The Super Metroid Item Randomizer

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this was supposed to say Super Metroid xD so random and I [ __ ] it up in maybe the worst way that I could possibly have done it so it has been exactly one day since I streamed the super since I finished streaming Super Metroid my like casual playthrough of it and I'm thirsty for more so I'm gonna play the randomizer this is just swapping all the items that's it I think there was an option to swap the 4 major bosses and I was like [ __ ] that that can only lead to pain let's get this crap out of here with the [ __ ] super self a gray rage stream no I'm an expert at this game now no I got every square that map memorized it's in the vault at this point you're gonna you're all gonna feel pretty silly in a few minutes and I can only assume there's like logic in these games because it said there was like a big list of updates on the front saying that they had like fixed some things where you could get softlocked you know so I don't think there's gonna be situations where I can actually get softlocked I think there are gonna be situations where I might have to use speed running strats though ever since I did the Dark Souls 1 randomizer I was like damn that's a pretty fun idea and I've never I'd never did it with items in Dark Souls when it was with enemies so here it's kind of a different thing but variety is the spice of life ok I can get out of this little pit but this isn't the morph ball see I kind of assumed it was gonna be like always giving me the morph ball here that is a powerbomb so I can't even lay I can't even lay the bomb or go through that little ol thank God for wall jumps ok that's good it looks kind of sped up sorry that's just a that's just my speedrunning tactics in motion there oh my [ __ ] god is the morph ball wait I accidentally shot it oh my [ __ ] god and I can't reach it I tried to power I need to like can't you like damage boost to it don't I need to do that I need to do that yes holy [ __ ] two tries okay what's this gonna be e all right I got an e you know I'm pretty well equipped I don't have normal missiles but I have power bombs and I have super missiles how much will super missiles [ __ ] this guy up oh my god wait that was like an instant kill what the [ __ ] that took that was like what I'm still enthused about the game though like some of the map still is fresh in my memory so I don't think I'll get stuck like I did the first time I'll get stuck in different ways that are unique to the randomizer spec well this is just the way of the statuary room I think yeah that's interesting it locks the door but just for a second it's just like nope nope linger for a bit get a good look at him you'll be seeing him later oh this is the room where you can do the weird skip ah [ __ ] I don't know how to do this it's like you open the door you run in and you like or you have to like jump midway through the door transition thing and like roll into the ball I've seen people do it I don't I'm not trained in this in these matters that's just sitting there cool I'm gonna look up a video of someone doing this just to I know it's I know I'm close Mach ball of course it's got a name Mach ball with J Reinhold keeping the running momentum in your ball form in order to do it you have to morph as soon as you land and do a quarter circle forward uh a d-pad my lad [Music] [Laughter] finally cut a grapefruit stream etc someone says yeah you don't have to do the whole thing we know this is just like it's always like this the first stream it was trying to bomb jump up to that bet energy tank early on hey bro bro you're kind of ruining like my whole like a moment here I'm trying to do the trick you can't just be doing that [Music] I don't think that was it oh wait I did it holy [ __ ] Oh Oh what's my reward oh wait there's a tube here oh all right and what's what's the secret the extra secret okay I got one of each LEM Mach ball with J Reinhold Oh spring ball okay I'll take it but I still don't have like morph ball bombs though yeah people who didn't see the other Super Metroid streams this is just a thing that happens it's because I'm streaming at 30 frames per second in the game is in 60 so when Samus gets hurt sometimes she'll just turn invisible sorry yeah she'll turn either completely invisible or visible on elevators because she normally flickers one frame on and off and then when there's a frame skip mid elevator it'll switch between the two oh but I don't have any means of getting up here I think tonight can't eyghon angle it with Waldo I don't think I can I suppose I could go into norfair see if I get some sort of jump ability there that's it that's it that's it that's really it yes okay why didn't need to do that to get out of it and it's a North Bear I don't have any power bottoms guys I can't do anything here well I have the knowledge of a job well done this is also a hurting room yep oh there's the run fast