Stellaris | x25 CRISIS STRENGTH - FULL Playthrough!! Scion Origin Run!

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greetings sir answer ads and welcome back to stellaris with me or a 3x and of course welcome to a brand new full playthrough where today we're going to be trying to defeat at the endgame crisis on x 25 difficulty with the newest updates hit stellaris that is now the maximum difficulty that the crisis can go to whereas before it was only times 5 meaning that yes it's going to be 5 times more powerful than usual which is going to be absolutely terrifying and so we have the crisis of parathas an experiment from one of the fallen empires in order to safeguard the galaxy from what they can foresee in the future will be the end of all life so we're here to try and prevent that and because of that we're going to be as cheesy as possible in every single way possible and this is going to be my first attempt at this particular type of run I managed to do it a multiple times to get it completely correct but this is what I'm going with right now so we have inward perfection meaning we have loads of extra unity population growth and happiness but this comes at the cost of having no end voice to begin with and we can pretty much do nothing with the other empires but those bonuses basically allow us to have a truly fantastic start we then have meritocracy meaning our specialists give us more output and our leaders can get more powerful because we are going to go really really heavy into research we're going to play wide but also really into research and I think this might be the best option for us because we are a xenophobe it means we can expand a lot faster than usual because we are pacifist it means our planets are a lot more stable than usual giving us more resources and because we are egalitarian once again more resources but in this case with our specialists now originally I wanted to go fanatic xenophobe and ignore egalitarian but then you can't start off with the scion origin as a fallen empires experiments and I just really like the concept of this so we're going with this anyway our species our rapid breeders and intelligent this will likely be changed later to also be adaptive I'm most likely going down the genetic routes with this species since it'll be the only species on our worlds outside some livestock if we can find it it is a lot easier to keep track of all although I am still tempted to go down the route of syncretic evolution becoming machines is also something I absolutely adore doing but for now the idea is genetics because I just feel like again it fits the theme of the Empire is it the best option I don't really know should I be going down the route of law here rather than the best options no am I going to yes so if this difficulty venom crisis all the way now up to at times 25 I am however going to set the endgame start yet a little bit lighter than usual now remember the default is all the way over here I'm just going to set it to here so it's still 50 years earlier than the than the default and on times 25 difficulty I'm just setting it this light because I really want to see how much tech stacking I can do and I really want to go down the route of Ring worlds and everything else and if I have it too early going for those is just a terrible terrible idea and I will never go for them and that's just not very fun now I might do another run in the future in which I set this even earlier but for now I think 50 years early is still plenty early everything else is going to be with my usual setting so high aggressiveness random placement scaling difficulty off which means everyone gets the maximum bonuses as soon as the game starts which is worse for us I love all of that let's keep going for the glory of our fallen Empire parents hi everyone future laughs ryx here so I'm just now editing down this video and I've noticed that this is the video which I have the most footage for of any video on the channel over 50 hours of footage are being melted down into hopefully will end up less than three hours longer so I really do hope you enjoy and although I do loathe to do this if you would like to hit the like button and comment down below it will help out immensely at the moment right now the ad revenue is below 50% where it normally is because of everything going on in the world and although I hate to beg for likes and comments this is the easiest way to support the channel and make sure everything stays fine and dandy in the not so distant future so thank you so much sorry for interrupting and now we continue really how how this breaks the flow okay feel free to read the sign on Origin that are there if you'd like to pause the video but I do need to continue now since it's gonna be a full playthrough I will be skipping quite a bit and since we are having the end game as so light at least compared to my normal runs expect quite a lot of cutting in this video I don't really want it to go more than two and a half hours at extreme most now saying it won't but that's the goal hello there are glorious leaders the holy Guardians where are you very far away for your first experiment maybe you are scared of us which is fair enough you've done well for yourselves with our guidance you have mastered the technology of hyperspace travel and are now ready to south into the stars for the first time thy will be done now I've never actually played with the Sion Origen before so I'm not gonna be sure what exactly we get out of it but I've been told so many times that is a very very powerful origin so it's something new to me which is always interesting and it's apparent very powerful which of course is really really good right now going to strip down these Corvettes completely so I get their resources back if you just destroyed them you don't get the resources would have been better if I actually save that sure remove the original then they will upgrade thus giving us 126 alloys I should right away and we're going to go straight into tech that's all I care about tech tech and more tech goodbye bureaucrats at least for now don't need you in that job right the second construction and complete so rather than taking workers for these new scientists jobs oldest making the bureaucrats into scientists for the time being starting off expansion as is traditional with a traditions and then I'm going to move to discovery then prosperity most likely food policy nutritional plenitude we are discovered they cost a lot of food one bouts with grade my food already getting that so early is nice but let's just stick with yeah it's just thick we've got growing a Corvettes if we do need to build them what I'm hoping is that we're gonna stay away from war for a quite a while if all possible I don't want to go to war at all during this playthrough except with a fallen Empire at some point in order to get there Tech ok that's a tiny increase for my empire scroll that's fine oh this is interesting I don't what a shame I don't think it's worth because of inward perfection and in fact with xenophobes so what this will eventually give us is a symbiote which we can introduce into the population it slows down their breeding but it gives them additional research I believe maybe more unity either White's a really powerful birth at the cost of a little bit of population growth I am really hoping we can still use that but I also doubt we can excellent we can then us open our hearts and brain stems through them the brain slug has been introduced into our species yet plus ten percent all research and plus attempts at you wanna see that is such a nice bonus once again though it does slow down our research and I can probably stop you from reading car no no I can't no of course I can't I am an egalitarian species well I'm hoping I'll get more of those lighter at the moment though these stability is gonna be crushed whoa I did not realize it was so bad maybe that was a bad choice still though I do really like having a bonus complete and the next time we make a new habitat which would be very soon by habitat I mean caller name we can send specifically only those with at the brain slugs really slow population growth though that is horrendous but I still think it's worth it you know I think that choice may have doomed us just it's gonna last so long that is utterly horrendous maybe I should have waited until I hand the colony or something else just that's gonna hamper I start so much really really slowing down production on the main world well we found a primitive world the problem is we can't actually invade it and that's because I'm not allowed to have unrestricted study because we are a pacifist still then we can get 10 society research a month out of it so it's not bad it's a really good bit of resource just would have liked a world and perhaps a species to conquer okay well I'm gonna have to start doing is as I get some minor relics I will likely be selling them to private collectors in addition to proclaiming our superiority so that's what I'm gonna use constantly I can't be save up for anything else and that way our economy won't be completely destroyed our very first faction is a spiritualist faction I mean we're not going super against them but we kind of are I want robots that's gonna be a big problem there well I'm hoping overtime or guess more factions which are more in line what I'm trying to do anomaly detected okay there we are so you have a xenophobe faction which I'm fine with extended piece will eventually be active and they'll be happy with that I'll eventually be isolationist diplomacy so I'll be happy there eventually and you are pacifist you want me to have more energy makes sense Construction complete policies Native interference active study our observation post is now aggressive anomaly detected already grabbing robots which is fantastic as soon as that's active that's gonna be really really good for us because we can then head towards droids droids can then inhabit every well-defined we have a lot of different factions construction selling relics in order to activate a few things straight away we now have population growth encouraged on the main world I'm also going to crease how many amenities were getting construction to help stabilize well the stability happily more artifacts means more free energy for us okay and there's a new world over there as well fantastic an asteroid has appeared but I believe the station will be able to take out all by itself which is great because that is gonna end up giving us 1,000 extra minerals expansion is finished now interstellar minion is a fantastic thing but it only helps us out in the early game later on we may need more essential perk points because I kind of want everything which is powerful so I think really just going straight away into technological ascendancy it's more likely we'll get the rare researchers as we continue and we get plus temps and research needed by default this wall is really good plus temp sent society research and it has the portal job which gives us a load of physics not bad at all so one thing I forgot which is really annoying is that the robot assembly plants known across minerals they cast alloys despite the fact the tooltip is currently a little bit broken turn minerals into new robot populations but then it also says it costs alloys it doesn't do cost alloys chop see is a bit worse at the moment yet still I really really want the robots being built on both these planets it really increases our population growth especially since now we've slowed it with the whole brainslug hosting I neither of you researching that anomaly well go ahead it's not on the precursor ones but we are really close now to finishing off the precursor already we've only got once ago I think so well two to go but ones being researched right now so really we have one more to find getting all these lovely early resources by using up our minor artifacts maybe fantastic now but I'm gonna hate myself later how long have now just five left but I have to sound the final precursor activity so he definitely didn't need to use discover precursor inside so I'll pretend I just use that everything seems slightly better but only slightly to be event doing that first robots yet oh hello we're being given some a surplus starships that's a 5k fleece survey complete construction complete what okay we have a 5k fleet but apparently I can see what people like this origin where's the enemies which were just over here I'm sure I saw some must have moved but why don't they move they're defending the tree I don't know I just happen colony doesn't matter we now have a fleet which can deal with what kind of stuff however that is going to cost us dearly okay there they are what's they move oh okay it's fine we'll still destroy them our alloys are looking really bad right now so we do need to improve okay now please return home Wow their scanners are so much better than what we have over relic world that is glorious okay gonna also build a second construction vessel cuz we're now expanding this way no other civilizations nearby which is insane really good start honestly we have the brain slugs which soon won't be an issue for us we're being given some free minerals which is lovely discovered yeah really nice start really really nice top another reason why the brine slugs are amazing and I completely forgot they actually give you additional bonuses if there is a brainslug as a leader extra build speed if there are governor in addition to extra research right now though we don't really have enough brain slugs to reliably get leaders but I have disabled migration so essentially what should happen now is that since every new world is being colonized by the species with the brain slug in them they will start to outnumber our regular Preppers and then that's all we're going to have for leaders there's talking about one seed like last week my speech is just gone somewhere else there's even a guy a world truly magnificent yeah this might be one of the best starts over so if I fail now I'm gonna be really upset extra happiness for our people lovely okay so then our plans continuing forwards we have the relic world now which is our precursor home it gave us a free tradition essentially and a head start on the second I just realized something the choke points we have are insane if we place a star base here and a star base here this entire section is completely blocked off from the rest of the galaxy we even have Marauders here so which are