Undead Leviathans & Clone Armies!! | Stellaris 3.1 Full Playthrough | Clone Army Origin

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greetings sir ansarette and welcome back to stellaris with me alathrix and of course welcome to the 3.1 update which has added so much to the game and it is so good to be back in vanilla but now with loads of changes and testing out the new origin the clone army so in today's video we are going to be doing a new full playthrough using the lathrixian legion fanatic militarists regular materialists masterful crafters and reanimators but before we get into everything let's talk about some of the new changes so obviously first of all we have the clone army a species of short-lived and infertile soldier warriors sorry soldier clones exceptionally proficient in matters of war left masterless and alone to question their engineered purpose and uncertain fight now i have been completely spoiler free so far so i'm not exactly sure what happens with this do we have some events or some archaeology sites i really hope so it does seem though we start off with ancient clone vats which will produce our clone soldiers and we can only have five of these clone vats total so that is a little bit worrying i don't know just how fast we can produce our clone soldiers and if there's a limit to them but i'm hoping we get a really quick population that certainly is what i think of when i think of the clone system within stellaris in addition to this we have our admirals give us plus 25 ship fire right and 10 reduced ship upkeep making them possibly some of the deadliest admirals in the entire game so that's pretty nice now some of the other challenges i can't re-test out today because they require me to either be plantoid or fungoid and i don't want to do that for this run since i am planning on doing a full plant run soon using some of the new civics in fact one of the new civic specific to fungoid or plantoid which enables you to turn worlds into gaia worlds from the very start in a very complex process using the gaia cedars again spoiler free at the moment for those but that does sound very very interesting for our civics we have masterful crafters which will produce additional consumer goods additional trifle in fact give tried value to our artisans and even engineering research for every three industrial districts we get a building slot so for every three we essentially have a industrial district acting like a city district which is pretty amazing so the idea behind this is that our species was once a clone army and completely self-sufficient the whole idea being they can go to a world conquer them and then produce everything they need generally ships and such but now they've become a more well-rounded empire they're putting that to better use well at least better use for themselves and that level of skill and engineering is gonna come through very heavily with their artisans so everything they produce is going to be absolutely exquisite quality then we have reanimators which have been changed in a really lovely way first of all defeated organic armies are sometimes resurrected as undead armies love that don't know if that used to be the case but i didn't read it if it was and that means if we go to war i assume as we kill the enemies we will raise them either after the battle or during the battle which is fantastic but then the big bit defeated organic leviathans can sometimes be resurrected and from the trailer for this patch that's at very least the matriarch we can resurrect a giant leviathan as our undead servant that's pretty lovely the other two civics are catalytic processing which makes you use food instead of minerals for alloys that could be really interesting if you're going for a plan to play through uh maybe trying to be all organic for everything and then going down maybe the agrarian civic as well for even more food that could be interesting though it doesn't really seem that great to me maybe you get more alloys than usual i don't know i'll have to check it out in the future and then the other one if i can find it is pleasure seekers giving the decadent lifestyle increasing happiness and consumer goods upkeep and extra population growth from entertainers which is a lot of things to talk about there servants produce more amenities i think that's for a more decadent playstyle maybe going with authoritarian controlling other empires and other species and having some of the servants whereas your ruling class will be incredibly happy now for our traits we are clone soldiers so extra governing ethics traction extra army damage minus 40 of our legal lifespan we are strong quick learners and adaptive at the cost of being fleeting so yep i've doubled down on the really short lifespan and we are wasteful i kind of just went with that because i don't think any of the other negatives fit to be perfectly honest we're all meant to be the same person clone time time get at least a small group of people clone time and time again so i don't think quarrelsome or unruly really works in fact i'm very tempted in the ethics to not go materialistic instead go with authoritarian give more control to the leadership especially if we're going to conquer other empires and i don't know if we can have unlimited clones um the wording is a bit unclear here so we'll see how that plays in the future but if it does we're gonna have to control a very large group of other species with us as rulers essentially i want to make the empire we're clones okay we're gonna make an empire a proper empire but then at the same time i also think that we are being awakened from what we once were so going with xenophile and being more more explorative or materialist and more explorative or even even egalitarian amongst ourselves we are all the same person so having us have great lives like the utopian abundance i mean we're going to get extra consumer goods so bringing peace to the world through war conquering everyone so species like us aren't created again in the future again i don't know how cruel the creators were i need to see some of the events and that's kind of why i'm a bit lost as to what to pick here i am thinking though materialist purely because it gives us a nice neutral kind of outlook and we can see as the game progresses how this empire is going to be egalitarian would be good um good earth specialist output again is fairly neutral but authoritarian also means we can control their empire so other species more but we don't have to it's so everywhere yeah i think materialist it's more neutral that's what we're going with i'm going with just the humanoid cities we are going with the humanoid ships because now i finally have the humanoid dlc to even do this and that is lovely and look i have all the different um portraits now these are my favorite ones that's that's just where i picked them looks so scary so let's go shall we okay not going just yet um we do also have these three voices the diplomat technocrat and soldier i love the technocrat no great advance is made without great sacrifice i think it fits and yeah also we're clones of course we're materials of course we're very science heavy because we understand our clone vats and how everything works and maybe we'll go more into genetics later although this does say cannot be genetically modified i don't know if that means the whole species so all of the traits or just this trite that's something we need to find out later i do feel like we're definitely going down the genetic extension path because even if we don't do it to ourselves we're gonna have perfect populaces let's just say that so let's go okay endgame crisis 100 years early grand admiral i'm going to turn scaling difficulty off which will make the early game a lot harder and i don't know how good this origin is a huge ring world everything else a few advanced starts not everyone yep that's all my stats let's go hi everyone as is tradition with these four play-throughs future laughtrix here just finished recording the video and mostly edited it down now and i'm just here to say this was one of the more fun full playthroughs i've done in a very long time i absolutely adored the clone origin as you will see and although i made a lot of mistakes throughout the game i am so rusty with the vanilla game at the moment it was just really fun turns out necromancer's incredibly enjoyable once you start finding the leviathans and when you realize you can reanimate the dead but i'm also here sadly to say that these videos can be absolute poison for the channel and your likes and comments are the reason why i can keep on doing the full playthroughs in the format that i personally enjoy and i personally just enjoy editing together and everything else i make these because i absolutely love making them and they can be great for the channel if the interaction is high enough i hate thinking for it but sadly the analytics on youtube do rule pretty much every aspect of my life every aspect so if you like the video give it a like if you want to comment comment help now onwards with the video back to past lathrox hope you enjoy the clone empress rises or something like that sounds like a bad star wars film words okay this is the second time reading this thankfully still unspoiled this is actually the second time loading into the galaxy because i accidentally changed our humanoid ships over to plants in the last attempt i did it as i saved the empire i can't believe i misclicked but there we are so reading this for my 20th time because of dyslexia but the second time properly clone army we were made for war engineered soldiers who live and die by ancient clone vats left behind by our creators forever cast in their mould any memory of our masters is lost to past generations and we do not know when or why they left us it is likely the records were routinely erased ever faithful to military protocol but at some point in recent centuries that changed by chance or perhaps some misfiring survival instinct our subconscious drove us to seek answers to seek new purpose and wise to break the form imposed on us our efforts since then have been ceaseless at long last granting us access to the grand expanses of space as our horizon widens so too must our knowledge broaden and so our chances of breaking free increase we shall not squander the possibilities given to us by our forebears we shall fight to pass on these possibilities to future clones and fight to eliminate the restrictions placed upon us you see this is why i didn't want to go through a xenophobe or authoritarian i feel like although they are made for war they're not inherently cruel or inherently suspicious of other species or even just driven to conquer everything they say despite what i just said they're made for it and perhaps it's in their genes but they're becoming something else that's what i should say they're upgrading themselves now thankfully this is when i noticed i had the wrong ships so let's look at our world i did notice these we have the clone vats here which can produce and sustain 20 clones now that's weird wording to me because that really heavily hints that we're not going to be able to have more clones than we can sustain with the clone vats i mean that makes sense how it works right so that's worrying because that means we can only have a hundred population so i'm really hoping we get some events to either get more clone vats or i don't know perhaps make ourselves fertile again but the other thing i did notice is this 14 growth right i'm already seeing this potentially as a really good origin for a rush because that is insane just insane growth now apparently that is going to slow down as we get closer to the capacity but still then then with our specialists we do have the artificers these are producing engineering research loads of consumer goods and some tried actually a decent amount of dried value i'm kind of wishing we went with xenophile now to really um capitalize on that that could be our main economy just consumer goods to sell plus the trident value and even a little bit of engineering research just extra that's really nice we then also have the necromancers which are producing our undead defense forces along with a little bit of navy capacity and a good chunk of research research research and reese oh actually that one i am going to go strike craft so we can make some really nasty bastions if we need to so for now then i'm going to continue until something else happens i think i'm going to go quite heavy into the industrial districts to begin with okay cool so we still have the sprawling slums as well so we can get some extra population though i don't think i really need it look how fast we're stacking up people oh i know you are going to have social wealth ooh did academic privilege always give plus 10 research i was going to say this because this will make the unemployed useful for a while but actually i want more research because we are getting research from quite a few places necromancers the artificers and i'm obviously adding to that and pronouncing that wrong by the way and i don't really care oh yeah we have the new tradition system i didn't mention that in the intro did i i me smart me professional youtube make video good so we originally had seven now we have eleven adaptability has been split from diplomacy we have the new merchant one we have subterfuge and we have unyielding i haven't really looked at these in detail but we can assume what they are this is going to be all about yeah all about your spies which i don't really care too much about um it's horrible to say i don't find them that strong unyielding is interesting because i do love the idea of really defensive playthroughs and wow starbucks upgrade speed