Stellaris | Tech RUSHING - 800k+ Citadels! & Making Scourge ZOO! Full Playthrough!!

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greetings from the future so I'm recording this little clip to put at the start of the video just after I finished fully playing through the entire playthrough now the title and the description may be talking about the bastions and how we are going to contain the scourge as our major goal this doesn't really come into effect in terms of me deciding to do this until after halfway through the playthrough so if it seems a bit off at the start that's why either way though this has been an absolutely insane playthrough I had loads of fun recording it and I'm really hoping you'll like it as well these playthroughs are really difficult to record but it seems like they are the most popular and honestly I absolutely love recording them I'm rambling and now back to the original greetings which was going to be at the start of the video greetings sir answer ed and welcome back to stellaris with me laughs 3x and of course welcome to our newest full playthrough the science fiend technocracy in today's video we're going to be playing as an empire which is essentially the opposite of the last full playthrough in the last full playthrough we were controlling lipids and other livestock to give us all of our basic materials whilst we mostly ignored research and focus on a truly powerful economy today we're doing as I said the complete opposite we are a a technocracy we are mechanists we are a democracy we are egalitarian and we are fanatic materialists basically meaning we are focusing completely around research and ultimately I am going to be applying as greedy as I possibly can if we get attacked early we are absolutely doomed if we don't I think we are going to be snowballing so quickly we are going to get all of the endgame techs very very early on I also kind of want to say if this is a viable play style if I ever play a game with all of the difficulties on absolute maximum that is the end game Crysis appearing very very early on all of the IO empires having advanced starts just an absolute nightmare of a run as a lot of people have suggested this in the past I don't think this will be viable for that completely but I think it's going to be insanely fun we are getting all the text as fast as possible so then let's explain the law and the actual reason behind some of these choices a little bit more as for the law of this species they are a sickly and frail race they are non adaptive and they are weak they rely almost completely on their robotic servants to get by not really being able to do much in terms of heavy lifting however they are intelligent natural engineers after relying on the machines for so long and they are rapid breeders essentially the only reason they've even survived on this planet is because there's so many of them it doesn't matter if a few of them get picked off by the wildlife thankfully that's going to make them incredibly good at getting lots of research very quickly with their numbers increasing rapidly they are then egalitarian all of their species are treated equal because picking on themselves would just result in more and more of them failing which wouldn't be good considering the whole sickly and frail nature this will give us plus 5% to there specialist outputs and plus $0.25 influence from their factions so keeping our factions happy is going to be key since I am also going to be fanatic materialist it means we'll get the edict I think it's research grants which is 200 influence for a plus 10% modifier to our research lead I won that up all of the time so our factions need to be happy we are analyst ed fanatic materialists giving us plus 10% to our research speed by default and our robots are 20% cheaper this is really really great especially since I plan to turn into synths as soon as possible we are then democratic this is because we hide the hat to be democratic or oligarchic to be egalitarian and unlocks meritocracy lighter which is plus 10% specialist output I'll be getting this as soon as I can as for civics we are mechanist sand we have a technocracy now the technocracy is one of my favorite civics in the game it simply allows us to have our researchers also generate one unity that doesn't sound like much both how greedy I'm intending to play with loads of researchers that should adder and should counter the fact I'm not really going to be building many unity buildings I don't think it will completely make up for it but it will certainly go a long way on top of that one of our administrator jobs is replaced they say director a science director will give us loads of research without at the consumer goods cast but doesn't give us unity unlike the administrator I think it also gives amenities like the administrator but I though I even more research we are mechanist because we rely on our robot buddies for pretty much everything this means eight of our populations we robots rather than our main species and we instantly get the tech to build more machines normally you have to research for that but instead it's already given to us which is lovely and our robot upkeep is reduced by 5% so cheaper robots we get them to begin with and we are rushing to become cents and we really need to become cyborgs very quickly also I need to stop saying lovely so much it stops being so lovely after a while now our ship appearance I want to quickly change to being there we are the fungus because I just find that more fun and I also want that to be a housing even though we're not a fungus species I just kind of like that ok so with that we move forward we are already on very very high difficulties so I'm going to keep it as it is eventually though I am going to be playing a really difficult battle in which I have the end game like this oh it's only one off really those are two off her paradigm closer than I thought and also the advanced AI starts will be at maximum so all the I I Empire's will be maxed out difficulty I'll probably even add more empires in if you'd like to see any other difficulty modifiers added in the future tell me in the comments below it's going to be an utter nightmare so even though I'm finding it difficult to speak already for some reason let's begin and so here we begin near the bottom of the galaxy I always end up here for some reason this is like the main spot I end up with by the way let's get going so anything with bonus research is really important however I will grab the extra population growth this time get things going in food policy into nutritional plenitude I want map the Stars as soon as possible because I really really want that unity and I'm really hoping we get the cyber x if we get the cyber x we are in such a good position since they'll give us extra robot bonuses next up to start off being greedy instantly which is instantly going to undermine all of our basic resources I want a research facility yep that hurts so much already but that's fine the question is are we going to go down expansion or discovery first now discovery would be more fun but silly expansion is clearly the right choice population growth our admin cap increases our first few colonies have more people expansion is just fantastic discovery does give us plus 10% research speed and faith in science which means our populations have minus 20% upkeep when they're researching which essentially just means less consumer goods from that job so I think I will go down discovery just to be silly we are going completely mad River research which will probably slow us down for future research because we're going to have so few basic resources but you know maybe you'll work out really well maybe this will be a fantastic way of lying or perhaps we're being stupid easily playing so probably the latter well that is certainly not the precursor we want at all on the up side we get a bio weapon at the end which makes our ships bombardment horrifyingly effective but that's not really something we care about I think there's only one of the precursor I would want less than this one and it might be equal with those two and that's one which gives us the cryo core which is all about the upkeep of our ships and our colonies still we're going to go after it's fast as possible because I want that unity construction and we're gonna be silly and go down discovery as well let's go full-on stupid our economy is about to be completely undermined now I'm making one more research lab which will send us into the negative of consumer goods not exactly great there but if we can continue this research just to keep on increasing at this right we're gonna be doing very well as all of these commencing let us hope definitely going to choose all the free resource options all these bits of research and by research women say anomalies the word research now this board into my mind a machine's already being improved they'll be built faster and they'll take less energy to run we have a faith in science which means our research staff have their upkeep reduced by 20% which is fantastic so hopefully by the end of the month we'll go back to a neutral amount of consumer goods that's great our energy still isn't particularly great but honestly my economy is not as bad as I thought it was going to be my alloys are all but gone but other than that we're not doing horrendously science Oddie at 200 which is pretty darn high for this early in the game so I'm getting a lot of the early stuff very very quickly we'll see if it's worth it over the long run as long as I can continue to increase my research at the speed it's gonna be great but if it hurts my economy to the point it's absolutely throttling the Empire then there's gonna be a problem and as I say that we won't have energy but we do have loads of minerals thanks for our robots look at their different faces oh no the only full empire I did not want to find today the holy guardians also we can trap sin really quickly I just found an alien over here which I'm really hoping isn't going to be a problem because then I'm going to become really squished so the reason why the holy guardians are particularly bad