Please, Don't Touch Anything """"""Speedrun""""""

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hi everyone another weird one today I've played this one before this is kind of a classic in my opinion so I've played this this is like a puzzle a game so I got to ask that the back seating really be kept to a minimum because sometimes I mean the solutions are really all the gameplay is you guys might have to put up with some humming and I'm I need to take a bathroom break stay here for a moment wait what does this panel for just stay here I'll be right back and don't touch anything we could just obey one option is to just obey but I think we all know that I got to touch the button this now I think I've primed something ah yes the classic the structure of this game is he trying to get all the endings and the endings are marked by this little light down here and when you get a new one you also get a little like thing on the background and then you just restart everything so I just I [ __ ] the city yes this game has a VR version and I've actually played that I have it's one of the only VR games that I play it on my shitty I had like a Samsung gear VR headset a while ago it's pretty cool there's like an entire it's like a 3d model version of this game with like some extra stuff and just sort of with VR functionality it's like perfect for a VR game because you never move so I've played this game both the original and the VR versions quite extensively but it's been sometimes so I'm hoping that I have forgotten a lot of the puzzles great thanks man you've really helped me alright so that was the first ending I got her bullying Zen and is ending you gotta hit it a couple times so if you press it a bunch of times you get more [ __ ] what does that even say doesn't say dummy I think it might say dummy I think I just destroyed the machine okay and this is where the GRB becomes it I swear it used to say gr YB which is why you I always say good green red blue blue see what this is yeah okay some of the endings are kind of vague okay can tell like smash the screen yeah oh god what full screen you guys might not be able to see all that did you guys see that properly Oh No well it was Illuminati so there's actually a hint in that ending it also crashes your game and I took a screenshot of it alright it was hourglass bleeding I the water tribes symbol and a key okay well let's do this this is Roman numerals so 1 3 2 2 3 1 right 1 then then I remember the sound that made yeah oh this [ __ ] one oh my god auto clicker is coming out sorry guys this is a really tedious one I'm not gonna [ __ ] give this one the time of day fast clickers coming out cats jumping up my ass about this I'll never give in you may notice every six is like bloody that's what we're going for we're going to 666 that's how far we're going sorry I think I owe it to my finger to you know not click 666 times here we go oh and here's where I need the symbols right here oh I'm so glad ice cream captain oh the four of them need to be lit and the rest unlit let's try that ah there it is okay see that's fine I'm fine with that from chat oh the illuminati ending all the like satanic [ __ ] led to happy bouncing buildings okay the old instinct is coming back with bender one yeah yeah I'm looking at that right there that's where I got that from robots oh my god bender wait oh right it literally has a bender joke I must have subconsciously remembered that somehow I do that or I just made the the like baby easy joke Association oh this is what we need to do it at a certain time of day oh I remember that one that's a pain in the ass I might not get that one like eat the button - that's the minigame right yeah like whack-a-mole oh I forgot about this Oh God get the Kuwait auto clicker yes auto clicker cheater Strasbourg cheaters prosper cheaters prosper I think you don't do this fast enough you like get punished is blood dripping down for the restart switch I'm gonna get [ __ ] actually look at this it's so close Oh God I think I just barely snagged it oh oh yes just something else I'll need to remember well I did not remember that one that's a particularly strange ending okay okay so now I got to do this I've been I've had my eye on this this whole time oh [ __ ] you know the auto clicker would be useful in this one but I'm there I'm not gonna do it because I am a I am a virtuous man oh but look at this this is so tedious no no no the auto clicker is coming out pest listen this is just ridiculous wait what is it like right here no auto clicker off unvirtuous no I would never do something like that what the [ __ ] is this fake one just get it out of here just eat it oh oh the special one [ __ ] [Music] how do you do this one again right yes and this is another one that it's like timed maybe not I'm not using the auto clicker for this one though because I'm not a cheater okay guys come on relax go cheater do this thank you for cooperation you got the jobs too Oh was that Stan Lee oh that was a Stanley parable reference I forgot this game actually has like memes up the ass this is literally a Stanley parable reference because he sits around pressing buttons so what the [ __ ] is up with this there's not like there's not another button or at least the arrow doesn't seem to be successfully pointing to it I'll