r/Woooosh | THAT IS THE JOKE

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we strapped a gopro on a bee to see why bees are dying and boy did we find out it seems every time a bee wears a gopro they die so it's possible gopros are toxic i think it means that the gopro was so heavy that it squashed geez i was saying that as a joke unless unless this person also did it as a joke and then oh my god i think we just got whooshed no stop it please i knew it was a joke i was just playing along hello you horrendous hippogriffs welcome back to mk my name's jack and today is all about the whooshiness of our brains basically if a joke has ever gone over your head you belong here so uh thanks for coming it's glad to finally have some company five second unskippable ads 30 second ads that you can skip after five seconds hello i am a duck and they're the same thing when covered cases are at an all-time high in the united states but you remember that you live in america ah man isn't a mere card the usa by the way they've spelt it technically you can still say no face reveal at 5k followers guys wait don't follow him you don't need to it doesn't matter look his face is in the corner of the photo oh i'm so glad i was the first one to point that out why was i the first one to point that out hey wacky dog say something funny actually i have something serious in mind the human booty can expel all three states of matter oh my god i didn't need to know that what about plasma i said plasma that's what you get when you eat chipotle or indian food bro i appreciate the clarification and i was thinking along the lines of that too but it was a joke my respect for him went down i'm australian by the way uh did he hurt your feelings do you not get the joke if i'm australian i'm upside down so if it's going down for me it's going up you slow motherflipper oh you missed the joke he's pretty good he should join a band um he's in metallica that joke went right over your head low axe invented in 6000 bc so people in 6001 bc were like i'mma make getting splinters look sexy like how it says it was invented in 6000 but 6001 a year after they weren't using it when mom calls you by your full name michael frick but the full name is bicycle hey stop life reacting to my comment how you have 9 million followers but there's only 2 million people on the entire planet hmm two billion people it's not a million hold up aren't there like seven and a half billion people now how old is this post this is a trash can excellent at practicing proper social distancing it's not even touching the floor this is on floor that is only some water oh buddy hey hey hey that that's the joke i need to explain where are his eyes bottom text this meme is solo effort you didn't even bother to fill in or remove the bottom text that's part of the joke you stupid idiot day 20 of quarantine me and the boys still having fun this is not social distancing unless you all live together which i doubt really what gives it away maybe the fact that they're all the same person if fly fishing were easy they'd call it your mom matthew mcconaughey that's brad pitt yes part of the joke i have always wanted to own a purebred horse huh you spelled purebred wrong i'm gonna post this and burn apple tea and make fun of you because you spelt it wrong why am i not being upvoted it's hilarious i paused the video so he could take a break you're dumb if you pause the vid it won't make him take a break it only pauses the video not him ah some people are so dumb do you think my friend will notice i took his bricks why this screenshot i don't see anything weird here i think opie is hallucinating oh don't worry i'm here to explain so the bright bricks there are a banner and not bricks you circuit negative 20. cool bug facts yelling magic spells at 2am will summon your parents downstairs to get you to go to bed don't get the orphans all riled up wait a minute how the frick is that a bug fact graceful chanting why are a bunch of cabbages singing they are not cabbages they are bulbasaurs you uncultured little swine jesus holding bread this is my body jesus holding mine this is my blood guy eating chocolate cake hey um uh but chocolate cake didn't exist at that time what the frick garrison is funny he should start a youtube channel you just wait until someone says it he already has one yep there it is he's not an ordinary person he's a freaking water bender that's just cgi you idiot nay replier i reject your reality and substitute it with my own claustrophobes what is it about santa claus that terrifies you aren't claustrophobes afraid of small spaces okay no forget about the warship can we all just appreciate the ask reddit's username here yo check your dms whose fault ultimate knock what kind of bs name is that wow full guys really copied this game and got away with it ah no they copied full guys another rainforest being destroyed to make room for corporations ah when will it end ah rainforest is a part of a corp oh my gosh really the giant building that is literally named rainforest cafe isn't actually a rainforest who would have seen that coming i swear the further we read these the more brain cells i lose i'm 14 and this is deep i'm also 14 but i find this hilarious looks like we can see who's more mature wait hold up who's the more oblivious one here the 14 year old who thinks this comment's actually serious or the purple guy who genuinely thinks that being deep makes you mature and smart cursed disease surely fact there is a disease called sudden unexpected death syndrome where the heart of a seemingly healthy adult just stops for no reason so you're saying i could die while typing this scent now for a comment from a brain that's filled with his name it's funny because he pressed the button to post an unfinished