EVERY Organic in ONE World to Complete My Collection | Full Modded Playthrough Stellaris 3.3

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greetings you precious potatoes and welcome back to stellaris with me lathrix and of course welcome to our newest full playthrough in the gigastructural engineering mod where to die our only goal is to test out the brand new origin which is the frame world now this thing is utterly insane it's very borgessk in its style but we're not going to be playing it like that today today we are here to showcase what would happen if the rogue caretakers the malfunctioning nanny bots of the galaxy were to awaken and become a crisis of their own but before we get into the empire itself let's take a look-see at the frame world then with the frame world we begin on a size 16 world which can be upgraded multiple times i don't know if there's any limit and every time you grade it by adding a new district it will actually upgrade the entire model to look bigger and bigger and bigger now i've done a quick test run for about an hour an hour and a half and honestly i am in love with this origin again i adore the origins in gigastructural engineering this one doesn't feel quite as brokenly strong as some of the really powerful ones which i really love but it does seem like one of those origins where it starts off a little bit slow and then suddenly you are an utter powerhouse either way it's gonna be insanely fun so our goal today is to collect every single organic in the galaxy for their own protection we are here to rescue them save them and make sure that the galaxy is free from any strife and is permanently protected by us the convergence and of course we'll discuss more about the frame world once we're in the game itself because there is so much to discuss i've also had to install a ui mod as you can probably tell here link in the description everything else so things will look a little bit different throughout the game but it's not too jarring i find so that's all well and good we are a rogue servator we were created to rescue a species from total annihilation from an alien threat the alien threat is no longer with us perhaps an endgame crisis of the past and we were secluded on our little frame world after millennia though we now realize looking out into the galaxy that every other organic is in danger but we can protect them we were created by the most revered of species the humans and from them we will enact their will to protect everyone now in my first test i was playing as the convergence the driven assimilators and i've got to be honest i think this is the proper way of applying this origin because you're going to get loads of populations thrown onto your world and assimilating them probably a lot better than having biotrophies which are only really going to give you unity although they will give you a tiny bit of um complex drone output so hopefully once we have potentially thousands of them that's gonna pay off in the long run we can only hope so as for the robots themselves they are of course emotion emulators they are mass produced and they have learning algorithms they are luxurious created by the most revered of potatoes so of course they're pretty darn precious as for the bio trophies the humans they are traditional conservationists and they are docile so now let's get into the game itself and hope that the organics don't resist our intervention so we're going to be having everything as we normally do however what we are going to do is have the growth ceiling on the default setting here rather than what we normally do this is because honestly this origin you can have plus 60 maybe even plus 100 on your growth rate of your machines it can get really crazy so i don't want to break the game that much in my little test it was already getting a little bit broken so we're gonna be leaving it like this now there is ways of the origin to allow you to have all these unemployed pops because there's a unique job which appears once you have too many so it's not too bad but it just didn't feel right without these in place even with these in place we're still gonna be growing pops and at a truly absurd rate okay so with all that let's get into the game oh but before i do one last mention i will be doing the cats and run very soon i promise it's the very next full playthrough because i do want to play an entire different empire for that using the biological tree and being able to create our own scourge it's a little bit crazy but there is an entire clone vat megastructure which you can only do if you are going down the biological ascension route and that's what i want to do for that run and that will probably be the last gigastructural engineering run for a while but now this origin which may be the perfect origin hey everyone as is tradition future lathrix here first of all to say that this origin has quickly become my new new favorite origin out of all of the different origins gigastructural engineering can offer the word origin is now sounding weird but also this is a bit of a spoiler but it turns out even if you do ban the catson they can still spawn in a far far scarier form which ended up being stronger than the endgame crisis so there is a much bigger threat in this play through than the normal end game crisis even though past lathrix takes a very long time to notice now sadly i am here as always to chill for the video these videos as we've seen in the past can be poison or absolutely fantastic for the channel if they get enough interaction so likes and comments help out massively thank you all so much for helping out the channel in the past and i absolutely love making these videos and that's the reason why i can still create them because of the interaction because of our youtube overlords so thank you so much for everyone helping out and i really do hope you enjoy the video there's also a twitter which i constantly post pet pictures and little spoilers for upcoming videos the link to that is always in the description it's at lathrix as you might imagine so with that into the game itself with a really really weird run saving every last organic in the galaxy every one of them and so we begin near the top of the galaxy so we're gonna have everything as we normally do except for we're not allowing the cats and or the blockers that's not what we're testing out today and i think that's everything okay this is gonna be take five trying to explain the framework because it's too complex for my simple little brain so we have our corvettes here and you can see the size difference of this thing it is utterly insane and just sheer scale and this is its starting size it's going to get so so much bigger so on rescue we already have access to five different district types as the game progresses we're going to get other district types like the research one and the unity one now i've said that though i think the unity one is likely going to be replaced by bio a bio trophy centric one so i'm really hoping that's the case because otherwise i don't know how i'm gonna have enough jobs for all of our biotrophies the biotrophies will increase our complex drone output by five percent so that's all well and good now to increase the size of rescue what we need to do is either spend alloys to simply increase the size of it or influence or more importantly harvest asteroids every time we do this it increases the size of rescue by one and also increases how many replicator jobs we have by 0.2 since you have enough of them then you get a brand new replicator job which will really start to add up i think i had like 15 by the end of my hour and a half run earlier so yeah that's really important we want as many of those as fast as possible so we can really scale our population we are going to need so many robots just to keep maintenance on this thing going because yeah lots of biotrophies lots of amenities needed so our goal then really is just to focus mostly on tech things like orbital habitat tech also makes the fabricate station module cheaper which is obviously something we really want the occulty project sanctuary our culture project decision for rogues okay so we want the arcology project um ascension perk then which is interesting for our machine empire okay so that's what he wants we want this and what voidborn i think it said machine worlds also give us something as well so i'm going to be going for all those i want to see what these are like so what machine world i want the arcology project and i want voidborn so it's three of our ascension perks already done this is gonna be a really weird run i'm probably gonna focus on a lot of the lower tier mega structures things like the stellar particle accelerator i would like to go down my physics build this time rather than engineering because i love those really basic mega structures let us give you one type of research is physics a good option i really do feel like this won't be a particularly powerful empire because i'm playing it in a weird way but i think it's going to be just so much fun so with that we begin what we really want is systems with lots and lots of asteroids so that we can do that harvesting as fast as possible to give us loads and loads of extra replicators although the planetary outposts will be good as well also giving us more replicators and other bonuses what are the bonuses of the planetary outpost cost scales with ship build cost which is interesting so replicator jobs mechanical pop assembly speed reduction bites oh okay so it fights a lot of the other effects extra housing purge speed planetary build speeds increased which is really good because we're gonna have to build so many everything so we do want the planetary outposts although they do increase the planetary size from planets i assume it's just affecting our one colony then