Super Meat Boy """"""Speedrun""""""

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not a speedrun no no no no something says I can't sleep so I'm going to use the screams of the fruit Minh to sleep I probably will scream it's like 10:00 at night I may be a bad idea to play this game at this time of night I just I googled really good-looking burger it was really weird I when you type into Google Images really good-looking it doesn't at least for me it showed like the auto correct it wasn't like really good-looking like women or whatever it was like really good-looking burger pizza fries it was just like a bunch of like junk foods they're not junk food but you know but anyway Super Meat Boy I have played this before and actually I'm gonna play it kind of weirdly so I tried to delete my save file and I couldn't do it and then I was kind of like what if I just play all the levels cuz it plays the cutscenes and everything there nothing will be lost if I don't get her in my save file and I I think I might try to 100% this game so it'll be kind of nice to have the save file that I've already like it doesn't work on you know not a speedrun no no no no no so yeah this is where this is where it's all from I mean this we already played on flash game Friday at a certain point the original meatboy a game that I kind of hate to be honest like in the controls just don't feel good to me but the controls in this game are like mmm oh no the bin man 100% this game is a mistake I can't guarantee that I'll do this so I have a few characters unlocked mighty Jill off oh god I remember so many of these I like I was like what is that from and I looked up the game and I was like oh this was a very oh one fly wrench looks weird I don't know if I've ever actually played that I actually considered playing bit.trip Runner today ie so I love this game I don't know if I got that across I really enjoy this game let's check this out [ __ ] it these ones you know right as I say that these metro levels are cool but the fact they use the live system sucks dick you know I actually forgot about the whole dark world thing that sucks me up there ah that was the absolute worst okay I didn't realize it reset your lives for every level I thought that was my last life I was livid you heard the John's coming out before I could eat my body could even react yeah it's really cool that The Binding of Isaac is such an influential game that they just took a few of the items and made a whole game about it that's so crazy remember there was a level just like this in original Meat Boy and it was the absolute worst thing in the world because the [ __ ] wall jump did not work on the blocks properly like as they were dissolving like it does in this game they fixed it they fixed the controls it's so fun oh that's gonna hurt that's gonna sting a little I gave like dumbass commentary like that the whole time but I so let's talk about the soundtrack to this game it's done by Danny bear now skate and actually there's an option in the menu for this game to change the soundtrack a soundtrack 2010 or 2015 so this entire game has an alternate soundtrack done by a different guy that was released in the PS Vita version of the game I will be using the original soundtrack but that's a thing that exists some of these it's like I really want to get like the slickest possible run you know like the absolute miracle run it's gonna be tricky oh yeah oh that's the way to do it that's the way to do it right there oh I need to more control though oh yes slick slick your secret up here okay I'd I'd imagine being the guy who has to like replace Danny bear now ski on something you know imagine being like oh yeah you have to follow up the super meatboy soundtrack and they're like looking built but great level design in this game great game in this game this game you know it's it's a simple story and even the cutscenes I mean I think they're made in flash right actually this is this game I don't think this whole game is made in flash these cutscenes reek of flash but it's just pure fun a very cathartic game the music and the difficulty and the splatty sound effects I'll get the FS in the chat for our squirrels are dead squirrel brethren oh okay alright get the episode of chat no more else I remember not liking this world this one this is one of the fans right I don't like the fans [Music] [Music] you ever go you do like some exercise and you're like me and you hate exercise then this in like hotline Miami soundtracks are great for that look at that oh so slick Oh this man's illegal he's so slick it's illegal oh right yep he's the fetish character like BDSM character chat I want to hear it absolutely nothing about this the scene nothing at all chat licking its lips even the chiptune covers of these songs are absolutely great I did a lot of these warp zones but I remember there was one