gonna slow down anyone else trying to get through here so yeah I again I have never seen such a good start before even just getting our precursors done so quickly is honestly insanely good how other relic world over here sadly only a size 16 but this is gonna be our third relic world in the end so oh my god we have Marauders here as well so there's no need to defend this section all because if any enemies want to get to us they're gonna have to go through Marauders meaning there right now the only entrance and exit for all of this territory is in this direction right here all we need to do is defend one point I am gobsmacked about this start didn't mention that yet once again selling all of our artifacts this why curators please aid us in our research you can return home and become one of our first researcher sisters there we are grabbed everything from there as soon as you can and then move on now I just spent almost all in fact pretty much all of my influence activating some of these edicts so now we are getting more energy and more happiness more you'd be nice more growth right yep just continue to try to improve what we have I think this is more than enough space I will of course continue to expand past this point if possible but that is just such a perfect choke point the facts on get all the way outs to here found that Empire which apparently is weaker than us because of our 5k fleet power yeah I can see why people like this origin Wow they've expanded quickly xenophobes and fanatic materialists they don't hate us that much at least so it's unlikely they're going to attack us but I do think I chose the correct origin because not having to think about defending ourselves or building a fleece is lovely discovered gonna grab that put down a bastion anyway I envy complete then this is all ours kind of stuck then the construction complete as I stuck stuck with this many worlds three of which are going to be relic worlds yeah that's fine hello bunker but I'll be taking the influence thank you very much surveying complete just now starting off our colony over here as well and also doing the research so that we can activate even more consumer goods oh yeah this is a terraforming candidate and it will increase happiness and and decrease upkeep if I ever do that survey where's the gardening BOTS eventually they'll just talk to us and then we can activate the additional everything ok let's see if we can guess the infinity machine to give us something decent there are multiple outcomes of that some much better than others and I'm really hoping I'll get one of the good ones although I'm not sure if it means we need a certain out of tech before we get those or our leader has to be a certain level I'm sure I'm sure there was modifiers which help you get the better outcome I just can't remember what they are or if they actually do exist they could just be in my head our robots will now use less housing and be produced 15% faster our old scientific leader has died and we now have a new leader which has a brainslug host giving plus 10% research speed glory to the brain slugs discovery is now finished so what we go of next now Imperial prerogative may not seem all that good but it is really really really nice because it means you need less admin buildings essentially that frees up a lot of building slots over time since it is a plus 20% admin cap not just plus 20 officer making it significantly better one vision is always great less amenities usage he's always very well come along with governing ethics interaction transcendent learning is amazing making our leaders better faster the way I'm tempted just a white and slow and get engineered evolution and just force that I have to actually consider all the things we are gonna keep so we definitely need to Fender of the galaxy that's one what else defender of the galaxy master builders Galactic one doesn't Boyd born that takes up for leaving us with three world champ is really nice or we could go with the arcology projects I've already go with one of those leaving us with 2 which would be engineered evolution and then evolutionary mastery so right now then I shouldn't really pick any of these because all the other points are spoken for ok yes so what a time I am getting an admiral from the fallen Empire thank you and of course we're going to help out the robots over here who are taking care of this world this means we get an extra 20% from our artisans and a plus 40 percent additional unity bonus from anything on the planet at the costs of loads of less minerals and loads of less energy which is absolutely fine we'll simply use this world for consumer goods and for unity and soon I should be able to terraform which is nice and there's 500 alloys very very nice indeed complete so here's a new Admiral extra live spam which is great they're currently 40 years old and they have psychic giving them extra evasion and extra ship a weapon damage which brings our fleet up to 7k yeah we are doing really well right now unlimited energy birth of the galactic community yet we'll join for now we may leave later on though we're not gonna have much influence I don't really care about any of this really but I want to help out with the market as soon as possible do want that do want that but let's stop supporting that for now just make sure the markets next because as soon as we pass this we get an extra hundred influence which is great we can always leave later on at the cost of influence Construction complete now why would you want to leave well the simple answer is if you leave although you are losing out all the benefits you also can't be affected by any of the negatives and there's a good chance since we are isolationist and xenophobes that people will try to use that against us now honestly it's not that easy to do unless you're going against one of their laws so we'll see most likely I will end up leaving alas we finally ran out of stored research having so many anomalies that early on we had stored research almost the entire first 40 years it was really really lovely essentially doubling our research beans sadly now though that is an end though it has gave us an advantage a lot of empires have fallen behind tech wise by a lot I mean three so a few a few have fallen behind oh I think we've got the best outcome right beautiful ah so straight away that's gonna give us loads of extra research well 12 in each it's still nice but the main thing is we now have the mirror of knowledge giving us plus temp sent research speed I was worried since we weren't going down the route of materialist which of course is additional research speed and making your robots cheaper but I think we're gonna be ok bee-utiful engineered evolution is now ours ok prosperity next this will give us some more specialist output and gives more clerks which will make everything a lot easier but first let's put brain slugs in everyone okay so that's free of charge we could make them more adaptive or we could what else could we do making them charismatic would make things easier conservationist is nice memorable as amazing just extra research I think first of all remove deviants then let's go engineering since I want the mega structure stuff as soon as possible then do we have any twos here I mean conformists is nice so the opposite what we already have an adaptive as good as well that mean all of these worlds would have a hundred second habitability its most of them and we always change that later so yeah it's good that for now that's gonna take a while but it is definitely worth it brains looks for construction thank you very much just a free tech being given to us now if we go back over to our new relic world where our second relic world I believe first of all let's find the correct one there we go if we remove these are colleges yet we'll get some extra relics might be able to get secrets of no one let's get that is it really worth it just to sell that not really still nicer I don't know still gets something back from clearing these actually actually as long as we get three plus it is worth it in terms of the sheer cost but still gonna wait until I actually need the space for now just leaving it as it is since we've gone down the route of genetics we do have clone vats available to us these costs to energy to upkeep but they don't give any jobs but give plus thirty three percent growth right on the planet built obviously that is really nice it's broken help Stein's terraform one of our first world's just grabbed this system as well so I can turn this 25 savanna world into a 25 tundra world survey complete the energy first it is 5000 resource we need so it's gonna be a little while creating a load of new science vessels each of these will have one simple goal to assist the research of our planets discovered our fleet is dealt with the crystalline entities over here so now we can grab all that research which is lovely and there's two more systems for us to survive I don't think I don't have anything a habitable there but you know more systems is always good Oh lovely sonic theory Empire sprawl from pop you from pops decreased by 10% now really I want this because this will eventually allow us to go down the route of adding extra civics but this is just so good and it's a rare tech I might not see it again for a while okay we have a new species currently on one of our worlds currently they are undesirables but that is silly when you can do this and potentially turn them into food I'm a domestic servitude know let's tell them into food they are delicious discovered okay one world has been successfully terraformed technology discovered droids fantastic we lost our original governor but thankfully we managed to get a new one with a brainslug okay also like food just got brainslug without 1k research which isn't too bad really only fifty years into the game once again I am very hopeful with this run very hopeful in discovered it's unlikely for this to succeed but I'm gonna try anyway I'm nominating our homeworld to be the Galactic marketplace location but here's the thing that's weakens to let yeah the chance of winning this is very very low but if we do win it it would be fantastic establishing making the market cheap it would just make everything run better problem is we are xenophobes who don't allow people into my borders mostly discovered yeah people don't seem to really hate us all that much which is nice well cost us all that influence again but now the marketplace rating is adequate from weak there's a chance we might be able to get that we are now expanding far slower and honestly was not all that much rule you want to expand to so no longer are we expansionist we are now isolationist more border friction which means these fellows might start to dislike us soon but at the same time we get more unity and more admin capacity also even our governing ethics attraction is increased so more yeet more influence down the line doesn't say unity then because I can't talk it worked fantastic again we now have access to the Galactic market and since with the leaders of it that means out our market fee has been reduced by 10 percent now I know there's some rather evil yep there's some rather evil groups out there so most likely there's gonna be a lot of populations being sold just good for us if we had the energy to buy them there's now what to do with that species there you could very easily since I'm gonna put you on the relic worlds you know what default rights and let's go with domestic servitude hmm what goods go straight into livestock now he can't have them free because that will really annoy it our factions otherwise I kind of would I'll just have them free but then have it so they'll either have population control it's a fact yeah that I have basically all the controls online which they will have anyway oh I'm not allowed to do that but didn't I do that earlier with that other species oh dear so what how am I gonna do then we're gonna keep them around would be good for something what we might end up doing is having one specific world which will be a livestock world which will produce all our food in fact if I save this last world which are being terraformed I could turn into a Thrall world no actually I can't because it's too small have to think about that for now then what I'm gonna do is leave them as this essentially they're going to work as clerks farmers miners energy producers which allow our populations to take the researcher jobs and everything else that way we can rush buildings it does mean they are going to be able to populate our planets so I don't be careful where I put them because they will occasionally grow instead of our populations which is very annoying but I think ultimately will be worth it if we keep this up also some of them really good I mean this one's great survives plus 10% resources from jobs plus temps and happiness if they can ever be leaders rulers or specialists anyway this actually is one of those perfect owned populations you can really get because of that so we're going to want is to give them all the basic stuff here depending on where we put them if I put you on a relic world which I think I did then what I'm gonna do is make you thrifty so you can generate more trade value and charismatic so you can also give more amenities to the planet yes so you create template charismatic and thrifty and even less housing there we aren't perfect it's not really worth doing until we have a few more of them though so we'll see how many we get we can always transform later when our research is a bit higher so we don't have to wait so long now we could have grade our government so I'm going to do is add if I can find it either environmentalist or police state funding in police state an additional five of stability on all of our planets just means more every single type of resource well it turns out there that Empire is very very busy because now look at this loads populations but not sure the robots are coming through um they could be coming from any Empire really but loads and loads of those others so I'm gonna do is send those all over to our relic worlds or at least one of our relic worlds which are gonna mess things up massively for now and some robots apparently and then just for now I'm gonna add some commercial zones just to make sure we have jobs for them that's gonna give us loads of try to value from this world Construction complete sadly our robots can't be researchers yet as soon as they're since that's not a problem