increased extra starbucks capacity that was on supremacy before so i'm interested to see if supremacy still has that adopting all unyielding traditions will grant the following effect plus 50 defense platform cap oh i need to play an inward perfection empire again okay love that not gonna use it this play through probably but love that so where's supremacy right next to us no now it's navy capacity and army damage rather than the extra star base to begin with is everything else same looks it yeah let's use the war doctrines merchantile okay that that's a new finisher wait that's the wrong one that's a new one inside prosperity okay still a new finisher extra resources extra stability this one gives extra tried value that's lovely clerks produce extra tried value commercial zones produced merchants unlocks consumer benefits and marketplace of idea tried policies oh we don't have that by default anymore i didn't even check market fee is reduced tried values increased trademark used to be in diplomacy didn't it okay yeah that's changed wow there's lots there um i am going to go for expansion because i think we are going to be playing a very wide empire this time through and no matter how i apply friendly or not i'm probably going to have yeah just it's gonna be very military focused obviously we are fanatic militarist after all and the next one of these i want is probably going to be distinguished admiralty so i think i went past which is even more fire right with our recent arrival into space the differing views on our origin are rapidly turning into a schism extremist groups are rapidly attracting more clones our strong unity is broken some view the creators as gods to be worshipped and obeyed and believe we are made in their image they would do nothing except maintain the status quo others curse our ancient masters for their actions labeling them slavers and would see them are repaid in full an excavations like yes has been established on clone collection i forgot the world was called that to verify the facts and put the debate to rest before we turn to space we should exhaust all immediate possibilities our nation is old many generations of clones lived and died here beneath the ancient structures of our homeworld some significant clues are bound to be waiting for us okay then fantastic so can we get the uh i really want the archaeologist um perk here so this might be silly but stuff nope don't really have the resources to keep on rolling for one which is a shame so [Music] you're six years old well at least you're gonna live for a while remember we have incredibly short life spans like minus 15 from the standard see died at 20 20 is our lifespan um don't really particularly like any of you want to say i guess righteous maybe but i don't think we're gonna have too much of a crime problem so maybe extra food just because yeah sure unless oh no there's a perfect one sorry yep there goes all my resources situation okay we got lucky we are gonna have the rubricator so one of our scientists could you oh you are already going that direction fantastic system chartered okay i'll read all this once we get at least one in okay so we have a new world and the clones okay zero habitability online pops are declining on the following planets insufficient ancient clone oh oh they literally die oh i just thought you wouldn't oh um of course they would yeah i mean of course they would that really isn't a surprise it just took me by surprise if that makes sense wait how expensive were they okay thank you for a faster bill but 600 minerals okay we only have five of these as well so that means yeah our population is capped at 100 and we can't go over under any circumstance um so one world two world three that's three then of course we want at least one clone that for the rubricator world okay yeah so we can still grab this world once i have the resources to send one then we need to make sure we don't have any other worlds because we don't have to clone vats to sustain anyone okay all good robots oh robot will be fantastic once we've hit the maximum we can at least then make some droids or something oh that's a new event different mushrooms take a closer look at dispose oh that's a lot of influence though well obviously we're gonna take a closer look don't worry i won't read all the new events um all the way through because i think there are quite a few more i know for a fact there's a new archaeological site i've been told that which apparently is quite a fun one about being spoiled um online so i assume there are more than just this single other event the spores however do have ears obviously we need to know more about the spying spores the spores buys them research project concluded new technology discovered okay so that world now has extra society research careful analysis of the mycelium and the signal showed that it was likely a part of a network of similar organisms possibly scanning across the galaxy as a whole very interesting yeah just like society research i'm going to use this world at the moment for basic resources but definitely want to transition into science eventually getting all the events on this world this is the feral world which will eventually allow us to get loads of gas so that's pretty great as well now before i forget i do want to see the colony ship this is the humanoid coal and ship oh it's not more dainty than i expected i mean it's massive obviously i mean look that's a planet that's us but yeah oh i like that actually i'm a bit on the fence with the humanoid one as a whole i think i like it but maybe not quite as much as some of the others it's one of the reasons why i didn't have the humanoid pack but actually looking at something now i love the science ship maybe i was a bit too quick to judge yes the corvettes i'm not a big fan of i think that's what it is i think love the stanchion love the station love the science ship like the construction ship love the colony ship i don't know what it is about the corvette i'm just not a huge fan of that though i think it will work a lot better on the battleships it's gonna look proper imperial home world excavation since awakening to our predicament the absence of identity and purpose has plagued our species we grossly underestimated the impact it would have on our ability to move forwards let alone cooperate we struggle to reach an accord and we hunger for answers this excavation site was established to seek evidence on the debated questions of our species creation and to find a fundamental vantage point to help us unite then chapter one a central dig site has managed to successfully die to the installation of one of our ancient clone vats by analyzing the soil beneath the structure comparing its density and composition to that of the surroundings and we have reached a reasonable estimate of when it was placed here it appears the first of our kind the first clones were produced approximately 12 centuries ago many generations of history have been lost to apathy much has passed us by and perhaps that is something to regret then just a standard event happen midway okay so uh we are very old we're a very old empire that it seems at least in comparison to what it could have been since we're clones and everything we could have been relatively new it's hard to say one of our founding what yeah one of our founding factions is spiritualists materialist and militarist 13 empires an active non-governing faction yeah the empire rule is the leader yeah but why is it even created i mean i'm never gonna please them that's the problem um empty shells i'm definitely going for machines secular style yep you're just never hoping you'll be removed um militarist governing ethics pop strong or very strong i don't quite know why spiritualism happened there honestly selling all the artifacts we have i've kind of um ruined our economy this time around i mean we have lots of alloys at least decent amounts we're not doing too bad we are making an okay fleet to defend ourselves 420 fleets ancient relatives one of the excavation sites has reported discovery of old lathrixian-like fossils very old fossils they were found in and around the remnants of what is presumed to be a primitive homestead apparently both the fossils and architecture predate the construction of our ancient clone vats by more than a millennium initial dna sequencing has been confirmed so has confirmed significant similarities between our genetic makeup and that of the fossilized matter and has been concluded that the remains belong to our ancient predecessors from before we were clones oh no so that means i lead our creators our whatever i call them weren't us we're not based on the creator species were based on whatever was here before i can't see that going down well gotta be honest there's a species over here so i'm going to build a star base here i'm hoping i'll get um strike craft soon back in like a really good bastion okay news of the excavation findings proving that our species was once a primitive people and clone collector is beginning to spread it is difficult to deny the obvious conclusion genetically modifying a primitive species such as our forebears a species already suited to why dwarf serves a specific purpose our creators remade us to die for their course they uplifted us to fulfill their needs never to prosper on our own terms is this really the history we want for our people there is ample opportunity to rewrite our past yes we were minding the image our creators meaningful origin lie extra unity happiness is that permanent oh that is such an insane buff and no we shall face reality [Music] no we shall face reality [Music] we've found the truth now we will forge ahead with what we know also my god get more resources we are running out of everything honorable leadership okay so we get something then a number of high-ranking officers have taken it upon themselves to publicly acknowledge their approval of our leadership ethics in a widely broadcasted message they salute the bravery and wisdom it took to be truthful about our past and the faith shown in them and the lathraxian people they are strengthened by our readiness to face the past and it has allowed them to face the future with courage people all over are celebrating an agreement praising the decision that was made so it's not as good as the other version oh and only last 10 years so still lost a lot on that but more unity more happiness it's something it's something new technology discovered [Music] clone fertility it is thought that we are once capable of independent reproduction however experiments to reclaim that capability have consistently failed including those successful on other creatures of our homeworld progress has for a long time been a standstill until now an unlikely discovery has a scientist hopeful a cipher hidden in the quantum bio code of the ancient clone vats obviously we want that going as soon as possible if we just become normally fertile that's actually a bit dull so i'm hoping there's gonna be more to it than just that because otherwise this origin is essentially a really good um quick start to get to the first hundred pops i mean 15 growth 10 growth seven now sounds slowly winding down but yeah okay expansion is finished i am going to go with install dominion i want to grab as much as possible my economy is looking better now because of how fast we're growing we are rapidly able to change things so that's nice trying to be friends of our neighbors they are fanatic materialists they should like us oh they're scion who one who owns you not these fellows i don't have ever seen a scion ai empire i know it sounds weird but i don't think i have maybe i'm wrong but i can't remember one hm system legit can't remember one interfacing of ancient clone vats by the tenacity of our scientists the cipher found with the ancient clone vads has been decoded protocol notwithstanding the overly eager lead scientist officer lead science officer has activated the key it contained i am burdened by guilt i cannot imagine what paths have led to this but surely not the mercy of my brethren i helped create you to serve and for that i am sorry i cannot take back what is done but i can help to open your future although you are deserving of more i offer you two paths to undo the changes that made you sterile and finally set you free to evolve and prosper to further unlock your potential but strain your genes to their limits sealing future generations to forever be dependent on technology for reproduction oh so that's the two choices i thought one choice then clone fertility or clone potential oh i don't know give us the ability to breed naturally or make us the ultimate clones i think we do have this empire here we're either going to be able to have a migration treaty or go to war with them soon i'm hoping so he will have a secondary species and then our clones could basically be the rulers i mean and you could see them being hostile to this galaxy they found out that they're just a primitive which has been uplifted to die over and over again their lives cut so short this might be a way to rule the galaxy either through benevolent intention to stop anything that's happening again because i don't trust the outsiders anymore or less benevolent to have vengeance upon all of the species make them subservient to us to be left frictions but then we could forgive forget move forwards we are now materialist use our science for whatever else like how we're making the extra consumer goods and everything from our original way of being so self just um self reliance situation updated where are you okay clone soldiers turn into clone soldier descendants less effective but fertile and stable enough for genetic modification oh so you can't genetically