Destroying Empires With DRAGONS! | Stellaris 3.2 Gameplay | Here Be Dragons Origin

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greetings sir answerets and welcome back to stellaris with me alathrix and of course welcome to hear the dragons in today's video we're going to be testing out the brand new origin which has been added in the aquatics portrait dlc and we're going to be seeing just how good it is i will be playing this completely blind i am recording this very soon after the release of the game straight after recording the other origin the ocean paradise so with here be dragons since time immemorial this civilization has shared its solar system with a formidable dragon the mysterious creature's behaviour sways between distant benevolence and haughty indifference how this relationship will evolve as the planet dollars take to the stars remains to be seen start with a space dragon roaming your home system the dragon may protect you from harm but beware it's wrath should you displease it which shouldn't be a problem for us we truly believe the dragon was here as a sign of destiny we are fanatic spiritualists and we believe that we alone have been chosen to be the dragon's people and as such i have chosen only the most beautiful of portraits sorry i absolutely love this portrait because it looks horrific it looks like the result of some kind of a horrible experiment on some species you really don't like and i mean that in a good way i love this species even if when they open their mouths occasionally it looks like they are begging for the end to finally offer them some release absolutely adore them so they're the chosen people the ultimate speeches of course maybe they are baby dragons this is what baby dragons look like i'm sorry but this is peak dragon performance so to go along with this perfect form we are of course pompous purists a society so utterly convinced of their own superiority that any attempt at diplomacy not initiated by themselves to be utterly ignored can only engage in diplomacy with other empires if they are the proposer trust growth plus 30 and available invoice plus two you need to be a xenophobe for this it just gives you the option to be diplomatic or almost to being xenophobic it's really cool in my opinion it's one of those civics i first saw it i didn't really think much of it but i thought more about it actually i like having a bit of an evil run sometimes i know surprise i am normally the good guys of course but this really makes that more possible in different playstyles and then we are the exalted priesthood because well it's all about worshiping the dragon in the sky so i think that only makes sense we're gonna be a a unity rushing build i think with this setup just because that's kind of how it happened i haven't really rushed students in ages so that's what we're going with we are of course using the aquatic ship appearance and that's pretty much it although i'm not using the aquatic buildings because i don't like them very much it's one of the only things i'm not a big fan of with the dlc i prefer like the reptilian ones honestly or the moleskoid over the aquatic for the waterborne ones so yeah we're going with that and with that let's get going oh yeah we are we are of course aquatic rapid breeders and traditional let's begin with that creepy creepy little things hey everyone a future latrix here now normally i wouldn't be here to shill for the channel unless it was a full play-through but this video did take about as much time to record because it is very heavily edited down and it turns out the origin just has a lot to cover so i focused almost completely on the origin itself and cut away most of the day-to-day stuff within the normal run so i hope you enjoy it this origin is definitely one of the ones which i honestly have absolutely fallen in love with so we'll be doing a full playthrough of it soon and a like and a comment really do help out the channel and make sure videos like this do well because they can be a bit weird even though this is a bit shorter or fair it's shorter than a full playthrough it does help a lot so with that back to pasolathrix i'm really bad at shilling we have always known the dragon it has graced the sky is above perfect place since thai memorial i can't believe latrick's name the world that i completely forgot about that our early interactions with it scattered throughout squiggles folklore i also forgot i called you guys squiggles yep i have a good memory for a long time it was the story of conflict as our early weaponry proved no match for the mighty beast but then the stories tell of a visionary who against all odds managed to broker peace between squiggles and dragon in subsequent encounters the dragon has proved a distant enigmatic figure whose example has ever spurred our efforts to reach the stars however the invention of rapid propulsion systems and the discovery of the hyperline network have brought about a new uneasy period of relations with the dragon as we increasingly intrude upon areas it has roamed in solitude for eons it is for us to decide what our future holds will we study the dragon and perhaps eventually learn to communicate with it or will we be driven to conflict the confines of a single solar system simply too small to share with such a formidable creature so uh future ethics may have mentioned this already depending if i've edited that in but i am going to be editing this play through very heavily better usual since it's mostly about the actual origin itself any major events i will of course cover but day to day stuff will be a bit less than