for us is because becoming cyborg makes them upset coming since makes them horrendously angry to the point they naturally attack you to humiliate you I don't want that happening every single time they can and they are right next to us yeah we may have to make a fleet after all so perhaps one of the first worlds we get will have to be an alloy world which is not fantastic okay check out what's there at least I found one world so far as well not the best start honestly will you like us you are authoritative and an oligarchy but you are also fanatic zina file so that means yes plus ten and that will increase by 20 over the next few years instantly protective and I am going to instantly grab all of these okay fantastic so you're going to protect us from outside threats aren't you sweet okay family primitive civilization here we could invade this ooh adaptive natural physicists and that good of Alpine world's which will be really nice for us we get 10 people if we invade this which we should be able to do no because we're gallant Aryan oh I don't think we can even do that yes we can we can excellent now you won't like this so I'll wait until we've got a bit more trust so you will instantly flip out on us but yeah start moving towards that world then we're gonna have to start making a fleet just to clear out things like this because this is a relic world and I am really low on worlds although I want to play quite tall rather than wide we still want more welds than this ok on the upside on this system the aliens are not particularly hostile they're technically they are hostile they're not going to move in to engage us there aren't passive rather than aggressive so what that means is if I make sure that you don't go anywhere near them I can get a scientist over to the relic world and then we claim the system later on ok good Zeno rejoice for we are here to enlighten you sure some of you just got quite badly mangled and hurt since we just invited you but you know sometimes progress requires a little bit of sacrifice namely yours we could have used our first civilian industry planet so we have one for allies one for research one for consumer goods definitely going with the robot assembly plans regardless you know what sure so this is going to become our very first industrial world extremely adaptive oh okay so I misread barely I thought does this adaptive that's fine slow breeders which is a bit annoying but that's fine as well okay you can return home construction vessel please get our energy resources oh we found soul okay so what have we got this time we built a tomb world oh dear so for those who aren't aware within stellaris you can find earth in multiple phases either as primitives about to enter the space age as of course a regular Empire or as a tomb world because they destroyed themselves well done humans so on the downside yes it was nukes which destroyed earth on the upside cockroaches conservative cockroaches which we are going to uplift as soon as possible so we're going to claim this world and then we're going to uplift them the reason why this is actually fantastic is because they have tomb world preference so plus 60 percent habitability on all planets and plus 80 percent on tomb worlds they can have it any planet and they have a natural plus 5 percent happiness and governing ethics attraction increase they will follow us blindly into the into scientific breakthroughs because of the emigration from this planet the gang of full +5 on our second world but it's fantastic plus we are now building our robots facility there as well so the second world should get up and running nice and quickly that's pretty rubbish honestly we haven't got many research stations that I want it just because it's on theme it'd give us like plus one of each research maybe for now just give me best shields next up we're going with expansion I really want the population growth and I want the add pink cap increase now researching the ability to uplift species that's right we are going to be getting Seoul a little bit earlier unexpected of course that means I needed the influence to grab this and I just reactivated map the Stars with only three science vessels yeah having a such a week starting economy is horrendous especially after the last full playthrough which is all about the basic economy but I am still able to build more science facilities every single chance I get which is pretty darn nice been having to sell loved relics to keep things going smoothly but it is still going a surprisingly smoothly and we're going to need a new colony ship now I can't send one by default because it'll save as no path so I'll have to move it manually which is fine why is it so cheap new rule of any chance new ruler frontier spirit oh that's beautiful thank you good timing new ruler may you long reign oh well I suppose now you'd be reelected because we are a democracy and we are I'm still getting used to being a democracy and not a dictatorship or a monarchy at the moment it's weird everyone has a say in things okay now that the stability is finally in the positive in our new world they will stay as our industrial world and soon we can have a second one of you you're about to upgrade as soon as you do you're gonna be a new tech world so I'm going to have three tech worlds and one industrial world at the moment which is oh that's greedy our economy will be happy I will not sweat lazin that the important thing here why are you saying I have unspent trite points I don't game you are lying to me okay now that we started to colonize the world we can begin to uplift this species so think we'll be okay as long as we finish the conversation first which I should write her maybe I should have left a little bit lighter just in case bizarrely our economy is not looking too bad now we're about to build a brand new research facility and I've just cleared out the spire which means we have eight researcher jobs over here so I'd consumer goods are about to vanish again but I think the reason what we're doing so well other than that is cuz the robots it's forcing us to have farmers and minor workers so as long as you have those we have the base economy going pretty darn strongly and that's because at the moment they're not drawing it's when their droids they can also work as clerks and everything else and they can do some of the basic specialist jobs but for now they're just mindless workers later on synths hello curators yet we're gonna have this on as often as possible that's plus ten percent research speed oh that's a dimensional portal researcher this world has a portal on well of all worlds have a portal this is definitely the best since you're going to get all the positive modifies are being on the relic world that is fantastic all the physics and there we go we are making our droids and now we are uplifting our roaches the roaches are now amongst us it turns out they get bonus happiness if they're living on worlds belonging to their benefactors Oh which of course is us and that's plus ten percent unless that's really nice once you have the housing sorted it should allow the population start growing again so actually do that first so we are Oh that's horrendous okay where are you there we are hello theaters you were a great little species you are you gonna be so happy plus five percent from being conservative and then plus ten percent on any world which belongs to us we have a weird little group right now don't we I forgot how much influence you get if you uplift a species all that is fantastic so yeah research grants back on map the Stars back on that is really good number worlds over there so will over here though so let's make ourselves a new colony ship as soon as we can so here's something amazing our neighbors actually have pathetic level technology compared with us that's the earliest I've ever seen that happen also the reason why our economy isn't in complete shambles at the moment it's because we're getting things like this very quickly the bonus to miners and energy resources and all that other good stuff more worlds for us fantastic now that we have our uplifted species we are going to be able to grab pretty much every world we see which is so nice no that's the wrong one but now I've actually bought you well say yes the plant will rule over the roaches of course and loaded the stellaris God say to the larix you have been punished for long enough without a suitable set of worlds have all of them have all of the words and nathir ik said yeah because he wasn't good with words the flesh is weak the limits and constraints imposed on us by our feeble organic bodies are simply unacceptable to reach our full potential we must turn to cybernetic implants so there we go our species are about to become far far better and this should infect in fact it should affect everyone is now Empire in fact in no wise is gonna control them it is the dawn of a new era the ultra cockroach this is gonna rapidly become our minds of Ages 20% habit stability plus the 60% minimum from two more preference it's gonna be growing on every planets as a default except for very specific world's oh wait and there adapt if I forgot okay yep they're just gonna be everywhere that's kind of fantastic now that also means our leaders get + wipes at research speed if their researchers if they are in control of a fleet they get + Phibes and fire raids our leaders just became significantly better basically which I am very very happy with and we need to deal with these aliens already we're quite close to having a fleet just by default strong enough because of all that upgrades but ya might need to make a few more later but later I mean soon let's go with the largest well first so you know that's the wrong one first that's a really nice bonus ok continue good the pretty world first we are now also able to upgrade our government and with that we're going to go with meritocracy plus 10% specialist output and our leaders can gain an additional level that is so so nice so continuing on with all the worlds now being given to us we have the ultimate Gaea world here which is beautiful it has extra minerals but then it's a holy world