My PET OVERLORD Destroys Empires! | Full Overlord Playthrough Stellaris 3.4

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greetings you fellow loyal subjects of our most benevolent overlords and welcome back to stellaris with me lathrix and of course welcome to the 3.4 patch and the overlord dlc in today's video we'll be doing our newest full play through using one of the new origins there's five of us to choose from in the future but right now we're going with this one our first endeavor beyond our home planet was a painful one subjugated by and subjected to the whims of a foreign galactic power now we are looking towards a future far off as it might be in which we no longer have to live in the shadow of another empire we start as a vassal of an advanced ai empire and most importantly we get to choose a specialist empire vassal type at the start of the game and we are going with the technological vassal type so this one will have massive negatives for our military etc but will increase our research output even if we do have to tie the percentage of that to our benevolent overlord our protector for we are the cabarian council heralding from kiberia itself our elites are here because they have contributed to society in the form of scientific advancement all we care about is scientific advancement itself getting as much technology as possible and achieving societal goals through this means so when we found a empire right next to us which had such technologies that even our most advanced methods couldn't decipher them we willingly accepted becoming their vassal for we have much to learn and as long as they stay our betters in terms of their technological prowess we will stay their loyal subject forever wanting to learn from our new benevolent teachers of course if they were to slip up and our scientific rush method were to advance theirs there might be problems so to this end the council are fanatic materialists they are authoritarian i was going to go with egalitarian but we've done this combo so many times so instead authoritarian we have the elite of our scientific community and we do have a police state because ultimately order is needed for our scientific progress as long as everyone is thinking the same thing and going for the same goals we can have some amazing achievements now perhaps later we'll get a meritocracy which kind of doesn't work in this theme but we'll see how we feel later but that is the empire in a nutshell our species is intelligent conservationists and traditional however they're not much for moving around too much and they are decadent everyone wants to be in the elite so if you're a worker you're not particularly happy now originally i was going to make out all the desert world and i've messed up and actually made it that but now i'm thinking about it i don't go with the cold worlds like ever let's give an alpine world i never go with those the star name is cobb okay so the name was randomized i just kind of liked it because cobarian sounded fun to me but now i'm realizing is it cobarian like caught on the cup sure it's a corn cup going to go with the technocrat and our ships are going to be either imperial or humanoid pretty humanoid yeah that seems to fit now for our flag we are using one of the new imperial sigils although we are using i believe it's just one of the older flag types there on the side finally we've got some more colors here which makes me very happy and that is it so with that let's get into the settings so i want to go back to my normal default setting of ai empires everything else is going to be our usual so an end game which is 100 years early difficulties on mac scaling is on high apparently the ai is a lot better than it used to be a lot of people have confirmed this so i am really looking forward to that so let's go and let's find our new lords and masters hi everyone a future lothrics here so as is tradition i'm here at the start of the video just to say that these videos take an immense amount of time to put together in terms of editing and just gathering the raw footage i have been recording this for last week whilst also caring for a sick fiance and getting sick myself in the process and it was an absolute trial but thankfully this was a very fun video to record indeed and definitely stick around until the end because seeing the galaxy come together in the why it does near the end was honestly weirdly heartwarming this goes from being brutal to heartwarming near the end and it's bizarre now before we do against the video i do need to say that yes this patch and the dlc was very buggy upon release and i was playing it very very quickly after the game was released and the bugs will be visible throughout it was pretty bad elephants room it was very bad and a lot of the bugs i have kept in and a lot of the bugs i've edited out because a lot of them were just minor nuisances i just worked around but then there was one where i declared war on my own vassal twice and once on myself it's in the video and it was at least very fun to see thankfully there has now been a patch which has made things significantly better but yeah bugs beware still had loads of fun recording this the new hyper relays are my new favorite thing ever and this origin is incredibly powerful hopefully it will be nerfed in the future but until then we get to see an overlord who acts as a minion please enjoy the video likes and comments help loads and now i'll get some sleep after editing for 10 hours straight goodbye and so we begin quite far away from our room oh the perfect species i love you lovely i love these two so much so i love this portrait so much because it looks like they're in pain and at same time they're adorable okay welcome dear newfound allies we felt it was only right to contact you now that you've chosen to partake in our alliance it pleases us to see you choose reason rather than forcing our hands toward violence so they are xenophiles militarist and materialist an empire that relies heavily upon their vassals rarely interested in much beyond their home systems they do not engage others in combat nor actively expand their own borders unless forced to and they're starting off on a gaia world oh they're like a mini precursor a mini um fallen empire okay salorum solarium bob you didn't give us a choice did you was there something you wanted to talk to us about or we are proud to be part of your alliance we are proud to be part of your alliance and we are proud to welcome you oh they're talking to us like we're just idiot children after careful consideration we've decided to invest a significant amount of resource into helping you specialize your empire it will enable your enable your empire to play an important role in the future of all of our friends and allies we were not entirely sure about what your people would be more comfortable with however i materialized as a militarized specialization a scholarly one or are you more interested in materials and minerals now i have increased the ui size and i'm realizing it's actually making it worse my dyslexia i don't know why but yeah anyway how do you want to respond okay so military paying influence tithe for expanding receive a fleet of destroyers that's cool that's not what we're going with this one we're going with uh receive a scientific and a scientist from the empire and received two construction ships from the empire okay so they all have to pay a tithe so this is about producing lots of materials lots of science lots of armies uh well i am going to go with the science option for this one okay okay that's us looking rather dapper i must say incoming transmission the beard was about here it'd be my beard at this point okay so oh yeah you have other minions don't you oh a fanatic spiritualist xenophobe and a fanatic militarist spiritualist oh wow we are not going to get on with the other friends well i guess we are right now because well we have the same overlord i suppose so sure it's quite a safe start isn't it i mean oh yeah a level three scientist to begin with that's nice let's grab both our worlds as soon as possible please thank you and we have our own scientists as well so you can get a head start there this is actually a really nice starting position loads of choke points already they're blocking the uh the top entrance yeah it's looking all right i'm gonna change the ui back on the side now it's making me feel a little bit off for some reason so our goal then is get as much science as possible so i know that we yeah we do level up our um our vassal status later on to get more bonuses and this is our current deals so integration prohibition so it's so uh prohibited so it can't be integrated restricted voting that's if we change our interesting so yes we have to join any federation that the overlord is a member of we have to join the galactic community and we have to follow their votes in the federation and the galactic meetings okay that's really cool actually having your vassals vote in the galactic community for you now is really awesome okay and then we can also negotiate terms for instance i could actually ask them to give me alloys based on how much i'm producing or this basic resource i could also do the same for tech but obviously that's not going to work with our for our vassal type okay and currently they are building something on one of my worlds they are building an overlord garrison so i'll be right back when something more happens and once i've changed the ui back so a little bit later and now we have the tier system so currently we get plus 20 monthly research of course we are losing 30 so overall it's a negative we get one extra research alternative however we have minus 30 navy capacity military ship build cast and military ship upkeep well the upkeep and cost are increased but you get the idea it's a negative we may get these random blobs of research that i'm looking forward to seeing how that works and the overlord modifier gets extra scientific research plus 10 percent ah i see why you'd want to be an overlord right there just that alone plus 10 research speed is fantastic so planets within border every year has a 20 chance of giving us one of those caches those just give us some stored research that could really really skyrocket us early on so tech is going to be everything obviously but i think i'm gonna go even more heavy into tech and i originally thought i would okay so this is definitely one of the abnormalities based on our vassal types so we just need to have a look see this and i think we'll get some research from it's all about life so i assume society well that was helpful considering expanding is very expensive as a vassal because yeah right now hello there i always forget to go into contacts for this okay so yeah right now it is costing us to move around there we are expansion regulated the subject may expand their empire but must pay and influence tithes to the overlord when they build an outpost not they actually care about expanding apparently oh and this type of overlords you can't actually change that not allowed for an overlord of the feudal society civic and this one is that type of empire okay well that's annoying uh a few more years or we can try and negotiate there i doubt we'll get much considering we're kind of at the limit already but we'll see what happens uh don't commercial packs of it with the oval why do i get so little no i could try and build research packs of everyone with the other vassals that would be interesting especially since i'm going to get loads of extra tech anyway from like these things