boots wait a minute I saw that this is possible but I heard it was really hard like really [ __ ] tricky you have to like jump into it or some [ __ ] all right all right at you achoo achoo it only works going left what that sucks oh [ __ ] all right well good to know I'm glad I didn't waste a bunch of time doing that oh those are the high jump what is this x-ray scope okay that's something I guess okay well [ __ ] it's not a lot I can do down here it's all like hurting early kraid wall jump and see if that shows up early create slash various suit so it's gonna be a bomb jump just gonna be like use the [ __ ] bombs idiot oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh I see what it is this is different from what I was doing you have to like start on this little ledge oh it's the easiest [ __ ] thing in the world if you know how to do it okay cool cool alright I did it apparently in meridia the crabs dropped more I had no idea that enemies even had specific drop rates wait can I only hope for know I can hold 15 in fact I just noticed the HUD is slightly improved you know I've been thinking about Steve a lot I've been thinking about Squatch I'm posted on Twitter that sasquatches friends call him Squatch and that's because that word has been in my brain and now it has to be in all your brains - that's your punishment from watching my channel I think he needs to be like shot - like provoke him into opening his mouth it's like when his eye flashes there you go easy Oh much easier this time shut up great oh hell yeah what's this more missiles [ __ ] yeah what is that supposed to be like Varia suit or some [ __ ] I love this room that's a monster look at his eyes all right now I know how to do that and also I know about the energy tank that's gonna be the charge shot [ __ ] there's like secret items that I'm missing those could be important things they could be important things like I might need to really comb the map for good stuff stand so samus is leading foot is 2 pixels from the gate then jump and hold left to the gate like that oh it's about when you hit the ceiling oh I got it there you go proper timing required that be a way to get up here sir can I do this I can yeah whoo Pro speed runner now oh yeah we're missiles guys yeah yeah oh yeah I didn't know that was there oh I was like what it's more missiles yay all right this room what if this like missile packed down here is the charge shut oh my god its plasma beam guys plasma beam was sitting right here yeah Oh God plasma beam with single shot no space or no wave beam or anything doesn't feel natural I've heard that spore spawn is a joke with missiles there was super missiles actually can I even get through here this isn't spore spawn that's it gonna be what's it gonna be suspense is killing me well that block be gone forever now and look at this is this something that I'm gonna be able to like get oh there we go it's gonna say that block is gonna respawn okay I didn't know I could do that what what was that wall Joe what what what what what what what what what what what wait why do my bull jumps not take what that was such [ __ ] is them am I crazy or was that like completely [ __ ] there are invisible platforms in that room clearly I didn't find that in any of my previous playthroughs is that anywhere else in the entire video game so I don't remember that ever being a thing in Super Metroid oh look at that what why is he angry what the [ __ ] why is this one angry yeah it seems like they wobble when you all kick off of them that's kind of interesting just an invisible platform guys it's just a cool invisible platform oh [ __ ] that that's more missiles what do you know what do you know Oh Oh a reserve tank let me get back across this room very sloppily all right what do we got chat place your bets what will we be seeing in this here container I want to see bets you said there's a secret in here sit down okay it's down there let me get this first Oh what alright so the first one was super missiles some people said supers but let's see let's see who really won all right on the one behind the wall so I need to pause and then jump right at the end is that it oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] that was hit but I didn't do it quite properly come on Ike I should have tried to wall jump I don't even know if I can walls up there cuz it's like half in water mm-hmm come on get me up there no that was close that was so close yes I did I did it oh my god I don't think I ever found that on my first playthru either what's it gonna be Chad II you know I'll take a knee another CBT room when it's all active no doubt Oh more power bombs Oh lovely I've always wanted one of these so super missiles make phantoon angry we know this I was trying I was ready for it that time I just wasn't ready for it right now I'm gonna shoot a super missile Adam boom fights over I do it every time I'm a pro now let's make him freeze and is like wibblewobble vision