Hotline Miami Achievement Huntin'

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I'm gonna be Oh actually I kind of want to show you guys something I'm planning on doing a open quote speedrun of this game at some point I have practiced a few strats in this game I want to show off one of them it might take a few tries this can be evidenced by mine getting killed there you go and you clip into the car isn't that crazy so in order to get a lot of points you got to get a big combo which means you got to do a bunch of takedowns in a row like in rapid succession of one another because that's when you get to like bonus the like point multiplier [ __ ] you they're so accurate and by that of course I mean an accurate representation of the Russian mafia in the 1980s America truly a biting indictment of the times this game really makes you feel like a spree killer Oh see that door balance animations doors are janky as hell in this game like it normally does so let me tell you an exciting story today I slept so much that I got dehydrated and got a headache from not having enough water I slept so much that my body started to like break down [Music] who's next who else wants some [ __ ] oh yeah to those who have never played this game takedowns are very not responsive like sometimes will hear me mashing the spacebar just because that's the only way you can get the [ __ ] takedown animation that happens sometimes [Laughter] Oh operation Berryhill was not a success look at that guy look at the guy look him go there's no idea what to do [Music] how do I turned around I turned around that's all you need to do with the knife okay how about you come over here and then I go in here and then I go [ __ ] Mario time and then I go in I'm like I'm gonna whoop yes that was weird a little weird hitbox oh that wasn't even weirder hitbox explained that one's saccharide so just a few things to note here one the door is going [ __ ] insane - that dog was going [ __ ] insane and three what is happening it's happening okay oh yeah you know I love it when the weapon just like sails past that lads face and I die like that exactly like that in fact what happens if I just sit here wait do I just if you don't click when you do a takedown like that you just sit there in like a loving embrace just like hold me Russian mafia man oh my god oh okay well I got 12 combo that's pretty cool yeah I'm gonna [ __ ] eat every single one of my teeth how am i alive I don't know oh is the game is like getting slow right you guys seeing this my wrists are in [ __ ] state right now in that state is California the lag helps it just gives me more time to like react and do things okay so the black guy he just didn't even hear gunshots in the next room though pause beckons our boys [Music] how did how did the gun not hit him how'd that hurt the gun my hip they slapped my own head Oh God say my favorite character in JoJo's gotta be lighting the Queen with his famous line to child I was literally to frame off from getting that [ __ ] combo and now I'd quite like to die if that's all right buddy oh oh and now it's fast wait what [ __ ] the slowdown is gone what what the hell why I just want to know why I just want to know why oh my lord so they're finally here it literally took an hour and a half to do that stage [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] yeah play style executioner he has no face he has no soul this Kong will devour you home this is Jim from the office wait John kaczynski like Jim oh oh wait where'd he go wait what's happening what's happening my mask floated off of my head this other guy's freaking out I can't move melee weapons are silent hey the whole game is silent now that I did that clich oh hey I got the achievement brick achievement oh there's a katana in there lads oh you know what I got a I gotta get this puzzle piece e oh here we are baby yeah oh god oh god Joan's okay so this is another agent of the same organization that took in our main protagonist I guess these waiters are dedicated to their craft they don't leave their tables even when there's like a massacre happening somebody said what even is the plot of this game well these guys have something to do with it secret achievement unlocked by going to the second floor of the building in Chapter six there's a thug sitting on a toilet find the fire axe and kill him with the fire axe I could totally just sprint through and kill the poopy man right oh wait yeah I got it okay I got the achievement I don't even care by at least once oh that guy he was sitting down he was ready do you see that guy just fire shot at me and then go I guess it was the wind but that was amazing oh this guy is pointing a gun at me that was like a Pulp Fiction like Seinfeld behind the door you know oh [ __ ] I forgot about that guy that sneaky Seinfeld got me sneaky Seinfeld should be a yoga pose man I would not want to be actually no I would want to be in this bathroom but it is haunted as [ __ ] why is it that spacious just get over you gun [ __ ] oh that dog like I said doors are powerful things I'd love to give an audio warning take off your headphones three two one okay I see it up there am I gonna have to like keep that [ __ ] while the SWAT team is like coming in that's just like yeah I'll just take my gun into the bathroom and just sort of stare at the corner oh so wait the thing it comes out right there that the SWAT people come out right there [ __ ] did it does that doesn't count though right does it know doesn't get damn I have to all the sucks oh this sucks [Music] it's got pieces to be [ __ ] me you can't shoot them either I see the guys I see them they're it's so oh my god there's so many their own like a constant patrol route what the hell oh my god must've been the wind what's been the wind no come into my swamp you take my [ __ ] and yet got the [ __ ] doll to [ __ ] my horse donkey Shrek will this same just now I think I briefly passed out did you see that it sheets the dogs cheap yet a siren is so [ __ ] irritating - just like real life just like how sirens all these are but if they played like music from sirens it's not as though life has any remaining dignity to it you know get the thing get the thing get the thing and get the [ __ ] this oh my god oh my god oh ho ho use the invincibility of doors hey here's a guy he's going like in that right Parker oh my god it's Raimi and Arnold from Diamond is unbreakable oh oh oh that guy was a [ __ ] like pro women's o plus p on your chums whoa sometimes like the bullets actually do come out of the tip of the gun so if you stand directly like on top of somebody like overlapping their sprite then you can cheese it I tried to go around the corner oh my god it's cuz the door is flapping he like sees me and they doesn't see me and then he sees me and now the door is too powerful for him I wonder if he can even get in here you can't even touch me the door its power is off the charts there it is my favorite strat I can't do anything I have softlocked please oh wait oh [ __ ] I killed him oh never mind I'm not soft locked [Applause] so here can I just walk on top of this man yep I can be fine just standing on top of this guy and now he's out of ammo what a miserable existence so who yet if you guys want to see what the password is it's this I was born in the USA yeah how the hell did we figure that out why were there pieces scattered across all the levels this I don't understand a little magic no you can't just write it off it's not magic there's like a ton of phones there and a ton of masks and they've been making the tapes that they've been leaving for people on their voicemail and in the second game that kind of elaborate on this that they were mostly targeting War veterans who were crazy patriotic to go do their dirty work for them I think it's you have to do the second level with the Nigel mast to get a Batman achievement so I'm gonna do that there's Nigel so yeah oh [ __ ] yeah I have every mask now in fact why didn't the achievement for that unlock there's an achievement for that okay reversed controls oh [ __ ] that wait oh my god oh this is gonna suck a big [ __ ] oh hey I just got two achievements [ __ ] this man you can change the controls in this game s DWA I and I wanted reinforce that I'm not not typically an achievement [ __ ] I've just decided that for this game I'm gonna arbitrarily do it all so Wow this just makes it like normal reversed reversed controls amazing oh here's the boiling water right here baby [ __ ] most brutal kill so now I think I need to do a level as Carl and then I will get another achievement for like doing grounded melee kills cuz apparently Carl don't like grasshopper has a special melee weapon that's like unique Carl start with drill I've got like a little alright here it is brilliant Batman wait why did I get the Batman achievement right now that was the achievement for doing the reverse control thing what the hell maybe I haven't used all the melee weapons like finite kind of hard to believe this game is so jank I feel like the flags that they set for achievements being unlocked we're like really janky someone in chat said I enjoy other cops are just working with their guns ready I don't know if you would call this working they're kind of just like bouncing around the room it kind of like a DVD player logo you know like who walks like that especially with a gun looked drawn and pointed so I just need to throw three knives in a straight line there and then I just need to [ __ ] be Jesus Christ I shoulda brought a [ __ ] shotgun maybe we should have shotguns Pulp Fiction I'm fine man Oh what knocked all three of those guys out did you see that that was amazing I think it was I killed one of them and he dropped his gun and then gun knocked the other guy down and then that guy's gonna knock the other guy down one two three four subscribe to great flow it's just me plugging my nose I'm not even