usual so this is the lovely dragon simply going around our system love the model i wanna boop it on this news now and that aside let's find our first world whoa well that was easy latrick's build temple because temple is good attempt 7 at reading this my dyslexia really hates me today our researchers observing the skydragon have reported loud creaking noises seemingly coming from its internal organs it has also been circling around perfect place unusually often over the last few months sometimes swooping right past that the upper reaches of the atmosphere before pulling away again our working hypothesis is that the creature is hungry and wishes to land to feed as it has periodically done in the past it is not clear why it hesitates perhaps it wishes to see how we react now that we have joined it amongst the stars fire a warning shot set aside some space oh that's a lot of influence thankfully we have loads because i've been going over all the influence um choices at the moment and i've even gone with interstellar dominion because we're kind of protected here by this fallen empire so we need to expand rapidly though because we could easily get choked out because well we're kind of stuck so yeah i went with that and apparently that paid off so here's some space the dragon is likely to consume a lot of food once it lands on the planet i would imagine it's a very big dragon it's bigger than the planet it's doing a dance the track has landed has it the dragon appeared to realize our intention and our intentions and gracefully swoop down to rest in the area we had vacated the large supply of food we left behind probably helped it must be said the dragon has lied into it with outstanding ferocity our researchers are observing it from a distance feeding dragon added to perfect place with the following result plus 10 stability plus 7 unity minus 15 food taking flight will happen in 15 to 16 years okay well that's lovely giving us extra um stability and extra unity that's great considering we are a unity-based civilization so lovely also i found some primitives who like arid worlds perfect that can stay nice and far away from us while still serving us for the greater good of the dragon our scientists have discovered something rather monstrous the mountain range it scanned earlier was in actuality the outer membrane of a gigantic egg it's uncertain what behemoth could lie such an egg and what horror would hatch from it situation well where xenophobes we break it open the insides of the planet were not what we expected instead of some infant titanic life form we've simply uncovered genetic slop the entire plant is filled with genetic material and resources what all this material would have become is unclear but our galaxy's probably safer not knowing we just killed the giant baby taking flight after several years of gorging itself on the bountiful harvests of perfect place the now considerably girthier skydragon has once again taken flight with a final roaring salute it lifted off leaving behind a large collection of scales shed skin and other byproducts in its presence of its presence rather we shall study the remains which will burn them once again we basically worship this thing as i dietary we will study the remains i'll help our tech for a while as well we're not doing particularly well of tech but we are expanding rapidly and we are locked by another fallen empire what is this starting location i like the part where every event seems to want to give me influence another new event one of our science ships got stuck on this world we had to save it and it's given us by the looks of things a permanent plus 15 percent research to field manipulation oh wait no no it's only gave that to the sign this never mind i thought was gonna get really really good leader but this one only has propulsion as its other one so uh it wasn't particularly great but yep brand new event so that was neat i had to have three science vessels there so i have them also yeah aquatic um science vessels definitely my favorite now well that's annoying so i really wanted a federation so i thought what's better than just making a new form of ourselves so i made this little vassal was thinking to myself okay i'll make a federation with myself as i make the vassal but i can't do it and um they are reluctant to discuss this proposal because of course they're pompous purists because they're like us so we can't discuss that i can't make them to a federation member unless they ask me so i'm hoping that they have the same traditions as me because then maybe they will ask us i didn't even consider that that is honestly pretty funny draconic scale investigation but first i finally have the ability to do one of our ascensions so we're going with engineered evolution i was hoping to go with the psychic one but we simply didn't get the tech but in a way this is better because we can build on the perfection but it's these fellas yep we're just going to make them perfect and these can become the ultimate servants i suppose as well since eventually we are going to turn all worlds into ocean worlds so the squiggles will rule these worlds and we are xenophobic so yeah ultimate servants anyway let's get back down to the whole dragon thing shall we now that we have made some progress understanding xenobiology and exotic materials our researchers have proposed that we send a science ship to take a closer look at the dragon they are particularly interested in its scales which are remarkably durable even impenetrable while we have acquired numerous naturally shed samples our scientists remain baffled on how