uh maybe and actually you want you to turn around grab that please thank you okay so we've got the cash and yeah it's giving us 2 000 physics that's actually loads this early on yeah if i keep on getting those so i need more planets then because it's all about that now i have a desert and an ocean ice like us ocean will be fine for you and desert perfect wait not desert but are you i can't remember unfortunately it is arid yeah perfect so if i can get a migration packed with those two not you actually don't know what type you are is it just ah ocean and gaia um sure then doesn't matter which one of you there we go so we can grab the ocean world and grab the desert world so we have some more worlds under our control nice and early that's perfect okay i just spent like six minutes messing around with this and explaining it badly but with my very first negotiation we've changed a few of the settings so right now we've changed this so the overlord pays us 15 of our alloy and consumer goods production which is absurd already so they're giving us alloys and consumer goods just for being their vassal on top of that we have changed our subject conflict so that now anytime we declare war they have to declare war as well they will join us in any fight they are a super advanced start not just a normal advanced start they are stronger than a normal advanced star i think if not if i'm incorrect it doesn't matter they're still an advanced start they're very very powerful if i find another empire soon i can send them to get my claims for me and they are paying us alloys and consumer goods if i had more influence i could have also got them to spend oh yeah i need influence i could have also got them to give us 15 minerals and energy but i didn't have the influence at the time and i wanted to do it as soon as possible because all the other things are more important so i'm now going to send off for once a scout vessel to find another empire to send the overlord after it if this works this is really silly if it doesn't work it's okay too why do i have robots now oh because of uh our migration agreement okay that makes sense thank you overlords thanks to our many deals with the holy solarium empire we have been able to focus much of our efforts on building and improving the internal workings of our empire with our scientists and engineers hard at work we have seen our colonies blossomed these last few years as things we would have thought a fantasy only a few years back have suddenly become not only real but even commonplace we've received news that our wardens in holy salarian empire would like to see our latest progress in person and potentially bring some of it back to their homeland they are welcome of course giving us plus three percent to all research food not research to be just engineering research means that's not too much right now since money now building our science buildings but still great and we have a new abnormal sensor reading so i guess that's because i had a migration treaty with them because that was with their deals only three percent maybe if i had other deals it would have been more now i have found another empire over here so i can now start expanding in towards them as soon as our borders meet i'm going to make a climb and then send our wardens off to battle oh looks like another one the empire has just jumped over that's really annoying so i do want that alpine world i'm moving this way because i want the borders closer there but actually no let's um let's swap over yeah i don't need to find other empires now let's go back to just surveying everything actually first can you go and grab that sensory stuff i want to see if we get even more research stored research this early on is so lovely this is interesting a subject's juicy as the emissary is about to arrive from the holy empire we have to decide how willing we are to share our lightest designs and creations with our overlord it would surely be appreciated if we were to do so but it could be that they will take more direct control of where we will focus our efforts moving forwards share it with our overlord nevertheless again at this point our empire would trust them greatly an engineering directive we have received the directive from our overlord after they saw our designs and lighted creations it seems they want us to focus our efforts on engineering from now on will that do anything ah plus 10 engineering research yes please for a very long time we are now tier two with our vassal status giving us plus thirty percent scientific research which basically means now we're getting just equal it says plus one both times i'm assuming it's still there in just plus one however we get more research in the caches which so far have been really plentiful and fantastic already so good um scientists gain one random trait investigator explorer or observer one of them's plus 10 research b that's pretty crazy scientists in pool plus one transfer leader scientists with a trait can be traded with the over i can sell them leaders fascinating actually i saw a load of weird tried ones like um borrow fleet for instance is that only with your new overlord i can't remember either way that's really cool so i could transfer leaders and if i wanted whoa they're expensive how strong your fleets very strong affair to me oh you need a lot though okay well good to know so how are our current leaders then is the question research speed plus 10 anomaly speed plus that okay so you two need to be traded out and if other scientists go oh yeah like you there you should swap out immediately okay so once the mission is done you can swap out that's research speed and research speed yeah so you want another leader with one of these okay i'll make sure to swap those out because it's a really good bonus noah's of the shroud ah visitor welcome we are the knowers of the shroud within this voidborn hull our coven communes of force is incomprehensible to most mortal minds we contemplate the secrets that lie hidden in dreams reservoirs of untapped potential the unseen gears driving whole civilizations the shroud reveals much of those who would listen or to those who would listen at this moment i listen to you what brings you to us do you yet know can we have a teacher it's expensive in it mystery of the trout is a journey of ten thousand lifetimes even our most gifted teachers can claim only partial knowledge of his mysteries nevertheless their wisdom is invaluable should you wish we will dispatch one to guide your course oh i would really like to know though i don't know what you guys do but you look so cool you're a floating rock of psychic power anything shroud makes me happy so this makes me very happy what is that fate which i'll pay oh what's that influence oh fine give me a teacher to know that there is always more to know there is the highest wizard so this is the highest wisdom a teacher will be sent to you learn well and you will surely reap the rewards is it oh actually is it just the leader i don't quite know how this works i didn't read it properly nope i thought maybe a big governor is it a decision or an edict it is i decision unity from jobs plus ten percent amenities was five percent unity from telepaths plus three oh that's really cool i think we don't really produce too much unity on this world but you produce some i mean what's up the extra amenities are always welcome so sure takes a long time to build but sure let's put down the teacher in our home world we wish to learn oh dear overlord please protect us from the foul uh empire of ganvus primus i can't even say their name correctly receiving transmission oh and because they've joined our allies had to join as well i think no or perhaps would have seen their um their senses there we go they're sending their vessels off to claim the home world of our neighbor for me for me i love that now i'm actually in a bit of a bind at the moment because i had to save up so much influence i haven't been getting any um space resources that's why everything's kind of grew so slowly in our empire at the moment but if we can get a home world and a home system well that's definitely worth it hopefully they uh make their way there quickly and smartly and not dumbly i've been told the is better please be better god you're so much stronger oh wow they were your stats while in a system with a pulsar who where hell then gloria i thought you didn't want to expand your borders i said so you've definitely expanded your board as well i'm very glad i spawned over here then yeesh so our overlord is just following me literally it is i'm not even using tag point and they're just if i stop they're just following me that's all they're doing so i'm just going ahead and the reason why i have this fleet is because i'm currently selling 40 alloys a month because they're paying me alloys every month now science doesn't look that good but i have stored science in every single science type right now ooh two worlds could i climb there that's gonna be too expensive because already a war well next time i do have some ground forces not many though i was getting ready to take uh there is a primitive civilization over here but apparently the angry neighbors have taken it engaging hostile fleets so thank you to the advanced start that are my overlords we're going to cr look there's still the fleets on the way yeah we're going to crush this easily let's bombard the world for a bit and then take it over and then i have 53 population increasing the size of my empire i need some more basic resources that's all i need wow that's okay where are you going well the overlords being me where are you going receiving transfers go back over there i felt so sure that the overlords knew what they were doing and now i remember they are just an ai as soon as i let my fleet die then they went here and bombarded fantastic okay they got there in the end well the war was pretty straightforward they did eventually bombard the world enough that we took that world so now we have oh way too many um star bases for a start so i need to remove some of these how do i have so many star bases did i do this i think i just messed up either way we have a new world loads of new population it's gonna be really bad for a while but that'll soon fix itself as the devastation drops and then we'll have a new world we can sort out i have just climbed these two worlds of our other neighbor hello the neighbor and we've gone to war so yeah our overlord will now go and fetch us another home world because i'm the overlord special boy oh cool one of the new things yeah they're okay so rather than just revolting instantly revolt brewing on a new world the populace of the world has been discontent with our rule for some time now now their defiance is becoming even more brazen and dissidents are openly calling for independence from the promise a show of authority may be necessary if we are able to keep patrol the colony have to be dealt with start situation planetary revolt distribute amenities upkeep is very expensive but plus 20 amenities incident cracked institute crackdown oh this is so much cooler than the other one we're just well it's just like minor things and suddenly complete rebellion brewing troubles this is stage activity zero to okay 0 to 25 low stability is causing this less stability less stability less stability and then boom we'll declare independence from the council oh that is so much cooler uh i mean stability is increasing by itself so will amenities but the just plus 20 is just like yeah just plus 20 would instantly fix that so for now