for the Fallen Empire so that's gonna be fun but then we do have a 25 continental world with the ability to give us loads of extra energy so that's fantastic and of course all these worlds already found yeah we are being given a lot and our neighbors like us so we're just gonna go even greedier now also we're gonna farm some food because we're hungry boys we continue to be friendly their neighbor and then of course gives us stuff see friendliness pays off sometimes since we sold so many of the relics early on I really need to make sure to try and grab as many of the archaeological sites as possible so go to rush over here grab that and then perhaps we can even grab this world and then it'll be like we're giving our neighbors a hug hidden worlds okay so I think what this is is the one which will give us the Oracle which is a really powerful governor which suppresses research not the best but still considering we do need relics I think it's that will give us loads of relics and still very happy that does the beard so you can stop doing that go over here make sure you don't touch any of the enemies and there you go Oh what could do that no that's pretty faster go go hello Oracle site so we could just increase our admin cap by 20 we could get a lot of resources so less than if we activated that earlier or we could have a really powerful governor again the problem with this governor is it does reduce research but it also increases stability by 10 by default and is immortal by increasing the stability by 10 you do increase how many resources you're getting including research so it's not as bad as it seems it also reduces crime is an insanely insanely powerful governor we could perhaps use it in the sole prime sector if we turn all of these into alloy worlds and search and then once we start getting habitats and ring world's keep those over here that might still be worth it just because of how powerful this governor is I don't know if this is the right choice I may end up regretting this later but honestly these two options aren't that fantastic the extra admin cap will be nice don't get me wrong but it's basically one and-a-half repeatable since a repeatable is 15 admin cap which we're going to be starting very soon so that's just like a few months worth of research and that although a lot of resources he's not good in the long run so I really do think the governor for now is worth it maybe later on I will regret that but we'll see especially since we are going to have synth leaders but yeah +10 stability plus 20% unity that is so powerful and we look at that resources from jobs goes through the roof which the bility finally the area is cleared okay can you please survey that and research that's too strong let's not do that okay your job is done go home we can now finally connect our empire together well it turned into a tomb world as interesting at least specialist output increased by 5% all the lovely things and finally some more precursor stuff we're currently on two of six that's insanely bad at this point now admittedly I didn't have that many science vessels but even so that was terrible it's gonna be a long time before we see our precursors thankfully we didn't have a particularly great one anyway but still I wanted me unity in the good system and the stuff we're in a really good position for defending our systems we have a bastion here a bastion there a bastion there a bastion there we are completely defended and because we're doing so well for science I wonder if we go down the route of inter of internal of eternal vigilance I wonder if we could protect from the end game crisis permanently by just having really really powerful bastions that the interesting construction maybe a mini challenge for this run I don't know if he has became a challenge for this run I probably mentioned it at the start if not then it was a passing thought we're doing very well in terms of research of fact we're just about to get battleships this early on that is phenomenal so from what I'm seeing so far is that this playstyle is very very viable if you don't get hassled early on if you do get hassled you will just be crushed but that risk means you're going to be very strong versus the endgame crisis because you're going to have things like battleships and all the things you can use to counter them otherwise you're probably gonna be very weak against them and also because it's a very tall place not only somewhat Sall considering I do a fair bit of space now of all the worlds we've found it's not going to be too difficult to defend your space not all that many entry points prosperity is finished and now we need to decide on what five ascension perks are we going to pick so what do I want galactic wanders and master-builders defender of the galaxy synthetic evolution and eternal vigilance now void born is also amazing though so that's a sixth option we can grab that now now that we can really build any habitats right now but that is really fantastic so the only reason why I want eternal vigilance is the whole concept of can I actually defend my space purely using Citadel's which would be really cool I've also realized we actually have two entry points down here not one which is really owing I guess once the endgame crisis occurs perhaps we should grab some of the spikes to make it a bit less accessible if we invade all of this territory then all of this that becomes the new single entry points so eventually we will most likely go toward our neighbors so do I pick void born on us that's the question we definitely want these two because that'll be insane it's really between then void born and eternal vigilance well since neither of them actually affect us right now I'm going to leave it and decide later we can't build habitats at the moment so we don't have any defensive Citadel's so we don't really care we have just unlocked synthetics which means now our robots are giving us an additional 10% and I've went ahead and allowed them to have four citizen rights which does sadly require more housing and our amenities are suffering a little bit but it is definitely worth it that way they weren't up rise against us which is pretty nice so finally we have the home system this will give us a huge bonus of unity which I'm really happy our worlds now are rapidly increasing in power soon a3 Forge will to be giving us loads of alloys at to new research worlds we're giving us even more research and pretty much everything we already have we'll be better than it was we've also already researched Titans so we'll have Titan soon as soon as our main Starbase upgrades a bit more search the homeworld has been found minerals a new artifact action a little bit of research loads of unity and a deadly bio weapon which I'll probably never use synthetic evolution immortality is within our grasp so whilst we research that and we become one with the machine let's convert all of our farmland into city districts generators and mining districts and remove our gene clinics and just build more regular buildings in their place [Music] sadly we have no migration treaties so we won't be getting any people randomly and to become machines but you know machines and machines and so we are now machines lovely there's some people are really not gonna like that so let's improve ourselves nice and quickly now we will get some more trait points later and got all the research to that yet so gang tech again just plus five percent from jobs would be great I don't mind it's costing more to make that's fine we are pretty what else then faster to make as well happier I think for now let's just continue to make us nice and quickly for now we'll get minus temps and happiness because these fellows are demanding it the lights are on I will destroy them so you know we're unhappy now we'll tread on this goals light so I mean it's a pretty good deal for us I've only just now realized one of our leaders was misplaced at some points so now instead we have this fellow with plus temp sentry search bleedin of course +5 because they are synthetic okay with that you can start researching there before you accidentally spawn the dragon and so we continue now building machines population is increasing rapidly our research has just increased a4k and most of our resources are increasing even faster than that now minerals are suffering because we are a very expensive species but ultimately we are doing a very very well now and we even have jump drives about start making some proper fleets and we're about to build our very first habitat to combat the whole mineral problem so before the end came crisis why we really want to do is attack over here because in all of these black holes there are also some void clouds at the void clouds we could get some cloud lightning and the good thing with cloud lightning is it counts as pretty much every end game crisis to a decent-enough extent which means I can super focus on energy weapon damage I don't think it's fantastic versus the scourge I think pure auntie Armour and auntie hole is better there but for everything else because so many of them rely on shields cloud lightning which ignore shield and armor and then are committers because they're battleships for a second yeah these things as well so ignore shields and armor we can really really focus on that it's also quite tech-heavy looking so you know it also fits the theme and why do I love gene clinics here please go away well that's very lucky we're already getting mega engineering so with that we can start building the science nexus and the basic and mega structures which then will unlock Galactic wonders and then we can have these two straightaway Galactic Wonders and Master Builders so we can really really push for all those mega structures so I'm very glad we're now getting a lot of alloy worlds well this is gonna stop the Fallen Empire from attacking us anymore so let's go straight over there because this is the two moles talking about earlier I have got so lucky right this will give us a brand new relic which will allow us to summon fallen Empire ships it also makes us the chosen one which means we can go to this gaya world without them