Making A Galaxy To Ignore My Responsibilities | Full Modded Playthrough Stellaris 3.3

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greetings you bureaucratic nightmares in the making and welcome back to stellaris with me alathrix and of course a welcome to the newest full playthrough now using the gigastructural engineering mod this is actually attempt number three to do this video the last two times i was focusing most on the catson trying to spawn them in so we could face off against them using the new rebellion mechanics which i am promised are actually really good a few of my friends have gone through and showed me some screenshots it looks insane that it's actually in stellaris it is really weird but every time i've tried the cats simply haven't spawned in because their moon have been destroyed even though i force-born them so that's been a bit of an issue but today instead of that and i will be getting onto that very soon we're going to be focusing on something i found out by myself while was just trying to test it out and play and that is this a y on an island possibly my favourite new origin which i have not yet completed with loads of events and the ability very early on to essentially make your own little mini galaxy next to the main galaxy because the main galaxy smells and your galaxy is going to be beautiful and possibly very dangerous so in essence what this is is we have our own little world off the main galaxy not connected via hyper lines you do have the event horizon offset facility already within one of your systems you can repair that and soon you can rejoin the galaxy at large however there is so much more to it than that you can instantly start creating the cohesive systems which connect to your hyperline little cluster and they can have loads of events including all to do with the primordial pillars which the mod has used a lot in the past i've looked at them and had no idea what you're meant to use them for well this is all about that and yeah there's just loads to it and essentially you get a head start doing all those kind of events while still having a really unique playstyle if you want to be a little bit isolationist well personally how we're going to do things is i would like to try and test out a different type of unity build not going with spiritualist which i've done every other time instead we are the bureaucratic stabilizers this little world in its own little cluster perhaps couldn't even see the galaxy at large because of the magics and science in the way of that cluster i don't know but either way our people were nihilistic they were aggressive to each other they simply had no direction until they found the beauty that is bureaucracy and through that everyone became docile and happy listening to the new world order and that is bureaucratic madness so to go with this we are fanatic egalitarian everyone is getting equal or at least so the people think we are materialistic using everything we can within our system although i am tempted to swap that maybe to pacifist and go on a complete isolationist to run in an outdoor cluster now i say that i kind of like the idea of that not too sure just yet but i do kind of like the idea of having machines so materialist for now we are democratic which honestly i don't find as good as oligarchic but if we go democratic we can go with parliamentary system which i've never used before and has changed drastically now making your factions give you even more unity so fnatic egalitarian plus 50 unity for factions and then parliamentary system plus 40 we of course have the bureaucracy civic which allows our bureaucrats to produce even more stability and give us stability for our worlds if people just listen to the bureaucrats everything will be fine we could even go with this efficient bureaucracy making our i think that does apply to the bureaucrats minus 20 upkeep which is not the best but it's okay we have beacon of liberty we could use instead going with even more unity actually that would be pretty cool wouldn't it more unity there more output more unity more unity eventually more unity this would be a serious unity build but i kind of want it to be a bit more open so i think i am going to stick with meritocracy because this also gives us more unity but i do want to be able to jump into science because we are still playing the gigastructural engineering model i still want to play all the shiny shiny megastructures the species itself is intelligent and traditional it is remarkably docile thanks to the hard work of our bureaucrats they are sedentary because they are i think we're a fungus yes we are fungoid and we are non-adaptive after all we are living on a harsh barren world here because i chose desert because it's all about having a lifeless world here so i like the concept of this plant is so hardy to survive here but it's very specifically adapted to do so so a touch of water and the entire fungi it simply shrivels up and dies or bloats and dies either way doesn't like water it doesn't look anything else it needs the arid deserts we could actually go something a bit different how about i never select savannas i've chose arid aaron you know what we come from from a savannah instead that's what we're doing so meritocracy all this but this is mostly about the origins the empire itself is secondary here this should be a decently powerful empire type while being a nice middle point between tech and unity focusing on unity to begin with then transferring to tech later and that is it so into the game we go this time i will not allow the cats and spawn because i want to focus completely on the origin and the katson should spawn in way too early and interrupt that i will be doing a cats and run soon by simply starting games over and over again until they actually spawn and then i will go ahead and do that full playthrough as well starting probably at the midway point i am rambling way too much i do apologize we are on max difficulty as usual mid game is early the end game is 2350 now that the end game can spawn at that year not 50 years later so it's still decently early and i think it's gonna be really interesting to see if we can just hold off on now a little cluster for all eternity another way of playing this would be to go with the isolationist route completely by going with inwards perfection but i don't want to do that i like the idea of this build bureaucrats for life let's finally go hey everyone as is tradition with these full playthroughs future lathrix here so before i shield for this video i just want to say make sure you stick until the end after the endgame crisis occurs because things happen which i didn't know could happen some things i may have should well should have looked into a little bit earlier on i do discover and there is even more to the stories of the origin than i first thought and now with the shilling if you do like these types of videos then likes and comments massively helped me this video has took over a week to put together because of family issues and me having to do stuff but also just the sheer amount of footage needed for these videos and they can be poisoned for the youtube algorithm unless there's a lot of interaction then they can be fantastic and i can continue to make these videos which is the whole reason why i'm on youtube i love making these videos they are my passion competitive almost everything else so interaction helps thank you for doing it it really does mean a lot to me and feel free to check me out on twitter as well i never promote my twitter it's always in it's always in the description i post lots of pet pictures occasionally videos i've got lots of weird pets and now back to past lathrix i'm gonna go take a nap and here we begin in the top left of the galaxy the funny thing is the last two times i tried this actually started off at the bottom of the galaxy which is pretty interesting so a y on an island now one thing to say is we do instantly have access to knowledge of this system the reason is this also has one of the primordial pillars or as they're called at the moment mysterious stones and that will connect us eventually in the future now i will be skipping a lot of the text throughout these events because there are you'll see it is very text heavy and very in-depth and i love that but unless i want this video to be five hours long i'm gonna need to uh abbreviate some of it to summarize some of it so i want unlimited megastructure build cap i don't mind the ai having the um event horizon offset facility as well so staff one i guess it's the default sadly the compound is still offline i will not be allowing the cats and spawning for this run because we are focusing almost purely on the origin this time because again there's loads to it and i'm also not going to allow um yeah i'm also not going to sell the blockers because i want i want to see how good it is if we just isolate here and not jump to the galaxy at large and i want to see how many different systems we can create using the offset facility will it be a true new galaxy or is there a limit i honestly don't know and i want to find out and that's going to make us weak because i'm purposefully choosing bad options here so i don't want to see the blockets today because i will die and there will be no chance for me and it won't be fun for me so with that let's get going and let's instantly go to explore the system next to us i want tech i want tech i want tech i light i want minerals because i want robots faster thank you i'm not going to go down these synthetic routes but i do want robots because we're going to need a lot of pop because i want to go with ring world and possibly the arcology world because we're not going to have too many worlds in the last few tests i've done i've ended up with only three or four worlds not the first 50 or 60 years so yeah we're going to need to really get loads out of them here we are instantly with the construct and of course you want to explore the construct isn't it beautiful that's for our world we're going to be whoa why are amenities so bad so early that's interesting horrendous uh okay well we're also losing consumer goods why are we losing so much so early is a valid question for me i don't know let's focus on civilian economy just for no i can't change it 10 years and i need alloys to repair the structure i'll just fix it by doing things we have found the offset facility whilst in and around the mega structure we've collected a great deal of advanced technologies knowledge and most significantly an arcane artifact of unknown purpose and origin which will eventually be a relic so with that we get two of now we've got one of them i forget two of them eventually all right now we can study the artifact oh maybe you've got to survive everything first which is there we go there's the other event ooh that's just random yeah we've got something for our scientists to do in the meantime as you can see this is why i will be summarizing a lot of these events and a lot of