-crypto um from 2001 to 2011 i had a company selling virtual items and currencies for online games like world of warcraft gold diablo swords runescape maplestory you did all these games so i was already kind of aware of this virtual currency world and people using like the world of warcraft gold like their bank account and kids at the at school you know at the cafeteria trading a brownie for like five world warcraft gold and stuff like that and you know it got me thinking that there's this whole class of people that just don't have access to the regulated financial system you know like a bank account you know and when people think of like the the unbanked they're usually thinking of like people rural india or africa but really it's like everyone under the age of 18 in the united states is unbanked and um you know just lots of people all over the world for whatever reason don't have access to the banking system and uh we're increasingly becoming digital and more things that you want to buy are digital and if you don't have like a credit card like what do you do and you know kids were using world of warcraft gold and bitcoin seems like an evolution of that something that's not um you know connected to like blizzard as a video game developer who could just ban your account at any time um bitcoin is something that anyone can can create a wallet for like without anyone's permission um you go directly peer-to-peer so it solves all of these problems uh for financial services access in the world and you know things getting in the way of people sending payments to each other so um it also just seemed like a great store of value in that you know we know the dollar is inflating obviously the government's printing trillions of dollars you know like it's nothing and there's probably trillions more to come so it's clearly not a store of value like it's not a place to actually like save your money because it's just losing value over time you know the dollars lost like 99 of its value over the last hundred years so uh something something that was like a safe haven asset you know and yeah bitcoin is volatile but obviously over the last 10 years you know it's up like 5 jillion so relative to everything else you know it seems like pretty awesome i have a fundamental confusion like why how is it that it just doesn't seem like a functional currency to me because first of all the price fluctuates so much on a day-to-day basis that using it as any form of currency doesn't make sense because one day it could be worth double and the next day it could be worth half it's like how can that be a a stable currency and then the other thing is like it seems like well well spending it is difficult too isn't it unless you're buying like you know nfts which is now maybe that's part of why nfts are so popular because people feel like oh i can spend my coins on something you know so so how how can it possibly ever be a a viable currency with how much it fluctuates in its value yeah so the value is like fluctuating less over time as as more people come into the space and there's just more money in inside of the bitcoin system uh you know previously 10 years ago it was moving you know 100 percent up and down a day now maybe it moves like five ten percent a day so you know you compare that's something like uh the currency of like venezuela or argentina where it's like just falling in half every day and you know you gotta go buy your loaf of bread like before your your currency falls in half again um it's definitely an upgrade for that you know so i think it is harder to see from from being in the united states where inflation historically has been like fairly low but there are parts of the world where their their national currencies just completely failed and um they may have no way to get into to other currencies like you know it might be that actually like buying or using dollars in their local economy is like outlawed so bitcoin is like absolutely like a savior to them um but for us long term do you see someone like someone being able to buy a loaf of bread with like cryptocurrency for sure yeah and they absolutely are in venezuela they are right now yeah really how does a bread vendor take crypto uh so anyone can can set up a crypto wallet on their phone yeah um there's there's a load of crypto apps um in in the android play store and in the ios store uh you can just search for like bitcoin wallet or ethereum wallet uh you'll find like a million apps anyone can just set up an app and uh you don't have to sign up or anything like once you just install the app the the wallet is on your phone and anyone can just send you coins directly so but like these vendors in venezuela know how to accept crypto you know what i mean it's just i guess maybe in in due time yeah yeah they they actually do i mean yeah it seems like you know it's it's a high-tech thing but i mean it's actually really simple to set up i mean it's literally as simple as like downloading an app and then you can take it and then there are local brokers there who will uh trade you know if you need the local currency or you need something else you know they'll take your bitcoin and give you dollars or give you you know whatever the local currency is wow i had no idea so so crypto is more popular there it sounds like than it is here in america um hard to know you know like there there's a lot of discretionary income floating around in in america people like to speculate on stocks and all sorts of things so i would say like the the speculation use case is much higher in the u.s and in the actual like uh use out of necessity because it's better than the alternative is higher in other places one of the biggest criticisms we get of of we hear of crypto and even like doing our little nft sales there's a lot of people angry or disappointed or you know just in general unhappy with the wastefulness of the crypto the crypto market so yeah so what do you like the econ the environmental impact yeah you know i i think this is just honestly i think it's this is like fudding coming from the big banks who are afraid about what this means for for their business and their control on the economy and you know when you look at bitcoin yes bitcoin and ethereum do expend a lot of energy but so do many other valuable things right like it costs something because it's valuable you know just like uh even building batteries for electric cars you know has an environmental impact it's not like everything is free of so when you when you see these graphs like we were looking at the other day it goes uh uh bitcoin produces the same amount of energy as let's say the almost as the whole country argentina or something you know what do you think like if you compared it to other industries let's say like batteries for electric cars or something do you think how would that compare you think it would be more or less or do do we know that information you know i think like so i i looked this up a couple days ago it's still like less than half of what is spent on data centers around the world um but i think it's more essential to be totally fair well is it you know i think a more fair comparison would be what does it cost to maintain the us dollar as the world's reserve currency and you know bitcoin is both a payment system and a settlement system and when you think about all of the people and the computers and the printing presses and the paper and the trees that go into making the money and the you know it like cost more than a penny to make a penny yeah um imagine like all of the resources that are going into maintaining the system uh you know in in terms of settlement you know you have like the legal system that's backing up the chargebacks or you know disputes about payments yeah and you have the military that's backing up the use of the dollar globally and we saw that when countries and historically have attempted to go off of the dollar standard and move to a gold standard um you know start using gold to trade for oil instead of using dollars to trade for oil there's u.s military intervention there to enforce the use of dollars and they usually make something up some other reason why they're sending in the military but it's almost always about uh they want to stop using the dollar and they want to get on some other standard and so i think when you when you bake all that into what is the cost of the dollar um you know bitcoin is is so small it's such a fraction of that and and when you think about like what is the cost of a nation's currency failing like argentina or venezuela you know it completely destroys the whole country and you know i think having a stable currency that is not manipulated by a government is insanely valuable and it might be the most valuable innovation since the internet itself do you think it's a problem that let me ask you this is confusing i've got all these ethereum in my wallet so i can go let's say and sell ten thousand where's the ten thousand dollars coming from yeah so there's someone on the other side of that trade either either a business is buying it from you directly or another trader so like on if you were to sell it on kraken for example uh we match buyers and sellers so it's basically like ebay where you have someone posting their ether for sale and then there's someone else on the other side who decides to buy it at whatever price what happens if i guess that's how i guess i i'm just ignorant on how something basically like that works but i guess if i'm trying to sell it the market value is dictated by the demand for people wanting to buy the coin so i guess that's what right yeah that's the plan it's just just like the stock market yeah yeah yeah demand a real quick um there's quite a few updates on this uh on this token it's now up to uh 4.9 we're up to all kids from a lot of parties coming i mean jesse here bidded uh 4.2 a while ago but now we have a luca dvt oh there's a new hey hey carlos and ashley is still in there and then somebody named matt uh castner also just uh cast a bid so um this is this is so excited it's like it's exciting it pushed it back like you said yeah now it's 16 minutes i thought it went to 10 but it looks like it's 20 whenever there's a new bid or maybe it adds 10 minutes or something maybe yeah maybe right so do you think that uh people in the crypto space have a have an obligation to invest some of their resources to environmental issues or do you think the whole comparison is just unfair to begin with yeah i think it's an unfair comparison to begin with i mean we don't ask people to do that when they use when they use dollars or euros or you know pennies or whatever so you know i think um people that are already using crypto i think are are contributing to you know this global phenomenon in this major social movement which is to take back money from the government you know and i think just like we have the separation of church and state we should have the separation of money in state because money has historically just been used and abused by governments to you know unfairly tax people or propagate unnecessary wars and and you know the financial system itself prevents the regulations around that prevent many people from even having access to to basic you know payment methods and and basic ways to store value so you know i think using bitcoin is is making a social statement and uh the more people that use it i think the better off the world will be you know the closer we'll get to being away from government-controlled currencies which historically you know have all just ended in disasters i mean look at argentina venezuela zimbabwe um you know even even the german deutsche mark uh you know there are so many examples historically national currencies only last a few decades before they end up blowing up because governments end up getting too greedy and inflating their way out of problems people lose confidence in the money it destroys their economy and um and then you know many countries have fallen back to use the dollar but i think now a lot of countries are losing confidence even in the dollar because the us government seems to be willing to print unlimited amounts of money so um you know i think using bitcoin yes it has a cost but so do lots of nice things so does running the internet you know so do great many things that that have super positive impacts on society and bitcoin is a peaceful way to protest against the existing system which is backed by you know militaries and guns and wars and things like that which are totally anti-social when you so you got into this space a long time ago like 10 years ago are you did you make that that fairytale investment where you bought like a [ __ ] ton of bitcoins and ethereum at a super low uh valuation and now you're sitting real nice yeah i'm doing okay um yeah i one of the biggest mistakes i made in my life was um when bitcoin was a dollar instead of buying a hundred thousand bitcoin which would be worth like five billion dollars today right um i bought a hundred thousand dollars worth of bitcoin mining equipment oh yeah well that's yeah i mean what i did the math and i was like okay i'll make more bitcoin if i do the mining but like everyone had the same idea at the same time i don't know if you're familiar with how it works but it's sort of like a raffle or it's like the more people that are that are mining at the same time like the smaller your chances of like getting bitcoin like the lower your return is going to be uh so i guess i had the same idea at the same time and you guys were just talking the other day about the the trouble getting like gpus new the new graphics cards to play video games and stuff well this was like happening back in 2011 as well um like all these the the radeon 6990 was like the hottest thing that you could mine bitcoin with and um these were like insanely like backordered and delayed and so all the math that i had done was just like out the window because oh my god the order was like delayed by like two months to get to me and then by the time like i got everything it was like bitcoin was like thirty dollars or something so how many so oh i so how many bitcoin did you end up mining do you think first the hundred thousand that you could have got like what was yours yeah i mind like you miss out on almost like two thousand two thousand coins or something before which is a lot but it's not a hundred thousand yeah yeah yeah but i i didn't hold all those coins all the way to the top you know i had some other coins that i bought too but you know i think people think about like oh i could have bought it at a dollar and it'd be fifty thousand dollars now but you have to have like absolute hands of steel yeah old do that you know like diamond hands baby market would be like 20 you know like you're not gonna hold from a dollar to like even a hundred dollars like oh my god i'm up 100 or you know whatever 10 000 for sure you know i remember it was like a few years ago where everyone thought bitcoin like topped out at like 7 000 everyone's like oh it's over i had friends who were like super invested and they're like i'm out i'm selling you know the