i didn't actually notice that last time so i certainly need to bear in mind maybe it's not good to have loads of those i do think the asteroid mining is probably the thing we're going to focus on the most ship augmentations completed since it won't increase our empire size as well okay then so into the future we go when more things have happened so i'm going really silly here i'm going with expansion i was just talking about how the planetary outposts maybe aren't the best idea to have just loads and loads of them but i don't really care that's what we're going down the route of plus i'm going on expansion to make that even more intense because our planetary outposts are now plus 10 resources and will be 20 cheaper but also something i didn't notice was this any additional pops for new colonies are instead added to our frame world whenever a planetary outpost is built on a new world with or without this tradition so our outposts will also give us extra populations i didn't know that was a thing so i'm really happy to see that so building our first outpost now okay but pop has arrived on rescue due to a newly constructed planetary outpost so there's the outpost and once we have two of them we will get a new replicator so that's fantastic so you're really hoping though i find an asteroid heavy system suit like that there we go all of those asteroids can be harvested that's the type of system we really want to find just loads and loads of those so we get loads and loads more replicator jobs and just scale massively that way it's gonna be worrying because we are gonna have so many bio trophies we just need so many machines to keep things running it's going to be difficult so really want to focus on anything to get more robots asteroid harvest is about to finish which means we can actually see the increase in size in our home world so it's about to happen now yep there we go this little section was just added so every time we do that we're going to you know i might as well sell the excess ones of those thank you every time we do that it also adds up and eventually we're going to have more replicators so all of these asteroids will be devoured technological act the ghost ship technological action it's not gonna do anything so we're gonna take the system and build an outpost because the asteroid harvest cost scales with clear blocker cost i've decided to go domination instead because that starts off with a minus 33 percent just makes getting all these asteroids a lot easier and this system is already out of asteroids that was very quick we need more influence which thankfully domination also gives us anomalous surface variable detected ooh shiny big shiny construction we've just got a tech took right now research complexes which is also the tech to build the research district so this is two housing and four of our calculated jobs at the cost of five energy and one gas per month really not too bad we can get a lot of those and remember every time we get a new biotrophy we increase our complex drone output by one percent it doesn't sound like much but again we can have hundreds of security higher resolution asteroid surveys asteroid harvesting costs minus 10 that's great because we are actually expanding very slowly at the moment because most of our influence is going to just more and more the asteroid harvests wow that has already really expanded that's growing quick so rescue now is a size 37 world currently we're only producing gas from our refinery district but as we get more tech it will produce all of the rare resources we need which is lovely at least the base three i think for now pretty best get more of our robots over here wow plus 22 per month now we have nine replicators i want more rescue is now size 41 we have 11 replicators giving us plus 30 growth per month it sounds like an absurd amount but bear in mind that this is with just one world so that's all we're getting total if you were playing a normal machine empire by now you'd probably have that or more just based on all the different worlds worth of growth now thankfully i have just found a system with loads of asteroids so that's gonna increase drastically a second we're finding our first neighbor and we've got our new civic i've gone with memorialist but just because i think it fits the empire theme we're looking back at the dead and thinking hmm maybe we shouldn't let that happen again it also increases stability on the world and gives us some chroniclers it's nice don't know if i'm going to keep it forever but again if it's the theme which i like oh do they all do that little animation yep the colony cost is getting a bit big now [Music] yeah what do i do one special wow that's giving me loads of research i wonder what makes each world give unique things so this was a relic world that's giving all that tech i guess it depends on what's on the world or i mean yeah this one's giving me some zero because it's got the colony there oh the animation's coming from the science ship hiding inside okay i'm just a dum-dum is anyone shocked no i didn't think so only in battle can the true metal of any sentient organism be measured have a theme advanced strikecraft that's what i was waiting for the fleets are pretty much ready for war now fleet upgrades applied so i suppose i should make a climb which is out of the way that way they're not going to give up straight away yeah i want this world it has a world there and a ruined partial accelerator both which i want this way we can actually go to war with a reason let's get a fleet in position no need for any ground forces we're just going to bombard their worlds and save their possibilities they're currently at war which is a perfect time for us it means their fleets are currently occupied elsewhere and athletes can just sneak in and take anything we want where's the home world do any of these worlds have many pops on or am i gonna have to go all the way to the home world because if it looks a thing it's gonna be all the way to the home world [Music] you know getting an art piece is really good when you have only one world there we are that monument is plus 15 amenities which is really good on this world need more stability also need more build speed still so we are building things fairly quickly now um this keeps going down this now on 152 days for instance for this one but that still needs to be faster which basically just means more asteroids are needed as always with each asteroid we get an extra hem get an extra station module which increases build speed by two percent we just need loads of them whoa yep the framework is looking more and more crazy every day okay i need to sell more stuff than i expected that's fine versus this big one-off trade there we are sanctuary arcology project that takes a long time doesn't it but it will replace organic sanctuary districts of a smaller number of high-density organic sanctuaries interesting well that's what i want to do since i have grabbed the arcology project i don't even know if that's really worth it but it's gonna be fun and that's kind of the whole point this empire honestly it's just a really fun empire so far it's been really weird playing like this very different to the usual and we need more energy still might just wait out then okay and the day we can declare war of course go straight for the home world take it [Music] i think their option is just gonna be to try and humiliate me so i don't really care too much about what they do if they take systems et cetera it's not really going to actually affect us since they haven't made any claim oh no they did make a claim on oh the one system i should care about never mind well we do have a secondary fleet built up now as well and now finally we can also start building the particle accelerators which is something i really really want since normally i like building loads of these the macro engineering sites but this time i'm just gonna try and build as many of these as possible these will give us physics research we'll have events to give a stored physics research and we'll increase our shields by two percent for each one built i want to build lots following a lengthy period of reorganization of the new organic need fulfillment facilities on rescue are now operational the organics in our care will notice no disturbance their lives left undisrupted but enriched by the improved systems areas previously housing maintenance systems can now be repurposed to house an even larger population or for other purposes entirely there we are the high density sanctuary districts yes that's just really cutting down on um empire size isn't it more than anything else you need more of those actually so that's the next thing to build so he paid some privateers not quite sure where they are though what's happened there interesting how did you split that wasn't the privateers was it well let's see how the homeworld's doing we are almost completely done with their first world we now have well a load of them that's fantastic all that lovely extra unity and lovely extra complex drone output we need more minerals we really need a colossus just so we can go on all-out wars later on construction online new technology so it took their world the populations were instantly moved over and then we instantly build an outpost it's actually kind of annoying because a lot of vampire sprawl now is coming from our single colony because of these scaling really horribly against us on the upside though i have just got machine worlds to test out the next one of the weirdest engine perks which allows us to do the upgrade drone habitation which is basically the same as when we upgraded our organic sanctuaries it's just going to make our nexus districts a lot more powerful now actually i probably should move over here there's oh wonder who's gonna win but the looks of