the archaeological sites so bear their mind because lots of text very dyslexic like me could be very difficult to read all of it though again i do massively appreciate the amount of detail which goes into this story and if you have the game i would massively recommend playing it our sign ship was hit by an intense flash of energy and with this the propulsion drive collapsed and the ship line dormant for six hours we've seen recurring yet enigmatic patterns on the monitors and it seems like the ship itself was possessed with doors opening and closing by themselves and lots of other not so great things a second energy spike and then the ship went down again this time including the secondary power core but thankfully this blackout only lasted 10 seconds so no one was lost this time things looking weird and we need to further investigate the enigmatic pattern and you're gonna hear me say enigmatic pattern a lot of times the pattern is part of an advanced information and energy transmission sequence sent from an unknown location the code sequence is capable of infecting and possessing logical structures like vessels so it was in fact responsible for all the strange behaviors on the ship including the manifestation of the code sequence itself as visual information on the monitors or mechanical information within the doors which again looked like it was being possessed which is a bit on the weird side so with that what we've done is we have changed our ships so now we can safely engage in these systems the wormhole cohesive systems without our ship being completely turned off every single time lots of isolation i will try to make sure these are on the screen by the way in case you want to pause to try and read them i know it's a lot of text i know it won't probably be readable all the time but i will try my best in case you'd like to read along there is a lot to cover the event horizon offset facility is completed good so with that we can not activate it oh yes again by pressing the activate button down here so there we are with this we can jump straight to the galaxy if we wish now the funny thing is at one point here it says how going to the cohesive stars is a one-way trip but that's not actually the case for us because we're there for us going to the main systems is a one-way trip so what we're going to do to begin with is straight away go to one of the cohesive systems oh i think it has a cute animation as ultra i may have just missed yet it spawns a black hole then the ships go into it so we have our very first system now in the previous attempt these have been really random you can have enemies in them similar to the normal galaxy systems things like the amoeba and the mining drones etc um you can also have worlds though i found that quite to be very rare and loads of events though i do seem to see a lot of research coming from them i'm not sure if that is actually a thing or not that's just kind of how it looks i thought i was getting more minerals than that i'm about to start an industrial district that's not smart did i mention there's a lot of text oh man i appreciate another effort which must have gone into all this seriously so we're finding out about sentient metal and boy are we finding out about sentient metal the scientists found that the living metal is comprised of hyper advanced nano machines that can mimic many different forms of matter and physical and chemical properties making them of course very unique and very interesting to our service on top of all that they can absorb many different types of energy with only gravitational dark matter and negative mass not being absorbed all of this energy increases their power it seems to be sentient and aware of its surroundings absorbing even energy from things which are meant to destroy it so for now we have the research option gained at sentient metal tier 1 and tech progress into that same tier so that is one of i think five or six levels of it i can't quite remember but either way this is the very first bit of the sentient metal now that we've reached the amplifier and here is the actual thing itself this is all just about that as well i believe and the enigmatic pattern they got to the object and by using a combination of gravitational waves a frequency and amplitude with the mimics the enigmatic pattern itself an entrance manifested within the object inside it was technologically highly advanced and super complex although this was not the origin of the enigmatic pattern itself but it serves as an amplifier and repeater for it we're going to need to find a lot more of them it's possible that the alien object which is located at the edge of the solar system the primordial pillar may have something to do with it so there we are the mysterious stone will soon be called the primordial pillar instead i believe on a shattered world we have found the next of the reality codes it took some difficulty to get inside of this time but once again we have accessed the amplifier object and we have found out about the sentient metal and the primordial pillar also we've got another fragment now from this so after combining it all we got access to the database which allowed us to learn all of this the pillars at the edges of the wormhole cohesive systems are responsible for the transportation of the enigmatic pattern code sequence over interstellar distances the incredibly high energy seems to be necessary to activate the pillars due to all known pillars being dormant it can only be assumed that a specific energy intensity or something similar is needed to activate them in regards to the sentient metal it is receiving orders from what can only be described as an advanced io routine which is able to affect all of the sentient metal at once or the nanite particles which it is created of somehow it is able to act lifelike quasi sentient and we don't fully understand that however with this discovery we have figured out how to slightly manipulate the ai routine and slightly change an adoption order which forced the sentient metal to rearrange its shape so we are starting to understand the sentient metal and all of the weirdness which is around it and hopefully i scrub through that enough if you wish to pause and read it you can there's a lot of text there though so it depends on youtube's compression technology discovery the primordial pillar is activated it's way bigger than i thought it was i mean look at look our little station in comparison oh dear thankfully i'm currently upgrading the station because now this is open we are now connected to the galaxy at large through the different primordial pillar locations and this is all because of the reality code taken from the frozen world so i guess if you don't want to connect yourself to the galaxy at large but you still want to have everything else going on just don't finish this particular archaeology site i guess but we want to be connected because we want to still face against the end game crisis today and we could just hide out here forever otherwise of course this time around we've managed to open up the pillars from the fragment in the amplifier object three things were needed to be present first of all the gravi electromagnetic waves needed to be a specific energy content if it was above or below slightly it simply wouldn't open up the pillar secondly the wive needed to be exactly that type of wife the gravi electromagnetic which i keep on messing up this is not my fourth attempt at trying to do this and third of all the enigmatic code sequence needs to be tuned perfectly to activate the pillar this serves as a way to ensure that the pillars are only getting activated when truly needed and not accidentally the crew was also able to gain additional knowledge about the sentient metal from this amplifier with the sentient metal it's simply a matter of we now think we can use it for more complex things perhaps even the repair of structures like hulls so things like the ships okay so hopefully now soon we once again will get to the next code sequence but what i really should probably do when i think about it is yeah let's go through the primordial pillar and let's figure out where the other pillars are so you can't just select the other pillars but if you do the automated serving i think there we go we can use that to um select them without really selecting them okay newest doing this system currently okay so let's just hope there's no enemies near the pillars since i want to stay here basically i may make some tiny footholds in the main galaxy but really i want to see if we can just stick here it's a very silly way of doing this but we're gonna stick here let's keep on making new systems and just stay on our own little island i read toxic world okay well this is something i didn't see last time it is lethal to any organic life form and is also incredibly dense and opaque making it possible to see through weaker forms of radiation unable to penetrate the surface as well making it difficult to scan the surface obviously we're going to take a look-see we found a ruined interstellar assembly but still no worlds i need worlds desperately huh you stopped exploring over there that's weird the one good thing with them going over to normal space though is we can finally start grabbing some of our precursor stuff perhaps maybe we need more science vessels a civilization that once used technology was present here along with at least plant life however everything is being corroded and destroyed by the red fog i'm gonna send people down to the surface that seems like a reasonable thing for me to do i care about safety okay the scarlet scourge this is a lovely red oh it's this one here i thought it's the big oh no it's a molten world okay so this tiny little world hello there it was created by the civilization who lived here so yep it was them after all well done you've turned your world a very vibrant beautiful scarlet and it originated somewhere known as the origin site which is which makes sense the toxin is composed of particles of varying sizes from the size of dust particles the size of large environs which makes it extremely difficult to contain while being able to cover the sky and surfaces it's able to replicate via means unknown i would like to know it came from plus i'm getting loads and loads of stored science from this which is fantastic i've made loads more science ships i'm just trying to explore pretty much everywhere um the empire currently under attack doesn't like us but probably won't attack us ever you we can make friends with then there's the union over here which does like us since i think they're yep they are egalitarian oh they're us they're literally us none of them like us so we have a good friendship over here so we might be able to form a federation we're not gonna send ships to to ever aid them or anything but we could at least i don't know give them our navy capacity i know i'm sure we have something to offer yeah do you have any science vessels we can move over yeah we need even more