modify them then so that is literally just a stopper okay that's kind of convincing me a little bit towards the the descendant root clone soldier turns clone soldier ascendant more efficient but forever infertile and unresponsive to further genetic modification but what does that do it could be such a huge boost for the early game maybe i mean the stuff they already have is fantastic actually it's not that great army oh i'm okay so here's the thing i think this one might be better but i think this one's gonna be more interesting right because the other one's just turning us into a normal species with a little extra modification this one turns us into something different and it's going to massively change how i play so for gameplay sake i'm going to go with the ascendant hello influence okay yeah we really need more construction vessels and more science vessels rapid expansion is go why should we deny the strength we have been given we need not love the creators to recognize their wisdom in choosing us the ancient clonevats ii are a powerful gift it is better to impress our strength and with the first batch of lathrixian completed we are stronger than ever before our perfected species shall prosper so we are now clone soldier ascendant plus 50 f extraction plus 20 habitability plus 40 ruler output plus 25 specialist and then plus 75 army damage okay yeah that is crazy powerful transmission but we can only have a hundred of us unless can i now make more cl uh i was hoping maybe we could have a few more um clones but apparently not plus 35 fire right yeah we have some pretty nasty admirals too now [Music] trying to build up my fleets as fast as possible honestly with the bonus our main species is getting right now our economy was doing great until only a second ago we're still in loads of alloys and that to me pushing as much as i can to try and get as much force as possible now here's an annoying thing over here we have the fallen empire over here we have some enemies i'm about to deal with i'm kind of trapped in i'm also not yet strong enough to deal with our neighbours we will be soon but remember we are on maximum difficulty not on scaling um yeah not on scaling difficulty they have something like 3000 fleet power or something close we do have the really nasty admirals though and i did just get overwhelming force so i should in theory be able to beat them even if the fleet power's a little bit iffy just because of how things scale but it's still taking a little bit longer than usual if i wasn't on scaling difficulty i honestly think right now we'd be snowballing and taking a lot of territory very very quickly okay i'm trying to get the highest rank of mercenary then we're going to attack yeah being on max difficulty i'm now equivalent to them but i want to make sure we win this if we win this then we're going to snowball heavily we start just sweeping through the galaxy supremacy is also now finished we are going to go with no retreat we are clones bred for this purpose retreat is inconceivable our fire rights gonna be inside of our animals yeah that's gonna melt and now we have the mercenaries as well they're not gonna be able to stop us simple as that really something else to consider is i'm attacking these fellows which which are the minions of a fallen empire i can't imagine that we look very kindly upon the ancient empires in this galaxy who knows which one may have been responsible for us [Music] all that lovely debris as well i've only climbed these two worlds sadly since i didn't have enough influence to go further but once all that's ours that'll be great ooh i've had to happen now like twice on this one thing that's really annoying move on to another one yep residents and everything else is allowed ocean desert okay deserts you like desert right okay good that means we can also now start grabbing all these worlds at least for desert ones there actually isn't many um oh you're non-adaptive uh can i genetically modify you already wow we are becoming what i set out to destroy but uh yeah i'm gonna do that we became perfect we can make everyone else perfect too polarian automated fleet what are you icicle class cruisers okay i have no idea what this is gonna try and destroy it though so i can't genetically modify myself but i can do this now i'm not going to become synths just to confirm but what i am going to do is become cyborgs we can enhance ourselves of tech of course i'm not going to lose that ah so i lost one laphroaig scene i think oh there's one here as well oh it's so annoying it costs influence now to move these things around that's two of them 50 artifacts thank you that is exactly what i wanted to say engaging hostile fleets i was wishing that any um point defense but i think we should still beat these down just about a cool reception huh well i did read that they were icicles apparently a cool reception after the last of the aggressors in polaris fell our ships completed a final scan of the system before heading back to port and discovered something curious on the world polaris too heavy metals are arranged in artificial structures on our sensors increasingly one of these formations appears to be floating on the planetary ocean whilst the rest are below the surface one last hope encapsulating what remains of the planet's tiny ice cap floating on the crystal clear oceans of polaris 2 is what appears to be an artificial structure oh did they melt their ice caps and destroy themselves it seems like that may have happened uh any scientists doing nothing at the moment or just want to do something more fun can you please go here so survive survey you go home man you need repairs desperately on the upside now i've lost a lot of viewers i think it's cheaper so i'm looking better economy wise admin cap and everything looking terrible but look we've invited the home world things are looking up we're now uh colonizing loads of worlds and we are on our way to becoming cyborgs not really much happening right now i can't go to war for a while i'm out of influence anyways finally started the archaeology site over here just grabbing as many systems here as possible there is an alien species over here which just stole one of my people which is a bit annoying but yeah just standard expansion now things are looking at definitely up systems can complete just keep on increasing my alloy production since i don't go back to soon but i probably should start looking into more tech we definitely have enough worlds it's a seed bank so after all that it is a seed bank i won't read all of it because it will be here all day for it all of the new events and everything but feel free to pause it and read it if you wish just gonna go through them all but yep it is a seed bank and yet it is all about uh climate change for that so we with the polarian seeds we get permanent plus 20 research speed to biology that's not the best thing i mean it's nice to have it's not gonna be that useful later on but again it's nice and we do get some more artifacts out of it i'm gonna end up having to use this the precursor insight was still quite a few of why even though now finally i'm exploring new territory again which seems to be completely unoccupied so right now warfare is over i can be nice and expansionist here and go back to destroying them later they are really weakened so they aren't really a threat to me in the slightest like yeah they're actually quite strong for their size but i've only just started to rebuild my fleet now and i do now have cruisers my tech is advancing quickly yeah i'm not a big fan of the cruisers and the destroyers of um of the humanoid pack but i love the cruisers just really like that the color of science another one which i believe is a new uh new event or i just haven't seen it before either way we get plus unity for all which is good because we're not really doing well for unity where are the leviathans i want to resurrect them yeah we need to go back to war soon i can't find any of the leviathans i don't think that ooh is it cool what's that oh lovely special ring world over there so i definitely want that wait is that the ring world where it's actually got people okay yeah we need that now you have something else oh decompressor or okay originally i wanted to just uh vassalize you actually we still can we still can because once we take you over we can in we can integrate you later on so i need to get this done yeah see sadly with these fellows i can't actually demand that because they're part of the scion empire so i'm gonna save up influence now go to war just take these two systems then go to war and vassalize those that's the current battle plan finally found our precursor home world so now we have access to which of the relics we have the parks uh yeah that's probably my least favorite but on the upside it doesn't make our leaders even now more leadery we have loads of relics for anything we want for later and we are now going down discovery i know i'm going down all the ones we've already seen before rather than unyielding such i think i might go down the route of unyielding just because it fits us uh though i do really want harmony we get an extra edict we get extra stability that's all great though merchantal is good as well so maybe i will go ah unyielding harmony merchantile and adaptability of the four i want i really should get a federation but i don't really care too much that is definitely the best option by the way it's just me wanting to try different things so i'm not sure it's a bit late now to get federation with the endgame crisis being so early so i might just continue to be my expansionist greedy self new technology discovered i've already made the claims now as well which means now i can go back to grabbing all of these also we now have synths so we are getting a lot more resource and making robots is a big deal oh i love the strike okay yeah definitely my favorite strike craft i know that's not a big deal since most of you can't see them but i love the strike craft designs okay i am officially sold by the human ship designs and kind of wish i got it sooner still not big fan of the corvettes though that's gonna probably never change but there we are did we take any damage there took damage okay lots of couple of corvettes for a second though i thought i just lost nothing okay let's go here here here i've essentially got claims on these three systems so now we can go over to the crawl after i've dealt with these and make them a vassal um that's gonna be the main thing trying to make enemies have vassals so i can keep using influence to expand over here because we do have loads of worlds still to grab there's even a gaia world which i'm currently heading towards i need the influence as well to get my new civic points yeah so vassalizing is definitely the way to go since it doesn't cost any influence kind of wish i had um become the crisis because then we could just destroy enemies as well but i don't think it fits the empire i think really we are just very traditional conquerors that's what we are we're not any of the special ones i don't think we want the end of everything we just don't trust the galaxy at large after everything that happened to us and i'm sure we now have a serious serious superiority complex we've gone from living 20 to 30 years to living god how long do my species live now so they're cyborgs that's plus 40 then this sorry plus yeah 40. um this completely removes the old minus so minus 10 so it's plus 30 on their normal life i mean they've gone from 20 to 30 to an extended human lifetime that's pretty impressive in addition to that they are considering themselves the perfect clones and they are cyborgs and everything else they've came from nothing established themselves i'm sure they're not the most fun to talk to at the moment that's all i'm gonna say and they're built with an ignite need for conquest and probably and innate disregard for their own well-being hence why i have the bonus firepower at the cost of no chance of retreating you know no retreat well there's a nice easy war now we can move on to climbing this territory over here i am being a bit silly get pretty much grabbing every world right now even with poor habitability i'm just building robots everywhere we are going to have quite a synth army eventually speaking of which i really should upgrade you finally i was um doing other techs and focusing on that but let's do this let's go that low upkeep bonus to five percent from everything and they're built faster and i'm gonna make them look like that i just realized i think my ground forces have been growing rather than shrinking during these wars because i've been resurrecting the dead yeah there we go look i just got an extra reserve unit from killing one of those can i get another one not sure so i'm just resurrecting those who i kill i'm very efficient once again i think we've been just created to be as efficient as possible that's the whole species in a nutshell uh probably should save up and finally get the new civic i mean it's a really good one the extra fire rate and everything that's more for lighter right now i'm not really having too many issues we are on max difficulty but honestly we are just steamrolling the opposition right now so i think maybe i should just continue to expand we've just gotten that over there for send some corvettes over should maybe shore up the l gate so else do i want well i want these worlds obviously on that there's a phased world over here but i think the enemy again are going to get it first really then i should focus on grabbing these worlds mate oh no that's profits retreat nope let's not do that because that will get me killed by a fallen empire so yeah let's go this way contact all the stations