attacking us even if we are sins don't worry we'll still destroy them later but for now we can ignore them for a while my fleet is now moving out let's go and get that cloud lightning and let's continue oh never mind I'm gonna say that until you gain more alloys but for now let's get a bit more energy cuz that's fantastic since there's a rare resource on the planet yes now we do that which will fix the immunities problem and then once a districts for the future lovely we need to start doing now though is getting the admin cap repeatable 'z haven't seen them once yet so you know what let's ignore that it's get some the cheap stuff and keep rolling for it and save up some alloy so it can begin the science Nexus that will help us to unlock all of these lovely things and also the science Nexus itself is amazing construction even just a blanket bonus to our research and giving us some research points as well also now at 6 K research we are so rapidly getting more research well as easy as expected not complaining them okay good you already on the way so grab that as fast as you can please research I've almost got a new relic now researching cloud lightning so they'll be our main focus now for our battleships okay we now have the new relic which means the Fallen Empire no longer dislike us and I've just got myself a tiny little fallen Empire fleet which apparently is invisible oh no there it is hello you will serve me so now what we need to do is start to set up our final choke points realistically all we need to do is grab this system here and the connecting points so that we can protect it a little bit easier these guys may not realize this but by me doing this I am protecting them they guided us in that early days and now we're going to protect them and if we take over their worlds we will free them from mortality we are granting them the gift of undeath mechanical and death so with that how much Oh points will we have one two three four religious rule yeah that's fantastic that is amazing we learnt in a really good position we are already at 7k research that's increasing rapidly still we're going to be very very very well prepared for the endgame crisis now I could try to gear up and attack the Fallen Empire even if we fail just game their tech would be fantastic burst getting this would be glorious although this area is a bit more difficult or to protect oh god yeah it's awful you could grab it then just leave you outside of our borders in terms of our protection don't know but for now it's time to start building some more fleets as we are building the science Nexus that's going to take a while go start writing our defense platforms now I don't really know if we are going to go with the whole concept of can I completely defend ourselves with defense platforms but defense platforms using the lightning I think going to be hilarious to watch so if nothing else we're going to have a lots of them turns out the science Nexus was to open up a little bit earlier than expected so we had to stop building the habitat here and had to stop building one of my Titans need to be a bit better with me math apparently but now that's gonna take quite some time so I think we should build up some more battleships and start taking over this space here now sadly they are in a federation I believe where are you Nautica least wrong one and they are already at war so you know what we can probably take them up now the only question is Ravinder influence which I should do considering the biskits influence back from canceling at the habitat so as a begin with we need to just do that now we are this is the choke point it's all completely cut off of Matt which also means we are splitting their empire in half which is hilarious oh good homeworld more since for the simple now with that we declare war they were right there I didn't realize this did now oh yeah should probably take these back at some point but these systems are terrible I don't really care if I keep them looks awful for border but other than that probably should build some more ground forces now think about it Oh xenomorphs I think I can be builder xenomorphs although my speech is now going away very very quickly apparently I'm tired sorry to say our tech is so much further ahead than yours we don't even recognize your shields and your armor now species set default rights assimilation then you'll get full rights in fact you'll get utopian abundance once you yield to us you get so much good stuff and you're a robot say hello to the Xenomorphs being led by a butcher this can only go well Oh to be fair yeah we are so much stronger than you and that quality of units are so much higher oh that is oh I've never seen them die so quickly you wanna give up no why not relative Navy sort of - fiyo of course because I'm at war with the entire Federation who are currently at war with other people and this can't help you well I guess I'll just go around destroying your fleets and finding other fleets to destroy I'll just take out all your stations which apparently are all fairly weak Wow we super out tech you supremacy is now finished so once again let's have a look see what we want cuz I think I may have miscounted earlier so we have four left we want eternal vigilance most likely just a fun void born master-builders galactic wonders oh no that's all for good that's every thing we want really galactic contend it would be interesting to get the Fallen Empire gone a little bit faster but other than that and the Colossus project would be good because warring will be faster but again don't really care we don't want much more space this is us we're going to start building ring worlds as soon as we can and until then we can build habitats so in that case because all you have a habitat let's grab where are you boyd born lovely where are these fellows even connected to the rest of the Federation nothing there no connections no connections more order Empire dupa dupa do okay so here and these love us so we can enter our they're the ones fighting oh wow how do you even have a fleet left you are being crushed like just completely crushed [Music] okay I was gonna grab this anyway so go down to their hopeless up there now at peace with the whoa oh well done to the robots we could do and I guess just jump jump there start taking systems well I'm going to jump then we may as well grab all the systems we can before we go so grab all of those grab up here then jump conch bulbs go way back down here well we might make a secondary fleets to grab them light or need a few more points it's just really war exhaustion we're just waiting for them to get exhausted you've lost deal with it we could grab another world offer you threaten threaten the surveyor scant lines in your territory for new resource deposits so I just found that from destroying the drone hub over here I am sure I've destroying that before never found a relic before maybe that's just a rare random thing only costs 500 energy it has a slower cooldown than the rest and by slower I meant to say faster 1800 rather than 3600 that's really nice well BAPS hopeful future also I have now activated Scientific Revolution giving us plus twenty tenth research speed and plus one research of alternatives although that is slowing us down getting all the rest of the traditions it's just so darn powerful glorious lightning and there we go so status quo will give us everything you want right just to make sure yet we get the choke points we get their homeworld and that's all we really care about good mining station thank you and apparently we're being attacked by pirates as I just lost hormone mining stations were just kind of annoying hello world you're all being converted I'll check out the world once they're all converted and see what I want to do with it could be another research world could be a new alloy world he'll be terrible we do kind of need more about to spend 15,000 on the next level of the science Nexus and we really start building about fleet now by the way though let's put a station here just I remember oh yeah that's where the Bastion goes they can't get in no wormholes here no one holds my territory which is important that's great that is already going to be a bastion let's keep leveling it up thank you and yes I know this is all alloys are just horrendous why you missiles yeah sure okay lads get back don't go through the marauders instead do that there we go okay so something a little bit interesting I'm now going to be having these fellows growing alongside our since as long as we have one population what will happen is they will migrate to all the other planets they can and on those planets they will of course grow normally even though they're all migrating with this one population they grow fairly quickly apparently this will be remarkably powerful on our ring worlds where we're going to need loads of population and the reason why I've chose these fellows is twofold first of all to mole preference fantastic they can go everywhere second of all their psyche us so we're going to have psychos working along their machines and that's just awesome all the rest well all the rest are us fairly soon time to answer a question which is to me quite some time ago but I think is really poignant right now why do I realize so much more on defense platforms rather than the ion cannons that is when I'm going into Citadel's really really like game and I'm getting all the tech and all the repeater balls why do I kind of shift away from these and then just ignore them and it's simply because of the weapon itself because the ion cannon isn't classed as kinetic energy or missile I can't up grind it directly now with the defense platforms you can give them the defense platform whole point increase they defense platform damage increase but then on top of that you can also upgrade their weapons along with your regular ships especially attack speed which means they suddenly become very good at killing pretty much anything including swarms whereas the ion cannon will always have this really really long cooldown and you can't build that many of them so if the enemy was perhaps only a 5 or 6 fleet and really