and well well well well well well well well well bro rare around these things have little like Metroid heads I didn't even realize also it's [ __ ] missiles again I've got an eye out for secrets right now don't think we don't know how to read them out oh look at that [ __ ] more missiles guys don't you like missiles this I like this randomizer a lot this is fascinating it's a it's a great way to mix up the game I've gained the system everyone now that I'm a twitch partner I can stream it awful hours of the day and getting no viewers I don't have to keep my average up at all oh I can't stay happy though because I know the randomizer run is right up the entrance to meridia oh I got [ __ ] joint seem to do it the full jump yeah yeah yeah love the sand oh I actually need the grapple beam to get there [ __ ] it's kind of a unique scenario where you need to destroy one of those breakable blocks I don't think you'd ever need to do that anywhere else I never know which jump is gonna like get me out so sometimes what I do get the full jump I like waste it like that like that exactly like that exactly like what I just did three times there we go I'm fine I'm so [ __ ] like livid right now this sand is just the [ __ ] worse it's just is this this is the direction that they that I can get this from right I'm pretty sure yeah there you go that's fun I love the fact that it it encourages you like the one of the websites that I looked at for randomizers it wasn't the one that I ended up using but it it had a bunch of like resources and it was like here's some helpful glitches that can that can get you past certain parts if you like screwed over it's kind of awesome it's a fun way to learn those tricks I think you know Samus looks nice and more fall on the pedestal she looks like an item I want to pick her up I don't even know if this is actually possible in any way I can dream a man can dream can't I can he not I'm gonna hang out with Bowser get up sleepy dick Oh Oh take me up high where I need to go oh [ __ ] but I need to grapple for this I don't think you can get like a Celeste style momentum boost from this guy either but there's an energy tank up there there's like an upgrade but I don't think I can get it right now I have one last plan that's the wall jump up there oh it's a power bomb okay well at least I know it's not something that I need don't I need the I need shinespark and grapple beam to get to like the boss of this area though right so I might need to go to norfair I might need to lava walk I need to go into a room where I'm getting constantly hurt so I used to be an IT guy and I worked for the oh [ __ ] it worked for the school district that I used to go to school at I was sort of on the windows side of operations so I worked with Windows computers and there were also Apple people and one of the Apple guys oh hell yeah he drove a hearse like you know one of those cars one of those long cars it's kind of like a limo but it's used to carry like caskets and like dead bodies he was just like he just drove a hearse yeah there was like they had like a family vehicle and it was a hearse he said it was like it was not related to like any sort of like family business being like cemetery workers or anything it just I think it just handled well I think they said they said it was like a really smooth ride riding in a hearse I was like oh okay yeah sure man he was a great guy like he was a very agreeable person they just drove a [ __ ] like dead body car it's kind of cool I mean I didn't have a problem with it I like the weirdness I just wish I had like bombs somebody said you should try to bomb jump up there but I still don't have bombs I don't have those it's like gambling it really is it feels like gambling because it's like oh man it's always gonna be a missile but you never know if it's gonna be the [ __ ] like moon jump oh [ __ ] it's underwater though guys hold on hold on it's underwater Oh [ __ ] literal Speedrunner oh yeah anything secret around here make secrets any missiles you wanna show me show me show me show me missus oh oh oh what do you know what I don't can say no what do you do with a drunken sailor what do you do with a drunken sailor in the [ __ ] two opportunities to get an actual useful item just more missiles scan every [ __ ] inch of this room I need something useful I'm at least glad I got the plasma beam this would be like true misery if I didn't have the plasma beam but that's kind of carrying me in terms of damage I'm saying just is the worst thing ever oh look at that look that that might be something good I don't know what that is it's got like the casing over it I need to get up there I need to get up there is that real is that real can i really not do that hold on a boost myself that's that's the worst wait really oh is that real is that real is it really that close to getting it but I can't if I could like wall jump and do like a perfect like turn into the ball in midair I think I