here they do have a defensive pact with this empire i don't know if i can go through this territory i'm hoping not uh but we'll find out soon enough the drums of war okay the horde has formed but nice and far away so good luck to them i'm the horde over here you can be the horde over there everyone gets authored that is infuriating we just got a status quo we were like one off uh sadly i'd lost half of my fleet turns out the robots were stronger than i thought and that's what causes to happen really annoying but we did climb most of it so yeah we do have both of the mega structures which i wanted we just don't have their home world we can always grab that later we're now at war once again with this empire the scion because we can't turn them into a vassal just claiming this whole section here so we finally have free access to all this territory things looking good for us over here the horde is doing incredibly well so looks like two forces are becoming dominant we now have 3k tech uh our navy capacity is increasing thanks to mostly weirdly enough uh i underestimated how good the reanimators are because the necromancers do produce research and everything else i found i've just been putting them on every single planet i don't know if that's really all that efficient but they're contributing a lot of my research and a lot of my navy capacity so happy with that and i'm continuing to slowly expand over here as well try to grab everything i can that's good once the war is over it seems like i might be able to just make you a protectorate there you are currently at war with and these fellows the trade union which is quite like us huh they're only inferior not pathetic which is actually pretty impressive considering now i'm going into battleship tech i just love these strike craft so much though i do want to transition into either kinetic or energy soon it is still lovely to see strike craft planet i do love the fact that ground forces just keep on getting stronger every time they invite the planet that is really satisfying can i win now yes fantastic okay this area is now mine as well good good we're no longer a war for the time being so what do i want to do next we could go to these fellows they are terrifying although they are really part of tech wow i definitely max difficulty but their tech is dreadful wow oh you lost most of your fledgling interesting i don't even know who to go after next kinda wanna go after these but uh we could just continue to go this way and just carry on this direction oh what's there no to the amoebas where are the leviathans i need to find the matriarch i want to resurrect a leviathan is that so wrong okay i went ahead and just uplifted a species and i have loads of influence we can finally choose our next reform so there's lots of things i want pleasure sticker seems interesting but kind of against what we are i love the idea of mining guilds at the moment just because how behind we are on that warrior culture wouldn't really do much i don't really have that many entertainers anyway merch and guild same again realistically um probably just distinguished admiralty added a level cap increased extra fire right fleet command increased it's very fitting for our empire and will give us another boost of power though i do like meritocracy as well we do seem to favor the strong and those who actually get the job done more so than anything else rather and we are all clones after all our main species while saying nine species only a hundred of us and several hundred everything else but actually i think meritocracy fits as well meritocracy or distinguished admiralty so it's 10 fire right versus 10 i think just the 10 output overall for specialists definitely we're going with we'll increase our alloy production our research our unity just everything suddenly gets a lot more oh we have even more unity fantastic we had a lot of um pre-sapience i didn't realize i think it may have actually been a lot of these worlds i just conquered which had them which is just great to be perfectly honest more minerals do we even have the tech for the bonus mineral building i don't think i do how do i make to avoid that also need to specialize the world why do i have so many bureaucratic worlds clearly aren't okay i'm only just now getting crystals but that means now i'll stop grading the bureaucratic building so i can start converting some of these worlds have like random single offices into other things yeah way too i'm actually being very inefficient with my bureaucracy which is weird to say okay i think i'm going to go toward the union next so move to here same with my main force over here i'm just hoping the horde doesn't get to us and the kingdom ignores us i think they will i kept on giving that order but that kept on running out of influence and the order gets cancelled but so much oh you're stuck over there oh i'm so dumb i always play a wide empire but i always don't have the mind to uh macro everything oh yeah forgot about sanctuary over here so i'm gonna have to fight through that oh no don't have a nail get in your territory please i have several in mind and i don't have the resources to defend them so i'm gonna take the risk that it isn't gonna be the tempest keep tempest keep the great tempers keep saying tempest keep i've said it so many times now so if i remember correctly each one of these rings actually has a primitive civilization oh my god i'm gonna lose all of my fleet power what just happened okay i just learned a valuable lesson apparently they're a lot stronger than they look good to know uh get back to making battleships please so i decided on the colossus project and we went with with the neutron sweep there's no need to completely lose worlds when our lovely people can use them our cyborgs and now we also have one of the most powerful types of cyborgs the cyborgs that's right we have psychic cyborgs and i've gave them rapid breeders so they can quickly climb most of our worlds for us of course they are still residents of our clone legion the hundred latrixians which are actually running everything which are all the same person it's just me split up into 100 very angry people still trying to make our economy look better though our secondary fleet's about to get here so we can finally get rid of this ring world and then attack the union oh also we can now start integrating you i think that's gonna cost a lot of influence per month but soon all of this will also be hours i'm claiming all of these systems since i have loads of influence now after uplifting yet another pre-sapient yeah we're pretty powerful and our tech's doing well as well 5k and i'm about to start constructing the science nexus if i can find it there it is a science nexus after that we'll start with the shipyard i've also got the arcology project which i'm almost able to do on our home world and i think i can start in just a moment as well on this world we're going to have lovely hives of people why do i run so far into this fight i should have artillery tech so i should stay a little bit further back but nope my battleships really want to be closed well still works out really should start mixing the fleets not to spam battleships until the end game crisis when that's my normal battle plan oh my economy is dreadful i'm floating almost completely on consumer goods and alloys which thankfully we've got a lot of okay you're ready to go then let's demand sorry offer protectorate status not demand that you sell it's like i'm going to go to war if i say no oh look i'm going to walk i said no we will cure their ignorance i'm probably strong enough also to split this fleet so i'm going to be at war with a lot of empires here it seems like these two are in a federation is that what it is or is it just defensive pacts no defensive pact and then then they control a couple of smaller empires okay no big deal i still should be able to win this with the fleet i have and i can always make more later right now i am actually building up some um titans oh good and now i can save up for the colossus as well lots of stuff to save before had a weird cough then okay we have successfully integrated this whole section of territory into our own uh that's what i want there that's 2 000 alloys though so 20 000 2000 would be bad at all but i do really want the mata decompressor that means we can just completely stop focus on minerals i need to sort out my tried value as well i'm hoping to get gateway text i don't need to do that but yeah it's becoming a little bit silly now oh it's fleets over there well good job i checked yeah i'll soon be able to repel them that's fine the forces over here are doing great victory still probably assured here be any more alloys again whoa yep that's a lot of worlds we just grabbed the undead army making more undead actually been incredibly useful since a lot of them got destroyed early on but they are still fighting um groups as strong as them or something stronger just because they get some back during the fights so that's really nice plus just interesting to watch honestly online okay how are we doing okay getting closer to victory you guys can take all these about to have a ring world under a control which is just fantastic in every single way oh good admin cap is no problem oh yes i lost all the worlds okay that's not gonna be a problem for too long take all that go into that territory we have a small fleet down here which is doing fine though i could send you actually yeah let's do that there there then go and support them is that it i think i've just become victorious right lovely the union is now also under our control a good quarter of the galaxy now listens to us the hundred clone legion so my fleet's already moving down here we're going after the kingdom next to completely climb this area saving up influence for a few other things right now it's not really building anything still haven't got guy to itech which is really annoying but i have sorted out some of the tried value so we are getting some of it as you see in this area here i do have a pirate problem just happened yeah you two deal with that place that'd be great building the juggernaut now as well so so building the colossus now then the juggernaut we have all the big scary things on the way and we are now starting to do some repeatables finally gateway travel but also two of our worlds are now the arcology project there we are one of them being the home world so plus 20 resources from jobs plus 50 growth rates and we also have the arcology districts which are nice and powerful fantastic whoa loads of specialist jobs that's going to devour a lot of our minerals but worth it oh yeah now of influence again so which means i can turn you into the arcology as well fantastic just need minerals which thankfully are quite cheap sorry alloys but i want to do this and i think i have one more world currently being set up what did you lose so many specialist jobs uh don't care i need more alloys so oh yeah also need some more uh refinery worlds you can tell i've been playing the modded game for the last month or two because i am woefully rusty with a lot of the basic mechanics at the moment they go through a wormhole to go to war with what was once part of the horde they broke up and so they're actually pretty weak that's their entire fleet their 25k i have my other fleets currently on the white this wormhole which will help out later attacking there you can just sit there and white okay in that case i'll wait for reinforcements you'll soon be my vassal putting gateways down absolutely everywhere now so we are going to be able to collect tried value from everywhere that's an el gate seems like whoever got the elegance open didn't actually activate it which is good for us to focus on other stuff setting up our colleges and trying to build the science nexus i'm also now finally building the uh where are you the mata decompressor only a thousand days left in fact because i've managed to get master builders yeah everything's actually going okay um i think i've been a bit too hard on myself quite a lot because i feel like i am just a little bit rusty i can see little mistakes i'm making it's getting on my nerves so i'm sure some people who are very good at the game looking at like why are you doing this but everything is going well i do think we are definitely on track to beating the engine crisis we still have 45 so 44 years uh we are now doing repeatables we have 7k tech the mega the science nexus that is is already on its way we're about to get into the vassal these are about to start being converted to thinking like less than 10 years yet in about eight six rather new technology discovered everything's going well good news bad news time bad news the enemy is here it turns out yes it is the grey tempest fighting us good news we're more than strong enough to deal with them we only have one in our territory one of the um el gates i thought we had two and my ships are basically there already so we're gonna deal with them and also i've just cancelled three gateways to have the influence and i am nominating me as the galactic custodian people are agreeing because i'm the strongest and the great tempest to scare me for the sake of the security of the entire galaxy maybe a little bit more radical control should be implemented i was wondering if i was going to go and try and become the emperor of this run and apparently transmission is the great tempest going into the awakened empire no it's not the wagon empire well it's going away from us at least uh still stay nearby actually i could send you into the el gate uh might be the better idea i don't know maybe we have the colossus now in our control on top of that uh i've just got defender of the galaxy so people