Thrive - Spore, But more? Becoming TOXIC Algae! | Full Playthrough | Gameplay

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greetings one and all and welcome for the very first time to thrive with me lathrix and of course welcome to a game i've been keeping my eye on over the last few years and simply didn't have the time to play well today i'm finally setting myself some time just to see exactly how this game has progressed this game has been development for quite some time and is completely free to play if you wish there will be a link in the description the official twitter page for thrive but you can also purchase it from steam if you wish to support the devs this game is very much in the vein of spore it's all about your cell being able to evolve it and add different organelles and ultimately adapt and thrive in your given environment although eventually we'll have the multicellular stage or at least that's being in development at the moment currently it is just the single cell stage which let's be real is my favorite stage of spore so i'm very happy to see that here this though is in more of the vine of realism uh although there are definitely non-realistic aspects to this and as someone who is in fact a microbiologist i'm very very keen to see exactly what they've done with this now i'm more of a pathologist more to do with the disease-causing microbes but i do love things like this so then let's start a brand new game we're going to have the normal difficulty so this is um restrictions for parts and abilities to only life as we know it i'm going to turn off because i'd like to see what else they have here i am completely new to this game i have done like a quick 10 minute run just to make sure everything's running and that is it it's time to adapt evolve and dominate our environment i would like to become a plant a poisonous plant i think i'll do a few runs and see how we end up it also has simulations with other species evolving alongside you so i'm keen to see how much of a challenge they become this first run i'll probably stay in a very similar area let's begin on a distant alien planet eons of volcanic activity and meteor impacts have led to the development of a new phenomenon in the universe life simple microbes reside in the deep regions of the ocean and you are the last universal common ancestor on this planet to survive in this hostile world you will need to collect any compounds that you can find and evolve across generations to compete against other species of microbes i will be turning off each in fact you know what i will be leaving the tutorials on but i won't be reading them fully if you'd like to pause and read them then feel free to so of course first of all we have the controls it's all nice and simple you just move towards wherever the mouse is pointing let's just get them away there so as you can see currently we are blob a nice simple micro up here you can see the environment on the left the temperature the light the pressure and everything else i have noticed that some things don't change and they are planned to in the future between areas though the temperature and light certainly does currently we have our compounds here glucose ammonia and phosphate you can see we have cytoplasm glycolysis currently undergoing so we're turning glucose into atp which is a little energy bar there yay so that that little cloud was some phosphate that is slowly filling our bar in the top right once we have all the phosphate and ammonia filled then we can evolve into our next stage currently we're all alone here it seems although we have population a hundred in order to reproduce you need to duplicate all of your organelles oh look there's our friend there's one of us lovely and you can do that by collecting ammonia and phosphate so i'll do that nice and quickly now the bar's filling and don't worry i'll be skipping a lot more of this as we continue the game excellent so now i've duplicated everything inside of us so we can split into two cells now there is a lot here to go over so currently we are the only species available so as you can see these are things which are going to change like physical conditions atmospheric gases compounds so the amounts of glucose and ammonia in the water etc and currently there are two species which are here we have our species primum thrivium and there are this second species over here as well currently we are the dominant by far this will change as you evolve and adapt and apparently or it also depends on how well you do so if you keep dying if you keep getting eaten it will affect your population at least from what i can see if i'm incorrect about any of this i do apologize so here's the timeline glucose concentrations have decreased we have increased our population and the new species has split off to fill a niche so next up then this is where we currently are we are in the very bottom of this chunk over here if we move around we can eventually move to these other chunks as you can see the atmospheric gases are pretty much staying the same but all these areas have different things so here we have lots of hydrogen sulfide whereas the next one has zero although the next one has more glucose and more phosphate and ammonia i guess for now i'll just stay where i am or should i move i would like to come a plant so we're going to need some oxygen ooh to the ice shelf underwater cave very cool i'm very keen to see these gases change as well in future updates if there's any major updates in the future i'll definitely do another video but for now we'll keep it as it is i think i will stay where i am for now in the volcanic events so we can see our friends we have 100 mutation points and there's a lot we can decide on we can change our membrane to different ones like cellulose or silica we have our normal here so a double membrane with two layers less mobility less osmo regulation cost so that you can see over here next to the atp production this is our cost in atp how much energy do things cost so osmo regulation for those who aren't aware is essentially just surviving it's keeping a constant state inside the cell in comparison to what's outside the cell so that's