strong single targets then perhaps the ion cannon would outdo the defense platforms but when there's loads of swarm links for instance or loads of the unbidden ships they all fire let's say they all get a one-shot kill because you've upgraded the defense platform so much then you've got to wait twenty one point seven five seconds or days I suppose stellaris tanks and in that time you are utterly doomed whereas these things will fire constantly and get faster and faster and faster and then when you get to the point where they are mowing down in small targets in only a few hits then they absolutely crush pretty much everything now sadly of course these have way more hole points are less vulnerable to being taken out if they're focused and you tend to lose quite a few of these per time but still these tend to be more successful at least from what I've seen perhaps I'm doing the math wrong here perhaps I'm completely incorrect but that's the reason why I use defensive platforms over ion cannons unless I'm also using battleships to defend in which case the range then makes up for it did that make sense maybe that made sense I don't know it's 3 a.m. I stopped listening to myself hours ago Sian's Nexus is complete and with that we can make our very first Ringworld which I'm gonna put right we could put it there but now let's put there the reason why that'd be interesting because this was the original home load of our precursor a now barren world so I may have forgot we needed to actually researcher in worlds after grabbing this entrant perk the ball construction of vessels is going to be the sitting here for a while so decided the ech is going to be a research world so whilst the Ringworld is being created it's time to make ourselves a Dyson Sphere now one problem we have currently is we don't actually have a black hole within that territory which means we can't get a massive decompressor so no minerals but our mining stations are absolutely wonderful so I think we'll be okay and I can't build a Dyson Sphere here because oh because of you okay good by him let's try that again shall we mega-structure Dyson Sphere I just thought of something imagining the bastions yet look quite weak at the moment the reason is sadly cloud likely has a really low average damage per second and because of that this that's a terrible and because of that you get really really weak force count but the thing is this hard counters the endgame crisis so even though it's gotten much less fleet power than conventional weapons it will just destroy them especially the unbidden this is going to be completely countering the unbidden good against the scourge they're not quite sure about the rest I mean there's nothing really which they're terrible against I'd imagine and once again just to make sure my point is coming across it's cool lightning is cool and shiny now one thing we could do is rather than eternal vigilance we could just go down the route of the arcology project that would make our planets insanely powerful that plus all of the wonders would just be impossibly powerful but this is still more interesting to me five extra defense platforms it also increases the Starbase whole points and damage the Starbase is definitely not as important as the defense platforms but still the extra five platforms and then 25% damage so it's two and a half repeater bulls which isn't that much I really really want to use this but I'm really really thinking that even if we do try and just defend ourselves with the station's the our ecology project would just back us so much better I don't know we've got until I finish diplomacy because you know we're friendly well the mid-game crisis is finally activated these fellows have just woken up construction there could be a big problem for us but hopefully it sets its sights on the much larger Empire to the north and this leaves us alone should have killed them earlier did a lot of threatening about that dearly didn't think about it them okay so here's the thing housing is a bad thing but unemployment isn't terrible and that's because all of our people don't have one unemployed that one second so it being distracted okay yeah all of our people currently have this utopian abundance which means plus two of all research and a little bit of unity if they're unemployed and they still have their normal happiness housing on the bank can cause issues like stability problems but not majorly but once again this could be solved if I just turn them all into the arcology project one more point towards that I suppose diplomacy is finally finished and now I need to decide do we choose the fun option which will eventually make our bastions just so much better although most of the upgrades are essentially just beefed up versions of repeatable z' or do we turn our worlds into giant cities of power and influence stupid fun power and influence stupid influence hmm this is something which is difficult to decide so I love both of these things being stupid and being powerful I mean they're the two things everyone should strive for oh let's go of stupid okay eternal vigilance it is so what we need to really do now as soon as I have the edict earth where are you there we are the architectural Renaissance this will allow us to have one more mega structure being built which means we can start building the districts in the Ring world we can continue with the Dyson Sphere and we can build I said we can build the Coordination Center why would you want the Coordination Center because it adds extra defense structures to the bastions we can have even more defense stations defense platforms defense platforms yes it's 5:00 a.m. my brain has long since died every passing minute I become more potato than man engineers from the United is yet the united rixie accord have been following the construction of our ring world from afar and are greatly impressed of our progress they request our permission to stationed a team of engineers where they can learn from our efforts now is the problem is the problem that's the problem a veneer is they hate us like they are just outright not friendly with us the whole hostile thing it just so happens they kind of inferior to us so doesn't matter too much but no denied the request you haven't earned this you don't get what you haven't earned unless you're in the real world in which case it's mostly random oh that is gorgeous with the little asteroid ring around it stellaris sometimes time really takes my breath away then I remember to breathe and everything's okay but at that moment that's gonna be gorgeous okay so I'm saving immunity so I can grab this which will increase the mega-structure build speed by an additional 50% and we can build an additional one at the same time so I'll probably use that whoops today's it I'll go fix it a second I'll probably use that to speed through all of the ring sections which means then when the ring welds finish we can start work on the next ring well frame and build the Coordination Center at the same time that is the current plan and as we know I never deviate from plans because I could totally think ahead in time more than five seconds okay so the entire time apparently I was using the wrong main weapon on my battleships didn't really make a difference huge mistake oh yeah that is terrible because with cloud lightning being stacked the Lance's would have never got through all the shielding and armor before these killed the hull nobody saw that I'm sure it's not like I'm recording or anything because that would be crazy oh dear okay so this event is interesting except for this system do not go there so someone open up the L gate and essentially it's already being controlled by another species but this species is secretly spoilers spoilers then nanites they're the nanites so either way when I scaping the nanites so on the downside that means now any endgame crisis can use the l gates to bounce around upside we don't have an L gate in our territory all we have is a regular gateway which activated earlier where's the closest tailgate to us just scanning the initial area there are wormholes so actually not too much of a problem for us then okay that's fine just making sure the enemy won't stack up multiple times if it's something like the scourge or the contingency construe okay Rank 1 of the Dyson Sphere is now complete already giving us 1200 energy and so we continue to increase this okay so the enemy are going to be the scourge so what am I going to do about that well stray away I gonna change the defense platforms so now we're using anti armor stuff but could still stick with cloud lightning I do prefer these and thankfully they're both classes energy weapons so the question is which ones longer ranged Wow by a long shot the neutron launchers 130 versus only 60 okay so we're going to stick with these then on the battleships I think I will stick with the ignore everything and the reason for that is because they do have that main weapon with the extreme range but these all do this and I'm swapping over to armor because the Scourge are fantastic versus shields so quickly convert all of our things into that which should also increase the fleet power which is lovely just a nice little side effect oh yeah it increases it by a huge amount by a 1.2 K each the breach point is miles away from us yeah we are definitely going to be able to survive on these bastions I say definitely most likely I think potentially yes guardians of the galaxy I have never seen this happen okay will V be able to save us we don't need them so the Xena file fallen Empire have just woken up and we can invite them into a federation you know what I'll leave them we're going to just kind of sit here now the galaxy can fend for itself or be devoured either way we're gonna be just fine already at one hundred and fifty eight thousand power and that's only going to increase especially with the Ring worlds finally giving us some tech Wow only seventeen populations here and already a hundred of each research these are going to be mad so some of them never noticed before is when you create a Dyson Sphere and you can police it worlds around become frozen world's at