science vessels to do everything i'm currently wanting to do plus we need to now grab a new system lots to do excuse me what disinterested gamers oh my god that's fantastic i love that yeah it's just a vegetable before well met blah blah well that is fantastic so yeah their homeworld is absurd we need to go to war with them eventually that is so cool i love that as a um as a fallen empire they're in one of the brains which is one of the giga structures you can build love that absolutely love that the origin site was originally called hazard testing ground y173 it was not the place of creation of the scarlet scourge but a testing site utilized by the institution that originally created the scarlet scourge known as the innovation of forge the site consists of an observation post and a large dome around small towns and forests originally inhabited by voluntary test subjects who were told that it was a climate control experiment animal life was also present it managed to break through the dome it leaked in the atmosphere and that was the end of their civilization the records also revealed the coordinates of a location called the repository which apparently was the original main facility of the innovation forge and the place where not only the scourge was originally created but their greatest creations in general well it's gonna be useful get back here we have plasmatic lifeforms i need to start skipping some of these events but this one just seems interesting to me and of course we are going to study it they appear to be composed of pseudo-organic plasma that functions in a similar way to how the bodies of organic life forms work well i would like to know how this works as well please oh there are so many things thankfully it seems like we're going to be okay with the position of our pillars although these fellas aren't the happiest with us again they're definitely not going to war we can definitely um bribe them off that's fine this pillar is completely away from anyone and that pillar seems to be isolated as well only with the imperium nearby which also won't mind us and there are pacifists oh oh is that the imperium there okay so imperium are kind of surrounding us but that's fine so we are very lucky we're not we can't really expand much through these locations but we are mostly safe so the scourge the red skirt the scarlet scourge the scourge boys were actually there to be a terraforming agent worked a bit too well then a bit too badly so it devoured the entire world the idea of it just being i guess they'd go on to other worlds and uh quickly and by themselves terraform it to their liking but that didn't quite work now thankfully the intelligences currently still located at the facility have told us they were building a catalyst a gigantic tower called the catalyst by the innovation forge close to the south pole it was meant to cleanse the atmosphere of the scala scourge they attempted to do so but failed because they could not find a way to stop the scarlet scourge from replicating it but we are a bit more advanced than them and we can activate it so if we activate it we get a world which i am so desperate for thank you with plus 30 tool research and and an additional plus 15 sent to society research and it's an arid world which is actually very good for us it doesn't matter too much we have droids right now so doesn't matter as much as usual but still lovely or we could get the tech scourge deployment we're not going to be an aggressive empire so that would be silly of us to pick we obviously want the world oh it's instance i think it'd be another event okay there we go the arid world extra society research from jobs and even more research and it produces through society by itself apparently and has no generator mining or agricultural districts it's only a size seven i mean it's gonna produce a lot of tech but not as much as i first hoped sure that's fine i'm sure i i'm sure i sent my construction vessel to build here apparently not okay i clearly need to sort out all the different uh vessels i have some of them just idling doing nothing right now ah they are a pre-hunter-gatherer-like stage the plasmic society that is lots of events going on i love little things like this though the concept of like where the line is of what is life what isn't life i've always found absolutely fascinating to not mean to do that but today it's fine right now all i care about is getting someone on there we have collected the next fragment of the code from the molten world here and its amplifier object from this we have deduced that the fragment piece is completely useless to us at least for now since more fragments are needed because this is not used in the activation of the pillars nor the transporting of the code sequence once it is complete however maybe we'll get something else as for the sentient metal we've kind of figured out that it's more like a hive mind with each nanite serving as neurons eyes and hands and that makes it far far more complex this is the somewhat worrying hypothesis that perhaps the metal is not only sentient but perhaps even self-aware but we can use this and its newfound computational capacity to create systems which can be controlled by the metal hive mind weapons ships and structures could be all used in this way and since i haven't really looked at this before uh so this is the current tier system so tier one will allow us to be to actually create the sentient metal the second one sorry this yeah the second one's just a research increase the third one is to upgrade that first building the fourth one once again is just a research increase tech is terrible but we have a lot of stored research from all those events so at least we're kind of keeping up with most of the empires though there are quite a few which are surpassing us even in tech we're really not a very powerful empire at the moment i'll decide that we are a lot weaker than i've been in the past reality code gas giant is now finished so it turns out the code sequence we have currently the one we're working on the separate one is a master code sequence it's there to connect the origin site of the enigmatic code itself which is incredibly difficult and needs at least six of the amplifier objects this i believe was number five and this is actually now the last of these i've done in the previous attempts at this small play through and i'm really happy because now everything is going to be brand new to me all they're saying that a lot of it already was new to me the scarlet scourge for instance i definitely didn't see before i'm 99 and i didn't accidentally just start it and then leave it since you do have multiple options to abandon that so i'm assuming i wasn't that dumb but you never know it is me at the end of the day we have found that the sentient metal which makes up the pillars and the amplifiers is gathering energy from an ethereal place so most likely something like the shroud this explains why they are very erratic but also why we haven't found any generators or any clear source of power up until this point basically that is really really strange okay scientists are ready again we sell some alloys and we go to a new cohesive start at the same time i would love another habitat thank you and i'm now also building one of my first megastructures well my very first mega structure the stellar particle accelerator which will eventually give us a lot of physics research whilst also increasing the power of our shields we are going to need to go very heavy into mega structure so i'm starting to pivot slightly towards alloys now because even things like this would help out a lot we are really behind just because of these super super slow stars we're just making up ground now we're a strong empire but a weird start because we chose the weird origin discovered and sometimes weird is better than strong you know so a few things first of all we have the stellar partial accelerator which now looks different to before and i really like that so that's giving us plus two percent to our shield hit points and producing 150 research but now let's stop you because i can now do the arcology project since that's the next ascension perk i've picked so after this we're looking at things like master builders definitely and then we can get into all of the different things which gigastructural engineering gives us though again really the main focus is entirely oh that's stressful really the main focus of this entire run has just been to finish off this which hopefully is going to be fairly soon this has been an insane origin thanks to the master code sequence we will now be able to create a connection between the primordial pillar and the origin of the enigmatic pattern other than that with the knowledge gathered inside the amplifiers and the study of the pillars we are now able to research the technology to manufacture sentient metal and create our own primordial pillars so there we have it we can now begin work to find the origin itself after a very very long time feel free to read all of this there is a lot more to it than just that last little bit but that's the important bit right there the master code sequence is now finished with the master code also unlocked we now have all of the information we need to unlock everything to do with the sentient metal and the nature of its ethereal energy it can make use of local vacuum energy which it can absorb if no other potent energy is nearby on top of that the energy source appears to be the origin of the enigmatic pattern the sentient metal receives energy from the origin by transmitting it throughout the shroud itself the energy sentient metal receives is shroud energy so as we guessed before it is in fact from the shroud itself which gives rise to the hypothesis that the origin is an entity of shroud nature so it's always gathering energy in some way but getting it from the shroud itself is how it's propagating and reacting to the origin it may also be possible that the shroud is only a carrier for the energy and the origin only channels the energy throughout at the shroud which gets converted into shroud energy in the process regardless finding the origin has now become even more crucial as now we may not only find that the purpose of the enigmatic pattern amplifiers and the i'm guessing the primordial pillars is but may also unlock the true potential of sentient metal okay there we are then so i guess this is the origins hello that is oh my god that is way more intense i thought it was i was just reacting to the fact that it's big not the fact it's this thing the ever-changing the sphere and some kind of guardian there which i assume we're gonna need a lot of firepower to get through of course that's gonna be our next goal then to finally build up a fleet because i want this system so this is the origin fantastic complete oh yeah and we found some some primitives in like one of the jumps once again we really really need to get some of that stuff earlier next time if i use this origin this