[Full stream] - Super Meat Boy Achievement Huntin' [Part 1]

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello everyone everybody's asking for the name of this song I'm nervous to even try to pronounce it it's feeling so matryoshka by the scary jokes it's off the album april fools it's kind of a bob i think this song slaps personally I may have screwed up my sound settings for the game but I'm gonna it's been what maybe like 10 hours since I did the super meatboy like accidental speedrun and now I'm like okay I want to do cotton alley now I looked at the I did the first level which I had never completed before I remember on my first playthru I like when in I like looked at the first level and I was like no thanks I don't want to do this and I immediately left but then I took a peek after the first level and I was like okay they're not all like pure Kaiser you know Oh to the two people watching the vide the music that I play at the beginning of streams is always in the description by the way I always link it or at least say what it is sometimes it's hard to link some of the music that I use this one's totally fine now let's get the game up super meat boy what a game yeah this is actually I made a little collage out of like images I had I realized I had a lot of pictures of pink buildings for some reason I was like this is perfect cotton Valley [Music] I'm just doing some doing some streamers stuff I don't want to scare you with gamer lingo so I won't go into the gory details this is dr. fetus okay nobody loves dr. fetus that's sad oh now it's hella mad hold on it was kind of quiet for that intro cutscene that looks about right let me know if the sounds are good level uh here we go cotton alley let's beat our meat today you are from Argentina that's cool it's all--it's it kind of sounds cheesy but it is actually really cool to hear there's like a worldwide viewer you know from someplace far away that's it's pretty crazy that the internet can bring people together like that so this is the first level I guess I'll do it again but it's pretty nuts Wow I just first tried it seriously took me like a billion tries to get it the first time but I just actually first tried that is since maybe a little lab [Music] so yeah the whole conceit of this world by the way is that I'm bandage girl and I'm saving meat boy this time in the world is like all cutesy I guess that was one that was part of what like turned me off of doing it in my first playthrough hey cuz I was kind of like yeah I get it like it's all cutesy but and there's like happy-go-lucky music but it's like the hardest level I get it that's that's that's a very unique just juxtaposition you've made their head with them but it's not that bad the music's just not the best this is always a track I skip over on the soundtrack I haven't tried I need to wall jump there but you can't get enough speed it'll Seewald you up there feel like there you go baby all right this is nuts you must be away just like we've through all this like speedrun style right okay that's cool [Music] oh I don't know if I can even squeeze in there man I don't know if that's possible [Music] oh my god is this if am I immediately gonna hit a wall here no this is how it felt playing the first level this one seems a little harder actually I'm gonna go on a limb say this one seems a little harder the first level look I can live I can survive there I can survive there maybe oh yeah your boy might switch over to dark worlds at a certain point if it keeps going like this alright it's a very nice game we've made here and I feel like I need to wait two turns of the small ones and then I just need to run directly into it okay I'm now here and now I am here that a Neil Breen reference I'm here now there are safe zones and being informed so II live in here hmm so now I can I can sit here and think get my Fink's on okay that's cool oh yeah all right all right I'm getting a little further now on a half Ridge not every time I need oh your boy needs a drink your boy needs a drink Oh Oh difference drink water wrong it's like the easiest thing to do drinking water and I still manage to it up sometimes okay okay Aunt May okay I can't I can't do that do this sir [Music] okay that yet mean it's there's a lot to keep track of I know it looks like I'm just jumping in booth obstacles and I am I am doing that I just want you to understand my position here there's a lot going on on screen I'm wondering how much longer this level is beep oh let's watch that replay it's like a million deaths of it first oh this is oh man okay and the rest is history oh that's just me go right in my face this is this is scheme EBP CBT level see I see I get the whole CBT Jim [Music] [Applause] alright this part of the song is the best part I wish the whole songs like this [Music] there's got to be a better way I'm sure the speedrun of this looks mighty impressive but I'm doing it this way you [Music] who playing it safe mm I'm trying to keep controller ASMR to a minimum but there's only so much I can do but this is kind of level II like the saw blades around so you can survive if you jump or stand completely still on the platform but if you if you jump right up the roundness of them will get you wrong like stop duty battle bed run run run okay sorry I needed to do a little scatman Prayer overlooked scatman song scat mambo he doesn't like let's listen to it just the beginning [Music] hell man calm down scatman John Jesus Christ it's like how does he do such things [Music] oh the of Bob Ross had a coke nail I learned about coke nails yesterday I didn't know this is a thing but apparently people who do cocaine sometimes shave their fingernail so that they like they have like a sharp nail it's really weird but they like used to scoop okay and I guess and apparently the the uncle or like the Grampa in the original Charlie and the Chocolate Factory he had a he had a coke nail it during filming for whatever reasons and Bob Ross also had them and people say that he used it to straight paint off of paintings which I sure I don't know my impression of Bob Ross would not be worsened if I knew he did coke a few times there was a rumor that Carrie Fisher had one and then she actually tweeted out something hilarious and along the lines of like no I don't do cocaine off of my nails I do it through a straw like a normal he would be or something like that [Music] kind of funny there was like a photoshopped image that went around or something actually I shouldn't speak of such things I might be wrong on this okay I got through it and ball Torchic look at that it's kind of weird that some of them just freeze when they fall to death I know that's for doing coke but like couldn't you just like put it on your like finger or whatever also is this entire part of it you