Hoi4 Soviet Union Guide 2020!

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hello and welcome back to another heights of iron for video so today as you probably saw in the title this is gonna be my soviet-union guide for 2020 I know I don't really play this country a whole lot at least on my channel but I figured it'd be a really good time to make one seeing as a lot of the comments I've been receiving on my Germany guide or hey can you make one for Japan hey can you make one for the Soviet Union so that's why I'm doing this now anyways I think the goal for today's video I'm not really going to break down a lot of the beginner stuff that I did in my Germany guide if you're looking for more explanations on you know basic research and explanations on construction and all that I have various videos on my channel already covering that so I'm not really gonna focus on those things today but what I will be doing is showing you essentially how to defeat the German Reich and Italy as well from there once that's completed I think you'll be in a very good position to then take on the Allies so France UK and the United States and I might even just throw in a little bit of preparation for that at the end but the basic goal for this video is to show you how to just beat the Germans and basically prepare yourself for the rest of the game so anyways without further ado let's get right into it okay so first things first here we're just gonna select all these divisions ctrl or shift click and then right click on a new army and what I like to do is I just create one front line on Poland just to get all my units basically re-centered in the game and that way you know they're just a little bit easier to keep track of and whatnot so as for our national focus tree nothing has really changed with the Soviets since the game itself actually came out they might have made a few changes to what each national focus does for example like they might have increased army experience but for the most part it has stayed the same so it's actually a very simple focused tree on the right-hand side here you have two choices you can either bring Trotsky back or you can just do the Great Purge which is pretty typical in the game or you can go down these left paths here and these are kind of some more economy stuff and whatnot and again you have two choices that you can go down you can go the collectivist propaganda or positive heroism so you have two choices there and then down in the middle it's basically a bunch of war goals defensive focuses and like that to just get you ready for fighting some other countries in the game so what I like to do with the Soviet Union here right off the bat personally I think Stalin Constitution is the best one and the reason for that is because if you went with the five-year plan you would get for civilian factories now if you do Stalin Constitution you can immediately switch over from a civilian economy into a war economy and with that you actually get more civilian factories out of it because you have less consumer goods required as a result so it's better to actually pick the Stalin Constitution and then finish the five-year plan because you get more factories and it just utilizes it a little bit better at the end of the day it's not a huge difference but it is there so I think once we complete those I will probably just go down the Great Purge route the reason for that is because you want to get this out of the way as soon as possible because what you can do is the lessons of war over here and we'll need that when we go to war with the Germans we don't really need it for Poland but we will need it when we fight the Germans because this removes the debuff that you take from the Great Purge so anyways I know I'm explaining a lot right off the bat here but the first one that we're going to do is the Stalin Constitution on our research tab here we have three slots available to us and you can unlock I believe two more as you work your way through the national focus tree but for now we're just gonna go to engineering and do our mechanical engineering just to speed up our research speed and then we're going to go into our industry tab and complete some industry stuff so just production and then construction to raise up our production efficiency and construction speed a little bit more now as for the construction itself you have 44 SIVs and that's backed up with 32 Mills which is actually the highest in the game I believe right at the start the only other countries that really come close would be Germany and the UK as far as I'm aware they're the only other countries that have a lot now as for where typically you want to build your factories if you're not doing this game like I am we're doing an early war against the Germans if you weren't fighting an early war against them typically it's a good idea to put your mills and your sibs further back in your territory and not have them write up along border here with Poland because in the event you're facing a strong Germany they can actually push you all the way back and then they're gonna start using their factories or the ones that you built at least for their own advantage so you're better off trying to put these as far back as possible typically though you don't really need to put them any farther than Moscow I just think that if you've already lost Moscow and all this territory up to here you're gonna have a really hard time pushing back unless the Allies pull a miracle so basically that's just up to you what you want to pick but generally I try and avoid having them along this line but for this tutorial today or god it's gonna be a-okay there shouldn't be any issues you run into with the Germans actually pushing you back again build in the highest level of infrastructure whatever territories have the highest level of infrastructure you want to build in just because it speeds it up a little bit more so I don't really need to cue any more than this for now we can just work our way through that as it comes around and then what we're also going to do here on our factories is get everything set up so we can start producing a nice healthy amount of equipment so I like to put 10 on gums I think that's generally okay it's your choice here you can do three or four on support equipment I'm probably just going to do four for today then we're going to bump that up to ten on our Tillery and then we're going to cancel these strategic bombers put one more on to our fighters and then tanks themselves it's entirely up to you what you want to do here but you will get a research treaty with the Germans so I actually like to cancel mmm I like to cancel my light tanks and then actually just apply those into fighters as well because the Germans will focus a lot on their air production specifically fighters and their close air support and fighters when in use together they're actually quite deadly so if you're not building up at least some fighters to maintain air superiority you're gonna have a lot harder time pushing back against the Germans so that's just one thing you need to be aware of and this is basically how I set up my soviet union for most games really when it just comes to single-player so I don't believe there's anything else that I really need to show right now at the start here the other thing you can do is create an agency right away and if you do this just create it what you can actually do is start raising your Intel level and I'll be showing you what we're doing later on with that if you don't have the law resistance DLC just ignore this part and you can just follow along with the rest of the guide anyways I'm just gonna skip ahead seventy days to when the national focus is done and I'll see you guys shortly okay so I'm just stopping in real quick here I'm