least two of these were not frozen before I just caught the end of the animation where the world was transforming as if it's been terraformed and it's all frozen it makes sense because now you're harvesting all of the energy from the Sun here it's basically freezing out the system just never noticed it nice touch thumbs up now some of you may have been wondering why don't I just go ahead and start being aggressive now why am I not taking over the Fallen Empire why am I not taking over the Empire over here especially since they have some pretty decent worlds within grabbing distance and simply put it was purely because of the Empire sprawl our Empire sprawl is still increasing fairly quickly because of the new Ring worlds we have two more ring worlds currently growing at the moment we have two completed Ring worlds and all of them have districts it costs a lot of admin cap now though because our research has increased so drastically we are now able to start taking over more space without going over our admin camp normally going a little bit over the admin cap isn't a big deal but when you're looking at such huge amounts of research for every last thing now because we are well into their ibiza balls it hurts so much to go over so right now I'm going to take over all this then after that I'm going to prep myself for attacking the Fallen Empire now honestly speaking because of the gateways and everything else here it's not particularly good for chokepoints I can't figure out a good position unless I take over loads of space we're probably just going to rush in take over the homeworld and leave it we're still going to kind of count this as a hidden border when the enemy come to attack us we're just going to ignore this and eventually it'll be devoured the end of days is upon them so then let's see right now claims I want to be able to grab this system as well yes I'm going to wait until I have how much just 28 more influence then I'm going to start attacking our fleet is order here at 300k now suddenly we are stacking armor which isn't great but first of all we massively out fleet power them secondly cloud lightning is good after everything we're going to burn them or electrocute them or make them not very happy now with the awakened Empire thankfully I don't need to make claims I can simply do end threats because you know they're the threat not name so what I could do is attack them and take over all of this this here is dead end this here is a dead end so choke points choke points that's annoying unless okay never mind so we grab all of that choke point choke point just ignore this section here completely so we turn two into three that's actually not bad at all of course I want a bit more admin cap before I do that because this is gonna be horrendous certainly a plan for the future right now I'm just kind of micromanaging my worlds and is making sure things don't go completely out of control in terms of our spending I think we're doing just fine just way it's gonna influence now this will be mine we've just jumped so a half-strength and yet get out of my system okay stakeout all of these nasty nasty stations and you can follow them along my lovelies xenos oh you're gonna be devoured Xenomorphs killing robots and a laugh ryx to lead them all we're definitely the good guys right now must be sad I mean look how much fun we're bringing to the galaxy also it turns out there are the scared of us the entire Federation is now on status quo plus 50 relative Navy strength your Federation is feeble your buddies a week and we will grant you immortality oh look at all of those oh so many sins yep we're about to get hundreds more population now which is fantastic just keep on focusing on the admin kappa right now please and at least a few of these worlds will become a new consumer good worlds and one of them even a farm we now have enough organics again we have six six six organics good guys we are the good guys games stop trying to make it out like I'm evil I wanted to see them all try and defend each other oh that's why so it turns out one full Empire is basically devoured the other and the rest of the Federation is trying to fight the scourge oh that's why you haven't sent anything to try and defend your defenses lovely I mean I don't need to do this I've got a bastion here and the lower is purely anti-armor it will still shred you apart because of the sheer difference in strength in fact you know I'm not gonna move my fleet there I want to see my Bastion in action so I'm hoping if I don't surrender in time though I'm about to take out I think their last world I climbed so also I won't slow it down just to see that even though would be really cool since I do want to get everything that's been running even more so but still at this point I'm tempted to just go to war with the entire galaxy just look just for the sheer fun of it to see them kill themselves against our bastions all the rocks get there I can't stop the fight though I can I endure it no let me surrender I don't want to win they'll probably settle status quo if I do this like I retraced Thank You planetary encouragement no no get back get back as fast as possible I want to see this happen oh they're just gonna go an attack here aren't they oh that's boring never mind xenos get back to eating their populace lovely send in the robots oh we have loads of species right now which are all being devoured I imagine yep oh wow a light and sonic now that's the weaker version right yeah so you've got the weaker version of psionic but you also have cyborg no self modified oh it's not soluble you just changed some of your other stats oh never mind you're boring become since you will all be perfected you're welcome and no thanks these days no respect really oh I have lots of different ones of these fellows lots and lots of robots okay that's gonna take a while OOP and the game is probably froze on me so that's good so it turns out the game froze because it was trying to figure out all the different populations I've just got and yeah it was a bit of a taxing thing Wow we are almost now our admin cap again so we picked a good time to invade we've just hit that cap so almost all these worlds are going to become older oops-a-daisy so as you can probably tell the game just crashed and I've just continued from an autosave and got back to where we were so what I was trying to say is most of these worlds are going to become consumer good worlds and regular farms the reason is I want these Ring worlds to be our main source of research they give us plus 15% by default which is great and give us loads of jobs for very very little gas in comparison to the regular buildings which is lovely then later on we can always just add more research buildings here if we so desire I'm also building two more Ring worlds right now which will all be tech so consumer goods tech what else can we do Oh although to be perfectly honest if we do start running out of consumer goods too much the Ring worlds also offer a solution to that if we have a looksie we have the commercial segment which will produce consumer goods and loads of drive volume if I can talk now back to sorting out all of these planets oh boy this is gonna be a long recording session I can tell right now what are you the resource processing sensor now I know what the Ministry of production is I have them already and I'm building them but I've never seen this it's basically a copy of the Ministry of production if at all in the comments would like to tell me how I get this please tell me because I've never seen this before I've seen something of a similar name which is from the caravan as but that gives energy and minerals I believe unless they've changed it has it been changed or again tell me in the comments cuz I have nobody what's going on here either way though this world will be glorious because 15 0 15 percent yet that's a full 30 percent for our industrial world that's gonna be amazing absolutely amazing also we need a new governor sure I want food as well from these worlds so that's fine by me all the rest that seems like they're just about in range of for that so that's great as well starting to think that I may need in agricultural districts this food income is mostly from the rackets we're keeping around of course we could always convert them lighter but it is nice having them around come on scourge spread faster get to my borders I really really wish they spawn somewhere over here over here they spawned in the perfect place for me and that is not what I wanted I am considering using a command to spawn in a secondary crisis I just want to test out these bastions but this is how the games interplay else and I think I've proven that tech rushing might be viable even in the hardest setting as long as you play tall and we don't really annoy people which we could do quite easily I'm thinking of even becoming a Xena file for that reason this right it's not going to be more of a challenge of can a single fleet annihilate the scourge rather than can you survive off bastions I think the bastion idea is definitely a stupid one for when I do it the challenge run trying to make everything as difficult as possible but tech rushing does make your fleet absolutely terrifying construction project finally the scourge starts spreading in the right direction I want to fight you hurry up Oh soon we could probably send in a single fleet and deal with them and very soon we're going to go to war with the Fallen Empire which have been pushed back a little actually her since what people were sick of them after all yeah we could easily crush them at this point interesting births Empire sprawl is still a little bit too close and we are the stacking research so I think until we get a little bit more will just right around in the meantime let's make some Xenomorphs that's interesting they've built this if I climb this if I grab this system will I be able to build a secondary coordination center because that would mean even more defense platforms look at this fallen Empire Colony acolytes of the hyper spanner acolytes of the plough acolytes of the workshop four sectors sky Cardinals that's