things the evil gecko is gonna win this that's actually pretty good for us because then we can go all out war and take over everything we have a machine empire over here which we're gonna mostly ignore yeah i guess just expand for now or we could just wait around here and then vassalize this empire and then we could just absorb it later that's probably the best thing to do yeah let the geckos take over there then we can attack them all at once keep athletes here ready we'll vassalize this empire then take it over oh though we do have you just sitting here right now let's take that world first then suddenly 32 more biotrophies we now have enough unemployed machines though this is now active expand maintenance protocols so with this every unemployed pop after the fifth will become a frame maintenance drone these produce a tiny little bit of energy basically just paying for themselves whilst also increasing resources from all other jobs i also think their own jobs i guess i think so either way doesn't really matter too much whilst also increasing the upkeep from those jobs that is still a massive net positive and this way we don't get overwhelmed if we get too many populations we are building machines so insanely quickly right now it's good that we have this overflow so they just make everything else a little bit more efficient it's lovely to have them they also though slow down the production of your normal machine so eventually these will overwhelm your replicators and you just can't build any more machines which is fine really it's gonna take a long time to get all those and then i guess you'll just put the replicators into the frame maintenance drone jobs it's a really cool system in my opinion now needs more of these right now thank you revamped heavy industry comes online foundries and factories on rescue are a buzz of activity following the completion of our industrial renovation project modern industrial methods allow for a greater level of productivity condensing equipment which once occupied huge regions of rescue into compact and efficient hub stations the space saved by this redesign can now be used for other station modules or simply even more factories which is kind of what we want since i am now building a lot of mega structures the first yeah security district first because that's going about hand if i'm just gonna build two of them to get out the way i need more minerals i'm gonna need a lot more minerals okay once then once all that's done then i'm just gonna just spam the advanced industrial districts they have a lot of advanced stuff now still plenty of space for the bio trophies fantastic so the bots are being slowed down a little bit now yeah minus 10 by the frame maintenance drones but we're just producing them so fast i don't know what it is about this particular megastructure but i think it's my favorite it's just everything about it i really like how it looks it's simple it's nice and it just seems alive i guess which is always good well that took way long than expected but we now have our first vassal the empire so the next choice is either the machines or the union with the machines it would be nice because all those populations would just be our regular populations that instantly get to work oh that's got a lot of asteroids however are you even weak enough for me to okay yeah you've got equivalent fleet power but but our economy is ridiculous so we can beat you there you're definitely weaker uh so i'm going to do is go after you confirm i could do both right yeah it's the offering where you can't be at war but you can still go to war for it outside of that right i think so okay try and defend there you go through there that should be enough i think okay well let's find out let's go after this one first we will cure their ignorance and then can we also go to war with you oh defend that's actually kind of bad okay uh let's not do that just because those two combined will beat me so take out that keep on building everything up attack them later unless they just want to be my friends would you ever accept this peacefully no probably not even with the distance thing removed could i get you into a federation potentially once we get closer i might consider that actually if a federation with the other machine intelligence wouldn't be terrible but that does mean the next one will have to be diplomacy which isn't really what i want not too sure definitely a lot weaker than in the previous run because of some of the weird choices i've made but we're getting there slowly got loads and loads of the stellar uh particle accelerators we're almost got 3 000 alloys per month and yeah it's all going well just nothing super super powerful i am however about to finish this expand station infrastructure which i believe gives me a percentage increase to our districts which i don't know if it's going to be physically visible but i'm hoping so because that would be really cool meanwhile i'm finally building gateways certainly took long enough they do cost influence so now we're finally not expanding constantly we can get that done following a lengthy period of construction new core transport infrastructure corridors have been completed between the major sections of rescue improved structural integrity and interconnected transport networks will allow the superstructure to support additional modules oh yep we can build a lot more so it's not actually the size increase it's just okay that's pretty awesome do i have enough for this great if i did nope not quite enough energy we are constantly a little bit off everything i'm trying to do at the moment okay desperately need more minerals that's the first thing with a lot more energy kind of tempted just to say more tech do we have many unemployed right now uh we have way too many of you because yeah our minute is only plus three stability from that ah i guess as long as i'm not in negative we're gonna be 100 regardless so i don't even know what to go with next see perfectly honest the minerals obviously needed more securities on its way energy is always good then could just focus on tech i suppose really really go for tech i mean we do need to start doing some repeatables our shields are amazing we've got almost plus 100 bonus shielding at the moment but we have no extra damage so strike craft or kinetic weapons are probably what i'm gonna go with if i go with kinetic weapons that makes us really good versus the scourge turn out the scourge the unbidden strike craft a bit more uh jackable trades though don't know don't know what i'm doing really okay for now to say tech wonderfully we managed to find some void clouds so with that we all have cloud lightning this war is going about as well as you might imagine you can follow along there you're gonna go down here oh that's actually pretty nasty but we'll be okay that world being siphoned off next and i've also built two of the orchid well i've built one of the orchid complexes another one is currently being built somewhere it was here i was sure of it okay let me have a look here we are the orchid complex so this is going to feed the entire galaxy once i have every organic southland rescue and i'm building another one just in case and honestly we're probably going to build even more than that because we can have a lot of populations eventually plus i kind of just like building them because they're absolutely gorgeous in my opinion they are the prettiest thing in the game i don't know why either i really like them look at that lovely food didn't even occur to me we could buy things from the market arcane technology discovered a bit of a housing problem there but there was a lot of bio trophies was bought oh god we're gonna need more of these so so much stuff and that is the dyson sphere tech since i've gone with galactic wonders which means where are you i just jumped somewhat yeah we can start putting down the dyson spheres should be down here somewhere there i know it's in size order and then alphabetical order that's what everyone told me and yeah i still struggle it's almost like i'm dyslexic or something now of course mega structures do scale with the size of the stars but this one we can build nice and quickly once we have some dyson spheres and mata decompresses down then we can remove the mining values and generate probably generators that's why too much energy um but we can definitely remove the mining bays and swap them for other things what a ridiculous world and look at it now as well it looks insane gun so heavy into the strike craft again i always end up doing this even though i complain about the strike craft constantly it's because i love them the strike craft for me probably my favorite weapon when they work goodbye the dragon whoa couldn't really get so much influence and then we get the trophy which gives us plus temperature unity and active effect is happiness obviously it doesn't do anything for us but still thank you for the community and we will have i think one of these worlds is the dragon horde there it is grabbing that now as well oh the integration's finished i was really wondering what all that was about then empire size 4 000 but that's only thankfully whilst i have all these um worlds which are all going to become outposts wow actually yeah that's that's going to tank my um empire size even after they're all removed so about to get all these populations uh do you have space yes we do let's make sure 184 now is our district size sure it's not as strong as a birch world but it's so much more gloriously chaotic about to win this war as well i think oh not quite yet but soon yep only two away you can deal with that you're about to grab this i guess after this we might as well just go straight into war versus these cappellas they do have a defensive pact annoyingly so it'll be a bit more annoying