actually filming this or recording it after this video has been completed so one thing that I changed here when I was making my guide I actually decided to go with light tanks and I make this mention later on in the video just before our war with Germany begins but I wanted to at least let you know that I decided not to go with medium tanks the second time around reason being I found that the production itself because we're attacking so early on and we already have 11 divisions worth of light tanks out in the field I found it quite difficult to actually balance mediums and light tanks especially given the scenario I was working under basically the Allies did not get called into the war and this happened both games so I'm assuming that under normal circumstances that's gonna be the case every time you follow this guide so you're honestly better off keeping the light tanks but at the end of the day it's entirely your choice and you can certainly play play around with it and see what it works for your country just thought I throw that in there so as you're watching the video just take note that I was producing light tanks and when we get ready for our war with Germany I actually have a bit of a stockpile of light tanks already so just wanted to throw that in there anyways let's get back to the guide already and so now that we have these Stalin Constitution finished the next one that we're going to do here is the five-year plan that just gives us four civilian factories which helps us a little bit more with our construction as you can see we're currently at 61 factories and then on my intelligence agency here I've got one operative I already did some localized training centers and then I'm also improving my economy army and then Air Force departments those are the four that I like to do as well as form departments so we can actually decrypt their codes and that way it gives us a little bit of a bonus as well so I have enough political power here to go back and switch over to war economy so then if we check construction one more time you can see now that frees up a whole bunch of in factories for us to build some more so basically again just picking whatever has the highest infrastructure I believe everything is 50% except for over here more in like the Urals there's this location here with 60 and this one as well and this one here so that's basically it those are the best places to really build all your factories and I'm just gonna let those continue on and I will see you guys in 70 days okay and so another national folks is done so the next one that we're going to complete here is the armament effort this just gives us four military factories so it helps us just obviously get a little bit more production going and the nice thing is because we get this so early on in the game we can actually utilize those extra four factories over the course of the next three to four years so that helps us build up quite a large stockpile of equipment compared to some other countries so I think this is gonna be the last one that I will do before the great purge this is typically how I like to do the Soviet Union and for the most part the rest of these folks is the only one that you would ever really want otherwise is the extra research slot but the problem is you have to complete these focuses here either this one or this one and then work your way down so it would take up to another hundred and forty days to actually get there or you could just ignore the armament effort and go this way but like I said I want to get some extra equipment out in the field and it gives us some army experience which is always nice when we want to change our division templates later on so that's gonna be our next national focus mmm part of me and the next one that we're gonna do here with the hundred and fifty political power I just need to unpause the game for a couple days and there we go what I like to generally do with the Soviet Union is switch from export focus into free trade I know it's not the best one if you were in limited exports it's certainly worth it to switch to free trade and between these two really all you get is a five percent bonus to construction a slight bonus in your research and factory output but that's really all you want now the reason why this is so helpful is because it helps us maintain that edge over the Germans and we want to have a higher amount of production and military factories and construction speed and all that the other nice thing is because you have such a large resource pool you actually don't really notice the effects of switching over to free trade that badly the biggest concern is going to be obviously your tungsten and you're aluminium but for the most part it helps you a lot in this game because you can just build everything so much faster than your enemies so I think that's the best way to use your political power the first two choices are war economy and switching to free trade and the other reason why is because when you do the Great Purge next if you were to go and select all your advisors you might actually pick people that you then purge during that national focus so you could end up wasting 150 political power so I just typically find that by doing these two at the start of the game you don't run into issues where you accidentally select a focus where you've now removed the advisor that you just selected for a hundred and fifty political power and again because we do this to at the start of the game you get the full effects of these changes over the course of three or four years it makes a huge difference so that's just really what I like doing but play around with it and see what works best for yourself anyways just gonna speed up seventy days and I'll see you guys shortly so at this point in time the data is now July 29th 1936 and we have another national focus ready to go so the next one that we're gonna do is the Great Purge now this takes 210 days to complete and you will feel the effects of it for 583 days as it obviously obviously says in the description there the biggest thing is you lose organization you have some slight negative effects to your research speed and some stability loss as well but the nice thing is once we select this I've also gone ahead and now started my war goal against Poland so what's gonna end up happening is will finish the purge and then when we start our war against Poland even though we won't have these most likely finished in time we can still actually complete lessons of war in between when we start our attack on the Germans and when we finish the war with Poland because what happens is the only requirement to finish lessons of war early on is that you've actually been in a war so we don't have to then wait until 1941 we can just go right down this branch start our war with Poland finish them off and then completely lessons of war before we actually attack Germany and that's going to remove the entire debuff from our armies so that way we have the full effects of our armies they have all their strength we'll also be able to complete some of these national focuses over here to how so for example that extra research slot and anything else down these branches and then from there it's really just up to us to you know have a strong army in the field at this point in time we have 60 civilian factories in 36 mills which still puts us well ahead of any other country we're not even in 1937 and we have 102 factories so it's actually quite good and I'm just gonna keep building sibs basically until the end of 1937 is my goal and then at that point I will switch over to military factories and start building those quite heavily as for production everything has stayed relatively the same I added one more on to support and then I put my fighters up to 8 on production