play to be looking at scatman what is happening oh I know how it ends but I'm just curious what the is happening right now okay I guess and feel like I was pause for that whatever okay [Music] trying to like be a speedrunner and it's it's not working oh its shape look the thing is shaped like meat boy the levels shaped like meat boy that's cute this oh my god is so okay I don't want to bring up fable Haven again but this is from fable Haven there's literally a seam in fable Haven I forget which one where the main characters are like inside like a cavern and there's a bunch of like slowly drifting death balloons little like pop into like gas that dissolves you if you touch them that's exactly what this is I'm just waiting for a moment for it to be like clear to me to jump across but it's just not happening if one of them comes in here I'm by the way I hit the ceiling [Music] I need to just go for it I guess no no I can't wait forever [Music] mmm oh that is just satisfying to get though just fun I don't even care that I died that is these these levels are shortened they're not a massive gauntlet of like pies oh at least not yet I like that [Music] I'm trying to like be a slick man slick moon slide is not working out didn't I say well I was playing line writer that it's the gameplay is basically stickman sled if I didn't then that was a missed opportunity hey I don't know I guess the coke mail thing was just weird to me cuz it's like there's so many easy ways to I mean I've never done coke I guess I should say but I can only imagine you just put it on your like finger I don't know I guess it's for people who are just like constantly bumping code just like you know they've got like a pocket full of and they just need it to like get through the day [Music] you know the scene with the balloons drifting around was kind of horrific in Fable Haven like it was pricey the dude gets like dissolves like a main character gets killed and like dissolved and they're just like welp I guess we just have to keep moving yes I only do gentlemanly drugs like crack cocaine ooh super meatboy is best enjoyable under the influence of cocaine so please I can see a cokehead enjoying the stay which video come on oh I keep doing that I keep dying to that exact same one during the replay there's gonna be just a massive like pink splatter on that one dude [Music] I need to there you go I was gonna say I need to rethink my strategy turns out I need to be slow a plus look at that these replays of nuts [Music] assuming you can ever beat the levels I bet you feel pretty dumb right about now try doing that first one okay I don't think this music changes for the entire world no this yeah yeah y'all will have to inform you on how good of a track it is by the time we're done doing this world [Music] oh wow I was I was doing this first part so well so consistently the first few tries and now I suck at it let me over there okay that one wasn't so bad [Music] it doesn't in any other world yeah but the music's better in the other worlds [Music] Oh No right look at this look what I got a do oh and you can get nicked by it there that's cool he's like run off it may be really slick it Yahoo [Music] oh I hate these fans so much you guys know this I just like second worst level in the game but what is the worst level have I already played it I bet I haven't it's probably like dark world an ultimate chapter that's my guess I'm not I guess you could say I'm not really a fan I guess I suppose you could say I'm not a fan of these [Music] II [Music] we're gonna rock down to Electric Gavin yeah might have to change this beautiful it's just like yeah I get it it's like pink and aggressively cheerful yeah that's pretty major I'll get it cuz it's the hardest levels might be funny juxtaposition might oh I wonder actually can we listen to the the 2015 version we can change it to the 2015 version guys I've never listened to this before [Music] it seems like it's of the same ilk [Music] [Music] I hate it I hate it I hate it this is makeup tutorial music as somebody who has not seen maybe more than one or two makeup tutorials that's still funny to me because I it totally seems like the type of music that someone would use for that it's like Nintendogs music and I never played Nintendogs you know does vaguely resemble zombies on your lawn [Music] okay okay cool neat Elsa flash game music it's not bad it's just like yeah [Music] come on okay these feds are the worst I hate them I hate but this if you go - hi - hi you die I don't like dying Laurel shop would I get copyright claims for floral shop I wondered not that that's a huge deal probably won't be editing this into a video but see now I'm just like screwed I feel like I can't even do anything from that Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] it's it's so hard it's so hard such a hard level I just hit my coke nail see now I'm just I'm screwed [Music] pj cocaine [Music] II I know I know you're not supposed to touch the spikes by the way [Music] this is gonna be a hell of a replay go through the wall it shouldn't shouldn't gosh Rafiki Ricky Ricky Ricky Ricky [Music] rise to the occasion cotton lady hell Oh eat your and then you know I did it it only took a million tries there why is there one stuck at the beginning also that was from chat somebody in chat said eat your I couldn't just let it slide [Music] this kind of plants vs. zombies s music we're not sure how to feel symmetrical love a cool symmetrical level man the the difficulty curve is all over the place in my opinion this one took me like five tries that last one took me like a billion with that level earlier [Music] any Keys do I got it yet around here okay this doesn't look too bad it seems like I might die a lot but it seemed to Kaiser we you gotta get a good rhythm going [Music] [Music] wrong did wrong I did it wrong the name of this level is are you on the ground well you okay I was kind of close that this isn't quite as bad as I thought it was gonna be although some levels are cure CVT in my opinion so let me take a bump of coke off of my coke nail some Bob Ross ethic school I always got caught is they almost caught me slipping with that meme [Music] rock it to me that's what the name of this duffel is PEP is actually the real name [Music] peepee [Music] [Music] sake sake dude that's all I gotta say that's all I got to say for sake coke and nail torture use the thought Chad have you ever thought about this [Music] where is meatboy I'd like only when I got the last key I was like we're even is he and go to the top Jesus Christ that's [Music] eat my ass and then you die you know the working title for this level was actually Mario takes a big fat smelly peepee [Music] [Music] okay that's not I was like if I do this side first and just stick to it it's not a good