sure i can always swap back later okay there we go so that by itself is already settling things yeah and the housing crisis is about solve itself as devastation drops love that i love this new system i was actually looking forward to seeing one of these situations didn't think it'd be such a negative one for our first one but i'm still very happy with that we really need more minerals don't we uh yeah why are you so obsessed with food let's replace some of those with mining districts just buy a thousand of that there are so many of these the abnormalities yeah we have just stored research the forever already busy getting us our new worlds pledge a secret fealty to have this one as our new overlord that's an interesting one of course it's not gonna happen because i'm very happy my current overlord and with all my influence spent we will cure their ignorance we will cure their ignorance now of course they will protect back our system for a while though they don't seem to have any fleets nearby my allies will soon rush in and then this entire area in fact this should destroy this empire which is what i want because i want all this space to myself it's been a weird weird run so far we're such a tiny tiny malicious empire we've reached tier 3 which is the highest tier we can get in our vassal status meaning now we're getting plus 40 research so even though we are paying off 30 we're actually getting more than we would normally get as a free empire our cashiers get even more tech which has been fantastic i have one science ship now just getting the caches and we can get some rare ones we also have a new type of science vessel which decreases accuracy fire rate and base ship speed of any system piloted so any ship with a ii system in the system so that's really good um yes so far this origin seems like an utter powerhouse and i didn't really expect that gotta be honest but yeah uh oh yes other new um enclave hello there i really wanna see what your thing is like oh it's so scrappy and i love that cause you're scrappers and i love you and you're weird and i like that we've been hearing rumors about the impressive cabarian council for a while now we're pleased to make your acquaintance for a nominal contribution of credits we the conglomerated putterers offer premium salvage services from engine upgrades to scrapping fleets whatever your needs you can count on us and to ensure that we start off in your good crisis how about a small gift to show our commitment to customer service oh that's a lovely gift thank you hello so we can scrap fleets uh we can have chip surprise and scratch you bring them to the system okay that's the system correct yep cool cool and what reclaimed vessels do you have from the sovereignty and unidentified empire this will occupy this out just some time will be unable to purchase other reclaimed ships for two years so we can buy ships as well for energy that is really interesting i don't know if i'm gonna have any use for you yet but that is fascinating so if other people sell their ships we can then get them from you see this is why i like staying mostly spoiler free for patches i read the basic patch notes so i understand the new mechanics at least what i'm looking out for but then i stay mostly free after that all sorts realised you're about to run into a non-occupied system how about you turn around just in time how did you get past that didn't even trigger the fighting i'm just mocking you at this point the war is over we are victorious now one weird thing we could do is go after this but they're holding off the purifiers can i even afford oh i could afford their home world oh all the home worlds all of the homeworlds could be ours i could climb all this this is such a ridiculous start uh i don't know how i'm gonna title this video at this point it's gonna be all nice and everything but now it's like this is ridiculous the origin is overpowered i'm loving it because it's stupid and probably gonna be balanced later on oh that's great okay that's what we're doing overlord fetch okay so once again one of the situations i've just run out food and now rather than instantly fixing itself once i got food back we're now undergoing a problem so right now we have minus 10 happiness and 20 growth reduction this would have got more and more severe as time went on until eventually whoa that is pretty horrendous all upgrade all upgraded buildings are downgraded all offensive armies are disbanded 50 percent of military ships are disbanded as i belch mid-sentence there well then that is horrendous so this could take a while for it to go back to normal i bought the food a bit too late so i really need to start using the monthly trades which as people know is one of the things i always say i should do but never do but yeah need to start doing that once i have enough resources in fact i might just sell all of my alloys then i'm not really using them at the moment for anything but habitat so sure i'll do that and hopefully that's enough to buy 60 food a month how's that going to pan out okay there we go as we get these new worlds i'll make sure to turn some of them into agri worlds well there we have it one of the new mega structures the orbital ring an orbital ring is a star base variant that forms a band encircling the planet providing defense and additional specialization this is actually looking forward to it's very similar to the gigastructural engineering thing and yeah just looks amazing so going for this right now the war is over we now control this whole section here which means finally we have access to an actual trading route so we can start getting all that in which is good because we're now going with mercantile now on top of this i've just grabbed lord of war i have not done any of the mercenary enclaves at all yet but they're actually the ones you have to create yourself and they just seem fascinating to me so i'm going to build up some corvettes i think i need to have a fleet size of 50. yep with an admiral then i'll make a mercenary group and i'm going to put it right here so that is the plan for that now in terms of the ring which i want to make first though there we are orbital ring is 1 000 alloys and 50 influence where is our homeworld there it is so now adding a ring to our home world of caberia the council advances ever further so much so i overlord should now be worried because the overlord is now only superior techwise rather than overwhelming because we're getting constant tech caches that's annoying sending a scientist over there well uh another cache is over here as well so i need to do is set up a trade route as soon as possible so do there one two three four plus the extra one so that's all do also it means we now have this in a enclave area which is always good lots of stuff and suddenly i actually need my alloys thankfully i'm getting loads from overlord and as we um advance we can just start to push towards that a little bit more things are looking very good for our empire very very good indeed so once again we are at war with primus our neighbours to the west getting very scarily close to the despoilers here but still once we have this this should be the end of this empire since we are going to take out this world and seoul which i've only just realized yep this is earth that's a tomb world well they must have got desperate to move on to a tomb world right i guess they are extremely adaptive ooh the roaches are here adaptive and tomb world preference with some extra happiness that is a fantastic species i'll uplift as soon as we get so i think i already have the check for that if not i'll get it soon because my tech is doing great almost at 2k which admittedly i have done better at this point but we just have unlimited stored research at the moment thanks to all those events okay so apparently this is a thing which happens this is why staying spoiler free so much more fun uh a broken empire with no great leader to hold them together the holy empire has dissolved into several parts with each claiming their right to rule over the old empire without the strength or legitimacy of old however their hold over their vassals has all crumbled to nothing with the desperate parts of the old empire fighting over the throne of the holy empire their old subjects are trying to find their way in their now independent future why am i no longer a vassal oh gain a subjugation uh against holy empire and all these vassals 30 years uh no we're too weak to fight right now we can just uh make them vassals later on normally i'm not gonna do that because i guess that's gonna make them all very upset with me yes so that's like the main one it's split into who am i even fighting with them now do you still exist the original oh lord the original exists is just a single little blob there are so many things here well um free once more then well that sucks for us we had to start losing alloys and ah consumer goods uh can we end this war please we're not do we still have allies okay you're still okay good you still have a good enough fleet good okay you still have the fleet you're still going to help me out right you're still at war you're still going to do things good so this war's gonna be fine well desperate times i guess uh now it's time to consider how we're gonna sort things out on the upside our ring is finished yay at least tier one we can't currently upgrade it to tier two until we have star fortress tech which i think we're actually getting currently so orbital anchorage orbital shipyard planetary defense guns planetary defense batteries planetary defense hangars do they do anything to the actual uh world was it just no it's basically just acting like a starbase okay so that's what the rings are for still very cool still definitely gonna use them a lot i was hoping maybe you'd give us more districts i'm only getting this district some swapping them over right now to try and solve all the problems i'm currently having okay refugees are good more pups are always good yeah so our allies are focusing they are currently at war with one of their well everyone but they're still focusing on our original war so good to know that perhaps their last thing they're going to do it's going to be in service of us oh look at that our ally has made a hyper relay though useless on its own a chain of hyper relays allows fast travel between adjacent systems and it ends over here one of the new mega structures i guess we should probably be friendly then still and look as even fanatic purifies well they broke into so many different types of empire so right now i'm finally building up my own fleet but what i really need to do is figure out what i'm going to do with the mess just to the north of us now these fellows really hated us uh but i've bribed them so they're now more friendly i'm hoping they'll open their borders to us soon maybe thank you could i perhaps subjugate you would you be okay with this almost huh i could get my very first vassal ah protectorate darn it attacks too far ahead now i would like to actually integrate you but i guess that's going to be yeah a huge no so it's all what do i really want out of this i don't really know what i want okay so i don't want holdings yeah you can have my um senses i don't really mind about that at all you're almost accepting now i definitely at least want the holdings i really want to test those out so honestly i want a couple of those thank you yeah you can have full diplomacy i don't mind if you don't vote with us expansion is currently allowed you really don't want to be a protector do you so how do i force