Detonating STARS as the MENACE! - FULL Stellaris Playthrough | Nemesis DLC!

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greetings sir ansarette and welcome back to stellaris with mia lathryx and of course welcome to our newest full playthrough and today we get to be evil and what is the most evil thing we can think of the tree of life now hear me out imagine if nature really really hated you but not just you the entire galaxy that is what we're doing today we are going to become the crisis going through the menace route this time we have become the emperor we have become a more benevolent version by simply being the guardian of the galaxy and today we are going to be its destruction so the law here is simple gaia is the tree of life itself it exists only to feed to grow and to propagate onto all worlds it wishes everything to become mulch anything that can be devoured will be devoured until the tree is the only life in the galaxy even this species itself the little minion there is actually if you take a look a parasite it's a symbiote there and if we go over to malian this is actually what it looks like underneath i didn't realize that for the longest time there's actually an event in the game which proves this and stellaris itself uh the twitter that is actually mentioned this at some point so these this species here was originally mammalian it was originally something else but has been fused into a hive mind which only wishes to serve the tree of life itself although this world is tropical and it looks like there is so much life the actual biodiversity is incredibly low only the main species the tree and some plants and animals perhaps exist which go to feed the main species if it is not necessary for the main species of the tree it simply no longer exists the tree has completely entangled this world and now it wishes to do so to all the other worlds now of course this takes a very long time this tree could be potentially millions of years old it takes a long time to fully infest the planets that's why we only have the saplings on the other planets using this origin naturally the phone would go off while i was ranting away there so what i was saying is minimum diplomacy we're going to act essentially as if we're almost the devouring swarm we are going to be quite hostile and try and take as many worlds as possible because that's all we really care about now as for trades we are rapid breeders and agrarians since i think this really fits the species we are slow learners because we are so single-minded and we are sedentary because we are essentially trees i've even called this species branchkin because it made me laugh and i thought about it and that's 99 of my choices we're going with the plant um ships and that's it really just a high progressive hive mind hell bent on destroying the galaxy so well turning the galaxy into us i should say so future lathrix here it turns out that the pastor latharix is a complete dum-dum and completely forgot to talk about civic so i'm quickly recording this and putting it somewhere near the start so the civics i've chose are this here which gives us extra habitability and decreases amenities usage the hive mind cares little for material comforts i think that fits perfectly with this empire their habitability with the tree basically terraforming all of the world which it grows into unless i mean it is because they simply don't care the tree provides and all they care about is the tree so that fits really well and then we have memorialist which will again fit the theme of the empire since it's basically the study of death of other species whilst being happy that they are a immortal hive mind it'll give us unity society research and also increase the stability where these buildings are built the sanctuaries are amazing i really love the civic and it fits the theme really well and now back to past lathrix from future thrix goodbye crisis strength to maximum as usual uh the end game is going to be set 50 years early sorry no 100 years earlier i should say and the mid game uh let's have it closer to a new given honestly the mid game events i hardly ever see happen until it's way too light so sure minimal um it might happen early and may not difficulty to maximum scaling difficulty ons i really do like scanning difficulty at the moment high aggressiveness everything else is random uh xeno compatibility blah blah okay growth required i'm going to set that's how i said it before actually a little bit less because our species is all about growing i want everyone to grow this will help out the other species as well so it's set to a minimum essentially this means as we get more population it's not going to be as harsh slowing down the growth of our species whereas yeah it can get really silly how slow you can grow and i just i like large populations because it means you have ring worlds and everything else which i just find a lot of fun uh you know what let's go to huge that might be laggy though oh well i will maybe regret that later hey everyone futurelathrix here even more future latricks than the previous future latricks which is now past lathrix as now everything is edited together and i have to say this may have been one of the most fun full playthroughs i've ever recorded although it's also one of the shortest in terms of sheer amount of hours spent which is really weird to say but that said still took four and a half days to put together recording as a full-time job so i am here as per usual shilling because these videos can be absolute poison for the channel and likes and comments and interaction really helps to counter that and actually make them a positive so they are really really appreciated and i really do hope you enjoyed this video it was utter insanity a few things i would have loved to change maybe i shouldn't have scaled the population as much as i did and a few other things because it turns out the hive mind can really scale with that so a lot of balancing issues throughout this play through but it was just insane just so many events and it turns out the crisis is really weird star eaters just star eaters so enough of me waffling it's currently 6 a.m i've just finished editing it and now into the video itself thank you and enjoy the video when our collective consciousness awoke we serve the tree and the tree serves us we care for the tree feed the tree protect the tree and the tree nurtures us for the sake of the tree we spread out over the entangled garden planting and protecting offshoots of the tree wherever we went and now we take that to the galaxy at large the trees all the matters and the tree is all we care about so like usual we're just gonna expand as fast as possible trying to find as many worlds as possible but now we really really care about those worlds extra energy lovely some more unity and let's go tech so the very first thing i want to build is going to be one of our sanctuaries here which will give us extra stability extra unity and society research but some serious unity there so that so we can really spam expansion and then probably adaptability the extra habitabilities are so nice so i think that's what we're going to go with or maybe this because the food element i'm not too sure just yet but definitely expansion first which is a fairly standard thing so firstly let's build a sanctuary and while i'm here let's have a quick look at the tree of life itself the great tree has sheltered and supported the hive for untold generations giving us extra housing extra population growth speed and extra society research it's a very lovely buff on our homeworld actually how fast are we growing so we get plus 6.75 and we're also assembling a second species because we have the spawning pools lovely of course they're both