to deal with but that's what we'll do just keep on moving left sweeping our way controlling everything well i formed the federation but honestly starting to think this might not have been the best idea just because going towards other empires and how difficult with so many members of our federation since every time i grab a new empire it becomes part of the federation itself and i can't remove this just yet because no one wants it on the upside though i don't think you have many friends so i think if i declare war on these two these two small empires will probably grab those as well then all i have to do is white it out until i can change the vote light to diplomatic at that point we have full control there's nothing they can really do against us the problem is that is a level three federation but to be fair it's also gonna take a very long time before we can integrate everyone so i think it's okay and the extra research we're getting is really insane look at that 170 percent now and that's because partially of the plus 25 from being in this federation i think it's best we're in the federation we can always leave it lighter must be independent is that because i have minions in the federation that's interesting well yeah we always leave it later once they've been integrated so that's fine [Music] okay that helped by using bribery i managed to get subjects join redacted so now our protectorates are no longer part of the federation we can leave the federation whenever we wish if the other machines start getting really annoying with us that's fantastic just makes everything a lot easier now only two of us so with the war if i send that to majority without it being diplomatic would i still be able to declare war will well whenever i wish i don't know well that really hurt our cohesion for a while but definitely worth it what we really need now is honestly more machines now thankfully at this point a lot of our bigger mega structures are now all being sorted out we even have a penrose sphere over here which is now producing energy i'm using it just for energy and that's going to be increasing our dyson spheres are all coming online now but we just need more machines for pretty much everything as you can see we have spare jobs now and although we are creating more than one pot per month since we need 465 per month but we are making 510 points per month we still need a lot more and we're about to get a load more bio trophies as well because it's only six years until we start integrating this and it's a massive empire with a lot of population it's difficult to care for this many pops so we won the war unsurprisingly but i then noticed something else whilst i was moving over to you know have our fleets in position so that the merchants would soon be under our care as well the cats in here not only the cats in here they are terrifying it's a special type of fallen empire which constantly gets more tech this fallen empire has been focusing its research efforts on a single task for several millennia its founding organic species the cats and themselves have long since been relegated to life sort of unending luxury while automatons and mighty megastructures work tirelessly to try and find the so-called ultimate answer which according to their deranged director would reportedly grant access to godhood and every five years they get one of each repeatable making them now just insanely high tech but yeah they also have an o class brain obviously i want all of this but i can't imagine i'm anywhere near strong enough to fight them maybe once i get some the planet craft operation or something or loads of attacker moons or decent battleships not too sure maybe if they have really low hull points i'll be okay because the cloud lighting i don't really know but for now we're just focusing on making more protectorates glory to convergence integrated mata decompressor integrated penrose sphere upgrade data processing facilities wow i love this origin so freaking much begins construction of a multi-stage megastructure which once completed will replace the frame world's astro mining bays with a smaller number of significantly more powerful mata decompressant mata decompression sub nodes pins and construction so generator districts into penrose process sub nodes on megastructure completion and it also increases energy from tech drones but makes them cost minerals and this one which costs an absolute fortune gives plus 25 to the calculator output okay so i definitely want that very interesting indeed okay so i guess i'll be saving up alloys for a while i was building up um an extra fleet but i could stop them no i still want an extra flick so i want to build up to attack the uh the catson before the end of this playthrough what a crazy world we live in wow are we gonna completely encase this black hole i'm hoping so that'd be cool our first moon is active so with the moon i've ended up going with lots of cloud lightning lots of focused arc emitters and everything else we're going with artillery mode and that's pretty much the moon station under attack i guess i'll bring that down as well since we're gonna go to war with everything else laser now normally one of the biggest weaknesses of cloud lightning is it's really limited range for a large weapon however the attack moons don't care about that even if they are focusing on the wrong target right now but still that's all because of this ship weapon damage was 20 percent range plus 300 the moons are going to be so deadly if they get to attack through a whole system as long as they're not ambushed these are going to hurt so much oh my god [Music] the captain are ridiculous i don't know how i meant to take these systems without just using a dyson beam or something but then that's more just destroying the system which isn't really what our empire is all about maybe planet craft might be able to get the job done but even then i doubt it this is just insane so we destroyed a rogue attack moon we can over repair it or just scrap it honestly i'm thinking to scrapping it because that's yeah it's going to help out all the different building progresses really annoyingly i missed this but our moon just took out the other moon it wasn't even intentional but our lovely 420 moon managed to defeat this one honestly wouldn't have been that much of a fight as has all the research upgrades that one didn't i'm going to scrap it because that's a lot of alloys which are going to be really useful since now we have gigastructural engineering sorry google should feel constructs finished construction works have concluded on the new high bandwidth computation complex on rescue vast banks of supercomputers are now available to tackle the toughest scientific queries that we have yet devised and promise a vast improvement in general research throughput integration of these systems into the core station functions is ongoing but the additional heat management load is not expected to cause significant disruption [Music] oh [Music] i did not notice that this megastructure allows for much higher densities of biotrophies than normal planets this effect offsets the extreme stacking of complex drone outputs when they reach high numbers additional biotrophies are always beneficial but the efficiency of each new pup decreases beyond 50. okay so still a benefit just less insane than i originally thought to be fair we're still getting so many it's still going to be a huge thing there we are a lovely chunk of influence when it was needed the most so i'm just putting all my forces here just see how strong we are i think we could potentially attack the xenophile foreign empire soon though they too have asteroid artillery they have moons themselves it's just so difficult to attack the fallen empires in this mod how expensive is this going to be on an o class well [Music] that'll give so much extra research when it's finished time to start building the brains i'm also now researching the tech to finally bring our behemoth planet craft the one we found they ruin of to life as well we have built the penrose sphere just underneath glorious rescue i thought i was going to do something straight away though i thought it was changing the jobs we were getting unless i need to also finish it off i suppose well afterwards we go the master decompressor is also being built now so we have both the penrose sphere and that we are now repairing our world as well so soon we're going to have our planet craft so planet craft all of the moons and everything else i think i will then try to attack the fallen empire over here i think that's the next thing to do at the moment it looks like maybe i might be able to get these fellows to join us willingly which would be so much easier the penrose sphere is complete so it's changed our jobs to oh no it's still just the tech drone jobs that is producing more now also gives us a lot of free districts honestly right now we just need more and more alloys i am trying to build some more mega structures but they're costing loads of influence which is really slowing us down and look at how expensive this is just the very first age 135 000 alloys though this brain will be glorious the planet craft is ready our scanners cannot make any sense of the strange vehicle really i'm not allowed to actually know what's on the planet craft whoa well that's not the best is that really the best missiles i have how did i manage to do that well either way i don't know if this will apply to the one we just repaired i think normally spread may just be its own unique thing wow and then just fewer shields because it already has loads of armor built in i suppose yeah you want the hangers anyway so i can't really customize it either way other than just a few little things well that now right okay so is that one then okay upgrade yourself and then go