Fixing Bokoens Disaster HOI4 Savegame

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Germany military junta is the faction lead of a code I sorrow for 5% of ironside computers what no oh bloody hell I think I am about to attempt the impossible that's right we're back on hearts of iron for and I've been sent a save game by another youtuber by the by the name of Bo the baku-pod a Berber becoming them the conan bo become a moment so in my attempt to fix disaster games i'm going to be attempting to fix this one that I believe the player was golden I'll play a few seconds of their of the holy fall in a nutshell that become anonym had had uploaded a few days ago boys moaning he's gonna war the Allies boys oh wait what was this gonna work I don't feel anything literally getting dressed myself I think they may have realized that it may have been a bad idea you didn't plan on fighting like that massive go front I didn't think about fighting the checks all right they actually don't they start with a decent army as well hey you know what that Alex the Rambla like Intex of what should I save it right now and send Alex like they say you can fix it for him so that's right golden was an absolute clunker in this one and I'm gonna have to try and fix it so Italy doesn't capitulate so of course make sure to leave a like and subscribe because who knows what I might try and fix next but there's certainly something that doesn't need to be fixed and that is drew as that Roman oh my god so as we can see here it seems that he decided to declare war on Yugoslavia but while that brought Czech Slovakia into the war but I don't understand how he for you to defeat a Slovakia with his base division divisions anyway they're 12 combat width which isn't good Italy's starting divisions at and is still trying to train more despite his other ones not being fully equipped it appears things are going well in Africa but that's going to change because I'm putting all my divisions out of there and things are going well down here too but again I'm changing that these are gonna have to come back and defend the homeland because initially he was a war with human players not AI so I'm gonna get naval invaded everywhere and and my Navy is pretty much destroyed as you can see here - oh so if I can get per Cohen to send me anymore savegames let me know which ones you might want to let me Vic you might want to let me try you might want to what what I should fix I speak English okay why is there an island where is this naval invasion planned what oh my god what the Frick did he think he was gonna do oh my do a admittedly some may get sunk here I'm gonna risk it but if I can get most of the divisions out then that's fine Oh God IIIi don't think I can save this I just don't think I can save it I think he's effed up so much that it's gonna be pretty impossible right well let's slow this right down to to speed and see if we can't escape I'm also going to well I'm gonna change their division templates to tank combat with so that hopefully helps us out a little bit but I am lacking many rifles and I'm on free trade no this is bad it's so bad I have a feeling most of my divisions are gonna get sunk in Africa if I can just get a few of them out though that would be great just get a few of them out why do I have so many factories on artillery when I have a massive surplus no no whoo oh my god El Salvador want me to help in their efforts against Guatemala no he wasn't even using Giovanni he's the level four no no no no no no no wait no they were doing fate of Czechoslovakia earlier why can't they do that Oh No why where's his divisions gone Germany military junta is the faction lead of a code I sorrow for 5% off Ironside computers what No oh bloody hell is there anyone in the axis apart from me El Salvador who wants me to join there where Japan Japan please oh yes Japan's in now it should distract their Navy for a while I'm not really sure how I'm super meant to win this is that all my Air Force do I just have proof of 400 planes no I have 800 where are the rest where are the rest of my planes golden okay well I'm gonna say it I Frink free trade in this option was a very poor choice from golden it's 1937 and I'm stuck at war with all of these kids right well my defensive line is sort of intact so let's see if I can hold here for a while shall we well Germany was my one hope a kind of salvation here so I guess I'll just see how long I can last without them hopefully it'll be a while I don't know why I'm still building saves at this stage oh my god nationalist Spain during the I'll know they're gonna die - I actually have control of my C's for now it's gonna see how Japan was doing they're not doing amazingly I'll be honest so now I just bide my