the exact same but still absolutely fantastic so what we can do in the future is we can actually make a specialized version of the species because we can control how many we create which is really really good whilst also still creating the other ones so yeah that's loads of growth absolutely love that now we do need some more energy so we can clear the collapsed boroughs to get one free population but for now we just kind of wait first contact protocols aggressive well this is fantastic the precursor is the most fitting possible and my personal favorite maybe my second favorite with the psyche but yeah this is fantastic so this is the hive mind which has sadly been killed that gives you the relic which can turn worlds into gaia worlds as gaia that's thank you game 1 000 food per colony so i've changed my mind a little bit we're going with domination instead this will give us more influence which soon we're going to need once we start expanding a bit faster it also gives us more output from our menial drones and we can also use drone overdrive the tree will be rather cruel honestly also we need way more food straight away oh good i just finished building that thank you game for hearing my plea since i do want to put down spawning pools on every single planet that massively increases our growth rate more drones there we go so an extra two on each planet is just fantastic plus two our construction as you see here we have the tree of life sapling it's a tiny little tree giving us extra population growth extra site uh research and more agriculture eventually all planets will be hive have a neighbor already interesting technology drone overdrive our drones will be worked harder as more resources are required mean your drones give plus temps and output but we need more amenities which is fine because that's kind of being counted by our tree of life thing anyway sorry of this um civic anyway this early population growth is fantastic plus because we're a hive mind of consumer goods all of our industrial districts are instantly pure alloys which are great as one we will destroy you there you are build spyware network um a couple of days have passed since we first made contact with the helven and they are now sending us a message we know what you have done the casket you desecrated was the final well we don't care it's merely a dead body we've devoured it at this point [Music] now to infiltrate your people and start causing some serious problems and we're gonna go to war very very soon right now i don't really know about you so although we're aggressive we're not stupid and i do actually need to upgrade my fleets as well i do have a rank two coil guns we've got that quite early which is just really good actually well that was the fastest i've ever had this event we found fossilized remains on this world so that will eventually give us the relic the blight of the huntress i have never seen that happen so early before so yeah obviously we're going back to sort that out currently our main archaeology leader though is over here and we'll continue to do the precursor events they have the archaeologist trait which means they are excavating at plus 25 speed it's very very nice right now we're just focusing on expanding ooh alpine and tomb not that much use for us sadly currently apparently they are overwhelming to us not really what i wanted to see there curry trying to get ourselves an agent so we start sabotaging a little bit well actually they're overwhelming to us we have 779 fleet power it's not great at this stage in the game especially if you rush military but it's not the worst that is worrying to say well that was quick so you'll laugh we'll pull the plug we have the new relic so now i can turn worlds into gaia world and the passive effect is plus 10 growth right definitely one of the best passive effects in the game so really happy to see that let's keep this as a food conceived world and i could use the effect right now to turn this world into a gaia world our home world the entangled garden now perfected in the trees form but i could also use it on one of the tomb worlds including the tomb while we're about to get here size 20. that is so tempting because yeah the two mold is useless to us otherwise and instead of being useless it's gonna be really good probably the best option yeah that's what we'll do omicron persei weird i thought it'd be eight worlds here don't know why the neighbors are attacking us and in a true ai fashion they just lost a fleet against that station oh that's a 2k technology conceived i mean if you attack us now you're definitely not going to win here um make sure you're not aggressive so you stay by the station we just got auto cannons as well so we we're going to do a fair bit of damage if they destroy conceived the problem is i don't know if i can break through their defense it's a 3k station okay they are now waiting um if i move my fleets out then back in will they attack because they'll be fantastic oh yes please more influence is always good for me i definitely need that my energy reserves are not great and i definitely need the star holder so with our new gaia world we did get some livestock which is nice producing eight food each for free yep all good how about now yes fantastic okay start moving back [Music] currently has uh has hangar bay so it's pretty difficult to break through i am worried about our other neighbors though they're quite powerful themselves um their tech's a bit bad but i know they're fleet stronger than ours and they're gonna be able to go through here i don't really have a way to block them i guess here's the best spot that we could lose these systems but that would stop them getting through yeah sure we've just unlocked become the crisis the universe shall tremble our situation so with that we now have access to no i don't have the medicine corvettes that's the next rank but at least now anything we destroy we get points for i'm grading the star base now so i really don't mind if i do lose a lot of this fleet because well the starbucks itself is going to be able to hold off the enemy and we're kind of just stalemating right now which is really dull well when did i get so much influence i don't know how i got that well i suppose i haven't really been spending it do you get influenced when you become the crisis i don't know well either way now um in our next war effort we do now have better war types we can just destroy them or we can bring them into the fold forcing subjugation why do you want this station to devour you so badly stop being silly this is why i need to use ii mods again which i will be by the way this will be probably the last and unmodded play through for a while so yeah this war is just been basically i lost my fleet to this day shouldn't they keep losing their fleet to my station not much really is happening i do have claims on all of this by the way that's why i'm not giving up just yet but yeah not much really to talk about we're playing quite defensively but hopefully soon i can start becoming a lot more aggressive i'm now building well now researching cruisers which actually quite early uh well it's early for this empire i'm quite surprised by that and that's gonna really tip it in my balance in uh my favor i should say we got very lucky we now have a nanite cruiser that's gonna help out a lot very good versus armor very very good versus armor yep you're going to be the breaker in this war technology you are going to be what allows me to win yet now that's fallen you are doomed this may actually be the killing blow for the empire to be perfectly honest and because we're not in a offensive war i'm gonna be able to claim things with normal cast that's pretty nice now the uh the nanite cruiser there which is just