HOI4 10 Tips on Winning Wars (Hearts of Iron 4 Man the Guns Guide)

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I generally like Dustin's videos but some of them are these are pretty obvious. 6 of them are some way of saying "encirclements are great!" Don't get me wrong, they are, and I'm sure there are people who are new to the idea of surrounding a capital or using paratroopers to make an encirclement easier. But he kinda pitches his channel as MP guides and then goes and does one where he deletes factories using paratroopers. Probably violates the rules and it's France man, you need those factories to fight Britain/Russia.

Also the bombing civs thing, you can pick multiple targets with several air wings. If the runways are packed to the max, the loss in efficiency on those planes is huge. Sure they're easy to repair but you can snowball it to a situation where the other country can't stop the bombing. My preferred mix is airports, radar, and civs.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/28lobster ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 03 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I think most of his videos have an โ€œ well obviouslyโ€ tips in them. However for new players they might not be that obvious.

I also like that the guy actually responds to comments. I sometimes feel like shitting on him but I just like to have a discussion about different opinions,

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Astyv ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jun 03 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
today I'm gonna show you 10 ways to completely vanquish your enemy inside of hearts of iron for now I want to say this is not gonna be 10 different ways to capitulate your enemy and in the war but instead it's going to be different methods you can use to increase the chances of you winning the war in hearts wired for first way to win is to encircle enemy troops and capitals the reason you don't want to take capitals in certain circumstances and circle them instead is because the hearts of iron for supply system is incredibly broken if a capital gets encircled no supply will actually leave the zone and go to any divisions no matter where they are so for example in my battle with Poland I encircle their second capital and as you can tell there is no supply leaving the capital going to any of the troops now if you would do this say for example to Moscow it doesn't matter where the troops are inside of the Soviet Union if your Germany and you encircle the Moscow capital what will end up happening is no divisions anywhere across the world will get supply now over time that means that they will suffer penalties to combat attrition average strength penalties and things along those lines getting it to the point where you could probably push them over with a garrison Division of like two battalions and they could wipe out a 40th tank division so then we're gonna talk about encircling enemy divisions to help win the war most people think encirclements are just luck and it's just you have to do it very slowly one or two different smaller attacks at a time actually there are a few different ways you can do it and I'm going to show you guys one really quick I like to do and it is involving paratroopers if you have air superiority which you have to have 70% to actually use paratroopers basically you'll look for areas inside of the f5 map mode or you can just kind of eyeball it whatever and then you can kind of set up different attacks in advance now you can plan that ok my tanks if they push through this one division I'll have say 8 or 10 divisions encircled like I did with another ones so what you could do is then set up your paratroopers to drop behind those divisions and then once your tanks start attacking tell your paratroopers to drop that way all you have to do is break through one little division and you'll have a huge encirclement going instead of having to break through that one then another one then another one and then another one you only have to break through once and then the divisions can't fall back and reinforce and so on and makes it a lot easier second way to win is to convoy raid convoy rating after man the guns pretty much is in credibly overpowered submarines are extremely powerful that's very hard to detect them so if you start convoy raiding it works great convoys also whenever they're being lost affect war support and things like that which if it gets low enough can cause mutinies make the country lower there you know economy law it is a very important thing to do in this game if you're fighting somebody like the UK or Japan now the reason I specified them is because they're islands are on well they're capitalist here on Islands I said that incorrectly and pretty much because of that if they have troops anywhere across the world they have to be supplied through a convoy and if the convoys are getting sunk there's no resupply for those troops so if you continue to keep sinking convoys they'll end up losing the weapons they'll end up losing all the equipment and their troops will start starving out across the world also that means if you keep taking out their convoys there's no way they can trade for anything or receive their own resources over time third way to win is to drain the enemy's manpower if possible I don't really do this very often so it's kind of a waste but say for example certain countries that have limited manpower like the UK Italy you know stuff like that or at least compared to the Germans and the Soviets they don't have very much manpower by draining the enemy manpower you stop them from one reinforcing divisions you make them weaker and you pretty much stop it or you're stopping them from making new divisions so a couple ways to do this is pretty much just attack often as