Tik Tok POVs

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okay POV ready you're a bird not like a British bird not like a bird like a bird like a real bird I'm also a bird and we're sitting in a forest in a tree together and we're talking to each other in our bird languages okay good pretty good right did I take you there were you there I was certainly there I was fully there I was present all right let's take note let's do another one let's do another one all right POV you are a you are a you're a microphone an I am this singer the lead singer of a thrash metal band okay all right cool that felt good now that we've done that warm-up exercise let's dive into the world of tik-tok POVs once again because it's gotten a lot weirder since we last looked at it why don't we just jump right into the first one that I found just so you get a sense of what I'm talking about [Music] Wow POV we get into an argument which turns physical and then you stop breathing holy fuck what an adorable little domestic abuse slash murder hypothetical that this child has set up for us to be the victim of that was that was great I've always wondered what it felt like to get strangled to death by my significant other and now we know how is he expecting us to watch this like Oh penis [Music] so funny that this kid wrote this scenario for himself like it's one thing to like walk into an audition room and do this scene that someone else wrote for you but is it not like a little weird to write yourself as the dude who kills his girlfriend why did she have to die even why did she stop breathing entirely why couldn't she have just like passed out he was like nope she's got to die let's raise the stakes maybe he was brainstorming tik toks in his room like he was like hide POV no the bird one that's not gonna work and that she walked in and she was like she interrupted him and he was like trying to figure out we take talks to do oh I know all right let's check out the next one POV a jealous bf crashes the party what's he gonna do is he gonna kill her too let's see [Music] yep oh he did what are these why are kids pretending to shoot up parties that's fucked up and this has 1.9 million likes the best part is if someone had to go opposite him and flash him with a light three times as he pretended to shoot them to get that effect that's like the tic-tock equivalent of being the fluffer okay let's see let's see the next one POV your psycho ex breaks into your house but you are faster than he is oh so this maybe is the other side [Music] Oh forgot the flashlight Tommy doesn't really I don't I wasn't didn't did I wasn't there you know forgot the flashlight a little bit less believable dude why do they all seem to not understand the concept of point of view we're supposed to be the main character in these these are for us that's why Tyler brash nails it because he looks right into the camera and he hits on you and the first one here the little strangle one it's supposed to be us in this dispute with him but the camera is like off to the side looking up so it feels like were like a third person in the room just watching this happen just like some dude in the back like hey Garrett oh why he's up on the tension a little bit but she's turning purple I I don't I don't think she can what is she is she dead what are we gonna do Garrett now I'll never get into college I'm the accessory to a murderer I need some consistencies in these stories for me to believe them god damn it come on people pov it's your first day in school and you meet the school's bad boy for the first time while he's in a fight hashtag POV hashtag acting oh the bad boy huh I mean he's got to be a bad boy with one of these dangly little earrings in he must be won you know we all know how much bad boys throughout history of have fucked with dangly earrings [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh oh no oh oh oh fuck that I guess we did the look that look up down like that that just gives me a worst fucking feeling every time some person on tik-tok does that to fuckin I just I just feel like I got tased or something I feel like I need a can of pepper spray when I'm watching this is ice that was a full 15 seconds of this shit and then this [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's the other guy in the fight doing just waiting there like [Applause] [Music] what are you doing hello we're in a fight dude um today please dude I'm trying to punch you I'm trying to punch you Nathan come on let's just run back that [Music] no no no okay this next one POV you watch as a young man commits crimes not knowing he'd grow up to be the Joker hashtag POV hashtag acting [Music] again again he somehow found time to still cat call us with his eye in the middle of a shooting rampage okay the story here is that he's he's the Joker yeah okay I can see that yeah let's bring him up let's bring up a picture of Joaquin Phoenix okay so this is Joaquin Phoenix in the Joker and this is this dude yeah I see that yeah yeah a lot of similarities you have the dangly earring the sleeve tattoo they both have that in common hey what's up Emily number six number six you chose B let me see if I can help you yeah of course any way you do anything fun this weekend oh you can get back to your test yeah of course finish it up all right this dude might actually be the Joker I could see that what was he on coke or something or those faces just look at it hi Emily yeah it's C let me see