just basically being alive if we can't meet that the cell will lose health and die so this will make that cheaper at the cost of less absorption speed and less mobility so this is the extreme of that then silica has way less osmo regulation cost because it's just harder for things to change there why more health and by more physical resistance but we absorb very slowly and can't really move i'd like to become hostile so eventually if i want to become a plant cellulose or silica is the way to go i can't engulf other things so like other cells you can also change how fluid or rigid your membrane is more rigid is more healthy movements more fluid is faster for now i think the speed is probably the best to grab everything we can solder stay as normal we'll just a basic cell then there are lots of different organelles to choose from so it's different proteins some of which are interesting to say the least thermosynthesis thermosynthesis hmm synthesize so this uses heat to create atp i don't think that's real had to quickly google it to make sure so yeah it is theoretically real but not something we've seen at least from as far as i can tell nitrogen eyes then we can make toxins to shoot we can turn iron into atp produces glucose okay so this is going to be our um photosynthesis then but then later on we can add a nucleus which is incredibly expensive plus 10 just for the osmo regulation but it unlocks all of these so for now that would be silly because it would just starve us so the basic stuff we really want is just more movement and more atp being created so this is really good creating a tp just from the heat around us but the problem is we want to move somewhere colder so it won't be good forever so i think for now what's probably the best yeah obviously the mitochondria needs the nucleus there shortens glucose into atp so this is why more atp production for the same osmo regulation cost as a single cytoplasm okay lovely we can't really afford anything else and for now we're just very very efficient at making lots of atp but not really much with it you know what then yeah we're already fluid if i reduce that could we oh i could instead then go with a flagella well i forged a flagellum because it's a single sure so increases storage increases speed but has a osmo regulation cost in addition to actually costing to move but we can do that so now we're going to be far faster that's pretty much all we've evolved so here we are we have our little flagellum there lots of phosphate everything around us there is a lot of hydrogen sulfide so it could evolve to start using that because that is everywhere although once again it's more just in this environment and for at least this first run my goal is to become a plant i want to be able to photosynthesize so i think next time we evolve we're just moving oh and that's very quick didn't really get to see anything else is there any other cells around i mean this is very early at the moment so there's only the two species i think what's that up there is that one of me yeah they're both just me oh why have i suddenly slowed down oh a tiny rock aha different species hello there oh did this hurt you what did you just do then poop yeah i can't eat you because you're far too big i can't attack you so i think right now we're both just very um around oh you're trying to eat others that's what that flashing is you're trying to eat some of the smaller ones of my species well no there it is that's the other one it's doing pretty well in fact according to this it did better than i did according to the simulations i wonder why i wonder how that works do love that deal over okay so we want to move now currently there's no one in this patch so once again we'll be all alone there's no point in involving weapons saying that i do want to see what happens when you evolve weapons maybe this first run no first run planned second run aggression okay so now we are at the sea floor we're no longer in a volcanic vent so that means there are no sulfides but there is uh actually there's less of everything except for glucose auto evo prediction huh this panel shows the prediction of your future population these numbers are made from the population simulation of auto evo they don't take into account your individual performance oh i thought i did website so in your current batch you are going to perform better when you enter the editor okay so as long as you gathered this this much energy sources predication okay that's definitely something to look into for the future if you want our species to do well so my goal is to get very very far up into the light that's going to take several jumps so we don't want to go extinct until then so there's no real point of and that's only 50 percent light ah okay so so we really want to get to is the tide pool or coastal that's our end end goal then if you want to be more plant-like for now though there's no point involving anything to do with light because there is no light here it makes no sense there's no point in adding any predatory stuff either right now because there's nothing there to ease i think for now just continue to evolve more itp producing stuff and leave it at that and let's make us a little bit more fluid we are a very weird blob at this point but we're slowly turning green don't know why makes no sense but we are so next time we evolve we need to add another flagella hey everyone so future lothrics here quickly so it turns out the past laughter is a bit slow on getting just how this worked but with the flagella it's all about where you place them so a few times throughout this video you'll see he's not really using them correctly and that's because it's not near the back of the cell so the flagella will push the cell against wherever they're placed if they're placed at the back they'll push you forward to place the fronts then they can push you backwards and lathrix doesn't quite get this and because of this the cell moves very slowly at multiple points in the game back to past lathrix he does eventually realize this though okay let's engulf the object there we are can i get this one as well yep i can also eat a nice flagella beautiful well that's