really weird and getting you lots of resources what a bizarre world huh that's interesting well we don't really care about this world just yet we're going straight for your home world so let's go the long way so we can take all the systems grab all of this then we've got to figure out choke points the problem is these fellows and these fellows actually bow for them taking over certain bits of space there is really as icing so for now we'll just focus on getting this but then we'll have to work on the choke points not that the Scourge seems to like using wormholes though they're saying that only got one under that goes I do not know don't seem to be using it either way let's claim all these systems and let's get more Xenomorphs together lonesome retreat and hidden pearl who a guy a world good we're gonna get lots of worlds out of this yeah they must have been fighting so many people they've just been crushed over time the regular Empire's have just destroyed them should we take over the old guys the question is that where our health gates haven't seen on it we're near a territory I suppose once we go there and take it over we can then build a gateway there so we can teleport to and from nice and easily then just make a really good citadel the first world is now ours and from there we are making it industrial over here the Fallen Empire have decided to take these two systems which didn't really do all that much and they're mostly ignoring the bastion because the bastion would probably crush them over here we've almost taken out every station and now a xenomorphs are moving in to take out the worlds which aren't super well defended but soon we are going to go for the homeworld and a problem the homeworld although it is amazing is that it is also incredibly well protected but it will give us so many resources that's interesting for some reason these fellows are not being instantly assimilated I suppose since we knew about their species before and shall I keep them that's the question they are psionic which is very powerful that's why we're keeping the rackets around their rapid breeders and natural engineers do we keep them as they are or do we convert them I think we leave them as they are sure you get to stick around that's for now maybe I'll change into robots later so this isn't one of our bastions well it is ours now but it's not one that I built up this is just a basic Citadel which we've already captured now to still have defense structures left normally these get destroyed right wow those some serious platforms I can't we have these I guess you must have knocked out the station without knocking out those because of how overpowered we were in terms of fleet power the Phoolan will win this which is kind of annoying let's jump this in they'll take some losses but don't really mind you're still bombarding their that's fine as well good good excuse me we stole that fair and square oh look we are so doing something very enforces against you release the lightning that attack speed is phenomenal so normally fires every six seconds but it's got a two hundred and fifty five percent bonus yeah that is so good swarms and remember this fleet was at 50% strength because it had just jumped we have also now researched the Dark Matter reactor and the Dark Matter thrusters from the corpses of our enemies starting to think we may need to make the galaxy see us in a more positive light although our voice right now was already quite nice how about we go more extreme workers of the galaxy United you have nothing to lose but your restraining fields where we go with that or perhaps so it more like our goal is to create a galactic system that maximizes innovative self-actualization and redefines future-proof solutions for every stage of a customer's life mega Corp we're with you every step of the way let's go with that we're with you every step of the way just imagine this battle for a second so we have psychos here defending their homeworld the pristine Gaia world and it's under attack by a xenomorph army being led by robots oh and by the way the psyche has happened to be slugs okay I didn't even realize that the awakened Empire have taken over great wound which means we will have a black hole within our territory and so we will have practically unlimited minerals not that we're really doing badly now but that's nice well well well the coordination center was already being built apparently and it's continuing we're gonna have to coordination centers that is wonderful okay you're dealing all that where's that the fleet gone you're dealing with this we'll grab this world go on over grab that world go on over grab these so we can clear them out of this space they do have a few worlds over here but they can keep them I guess I don't really care too much now grabbing the final world which I'm after them and it's a pretty good world actually they'll gates are already open guys but okay they have robots I thought I didn't like robots interesting maybe they captured this from someone else once we have that I've already made climbs all over here and here so we're going to grab all of these systems here that way we can have one two three choke points instead of the two we had previously so we are opening up our borders a little bit there but it doesn't mean we have all these awesome worlds though now we are officially over I'm an admin cap again it's been a very long time but it's finally occurred which I'm not happy with in the slightest right now with our population and everything else the game is running very very poorly everything I'm trying to do is being slowed down but the game that's not being very responsive and that's getting to the point where it's becoming difficult to really record this without it's taking days and days in fact this is the fourth day of recording already so I'm going to do is invade some of the Scourge space over here originally I was going to say I'll just take this system from the robots but instead we move in we take this system we survey it and we claim as our own we then put a citadel there and then we can see if the Scourge can break through it so whilst it's being built up I will of course defend it with a couple of fleets or perhaps even just one fleet honestly we're at that level and then once the Citadel is fully complete we'll leave it alone and see if it stands and how long it will stand for that'll also stop the scourge from going this way for a long time in fact wow we could like completely block them off of just two systems that system there and that system there would completely stop the scourge going this way really okay that's pretty awesome okay the new Coordination Center is already at its first level so I should be able to make yep even more defensive platforms that's wonderful that is completely wonderful okay so I'm going to ignore these choke points for now since the Scourge gonna take so long to get there and we're going to focus completely on our mission over here for the time being so it's moving one of our fleets there we are think it's one of our better ones get your butt over there please now do I level up the coordination center further or do I start building our matter decompressor I think we may as well just continue with the coordination center for now lovely yeah we only have three currently being built which is two of the Ringworld sites and the coordination center sadly the Titan already fired its weapon at the main building over there which kind of vanished oh lightning so our fleets can definitely take out a scourge fleet lovely did we actually lose any ships we lost one battleship so we're not quite perfect in terms of being able to hold them off forever with this but still pretty close I'm not bad for one fleet and we're now healing since we have an engineer as a leader and a Titan also has the healing capability I'm gonna need more influence and I thought that's kind of annoying well this is new I can now build the auto forges that's one of the Fallen Empire buildings so I got that whoa the game does not like me right now okay now it's back to normal thank you I got that from reverse engineer arcane technology that's the first time I've ever got something like that don't really need it now but that's phenomenal because that requires no workers it's just producing alloys for energy and minerals I'll have to make sure let's do that on cooldown let's see if I'll get something else is that because I've got the fallen empires buildings already don't know I love that lightning so much we let them get way too close once again one battleship down we do have a Corvette swarm over here which I'm using as a Rapid Response so if the battleships fail it's not a big deal okay so I can only build one of them that makes sense sorry bud but you're no longer going to build that matter decompressor because I want that influence now can I build yes I can fantastic so the next choke point then to completely cut off this section from the rest of the galaxy would be either here here or here actually any of these four would never mind for some reason I thought I was going around so I'll do that over here first and then eventually we'll go to war with one of those groups doesn't matter which may climb on one of those systems probably this one so I do like the robots and this Empire seems fairly dead so it won't really hold up much resistance you friendly of anyone yes you're in a federation so I'm not good to have to fight and defend my territory whilst I grab it but it should be fairly quick so the war will be over almost instantly lovely thank you now researcher can you please go this way because it turns out there's an injured Queen over here I didn't even notice I apparently got this at some point this research so yeah when I research event I should say so I want that I want that now upscale incomplete there we are lovely keep the fleets here until it's finished and I can start work on our Bastion they try this analyzed something else we'll just realize is the reason why we are losing battleships is purely because we're using cloud lightning rather than the normal anti-armor stuff this is more fun because it's so short