that ass also how creepy is this dude not only is he just super creepy but the caption is when you asked the teacher who has a crush on you Loki you you ah are you doing this weekend a coked-up teacher just macking on a student and in the middle of a test oh yeah no all right let's move on okay here we go a little bit of a different POV here this is a parent-child POV POV you are my teenage daughter and you just told me you're pregnant you're pregnant hashtag just a kid hashtag teenage pregnancy damn that's a crazy hashtag hashtag parent hashtag advice and then hashtag for you page your prey okay okay okay first of all let's let's respect the drip a little bit here this is a easy drip dad he's a drip dad he's got the Under Armor shirt distressed jeans sneaker game football going on in the back he looks like he's about to get bottle service at his kids soccer match also I love how like little he reacted to the fact that we're pregnant you're like this okay okay like what one two took you one second it's like he took a hit out of a joint or something okay well here's what you do that's all right thank you for coming to telling me though I appreciate that because I've always told you from day one there's nothing that you can't tell me that we can't get through I love you I love you no matter what I'll be here for you from day one until I'm gone from this earth for you and that baby and hey there's gonna be a lot of people to say a lot of mean and cruel things about you about me about our whole family but that's okay I don't want you to worry about that we got one person to answer to in this life and that's God so just know I'm here for you guys and lastly hey call daddy up no I'm not gonna kill him I'm not gonna kill him bring him over here let's sit down let's talk this out let's get a plan because I'm here for you guys I love you baby bro oh that melted my heart this was so weird dude what's the point of this video is this just for people with daddy issues to like feel jealous or something so why are they so far away from each other you think like for a conversation this serious that you'd want to be like sitting down and not like across the room from each other okay here we go he's got another one POV you my son and you just got a girl pregnant all right let's see what's up you got a girl pregnant boy all right look thanks for coming and telling me but here's a few things this guy this guy takes no time to digest anything he's the most prepared dad in the entire world he's ready for any situation no matter what you throw at him he's already thought about it and he knows what he's gonna say already that's why he doesn't need to fucking react hey Dad I've dropped out of college bowling get a job hey Dad I got herpes boy stop having sex hey Dad I'm going to jail for insurance fraud bowling we don't bust you out boy boy all right look thanks for coming and telling me but here's a few things y'all got to figure out if you're gonna be in a relationship or if y'all are just gonna co-parent this but either way you're gonna be together through this whole thing you're gonna find out that you're gonna have to go get a job you need a job now so it's time to man up and we're gonna get through this I'm gonna be with you the entire way I got you love you buddy that's the coronavirus hug right there you just gotta go hey I love you those guys the best dad ever oh so good it's such a good dad hey Dad I got addicted to paint thinner boy [Music] [Applause] you try and make a deal with the son of the devil thug what is the devil thug what is that these are weird these are really weird some of them actually are I found I found some that are actually really really creative like some of them people's people are like I creating like look at this one Haley have a great day hon we love you come on that is horrifying I feel like I just watched a horror film it's a 15-second horror movie right there that is petrifying this fucked me up honestly I watch that for the first time and then like an hour later I was showering in all gears POV the world has been taken over by people's worst fears before it was small places and now it's spiders Oh although I feel like you know now nowadays spiders wouldn't be too bad compared to what what we got going on right now all right that's it I just wanted to show you some good POVs from the last couple months on tick-tock just so you know that those exist and they're real and the thing is I thought what better I was gonna make up my own POV again like we did in the last video but I thought I thought I don't think I don't think I'm the right person for this right now I think why don't I get the King to make one for us to end this video and he he just sends to me so here it is is that Coco's video of him reacted in my POVs no insecure that video made me feel aside from all that I came here to tell you face to face that I I like you and I couldn't tell you at school because the coronavirus so Emily gave me a dress but screw me right the weird disgust you making POV guy but Wendy you're gonna want me after I wouldn't Oscar pizza Papa John's remember my laughs a POV baby all right guys thanks for watching see you soon stay safe by [Music] [Music]
Channel: Cody Ko
Views: 4,654,611
Rating: 4.9821916 out of 5
Id: 7FaYLH61pFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 4sec (904 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 04 2020
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