stretch [Music] should it jumps there imagine if these were seeking missiles they are if they literally do seek you just not like super heavy they usually hit a wall in this level but they could literally do seek you [Music] you can see them curving towards me okay women please let me win let me win please we need to like go serpentine when I'm when I'm approaching the top there that's the strap okay [Music] okay like this oh look there's the curve there's the curve right there meet seeking missiles [Music] that is what we call that situation is the situation [Music] [Music] oh oh just to the extra little cheeky won't even leave can't see me I'm John Cena there was there was another key right I didn't realize he left him till too late I also thought I was dead there then I looked away I was still alive sort of a space happening today such as my decision to scream this [Music] as well as all those we basically just hold the X T the whole time the trigger I've been alternating my fingers get sore from just holding the gotten close to time [Music] [Music] I didn't mean to do that didn't mean to what's not my intention alive [Applause] not a whole lot of commentary right now I'm sorry to see commanding quite a bit of my focus I'll get it on the way back [Music] II some reason this music is actually less irritating to me than the standard Danny p1 [Music] bounce well if he's got a bounce like that kids of any age should not be bouncing at such speeds [Music] me to do that mr. Potter I did not mean to do that though my fingers slipped on the button mr. Potter it's actually getting up there it's insanity that is insanity [Music] like going up there is it it's a Death Zone that's it that's what we call a kill zone in the Fallout New Vegas community okay I'm struggling to control the character at the moment [Music] [Music] ah now apparently Snape or Alan Rickman the actor who played Snape he was in on the like twist of the character like JK Rowling told him before she had even like written the books that contains further development of his character it's kind of dang come on [Music] it's the worst way to go well I lived I question my own rationality this one's pretty guys I give this level a back with the keys bounce like that I don't know that I don't know that I can say I'm a fan of that I think that might be bad it's whiny nitpick I know but it makes it just like extra hard to get the heat I know it's like they bounce the same way every time but it just adds a little extra finicky element to it especially because they're not large hip boxes why would you let an actor in on the ending so he could play the character better like knowing how his character actually feels [Music] I think that's pretty badass [Music] [Music] [Music] yes the keys bounced around like banjo kazooie's down bait that would make me not want to play the game [Music] the replay isn't even going to be that satisfying because the missiles don't get captured properly we'll only see I think the winners version of the missiles so it won't be like there's a million missiles firing off at all my opponents [Music] you know bad idea bad idea [Music] [Music] [Music] I just have to go for it oh it sucks I have to like land on that tiny little platform up there and then live like bro [Music] I just I mean just going up there it's like bro bro what especially because the one that's across from you you need to like bait the one that's across from you into like firing at you because otherwise it's just gonna shoot at you the instant that you come into view and like instantly end your life you know [Music] shoot oh it's about how how how wait okay I had a clever idea but the thing is how I need to like go into the view of the other Canon to be fat I was a very clever boy for like a half a second it's very finicky okay [Music] jesus christ [Music] it's like give me a break oh that's so cool lucky bounce yeah [Music] I didn't I meant to jump that time oh I meant to jump that time [Music] yeah you mean the Edmond em flash game difficulty curve is kind of showing here [Music] I need to let go of the trigger that's like the one part where I need to let go of the triggers right there that's the strat maybe I've been holding down you had it wait I'm confused cuz I didn't beat the level so what does that mean I had it only I didn't okay I need to let go of the trigger there that I finally had that jump on one [Music] you might know I know what you mean it's it is a little annoying I get annoyed yeah yeah yeah it was close Thanks I was there I was playing it Thanks thanks let me know but I almost had it [Music] these musics not terrible for some reason the other one just just to like bombastic I don't know this is at least just kind of pleasant music felicitations this is the one like amount of like good mileage we're gonna get out of the 2015 soundtrack [Music] yeah so I meant to grab that key [Music] II [Music] [Music] oh look at that Oh imagine if they were heat-seeking that would just be the worst wouldn't it [Music] opinion of paper straws they get soggy next question ah Vlad insisted plastic but there is there any economic ecological disaster ah no playground lightning round on straws [Music] [Music] I would say okay straw tearless you got s tear straw hat solid s tear then you've got this the straws where it's got the little like balls of chocolate in it but when you drink milk through it it turns it into chocolate milk that's also s tier all right so we got straw hats in the chocolate milks just then you've got one of those the sours they like the candy straws those are a two as well as you know bend the plastic straws and in a - you got straight plastic straws which are like serviceable I go and then tears paper straws tear absolutely rock and [Music] wallah [Music] [Applause] [Music] metal straws they don't exist it's not true it can't be true no one would ever use a metal straw how do you clean a straw do you need like a special utensil to clean out your straw would be like a trumpet cleaner [Music] [Music] you clean your straw yo can I tell you guys as a brass instrument player or an ex brass instrument player cleaning the inside of a brass instrument which is just a big long tube basically it's just straw a fancy straw really a fancy metal straw but you get like special tools just to clean out the inner parts of it because they get like scum people don't realize this but parts that you can't like physically scrub they get scummy so you need a union thing there's a spit valve to let out the like condensation that gathers in your instrument [Music] why you should never lay down on the floor of a band group Oh should I forgot to put coke straws on the ha materialist of course coke straws in CT which stands for coke [Music] is this the worst level in the game is this the one