Cuphead """"Speedrun""""

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When you walkin

EDIT: When you walkin

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/The-Rarest-Pepe 📅︎︎ Jul 21 2019 🗫︎ replies
come one and all and see the Magnificent great food perform the porcelain panic of the century it just now occurred to me come hat is significantly smaller nose than MUC men and I don't like it are they different species so I actually have a timer right here I've got it open on my phone I will not be editing one into the video because it's a pain in the ass gotta be mug man my real main humans have different noses no sorry that's not true you know what I'm gonna I'm gonna pull pro gamer move and I'm gonna skip the tutorial is that a joke is that a joke people like everyone wants me to joke about the tutorial right and really think about this but the beginning of this game is gonna be a bit of a struggle because I don't have much stuff unlocked and by that I mean I literally only have [ __ ] peashooter that's really up realized I'm making up all sorts of new words today let's realized the goofy characters in this map are like tiny goopy LeBron days but you know what peashooter more like I never [ __ ] use it goodbye Oh should i do secret phases of fights do you guys think would that be fun I just realized I've already missed the opportunity to do a secret phase I will show off the secret phases in every fight except for that one because I've already done it and I was speed runner dang it I will say here's some pre-emptive John's coming out but my controller which is like pretty new and like nice and like I got it pretty recently already starting to do stupid [ __ ] sometimes there'll be like snap back on the controller and bug me in the face their own way I just realized this thing makes like spooky vocalizations because like sometimes I do that from check Joe Joe reference please all caps [Music] coño do duh please laughs funny right funny so d if like ceramic things are sentient in this universe that vase in the background the crack in it is going oh okay first plane battle and it's against Betty Boop yourself Oh dah dah I took a hit I gotta remember I have tiny plane okay it's the one that makes me want to [ __ ] die oh yeah yeah yeah yeah Mike yeah but Mike I'm gonna get to the UFOs and I'm gonna get [ __ ] I just know it Oh huh you have to bait them out you have to bait out the red ones at least this literal entire game has amazing music gift of wait for the yellow ones you have to kind of rush for the red ones but you I think they react slightly two years presents state got to be careful did I just waste that foam entirely cuz that would be really cool if that happened yeah there we go parfait my lads I stick to this ready ready Roosevelt I have my super now I guess I got it from the chalice dungeons in blood-borne oh right those hurt you yeah alright this is gonna be nice and tense now now whatever this thing is what are you get out of my [ __ ] face ultimate disrespect shoot at him well facing the other way oh that is a I don't not like how tight that jump is at the very end I don't like it alright now I'm gonna do the [ __ ] dumbass frogs that always kill me this realized this game looks a lot easier when you're not like dying all the [ __ ] time okay hoho just barely slipped in between the four brothers action yes this fight is rigged for your pleasure I'm sorry yeah easy easy fight I've discussed the four moment from this game before and it still truly unsettles me it's it's the mixture of emotions between the different brothers like whichever ones going in I don't know which one's ribbing which one's croaks but whichever ones going in like he likes it he wants it to happen but the other one has this sort of like dutiful kind of like I've done this a thousand times before is the sort of thing he likes I just sort of do it for him type thing yeah cuz you're my brother am I not allowed to do that timer says I met about 20 minutes so doing okay yeah try me [ __ ] I know how to press the down button apparently if you touch these actually I want to try this somebody said if we touch these projectiles it's like touch fuzzy Oh or your that you get a little bit the screen gets a little [ __ ] up because touch because you get dizzy I guess is the reference or so I've heard ah okay now we get to the slightly worrying portion of the run to this one these this area is where I start to have a little bit of trouble I almost got it and I took a hit like a pro you shouldn't come out it's gonna be the cupcake Oh God ah that's why I hate this guy I hate him so much oh yeah and there's the controller yeah yeah yeah there's that [ __ ] that happens now sometimes yeah yeah the candy corn can [ __ ] right off that's a that's a horrible one I love that death animation where it goes through all the layers and then like ascends to heaven it's these little [ __ ] that he leaves behind that's what really makes this face of pain in the - here's the part that makes me [ __ ] my pants you may not hear it or see it but I'm actually [ __ ] right now is there an achievement for getting a hundred Clarys in a row I wonder this is part of the speedrun I have to