origin is fantastic but if i got some of these worlds earlier i would be in such a better position now i feel like i'm years late the tech's doing okay now at least we are getting there now but we are pretty darn weak okay let's just pop down some basic stuff here just to get it going i guess well although um although the captain empire didn't become a thing it's not too great here for the empire there was originally the united flugian states and now they are a dictatorship because of a coup well then it may also be possible that the shroud is only a carrier for the energy and the origin only channels the energy throughout the shroud which gets converted into shroud energy in the process regardless finding the origin has now become even more crucial as now we may not only find that the purpose of the enigmatic pattern amplifiers and the i'm guessing the primordial pillars is but may also unlock the true potential of sentient metal okay there we are then so i guess this is the origin whoa hello that is oh my god that is way more intense i thought it was i was just reacting to the fact that it's big not the fact it's this thing the ever-changing the sphere and some kind of guardian there which i assume we're gonna need a lot of firepower to get through of course that's gonna be our next goal then to finally build up a fleet because i want this system so this is the origin fantastic complete oh yeah and we found some some primitives in like one of the jumps once again we really really need to get some of that stuff earlier next time if i use this origin this origin is fantastic but if i got some of these worlds earlier i would be in such a better position now i feel like i'm years late the tech's doing okay now at least we are getting there now but we are pretty darn weak okay let's just pop down some basic stuff here just to get it going i guess i'm just gonna read this one in its entirety and i'm probably gonna miss out on a lot of references because i always seem to with these type of things so this is one of the events which can happen if the kaiser doesn't take power they become the united states but now well the united floosing states have been removed because of this we've received news that the states are in upheaval as radical elements of the society have recently undertaken a drastic political scheme to topple the established government the rebels originated from the nation of lorendar one of flusion's former nations that merged with the supernational ufs in order to counter the kaiser's attempts at taking over the planet prior to them achieving ftl while the emergency of the situation ensured lawrence compliance now that the kaiser has been gone for over a decade the more extreme elements of the former society have longed for a return of their nation as an independent state lorenese and thus millions and millions of loreness and cats and partisans petitioned for an emergency election to replace dophus who eventually conceded after several years of rising tensions naturally the former ruler of lorendar ended up winning his set elections by a wide margin he then proceeded to immediately abolish the ufs's former constitution and ordered his loyal supporters and military to seize control of anything opposing his rule it took only a few weeks for the lorenz to completely take control of the ufs and now the empire has been proclaimed and authoritarian and militaristic states bound on galactic domination and thus as quickly as it came following the kaiser's defeat flusion democracy has once again perished perhaps this time for good there we are i want to be your friend and obviously you don't hate me too much and you have the same kind of um tech and a really intense civic there that's a lot of changes lots of crime less stability less happiness less habitability but then loads of other stuff are you only this little blip though i wonder if you'll be able to take over the imperium next to you i mean they have worse tech than me so it's going to be interesting to see welp i've hired some mercenaries oh that is a lot of ships gone straight away has a lot of point defense as well but looks at things which isn't great since i did do a lot of strike craft here and i'm noticing its health isn't moving well then this is going to be far lighter isn't it okay so it does seem to struggle to take out the corvettes the corvettes are dodging a lot of the attacks as you can see whoa look at that right in our faces there lovely so perhaps corvette swarms are the way in the future it has white too much point defense though and we are using missiles so i think that's not a good call either construction complete but yeah as you can see they re it really struggles to get through corvettes so corvette swarm in the future but avoid strike craft missiles stuff like that wow that did so little we're gonna need a few hundred thousand i think initiating well we have found an asteroid habitat also we have loads of species here now one of the former enigmatic colonies apparently we could have made it into this habitat which is just a normal habitat just big or we could have scrapped it for research nice maybe going to the asteroid colony where people vanish wasn't a good idea after all i think we should send more people the science will be done for the people who are still alive construction complete also got almost 500 ah 500k we've got over 100k now fleet power i don't know how well it's going to do on the upside though it seems like it doesn't repair its shields or armor i was actually avoiding shields purely because oh it's shields to come back apparently not so maybe i should have focused on other weapons right now we have disruptors going for hull and we have missiles i decided to go purely for missiles after looking back at the footage i think that it might not have such a point defense i originally thought and even if it does we can overwhelm it i love stuff like this any model with moving parts like that just makes me happy a little ships going around so we built a little asteroid manufacturer i'm now building some battleships because i want to see if i do anything with the archimisus i'm going to get to about near 200k fleet power i think then i'm going to attack i honestly have to sing last time i don't know if that will even do it but as long as the damage is permanent it doesn't matter we can keep on throwing ships at the enemy so the battleships are going to be equipped with strike craft and with arc emitters to go through pretty much everything okay ready for another jump as well come on let's see where we go over here we finally got some worlds imagine if we had that kind of system to begin with that had been lovely so i sent in earlier a 120 000 fleet power because my economy was tanking and we did this little chunk of health the battleships got eradicated instantly corvette spam seems to be the way to go with this thing from what i'm seeing at the moment on the other side we now have a shipyard up and running which is also going to act as a world for us which can produce loads more alloys which is always a good thing and we actually have the shipyard itself which i believe how does it work i think it affects the system it's in so i'll upgrade this that makes sense right well we'll see as we create it has been a while yeah ship production eight shipyards require starbase uplink building yep that's the one and i chose here because we have at least two multiples in fact we have worlds over there as well do these count as well no only the ones in this system i guess okay oh there's a brown dwarf i was looking for you earlier but i decided against it okay so let's build this i'm gonna be honest drums of war i don't think you're going to actually do much because the empire's around you ooh are me well to be honest still i don't think you're gonna do much most empires a lot stronger than you are i wish you spawned somewhere else but i think even i can take you out at this point so the orbital archaeology is complete on our home world so what does that actually do i can't quite remember so increase our max districts and that's pretty much it yeah it's not all that much use i actually thought it provided some percentage bonuses as well yeah not so much use on this one i am also making it on some of our science worlds which are going to be more well have a bit more point but still okay athlete is just about here as well so yeah our um our six dollar heels can be absolutely fine you can stay there now we've connected up the shipyard to this starbase as well we have over nine this one here is giving i believe eight um shipyards and then this one itself already has one so yeah we have nine right now and that's gonna keep on upgrading so that's gonna be our main shipyard for the moment we can now use negative mass shields this is using the living metal the sentient metal which i have been making a lot of in the past so we start using that i think that saves us some alloys it costs 250. okay so i'll probably swap to those soon i i have been making some so we're okay for that and the upkeep's absolutely fine we have loads of the um the negative mass that's gonna take a while so last time i managed to break its armor this time we're hitting a toll i've changed the missiles to normal missiles now they're doing bonus damage to hull we've got it to 50 though this won't be the end uh yes so i need another attack it's ridiculous how strong this thing is and i've underestimated it like three times i am playing terribly today i am making all the bad choices now to be fair for the last week i have been bouncing around all of england and a little bit of scotland helping out family and everything as my mother went for surgery twice well once and now the second one is reset i'm very tired right now but still i don't know i've applied this badly before my mind is somewhere else i don't know where it is so last time i managed to remove the armor from this thing this time it's only hull i've swapped out the missiles from the torps over to the regular missiles so we're doing bonus hull damage now and i honestly don't even know if this will be enough we've got almost 250 i thought no got over 250. yeah we've got over 250 000 now by quite a bit i still don't know if this is gonna be enough this thing is so difficult to kill oh maybe this will actually be it's gonna be really close i mean well i'm building a star lifter to give us minerals i'm building a dyson sphere to give us energy we only have 12 years before the end game crisis but we are able to make a decent fleet at the moment so as long as the in-game price doesn't spawn the second it can which is again 12 years and as long as we can build some battleships and everything around our home here we should be absolutely fine we have a lot of infrastructure currently being built and now after this we're not gonna have to spend all that alloys constantly on ships which has really slowed me down for anything else honestly probably looking back with hindsight should have just continued