fantastic is from the atomic clock events i believe i think something like the second or third time i've ever had the cruiser though oh no tree of life i forgot about that yes we need to plant the tree of life on all these planets which is going to be really expensive okay you're the arctic world to die or not that war was insane we're already available for the level three crisis so uh yeah level three crisis um well actually i didn't even cover these so the first level gives us the different war types also makes our purging far more effective the second type means our war exhaustion is just incredibly slower but also we do more damage from starbases and of course the main thing we get the menacing corvette which has the same skin as the pirates but it is just really fantastic because it costs minerals rather than alloys which obviously a lot easier to get so i really do need to shift my alloy production to mineral production um but a bit too far with alloys there level three gives us the menacing destroyer gives us plus 50 percent shipper build speed allows me to have the armageddon bombardment stands and it also means our medicine corvettes have plus 15 evasion the menace system obviously is very very very very very powerful so yeah as soon as that text researched all of those extra bonuses are then ours we are really doing well and there we go plus temperature right uh i might go to war with while this is open i might go towards you just to get you out of the way we are probably doing better than i've ever done before on a aggressive start i've normally not a particularly aggressive person when it comes to play-throughs but this is very fun yeah think might go after you especially now we can just either destroy you or bring you into the fold if i do that can i then in can i then just integrate them later because i don't want them to stay as my minion forever though saying that turning them into a minion does give us menace at the end of each month don't know the problem is you two are bestest friends actually have a defense pact so i am really worried about that yeah i think i might go after the alliance first so go up there yeah okay let's get thing moving currently these are at war with another empire so now it's the perfect time to bring them into the fold and let's see if we can eventually integrate them then because that's exactly what we want meanwhile making some of my first corvettes although i am making way too many alloys right now none of minerals the good thing is alloys are worth a lot minerals worth very little so it's not too difficult to just sell one and get the other they will kneel our determination persists even in the face of outrage and anger billions of minds oppose us but their unity is shallow lessened by their swelling numbers and reduced by the magnitude of individuals every every new body of ours okay is a mind dedicated to the same end our dream an undeniable tomorrow our wills collide and the races of the galaxy prove brittle so there we are we are now rank three in crisis peril which is the destroyer and everything else i was mentioning earlier i just had the microphone off for like a good five minutes then that was good um i just stole research from this empire which of course is lovely and actually i really should start doing that a lot more and the problem is right now i'm not particularly good with the whole spying thing yeah not even ready to steal tech from you good account from you begin even though i don't have any agents yet yeah right now we are kind of stretching our resources to the absolute limit of what we can actually afford now i did see a three no i think a 4k fleet a second ago it's somewhere here in the nebula which i can't see into here they are currently at war with two other empires that's probably sorry no one other empire they've once us uh their tech is worse than ours by know for a fact their fleets are equal to ours just okay so there's a 1k fleet there where's the 4k flick under attack yeah they're gonna go all the way here and get stopped with the station that's fine okay let's grab another one of the worlds we wouldn't otherwise be able to use let's grab this tomb world and i'll turn it into a gaia yeah i mentioned this earlier but definitely the next time i play i'm probably going to be using an ai mod of some kind sony recommendations are very welcome because it turns out they definitely do have enough fleet power to beat back my forces but they're just splitting them up so there's a 2k there which is following that 1.9 k they definitely have a 4k i saw it again for a second over there so if they just stuck them together they would definitely beat that this attack now i do have another attack on the way but yeah the empire itself strong enough just not being used properly which is a bit of a shame really uh i do prefer playing games more vanilla just because i like to see um see them in their intended kind of way but mods definitely a lot also i do not have the armageddon stance which is very tempting what type of worlds are these anyway um desert maybe i will use that so the armageddon bombardment is unique and they can actually destroy a world if you kill the last pop with it uh you will turn it into a tomb world and that also gives us extra crisis points i believe uh destroy your world there we go reduce planetary surfaces to rubble using armageddon bombardment or use the colossus uh to gain this menace award and it's 300 points so in the next stage galactic nemesis we get the cruiser uh we get extra tracking for our menacing destroyers and we kept plus 50 percent ship damage wow yeah i think crisis paper's just a bit overpowered honestly uh you have to them first oh i've never seen this one before 1 200 alloys but i get plus 10 growth speed for 10 years yeah that very much welcome that's actually our greatest strength the tree of life is really good just for sheer population growth so giving me an extra 10 percent is very very very welcome so very very annoyingly we are currently under attack from the empires over here they will break down this station there's no way around that but i am responding quite quickly also have some medicine corvettes on the way which of course are very quick moving they're gonna be there to hopefully help out as well i wish i had this before there we are a little bit extra help for the station but yeah that is definitely going down this will do some more damage on the way you though probably won't get past no okay you're getting stuck you're getting through they're not sending any forces over here that's fine this can be a minor set back there was actually okay the other one i conquer so i can't just give up that fight super close to uh winning this though so let's i was bombarding this world this is their home world they now have only 24 populations they had like 60 before that's pretty nice yeah i need to grab some more systems then we can win that we are victorious so there we go we now have you as a minion you are a vassal which means i should be able to integrate you right yes excellent after 10 years we can integrate you and you will be consumed the fighting over here though is really taking its toll i just lost a fleet and there they've got through again we're about to lose this flip no not never mind i thought that was around nope you're over there you've just grabbed that one yeah this was actually somewhat close okay i need you to get back you're gonna need to be upgraded anyway soon so just run all the way home then we can plan our next move after this fight we can status quo now but would that give them anything i don't think so um i guess that's what we should probably do status quo then move against this empire over here the hive it's a hive mind could bring them into