that somebody was warning me about I'm assuming it's a dark world level right gotta be I don't think this cotton alley have dark world levels actually it's been so long since I've seen the map screen [Music] getting real sick of hearing these like the weird noise these things make dammit [Music] that's a cool missile that was a pretty hard level holy just constant death happening just constant explosions price Oh frozen at the beginning what he's doing [Applause] [Music] Jesus Christ it was so close even in the end oh okay mm-hmm another one cool just as I was like starting to I'm starting to be like oh yeah now I don't have to hear the sound of these things anymore like hey you want to hear the sound of that thing every two milliseconds [Music] [Music] mm okay I wonder how long this level is its kind of an autoscroller not gonna lie kind of Unepic for you to make an autoscroller level you take it like ways to get around like saw blades [Music] hmm [Music] you remember missiles sorry scratching my nose I'm scratching - sniffer [Music] oh of course yes how wait Oh BOE alright just barely that's how just like by the skin of your teeth then what is this difficulty curve it's like the little Chad fight for the big normal Chad fight [Music] peep-peep penis Deepti penis okay that's my new character a new comedy character that I'm coming up with peepee penis he goes P ha that's his catchphrase hmm you need to scratch my nose I need to take a drink of water this is insane [Music] Amy remember Captain Underpants of course you do you're cultured viewers with Professor what was his name is I think his name was Pete Pete poopy pants I'm not even kidding and it's like a total like Zoomer me now [Music] you know actually when I was very young I drew my own comics unlike lined paper it was about a guy called super Sonny I guess because I don't know because I was a son I don't even know it was s oh and and why and it was it was always like it was the kind of very formulaic comics that Harold and Charlie or whatever right in Captain Underpants where like the world is invaded by weird aliens or some and the name at the end super Sonny would always kick them to the moon really kick them to it like Mars it was really specific you always like booted them to another planet it's kind of weird the one that I remember I think there was one where it was like teeth people invaded and there was one where tulips people invaded that's all I remember god damn it Carolyn George Carolyn Kumar Charlie stole charlie ha ha ha yeah I didn't watch the remake of the movie or the of the the weird movie that they made I guess not really a remake I'm sorry I'm just so used to there being 10 million remakes of everything it's sort of a make which is fun because that's like a poop joke I'm gonna go make guys that wasn't a wall slide that was a seizure [Applause] [Music] Julie Julie [Music] I gotta be talking like optimize this is you know an autoscroller where it actually is chasing you quite fast no that's that's a rig right there it's the fun though it's it's game controls well it's a good game for good people god damn I'm just gonna let this let myself die here screw it this is not a remake of original meatboy subleader okay and there are good relay and at no point did I say oh all remakes suck ass oh I would never play a remake you imagined that part of the sentence you imagined that and also this is not a remake of original Meat Boy it's it's its own game original meat boy's ass more to the point it's a game that wholeheartedly deserves to be given a proper version okay there wasn't in flash the original one is referred to as a prototype if nothing else look there's a cool wall thing that happened again what is that I can't wall jump I can't walls off when I do that so could that just could that just stop happening [Music] it's kind of a remake I guess I don't know what is your point what are you trying to say at no point did I contradict myself all I said was there's a bunch of remakes these days it's like all all you're playing a remake idiot it's all trying to say oh my lord also so what is the whole cotton thing is that just like the bandages or is that is that like is that that like like ladies time of the month stuff is it a period piece is what I'm trying to say [Music] what is this game called the stream category is super meatboy but it's not the original Super Meat Boy I don't know what to tell you man are you sure you just didn't play a console version that didn't get updates I don't know this is the original Super Meat Boy on PC could you perhaps be confusing the original Meat Boy flash game [Music] like saying this game is a remake of meat boys like saying Super Mario World is a remake of original Mario Bros it's like I guess sort of I guess this has much more similar mechanics between the two games following this one they actually work really if are gonna work in this one which is what makes us what elevates it we are all remakes of God that's very true in in his own divine image or whatever okay behind schedule here oh I just slick right over that one more one more jump there you go there you go suck my dick pepto-bismol oh look at how many of them just like die they just sit there and die look at that a ton of deaths there a few stragglers that made it there oh well but only one could make the cut so much is this game I don't know look it up it's like 15 bucks probably - Tracy need okay okay that's it and also yes sales steam says just the layout of this level vaguely reminds me of you have to burn the rope something about it spending like a million humble bundles 200 I almost just skimmed that eyeball me that's the way to do it right there you gotta skim skim the peeper peeper improperly skimmed [Music] why did I do this why did I do this because I'm a god game around I never lose but it's oh these oh my favorite things these guys these [Music] mr. smash brothers it's like blowing affect on the water I kind of like it it's just I don't remember this being anywhere else in the game feel like lighting Doki [Music] anyone else never do this in the first playthrough intentionally die a bunch of times on a stage just to get a crazy replay like just heavier just like have a bunch of lives we like to jump off in every direction at the beginning just to make it like look cool anybody else ever do that [Music] if they play video games okay how long is this level seems like kind of a long level ah [Music] teeth oh we sent that next one out pretty fast like come let's knit let's make sure this next one's pretty darn good [Music] that's not how you did know that not [Music] right then you jump right at de dismal [Music] eight years when unprecedented view count [Applause] Christ they just had to throw that last one in then to just to make it just to add a