with focusing on other stuff you know getting that research stuff up getting our science nexus ring world stuff like that then built ships once we're into the repeatable text instead i just kept on thinking we could take this thing out a bit faster than we actually could so just being a bit naive and sadly that has slowed us down i heard fleet lost like three or four times and i got really worried but i'm actually thinking this is going to be a win we've lost a lot of these smaller fleets but we're definitely surviving with the larger ones just overwhelming corvettes you can't kill us fast enough even though our damage isn't great we're eventually weathering it down i also love how it looks like our shields and hull isn't going to doubt isn't going down but you can see our ships being thrown around because just as soon as they get hit they instantly die but there's so many of them and a lot of them dodge the shots just cool that's been thrown everywhere i'll come on this has to be a victory right it's just so slow construction complete i'm gonna start building a ring world i don't know why i just kind of want to so i do know why i just kind of want to whilst all that insanity goes on in the background oh five percent hello look our ship's been just thrown out yeah i kept on hearing fleet last night i honestly thought this wasn't going to be it but apparently it is we're also about to have a dyson sphere thank you i wasn't paying attention so i didn't see where our science vessels jumped okay science vessel there ready construction vessel please move over here and you i actually really want to start building ring worlds and stuff because honestly in hindsight i've definitely done a lot of things in the wrong order construction complete i thought i could overwhelm this thing and i clearly couldn't and i spent way too much on ship so i should have been doing is just using all those allies were just about getting 2 000 a month now and building all the mega structures there we go since there is even a mega structure which allows oh god it's glitchy which allows you to have more alloys the uh the neutron forge whatever it's called i could have been doing all of that and i didn't and that is definitely the biggest misplay i think of this entire run i just really thought this is weaker than it was but my god it was strong wow okay then let's look at read of this just as it appeared we were about to win the battle against the stellar eradicator it just vanished without trace there's no indication as to where it went or if it might return regardless we can now resume our mission the reason we came here to begin with the spherical object which is probably the origin of the enigmatic pattern visual and thermal scans of the surface show that it's where oh it there we go it is a bit insane looking isn't it visual and thermal scans of the surface show that it is perpetually in motion and changing between many different states of matter it is neither solid nor gaseous nor plasma it is all of them at once and even liquid if i was about to say that actually correctly even ultra high or altered low energy states of matter appear to exist within the surface's composition perhaps even like photonic matter the surface is also glowing on its own from time to time at different locations probably because of the decay of photonic matter and the constant phase transitions based on our knowledge about sentient metal and the fact that all of the primordial structures are made of it it is likely that the surface is made out of the same material although it is impossible to verify at the moment it has the same specific colour scheme a gold silver and orange how all this works is absolutely unknown i was thinking about why all this was different so on the poles it has a different structure a solid crystalline material with a bronze-like colour and like the rest of the surface the poles are static and don't change in the slightest way in the centers of these poles are some kind of large sigil shaped and a similar pattern as the amplifier is kind of like an eye if you ask me and the sigils on the primordial pillars located it may also be some sort of representation sorry representative symbol of the creators of this construct and the amplifiers and i assume the pillars just like with the amplifier objects the service cannot be penetrated with scanners but unlike them its temperature is not definable due to it's currently changing yep the entrance is not identifiable if there is any but it may be similar to the amplifier objects whose entrance only manifest under specific conditions okay then let's get going with it our science vessel is already on the way we have a construction vessel on the y as well and we're going to actually you're closer so you should go there i also want to make a ring world very very soon uh doesn't really matter where that goes too much so you know what i'm going to put it right awkwardly here because i'm weird like that i think we're going to be okay versus the end game crisis just because we have set up a lot of our economy now the first few attempts weren't overly successful until we started treating it like one of the pillars and not one of the objects a very small gap appeared very briefly i mean i say small one kilometer but considering the size of this thing that ain't all that big is it it's like a marble we have built multiple emitter facilities on the surface of the object and now finally it seems like we're getting somewhere although we're going to need a lot more in order to gain permanent access lots and lots of them feel free to read it as we continue and so we move on oh yeah i never really looked at these so we have the sentient metal artillery here what's the difference between the regular then so 20 fire rate 25 cent fire rate 25 range 20 range yep that is definitely going into our battleships we're gonna need a lot of that stuff then we do need to start building up the fleet now in five years the minimum time for the enemy to spawn in hopefully we'll get a bit lucky and get 10 or 20 or even 30 years before they do actually appear we have the resources to start making fleets but i'm spending a lot now on many many megastructures which are all being built at the same time we should get a burst of power in about 15 years so yeah i just feel like i'm maybe 20 years behind where i really should be technology discovered the star lifter looks so cool in my opinion i always love when empires eat stars so we found something so i heard you like ring world so put a ring world around your ring world and ring around around your ring world around your ring world and we also put a ring world around during world which is around your ring world which is around your ring world because you like ringworm do you see well i want that as soon as possible thank you very much since then i have start up building the frame and everything like i am with the other ring worlds i'm building that is honestly beautiful do you have any construction vessels just doing nothing right now they're all busy doing something um can i please have a new construction vessel the hypothesis our researchers had on the sphere proved to be correct the transmitter facilities were emitting enigmatic patterns with various intensities and configurations into the sphere and the notches not only manifested but changed their size after a longer period of time in which the facilities had to test numerous variations they were finally able to determine the right one and with the right intensity and configuration the notches merge into a single hole with a diameter of 240 kilometers the sphere had finally opened our scientists have even found out that by applying the right intensity and a different number of facilities we can decrease or increase the size of the entrance into the sphere probably this was used to transport cargo in and outside of the enormous objects on top of this we are now met with another problem there is a large mechanism behind the new entrance we've made and we need to solve that before we can get into the sphere proper well we've figured out the mechanism but it requires radiation and force to be added to tens of thousands of different locations on the mechanism but we still continue we'll get there one day we will save ourselves from the endgame crisis by building attack moons we're kind of looking like a parasite now on the actual empire so this empire had a machine uprising they're finally quelling the geckos are now devouring things they're finally starting to win it's a weird state also nobody opened the gateways to the galactic core i couldn't reach them but no one else bothered apparently we are once again isolated on our little island the blog have awoken the blog are scarily close to my pillar but most importantly they've awoken and they have an orchid complex pretty i'm building another dyson sphere in the meantime and why are more of these stations don't know why i'm just having fun building loads of these stations we're going to have so much extra armor on our craft so i'm really hoping the unbeaten not the unbeaten and that'd be the worst i'm really hoping the scourge is going to be our own game crisis because of how many of these i'm building even though it's only plus two percent we have multiple repeatables essentially done on armor which is good because we have very little else so here's the thing it turns out they may have celestial bodies which means they may have planetary warcraft not just attack moons the big old planet boys we don't have that we are way too weak for that we can often decide their pros galactic peace treaty if they accept they will protect us we will not be able to conduct independent diplomacy and wage wars oh we don't care about that we also don't have owned parts also don't have purging well if they ever ever attack us we'll instantly surrender we believe in their in their rule because as long as as long as we can stay isolated that's all our empire cares about a little bureaucratic state in the corner of the galaxy it worked we were able to solve the entrance mechanism to open the sphere after countless attempts the intelligences were able to determine that the order of the drones needed to apply the different stimuli and was coherent with the harmonic frequency of the gravitational waves that the black hole the sphere is orbiting is emitting why the creatures of the sphere would create this mechanism in this way is absolutely unknown but does doesn't really matter it's finally open we can unveil all of its mysteries so i'm going now and instantly starting off exploring the sphere 500 days to go microverse in the shell oh please let me thank you after years of investigating the sphere its secrets have been uncovered something which can only be described as a miniature universe an enormous bubble of folded space-time is located inside the sphere the sphere serves as a protective ever-changing indestructible shell to prevent influence from the outside universe until now you