bubbles over so yeah you need diamond hands for sure to hold yeah but it's still early it's still really good you really think it's still early i think so i think bitcoin is is is going to be 500 000 i'll stop it within the next few years huh yeah we'll live look at how much money is going on yeah easily okay easily we're gonna get to a million dollars in bitcoin if we don't have any you you would recommend to get some absolutely like at least dabble in it you know i mean you guys are collecting some ether i guess but you should have some bitcoin too like put you know one to ten percent of your portfolio you know i wouldn't say like go all in like don't bet your rent money don't bet your food money on bitcoin but you know if you have a portfolio of investments you should absolutely have some bitcoin in there here's another problem i have with the crypto space or a confusion rather than a problem there's so many types and there's more and more every day it's like it just makes the whole thing feel a little bit silly when there's like thousands of different cryptos and new ones coming out and then everyone's like oh this new crypto is going to be it and this no this new crypto is going to be it it's like um it's just too much there's too much uh stuff but you're inventing currency just like that i mean it just seems odd yeah there's a very low barrier to entry like anyone can can create any new token anytime they want i mean obviously you guys have have made some tokens and the nft space is uh you know blowing up but um you know i think you should think about it more like the stock market and there are thousands of thousands of stocks that you could buy there are a lot of like shitty stocks that you could buy um you know some are like um really strong like brand names you know household names like you have like the apple google facebook you know all of these guys and you know i think if just like with the stock market if you don't really know what you're doing if you're not like some super deep like wall street analyst like don't buy crazy stock number like 5900 you know like stick to the top guys that you know you know you have some personal connection to the brand like you know you're using apple devices every day so you probably think like apple's a pretty good company um you know i would say like do that with crypto as well you know like don't pay attention to like all the new things coming out constantly like you know look at maybe like the top five or just stick to like bitcoin and ether if you want to be super safe i think bitcoin and ether are super safe bets um everything else yeah i mean it gets more exotic and you get higher returns with more risk um but you know i wouldn't look at other things like new things that are coming out like every day is like where you're going to put your life savings you know maybe you put like you know something small in there just to like take a flier on it like buying a lottery ticket you know but um you know i would say like in terms of like savings and long-term growth like just stick to the things you know do so big point is still a buy you heard it from the crack absolutely yeah interesting yeah i mean you know i will i thought it was a listen i i thought it was the bubble was over a few years ago when i was at like seven thousand i was like look at these people losing all their money it sounds like sixty thousand dollars now so what the i don't know [ __ ] apparently you got diamond hands what's the longest you've held bitcoin for years like 10 years it's something you've held for 10 years yeah well yeah i've sold some over time yeah yeah you know but yeah i mean yeah i have some some bitcoin from how many coins you got oh i can't say okay you know i tried you guys the other day by the way you know that would be like that obviously i have to say what i have and then i have people showing up in my house i understand i just wanted to ask i i thought i'd give it a shot [Laughter] well that was you know i love learning about this stuff because i am frankly quite ignorant on all this yeah it's really interesting i feel so far from understanding it but this was really good thank you for all the information you got me wanting to sell all my everything and just go bitcoin you should be selling yeah your kidneys and kidneys [ __ ] it whatever i've got whatever i think i i don't know if you guys i i think i saw you guys have like a rolls-royce i don't know if you bought that for cash but i think you should okay because i i bought some stuff people bitcoiners do this all the time where they'll buy something and then they'll look back like oh i bought you know i bought it i bought a tesla a few years ago for cash and the tesla now you know it's like a three million dollar uh car it just held on if i just bought bitcoin instead or like you know reminds me of uh that's crazy reminds me of the end of schindler's list this ring could have saved three lives that's how you feel every day exactly yeah sell everything it's only regret in selling bitcoin so i don't recommend it yeah i was i was going to dump all my ethereum do you think i should hold let's see i was telling him that we should hold it i would hold i mean if you don't have something else to do with the cash don't sell unless you have like a better investment to make because your dollars sitting in your bank account are just getting inflated away to nothing so you know if you're going to sell ether buy bitcoin with it don't just like sit on cash oh you think bitcoin is the better investment right now i don't know i wouldn't say that i think they're both super promising i think the ecosystem around ethereum is is growing faster there's also just some some technical reasons why ethereum might be increasing in value over time you know maybe more rapidly one i think is that um so there's this process right now of migrating from the ethereum one blockchain to the ethereum two blockchain and to do that you basically need to burn your coins on ethereum one and then you get coins on this other ethereum two chain um but this migration period is going to last potentially a few years and so but in the process of doing this anyway you get some some amount of interest or something while while the migration is happening but a lot of people are burning their ether 1 to get over to ether 2 which is still years away but after you burn it you can't like undo this so the supply available supply of ethereum is shrinking right now and so i think that's taking some cell pressure off of the market so i think the price is maybe more likely to come up and then this eventual upgrade of ethereum is going to move it to a a proof proof-of-stake system which means like it's not going to rely on like mining the way that bitcoin does um it'll basically be like a voting type of system where you the amount of ether that you hold will represent like your number of votes for the system so um sort of like a share based voting thing like you have in like what do you vote on uh you vote on like protocol changes and you can you also will vote on um like in the way that bitcoin does the mining basically the miners are sort of authenticating the transactions so that's called like a proof of work system where you're like crunching numbers to to process transactions um the proof of stake system where it's like you're voting with your share of ownership uh you will be voting on like the validity of transactions basically like you know is a transaction authentic um is it legit or someone trying to spend the same coins twice things like that i mean it's basically the same stuff that you're doing bitcoin mining but it's not an automated uh it's an automated program i get that it'll be automated yeah i mean conceivably you could make it not automated but what can i do i have a soft brain well one thing you don't need to understand unfortunately i mean like you know you like we don't understand how like the credit card networks work behind the scenes or how the internet oh yeah yeah yeah yeah it's like yeah jesse i i've heard that because i was reading up about all this stuff that the proof-of-stake thing supposedly uh solves a lot of the environmental issues right doesn't it it uses way less power to do it that way for sure yeah that's definitely one of the arguments for the proof of mistake is that you don't have to have these computers turning away all the time how is your new coins generated once you remove that uh so there's there's still there could be depends on the protocol but there could still be a schedule of just releasing new coins into the system uh the the people who are participating in the voting uh of the proof-of-stake system so if you have a computer participate in that or only the big the big anyone with ether so it's like a dragon personal share kind of thing so you know whether you have one show or a million shares that sounds cool i mean then then it's like a stock dividend type of thing right exactly yeah oh interesting yeah you only get paid the dividend if you're participating in in the votes we like that i've got 15 ethereum let's [ __ ] go where's my dividend coming up well if you stake it now and you burn it you can start getting getting some dividends on your this is some high level [ __ ] you're talking about burning my digital coins getting dividends on ethereum too i'm in the [ __ ] future jesus one other thing that people like about the proof of stake is that there's some kind of far out like future threat that um governments eventually like get so upset with bitcoin that they go and try to confiscate all of the mining equipment out there and you couldn't do that with a proof of stake system interesting since there aren't there aren't like physical minors you know to to take just like a software they'll have to pry my gtx from my cold dead hands if you're mining bitcoin with the gpus at this point you're probably wasting money oh really what do you mind yeah yeah you can't it's not it's not going to be productive there are specialized chips now for mining bitcoin wow called asics um so what are the [ __ ] graphics cards why can't i i've been waiting like three months from our goddamn podcast computer we just want to it's it's ridiculous there are other tokens that you can mine with the gps so yeah people are getting these to like mine all the hot new crazy coins nice they're coming out well jesse it's been a really uh educational really interesting conversation i appreciate it you guys uh oh there's one minute oh no there's 11 minutes left maybe yeah there was just a bid that popped it up to 7.5 it just jumped quite a bit oh i don't see that on my computer yet you might want to refresh because yeah carlos is impressed wow oh [ __ ] i wasn't updated so with every bit it adds time it adds 10 or 20 minutes it adds 10 minutes i believe wow look it up did you follow the big connect stuff what did you think about the big connect stuff did you know that was a scam from the beginning for sure like there's so many of these ponzis in bitcoin like i think people are kind of like um aware of them now but i mean you still see it happening occasionally but yeah it was like a straight up ponzi from the beginning i mean anything promising like you know 50 rewards a week or something or returns a week is just like obviously a scam and it blows my mind that people still fall for this stuff but you know i mean people are still following falling for the nigerian prince emails as well right program yeah like some demographic that just like buys into it yeah um carlos yeah well carlos did you what was your thoughts on big connect i know carlos did you learn your lesson or what's your stance on crypto carlos he still loves it he really loves it wow oh my god oh wow okay well he carlos disagrees with you uh that's okay has anyone seen that guy is he inviting he's in i think he's in yeah he's a nightmare big time all right jesse i'm going to let you go thanks for taking the time we appreciate you that was great yeah god bless absolutely unleash the kraken right that's what they say oh don't do we want the kraken on unleashed or no you want to unleash it for sure yeah it's a protector okay let's get that cracking out there thank you jesse all right thanks guys have a good one thanks take care did we learn something i think so i think so oh wow the bit so guys the bid is up to eight points i mean i learned a lot about bitcoin it's exciting whoa it's going crazy i think you know i think he makes a valid point about the environmental impact that too it does make sense to me because like you said there's a cost to everything precious that's not analyzed in the same way like when you see these charts it's like well bitcoin produces the same amount of energy as the country of argentina it's like well let's get every industry on there and see because it's kind of misleading just to see it out of but also learning about the benefits in countries where the currency is not stable was really interesting so he's saying where the currency is so unstable you put your money into the into the crypto it holds the value instead of losing it where before you know otherwise you wouldn't have access to other currency to is that is that what he means yeah because when these countries are experiencing hyperinflation which he did make the point um that in a lot of those examples of countries that are experiencing hyperinflation that's happening because of the united states sanctioning them or doing other types of economic warfare in order to uh to get them to fall in line and so um yeah i mean money in the financial global financial system it's it's used as a tool to uh control people um in a in a variety of ways what what i what i do i i mean he knows a lot more about this stuff than me but you know he brings up the fact that all of these countries um when they try and move away from you know the dollar the the united states cracks down on them and you know militarily intervenes and stuff and that i think that is a important point um i do have a fear that there is a big crackdown on all of this crypto stuff coming you mean from governmental body yeah yeah i felt that too because well they started taxing it recently there's like all these rules and regulations now where before i think for a long time was like wild west just like right thank you and i think the reality is is that the banks and the big financial institutions are very threatened by this and um i don't they're not they're not going to go silently they're they're going to go down fighting you know what i mean sure yeah those are like the most powerful forces you know and that's why you know i i don't i'm i have no idea what's gonna happen but to think that it's just gonna coast its way into replacing the dollar in the world is um you know there's not it's going to be more complicated than that well that and i don't think he was even necessarily saying that it's that's just adding to his point but um but yeah i'm curious to see you know how it's all going to play out over there the blockchain the blockchain 2 sounds a lot sounds like it'd make a lot more sense so that's that's cool