little extra challenge to the game it was so lacking in that regard [Music] [Music] [Music] this level is Pepto Bismol that's a good one that is a good one you know I got a comment from someone saying they didn't watch my streams because they went to my stream and they asked a bunch of questions in the chat and I didn't respond it was like whoops oh no no there's not really much to say that I miss stuff and I ignore stuff I mean I got I got a gamer in the dude I gotta entertain the crowd though I've definitely had more views before earth viewers but just lately I haven't had a ton yeah they were like you should interact with you chat more I don't know I don't talk to chat decent it's not like all the time I don't know whenever I get something like that I'm like I can't help but feel like this is just like a disdain for not having like sub notifications and stuff like that the well panels do that [Music] [Music] buddy there another one there's another hole like a half of this oh that second half was way faster way easier all of my deaths were in the first half I thought they had me in the first half not gonna lie that's a funny Zoomer meme right people like that the guy didn't come across as like super like salty or anything you know it was just an interesting thing to write a comment about I guess I don't know how this ends oh my god I already hate it thanks thanks I hate it [Music] thanks I hate it is this the worst level this would better be the worst level [Music] better ways to go above this it's like get a good launch launch [Music] don't bounce down don't bounce down you stupid dummy game oh gosh how much there's so much of this level I was like make this be like three of these please at most what other games are on your list of games to stream great chat let's sing along my about section on my youtube channel has a link to a a literal list but I typed out of all the games that I plan on streaming and if you have a request even in the comments although incidentally to the person who has been requesting that I play warble over and over again for like months I'm not gonna play it sorry also that's a really obnoxious way to ask for a game to be played I had a good rhythm going but then what why do I even do it's like if you're not on a good like pattern of like bounce and there's not a whole lot you can do then I'm on a good pattern of Bounce for this one good sense of line yes okay I didn't I didn't want to do that fun fact that was not my intention hey chat was like closed for that one let me know under the comments if I was close yeah I'm holding I'm holding the direction hold in the direction Yahoo when I play epic sonic games like life is stranger the wolf among us I think both of those are on the list maybe not the wolf among us but I'll be the walking dead [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] see what I do here ah I couldn't do it could not do it I really couldn't I tried I've played the first episode of life is strange in the first episode of the whole for The Walking Dead River I'm a boy who has that was like the first one where it was like oh tell tales just gonna do the same thing over and over cool II I'm just like fine but I wasn't I only again I'd only plays like the first episode walking dead so didn't [Music] clearly didn't grab me right enough to play the whole thing but I think I'll play the whole thing on the street it might have just been that I I didn't even like want to like see what happened next cuz I like it's just gonna be more depressing you know [Music] yeah it's a long list it's I've got a lot to do it ever seems like I'm rushing a game it's because I got other games to get to so people were saying that some people not I'm not a huge amount of people and they're not like being super mean about it or anything but people are some people are sad that I didn't play fallout right apparently like no you got to pay attention to the story and read all the like flavor text and the glitches were really the thing that was keeping me going by the end to be honest I didn't adopt out my B ba ba ba ba off the volkl Hobbit Ababa D Papa Doble Obama to be bidet Baby Doe bow okay all right I can't do this first part now [Music] don't hit the spike don't I I had too much bounce [Music] [Music] [Music] yes fallout is very much not my type of game I do want to be informed you know like I pushed through on like Mario RPG even though I didn't really like that very much yes I didn't push through on some games Gish I gave up on solar Edmund MJ which he has said in the past is comparable to Super Meat Boy and I think is that it's just maybe he wasn't saying in terms of quality but just in terms of like the type of gameplay but even then Gish is about controlling a very strange to control sort of sluggish character whereas Super Meat Boy is about really difficult situations but you have an insane amount of precise control over your character and Gish this game doesn't look like revolutionary or anything like the visual style of the levels in this game it's like okay it's like acceptable but Gish looked ugly as it was so gross yeah I'm not huge fan of RPGs I am much more an active gameplay type of person I like to see happen I tend not to have the patience for going through a ton of like dialog trees even though it games like fallout sort of force you to [Music] so in order to like even slightly understand what's going on let's place fewer on flash game Friday well I've actually already played all the base book collection on stream there's a separate there I guess the basement collection is actually listed on on the game's spreadsheet but there's actually a separate spreadsheet just for flash games because there's so many flash games that I played and a lot of them are schlock so I kind of I was like you know what that gets its own list because I don't want to just like over populate the main list with like 200 shitty like spider-man kisses games hey remember that one time I was close [Music] opinion on Skyrim then while I played a little bit of Skyrim actually when I was younger my dad from one of my birthday's he was like hey it's something I got you one of those video games you'd like so much it was like right when my parents were like starting to let me play video games which they didn't for a very long time and he got me Skyrim and I played it for a bit and it I those huge games I just don't know what to do like it's the same look like Minecraft I don't know where to start I'm just like I just want to pick a direction and run but then the game kind of punished easy punishes you for doing that and it's like no be slow and methodical and go through all the dialogue and read all the flavor text and and I'm like well I kind of don't care if it's just gonna be like a massive like huge expansive world