time increase my strength and then go ham I guess okay well Germany still hasn't deployed a lot of divisions so they're gonna be absolutely useless in this game huh I don't have a game plan apart from just a I guess maybe knock out the French but then I have to worry about the Republicans Spanish - like it really it really just come on look at this just look at this oh my god the madman has done it I don't know how Germany's meant to win this they don't have any divisions I don't know what you're freakin doing right oh no no no no no let's tag in and see what Germany's doing what the hell is this what just what's the point hmm what has happened to Germany hey I feel like there's someone in my computer just hacking this might as well go for broke for a little bit while they're distracted it's working I'm doing it I'm doing it encircle those six British divisions please oh my god are there French I don't care kill them all oh my god what has happened to Germany this is absolute this dude is a disaster I just don't understand meanwhile I'm actually pushing back so has our my attack has stopped and I might be getting pushed back yeah doing better than Germany though I might be able to force them out of this little sexy on here unfortunately it's two ports so oh sure German Empire I'll have non-aggression with you why not eh well they're actually holding I'm actually surprised now probably because they've actually deployed some division alpha pity sake Stockholm or God or the want to cry oh I've done it I've encircled more divisions Oh My lordy I'm actually pushing them I'm actually pushing them oh my giddily godly gosh I might encircle 13 divisions oh I can't believe I'm actually gonna do it sort of here is a different matter I'm starting to struggle a little bit Oh bollocks oh no Japan's signed a white piece if I can take out Czechoslovakia that'll be a big boon oh my god we've done it oh ho jeez Louise that is what we needed Oh for pity's sake wait we've got hungry in the war now oh that's great they left the border unprotected attack and I believe Yugoslavia is now screwed - bloody hell this is turned around isn't it I think if I defeat France I might call this save game saved and Belgium because then it's just it's just oh my gosh I'm actually really surprised I've done this oh I need to defeat Spain too I guess huh oh my god Mussolini has announced that the cowardly French nation could no longer withstand the pressure from the overwhelming presence of Italian forces oh look at these encirclements oh baby so v-ne declare war on Estonia not my problem I am NOT going to war the Soviet Union y'all can go away serving in school Mongolia as our ally in the Soviet Spanish war oh yes then if we just capitulate Belgium I think it's probably gg damn it oh gosh ghibli down is so many divisions there capitulate Luxembourg no I do not want to declare war on Germany thank you and we've just taken Madrid oh my gosh look at that and Zog submits to Italy and many more divisions trout overrun Oh baby right well I'm gonna safely say that this save game has been well saved I don't know what they're up to but they go in to perish I think I did pretty well so golden TiVo yes if you want the save back I can send it back to Bo but look at that not to trump my own horn but I'm actually impressed with myself we inflicted 872 fowls and casualties on the United Kingdom 850 thousand on the French 635,000 on Czechoslovakia three hundred eighty three thousand on Yugoslavia bloody Nora we killed a lot well if you enjoyed that leave a like if you want to send me savegames I'll try and remember to put the email address in description a lot of them I've looked at and they aren't really suitable for a video but feel free to send one in anyway so it's too loose from me for now and there we go there hey bye bye many thanks to Andrew Brock Obama clincial gray shot 1 1 700 griefers I'm a living legend jiggly crotch joshua king volts king gaming Logan Lord hood Martin Lee Code Red Sam the hard monster and Wyatt green for being ridiculous Brown supporters on patreon and many thanks to all the other patrons do [Music]
Channel: Alex The Rambler!
Views: 510,798
Rating: 4.9460111 out of 5
Keywords: hearts of iron iv, hearts of iron 4, hoi4, alex the rambler, comedy, satire, hearts of iron iv waking the tiger, hearts of iron 4 multiplayer, hoi4 multiplayer tips, hoi4 tutorial, fixing savegames, fixing your disaster hoi4 save games, fixing your disaster hoi4 games, hearts, of, iron, iv, alex the rambler hoi4, hearts of iron iv italy, hoi4 italy
Id: vIct5XoAuEc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 28sec (688 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 31 2018
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