that was a I want to be the guy famed one and I gave up on that I like couldn't do it and that was when I was a inexperienced gamer I like fun fact I first played this game on keyboard all the way through that was my first entire playthrough it's so much easier on controller honestly it's just fun it's just fun Christmas tree level cool Christmas level bro I just accidentally get a bandage oh this is where I die this is where I die [Music] okay that's cool there's the bandage I totally did grab it on accident and watch me just butcher this level watch me just I get every chance in the world and then butcher this level you can't fumble at the beginning take a wide berth okay that is it's so tight live system by the way great design by the way that's not that's too late I did it too late oh that is [ __ ] nuts oh noes oh I haven't even oh I can't 100% this game guys I can't represent this game there's a dark world - okie dokie come on go out laser is it does it only do it once I think it might only do it once no that is ooh hmm hmm quite the bandage and then I have to get out - oh [ __ ] my life this one sucks oh that one sucks I remember this guy like jumps up like a whale okay he's like the truffle king not all the bosses in this game are fantastic to be honest like some of them are kind of stupid I think this is like one of the lesser bosses even though like yeah Chad I get it like memes and he is cute but I don't know this isn't like the hell boss they just feel kind of I don't know dumb he looks like spewer that was actually genuinely funny [ __ ] you admin please get up oh no I forgot about all these cool cutscenes Wow it always ends up like an innocent thing dying the salt factory here we are get the let's see the emote let's see the emote guys let's get it all out of our systems so it's Super Meat Boy is supposed to be a skinless boy so that's why salt hurts him I think that's kind of clever to be cute in in a dark edgy Edmond M type way like edginess has its place becomes sort of a bad word these days like I like gorillas I like Edmund M those are both very edgy things oh I looked 8-bit meatboy really okay pjsalt pjsalt oh I hate this game oh we are is meat chat we're all meat you've ever eaten me your body is made up of other animals meat that you like processed and put into yourself very [ __ ] top of this thing oh that is [ __ ] nuts oh that's [ __ ] nuts that is hey hey hey I mean I'm sure it's possible yeah at least it's not an insane amount of weight time just sucks it it to the live system it's like just take that out just make the game better alright thank God that was the hardest one oh my god that first one was [ __ ] nuts the rest of those weren't so bad and you get from the very bottom maybe I should go aaaghh mo instead it seems like our moat would be a little easier for this maybe Jill could do it cuz Argo has yeah always so much Oh eNOS come alright that's still gonna be too late though I did the exact same mistake Oh I barely snagged it in fact why was meatboy not there is that cuz I was playing his arm Oh Oh what wait what the [ __ ] was that wait how did I save her wait I died one Chet what the [ __ ] was that what the [ __ ] just happened am I crazy or did I not touch her even close it said I won but I died with no lives left oh [ __ ] I thought I was being true did I this is the bigger question what if I got the bandage and then I won through like a completely [ __ ] random glitch I want this bandage last life let's see if it happens again Wow wait wait wait wait wait I need to be so close holy [ __ ] i exploited the glitch to my advantage that was the best thing I've ever done in a video game easy level literal [ __ ] speedrun strat but maybe that's already known about maybe it's not a glitch I don't know it seemed an awful lot like a glitch what a fun game did this looks exactly like the game cannibal by the way this particular level like right down to the birds flying away oh what a great game though what a great game I have part of my satchel that I used in high school that I tore off I that I had some people sign when I went to packs I have the signatures of Vlambeer Dennis Whedon of denna ton games who made hotline Miami and I have Tommy Renee's signature and a little like a doodle of meatboy cuz I met him at PAX one year cuz they were showing meatboy forever I was like can you sign my [ __ ] like scrap of cloth it was like sure yeah this game looks really challenging oh it's augment this game looks really challenging and it is but it's not as challenging as it looks somebody said this looks like frame perfect [ __ ] is not frame perfect yet I remember struggling on this one this one I'm taking off you know I'm wearing my rope right now with my clothes I'm taking off my robe and also it dropped my control over you that's what you call a little bit of slippage mate slipping