Peggle """"""""""Speedrun""""""""""

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All right boys, time for a change of pace I hope you have your cowbell, because we are going to get a fever do you get the joke? Please laugh Please laugh. Anyway, I had to- They made me put in a name, So my name is dickhead It's kinda rude, in my opinion to those of you haven't played this game... If you get the thing in the bucket, it gives you a free ball. You have a certain number of balls Try to contain your laughter (Reading Chat)"Thoughts on Peggle 2" I-I know nothing of Peggle 2. I know that a man yelled its name once "PEGGLE... TWO!!!" Massive Nut O-o-o-o-o-o-o-o- YEaH "Is this a speedrun?" uuh, Probably not...We'll see This is one of those ones where I might just be so enamoured with the gameplay that I just play the whole thing I certainly didn't get up today and go. "Wow, I'm gonna do a Peggle speedrun" or anything, but you know, we're here now Ha-ha-ha-ho-ho-o-o-o- OOOOOOOOOOHHHHH That was Amazing! I'm so good at this and you get like bonuses... For various things. OOOh, this is- I- it's such a satisfying game WO WO-OH AAAAH Now I'm gonna, Like, try to go for stylish stuff and not be able to get fucking anything Because it turns out all the cool shit that you get in this game is just by like random chance THAT WAS ALL SKILL!! I PLANNED IT!! OOh my god. It's my FUCKING man! It's Jimmy Lightning the legend himself! I am a god, I am a Peggle God! ULTRA EXTREME FEVERBHBHBHBHBBHBHBHHHB Oh, "Use the mouse cursor". Oh, no way. Oh my god guys, the arrow points right to where my mouse is Like, all the time. That's insane I like games like this where... The point systems or just like any number system is totally overblown I haven't done two million of jack-shit in this game. It's like Dragon Ball games. Is that the ones where the fighting games? Everybody does like billions of damage or whatever That was so Slick. Oh my god Get the Free Ball! HO-HO-HO-OOOOOHH OOH I nutted OOoooohhh...Guys I need to- I- I- Hold on- Ha!- I'm gonna be right back HOOkay, alright, I'm fine... I just had to- had to get something out of my system there I'm gonna get the Ricochet Well, I got the Ricochet... oh, That was a good ricochet... I'm- I'm- I'm pretty decent at those without the super guide OH-HO-HO-HO-HOOOOOOO HOOOO-HOO-HO-hoo This game is hyper than, like, most eSports, I'll say it this snail's face is really disconcerting. I don't like it at all People in chat are distressed that I'm hurting the snail. I think the snail is fine. Look at that face Get in there. e-yeEESsss No! Get in- in the circle! please! come on YEA- I need to get in the eye of the owl... Yes! No! I went right back out EAT MY DICK, JIMMY LIGHTNING YES YES YES "MEow! I like yarn!" Shut the fuck up, Garfield. We got a hundred and sixteen viewers. Holy shit! Damn, oh my god That was right on the beat and I- I don't even care it didn't do anything OH...I suck now, why do I suck all of a sudden? what if the rest of this... Fucking highlight reel is like, the first two levels getting cool plays and then the rest of the game is just me going: "OH AHH OH HO HA OH- SCU- AH" Oh my god that poke! The pro poke! the only time I spend... Thinking about Pringles, is the like, half a second when I can like, taste it in my mouth OH My god, that was so satisfying All right, this game's getting kinda boring, I'm gonna take a look at Chat, uh, "GrayFruit, if you had to perform passionate intercourse on a cereal box Masc-" I'm gonna go back to the game, actually, this game is pretty fun This is a tricky situation... Oh check this out. Check this out. NO! I need to do a slim bank shot. Oh- OOH- OH- HOO we're working, we're getting there. Yeah Yeah YEAH YEAH OH OH OH OH OH OH Monkey man! MONKEY MAN!! we now have two(Three) official fan edits of GrayFruit streams and I've actually started a playlist, and I'm- I'm just sort of hosting them- that playlist on my official channel so that if anybody makes... Uh, Fans stream edits, they can get a bit of explo- Ex- Explosion! No, exposure from there This is a roller coaster of emotions