over here then i may attack the fallen empire i think oh wow the game almost crashed them it just froze up for a good minute oh god this is gonna look so bad for our empire size until all these are fully devoured um so gonna pause for a sec [Music] empire size 11 000. well that's gonna be a lot of population suddenly arriving here [Music] now thankfully they don't actually use of housing as long as they have the biotrophy job available so that's good at least the next stage of the brain is also now being produced which is good because we're going to need the um percentage 29 months oh it's still pretty bad though because we're gonna have all of these colonies become outposts and there's nothing i can do about it well what i could do afterwards is remove these worlds that's probably what i'm gonna have to do uh hopefully i won't make them too angry at me just dismissive good now we have only the one extra colony and our empire size has mostly gone back to normal we can go ahead and reactivate all of this which is really helpful okay everyone's here we have the planet craft we have our tiny little moons we have our tiny tiny little transports i don't know if we're going to win this but we definitely want the tech from them at very least so that's fine so declare war to conquer the ancients come on please accept the war thank you now the asteroid artillery is honestly terrifying it has so many weapons oh we just obliterated their 300 000 fleet not really too surprising since we have millions of fleet power here with our worlds and everything okay there we are so which way do we go to go through the dyson sphere system or do we go through the system here probably through here because that way we can also bombard the preserve and steal all their pubs so what they actually have to do with us just to humid just to humiliate us so we're not actually gonna lose anything even if we lose the war outside of our fleets once again please all stick together you should all really follow the slowest which i think will probably be the moons no be the world of course well okay so influences right now being the thing holding us back the most like i really want our super weapon but the problem is that costs loads of influence and a lot of the megastructures cost influence as well including of course the behemoth worlds themselves so that's kind of annoying oh they've all kind of run away from their home system that's good so all they have is the single attack moon and of course the asteroid artillery but that's fine 104 pups 54 and 36. and we start moving in our science vessel as well so we can start getting that lovely lovely tech oh we've got one over there oh of course because we stole all the science vessels from the personal integrated beautiful new technology discovered with that moon at the front it looks like it's trying to be the whoa the really big system craft wish i could tell it to focus on the moon because that moon fires yep didn't know what that moon does hit it wasn't one of our moons thankfully but that shot was deadly okay there goes the moon was hoping to have a rex moon oh our main attack hit their moon and that was it all the defense has gone here we can just sit here and we have a there is a 6 000 fleet standing by already how strong are these worlds probably oh utterly ridiculous okay so we're gonna be here bombarding for a while that's fine so it's weird sending in the moon to bombard the world jumping in ground reinforcements because it's taking way too long i'm building loads of these at the moment because it's one of the few mega structures it requires absolutely no influence but i still need there are loads of mega structures which don't require influence but not which i actually need at the moment our minerals are looking a bit dire since i am now making the larger forges which take loads of minerals there we go lots of our mega war forms landing that shouldn't take too long and do we want any of the systems we could take that dyson sphere it also has some asteroids which is always good yeah that's just all of their um oh one of those defenses i was gonna say uh you know what sure while i'm waiting around it does cost a lot but it's gonna be a while until we attack the cats and fallen empire anyway at least into our two new behemoth worlds are made so well so i have three worlds and loads of moons oh i thought stronger i wonder how expensive this is gonna be okay i'm on ten more days the game is starting to really slow down now but it's five a hundred and seventy thousand thankfully we're almost there but still so next one then is the processor this will give us three thousand of each research it's really the last stage which is the important one since it will also give us a research speed bonus i'm not quite sure how much but this is the largest type of brain you can make new technology discovered this actually begs the question with the cats and what's more valuable to us this thing oh it's plus 40 percent research bait is insanely good but is protected by all of these asteroid artilleries which are going to be absolutely brutal or is their home system more valuable to us bit less protected for a start and this has three science nexus so yeah that'll be more wouldn't it well it's 45 i should say and of course that has all the pops as well what you want so i guess this is probably the system we're mostly after i'm assuming they're living on the brain because if they're not when i take wait when i take their home system won't they just lose because that's all they have all their populations there that's interesting i just realized this station is a 9.5 million fleet power yeah we're not gonna be able to just grab that so i'm really hoping after we take the home system they just fall just fall they fall over they go bye-bye doesn't like there's any other colonies and i don't know if that counts as a colony okay we'll have enough influence we're not gonna make the claim though until we're already there we already have one other planet craft on the way hopefully the other one will be ready soon so the storm has dissipated and i've realized something pretty nasty every system with lots of asteroids of course has lots and lots of asteroid artillery which have been upgraded massively so much so it's not even showing their true fleet power so the question is how do we go about attacking the enemy i can't see the system because the nebula but i can only assume because of well if you look at it there's gonna be loads of asteroids here i don't think this asteroid's here so it could do is jump and then move in but that means our really strong craft the planetary behemoths will be at 50 damage so maybe it's gonna be worth just going in here and hoping there's not too many and just mowing down the defenses so that as long as the planetary behemoth still exists we can then move through i'll probably lose some moons in the process i think that might be the call honestly because i think jumping just ill put us at too much of a disadvantage versus the fleets i think that's the call maybe now we are going to go to war very soon though in only two months we're going to level up our federation which means i can then take complete control over our war efforts which means we can finally actually attack the enemy i was going to just leave the federation but i like the bonuses it gives us so we're staying for now there we go okay so now level three which even further gives us more um stuff so we're going straight to medium which they'll accept willingly huh antique titans sorry just random shiny thing i've not seen before that's cool anyway so from there we go back into here so we go to vote white diplomatic i can just wait a few seconds or bribe them i'll just bribe them then after that i'll change war to majority which i think have we've done yep so so once it's diplomatic that basically means everything is under my control it begins we go to war on ignorance oh how bad is this going to be oh that is so much worse than i expected oh we are going to lose so much okay well i have made a major mistake straight away fleet lost please focus fire moons uh planet craft please just all those battleships went down in seconds okay we are destroying them though yeah the moon's main weapon and the behemoths are gonna do so much damage but i'm gonna lose so many moons this god that is dreadful i did not expect there to be that many i was i was expecting maybe five or six i knew there's gonna be lots but i didn't think engaging hostile fleets well there's their moons yeah i plan to craft just gonna tear them apart jeez the planet craft is so strong but i lost all of my no three the moon survived okay incoming athlete the moons and the planet craft with the cloud lightning and everything are so brutal love that to bits let's see if we can just go like this so ignoring everything else right now i should have enough ground force i think what call was 70k yeah i'm in fact now i have over 70k um ground force the mega war forms are so powerful and we can make them so quickly because of the frame world's stuff was it still the right call not to jump i mean the planet crafter at full capacity because of it and they are doing the bulk of the work i don't know i don't know if what i was doing then is correct or wrong also i need more um storage new technology come on hurry up okay that i do want to continue i am building two more planet craft that's where all of our influence went although now we have enough influence to do this galactic reforms and i want to of course be the custodian this will give me loads of influence moving forwards actually we currently incent oh no okay so i'm going to emergency measure and get that started as soon as possible thank you very much oh my moons my beautiful moons okay we're here okay let's have a look see what's the