This Disaster Germany HOI4 Savegame Shows WHY YOU NEED OIL

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yes sorry this isn't really like a fun fun funny funny video unless you stick in I don't know is consulted Rambler appear somewhere editor make it so what's going on everyone it's me Alex the Rambler and once again we're on the hearts of iron for today I'm gonna be doing a save game that was sent to me at the start of the month the start of June at least and it's by a fellow called Owen hello my name is Owen so I was playing Germany for fun and I conquered the Benelux quickly and then France when he had decided to have a kerfuffle of the Soviets in 1949 1939 he thought he could beat them easily he called it all of his allies however it's now 1942 and he hasn't even gotten past russian-controlled Poland so it hasn't gone well for him oh and also the Allies have landed in northern Spain and he's trying to mop them up with cows and units because he can't deploy any more troops as there are none in France so he has no garrison units either so this one does seem like it could be a fun disaster game or one that's gonna make me tear my hair out we'll see we'll see so here it is Alex I need help now I don't know if I'll do regular saving your disaster games I'm not really sure but if you would like to see more of course do let me know well begin shall we that's it just comment like and subscribe please and this will also be kind of good if you're looking for a tutorial of how to play I'm sure most of you do know how to play and in fact probably could save this game better than my attempt will be but just looking firstly the situation yeah they really broke through here I I don't know how this happened really italy appears we've done really really dumb naval invasion so which i forget about those greece hasn't been conquered we also have that yet the Spanish invasion over here and there are literally no garrison units so France could just be taken back that's a bad thing we need to sort that out so what I'm actually going to do is abandon nationally Spain unless there are any troops in the queue there are not so yeah I'm gonna to make an executive decision to abandon them I don't know why they don't have a field marshal either let's just get good and then begin to garrison the area you really don't want to leave your ports unprotected especially from the allies that they will just enable invade you so at least if they do naval invade in the tiles next to the ports you'll still be able to garrison that area to a decent degree then next as you can see we're out of fuel and we're not constructing anything so I'm just going to construct all the refinery can get because I believe that Romania is out of but we've lost the oil that you could have got from Romania is that right yep so if you wanted to trade for fuel or oil you you can't really well we can from Iran so we'll try and get like the bits of fuel that we're able to anything will help at this point but that's that's pretty much what we can get you're trading for steel when you don't need to so that'll free up some more factories little Citroen if I were you I would trade with people that actually deserve it Vichy France they're not gonna be helping you in any way so if you do need aluminium trade trade with your actual nations that need the factories I'm gonna go off total Mobe because you've got ninety five thousand actually we'll see if that recovers this might be okay now you've got service by requirement and then total Mobe you have taken 1 million casualties but you're deployed manpower is only 1.5 million so there shouldn't be too much if it's stretched there now this will become essentially Spain is gonna fall but then we're gonna have a backup line here and I'll show you what we'll do we have like a spare army here so I I'm gonna use this as my like reserve and it looks like a fault line in the mountains too which is great news so we'll stick them there so if we look to the state of infantry division's they're 20 combat with I would always stick in oh you haven't got it researched when it comes to those I would always stick in signal companies as they increase your initiative by 20 percent so you can you can reinforce into a battle quicker which is really you need that our tank divisions mm-hmm are really bad so this is probably why you're wondering why you can push with your tanks it's because they're not fit for purpose you should try and make most of units either 20 combat width or 40 combat with I don't believe that has changed over over time so if you're looking for decent divisions I'm just gonna actually remove these light tanks and stick more medium tanks in so we're gonna have five motorized and five mediums I'm sure people in the comments if you can explain why twenty combat with and forty combat wait for the the meta plate please please do and then we're also gonna get rid of these leak divisions increase the breakthrough on water and then we're gonna send these down to Greece so I'm actually gonna remove them from the Soviet front but if we can capitulate Greece they'll free up more troops here right now for this front it's looking a bit dicey at the moment so we're actually going to try and strengthen our position by going behind rivers and using natural terrain to our advantage so we actually met the Soviets probably advanced a little bit it's a little bit of a dicey strategy because you might lose