vassalization the status okay so now you can just go straight there whoa that's a problem ah how are you guys you hate us but what what happened if i tried to propose subjection obviously you wouldn't accept because you hate us your hostile attitude hmm i'll figure out someone so right now i'm finally building up my fleet and it's time to figure out what we're actually going to do with this chaotic section of the galaxy so when it comes to vassalization now after bribing them for instance these fellows actually quite like us i could quite easily have them as a subject although they by default don't accept if we start giving them stuff they want they will just accept it or we could go to war and force it upon them however they do have loads of defenders so be nice this one joined willingly uh the empire next to us is very weak now because we've been at war with them over and over and over again so we could probably just force uh vassalization on them i think that's what i'll do so our first our first vassal is going to be a one of war oh wow i need to sort out the tried value don't like now i've actually got these lines connected yeah there's a lot we need to do as what we need to do to fix this messy messy section of the galaxy also we have a lot of different species i think i probably will go down the sim through during this play through because it is becoming a mess and i'm not a xenophile so i'm not gonna be able to do the um mixing one okay can all my forces please head on over here that'd be great we already we are already strong enough to fight them so i want to see what happens then after the war how do we choose what type of vassal but you have equivalent tech to us well first empire which has kept up with us well done considering we had such a good start new technology okay we uplifted the roaches this means we're going to get loads and loads of influence wow yeah absolutely loads of it so now we can expand and grab all this which is obviously what we wanted the whole time so this is our territory now gonna go and grab that world as well we'll make this empire of vassal athletes now here they're already yeah they're just broken we've been at war with them the other hive has been at war with them they've just been beaten over and over again we want them to be our vassal so let's just grab everything they have grab this little section first then go for their starbases which i assume are probably more towards the core actually system chartered shouldn't be too difficult to fight right since we are just so much ahead of them yeah i am making my very first mercenary group so these corvettes i made specifically for this job they have nothing on them they were almost free so let's buy 50 of these things i think that was a smart thing to do we are debating whether or not set up the armada is an independent mercenary english the proposal first performed by the fleet commanders would result in us losing control of the fleet we would also be responsible for providing them with a sizeable investment in energy credits and alloys in return they would give us a number of shares in the company that would come in the periodic dividends and the special privileges they assure us that in our time of need they'll always be ready to fight for us and our money geez that's expensive deal so that's them then oh look they have a thing oh i love it all the different um ship types so we have the planned one for instance over there i think this is humanoid or mammalian one of the two oh that is super cool do we still have controlled system yes we do wow mostly mercenary garrisons need more trust they currently don't have a fleet to rent out wish to hire ground troops oh then they'll increase our navy capacity for a while that's really good for later on as our patron we want to help you build a bigger fleet we're inclined to share technology with you we'll share technology this can only be done once every 10 years increases how much they like us sure you can have our tech we trust you completely yeah looking forward to them paying us then giving stuff lighter purchase high up keep i high upkeep star base building sure i want to see what it is you know i want to be really friendly with them there we go fantastic so what is the star base building then not you orbital ring the other one mercenary garrison effect on allied ships plus 15 fire right okay very cool very very cool indeed now i was building a construction vessel here because since i did also notice this we can now build the hyper relay so i don't know how to connect them but what i want to do is i have a hyper relay ring from here down to here so we can directly move towards our first vassal also it's just cool okay so as their patron we can actually get them to recall their fleet someone is currently yep you are currently hiring their fleet which is this over here i want to help you build a bigger fleet we're going to make you the strongest mercenary group ever again i'm sure this is only the best idea just arming these mercenaries as much as possible within our borders that seems reasonable the mercenary enclave has paid us esteemed patron our recent contracts have been fruitful we have expanded our civilian operations and several corporations have hired us for a variety of security and peacekeeping services while on contract our operatives chanced upon some valuable scientific research you'll find it attached along with your regular dividends oh 13k of every tech thank you very much i like these mercs this is a really small thing but i absolutely love it i've got to be honest being able to put down refineries and the tech buildings straight away rather than waiting until your main building is upgraded i really like don't know how much i like it in terms of lore and setup for worlds i love it in terms of gameplay it makes everything a lot easier also we are just powering through now we had a small economic collapse once you know we were no longer a vassal but now we are just powering through we just own so many worlds it's so easy for us to bounce back also look i have hyper realized i'll have to make sure to actually watch a ship the next time i create one so i know what's going on now are you finally upgraded nope but close i want rings around every world i don't think i'm going to expand further than this i do want to make more vassals obviously because you know we're playing overlord we're going to be an overlord but i think this is just a good amount of space for us we have loads of worlds already we can always build um habitats if we want to yeah i'm happy being here oh good and now we are cyborgs into the hyper relay we go oh that's why it's so quick because you're not having to go to the edges each time you can just hyper really hyper really hyper really love that i mean i can almost build gateways now so i don't know how useful these are really going to be but i love them that's the thing i adore how they look and i adore how they act that is very fun oh good we won um i thought i'd have like a talk to you then agreements okay so you okay so currently we have no terms negotiated and we are losing loyalty so how do we increase loyalty then exactly recently subjugated overlord ethics compatibility and subject opinion those are the three things currently making us lose points we want them to be increased so will we be able to can we change them from protector i know they're weak but i want actual vassals i want the science vassals like weworks i give so many bonuses uh we too strong to benefit from that if so i'm a little bit upset there but at least we get to mess around with stuff still and there's still much stronger empires like this for instance okay so how do we get that then on you i guess propose subjugation if they say no then we go to warlock we always do they are overwhelming to us right now though which is worrying hey do you want to join us even though you're very strong you're not actually massively off joining us that's weird distance is higher than expect works without right next to you just this little section here hmm interesting oh i love these so extra minerals for miners extra energy credits from technicians unity bonuses uh we get extra consumer goods extra alloys that's just fantastic uh so it's a pretty generic kind of capital honestly it's got a bit of everything also i am going to go ahead and do this expensive but sure super capital we don't have a science one which is a shame maybe we'll get a science one later but hopefully they're then i can also grind the ring so i guess for now i'd probably want more unity it's one of the few worlds actually producing a decent amount of unity although saying that our nobles have been really good we have nobles on every single world they're producing the bulk of our unity surprisingly i don't really have unity worlds it's all just our entertainers and nobles i don't know which one i want here uh maybe alloys um it only plus seven though okay so these are going to be much better on specialized world so i need to make sure our worlds are specialized to get the most out of this now does this actually count as one of our star bases so one two three four five six seven eight nine ten and currently it's only f9 so nope it's fine we can have as many as we like i want something so for now let's just go with the orbital filing system and then angus so this empire is actually stronger than us in terms of fleet power the hive they do love us and although they wouldn't accept anything else well actually could make them a normal vassal they will happily become our bull walk now the reason is by default i have to pan 30 percent of their basic resource so likely this will cause an economic crash when i first start this probably i can't get them to feed me at all maybe um as we become more loyal and they become happier i can try to negotiate for better terms for me right now it's definitely more on their side but of course this is a peaceful takeover right now you want at least one holding i mean i'd love to but sure this yeah i i have no idea how much of an economic crash is about to cause i can only imagine it's gonna be terrible let's find out oh lord that is bad thank you mercenaries still uh so now we have a super vassal over here the hive there we are our bull walk once they become loyal and they are gaining loyalty every month i will start to gain more stuff oh hello and then i can build all of well there's so many holding choices so that one needs to be a science one mining drones produce minus two minerals and for the subject and three minerals for the overlord is that gonna be for everyone like the entire i'm assuming just the world not the entire empire so we can steal their minerals steal their energy there's also ones which help them okay amenities for the subject and unity for the overlord gives them aid workers satellite campus interesting and this is the garrison which they built on me before however nobles each noble provides plus two stability in the overlord's capital ministry of truth overlord propagandists turn unity into influence for the overlord well we're gonna need more minerals because that's really messing us up so i'm gonna see if it's gonna be just for this world or it's going to be for all of their worlds i mean i doubt it right i mean it's kind of insane and we'll find out soon enough my economy is tanking fiercely though sorry to fix this as soon as possible please so i've negotiated with our friends over here which really hate us so now i have up to three holdings and i'm giving them a little bit of tech it doesn't really