ground force oh look it still has this next to it i didn't expect that huh okay so the actual worlds though 47 000 what oh my god okay we're gonna be here for a while but um the all they want to do is humiliate us so it doesn't matter if their fleets are doing anything to us i guess just start stealing their pops and hope we ruin the worlds while we're waiting and take out one of the worlds at least so that's good one two three four five worlds all that strength well i am making some more ground forces in the background but it's gonna be a while yeesh katzen crazy things the brain central processes are finished now to build the quantum calculators bringing it to 10 000 of each research at the cost of four influence per month only one left after this then we have the fully operational brain ah wasn't paying attention did not see the last pop-up when did that happen okay well the unbidden here that's very annoying because you are one of the few empires without a gateway kind of issue close to my territory honestly how many of the planet craft are needed to keep the system safe i don't know um i think one of the planet craft is probably enough at this point because we've destroyed almost all the enemies fleets so the other two planet craft please move out i think you'll be okay versus the unbidden now you are mostly armor which is really bad versus but you do have weapons which are good against them i wish you were kinetic now kinetic weapons will be better here but the stuff which goes through shields obviously is also really good versus forbidden i think we're actually more decked out versus the contingency but you know what sure and bin's fine as long as it's not the scourge that's fine plus we are very very strong i need more ground for any more everything only just not going to beat this first planet that is inside oh i really hope you don't have to go to war again i need more forces down here just to bombard i could do that i'm gonna have some fleece i mean if they're only there anyway let's move them let's move our athletes here so we can then decide what to do new technology discovered engaging hostile fleets that's it long to stop firing than i expected i mean that was pretty that's annoying okay looks like the planet cracked up taking damage but yeah they're going to be fine the plant graphically fine dealing with the um unbidden good i mean they really should be honestly we're really out scaling a normal in-game crisis now annoyingly we're not going to win this war which is so irritating i could make a claim here and try and go for it but with nine mil i just can't see it happening uh on the upside for next time at least two of the worlds won't really have an army we've stole most of their pops honestly so everything's gonna be a bit more broken so in 10 years time when the peace treaty fades we'll come back and we'll easily take out the catson at least we've got loads of their pops eh less than 100 days and annoyingly there's only two worlds left oh i've managed to completely make one barren how did i do that i thought this couldn't take the last few pops well i have no idea how i've done that apparently i've wiped out a world by accident that's a new one new technology so there's their eight mil fleece don't this is really gonna help us anyway is it not really how about you yep plus 20 weapon damage that's fine we do now have more planet craft on the way so just these two isn't everything so just me did the shields just kind of pop up out of nowhere then on the pony crafts themselves yeah planet crafts are a bit too strong for this aren't they suddenly kind of wish i let the blockade spawn i think i would have been maybe okay though saying that with the system craft you know what i think i would have lost still versus the blockers to be completely honest but i wasn't really prepping for them to be fair to myself but still you know i don't think you've got to go together i think you can split up and start taking out all these things yourself honestly then there are more on the way and i'm building a gateway right here so as soon as we go back to war with these fellows we can just obliterate them 74. that's when we go to war again i'm constructing our doomsday weapon the reason is after i've constructed this the next time i go to war i can go for total war which means i can just take everything similar to the colossus that way we don't have to take over the alignment over here and then wait for integration after 10 years and then that will take probably like another 10 years after that elapses so instead was going for total and complete warfare just need to learn where these gateways go that's the only problem only one gateway actually that's gonna make things a lot easier for us as soon as we figure out where that goes could be that one there should be easy plus our ally is almost as strong as they are we have plenty of fleets so take out the fallen empire take out the other fallen empire completely you i'm a little bit upset i accidentally took out the portal i didn't realize it was about to become vulnerable i thought this one over here was an anchor now looking at it nope it's definitely not i was going to do what i normally try and do with these and keep it safe essentially permanently keeping the portal here in order to research it after all we don't know if um this type of empire which got mad and trying to protect everything into one would consider that life viable to survive maybe it would have i mean still life just not life as we normally know it oh well they've been about to finish stuff anyway all of our worlds are making sure of that attention denizens of the galaxy the ultimate answer has been found it thus falls to me to ensure the squabbling of the galaxy does not interfere with the fulfillment of my ambitions either submit or stay out of my affairs until i am through and then i shall finally be free forever uh oh oh no okay so yeah they're making the ascension engine should this be allowed to be completed as scientists have concluded that while not drastic enough to outright end the galaxy the subspace feedback caused by the breach of the oh my god that is horrendous we have 25 years so i've also just awoken that's like two mil fleet i am so glad we weakened them earlier do you still count i still can't go towards you just yet but i will this is an actually decent final fight for us i love this glory to the convergence grand defender okay they've just brought online a planet craft well that's not gonna do much against ours but still hopefully i have no idea what their upgrades are also attack moons and everything now the issue is because they are a awakened empire i think they will be able to take our territory as they attack us so i need to do is have at least one of the moons over here and at least one over basically just need um not a moon a planet craft just sitting here so that we don't end up losing all our territory we need to just we need to just destroy their fleets as soon as possible if i can use my words the xenophiles have also awoken to become the guardians of the galaxy we don't need them okay so it's gonna be end threat containment which means we're gonna be able to grab everything as we go but also they can do the same to us this time we will cure their ignorance so they're currently sitting here their world but there's lots and lots of these asteroids here so i'm not going to attack them here i'm going to try and force them to go back to the home system engaging hostile station it's like before just move through here oh we just destroyed something big yep some attack moons got destroyed which we can now repair onto our side lovely oh same with the artillery that's interesting the unders all of these them turn this into a nice bastion on our side okay you're there you're there i think you can probably take out this yeah that station easily same with you uh it's a little bit stronger you'll sit there cause you're just jumped you're weak right now [Music] everyone please stick together construction ship taking fire not gonna fight you there under any circumstance oh goodbye moon new technology discovered so they have got some of their garrison back but nowhere near the level of before is what we're seeing here where's our defender it's over there now oh that's annoying but if i'm correct this is all they have in terms of their actual holdings could i take this i don't think i can there's just too many asteroids then a 11 million fleet station in the middle i want to take it but i don't know if i can try and ambush their world and hope our world's better but i honestly don't know if that would work out well for us and you're currently damaged could attack with both of them the same time then jump in the other worlds afterwards to finish off the job okay what i'm going to do for now set all of you to start damaging these worlds probably should swap you from that orbs moment to another one but that's fine just for now convince them we could attack this right now while it's only the artillery but i'm not sure if we lose all those worlds we lose this that's a thing and although they are fantastically powerful as you've seen if they get caught out of position they can be taken out surprisingly easily we've had that happen in previous playthroughs let's go down pretty quickly i imagine yep technology discovered it's going to be caused out by the way space under attack wow there their world is surrendering strong probably so i didn't hit it once with the main attack well that was done okay so right now we're just about to take the final world from the enemy we're not far off but i know for a fact they have other worlds one here and more importantly they actually have a world here i was just checking out some of the stuff here and yep i managed to miss that for a while but i definitely