they can take all the jobs that a regular population can but a droid can only take certain specialist jobs and one of them is sadly not researchers since you have so many of them just for now what I'm gonna do is convert these into domestic servitude that means if they don't have a job available they just produce amenities and don't become problematic to the planet there are since I'll be changing them later anyway Oh lovely the processing center I say lovely really evil but fantastic considering where we're going right now and with that tech we can now get evolutionary mastery already then we'll grab this straight after we have the processing facility then we make the ultimate species and now I think about it oops wrong one now I have a think I think I might just keep them as domestic servitude forever because the other type of ownership that doesn't really apply to tried value you don't get the Plus attempts at resourcing the Trident lease I don't think you do in either way it's not that important so yeah I might just stick with this keep our relic worlds happening Oh problem solved we can't actually allow population controls this is just really annoying some of our factions but yeah we don't want anymore to be added so default rights population controls enabled so now anytime we add any more we just keep them as they are that makes things a lot easier for us since of course we do want more of our main species turns out I have been really under estimating the power of domestic servitude that they cost almost nothing they cost a little bit of food but not all that much they hardly affect our overall stability on the planet actually they do affect it in a positive way don't need to give them jobs they produce loads of amenities we get the maximum plus 20% happiness for our nine species speaking of our main species and it is now time to upgrade them to their potentially final state so do we want we want fur Tyler plus 30% growth right for now we'll change that in the distant future oh we can even use nerve stapled on the populations we're currently purchasing oh dear in essential neural pathways relating to self-preservation and free will are severed creating a docile and obedient client species yeah well one of these two stack the slug host and this special trait I doubt it and now when I say stack I mean in terms of the leadership bonuses really doubt it but you never know I'm still want natural engineers may I'd love robust honestly actually habitability after a lifespan but that's really expensive would need at least a minus two that can't stack non-adaptive with robust because that wouldn't make any sense of course they could become repugnant they've entered a stage now where they're relying on other species to do their dirty work and they're probably becoming a lot more foul in their customs in return plus five percent from all resources and Peter habitability extra lead a life span less amenities generated I'm okay with that that is a really powerful combo there yet we're going with that it's gonna take a very long time I may have been purchasing some lipids because I haven't realized that lipids as livestock produce minerals so we now have an unlimited mineral supply which is pretty nice I've got to say here's my question does the mineral purification plants work with livestock I believe it does and I guess we're about to find out regardless technology discovered they're just given climate restoration oh that's actually really good from our predecessors technology discovered with this we can now transform this world once you have enough energy that'll be a really good world for us our main species has been improved apparently that bonus does stack so research fee plus 5 and then plus 10 in fact all of our leaders have this at least unlike the brain slugs I don't think we should disagree with what they asked for yet you can have one of our leaders I wonder which scientist that was oh no the alchemist is not to be opened up already well that could be a problem technology discovered i completely forgot that live fights can also produce rare resources first of all nerve stapled second of all minerals third of all gas then we'll make you tundra preference and what else you know I'm tempted to allow these to reproducers have a world of these just stronger yes yep very strong Noel just so I know which ones are converted let us change you to that now young avoid born hopefully soon I'll get mega engineering so I can grab nice little discovered I guess domination is likely the next thing we're gonna get because workers and own population output is increased they're saying that adaptability is also fantastic anchor2 habitability less food being consumed and most importantly for us population housing usage is reduced straightaway grabbing a mega structure now we're about to hit 4k research our consumer goods are looking fantastic which is where all our minerals are going now and we're doing well in bridge every regard there we are create through our world or thrala world or however actually pronounced so this is really nice because it will allow us to grow our own domestic servants but at the same time we don't really have a world which I'd be willing to transform I mean there is this wall here they little farm number one but this is still gonna become an alloy foundry in the end just so happens right now there's 96 populations here and most of them are little weeds or servants speaking of which I have now nerves they pulled our most populous of servants so at least they're not upset anymore or thinking really I was wrong about the world leading me a certain size although that does apply to certain things like the penal colony apparently not to this so there we are going to start now making all of our new owned populations move over here instead and I'm going to modify them to be a specialist version which will actually which I'll actually allow to populate okay we now yep we now have synthetics so our robots can take any job discovered because of that I'm giving them the full rights of our main species actually I can I'm giving them as best as I can let's just say that since their happiness actually matters now it's given a social welfare okay at the cost of a lot of consumer goods I'm now almost a hundred percent stability on all of our planets this is because now the main species has utopian abundance as their living standard they're living in a very very privileged way now beginning work on these science Nexus already technology discovered we've unlocked ambitions which I'm tempted to use as soon as you have enough unity but also we unlock - one more ascension perk master-builders plus 50% mega-structure build speed and we can build one more at the same time he's just now past 2300 and our science Nexus has just completed its first phase in a second we'll have enough in fact about its purchase it now we can instantly have enough to continue that along oh c'mon that's so close oh yeah did that just work good we're about to know we just hit 6k research as well lovely the science Nexus is now complete our alloy production has been ramped up significantly and I'm even building myself a fleet and a lot of habitats excellent so soon we can get the tech to start building things like the matter decompressor the Dyson Sphere and the Ringworld in fact that's all three of the techs on after unlimited minerals energy and population space close to unlimited pretty quite a few years since the last update the great car has arisen thankfully mostly ignoring me they are currently tackling the fanatical purifiers I just saw most of their fleet construction can go down there okay um you can probably see right now but I can't because my monitors are scratched good timing sounds always same I just saw loads of their forces go down here somewhere they are very very powerful we have like over a hundred thousand total yet there they are attacking the fanatical purifiers we're just going to sit here I'm currently making some Corvettes to back everything up we have a decent Citadel here which will help out quite a lot I think I should be able to take them as long as they don't hit me with everything all at once they have taken one of our systems which annoyingly had loads of crystal in it the dyson sphere is now partial so we're getting 1000 AG from that I was saving up for that but now I'm building ships I was also saving up for the ring world so things been slowed down by the Great Khan which is really inconsiderate you know what I've changed my mind I'm gonna just continue with my building no more ships you can hold it good luck taking a bit of risk there but I think that right now I mean I didn't have to stack up so many as well as this anything to do really I've got enough of everything else to micromanage lovely the first stage of the matter decompressor giving us 500 minerals every month not that much but certainly a good start at least now our energy and minerals have stabilized so I can start building everything to stabilize everything else so tempted to keep on building more habitats I am building one right now it's just it's so addictive just to have that's everything discover our admin cap is a little bit suffering as well so I need to focus on that soon here we are level 2 that is going and hopefully before one of these finishes I can start with the Ringworld frame the Great Khan is dead I guess this happens when you fight against fanatical purifiers and the hardest difficulty they're pretty powerful themselves pretty begs the question wasn't they just break through the Marauders earlier oh no the Lords are still doing damage maybe just caught the great khans armada by surprise very possible they are now a true Empire despicable neutrals what what makes a species turn neutral list of a gold power or were they born with hearts full of neutrality it's a placeholder personality and should not show up in game well I'm assuming that update at the end of the month I have never seen that before you forever going to be just nothing where are you apparently on the strongest that's purely because if my tech is just miles ahead of everyone else's my blind there they were yep still neutrals don't think that's meant to happen honestly almost finished we've supremacy so we lost one system in the end so it wasn't too bad really isn't it beautiful there we are supremacy is now finished so we need to decide in our final bonus I am actually somewhat tempted by the our ecology project it does turn our worlds into something truly magnificent thus shall we make a world of the city and a city of the world eternal vigilance is interesting we could go and see if we can there's a thing the enemy crisis is gonna be really really really really difficult the chance of us being able to attack them trail wine is low even though it's 70 years away at minimum I still think we're likely to try and just protect our own territory because we have two fantastic choke points although these Citadel's themselves aren't that powerful the bonuses that give is really really good and increasing their whole points and everything is fantastic they also stack well when you start getting loads of research so I am really tempted by eternal vigilance it also means we can stay in that territory more which means we have bonuses from the war doctrines and everything defense-in-depth and one of the ambitions not fortress Proclamation where are you desperate measures home territory fire I think that's probably it at best better to just hold off until attack it's such absurd levels that we can make one giant a fleet cluster which can then attack the enemy I don't know there's a very passive way of playing and we don't necessarily need this to do that I think our ecology project might be the way to go but saying that we are building ring world's already and the ring will take influence and can't spread it that much no i stuffings correct yeah i think it is correct so do you have any worlds which are pretty much just cities yes sure we do know that's one of our relic worlds kemar must have at least one world which is just cities outside of the relic worlds which can be changed well though these can be upgraded themselves but rather upgrade and non relic world since the relic model is already very powerful okay in that case I've gotta do is just replace everything with city districts then it will allow me to turn a very first world into our first city world it's broken out I can't believe I didn't activate this so I thought I finished planetary machinery because I got it mixed up with another one of the arcologies another one of the archaeological sites here the crashed starship whoopsie-daisy well that's a lot of resource every last Biggers vehicle correctly that's a really really nice archaeological site excellent although first Dyson Sphere to its full potential I take one of the Ringworld sites sadly though that's all I can build a time 3 a time is the maximum so until the matter decompressor is finished I'm only bringing one bit of the Ringworld online at a time not fantastic almost there our second world will be the first to undergo the arcology project then most likely our original world and then everything else so that's now three which are undergoing in the project actually no is it for was it three one second I've got feeling yeah it's four and that is all of my influence for quite a while it's 200 influence each essentially we're doing this rather than building habitats which I've gotta be honest just upsets me greatly the Dyson Sphere is now complete as is one of the Ringworld sections so now I can start building to Ringworld pieces at a time but as soon as the masa decompressor is finished we can start building three at a time which is gonna be yet so much as you can imagine as the number goes up it's faster I know it is truly a science need my tech to start increasing now it's been static for why too long in past tech rushes I've been much higher in tech than this at this point of the game stein think the fanatic materialist might be the real way to go rather than this this has such a great start but Lee phonetic materialists just has so many bonuses you know for tech considering it's all about tech who would have thought so moving like construction vessel here because eventually I'm gonna make yet another ring world right here after the second ring world then we will need to build the mega shipyard because that can just make everything so much faster but we can do currently our first