The Worst Focus Tree In Hoi4 And The Mod That Fixes It - Hearts Of Iron 4

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but I thought that uh and welcome back to more house wine for and as you know in this month of June / July we will be looking at a whole bunch of new mods for hearts volume 4 and as you guys are probably well aware I stopped doing high 4 on this channel about two years ago I've come back to do not sow in November and I looked at the game again in March for the new DLC and you know what I'm feeling fresh that my friend is what we call a lie one of my absolute favorite things to do in high for the most overdone game on the entire planet is to actually go ahead and play Russia even in my spare time I will still go ahead and do a Russia game when I'm editing or rendering videos and just you know have fun with it but if you are a high four aficionado hats off to you my little wear a boot probably you know in hearts vying for that there are a couple of major nations that have pretty atrocious focus trees want being Italy which hasn't been updated since the game came out can you tell by any chance hold on for just the reference here is a the Italian tree here is the Spanish tree only one of these countries were actually involved in world war two by the way now the other country that does have a much better folks tree that Italy per se but is still again has been updated since the base release of the game as a Soviet Union so today we are actually looking at the rush of rework focus tree which actually adds a little bit of fun to our game now I have looked through this tree and it is more based in reality than say like the German old history pathway you can go ahead and bring the Kaiser back or the same with the UK with their communists fascists and Monica's past it's more based on simply staying you know Soviet communists but also you do get the option to get rid of Stalin and go for a so that might you know pick your brain a little bit a bit of a puzzle challenge now looking down this path I actually already see quite a few things that I do like just for the Trotsky pad such as you know actually carrying on the world revolution so you have options to do stuff like the Asia Revolution we get some unique espionage ideas and operations for that part of the world same with Africa down here know one thing that I haven't noticed as there's no option for a South America down here at least not what I but I could see you get the workers of the world unite in the European Africa Asia South America which is pretty funny because even in North America you have Mexico you could just get Trotsky in charge which makes me think if you get Trotsky in Mexico and Trotsky in the Soviet Union it was a real Trotsky but just like in real life we're not gonna go trance Q this time in fact we're gonna go ahead and put a pin in that idea and instead go for the Great Purge as usual now the base over your path the historic one I should say is actually pretty fun - you get a Lowe's more to do which I like your likey and most fully you can influence the weak nations like look some Berg I don't know where you get off thinking Luxembourg as stupid have you not seen all the videos where looks whimper conquers the world I make one of those videos I don't even know it's been too much choice for over the years oh you also get yourself a full research slots in the base game I'm pretty sure you only get free as the Soviet Union to start off with and the rest you actually have to go about researching so that is actually pretty cool but I'm also pretty sure we start off with a lot less factories to get us going and do you have we're gonna have to carry take care of that one mr. Stalin ah we also got army disorganization cannot train units to span units or edit units templates suppress research and unhappy peasants why would you be unhappy and to my glorious regime huh y'all wanna starve to death again wait you're starving to death anyway you want to starve harder okay normal self really for Russia we also have the Russian Navy which let's be real the only ever worthwhile thing Russia did with their Navy will sell it to Pepsi and they turned it into scrap now I mean I guess we do have technically we got we've got the October Revolution one of my favorite ships and world of warships I know nothing about this oh we also have the Black Sea Fleet down here but that's gonna be stuck here forever because turkey is a [ __ ] now as far as like della everything else but that looks like the base we for start which is fine with me we've got ourselves a bunch of stuff to do usually I'd disband a bunch of these units because we start a massive equipment deficit the the Russian army is simply running around with our and depends on our head and most people haven't even Underpants so it's kind of like roughs to really if you've ever started off on the beach now first pour cool is definitely gonna be the Spanish Civil War we're gonna have to get involved in that bad boy and make sure the correct Ida Lajja Lee Ida lodge a large ice cream I would actually tell you up Ethiopia must be best friends hold on what are you trying to say improve Russia it's beautiful as it oh [Music] sorry I didn't even realize we were playing EU for apparently cuz I'm about to get if Martian don't worry too much peasants I'm a hundred percent on your side yeah I love the people can't get enough of them ain't nothing as beautiful as a peasant ah okay I'm a I'm