but it keeps like plotting me along with like sort of Sami and things that I find kind of boring I don't know like I'm not saying Skyrim's pad I only played it for a little bit I got like the first like scream ability I like went through a dungeon got the scream ability or whatever boosts and then I went to a town and I remember I like picked up a bowl without realizing that that was stealing and then the entire town was like thief oh we all hate your guts and I had to kill them all cuz they attacked me and I was like you know what this is not my type of game I'm too like clumsy for this [Music] this we're gonna shake is what do i I should have gone over the sodomy [Music] I think I think realism is kind of overrated in games like all these games that are about like 3d models people they for some reason grab me a lot less than games about a like cube of bandages apparently look at this I [Music] want to watch the beginning of that again that's just crazy dropping like flies oh cool cool yeah yeah more pain [Music] how would you feel if Dark Souls had a more stylized look I actually haven't played Ashe and I might check it out one day but I do comedy hour jokes jokes jokes jokes no it'll be fine I guess I don't know I kind of like the the pretty gross style that it has though it does have a style that's one of the things like initially when I looked at Dark Souls I was like oh it's just like a realistic game about like hitting with swords but it's actually got quite a bit of like a sort of horror Lovecraft inspired style of its own even kind of silly at times like at first I was just like I was just like I was immediately turned off and trying to play themselves cuz I saw it not like okay just looks like men go around hitting the sword but it ended up being a lot more than that which is gratifying there you go whoo yeah blood-borne is definitely more stylized and Sakura probably and those games look absolutely beautiful I can't wait to play them oh I didn't realize these were crumbly blocks until they began to crumble also it's these things right mmm I would recommend Dark Souls yes but it's one of those things that's kind of hard to recommend because some people just really seem to hate it like it seems like Dark Souls it's easy to get a bad impression of the game you know or to have a bad first experience with it but I would encourage you to you know not shy away like if you if you do want to get into it cuz I would say it is really rewarding once you like get over the wall but I think maybe the biggest problem with Dark Souls is that it has a wall to get over if you know Jesus [Music] but it is very rewarding once you get past it one that wait how do I that must've been from a previous button mmm watching a let's play beforehand also not criminal I have heard actually that I haven't played blood-borne but I've heard that it is actually apparently a better game for newcomers I don't know how true that is I can't kill myself on this oh there you go was weird and also watching like body vidya is not a crime there's great lore videos on the internet that really like the story or the narrative or whatever you want to call it in those games is not spoon-fed to you and it takes some searching to like really understand what's going on sometimes which is also kind of like the gameplay kind of rewarding in its own way come on there you go I hit the last spike because I literally didn't see it there that's cool this doesn't seem too bad a little though that's a you spike right there these are clever ideas for levels I like the they got going here I was kind of you know when I first played this I was like oh this last world just seems like a like Kai's oh you world it is a little bit but it's it's not just all frame perfect jumps between saw blades there are unique ideas that are fun I need to hit that switch though [Music] keep missing that one I tried to jump at that time I had choked that one right there on the ceiling is hard to look straight without without bumping your head on the ceiling and that's the way you want to do it [Music] yeah Dark Souls like don't be afraid to look up don't be afraid to ask questions don't be afraid to die and blues about a few times because that's part of it it's a very good you know it's a cohesively designed experience because it's like every part of it points to every other part of it if that makes any sense some of this it's like the difficulty is there for a reason you know it's not just hard just for the sake of you around like some people get offended at like the game taking like cheap shots at you occasionally like guys moments that are essentially just like where you just die because the game decided that you will those moments are very few and far between in there they're there for a reason you know they discourage a lot of new players but they're there to like get you into the brutality of the of the world that you're in and I think that's it's good design even though Dark Souls games are not always amazingly designed from cover to cover [Music] yeah like Joseph Anderson or whatever his name is I think it may be Jason but he does the long ass reviews of the games Ali's is talking about the gotcha moments in Dark Souls and he always it's weird he has this paradigm I don't remember this ever being on official like promotional material or anything for Dark Souls but he has this idea in his head that like the game the gimmick of the game is that every challenge is like foreseeable and like if you break completely perfectly meticulous and skilled player you could theoretically get through the game on your first try I don't know where he gets that impression like I think that's just something that like people say about the game sometimes and he like took that as like gospel and then like half of his like Dark Souls 1 critique is just talking about how know the game is unfair in pants and I'm like well yeah it is it's supposed to be unfair in certain parts it's supposed to make you despair and feel hopeless they give you something you need to like overcome I don't know it just felt like the try-hard spirit had been offended by moments like that it's not like that was a promise that Dark Souls made that they will be perfectly fair all the time and clearly telegraphed things I don't know I feel like part of playing Dark Souls is sort of like getting into the the hopelessness of it all I don't know it's very immersive very very immersive [Music] it's like the kind of game that makes you realize oh you know games about 3d model human beings don't have to be like generic trash like they can feel very distinctive and have their own personality and I'm not like a hundred percent on Dark Souls it's not like my favorite game ever or anything like I'm not huge on the RPG elements that's never felt