fairly quick yet with nothing hostile here we were able to very quickly grab everything our species is incredibly fast even at this point so this is the auto evo once again oh part of the population has migrated interesting okay so yet there are multiple species here with us as well whoa in fact one of them better than us okay if we take a look-see in fact where we've came from we're not doing particularly fantastic that's not the important thing we're just keeping moving you can change the behavior of your species as well which is interesting um fearful i mean we're fast enough to outrun things uh yeah responsive and fearful sure an active will be just running to yet at the moment we are incredibly active just moving towards things not very plant-like admittedly so right now we don't need any more atp production i guess we will in the future if you want to add more flagellum uh more for jello we can add a weapon right now so currently do all that much we could add some more cytoplasm just for the time being i suppose yeah it is a bit bit of a shrimp to wipe that resource there but it is what it is so glucose here let's grab all of that i look so weird now hello looks like a creepy clown i don't know what a clown but apparently it is glucose over there so what i can see these are basically just poison these blobs let's have a quick look see you're gonna hurt me ow yes science has been done poison hurts i imagine it'd be a lot more active and a lot more interesting if you stayed in the same patch for a while but we are just running away don't worry in the next attempt i will be high progressive in my own little patch so much is going on i can imagine if you wanted to look at all this you'd be there all day okay we are still surviving in the other areas and we're not being pushed to extinction by any means okay we're starting to get some light now no we're not a one off that never mind it's still cold there's no light there's more of the other stuff if i did this it's plus 10 no so if i want to so i do want the nucleus so i think what we should do now is bank up some of these in fact i might just replace these two sure don't get too big there because that's just gonna yeah the cytoplasm just isn't very efficient for the osmo regulation cost so we're getting three energy from it at the cost of one extra cast whereas these were getting loads of energy as long as we can keep on splitting up glucose so i think next time we'll do that again just more atp maybe one more one more flagellum and then we'll move over to the nucleus we'll start getting big brain time little bits of debris there falling from the sky currently we are just running away from more competition is that a nucleus oh i did not expect to be able to eat that well that is a big meal huh well that's useful just need a little bit more ammonia now a tiny tiny bit of phosphate i look so mutated at all times i kind of love that so this time we are just all alone here no one wants to be our friend we're just not beating this i do wonder if they are evolving with us oh there's a third species there now okay so now finally we get a little bit of light though not much only one percent it's very cold before we go to the ice so right now we could actually add the nucleus that's just a little bit off not by much uh do white one more time or do we do it now and just accept the fact we're going to be a bit slow because we can definitely afford our osmo regulation we just can't do all of our speed oh you can turn them off it seems that's interesting yeah it just means that this particular turn we're going to be very slow but we don't have any predators i think this is really the chance to do this oh total population is lowered interesting oh by our current change well yeah i'm turning us incredibly slow that's why it's worth it for the future it's an investment i could no oh this is gonna be so much yeah we're gonna be devouring so much glucose it's probably a little bit too early i'm gonna try anyway no friend let me get it instead oh we are so sluggish okay is that glucose yep okay i just need to go and find as much glucose as possible because we are chewing through it very quickly we're still very simple compounds uh cells oh did i start starved then yes i did whoa this is gonna be really really really close we might end up going extinct because of my hubris well it took three attempts this time i survived long enough and we can evolve that was pretty dreadful yeah clearly that's not a particularly good species yet most of our things i believe were harmed by that but now i can move to did i not move last stop did i mess up ah well doesn't matter if i did it didn't now we do have a functioning nucleus says thermoplasts to provide energy at the cost of well if we just have the right temperature which we don't turns itp into ammonia that's interesting so it could be completely static if we could also make phosphates lysosomes mitochondria the powerhouse of the sk of the cell is quite big hmm where do i put this thing put one there put one there then we can fill these in lighter even more osmo regulation though but at least now i can actually move properly okay we have all four of our uh flagella there and then two mitochondria though actually once we move next time i'm going to be moving into producing there we are chloroplasts so that'll be our glucose producer so that produces the glucose which then the mitochondria feed on okay it's nice being able to move again even if we're still not exactly quick i'm also realizing that the uh chemo receptors would have been really good because they point where all this stuff is and i was just aimlessly wandering and almost starved again i hear starving isn't great so now we're finally going to this the ice shelf so we have a little bit of light here though not all that much so i'm going to go down the extreme route and we're going with silica so with this we have a minus 40 on our osmo regulation cost that's the cost just to be alive and i think we could go with these now do these rotate yes they do no straight away how much that cost oh three in osmo regulation but as you can see there the compound balance it is slowly