could do it it's just I don't think I can do that and if I if I [ __ ] up here and fall through I have to redo the sand so I really don't want to do that I'm trying to like boost myself up with it like a pixel away from being able to do it okay yeah I'm gonna go apeshit oh wait it's I hit it with the powerbomb it's a super missile it's another [ __ ] why was that one in a casing okay it's a super missile I'm [ __ ] leaving this part of the game is CBT let the sand is CBT I'll go up here guys hey let's all gather round the campfire I'll go up here and get us some snacks [Music] pushed in I didn't get you I got pushed in thinking about going down to north fair guys I'm not sure if I should because a bunch of these were like hot spicy rooms that I can't exist in this is a place where I needed to mothball and I didn't have enough power bombs but now I literally have 50 power bombs so I'm gonna muck pull again oh that's it that's it right there hell yeah oh that took way fewer tries let's see what's here really I got changed got changed the platform disappeared and I'm stuck in a hot burning fire lamp oh [ __ ] me I need the speed to get through there fastly oh this is a solid wall of speed scan it no I'm [ __ ] I'm [ __ ] I'm [ __ ] I'm [ __ ] that's like a trap that room is like do they know about Mach ball that room is like a trap I guess it's for if you have if you try to like if you go there and you have shinespark but you don't have the suit it makes the Varia suit okay so I guess the only other place to check is this room which i think is hot burning lava bernie cinders if you will at least it give me an e tank in e tank I could get out of here with come on what is it thanks I hate it I did all that and this is still I have nothing it's a dead end even if I try to cheese it okay let's try this other room then screw it no just screw it there's an item down here there's an item down here but maybe [ __ ] we're even is the item that's here oh it's down there it's down there energy tank don't you take it's my songs [Music] missiles then that's cool yeah I would have taken an e better you know you know I would have happily been the recipient of an E this has been a fruitless venture this is I don't I don't have enough eat eggs to like get down there so I can't do any of this basically it's that's the that's the lesson we've learned I keep I'm trying to like run and I keep accidentally scanning guys did you know when the ostriches put their heads in the sand they're not trying to hide from predators they are scanning that was good I think that was good yeah baby and I'll do it again there you go but it's a good thing I'm a professional speedrunner who always does it [ __ ] perfectly life its missiles life does not find a way the one free one is missiles I don't even know which way to go what is that it's more missiles guys it's more missiles because it is more missiles oh [ __ ] it's work I don't know where else I can even [ __ ] go I can try I don't pick it up there maybe there's a grab jump wait maybe I can grab jump alright hear me out huh I don't know if I actually even jumped see if I did oh [ __ ] you Oh No this [ __ ] like guy okay that's cool it's late I shouldn't scream come on please please let me what what I was holding right that looks like I totally cleared it but I couldn't go on to it what come on you [ __ ] let me up there let me up there that sucks the like jump animation makes it look like I should be able to make it but I just I just barely can't oh I just barely can't it must be a better ledge to do it from there's gotta be died I'm heartbroken that that's so close I'm totally gonna get up there and it's gonna be more missiles in fact is it even an item I don't think there's even an item up there I don't even know what's up there what's up there if I can't get an item that I like can you use then I this run might be [ __ ] only guys I get to do some fan new world jumps in this room again yeah I don't have a high jump maybe yeah yeah yeah pizza pie I don't like these little Adam guys what are you look at Mario and Luigi enemy something you would find in like the haunted lab but that's like dr. Mario enemies in superstar song come on come on okay what's the site I'm gonna be I know there's an item over here missiles yeah come on [ __ ] oh yes it's this it's this guy's we're gonna go bowling hey cousin if this is actually the Varia suit I'm gonna scream I'm the item guys there's an item on the map it it's me I'm the Idaho what's in this room guys what's it gonna be I'm so I'm so broken at this point please please I'll take Varia I'll take Varia oh that's gonna dump me out I just forgot it's the wily coyote doors [Music] shut up game it's like shut up that's fine I'll take a knee whatever I really could use a big progress item though right if I just go in here did I really not check in here yet wow I didn't check in here yet this is a free item what's it gonna be boys oh [ __ ] but can I