particularly fun and then secure oh like severely downplayed the RPG elements and then I didn't like secure that much I didn't like Sakura as much as Dark Souls sadly that didn't even be to do it's just too tedious for me well arc and I will revisit it someday and I'm sure there will be some strategy change that just completely makes the game easier whatever but it got to the point where it was just like yep this game is just gonna be a long succession of like bosses repeated bosses repeated arenas that I have to like just grind for like hours to like get the muscle memory to beat which I don't find that very fun and also like the world of secured oh it is beautiful that game but like the the story didn't interest me that was one where they try to do like spoon-feed you the story a little bit more and it wasn't this compelling to me especially because it was also like sort of a badass ninja empowerment story rather than you're a disgusting scummy undead corpse vape it barely shambling along the laughs on your last legs go kill God go kill the dying gods whereas here it's like you're a badass ninja you're fighting badass things and other badass ninjas didn't quite win me over but again I'll revisit okay and also I feel like they should have just ditched like the RPG elements entirely you know like even having a skill tree I'm like come on like I hate the feeling that like I just like chose wrong in the like menu or like when leveling up and it's like well am I just because I did something wrong that's a bad feeling in Dark Souls that Dark Souls 2 through all the that it gets it has some great mechanics that I think don't show up in other games like the ability to reallocate your points you're like leveling points actually that might be another two souls games - and there's also bonfire aesthetics which I know don't show up in any other Dark Souls game hell the thing see okay people always say oh you shouldn't go into secure expecting Dark Souls I definitely wasn't because I had 6 million people before the game came out being like don't expect Dark Souls it's gonna be very different and it's like really I should have expected it to be more Dark Souls like it is pretty Dark Souls like guys like people were like oh it's a totally different thing it's like yeah the base experience like the progression is kind of the same like it's just a lot of the details have been changed and in more significant ways than like blood-borne changed nightmare for me at least from what I've heard but I think that like you know people are like oh it's just all about burying bro and it's like some bosses if you just parry them over and over you don't win there's like more strategy to it than that it still has like Dark Souls II elements of combat and strategy that you need to take into account it's I don't I don't buy those oh it's a rhythm game thing it's a cute thing to say but I don't know if I buy it I don't know maybe my opinion will change once I get good or whatever what the look at this one this is chaos long is this level this is so what is this like the last level this is the last level that was like this it better be the last level all right I didn't even realize I'm like most of the way through this world Oh see is there it's no dark world it seems Oh know if there is no if there is for some reason the prompt for dark world didn't show up oh it's cuz I own beat in this level I see boobs revenge I hadn't been looking at the names of these pepto oh it's literally called pepto hell oh now did that jump those jumps [Music] this is the level where I get around I don't know what it was insecure about like all the repeated mini bosses that like rubbed me the wrong way it's like I almost feel like if they have just been standard enemies that were just like special I would have felt like less bad about it but it just felt like lazy it's like oh you know Jews oh the drunkard what a great encounter I remember that was so cool you're in the flaming the burning a sheena estate you know in the at the front and there's like all these dudes that you got to take out and then you fight this crazy drunk like sumo sword fighter it's so awesome and then you find two more three skins of him just sort of sitting around later on and it's like oh that guy feels less special now even though they like gave him a name they're like oh no he's a member of like a set of twins headless - what a memorable encounter and then you find him like six more times like it the inch plate playing secure for the first time like the first few streams of that I was having an absolute blast but it just it got to the grind a point for me pain train pain train I mean that's like a classic from soft move right first half of the game is way better than the second half but I don't know if that's quantifiably true like the guardian ape that's like I guess the guardian ape is like kind of midway through the game and that was a cool fight but that was where it started to get frustrating for me personally the amount of times they lie about how many phases of boss has in that game - like Dark Souls just barely started to do that with like sister freed I guess some spoilers but it's a minor spoiler but having bosses have like fake-outs where it's like oh and you killed the boss and then they come back it's like what the you just give them a second like a little health bar how many times you gonna do this it's like it I never feel like I can trust the game after that there's slide yeah and then there's the double ape fight which thankfully you can skip but also it feels like you need all the beads that you can get you know for the survival decade there is this the shittiest level is that what the person was saying earlier I wonder it's probably like dark world this right [Music] hmm that is the worst Oh a Vey Oy Vey yeah I haven't played Isaac in a while I've been working on the guide for it on and off I really haven't been working on it's super hard to be honest it's been weeks since I've even opened the file it's it's been I've had a bit of like creative block while making that to be honest maybe just lack of motivation to work on it I don't know I didn't mean to run into that I need to crack my knuckles Oh [Music] stretching out my fingerings a little bit I mean I'll certainly play more Isaac once the big expansion comes out of course sit you know I think I'm gonna end the stream after this and then I think after this I don't know if I want to do the whole dark world thing like I think I think the next Lake series the next series of this there than like the next stream like this one will just be called like cotton alley I guess but then after that I might try doing the dark world but I think I'm gonna try to get all the Pantages in warp zones in the light world at least I don't know what else I