have the laboratory over there we should have enough ground forces to deal with that but we need to attack it soon i imagine our war exhaustion is getting higher and this is about to finish i don't know what happens when that finishes i don't know if there's another phase or what but obviously we want that to not happen so i think i've got a fleet power here to deal with that if we can't then we're just gonna status quo and end up with this system which is still great because our super weapon is getting very close to being finished so if there's some time maybe we can just blitz right the system that's the current thinking oh lost okay one of the planet craft was destroyed that's because it went all by itself which is very silly of it over here we're about to finish this off once we finish that off we get access to the gateway we've just got another planet craft which i can move next to the gate now we have ground forces being created so i'll definitely have enough to deal with that final world as i think i will and even if not just keep on sending them through i think we've got this just about war exhaustion is 100 it's going to be so entirely close that's all then done i think okay grab that then begin bombardment you move in now please i should have accessed the gateway right yeah oh there's good old grand defender somewhere here well here's hoping that all their other ships will be enough in fact they definitely will what i can do is send them all back except for one moon to stay here bombarding which will be at max speed still i think it'll be okay still maybe i don't know so it's complete but now it takes time to charge up and it is gorgeous horrifying but gorgeous well i just saw one of our planet craft go down it turns out good old uh grand defenders back oh and warped out of existence okay i'm guessing it got away and okay with that mine okay i now have the ascension engine that's great however i can't help but notice it's still doing stuff also yeah i just finished assimilating another group so now all of this is ours what do i do now how does one s stop this engaging hostile fleets yeah i have no idea what i'm doing right now i took everything important to them so i made a status quo now to end the war because then i have the system even if i am now apparently the one using it okay lots of stuff just popped up finally the brain there we go enemy forces have managed to successfully seize and dismantle the ascension engine with the loss of the most important asset they will no longer be able to enact his demented plan to ascend beyond our reality reports indicate the director has gone missing following the engine's capture and his civilian now bereft of purpose it's falling into utter disarray okay yeah no contingency plans you've changed the directors so you're a different one now okay so that's who we're at war with now okay the brain however has suffered significant damage in the fighting and less productive [Music] but then our weak and heavily decent like minus 80 oh yeah much weaker so i guess we should just take them out i suppose here's the weird thing though they could eat they could force status quo i don't know why they're not doing it they could have fought status quo for a while now not that i'm complaining but i am confused okay then they forced out a squirrel themselves finally funnily enough they're pretty angry us but they are still an awakened empire which means we could see a war in heaven which would be an absolute nightmare oh god there's a lot of force okay so i need fleets up and running please you know what i'll settle for normal fleets this time and let's repair our planet craft okay can everyone move over here that'll be the next fight then against the other awakened as i start to integrate that doesn't really matter which one i suppose let's go with you little tiny empire shouldn't take too long how is that 73 months you're tiny oh thankfully that this this one this will be the last two integrations after it'll be total war all the planet craft are moving over to the arbitrators to finish those off the awakened empire then we have the alignment to deal with and just the small empires to consume then i'm done every organic will be within our territory or dead one of the two probably should deal with those as well at some point yeah this empire is pretty much done now sorry catson as soon as we go to war with you again we will and that will take moments because you have no fleets and only a tiny bit of territory and i'm currently repairing my behemoth planet craft which were lost during the war our brain is finished which one is this this is the original one we're building which gives us plus 40 research speed and 25 000 to each research not that we really need that anymore but it is nice to have today has been down here very big numbers and scary cats so we've gone to war with the other awakened empire sadly there is a chunk of footage now missing because my microphone randomly reset its settings so suddenly everything was just really really horrible sounding well it's getting a lot faster than the captain fight as you can imagine oh there's there at last attack moon oh there's my colossus and there goes the attacker no new technology discovered more food for all the organics of the galaxy they weren't even sharing their food i mean who's the real evil here not me i'm just bringing happiness to all the organics they're welcome i've just realized something my goal is to have all organics that i can move into the frame world into the frame world i know for a fact that in the galactic core there is a primitive civilization i just don't want to open up the galactic core because there's also a chance that the big scary thing is in there now of course we are also big and scary but i don't want to have to deal with that but i don't even know if they're organics so by my own rules i've got to open up the galactic core because i know there's at least one [Music] okay let's get a science vessel and rush straight for where we need to be which is there i don't know how far you have to get before you find out what's in the very center so you know what you just run right there please please please don't be the scary thing that's all i ask [Music] the arbitrators have been finished off and i've kind of forgot i'm still memorialist well it's keeping 100 stability on rescue so we'll leave it as it is one more empire has been rescued let's move all our fleets over here and then as soon as the truce is over we'll go toward the directors after that we'll go for total war with the alignment though this is going to be an absolute nightmare of how large the empire is oh that's interesting if you try and bombard this planet now it actually flings the shells back at your ships i don't care is that one being his new technology discovered if they are hurting us hurting us very little i'm just wondering if we'll be able to get any damage through obviously you're not meant to but last time i tried this i could actually get a little bit of damage through it yep there we go a tiny bit of damage doubt we're going to steal any pumps though wow they are so ridiculously strong so not only do they have a very strong garrison the main problem is it's all in these really hyper powerful things like the grand money there is 47 000 generally with defense forces the it's better to have one very strong unit than multiple weaker units and that's kind of doing that to the extreme so we're going to need lots of ground forces but i still really really want to conquer them because they are organics and we can give them a better life also this is really really expensive i just never get tired of that attack so whilst i'm awaiting the next war i'm just cleaning out all the hostiles of the galaxy actually what i could have done i think about it is use the super weapon but you know what who needs to do that when you have loads and loads of ships oh if i sit on my fleets out already trying to um completely surround this empire i won't hold goes there there's a fleet there's fleets down here just a whiting sure could you spare one of the planet craft please deal with these shiny things new technology discovered wow the damage on our war forms now is just insane once the grand bunny arrives that's when i think it's terrifying but thankfully we have a lot of ground floors discovered i'm on auto for every science except for society because i'm focusing on army damage class a star okay so you so be neutral empty space class i that one [Music] probably should have made sure we jumped out first there but okay oh did i just destroy the structures i thought the structure remained after you turned it off well just in case there is no structure anymore the grand bunny was utterly a litter in fact is continuing to utterly obliterate our war forms but our damage is pretty good as well and so the grand bunny is removed now then the royal defenders are still doing loads of damage but that's all that's left and we have so so many reserves technology discovered the machines beat the cycles today come on last one honestly if anything happens once we finish it right the planet collapsed through sheer firepower our armies managed to sly at the god and leader the almighty grand bunny as the creature's colossal body dropped onto the ground every single bunny suddenly stopped moving and started to collectively emit a deafening screech audible everywhere on the planet the grand bunny's body then began to shine with a blindingly bright purple light outshining even the local star this light rapidly grew to engulf all of the planets in cataclysmic energies and the whole planet is now beginning to collapse in on itself as if crushed by the sheer amount of energy unleashed by the grand money's grand bunny's death is that the shrink then oh yep yep there it goes