actually get to it no let's see what it is oh we're bones [ __ ] oh how many are there are there actual items in this game are there actual items in this game I don't think there are this game is testing my faith right now Sakurai's testing my faith this is gonna be the various suit this is gonna be the spin jump this is gonna be the anything it's super missiles guys guys I got super missiles guys aren't we enthralled that I got super missiles Oh No as the sound of samus's legs like scrabbling beneath her and who's looking at camera and going doors right before she falls down there's one up by the there's one up by the the flying things there's one up by the very top most flying thing there's one up there it's gonna be something it's gonna be a good item it's gonna be varying it's gonna be the Varia suit that means I can taste it eat I can already taste it yeah taking damage off to Dreamland taking the train to sleepy town and when you wake up the gene will be here let me up there [ __ ] okay well I'm gonna follow this one okay but then from this one I can jump to another one and then up on the cliff there's a secret item I don't think I can get up there no I would need to wall jump oh no no no I didn't want to fall off there that was bad if seriously if I if this isn't it I might sign off for the night and it might be the end forever please please let me see just let me see what it is up here I can jump on it guys holy [ __ ] [Music] thanks for the missiles so I'm just gonna be so mad if I didn't even grab them just if I had bombs oh if I had bombs I could even get to some of these but I can't hold on over to the side here there's a path that I didn't explore that I haven't found yet I think there's a path with like a few items that I haven't explored yet that's like right here at the top look at this this is possible so I'll jump to [ __ ] me it looks really tricky if it is possible [ __ ] Oh Oh what is that is that spacer I got spacer guys like the one that I kinda needed the least to be honest and I maybe I can't even get to it I think there's other items up there though oh look at that it's possible it's possible [Music] holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] what's in stock mmm-hmm missiles incoming missiles missiles missiles I don't think I've ever been in this room and it's missiles [ __ ] my life man Oh spacer I got spacer guys and I would have to go through all that again if I wanted to get that other missile tank I really would the spacer doesn't help at all like it just makes it easier to shoot enemies I think I'm going to suspend this series and I'm in my off time I'm gonna search around and I'm gonna do a thorough like comb through the whole game world trying to find any secrets that I may have missed and try to find an item that will progress me through the world but as it stands this is Samus Aran signing out mission failed we'll get him next time I found a way to progress in my spare time in the past couple days I combed the world of Super Metroid and found things you people wouldn't believe I'm gonna briefly show you guys I have I have a map of the area but basically I went around I got the extra missile tank that was here I checked this item here which I couldn't get cuz he had to shinespark but it was actually a super missile I think it was this item was the ice speed and I finally I got the ice beam and I was like oh man you know I've already gotten past everything that the ice beam would have helped out with it was like wall jumps but then I remembered this little passage here that's normally to the x-ray scope I went into there and I cheesed that area which you normally need the grapple beam for which I don't have and I went through there and I froze enemies and I stood on them and I went through there and it was a [ __ ] energy tank that was like okay freaking like scoff whatever in this room with like the spinning turtle lads there was a hidden missile tank on the wall there and it was a power bombs so [ __ ] but then I went through here and since I had an extra energy tank now I was able to at one grab the missile that was down here that I'd died trying to get one time earlier I was able to grab that and get through this tunnel which is also key and then into this room which is like a bubble room where there's no there's no like extra heat fireblaze effect so even though I don't have the Varia suit I won't get hurt better and then I it was a bunch of grinding it was a bunch of like boring grinding killing like the same enemy over and over again to get my health back up then I ventured into these rooms which are also spicy and I think it was this item was the wave beam which the wave beam as we all know can be used to access this energy tank so whatever this item is turned into because there's a door like right here that I need to shoot past with the wave beam in order to get that item so that unlocks progress to that item and then unlike a kamikaze run I found