now we will need to obviously switch things around a little bit once we unlock the research treaty with Germany for medium tanks because that's ultimately what I want out of it if we go to research here and then armour you can see we still have one more of these we need to complete so we can unlock mediums as soon as mechanical computing is done we will then go to armour research the bt7 and that should put us in a position where this will finish and then the Germans will ask us for the research treaty so we won't actually lose out on that bonus when it comes to researching the medium tanks so anyways just gonna skip ahead here basically until I get some events from the Great Purge and I will just show you what I'm selecting as we work our way through it okay so this is the first event that comes up here you have four choices you can obviously just ignore it and have a civil war never pick the fourth option otherwise there's no sense in really doing the Great Purge in the first place the next one here you just lose political power second one you lose your communist advisor and then the first one you lose your popular figurehead so stability I think the best one to go for is the second one here because you'll never really need communism support as the USSR certainly maybe if you're playing a multiplayer game and someone's trying to take away at your support you would need that but for single-player you're never gonna face a time where the enemy is actually trying to raise their own support or change your party support so I think the second option is just the best one because it removes that advisor and he's quite redundant enjoy so anyways I'm just gonna keep playing along here and I'll stop back in once we have another event alright so here's the next event three choices here so again you can do the bottom one and lead to a civil war or you can do the first or second once so first one essentially takes away a bunch of your military advisors the biggest one here you lose your mass assault expert and you're also your best field marshal you would lose out on the second one though you lose a bunch of ship specialists and let's see who else was I think there is okay I think that's not too bad um honestly I think I'm gonna go with the second one is generally what I pick the first one the reason why again I don't want to pick that is just because my best field marshal actually is pretty good overall so if we just do this and then open up commander tab you can see this is what our main Field Marshal looks like so if you lose out on him you no longer have all these good bonuses instead you have these really shitty field marshals that you know at the end of the day they're not horrible you won't lose the war because your field marshals but you're certainly not gonna have an advantage in combat so I think it's better off just to keep this advisor rather than purging him so we now have another research slot so you can just select that like so and unpause the game and then there should only be one more event that comes up I believe around 150 or 60 days somewhere in that range I believe it appears so we're gonna be done this pretty soon okay and so this is the last national oh my god this is the last event that we have to select from here so again we have two choices the top one which basically takes away from your Air Force and Navy and then the middle one which really does the same thing personally I think the better one to pick is the top one because we don't need the political adviser we don't need air Accidents chance reduction or bad weather penalty I mean it's nice but again we don't need it air experience gain and then capital ships because we're not really you know bothered with our Navy at least for this video maybe if you really wanted to play a lot of naval combat sure I think the best one to pick is the first one so if we go back into our tab here now we're just going to pause for a day I guess it's probably not going to do it until everything else is completed Hey okay so nope yeah there we go it's already applied so basically we lost out on a few things our armored genius we no longer have but we still maintain a few of these as for theorists we still have them and then political advisors are you know they are what they are so that's really the big thing we have another nice great thing is we actually can get this advisor here which still gives us division defense 10% so that's actually not too bad certainly will help us in our war against Germany otherwise I'm just gonna skip ahead to once this focus is done so the date is now February 24th 1937 if we just click on Poland here you can see they're not guaranteed and our war is going to be ready in 20 days so all I've gone ahead and done here is I've reorganized my fears a little bit so I have my main Field Marshal here with five armies under his command these guys are already set on this line but what we're gonna do now is just recreate a front line with the entire army and set a general offensive line like so set them to aggressive and then we can modify our government once again with 150 political power so you have a couple choices here you can go as a popular figurehead you could do a loose of gentleman what I'm going to be doing today is the Illusive gentleman and the only reason for that is if we open up our operatives tab you can see we have max Intel so I'm just gonna set this to quiet so we don't lose our spy and then in 30 days when this guy is ready to go what we can actually do is start an operation against the Germans where we are going to prepare a collaboration government now the reason why this is so helpful to us in this game is because when you have it basically maxed out the Germans lose a quarter of their war score essentially I don't know how to word this but basically what happens is you need only three-quarters of the victory points that you normally would to actually defeat them so that's why it's so helpful having this collaboration government prepared in advance and you can also use like a coordinated strike to help you out a little bit if you want but the main thing here is that we're actually going to set up that collaboration government and it allows us to capitulate them very easily or at least a little bit sooner than you normally would be able to achieve so next thing here on our national focus I think the best one that we can do now is the collectivist propaganda and work down this branch here these two the reason I'm avoiding the positive heroism it is still a good branch you get to research slots out of it like that or sorry just one down here but the main reason why is because in this one we get stability political power we get extra research slot some population construction speed and this one right here the positive heroism actually does nothing for us because we already purged our armor genius so even if we wanted to have him we actually can't so the best one we can do is collectivist propaganda and just try and work down these branches here and set ourselves up for the war with Germany now as for logistics you can see things are pretty healthy we have one point three thousand support a thousand motorized 23,000 infantry equipment and three thousand artillery now I am probably going to start a little bit of training with my troops or at least finish this war with Poland and see how much army experience I have because we do want to make some changes to our templates themselves and especially our motorized or mechanized units armor we need to change these over from light tanks so it is important that we keep enough army experience so we can actually do that when the time comes otherwise just gonna keep playing here and I will see you guys shortly when our war goal against Poland is ready already so our war