feeding into our glucose but not enough so we still need more itp production that is shocking okay so those are massively more efficient then 0.038 for 18.27 versus 0.025 for just under 8. although these do have more osmo regulation as well so let's go silica then because that massively reduces the base osmoregulation there we go so now i've attached one chloroplast we're still able to produce just enough power for our flagella and our base movements this will now just slowly produce glucose for our mitochondria they do only have one i guess that's one of the big problems isn't it well you know what for now this is all going to stick with i doubt i'm even producing enough glucose to stay still no we're not okay so oh good an abundance of glucose right next to us hopefully this goes well because then once we get to the lighter area it's basically going to double the efficiency of our chloroplasts oh not the best start just about making it there okay brilliant oh that was pretty awful i'm also now realizing that the flagellum uh well they don't work exactly how i thought it did the flagella there's he's not moving backwards is far faster so i was assuming lethal jello would always uh benefit our speed regardless which of the wasd i was pressing apparently that's not quite the case can i choose or no don't have to go to the tide pool well that's fine so 100 light here so these should now be producing why more the chloroplasts there we go [Music] yes yes atp production is far too low we understand that's mostly because of the flagella yes if i put the fragility in the other way i assume that actually ah didn't think that would matter honestly so we've been going slower than we needed to for a lot of this time whoops we could afford another chloroplast but that's probably not the best idea so with the extra chloroplast actually so if one more chloroplast we are producing more atp than we're consuming it's just a matter of we don't have enough atp to use our flagella i can't remove them just yet we're gonna look very weird for the time being then eventually i'll put another one here okay so really we need another mitochondria then another chloroplast that's kind of the goal here we're going to move very slowly now but we should be gaining yet we are now officially gaining glucose so glucose is no longer a concern at all yeah look how much faster we are going to move backwards now so forward speed backward speed as you can see if i move forwards i'm not losing atp if i move backwards i am well that's a pretty big oversight on my part definitely i'll have to mention earlier well it took a while but there we go now finish with this we're still the only species here but i'm going to white around now so this is going to be our final one now to win this game you just have to survive a certain amount of cycles well yes at the moment it really is mostly just us though in some of the other areas there's multiple things i'm actually surprised we're still surviving in them but yeah we're just gonna stay where we are this is our home for life now going to add another chloroplast because i can and i would like in the mitochondria now how are we going to do this so atp production is too low obviously that's why we're adding the mitochondria connect to the back of this thing this looks truly bizarre it's a way to make it a bit more um mirror mode is there actually a mirror mode in this game oh there is okay ah but it still seems like yeah you're not really gonna mirror the actual organelle positioning just the actual blocks okay well at least i do know how there is in fact a mirror mode so right now we're going to be incredibly slow but we are able to produce a good amount of glucose so eventually then what we could do is turn that glucose into other things turns atp into ammonia for instance well for now though our weird cone-like plants just need to evolve some more yeah so now we are still producing lots and lots of glucose oh and i should go the other way because of the whole silliness did i instantly replicate yeah i actually replicated some of the um some of the flagella still currently we are the only species here so this will be really simple completely danger free because we can produce our own food and we're just collecting ammonia and phosphate that was an incredibly relaxing few minutes we still the only species here yeah we're just oh glucose concentrations have decreased glucose concentrations have decreased are we just using up all the glucose in the system interesting oh wow yeah look at the glucose levels at the bottom i guess each biome can only sustain a certain amount okay so another species has now reached the ice shelf along with us so curious how long how long does it take for for us to either diverge into multiple or something else getting here well i'm still gonna stay here that's my whole goal is to just dominate the tide pools forever i'm hoping something gets here eventually because i really want to try out is this being able to shoot essentially poison oxytocin it fires using atp we can generate lots of atp all by ourselves so we're perfectly fine with that there's not really much else we need to do with this thing i mean maybe we should go to cellulose oh not yet cannot engulf yeah only these two can engulf none of these can calcium carbonate interesting it doesn't say about the osmo regulation oh because it's equal to the silica it's just more toxic resistance but less physical resistance i guess we should probably go more rigid as well now to kind of finish off our design we'll eventually get poison as well to fire around that's kind of what we're going to go with just slowly moving around attacking anything nearby and grabbing any resources we can actually have so which is the one i'm after right now not the camo blast or chemo blast rather you don't know which each of them is which it's very difficult to go through all these there we are atp into ammonia okay so now i'm going to slowly produce ammonia all by ourselves we don't need to go and hunt anymore i don't think we can create phosphate though that seems to be the one we still need to go and hunt for ourselves so it can never be truly a