Stellaris | MAX Difficulty Run | Attempt 2 - Ep1 | Driven Assimilators , Making Friends!

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greasing sir answer ads and welcome back to stellaris with me laughs 3x and of course welcome to the second attempt at the impossible challenge today we are going to be trying with the rock but assimilators now this is likely to be a weird run and it used to be my absolute favorite Empire before all the changes where the tile system was removed and we have the new building systems I absolutely adored assimilators they were easily my favorite Empire type now I haven't really played them that much so I think it's only right we try them whilst playing in the most difficult way possible so then why exactly have I gone with the assimilators rather than the choices I outlined in the previous video well first of all I think the assimilators are one of these options which are very strong for this type of run but aren't the absolute best choice so they're very close to the top but not quite there perhaps I'm wrong on this I've never really tried to do a challenge like this before but I do feel like this a very strong choice although empires are going to absolutely hate us still and we don't have the military bonuses are for instance if we went down the roots of the determined exterminators we are going to be powerful enough very quickly that we should be able to repel them and of course the fact we are a machine Empire means we get 100% habitability on every world we find which is really important because we have no guaranteed habitable worlds near our system so just that alone makes us way more powerful than we were previously a ships just don't have any special traits to them which is kind of horrible now for the rock bots themselves they are mass-produced and they have efficient processes basically meaning they are jack-of-all-trades robots they are good at pretty much everything to some degree but nothing specifically they are however high maintenance bulky and have repurposed hardware because these things are incredibly expensive and our cyborgs well they're something special they are going to be lipids the lipids themselves get a plus 50% habitability and because they're cyborgs they get an additional 20% which means our cyborgs can follow us pretty much every world they are intelligence and they are traditional so this is where we're going to be getting the unity and our research from and the robots will be covering every other job that is the idea at least so with them both growing at the same time we should have a decent population growth rate we should be able to climb every single world we find and as long as we're not attacked instantly we are going to ramp up incredibly quickly now sadly with the assimilators I believe you get one less robot producing job to begin with and your cyborgs have a - 50 percent or so ain't crazy like that growth right so it's not like we're going to have super growth but we should be very powerful once we get some of our populations going and I'm really hoping they'll avoid to make it worth it eventually we can turn them into living bastions of gas crystals or notes as well which is really really lovely so with that let's just get going probably not helping that I'm currently recording this already at 11 p.m. and falling asleep but I just really wanted to give this another go so here's all of the settings let's go and sadly once again we are not in the very edge of the galaxy that would have been so much more useful okay so more energy straight away that'll be fantastic more unity right now because population growth is what being fantastic really isn't gonna be our strong suits anyway and let's go with mining station output since I do want to spread very very quickly now this time I'm not going to scout ahead since I don't want to really find other empires until I absolutely have to I just want to expand to pretty much everything I possibly can so there we are our poor rock bots are only getting one point 12 per month in terms of their growth rates and that robots are getting three point four five I think you get like an extra one two that if we weren't assimilators but thankfully though these fellows are awesome and also have our coordinators which are really good since we are robots and coordinators also mean our menial drones get more output once again we will be focusing on alloys to begin with as I think spreading as fast as possible is the key here we are going to playing a wide Empire maybe that's not the right choice maybe a tech rushing Empire is right but I do really want to spread very quickly to begin with in order to get all the worlds we possibly can sadly no good artifact skin which is a shame and a lot I'm going to do with that ship designer is as I did last time let's make a brand new type of ship simply called scrap and we're going to use that in order to essentially sell our initial Corvettes remove the original and there we go augmentation completed lovely loads of alloys back which we can use to get some early minerals so one more alloy foundry and you know what I think we will go some research let's go a bit more balanced this time hmm research or uplink node the uplink node would give us plus 2% on our menial drones which is pretty darn awesome and a lot more unity you know what let's go with the uplink node instead then we'll build a researcher then we'll go back to more alloys looking at our traditions I'm not 100% sure which we're really going to go with expansion is a very obvious choice but at the same time we're going with supremacy would mean we're a little bit safer against the first empires we find that plus 10% fire right is lovely and we really do need to focus on a fleet this time ignoring the fact I've just made our fleet pretty much useless at least for the time being they can't even travel outside of the system okay that is fantastic so our precursor is the cyber X as a machine empire that is phenomenally powerful the situation really really happy with that and let's grab map the stars as well because the y NOS oh yeah I really should be trying to get some cyborg leaders and because their lipids their lifespan is going to be incredible cyborg gives how many years an Allah forgives how many not that could we go to species thank you plus 50 plus 40 ok these little weeds are near immortal so I should try to replace our leaders with methods quite soon there are cyborgs which means they get Siple the bonuses okay you're going that way so you can go over here I'm really hoping we have a little bit of space but since we are sporting in clusters probably not we are going to go an expansion hello okay we have started off next to a world under though it is tundra which is a little bit worse for us that doesn't matter too much since we are machines make sure to spread there as soon as we can okay