goal is now ready so we can just go ahead and declare war right away we can just ignore the air wings that aren't assigned because that's just basically my naval bombers they're not really gonna be able to do anything what that's totally oh okay so Air Force is already set we're boosting the air cruise and these guys are all set to aggressive and they're on the frontlines so we can just hit go and let's see how things are going so as you can see our attack values are somewhat low here we are going to lose a little bit of combat here and there but that's totally fine that's because we're suffering from the effects of the Great Purge so now we have the chance to recruit another operative so let's see who we've got seducers pretty good and that's a Polish one you know we'll just go with the one with the seducer trait and then we're gonna put the Intel right there and Intel in this region there and then if we go over to our operations we can now prepare a collaboration government commence when ready and we will select the two people that we already have available so that's really it for now I'm basically basically just gonna skip ahead to when this war is actually done itself I don't think I really need to show the combat for this war it's pretty straightforward basically just hit go and wait until they're actually done really don't need to worry too much about the losses here at the end of the day you'll get a little bit of it back from the Polish territory when you actually capitulate them and the other thing too is once you basically break their line like this they just won't be able to put up with it they don't have the industry to match your strength so it's not anything you need to really worry about okay so that's about it with our war with Poland we managed to finish it pretty quickly here if we actually click on the supply tab we can get a rough idea of how long it took so one to roughly three months total to actually end the war which is in bad we lost a lot of equipment mainly from attrition that's kind of to be expected and not really a big problem next national focus that I'm doing though is the extra research slot and then the following three that I'm probably going to do afterwards are nkvd primacy and KVD divisions and then the lessons of war because that's going to again remove the effects of the Great Purge and it gives us a one time bonus for our technology in armor and then two times bonus for land doctrines which is always kind of nice the other thing too you could go down rehabilitated military if you really like entirely up to you what you want to do here but I generally go down this route keep it semi realistic but not really a requirement so anyways I will see you guys when my next national focus is done and we're just gonna keep preparing for our war with Germany okay so we have another national focus completed so the next one that we're gonna do is I previously mentioned is just work down this branch right here that's going to get us in a position where we're ready for our war against Germany and allows us the option to basically pick and choose when we want to start the war so we're just going to do NK the primacy then we also have another research slot with that we just unlocked so I think the next one that I'm gonna do here is probably my support companies we do have to wait until the radio is done so in this case we're probably just gonna do logistics I generally like this one a lot for the Soviets because you have a large army but it's primarily infantry so the more equipment you can save it just helps you in the long run so I think it's a very good fit for how we're gonna play this game otherwise not much else to really show my intelligence is currently active in preparing a collaboration government the other thing that we need to do is unlock a few more slots and then we can have a third spy so that way we can keep the Intel up well the other two spies are actually continuing on with their missions so I think I'm probably going to do the form Department now and then suicide pills last that just reduces the likelihood of our spies being captured and we can become the spy master but it doesn't really do anything for us because we don't actually have anyone in our faction that isn't a puppet so it doesn't really make sense to do that or as mongolia a puppet or not let's just check i guess not so ok they're just in our faction so i might be able to i don't really want to waste the political power I'll do that closer to when the wars kicking off and I will actually be able to check and see if that is the case or not so oh perfect here is the german-soviet treaty that we're waiting for so we're just gonna accept it and now when we have another research slot so probably when this one is done I will then go back to tanks and research those mediums so they'll be done in about 70 days which is perfect the sooner we can get those out the better the date is now December 2nd 1937 and we finished these two national focuses so the last one that we need to complete obviously in this branch is the lessons of war that'll give us a one time or two times bonus for our land doctrine one for armor some army experience and the biggest thing is it removes the effects of officers perched so that's gonna be done in 70 days now the other thing here I have my whole army on the German border but what I've also done here is I finished my collaboration government and I had a spy get captured which kind of sucks but they will be rescued in 14 days so once that's done I'm gonna have all four of my spies just building up the Intel network and then continuing to prepare more collaboration governments each time we completed it we get 30% so currently we reduced their surrender limit by 9% which isn't too bad and then the other thing that I've done over here is I've set these nine week divisions if I actually click on them you can see it's the remainder of these week divisions they're not very large in size but these nine alone are more than enough and the reason we set them along the border right here is because Japan has the event where they get to basically challenge us on the border and if we didn't have any troops assigned here what ends up happening is it'll automatically assign some troops from your stockpile of your army to essentially come over here and try and defend but if they're all the way over at the German border they won't reach this location in time and the Japanese will be successful so what ends up happening is they take your territory they get a land bonus for research and then the biggest problem is they will then take that as a sign that you're weak and they will join the Germans later on in a war against you so it doesn't really help you at all to leave that undefended and these nine divisions are pretty cheap in general so it really doesn't hurt you in the long run to assign them so that's really all for now as for research I mean things are coming along nicely I'm about to finish my logistics so I'll do my signal next as for infantry I'm getting it up to the 1938 level our Tillery is doing just fine I'll do this when it's a little closer to you know the time it's supposed to be done which is 1939 and then land doctrine we have a bonus we can use from the army experience I'm gonna go ahead and actually do that right after as well because I want to at least get delay finished it gives us organization which is kind of nice and then we can use those two other bonuses from the last national focus on this right here so that's basically what my plan is for now just gonna keep playing along as for production things are going nicely it's basically the same as I had it before I don't have any mediums in production yet but I am building military factories now I just started that after I finished