matter too much because they are producing so little research and hopefully eventually i can make them loyal i'm going to try and build all the loyalty buildings i'd like to see if i can make even this empire which absolutely hates us because we have just complete opposite ethics to actually like us at least a little bit now thankfully with this empire they love us even though we are stealing minerals from their home world because it turns out it's just the home world things are looking just fine now later on i would love to add more holdings but i doubt that's going to pass through yeah especially since right now relative power is actually on their side that's right they're the stronger empire out of two of us but as i build more battleships and everything i can hopefully force more holding so i have more control over the hive and yeah i quite like the systems at the moment not being able to force certain things is weird and i don't know if i'm going to continue to like it but first impressions are at least it's interesting but i do have i will admit there is a bias right now it's new and shiny we'll see how i feel in a few more hours or a few more games so the hive has now successfully converted fully into a bull walk giving them loads of defense platform bonuses and starbase bonuses at the cost of their basic resources and these get more severe as they level up uh they get some basic tech and this is for us our starbases are cheaper and upgrade faster which is lovely bulwark watch the overlords relay network will provide the following effects if connected to this subject's capital well that's pretty good minus crime and then friendly ships in own systems plus 100 shield points what i'm assuming that's for them not for us because that would be crazy if that was for us as well yeah definitely for them okay well that's really neat they're gonna be super strong rank two they definitely get certain techs and then admirals gain one of the random traits so their admirals become stronger and then bulwark admirals admirals of the bulwark track can be tried with the overlords so then they can sell us their super um admirals the final version they can definitely get a citadel add ship design which is a type of construction vessel and then bulwark disintegrator field hostile ships and own systems it slowly destroys them daily whole region minus 0.3 percent unyielding tradition tree completed an extra 0.2 that is really interesting okay it's not the most useful for us but that is a really cool specialization not good for us though but cool okay so i was wrong they haven't actually finished converting um i just finally got a chance to actually look at what it does so that's all the giga mall moving all shopping and trade facilities onto the orbital ring means our clerks can facilitate more business more effectively than ever before damn i'll hurry up and finish off i want to add this thing because that's going to be fantastic there we are so there it is that's plus one amenities from clerks which is actually quite nice and plus five percent additional tried value for the entire world now there is another one i got recently which is adding an extra district slot i'm tempted to swap out the orbital filing system for that one i don't know which one it is though i'm not used to any of these and right now my dyslexia is hitting me in the face or maybe i didn't actually get the tech in the end i saw the tech perhaps either way that's something i'll probably swap out later but for now this is the ring it's a 7k ring i absolutely adore it and it's going to increase the trade value of our world which is good it's 141 right now it's probably gonna be more lighter at the moment there's only how much tried value stuff and i'm probably going to be changing that around i've also started to build more rings around the other worlds although currently they are only at their starter phase as i increase our hyper relay so i want it all the way down to here then i also want it all the way around here as well so our empire is nice and easy to get around him why are you away down there okay i'm going to be going to war soon to force vassalization on one of our neighbors and it looks like our ally is about to try and take up these fellows instead well that's really exciting so i'll wait until you're done with that yeah i'm going to war with these fellows i should be strong enough anyway it's not too much of a big deal but i have renegotiated our contract because they do like us a lot more now we've managed to negotiate this so overlord conflicts all so if i go to war they also go to war they're actually stronger than us right now so our bull walk will do its job so if i move here i think this is the easiest way to get to their capital all right no because this is controlled by the union who don't currently have open borders with us oh you actually managed to get a couple of them back apparently after the split two of them um became vassals again so if i declare warn you i am declaring war on a lot of empires annoyingly very weak ones though so i should think i'll be okay yeah i'll be fine okay so athlete then needs to move over here so we can get into their territory as soon as possible please kind of wish i made the relays in this direction now building the habitation modules which will increase how many districts the world has now here's the thing i didn't know you could have multiple of these because they're modules and not buildings i mean the clue's in the name but still this means our home world is gonna have a multiple extra districts we have repeatables they do not our science is overwhelming them and our allies are on the way as well with their ground forces or maybe they're not well good to know the ai is still the i i just got paid once again by the mercenaries and now we are pushing as much as we can towards this so this is all to do with the mercenaries and it's kind of interesting this one here having no hired mercenaries is banned um going at war without any hired mercenaries is banned it's just fantastic but most importantly it increases our capacity for them which is what we want because they're fantastic so i may save up influence just to try and push this forward even more i'd love to have an extra one even if it is a bit silly they are fantastic they've given us so much tech and so much energy there are protectors i didn't okay so that's interesting ah okay so i didn't actually ask for protection i asked for a tributary the subject will pay 30 of that monthly basic production to their overlord okay then it's fine so i guess that's just how they do tributaries now they're just default to giving you a chunk of that so there's no chance they're ever going to be loyal to us they absolutely hate us they are fanatic spiritual so we are fanatic materialists they are xenophobes dropsy means us don't like us but at least now they are paying us for the greater good how's the other empires doing finally loyal yeah we're giving them loads of tech we're still at plus 6k now and that's finally made them loyal now i doubt i can do anything to them i would love to upgrade them to something else but it's just not going to happen even with all that tech being fed to them it's just that just such a weak empire the hive is incredibly powerful so i'm glad about that at least kind of wish there was the tech version but they do not want that as you can see going to war again this time actually looks like the hive is helping we're attacking the republic which is directly on their borders to turn them into a tributary our influence spreads now the spoilers are actually starting to lose now against the foundation and their combined forces since all of these are in in an alliance so good to know that the spoilers won't be a permanent problem the great khan has awoken and these fellows keep on turning to a vassal then back to a protectorate then back to vassal then back to our protector they are right on the cusp of being useful to us my allies are doing a great job uh the really worrying thing is i'm almost at 7k tech now i had loads of bonuses early on admittedly a smallish empire but doing well it well enough not the best i've ever done certainly not the worst by long shot and the core over here who's being dismantled at the moment is superior to me tech wise so well then the ai for not only keeping up but being superior to move such huge empire we have to expand our influence to make sure we stay on top and of course the hive is now our enforcer and doing a good job of it apparently it's just nice to see the ai doing my bidding for once and doing it properly esteemed patron the company is going through difficult times we lost several civilian clients and various of our other operations ended in costly failures we are setting up a restructuring plan that will cut expenditure across the board and we'll be letting some of our staff go rest assured that we work tirelessly to bring you your dividends and that this misfortune is only temporary only a thousand this time you're fired see the board about your severance package ruler dies it does help instead oh we gain influence for that well yes please sure a thousand energy is nothing and gaining uh more trust with these fellows is always lovely where are your fleets are you man the other empires are constantly hiring out my fleets not one point have i just seen them just chilling here anymore huh we can do more damage to great khan if you want from these guys that's awesome we could ask them to to recall their fleet i'm going to increase the size of their fleets because eventually i will recall them and i'll use them for some kind of war so at that point i want them to be as big as possible the other mercenaries however are very very good well this is clearly a bug um apparently defenders of this war which i'm about to initiate is myself why would i be warring myself i don't have a defensive pact with this empire obviously but even if i did it wait no that makes no sense what happens right now if i declare war against myself no i am now fighting my protectorate okay so i've already skipped a lot of the bugs so far because they've been quite minor but this one i am at war with my own bull walk so i can't go to war with them because that's never fully okay we'll have to restart the game i've made it more confusing they're now my vassal but all those other little weird things are still there however i'm allowing myself to integrate them because we still want that little bit of territory do we really not have yeah we don't have a neutron star or a pulsar in our territory and the ones i can see around us well you're not going to try it are you because i is never tried systems yet minus thousands it's impossible i could give them anything and they wouldn't accept it even systems myself the problem is now i've so many of these i'm losing loyalty with the one i really like uh okay can you please pledge loyalty for a while and i'll give you resources there you go you like resources then eventually i'll integrate them which will give me their neutron star also i don't even know what's going to happen once we once we integrate with all the other weirdness with this empire we have finally found our precursor the cyborg central nexus which is good timing actually because now we can rebuild it since we are now building megastructures the very first one i'm building currently is the art installation since we are having some issues with amenities and that fixes that but now as we get 10 000 alloys and keep on building up all these ring sections which is always