AAH, Just so close! Oh my god! That was so sick that Jimmy-fucking-Lightning appeared in a level it wasn't even his! Oh my- OH- OH -OOOOOHHHHHH OOHH!! YEAH!!! I'm gonna need to thread the needle super hard. Look at this How is this even- how do I do this? Like that... No, fuck. OoOOoOh I got saved by random chance Get the free ball! OOH, I was so close! T-They're called flippers, but they're literally fucking claws, I don't get it You could've just made this guy a fish and then they could have been actual flippers but, No No, you had to suck dick, didn't you game? *Unintelligible* I- I was thinking these flippers would be overpowered but they're actually... pretty powered... Just normal powered I Love that sound when you get above that certain point barrier, and it starts going: dun- dUN- DUN Can I just, like, cheese my way through this, please? AAAHH Hitting that one would've given me an exTRA BALL! Come on It's the heart of thE CARDS- BLBLAAAAAAHAHHAAAAAAAAA AAAAWWWW- OOOOHHHhhhhhhhhhhhh This fish has, like, the scummiest face I've ever seen Yeah, shout out the simple flippers let me flip. Let me flip you off. OOOoooh That was Slick! Here's a question... Why the fuck everyone talking about Megamind all of a sudden? Megamind discourse on the Internet has reached a peak that it has never seen before Why is everybody talking about this damn movie? (Subtitler's note: Cuz it's a good movie, next question)) This game's calling me a flipper maniac and I have to say, I agree, I'm a maniac... at getting fucking no pegs ever That was SO on cue the music and I-It made me cream... I have been seeing some fucking delightful Megamind memes lately, though... So this one's pretty good...This one... I-I-It's a functional meme, it's go- It's a good Photoshop. I mean, look at the-the Okuyasu, it's funny. It's funny there's a way better one though... and that's this one, and you wanna know the entire fucking reason? it's cuz of Koichi! look at it! It's horrendous! They like, mixed her face around... So she would look like really- concerned?? I don't know- I LOVE this one. I stare at this one for hours every day... Thinking about that face... ...Just thought I'd get that off my chest I'm from Washington- STATE- OOOOOOOOOOOOH THE NUT!!! OOOOOOHH- Kick the bucket! I fucked it up. There's no way I can get this... Unless I really- wait guys. I just remembered... I can just believe and then I can get it mmmmmMMMMMMM MM-MMM-MMM-MMMMMM MMMMM-MMM-MM-MM-MMM-MMMM!!!!!! OOHH- OOH -OOH -OOooh- ooh -oohh- ho-hoh-ho YEEAAAAAAHHHHH!!! There's lots of like, royalty-free classical music in this game oooohh-OOOHH-HOH-HA ohhhh... S L I C K *Fear* sorry, I thought there were real ghosts on screen for a second Oh, oh my god Oh... I don't even plan these things out guys, They just happen They just happen- OH It just happened to me! They just happen! this isn't gonna work out very well unless I can get a cool bounce here... Like, a really coOL BOUNCE... OH, that was the worst bounce! Heart of the cards. I'm not even gonna look, an-and I predict that the ball is not gonna hit any obstacles... No-kay. Oh, it's Still work! Okay, cool! Come on Come on HO-H-H-H-H-H-H-H-HA-AAaaaahh... I don't- I don't have a clear shot at this though. I have to angle it off this fucking peg Yeaah, It's just, uh, par for the course when you're pro gamer like me Come on Ooh, it's threaded the needle! That was ridiculous... This d- doesn't look good- doesn't look good for our hero... *Big Gasp* YYEEAAHH!!!! YEAAHH!!! Nevermind. Our hero has balls to spare Aw, that wasn't even very good either- OOOHH- NUTT!! OH my god! T-These plays they just come! They just come to me! They just happen! you guys ready for a really Slick thing? Yeah... Yeah... Tell your friends G- Get over there! OOOOOOOO-- NOOO!! oooOOHH HO HO HO HOO HO Starting to think it's like, way... Less of an event getting a free ball from the bucket, cuz It seems to happen all the fucking time It just happens! I- Oh- I swear I don't plan these out... They just occur... I-It's like a curse! I-I Can't stop it from happening, actually I-It's really making me re-evaluate