turn on the other affair [ __ ] oh oh oh it's it's it's close its close to being legit you guys see it it's close it's not legit though see that one made sense oh [ __ ] oh I don't remember this one wasn't it like yeah it's one of these puzzles [Music] I felt like I was so close to it you always got to do that like pattern [ __ ] but now I mean this is just I'm screwed auto clicker do your magic check it out it's gonna happen any time now it's by coincidence pure like Brownian motion will solve this puzzle there was the whole like handheld system that I had at one point it was a light-up puzzle game like this and I always hated it when I was younger it made me feel dumb that's exactly right chat infinite monkeys infinite keyboards infinite Inc infinite time infinite bananas and there they never run out of space to cool the whole infinite time thing I think is the sticking point on that wait wait wait we're close to a revelation here hold on not we lost it you guys saw it started looking orderly when I started just going across the middle but no oh it looks it looks cool for a second it's like some orderly [ __ ] like this I'm making shapes are you proud of me Chad I'm making shapes training there's always one missing [ __ ] it [ __ ] it blow up the building I'll try it one more time and then I will google it you guys know I don't take great amounts of pride in solving everything 100% legitimately oh wait no I wouldn't work Oh Oh like this but then there's still one in the middle there's still oh okay all right yes yeah yeah I planned that yeah the cities in Twain okay oh oh look at that it's the papers please ending oh it's [ __ ] anonymous now there's I forgot there's so many references in this game but man that's gonna be another game that's gonna be hard to stream oh and this oh oh I'm gonna need to Google some of these things so I want to do algebra for the rest of my damn life I don't care if it's simple algebra I really don't oh yeah there's something to do with [Music] this and I think there's another like it says 42 here and then there's another poster that you get here and when this covers it it like makes the answer to a question in fact wasn't it 40 20 yep oh that thing is gross I don't know how I remembered that listen this is gonna be this is gonna take embarrassingly long but I'm gonna get my pen and paper here so wait but there's like variables am i solving for the variables am i solving for x and y 8 squared over the square root and just gets rid of the squares so it's just 8 plus 3 down there so it's just it's just 11 the bottom is just 11 right it's just 8 plus 3 because the square root gets rid of the squares is that not right see this goes to show math was always a sore spot for me oh it's oh right it's literally just right right right somebody said you're gonna get pissed off at the solution to this right if you'd literally just type 8 2 3 2 right yeah that's it okay that was a good hint you'll hate the answer to this right you don't find solve it right okay we're back so then it's 8 3 6 7 is the other one was I really wrong about that Square and square root thing do they really not cancel each other out if in parentheses it cancels out oh man oh man now we are blessed with this I don't see a one two three four we could just do this there's two endings associated with this one if you go forward and one if you go back and they're just back to the future also Rick and Morty reference all right hints are all right just straight up saying how to get two endings let's let's try to hold off on that oh right the backlight oh right oh this is a whole thing oh this is a whole new set of informations dot it's gonna say do I click on the dot there hey what the [ __ ] is dot it's a cave painting there's a solar system a ghost portrait the [ __ ] that's cool I don't know if I've ever seen that ghost portrait is that like a secret ending and I like get that back the best gotta get back back to the best Samurai Jack and boil oh oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] wait I hit button what this space also restart [ __ ] I [ __ ] that up tragically oh there we go I needed to reject him to get the ending I really just did that yeah don't feel the need to talk about it I mean it's kind of hard to interpret what exactly is gonna be that's cool what's gonna be a pentagram right this is a little creepy should I do the one with my clock I assume I need to set my own computer time to like midnight right people saying remember the symbols bro you got here late alright oh three got 250 viewers Jesus Christ all right let's do it I'll change my clock I'll change my clock I'm gonna clean your clock windows I know how to set time all right I've been around the block guys at least I know that I can set the time Lily I don't know exactly the process so actually what the hell alarm I don't want alarm current date and time set time automatically get that [ __ ] out of you change time oh look at that did you see it going it's a puzzle very similar listen feds that's equally annoying anytime like sword & Sworcery does this too or you need to like either wait real time which I mean who's gonna [ __ ] do that or change your clock like print some that right oh right oh this [ __ ] oh I remember it was something about like looking at this sideways