Lele Pons is still bad

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okay so I know that goofing on Lele pons is a little bit overdone at this point a little bit blase some of you might even say this is low-hanging fruit and I agree but it's so much fun Plus this her newest sketch might actually be her best work yet number 29 on trending still this came out three days ago four million views one hundred and sixty four thousand likes it's called the first day of college Lele who is 22 by the way has graduated if you will from the world of high school comedy and is now exploring the world of college so let's see what she thinks a collegiate freshman year is like shall we I know it's my first day of college I'll call you back okay so right away this is off to a pretty amazing start she's on the phone with somebody she rounds the corner and says I know it's my first day of college okay I'll call you back and then followed by something that's sort of inaudible I'm gonna classify so she just like gave up in the middle of the lines but what I find funny about the first part is what was what was the other side of that conversation I know it's my first day of college what could the other person have possibly said that would have prompted that response think about that for a second I racked my brain forever and I can only think of two answers one is I can't believe how old you're getting maybe it's her grandma or something right I can't believe how old I know it's my first day of college that makes sense right make sure maybe it's your grandma on the phone I'll give you that the other one the only other one that I can think of it's maybe is maybe they used like a compound sentence so it's like for example yo mashed potatoes are dope by the way what are you up to today cuz then she goes I know mashed potatoes are dope there's the dopest form of potato I'm going to I'm going my first day of colleges it's right maybe that was what it was if you think I'm overthinking this I'm not because this is a very common theme in Leila's videos she likes to take the most blatantly obvious shortcuts to establish things for plots sake right so the fact that this is the first day in college even though it's literally the title of this video but a lot of them are so bad and not thought out at all but they just end up doing the opposite and making zero sense instead okay so first of all her reaction that oh my god I would have expected the camera to flip around and for there to be like a like a mermaid or something in the middle of the thing right like she was like oh my god and then it flips around it's just people standing in a hallway which is just class at college isn't it hallway hangs that's just so College that takes me back man it seems to be like I used to be in this my boys and I people refer to us as the hallway boys because we're always in the hallway and people say where's where's Cody but I've checked the hallway it takes me back man takes me back rush Cap'n ooh sorry just blurts sorry at them but sorry say no say I'm busy or some like that shoots sorry sorry what's what anything else would have worked hey Jane take the corn it saved the court yeah okay save the corn but there's already so much in this video [Music] party tonight that was an awfully threatening invite he did the bouncer arm move excuse me would you like to come to a party well no not anymore party tonight yes then a school night for sure no I go to party little buddy college you don't go to parties you go to parties man this is college all we do is [ __ ] party all we do is two part always a party it's college imagine saying that you don't go to parties sorry I got a no party policy yeah no I watched a documentary about parties back in 98 and I haven't been to one since I'm a party vegan hey what it was class not enough I'm skipping out there where's class where's the one class like there's just one class at this College where's the college class I don't know I'm skipping it alpha male what's he carrying a pledge paddle the ultimate frat dude carrying around his pledge paddle through the hallways where's everybody else excuse me again Leigh Leigh just nails it here this is that classic College moment where you walk into class first and there's nobody there and in the class all of a sudden floods in all at the exact same time right behind you right that's so cool College that's me that's mood that is Bay I totally homework did she just say I missed homework I totally know homework I totally missed homework what does that mean wait there's three Starbucks cups he's got an entire tray he's got breakfast lunch and a Frappuccino for dessert so college by the way how lazy is this set like what are these tables like there's not a single thing on the wall her glasses don't have lenses in them come on it's just insulting to the people watching this video it really is where's the teacher good afternoon class sorry for the delay he shuts off welcome to English 101 I'm sorry what okay she has to be with us the teacher is just gonna slide through without a shirt on and then who's not gonna say why like what we're supposed to figure that one out ourselves I don't know maybe he was tanning or something I in jeans I don't know it's I mean I can't even make sense out of this like what was this joke supposed to be why did he not have a shirt on why so let's start with a roll call shall we it's a roll call I have all the students written down on this piece of loose-leaf I've jammed in my pocket Sybilla Hadid no Bella Hadid E alright guys this what everything so bad I can't even begin to what the Business College why is Bella Hadid an international supermodel a freshman at this school where teachers don't wear shirts but is this like a cartoon this