that down this passageway this secret missile here is the [ __ ] grapple beam so I'm gonna be able to grapple and that opens up not a ton it definitely opens up this which leads to another item in the Rydia because there's a block they're breaking grapple blocker so the waves beam in the graph will be will allow us access to at least two items and I'm assuming I'm just gonna have to run through norfair and constantly heal up maybe I can go fight crocomire [ __ ] I've got no qualms about using save states I've been coy about it before but this that's my battle plan so that's what I'm doing today you're all briefed you all caught up on what I did off stream war room explanation music yes I'm like like some weird like Psychonauts War level music so here we are here's the weird bubble room this I basically just spent a million hours [ __ ] like walking into this door shooting it going out here jumping on this guy shooting that guy just to like farm for health this thing that happened on the other stream where I'm wall jumped off of like a little head statue thing and it like wobbled back and forth for some reason that's what happens when you wall jump off of frozen enemies too so I think that's implying that those little head things like I'm wondering if it works with these two actually I don't think I could get a good wall jump going off this but there were heads earlier that have like glowing eyes that like wall I think the high jump is behind a door in this area too that I couldn't get past because the missile glitc only works to the left side [ __ ] I don't know what I'm doing so you go down here and I think I'm only gonna be able to like to barely make it but trust me the room right after this it just has a missile but I'm gonna go up there and grab the grapple beam I'm gonna and that's just a missile I'm not gonna get it I just want to reload these blocks so I can run back that's what killed me the first the time that I discovered the grapple beam was there I tried to run back without the blocks being there and it was bad okay shoot all right grapple beam acquired now I'm gonna grind for ages oh yeah I can do a crystal flesh actually [ __ ] somebody said just pop a crystal flash with like a Kappa but I can actually do that I think can I just turn off my reserve tanks for that and there you go that's such a weird move I like never knew that existed in the game it's so crazy it looks so cool listen crocomire is actually like feasible weirdly enough so I think I'm gonna go over to the right or to the left rather and try to get the the high jump boots which normally you get in like the adjacent room I've been thinking about Metroid randomizer a lot recently it's like a really fun puzzle with something that I'm already familiar with Yahoo high jump boots baby alright now I'm gonna go I think I'm gonna go fight crocomire the super missiles are good for this oh I'm not taking damage wait I just realized I'm not getting hurt that's cool also that was nowhere near his mouth and it was like basically close to any hit whereas sometimes you can land it squarely in the center and it'll do [ __ ] nothing easy with so many super missiles holy [ __ ] look how easy it is look how easy it is wow I'm almost at full health actually and there's a save point right there [ __ ] yeah I almost said [ __ ] me but that's like a bad to say that wasn't something bad happens you need to like get a running start off of this thing and then we'll jump up yeah hold on we're taking this detours oh [ __ ] yo it's the body suit that's awesome yes yes yes oh my god that makes this a lot more comfortable this whole norfair thing oh oh what a [ __ ] relief it's like such a gratifying alien what cool idea I love this randomizer it said it's so neat I was considering I was seriously considering using game genie I was like you know what what if I like just to like give me some thread to pull ass what if I game genie in some [ __ ] like that like the wave beam or the grapple beam or something then I was like no there's gotta be something spaceship all right folks that's a London run now I can get everything I think holy [ __ ] if it turned from like dismal to amazing so fast everything useful was behind this like one area in North fair that like couldn't get past because I didn't have enough energy tanks but then I got just barely enough energy to get through that's so [ __ ] fresh I have no words to express it not an glitch through this Oh first [ __ ] try oh holy [ __ ] okay the space jump I can [ __ ] fly oh I wish I had been a little more persistent at norfair earlier because I think if I had had full health and I had ignored that like missile I think I could have powered through earlier with like just barely with the amount of health that I had I still don't have bombs by the way I still don't have [ __ ] bombs and the speed boost is something that I actually do need to progress that's something that really could impede my progress I don't