you like getting numbers from with the amount of like blacked out 1-800 eight five nice [ __ ] off top [ __ ] nice you guys want this I've been getting a lot of viewer requests lately hope that tickled your fancy I did smash the button I didn't smash that [ __ ] like button I'm looking it up it's good the guide says this time don't find the Romans but use your golden ticket what going bottom-up count the are they like abbreviate things that literally they could have just said red they could have sent the word red you didn't need to make a key for this so apparently this puzzle is customized to your specific game I still don't understand I don't get it a lot of people got here like late look too late to hear me say no back seating and also too late to see me do all the things they're telling me to do like smashing the screen just relax on those guys ok I need to go 3 then 1 & 2 then 1 2 3 I think that's it there we go that was very ambiguously different from the other destruction ones but make a thing in the title say only idiots back seat if you back seders are gay it will deter all crime baton what the [ __ ] is this I haven't been live for five hours have eye twitches telling me I've been streaming for nearly 6 hours is that because I changed my time I didn't even know twitch like read my system time I had no idea that that like affected the amount of time that it displayed having been on stream I was like excuse me feels like my brain is being examined I don't know what dot signifies dot is Morse this dot just mean Morse code what eats the way guys talking about this is new to me I'll figure it out Oh city boom okay what button do i press J enter only get four bombs perk ass oh it's gonna be a close one no the one block no that was it that was sad spell dot in Morse code what y-you joking there we go shoot shoot Oh what why are baby the yellow red blue blue you drop all bomb I'm gonna write that down some totally gonna forget the clues aren't particularly subtle but they're just everywhere oh oh that's the other half of this so I need to do 40 20 now Oh which one is it yeah yes oh oh [ __ ] but I need like a gem [ __ ] oh this one's [ __ ] hey can everybody make fun of the guy in chat who's spamming hammer on red button like a [ __ ] buffoon I still don't know what spell dot in Morse code means I need to look up Morse code I don't know Morse code we we have like a oh we have a binary one we have like a zero and one I think that's if you flip the switch the other way hold on hold on I'm figuring out guys I gotta do this way right yeah it's counter intuitive cuz he flipped to the left the thing on the right shows up and if you filled it to the right the thing on the left shows up attract me so I guess is zero - and one is taught like - cut - - - - yeah oh that's satisfying Oh shucks ocean man that made my brain wrinkled it's fun you know it's this is a very unique puzzle game it's a little rough around the edges but I am this is a fun experience going back through this wait for ending like a FK it no I don't believe that that wouldn't do anything it's that's ridiculous it's insane I don't think waiting would do anything that says stupid that's stupid don't be ridiculous you could wait but it's boring and stupid exactly exactly check oh wait the stream time kind of fixed guys now it just says an hour again I mean Chet look at how much I've been waiting on just this this one screen alone I think that confirms that there's no waiting ending alright I gotta say the whole spelling dot and Morse code thing was a leap that I I might not have made for the clocks you gotta change the time in your computer that's ridiculous that is ridiculous and you should feel ridiculous for even suggesting it put in 666 that's ridiculous I don't think that's an ending how long it this bit is stretching paper thin and I'm Undead I died the sixes are all labeled you seeing things you're seeing things Chet you're delusional I'll definitely play the Stanley parable at some point - damn it's looking like we're gonna get all the endings in this one stream that being said I am currently struggling but what about you know what what is this one 11:21 [ __ ] I'm gonna I'm gonna do a ctrl F on the guide find the Romans this is a very strangely phrased guide ok this guide says I hate when I shake an 8-ball and it says all signs point to yes it really is unspecific thanks a guide I really wanted that little like hot cake there's a separate ending for misinterpreting this okay or I guess it's just correctly interpreting it but there's one where you interpret that as upside down because the word correct is upside down and then there's one where you do it right-side up okay use hammer on chat hold on wait wait wait I got a good idea or no I've done this wrong it needs to be upside down it kind of works oh this is the Fibonacci thing I need to enter in the Fibonacci sequence which is apparently 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 I never would have got that in my entire life without looking it up if I can like it sure game sure oh it's Cthulhu start with zero and one then each number after it is the sum of the previous two alright that's that's not too hard to grasp it's a function alright I learned something you know you learned a little bit about Morse code and I