build up speed here I'm gonna kill all these guys oh never mind she's gonna run past him I'm crazy oh that wasn't that wasn't part of the enemy that didn't count as the enemy when I killed the enemy the ball remain different thing now I'm never gonna die again this entire game [Music] what not slick out of your Weiner you're an imbecile okay now I got to do Wally Warbler actually I'm gonna find the clown secret clown that you [ __ ] never thought there'd be a secret plan in this game all the fights in this game are so pipe though I can't stay mad at it it's just got such like an energy to it just makes you want to go in and play some more oh god I'm gonna get cut ah there you go I know they're supposed to be like stereotypical ghosts but the resemblance between these things and sperm it would be too obvious if they were white like I'm really glad they're pink unlike normal ghosts I'm like real ghosts can I - through these guys oh my god I can I've never tried that but it feels swear okay oh yeah get a blast of this clown boy clown boy chum chum [ __ ] off a gross death animation I'll show you guys a cool secret though I'll try to do the secret phase I might get my [ __ ] knocked off though we must soldier forward for those who are fallen never mind those who are fallen can [ __ ] themselves I think this is kind of a hated fight too because it's it's not got particularly amazing music so this is the secret phase he comes up any clones you or any like does some weird [ __ ] where he replicates you but if you turn into the tiny plane then you get a little bunch of references and then you okay that's cool okay yeah I got too cocky against the spongebob phase where he goes I'm determined to do the secret phase now even though it's I think it's just harder I think it's just objectively harder but you can see doctor calls robot there it's kind of cute there was an achievement for killing a boss with only the mini plane bullets and I'm really glad I didn't do that for this boss holy [ __ ] there he goes that's what he's like I mean talk to these same clans no no no no that not for that long though okay that's enough get it you can duck under the ducks so some people like to shoot this I I don't know what they're on about I just do that twice as easy ah [Music] sorry that's what I was trying to do I'm going to talk to this guy he's gonna nut his [ __ ] pants and give me a coin because I'm a Perry god this boss has one of the best songs in the whole game in my opinion a lot of people have trouble with this face you got to pay attention to where the fire guys are facing compain you got to not do that thing that it's did battle BAM alright that's a knock out ladies and gents that's it did you see wait bug man just like teleported onto that cloud what the [ __ ] was that Oh what did you see that I hit the parry and then I just immediately took damage someone Chad is saying the game is suggesting that the bee lady wants to eat bug man /kup dead in fact we should make we should make some sort of portmanteau of the names Cup head and bug man so that we can just talk about both of their roles in the plot I propose we call this person come man I may be smug head smeg man oh good platforms good platform spawns wouldn't you agree Chad okay oh [ __ ] I thought she was telegraphing the other arm but I am fine I guess this is one of the best fights in the game I think just in terms of like presentation the way it looks it's just there's some a little janky about it that fits with the aesthetic of like old cartoons I can't really even put my finger on it I don't know what it is okay and then this face can be entirely cheesed look at this [ __ ] the boat can do nothing about this strat this is of course the cutest fight in the whole game this is one of the ones that I tried beating with the tiny plane and it didn't go well bullets okay I only have one HP for this so that's cool stop do better on the run pingu alright we're doing good right Larry the lobster ten we can actually just sprint past his [ __ ] oh okay or we can that's cool too I'm wondering if there are any secret phases I've missed I don't think there are there's none coming up on Sally's stage play well I guess maybe for the grand finale I'll go beat the root pack with like one extra projectile they'll be hype this holiday stud man slaughter let's talk to this [ __ ] wow that guy just told me to go submit my story to almost magazine that was brutal that aw I always want to get the double Perry there it's super satisfying but you need our energy for that [ __ ] my dudes oh no not slick okay you need a good ones doing good ones that was not the good ones that was a bad one yeah there's none no yeah get him out of there time for four but it's time for you to die it's time to be dead be dead thank you explain to me the logistics of the ghost mice in the prison and like the cat prison if in the end it was being controlled by the mouse the [ __ ] does that mean it's like Metal Gear it's like it has to be like supernatural [ __ ] or nano machines it can't be both you know these guys are kind of like a little grim matchstick I just realized the other level head and tiny cupula Grande is that like is goofy at all related