we are now sending our colony ship over to this world we are sending the lipids rather than the machine since the lipids are slower at being created really should ignore some of these anomalies yes with higher level ones you know what for now let's just ignore that and continue surveying oK we've already found our first other Empire over here so what are you of them being perfectly synchronized with us you are apparently plants well interesting wait your plant robots your robots you'll like us oh my god we have friends okay that we have the cyber exes a precursor and we found machines that is so unbelievably good as assimilators why I'm really hoping is that they guarantee our independence soon because they'll look upon us with pity by doing that they will defend us and thus anyone who wants to attack those who left to also attack them so there's a good chance that we'll thought at least one weaker empire from attacking us oh that's amazing also we just thought the laughs exterminators the machine I did't realize I've actually forcefully spawned in another machine empire within the galaxy which is an exterminator species and I kind of forgot they won't hate us cuz we're machines but I also spawned in a devouring swarm and there is thirty empire so that Pro doesn't matter too much but something I've just thought of whoopsie Daisy we'll see how much of a difference that makes later on but either way that is beautiful how you already beatings for two oh of course advanced arts you already had a secondary world most likely did you have that already yeah nineteen population you already had that well I like you I like you ain't a lot hopefully you'll start liking me soon once the new contact thing wears off okay their border friction is actually kind of terrible so what we're going to do is transfer some alloys over let's see if we can get them friendly a little bit faster I really want them to like us as soon as possible maybe we should have waited a bit longer really still weary I guess that's because of new contacts hopefully that's gonna wear off soon enough I'll Corvettes already back online now making some more so hopefully when your fleet up and running soon a proper one this time okay I've already found another empire that does not bode particularly well for us we may need to be aggressive because we do want to expand although we're not going to play a super wide playing style I still really need more world's than this oh wow we are completely Ono spiritualists and we are completely blocked in well friends enemies their friends don't like us that much it well how a good start just suddenly became an absolutely horrendous one please how are you still wearing how are you still wearing to us I'll thank you so I just bribe them with more alloys and they're giving us minerals say like us that's lovely John a guarantee our independence maybe grab sessions alert well we'll accept that since you already ahead of us on research construction complete please guarantee our independence soon that will be great like as soon as but please as soon as possible we can't defend ourselves so a little while later we have at least got the defensive pact we wanted but it seems like everyone is going to hate us I'm trying to build Corvettes as fast as possible we are really good about alloys and honestly we're doing okay for resources at least basic resources the problem is I don't think I can bring my machine friends into a war if I attack no I can't don't know why actually why not why wouldn't you join us but you will oh is it because you've not met them in which case hello am i correct with this not transfer system communications here you go for free because we like him so now if we try to go to war with them Construction complete now I can try they won't but I can try maybe for laser technological I'm tempted to grab more research labs now rather than more alloys I'll always are already growing decently fast births we really need the tech we'd better stuff or athlete like afterburners for instance but actually right now would love more research right choice or wrong dress pretty wrong choice there but still incomplete okay let's send out one of our science ships over here and then we start grabbing these systems they look a bit weird in terms of our borders but right now we're just stuck and we have nothing to spend our influence on so I've changed my mind we're going with more forges on the main world and as soon as I have the USC we're going to go with supremacy situation I won the extra fire right as soon as possible okay and you move over there just in case we can grab this system for a decent price still overwhelming to us that advanced star is so brutal changing my mind yes again we are sending one of these alloys into a research lab instead we don't really have the resources to keep a half decent sized fleet so just getting some bonuses right now is so important okay grab the system this next system looks lovely even giving us two alloys just needs a lot more influence we've got over 1k fleet power at least and it seems to be keeping the peaceful trade as a buy they're hostile but with our defensive pact and with this empire being so powerful it is holding them at bay for now even though these two are becoming really good friends so it's gonna be the robots versus the spiritualists fairly soon we can't let up changing another one of our founder ease into research labs I forgot that alloy foundries from a machine world gives you more alloys I believe I think normal is only six for a regular Empire bits 80 it still costs more minerals but more per job is still fantastic and minerals aren't doing fantastically those so gonna need stop mining on this world as soon as we can currently afford more ships right now anyway we're plus zero energy so may as well use those alloys for minerals so we can start grabbing all these systems and everything in them okay so far everything's been pretty peaceful our tech is just about catching up with the peaceful traders that's complete whoa the machine Empire is just dominating so glad you're our friends but probably only reason why I'm not being attacked straight away the enemy only superior to us now right that's interesting if I turned these into bastions we could potentially lure them into attacking us and then destroy them just the fact they've got bastions here here and here though makes it a bit more difficult though we could attack them and simply dodge the bastions because most likely they don't have FTL traps yet I am tempted I am really tempted be stupidly risky though okay our economy is more balanced now once again our research is not great but not terrible but here's the problem we are once again trapped this is a group of militant isolationists if we grab any of these systems here they will go to war with us so we need to jump again which is gonna cost loads