doing the voice it's just how I am okay I gotta kill Marsellus Wallace though before all else Marcela's that guard had a [ __ ] seizure who's like that Elise these dogs are so slippery i greased my dogs please please have a bullet in you oh my god yes Marcellus Wallace is mine I do need your boomstick though here's a question to any of you Nalgene users have their or similarly shaped water bottles where it's just like a cylinder all the way up to the top do you ever go to drink from your water bottle and just get like a fat with of plastic I I get that sometimes and I'm like is this like carcinogen smell am i getting cancer now it's like plastic stink you know oh yeah oh yeah it's just like one too many like dogs and guys one less dog one less guy and this is a perfect level whoo there's clapped above my head like a seal that went to the music oh that's where when you pull that off I took a B class in college and it's just all about peace and it wasn't like a goofy it wasn't like a ha ha ha's kind of like b class it was like hardcore [ __ ] it was like the B's are [ __ ] dying dude we need to save them let's see come on yeah eight plus [ __ ] yeah oh my god yeah that was awesome now some [ __ ] okay very cool so this is a boss do that I guess alright [ __ ] yeah oh that was way easier than I thought well give up you win oh [ __ ] oh wow I forgot it you [ __ ] immolate Batman just show me just show me man oh [ __ ] yeah look at that guy what does he do it he's just freaking out [ __ ] Oh doors they're like ah [ __ ] he's got a door it's the same guy he's just going nuts somebody said he's aerobics he's doing a routine oh you [ __ ] you chunder [ __ ] I got aw come over here come over here you idiots I hate all of you I don't think about nuclear bombs a lot recently there's a possibility that a nuclear bomb could strike at a moment that would make my last words something really embarrassing like me going like hey Louis yeah that would suck so much I would be really mad in whatever if there was an afterlife I would be so pissed or ever you're training a blade soon can we get out alive oh these like follow protocol and then he's [ __ ] the man is sitting here dual wielding like smg's with the like in the center room with all the desks piled up at the door is that protocol I don't think that's protocol I hate that you have to watch this every time oh my god it's so bad it makes that happen now I'm gonna die I died during the cutscene look at this amazing jank oh you could Oh what was that he's still going you've done buddy this is the kind of power that doors have over mortal Souls it can make a man vibrate at speeds thought unimaginable I get the point where your brain is turning to jelly a little bit I got some jam games in my brain yeah a + [ __ ] alright is that do I get the achievement now but win oh hey get a life padlock [ __ ] didn't show up awesome I finally got it so what else do I have what else are you even need to do oh I need to do the stupid brick thing I also need to perform every ground kill in the game I thought I did that oh the kid a life achievement just came up what the hell why there's something weird about like the flags in this game dogs don't attack I really pissed what I've used all these in my original playthrough oh hey sounds of animals fighting there it is oh [ __ ] there's a specific scissors kill you know maybe I need to use throwing weapons on guys that are knocked down so like I need to use the shuriken on this lad so I also need to perform every grounded kill in the game whatever that means yeah oh I got two birds with one stone but not the full achievement alright well baby steps oh my god I got it where's my achievement oh there it is I had to kill another guy to get it here it is here it is okay so I'm gonna burst in this guy's never gonna see it coming oh my god you really do pour it on their face I don't you know what grounded kill with the brick I'm not sure if I actually got that let me check remind me to check oh my god that was it I got it I forgot to actually the brick was within me all along now I just have achieved mejor and one hidden one what's the hidden one really weird I might have to go do a chapter again full house oh my god it's the map that I was just at it says okay for sewer alligator the achievement I'm reading this out loud pick it up and finish the level then revisit the sewer again in another playthrough while wearing any masks and go to the car to get the achievement I swear to God if this doesn't work I'm gonna be so pissed yeah there it is pod bay B I'm a [ __ ] I guess we'll just leave it here I'm gonna go feature the [ __ ] get a life achievement on my profile now [Music]
Channel: grayfruit
Views: 390,210
Rating: 4.9477749 out of 5
Keywords: Hotline Miami, grayfruit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 59sec (1499 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 06 2019
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