the scales form using what they describe as a mildly intrusive probe they believe they can get under the dragon's protective layer and directly study its natural processes surely the dragon will not mind surely um no we're gonna go with something less intrusive so remote dragon scanning remember we are meant to be the dragon's bestest friend i'm not gonna send a probe to annoy it situation log updated also fnatic purifiers over here thankfully at war with this federation we're in a weird position at the moment thankfully we've just got a cruise attack and we're doing okay for tech so i'm just gonna try and defend the borders at the moment we are expanding rapidly over here so weird border gore because of this xenophobic um fallen empire which is really annoying okay so i guess i need a science vessel here let's scan the dragon though the dragon watched our science vessel attentively it did not react as we subjected it to several deep scans the most thorough we were capable of with our current level of technology they provided us with fresh insights into its biological processes though the secret behind its scaly hide remains as elusive as ever although our researchers are forced to admit defeat on that matter they assure us that they will nonetheless be able to put the knowledge they have acquired to good use maybe the problem gave us like the dragon scales or something you know the actual armor for the ships but still you know we are the bestest friends with the dragon so that's all well and good i suppose okay so basically straight after we now have communications following our successes and establishing communications with a number of alien species one of our leading linguists has brought forth a radical proposal though past efforts to communicate with the skydragon have failed miserably they argue that now is the time to make another attempt according to our earliest histories there was a fabled accord between squiggles and dragon after which direct conflict ceased citing this is proof that understanding on some level is possible they know they have recent experiences with utterly alien life forms make us better equipped than ever before to understand the drake our envoys will attempt to communicate with the dragon uh which one do i want to send over probably just you because these guys hate us anyway so i'll give up 20 friends of them send in the species as our researchers and linguists trawl through the records of known interactions with the dragon they have prepared a few experiments to test its responses they assure us that every move is planned and that they will cease their activities at the slightest sign of displeasure from the dragon okay then keep at it the mass extinction events done and we're about to get our reliqual from our precursor lovely if we weren't surrounded by everyone who hates us i'd say this is a really fantastic start but i'm kind of just stuck at the moment i'm not really strong enough to break out and no one wants to form a federation with me maybe you though but oh no you're no longer at war fantastic um oh we are really close to forming a federation view well i need those favors a little bit more friendship from that and can i form a federation now thank you sadly only a galactic union but that is fine an irritated dragon we are not quite sure what went wrong but our researchers seem to have displeased the dragon with a mighty raw the creature unleashed its deadly breath upon the vessel killing the envoy oh thankfully envoys are very easy to reply singaporeans to the leaders so not really a big deal but uh whoops a daisy sorry mr dragon the truth of raws our linguists report an outstanding breakthrough despairing and ever being able to understand the dragon they transposed the spectral map of its fluctuating corporal energy emissions to acoustic waveforms i know what i just said as they listen to the results they could not believe their ears it was undeniable the dragon was speaking our language but in a different medium its raws were in fact only meant to draw our attention rather than an attempt at communication our linguists replied old recordings with this knowledge in mind according to them the dragon's past utterances have been disappointingly pure isle it's been mocking us in rude wise i assume grumbling about food and the slow progress of the planet crawlers nevertheless the creature now expresses surprise and pleasure that we were able to understand it indeed it displays and i swear some days my dyslexia is on a whole nother level i just looked at that for a good five minutes and i was just like no that's a blur that's a blur of letters alacrity not seen for many years apparently it has a matter of great importance that it wishes to speak with us about but only when we are ready but we are ready oh that's a lot of influence the zeno empire has oh deciphered our language the dragon launches into a lengthy lengthy diatribe about the wisdom it has accumulated over the eons and its observations regarding our attitude towards time and commitments not to mention our still pitiful knowledge of the fundamentals of the universe apparently it considers us young and reckless and unworthy of this quest well thank you for the huge boost of unity that's lovely okay fine i'll finally go into discovery approach i've got that a lot earlier but i like the other things more for for fun under attack good to know the ai is as derpy as ever the fanatical purifiers attacked us but they've just been kind of throwing themselves at our two star bases in fact i could probably push back now as i'll grab some of the lesser stuff