of influence again and thus again we're trapped against us okay so the enemy have gone to war with us apparently whoa will cause worlds there Wow okay so we're kind of finding out other empires because we're at war and I guess we're sharing comes with our allies okay you two get your butts over there I guess just slightly further back there situation so here's the question do they have FTL traps yes they do otherwise would be able to move there okay so that means we need to break through one of their passions which is gonna be a nightmare Construction complete so now on all resources go to building up a fleet further polar hostile fleet detected and that's why diplomatic engage hello allies thank you okay um you know what you fellas follow them we're the supporters here we're not the main force incomplete wow they have a lot of force oh no that's not good please don't okay we're gonna follow you but police say they're going the same direction no why not why are you not keeping all your forces together hostile stationary that's it we're helping uber says now okay we are helping Leslie let's continue to help for the machines we will blunder into successful attempted yeah you'll be fine good alert spaceport engage did I mention we're helping because we are kind of oh we're getting them because we're trying to assimilate that's why ooh hello you're colonizing that planet we can grab that after you later once with some ground forces you know what this is gonna be really really successful at this right just hope the machines don't get attacked from over here going to go ahead and double back and take over all of these are we taking a point right now yes we are so we are encouraging our allies to follow us systems are complete well they who knows can I even invited no because being colonized so I have to wait for it to fully get colonized then invite us sure but you should go here and grab all that research in the future all nations just reinforce our fleet so don't have to keep on doing all this manually all lovey you're moving there so I guess what we should do is send me one of athletes to help you actually no I'm going to watch let's see what happens when they attack this station will it automatically go to me because I'm the one who wants absorption or do I actually have to be involved in the fight which makes sense as well really it instantly goes to me rendus okay we are now attacking their homeworld bombardment is going slowly we are making some more ground forces to get over here they're about to take back that system do I care not in the slightest if I can get this homeworld I am going to be so very pleased because that pretty much kills them now of course that means we have to grab all these manually but you know what if this war's over faster than it is shorter I'm fine with that as well faster than is shorter yeah that's how I wanted to say that sure okay so fleet manager this secondary fleet obviously isn't Mexico that's reinforced that way I don't have to manually combine them all the time which is just silly they're quite a lot ground forces here so it's gonna take a while hello hostile fleet assets detected glory for the machines having friends makes everything better okay if they attack us directly we should still be able to fight them off that's fine and we are reinforcing which is great as soon as you have the alloys I really to upgrade this so we can have more shipyards in fact you know what let's do that now remove one of the solar panels oh we've just grabbed this world because of our allies okay lovely and that means we are already assimilating them oh we're also assimilating the priests opions okay so we're going to have five of them then well things are going so well this dive oh I'm so happy with this I was so scared when they first popped up here but now it's like it's a blessing in disguise I've only just realized something we're not at war with the people I thought we were so the reason why I thought they were at war with us with these fellows is because they have a defensive pact so naturally I thought they would do things together but no it's these we're at war with the Nara Kingdom that's interesting and explains why we're not being attacked over here so I'm happy enough with that although the actual II I said that and instantly noticed a few systems have been claimed or at least one of them has I thought to note just one oh hello if they're ground forces get here we should have weakened up the world enough now that we should grab a brand new world with a lot of cyborgs fanatical purifiers well that's terrifying they are located over here okay then and that's it they're gone our biggest threat is now gone and we're now assimilating Construction complete 54:54 oh that's gonna be horrendous okay so I could disable all these buildings I'm going to do that instantly so we're not paying the upkeep I'm not going to destroy the district's because we're really going to need that drone storage I'm just gonna remove that and no no for now just disable again and now we wait until they are all fully assimilated that is such a weird start for us this is a weird play for him I have to say the question is should we continue this war or should we just go status quo I really think the status quo might be the better option for now we can always bring in the Replicators later on to help us so at this point I think we can start to stand on our own two feet we have world's our tech is doing okay our hourly production is about to increase actually this world is going to make sure of that as well I think for now we just need to recover from this war sure status quo for now so science vessels can you please get over here because I know there's a world there and let's start to expand into this territory well then that was certainly a start and I'm already getting very tired right now because that was just mental so with that I think I'm going to call the episode attempt to episode 1 what just happened so with that thank you so much for watching if you have enjoyed today's video then of course likes favourite shares comments all that good stuff helps out me helps out the channel and most importantly shows that stellaris as a series you wish to see continued in the future in the next episode which I'll claim all this space for a glorious Empire and hopefully we're going to look like we're in decent shape for the mid an endgame crisis remember they are set to as early as possible so even if we do well here that doesn't necessarily mean we're doing well in the grand scheme of things thank you so much for watching and good bye this is just weird
Channel: Lathland
Views: 91,987
Rating: 4.9744706 out of 5
Id: 031tD5TZNuQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 28sec (1648 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 27 2019
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