here when afk for a little bit and miss the Spanish Civil War but I did have my airplanes over it so we do we do have purge very experienced but we did lose the Republicans who see Daisy oh no better way to celebrate incompetence and go ahead and shoot everyone that's competent in our country no no 1938 now we've got along quite nicely Stalin's got himself a couple crow's feet going on there exactly how I feel mr. Stalin playing this game well you have got ahead and purged our entire officer corps which means well if we go to war any time soon I get the feeling we probably won't do too well we're also on our very last decision to end the pen rebellion I've got a little handshake gesture right there but that's a that's not how we're ending the peasants rebellion just replace that with either a firing line or a basement a really dark dingy one yeah kind of literally swept on the Spanish Civil War this time around in China we will indeed be bumming the Japanese into submission until they eventually probably overthrow the Chinese resistance but I'm rolling really interested for the air experience I did send a couple of tacks over but because of our very bad deepest from purge they're pretty much useless so we're only really in it for the air experience and we are helping out a little bit mostly just bombing the Japanese are into the ground but I don't for the Chinese gonna hold out for too much longer but looks like their equipment oh look at that no more suppress research that's great just a fruit you know showing the communism is a free in force in the Soviet Union and you can do whatever you want have yourself the merriest I'm researching whatever just gonna be keeping a couple close tabs on you still you look at that there's a war winning tank right there t-34 might be sharp around the edges blow up a couple of times or break down five minutes after the line but thankfully the the lines gonna be five minutes from the battlefield so it doesn't matter Oh Japanese issues a diplomatic protests of my attache is being sent to China well Japan how bout you go suck a dick no I got the Japanese are nothing to put a plague to this world I'm telling you smack them down in one place and they just land with a never 50 unit oh saying that every time they make a landing around here we usually manage to knock them out and get a nice encirclement your so in the Japanese can actually come back from if you do it enough times already the line looks a lot more thinner up here and they don't have the best attrition down here so I think I think we're helping the Chinese quite a bit and they're in Turner well they're essentially helping me even better really hey you know what so check toka those pretty cool glasses mind if I annex up into my Soviet Socialist Republic I was a rhetorical question by the way of course I don't need to ask everyone would always be willing to join me in my utopia utopia alright bill this won't come back to bite us in the buttocks at some point will it Joanie we could be friends right forever and ever guys I I don't feel we're gonna be friends forever and ever no I think it's time for a bit of a tank upgrade Seifert if for says [ __ ] off Beach I'll say yeah mr. peasant [ __ ] off our glorious Soviet t-34 war machine just cleared up that for now the Japanese popped up and I know one who could have thought of that a lot of these these actually doing the work right now want to make sure they don't get that Pullo so we can keep these pocket and to [ __ ] there for cause ok iPhones about to come to a damn soon but keeping a weak Japan's very good we should probably keep an eye on what's going on over here so the way we actually do art demands in this mod is we don't just find a country away for the event to pop up we actually spend 50 political power outright and we just send the ultimatum straight to them which I have already done and we'll see if they accept hey would you look at that they have indeed accepted so I think I prefer this way of doing it than the base vanilla version because it can be a bit finicky sometimes waiting for them to accept doing the be another claim state stuff a day or hour right 50 political power is probably a better way to do it so all I'm trying to hold back the Japanese old sword on China well your abs look in a bit looking a bit spicy end to the madness here the Chinese are pushing back the Japanese Fang to the Lord I need to get out of here I know I'm kind of gas gas gas here and the gas right now the Chinese are should go with me yeah I don't want to Rumble this didn't go too well for Soviet so first but I get the feeling is probably gonna go a little better this time around isn't it ghosts appear that my green number is much bigger than your red number well asked if unfortunately I just went ahead and won the Worf well thoroughly need to worry about this now - I obviously cuz I went to war we've now got our units back from Japan you know what I think they actually deserve a new name and that name is gonna be Japan sucks bowls head looks I don't think I need to send my volunteers back over to China I'll just go ahead then a nothing call let them mop up from there Oh shucks Oh jiminy flamin 800 Japan on their little deathbed is just well they just declare war on everyone big brain there mister big chin oh you actually had a vent to see sounds to Kayla which will get bored of war so I've sent my only kitty cat unit divisions but these these little tigers wondrous