plant staying perfectly still sadly what else do we mean actually you know what finally let's get a chemoreceptor icp production too low yeah that's only when we're moving so we can just stop moving for a second that'll be fine we can always project make more mitochondria lighter with such a weird design i've attempted to kind of compound this even further and just keep going down so it's like one of those hydra little microbes sure snap on this rest we should see ammonia being produced there we are in the bottom right eventually then we should see that fill i'm hoping oh look the chemo receptors working it's pointing us in this direction i wonder if there's a way to make it more specific there we go ammonia has gone up it's like i wonder if it's a way to make it more specific so it goes for certain ones that's something to look into in the future the chemo receptor was really good because it seems like resources would get more and more spread out as time goes on or i'm just getting very unlucky it took ages to find this but thankfully didn't take even longer so i actually started changing my direction because of the arrow it's very hard to see it though i imagine it's not really showing up very well on the video itself there's a little line coming from the center of my cell just pointing the way to certain chemicals there we go there's still a big chunk up here there's our weird weird cells i don't know how to classify anymore just gonna chill taking up all the natural resources okay it's pointing that way now okay these two are gonna stop now guys guys friends there's one brothers we move there we go now we're multi-cellular let me go a new species has finally arrived here and it splits off from us so i am very curious about what these are going to look like we continue to stay here we don't lose yeah okay so the ammonia and and sulfite seems to stay about the same we need to start eating iron really it's the one thing we don't eat at all is it time to finally start adding some toxins i mean there is now there is now a separate species so we're moving backwards okay the front is reversed i don't know if you can actually change that so i'm gonna just put this a big old blob of poison on the very front of well the back but what is essentially affront um yes we're fine as we are really is anything we need to do don't care too much about that turning speed we could add the mitochondria now i guess put one there one there that's gonna start devouring too much 80 uh too much glucose so i guess for now probably nothing then add more of these soon but these also take up some it's all a balancing act isn't it i mean there is the more basic version for next time i think for now just leave it as is honestly maybe it's not the right call that's what we're doing so it's e oh oh well it fires backwards since we're moving uh we're actually moving in reverse so that's it that little shot there okay so do some kind of defense and we do turn around decently quickly so it shouldn't be too hard to uh aim and fire some poison so let's see if we can find the other species then what we want to do is eradicate all of our our competitors just trying to keep this is the only organism here as much as we can though again i don't think that has too much to do with our personal achievements but we'll certainly try anyway one of our species was just eating poison then we're very smart so what i should do is change the island so my species is more hostile there we go so he's doing damage to it so what's different from us other than different color oh there we go it popped one so i need to change the ii then of my species because currently we're just letting them live and i'm the only one being mean stop eating my phosphate stop it it's taking long enough to evolve as it is still slow i am there we go doesn't do much damage but just having the range capability is really good this whole place is just so overpopulated with us now yeah i can't actually consume most of the things i'm killing but i do drop a little bit of phosphate each time so this is that there we go and we are revolving oh we completely hunted them to extinction apparently i do wonder how much any of my actions matter there but yeah utterly obliterated them we're starting to plateau a bit now because we're kind of devouring everything in this patch evolving that time took absolutely ages it took me i think like 20 minutes to get all the phosphate then it's kind of absurd i could move to this other patch with this other species to spread my domination to a brand new land yeah because this is just so filled i'm saying that it's got more uh we could stay in the tide pool there's nothing else but us so you know what let's go there and i want to check 100 yep just need to make sure there's a hundred percent uh light behavior is aggressive aggressive microbes will chase down prey over great distances and they're more likely to fight predators when attacked peacefully okay yeah we definitely want to be aggressive there also want to be brave we're going to become incredibly hostile now since we are little blobs of venom if if i had multiple of those would that stack the damage they'd both be able to fire and again it doesn't matter too much as long as the atp doesn't go all the way down here we don't need to move that much we can be incredibly patient just takes a long time to do stuff oh that's what was on that uh mutation he had some cilia okay that helps returning modify once oh okay so how do i modify once placed aha hello search radius line color minimum amount to detect okay we only care about phosphate that's all we care about so that's what we need to do is anything else we can modify then can i flip you for free something funny stop moving the correct way that would be great ah even flipping these costs um resources well it's not moving the correct way since i was on a fire that way so sure yeah so itp production is too low we'll just leave his is though for now so i'm hoping those two actually stack now i think about i should have placed them separately so i can see if they are both firing i think they are i don't know well at least now we're only searching for phosphate