a lovely thing indeed also currently we have relax nobles because everyone's unloyal to me anytime i've been holding now i'm just going brutal all of our holdings now are a lot less friendly the ministry of truth and the noble shadow i'm also buying some reclaimed vessels from these scavengers when i can so occasionally you might end up seeing a mammalian or random other ship mixed in with all that humanoid ones the admirals really are very strong for our bull walk shield hit points and friendly systems extra damage and friendly systems is really really good and even extra a vacation well i don't think we needed that four times oh i guess because all the different empires it wow okay today we have etched ourselves further into a record of unparalleled galactic splendor with the linking of our hyper relay network to the kingdom of to the pious to the valorians to the holy and to the kingdom our citizens may now venture into those neighboring systems without let or hinderance the kingdom uh in turn now welcome the embrace of our influence they too shall benefit from the bounteous culture which defines our own magnificent star systems basically i just finished connecting this piece here so all this is now on and soon not happen again since we're about to connect our bull walk to ourselves as well that does go to the capital doesn't excellent my forces are breaking through here the allied forces are all attacking from the underside whilst the rest of their forces are now moving in it won't be too long until prime core is just yet another tributary of the glorious council meanwhile the ringworld site is underway and the quantum catapult is already somewhat working and looks horrendously terrifying again well i love being spoiler free that is so cool what's the effects reduce time spent missing in action while we own hyper relays calculations have shown that even the scant few lenses installed at precise locations around the star can channel enough energy to enable semi-volatile trajectories across interstellar space can they no known destination well i don't quite get how it works just yet but hopefully soon they'll be able to use it properly new technology i do kind of wish that stellaris was a little bit better at highlighting things the first time you used them um so i just missed this point here so catapult fleet as you can see we can now fire our fleet from the catapult elsewhere in the galaxy so i'm going to send a fleece over and we're going to do that we could have done that in the first phase as well though of course it would have been even less accurate we are upgrading it as we go this will allow us to throw athletes all everywhere honestly so when the endgame crisis arrives we will be able to deal with it nice and quickly along with our relays and everything else we should have very good coverage of the galaxy i do need to consider building up athletes properly soon we are building loads of alloys and everything else so it's not really a big deal i have now finally caved and we are now a feudal society so one thing i don't like is that your subjects cannot have the following agreement terms expansion prohibited do not join subject wars and limited diplomacy i don't like always joining the subject wars but uh honestly i was kind of going with that anyway this time around so it's not too bad but because of that as you can see now everyone is becoming very loyal to me everyone will love me and hopefully the core will be strong enough we can actually turn it into something other than just protectorate or tributary though honestly just the bull walk itself has been so useful they have just clobbered the entire galaxy in our name clobbered yep that's the term i wanted to use them look at that so first of all there is a limited range on this thing i was aware of that but i thought it'd be a bit further second of all the further out you get it seems the more inaccurate you get which is really fun gonna love you in this general direction it's gonna be somewhere here [Laughter] who knows exactly where okay it's working to throw off it goes okay made it as far as it possibly could perfect oh why is it still new technology discarded what is that circle what game why are you saying i can catapult anywhere now that's not a catapult here is that oh my allies have built one has catapulted from one then i'll catapult to the next to help out sure all the way down here well sure in the end all will serve there's so much resource uh i'll try and make you more um happy later oh you're a true tributary okay you see i want you to be that do you like why does no one like that nobody likes that type of vassal i guess maybe materialists will yeah they're all happy with bulwark and they're all pretty happy with this vassal but none of them are happy with any of the others yeah i guess i'll have to find a very specific type of empire to have that what are you no again how well that's loads of base resources and currently we are actually making a i go over here a matter decompressor so that's all the tech we need so now we just focus on making more ring worlds in the meantime i guess really we should try and go toward one of these two empires [Music] oh no not this again so for some reason or other if i try and go to war with the alliance over here i apparently go to war with myself sure how about you okay you i can go with i could try that right now you are very weak compared to the others around us and we have a lot of our allied forces right next to you already so you know what sure i'm just going straight back into war right now we will cure their ignorance we will cure their ignorance now jumping one of my construction vessels over here how far did you just get anyway i'm now using these catapults to kind of bounce around the galaxy from one catapult to the next thankfully there's no cooldown with this i just want to go over there so i can finish off the hyper relays as well there's currently a hyper relay going to here i'm going to connect it to here and then this one is going to bounce all over here and connect to this segment so then all of the empires i think bar this one is then fully connected and i'll connect that one like this now if i if i was just closer to the center of the galaxy i wouldn't need to bounce from one catapult the next one catapult can easily cover the entire galaxy but i'm right in the corner so sadly that's not really what's actually happening uh so also ward the foundation there the ally okay looks that's no problem we're making some good progress and our allies are now moving up as well oh wait no they are the foundation i don't even know who i'm fighting anymore at this point our beautiful roads continue to be built we are now connected to the holy republic so next up then i need to build some hyper relays over here as well oh there's only one there fantastic so i don't even need all that many in fact no that's not connected okay yeah so this way would be the easiest i think it's like that that connects to there we just need to finish off this section here and then that connects to the core i find the hyper relays really satisfying again don't even know how really good they are to perfectly honest especially in comparison to gateways uh which i do need to build but i also really want to save influence at the moment for things so it's one of the other to me because of the influence cost so i think i'll stick with what i've currently got just the big hyper relay network and so we are victorious almost the entire galaxy is now united under our banner mostly to be fair as tributaries so as soon as i have the influence which won't take too long i have will to power on i'll turn the machines into our miners we have the hive here as our soldiers and we ourselves our our just our own brain which is funny because i couldn't say that then so our brain's a little bit faulty but you know it's our own that's the important thing the spoilers are kind of just there now because they wouldn't dare attack this confederation because we'll all attack you back and destroy you there are pets like angry little doggos angry planty doggos well that's irritating a dumb dumb bulwark has declared war on the shard well no they haven't officially declared war on shard what they've actually done is build on their borders you know the thing which isn't allowed in the sworn empire so now we're testing out the uh relay here by bouncing athletes along all the way down to here the rest of our fleets are also moving back those can take a while to get there uh i have made a claim on their home world i doubt i'll get it in this fight cause it's way too early but we'll give it a shot regardless sure the fallen empire may be technologically advanced but so we oh no attack that time also we are kind of countering them because we're mostly ignoring their shields glorious we advance in the name of the council we are now bombarding their worlds we've just everything's gone incredibly well our allies are now actually crushing the enemy look at that was 100k fleet well done i don't even know how much they needed me to help out honestly i'm sending the rest of my fleets over here we're going to attack the other fallen empire soon which is just the machine empire which is significantly weaker with much weaker ground forces i believe yes indeed and we're finishing off our cybrex and our xenomorphs over there now one thing which i've just looked at is this networked dominance the relay network can be used to more effectively impose our will over the colonies so any um any world with a hyper relay network in the system like over here now gets plus three stability however if they do not have said relay they do not get the bonus also we are now struggling really badly with overpopulation um i do have two more ring worlds now up and running i'm just sending off a colony ship to get this other ring section and once i have 300 influence i will be building yet another ring section over here and of course once we go to war with this fallen empire we will be given a ring world as well so it's all gonna be fine all is well and good and looking fantastic for the empire even if i am losing loads of research right now because finally our resource producers are now being converted it's going to take a long time and it's eating a lot of influence but it's fine they are already giving us 30 to their basic resources and 15 of their advanced resources of course just being alloys because they are our machines so we have our bull walk and we have our resource producers all we're missing is science and it doesn't like any of our empires would be willing to do that you'd sadly you would actually oh no you're too weak yeah you're just too too frail how much tech are you producing so can't actually get tech from you if you're just a protector i can ask for basic resources at least and you would accept this why oh you're absolutely terrified of me that's why i mean fair enough okay i've landed on the core between our machines and our xenomorphs we're making easy work of that and so we're now going to go to war with alpha refuge and prime gore will actually join us as well since part of their deal was they'll now join any offensive battles so i might be a little bit closer just because these fleets are a bit smaller but once again we should be countering oh no i forgot i need to activate all this well i am a terrible commander as per usual come on ground forces and by ground forces i meant to say strikecraft well that was dumb of me garbage shredded there at the start of actually not having half of their bonuses