possible if they're running low for me as Germany I usually wait until it around say a hundred thousand troops left for the Soviets is a good example and then once I see it down that low I'll just continuously charge at the line as long as I've got like you know four or five hundred thousand troops available and what that'll do is that will takes enough of their manpower down to hopefully get them at zero so their divisions will suffer penalties once they're in combat number four is to take enemy capitals but not with the goal of to capitulate them basically whenever you take somebody's capital if they end up staying in the war they don't capitulate their capital will move somewhere and because their capital moves sometimes you get easy encirclements and you decrease the supply output normally at least pretty much if the enemy loses the capital it will move somewhere else that's probably over an ocean if it's France say for example and they're gonna need convoys to supply which then you could raid those now here's the big thing about this though making the move making the move the capital supply output is you always determined by the level of infrastructure from the capital so if say for example it's a thousand supply if you have a level ten infrastructure you get a thousand but you have a level five infrastructure you only get five hundred of that thousand so what ends up happening is because normally the capital is the highest infrastructure zone or at least one of them once the capital is lost it'll move to one that say only is the level two infrastructure which means only 200 supply would leave so that's another really interesting reason of maybe you want to take a capital to decrease the supply output you can do this really quickly in some games by just pair dropping really quick if you're a multi player people won't notice it you know force their capital to move and even when they take it back and they still won't get their new capital it'll remain the old one until the war it will remain the one that is swapped to until the war is over for number five you need to decide whether you're gonna be going and trying to take small cities or capitals now taking capitals is a quick way that the majority of people me included used to capitulate the enemy but sometimes is smarter and easier to go for smaller cities sometimes the AIS and even players are going to prioritize defending large cities first and then the smaller ones so victory points pretty much are what will make the enemy's surrender now one thing you can do is go and look over different countries cities and stuff like that now when you hover over a city it will tell you how much you know victory points you'll get if you take this zone from the enemy now capitals are huge they are usually ranging from 25 to 50 victory points then you look at the smaller cities and it's like five ten maybe fifteen and some even smaller cities are twenty so something really important to do is decide whether or not you're gonna go for the smaller cities they're normally less defended but have less points so you'll have to pretty much have a longer war and fight longer or are you gonna end up trying to fight for the big cities now their victory points can all be determined by their war support and stability so keep that in mind as well number six is to remove the abilities enemy to fight basically there are two things people need in hearts firing forward a fight and that's factories and resources without any one of these things the other countries gonna fall really really quick with no civilian factories for example they can't repair factories without military factories they can't make new weapons without resources they can't make new equipment and would have to trade for it so think about this what weapons is your enemy going to use in the war and what can they get an advantage over you with take Germany in Japan for example Germany is obviously a multi-player gonna have really good tanks so if the Allies want to stop them they need to take out the tungsten supply so they can't make their medium tanks anymore they can do that by invading Portugal or getting them to join the Allies once the war has been going on then that way Germany will lose their tungsten supply and they can't make any more tanks another example is look in Japan normally they push in Asia with little resistance because the Allies concentrate mostly on Europe the majority of the time so if the only problem is the air force for Japan all Japan has to do is take the Dutch East Indies and British Malaya then the Allies would lose the majority of the rubber in the world and they can't make their planes the game is pretty much based on you need to have civilian factories military factories and resources and without one of those things you are dead in the water for number seven I'm gonna talk about parrot dropping and deleting factories now this should only be done in single-player because the majority of multiplayer games it is banned in there and you will probably get kicked out pretty quickly if you get caught doing this basically what you do is pair a drop as many troops as you can into a zone you can click the zone like the province first and you'll see the outline of where it is then you drop as many troops as you can in there I'm pretty sure you have to have the whole zone under your control or like 90% so I just try to drop in every single spot in there now once they've dropped and as long as the game is paused or even if it's going on you can click the little X in the top left of the factories or whatever and pretty much as long as you don't move your mouse and you just keep clicking delete and then click enter on your keyboard you'll continuously delete the factories until there's nothing left and you then you can win the war essentially because you've deleted the