my last national focus so I think it's a good time to start building up our army quite seriously and just getting ready for the war again the Germans so at this point in time we've now completed the lessons of war so the next one we're gonna do on a national focus tree is socialist realism this just gives us some extra political power which we can then use to switch our economy law back over to an export focus and that will give us what we need to actually produce all of our equipment because currently I'm gonna be suffering because I don't have enough resources so it's it makes sense I mean we're already in 1938 and getting ready for the fight with the Germans so there's no sense really keeping all that production or the trade the way it is right now so the other thing too on research as these ones finish I can go back to my land doctrine and I can do these two with the bonus and then use the army experience to complete the blitzkrieg one so that's going to help us a little bit more otherwise again nothing else to really show here and I'll probably be changing my templates pretty soon but I will show that on video I don't want to leave that out other nice thing is as for factory count we're doing quite well we have 91 sibs and 50 military factories compared to the Germans here they have 29 Mills and 63 sibs although that number is going to go up quite dramatically as soon as they take Austria and then Czechoslovakia and the other territories as well so that's really all for now I'm just gonna keep playing along here and I'll stop by once I have more to share okay so using the political power that we now have available to us we're going to change our economy law back over to an export focus if we check production and give it a couple of days there we go so now we're just losing a little bit of tungsten and that's fine we can actually just go to trade here and we can either trade with Portugal or the British Raj I like going with the British Raj because if you actually trade with them you don't have to use any convoys and technically you don't with Portugal either but the problem is once you start fighting the Germans you will need convoys and they will get convoy rated by Italy's so by trading with the British Ross you can actually just avoid that whole trouble right there next national focus we're gonna be doing the militarized schools and then the workers culture those are going to be the next two that we need to do because in general I don't think you really need as much of these in the middle here or these ones as well they're nicer as you work your way through the game but we don't really need them as much compared to say workers culture which gives us a slight bonus over the Germans or any other country for that matter so that's kind of nice and I'm hoping that the event with the Spanish gold should come up here pretty soon generally what happens is you can actually take their gold reserves because they store them in your country and the civil war ended so I'm just waiting to see if that events gonna fire off if it does it'll mean that we get a one-year bonus essentially where we use their gold reserves to speed up our own construction speed so that's always kind of nice if it doesn't happen though it's not really a big problem again we have a very hefty amount of factories so that's always good and then on intelligence I'm doing another collaboration and hopefully we can get the last one done as well it's gonna take another 30 days until that's complete and then when it is done like I just said hopefully we can get that last one done and it will reduce the Germans capitulation by a quarter so that's pretty good I might even try this spy master tool right here and see if it actually works where I can get five intelligence operatives if not really not a big loss but it would be pretty nice so as of right now with September 7th 1938 we're almost at the point where we can justify a war goal against the Germans we don't want to build them up for too long but we also don't want to attack them too early we want to still give ourselves the best chance possible their sieve count is sitting at 77 they haven't taken the Czech territory but they now take or have taken the Australian or Austrian territory not Australian they have 53 mils compared to my 93 subs and 66 mils so it's getting pretty close here they're certainly catching up but I'm not really too worried about it I'm still just building a little bit of both so again that's not really a big problem as for production itself I've switched over to my improved artillery at this point so just continuing to build that up and my stockpile is well I am training some troops just to get them experienced up to the level 3 so that way there's no combat or negative combat modifier they actually get a 25% bonus and then the nice thing is with my Intelligence Agency the last mission that I did I actually got a bonus from it so it did 45% collaboration so we're currently sitting at 75 percent so when this one is done we should be at a hundred percent collaboration and that will reduce their ability to withstand our attacks quite noticeably so that's going to be helpful as for the National folks itself we've finished these two so the next one that I think I'm gonna do is the infrastructure effort and then the transformation of nature because that just gives us some political power and some rubber as well so we don't necessarily need to trade for it as much otherwise everything's going pretty good I've shown you my production here and my construction and then research we're just continuing on with you know our mobile warfare industry we're doing Engineering's good for now support companies I'm getting my logistics up to a level two and then I'm going to show you my division template so this is the one that I'm using for my infantry units I just messed up and made the changes to this one so I just switched my army over but if we actually look at the template itself it's just support artillery with logistics and signal and then a classic 7/2 template for your infantry the reason it isn't a 4t width it's just because right now it's a little bit difficult for me to do that I don't have quite the stockpile I want we have 60,000 guns which I could manage and we still have quite a supply of artillery but I think what I want to do here is just get a few more units out in the field and basically we're just going to overwhelm them with a horde of troops so what I'm gonna do now is probably train up at least 24 of these let's see what we can do so let's cancel those to set that to 1 and now if we go back to logistics you can see we're missing some support equipments so I think I also need to bump this up to at least 10 and that should get me in a position where I won't run out of it and then hopefully I can switch my tank design over pretty soon here and that way these guys right here will actually be medium tanks because I haven't done that yet the other nice thing is if you can't fully get your medium tanks out what you can actually do is just go and let's say you did two of these so you can see we'll be in the negative what ends up happening is you're actually going to have an extra supply of light tanks so you can actually then just put that back into the unit and you'll still have a slight bit in storage so now it's technically with you've got a mix between mediums and lights so their values aren't as good as a pure medium tank template but it's still actually pretty decent overall so something that you can definitely try if you want to and then you can also throw in that support artillery to bump it up a little bit higher and then just hit save and now those eleven templates that you have out in the field won't be quite as bad they'll still have mostly full supply