to Ariana oh I don't need the coins I don't care I won't allow it and pull a slick strat on this guy I bet you guys didn't know he could do this Swift and now time for a little bit of Hell ladies and gents just hearing this music alone to trigger an individual if I get this guy on the first try I'm gonna I'm gonna pat myself on the back now real man real man's world I can't believe I first tried this guy honestly that that came as a surprise to even mean yeah you remember Bentley this is him now fuel yeah there's the Pat there's the pat on the back so this one has a secret phase I guess will show that off so you got to get up on these little cherubs and just see the thing just above the groom just like jostle for a second you actually need to take care to not kill her because because he need the kisses and there you go now I can kill her Oh what I was really expecting that to just end wait wait the husband disappeared that was really weird also there's sirens is this illegal is what I'm doing illegal he raises grapes and a baby comes in and pushes a [ __ ] fireball at you because life isn't hellish enough so I guess they both died and went to heaven and this is like their reckoning I don't know I don't know the lower man so something really weird happened there she I like skipped a phase I skipped the set I skipped the third phase second phase the one where she goes to the nunnery did I just like invent a strat is that what that is let's do this again I need to be sure that that's not just a part of the alternate phase that it like deletes that speedrunned by the way professional speedrun I mean I mean I'm not gonna try to replicate the glitch that I think happened but I be pretty cool if I accidentally did a strat so here we go this is what's normally supposed to happen she teleports away and she's like oh [ __ ] but they just like popped out of existence the first time and we skip this entire phase yo so uh swag we got slick straps but I wasted by going to check if it was a slick strap it was so cool dude speedrunners [ __ ] hate me dude anyway guys follow my speed running channel I developed new strats every day truth be told though I [ __ ] love this boss this might be one of my favorite bosses if not the best it's just such cool atmosphere it means because it feels like scooby-doo like the background especially it feels like a scooby-doo wallpaper or whatever in the music too going like wow wow thanks it's cool it's like automata Pia music hey bone brain get a blast of this I just noticed there's a little like spook stirrers riding the train I never even noticed those guys they're just sitting there I'm trying to kind of like farm a few of these pink things while I can because the front side of this train is probably gonna whup my ass through the bones and flames like I always say ah school all right this one's it no holds barred this match will get red hot watch the slam of the century it's also just like banger music as usual oh okay I'm fine hey bone etcetera I faced the wrong way like an [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah okay yeah okay I like the little spook stirs that uh now that I noticed them they're very nice oh oh it's never this guy it's never this guy why is it this guy this time oh god it's never that guy it's always the other guy and I died Wow Wow I didn't I failed to mention but there's actually a segment of this boss where you have to die to save to get optimal time later and you actually have to take damage on the reset right there it's a frame perfect trick and it looks I made it look really easy but it takes a lot of practice I really hope I don't get [ __ ] by his bobbing head there we go I don't want to get [ __ ] by anyone's bobbing head honestly dad is bobbing head yeah it's this guy again I've never seen that happen before but now it's happened twice in a row I thought it was always safe to start out on the left side here but I guess not okay okay I just got to get myself left up here watch this you got a parry and then immediately super yeah I swear I'm gonna get this time there's nothing preventing me okay except that all right don't Bob your head at me don't aah I was too scared of the Bob so he's one Chiqui damage this parked not too cheeky damage now I guess I'm gonna stay in the middle here cuz apparently he can start from the other side I didn't know this had I got full health I got full armor [Music] be a trifle at all try your luck devil's casino now with smoking so this guy - those of you who can't who haven't played this game before this guy sucks ass you got to get the health so that you can avoid his [ __ ] we already had an epidemic of me singing along with the music and now it's gonna get way worse with this banger of a tune all right get some domestic abuse in there and let's get out of here what if like just to flex on King dice I cleared out all of the spaces like on the board I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do it [ __ ] you King dice think you can [ __ ] with me alright now I'm getting a - I'm flexing on them we're doing this [ __ ] I'm even gonna fight the scum monkey that's right the scum monkey this guy isn't it too bad this is queues are a little weird