know why this one room always like fills with lava this is the room that I died in on my first like a few streams ago attempts to go through you see that slick wall jump what the [ __ ] was that there's an item right there what's it gonna be place your bets folks is it what what kind of missile tank is it gonna be oh screwed oh [ __ ] oh we're okay now okay so that's something that loops around from lower norfair in that there's like a path with like a shit-ton items so I need to go do lowering or fair and fight Ridley and beat Ridley where Ridley's skin piss on Ridley's wife and then I can get a bunch of items spam mrs. [ __ ] it there you go easy fight oh [ __ ] charge shot all right I'll take it I would have prefered the run the running boots but I guess that's fine have you gotten regular bombs yet thanks for asking no I haven't done that that hasn't happened yet [Music] all right Ridley the rematch of the century and his name is Jon seda it's like that [ __ ] joke yeah boy alright now there's a secret energy tank in this room and it's missiles I was thinking about the idea of Nintendo remaking this game I feel like it could it could be really cool like I heard Samus Returns was like good it was well-received but I worry that without a lot of the distinctive like lack of polish that this game has that like gives it it's sort of Metroidvania charm where you can like get to lots of places you're not really supposed to I wonder if that's gonna kind of like ruin it almost not like completely ruin it but I wonder if that's gonna like lessen the greatness of the game in a remake you know if they like cleaned up some of the like the wall jumping mechanic and stuff which item would much prefer that it be better like easier timings but at the same time I think a lot of the game is sort of designed around the wall nothing tricky oh look at that it's the arm yo I don't think I ever saw this in my original playthrough but up there there's like a there's like an animal head and then here it's got like it's a gnarled arm that's so cool I don't think I've ever seen this room in this game actually II um oh look at the super missiles yeah that's weird that is part of the game that's part of the mod whoo oh this is so oh my god I love this this you know I think I'm gonna do multiple runs of this like not immediately like not in a row but I think overall I'm gonna I'm gonna play this again at some point and do a different randomization because this has just been a [ __ ] blast is the glitch just because I got over a hundred super missile tanks I wonder there are over a hundred super missiles okay so here's the grapple block but I need to I need to like dangle from in order to get through here oh that's [ __ ] is that what's it gonna be a game what is my reward oh it's a walking lad that's my reward just insanely powerful walk just do one for the record books one for the history books like a tiny little like gameplay storytelling moments here like what the [ __ ] is up with this robot he's like an excavation robot I guess why are you here are you from the wrecked ship what's up with you let's see guys place your bets what's the [ __ ] item gonna be what's it gonna be oh it's the speed yeah dude that's it one run that's it I think there's nothing else hard impeding my progress anymore I like doing some errands staying in my car I couldn't stop humming the brinstar like jungle lair theme the best best and I bet the bamboo what is it Oh shits bombs [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] awesome that's it all major upgrades found that's it folks you got to do this I'd like the appropriate distance it's like maybe like right here now one pixel over I need to move like one pixel over yeah I love the like the numbers so I guess I have a hundred and five super missiles but it's not used to there being three digits taken up there so it's glitching out and now I just need to go down over to Meridian on the road to Meridian suit grants dong we've got almost every e-tank what if I get full e tanks by the end of this I'll be I'll be pretty [ __ ] satisfied with that there oh this is an e tank actually I'm gonna get fully takes [ __ ] yeah I like remembered as I was zooming up there hell yeah what a blessing blessing this game is I love juggling those things around - you know I think spore spawn was a bad name for that one boss they should have named it Robert Plant why are the Metroid's around here I wonder that's what what's that got to do with the story just right here oh they're mocked roids okay they're like fake Metroid's okay so that's why they only have one like or inside them yeah oh I had to speed boost there never mind oh I need to do that to get back to rocketry phew it went back in his room alright it's drag on I got to do the grapple glitch it's not a glitch what I say thing I got to do my patented trick for this boss that I made up me give me it let me hit it let me hit it let me hit it nut there he goes