can call it how much longer isn't I that's what I need to know it's like I haven't even seen the end of the level [Music] that that's so mm just had to make the last level a you level didn't you [Music] mmm is the dark world not actually that hard like the part we can't jump who's like more than like a centimeter that purchase sucks not a fan [Music] yeah with a mystery players movement it doesn't make they live that night yeah yeah I'm pregnant with million eat my bread [Music] [Music] like I'm Jigglypuff I look like Jigglypuff my character I keep like just thinking it's Jigglypuff and I'm like oh right I'm bandage girl this isn't a Pokemon game thanks bye hey thanks I hated like severe amount of time between attempts unlike the new part of the challenge might not get it out of the game may get it out of the game it's a bad pop I wonder what the cutscene is at the end don't nobody spoil it I'm sure it shows you something for doing this shortly in this dark world version of this - apparently that is so horseshit that part right there and then it's like congratulations you have to go like trod through the entire rest of the level just to like attempt those jumps ye retro games I think had it right with the live system mate it should send me back to the beginning after three tries mate so you can get really good at the game mate [Music] yeah so those who just joined us recently yeah the soundtrack has options it's like you can either do the original soundtrack which i think is more annoying and in this one level but right now we're doing the 2015 version of the soundtrack done by reticulan or something but this one track I find is actually better than the default track and if they're gonna give me the option I'm gonna take [Music] obnoxious just obnoxious it's like just play a video of Edmund a villain like masturbating for like 30 seconds for every attempt rather than making me go through the beginning of this every time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hell that's not what fun is it man you forgot what the fun game is hey guys remember the greed machine in Isaac remember the greed machine remember the whole thing about how the greed machine breaks with increasing repetitive consistency frequency as the word [Music] increasing frequency the more coins you put into it requiring that you do like thousands of runs in order to actually fill it legitimately in order to unlock a character that sucked ass seemingly unintentionally yep I cheated the greed machine too absolutely yep I cheated it put the copypasta yeah I am immune I cheated it too because that's just horrible game design I feel literally zero guilt in doing that [Music] it's like I hate it when the ultimate challenge is just something that's basically wastes your time that one was even like this one's just a really hard long level like the greed machine is like no matter how good you are at the game it will take a million tries to actually unlock the character and it's like if you get a good run where you like end greed mode with like 99 coins or whatever and then just leave Sheen just breaks after like one coin and you're like well there's that entire run just going [Music] [Music] to be fair if you just play through with each character while getting 99 plus coins for each run it's not too unfair to fill it what No someone bring up the like calculator somebody made like a website that calculates like given certain RNG values how long how many attempts it would take can assuming that you get like 99 coins in every run and it's still an obnoxious amount like it's literally just stacked with RNG like yeah you could get insanely lucky like seriously like cosmically like you're winning lottery ticket just got struck by lightning type of luck and get it on like in in like 10 tries or something but likelihood is it's gonna take a lot more than that [Music] yeah I have no real desire to please jump King either that's that's that's a streamer bait game like this this last level is just barely starting to started to eat over into the bait category where I'm like is this bait but only barely whereas things like getting over it and jump King I'm like yeah those are just made to be frustrating I would feel no satisfaction on completing it and I will probably feel no satisfaction upon completing this either let's keep it perfectly real here I did it always yeah oh I wish that was so ready to choke at that last bit Christ yeah frustration for the sake of frustration games do need to stop that's true but vague they should be at most like co-op like a joke I feel mild satisfaction but it's more having completed the whole world rather than this specific one it is a capstone but that was not a satisfying challenge know that I really were there really only two that made it up there oh the other ones are slow I get it that wasn't satisfying this level no it's annoying okay this you know if I could save it now what do we get no cutscene sad alright well you know it kind of sucks but whatever I did it cotton alley complete I think that's gonna be it for the stream guys let's slow pain there's a little bit of pain but guess what I got through it took like two hours there is there is overall a sense of satisfaction though definitely it is you know the challenge is its own reward but some of those levels were me around man some of those were wasting my time [Music] what is super meat world actually this is like user made content right let's briefly look at what this is I seriously I don't know if I've never even clicked on this yeah okay and see user levels I can't even put I can't even move around what what wait what I couldn't even like move around I can't do anything they need to use my mouse oh that's weird who met the controller doesn't work for this menu you have to use your mouse so I just wanna briefly look like salt factory xx oh it's a whole world price okay so they they look very similar and this looks to be quite challenging and well I don't think I'll be doing this though I just want to briefly like look at what this is yeah okay that's it that's it all right so there you go cotton alley complete what a weird world I did though thank you for watching I guess the next stream I don't know maybe I'll call this one me the title of this one will be like around in Super Meat Boy part 1 or something I don't know I don't know how to categorize these streams since the first one was a speedrun kind of like not really no well there will be more of this game I'll see you guys later take it easy [Music] you [Music]
Channel: fruit salad
Views: 21,872
Rating: 4.9650655 out of 5
Id: JUY3M3ffwDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 124min 26sec (7466 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 16 2020
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