ring world section is complete and I'm gonna use it very boring food because you know eating is something which the Empire needs to do and I'm sick of constantly buying food and I don't want to have a monthly trade of that much because then it seems like I have no energy that's probably the best way of doing it me it's not that much really is it this is a big stream it's going to cost sell it to lower the cost and then put the food in now I could just do that but no I'm still going to stick with it for now I'll do a monthly trade good enough discovered but still the very first one is going to be food it's kind of weird consumer I've just destroyed so many agricultural districts ending up into the archaeology project though I still think this is known as the efficient way the others though will be either commercial or research commercial gives you consumer goods and I load a tried value which of course both are pretty darn fantastic or as research gives way for it research although on the planets which are still producing consumer goods I will destroy the buildings build up the industrial archaeology because and we can have other things as the building's essentially just avoiding any of the leisure industrial or foundry buildings because there's no point you have the district's which are really good what we need here is gene clinics back and we also need the clone bats there's a gay population increasing now we've got all the population growth stuff on we are getting 13 population points per month every hundred of course produces a new population so yeah these city worlds I'll go into very rapidly increase in population which you might expect with the bonus 50% growth speed after finally finishing up over here let's put you back assisting research we now have a new relic which is a pretty nice one robot upkeep - ten percent as a passive and then it's activated ability will give us plus attempts and engineering research and plus 20 percent monthly energy credits for ten years overall pretty nice probably will never use it now because they didn't fluence of other things but still nice to have a fallen Empire hasn't woken up the Fallen Empire I didn't even know existed interest now now they watch full regular oh no they're gonna be rivals with our parents oh dear we have also found the spiritualist relic which means now our parents really love us excellent relations seeing you here now I remember why your species was chosen no your weird little thing you just have currently the most powerful empire in terms of the awakened Empire it's because of our economy discovered but everyone else it's because of everything soon every single world will be a city we're actually almost there there's not many worlds left even a guy a world that's going being averted I have started the conversion on all of our relic worlds yeah that's been converted that's being restored into one being restored already converted already converted already converted converted converted soon to start the restoration process in fact the fact I can start him now and that's it all the rest are already converted it's beautiful and really horrible at the same time dick no well it was only a matter of time but here we are we are now in the war in heaven which means it is the purifiers sorry fanatics vs the directors with us on the side of the fanatics the purifiers are kind of in our whitey perfectly honest so I am tempted to attack them now normally they have closed borders to us I'm not 100 cent sure why right now they don't since we haven't been at war with them but some reason they just don't seemingly care oh because they've been at war with our parents I believe at some points yeah they did take one of their systems they ultimately lost but I took one of the just basic systems or two of the basic systems but just haven't read glared closed borders well we want to help out our parents so purifiers I'm gonna destroy you simple as that we're gonna go straight through all their territory taking planet after planet until the purifiers are completely removed they attacked our parents and right now we don't need yet another enemy so our fleets are currently down here so I was actually planning on doing some stuff around here but now of course gonna move them up here it's a lot easier they've already cleared the way from some Marauders gonna go through here and then take everything now thankfully even though we are pacifists we can go to war to end threat and since these are purifiers that makes them viable for that okay all fleets move out I'm also now building some more mixed fleet so Corvette's destroyers cruisers and all that since pure battleships they're okay this is some crisis events but not really in normal fights over League of non-aligned powers has been formed somewhere basically it's the old Federation isn't it yeah it's some point we're gonna go to war with those as well thankfully we have a citadel here we'll keep some fleets back to defend ourselves butts gonna send a lot to attack the purifiers I'm assuming the purifiers didn't join that no course it didn't they actually can that's the funny killing released they used to be able to at one point unless I'm going insane but that would be weird I think it's most secret at this point habitats are like my ultimate favorite thing they're just so enjoyable and we have loads of them already and they will continue to be added as for ground forces we can now make the gene of warriors which are very very nice not my favorite of all the specialists arm is my favorite is the Xenomorphs and the psychic warriors if you go down the route of Bolivar not being psychic but they're more than possible broken hell yeah we are now also at war with the League of non-aligned powers thankfully the karna is quite weak at the moment so I think a citadel should be okay I did remove this shipyard from here which I'm kind of annoyed I did now yeah you fellas just go and help defend the Citadel the Citadel's like what 72 km omen discovered that should be fine in fact & Windus grab one of these dirty want to focus on defending asset deals all that much in terms of our research but just for the time being well he was the war in heaven go blue team hey speaking of nothing to do why I'm currently speaking about our mega shipyard is finally getting operational have so much point defenses so much health oh yeah blue team is winning this drastically a clear victory there it's because the enemy split up their force is there other forces currently here it just took this station and is attacking of the celestial throne our parents homeland now we could just go through the territory but the problem is they closed their borders at any time and we don't really have well it we don't really have the potential to allow that to happen we can't allow it to happen we can't take the risk for now though I'm gonna do just take out every single system along the path I probably won't bombard the planets at all wait do they not have FTL blockers stations like an IC your stations most importantly what has happened to you I mean you can see a station at that range right maybe you can't no I think no exhibit station here and that's further what I am no it's not further away I think I'm just going mad or okay what we'll do is so we need to get our admin cap up very very quickly because we're about to gain a a lot of Empire sprawl the first probably only time we're gonna be aggressive in terms of expansion and all this territory is likely to be throw away I'm not really going to use it if the endgame crisis attacks here I'm not gonna try and save it this is gonna be like the other land in fact I'll probably even grab this system just to showcase that this is territory we have to own but don't want to you can defend yourselves excellent okay so the war in heaven is going well for us the problem is of course all the other empires now also war with us except for you know don't I have some other allies somewhere I'm sure it's said that we have someone else with us in fact we have a few here the merchants and the Assembly of territories they're not particularly huge because I can't see them when i zoom out that's worried so as the territories both merchants Oh same colored dumb-dumb I thought was one thing okay so it's over there they are currently our kin oh there's a fallen Empire here we've never seen either see this what happens when you're um isolationists you don't really explore well at least when you're blocked stray away so there's a full Empire right there as well interesting they have defended themselves successfully in both looks of things they're going to attack successfully our parents are the best parents and we remain loyal even though we could probably crush them at this point loyal one more world has been encased I have now slowed down our mega structure building because we just don't have any alloys to continue to build a fleet along with building up everything else this is gonna be the one exception to that actually nope even there I'm now starting to build some battleships which use strike craft and mixed in with the standard artillery stuff also how did you manage to avoid the enemies there when we move past oh because we must go about that that is really weird well could jump to here please I think you are actually strong enough to just deal with that straight away go go Jean warriors wow it's a lot population that's going to be a lot of domestic servants colony conquered well I'm gonna do I always did and I'm gonna convert this into one beautiful city yep technology discovered don't really have enough jobs for all of you know it could do is rather than try and populate these of our normal species because I can take forever is we could make these a special type of own population and make them indentured servitude they can be workers or specialists then we turn all of these in this little sector which we don't really care about into alloy production or consume a good production yeah let's go with that then all we need to do is send over some leaders to rule over them so we need five oh no we have the machines here the machines have taken over all the positions we trust the machines yet but something to do being forced back at least for a short while I keep on forgetting that you really do need at smaller weapons these days because the enemy when they have enough Corvettes and such they'll get your battleships and the large weapons that's what we got to hit them they will eventually hit them but it takes so so long so I've ended up losing like 10 battleships to just small Corvette fleets so I'm backing off and all of our new battleships will have mixed in some small weapons and some hangers because also things gonna be a fun type of battleship is this a meta battleship no almost certainly not this isn't the way to go but it's gonna be fun so auto-fire so autocannons if they get too close strike craft which can hit anyone at any range and then large weapons we're still gonna act as artillery but it's gonna have some defense and I will eventually convert all of our regular battleships into this as well right now I'm backing off moving to a station so I can use the station as a defense against Corvettes so apparently my parents didn't really need me also I need stop calling them that it's nice to get really really weird but yeah they are just destroying the directors it seems like that one bad fight just tipped it so far into the fanatics favor because they had one of their large fleets over here dealing with the cooperative then one large fleet had gone ahead to attack the homeworld but then all of their other fleets which is a lot of them were fighting every single last fleet of the fanatics at once ultimately resulting in their untimely demise it's a bit silly really I won't anymore gasps how anymore everything again food is becoming a problem and I am really considering turning off nutritional plenitude I did sign it off for a while and it solved the problems and I thought I had got enough and it turns out no white certainly agnostic okay you can be destroyed on your Deus upgrade this station here that's gonna be a trade station to grab all of this you can now move here how many worlds did I just grab as loads wasn't it he had loads and loads of habitats this is gonna be slower than expected which is fine because again we don't really need to rush I thought I might need to help out but no just nope okay now my fleece with Corvettes and cruisers who are set to have more medium based weapons here they can start dealing with all this absolutely fine no one is fighting this off here so go ahead and grab absolutely everything our new ships are almost ready in fact I have several fleets already already we'll send those over as well in a little bit it's weird to seeing us a Twitter seeing us it's weird seeing us expand I am tempted to grab the system the reason is this already a bastion so all of these will be protected in terms of trade which would be really good more energy right now we're losing energy because you had to purchase so many things and then I have some auto purchases on so all the prices are really a flight so apparently even if you convert this world this lovely Gaea world into a city planet they still say it's Gardens and beautiful and lovely it's good for us because it means the output of consumer goods from here is going to continue to be steady and powerful so all is well and good there keep on forgetting to terraform they serve time I have enough energy I will at some point but some of our new worlds what we're gonna need to do is start making fortress worlds and fortress habitats the reason is strongholds also increase your Navy capacity which at the moment we are really struggling with even when we have all of our stations fact almost all of our stations right now are max sized Anchorage's as little else we can really do it's the perfect scientist plus temps at research be plus 5 plus 10 that adds up to a number they wager it's more than 6 Construction complete o battleships are so useless at point-blank range Thank You Corvettes which may all be dead oh this is gonna take a while isn't it you see this is how I lost battleships before what they lose their yeah last a bit of everything they're still even at cruisers are very powerful right now we have so many repeatable finished but that said vol Karen then I was very confused about their naming practices taking over this we could attack the Karnas we actually make claims oh we can so we can