what surprised me is he according to him he says there's people in argentina who are selling [ __ ] loaves of bread who you can pay with with crypto i get it i mean everyone's got a phone no i get it too i just didn't know it was so you were already there no daddy that was really interesting huh the world is not anymore the way it used to be carlos was so ahead of him carlos knows someone just sent me this on discord uh new york times did a write up on david dobrik whoa losing fans and subs and stuff so new york times yeah damn um this is crazy do we do we make the gray lady what does that mean that's like the nickname the gray lady yeah i don't know why they call it i don't know did she mention did she mention us let's see probably not that'd be kind of wild i started to read it but then a paywall came up son [Music] i don't need to be mentioned but let's see i'm not taking credit for anything nope no mention of me [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] them [ __ ] the new york times [ __ ] great lady fake news yo this is pretty epic guys we're at we're at 8.3 coins here i'm not leaving until this auction is done you mark my [ __ ] words i'll be our all goddamn night i wonder if at a certain point maybe we should lower that extension time from 10 minutes to just a couple minutes not actually no you want it to just well can you do that while the bid's going on that seems crooked i i don't know they're in the final leg you're going to change the rules up on them now i see i see what you're saying what am i going to do all right we've got actually a lot of other great stuff to do we're gonna keep an eye on this coin as the bidding unfolds there's a lot of interested parties though there's like at least four five six people who are who are bidding now wow that's awesome oh so so the okay back to the james charles thing this is something a lot of people are saying is that this james charles video i called out in the very beginning they had like pewdiepie and corpse and dream and all this [ __ ] was filmed before the controversy happened but like so what i mean you know what i mean it's the majority of his fans don't know that who are watching they just you know what i mean well i mean it it makes a difference for um the call whatever culpability you wanted to assign to the people that are collaborating with them if they did it before don't you think latest news came out sure sure sure but yeah i agree it's not like they knowingly collab but don't you think that they should it's a little difficult shouldn't there be a conversation about like it's a little difficult because how how would you go about it like as let's say one of these people i would i i personally would say i don't want you're gonna have to edit me out because like after a huge controversy scandal happens the majority of james fans don't know what happened what happened or when this video was recorded so someone like dream or corpse husband coming in and doing this big collab with him essentially them normalizing james charles and saying this is an okay person do yeah associated which is the same thing happened with woody allen i feel like also what's scary about it is that he learns that he can get away with it so he's just gonna keep doing things that he can get away with dude he's been caught so many times doing this and he never saw he literally said in his apology i'm not gonna stop i'll just check their id right like you can't fake an id or or like he's even gonna ask let's be honest you know that is so true abe says yeah they could have made it they could have made a public statement about it none of them said anything so i'm assuming i'm just gonna assume they don't know but or they just want to avoid drama they just want to keep their if they wanted to avoid drama they shouldn't have [ __ ] they should have told them to cut them out of the video it's not the corpse breath it reminds me of being at the doctor i don't know to me to me it seems it was like okay i i it's possible they don't know okay so i'm not it's not like i'm going after them i'm just saying like there needs to be a point where people need to understand that you're co-signing a predator and sending your fans potentially to be you know groomed and and and preyed upon by him yeah i mean he's the dude is sick anyway up to nine let's go jesse crypto boycott dude jessie's dude that guy's a legend bro you know he's the top bid right now look at that dude you know like everybody wish they were like this guy jesse who was like he's like yo bitcoin was one dollar and i was going to invest i was ready to invest a hundred thousand dollars in it either either just buying coins or trying to mine it or whatever but i had i had a um i was gonna say friend he wasn't really a friend just a guy i knew an acquaintance or whatever that was super into this god i mean it was like 2008 or nine or something like this and i thought he was just so stupid i remember he was like so excited he like bought a pizza once for like he did because there was some yeah some pizza place was like accepting it which is what now like a billion dollars yeah that pizza would be worth like a billion dollars because it was like the bitcoins were worth like 0.001 at the time like just absolutely nothing and he had like a ton of them maybe not that low but you know him still no he's a friend of a friend somewhere yeah i remember being at parties with him and he was one of those guys that's just like prattling on about krypto and you're like i don't know what the [ __ ] you're talking about man but have fun with that we should have listened to listen we should have listened yeah i love pizza and i love people papa's counting those bitcoins right now okay we got some good [ __ ] as this unfolds um let's start with our favorite preacher daddy when did you go bold by the way that knew what dan spinball like six months ago yeah i guess you always wear a hat i don't know well we're a hat kind of show but yeah did you just you're like you know what what was your thought process you just said let's just get it over with kind of yeah exactly like my hair is going and so i said [ __ ] it and probably look better just shave so right and it was yeah i mean it was a while ago it was like because it was i remember it was still really hot and it was during lockdown so you couldn't go get a haircut and i was just like you know what [ __ ] it let me ask you this do you have to sunscreen your dome no no but i usually do wear a hat so i don't know right because you're a good man it suits you i mean yeah you look good as soon as i did it i was like i should have done this years ago i'm glad solatika i mean look baldi it's a look bro that's a vibe the dome look at picard he's an icon bro card's like not my heroes man bruce willis is a vibe it's a rock and i look just like those guys all right should mail up that dome i'm going the wrong way to mail you the dump because i got to get to like 200 pounds but we'll get there and we'll get that all right our favorite preacher our semen obsessed homophobic creature yeah people like singular cancer we keep there's so many great clips of this guy they keep coming up well now that we've been talking about on the show people have been uh sending them in i think this one was uh somebody sent it to us so now he's going on about butt holes shooting up flames what oh you haven't seen the cielo no yeah so last week we watched a video of him talking about how he thinks starbucks puts semen in their caf coffee and that's why it tastes so good right because he says you know semen is just another type of meal semen is is another kind of milk so now he go now he has a whole sermon about butthole let's enjoy god's going to put a cancer oh zach snyder shout out god's going to put her zack snyder shot this that's cool the aspect ratio got it good one [Applause] in the butthole of every sodomite every sodomite butthole will get cancer in the butthole it'll burn and burn and burn they won't be able to sit down because of the burning in their butthole he can't sit down he's got a burning in his butt coming out of his butthole he's so upset he can't have any sex he's so upset he just this guy would be such a good gay you would be at like the center of a gay orgy just loving every minute of it you know what i mean every hole filled and plugged and just seeming and tastes good exactly it's just such a shame this guy's depriving himself of what could be the best life god's gonna have a flame coming out of your butthole you're going to have a flame coming out of your butthole if you thought that aids was bad you ain't seen nothing yet until you see the flaming butthole your butthole will be flaming and you will not be able to sit down until you have a flame coming out of your butthole and there'll be people walking around all over america with flames coming out of their butthole i have a feeling if that's the case he's got a talent for talking about buttholes he's passionate about it yeah he is very passionate about bundles and demons yeah i have a feeling if if there's some kind of rapture where flames come out the butthole he's gonna have the biggest flame of all this guy's taken this guy's taking some things up there i'm sure of it everyone who takes it up the rear everyone who everyone injected in his butthole when that penis comes out the flame will start burning because ain't nobody gonna stick no penis in that flame that flame would be an eternal flame coming out of the butthole of every side of that thing coming out of the butthole flame coming out of your butt that man pulls that penis out of you a flame is going to come out and nobody will ever stick a penis in your butthole again because it will be you ain't seen nothing till you see the flame coming out of td jake's butt you need jakes he's he's getting awfully sweet he's getting real specific who's teeny jake but isn't teeny make you think of like a child yeah oh man oh jake paul like why did you why she teeny jake bro the flame coming out of teeny jake's butt bruh i don't like that lightning bug got a flame coming out of his butt at all he's shooting out of their behinds you're gonna see the power of god playing with fires gonna come out that butthole wow that's a lot it was a lot i got a piece really bad i'm going to uh be right back so bad can we watch something yeah here's a video of me mispronouncing words for 11 minutes gotta have to pee so bad you guys saw that this i don't think we're gonna watch the whole thing but i can roll it while i go pee okay perfect dispatch whatever i you know what i understand i said it wrong and i don't even i don't even care what the real one is to spot you what is it what just tell me what it is don't laugh at me despacito flash cut you look bomb today i'm just looking at the camera you look all the arc and like you look like a uh sliving slithender slip slip and splittender i mean i know about intermittent fasting but zack goes i've lost eight weights l eight eight god what is wrong with me and then of course tenacious x who passed away uh who said smoking a fat okay i don't know it's one but it is definitely not tenacious this is serious you remember when george washington heard that 911 that the airplanes hit the world trade center remember that and he just sat there for like 10 minutes that's how i was looking out this window [Laughter] because i just sat down and i was watching it you know do you know that scene it's famous from what yeah when when george w wait did i say washington slow down george bush you guys might need like a dump truck of shungite i need to deliver this suge knight the should knight all right you guys had enough there's there's one part of the time that's the best part which one there's a part where um let's see let me see 11 minutes have i really [ __ ] up that much well it's i mean almost what we're going on four years with podcasts we got a new bed we're nearing 10 man y'all are you all big um oh we had some really interesting uh tick tock finds this past week yeah as you know we're obsessed with how do you say his name that was pretty close so we found what i believe to be is the let's say white i don't know white version of muhammad says oh anyway watch this one i saw this one on my feed the beauty of tik tok [Music] so hit me with a classic no you're living okay joke god made her man-made chemical do you gonna trust listen up god where did this guy come from on [Laughter] hey it he said i learned something new today when women have menopause men do too oh what how did you get i don't know i we listened to it like 20 times yesterday i wasn't able to understand it for some reason it just clicked what he's saying right now user 876619307551 mikey us that's his name not later got me there which one do you try blue you gotta so i want to get these two in a room and just listen to the conversation that takes place i think zach's prepared a little bit of uh oh you've put a little bit of banjo style situation listen up there ain't no joke god made her man-made chemical do you all right you you prepared something for us oh we just crushed ten shout out to jesse jesse the legend kraken the crack boy we love jesse not high on crack he's high on crypto i don't know listen i'm trying over here go ahead zach what do you got for us [Music] but boy bad boy what you gonna do god made her wake up you're buying who you gonna trust god made herb [Music] blue you gonna trust god made herbs get them all going at once [Music] yes i don't know ten yeah we passed ten thanks to the kraken wow [Music] so that's my boy you guys want to take you see what um mo oh i found another great tick tock guy like white claw gabe dude this guy's awesome another one that showed up on my home page so white clock gabe i don't he seems to be of some kind of asian descent hate [ __ ] so he had a statement about asian hate i'm terrorizing this asian hate [ __ ] man [ __ ] [ __ ] racism man i'm proud of me myself i'm proud i'm proud to be asian i contribute a lot man i could we all contribute a lot in this country [ __ ] man [ __ ] racism man [ __ ] i stand for myself i'm happy with myself [ __ ] [ __ ] racism man [ __ ] i don't know if it's the best first one to show because it needs some context but i agree i think that's a good message this is the first one i saw and this is kind of the iconic white claw game it it's yeah fried chicken wednesday baby yeah [ __ ] one of my favorite nights because of fried chicken yeah [ __ ] wednesday night baby [ __ ] fried chicken yep fried chicken wednesday fried chicken wednesday who deserves fried chicken me i deserve fried chicken [ __ ] wednesday right wednesday night fried chicken yeah closer to the weekend thursday and then friday here comes the weekend [ __ ] [ __ ] wednesday night fried chicken wednesday baby who deserves fried chicken me who deserves fried chicken me love fried chicken chicken wednesday baby [ __ ] fried chicken wednesday wait did it start over and it's still going fried chicken so this boy this dude's called white club gabe because he on the weekends he drinks tons of white cloth huh which is like what is like