i'm not too sure about going after their proper worlds but let's grab all that colonization effort speaker yep goodbye and finally we sat back we have mastered also at war over here i'm not really helping out just our federation member wanted to go to war the time has come that was weird um yeah so we've got a evolutionary mastery now uh but the time has come time passes and with it might oh it's the dragon okay did that just happen because i got my ascension stuff because if not that was weirdly timed tend to look it up maybe i'll look it up after the video future laphroaig's here so yep turns out if you get the full ascension that is the biological the synthetic or the psychic ascension completely done then the dragon instantly deems you were they otherwise it's a set amount of ascension perks um i think just either unlocked or chosen so it is all to do with your ascension path so yay for rushing unity in this run apology time passes and with it my doubts from small beginnings have i watched you often despairing at your frequent impunity and yet always roaring in the light at your successes now i find that you have grown that your civilization has matured and is ready to be entrusted with the ultimate responsibility parenthood it is time for you to rededicate yourselves to rearing my children okay gonna have little baby dragons apparently wait what to be perfectly candid i have long awaited this day longer than you can possibly imagine when i set out from home i was little more than a wealth i journeyed far and wide before i came across a planet with the potential to produce a faster civilization that would one day be ready to raise my children and so i waited yes it is our way in our home galaxy different galaxy there are many of my kind each seeking out a nascent civilization to raise their young but i am the first to my knowledge to have come so far well for one thing a fully grown guardian dragon is a formidable foe if you agree i will pledge myself and my offspring to your cause and we will aid you in battle if we refuse then you will have made your choice and i will leave i have waited a long time i can wait longer but obviously we get about 500 influence but obviously we're going to accept excellent i knew you'd say yes you will not regret this so i think it just said we can build a hatchery or something is it just in a station there we are dog hatchery needs the citadel though and we can make up to 10 of the dragons okey dokes well that's good because we're currently war of two enemies now because of jump which is pretty cool you know what uh yeah go over there and we will try and well well let's find out how powerful you actually are one of our spaceports has been lost against the purify as we move construction complete okay the dragon hatchery is online so there we are the fledgling dragons it requires living metal okay uh 100 living no 90 living metal base 100 okay so i've got some discounts 500 crystals 500 gas of course reduced to 450 of both that's really expensive now thankfully i do have living metal we have one close to our base which i'm not collecting why am i collecting that why do i never have minerals when i want minerals i know i should just do a repeatable we are actually collecting living metal from elsewhere if i didn't get the one next to the base sure but i don't have enough crystals or anything so i could just buy them outright and start building our first dragon hatching our first dragon hatching our first dragon let's try it oh they take a long time to build okay i'm gonna spend all of my resources in trying to cue up all of these we want them all building as soon as possible to join the attack future laflix here just editing the video and it turns out that living metal will always spawn within two jumps from your home system if you have the origin here be dragon so you're always gonna have living metal to make the fledging dragons i just thought i got incredibly lucky during this run i like this dragon we have mastered a new technology have our first fledgling dragon and oh it's tiny hello okay so this one actually has a fleet power though unlike the parents i just realized you can actually put the parent into a fleet okay i didn't expect that so of the endless flames can actually be part of a fleet which means they can benefit from a leader i thought they were just a unique entity so i didn't even think about that oh that means we can have the baby dragons with the parent okay yeah that's what we're doing as soon as we have all the dragons born then i'm gonna go after the silencers the uh the fanatic purifiers over here and finish them off using only the dragons we are making a lot of them though is still incredibly expensive i am trying to focus as much as possible just getting as many of the rare resources and everything so we're getting there slowly on the upside the starbucks is now fully building so really we should make another uh shipyard somewhere so now i merged the dragon and unmerged him i can actually see his stat line well i can see his uh fleet power anyway we still can't actually tell what the dragon stats are but 44.4 k fleet power well i guess you can see the hull points in the armor we're just gonna see the weapons so it has 150 000 hull and 104 000 armor so yeah pretty tanky indeed i wonder what the younger dragon stats are then ten thousand whole and four thousand oh they are significantly squishier ah but we have so many of them already under their firepower's like we have oh that's a shame i don't quite have enough um yeah i don't quite have enough fleet size to have all the dragons in one