make claims you just can't go to war aggressively that makes sense so you could start taking over this and then we'll have a nice blob of the galaxy under our control I believe the blob is a scientific term that deploys and stuff yeah our economy was fantastic but ah haha economy was fantastic and then suddenly it kind of crashed and it's because I'm really really focusing now on research and alloys and everything as you can see my tech in our 22k it's gaining almost 1k yeah so it's definitely benefiting us our ships again very very powerful upgrading our strike craft a little bit because well we now are using them and they have not graceful them urgently so yeah these battleships should do fine take over that scum and villainy construction same thing same old how many worlds are heroic habitats almost as much as me inviting them to being fantastic there's a hang to Fleet dealing with the rest of the Marauders here and here colony Concord technology discovered we have 35 years now until the endgame crisis can spawn hopefully we'll get a couple more years after that but I feel like right now we are just about strong enough with all of our fleets to probably hold back one of theirs if I'm thinking it's gonna be like a million Fleet never think so with the scourge on timez5 the starter fleets that's the really really weak fleets are something like 200 to 300 K I think they're not huge so they would be a million but then later on you get the 400,000 fleets which are gonna be oh my god terrifying nope never mind we can't deal with anything right now we need those years oh I don't need to make climbs because we're at war with that oh that is fantastic we have the same war doctrine as the fanatics well same war type which means I can just take anything I attack oh we are going to spread okay you hurry up and deal with that as fast as possible then I want you to start taking all that you start connecting and then teleport I think you can do both at the same time which would be nice right then you can go here do this do that any of you made up of the new hangar fleets or you are be not finished yet you are a mix of the two yet you'll do you can go here as well that is gonna be fantastic yet we can take over the Alliance all will be us I've just realized we essentially have acted like a fallen Empire this entire playthrough and now as our parent fallen Empire as awoke and we'd to have awoken we are now an awakened Empire I'm okay with this honestly in the territory towards the north with the Alliance we're gonna do the same thing making their populations a special kind of owned so they can't least work specialist jobs because we're nice like that wait I already have loads of you didn't know huh go figure well that was easy just continue what you're doing oh I like how some of that Preppers jump into the planet as soon as you capture it like yep I want to be a merchant I want to be an admin no longer are we fleet captains haha okay so this also finally that's just how my species talks you would think differently based on how it looks but no no it does it does indeed sound like a very tired mid-twenties British chap who was just kind of gave up on everything really so here's a question I've got before why do I normally just go with one type of weapon even if for instance it might not be the most perfect thing against the enemy perhaps going with several weapons is better to counter one target well it's just because of this right now I'm using kinetic weapons and I'm also using the strike craft which means I've got to do both of them to upgrade both of their damage if I am only using one like stack that it means we can set that weapon to insane levels of damage which is really really useful but I do think that this right now is probably for the best considering we are going down the route of attacking the entire galaxy for a while Wow yep seems like our patrons are doing incredibly well patrons is not the word I was looking for there Oh tired also liberation forces yep that's all I would call our forces right now excellent one more world and bit our control we have destroyed what used to be just more orders well that's pretty easy for a second no I thought I'd actually enjoyed my main and Bastion remember this is still a prime territory everything between this fashion and this bastion everything else fodder for the endgame crisis to just attack and waste time on we're not particularly nice to everyone we capture let's just say that soup anyone we capture to sue anyone to anything we're not very nice finally going to start building some gateways as well and have one there one there the shipyard one somewhere here we can take over the Gateway from the enemy there so we have sort near the edge of the galaxy one in the core so once again need to save up on our influence the enemy are putting up a good fight I'll give them that much establishing colony but yet these new battleships just do not care at all if you are using Corvettes to lose any nope took some damage but lost none oh dear we are about to lose our ground forces though I was just meant to caption of the world can you jump out in time yes I think you will be able to hopefully they're sacking on the other side I think they are jump love late taking over almost all of the purifiers now we're just stunned to finish them off okay you can leave that for now because that's blocking them from entering a territory plus America I was having a single stationed there oh that's annoying oh I know I don't care about that either no world's okay let's continue this way so many worlds the micromanagement has been horrendous but it turns out I really should have been more aggressive earlier and climbing more space because we are gaining so much power and so much resource and it isn't affecting our tech because our empire sprawl is absolutely fine once again another broken Empire apparently though there are no our friends more construction sites continues go down the last world the purifiers concrete I honestly thought it was oh that one we'll just tucked away there that is really irritating excellent one of the gateways is finished let's move on over there and let's keep on removing all of these stations since they make all the other stations cost more at the moment since we are over the maximum oh stop sneaking behind me they keep on taking backspace it's so irritating you're going that way you've grabbed that so to stay there for a while so I can't get past nothing spawning over here so it's fine this fleet will deal with those it's not going that way okay yeah thankfully I've got the fleets I can deal with this all of you go home though I'm now gonna start converting all of our ships into the hangar ships just cuz they've been so useful without much tech we're currently getting the admin capacity increase has been fantastic I've hardly had to build any new bureaucratic stuff and our admin cap is really ahead of our empire sprawl so I can actually start destroying some of those buildings for something more useful like more alloys more consumer goods more research more potatoes you know all the usual stuff and Empire needs and more rare resources gonna need more and more and more of them as I convert the worlds which I've been getting I really don't have the resources to turn them into the city world which is what my original plan was but still okay if I put down a trade station here instead that bastion that bastion protects one two three four five six so if I put one here and I'll protect all this area I'm gonna try to think how I can get all this tried value because that is almost a hundred in fact it's over a hundred drastically over hundred tried value right there says a hundred energy I'm just not currently collecting that's all stuff for later at the moment I keep on getting new stations my cap piece keeps on increasing something more and more population it's a bit difficult to have any final plans yet seriously the great tempest are attacking me oh that is so annoying jump there destroy them thank you you move in there thank you still haven't cleaned up everywhere are what are you doing you're being annoying that's what you're doing wait no I don't care about that liberation forces I have to lose that yep there we go okay you are only using the hangar ones that's fantastic you can start moving as well at sublight speed lovely get a move on this is why I need more gateways the purifiers have one tiny world over here they're just doing this on purpose to be annoying I'm sure of it okay destroy the grey tempers to move over there this group here the weaker force apparently can't jump there oh it's just out of range okay you jump to there and then follow them okay once you're done cleaning up all this you can then join them and start talking over here again and so everything comes a bit more orderly over here I don't really care this is some of the most intense micromanagement I've ever had in stellaris it's kind of horrendous to be perfectly honest fun but horrendous nonetheless constantly getting new stations constantly trying to stop small attacks taking back territory trying to sort out all of these worlds and I think I'm doing an okay job my research has now gone just to insane levels we can now finish some of the earlier repeatable in five months so every five months we're increasing the damage of our strike craft by 10% for instance so every year that's over 20% increase since you know we like to point whatever ya going mad Corvettes oh yeah I forgot I was gonna change that wasn't oh yeah earlier I messed up and I didn't give these things the ability to well go from hyper line type alone I can deal with that I'll give some more resources and since piracy will be mostly solved on the world that's fall to us and bun Barden's on the last world of the purifiers good say we are purifying them so I've got a question for everyone because this has happened to me now maybe 10 times I keep getting stored research not huge amounts of it for the year we're currently in I'm gonna get about 26,000 resource but I keep on getting and I have no idea where from is it conquering the world's or something else I just don't know where I'm getting it from I want to know what I'm doing to get it because then I'll try and get more because it is lovely still although it's not much it's a it's essentially taking a month off one of our researches which is great so right now I only have four months are other than five months to get the next 10% damage increase to our strike craft but I really don't know where I'm getting it from let's keep on getting it it's intentional is a bug I might just being really stupid and missing isn't really obvious that is of course very very possible one more gate wait out to finish gonna put one over here as well and putting them down pretty much everywhere at the moment it make life a lot easier for us we have ended the cliff Plath Star Alliance goodbye cliff laughs your names will live on oh dear writing please where did you come from well gonna lose the ground floor so it's not too much of an issue got loads ready nearby see once again stored research now physics as well it must be taking over the planets right I just finished taking over a planet it's got to be that this always happened again it just always happened I was being really really dense oh that's really no you having a gateway a neutral territory it means anyone can use it no wonder I keep on singing bees pop up over there finally the purifiers have been removed from the galaxy and we are now next to our benefactors over here there is a lot of forces lining up certainly start dealing with those also we're under attack over here from the Conclave which this group here I didn't think they could go through the foreigners territory but partly they can sorry to deal with this of guy largely already ready at 303 K fleet power we are really powerful right now so it's still just a master of lots of micromanagement 37k research now at least also we just conquer the world so an opening any research so yeah I have no idea where I'm getting all my research from oh is it because I'm overshooting so much discovered yeah I didn't think so I knew that's how it did well I knew that's not how it worked but I started got a clue where I'm getting all that research from I'm gonna be honest it keeps on happening randomly it could be the world still maybe I used it up already many years later and there are still three major players within the galaxy there is the prepper and fanatics which of course is us then there is the co-operative the Union and the Conclave which are the neutral forces which are definitely doing the worst out of the three and then there is the directors and their minions which are the other awakened empires well slightly other awakened Empire and its minions I've just sent over one of our larger fleets which is gonna get here soon the fanatics are just utterly devastatingly directors the problem is there's just so many enemies around here they constantly losing space so I'm gonna have a fleet which isn't going to try and conquer any worlds or anything but it's gonna just take out these smaller fleets constantly grab systems and hopefully that can then force the fanatics to finally destroy the directors because that would end the war which would be greater because I'm getting sick of it that analogy discovered this is gonna have it technology discovered thank you strike raft those are the forces from the non-aligned powers and that station was from the directors okay I'm going to keep you there so keep on attacking from here so if I go here here they'll block the non-aligned forces from attacking the fanatics over here will keep on attacking the directors and I am building up some ground forces to use only over here over here it has been a nightmare of constantly being attacked by tiny little fleets it is the most boring thing to deal with really starting to think the BAPS I just have one giant Corvette Felice around here just purely based on speed just to go and pick them off over and over again but we are getting the job done and soon all of this will be ass why did the fleet had over there go oh yeah I sent it into the L cluster okay you can go back now let's clear up this space from the Union then this off the galaxy really is under our control the other awakened Empire only has three worlds left sorry no no I didn't see these two because they are in the colours of our allies so no there five left still not all that many although