me trim piece see one of the best features of this game is the replay function like I know it's probably been done in other games before but the fact that it shows you all of your failed attempts upon completing a level is is really great [ __ ] because it makes it so that when you're like grinding to beat a level that's really hard you're having a lot of trouble with you can be like oh well at least the replay will look really cool you know showing like a thousand meat boys all struggling and one rises above the rest let's go to wait come on let me through you okay all right it's fun everything's fine I'm gonna get the bandage and then I'm gonna everybody's gonna love me everyone's gonna scream my name gray fruit oh oh this is a good chance to win I just need to not sneeze it up god damn oh I didn't even watch the replay after all that we're gonna fight this guy's [ __ ] now one of the best songs in the game it's fight enough food so this is like kind of a non boss it's just like a race through an arena [ __ ] I'm losing oh yeah oh yeah [ __ ] you brownie oh dude I just need to make it to the end while I won as well I also won it's so weird how the glass monocle like on his like tank also emotes with him really weird oh is next one hell I think the next one's hell this game shorter than I remembered [Applause] [Music] are you a real person or a propaganda machine from the Kazakhstan government wrong country but you're close this level oh this level this big old dang old level this is just a big freakin level that just has a lot of stuff going on oh oh that's gonna leave a mark markiplier hey everybody it's me markiplier ah so he sounds like right oh it is a cool idea it's like meat boy goes to hell and fights all the dead bodies that he's been leaving from dying so often it's cute it's just a [ __ ] boss this is like a classic head with hands boss actually guys it's just like the the classic grapefruit bit okay oh [ __ ] you no warning [ __ ] off that's so bad hmm great boss great boss head smash hey I did it yeah what a bad boss but whatever they can't all be winners look that squirrel got its head sewn back on honestly not the best song in the game even though it's like epic sounding I never liked this one quite as much as the other ones like hell is where this game peaks for me except for the boss of course yeah you know I'm I don't want to get anybody's hopes up but it's only two hours in and we're on like the penultimate world you know like the games almost over I don't want to get anyone's hopes up though look at this son stuck doors stuck has anything embarrassing happened on stream that nobody noticed well why would I tell you if I if my secret is safe I don't I can't think of anything though genuinely there was that time and qanitin' der ground where I I had to snore and I I went to go mute my mic and I instead needed the game and snorted really loud but I'm pretty sure everybody saw that and that was only mildly embarrassing it was more funny than anything cuz like right beforehand I was like all right I'm gonna mute my mic I have to make a gross noise and then I'd muted the game I miscalculated my speed that's so cool that they put that right at the end yeah you make they're like hey mate please chokes mate Mike ok Mike yeah that was a weird accidental wall jump did you guys see that it was like the middle block disappears slightly before the others look it's happen again just happened again Oh what the [ __ ] did I just do what the [ __ ] did I just do [Music] ah I almost first tried it oh and now I'm gonna die a million times i I so considered ending the stream oh man what if the stream had ended there I my finger twitched for the [ __ ] the end stream button right before the end that's when this game gets a little frustrating right before the end Oh like I can't I can't go for that I hate it I hate that I knew I shouldn't gone for it so if you've ever wondered what Larry jr. means this is it it's this this is the Larry's and it's all of us Oh God that sound layered on itself like it's very loud actually I'm sorry guys it seems quite loud you guys are probably hearing it very loudly Oh [ __ ] get a [ __ ] like freeze-frame of that hit box that was a little bit of [ __ ] jump powder you're all I am gonna kill myself in real life no that's everyone every time I'm like annoyed I feel like I want to say I'm gonna kill myself but that's just a little too dark right nobody wants to [ __ ] hear that [ __ ] I can't even guarantee that I'll edit this into a video literally tonight I was like oh you know I want to sit down and play a game that I won't have to like commit to like make me an edit of and then I really thought that I was only gonna like casually play through like the first couple of worlds in this game and now here I am almost having beaten it I'm like well [ __ ] now probably gonna have to