poor creatures the space-time volume of the microverse is inversely folded relative to the outside space making the volume inside the sphere several thousand times larger than the sphere itself the microverse is divided into two separate regions the outer and inner volume the two volumes are separated by possessing distinct vacuum energy densities the outer volume has a vacuum energy density virtually identical to that of the outside universe and it's filled with hundreds of stars countless technological entities are located within the outer volume that appear to harness the energy of the stars the quantum fluctuations of the vacuum energy and even extra dimensional energies of yet unknown origin the inner volume appears to be an empty void however it possesses a much larger vacuum energy our conclusion gives rise to the assumption that the reason for the segregation of the volume into two distinct ones is to generate ridiculous amounts of energy all the energy gets extracted within the outer volume and then siphoned into the inner volume the energy content and the inner volume was determined to be very big which is the equivalent to the total mass energy of a thousand stars oh i didn't even look at the rewards in this furthermore we were able to determine that the amplifiers and primordial pillars work in unison as energy and information distributors which are scattered all throughout the galaxy they are used to create gigantic energy and information distribution network which are supposed to utilize the energy provided by the sphere to create negative mass the amplifiers are repeaters of the enigmatic pattern the sentient administration protocol of the galactic distribution network and generators for negative mass the primordial pillars are used to distribute the orders of the sphere around the network and transmit information between amplifiers and the sphere this means there are more wormhole cohesive systems in the galaxy than we previously anticipated unfortunately we were not able to determine what the initial purpose of the galactic construct and network is but most astonishingly there are more spheres out there okay let's see what that tech does then once we um grab that perhaps it's the other starter locations you can have with all this so here's the tech future glimpse okay so the ultima so the ultimate version of the event horizon facility obviously we'll start that tech now okay so i don't know if this is 100 the case but i have completed the tech i've upgraded our event horizon offset facility to its next form but i don't think there's anything else yeah i don't think we go anywhere from here at the moment wait do i have the final one of these yep i've got everything and i can't see how we move on with the story from here i think we've kind of reached the end we're also about to get our first attack moons i have two of them just about to complete uh we have loads of resources our tech is now increasing drastically i have like loads of the uh research facilities up and running about being built as well we have the ring worlds now we're pretty much immune to the endgame crisis to be perfectly honest unless it spawns right on our location so i'm going to give it like 10 15 years if it doesn't spawn then i will probably call it still though i've had loads of fun here and i'm just curious if there is more to this than i'm currently seeing we have a lot of systems actually now looking at it with a very specific number of systems the urge to uh stop making any more systems is uh very good right now oh cool you can now specialize the attack moon bombarder interceptor hangar point defense guardian the guardian is interesting that many hole points would be insane though i'm actually kind of curious to see what hang would like could just be loads and loads of strike craft also our inc our increasing armor is going to be really good for these moons again i have a second one which is almost finished as well strikecraft speed increase that's really nice extra range oh i love that absolutely love that doesn't have enough power wow we're just slightly off okay so does it change anything up here is it just the same amount as before don't know either way uh moon could you go and upgrade please i want to see what you like afterwards the sentient metal forge the sentient metal forge siphons from the ever-changing and self-replicates creating sentient metal and negative mass okay so that is something new i'm assuming that might be them from the tech but either way that is definitely something to do with the origin oh i'm a dumb dumb you can just change it up here so ideally what i'd probably want is oh lord oh i don't have the mod for this did i get all of them yes i did that one's overlapping yeah okay we're just about okay we did manage to get all of them so let's assume we're fighting the scourge that is what we'd want we'd also want to swap completely into armor again i'm just assuming we're gonna fight the scourge because that's all i have done so far all my tech has been scourge related is there any reason for the after i mean evasion yeah it's not gonna work is it but it's kind of funny to think of these things flying through everywhere that's not what we want though because that'll get in too close too fast oh that is so silly look at that i love it it's so dumb oh yep that's what we're going with the point defense interesting as well uh if i was doing this properly what i would most likely do is which one yeah there we are artillery ship weapon range plus 300 and extra damage that's probably one with actually ones but that's the one we're going to upgrade for now i want to see how strong that gets pretty won't be too much greed actually has a decent chunk stronger okay i just need to build more moons in fact i am now building a third moon as well the second moon's about to come online the third moon is now being built i think any endgame crisis would have a very tough time entering our gateway now because again we can also make loads of ships very quickly with our shipyards we could also build a proper shipyard if we wanted to we're in a very good place well it turns out there is some more tech to keep on upgrading the event horizon offset facility so very very likely then our final bit of tech we got is going to be the final stage of this technology this is my fault for not upgrading this earlier which clearly unlocked the next stage of tech games lagging a little bit now cartels are crashing a little bit now that's a clashing but crashing was what i used it's getting very light i've finally done the first contact which means now we have access to the whole tissue from the amoeba however apparently there's no need for that because if we take a look here this one's stronger it's plus ten now i'm curious if it's plus ten percent or just plus ten full stop if it's percent then the whole tissue is obviously still gonna win that's gonna be crazy considering how much holland armor we have but also now we have this sentient metal armor which is increasing our armor from 870 per piece to 1562 the moons are going to be impossible to break so you are now in omega uh can we get a ship over there please i can test how this works if it's changed at all that would be great where are all of our science vessels oh did i send them all off to start investigating other places i think i did okay also you can't jump here which is really weird and interesting because it means you can't actually just normally jump from here into our territory that's pretty cool here we are the event horizon offset facility ultimate this is what was being created from the other techs i am so curious as what that can do yeah right now it's getting more and more specific maybe in this final version we can jump anywhere we want we are becoming a threat so daily hull regen armory gen is two percent regardless what we use i have the new one or the old one so it could be capped there could be a cap i'm seeing here which would make sense so i guess i should probably swap those back but yeah that's it it begins okay approaching the outer rim the scourge are here i actually missed the first event apparently uh normally it's you hear subspace signals no that's so far away that is actually really irritating i wanted them really close by because i want them to try to attack us now we have the moot that is irritating i was hoping like here oh i guess they spawned here yeah i think the arbitrator's gonna kill them anyway well maybe once omega becomes the ultima we might be able to just jump our forces directly in which would be kind of cool descending in all our moons okay the first one over here i think the gracks here are pretty weak and they're currently at war so this is going to be devastated quite quickly which is what we want to see actually so we have the extraction facility it was actually good actually well time so i was running out some of the resources whoa that gets so expensive yeah i don't have either of those available right now and it's gonna be a long time until i do so i guess that's pretty much where ending that megastructure i'm really hoping once this is repaired we can just jump straight into the scourge we now have the ultima okay there's no limits over travel destinations which is good i thought if i select this will this open up more options because it looks like it will but i don't trust it okay let's just find a star to jump to then uh okay so right now i want to defend this system here this is like class kai called dennis yep we can choose oh god there are so very very many i'm gonna be here for a while just looking through this my dyslexia is really happy right now ah dennis right can moons do jump oh the micro wormholes formed oh i've also sent some science vessels by attack whoops today so chase them down technology discovered i believe in your moons i think the strike craft might be blocking out how fast they're moving because all the speed upgrades it's hard to tell actually look this one hasn't hit once with strike craft apparently oh no no no they have but only 31 000 damage what okay the moons cannot stay as they currently are good to know yeah that damage will be way more consistent if they're being hit every time by the 5vm strike craft i'm hoping when we face off against enemies when there's more of them that the strike craft will disperse better and then it won't be as weird please just one good fight like that because obviously we can beat the stations we're out ranging so much they literally can't hit us initiating communication they really are just winning the um the advance the advanced fleet the awakened empire's fleet is just destroying things now i'm not going to risk my moons okay flashy symbol um so i've been distracted with the fact the system seems to be blinking at me well ignoring the blinky system i've upgraded my moons uh they're all going to be upgraded now so i'm building a starbucks here i've also reinforced to some normal fleets just in case i honestly think the strikecraft are broken