how allies just sent their ground forces straight into a station I can see why they needed us I'll get over there deal with that we're about to finish off this one over here is our fried Jean warriors just a crease that damaged a little bit speed all this long as shields are now two hundred and ninety percent stronger it's nice but the damage is gonna arrive from the from the endgame crisis it's still probably gonna one shot ship concrete also we do now finally have access to the Fallen Empire tech so I will be installing that as soon as possible lay I am still building ring world's in the background when I have the resources to do surveys hostile fleet encounter only a few systems left of the Union oh good what about allies managed to grab the elk Alistair I was just about to consider going over there so very happy they did it instead so we don't have to do almost there I'm good hallowed ground boys no go to the other one this one's almost finished we're doing just fine our own discovered it's still being held by pirates really I've been to those little Corvettes we had oh I guess they've merged one of the other fleets okay you go over there now at four hundred caper fleet fantastic discovered next one will go down here if I can actually find it because I am blind about the awakened Empire has been defeated the end of the directors so we still at war then with okay so no longer at war with these fellows but we asked to look war with all of these unless our ally wants to status quo which would be nice I'm assuming not solvers continued to destroy a thing I can say we shall continue the rampage now that's what I've been wanting to see the entire time so I've just activated reverse-engineer arcane technology and I've got a class for singularity which is one of the Fallen Empire buildings which gives you and a lot of energy absolutely for free does it really matter where I put this as long as I put it down as soon as possible to get all the energy we can possibly get now I can't actually see it right now does it have to go on an actual planets planet that might be the case which is kind of annoying on us life since you have so many habitats it would have been habitats first there it is yeah 250 energy probably just best to white until a planet has an open slot no I would much rather have it in one of our original world so sure this one has all the industrial arcologies anyway pop that down that governor has just passed away none of those are particularly good none of those are particularly good that one is great well it could be better really the best governor we can have is the bonus research regular trait then that and brainslug but for now that'll do some of that planets to have a lot of crime but it's normally the ones we have lots and lots of own populations and then we just have the crime lord deal to make sure we're still stable in fact we are very stable so that crime don't even care for criminals and a population of 394 yep don't care in the slightest so at this point the enemies are almost completely defeated although it has been a really really aggressive a bit of expansion for us in terms of gangs so what's so much more space so now our admin cap is really suffering we are now suffering through plus 100% in our technology cast plus 100 49% for our tradition cast not that matters now and even our campaigns are really really expensive on the upside though we are almost done now we have loads of worlds which you could increase an admin cap on but yeah our tech right now is not looking the best though it's still doing ok honestly because we have so much Risa we are about to hit 60k a research once the cooperative is dealt with the only enemy really then is the Conclave down here which honestly isn't really even an enemy anymore they are so so very weak I have a tiny fleet here I think I'm going to send those in to finish them off though five looks of things the Fallen Empire is about to do the same anyway sorry the awakened Empire our parents few enemies over here so this is their only real force they have left so not exactly much I can always just move this fleet down some dealt with everything else yeah that makes sense to me and here's a current fleets they are looking terrifying honestly almost 500 cage with one year to go until the endgame crisis can spawn in next time we're probably going to spawn in them impress earlier even if we do struggle wow there's a lot of unemployed here where just grab this world well you're not taking jobs you're all residents what's going on there there we go wow that was a quick update crime lords um I'm here to make a deal with you technology discovered the union has been defeated our only enemy now is at the Conclave soon as they're done I'm gonna mostly just ignore the other empires I don't Eclair spice I'm having him I'm having a tough enough time managing all the rest of the space and then doing no real harm to us we have plenty of space if you want some more Ring worlds and such in fact even right now I am building up a new ring world we have to ring worlds here and here which I probably haven't talked about all that much which brings our current total to four full ring worlds which is a little bit crazy honestly and does explain partially our 60k research now I have had more research at this point in the game but this is really good still another good thing all the gateways is that getting our trade value over to the main world is actually significantly easier as you can see the trade value can actually travel through the gateways and since I have a gateway in our home system far less piracy now there is still a piracy problem but far less so the awaken them by clearing the way so we can take up the final world of our final enemy thank you very much the ending of the Conclave now we are finally no longer at war and we now control most of the galaxy once again I don't care about conquering even more because we're doing fantastically right now even our Citadel's are growing in power significantly and soon I'm going to change these defense platforms to also use hangar Bay's since now I think I strike craft are doing 300% extra damage at 300 syn extra speed or something like that no 400% attack speed 300 40 percent extra damage bring on the crisis the year is now 2404 and our fleets look like this 619 K for some of the more experienced ones I've been doing some combat so right now I'm heading over to the L cluster so that we have access to the main system there I probably will go and destroy it the great tempest whilst I'm there almost purely because I want the nanites in order to allow us to use the edict to increase our research speed so one the reasons why ships are now somewhat stronger of course is the fact we have integrated the Fallen Empire Tech which is rather nice when you have plus three hundred and seventy percent on your shield hip points he is really hoping that we see the unbidden because we can count on them quite easily and quite quickly so we encountered the great tempest the strike craft all fired once and the enemy is gone just need to destroy their main group of course then all of them perish at once sometimes the strike craft doesn't get their blade goodbye to all of you and then we can deal with you hello to the home system it's weird seeing strike craft be so effective now of course we are just massively out scaling the enemy here these are all gaps every month they're gonna be really annoying it but still working out just fine why are we so much weaker here is there some kind of enemy field or ivory lost summer battleships no I'm really weak here for some reason oh did I lose some battleships in that fight last nine that might explain why I was a fair bit weakened lost them Oh energy arc is that one as weapons just goes through shields and armor it could be I'm not too sure would make sense because the damage to shields is very low and yet their damage the hole is very high so I assume I just ignored a shields completely there okay you can all return home and we can start climbing this sector as our own so that sense of that science vessels over so even that stored research cell a revitalization which increases our leader lifespan by five years only takes two years to complete now which means yep now our leaders will be immortal ships we have reached immortality a galactic power surge has been felt throughout the galaxy now I'm fairly certain this is the unbidden right because it's the ghost signal for the comte the continuity the contingency whatever they're actually called the machines which I've not seen in so long I was actually hoping it was going to be them this time because they're the most difficult so it would have been just insanely difficult on times 25 at least it's the most difficult for me I always have trouble with them not saying that they are the most difficult full staff now you later returned home as well and I'm hoping the ends they end up somewhere where we're close to a gateway now thankfully we have gateways almost everywhere and my ability to make a coherent sentence is starting to fade away you have gateways pretty much in all of our territory and the fanatics are doing an okay job as well in fact they're doing a fantastic job keeping gateways as they continue to expand so just don't spawn here it's borns here it's gonna be a small problem now we wait now cuz it's the unbidden what we need to do though is change our battleships armor is outright useless or not completely useless it's not like vs the scourge where shields are almost completely useless well we want is that the deflectors now I kind of wish we went purely kinetic because I feel like using just kinetic weapons would be better but we've gone down so far upgrading the strike craft and some kinetic I think this is gonna be an okay setup I'm tempted to go carrier now though because we have so so many strike craft even though we are still using the cannon would that be better it would decrease our fire rate by 20% which is a big deal but it would increase our engagement range and keep us nice and far away so during combat we'll take a bit longer firm to get to us will wisely send out the strike craft earlier in the fight but no I think sticking with that would be best yeah and just changing completely over to Dark Matter deflectors that's gonna be very expensive to upgrade not four alloys but for Dark Matter oh no probably not why is that not as expensive as I thought explain yourself to me slowly in with diagrams I think we're gonna be okay I honestly think this is not gonna be it's gonna be difficult but it's not gonna be insane but if we lose our fleets then recovering is gonna be yes so essentially it's gonna be okay as long as we don't do something really stupid or lose all of our fleets at once like attacking multiple of their fleets at the same time if that doesn't happen I think we're gonna be able to contain them but if we lose what we have it's gonna take us so many years even with the mega shipyard even with us producing an insane amount of alloys that they could get the upper hand and start gaining some serious territory you are all upgrading at the mega shipyard right because there is so much faster with the 20 shipyards okay good good good oh that was quick okay where are you unbidden the unbidden have arrived we're here that does not say 8.4 million that should not say it okay they're regular fleets though we can definitely how much do we have though because we are close to a million okay now remember though although we are getting close to a million each we are and seven hundred and thirty three thousand on multiple air fleets this is our home territory firepower which means we have access to desperate measures increasing their fire rate by 40% we have the tradition so we have bulwark of harmony increasing and by an additional 15% and a few other bonuses as well am i still using defense-in-depth yes which is an additional 10% we are not that strong when we're out of our own territory however we do have a 600,000 Bastion right there okay even though you're not fully upgraded I'm gonna move all my fleets there right now I don't care I need it to make sure they don't expand we could end this in the next few years or if we can just if we can just contain them so station athletes here keep bouncing between these two systems build up Citadel's which will give us additional fire rights and other bonuses stay in our homes our home territory get minimal losses we should be able to hold them back and potentially just quarantine them over here one thing I wish I'd already done I should have made a strike craft why did I make a strike craft I don't know probably be able to turn all these into shields but let's just find out shall we didn't think so they do bonus damage to a farmer and hole right since I do have the crystal infused placing which is less effective especially since I haven't increased our armor bonuses from our armor but if they do loads of extra armor damage but not much hole maybe it's worth using that rather than the armor anyway that's something to consider later no let's use those to ignore their shields completely strike craft damage there we go that's the main deal there yeah should have built that why sooner because that can sit with our battleships and give them a nice defensive bonus okay we're on the move they so fart nope they are now moving but I'd say so far they've just stayed put but nope nope they haven't it's gonna take us a while to get here a bit too long honestly remember how I said it wouldn't be too bad it turns out that eight mill fleet is actually going with their other fleets I thought that was gonna be the fleet which just hangs back and defends the portal apparently no but they are using that as an aggressive fleet which makes complete sense but I'm not happy about it so you guys just the middle of the here we may need more yeah that's going right this way nope nope nope nope nope nope and more nope should have a gateway here so good balance to that gateway and return a different direction going against that would just be utterly utterly silly cancel all my battleships another thing I really should have done is this change that for the arc emitter since that also completely ignore shields I was kind of hedging my bets using the cannon instead in case it wasn't the unbidden it was something else but yes just swap over as soon as I saw is the unbidden so all new ships will be using the arc emitter rather than the cannon he also means I