learned a little bit about Fibonacci this is fun a little bit of Education what do we got left I'm really just going through the guide now I have no shame press the grey button 276 times in one minute for the fastest in the Wild West achievement but is this like a speed runner thing I don't know if I have that achievement oh [ __ ] I don't yo guys I don't I don't know if the auto clicker is gonna work for this cuz I use the auto clicker on it earlier clicks per second it's like in 50 I'm insane I'm gonna have to cut it close I'm worried it's gonna over click did I get it yes yes speed runner I managed to speed run lick the least speedrun a game ever kind of not really I'm still happy well said I cheated I didn't cheat no I was clicking the whole time he gave my eye I have this new soundproof foam in my room it really reduces noise so you guys just couldn't hear the clicking don't worry about it okay well that one wasn't achievement rather than an ending let's just get let's get through this eight three six seven I just say sex Oh music whoa what okay I don't remember this one right it the music changes to have like an audio cue in it or do I need to do it in time to the music [ __ ] is that it yeah okay I fumbled my way through it they call me fumble inna everybody in chat wants me to a more everything hammertime funny joke hmm oh I see oh that this [ __ ] the waiting ending accidentally happened it doesn't it doesn't exist chat no it doesn't exist which ones are rows or columns I guess I'll just try it trial and error so B 4 2 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 oh this is gonna be like an upside down star oh no it's gonna be one of these this and then as they what the wait I'm confused oh I need to try it the other way I did I forgot to try it the other way Oh what what they're all red what wait what did I do oh no I was doing it right right yeah I was doing it right I don't know why it didn't take I must have not done it right oh oh this right the gem that I need this is the gem so I need to do a little bit of 40 20 and yellow red blue blue I have it still written down here yellow red blue blue and put the gem in hit the button that's [ __ ] satisfying oh [ __ ] that genuinely took me by surprise so I think the last ending is to get all the other endings so now we just have one other press the button 2 times find the Romans in order to find the clue to this ah decided the lamp once finding the lever pulled to the right to reveal a lamp drag the lamp to the upper right corner of the panel next to the four screws should reveal a code saying Oh 23 1 4 2 1 I think we saw that but then it says put in 2001 I'm not sure where they're getting that from oh [ __ ] these positions represent the code of 2001 to being in the first position owes being in the second and third position and one being in the fourth position that is some [ __ ] that I would never get again okay so I just need to type in 2001 Oh ruin the game you ruined the game screw you I didn't ruin anything avert your eyes chat there's no ending if you wait alright oh me re [ __ ] I remember this okay well I didn't read further in the thing so I'm just gonna try this burn burn man's mouths these are planets no because it has hold on hold on there was a solar system down here alright when you had the lamp there was a solar system and it was pointing at the one on the outer ring and had a question mark alright hear me out Oh oh I feel like I'm in national treasure where the [ __ ] do I put this thing use the key on the Romans I can't bring out the lamp again because I would need to flip the switch to the right and I can't unlimited to guide it stick it in the three start I don't know I can't bring out the lamp again because I would need to flip the switch to the right and I can't [Music] and looking it up I'm looking at if I'm looking at the thing with do it put this key press the red button in the exposed panel four times why wait why that must have been something that you can see with the backlight on that's what I'm assuming okay but I guess we get read four times okay wow that's a satisfying conclusion oh yes Spock Shay we're gonna fly dispatch a that's oh it's 2001 it's totally a Space Odyssey reference the guide said it wasn't a Space Odyssey reference it totally is awesome so now I think yes that's it amen man I need to take a bathroom break stay here for a moment wait what's this panel for don't bother it's just a coffee machine why is it so strange I don't know it's just a beauty of one day sometimes it shows ads on the screen you can order some coffee while I'm gone there is the red button okay but don't take too long ah a nice cup of joe you know and at the end of the day isn't that what it's all really all about all right well that was it that's the whole game all right do I need to drink it oh look at that use hammer on coffee nice so now I can just get infinite coffee whatever I want that is brilliant I'm gonna be pissing like a racehorse in a few minutes all right well I guess that was a speed run Jesus [Music]
Channel: grayfruit
Views: 2,146,240
Rating: 4.9217224 out of 5
Id: JIWrqvODjFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 56sec (1736 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 11 2020
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