easy boss easy boss easy game there's one more like glitch or like speedrunning trick that I want to try even though it's not necessary apparently you can skip past the Zepa tights in like Torian and mother brains layer and if you skip past the first one the rest of them don't even appear and look how I had a lot of in a lot of Metroidvania it's the last ability that you typically get is an ability where the game is basically just going go to the end game stop [ __ ] around with all these like normal enemies you kill them all instantly if you touch them okay just go to the final endgame the animals is like such a strange thing it's like it almost feels like a half-assed attempt to like not offend people about like oh whoa why is it statue already gone wait what I was gonna say to not offend people about killing the animals I guess this is part of it what the [ __ ] how long is this statue been gone hopefully since I actually killed the bosses what am I get is like [ __ ] walkthrough that's so weird but like saving the animals it seems like they're like oh we put these like friendly animals that you can't hurt in the game we should probably put in a way to save them you know to like make sure they don't die and it's like they get in a rescue pod or something or like an escape pod that they know how to pilot at the and the [ __ ] is up with that save me Metroid okay all right so I got a freeze this thing as soon as it shows up then I gotta like spin jump into this oh god oh god oh god wait I need to see a video of this being done oh Jesus Wow okay I think I get it oh [ __ ] yeah and now all the rest of them won't spawn oh hell yeah I did it speed runner you know I was thinking about doing it like hoping full speed running this game at some point I think this with all the like speed running tricks this is good enough let's not waste my super missiles I only have 70 of them oh no only there was a baby that could save me yeah baby we've had had wibblewobble around this is such a great like you do the small amounts of storytelling they do actually do in this game are really well done it's like mostly done through gameplay which is just great just shot kiss de molto especially this moment where like the baby is giving me back all of my health but this thing's like sneaking up behind it doing damage and you're like oh [ __ ] you messed with the wrong bounty hunter I beat you even with random items sit here and shoot what an exciting final battle in fact shouldn't be playing with battle music right now why is it play like the brinstar music it's been like the criteria music for some reason bump bump bump bump [ __ ] I don't remember the like easiest rev like the fastest way out last time when I did my casual playthrough I died during the escape sequence for like the first time in my life in any Metroid game cuz I got briefly lost and I I went to save the animals and I didn't have enough time all right I made it out I got plenty of time we're saving the lads I'm saving the lads today folks we're going down there and we're gonna save those [ __ ] lads what were animals you're free to go survive for like a minute in an escape pod and then you'll be like wait we're animals we don't know how to fly this thing what what G [ __ ] G nice try randomizer yet tried to screw me over oh but you couldn't quite do it you couldn't quite do it try a little harder next time I wonder what's sort of like pitiful [ __ ] time I got oh man show me the animals it's like never mind all the rest of the natural life on that planet that was in basically innocent that whole planet just gets blown up [ __ ] it you there's the pixel there they go in 7 hours 21 minutes holy [ __ ] yeah well that was awesome I had a great time doing this it was like a cool like puzzle box almost except it was like Metroid it's something that I love to such a mods like this is such a great way to like re experience a game blip blip up flat what what dude and flow holy [ __ ] they got custom credits for the randomizer that's kind of awesome progression speed medium ration difficulty normal suits restriction on morph placement early super fun combat off what what I wanted it to be super fun this is awesome you get like splits kind of Oh nearly so close to 10,000 uncharged shots so close it's 17 charged shots in the whole playthrough 10 bugs man what a game what a [ __ ] game what did we get we gonna get to see some famous titty I got a lot of items this time I got more items in my first playthrough maybe not all of them oh no it's because it's based on your time not your completion never mind we're just getting the thumbs-up weekend in the lame-ass thumbs up they're just gonna shoot us [Music]
Channel: grayfruit
Views: 768,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tfdvVWEhOIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 16sec (3256 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 27 2020
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