like us a bit more okay you're getting ready to jump i have my other fleet as well i think should be ready as well right now as well as well as well i think together we should be okay and we do have another fleet which i'm gonna start moving towards the elegate as we speak all we need to do is secure the main system then we'll be fine i don't really have a rush to destroy them we seem to do quite well against them we do take out their strike craft almost instantly yeah we are just very very strong versus the great tempest they really don't pose a threat kind of accidentally countered them to be honest incoming transmission glorious okay small fleet get back to what you're doing i still want to take over what was once the horde lots of bribes later one more empire is going to join us willingly oh that was easily expected hey for titans okay good union now follows us as well so we have the union we have the planets over here we have one of the carnot ones uh these are still ignoring us obviously since they're a scion these two hate us to bits these fellows don't mind us but they're too far away since the protector doesn't count as our territory okie dokie we are rapidly gaining control of the galaxy even if it's mostly just through protectorates really should start getting some uh tribute areas instead now since we are reaching the point where uh we're just not going to be able to get every single one of them as our actual empire by the end of this oh come on fleets are can get that i want to go to war with these so i can control this nice chunk of purple i do like my deep purple and blood red oh my god i can't believe it took me this long to realize the undead armies are actually based on the species which they're being made from so those which are being made from the lathrixians are really strong that's why they are so much stronger than our other forces because they're still the latherings they still get all those bonuses but then they also have the undead bonuses undead me is scary apparently oh yeah i should go with the awakened empire the fallen empire as well soon i'm certainly getting strong enough to do so that fleet's got really weakened lately i need to bolster my um el gate defense soon okay main force is almost there we can go toward the allied suns really soon system chart so super annoyingly the allied sons are currently under attack from one of the other empires so i'm going to have to retreat for them for the time being since i can't demand they become my protectorate and i'm going to start getting ready to attack one of the fallen empires either the fanatic xenophobes there or the guardians over here probably the xenophobes because they're so darn close and i don't like them being so close it makes me feel all claustrophobic how good the storm's over but before we do that i want to get the folk star committer because at the moment we are focusing on energy weapons we are kind of going a bit all in versus the scourge because i tend to fight the scourge a lot and i like the armor energy weapon combo because you at least get the archimeter all nice and buffed up versus pretty much anything so that's good so we're going for the archimeter then we'll go for strike craft and we'll fight the enemy which whoa why are you so split up before you're even doing anything what is going on now you are no longer allowed to actually look at their design but i know for a fact they are mostly shields and armor and they don't have as much hull as those two and they're mostly shields i think see i said that with such certainty but i know how brian brian no here in any more somewhere not here but maybe so i might be doing the right thing there's a chance there's a chat oh you're almost ready to be converted to something more beautiful well i mean not only beautiful more efficient science next is complete next up then i want to build the mega shipyard that's going to take a while because it costs a lot of influence which we just don't have at the moment at least until we finish integrating because that costs so much every month i mean it's very fitting isn't it so now we have the galactic defense force glorious so of course we're going to make them essentially just like our current units a bit of flack a bit of everything uh honestly might as well go for disrupters we're mostly annoying shields there the last weapon sure full disruptors for the fun of it going to artillery mode and i'm gonna go a split of shields and armor for now because i don't really have any real i've got like three or four ranks of the repeatable there so nothing really is a big deal sure there we go you know what for now i'm just going to make a new full shipyard we're already over our um navy capacity i am upgrading some of the anchorages it's going to take way too long to get them the mega shipyard we need at least two of the regular shipyards right now i think i need to remember uh resource solo no you yes the deep space site gives us extra stability if one of our stations over the planets at the moment i have pretty much just gotten more than the core just to make things simpler for myself because i'm a simple person more bribing and the other khan has now accepted our proposal of becoming our protectorate our kindness knows no bounds ether drake okay can we resurrect an etherdrag i don't know um any uh i want to attack you though i can't trust you to defend against this shall um i really want the undead okay it's gonna take a while before we get the fleet together anyway and we do have gateways everywhere so hopefully it won't take that long to get there yeah we can take the gateway right next to the el gate from the el gates it's a little hop and a skip saber saver for influence i don't know if i actually need the system to resurrect them um so i have the science fest already and i'm gonna have a construction vessel ready as well so who will never join us right now i don't think the kingdom will ever join us willingly i think the provinces would but we're just too far away yeah look at that distance minus 500 why am i claster so close to the car oh because of the el gates yeah i'm right next to them oh does that mean the kingdom might join us eventually wait no the kingdom hates why is the kingdom cluster so far away then no it's not the kingdom it's the other one ah there's too many close to each other with similar colors okay i'll get i see i see isis still too far away though even with that still though that's a nice chunk of purple now admittedly these aren't actually with us or just happen to be the same color oh it's a gecko hive version okay we've just finished off that which is my lovely plus 10 tried value especially since now i think i'm getting tried value from everywhere yep now we have the gateways down there's only a couple of outliers which i'll fix later on there's this little section this little section here everywhere else i think is being collected from lovely so that's all well and good um so yeah that plus temps and tried values a lot of extra energy remember that our consumer goods production is also producing tried value and engineering research which is great honestly they're going to pay for themselves many times over the minerals are being turned into a lot of energy since the uh consumer goods are worth quite a bit themselves i think i'm making a few too many though yeah i think i am actually that's one thing i've just thought yeah we can give everyone academic privilege and i think about it you know upset default rights um academic privilege everything else is the same residence yep and apply to all so that should be everyone now an academic privilege that's going to cost a fortune but remember that is going to make them a bit happier and it is also going to increase their research by 10 so should have more stability in our world now how much crime is here geez no one's growing either what no one's growing why on earth there's no one growing there there's loads of jobs and there we go yeah even with the crime you should still get people growing there uh well i'll deal with that in a little while right now though let's finally start off our mega shipyard this will increase the speed i can produce ships which is great because i've gone for a swarm tactic we have a lot of potential for a lot more um boundaries beautiful we have our art installation online so straight away it's giving us 363 unity which is quite nice since unc is one of our weakest things and then it's also producing a 15 extra amenities on all of our planets we can upgrade that but that will require a hundred relics which we simply don't have i don't want to fight shard at the moment to get the rubricator to make more because i won't have the influence to use it anyway otherwise i would just go ahead and get it god is way too slow making um units at the moment yeah i really should have made the mega shipyard first i think rather than the science nexus though we have had a lot of tech because the science nexus so it's hard to sigh really if we can't resurrect the ether drag i am going to be so disappointed how did i forget okay so when i swapped these over what i really should have done is build the ministry of production i also forgot to build the sodding alloy foundry building i kind of forgot they weren't originally alloy buildings yeah uh let's just do that it's an alloy world i meant to say the ones where i do have alloy worlds i at least have the ministry of production up and running you can see i've been converting worlds and uh yeah remember this is over multiple play sessions and it is so easy to lose track of some of the things you've done and what you haven't done new technology discovered systems should only last like a second yep there's the etheric encounter all the ox firing away then here come all the strike craft we have a lot of armor so we should be fine there he goes yes send it to the necromancers [Laughter] lovely issues special project reignite the extinguished ether drake relic foundation the usual fantastic the etheric trophy just passively produces extra 10 unity lovely and also gives us temps and happiness when activated the scion ship is now moving in to resurrect the extinguished nether drag at least you have two full shipyards now going it's still too slow though fleet enhanced i want it all done now research project rise again after much work our necromancers have filled the ether drake with energy again the result is lurching and unnerving but we still call it a success oh that is a strong boy lovely that's actually good enough to use that is quite rare for these events ah who's your good boy who's an undead boy who probably smells of rotten hell you do yeah you do nurgle be so pleased well i can't find the matriarch annoyingly but uh that will certainly do kind of wish i had more of a unique model but i am still very pleased with it construction ah finally direct control is now established with and neighbors well i suppose us so first things first then let's put down a gateway here and that should be able to collect all of the dried value i think i'm already collecting most of this but this will just guarantee it plus once again i just like having gateways everywhere to make sure i can go around that territory nice and quickly gonna delete these new tickets yeah that's why it's covered look at that way too many starbases and they are terrible starbases at that so let's get rid of all those also if they have a starbase when you try and collect from them they're still collecting from the starbase not from the gateway and the uh collection range that leaks through that which is incredibly annoying so for now i'm just going to remove everything where's your last station what is this who are you oh that's the record event i'm a bit light for that now i'm not gonna bother with that really um i'm sure still gained a few more oh well let's have a look at the worlds oh all these really rubbish uh ships as well i'm not gonna bother riding you you can all go bye-bye i didn't delay any good ones did i i don't think i did why are my ships so scattered everywhere here can everything please get back to yes not except for you everyone get back to the main shipyard that'd be great except for you as well you're staying and defending although you are still in need of reinforcements thankfully you've managed to survive so far oh yeah i could have just looked here couldn't know to see all the obviously undergrad deal with that in a second i'll deal with you in a second as well but no you can just go away okay look at the names of these worlds okay let's sort out these worlds that'll take a little while so i'll be right back yay for editing all submitting time but now i'm after tribute not protectorate status so i can never absorb you uh so you will stay pretty much free except for you're giving me 25 percent of your energy and minerals every month it's a good deal really because in return i'm gonna keep you safe oh look at how many are surrendering now why i don't know why it changed honestly i haven't built anything here to be closer so just passively everyone is giving up maybe it's the colossus maybe after looking at the colossus so along the line yeah if they want to kill us they could maybe we shouldn't provoke them i don't have eyes so i can't see the classes therefore i'm not going to accept yeah it's purely distance so who to absorb then um i could absorb you actually no i know exactly who to absorb this tiny empire here believe it or not actually have the galactic market i only just realized that a second ago so i'm going to integrate you because it won't even take that long in comparison to some of the other empires because you're only one world still take a while be only 23 months from the start and that will give us