on how strong is that okay cool yeah we're still plenty strong enough to take out the station everything is fine it was totally intentional we need that ringworld as soon as possible please where will the ground forces end up not into oh they can split i didn't know that okay so when you fire multiple fleets um sometimes the fleets will split uh yeah i thought they'd all at least land in the same place apparently that is not true whoops well um at least we have the normal lines to get there oh though actually what i could do is try it again let's go to the catapult again hopefully this time we'll actually get where i want to go all my forces please return home i'm finally making the hyper relay here to fully connect everything it's weird having the catapult so far out uh do you want to join us you're looking pretty weak no surety d no no you are an overlord oh since i'm currently at war well you're all pretty weak either you join us or we destroy it's your choice ready i don't mind having other species living with our people has caused some friction on the planet or at least the ringworld section be it cultural differences xenophobia or a common misunderstanding is hard to tell but what is sure is that these small encounters could turn to the worse if we do not intervene distract the angry mob which one of the roles is but why we've been getting along so well for so long how many different species i have i'm a very tolerant empire i mean we are we are authoritarian we've shown no use of that in evil ways some evil wise but not you know all of them oh yeah i did deactivate that for a while since i'm trying to get that last tradition finished so i can get defender of the galaxy before the endgame crisis can spawn so one fallen empire has been completely eradicated the other one has been just completely defanged i don't really care about these worlds in the slightest i can live there as our pets yeah they are after all a fallen empire we do care about that we just wanted their tech and they wouldn't share the spoilers are completely nullified because i can't really declare war on anyone without declaring war on everyone the power of unity now we could start being a bit more mean with our terms and stuff because well again they are absolutely terrified of us right now and they're also all very loyal i think only a couple of exceptions yeah the foundation who i don't even know who you are and the guilds don't particularly like us but i don't particularly care the ministry of truth is fantastic giving us that extra influence should try and get that yeah maybe that's what i should try and do have holdings on each of the um vassals so i can get more delicious delicious influence a ministry overseeing local faiths news and political interest groups with the right parade everything can run a tad smoother just think the correct thoughts and everything will be fine i have asked our shroud-born friends what is to be our fate they'll tell us soon transmission oh shrouded the change foretold by the knowers of the shroud has arrived after an unexpected spike of sonic fluctuations the ship was lost to the shroud rising up like a great rippling wave space-time itself curled over the ship for several seconds afterwards it continued to transmit telemetry this included a garbled recording of the crew their body shifting from moment to moment distorting into strange new forms since then an after image or ghost of the vessel has fleetingly appeared throughout the sector studying this phenomenon should allow us to better understand the fight of the ship and its crew they're not the ships apparently it's there though um is there a science festival i can just jump lovely let's hope you could actually see the after image i can't see it anywhere maybe you can just missing it by the way we have a lot of other stuff i need to focus on i'll wait until the science vessel gets there also this is still moving forwards so there's other things yet to arrive apparently cyan ship shippers concept that's the name of the thing now it's also the unshrouded ship anything unique about it it looks pretty standard though terrifying our missing science vessel once thought lost the shroud forever has suddenly reappeared although the dimensions of the ship have been subtly altered subtly subtle this is how it used to look this is how it looks now that ain't subtle night the vessels crew are in good shape describing their experience in the shroud as something akin to a strange fragmentary dream over time the crew was able to forge a shared concept of themselves and their environment as their individual perceptions began to align the crew inched ever closer to our reality in effect they have succeeded in dreaming themselves back to existence man i should be doing this earlier with that every empire except of course the spoilers now flies my banner uh question foundation did i change you so you'd actually declare war on things with me i did because you're scared of me because i want to see if i can just go to war and let all of my various owned empires go to war against the spoilers without me having to help because i think that'll be fun of course if i have to i will i have multiple 100k fleets at this point galaxy go to war in my name the shroud grows quiet once more the weary river of time recedes into its well-worn course the changes were told by the rife the right of divination have come to pass now go in awe as you reflect on the workings of the shroud really i mean just try it new technology discovered psyches versus amoebas i mean that is weird that's what travel in the shroud was our fate now once again we'll ask for the fight one i do want to see what happened with the travel via the shroud a shroud beacon he was born a shroud tunnel providing passage to and from this system oh interesting i mean useless to us considering it's right there but interesting um sure give me another teacher we need an active spine okay so also help out with spy networks okay we're not all that much used to us right now but still pretty cool okay so they're mindfully tori down and because we have a gateway we can just jump straight here with our cyberx warforms so i'll take their worlds this really isn't much of a fight the awakened empire will fall well that's it the uh a waikin empire is gone is there any empire now which isn't under my direct control because i thought i'd get the victory screen now honestly both fallen empires have fell there's the riders over here that's just a mercenary group not mercenary what they're called marauders i was gonna double check because i can't remember how to get the victory screens but so long for a normal victory uh i mean the end game crisis will arrive soon but i'm not really worried i was a moment ago but now we have the fully operational mega shipyard these are the ships we made just while we were in that one fight along with those so now we have multiple millions of fleet power total engaging receiving hostile if we cannot control it then it's not true science so what's left is the fleet over there which i need my science vessel to get to because it's in a nebula which is annoying and that's it i think for all none us factions mean we have essentially won the game i'm not quite sure why the victory hasn't popped up again it's been a long time since i've potentially got that so i'm probably just missing something doesn't matter we're still waiting for the end game crisis peace order and tranquility for the entire galaxy well and for some reason it made me jump was forced to return to one of our systems because it was within the borders of the void riders but we just destroyed them with that and i've got to be honest this dlc this uh patch has had so many little weird things like that it's been kind of unbelievable receiving transmission like that made no sense there's no reason why i should have lost my fleet there obviously didn't lose it they've bounced away but if i was rushing to do something that could have really messed me up there's no reason why that should have happened right or am i just being silly is something i'm missing either way so that's gone the can the caravan has just bounced back because they tend to do that they do reestablish we'll just destroy them again in a second yeah that's it i just waiting for the crisis now if it doesn't arrive in the next five ten years i will just force spawn one of them at random okay subspace echoes the scourge will be our big bad enemy just kind of annoying cause i've actually got more into shields than anything but that's fine on the upside we have got a lot of energy weapon damage so attacking on lance's you why was i using lasers clearly i wasn't paying attention there um so that's really the main type but then we also want a secondary design which is going to be just purely for damage so once again tachyon lance but this time going with the artillery core so we just have neutron launchers we kind of want a mix of the two uh with the strike craft we can nullify most of their damage since their damage is mostly set up to be um missiles and strike craft both of those are counted definitely need any i mean i know i know afterburners are silly on battleships but we're still going to do that uh another thing i found out which is now super light and probably too light to be of any real use you can build gateways in your vassals and territory so yeah i have been building hyper relays and vassal all over the place i'm building hyper realize and gateways all over the place it is currently one am okay so yeah also building hyper realizable around here trying to connect the entire galaxy by hyper realize all we need to do is connect this section here then it's just a few little um connections we're missing so i'll be pretty easy to sort out by ourselves there we go that connects that these are all connected almost to there so just throw one there the great road around the entire galaxy so yeah all of you need to upgrade into your new forms it doesn't make too much of a difference just because honestly they're probably gonna die even if they have all the armor because i haven't been upgrading armor almost at all so not the best but scourge are really good versus shields they'll either ignore it or do bonus damage against it which is obviously pretty pointless to have shields against something white in the torum system a veiled passage cut from the fabric of space-time its horizons rippling with sonic energy sensor data is erratic and the crew of our science vessel reports strange disturbances wildly visceral dreams a persistent sense of being watched fitful hallucinations despite the frustrating lack of useful telemetry it seems clear we have stumbled onto a tunnel through uncharted reaches okay um can you go through there or does it have to be a science vessel oh or is it or has someone else built a shroud tunnel is that what's actually happened here i'll be aha i'll spawn a shroud tunnel providing passage to and from the system currently spawned okay so it's just someone else has made one of these very cool no idea who made it but still pretty awesome i'll send a science festival just in case we can go through it though i very much doubt it at this point yeah neat situation they are almost upon us so where is the bridge it's all about that huh oh good there's a gateway that's actually not too bad never mind but say could there be more awkward place apparently yes very easily we can probably stop them before they properly spawn in this time round and normally i do avoid that these days but honestly we're just way too powerful