the fold as well so uh where are you so vassalize empires and then every year that we retain the vassals we get 30 oh that's been um buffed i think in one of the patches yeah so every year we get plus 30 as well just from owning them and i think it's 30 per vassal so wow we can get to 5 straight away the problem is once you get to 5 everyone can can and will declare war on you so i'm probably gonna stick on four for a while yeah that's all do i'll take over the hive mind and then probably this empire over here and spread like that we didn't have to stay out of squirrel we just won um there's a lot of fleets left in our territory but i guess they couldn't take it and yeah our war exhaustion is so slow to decline they just didn't have a chance we're so close to getting rank four that'll be fantastic because then we'll get the plus 50 shift damage as well okay we'll get back pretty much everyone needs to be upgraded so that's what we'll do i am also creating cruisers which i absolutely adore and now we have our worlds back and turn these back on since i was actually out of gas before which is really annoying and i can just climb some stuff as well there's a world there so we want that so their access to ally uh sure let's just do that i think i've been surprised by this at least three times but the planetary supercomputer does not cost gas to upkeep whereas with the normal empires it does or at least it used to definitely need to focus more on tech a lot more tech worlds we are waging war to increase our power and i've just noticed there's this over here there's the occupation force in a little shielded world which i believe is an archaeology site after you clear this so i'm sending some cruisers to well clear that oh that's annoying um lots of claims currently in place for a lot of stuff i didn't realize that for my ally as long as i can get the capital i don't really care all that much honestly also the enemy has been so weakened by the last war and warring with the multitude they don't really have a defense so it's just going to be steamrolling my fleets are splitting up everywhere the menacing corvettes that are so quick they're catching up with the cruiser fleet which was sent a long time before it so i guess we might as well white send them both together i'll definitely deal with that conceived i'm good and we have a science ship nearby so we can instantly survive the system fantastic well they really bounced around and were quickly dispatched science vessel go there you grab that and i'm definitely gonna want this system next then i can grab the system which actually has a world in it meanwhile we've pretty much got all that white oh i want that why have you not claimed that that's so weird okay well i'm gonna climb in there thank you and i'll climb there as well so i have access to it nice and easily lovely well i guess maybe they only grabbed just before the war and i haven't done the event yet essentially this is a special world because it is um crafted by the robots which aren't here did you kill the robots why would you do that the bonuses are really good for a normal empire not so good for us because it's um extra consumer goods and everything else but i think also extra unity now i think about it which is never a bad thing the prime sovereignty we can feel the waves of that otherworldly ocean lapping against our mind crashing against the barrier that separates us from greatness little remains now but the final exercise in the suffering of others one after another thy will so we are now rank four the galactic nemesis this gives us the menacing cruiser it gives us plus 50 damage and plus 30 tracking on our destroyers we are now incredibly scary to pretty much everyone i'm not a big fan of the cruises honestly uh mostly because i love strike craft so much i mean they're not bad and they have a large weapon which is good if we compare it to a normal cruiser as well they're they're good they are good just i prefer the normal cruisers more but they are only minerals and don't cost a rare resource so they're still definitely the better option here [Music] i think i'm about to get victory am i right yes fantastic okay welcome to our side for now until we start devouring you speaking of which let's integrate you this will take 35 months or take so long but uh all this space is about to come out about to become ours including all their worlds that's going to be such a power spike and we have a gaia world to infest lovely so close to finishing off discovery when we do we actually have the tech ready for hive minds so the hive worlds where are you hive worlds there we are five worlds a special class of uninhabitable for non-hive minds pumps but are not limited by planetary features and how many generator mining and agricultural districts and they also give plus 10 resource output essentially they're just a better version of gaia world sky world's already clearly fantastic plus 10 and everything but high worlds are better and look creepier which makes me happy allowing the tree to fully invest also not being part of the galactic community is annoying because it means we'll never get the galactic market so i am having to be a bit more balanced of how i do things oh speaking of other empires yeah we're currently devouring you that's gonna give us some points it also means i need to do this normally i'll just turn these off but for now i'm just going to destroy them since i'm not sure how i want these worlds to end up oh you had a gaia world as well you were oh wait no that's our guy well to try just converted from a tomb world never mind i thought you had a guy world as well i was being done as i wanted to do we begin our assault on the other hive mind only the mindiest shall survive that sounded hilarious in my head less so when i said it yeah we're attacking in three different directions they can't really get past us because of that i don't think they're gonna stand a chance especially now we've got the plus 50 damage buff from the crisis the menacing corvette fleets are just wonderful sure you lose corvettes here and there but they just took out a strength 10 000 fleece and yet just the sheer damage and the invasion they have makes them so so brutal unless they're being hard counted which i wouldn't even know honestly how to do that they're just devastating to fight against now sadly i can't go this way any further because it's the nebulous i have to wait for my science ship to get here which is really irritating but in the meantime i can attack the allies who have uh who have moved here to try and defend them that's certainly worthy of a punishment well the corvettes with full upgrades are a lot scarier so our fleets are now 46k that is beautiful that's a zero experience uh any worlds over here we can bombard cause i'm gonna enter this section not really no okay so let's make your way over there or you could spearhead the attack against these two empires which i think might be the better option here sure once your own position we'll go to war with them as well i'm still not sure if i'm going to try and make them a vassal or just destroy them honestly one of the two probably making the vassal in the long term getting their worlds is probably the better option here really okay yeah so you can i integrate you all at war [Music] where is it yes i can excellent yeah that would take too long so you haven't got much space oh okay so there's like loads of 4k fleets there and everything uh you two together will be okay i think so just blockade them from getting through that's all we need really need to do it's not too far off us winning now so just keep on grabbing every system you see [Laughter] if i can't have the worlds no one can we've delved into the secrets of our precursor giving us