and they should be pretty good overall so that's all I'm really doing for now just continuing to get ready for my war and I will see you guys shortly okay so our national focus is done so the last one that we're gonna do here is the transformation of nature which gives us a little bit more political power and whatnot now what I'm gonna do here is actually justify a war goal against Germany you can see that is going to take 90 days and we're gonna just take what's this one brandenburg shirt we'll take that as our main one so that's gonna be ready in 90 days the reason I'm doing this is because the Germans won't necessarily be able to finish their focus in time even if they rush down the Czechoslovakian focus tree what it's gonna do here essentially is we're gonna start our war against them and then they can either continue focusing down that route but the problem is they're gonna need to keep troops along this border in case the Czechs reject it and then they're also going to need to keep troops along the French border as well so it means that they're gonna have less divisions able to actually guard against us and then the other thing here is these units will actually be ready in time for that war goal so I can deploy all 24 of them along this border right here and then just take this territory from the Germans and if we do that we will take some of their factories they have 12 5 and 3 so we'll actually take away a good chunk of their territories right off the start and then the other thing too is our collaboration government is actually going to be done in roughly ten days so all we have to do from here is just set all of our spies on to intelligence and give us full superiority and make it so it's a little bit easier for us to win in combat so that's really it for now the other thing I'm going to do here is deploy all my air units I do have a decent stockpile I believe yeah almost a thousand fighters in reserves so I will need to deploy those and then my tanks as well if we click on logistics these will be ready in time they're gonna be ready in 68 days and then the same for our support equipment that's gonna be ready in roughly 30 days so we'll actually have full supply for all of the units in the field and for the ones that are going to be deploying pretty soon here so that's all for now and I will see you guys shortly okay so at this point it is September 26th 1939 and the Germans still haven't started their war against the Allies most surprisingly they now have meifa bills payments because they started a war against Luxembourg so they don't actually have that bonus anymore they still have autarky that doesn't really go away but they have war goals against all of the major Allies here and they're not acting on it so what my guess is they're trying to get their troop count up because they know that I have war goals against them that's my guess but as it currently stands they're really just giving me the advantage even though they're gonna be fairly heavily entrenched the problem is I have all these divisions in training right now and I have the equipment to back it up I have tons of equipment left over so right now I have another 11 of the big divisions 24 of these weaker ones and then eight more light division units on the way so I'll be closer to 200 divisions total as well I have a hundred military factories in 107 SIVs compared to the Germans let's see they have 135 at maximum so I have more divisions total already and then as well they only have 102 mills and 96 so they're pretty close but they're importing all their tungsten right now so honestly this could go either way it really could be an interesting war here but I still think we're going to be able to crush them the biggest thing that's going to be annoying is when we get into this like Sudetenland region over here there's a lot of forts so unfortunately because it's forts and mountains that's probably one of the where things you can attack through but basically when the war with the Allies kicks off they're gonna have to send a lot of their divisions over to the Western Front which makes it easier for me to push them on the Eastern Front and if we close this pocket off really quickly we can essentially crush them without any resistance because we can send all the remaining divisions down onto the Western Front and basically push them even faster so that's my hope as it currently stands my Air Force is set up like this I have some of my Air Force my naval bombers going into this channel to try and take out some of their ships I don't know if it'll work I also got my entire fleet into one setup right here so we will be assigning them into this region as well to hopefully stop them from doing naval invasions but if not you have these ten divisions which are going to be backed up I think with these ten as well or 11 I'll probably just put those 11 in there and that should be more than enough and then when I get those other 24 divisions I'll just use them to help in this war right here and then that'll allow us essentially to then send them over to that Western Front so basically if my war goal doesn't I guess if the if the date is gonna go past my war goal here I will use it because I don't want to take a hit to my stability and war support and more importantly I don't want it to expire and then all of a sudden the Germans are like oh hey let's start a war on the Allies because if they break them really quickly I might not be able to actually get my war goal finished in time and then I'll be taking on a mega Germany which isn't impossible but it's just more annoying that way and the other thing too is you have to worry about Hungary and Romania because the later you push this they will join the axis so once that happens you need to be careful because they can suddenly have all these units going down here and just pushing through the south so I will need to recruit a few more divisions and have those set up along their lines just in case they join at a later date anyways I'm just gonna skip ahead to basically October 27th and if they don't fire off their war goals then I will already so this is the moment you've all been waiting for it's October 26 1939 the Germans did not fire there or goals so I'm just gonna go ahead and use mine basically everything that I want is ready to go so I deployed those remaining units so we have this Field Marshal right here he now has four armies commanding this guy is set to area defense on all of our ports and then after we take this region he'll go and defend these ports as well and 20 divisions should be more than enough typically they're not going to attack with enough units to actually do any real damage and I did divide it roughly ten and ten so that way it's a mixture of good units and bad ones as for logistics everything is looking pretty good we have a nice healthy stockpile of all of our equipment including artillery which is really important some things are a little bit low right now for example infantry equipment but that's not a huge problem basically just because I switched over and I recruited a bunch of units recently so I'm not too surprised that it's a little bit low but anyways we're at 109 SIVs and 104 mils so that's very good as well we're just gonna keep building up some more of each so I'm just gonna actually put a few more there a couple there and yeah we can just go there as well like that and that should be fine so anyways we're just going to go ahead and hit declare war the other nice thing is I know for a fact sooner or later the Allies will be in the war because Italy likes to go after Yugoslavia and Greece and they normally don't really do that any later than 1940 ish I believe the other thing I took all these units that were guarding against the Japanese territory here because