a flavored beer or something kind of thing oh it's alcohol or yeah seltzer i have not been in the alcohol game since all these like white claw this stuff came out you know back in college when i was drinking i don't really drink it all it was just there was none of these fun spirits and bubbly [ __ ] budweiser bubbly [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] they're really good but the problem is they sneak up on you like i think i would have liked it a lot you you have a you have a lot of them quite close you realize you don't realize how drunk you're getting you you realize you had five and you're like oh [ __ ] okay so let's see here here let's see what yeah finally oh oh we can't listen to that okay what are you doing you never put music in your videos but yeah here he just posted this right now i gotta go to the studio and make some money [ __ ] i'm bawling i'm balling baby yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] man i gotta support i gotta support all these friends to take care for the rib eyes and [ __ ] man [ __ ] [ __ ] friday baby they have barbecue the white car we're not going to see you there's no [ __ ] sushi night today [ __ ] man i gotta go to the studios [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah i don't know when it's but yeah he's awesome i love gabe yeah he's such a lot of my favorite knights he [ __ ] loves his white claw here let's watch this one to all the people who think you're tough [ __ ] you you're a [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] man [ __ ] he think you he's sick you're tough guess what you're a [ __ ] you're a [ __ ] that's a good stomach chicken fried chicken wednesday but [ __ ] man this is me this is this is me when eela says we can't order pizza i deserve pizza [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] fried chicken yeah he's like he's like i couldn't tell if he was like doing a character or not but i went all the way back i've done a lot of research on this guy i've done he definitely he does he seems to have you know i i don't i don't know but but it's definitely not in character i'll say that and if you go back long enough he's not cursing either because i thought maybe he's got like some kind of compulsion to curse but if you go back you see the chat's asking if he has tourette's no he doesn't have tourette's for sure okay well well you it wouldn't look like that oh what do you mean well i don't see any other ticks because usually if your tourette's is that bad where you're scr you have to be screaming obscenities he'd be like you'd be seeing other i see you'll be seeing other symptoms of tourette's but that's not to say that there's not some kind of compulsion that would make you want to curse like that repeatedly but if you go back but he was white he was always white claw gay which i find interesting but but he used to not curse like that i love it yeah white clothes everywhere ye white claw white cloth everywhere three rows in the back white clothes everywhere why cause everything so so is it he kind of like i think he had one where he was cursing a bunch and it took off and so i think do you think he's playing it up [ __ ] fried chicken yeah oh my god still here that the [ __ ] van [ __ ] man four days in a row the [ __ ] van is here come on i i don't have i don't i don't have all day i don't have oh yeah i don't have all my life to have this bad move out of my property come on [ __ ] so maybe i'm wrong here's to be on the street i can't [ __ ] believe it oh no [Applause] [ __ ] seconds i don't [ __ ] believe it they let that go no timeouts for the rares come on man what the [ __ ] anyway he's the best i love them so the uh the auction's down to two and a half minutes oh jesse's currently uh at the top it hasn't updated at 10.1 we have uh we have here two minutes left we've got the cracking up top at 10.1 folks 10.1 one of the one of the two guys we spoke to last week hey you asked him how much uh you thought the gold coin would go for you he said 10. prophetic gun what's going twice we got nobody out here with deep pockets nobody out here with deep pockets and we are coming carlos carlos are you out there are you saying 10 ethereum for that isn't that's not deep pockets oh that's what i do no this is that is deep i think he's saying we've reached us deeper where's the deeper anyway he talk i love when he talks about food heroes it's [ __ ] saint patrick's day yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] sad all right wake up we love you i deserve fried chickens [ __ ] wins that's the best i deserve fried chicken i love the idea of deserving it um yeah [ __ ] one of my favorite nights okay you guys ready for this one this girl's a phenomenon on tick tock she's always on my homepage this has 1.2 million likes probably means what god i don't know 10 million views or something so she has a very unique style of fighting here i'll watch she farts she rubs her hand did you see that yeah [Music] [Music] it's 4.2 million views what [Music] she always farts on i cannot believe that you oh somebody just bid at the last week we had someone come in at the last minute right now coming in at the very last minute we've got we've got 0f287e coming in at the last minute with a 10.6 wow see and that bumps it back up to 10 that's why i'm wondering if we should no 10 minutes is good i thought 20 was a lot okay well we can't change it now [Music] you can't change the rules of the [ __ ] last quarter of the game what are you crazy it seems so anti-climactic thousand dollars no but it's like isn't it like options yeah that's what i was yeah i thought we were in the final 30 seconds there was ready to do a countdown yeah this is amazing though thank you for watching this is crazy dude it's at 20 000 for this i am so excited carlos is jacked the person that's in this bidding war is anonymous too yeah they're just unnamed and they they have no other nfts do we know who this person is are they associated with our discord or anything like that no it's just there's no way to know it's literally unnamed if you click on it is it carlos do you think maybe who is unnamed that's so intriguing here he is um seven days a week what was he gonna say well we were talking about the the girl that farts oh yeah i think a lot of guys would pay money for this kind of experience i think like look at the views it says 7.6 million wow what you think you're cool cause you have a leather jacket oh my god zach does this turn you on no you don't like hunky it looks it looks painful you don't like how she would you let a girl fart in your face like this though oh she took him out oh my god i'm impressed treat just find out that they're into this and then post a tick tock of it like well let me find the earliest example because i've been seeing these on my feed for like what feels like 12 million views that's so loud it's so good okay so here she hasn't been at it for very long it seems like they're relatively normal let's see when's the earliest example of the fart attack here it is 1.9 million fart attack when someone talks to me before i've had my coffee did she perform a farting attack i'm wondering back then oh the ass flap okay burning in their butthole zach would you let a girl fart on your face no come on i mean come on yeah what do you mean come on it's just a little a little bit too far zach i learned something so funny about you recently that i can't tell really yeah i don't think you were there he told us after that it was the funniest thing ever i'll tell you after this so there you go that's the first thing that's the first no fart attack dude this girl can make a lot of money performing this service burning in their butthole what is this ass attack i've never heard of this and this time she was like under the underwear too so you know that's a stinky nice little slab what is that one that one was interesting too i'm gonna come oh jeez [Music] oh dude no way [Laughter] wow [Laughter] this is dude tick tock is off the rails i will continually say it's my favorite platform how much time we got back now on the coin down to um about five minutes all right cracking you let this guy show you up this anonymous guy 0f287e this anonymous guy's coming for the kraken look at them come for you carlos would like to talk to you about this investment opportunity stephen crowder's a piece of [ __ ] can i even watch that without getting like my video removed i don't know man it's pretty bad stephen crowd i want to watch it so bad but i feel like i'll get our our whole video that's not super racist like apparently in the new stimulus there was like a certain amount of like it's like six billion dollars set aside for black farmers or not just black farmers but like uh no i think that is okay so black farmers i thought it was other like minority groups as well he goes oh what's like are there really any black farmers like you got people lining up dude i can't even dude i can't even imitate it yeah it's way worse than that thoughts on this wait wait what what yes i don't get that one so much i've seen this trend quite a bit tonight you have yeah on tick tock where they they like yank all the hair out of you [Music] they just straight yank it out this doesn't seem to be about hair no it is about hair yeah it's white yeah it's wax i don't know why it is though yeah why don't you just fart in his face and get over with him well there was something over his eyebrows i think oh cause i was wondering that too [Music] i don't know it is it is odd no there's no hair coming out i think you're right he's fully shaped yeah maybe it's just the pores like cleaning the pores that's about the hair no trust me no hair came out there you think this just well then maybe you're right because why are they popping balloons on yeah this is not about some kind of fetish eh oh jessie bit again the kraken's back uh oh oh the kraken came back this anonymous this anonymous guy i don't know that he can step to the crowd dude the crack is ready this guy's got bitcoining mining [ __ ] from back in the day you cannot step to the crack holy [ __ ] guacamole wow shout out to the crack okay i think you're right man i think this this isn't a barber this is like a dominatrix yes [Music] what is there's one there's a there's like you would see his reaction when the hair gets removed there's other people saying clearing and cleaning pores yeah this skin looks kind of [ __ ] up from this because like i feel like that cannot be good for the skin like i know what face mask but what the hell is this what's with that and why is he popping balloons on his face i'm telling you just fart on his face bring that girl out get it done with um oh you seen this either did you know the pokemons are evil what's your favorite favorite crazy christian video satanic [ __ ] so so pokemon is a game that teaches children how to enter into the world of witchcraft how to cast spells how to use psychic phenomena how to put work supernatural powers against their enemies how to fantasy role play pokemon world in the world of the demonic of the satanic but we might not take it quite seriously i assure you that demons take it quite seriously satan takes it quite seriously your children knew the devil jigglypuff you satanic little [ __ ] so i've been so back in the day oh we got speaker issues it's always tick tock man back in the day tick tock is just like corrupts our [ __ ] whole setup it's crazy when um when pokemon was really popular when i went on like game boy stuff when everyone was playing my age there was a couple of kids at the school always including kids i knew whose parents wouldn't let him play pokemon because they thought it was satanic swear to god that was like a common thing do you guys know anyone that wasn't allowed to play pokemon because it was satanic i've never heard anything satanic it's [ __ ] pokemon yeah and he was like bullied i feel so bad for that kid i remember because he wasn't allowed see that's what happens you know what i mean you're trying to like save his soul and he just gets up [ __ ] blowing grows up and then becomes a crap a meth head anyway because he's had such a shitty childhood you know right that's wild god i'm telling you man there ain't nothing like a brain on jesus people like simon i mean pokemon is a japanese game so like i mean japanese people aren't really even christian are they the pokemon cards got banned at my elementary school for being satanic i don't know uh well they got banned at my uh it was middle school and it wasn't for being satanic it was because um there were constant fights happening over them yeah you know when our walls were yo-yos really popular when you guys were kids there was a there was a yo-yo phase when i was in middle school yeah wow so there was there's a lot of stealing yo-yos and yeah what's the predominant religion in japan is it buddhism uh buddhism or it's called shinto is the like traditional folk religion of japan because like christianity is not even really a thing there barely uh there is a there is a significant christian minority in japan actually i mean those christians have the best [ __ ] salesmen like it's crazy how they get around the missionaries i see a lot of people in the chat are saying they they're familiar with this like the demonic pokemon yeah it was a big deal that's crazy it wasn't like a small time thing i don't know i mean i get i don't know if this i don't think that's the thing in israel the most parents would tell you is like because you they want you to play outside so they don't want you to have that same weird voodoo christian same demon [ __ ] that christianity has right jesus yes jesus is your source yeah that's crazy yo tell me this are there yes shinto and buddhism so it's like dude the root of japanese of mainstream japanese culture isn't it harry potter some kids oh yeah can i watch harry potter oh my god that's literally witchcraft hello but it was one time a movie hello there was one time uh it was in sixth grade i was wearing a metallica t-shirt and there was a teacher there they told me i was gonna go to hell if i continue to listen to metallica metallica i guess because they have like the skeletons and [ __ ] right right i'm like wow okay see you there you know what was the craziest thing a teacher told me that [ __ ] me up for kind of like all throughout my early adulthood i had this vivid memory it was so [ __ ] up it was in like seventh or eighth grade middle school sex education okay okay and she said she's she's like a middle-aged woman she says i want to tell you class all something women do not enjoy sex she says women do not get pleasure from sex only men get pleasure from sex and we do it to have babies but women do it does not feel good she told the whole class that and it [ __ ] it really [ __ ] me up that is wild because i was like whoa that's not like then like i i was like yeah what well that makes sense i don't want to do that yeah i'm assuming it was fun for everybody and um that was probably the most [ __ ] up thing a teacher ever told me damn what about you guys i just um i just remembered the first time i read