edit this - ah give me a break Oh Karen [Music] oh the holy jump the holy jump I'm gonna lose yep I was like this soul [ __ ] thing this part right here is gonna make me die too late I did it too late god no it's just the evil music how did I do it the first time I don't know I don't even know I think I was going too fast till I get it that time that's so [ __ ] bad I can't I can't five levels left isn't it am I not on the last level right now yeah I'm on the last level before the final boss I really seriously did not think like for real but this that an entire casual playthrough could fit in one play session like wow also affording for like the oh [ __ ] off the warp zones and [ __ ] that I did like I didn't even intended for this to be a speedrun this this part this penultimate level [ __ ] crazy look at this part look it out like [ __ ] this part is how do I even like do this mmm that's so [ __ ] finicky holy [ __ ] that part is so [ __ ] I just need to like fall and like not touch the walls there it's just getting a little annoying like these longer levels let the whole games not like this because if it was I wouldn't like the game I literally like don't even know what the rules are on this jump it just seems like sometimes I just make it like sometimes I just make it and sometimes I don't [Music] the it literally seems like sometimes I don't have enough height to do it like what what jesus [ __ ] christ this is why games that a super meatboy but don't like get the the subtleties just trash if the game was all like this it would just be a trash game I wouldn't like it I'm willing to forgive since this is the penultimate level but like come on this [ __ ] is obnoxious just make this like two levels that's how you fix it boom make me the game designer I just did your job for you Edmund McMillen make this two levels and then it's just perfect it's good I'm skipping the level I'm skipping the level yep cool level cool game I beat it cool level great level just get me to the next part where you've wasted my [ __ ] time it's cool it's cool it's cool it's like they forgot how to make a good video game for the last two levels just sit here and do nothing every tenth for a little bit just cuz just you know a little period of time where you do absolutely nothing that's what fun is oh I'm not tilted the game sucks no the last two levels are ass no that's not tilted speaking that's the game sucks the video game is poorly constructed yeah get rid of the waiting thing and have the challenge be that dr. fetus is following you and shooting you yeah it was so good for the rest of the game too and they were like you know what just put in an autoscroller people love those I see I see the button hey-hey-hey-hey-hey dr. fetus hey hey you darker penis hey hey hey hey hey no no before you thought no before you've no um [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you speedrun Wow I think that's it that wasn't so bad man that penultimate level that was worse than the final bit we did it folks and we didn't skip any levels not a single one I never realized this is a Fight Club reference the song sounded like a discount Pixies oh okay cool we did it well what a great game except for the last two levels which are the worst video game I've ever played in my life they're doing the thing that I absolutely love where at the end of the game they go through like all the themes of all the worlds up till this point I love that [ __ ] I laugh that up still one of the finest platformers ever made I don't care that it's rough around the edges the Larry's in like the big meat boss who gives a [ __ ] they suck but you know what the rest of the game is awesome absolutely awesome and I'm gonna keep playing it now the true final boss of the game I have to do the penultimate level [Music] [ __ ] you this is the worst level ever designed by a human being in the universe make the video game a good video game mr. McMillan okay Wow oh I'm gonna die to this no no that is the worst design it gives you more hardship after that I hate it Thanks it just it just eats over the game just eats over in the [ __ ] you territory right the end right at the end it's so it's so good about not being a [ __ ] you game right until the judgement very end you were so close to not being a [ __ ] you game [Music] that's it that's it that's it [ __ ] you [ __ ] you level huh well folks I was a little disillusioned earlier but saying the game was bad but now now that I've completed it I can fairly say this is the greatest video game and perhaps the greatest level ever made thanks for watching take it easy [Music]
Channel: grayfruit
Views: 650,569
Rating: 4.9472842 out of 5
Id: YCCUbebehlk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 29sec (1829 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 07 2020
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