they did use the event up and they won't do it again there's no way for them to do that so basically they're just gonna go on the border with Hungary and then I will need to recruit some more divisions later on to guard against the Romanians but I won't really need to worry about that until around 1941 typically that's when they join so it shouldn't really be an issue so what we're gonna do now is immediately activate this war goal make sure they're all set to aggressive and then all of our air forces are already deployed like how I wanted them so we're just also going to take this dump the rest of those fighters there and give us air superiority in that region as well and that should hopefully make sure that they aren't really doing a ton of damage to us so you can see here a little bit successful here they have no planes and the only reason they're using their planes in this territory for the most part is because they're trying to make sure that we don't break through over here but honestly there's no real way for them to really push back and stop me from doing that so this should be done pretty quickly here and then the nice thing is the rest of these units should Oh what happened here that's a little interesting I'm not sure why all of my units decided to suddenly go halfway across the map but okay anyways I think I think we should still be okay yeah looks like the Germans aren't pushing probably because they don't have their units in position yet so I kind of got lucky there but I think we should be okay let's just click up at the top yet we still have more divisions than them 205 and our factory counts are basically the same that's not really too surprising and maybe we can actually quickly do this and cut off these units and get a small encirclement right at the start of the game I'd be pretty sweet okay you go that way and then head that way unpause Oh maybe we might be able to do it folks all right you guys quickly go join go join that combat break them yeah you can do it there you go all right so there we go right at the start of the game nice little encirclement to start everything off and hopefully there should be a pretty successful war so what I'm gonna do here is actually speed up the combat I don't typically show everything I'm doing and as you can see we have red air now that's not too surprising while they're shooting down a lot of them but either way basically their planes are going to be disrupted for the most part we are taking some damage over here but that's because they have a lot of close air support and armors and fighters so it's really just not too surprising the other thing is they're having to focus essentially their entire army on me they're not using any of it against the Allies because obviously they're not no war with them yet so once they start their war with the Allies it should reduce the effects from that quite a lot because they can't they they just physically can't have their entire army centered on me when they start fighting the Allies so that's not really a big concern for me as you can see here their attack values are pretty good but for the most part they're just gonna burn up equipment fighting me this way and once the rest of these troops are actually done you guys just finish them off quickly please I'll be able to actually send all of my troops over to that western border so now I can go ahead and do that so what we're gonna do here we'll just set them along this front line like so and I don't want to really space them out too much because I want to have them mainly focused over here heading towards Berlin so let's just see oh my god yeah so this is what I mean do you see how the entire Italian and German fleet is focused up here this is basically why you need to have your troops on border defense because if you don't have anyone set for border defense or your coastal defense the Germans will make naval invasions and land over here so it is a concern something that you actually need to watch out for because they will make naval invasions so anyways it's fine my troops are readjusting right now so that's going to be okay and then the rest of these divisions are already going to be moving over to the German border and making sure that they can't break through it all you can try and do some pushes on them but again watch your equipment you don't want to burn it up too quickly because otherwise that puts you in a position where you can't recruit any more divisions and ultimately just gives them the advantage in the long run so anyways I'm just gonna speed things up here a little bit and I will see you guys all soon [Music] okay so as you probably saw there in the combat our war has been going pretty well overall I mean the Germans are trying to push me back across the front in some different areas but for the most part they're not breaking me they might win a province occasionally but for the most part we are still able to hold them off I'm just gonna move those guys right now so basically all I'm doing is just holding the line and letting them burn out some equipment the nice thing is if we open up the equipment tab itself you can see our losses here if I can just move this quickly they've now lost more troops than I have I have a higher factory count the Italians have also lost a fair number of troops especially considering they don't have a lot of factories and out of those 92 I think somewhere around 20 of them are naval dockyards so they've actually lost a quite a significant amount of equipment and manpower right from the get-go so that's also going to help us in the long run now if we open up the combat log you can see here a little bit more in depth they've lost 146 thousand total for equipment and I've lost around 68,000 69 total from combat and attrition so the biggest thing here is they've lost a lot of their artillery support equipment is way down same with their guns and then tanks themselves not too bad they still have a fair bit but they're losing a lot of equipment so if we zoom in back on their troops you can see they're slightly under strength these guys not too bad but 94% they're ninety-three these guys are probably full 95 so they aren't losing their equipment now as for the air itself they are burning out my planes quite quickly but that's because I'm taking on their entire Air Force unfortunately they haven't declared on the Allies yet I'm still hoping that they'll do that soon because if they declare on the allies it's gonna just open up this entire front their entire army basically is on my border and even if it's not it's just a waiting game and it's really kind of tough for me to do much when they have this many troops like you can see down here they have this massive number of troops in the mountain regions so basically it's just a waiting game and trying hold on until they declare on the allies now the biggest concern for me right now is that the Romanians are now going to appoint a access government so they're probably going to join the access and when that happens if they decide to declare on me and go after this region over here because I don't have guns right now I'm in a position where I could get stuck with basically nothing so what I think I'm gonna do here worst-case scenario if I have to recruit or get some troops over here because I know I will what I think I'm probably gonna end up doing is just simply take a few units out of each of these generals armies so probably like two from each and then I'll make a new army assign them to this general and then just put them on this border here so that way if for whatever reason they join the axis right away then I can just simply be prepared for that war but otherwise there's really not much else for me to show I mean production wise things are going alright I applied some