the galactic market which then brings down our market fee to only 10 which is obviously fantastic please build the mega shipyard faster i need more who dares awaken interesting food well ancient rivals is activated so it's now or never everyone move into position we go to war versus our original targets hope he get prepared oh you're oh please don't spawn in the unbidden early and yes uh jump drives there's no longer modifiers to which of the endgame crises are going to spawn in it's actually now more random than it used to be but jump drives can still cause the unbidden to spawn in early if they're formed and we have them now so there don't worry early honestly and i don't want them bidding anyway i want the scourge oh we're maxing out already okay i've just removed our term limit so now we are going to be permanently custodian how does one become the ah there we are proclaim the galactic imperium yes sadly i can't do an emergency measure now but still it's going to be what's up next we are going to become emperor before the in-game crisis if it's not the unbeaten early those so that is lovely i've also finally activated the uh ambition here so we're making the mega shipyard a little bit faster which is lovely i'm not sure that affects the initial build building the site but definitely affects this next stage and onwards so obviously we needed to do that and scientific revolution please just upgraded the buildings now we can have this as well loads more alloys and actually do that get you ready to be converted into the arcology world as soon as we've got the influence technology i might stop um consuming the get the empire soon just so i have the influence to start making more of the arcologies because honestly they're just amazing systems surveyed um it's animations it's broke well they're really dead we will end this threat we are the only ones allowed to be that scary in this galaxy lads yeah there's the dragon you're gonna be quite powerful though so i don't know if we're actually getting any damage done here ah well the dragon might not be that useful when paired up with so many other forces can the rest of you please catch up that'd be great in fact you know what everyone uh can you just wait here because i would love the juggernaut to be able to fight oh they are way stronger than i thought they were okay everyone here instead then wait for the juggernaut to catch up commencing planetween uh sure space board lost okay so we're gonna lose some spy sports over there which is really annoying there's nothing to do about it yeah we can send this non-finished fleet over see i didn't actually realize that was connected uh because i was looking like this it looks like that line isn't there okay i should have been a bit more attentive before this i knew they could go this way but i didn't expect that i was also hoping they would just stick together as they kind of are now oh they're gonna get to us faster okay we don't actually want them to be that close please move back though they are heavy with the old battleship stuff um they do also have things like uh engaging hostile fleets destroyers so oh i forgot just how slow this is and there's a sublight speed stopper i still think we'll be okay i said everyone back please we're going to lose loads here but if we win this fight we've won full stop i don't know weapons you have not seen any attacks um i'm assuming you're fighting or just a giant meat shield it's hard to say at this point station under attack still haven't got my uh juggernaut but it was fine didn't matter in the end now we'll just move before they regroup that was called terrible tactics first stage of the shipyard is finally done as well that's good already giving plus 33 and acting as a shipyard uh drakey boy could you go this way because i just want to see you on your own because i couldn't see your attacks maybe it's because all the other effects going on but i couldn't see them at all oh that's gonna be so annoying we've lost a research vessel yeah we're losing little bits over there but it's not really a big deal is if you think about it discovered doesn't matter who we send don't regroup you have they oh okay so draggy boy maybe i did think it was a a titan attack but actually it was the dragon is hard to say would have loved to wait longer here but i just needed to um take this citadel before they regrouped they will regroup soon [Music] okay now i've taken that okay you stay here and bring in bombardment you okay what we really need to do is start taking out these other worlds now i would love to use the colossus on these worlds but i don't want to remove the population it will leave the buildings though which is the main thing we care about oh yeah the buildings don't need the population anymore does it but i would still like this many workers but can i be bothered to white and would it be funnier especially since the empire we are to wipe them out um sorry to say our whole empire oh it's in the wrong way i'm sorry to save you i do think that would be better why the ground force is going such a weird way oh cause that's the fastest way to get there really well that was me paying attention as much as you'd expect it for him i've caught them off guard here before they fully regrouped and yeah we just counted them so well with our weapons we're actually a bit weaker at this stage than i have been quite a bit in the past uh i think it's just me being rusty coming transmission what a lovely image about to give a nice bath okay you're finally here honestly i think the clones are worth it just for these ascended admirals they are insane under attack lovely more gateways uh would like to go over there but honestly okay you go this way deal with all of this get it back before we completely annihilate all the worlds and then okay now you can look at this lovely and the larger fleet good luck that construction ship lost all erased with glorious blinding light bathed in the light in the light of the clone emperor new technology discovered oh just one of our scientists to an event well that's a shame i think i've seen that event before uh i will reread it though because i'm now thinking maybe i didn't by the way there we go the two walls are down i'm hoping the buildings stay intact i think they do but if not i don't care you know i don't care even though it'd be such a big bonus to us i think it just fits the theme so very well of all the empires we encounter the one empire we are going to hate above all others is going to be fallen empires they tried to control us they tried to lessen us but despite that we have became perfection gathered establishing colony don't worry that species hasn't been annihilated there's all several worlds which are going to survive with them on and i'm going to make sure that they're dead live on as well over on some of the world so i have my mind forces we are actually gay once again just gaining more than we're losing because i have also been grinding our ground forces we could have done that with the home world i know we could have it's obviously the better choice we get way more out of it but again it doesn't fit the theme as well in my opinion wow some energy reserved uh sure though i am kind of running out of shipyards again even with three shipyards going constantly and the mega shipyard i'm just producing that many alloys they're all going constantly to produce new units oh no i did actually use a little bit ah they put up a good fight so no i haven't seen this event before she was working on something and keeping it secret from everyone else and then simply vanished after everyone blacked out so now she's suddenly back and saying she doesn't remember things she also has returned with an uncanny understanding of subjects previously unknown to her and is saying she doesn't remember anything interesting very interesting indeed uh so pretty much done let's uh return home i suppose was waiting for this last world and a few more systems probably should wait until the systems are taken back but at the same time i'm very impatient oh lovely end session early the first galactic imperium we are now known as the imperial core we are we now have the galactic sovereign civic our ethics have radically shifted towards authoritarian imperial member states can no longer wage offensive war against us oh yeah i forgot we changed i thought oh no we lost militarist oh and we lost the meritocracy but now we have pretty much unlimited influence oh civic slots plus one so i can still buy one back okay kind of annoying it just doesn't add this to it then so i've got to reap oh wait no i can't have meritocracy can i maybe it was gonna do that guilds it could become so cruel so very cruel so i can either be a dictatorship or imperial or different imperial we need an emperor oh and oh no empress yeah because we've all been female um the entire species is female i didn't check that before playing the game it just happens to be what it was um but we are now of course the imperium they still directly vassalize things yeah of course i can i thought you were already a vassal of mine oh you almost are uh well you're gonna be bestest friends it's so beautiful the reclaimers have been removed from history except for their tech their tech is going to serve us very well indeed so what's the victory i want then i'm so tempted by the more evil option we have just i kind of love it we have become everything we hated originally after more generations of clones we've basically become the image of our creators couldn't go down the route pleasant uh pleasure seekers i don't i honestly don't know what i want definitely not that um have the elite it's a bit more stability because noble's produced stability and actually stability is one of the issues we're having at the moment so on the few issues we do have god that criminals i keep forgetting to build criminal stuff um i don't know what i want at all police date is just you know what yeah that fits the empire now new technology our clones control each and every world maintaining stability for the peace of the entire galaxy now you fellows i would like a tribute in return i'll keep you safe forever again and you are free to do everything we tell you fleet now and obviously we need to take out the other awakened empire as well we'll get to that in just a second then we have to figure out what to do with the kingdom and the the dynasty now of course we can just go to war with total war since we have the gloss ooh can i not we don't have our animosity ward's wage not for territory but for the rule of the imperium to teach an imperial member oh of course they're all imperial member states they're already basically under my control but can i also like declare them a crisis and oh i can go toward them can't that's it it's um it's ooh i can't remember how to do it though it's one of these and essentially you can declare war on a nation to force them into the imperium but i can't feel like i remember how for now it doesn't really matter the next awakened empire of course is a much bigger concern now youtube's how slow you're walking please get here ahead of time this time so i know what i'm doing oh yeah they can't close borders to me either anymore sometimes you have to bribe them a bit but eventually everyone sees that you're always best so that's actually me and then all the more pinky red is what i control now annoyingly there are so many i'm sure there's oh you can only declare war to make them part of the council of the imperium so yeah although they're not directly under my control they kind of are that's kind of how the game takes it now i remember now it's been a while since i've played it's played honestly uh don't think i'm ever going to be able to take control of you but yes see they have a little imperium thing around them they are all now part of me they can't declare war on me doesn't matter how much they dislike me we are at peace the galaxy except for the awakened empire is now in a perpetual state of peace as long as i am the one holding the weapons ah fantastic so although uh we did lose the districts all the buildings are still there just ready to be repaired as soon as we have enough building districts so one two three four five six seven and i'll do the same on the other wall as well as soon applied yeah as soon as you have the core as well do the same these are things on the auto forges the fabricators the singularities currently order getting food and some consumer goods not that we need it applied receiving transmission your imperial majesty this is a tremendous honor indeed it is yeah so we're never gonna be able to get you into a projector willingly but you like us and will keep loyal to us so is it really a problem i mean even the more hostile elements i'll probably go after them innovate but it all depends really technically speaking we have one in that regards the emperor's the emperor i think for the victory condition to be met we have to defeat the crisis still but uh yeah actually what happens if i just beat the current crisis yeah if i just destroy the crusaders do i get the victory scream before the end game crisis hmm oh maybe that changed after we became the superior version of ourselves but now we can have males um before when we looked okay yeah that newer one is male 1 then all the all the older ones are female because i checked multiple times i kept on looking the recruits and it was always the same but now yeah it's mixed okay so we have also diversified ourselves truly breaking the mold indeed uh you know what yeah let's turn you into um uh you're a good mineral world though don't care i want more arcologies i need to actually figure out some proper bureaucratic worlds i've just noticed i have two colossus um in the