if you get what I mean and I'm not talking about his attack Jews that's what I'm talking about I guess you just don't want to be on that side of the screen of course I could literally just skip it instead of doing this for no reason they were like you know what this game needs a [ __ ] matching card puzzle yeah that's what it needs well it gets faster oh oh not even close monkey not even close okay Oh get into your monkey mode you piece of [ __ ] what can I do what can I do I just realized that the Rope doesn't hurt you that makes this so much easier I've been treating it as though the world hurts you but that receipt that hurts you a lot oh I hate this monkey so much why is it so long now I'm gonna deliberately get start over who thinks he's a jape Stern but he's wrong I really have a feeling I'm just gonna [ __ ] up a single Perry at the end this cigar of course one of the 10,000 things in his game modeled after Cab Calloway the whole board is clear this is to automatically start the fight if this happens nope I gotta go through the whole rigmarole if you will just dice of course being one of the 10,000 characters in this game modeled after Cab Calloway how did I do that how did I [ __ ] that well I got to do it I got to do it I got a disrespect this man all the way through what is this game even like without the smoke bomb saving your ass at every possible turn I wonder I'm not gonna stand on the edges of the screen if you're not safe zones I literally I did exactly what I said I wouldn't do true final boss of the game is this damn monkey okay haha very close monkey very cool finally getting this Fitness together man together man oh thank god perfect monkey phase King dice really is a piece of [ __ ] in terms of rigged machines I think there's no lower that you can go than a claw machine with a [ __ ] monkey alright this guy's this guy's fried chicken this guy's diced meat this guy's horsefeathers this guy's hogwash this guy's the baby with the bathwater I don't know I'm talking about Oh finally I better get a damn a dude holy [ __ ] how long did it take watch my speed run it's nine minutes for one fight yeah a Plus [ __ ] [ __ ] and it actually got a great trick for this final boss that not a lot of people know about that makes it a lot easier than it seems on the surface alright let's see if I can do this right this is a frame perfect trick time there it is 157 guys we got a 157 holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] call Guinness well folks I did it and I think we can all agree that the ending was climactic the final boss was definitely fought and not submitted to but I'm not done yet I'm gonna show you guys the secret phase as I promised Oh [Music] I did not know this was a feed shape the music's all like Beatles vision it's backwards and open your camera eyes meow that's so funny I love that I literally sold my soul to the devil for a good speedrun time talk to this [ __ ] I bet I got enough a grades yeah ma dear friends you just earned a great bonus check out your option menu for a new visual mode guess what now we have shitty color mode where it's just fading between red and green it looks cool up alright secret veggie mode the Perryville things stick out a lot less in alternate color modes which is it's kind of like a little expert challenge alright so what you got to do for this one is just not do anything and you got a dance to it doesn't work if you don't dance and he gets all happy and then I get [ __ ] by random RMG's game [ __ ] sucks oranjee [ __ ] oh yeah yeah yeah yeah that's what you want the bad police are here you see if I it let's see if I get this again yep it looks like my dancing was satisfactory thank God and I I just need to not stand there I just need to not stand there I just noticed when you kill the carrots it makes a little like chomp sound like a crunching on a chariot crotch and I want to share it I didn't even realize how much I [ __ ] up the word carrot yeah fine whatever I'll beat the devil yeah chat you you twisted my arm you insisted fine I'll do it to future historians Chet didn't say jack [ __ ] I'm just doing this because I want let's just go ahead and beat the devil out of it I just realized I don't have the spread shot on spread shot is typically a thing that I want for this fight but whatever I think I've realized lately that I just kind of love this style of game it's like just a boss rush it's just pure insanity all the way through I kind of love that yeah yeah there it is folks what a game what a match I think we can all agree that was an impressive display actually think I just casually a ranks that guy and I'm thinking Fury is pretty soon to come and maybe I'll get become enough of a nerd about that game to speedrun that too maybe not and there it is folks another happy ending for our hopeful heroes until next time folks [Music]
Channel: grayfruit
Views: 1,049,751
Rating: 4.9340792 out of 5
Keywords: Cuphead, grayfruit, speedrun, Speedrun, slick, strats, sally stageplay skip, pro gamer
Id: HuXGylY-rbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 9sec (1629 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 20 2019
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