do start upgrading energy damage which isn't something I've been doing at all yet so that's not exactly great you to please split up you know even if it was just the 8.4 I would try to attack them there but as it is I just can't I might just need to bounce around go around here instead then try and attack them here I'm letting too many fleets go by I don't mind even fighting two of their fleets at once just not that super fleet and the secondary fleet because that's the equivalent of three of them yeah that's all going to do so it's run away go around and get to the Citadel upside the enemy are now just kind of staying put I don't know why they're doing this but there's been sitting here for a while that's fine by me downside they are reinforcing and a really really rapid right yep that's actually now more fleet power in this system within that system over there but we do it the Citadel which will give us attack speed bonuses and such and we'll also be in home territory so we can just sit there and stop them paying this way as I said before our name almost all of our tech almost all of our power is coming from this one small area of the galaxy if we can just stop them from going this way for long enough we will get enough power to defeat them right now I'm actually terrified if they attack us with enough ships at once we're just gonna outright lose something I've noticed which is curious fleet power one don't know what's going on with the station's to be fair the stations were never scary anyway even on times 25 so five times stronger than the old crisis that's really not something we should consider threatening and we're using hangers as well which counter stations really really well so doesn't matter if they're a bit broke honestly so it's fine for now I'm just gonna continue to upgrade our shields and strike craft if we'd focused on kinetic we'd be doing better to be perfectly honest I solution I just don't trust strike craft that much we have so much fleet power we might be able to just move in and take out no I doubt we can take out all of that what I'm really hoping is that they do a dum-dum split up then we can take out half of them and even better if half them just head straight into our Citadel I know it may seem like I'm being overly cautious considering we have some decent numbers as well but if we lose our fleets we may just lose the game straight up just straight away could do soon like this now the exercise weapon is incredibly powerful it's 105 damage per second on average ignore shields just like the strike craft the stroke graph is only 40 damage average but the thing is these have been massively checked up also the kinetic artillery at the back probably not the best option just because it's not enough by itself to really break through the enemy shield that's why I wanted to swap by from the cannon the cannon is great versus enemy shields grepolis their hull it's a great ante on biddin weapon but when it's the only kinetic weapon that it's not going to be enough to break through the shields most likely the strike craft will kill the enemy before their shields are even down because it's just not nothing even with the single artillery stem at being used gonna mix in some of these then just pure strike craft the strike craft it's weaker but it is so ticked up it's insane and then just lots and lots of disruptors the other good thing is this is taking up less energy with the disruptors which means I can use a shield capacitor increasing a shield hit points by 10% almost all there they're just not moving at the moment which is kind of typical this isn't normally what they do they take a bit of territory than the weight and they allow the construction vessels to do their work then they take more territory than their white well on the upside we are now making fleets with 1 million fleet power each so that's a lovely thing to sing downside we are about to lose a Citadel they stayed together and they're attacking so I made all of my ships flee there is no chance they would have been able to survive this even with the Citadel the end of month lag is getting very annoying that's probably wise to avoid this using mods and search but for now mining station they have so many whole points you have this smaller graft yeah that took them no time all are you gonna back off or not hoping to sit still now please don't keep going towards us that'll be lovely technology discovered yeah I'll save that problem is like I'll get passed they using our own choke point against us are you going 800 okay fleet I don't okay eight million a little bit more the 8 million fleet has returned back to base you see this so I expected it to do I expected this to be the main Defence Force though all the rest are still clumping together I have moved all of my fleets back through here the 1 million power fleet has now joined my main forces and more are still being created although now I am struggling for resources at this points I have to stop making ships because my energy is starting to struggle my alloys still doing ok but I also can't produce enough dark matter and I can't keep on buying it so for the time being although it's a lot of power I don't think I've already got enough to be all that aggressive well I'm gonna try and do in a second is go down here go straight through attack both of these systems hopefully taking out both of those construction vessels they will likely then move to try and defend I will then jump somewhere else and then just sit there for a while since all of my ships do have jump drives just spent about half an hour trying to micromanage all of our worlds would it be macro either why all of our worlds and I sorted again trying to keep up with the demands of everything is kind of horrendous oh no the stations aren't glitched they do have promised that it's just there coming up with the wrong firepower okay take out that take out that let's see if any enemies are gonna move to try and defend note you're not budging lunge Ryu and neither is the main force so yet we'll just continue we'll take out that and if they continue to not move will actually enter the enemy's territory and take out this system as well that leaves only one set of construction vessels now I'm tempted to try and jump this tiny Corvette fleet over here there's a chance they could take out the actually now of course the construction of vessels also have all the bonuses ship hull points plus three thousand seven hundred and fifty percent yep welcome to this difficulty I think I may have them set to not be following the slowest police right now so that's a bit of a mistake oh well soon enough we'll take out the station and the instruction that's all covered and I'm feeling a bit more confident again now now that we have two of the 1 million fleets and I'm converting my ships and something a bit better oh okay now they are moving they move for a second then they move back I think I would try to take out two of their fleets just not more than that okay get back here that see what's going on oh good you can follow the leader which I believe is this one so you have one more fleet again I can t make much more this is probably the final fleet I can 1.1 million though there we go one more station is about to be removed lovely however yep their forces are indicating towards us what we're gonna do is back off right now yeah we'll definitely make it in time no problem there we'll sit by the Gateway if we need to we can just jump over here again just need to keep this up just keep on knocking out the odds of small flees keep on knocking out their stations when they're not defended properly we might be okay what are you doing buddy there's a chance that you're going to start moving towards here so we might want to go through the Gateway anyway look so they're mostly just defending what they already had can we by any chance just jump to that system there if we can jump here then move here the problem is they can move back very quickly and if we jump we are slowed significantly but if I could take out that construction vessel there that would be such a bonus for us okay if I'll move over there so you can jump straight into the correct system jump into the system take out the station and the construction vessel move out there we are I've got the rotors technology discovered construction complete please hurry up I know you're on half speed right now because of the jump so asking you to hurry up is a bit weird but hurry up [Music] they're lucky but there goes the station that I think we just knocked up the construction vessel early on so many strike craft there's a profits one non-moving to defend yep yes they are makes sense I would say then probably just go all the way back to here so you can jump without all the negatives because now for 200 days you're doing half damage and a half speeds obviously don't particularly what you fighting think that was worth it though Shannon I have one more now they will make more construction vessels over time but if we if we can keep on knocking them out they tend not to go too far away from their border so we could just keep them circling here and we're getting stronger every year come on please do not finish your building tiny little fleet here just take out the construction vessel beautiful that went so much better than expected the game really gets broken up when you have to wait a few seconds every single month so there we are you fellows moving this way the problem is I think you are heading back Oh on your own though is that Lee is that the 8.4 actually on its own okay you're dead I don't see how you're going to get out of this alive yeah there's no way well we've sacrificed 196 K fleet power okay at four battleships but we took out their last construction vessel yet that was worth it all of these fellows just sit where you are see if one of these will go by by themselves would I try and kill this yes if we can take out that large fleet that must be great it would just be so so useful to us well I've been caught out of position this is not an intentional fight here behold the swarm in all of its glory so right now the enemy are not able to attack back if we had more of the hangars so more of the well versions of the hangars the hangar v2 which is holding back we'd be doing even more damage in this phase right now it takes a long time to get to us and those strike craft are doing a fair bit but now they're hitting all of the shorter range battleships yeah just being swarmed if we win this I'll be amazed that was eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen million rushing more than athis wasn't exactly three three eight only one left in the millions and yeah I think we have reached the tipping point in power levels because that was a beautiful we lost a lot but they've only glass I thought that had less sleep than they did they still have lots of fleets how much did we actually lose total oh damn that's a lot about ships destroyed oh dear still though we destroyed their largest fleet so that's good they start merging these to see what the actual damage was and the one good thing is as we lose ships how upkeep goes down drastically and I think that was overall worth it it was a mistake it is a good mistake tell them they're gonna be able to merge they could go down on the tactical view but you know let's do this yeah think so now I'm sure a lot of people as well been asking themselves why don't I use missiles missiles are obviously a very good weapon versus the unbidden honestly they are it's just they lack the base DPS and they're really hard to spam so it's difficult to grade them and not upgrade other things you also can't use them on battleships now that's my normal logic but since now the enemy are so powerful even with all these shields upgrades there one or two shotting airships I'm starting to think that perhaps a Corvette spam might do better because that's a lot of firepower for only one very small ship so using things like the wrong one there it is just the regular missiles which do bonus whole damage and of course ignore shields and then using a phase disruptor or something else which ignore shields that's quite a lot of damage for just a tiny very very cheap craft and you can spam these things that they've also got a very good evasion right you can bring that up all the way to the maximum which I think it basically has slightly 95% no evasion if 90% what's the accuracy on them on the enemy weapons and more importantly what's the tracking on them hello fellas I do have small weapons of decent tracking and accuracy but there's a lot of medium and large weapons which we would be able to dodge but yeah the normal logic is just that it's very difficult to spam many missiles without going down the route of Corvettes or other smaller craft and perhaps cruisers and that tends not to work out all that well least in my experience could be very wrong here I never try to profess myself as some kind of expert in this game I'm seriously not but I'm starting to think the Magna missiles were a potentially good option here just normally every time I've tried before I have been really underwhelmed but I have tried many times to get them to work in many different enemies including the unbidden yeah we're currently running away from this that's all they have left it's still a lot we've essentially haft how much they have well maybe 2/3 of it are left still took so much damage there so I'm trying to recover and build more ships wonderfully is just being finished so that's gonna meet up with them a gateway although this here was annoyingly just taken by one of the other empires we're neutral with them so I'll be absolutely fine did that already go through yep and now we also have the Galactic focus of defeat Leon didn't so I doubt anyone's gonna close their borders any time soon I could do that thankfully enforce that because I am by far the most powerful member of the Galactic community by a longshot all shall listen to the isolationists okay two fleets going this way so forget that white try and meet them I think we can still take out two of them as we are with the new fleet arriving and there's still no construction vessels either so yeah I'm getting more and more hopeful and remember we're getting more and more powerful our tech is absolutely insane how we continue to improve on it yeah next time maybe cool that spam would have been good the reason why I spam battleships is because you can sometimes keep the enemy far away and destroy