last clip you can actually see it appearing here but this doesn't have a colossus assembly yard unless i removed it no it wouldn't have been able to or did it appear here it must have been on its way of being created by the enemy because this one has the world cracker which is the one the xenophobes actually use that is really bizarre i don't know how i got that but yeah now i have colossi ah either way we are now on our way to going to war with the other fallen empire sorry the awakened empire we're just all getting ready we could go now but i'm gonna wait at least until a few more forces get here just to minimize losses since we do need to now prepare for the end game crises we will end this threat and this time i'm actually going to bother to take one of these the blade of the huntress making all that faster and i'm going to do bonus damage versus armor because that's what my strikecraft's going to hit even though the enemy isn't particularly armored it's mostly shields we are going to be ignoring the shields anyway so bonus damage to that isn't exactly very important come on before they escape thank you space under attack spaceball under attack um guessing they're going past us to attack things where which space sport oh they can have a wormhole into our territory no they're not the creators they're the ones over here that create the scions next to us never mind i don't know which by sportsman attack but it makes sense of course we are after a war the strike graph being their usual annoying self just bouncing between enemies rather than just focusing one group at a time but that's fine we still overwhelm them we'll share number and that was most of their forces dealt with at least their scary forces goodbye now celestial throne you are decently powerful but a little bit of bombardment will finish you off you just stand by and get ready remember as well that our armies are deceptively powerful because as we kill the enemy we will become stronger there's a fleet there and fleet there i think really what we should just do is destroy all the stations so they have two worlds and i couldn't be bothered so i just went ahead and did that station where did i just move the fleet just bombarding that oh yeah to defend this you know what it's taking too long now i want to use my undead armies fine all right so i'm going to do anything else just dealt with ah i just dealt with one of those fleets um you smaller fleet you are now officially on guard juicy oh the temperature broke through the l gates i didn't even notice because all the other stuff going on so yep you now are going to go back and re-secure the elegates for us really trying to multitask right now and filing a little bit our admin cap is going a little bit weird because we're grabbing so many things but uh we're about to land on the last of the fallen empire world was our main force i just saw it there we are we have a 5 000 force but to land and we are just now invading the grey tempest's home system after that we're also going to war with the kingdom over here which is the only empire which is not part of the galactic imperium because they are a scion receiving transmission there we are the tempers have been dealt with lovely everyone else can just really go home and be a bit cheaper we're currently losing energy because we're so over our navy capacity but that's fine very very soon the last of the crises shall fall until of course the end game crisis which is in nine years that's them gone oh do not get the victory for the imperium i thought we did [Music] oh no yeah it's oh we still have the geckos as well oh completely forgot about the geckos how are they still in existence really i'll declare war on them now because maybe one of my allies will get there [Music] i honestly thought actually i'm not sure do you get a victory if you're the imperial leader and everyone's in the imperium except for fallen empires i think you do get the victory screen but i literally can't remember for certain receiving transmission the geckos are being cleansed there's actual home world and a little bit of defense but not much the ground forces will be able to bounce between one another and quickly deal with everything also it turns out i found out why my empire sprawl problem was so bad the fellows were just not taking the jobs see like this world for instance you see we have the workers here but they're not automatically moving up to become bureaucrats now with other specialist jobs they are but just not bureaucrats and i don't understand why i honestly don't know is it something to do with being residents or academic privilege but yeah i was building all of these extra stevies don't be specialists normally they jump up when a specialist job's available but right now it's not happening all the time and i don't get why is there something i'm missing it's very very possible very impossible convincing world now until they're destroyed okay the end of that empire as well we now control everything there is no empire outside of the fallen empire over here which do not bow to our will no one can declare war anyone else we have achieved peace for the entire galaxy there is no one else right yep no one else which i can [Music] declare war on anything else i don't get the victory screen but everyone is now essentially into my control i am the emperor of everyone except for an empire now i actually have the fleets here to deal with them so you know what all of you move over there we'll deal with the last fallen empire as well because we may as well as we wait for the awake sorry for the endgame crisis and there's the thing i am not really worried about the in-game crisis in the slightest even the contingency at this point will probably just fall to us quite quickly we're weird ships but we are very hard countering the scourge except for i wouldn't use the arc emitter i'd probably use the regular tachyon the strike craft and everything will deal with their scourge craft which i use a lot of then we have lots of energy weapons against the contingency we're okay because we ignore the shields once again they have a lot of strike craft we can deal with and we're mixed here and against the unbidden striker after good archimeter is fantastic we ignore all their shields and we have a lot of fleets and we're making more every day that's showing if they're part of the imperial council or not if they're red i see i misunderstood that we just absorbed another one of our vassals into ourselves so now we have all of these worlds just in case we weren't powerful enough going to now deal with the machine empire as well we're just about to finish off this construction online any second now the first fallen empire will fall and then the second will follow soon the machine empire is even easier because uh the alpha refuge has really poor defensive um armies in comparison to the other awakened empires fallen empires everyone say yeah only 800 each so it's very easy just to quickly deal with these so if you can go and follow those that'll be great the fallen empire has fell and now we're about to also finish off the marauders over here at this point it's pretty safe to say i'm not really nervous about the end game crisis although we don't particularly hard counter many we do hard counter the scourge the strike craft can take out their strike craft and their missiles with all these lovely point defense uh we have lots of energy weapons the only thing i might swap is that for that with the scourge we have full armor against the unbidden the arm is going to be terrible but we do have an overwhelming force of the archimeters and the strike craft which will go through the shields we have so many of them and we are going with where are you when did i swap that back oh it swapped back after okay yeah we don't we no longer have no retreat because we're no longer militarists that's really annoying actually because i definitely prefer no retreats it's more fun but okay so i can go for hit and run or actually rapid deployment for the extra range and we can just obliterate them that way we just have overwhelming force we have millions of fleet power at this point and we're certainly not stopping creating them our economy has bounced back now we have gateways everywhere and we've repaired some of the gateway sections we're almost unstoppable honestly [Music] i guess i'll go after one of the other empires now little else to do really just waiting for the crisis so [Music] new technology discovered do they have any more worlds that they have one so after this we'll make a tributary of this target we've pretty much finished off everything they have receiving transmission then i guess we'll go after the machine empire i mean may as well right next to it so we can take those two then we'll take over here because we're so overwhelming as well it's not gonna be difficult to force victory since we get the relative navy strength plus 50. yeah we're not gonna lose a ship even to their bastions just go straight for the core please yeah she had a lot more force than i thought i took out one of our um our full-sized fleets i mean they took a lot of casualties in the process and that was one fleet of many but he's still transmission i am moving a fleet over to the l gate to defend it but i'm not sure if we're gonna get there in time since they're gonna use that 923 000 is now the power of our imperial armada space new technology discovered we have the scourge oh the imperium is lucky this day yeah the scourge really don't stand a chance against us and it even gives us enough time to refit our ships with the lances now you can actually go for the arc emitter and um the lightning is a viable strategy i don't think the math really pans out for i think the best build is actually just neutron launchers and then the tachyon lands with a few of the artillery mixed in to counter their missiles and their strike craft but i'm just gonna go peel through strike craft because that's right craft have so many bonuses at the moment and honestly i love the swarms so i'm gonna stick with that also yes i have to name them four i don't know why i've named them four but they are called four okay so with four in mind let's uh get everyone upgraded oh god we have so many fleets if they arrive anywhere near our territory they're going to be obliterated on site i think i will let them establish them so i won't just completely destroy the scouts and then say i have one because we probably could because here's the thing i have gateways everywhere i have gateways over here over here only one place really doesn't have gateways and it has l gates uh there's a really well placed elgate somewhere around here so there's not really many places they can spawn where i have a blind spot okay imperium uh let's go over to our fleet designer and battleship i want you as oh you're using the tachyon lance i thought you were using the archimeter well that's fine although you are using the incorrect um side weapon oh we also want you to go full on armor as well oh wow i did not change this i thought i did but apparently i didn't also we are really struggling for energy i'm not quite sure when that happened why did that happen oh is my tried being cut off somehow that's probably what's happening yeah if my trade development cough though i am also now 4425 out of 1666 navy capacity that could also be an issue to be perfectly honest okay a large fleet could you go here and get upgrades because otherwise yeah there's way too many going on this one place in fact i'm also gonna take one of you to go over there and one of you come on split up so i can see uh one of you should go over here now i know i have one more over here but remember that's a shipyard of 20 shipyards it's the mega shipyard now thankfully i am also upgrading the shipyard we stole from on the fallen empires yep it's now going into its final stage so we are building incredibly quickly we have fleets over here as well i just the scourge doesn't stand a chance the imperial fleet has now reached one million fleet power glory to the imperium do anything else i want here honestly uh imperial council yep sure you can still be elected because we are totally democratic imperial legions i don't really care about lots of these i don't really care about too much i mean i do like their tried value but yeah i guess really just upgrading our workforce and such let's go back up here more tried value at the cost of a bit of oh no negative navy capacity no thank you sounds a bit too extreme that one i can't do it's already done that one yeah i really am just waiting around for the scourge to pop up here's the problem with fighting some of the weaker enemies uh you get to a point where you've annihilated most of their ships i'm now sending a big fleet to deal with all this but this is what was causing the um energy problems i've not i've lost a huge amount of trade value here which i'm about to reclaim now so grab all that back we are lovely but yeah there's just not enough ready to fight so you end up claiming absolutely everything they have constantly sending ground forces everywhere and it just takes forever i mean really they should give up at this point right they have no fleets left their territory is pretty much all removed this is a little bit of territory they have this over here and that's it give up oh my god i can't believe they have a planet so bad they have to censor it bleep indeed receiving finally a victory so they have now fallen to us i still don't know what this is aside no this one here it's the sovereignty and it isn't part of the imperium i wonder if that causes the problem again i don't actually know if you do get the victory screen i have a vague recollection that you do and once everyone is