fleet which is really sad so we're gonna have two would just come on their own they're quick as well so there's our lovely little fleet so i'm gonna do is attack very soon and see how powerful they are i'll probably try and find the actual stats of the dragons and their weapons and everything um after i'm done recording so if i've done that i'll pop it in the video here so here are the stats of the main dragon the sky dragon so it has a jump drive they really short charge time it just as the normal combat computer which is interesting bio propulsion and biosensors then it has dragon breath which has a really insane um damage just golf there it can go between 000 and 12 000 damage so that's kind of all over the place it then has the wing skewers which do less damage to shields it's all energy based and then the drag lightning which is its point defense once again energy it has the large dragon scale armor for loads of extra hole points and it does have regenerative hole tissue the smaller dragons interestingly have almost the same damage yeah so here's one of the smaller dragons yep pretty much all the same stuff i'm not quite sure why it does that oh it's because it doesn't have the combat computer that's why it's doing less damage but yeah far squishier but a decent chunk of damage just so much variation in the damage that the dragon's breath can do which is something i actually noticed earlier but i thought i was just imagining it okay that's it so also yeah look at their names the gracious the just the guardian the bold the green the glorious xeno fleet engaged the dragon horde versus the dimensional horror okay our range is significantly less than the horrors i thought it'd be kind of equal oh please don't lose one of these ah no this is a terrible idea i did not think this one through there we go look at all of that though at once yeah those little ones are squishy come on oh so many of them well one of our spaceports is underwater victorious at least in the end yeah that's annoying sorry dragons we have to go straight back to fighting to defend my territory i'll work on getting some more dragons up and running now at the enemy's home system lovely the actual damage output isn't bad at all it's just how squishy the uh the fledgling dragons are i wonder if i'll ever oh nice i wonder if i'll ever grow up or if they're gonna be permanently like that i suppose since they are meant to be dragons which live an absurdly long time as well they're probably not going to grow up in the spanish vase dolores game what i'm doing right now though is focusing on repeatables which i think will be buffing the dragons that is energy weapon damage and armor so eventually i want to go against the fallen empires with them that's the very least i want to do before the end of this episode really want to see if the dragons can handle themselves against a more active foe i feel like the fledging will probably die pretty quickly but i will also of course be sending in some battleships with them so i think i can get them to really take part there we go all 10 of the children and the parents 171k power technology yay for repeatables so i had a bit of a crime problem on a lot of my worlds i was fixing on some of them and but with others i was just ignoring it and it was because we had all these branch offices from the criminal syndicate and look at how many i just closed yep that's gonna help out a lot we already have quite low stability on a lot of the world because well i'm being very nasty to species which aren't squiggles so it's good to not have crime as well technology really how many of you just wasted your mine attack on that construction vessel one of our spaceports is under attack they seem really good against armor so i lost two of the hatchlings then i think yeah my opinion is still pretty much the same as earlier their damage seems good and that's probably why they scale so well with the repeatables because it seems like almost all their fleet power isn't their damage not so much their health and armor except for of course the parent there so you're getting a lot of extra damage with that five percent um attack speed fights and extra damage but they're just so frail you can't have them on their own i think they are just best with the other groups i just wanted to test out quickly with us being much stronger than that station if i was to lose them and of course i did although i did waste loads of shots on the construction vessel as i mentioned it seems like that breath attack is the bulk of their damage okay they're returning home so we're going to go over here and defend the home system [Music] and i'm about to lose my construction vessels by that i'm going to say landing forces wow they've got everywhere well this is only really to test out the dragons but still would be nice if we dealt with these so maybe i'll send the dragons to kill their fleets that actually make sense they're very quick and they probably won't take too much damage from just these fellas it's alright detected you can run all you want the dragons will eventually catch you most of their fleets over here are being taken care of and i was cleaning up all the groups over here they've claimed lots of our worlds but here's the thing about an actual claim it doesn't really matter it's just disrupting my economy for a while the dragon's doing the rest and back over here we have already taken one of the two core worlds notice a boundary left and once that's done we have their main worlds and they're the only worlds with the really high defense all the other worlds are far easier so no real