roll over Lee but that belly because well there you can see he's got a pop shop on his back he's just gonna shoot you huh well apparently I'm well I'm fighting no one I'm totally sure how I'm doing damage they're considering I'm assuming I'm just blowing up the island we took sounds to Kalin but I just kind of the cherry on top really because I get the feeling Japan can we split up in many ways when they lose these wars oh yeah took your goddamn time Germany right so the most important thing that we can do now is that we are dominating the German air force which we are they outnumber us but I'm assuming they're heavily outdated but we are absolutely destroying them they took twenty losses we took five and those stats seem to be keeping up so that's all the matters we are holding pretty well my main objective like I said it's taking out the German air force want to send this back to Goering and his big fat belly and as many pieces as we can Oh out of nowhere US Japan sucks balls that were to within a little bit of it suckling on the front line like my tax just keeps slipping through their lines and get an encirclement but I they just keep coming back I think I'm gonna have to do single bit bigger than this a shrug boys were going to the sigh I just completely collapse the German front affair so let's go ahead and muff these bad boys about them to the body files no I'm hearing good tonight boys not that I'm applying the Soviets ate people but we're gonna be good Denmark must be cleansed yeah I'm starting to think as I'm you know absolutely decimating this war all on my lonesome that the Allies aren't really gonna help me out this much are they what do you guys even do you stick you lost Egypt to the Italians all right with a powerful resistance on the Danish border up here and the fact that there are units all around seems to be completely under equipped I think it might be time for the final push now and we uh we end this war once and for all I'll watch the Boland boys will bomb it to hell and put a cabbage up on top of it there it goes it's ours and there won't be much left to defend at this point oh yeah I think I'm up there safe to say that the Horta come off and is painting everything and leaves behind red oh but I appear on the Allied but they have invaded our brain eeeh green Europe as I bomb it into the ground it was the final blow to the German war machine unfortunately we dinner we didn't get the France or Belgium in time because the Germans capitulated and spat them back out so the aliens do in fact have some land they got back but I don't intend to give them any more than that I do got a question though who is anti Stalinism conspiracy right let's be honest this ain't no Iron Curtain all right this is the iron bull sack sitting in the middle of Europe's face and I don't know where the Allies got off thinking they're you know good it's nice a little bits of land everywhere but in reality I got half of France so I couldn't care less although technically there are free Frances now there is British shovin France there is Vichy France and ER you know the French commune and then there is the normal France which is just free which is great excuse me mr. degaul did you just steal my France all right I think that's where we're gonna leave it out for today we didn't actually do all of our focus tree fully enough there was still more stuff we could do just a bunch of like you know economy stuff that we didn't really ever have to really do but over here we do can actually continue our focus tree to attack more people proclaim East Germany we could have done should have done the York ran for us as well the Warsaw Pact we got a whole bunch stuff we could have done I didn't notice as well that we could we could actually have helped out China a bit more with stuff like this which I think have got them into our faction eg being communists and stuff that's what we do transpire at it right could have got Spain and we could have got France but uh oopsy-daisy next time we'll do it properly but yeah that would be the end of video I just wanted to show off from one of my favorite countries to play that I really really really hope they do actually go ahead and add a new focus tree in for in the next DLC because I really do love playing the Soviets I could play a million times and still enjoy it and I just I just hope it gets a bit more love same with the Italians but they're not really you know the number one I want to see fixed I want to see Soviets be big strong with lows or all the history to do and lows more flavor it'll be great honestly I just can't wait for something like that but until next time guys this was the reworked Soviet Union mod which I will try to remember to put in the description or the pinned comment down below if you've enjoyed this video make sure to leave a like and subscribe button down below and we'll continue to look at some weird marks throughout there by the summer rarely until I get bored of high4 again [Music]
Channel: iSorrowproductions
Views: 465,484
Rating: 4.93994 out of 5
Keywords: isorrowproductions, hoi4, hearts of iron 4, hearts of iron 4 soviet, hearts of iron 4 focus tree, hearts of iron 4 soviet focus tree, hoi4 mods, hoi4 modding, modding, modding hoi4, hearts of iron mods, focus tree mod
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 44sec (1004 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 21 2020
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