harry potter it was like the first time i read a book i actually cared about oh we got a new offer sorry sorry to cut you off there we got a 14 the crack just got out kraken we're up to 14. wow this is incredible this is incredible moment folks from outlier he was a previous bidder i don't know who he is let's snoop on him a little bit no no activity wow nothing in his wallet another he says call me bear barrison that's his info okay do we know anything about this guy abe have you spoken to him no i haven't gotten anything from him interesting sorry you'll go ahead um i just it's just so silly like i was just saying as a kid harry potter was my favorite book the first time i enjoyed reading a book harry potter was a great experience for me it was like the first time i read a book in like a day well too bad you're going to hell [Laughter] you guys remember any crazy [ __ ] teachers told you yes definitely go ahead i had a i had a teacher that told me that demons are gonna lock my soul in a box and shoot flaming arrows at it and help what'd you do and um yeah so there was this arabic school in our hometown where i only went for like a month and obviously that's why it wasn't supposed to be like a religious school but they took some liberties and there was like some like extremist teachers that were like anything you did was a sin and uh yeah i think it was just for for talking back once they told me that damn no talk back at your [ __ ] that was a brutal punishment for talking back yeah yeah my my cousin didn't scare you how did you respond to that i always scared the [ __ ] out of me i was a very like crush probably work did the trick right yeah i already felt like i didn't fit in there so i know it was really weird but my uh my cousin tim went there for years and he said that the nickname for that he's a he's a shaq which is like a muslim version of a priest they used to call him j lo because for some reason the super religious guy had these pants he wore that had j.lo on it so jennifer lopez just a picture of her no no it was like it was like uh like uh bedazzled like the words the letters j-lo oh they were like that which female super funny because he was super religious yeah that's pretty good yeah my cousin i'm sorry i'm not trying to keep talking but my cousin ultimately got kicked out of the school for saying [ __ ] you jlo to that guy oh he's going to hell yeah sorry buddy i had a teacher uh they used to call me fat that's not cool how did you respond to that i just sat there i was so embarrassed i didn't know how to react how old were you i was fifth grade so what is that fifth grade they call you fat that's insane did you tell your parents awful of course ended up getting the girl fired [ __ ] her oh yeah of course yeah like seriously just totally traumatized me what did she say she was she was go wow zack you're looking big today who says that to a five-year-old yeah no fifth grade fifth grade that's pretty brutal yeah yeah it was really traumatic it's you know still sticks with me to this day like honestly [ __ ] her i i really don't that teacher or like an aide or something no it was a [ __ ] teacher wow you got to love someone who wants to they're like i'm going to spend my life educating and building the future of tomorrow wow jackie looking pretty chunky today yeah she uh she ended up getting fired and i think she hated her job so maybe that was her reason to she was trying to try and get fired but honestly she didn't have to inflict trauma on you to give no right she can go [ __ ] herself and i see her in the street i'm gonna tell her you can go [ __ ] yourself oh wow you do have a lot of anger from this yeah it was traumatic you know whenever i talk to a therapist and i talk about some uh dramatic whatever or something that happened they say if you saw that person on the street how would you feel so so that answers that question for me you still have trauma from it unresolved trauma it sounds like yeah you know just honestly just who the [ __ ] does that you're supposed to bring kids up and make them confident tell them good job you know not so you're looking big today [ __ ] you that's so horrible oh [ __ ] elementary school that's all would you pack for lunch today fat ass you know it it essentially you know it makes you embarrassing like you don't even want to eat lunch oh i had a i had a teacher a science teacher no he was actually no he was an english teacher middle school again he's like yo microwave straight up give you cancer he's like if you stand he's like there's so much [ __ ] you don't know if you just stand too close to a microwave you'll get cancer yeah i was like whoa crazy i have heard that people say that to me a lot we'll get in here in the butthole cancer in the butthole yeah i have a ton of videos but how long we've been going down i'm not going anywhere i'm just curious oh you know what's crazy moses and trish are coming over today for shabbat dinner yep so your mom's cooking the whole shabbat dinner and everything and we're gonna host yeah yeah that trisha relationship is really wait did this guy just bid on his own bid what do you mean by that and she only shows this guy outlier oh jesse withdrew his uh previous lower bids oh okay i wonder why what is there a reason for him doing that or just a style style well i think no i think when you when you bid it puts it it puts that money in escrow so you can't so wait these guys probably remove that so that he could then put in a higher bid or not i don't know but i think that's how it works yeah so this guy outlier has he doesn't get his previous money back that makes sense whoa it's at 17 whoa crackers 1776 baby let's go america crazy the kraken 1770 we got some patriotic music going yeah america was american independence baby read it and weep is he american i don't know maybe canadian or some i don't know what do i know jesse the kraken out here on full display what was the river washington went across the delaware the delaware flag in hand to liberty liberty for your currency 18 ethereum [Applause] oh this is crazy this is crazy it's up to 32 000 this is [ __ ] amazing because i made a pledge that this would be the one and only time we make this to keep it rare and valuable um do you think frenemies is included in that i don't i do think it's different so maybe frenemies but um it's up to you ultimately i do want to say if you want any of the other coins mining elast there's still some left i'm going to be deleting them they'll be all that leftovers will be erased should i do it like after this or like maybe on monday whenever this expires i think yeah whenever this expires it's the end oh there's an expiration date on the other ones oh and this expires yeah when this okay so after this after this live then we're gonna have to crush all those tokens digital fire coming in hot wow [Applause] just like my butthole right now fire fire burning in their butthole uh it was a good idea you know kind of running out of stuff to talk about well that's that's what i keep saying we should ten minutes is trying to tell you it's like well listen i can't you can't change the rules in the bottom of the night yes you can you can't be like yo by the way bottom of the ninth inning it's happening it's only four two minutes long now the inning you have a two minute timer yes you can you only need one out this is america you can do whatever you want no that's not right you guys can go do whatever i'm gonna sit here [Music] we have a family dinner no wait um i'm trying to see what other interesting stuff we have to talk about oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] what is this i don't even know i don't know what i'm clicking anymore so i hope it's all good oh that's my boy from dateline [Laughter] [Music] i love this guy i watch dateline it's sam and this girl natalie morales okay okay that's pretty good a little joyous occasion there all right yeah i don't know the outlier is going to top this jesse just went out up top slam dunked so we could be out of here in six minutes you know could be could be or we could be here for the next eight oh this is dude okay this is one i sent in this is one that showed up on my feet just watch this and then first of all give me your reaction do it again give me a reaction i'm still filming [Music] so now show how it goes real when you flatten it make it nice and yeah yep [Music] [Applause] do you really need this whole contraption okay but like really the spectacle is the homie on the left right you see that it looks like he's having a stroke with these smalls nice do it again [Music] oh sure of course yeah his tongue [Music] what's he doing just playing solitaire he's unshaken he is unfazed by this incredible folding thing okay i have a theory you tell me if i'm wrong you're wrong what if he's watching nice do it again he's watching a feed of what's going on yeah i'm still filming but it still doesn't really make sense like why is there a feed no i do think he's staring at something not a fate of her you don't think so no why is he not caring at all about this incredible folding do it one more time but this time before you fold it no i care about it it goes real when you flatten it make it nice and yeah amazing stuff isn't it folks do we not have the most amazing content here like we're going over to granddads today right holding shirts all right we're down to three minutes so we got the crack up in this love the crack jessie you love crack don't worry it was going to be done at 10 that's crazy 17 yeah that's crazy 32 dollars there was predictions that somebody someone predicted it would go for 50 which seemed far-fetched to me although 50 ethereum didn't use no or 50 000 oh 50 000 well we're getting kind of close to i guess 20 well you're you're pretty close at this point it's pretty amazing is the kraken going to try to assassinate me now so the spur the purges of his coin goes up because if i died he could resell that for sure yeah you better watch out oh you know he's got the means he's got the capability got the resources huh i don't know if i see that kind of personality in him right but it's always the ones you least suspect right it's going to be able to be resold for i mean multiple reasons it's like everything's documented in these episodes you know everything yeah and he has the whole set wait did it go up again oh oh no we have another bid by this other mystery bidder this guy that i named yeah the guy we have no intel on unnamed tell us your name we don't know who he is wow now it's up to 19 jesse just got cracked on how come the numbers are so random now is there any reason for that uh i don't know i wonder if the bidding increment yeah interestingly about jesse the kraken is that he has all of the other cards so he'll have a complete set right oh i think that's why he's so eager yeah here's his wallet wow 100 he wants that platinum achievement unlock yeah i mean this guy knows an investment when he sees it right i mean the guy's got the foresight of a goddamn uh of a goddamn guy who bought crypto early nothing better than that ela said privately in discord i'm gonna out her she said we're gonna be here forever i but isn't that great isn't that exciting well it is except we do have a family whatever they come in um i think they're coming in maybe trisha can come sit with me and we can have an impromptu friend of mine i don't think that's what she's going for trish is always on she's always on this is this is a big day for her though she's probably she's in focus mode right now she's meeting the mom right yeah that's true she did if she knew how excited your mom is to meet her your mom's such she's gonna be great and unlike my mom peace and love your mama is putting a lot of effort into her cooking peace and love peace with comparisons you got in trouble for this last time didn't you no i didn't think she would be so offended because we always joke my mom doesn't isn't a good cook she's not listen the lady she literally why did you out my comments can we talk about that i thought it would be funny i didn't think it was a huge breach of privacy it is you said we'd be here forever i did write lol too which you did not read no you said lo we're gonna be here forever lol that's a little bit of a difference that changes the tone does it yeah you make it seem like i hate the show or something oh i'm sorry you're right well you shouldn't do that you're right you said lol i'm sorry yeah sorry sorry i have the unknown person oh oh he wants to call in yeah well bring him in hold on zach no i i asked for proof and you sent me what kind of proof did you send you i guess the screenshots that it wasn't dating send it to dan yeah send it to me let me vet that because oh jesse just came up top 20 we're up to 20 bucks we're up to 20 each always the kraken came in hard and fast you cannot be defeated he's an ancient um he is an ancient octopus he's like god he's an old one or a great one bloodborne yeah holy [ __ ] dude i just sent it to you now okay this is insane holy [ __ ] i'm giving each of you guys another coin for real i bless you yes oh [ __ ] yeah let's go i'm giving each of you guys i'm ready to stick around all night let's go and you know what uh love i'm giving you another coin too thank you thank you guys everybody gets a point thank you and i'm also gonna be donating to um i'll be donating to plant some trees or some [ __ ] so people don't get angry about the environmental thing even though i feel like we had a productive conversation about it let's find some [ __ ] trees can't hurt right and i think i'm also although jesse is urging us not to sell as the kraken in in arms that's his style but um i think i'm just going to give a bunch to my family too because it's all like funny money to me you know what i mean i'm holding my coins you're holding yep what do they call total total what is total hodl what is total name uh i don't know i have no idea what you're talking about in the cryptocurrency community for holding a cryptocurrency rather than selling it yeah they say hotel total so it's just hold spell wrong oh great spelled wrong would it be i said you were right about what i mean about hodo because we act like it wasn't a word saying oh got it right i was right he was right right right all right everybody's getting coins here today let's make it rain baby [Music] um so this proof uh does look fairly um legit all right bring him in which guy is the sack is it the green guy oh yeah okay bring him in i'm hacking your laptop to uh to get you in there too go ahead he said give me a couple minutes just joined discord and still setting everything up oh my god interesting noob very suspicious all right well you're you're well i don't want to say anything beforehand but i was planning on giving all this money to my family just like my sister my brother my parents just hooking them up because it is funny money and i want to share the blessings are you giving them the coins are you going to sell them and give them probably not i don't know that's give them the option what are they going to do with coins my parents do you think they're going to huddle