problem there of course the real key to any true diplomacy as is the case in real life is money so i've just bought out the main opponents getting all 10 favors from them in exchange for some lovely energy credits and some rare resources and now there's no chance they can win i think i was going to win anyway but i just wanted to see how well we could do that also there's a rather cynical thing to say of me but you know i'm in a circle mood today okay you're both too far ahead now so i'm gonna jump destroy did that wrong order i'll try that again jump destroy destroy you'll be weaker but still probably strong enough to deal with those you know those beware the dog signs beware the rampaging dragons get off milan [Music] they have been judged and found wanting so now i have the two lovely worlds here we have core and boundary which of course have all the super powered buildings on lovely and in a second now i got my gateway back everything should go back to normal since it's been a long run the worlds that's better now i am actually selling a few too many of these so we'll stop doing that a few less of you i have really not managed my planets well we have not oh so many of the uh fledglings just went bye-bye hatchlings fledglings whatever you want to call them fledglings yeah they definitely need escorts just some battleships or corvettes or something damage good health terrible i've said 100 times now i'm just repeating myself at this point so that is it both of the fallen empires have now fallen to us and i think we have successfully tested out the dragons so uh let's wrap this up by giving my opinions of them and then my future plans because this is definitely not going to be the last time we use this origin so my thoughts on the origin after this play test is that in my honest opinion it is super fun i love the idea of it i love the style of the dragon itself it's just a really nice origin and i think it has the potential of being a very strong origin as well i'm not quite sure how strong still but i think if you built more into it because i was too slow building the citadel i was too slow actually unlocking the dragon in the first place and a lot of other things getting that dragon earlier getting the fledglings earlier could just win you the game in my opinion especially against uh maybe not the full empire like maybe the great khan if they awake um some of the other mid game stuff other empires obviously because the dragon helped in this fight over here but honestly it would have been a lot more helpful a bit earlier so i think perhaps still going with the whole unity rush but really trying to get the psionic stuff would be really good because unlike a lot of the other ascension paths you don't need more than one tech you just need to get psionic theory then you can get both mind over mata and transcendence and you can get that pretty quickly and since you need that to unlock the next stage of the dragon talk or just getting six of the ascension perks that would be pretty good so you can get dragon bit faster but also a bit more tech heavy than i did this time so i get the citadel up and running a bit earlier because i was waiting for the citadel to build before i could even start building the dragon hatchery which itself has quite a long build time and then of course the hatchlings themselves have a very long build time of 1440 days which is pretty brutal another good thing with going after the sonic theory is that if you don't get it you're still essentially just accidentally going after the biological ones as well you'll pick those up eventually because in this run what happened was i got the engineered evolution then i managed to get the sonic theory tech then finally i got the tech for evolutionary mastery so i could have had it earlier because all i needed was that psionic theory so yeah i think that's probably how i'd go with it really focus on psionic rather than the engineered stuff although we did get to make these lovely precious things perfect where are you our lovely squiggles yep you're looking at perfection right there so with that thank you so much for watching if you have enjoyed today's video then of course likes favorite shares comments all that good stuff helps out me helps out the channel and most importantly shows that stellaris is a series you wish to see continued in the future off camera i'm going to be looking at the stats of the dragon or well i guess on camera i'll probably put it somewhere earlier in the video as future lathrix because i do want to see the stats of the dragon and exactly how the mechanics work with their weapons and everything else so that next time i have a bit more knowledge about what's going on this was really fun to record but it took surprisingly quite a long time it was almost a full playthrough in the end but i am going to stop here since i do want to try this again properly in the future with a more me style build i don't really like exalted uh priesthood as a civic i just thought it fit the theme and it was just fun but yeah there's a lot of things i would have done differently and next time i'll focus a bit more and be a bit more meta perhaps seeing if the dragon can really stand up against maybe even the endgame crisis well thank you for watching i'm i'm waffling way too much now cause i'm a bit tired and goodbye
Channel: Lathland
Views: 128,097
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ioqxOvq9LoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 1sec (2281 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 03 2021
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