the scourge is not going to be able to beat us there's no real way around it that's a shame it's like this actually i wonder if we could uh we could keep them as pets we have done that a lot of times but no i think just as a destruction this time because we've done that so many times before as well to the normal gateway we go oh no i've already moved oh that was quick uh could you get there a little bit faster please yep first wave we are fully aware of that vanguard are here okay stop still for a second we do heavily counter them and we do have defender of the galaxy giving us plus 50 damage so we should be absolutely fine the problem is the smaller craft like this are actually in my opinion the scarier ones the large crafter more counterable okay that station got destroyed instantly there's one fleet in this space but there's loads next door so could you all please sit there next door uh next to us only one no three fleets over there okay to sit here and wait for the next fleet to arrive they should be moving back in defense i imagine okay most of them are one of those move forwards uh would it be silly to jump some athletes ahead to catch that one yes it would there's way too many here engaging hostile fleets oh look another striker have to lower down again i have no idea what was going on before it looked kind of cool fleet lost okay that's fine fleet lost i'm hoping there's a small flight yeah the corvette fleets okay you're all gone still fleets left oh i do need to deal with that other fleet before it spreads more okay um gonna risk it all of you jump there and wait for him the rest of you wait where you are and then we'll move on we need to destroy them as fast as possible otherwise the scourge will still spawn this is the jumped fleet they're weaker but yeah we just counted them so hard their missiles are completely nullified at how much point defense we have there we go then we're doing bonus damage of all the other weapons you are absolutely fine you can move forward there's only one fleet left because you've just killed two more there's one fleet left over actually you can beat them okay so i really need to destroy everything so we're going to do this that should be it right station destroyed no enemies station destroyed no enemies unless today are there scourge somewhere else pirate flight maybe i'll get the victory at the end of the month oh come on i thought was really efficient then do they still has it been changed do they now always spawn in the second phase if so i have lost a lot of ships for no reason because i yeah i just barreled them in just to make sure we killed them fast enough i wasn't being efficient at all in terms of ships lost oh dear thankfully we've got loads of space to deal with them though so we can build chips very very quickly just stay where you are jeez okay we're gonna have to systematically and slowly destroy them uh since we're the emperor now what we can do at least is a united front well at least the survivors of the reckless first attack can take out one of their big fleets as i've said a lot of times before it's the small ships which are the most problem because the larger ships especially the queens themselves are very easy to counter strike craft hard countered them whereas the smaller ones they still have a quite a bit of damage in their in their kinetic weapons and that cause problems now you can't jump annoyingly so you're just going to sit there she stored one fleet separate so far but i'm just going to wait for them to split up more thankfully not directly next to our territory and i am building ships incredibly quickly how fleets finally going down over here but it's killed like four of the enemy fleets already which is fantastic i'm gonna send it more uh reinforcements we've also got a brood queen which recaptured which is cool it's not particularly useful but it's fun where is there it is look a little brute defend the gateway lads just waiting for this to go through fully before we become a lot more aggressive so take point now works properly when it's not as a normal war they're all following one of my fleets all of my allies are sending all of their ships hundreds upon hundreds of thousands of fleet power is being added to me that is just beautiful in a cynical way it's just loads of cannon fodder uh most of their ships are things like cruisers and corvettes but that's fine just means we can actually do some damage now sadly my fleets have been pretty devastated well yeah they're so much weaker than our ships are but that is glorious uh so we're gonna be able to easily take out at least a couple more enemy fleets before moving on you still follow yeah all of these are also reinforcing us i've actually got the biggest smile on my face right now this has never happened before in all the times i played stellaris it actually feels like the galaxy is united i don't even mind if we lose well this fight away we're gonna win overall but such brave weak little ships they actually don't have too many fleets left there's three main fleets left i think clean up all this and then right how have you set up shop here with the um with the ancient vault you know what never mind we're gonna we're gonna go after their fleets incoming transmission we're still slowly being whittled away but i'm still smiling i'm just letting everyone catch up and that just the doom collection of every single fleet is actually starting to get pretty scary oh yeah i probably should have asked for your fleets back shouldn't i for this final fight you know i will i do wish to rent a fl hmm well then so that was just plus 15 damage now versus the scourge well i wish i knew that was a thing earlier well we do want to rent a fleet but okay so recall fleet please it's a deal and i'll do the same to you then and in a short while we'll be able to rent their fleets i now realize i'm basically using them as strike craft that's how did you get one of you's got a fallen empire ship how did you get that come see the enemy just a blur okay they have two major fleets left i guess move out and then regroup there the commandeered fleets have arrived wonderful though i do only see one don't care sing them in so many more on their way oh wish my fleets are a bit slower i kind of got right into the main fight there can i have them all follow the juggernaut cause that'd be cool well i suppose if anything's gonna bring the galaxy together it's this threat please follow this enemy this has taken so long this fight have to fight loads of fleets just constantly being destroyed from our allies but my reinforcements are here now i'm also making the imperial armada which is which will just be the finishing touch of all this just dealing with all this now i think they have one fleet left somewhere in fact maybe they don't i have just been sitting there letting them hit us in that system i did lose the juggernaut which was super sad receiving transmission i think i've grabbed all their worlds as well except for this one which only to bombard and so the galaxy came together to end the scourge threat oh yeah they definitely had one fleet left it was just in the storm so i couldn't see it um okay well that fleet's dead whoops this has been taking absolutely ages it's now 2396. they get a collection together we kill a big fleet like this then we get another collection we kill another fleet we lose some of our athletes because i'm just throwing them around because it's just so much fun seeing all the different ships together but i think this is it is that the last one now okay so need to clear up that uh where's my imperial armada i go there clear up that then move over there then i think it's finally on to just clearing up the last little bit new technology discovered i mean that's just rude everything moves so slowly because the storm their missiles they're being taken down by the green lasers of doom there goes the queen well i'll take that as a sign let's take out these systems they won't be able to make another fleet for quite some time so everyone go very slowly i suppose receiving transmission receiving transmission just one invested world that we have to destroy receiving transmission oh is the enigmatic fortress already taken out is that why it's not fighting that makes more sense i thought you went gray when it was taken out i'm clearly going insane well begin bombardment and uh once it reaches i think it's 50 and look now all strike craft underneath huh i wonder if it does that if there's a certain amount of ships in the area to make it look better i don't know uh which one of you is trying to abduct nothing and that's it new technology discovered i have like triple check to make sure there is no scourge they didn't get past this line here and there are no worlds currently infested right and you can even check here the invested world's cleansed one the one we just attacked infested world zero so we have one i was just hoping it's a end of the scourge but for some reason it isn't i can't figure out why if there is one world infested well you know what it gets die infested well that is the end of our first run and by the way look at that it is absurd it's actually crashed the game once there are that many ships just look at the mixture of colors every single ship in the galaxy united under our banner we are the benevolent overlord that the galaxy needed we forever will be in charge and that was seriously fun so there my first impressions of overlord and the new patch really buggy first thing i need to say elephants in the room i had to play around a lot of bugs a lot of the footage of that probably won't end up in the video because most of it was minor we did see uh almost certainly going to include the fact i could almost declare war on myself and basically could declare war on myself over here at one point so that was just bizarre i couldn't i just couldn't figure out that i then ended up at war with the hive there were a lot of issues like that and a few ui things like uh the ship's names would go off the side at one point and just lots of little things but despite that which i'm sure will be hotfix soon i love the new mercenary system i wish there's a bit more to them i like the new vassal system i think it needs some tweaking balance wise and i love the new origin though it is definitely too powerful it guarantees a perfect start um maybe the overlord shouldn't agree to everything of yours a lot of potential hope it gets hotfix soon but i did have an incredible an incredible amount of fun and the thing i actually enjoyed the most in the end was hyper realize i just love them i love the concept of them i love seeing these roads pop up throughout the galaxy and the fact you can now build in other people's territory as long as they're allied by looks of things i adore that so i've had a load of fun i hope you have too if you have enjoyed the video then a like and a comment really does help out so much and i hope to see you next time where we're probably going to do at least one more unmuted run before we go to the mods as they all catch up and get updated with the new patch and there are still lots of origins to check out thank you so much for watching i am now finally going to go get some sleep long live the empress either ivory lawrence robin ain't she beautiful thank you for watching and good night
Channel: Lathland
Views: 211,883
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _Le79hVUiM0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 38sec (7178 seconds)
Published: Sat May 21 2022
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