a few factories but I think overall this will probably be worth the exchange give him the logistics wizards decrease the supply you're gonna use here increase the reservation recovery rate so there's loads of things like little little maintenance things like this but you could have done to help I don't know if I can fix this by the way this might still be a complete disaster but I'll give it I'll give it the good old around a try add in a chief of Air Force now let's look at your production it all looks okay I think you don't really have enough on fighters I would prefer 25 factories on fighters if you could let's reduce the speed and actually press play and see what happens so abandoning an ally is a really a very good thing to do obviously but in this situation they're kind of a bit worthless they've they shouldn't have been called into the war they should have just been left out of it really now I'm not saying all of the decisions that you've made have been terrible they just know what I would personally do okay it's looking in terms of the air it really comes down to fuel where you're lacking fuel it's gonna be such a problem for you so if we can't fix the fuel problem this might be a save game that just goes into the abyss but we'll try you've got 9,000 artillery so I'm actually gonna reduce that down to just two artillery a day and stick some more on tanks the same with support equipment you've got quite a lot I don't believe any anti-air has been produced so we're I don't think it's gonna be likely you'll be able to get air superiority anytime soon we're gonna focus on that you also have maxed out air experience so we're gonna change the I think it's the engine of your fighter two's first I'm just gonna take out all of your motorized divisions so we can hopefully just reduce the amount of fuel you're using there okay let's start doing the more research here I would like to probably switch dispersed industry five with signal companies yes sorry this isn't really like a fun fun funny funny video unless you stick in I don't know is consulted Rambler appear somewhere editor make it so but we really want to focus on is stabilizing the front gear then they'll invade in the Caribbean okay well let that happen increasing the speed of our armor I think will probably be quite nice we have 10,000 spare motorized okay all we so I'm sure you'd have different strategies all of you commenters so if you do have no no no we will you do differently because I'm sure this isn't the optimal way but you know we can do let's issue war bonds we can develop the oil fields here ya know wherever we can so this situation it just requires a lot more micro than I would usually do and where I have quite a bad condition in my wrist it makes it tricky well try though whole try if we had fuel it would make this situation so much simpler it's Japan okay they are there at war the Allies too so at least the Allies attention is split and it looks like Japan's done a nice job all okay Japan's doing really well and as you can see here it looks like our line might hold for a while they'll probably keep force attacking which will reduce their amount of equipment that they have but they have between five and nine million men don't know why you have 132 transporters Iver okay so yeah they've the trial land but where they don't have any ports I don't think they're gonna get very far but if they shouldn't it's a dicey situation we're in I think if we can just take Thessaloniki that'll be a nice boon they'll cut off this section in Greece they're already struggling I think with attrition I found what's causing all of the fuel issues well mainly is the you've got 192 ships so no I just Spain will fall in a matter of days I'm just want to make sure we don't get naval invaded to heck ignore the pitter-patter of the mic it is the rain this is dicey really dicey like we're protecting Danzig so they they won't have a pool for very long well they don't have a port now it's just going to be taking out their little invasion and we are getting forced back on the front line here up here looks like it's the same situation they don't have a port so we can just all all day long we can oh they have decryption we're gonna lose Memel still have to fall back behind the line there it is actually really dicey the fact there's just no fuel it makes it incredibly difficult to give your units what you need because in all honesty it's like it's a it's a fixable situation as long as you have fuel fuel is fueled is king since they added that feature in if you don't have fuel you don't have the ability to do anything so that's why I'm not using most of my Navy anymore we are a couple of weeks away from getting some oh yeah we encircled the the Greeks by the way of the tanks we are a few weeks away from getting more refineries but it might be too little too late we don't have enough divisions to hold the line hold the line I'd really hate when units auto-attack to try and take back at a point which you've it's pretty clear you don't want to free Republic of Catalonia ah okay let's try and truck down there if we can Dutch East Indies has capitulated that's actually great news places when I get serious isn't it doesn't happen very often we'll just have to just keep trying to inflict as many casualties on the Soviets as possible okay so at the moment they can't attack Vichy there's like another twenty odd days before they can invade Vichy so I'm