majority of the factories they had and then they can't defend themselves so next up let's talk about number 8 pretty much you need to have more civilian factories in total than the enemy now civilian factories are by far the most important type of Factory inside of hearts of iron fort without them you can't build mills you can't trade you can't repair you can't upgrade ports you can't upgrade infrastructure in fact you can't build anything military factories are obviously important too but factories are more important if the enemy gets more sibs than you it's gonna be almost impossible to catch up unless they totally abandon the idea of trying to completely out produce you now that actually does lead me on to something else for the next part this video and that is strap on it now strap bombing is probably the most hated thing in Harts wired for it not because it's necessarily bad but because it's actually so good with enough strategic bombers you can totally wipe the enemies country out but it just depends on how you want to do it when using strategic bombers you get a couple ways to use them if you manually target anything there are a few outcomes from your choice if you target military factories the enemy is just gonna lose the factory and it's probably only gonna take a few factories away at the bottom of their production line so if you target military factories for all you know you could be knocking out the majority of their plane production or you could just be knocking out the supply of their say AAA guns that they've already got a surplus at 9,000 so it's kind of a tricky game if you're gonna chart try to target military factories next up some people say they want to target airfields at the start so that way the enemy will lose the ability to contest the bombers in the air now the problem with that is their civilian factories will just heal the airfields incredibly quickly and if it's an AI it's gonna be like nothing ever happened personally I would recommend target civilian factories first now if you target the civilian factories first in the enemy loses their civilian economy there's no way they have to repair the majority of their factories and they end up just ruining their country there's no way they can do anything they can't repair anything they can't construct a new stuff if their civilian factories are gone me personally I recommend targeting civilian factories then finally for the tenth way you can win every single not every single time but the tenth way you can win is using tanks or at least just armor of some type armor is definitely by far one of the most important things you should ever make in hearts of iron for if you have it and the enemy doesn't counter you with tanks 80 or casts you are unstoppable anything you engage without a way to pierce your armor or stop you in some way it's gonna get brushed aside like it's nothing something important though that not a lot of people know is you need to know the difference between the armor types inside of the armor icon you'll see three little buttons one of them is an AAA tank one of the an artillery tank or I like to cost SPRT the AEA tank is SP AAA and then the tank destroyer which is SP 80 now they all have different areas that they specialize in along with the main tank itself SP AAA is there to help remove the penalty and take down enemy planes if you don't have air superiority and you're being bombed so your unit will be able to shoot down the planes self-propelled artillery is pretty much good only to engage soft targets like infantry you know just basically infantry and SP 80 or the tank destroyer is just basically a tank destroyer that will increase the piercing to attack the enemy tank divisions are going up against usually you only need probably one or two of these in divisions because it will boost your armor or your a piercing up so high anyway with only one or two of them so that's something really cool and then finally we have the basic tank itself and normally it's just there to boost up the armor it's got a decent on soft attack and it's kind of there for a backup if you will you know it you really shouldn't think of it too much as a backup tank but it's just supposed to be all-around good for everything it's got okay piercing it's got okay soft attack it's mainly good with break through but if you want something specific like you want to engage enemy infantry you need to use your tanks with self-propelled artillery if you want to engage enemy tanks you need to have a couple tanks in there to boost your armor but then use your tank destroyers to boost up you know your piercing on there so you can actually destroy them so guys that is pretty much ten ways that you will be able to win the majority of your hearts firing for games and turn them in your favor hopefully you guys enjoyed this please don't forget subscribes it will help my channel out and you guys will get notified whenever I make new videos like ten ways to make people rage quit hearts fire now anyway guys thank you for watching I will see you guys next time stay awesome
Channel: Dustinl796 Videos
Views: 344,716
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Keywords: hoi4, hoi4 guide, hoi4 tips, hearts of iron 4 guide, hearts of iron 4 tutorial, hearts of iron 4, hearts of iron 4 how to, hearts of iron 4 tips, how to play hearts of iron, hoiiv, how to play hearts of iron 4, hearts of iron iv, hearts of iron, hoi4 tutorial, hoi iv, hoi 4, guide, tutorial, hoi, hoi4 germany, hoi4 man the guns, hearts of iron 4 man the guns, man the guns guide, hearts of iron 4 tutorial guide for beginners, hoi4 mtg, hearts, of, iron, tips, hoi4 how to win wars
Id: auDDzesMJz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 48sec (768 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2019
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