them before they even in range to hit you but now they have so much health even if you go with weapons which ignore shields is gonna be difficult so raw damage what you better I truly try that out problem is now that I'm so far gone in terms of tech trying to catch up with missiles it's gonna be insane still gonna grab the Marauder missiles anyway appreciation and still average now is only 14 being it so many of them okay I'm so awfully because I'm tired so you move out we lose a system but it's not an important system so okay I did like the system though because it has this here the neutron star which slows down sublight speed which is good for us and probably one of the reasons why we did well in that previous fight finally had enough to activate folks in crystals I've been focusing a lot on the rare resources now so actually getting quite a few of each and that's allowed the overall price of them to dip so now all of our ships which are using the arc emitter are 25% more powerful with the arc emitter which is still nice I just realize the call the names of the things in this system the heart the eye tusks belly tail snout and fist so here's a problem I just jumped four of our battleships because I saw that there was a construction vessel undefended and sadly as soon as I did that it became defended so those four are now gone the enemy of tho have separated a lot at the moment so I'm going to try and make a small push even though we are still lacking numbers I think we've just got another new fleets great you can join them get ready to go I was really hoping these are the least attack that before they got attacked but no a chance at all you're gonna turn around and fire at the right target so they're not quit being one-shot but still very very quick death monkey house good least took it on the stations anyone moving to defend your still going away doing know where you're going you've been to the center of this system there's no way out that way so you're gonna change your mind later you're only being defended by one fleet you're being defended by none we could jump we could jump on of athletes now I think what I'm gonna do again is so much before gonna split off a couple of battleships and one of our fleets and I tend to go for just because that is enough damage that it should be able to take them out fairly quickly once it starts firing so I'll be one less construction vehicle to deal with let's go sit where I am for now though space board under attack lovely spice pull under attack where that's not space book apparently we're at war with another Empire oh really game well really fanatics this is what you dealing with right now I'm not sending me ships and you can run away and hopefully rejoin us later okay you're still staying still we could try and get this fleet but yeah it's gonna move too just too far I guess that's an easy way to take out station okay we attack the station there we took it out that brought back almost all their forces their construction vessel is once again exposed and I am so glad for jump drives right now everyone else please move away there is way too many fleets heading towards you right now nobody micromanaging the world's a masher should be to be perfectly honest tired and focused a horrible horrible combo plate some coffee never have coffee in the house the moment some reason well the drink is coffee normally lovely and now you run away and you can join the other assassination group okay and they're backing off yeah it's in construction vehicles is easiest way to get them to move where you want them to are you so far behind establishing colony bout to do quite silly thing but whilst the enemy seemingly oh just going all over the place since they can't make any more stations I'm gonna jump one of my full fleets over here along with one of these groups if it's ready just take out a station so much health you know these actually are a little bit scary just because they are so so difficult to kill well it seemed apparent to normal oh yeah we've lost a battleship oh yeah okay now all of you make a run for it there's a very very real possibility we are losing a fleet right now yeah they're moving in to attack it is that worth it honestly I'd say yes I would say it's very worth losing a fleet to do that why did I leave sending the whole fleet because as soon as we attacked it that's when they started to move if we took too long they would have destroyed us before we had a chance to take it out come on I believe in you even if you were on 50% speed and a second air gonna pop in from here Bower on maximum influence that is weird I guess it could be building more habitats as such but saying I am using all of my alloys for other things just save up some keep all those on love like oh they stopped chasing us that's why they let us go interesting wow they are really exposed to it now where my fleets move here everything right now move here if they stay up there doing whatever the hell they're doing we could go around here take up these two problems when you start taking out those everything moves back you can only take up the portal which is the wind condition once they have no anchors left they have two anchors right now but that's our goal just keep on knocking them out make sure if we see construction vessels just it's worth it sacrifice a lot of ships to take out a single cause a single construction at the vessel let me guess no more dark matter no more dark matter well now we have lots of dark matter oh yeah a sidenote I decided not to use the juggernut just because it's so difficult to move around it's really slow and the controls are really micromanagement heavy and I cannot be bothered with that right now it's a good thing to have around obviously but yeah just not happy with it in this circumstance right now I want to make sure I don't make too many mistakes like the mistake what's going to make a second ago Don yet they already owe him back just spent like 20 minutes sorting out all of our planets again please say you're staying still they are really out of position right now so ideally we all rush here go right up to the border so they all teleport at the same time rush this destroy those two fleets which we definitely can't with what we have currently if we have enough we can rush this destroy this really weak fleet which is weaker than any of their other fleets then we take out the portal as soon as we start the attack here we are on a timer because their fleets are gonna be moving back it is not worth losing everything we have just to take out even both of these anchors because it takes so long to recover that they will likely get new construction vessels and loads of other stuff which again will make it nothing worth it okay you have extra sublight speed right now in policies our war doctrine is rapid deployment extra sublight speed extra weapon range though it's mostly for the extra sublight speed so this is a this is another way where Corvettes would've been better Corvettes are far faster if we add pure Corvette fleets or even everything but battleships we would be much faster and thus able to do this a lot better so what would that kind of ship look like then so it would be the Marauder missiles it would be the phase disruptors although the others are really good versus the shield's it doesn't matter and main damage is hitting their hull so it's better to hit the hole as well because we won't they'll take out the shields and time that would probably destroy something most likely the math on that I am really ever done so the burners would be great for the extra speed I doubt I can have all the shields I want if I do that so a choice is either afterburners to make us far faster taking us to the speed of 392 versus 362 but we have an additional shield what's the cross speed about battleships in comparison 225 yeah that is a big difference the next time I play with the higher difficulty crisis I think I'm certainly gonna try out Corvette fleets even just a few of them now would have been great but again we're just so behind on tech it's a real shame that we don't get much bonus from this extra shield damage is nice but we don't really have a lot many things now even using the shield I mean I'm gonna use it for this final hopefully final fight just to speed things along but it's not really that much of a big deal I hate it when they lose their general when they merge there we go what are you doing no honey don't give that order ignore my obviously dumb orders and keep it the smarter ones admittedly the smarter ones and the dumb ones do seem very similar most the time the difference between my worst my best ideas are not particularly all that different oh I did not care that's all right now yeah I don't care all about this fight it's annoying it's very annoying and my allies are only just now even attacking the enemies we got forced into the fight with but I do not have time for that almost done with one more new Flay's do I wait or do I not know these already moving back I've got to do it like now are you wanting position oh this could be so bad place the focusing on the station it can't hit you from there something battleships are going down Troy Hawaii come on strike craft get your work done please I believe in ya kinda not really Bowl pretend if it helps don't drop believe didn't you oh so many dead power ships I know strike I've done a stupid thing when you separate that is why a high height strike craft sometimes as I stammer oh my stammer though is dreadful it really is stress which causes that so this in real life stuff combined there we are lovely how much do we lose okay everyone run run now run fast attack that attack that now this first [Music] move move move move move hopefully they don't reinforce as we get there if they do we could die okay one more flee just arrived in the gate we only met and jump to join in with the final fight discovered all glory to the preppers gauging in a Reese station oh this station looks stronger than the others Wow look at that that moment with so many strike craft it can make a ring that is weird Suraj see I do love strike crafty this feels like no yeah it just feels like it takes too long for them to start doing their damage in that time regular weapons would have been just destroying it do lose and thing that second fight yeah well I say battleship there we are though they can no longer reinforce only these fleets are left that is essentially victory I thought once the port always going we do just instantly win I don't think you need to actually destroy the rest of the unbidden ships first that's kind of annoying um yeah we don't we haven't a force to fight off all of our ones but they're not gonna separate is the problem let's just skedaddle back to the portal Oh we've got a warlock from the unbidden what on earth is this supply speed force 15 percent lovely unbidden ritual modifier added 420 months giving the following effects jump drive range plus 100% now if you combine that with the psionic jump drive that'll be insane oh it's a little embedded in a tube in a tube well then okay everyone back there going here oh if they go like this if they're smart about it they will catch us if they're not smart about it we can just keep on reinforcing their attack when we have way more flute power stroke crafts I'm sorry I ever doubted you still don't think I'll be using sprite craft again though for future endeavors the reason why I went with stroke craft this time is because it gives you plus 10% on the attack and attack speed rather than all the others plus 5% I figured they might not be the best versus a lot of the circumstances but they are good at soft countering most enemies because they go through shields they do bonus damage to armor they good vs almost all targets my world's really being you know I don't care these all the words I took from them earlier because they're good against all targets totally some degree I figured we can upgrade all that while we're waiting whereas if I went with let's say energy weapons although we do have the main weapon we using the arc emitter all that other energy weapons are a bit meh versus the unbidden so it would have been a waste of bonuses will be great versus the scourge of oh where energy weapons are king but there we are double if they would separate so I just threw what I already had into a fight and this our looks once they get close like this I do seem to struggle a bit to do enough damage you're not could've said sure why that is but it seems that the strike craft are doing better than I expected it just takes so long for strike craft to get going once they are they do shred the enemy the invasion is defeated some moving wistfully over there that's why I missed the start of that fight but that is that I have to make two more fleets but we are done the endgame crisis has been defeated the fanatics are quickly devouring this last enemy all is done now we could of course brush off the fanatics as our overlords we are multiple multiple times stronger but I think this is how I want to end this we were created by the fanatics to safeguard the galaxy under their command we were loyal and we were amazingly successful now I will be doing this again the times twenty five challenge is not really a challenge well is a challenge it's not a challenge Minh itself I will be doing the times twenty-five difficulty again perhaps with an earlier year and there are a lot of things I would have done very differently now looking back after 42 hours of gameplay for this let's play oh I kind of hurt a bit mostly because now I've got to edit down 42 hours into two to three hours of footage I'm gonna have my own voice so much and all the times I've stammered and stumbled over words well with that thank you so much for watching if you have enjoyed today's video then of course likes favourite shares comments all that good stuff helps out and then helps out the channel and most importantly shows that stellaris is a series you wish to see continued in the future in the next video will likely be challenging ourselves again even though for some reason I'm against the word challenge at the moment because I'm a special potato thank you so so much for watching do take care stay safe good bye
Channel: Lathland
Views: 444,799
Rating: 4.9672408 out of 5
Id: 7F4rSf0LCoU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 153min 33sec (9213 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2020
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