this so uh we now have minus 15 to our terraforming cost and i can uplift the beaches if i want to though probably won't do that too much since we're just devouring everything we see the parrots have seen the light and have now joined us uh so we are no longer at war with the commonwealth okay everyone let's get back i'd like to regroup and see we've actually got meanwhile of course we are also at war with the other empire and we are doing exceedingly well uh yeah i've never felt so strong in stellaris before gotta be honest the gaia has just yay nature the tree has reached its final form consuming all of the surface of entangled garden our purpose has never been so clear oh no i missed it okay so i just attacked blur i have never attacked this thing essentially blur is a floating orb of energy and vlasik's blur fines entity detonated in a massive explosion that showered the system of dark matter um is that it just gives us hundred dart matter nothing else i thought it might give something to the system they're saying i haven't actually explored the system uh you yeah i have never attacked that thing before actually let's research the project there so do that first you know what uh let's just yeah do that first then survive oh relic world okay yeah i want to start moving towards this direction apparently so close to victory the war is over transdela has also fallen to gaia look at this lovely green patch in the galaxy it's like mold really really angry mold because that's apparently just what i am okay not too long then we can integrate you i guess probably going toward the syndicate makes sense they're here and they're weak they've been going to war with the empires nearby for a long time and mostly losing so it really wouldn't take too much to take them over so we may as well position our fleets which are already whiting around here and we'll go after them next new all over here we're building more of our corvette spam because i just find it really fun so the reason why they're so quick isn't so much that the base model is very fast but they can now have two sets of afterburners whereas normal corvettes can only have one afterburner so that makes them very very quick we've also just finished off prosperity so i've grabbed engineered evolution which means we can now build something interesting we can build the clone vats which i believe actually stacks with the spawning pools since they essentially do the same thing there they are yeah monthly organic pop assembly plus three this one gives plus two so that makes this secondary growth five rather than two problem is just cost a lot of food we're already struggling a bit for food so i think um the next few worlds we make definitely need to be farms but i'm still gonna start putting these down anyway because i want as many drones as possible i think we're just about to hit no yeah we have hit 1 000. it'd be a lot faster if we were uh if we were getting populations when we conquered these worlds but because just because we're devouring them we don't get that now i think as well yeah we already have enough menace for this final stage but i think as soon as you get it i'm not sure if it's as soon as you get it or as soon as you get some do some of these events every empire in the galaxy will go after you so i'm gonna wait a little bit longer at least until i have 200 300 000 uh fleet power maybe a little bit more then i'll do it so that actually won't be too much longer since athletes are now sitting at 67k each and i am making them relatively quickly so they're only costing me minerals you know what we're just gonna do it tearing the fabric the path must be opened if we are to realize our full potential this crude dual state of reality must end we must find a way to turn two universes into one it will be our will alone that fills this new reality the tree is reaching out bringing the shroud to us and also apparently we get things called star eaters which i'm really curious about the end is nigh our best brain drones unless that i should call that have reached an answer for our final question the path is now clear using our own star of origin we shall break down the barriers between this universe and the shroud the material demands can only be met by utilizing our new star eaters in a cascading chain reaction of extreme solar devastation destroy one to create another the lesser smaller minds of this galaxy may cry out against this but they lack vision and purpose we do not and now we are nearly complete bring it recognizing the threat we pose the wretched members of the galactic community have passed a resolution condemning our actions and declaring us as a crisis of galactic proportions in a rare moment of unity the members of the community have all joined forces and declared war on us well other than my minions those who are gonna follow me their fleets are assembling to launch an attack on our territory the battle for the galaxy has begun this will be glorious now i'm hoping this type of war oh so many things i'm hoping this type of war is as if we were a uh a devouring swarm so i can just go in their territory and take everything from my own whilst all this is going on ooh didn't realize there was fleets all over the place and we've already yeah already sending fleets into their territory let's just make sure we move things around so then we have the engine our drones have finished the framework for the etherophasic engine that's how i'm going to say that we are building around the star of our home system this mega structure once complete will tear open the barrier between our world and the psychic realm others refer to as the shroud when we are fully crossed into this dimension and annexed it our consciousness will expand to cover all of creation the tree will own everything at least in this galaxy the laws of nature that govern our existence can be rewritten as we see fit rewritten i can talk so many things the star eaters only the detonation of entire stars i'm guessing these will be like a colossus will release enough energy to generate the vast quantities of dark matter needed to finish the engine to this end we have devised the star eaters the most powerful starships the galaxy has ever seen not only can they blow up stars i can't wait to see that but they are strong enough to decimate entire fleets on their okay so not like a gloss then they're a proper uh self-styling thing for now we only have two but more can be built their construction requires great amounts of dark matter so we will have to balance our need to finish the engine with the need for additional star raters so we get two straight away oh yes we do let's have a look see you then oh there's the engine [Laughter] love it and you are the borg oh that's wonderful what are you oh wow not great um ai but other than that look how many of these you have do you like lasers can i change you are you a ship i can actually alter oh star return lovely why is there this one then there's that one i don't know are you both the same though you're a devourer and you're a devourer okay so you're both the same uh realistically then i wanna so that's the star cracker itself we have that uh right now we're actually better with kinetic we actually have some of the repeatables done with that so go the large of those and then with the small if we have some more yep go the storm fire auto cannons for medium we'll go with the rail guns oh actually no the rounds are worse how am i doing the kinetic repeatables and i haven't finished off these yet right now the dps is higher 12 versus six you know you know what we have full kinetic it'll look a bit weird for sure just because we've already got that and then um artillery i suppose is what we're gonna want oh there's not enough power that's