part of the uh the imperium but i could be wrong online essentially we have one no one can declare war on us no one's declaring war on each other almost everyone's my protectorate or loves me there's only two who don't and yeah they're never going to attack me because they can't because they're part of the imperium so it is all over now really it is just waiting for the in-game crisis we have spread far and wide doesn't this normally arrive faster than this finally where is it let's find out coming storm breach point is where okay is that the only area i can't get too easily yes it is wow you are annoying okay uh many many legions of the la frixion legion would you mind uh following me please and going can we go there oh actually it's not too bad the l gates right there we can of course use the gateway to get to an el gate pretty quickly i really should have built gallery closer to an l gate do we have an olga in that territory i thought we did oh was it that one oh then the tempest happened they took that territory yeah i really should have oh right i could have built a gateway over here but no that's not mine either never mind i think i built it as close as i could how is this world doing anyway ah eating eyeball how does actually eat things i wasn't seeing these people like dying it's hard to tell we're definitely starving 1.2 million so that is like our main fleet but remember we are doing a huge chunk of extra damage and that's one of our fleets of many this really won't be that difficult i don't want to hype it up like ah it's gonna be amazing battles when the next wife gets here it probably isn't going to be but it's gonna be fun to watch anyway this first fight's gonna happen happening by accident honestly but uh i'll charge all melted [Music] yeah can you all stick together now please even the sign ships for reasons unknown to me got there wait if i can hold this in my fleet joe might be able to is my uh multi-million fleet here yes could i make scourge pets again i'd like to make scourge pets excuse me scourge bets deal with that later new technology so how expensive would that system be to purchase we's gonna make some scurgy bets i mean we should be able to be even they're really strong flutes all right my face stack up it might be bad we'll find out soon i almost missed that fight yeah we are look at the swarm these are all the vanguards still though you know what maybe they will be able to kill us once the other swarms get here if they all appear at once and stack up they could potentially break through i might want to move back i might do i'm going to try and react as fast as i can once they get here okay here's the second wife they are in the multi multi multi millions how can the juggernaut please get there a little bit faster your imperial majesty the galaxy is in grave danger yes i'm aware i mean what do you think i'm doing and you're the one who won't become my protector and hates me and yet i'll still hold them up i hope new technology now the good thing is funnily enough these little ones are actually our biggest threat the larger ones like to use more of the strike craft and such which we really really really really counter like everything else we counter but that we super counter i'm almost just kind of following these along and just taking out the systems um like i showed my battle plan there honestly i'm sure there is one i'm sure i wouldn't just be being dumb oh lord they doomstacked uh military do you know we really hate armor good good there are so many of them yeah there's their strike crafty and they'll just god that's blue oh another fleet the juggernaut isn't here yet if we win this though basically one right no [Music] yeah oh no juggling isn't there it's a striker starting max damage station under attack i i can't deal with pirates right now that's a lot of lost ships okay you guys return uh we just have a few more fleets on the way thankfully look at my navy capacity please update oh we actually lost far less than i thought i did we still have loads of 300 thousands um where's the bigfoot oh there it is yep still at 1.2 mil never mind we lost why less than i thought that because i was um i thought the navy capacity was bugged or something i honestly did that's why i stopped talking so these are all the battleships we're currently replacing that's it that's all we lost from the main armada now of course we have lost some health on a lot of our craft but it turns out the enemy were just woefully inefficient with their damage because we do so hard counter the larger craft the little ones were doing damage but these guys most of their weapons are just not gonna work and i've got some more reinforcements anyway i've actually gained more power since that last fight than i lost the damage of the strike craft doing as well are kind of insane because of the imperial juggernaut there we are strike craft damage plus 20 strikecraft speed plus 20 so they get there faster and then do more damage when they're there this is the last of their big fleets if we survive this we have one and i'm going to make a scourge zoo okay this time though they did arrive a bit more closely packed but there's the swarm that'll counter pretty much everything they're throwing at us that goes on the brood mothers oh they're not quite packed actually the other groups not even here yet oh then yeah we've definitely won there's a juggernaut just uh watching the battle okay construction vessel you're still alive and oh good you did manage to build the station fantastic so let's upgrade that station into a citadel give it the work so it doesn't die to a random shot at some point you two stack up to get ready to get rid of this i actually did kill the fleet with the three i actually lost most of one of the fleets so if i just send another that'll be fine let's wait for these new technology discard uh you know what else i will build a gateway because of course i will i don't think a scourge can use gateways can you just get away as i remember i know they can use wormholes but i'm not aware if they can use gateways on us embrace the light of the discovery the emperor i don't know some other empire just got correct i suppose perhaps one of the other imposers split the empress protects glory to the empress so they will occasionally spawn in units but uh nowhere near as fast as what they already had uh obviously we are doing inside amounts of damage we are about to build gateway so we can directly connect to the nine mega shipyard and i'm just going to keep them as pets obviously we could just erase them now there's nothing stopping us systems can complete oh no three more from the main armada have been damaged oh yeah all of you should really uh as soon as the upgrade should all dock there that'll be loads of health constantly and just in case i'll make a big group of battleships remember we do have two fully operational mega shipyards so we are creating ships incredibly quickly oh i just thought we have the juggernaut we could have healed at the juggernaut as well yeah we already had a mobile healing station well now we have one which also makes our things cheaper you know oh that fight just happened did it oh yeah it did we took damage new technology discovered i would say we are done although i do want to see if we can resurrect any of these random um random leviathans i've just left i left them because i was so sure you wouldn't be able to but i'm going to quickly go through them if there is one i can resurrect i'll be right back and i will tell you oh void spawn i thought this was the um the evil creaturey demon thing oh i'm actually annoyed here because unironically that is my favorite model in the game by far it looks like a really angry moth of death and i adore it and i am now legitimately really upset i didn't notice it was that i really thought oh i should have checked i really really thought it was the uh is it the terror then oh it's gone back to being an egg kind of well i'm gonna resurrect that anyway that's actually the dimensional horror that's what it's called of course it is not void spawn research project concluded yeah so the uh stellar devourer we can't resurrect that's not really a surprise horror in the void let's see no i'll just finish off these though just in case all the rest is just little pockets of the last remaining amoeba in the galaxy you know i'm leaving them as well also a zoo the last remaining void clouds in the galaxy a zoo oh there we is there's a boy i just love the model i really do legitimately love that model i wish i could see the ship details now i control it but it's fine new technologies uh is my dragon over there on a side note uh can you go there go together that no both of you go there now you definitely also resurrect the matriarch but i haven't seen the matriarch that either means it just isn't here or it was killed before i found it so that gap there was the ancient structure obviously that's not resurrectable being that it is you know a building there's the automated dreadnought i'll leave that as well as a zoo this is my thing today the last mine automated mining in the galaxy oh the other last amoeba literally angry clouds double checking everything oh there's the free commonwealth and so with that i'm afraid i am all out of time for today's video we are done here there's no why the swarm will ever get past even if they did show some restraints and stack up their fleets we are getting stronger every year if i really wanted to min max i go super science forever um i am slowly upgrading our station here it would have all the defense platforms everything else so good luck taking that out with a random lucky shot and with that we are just done there is nothing else really to do i mean we could go ahead and make these our protectorate but they're all part of the imperium they can't do anything they can't go to war with me if they with each other who cares if they destroy each other i don't really care um it won't affect me though we could stop uh very soon like they literally just have too many now on my side and too many envoys i will get to 180 and with that i could stop all war so i am done and the game is now starting to lag horribly i do think cool i do think that going for an earlier crisis might have been better and i think i'll do that in the next run it's been a long time since i've done the even little game and sadly this is days in i started recording on tuesday it's now friday yeah now before i say my outro let's talk about the clone army itself i think it was unfair when i went into this game i thought it was going to make more of a lasting change than it ended up doing kind of forgetting that in the base game most of the origins don't really do that it's more about the very early game and your position in the galaxy and how you play from there and honestly speaking in comparison to a lot of the origins this one makes a huge difference it really really shakes up the very early game and up until the late game if you take a look at our admirals i would argue having 35 fire rate and upkeep on every single admiral is a huge change to the game and really makes you push for aggression because that is insane we also of course went for cyborgs which is an additional five percent so we're looking at 40 fire rights no matter what type of admiral they are this one has just another five percent and has the engineer tried it is kind of insane the the leaders themselves make a big difference of course i didn't go down the route of letting them breed i went down through the elite ones so the admirals are more of a play there and perhaps if i let them breed and had weaker upgrades it would have made a more lasting impression elsewhere but i do think it is legitimately very fun and very powerful origin especially if you know how to play with it i didn't early on and i made a lot of mistakes in fact this whole playthrough has been riddled with mistakes and i kind of part blame that because at the moment i am going through one of the worst patches of insomnia of my life i'm on medication for that and i also currently have a migraine those are my excuses but also just being rusty and being me major parts there either way i massively enjoyed the origin i massively enjoyed this play through the next playthrough will also likely be the base game i won't be going with the clone army i'll be going with more the plants and being able to turn worlds into gaia worlds from the start i'll probably go a bit more rp based with that and i can't wait to start recording that next week i will be going back to modded play-throughs and checking out mods in the coming weeks though currently a lot of the ones i want to test out aren't available for the current patch uh some of them are but some of them aren't so i will be waiting a little while until i've got all of that together so any suggestions are very welcome this is why too long i need to get some sleep so with that thank you so much for watching if you have enjoyed the video then of course likes favorite shares comments all that good stuff helps out with me helps out the channel and most importantly shows that stellaris is a series you wish to see continued in the future thank you so much for watching long live the empress which by the way is now immortal because it takes less time to research than either lifespan than it gives us lifespan yep takes three months gives us five years we have reached immortality thank you for watching and have a lovely day
Channel: Lathland
Views: 547,471
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: UUFVhLzc5Iw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 130min 39sec (7839 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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