i don't know for certain so we'll see the next fight initiating communications it could have just been i overestimate strike craft damage it could have been as simple as that perfectly honest i hold my hands up in the air i am a dumb dumb so it could just be that there we go finally okay lads now the reason why i have them all on patrol is because for some reason they keep on trying to move back to the system every single time by themselves even after i've set a new home base i'm not doing anything i just randomly start moving there technology the moons are possessed once again trying to move that okay let's move here let's see how you do with just um your normal weapons i mean at this point really i just want to get into one fun fight with the moons we've obviously won here we can make fleets in seconds which can easily destroy the scourge i even have defender of the galaxy i don't know why i grabbed that i just couldn't think of anything else to grab in the last minutes of the game so as long as we have one good fight i will say we've won this because we have and the game's lagging it'll take me hours upon hours just to eradicate the scourge but we have won this game and we've already done the origin as well which is the point i just want one fun fight please destroy craft really still doing their job completely countering the enemy's weapons and strike craft which is all we really want them to do this time they seem to be working okay maybe it's just the number of strike craft okay how much damage did the strut graph just do in that fight 87 000 oh no plus 30 there oh maybe i could've gone to the total damage 117 and that fight was far faster because the other weapons hmm maybe okay so there's one the big shots construction complete they hit separate targets is actually what i wanted to say we are thinning them down we're moving very slowly towards them we kind of wish that they stay still but that's fine the strike craft actually doing damage and uh can scourge do that i thought scourge always died i don't think they could warp away so we have two attack moons being built i've just sent another attack moon into the battle so now we have i think seven of them currently just chilling over here we have loads of battleships being created and we have two new dyson spheres on the way with two fully operational dyson spheres currently operating we're doing pretty well i've decided i am going to save up for the 10 000 centimeter so that we can go ahead and upgrade this because i do want to see what the next stage actually is on top of that some of our battleships are now kitted out like this so they have all the negative mass stuff along with the full sentient metal loads and loads of armor and really powerful jump drive oh a wrecked behemoth planet craft now i really thought that the fallen empire the awakened emperor i should say actually had some of those uh but no it seems like it's just the moons i also don't know where their main fleet's gone they kind of keep jumping around using the wormholes i have no idea where they are currently they could be anywhere right now something early on the problems of looking at the strike craft was i may have been looking at the armor when it's actually damaging the hull that could have been the case oh all the attack moons split up because i did that thing again they all keep on trying to go back to this system i don't know what's going on there it's so bizarre they were all following this one but i think i must have clicked them off for half a second to do something else and then yeah they'll just reset which means i'm going to lose these battleships going to destroy the station fast enough it's kind of interesting because at the range they're at they're only using the excise weapons it's when they use all of these as well that their full potential is realized with their current setup they don't do that makes them a bit weird to go with other units tried league that's going to be really good and really bad because if i join the trade league that means my trade settings will be changed so i'm going to lose loads of energy but gain loads of unity and consumer goods i mean i'm going to accept because this means we are now in a federation with the advanced empire which is pretty awesome because that essentially means i've won right the advanced empire is ridiculously powerful i'm ridiculously powerful the empire is ours also currently i am oh where's the ashen void is that just a colossus okay just colossus i am also currently the galactic custodian which means the custodian and the awakened empire are now on the same side yeah so i'm waiting for the month to tick over because everything's going to change then how bad is this going to be for my economy not as bad as i thought oh i thought i would have got trade league trade did that not change oh it's up to me i thought it'd be automatic how much energy is coming from tried three thousand that would be halved so it should still be okay most of our energy obviously is coming from our mega structures our multiple dyson spheres but i just want to make sure it won't be an issue i want that unity to be perfectly discovered the little one's always the biggest problem but to be fair the moons are ridiculously powerful especially when they're all stacked up like this they're not quite as strong offensively as i thought it would be even in their artillery mode but yeah they are getting the job done meanwhile the blog are also going getting job done over here with their moons ah look at the little titan when the moons are here the forge is now running at 50 capacity whoa that final version is expensive i don't know if is the final version actually i think it is it says the forge so i guess i'll save up for that that's less moons than last time you've lost a few there they're actually doing a lot better than i expected the advanced temp the awakened empire rather the super advanced awakened empire but yeah they are losing moons occasionally because they're just ramming into enemies and yeah point-blank range the moons don't do very well as we have learned so not the best on the oops side almost all the galaxies in one federation or the other and we're on pretty good terms so yeah with me as galactic custodian forever which is currently going through the vote and with me allying with what is one of the crises after the scourge of dead i would say this is a resounding victory over here we're building loads of stuff all of these gas giants are about to be used for rare resources we're building one the food ones over here on these gas giants we have two of these so three dyson spheres currently going up we have loads i'm not spending anything on ships i've just got the same group i had originally and just moving around with moons killing everything it's actually a very chill experience i am tempted to do another run of this i know it's silly but going with the isolationists and really focusing on making as many systems as possible i still want to connect to the galaxy because otherwise i think it'd be a bit silly and even easier but um i would love to see how many systems you can actually get the sentient metal forge is complete sadly still no imagery there it makes sense i think it's actually inside the thing so still it's only costing 190 energy and 90 alloys and it's producing 2 000 sentient metal and 1 500 negative mass that means now all new battleships i create will just be the more expensive version which use everything so rather than cheaper one we can use this one which has all this lovely shiny stuff though we're not really losing athlete we've lost a few battleships we're just cleaning up honestly at this point guessing this bombarding the worlds i will say the is doing a great job bombarding the world normally that doesn't happen hold on ai proud of you you're doing a thing this is one efficient system dyson sphere and then all these gas giants are slowly being converted into resources there we are like that producing gas and everything else lovely and i'm building some macro engineering sites as well to further increase our armor and increase our engineering research we have plus 34k tech at the moment and by the way 20k of that is only engineering research which means we're getting the megastructure and build speed increase over and over and over again and the armor increase over and over again making our units very difficult to kill apparently your firepower is one which is interesting also i was not paying attention i don't ran headfirst into these things thankfully with our health now we're pretty much okay yeah technology discovered there's no real threat here especially of how fast moons can heal deal with that i had a force over here dealing with this which i think may have died ah yeah i think i may have regrouped uh so finish off with that my allies will bombard that they've been great bombarding gold so far then just come around here then this is the last chunk we can deal with this and i need to rebuild a secondary fleet just to make it a bit easier so we can attack multiple areas at once then we're done in the meantime i have built myself one of these things look at that food production pretty pretty i don't know how it happened i managed to lose one of the attack moons i think it just ran in there by itself it was a bit too far ahead i think my current theory is its leader because that was the moon everyone else was following i think its leader may have got the extra speed bonus when when he leveled up and he just rushed right ahead and just got destroyed by a fleet i didn't see it happen all i saw was attack moon destroyed that's the only theory since the other moons are fine they're all now following a very slow leader so hopefully don't happen again it took me so long to find the star it's a class m red giant i didn't see the red giant part so i was looking in the class m stars for a good 10 minutes there we are okay athletes are here let's just um deal with these two stations please that's all i want you to do the moons are coming over to clear up that i think that's it there's a world over here which is being bombarded so as long as it doesn't spawn any forces which it can by the way but as long as it doesn't why it's not being bombarded oh it's spawned some transport ships okay once the transport ships are destroyed they should go back to bombarding that will then finish the mafia nicely i've even got a uh mega shipyard now finally being built so we're building ships incredibly quickly right now we're just waiting for this then we're done in the ultimate federation of fun and love so annoyingly similar to the moons it seems like wherever the craft get portaled to they seem to want to go back to and that means my ships literally can't bombard so i'm gonna have to rely a hundred percent on the ai doing the job for me unless can i send some ships through is there a path to here okay good there's actually a path to here through that gateway that's something ages to get there but at least the back