annoying yeah even with the dark matter reactor okay in that case for now just stay as you are i'll figure that out later so how do you devour star how star go boom yes so i'm assuming that i get a lump of dark matter every time i do this because that's how it's kind of talking um the other one make your way over there [Music] let's say hello to those fellows shall we have to micromanage our fleets quite a lot as well there's gonna be a lot of enemies now thankfully we do have kind of a buffer zone for on both sides because we have our allies are totally willing at this point oh let's not miss this oh hello oh that is cool charging weapons don't care let me see this okay get the tech look at that oh good i can't see it that's great timing there storm oof okay oh it turned into a black hole and shattered all of the world i'll try and see that again soon that wasn't the best view of that but wow so did that give us it gave us a 1 000 dark matter okay so realistically then we want to just destroy every star we can find so go there oh not a war with them oh because we had a peace treaty oh i thought the war for the galaxy would override that apparently not also yeah we have basically turned into the devouring swarm now every system we are attacking we are climbing instantly which is great and we have enough corvette athletes if we see any major threats we can just send them out and deal with it that way in fact yeah let's send one over here straight away okay well you uh oh you're about to fire your weapon over here oh another storm oh you are firing a weapon great [Laughter] feed me okay so how much do i need then to upgrade the engine itself that's so cool twenty thousand oh that's gonna take a while i mean we do have the uh dark matter over here we're about to grab but wow nine per month is not gonna feed me enough i can't buy it right now so i'm not earning it um can i uh oh great so i can do this just go around doing that yep that's what both you're gonna do then uh you okay go to someone else we're currently warring with uh yeah go fit to you maybe oh no to you okay go over here it's a long distance but you'll get there eventually where's this oh you're about to be killed by our cube hello i'm a cube oh no you're losing to the station you didn't really need the cube's help here but yep laser cube and of course let's get ready to devour more stars so i can just make more devourers more of the star racers if i have the citadel and the colossus assembly yards probably for the best i mean the very first stage of upgrading the uh the mega structure of the engine costs 20 000 dark matter we're gonna need why more than that also i should go into fleet manager because my fingers getting tired clicking this so much also it takes 15 days to make these corvettes i just love them they're so broken oh this whole runs been so silly there we go oh lovely where's the other one along its way i'll get there eventually [Music] now it seems like we can also devour our own systems which makes sense because once the um the board cube is there it seems almost instantly um take the system since it's quite [Music] powerful are we going to get the war in heaven at the same time because that's insane well i'll just stay out of your fight and continue what i'm doing just ignore me have fun the rest of the galaxy excuse me it's like an evil hat oh there's a world there i should be focusing on on all the other fights but i just really want to see this okay and firing is lost oh i mean that's horrible a lot of micro managing with fleets at the moment nothing really all that interesting to be perfectly honest but yeah i'm really happy i've got my allies here at the moment because they are acting as a buffer as long as my core systems don't go down at this point i don't really care it's um i don't want to lose any worlds but systems like here really doesn't matter and i'm basically just grabbing these for the interstellar just act as more of a buffer as my fleets continue to just attack everything in sight over here's a bit of a mess just fleets everywhere so i'm gonna send another corvette swarm to help out the war in heaven hasn't started yet but it is guaranteed to happen since they were ancient rivals just the more space we can grab around us like that the more they have to fight through to try and get to us and as long as the these lovely things are scythe then it doesn't really matter and i'm hoping to build a third one at some point yes right white the war in heaven just begun and those who have sided with wow yet those who have sided with one of the fallen empires just left the war there's only three against us now technology conceived that's both good and bad it's good because there's less of a threat to us it's bad because i can't destroy the stars of those who i'm not actively warring against so i can just destroy my own systems that's fine i have loads of systems like this which aren't really giving me much but i can easily just destroy for them and there are still three against me we have the conclave we have the alliance and the league so there's the con client so there's the collectives you're the league where are the other there's the conclave okay well the conclave is going to be our main target then i think um yeah get your butt over here you continue the good work no we're gonna stay out of that war because all we want to do is peacefully destroy stars the great tempest this galaxy is so messed up so it has us probably the worst considering we are actively trying to end the galaxy there's the war in heaven currently on from old grudges distracting everyone from that and now the great tempest have arrived oh thankfully um i did actually protect uh against the grey tempest i think there's an l gate over here i did fully oh no okay that one isn't fully uh protected so i'll send i'll send a fleet there we just yeah we'll just sit one major fleet there we'll be fine uh this one station should deal with it that's that's funny also we now have enough to start construction of the next stage of the engine which will actually give us um minerals and energy which is pretty cool right now is that already producing that oh well not rank two will give us then more i hope yeah you think you're the marauders here well it's hard to tell which one's which but we're actually the marauders sure we share our ship designs but i have so many more and that star well i'm very close to devouring it actually where's the other one okay yep you finished off all of those um suppose you may as well go oh great tempest uh not really what i wanted to see there could jump over to the star realm and start no can't eat that's not a war with them anymore it's actually very like the war in heaven is very annoying because there's enough stars for me to eat also starting to think that maybe i should go ahead and yeah deal with them deal with this because the temp is talking very annoying now okay we're going with master builders for two reasons first of all i'm hoping it'll speed up this yes it will but also i do have the science nexus over here which i want to start upgrading as well i am now able to make more star eaters on a side note in fact i could almost make two um but i think i will wait to see just how much the next stage of this costs we're not collecting a lot in the meantime just look at this region of space it's just every single system oh man flying is the menace is very fun but definitely a bit overpowered i don't think i will be playing as the menace again in these full playthroughs unless a mod changes it drastically super fun experience though love it to bits great job by the dev team just i do feel a bit so strong right now i'm not really doing much of them just holding everyone off okay you don't need to be there