so the soul of the grand bunny was crushed into a crystal along with the rest of the planet and the effects are kind of insane hyper jump charge time minus 50 sublight speed plus 100 jump drive range plus 100 and then it's active effects are just a more extreme version of that with some insane speed increases so already look at the distance our things can jump in the next war that's going to be so useful again such a large empire oh what you're not all machine you're not all machines now are you no okay so it's just your leader as a synthesis gonna say because otherwise we'd be done because we're just trying to save organics and if you're not organics we don't care hence why we're leaving the machine empire over here just to its business one more brain is now completely discovered this of course being the brain which the catson had that's right we have the intelligence now of a machine empire and a cat engaging hostile fleet oh that's what we're seeing matriarch's pop-up new technology discovered sorry matriarch yeah sure you're an organic you want to join us of course i'll accept commencing planetary invasion station under attack how did that get destroyed i don't what has happened it doesn't really matter okay there we go you're gone as well move our fleets over here won't be long now until we can go to war with the alignment which will be the last battle um i forgot about these guys so there are still some organics around here so we need our influence to grab these systems first thankfully this is the last integration currently underway so once this is done we'll get loads more influence per month we grab all this nice and quickly okay no those aren't yet those thankfully are not actually primitive so just this system then unless yeah so is that one oh no never mind the cats in homeworld is still here just this time without the actual captain on that's odd so i guess the cats and evolved into the super power we saw and every other species was left behind okay well thankfully we have loads of ground forces so dealing with any of those are going to be absolutely no problem rescue is inside now look at this thing what size is it now 420 well it's a very good size did they just awaken wow they just reached space that is what was that timing but unfortunately for you uh the easiest way for me to collect you is just to go to war with your friends less influence for me and we have a moon ready right next to us so engaging hostile station does send the moon to the wrong system or did i just rush ahead thankfully for us we have a lot of ground forces new technology discovered commencing planetary invasion planet conquered that was easy now to decide for influence and then we can go after this oh i thought it was stronger than that well apparently not activated the soul giving us plus 300 sublight speed plus 500 jump drive range less cool down it basically means we can just bounce around all we want you could just jump the entire map well that's pretty beautiful gotta be honest okay finally declare war total war new technology discarded let it happen thank you okay so he's like you one of the beamers please go there then the others will end up going one over here which is where most of their squads are i think they'll be okay to take out all that by themselves that's a lot of small craft but not particularly strong craft do we have any other fleets what is go well let's find out what's going on here not quite sure oh the robots uh control that the machine empire is then other fleets just do your thing and i guess take systems and go like this this will take a while this wall will definitely take a while new technology discovery hopefully all the extra sublight speed and everything won't be too bad juggernauts versus colossae and by glass i meant to say entire planets engaging hostile station new technology discarded engaging hostile station discovered engaging hostile station engaging hostile station the ships are moving so quickly which is to be expected which is weird to see a planet craft just holds so much speed come on finish the climate discarded yeah they're that fast they kind of teleport to the next system long before they reach the outside it's weird not complaining though it's gonna make this war go so much faster so annoyingly i can't take over this world it won't let me land my forces here for some reason okay so it's a class o there's no organics on there so there's nothing wrong with doing this they're saying that i did accidentally killed the caravan as earlier because i forgot they were organics so les accidentally killed them more forgot that we shouldn't kill them and then you know the beam and everything was a lag every month moment okay so hostile i guess right now alignment class oh you can't fire a classo well then why can i not fire at this doesn't count as that right nope um my destructive capabilities are not as good as i originally thought can i bombard it then and hopefully steal the last pop [Music] actually no it doesn't matter again doesn't matter because there's no organics here and it can't grow organics at the moment i don't think it matters and the reason why i can't invite it is because currently it's under the control of the machine the ai yeah plan is occupied annoying can i at least bombard it wait why do i have armageddon because our allies have armageddon and they built these ships so until i change that i have access to armageddon bombardment [Music] when were you a crisis aspirant when did you go mental that's not a problem that's not a problem for us here's the thing i nikon after this war they can't get any more points towards their crisis thing which means they're never going to be able to destroy the galaxy they're just going to be our little researchy angry friends so it's time for the oldest glitches i can remember with the federation fleet if you just keep on spam building it like this and not going into the designer the game kind of forgets there's a limit to your federation fleet size and you can just keep on going until you run out of resources i've got a lot of resources since i'm getting almost 19 000 alloys every month and i keep on capping the house we're about to see a lot of battleships all in a federation please this is how i should spend my time well i think that's pretty much it outside of the world i can't interact with i have taken every world we're now transferring the last few populations of each and thankfully that world which i can't interact with doesn't have any organics on it which means they can never grow organics again which means they're never going to fit into my rule set of stealing every organic in the galaxy i think i've actually done it i'll double check to make sure i haven't missed any primitives i don't think there's any organics over here no [Music] my god i've actually achieved every organic being on one world that is truly bizarre but let's get to at least size 500 on our frame world then i guess i'll be calling it quits this has been so much fun new technology all organics in a nice safe location forever idea why i'm still flying honestly okay this fusion suppressor is done that science has been done new technology so now it's just a normal black hole and let's make a penrose sphere i was not paying attention to that so our federation fleet has just hit 10 million i like battleships somewhere there's one titan where is the titan aha [Laughter] well then [Music] new technology i almost missed these primitives so at this point i think it's going to be a 50-50 chance if this actually works honestly i have no idea if this can destroy the frame world or even the populations on it or if it's going to simply detonate rearrange some hyperlines and then the organics get to survive we either continue to be the savior of the galaxy or the exterminator of all organic life place your bets now well it made us easier to defend but yeah it destroyed the star banks which then instantly came back the people are still very much alive we are still the rescue of the galaxy all organic life is now on our beautiful frame world and so it'll always be since i can't think of any other way to destroy the frame world we can't abandon it we can't target the system since it counts as a black hole with our beam we are sadly forever a savior this was a really really fun run i absolutely adore this origin i swear next time it will be the normal katzen i may even spawn in the blockades but i just thought this would be a okay origin but it's turned into maybe my favorite i love the different playstyle of it and i think if you turn off scaling difficulty and had a not so friendly start this might not be the most overpowered origin in gigastructures there's plenty stronger than this in my opinion in the early game later on obviously it gets ridiculous and becomes this mess but this really has been a really enjoyable experience so with that thank you so much for watching if you have enjoyed today's video then of course likes favorite shares comments all that good stuff helps out with me helps out the channel and most importantly shows a stellarist is a series you wish to see continued in the future next time we'll take a look-see at the katzen which will likely be the last video on the gigastructural engineering mod in quite some time there are loads of others which you've been suggesting lately i will be taking a look-see at them as soon as i have a little bit more spare time so thank you for watching have a lovely day and do take care goodbye and maybe one day you'll get to live in a paradise like this
Channel: Lathland
Views: 235,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: XkreczyNN9w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 23sec (6383 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 15 2022
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