i don't know it's true you think my brother has diamond hands okay i thought they'd appreciate just getting some money but either thinks the ethereum might go better we'll give them the option they can do what they want i feel like it's confusing when you give them you give them too many options that they they they go what is ethereum what are you talking about is they're just like here's a check for five thousand dollars and they'd be like oh dude dumb but you get in those whole covers oh do you want the ethereum because it's this cryptocurrency you want to have diamonds do you want ethereum or do you want uh wrapped ethereum which is a secondary protocol that can be exchanged at a one-for-one rate with normal theory i wish i would have asked jesse about what the [ __ ] is rapt he was the one that yeah well actually all of these people are giving they're wrapped up they're wrapped up i looked into it it's just it's kind of technical but it just allows you to use it in more places than you would wrapping up it's wrapped up oh are they're saying that hurdle means hold on for their life oh okay hold on for dear life hold on hold on i saw an interview on the news where someone said was saying i hold a huddle and everyone was laughing here let me try to find out hodol total gang total game let's see what's total gang oh love said it's originally a misspelling that's how all these things start total interview bro this is a nightmare i'm not gonna find what i'm looking for i'm see i'm getting a hodor uh right i'm looking as well okay thank you okay peace and love peace i am out of water you have water i'm out we're both out i mean i spilled a lot maybe can we put in a request for some water here let me put in a request for some water just don't know how long it's gonna be going on for i've been chugging in the water that's you ian ian's that's you how exciting is that i found something in this one oh is this what it is me bitcoin's extreme hodler oh i just want to set the record straight it is not huddled that sounds really stupid it's hudu most important wait what am i supposed to say with like a swedish accent does it sound like a swedish accent to you uh love i just want to set the record straight yes it is that sounds it means hold on for dear life no matter how tempting the day trade might be unlike other bitcoin millionaires who cashed in their staggering returns for lambos and yachts we call traders traders cryptokid keeps his paws off his windfall altogether believing the price of bitcoin will skyrocket he's currently living in a ship actually he has a billion dollars in bitcoin but he refuses their genius because they put in 100 bucks and it went up to a thousand dollars you may have just got lucky if you can hold on to that thousand dollars or make it grow for the next 10 years then you're a genius in fact justin is so hard he's even found a way to avoid rent i sold all of my stuff moved into the most frugal living environment i could a tree house yeah oh for real he is actually living in a home sweet home you actually live inside there on a day like today snow storm going on yeah uh and how many bitcoin do you have do you have um half half of a bitcoin hold all baby hold for life to show you it keeps it it keeps it heated um we missed some great graphics interesting looks like jesse is rounding with two minutes coming in at 20. um the kraken is untoppable this is amazing two minutes left hey two minutes two minutes with two minutes out here now two minutes we got twenty one eight twenty one eight twenty one dude we're doing a minute after anybody now [Music] all right whatever this is i know shaq's involved it's going to be good yeah you can come in thank you could i could you bring me a diet coke or a coke girl thank you thank you thank you thank you yeah no problem you got it [Laughter] thank you elizabeth elizabeth everybody we love her don't we folks you know [ __ ] we always talk about shacks in every commercial i've seen him and i've seen him in like a lot of commercials lately you know he's he's in this big one for um why is they dying now she crapped in front of the camera i'm sorry the way she just put it across the scene reminding me of something i've seen removed before oh oh our anonymous bitter comes up we are up to 21 folks hodol hodel baby [ __ ] fried chicken i deserve fried [ __ ] chicken chicken wednesday baby there's actually some hype people are watching but we want to know how big this is gonna go this is hype town man it's amazing this is rare i promised you guys coming in on this this will be the one and only time we meant h3 related nfts this is the one and only of vape nation i i promise you that this is we're still waiting to talk to unnamed i think so here let's watch the shack thing yeah i don't know word from the guinness book of world war he just did though right that was him yeah yeah so he's active thank you thank you appreciate that god bless try to calm down sad all right i gotta i'm here for the long haul i got a coke zero got this [ __ ] there's something magical about coke zero i don't give a [ __ ] dude i deserve coke but cooks here is so much better than diet it's like diet is not even drinkable right they should have discontinued deserves fried chicken meat i'm gonna toast to you my friend cheers to making it rain coins all right let's watch shaq and that should be a mere formality right because you hit you hit 31 in a minute it's on video yeah i don't see how it could be denied yeah definitely 31 and 31 in one minute yeah yeah that's the record and 27 26 was the record who there was three different guys were tied with 26 for some years but i mean if well i haven't seen this guy's claiming his the world record guinness world record i believe of uh free throws oh my god this is not going to go well i can tell foreign okay all right there you go all right there it is see that's awesome it's the shirt it's the shirt that's tight oh [Applause] it's the shirt that's tight ernie you know charles barkley he's a thick ass little he's a thick ass body i i've seen uh charles barkley at a casino apparently because they're a lot in vegas [Music] exactly what i was thinking this guy is like just an ordinary we should watch that music video again which one you don't mind oh you want did we get claimed for that dan did we i don't think so i don't think so too old no one cares you don't my ass we may have cut it out eat out my ass joe who would claim that can you imagine i think so like hey tell me how this is really hard it's the beaches did you spell pesce so people don't laugh at me i just won't put it on [Music] [Laughter] can you guys just send me likes just send me links when we what the [ __ ] was that did you show it damn no okay whoa what is that it was a dead body being dragged probably from a film i'm assuming can someone send me that so no thank you i saw it oh my god i can't do this get out my ass treat out the girls like trash what do we got we got six minutes left poor jessie's probably trying to do [ __ ] no if i can sit at his computer all day this guy's stepping to him unnamed all right jay station we did a whole write up on jay station you guys remember we did a whole content quote about him he got permanently banned from youtube like leafy style oh really totally he's done he's done dun dun off wow he had 6.2 million subscribers i mean when with content like his i'm not surprised no i'm not surprised at all you know it hap this happens all the time to people where they get banned i think it's rare where it happens to like a big creator because you know theoretically you learn you care about not getting your channel banned exactly but he had 6.2 million subscribers apparently he had a second uh two violations in a row uh just got straight up boom it was permanently demonetized back in november no november of 16 his original channel he's he's gone through about three or four channels you know oh so wow interesting how do they allow that like it's like dude the guy is already violating he's relentless everywhere he's banned from youtube he's banned from twitter he's been from disneyland what the frick i wish i could show you guys his goodbye video because his sh i'm afraid youtube will remove no we'll get ourselves a strike if we should yeah he's like he goes guys thanks for all your support my channel is permanently banned i can never make a new one so the one thing i wanted to and he does is some total sincerity he says the one thing i want to leave with you guys is do not get the blank v word can i even say it they're going to strike down my [ __ ] channel yeah in the context that you're saying don't get the vaccine he says it will kill you yeah he goes on an anti-vaccine he goes on a long time oh my god i do not i i disagree i am pro-vaccine i am not because you have to say that everybody's like you didn't oh my god [ __ ] you guys i feel like station right now what the frick what the [ __ ] is that jesse or someone else jesse the kraken hold on just kraken just comes in at 25. 25. we're up to 45 000 hold the phone where's the air horns and [ __ ] zach let's go i need some hype right there's some air horses making history is this crypto history it's i don't really know there it is i don't i don't think it's i don't think that's true it is in the fact that this is the first wave a big youtuber is doing cryptos and so far ethan's is the highest not really did any other youtubers sell why do i not believe that i thought the logan paul one sold for like a million dollars oh yeah what are you doing right what's my logan paul pogba paul sold like 3.3 million dollars of this [ __ ] logan's not an og youtuber oh get out of here you just blow and smoke up my essay still awesome though i mean i'm [ __ ] floored this is amazing we love you kraken and mysterious uh i know unnamed but the crack in you my dog boy we dogs now love the crack did you i think we sent it in our group chat the other day did you see jeffree star's nfts oh my god no let's look at it that's a good topic he's doing some big and if you collab with like a digital artist again jeffree star another person who's like credible allegations against him of what actually this i think it was the same author who wrote up this david dobrik piece wrote a story about oh i don't think it's not safe for work love send me the link i mean i just i thought it was just his head they have they have he has multiple ones yeah i think maybe he's naked in some of them no he's not naked but he's wearing like a thong type thing can i click this i'm not showing the screen so you can look at it and then you'll be the judge yeah this is what oh well well i mean sure in the ice cream there's it's a little butt just a little bit [ __ ] i think that's fine huh i'm gonna show it okay yeah go ahead so i mean if it's on instagram yeah it's um he's wearing a thong but i think whatever he's got a lot of likes but who cares about jeffree star man yeah he's working with a big artist on it so where can i see is this up now or what's the story with the link is in his uh bio if you look at the bio house but you're saying that there are legitimate allegations against him yeah the same the same author who did the david thing wrote up a big story about how jeff i uh don't quote me on this here when you guys look it up because i remember she was being like why is nobody talking about this and it wasn't that big of a story but i think it was about he was making people sign ndas and giving them settlements who were making accusations against him huh yeah yeah it was by cat why are you so the same girl who i think has proven herself to be a yeah a pretty um i need to read that a pretty reputable i mean this this girl this girl cat 10 barge is kind of a rising star i mean this is these are good journalists jeffree star accusers say the makeup mogul has a history of essay physical violence and hush money offers wow i need to read this article it doesn't surprise me at all you know it's crazy so yeah seems like a really good red i haven't read the article either i just saw the headline regardless i still don't see a link to the it's just a youtube link yeah i'm trying to find it i know it's oh wearable here thank you love yeah love sent it so this is another like nft website yep let's see what i found interesting though uh is oh there's a ton of copies of them like there's there's a few that are very limited though it's a similar thing to what you did like there's some that are there's a lot of and then some that there's wait i think he did any one of one though this one has four thousand copies and he's only sold nine of them and he announced it a few days ago oops the thing the thing that i was kind of surprised with the jeffree star thing is like i don't see a huge overlap with crypto bro with crypto people well i would have said the same about our show but not i don't know why do you make that assumption about jeffrey's i think it's most i could be wrong but i think he has mostly young girls watching him i don't i don't think i don't talk about it i don't know oh i mean it's a lot of young people in general i think so he probably does well he sold nine of four thousand of that particular one well he has been through a lot of um interestingly though it had 500 000 likes on it how much it is he's selling them each for point he's the one that there's tons of he's selling for super cheap so well point one is what like 200 or like 150 bucks something so it's pretty expensive still uh 0.01 no 0.1 it says right here right am i confused here well right under that it says highest bid oh i guess maybe it's a hybrid thing where you find it on it oh wait now it says oh 28 bucks i'm so confused 0.02 by now yeah there's like a bid thing that's probably why not that many have sold as most people are bidding in like the auction style like what we're doing for you okay yeah see there's lots of bids there's actually not that's all of them oh really well there you go but the art is really cool actually i agree with you on that one now this one sold for a 4 thousand this one has sold zero i mean hey i'm up i'm all crippled well it's a lot though i mean i don't know i don't i don't know if i'm misunderstanding it but anyway if you want to see if you want to cr uh shout out to jeffree star who no not shout out to jeffrey oh oh okay we didn't do not endorsed whoa this shit's actually super crazy this artist is amazing look at this it's kind of scary you know what i noticed it says uh creator jeffree star 10 of sales will go to creator you see that on the right 10 i guess the artist is like hey listen i don't uh where does it say that on the right hand side and whatever i saw it i agree okay six minutes left what's going on over here jesse's still killing it the crack the crack well so back to j station back to jay station he was banned his goodbye video was basically trying to destroy the fabric of society urging his fans not to get vaccinated that was his parting message gotta love it dude i'm freaking scared how can you be such a [ __ ] like that's your parting message guys well don't forget that this was the guy who uh faked