semester will be covering six books wait six books there's like 30 pages a night haven't you heard Apple a tourism who reads how did you heard a boom wager ISM that was like an awfully mean way of suggesting something that will instantly get you expelled from any college it's like rule number one don't plagiarize idiot you were gonna pull a tourism oh man I want that jacket so bad but I can't afford it haven't you heard of just stealing it oh yeah always those people haven't full-on conversations on their phones in the back of the class [Music] yup that to people mounting each other mid lecture you know college in a nutshell so many hormones what is problem when is prom are you [ __ ] kidding me all she thinks she's in high school was adorable also what happened to the people that were like just like King continuity Lele you're doing my brain I'm guessing you don't have PE I know this is an attempt to make the audience feel bad for you and like relate cuz you're like the quirky girl that doesn't realize she's not in middle school but this just makes this whole sketch seem like a bad fever dream alright guys sorry I got a text up I gotta go you know so king college teacher just leaving mid lecture so college I gotta go you know I gotta go you know no no we don't I got a text you know you know how that goes text I gotta go you know you didn't take classes miss he says classes miss could this day get any worse same oh my god well I'm sorry who are you I'm your roommate this is our dorm oh my god what not you what is that supposed to mean uh you were hooking up with like everybody I don't know you have like 20 boyfriends all I've seen you do is kiss okay can't even what if what is happening what what is going on you didn't know who she was and then she's like I'm your roommate and then you're like oh right oh and I know your entire romantic history as well what the what is this oh no no I would never bring that here okay Plus what happens in the hallways stays in the hallways that's what I'm saying what happens in the hallway stays in the hallway but you wouldn't know that you know you're not a hallway boy yeah oh man those were the days we used to just just chill in the hallway just it's just Stan stop in the middle of hallway just man okay what the hell were you making I would take one in the hole Oh uh-huh yeah I'm gonna go home I just can't I can't do college I'm gonna I'm just gonna go home again study in the house up what was that even were those even words stay in the house studying me stay in the house but what does she say I'm just gonna study in the house stay in the house I can't stop watching that study in the house wall did you and then this dude comes flying out of the stairwell where I guess he was just hanging but I mean I understand that in colleges hallway boys and then there's stairway boys so he's clearly a stairs stairwell boy kind of lurking in this in the stairwell waiting for a damsel in distress you know him and he comes shooting out did you drop this yeah and see here's here's another example of all the that doesn't make any sense at all when have you ever seen a person standing up help someone sitting down pick up something that they just dropped he's about 15 feet from the phone she drops it about four inches she could have just it's the easiest thing ever for her to just pick it up but yet he swoops in let me get that for you it's actually more effort for her to grab it from his hands then it would be for her to just take it from the floor makes sense I'm just gonna stay at home thank you no problem what I should plan get back to my room just bring it back to the stairwell yeah it's people waiting for me in there so but I was gonna ask you yes oh yes you could tell my girlfriend Catherine then I'll be back later yeah cuz he's got a girlfriend and she thought that he was into her so he said you know tell my girlfriend I'm coming back so and she's like what mm-hm that's so good that's so good that's so good it's just like bad like tell my girlfriend I'm gonna I'm gonna be coming back it's this girl way from where you just came out of the stairwell is your girlfriend also a stair dweller maybe I think cuz that's what college is right it's full of hall dwellers and stare dwellers and class mounters I mean she really nailed the college experience she did how is this college you can tell it's made by someone who's never been to college collage is not like that guys okay well never mind you know Lele I would I would say stop making these videos stop making cuz why why do you need to you got a you got a hit song out right now uh you know why don't you focus on that focus on the music thing you know get whoever is writing the songs for you to keep doing their thing and and that'll probably work out there's really no reason why you need to keep making these god-awful videos that you definitely use bots to crank the views up for so which means you probably only be making money on them so there's no reason right is what I would say but I'm not going to because if you stop that means that we wouldn't get to tear them to shreds together Bay because I have a lot of fun doing this I got to be honest Oh phone call here I got to go you know I know yeah I just filmed a video yeah this is the end you
Channel: Cody Ko
Views: 8,648,533
Rating: 4.9409471 out of 5
Keywords: lele, lelepons, college, Cody ko, cody, ko, instagram, comedy, sketch, dms, cringe, vine, advice, vlog, comments, codyko, comedian, vines, podcast, funny, tiny meat gang, insanely chill, 6secondauditions, the weekend edition, satire
Id: pvrnCfXtu9w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 46sec (886 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 11 2018
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