so that should be a lot easier and we are making our own our own ammonia let's see if we can find out about this other species here and hunt them to extinction i don't think those two organelles are stacking damage wow we need so much phosphate now to evolve has it it's just left the circle that is dreadful okay would you find a much higher quantity of phosphate maybe you should have set it so it only tracks the higher quantities at the moment it's just tracking all these little pools so there's one of the other species there still not seeing our species attacking all i guess maybe it's just because we can't engulf them we just will never see them as prey which makes sense we aren't releasing we're just taking a tiny bit of phosphate that it drops naturally so the main two differences i've seen between our species and this one is that they can actually engulf things they should however stay far away from us i will have that tiny little bit of phosphate also i've noticed that the flagella still acts in the same ways before so clearly flipping them did nothing i've learned that now so i finally figured it out it's where on the cell you place the flagella that's how it works now i've put them on the back here i'm actually moving forwards correctly that took a very long time you can use the poison attack so quickly and dead and that will leave a tiny little blob of phosphate for us thank you first time seeing my species attack things for some reason i really don't like those a very small cell type maybe as a weapon so it counts as a threat back in the rock pool there are now apparently eight different types of microbe so that's more for us to shoot at so what i've done is i've added more flagella and i've also added some of the turning pieces now we can turn a lot faster to target them kind of wish we could consume these little things because they are absolutely everywhere but at least once we kill them we do get a little chunk of phosphate which i keep on saying that's kind of what we're going after with the population now so high it's much easier just to kill others and get their phosphate and actually find decent phosphate patches two of the other species have now evolved spikes to try and defend themselves and do occasionally ram us but the range attack still seems to really really counter them so i can't really do all much so in terms of my own evolution i've gone with pure flagella so much so i can no longer produce quite enough atp to maintain our movement at full speed but it doesn't mean we can have a quick burst of speed if something gets too close to us also i think i've figured out why we're attacking some enemies not others it's because we count them as food because how small they are even though we can't actually engulf them to do that we'd have to change our membrane again back to one of the more standard types and not these the i can't remember exactly what we have right now the really really tough one so i think once we hit 2000 that's when the game ends as you can see now i've gone back to the rock pool we've once again began very very much destroying everyone else oh the small one just went extinct only the red one is remaining that's one which has evolved both poison and spikes now but since we're not particularly hostile to that whoa look at that the glucose levels are dropped dramatically so must be to do with just how many of the species are actually there i guess it makes sense because all of these are eating it so i guess as they die the glucose might go back up i'm not 100 sure how that works but yeah glucose everywhere has fallen drastically whoa other species have moved everywhere look at that i could actually go here just take a look see all these other populations as our final movement but staying here means we are pretty much guaranteed to win after this so let's just stick with that look at our monstrosity it looks so vile currently it doesn't actually produce enough power for itself so it can move for a while then it starts to slowly uh well not quite starved but it just gets stuck um's got some of these basic ones so these both produce uh glucose while also consuming it for a little bit of atp so i'm gonna go with that for now since our last one not very much else to do confirm oh never mind you are thrived congratulations you have won this version of thrive you might continue playing after the screen closes if you wish or start a new game in a new world you may also add built uh binding agents to build a cell colony and check the light game prototypes yeah so that's something we could do it's one of the items but i don't think i'll do that for now i had a lot of fun with this i'm not sure how much of the footage you'll actually end up in the video i think i've been playing for like five six hours uh if time really did fly by it was a lot of slow episode uh slow moments and me trying to figure out some basic stuff because i'm a slow person but yeah i really enjoyed this has a long way to go but the foundation is very solid that's kind of why i'm getting i think i'll do one more video on this which will be me being a true predator and will try and stick in the starter locations until the glucose levels get just to utterly absurd low levels so rather than being a plant next time will be the apex predator so i've been recording this while also doing full playthroughs because i wanted to on the channel and i'm so glad i picked this particular game so as i said the links will be in the description if you have enjoyed this video then of course likes favorite shares comments all that good stuff helps out me helps out the channel and most importantly shows that thrive is something you wish to see continued in the future as the game progresses and updates i would love to come back and check out some other stuff after i do one more video just in the start location being a lot more aggressive thank you and goodbye
Channel: Lathland
Views: 158,752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: FwO6ADf26X8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 12sec (2772 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 18 2022
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