more factories into guns and I am gonna be building up a few more as well so I'm probably gonna just bump that number up one more time and hopefully as this reaches closer to its maximum efficiency I will start to be able to reduce this number and get my production back up where it needs to be I did drop my airplane production a little bit because I don't need that quite as high so it's really just a waiting game for now and hopefully they will declare on the Allies soon and then that way it'll alleviate a lot of the pressure off of our territory the other nice thing is if we decrypt this as well and I'm just gonna activate the Italian one right now that way it's just going to hit them with another negative debuff so you can see there right away it's already making it a little bit easier on our troops and hopefully we can get that production back up where it needs to be [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] and that right there ladies and gentlemen is why you make collaboration government's holy fifty three minutes straight of combat that's how long I was recording and I didn't budge from this computer so oh that's nice that's uh that's a lot of weight off the shoulders right there so anyways there's no way we're gonna capitulate now so I'm just gonna delete all these armies and quickly just readjust my front line so it's properly centered on the enemy's line Wow so basically what ended up happening if you obviously skipped through any of the video basically I managed to break up in the north and they focused way too many of their units down in the south here you can see all this left at this point is just the Italian units but basically they put way too many units down in the south and the Allies never actually got called in so the nice thing about this war is once everything ends here I'm gonna be able to take everything because I'm the only other country that participated other than say crease so really like I'm gonna get everything that I want out of this and it's only 1941 so the downside to that is the Americans let's see I they in that faction so they're not right now but if we were to justify against let's say Britain or France I'm sure the Americans would join pretty soon here so that's something that we have to be concerned about and to be quite honest I think the craziest thing that came out of this my equipment if we go back to it you can see I am positive now but for a while there it was looking pretty desperate so what I ended up doing was I went to France and the UK and I said hey can you lend me lend-lease some equipment to me unfortunately I don't have enough convoys to actually do that so basically I was just relying on these few units I had down here left over to defend and then basically just pushing as hard as I possibly could to take over this territory and it really seemed like once I took bird in for whatever reason they really wanted to go down to the south so anyways I'm not gonna complain this was just oh my god this was a ridiculous conquest a lot of fun though I have to admit like this was probably one of my favorite games I've genuinely ever played in this game so let's just get these set up is that the wrong one okay so they're good and all of these units are now going to move and then we're just gonna set a big front line like so and then we'll take you and we'll set another big front line like so as for my air force it got pretty much decimated we have no planes left so I really don't mind that you know it's totally fine and the Italians probably aren't gonna be launching a naval invasion again simply because they don't really have anywhere to launch it from so oh that's a nice breath of relief right there anyways so we have some expeditionary forces going back that's totally fine I think all we need to do now we can just throw whatever we want in here I kept the same light tanks and all that I didn't change some of my equipment because I just knew I wouldn't be able to the way the game was going so at this point our guide here is almost over I'm just gonna finish off these last few countries and something I really want to show right now is just the losses so as you can see we took 1.7 million losses from the Germans and we did 2.5 million on them we also killed roughly a million Italians 300,000 Hungarians and then 188,000 of the legionary Romania a little bit of the Yugoslavia as well so basically I did twice as many kills two deaths in this game to point to two to four point to two and only a little bit of that actually came from Greece I think it was that really small amount yeah they basically did 50,000 total damage or 50,000 losses inflicted on the enemies for the most part we did everything in this game and I'm really not sure a hundred percent why but as soon as Greece got called into the war they automatically joined my faction and I didn't receive an invitation I didn't receive anything and I'm the faction leader so I just don't understand how they were able to do that maybe someone else in the description could explain that to me but I know for a fact I didn't accept any offers to join my faction it was just kind of automatic as far as I'm aware so that's something I haven't really experienced before but maybe it's something that the Soviet Union just does I really don't know but anyways I'm just gonna quickly finish off this war here and bring this video to an end [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so May 4th 1941 there you have it we have accomplished our goals for today's episode we managed to take out the German Reich along with the Italians and the accompanying accompanying allies along with that I didn't go to war with the Allies today but that's not a big problem at this point with 482 factories I think we have more than enough and the other nice thing is I puppeted the Italians because I can give them oil and in exchange they will continue to use their Navy down in the southern regions here and kind of just distract the Allies that way so anyways if you've made it all the way to the end of the video I know it's been a long one probably gonna be a little bit longer than what I normally post but as always if you made it to the end thank you very much for watching I hope this video was a huge help to you I know that the Soviet Union can be very difficult especially in single-player because the AI is pretty in this game and it's it's not really an exaggeration of the truth the AI is just really horrible when it comes to the Allies they will never do naval invasions they won't build up units or defenses they just throw their units all over the place and it's up to you to actually do all the heavy lifting so that's why I made this video guide and I hope it was able to help you today and maybe in your next game you'll be a little bit more successful so as always if you have any comments or concerns anything I can prove upon for the next one leave a comment down in the description below and as well I'll leave a link to the discord channel where we're constantly active as a community we set up multiplayer games throughout the week and try and be active amongst ourselves and help each other wherever we can so thank you very much for watching I hope to see you guys on the next one
Channel: ScumpyDawg
Views: 49,600
Rating: 4.8680282 out of 5
Keywords: Hearts of iron 4, ussr, hoi4 ussr, hoi4 russia, hoi4 russia guide, hoi4 ussr guide, hearts of iron iv russia, hearts of iron iv ussr, hearts of iron vi, hoi4 guide, hoi4 gameplay, hoi4 how to beat germany, germany, heart of iron iv, hearts of iron ussr, gaming, gameplay, la resistance
Id: QUtMhNZnz5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 25sec (3985 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 06 2020
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