anymore since you were just guarding the l gates to get back what i need to do actually now think about it start building some gateways i thought i had the t yes i do good okay build a gateway there and there's actually some i'm sure there's some gateways in our there we are in our territory which are currently deactivated turn those on maybe build some more so i'll build one down here building over there then that should be enough coverage for now oh good there's already one here jump there build one there and that's enough coverage to keep us mostly quick to respond to anything on the outside of our borders and yes i realize that our borders look terrible bear in mind the rest of the war in heaven raging right now oh this keeps on happening so it's got this the criminal underworld but this is from uh when we captured the world i think because yeah it's the normal version not the drone version so it's not going away it just keeps on saying order restored but it is restored we have zero percent deviancy i managed to buy the last 500 dark matter so there we go the engine is continuing to its next stage i'm assuming it'll be this stage and then one more so yeah once we get 9 000 dark matter now i will actually go ahead and build myself a new star it's oh it takes so long to build though um should have built a mega shipyard purely for the star racers i would like to see multiple of them honestly they are nasty you're kind of not on the star there but still it worked [Laughter] oh sorry i don't know why i just started chuckling there i think it's currently like 4am my brain is melting that's nice capital you have there that's a nice allied station you have there oh technology conceived after this i believe i'm no longer at war with anyone which means no one's going to stop me because of the war in heaven the galaxy will forget about what i'm doing and i will be left to my own devices you might not want to be in this system in like a few seconds you've got to capture that planet before i finish what's going to happen are you going to take the planet or am i going to detonate it oh so sorry they will be remembered we're no longer a war i just faced god we're no longer at war and we're the galactic menace you can't do anything to stop me now because you're fighting amongst yourselves you stupid individual minded dum-dums even i'm not that dumb not me oh okay uh bring some fleets down here i'd like to destroy the marauders here as well so this whole area has just been cleansed [Laughter] oh that is that is it is it just is okay really annoyingly uh my recording software crashed because i've been recording for like seven hours and apparently didn't want to keep recording uh so what's been missed is i accidentally awoken a great calm i basically destroyed them instantly it wasn't exactly it's that interesting as you can see we have loads of forces here we actually almost lost um two fleets though which is interesting yeah this one got very badly damaged and so did the one over here which now only has cruisers left it was actually quite brutal but we beat them back almost instantly and this happened because i was attacking their void dwellings and that can occasionally cause them to unite because they're under threat now a great disturbance the construction of the engine in gaia has left the shroudness right of turmoil as the psionic realm is slowly ripped apart by the partially functioning megastructure many of the beings who dwell there are lashing out in anger and desperation oh i'm going to guess that's you and you psionic entities you're not really powerful you've already lost some health oh look at that that's so pretty uh sorry what's it doing several have borrowed through the rapid leaders integrating barriers between our two worlds and manifested as powerful sonic entities consisting of raw barely contained sonic energy the confused beings are attacking everything in sight now i know for a fact you're like all shield nothing else look at that oh being evil is so pretty okay um are you an entity okay so son against the let's let's specifically go after the entities not the systems otherwise you'll end up just sitting there oh my you're a scavenger but you know what take that as well next fleet okay there's one over here oh my god they're everywhere uh yeah i'm glad i've got particularly powerful fleets uh yeah you deal with that that's just my dreadnought don't care about that cyanic entity there we are go after you there's one over here as well so glad i have so many fleets and they're quick as well so i'll get there pretty quickly because they're quick i think that's it oh no's one way over there i couldn't get to it because the re-conquerors oh the fallen empire have to deal with it oh they're everywhere i thought it's just in my territory i've just casually released all of these entities into the galaxy [Laughter] love it oh i'm just gonna stay still oh that's a shame was everything that was gonna continue moving that is gorgeous i just took out the great khan and i didn't realize it gives you a relic and it's such a good one climb influence costs minus 20 obviously less good for me now but then drums of war active effect for 10 years plus 20 ship damage this piece of furniture is actually the throne from which the great khan ruled the horde it has it was recovered from the wreckage of the great khan's flagship after it was destroyed by us oh i just realized why didn't i let the great khan take out more of this space that would have been so much smarter so who's currently fighting then so [Music] are you not actually anyone's vassal or anything so you're the star realm oh look at this he looks so creepy so you're the star realm and aren't you with the crusaders imperium and syndicate then we have the reconquerors who have no one seriously you have no one following you and perhaps we should take out the star realm then there's a lot of stars in the star realm maybe that's why they're called the star realm yeah it'll just be you sure bring them into the fold i guess would it work better if i'd moved my fleets first but it's fine seriously my colossus is actually strong enough to deal with pretty much everything they have right now they're kind of broken every time i get to above 60k dark matter i then buy 500 more dark matter it's not much but uh it is adding up and i'm about to start getting plus 3k per month energy so yeah um it's speeding things along a little bit would have been better definitely in hindsight build more i love that so much build more cubes almost there and we have 21 000 dark matter already but i think this is going to be really expensive look at that oh just one left and 50 000 the engine has ripped a massive hole in the fabric of the shroud it is not yet large enough for us to fully subvert the realm but the rupture has spurred a lot of activity from the shroud entities look at the image that's so existentially horrible they have finally recognized the threat we pose but their efforts will amount to nothing the tendrils of the engine are embedded too deeply into the ground to be severed now we are close now so very close has that become more intense that looks pretty intense glorious come on then shadows show yourself i mean other than these little ones i don't care about these little ones show me big scary ones probably would have been better if we had a monthly tried for the dark matter that way it wouldn't have gone up so fast but at this point we are buying it so quickly even with a monthly trade for the maximum energy we have it still would have ended up climbing to the very back the reconquerors really are hilarious so they're splitting up their fleet to attack which everyone around them and honestly they're expanding incredibly quickly creates them