up just in case and these don't have the weirdness of trying to go back to the original location too fair that's the first major issue i've seen in this entire run honestly so i'm happy with that so i figured out how to solve the problem let them go back and let them go to the very center of the system the problem is if you move them before they complete that one first motion their initial command for some reason it's always there you can't cancel it but if you just you know let them get there then the problem is solved and now we can actually bombard the world and everything is good oh hello so that's what's left of the awakened empire fleet it's trying its best gonna follow me sure oh there's another fleet um okay in fact you're gonna stay where you are then just in case they spawn construction ships to defend themselves thanks for helping there mate okay two more systems two more worlds oh look at this that is fascinating they're the keatling's right no the uh mars traders i need to go into systems up send anything i said whatever's closest please there's a class m okay well i can't find either of the systems to jump to this is a class i and it's definitely not there this one being very very dense right now which could be the case it is me after all and i can't jump there just using jump drive so i don't really know what all this is it's an ancient version of the um trader caravans aha okay so i figured out how to do it it's all to do with the fact that we now the ultimate and it allows us to select new um wormhole cohesive systems so you click that got ya from the beyond greetings thungoids from beyond welcome to our glorious utopia and home we are the urum and our intentions are peaceful it may appear rude to you that we don't introduce ourselves further or let you introduce yourselves first but the situation is urgent must ask if you possess an extremely rare resource that is essential this thing okay so on negative mass if you have no q masks you could try it we would reward you a great treasure from beyond the dreamers threshold which may be very useful to you we could even show you the pathway to some of the extraordinary solar systems which were located while mapping the stars with the gifts granted just by the dreamer interesting there is so much here the dreamer is an immortal entity which inhabits the realm of the one that dreams it has yet to be revealed if the dreamer inhibit inhabits the the realm its realm and is a separate entity or is the realm itself so the shroud the shroud is countless entities of which the dreamers are youngling of okay so feel free to read that if you wish there is so much our central hub this system is connected to the other system our original home system you may have noticed the whole system is devastated and filled with the remains of numerous ships and constructs these are the remains of our fleets habitats and structures of the original organic forerunners millennia ago when they were still planet bound the dreamers threshold was already in the other system it is unknown how long it had existed there but it at least as old as our history when they first witnessed the existence of the dreamer they set their focus on reaching it even though it took them centuries until they were able to leave their home world their focus never wavered reaching the dreams threshold was their main goal the threshold appeared to be the same kind of planet in reality it is a gate oh some kind of planet a portal to an extra dimensional realm the realm of the one that dreams when they first physically entered the realm of the one that dreams they came into contact with the entity it was kind and considerate teaching them about the wonders of the interdimensional reality that watches and dreams the shroud they began to live in harmony with the dreamer and they were guided by it to achieve a higher state of society and being it is the reason we have psionic abilities which manifested shortly after the first concert with the dreamer their civilization developed into a glorious stellar empire and dominion all worlds were conquered so colonized and the empire was centered around the dreamers threshold unfortunately whilst went on unexpected unfortunately the this astonishing expansion and development was not everlasting the maximum capacity of the planet was reached so the system was reached and without additional worlds the resources would soon be depleted and the great stellar empire would perish the only logical consequence was extra stellar expansion fast and light technologies had not been developed yet and sending countless people with generation ships and resources to a neighboring system in order to terraform it into a suitable one was no option the dominion decided to develop a form of machine intelligence which would be able to to transverse the gap between the system and this and the most suitable system sorry between this and the suitable system this one to terraform it for the empire these were the foreigner of the machines the exognator i've said that horribly wrong many years had passed the machines became self-aware and wanted the system for their own and thus a war happened between the dominion and the machines the dominion and the machines waged war and fought over the possession of the system the biggest problem for both parties was that their strength was evenly matched no one side could easily win the war the dominion psychic supremacy versus the technological mechanical genius of the machines if the war would have continued this the way it was it would have led to the extinction of both the dominion and the machines an event the dreamer saw as likely in order to prevent the extinction of all intelligent life in the systems the dreamer proposed a solution which would not only end the war but also solve the problems between the dominion and the machines the amalgamations i'm guessing that's you fellas the amalgamation the unification of organic people of the dominion and the mechanical machines would bring birth a new ascended kind of being yep you fellows having the strength and wisdom of both kinds or any other flaws after the amalgamation was carried out and the people were born we made it our goal to create a perfect utopia in the system okay and have left the other system as a monument okay so we can be given systems which we can then go to we can have this which is definitely one of the relics but we can't use that right now oh are they all relics well i kind of want this one first you know what i'm gonna grab all of them and tell me about a beautiful system as well so now if i look at my relics oh that's pretty nice so i guess i don't get to keep them forever but lots of things still really cool oh did not respond to that um go back so tried oh these are all different things as well the khan's throne the scales of the world yeah they're all the relics so do you get to keep them forever is it just for a while and also what happens when you go over six relics on a side note oh they're looking for it now for us okay fascinating i guess i can't go to war with them then um because well i want this world okay jump now i know about it no it's the same as our systems then um jump drives not allowed okay so let's get a science vessel there first i want to go to that system we've just unlocked so i've been looking for a while and i can't see how to go to the system they've told me about i've looked pretty much everywhere and i can open up their dialogue here now once again and the one thing i haven't done though is activate a permanent micro wormhole now i've tried to go to a new system as well i've tried to do this and it doesn't seem to work it just goes back to activate such a shame seems like that's how it is right now so i'm going to do is go to a system i know about which would be any of those really it's all down here isn't it am i correct you know what doesn't matter i just want to make a permanent wormhole to see how that works i was gonna do that earlier but i honestly just completely forgot let's fire and go up in a second there'll be a wormhole created oh yeah look there's actually a permanent wormhole now to our system huh oh so it's open up until we close it okay let's just go into there although that's not where i told it to go oh did the jump just go to the resource rich zone just by itself even though i didn't tell it to i guess it's the next jump would have sent me then so yeah right now until i deactivate it then the wormhole will stay open between these two locations that is actually really useful kind of which i did check that out earlier so this is the high resource system then so far has been loads of energy you've got some alloys loads of minerals i don't know if there'll be anything else so this is the system loads of rare resources loads of base resources so there's a little holdout of scourge over here because there's a world i didn't notice and yeah they broke free that's been destroyed there's now one world left again ah so with the relics once you activate them they are removed by the looks of things because i just had a seventh i clicked it and it vanished technology maybe that's the trade we're getting so you get to use it once uh yep the activation cost is also initiating communications um negative mass discovered all these relics are still one time use yep so to confirm that how are the scourge still here there's some investors over there with no world is that what's stopping them from being destroyed now the scourge being very irritating who'd have thought more investors keep on spawning here but there is no infested world there's that world which is definitely not oh it was that last little ship okay well the scourge are done we are officially done so with that thank you so much for watching this was a really bizarre full play through i had a lot of fun despite the fact it was recorded over like a week and a half because of disruptions in real life i really do hope you've enjoyed it because again i love this mod absolutely adore this mod i will be back soon with the katzen run i know i i promised that before but i am really going to try my best to make that a good run as well but expect it in a few weeks because it does take a long time to get these four playthroughs done so with that if you have enjoyed today's video then of course likes favorite shares comments all that good stuff helps out me helps out a channel and most importantly shows that stellaris is a series you wish to see continued in the future so much has happened the mods are as always are in the description if you've made it this far thank you so much and that's it really thank you and goodbye and now i'm gonna go and get some sleep before editing these many many many hours together
Channel: Lathland
Views: 316,818
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: b-V1oudbyNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 1sec (6001 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 29 2022
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