my whole belief, on like, magic, or like, God I- Like seriously, are you seeing that shit?! That's what I wanted last time! Look at that! Hot stuff! Can I get it, like stuck inside there? In such a way where it'll just- yeah... yeah... Yeah... Yeah... Yeah!!! It was cuz I started exclaiming about my profound luck, that my luck started to run out. Oh, nevermind, Jesus I feel like I get too excited about this game... FFFF- OOOOOOOOOOOHHH!!!!! So this guy's ability is literally that he just, like, does Slick tricks He like, finds cool shots for you to do. Let's see what he can do with this rotating platform... Not bad, not bad! Reminds me that wolf victory screen. "You're good but me gooder" "Me press B" Oh, That was such a crazy shot! AW, You- you- yoouu What do I do, what do I do here? MAWAAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHH ᴵ ˡᵒˢᵗ... I Don't want to end up in the exact same situation I was in, though... Okay, I'm in the exact same situation I was in oh- ooh- ooohh... *Sucks in breath* WOOOOOOOOOOOOAHHHHHHH!!! Oh!- oh- ho- HO -HO- SH- SA- H OH, I-I hate- I hate this game... I love this game, great game GREAT GAME!! YEAH YEAH YEAH!!! Yeaaaahh... YEEAAHHH!! I remember there was, like, I went to like- There was like, some wedding that I attended when I was a kid, And I remember they had like, lights In the dance- like, the dance floor, in the room And one of them was like this big circular light, and I was like, "Holy shit. I can like, reenact- I can like, walk along the outer perimeter of it and pretend that I'm Arthur" And I did that, and I gotta tell you guys, I was walkin'. I was walkin'. Even at a young age Come on, get It- get It- EEEEEEeeee come on Oh oh oh oh Yeeahh... oh look at this, the arrow comes out of the holes that's such a- Oh God, that- This probably only happens like, once in the entire game But that's actually really good attention to detail, because then you can do shit like that Pretty cool! Pretty cool! Ohhhhhhh... Pretty Slick Wow Truly, thou art a Zen master. I'm gonna be honest: I think my first played this game, I hadn't heard the word "Zen" before, So then, I thought the word Zen was just like, a Peggle term Eat a long length of slime Oh? OOHH- OOOHHH- OOOOOOOHHHHH Heart of the cards- Heart of the cards Yeeaaahhh. Yep. Yep. Yep. That's how you do It, folks That's how you become a pro gamer like me there's just no way around It Look at this fucking Zen frog What the FUCK was that?! That was an insane shot... This guy's on more than just Zen... He's on fucking DMT AAH- AAH- AAH- AAH- OOH- OOH- OOH- OH Let's see... you get an instant replay on that, let's go ahead and save that one Wow What the hell? all of a sudden, I'm not in a dire scenario anymore. In fact, I have multiple balls left Oh, you get to choose your fucking main? Okay... I forgot about this Spook boy is the way I gotta go. What is this? What is this map? Ghost dog theme? classic theme: ghost dog one FREEEE 🎶 Free ballin' 🎶 oh- oh- oh- oH- OOH- OOOHHH Wow... cheeky... I-I-I don't want it to be like this. Come on you cunt What a weird shot I think this stage fucking got every single one of us Yeah, that was a pretty good shot, Owl, but have you ever seen a dude just completely miss every peg I'm still gonna fuck this up though. Watch. watch this, watch this trick This trick where I mess it up completely. OoooOOOHHH- OOH-OOOOH- AAAAAWWWWW YEAH!!! YEAH!! All intentional! I never had a fucking doubt in my mind! okay hand meme! all right, it's the last ball, you better make... Lemonade out of this... Owl, man. Oh my fucking god, he made the most delicious... Piss flavoured lemonade I've ever drank Forget I said that last bit, Okay? Just forget that Time It was a speedrun the whole time. I planned it from the beginning Welcome back, dickhead
Channel: grayfruit
Views: 1,496,047
Rating: 4.9147282 out of 5
Keywords: Peggle, Popcap games, zen, grayfruit, speedrun
Id: 3GlJPwYvjVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 29sec (1049 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 14 2019
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