his girlfriend's death for views and um bought a slave on the dark web he faked his girlfriend's death after they broke up thinking that she wouldn't say anything right yeah what the freak is great he's made many videos about dead girlfriends but none that were actually in his videos right just that could verify that she was very much alive um oh he says he's claiming he's going to sue youtube good luck with that jay claimed in a video posted on twitter at 3am on saturday that the band was random i'm going to have a channel on youtube is going to be big but i can't tell anybody is it going to happen [Music] you've already been fully demonetized right he thinks he's just going to hide his face but i think he doesn't take into account the irs and like reporting his income do you think he doesn't report his income no i'm saying right now he's saying he's going to make a new channel and hide his face but that won't work like eventually yeah why i mean if you have like a toy show or something yeah that's what he's planning though you're not gonna you don't have to show his face but he's not allowed to have a channel i mean like eventually they'll have they'll know well if he's if he's making another corporation they won't know who owns it but then he's also starting like is he really going to gain the audience from square one maybe though he does he is the guy has no he has no limitation right he's willing to do anything true anyway uh we put together here a little bit of a tribute a b put this together someone entered do not play this man oh i have to play it jay i gotta do it goodbye old i'm sorry buddy i got to do it to you so there's four minutes left and this is for 3 40. so let me know if they start keep an eye on yeah let me know yeah yeah man never forget when his eye was so [ __ ] up and that's not fake someone beat his ass he just had a bloody eye for like a month or two the thought did come in my head what people are gonna say online about me are they gonna talk about all the bad things i did like making the ouija board mac miller video or xxx tentacion video and what's even worse is are they gonna make a ouija board video about me chilling from the dark web even more there's actually been slaves for sale on the dark web guys actual slaves that people can buy to do everything for them guys obviously i do not support slavery at all guys so what's the music is there like two songs playing at once or is it just like creepy music his his song is family tonight we are going to buy one of these slaves honestly i do not support slavery at all where do you find this guy who's this guy that's big ahmed he's one of his friends yeah where does he find these characters man to follow every one of your orders whether you beat them or not and bro you're really gonna pay ten thousand dollars for one of these i have to pay that guys we have so much slack here this sleeve cannot pull with the ring for exactly one hour guys i'm a straight guy are you straight i'm a straight guy i'm not gay bro [ __ ] okay because now i'm gay station right now i'm gonna miss him aren't you baby guy it was bittersweet this is kind of like trunks [Music] is just all seven no way no way that's jesus i think maybe jesus picks up for people who need it the most guys like a mouse like probably a little gerbil or something they sprained it in blue and then pretended it was sonic sonic oh my god what is this thing that sonic exc fitted just found this website where you can buy actual insane people guys she got accused for being psycho and they put me in this insane asylum in one of those street jackets and it was one of the scariest thing i've ever been through in my life the people are crazy [Music] that's his girlfriend who later died oh no not black banana wait actually uh hold on pause it we are under 30 seconds here all right black santa can wait yeah this is a big moment there is going to clean this up he's going to take a clean sweep at 25 eth 10 seconds the kraken the kraken nine the crack again it has a refresh wait there was a bid yep no freaking way oh my god outlier from nowhere outlier outlier was sick it was quietly waiting on [Music] quietly waiting outlier from the shadows from the outlands comes in at 26 here forty eight thousand dollars or sorry forty seven thousand dollars we're out [Music] wow outlier with the dramatics what was there like seven seconds left yeah yeah i mean that came right down another mysterious bitter outlier no history no identity nothing in his wallet truly the outlier bear berenstain or something serious everyone here wow this is truly a momentous day wow wow wow that was close i thought it was over wow wow wow outlier wow wow wow holy [ __ ] wow wow wow wow wow wow this is amazing wow oh my god i guess it's on the kraken what happened uh um what happened with the green guy here who's gonna call in is he is he um m.i.a i'm setting up but he's having a hard time understanding discord so i'm trying to set it up with him that's intriguing he knows that crypto works but he's yeah he's gonna figure out this word okay interesting guy anyway black santa [Music] he later goes what's your problem there's nothing wrong with saying that black santa likes fried chicken i didn't say he was like me like violent or anything it's not even racist oh god he just hung up on me dude he says we need to give him fried chicken i did like five [ __ ] questionable videos out of six hundred chill the [ __ ] down oh that's like the baby in there i was eating chicken as a black guy negative it's not i didn't see that yeah there's there's something i make 600 videos of course a few of them are gonna have you know our words a little bit of racism chill the [ __ ] down chicken as a black guy negative it's not i didn't say they stink or they've got a low iq no why did you pick those at your kids he's got such a beautiful mind this guy he really does bro chill the [ __ ] out you sensitive little [ __ ] libtard wasn't that to you a b yeah that would be sent to a b yeah that's like we were arguing on twitter for about two hours and it was the best two hours of my life it was hilarious and i was like six videos i can name six videos off the top of my head and then he responds like okay so like seven it's videos for kids bro obviously because you're watching it yeah he told me oh right like you're his target audience wow the [ __ ] down this is before i worked for you and he told me also uh chill out you got your little five minutes of fame from age three it's over for you bro it's definitely over for him now what the frick i don't even have a kid audience that's you really think there's adults watching your [ __ ] oh my god guys it's shawnee they're selling slaves they're selling slaves on the dark web oh my god you guys [Music] so don't you die are you are you sharing your conspiracy theory about um jay station maybe what do you mean what conspiracy regarding what happened to us on oh oh i mean that's up to you oh you don't well it's just a theory that you behave i think i think it might be better not to just yeah oh okay what the freak what the [ __ ] are you guys not for me i don't i don't give a [ __ ] but yeah so we got the guy bring him in his name is papa bless my bridge right now he's on the line papa bless my bridge how's it going papa bless my bridge what's up buddy hey what's up man what's up you sound like a young man do i have that accurate ah like 34 okay yeah relatively young so are you a crypto kingpin um yeah i've been um trading like full time for like three years now wow what was that what do you think full-time for like oh full-time so what's your what's your you're just a full-time like trader or an investor like what is it that you do um yeah pretty much just um just like you know trade bitcoin and crypto for day to day so you are the user known as 0f287e right that's you is is this stuff i just i don't want to turn that name for like an hour now but um it doesn't it's not letting me out is this your first nft purchase or are you a collector uh no it's my first one are you gonna are you planning on coming over the top here we got 26 we got four minutes left or are you peaked out are you leaving it to the crack and outlier oh it's pretty steep maybe interesting i i'm i got you i mean it's it's getting high up there for sure down to the wire three minutes here this is exciting though did you guys ever think it would get this high no no not this high not this side i really thought 10 was going to be the the top well it wasn't moving anywhere all all the whole time it was like at two but i guess i mean dan's going to the bathroom all right i knew there would be some action i suspected at the end but like wow this is crazy this is really something yeah i don't know yeah um i don't know it seems like these are these of the two really wanted a yeah you're gonna bow out for outlier and jesse the kraken are you scared to go up against the kraken because the guy seems to have like a deep a vault of coins like a lord of the rings type of pile of coins you know what i mean oh um i don't know who knows we'll see not revealing your strategy okay interesting what is your plan with it with the coin like ultimately would it be to resell it for more or just to keep it if you were to get it right if you were to get it total diamond hands or what i just want to keep it for a while um the um it's a bit of history you know it is for sure well i appreciate that you appreciate that that's awesome i appreciate that you appreciate that that's really cool are you are you more total on the bitcoin do you think that what where do you think bitcoin's going to top out at is it still a buy um yeah it's probably still a buy um like i've been like trading it full time for like yeah three years um i always thought it was gonna like top out of like fifty thousand um uh it's going to like sixty thousand right now so i don't yeah i don't really know where it's going to go from now on but um [Music] the kraken guy said half a million right yeah cracking things going to half a million like is that absurd or is that realistic within a you know three to five year span from now i don't really know like my thing was fifty thousand pretty much tops um anything above that who knows sky's the limit well let me ask you this you how do you make money you say you're in you trade what it how do you make money you buy and sell or like how do you make money i'm sorry for being repetitive i'm just um yeah i was um you know it's pretty awesome that you got the kraken got the kraken diet on your podcast that's pretty you know yeah that's awesome you guys man that's awesome yeah um so yeah like i don't know i guess the main three main websites that you trade on is either kraken binance or bitmex and um 40 seconds whoo i didn't realize we're getting so close we have 40 seconds outlier on top is the krakens is the kraken oh the kraken withdrew is bed you know what happens when that happens it's like uh it's like before tsunami when the ocean recedes the cracking is coming he's but he's got it he's got 20 seconds he just did it he just raised it to 33.3 no freaking way strikes from the depths of the ocean the kraken strikes no jesse that's crazy you guys jesus man what the [ __ ] holy [ __ ] we are up to sixty thousand dollars is this is this jesse guy the the actual kraken dude that you the ceo yeah yeah yeah well hey hey hey don't worry don't discourage our play outlet maybe that's his strategy oh maybe it's just oh oh see there's a lot of mind games going on now kraken's one of the big dogs in the game though yeah when i told my uh friend uh who was kind of helping explain all this to me uh that the kraken guy was calling in he was like he didn't he was like not believe he was like you must be talking about somebody else really yeah because i guess within that world it's a big deal i love it man we love the kraken jesse you're the [ __ ] man i [ __ ] like i actually learned too i'm gonna yeah this is good i'm gonna keep my tokens you're calling i'm gonna hold huddle you have to say with the swedish accent dude jesse is like [ __ ] this guy outlier you're a [ __ ] i'm drop i'm not even going up by one coin i'm going up to 33.3 yeah that's uh so we don't know anything about outlining honestly justin's probably like a billionaire you think so nobody knows i was wondering you think he's a billionaire i mean he's he's the owner of one of the three biggest exchanges in the world that's wild and if he if he got that many bitcoins that early on then yeah he's probably it's certainly possible right huh yeah man um i'm just like i don't know dude like trading from my house man i'm not yeah slightly different scale than the crack but i'm impressed man you got up there you put your money out man 21. that was a good that was a good solid offer bro which withdrawal you've been um jesse let a little guy let the little guy get ahead a little bit no jesse keep going he's a collector bro jesse went and bought he has one of every of everything he's got the whole set yeah he's trying to complete the set what a legend he just went to his linkedin and says i'm not reading yeah that's what i was going to do i like the yeah i saw your bridge one that's i think that's really good oh you like dance bridge yeah definitely see that dan try not to sell it now everybody wants it well thank you thank you well now we wish we turned on the royalties because uh i went and got a little piece of that action would that have felt right to get royalties on your bridge no it's i listen i'm happy enough with what i got all right um um pop what was your what was your discord name papa bless the bridge oh that was a reference to the bridge did you grab yourself a bridge yeah do you do you have a bridge i'll probably i'll probably buy you the um your nft one oh the aftermarket's gonna be popping i'm gonna keep an eye on it i'm sure i got a report on the aftermarket definitely anything all right thank you for participating was really fun man i appreciate you putting getting in there and it's just great shaking it up cool yeah appreciate that good luck man i wish you all the best all right keep slamming thank you all right man take care yo this is some diamond-handed [ __ ] jesse the kraken outlier we have two big names outlier could be anyone it's gonna be carlos oh he's got a thoughtful somewhere of all those big connectors yeah i mean he's he's uh he's the first holder okay this is vastly exceeding my expectation is that 60 thousand dollars i thought 10 is where it was going to land so not me i believed but it's at 60 likes the highest end was like 50 and we're like oh really dude uh nfts baby qab are they here yeah they just arrived why don't you come they can come say hi and see that what's going on pop it off trisha is going to want those frenemies nfts after she sees this i love it i love it daddy daddy well we have five minutes i don't know if outlast got the deep pockets for this if he wants to tangle with the crack i should buy crack with my money what's in a picture of me with the crack pipe to the crackdown what i don't know just to complete the circle yeah let's