gonna have to fall back once again just kidding I can't this situation is becoming impossible without fuel I'm now not using the Navy at all my allies have over supplied the region ok the refineries are gonna be on their way soon but I don't think it's giving me that much yeah when they start to invade Vichy the hold of France might fall at that point then it's gonna be a proper MC no no in NC just as a disastrous situation even more so than this one I originally thought that this one would be OK to fix I was wrong romanian front I might be will have to send my tanks grease has gone Alleluia let's try and take back Bucharest oh I'm a bit of a I really should have done that oh my god we're in a positive fuel scenario Oh could this be it could this be where it turns around for me unlikely oh no just kidding this is where the crying begins jeez this is gonna stretch me even more I'm at my limit my limit I tell you a time like this Hungary's proclaiming greater Hungary what an absolute bunch of clunkers makeshift bridges nice that's a very nice trait we've got with Rommel there if we can just get across come on if I had fuel an aerial superiority let's be going so much better it's a Vichy France that's really like can I don't even push the British back a tiny bit come on now I've managed to do all of this without area superiority which I'm more than impressed with and oil yeah I would say that this is in a saved State at the I don't know would you agree with that like our borders are secure ish and I'm fending off pretty much every invasion except like you know that they're pushing up in here a little bit which is frustrating but it looks like they're holding well enough here is a concern and my lack of fuel is also a concern hold on if they just made they've just made a beach a beachhead okay but the ally is gonna be taking a fair amount of casualties down here I think they just pumped just ridiculous amount of divisions down here they'll eventually push through I think Oh oh yes Japan my beautiful boy this is mental this is absolutely mental but no one did Japan is managing to push because everything is on me look at the attrition they're taking just by staying on these tiles ah they've got a port okey-dokey let's see if I can save this this might be it oh my gosh oh this is just coming down to my crowing now and keeping an eye on where they're invading from Soviets appear to be doing like a whole thrust everywhere oh my god just the fighting strength of these units just gets absolutely annihilated Japan's capitulated New Zealand okay what about the raj around his halfway there Wow I was going for an encirclement around here but I won't be able to get it so I'm gonna have to fall back like it's being held on by a there's no freaking calves they're marked on the Allies for no reason kukuku was at the Raj the capitulated it was oh I don't know why but they seemed rather weak on they might have we've drawn a load of troops over to the Japanese border maybe this might be my time to just give it a go all this just could be my death now that I've done this Italy is a bit screwed but I reckon I could just do another backup line there if I needed to hold Japan was called in Nice that's why the front line has collapsed so just took some patience a lot of planning and we appear to be holding everyone they've lost 11 million compared to our 6o it's just unfortunate that our modern blitzkrieg off we go and a nice encirclement to finish all right so I think that's where I'm gonna declare this one you know it's saved sort of I think we've done pretty well to turn this into a playable state now you know we managed to actually push the Soviets we've we've taken back a lot of Romania that's gonna just get crushed Greece fell Italy's a bit dicey you have the Allies held on the border here but yeah I think I went as well as it could Japan really helped yeah hopefully you enjoyed this disaster safe i I declare this one saved for the most part just make sure you keep a decent amount of fuel keep your anti-air up and try and recruit some more troops to deploy because you'll need them to push on to Moscow yeah thank you very much and I'll see you soon toodaloo many thanks to onion ducts F a cutter stovic Maximilian Foreman Wyatt green Zachariah Mosby Kaiser David rest tad house Coby was taken active Osprey mat Zulu just made this for Alex woowoo vase Warren P George Gregory Craven de Dave the dong Lambert Valhalla walls gully dibs yeah boy one that cookie devil Caen Ryan Jack trucco Aidan shear jiggly crotch year's beef Sean Young Logan and Logan Whaley for being ridiculous Brown supporters on patreon and many thanks to all the patrons to have a patrons turn oh my god
Channel: Alex The Rambler!
Views: 116,055
Rating: 4.9557791 out of 5
Keywords: hearts of iron 4, hearts of iron iv, hoi4, alex the rambler, This Disaster Germany HOI4 Savegame Shows WHY YOU NEED OIL, hoi4 germany, saving your disaster campaign, hoi4 saving your disaster saves, hoi4 saving germany, paradox interactive, hearts, of, iron, four, hearts of iron 4 germany, hoi4 oil, oil, oil resource, oil reserves, oil price, drew durnil, spiffing brit, isorrowproductions, hearts of iron 4 fail, hearts of iron 4 challenge, hearts of iron 4 gameplay
Id: JlEugm0SopQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 7sec (1027 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 30 2020
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