range it means the enemy get a chance to attack us if we use the longer range anti-armor stuff however they would essentially just not be able to do that at all they'd be destroyed before they reach us such humble beginnings long live the Queen who I've named doodle after my corn snake so over time doodle here will slowly create her own little fleece so that's pretty darn nice so if I wanted to fully contain this scourge outbreak how would I do that here here then where else here so I can't expend that way so that's three ways they can't go that's not a good choke point but that is there so it stops them from going in this way then I guess just put down to one here one here hmm well sing we will say we could do actually fight them back a little bit Oh actually the air that'll be easier what we could do is fight them back to here and place one down there that stops both ways then do the same clear out all of this and put a bastion here yeah maybe that's the end goal then this let's play at this playthrough Oh fellas go there because a queen is about to be attacked otherwise okay good the cool let's go away I'm scaling complete upscaling complete ah this is gonna hurt the cool that's really up meant for this they were just going to be there to destroy stations to fare though it's not like an expensive fleet look at the lag oh wow and now we also have the relic so we have both ways of making our own scourge now well that's pretty phenomenal oh cool vets you are powerful now get your butts back there lovely and so we continue more defense platforms for everyone okay so it's time to start clearing out this space over here it won't be as expensive as before to make our station because we are already so close the reason why was so expensive before is because we had to travel all the way here in terms of the distance calculation but instead it's just going to be from here to there not very far at all so let's get to it then are you the Corvette fleet yes well okay so Corvette fleet could you please follow the battleships because you are much faster I don't need to speeding ahead battleships go and do your thing you should be absolutely fine even if you do run into another felice you should be able to crush it at the same time you can go and meet up with them as well right can I move you elsewhere that's so weird having one of you anyway that should be fine clearing all of that and then the construction vessel will just follow along afterwards someone else is building a Coordination Center and here's the weird thing I can technically build a Starbase here but I think it's going to go under their control as soon as I build it but I'm going to test it out anyway because there are worlds here if it works that we just grab the system from them they'll be hilarious if not then we'll just take it later because I really want another coordination center sattell arias okay I can't believe it but it actually worked so now we have full access to one more Coordination Center well with that then what I'm probably going to do is just grab this system then use this system here as the next choke points and then all we need is one more since this is now cut off so there will be the easiest give the Scourge all of this area to run around are free-range Scourge welcome to the zoo a scourge ok so annoyingly they are now starting to use the wormhole in their territory so how am i going to deal with that I could either extend this to here or we could just climb this probably the latter so completely box them in there and then clean up this area and take over that worm all all we need to do is survive this over here and then we can grab the final of the main choke points after this we need send our force over here to clean up and then deal with the wormhole then they should be completely blocked since they can't use gateways to enter gateways in other people's territory we're ok of course then we need to wait for these cells to finish even though the first one is still not there yet and yet it's already at 222 kforce that's pretty nice ok this fleet is now close enough we can move that Corvettes off and I am now trusting in the bastion down here it's now all on its own with no fleet it has already hit 402 K Force and it's the lot lots of Defense platforms to go so I think it's going to be ok so far this fleet is just been sitting there doing absolutely nothing and no one else has kind of even close so I'm assuming horribly that there's a good chance that the scourge simply don't go into bastions which of that strong I'm hoping I'm wrong because I want to see the bastions actually work of course if it also acts as a deterrent technically that's working but it's far far less fun most likely this with the final banks we needs a destroyer oh the game is just chugging so much right now you lost anyone call that does surprising I guess our armor is now much higher up can I just go and grab it oh that is a lot of influence once again I'm sorry sir you're never going to be able to build oh no no you didn't even start building it Wow I'm just really low on influence oh please other Empire don't climb this I need to be fair if they do we just go through the wormhole and build over here instead so maybe it's the second to last one money destroy they think they're sleeping big okay it's not fully built yet but here we go Citadel versus the swarm okay we must've leotta ranged them I think it's gonna work are we gonna lose any defense platforms or not no ah brilliant and it isn't even finished yet there's still 20 more defense platforms to add they're always 10,000 power each oh I am so pleased with that result fan dabby dozy I've got a big smile on my face now I have I have I have yeah The Citadel works still not done yes the second of our Citadel's is now at the stage where I can leave it without the fleece which is fantastic and the others are getting pretty close which is good because the game right now is almost unplayable just to showcase how bad this is there's been a reason what I've been avoiding clicking on any of my worlds so this is the current frame right according to my recording software it's at about 20 I do this - no no no it can go all the way up to 7 then but yeah this is me trying to move by the way oh now I can't move at all this is a terrible idea there we go now back to 20 yeah the game is it doesn't like me having so many population stop and so many calculations especially all the different types of robots it's not boding well it also keeps on swapping populations from one job to the next because they have different stats and it's not doing great so I'm just waiting it's all of these are strong enough to be left alone or as close as I can get to that stage out the game just card crushing on me let's see if this will be able to defend itself so we could lose a lot of defense structures here but let's see get out of there I'll darn it nope we fighting or I'll wait you gotta teleport or not you're glowing like you are either way though I think that is close enough to be able to defend itself one of the good things is the communications jammer by slowing down the enemy they are staying out of range of us for so long we can fire them they can fire us as I was trying to say okay so I'm really sorry to say this is going to be the end of the video I have now had three hard crashes whilst trying to play the game as it is and it seems like the main issue is that we just have too many populations and those populations keep on swapping because of their roles it seems like one of the reasons why they keep on swapping is because of our policies or at least because of if we go over to one of our proper things there we are the living standards of utopian abundance so what's happening is the game is placing them as unemployed but then utopian abundance kicks in giving them stats which then makes them do another calculation and then decides actually maybe they're not the best there they should go somewhere else and it's causing the game to just halt that seems to be one of the reasons I could be wrong now it could be completely wrong so don't take that as gospel but it does seem to be one of the problems also quite funnily the robots are just destroying everyone now as well so it seems like what's going to happen is there's going to be three other empires of them ourselves and everyone loves us anyway so we're not really going to get any more fighting done we can see how good the bastions are there's no chance they can be broken through at this stage they are eight hundred and nineteen thousand Wow 1800 819 thousand talk and speak it's also pretty light as you can probably tell I think we have definitely got our mission complete so with that thank you so much for watching if you have enjoyed today's video then of course likes favourite shares comments all that good stuff helps out may helps up the channel and most importantly shows us the LA race as a series you wish to see continued in the future next time I will be playing ultra hard settings with everything set to absolute maximum I know that a few other youtubers have already done this and I want to try my hand to it as well I don't know if I'll do well or be absolutely crushed but it is certainly something I would like to give try at some point I would also like a no pores challenge but that will be really difficult especially when trying to explain things so that maybe in a more standard let's play formula because I can see myself getting really annoyed at that really quickly so thank you so much for watching we have captured the scourge and they are now in our little zoo being forever protected by our glorious Empire our fleets are ridiculously powerful our tech is insane and so is our economy even though most of my planets I haven't been able to edit for the last 20 odd in-game years thank you so much for watching again and goodbye I'm rambling doodles
Channel: Lathland
Views: 514,358
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bDSyx1cVuxc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 35sec (6275 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 17 2019
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