there but they're kind of ignoring me and um yeah you may have noticed their ship just went away and so did the world they were currently after i could have done so much to stop that but knew and so we continue to just attack every single system there by oh we are so close now so so close and we are now almost done plus 7k energy a month right now which is actually really helping um i've converted a lot of the hive worlds into generator worlds and it is really helping although most of them haven't been changed maybe i should change them to actual generator worlds to get even more output that might be smart well i was about to buy uh the last of the dark matter but apparently didn't need to 1 800 days until the end of the galaxy you know i don't have to keep on destroying every single system i see but i'm gonna keep on destroying every single system i see i just realized i made a major mistake earlier i converted all my species into the wrong one of these because i was just i just realized why do none of my researchers have the bonus for the genetic um the advanced traits and it's because i changed them into the wrong ones it didn't make a difference this one obviously but still they should be fertile they should have bigger brains and also energy output um the unbidden are arriving i don't know what happened oh wait if there's an endgame crisis in effect you can't win the game right you can't get the victory condition though i don't know when it comes to this well they'll have to destroy me in five years less than five years when they arrive so and good luck you're kidding me it's in my territory it's in my territory oh that is unfortunate damn what do swarms more swarms mob them completely mob them they look like strike craft we have so many wow they are terrible at this though but there we go that's one station down i'm now building the uh menacing cruisers because at least they can have long-range weapons now really what i should do is start building more battleships but look i've been focusing on only the menacing stuff until now and that's what we're going to continue with thankfully it doesn't seem like them didn't actually care about heading towards us so that's fine but if i can take out these stations it's more likely they'll continue the ways or go back to defend that five hundred and seventy seven days remain the unbidden using the l gate to try and spread to other places smart if the end game wasn't currently loading over here i'm just clearing this area just making sure they weren't trying to attack here quite as often and yeah i have still stacked up i actually have loads of corvettes first to go then loads of cruisers absolutely insane numbers of cruisers the khan's throne has been activated giving us plus 20 extra ship weapon damage the unbidden were not going to ever go towards me apparently 90 days i didn't realize we're so close oh please win it for me please ten five four three two one the beginning of the end everything is in place the engine is now fully operational and the vast power of the shroud lies within our reach when the engine is activating the resulting thing the resulting subspace backlash will detonate every single star in the galaxy all galactic life be it organic or mechanical will cease to exist but by then we will have safely transmitted our full consciousness to a higher plane of existence there will be no longer we will no longer be bound by the limitations of the physical world time will have no meaning and the very fabric of the universe will be ours to manipulate as we deem necessary oh the end can i go to the map oh look at that the unbeaten is still here apparently oh but there's nothing for them to eat yeah sure have the galaxy we have transcended the tree is now the only thing in existence the tree encompasses all things our hive mind is everything certainly is we just detonated every single system and that's it sure ambition take uh the galaxy there's nothing for you to feed on i don't think they can feed on black holes based on the law at least what i'm understanding of them and even if i can we don't care we just don't care that's that well that was an experience okay so uh post-mortem of the uh full playthrough said that weirdly but bear in mind it is now insanely early in the i am this was actually i think one of the fastest full playthroughs i've ever recorded which is going to be really weird to say at the start of the video sorry about that future lathrix but um it was a serious amount of fun but i think in single player uh yeah just really overpowered going down the menace route i do kind of wish i didn't turn scaling difficulty scaling difficulty in my opinion is a fantastic thing because it means that the enemies don't get the bone all the bonuses straight away and to begin with they're on a level playa playing field of view which normally is good because the ai doesn't mess up that much in the early game it's more so the end game um macro that is not particularly good with that kind of stuff which can be a huge problem but early on it's great because a level playing field you can actually be aggressive early on whereas normally when they get all of the bonuses they're so powerful for the first like 30 40 years generally speaking unless you're playing a devourer or something like that which is really powerful or you're a particularly good player like insanely good you just turtle until eventually you catch up then you start warring which i just find incredibly boring but for this that may have been the better option just because of how fast we snowballed once that menace system came online and that's the thing i think in multiplayer that would be really fun if this is available in multiplayer i'm not too sure about that i'm getting very tired right now um but it was just really fun far too easy just overall uh far too easy but it was really fun because of all the different things which i haven't seen before and it was just in my opinion a pretty new experience just loads of new stuff i adore the corvette spam as well uh it seems like the unbidden have kind of just turned off um are they using construction vessels still maybe are they still grabbing systems at least okay yeah so the construction vessel's still going so eventually we'd see this galaxy completely just purple i think that'll take a very long time though when i don't have the hours left to just watch that still really enjoyed this um i may do another tree of life run in the future where i'm a lot more rp based and definitely not the crisis i will be looking into mods as well uh just because i want to spice up the experience now i've played nemesis three times uh in the full play throughs now so i think it's time to get back to trying mods any suggestions very welcome so with that thank you so much for watching if you have enjoyed today's video then of course likes favorite shares comments all that good stuff helps out me helps out the channel and most importantly shows us dolaris is a series you wish to see continued in the future next time i'll balance it a bit more and we'll have mods and although i did say this is one of the fastest full playthroughs i've recorded it still took me four days so yeah still a lot of time invested and uh recording as a full-time job not exactly a small amount of recording i'm waffling because i'm very tired and completely awake because of caffeine thank you goodbye have a lovely day do take care bye
Channel: Lathland
Views: 134,170
Rating: 4.9889269 out of 5
Keywords: stellaris, nemesis, gameplay, full playthrough, lets play, galaxy, stars
Id: 6h_2UREqU6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 47sec (4547 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 15 2021
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