get some crack hell yeah i tried crack once no i swear to god i was at my shady friend's house oh i think you've told the story but i didn't i smoked very little so i didn't feel the effects but i did try it out yeah yeah i tried one speed i have one gear they're like they're like oh yeah they brought out a crack pipe i was like are you [ __ ] kidding me right now like is this the kind of people i'm hanging out with that's a whole other level man i know i thought i had the crown of like the biggest druggie on this show but you just i've never tried crack so well like i said i took a little hit and i didn't feel anything so i didn't really rip the crack pipe too hard okay fair enough but i did i did i was willing to give it a shot that's [ __ ] wild that's how i roll i have one speed i have one gear go i mean it's crap yeah it's kind of cracks up there yeah it's not being pretty destructive that's it if you had a tier list it would likely be in the s here it's uh it's pretty serious god bless oh did we even finish the tribute we were getting we were watching we did no we were at the okay it had faded to black and white yeah trish is here she should come say hi because i'm out of [ __ ] to talk about oh they're on the way oh so they're not who was that we just heard not them three minutes left cracking cracking coming in at thirty three point three tokens come on now jesse jesse jesse judging the crack 33.3 now 33.3 outlier outliers come on now any plans this weekend guys i might watch the snyder cut you should it was good after all the [ __ ] you talked and you better yeah no you have to it's just because that's a [ __ ] commitment in like four you're the one that got me all crazy about hating on that movie and you but you you got me all worked up and i put out these highlights about it i sabotaged you you know like and now you don't even hate it that's gonna be our most liked uh video ever is the the highlight of you eating crow oh yeah i'm gonna say we definitely gotta make a highlight like ethan loves justice league is the greatest movie ever made how would it compare to the to the the marvel uh equivalent of like the the thanos you know um saga the first one was really good honestly man i can't even hate but like i feel people can i just i feel like that all that [ __ ] is kind of overrated anyway i thought it was i thought it was not as good as infinity war that was the first one right that was the first of the pair of them yeah because infinity war was definitely better than end game we all agree on that i'd say so yeah yeah definitely so it wasn't as good with you and that they're over hyped i'm not the big i'm not a marvel fan boy by any means like they're so overhyped it's a very i just rewatched them they are amazing i love them i feel the first one okay we're down to a minute so outlier if you're going to make your move you better hit that track right now get that crack pipe baby hit that crack by get buzzing i'm buzzing baby [Music] you know shit's going to happen when jesse drew withdraws his bed you're like oh oh like i said yeah it's like the the ocean receding uh oh no run shit's going down run from the coastline outlier you got all these bids in place apparently you gotta retract them i don't i mean i was just speculating on why you had to retract i mean there's got to be some sort of like a escrow system to to prevent people from baiting switching on these bids so for sure also you don't want to keep it public if you could remove it i don't know how that works but you don't want to show your cards like you don't you don't want people to see your previous bid history right right interesting high level [ __ ] high level mine okay 40 seconds this might yeah i mean it wasn't as good as infinity war which i thought as far as like super movie superhero movies i saw that was my by far my favorite that was cool that one was cool but it's but it was good i mean i enjoyed it trisha is live in car she's live she's live streaming on the way over yeah and tick tock got to pull that over at 20 seconds you can go live on 20 10 seconds 10 seconds coming on now now 10 seconds 10 seconds jesse we're cracking cracking cracking coming in on nine nine eight seconds eight seconds exactly cracking the cracking oh outliers it might be too deep wow it's ended it's over ah i think that's it boom sold sold did it say sold if you refresh you'll see it's not it's like it's done [Music] you can bid on now you can bid on it you can send cracking a bid wow what a legend jesse jesse h3 [Applause] man that was a thrill that was that was something way beyond what i expected [Music] the real kraken strike sorry outlier we loved you we appreciated you played your best but ultimately how can you compete with the crack how can you can be with the crack that was awesome thank you man thanks for calling in too yeah thank you that was fun so cool champion i'm trying to see i mean maybe it takes a minute i don't see it on like his page yet let me do it yeah would you say love jesse powell one oh he just donated as well what did he say you want to call back in jesse donate wait he just just donated 100 bucks just for the hell of it with no message no message yes he just can't stop giving much money here get jesse back on the line thank you thank you thank you thank you i'm assuming he's watching jesse uh the the same link will work if you do want he donated 100 and said nothing what's going on jesse you want me to give me money go ahead man i'll just i'll just give you my banking details at this point you could just send this straight to me yeah he's wired do you want to throw us a bitcoin too like he basically did yeah right the amount that he paid yeah he gave us one like oh that's true that's true wow that was amazing i can't believe it got that high that's it that's so amazing it's unbelievable well it's gonna be worth 10 that someday uh it could be could be especially if he takes you out like you said yeah i mean what's the cost for a hit man high profile hat on the dart on the dark web we should ask jay station oh he's his but seriously how much they had cost on a whole prof like like probably at least a hundred thousand or something right um lester joe exotic what did he pay yeah that didn't backfire that fell through pretty badly it didn't really happen did it so i'm saying if he put a hit on me for like 100 200 000 you probably got a good hit man for that you hit me you invest that you probably double the um 10 times the value i don't know yeah it might not pay yeah it looks like it just transferred owned by jay powell so there it is wow thank you man that was really fun all right well i guess we should wrap it up i guess you guys have a uh we do have a family there a milestone episode here ladies and gentlemen that is so crazy wow oh we gotta we gotta crush the other tokens dan or ian maybe you can do that for us fire let's see so there it is the transfer is complete to jesse there you go it'll burn and burn and burn bearings yep wow we gotta crush those you know how to do that ian i'll take care of it all right ian's gonna somebody donated said james gave one of his fans 50k what did you give your fans fat ethan james gave him i gave him a hundred thousand dollars yeah we gave a hundred thousand dollars this person's name is [ __ ] so uh you can't see them oh god why this it's just their name it's a name yeah it's not a word it's a name no that's their name right right right right your name could be the m it doesn't mean you can say it it's with the p how was it with a p it sounded like he said it with the p it's a p just yes abs right i don't know what he's talking about but he's right you wake up oh jesse said one second calling oh he's calling okay let's talk to jesse okay see kraken ladies and gentlemen let's get the cracking thank you thank you zac well pull it up here let me pull it up that's important live show on the computer i don't know i never used to on no no i don't see it when did her hair turn black okay let's see what trish is up to on tick tock it's always off the rails with her whoa oh trish is tap dancing on david's grave it looks like oh my god trish is for lunch she is so ruthless wow thank you oh we got her live you won't let me watch the live on my desktop what's she talking about you know oh let's see i've always been vocal this is a wig or did she dye her hair i've always been booked on social media because i was silently i wanted to play it no i don't think it's interesting yeah okay how could it be yeah [Laughter] all right i don't know i don't know where jesse i guess he's ready jesse powell ladies and gentlemen the kraken himself calling in to celebrate his purchase of the exclusive 101 ladies and gentlemen jesse i give you jesse is back with us congratulations the proud owner of the one and only vape god token how does it feel uh feels like i'm about one bar four but uh he's gonna have the complete collection you know yes yeah you're the only that's pretty epic you've got all of them man thanks took us to the other guys who who were in there today yeah he was in there to win it that was pretty do cool collect other um nfts i just have a few others um i haven't been like really big into it you know i've been collecting domains for years [Music] i was like big into magic and pokemon cards back in the day um but yeah it's something like i'm looking more into i think it's going to be a bigger thing you know these like nba top shots are like really huge i think especially with everyone like stuck on their houses you don't really get a chance to like go off and like you know trade your pogs with people or whatever so you know maybe the digital collector poggers that's awesome thank you man this is [ __ ] so cool absolutely i wanted to ask you what's with the what's with the wrapped oh what's with the wrap okay yeah it's kind of technical but basically you have to wrap your ether into you turn it into this other version of ether which can interact with these smart contracts which is like the the auction oh okay our trading system um got it that makes sense got it we'll wrap it up well man it's so cool meeting you and talking to you and getting to do the whole auction so it's just been a good time dude thanks for thanks for hanging out with us today that's it's been fun thanks so much for having me i'm happy to explain crypto to you anytime that's great thank you i'm sure more stuff will come up so it'll be really cool to be able to chat with you anytime something weird happens or we have questions yeah for sure i had another idea for you and maybe you could do a something with teddy fresh where you give a token out with every piece of clothing as like a proof of authenticity so you buy like you know the jumpsuit or whatever and and you get this token and uh you know maybe it's just something special for buying something from teddy fresh so how would that work you include like uh they would the clothing would come with like a serial code or something yeah it could be like a code that you you can redeem um through like you know openc or some other crypto app um or you could collect this would be more trouble but you could collect each buyer's uh crypto wallet address at the time of sale and then just send them the token you know there is a big problem of counterfeiting like a lot of the really high-end designer brands that would be an interesting way of combating oh yeah there's there's a company called provenance that was working on this and and there's a couple others as well that are like working with like louis vuitton you know so like every time a bag is created you get this like unique token with it and the shops track it and and you can get it when you buy the bag so that you know and then when you sell the bag you can pass the token along to the next buyer too so you have this chain of authenticity like you would with like a high-value piece of art right like galleries signing off as it moves yeah so i think that's the future wow that's really interesting all right we're holding tight we're holding tight advice for the crackers all right buddy appreciate you man thanks again thank you the greatest the kraken fear the cracking no wow what a show well it's friday it's [ __ ] friday fried [ __ ] chicken day yeah i deserve fried [ __ ] chicken yeah [ __ ] one of my favorite nights [Laughter] cool where do you go he turned off his camera oh no i disconnected mr kraken oh okay love you ann i'm just curious what happened love all you love me daddy love me daddy so that's the show so we'll be back uh with uh with uh frenemies on tuesday monday for members nice monday night another we'll be back for another action-packed week you really want a hold of those coins what are you going to hold what do you mean we're going to have to debate what to do with the coins because i wanted to cash it out and give it to my fam but either wants to hold well you don't have to hold everything right a little bit a little a little bit of sound a little bit we're gonna we're gonna have to get out like a pen pencil and paper and be like this much to hold why why it's not that complicated i'm just having fun all right i'm excited to go eat your mom's cooking i'm gonna go get it yes all right guys everybody's demanding trish but she's not here yet she's not here yet we were wrong oh another one what does that mean what's the donor another dono from jesse what did he say this time oh jessie's putting my son through comments oh meant to say cheers to outlier and and i'm not single don't show up at my don't show up at my house not single don't show up at my house thanks because somebody somebody just previous had donated and said jessie for bachelor question mark don't don't talk to me don't bother me leave me the [ __ ] i'm not single parting message from jesse he did put it smiley at the end so it's kind of like with peace and love he's in love do not [ __ ] he peace and love y'all love him nice i'm gonna wrap it up guys thank you everybody for participating in what has been a land according to abe the biggest crypto sale in youtube history ignoring of course the other ones that were bigger than ours maybe only logan paul though what you gonna do who's the biggest to me it's been a groundbreaking day for carlos wow [Music] thanks guys so much thank you shout out to jesse the kraken and like you said all the the outlier and the 8203 the green guy yeah thx one one three wasn't that papa blessed uh the bridge yeah love them all right i'm gonna go hang out with trisha [Music] two you're watching h to the three three three three you're watching h to the three three three three you're watching h two three three three three you're watching h two three three [Music] you
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 1,953,179
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3h3, h3, h3 after dark, h3h3productions, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, ethan & hila, after dark
Id: iKpd0ZTpkp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 203min 5sec (12185 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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