sentence he's not dead he's he's alive because he was typing it you see you know i'm very smart kids these days will never know the hardships of each week having to overcook a fresh hard-boiled egg yolk for the computer mouse are guys freaking serious because i was alive that time like i don't remember that stuff i actually remember this being shared all around on social media and there were genuinely a lot of gen z kids who actually thought this was legit like obviously people didn't hard boil egg yolk themselves at home every week we just bought them in packets from the store europe we ruled the world 300 years later select your language english espanol portuguese why you are not using this flag for spanish and this flag for portuguese i think that's more accurate oh my what a strong breeze coming this way all of a sudden 100 likes and i'll do a face reveal yo i don't know if anyone saw this but you could see his face in the lower mirror oh my gosh really really oh i didn't know everyone full guys is so easy me with zero wins yeah you'll win eventually it took me four whole years to get my first win i'm sure you can do better i don't think the game is that old oh no wait was that the joke oh god no no don't put me on watch please who's this felix she's talking about pewdiepie is going to be fuming pewdiepie is felix idiot chris nolan has done it again tenet is the best action film ever michael how do you get to see the wonderful film before ask the general public he's in it i failed my physics exam i am finally going to commit sui soon and end this suffering is it only me who noticed it was a plastic fork and that it does not lead electricity oh oh put me in the worst place if this isn't played at my funeral then i'm not going to come but it's your funeral oh wow look at that giant man in the background it's an rc airplane man this r6 siege graphics mod looking good where can i download it it's real life idiot you're so stupid people like you are a person wait didn't realize person was such an insult i can't tell if you're joking or an actual idiot this video is mega heterophobic heterophobia doesn't exist no smack it was a joke just note this is a four second long video this man always be having the longest intros ah someone tell me where the video starts please bruh it's only four seconds long shaking my head my head did you just say shaking my head my head yes so legendary they pulled a jojo reference decades before jojo references became a thing the first jojo was published 16 years after the song to release in 1971. hey applejack hey hey shut up one your building is on fire two jump from a window with a chair three wait till the chair is about to touch the ground four jump from the chair and land safely oh a pizza disagrees you're still gonna die for that because the chair wants to resist the impact so the chest legs will block and cause a major process to it but spagbol is here to reiterate nah bro you have to jump off the chair before it hits the ground perfectly safe yeah turns out i can't do a gruff italian voice moving on eight year old to me when i see my mum adding wine in the pasta sauce for dinner oh looks like i'm about to break the law well the ethanol boils off so it is just being added for the taste no don't do that don't ruin the fantasy of me feeling like an adult when i'm having pasta just got kicked out of a store for not wearing a mask over 20 20. i'll see what you did there and you thought writing about it online would garner some extra sympathy or a bit of attention or some social currency oh the rest of us are waiting for inconsiderate others like yourself who can only do me me me to be called out smiley face let people make jokes this guy sounds smart he might be a millionaire someday he is now uh you had four chances to adjust your wushiness but you still fail can't believe some people still think that the moon landing was faked just look at them all they're clearly posing with the earth in the background i swear the stupidity of some people takes my breath away it was faked they took their helmets off the pressure would have blown their heads off you are a dog get off social media i can hear this on mute but wait if you have this on mute you can't hear it looks like we're finally getting that terminator vs predators crossover this is really offensive that's the point welcome to another episode of where does quarantine lead me now also please don't reply hate comments because i've seen too much haha so funny oh my god original comment right here it's actually quite an unoriginal comment they're all over youtube i invented a new word plagiarism that's already a word though idiot i was checking my brother's youtube history and i discovered he is being bullied oh that's so horrible i wish we could do something to help them with this thing they're clearly struggling with bullying is so wrong guys we should remember that um am i the only one that sees the dog pregnancy you're the kind of person that reminds the teacher there as homework jew aren't you this guy could be a president someday he is president really this is the only logical explanation dude he's literally just sacking are you dumb not a single phone in sight i love this huh i wonder why that's so cringy they're so dumb and ignorant cringe content that dream guy looks kinda good he should try speedrunning minecraft he does speedrun as if he is such a slow player i mean he's always got two to four friends helping him play the game whenever he uploads a video he's not playing it by himself when the robber stabs you but you are in the living room ah not today villain oh god it hurts dude you can still die in a living room uh clearly you don't have a living room at your house wow michael did such a good job acting as the steve guy steve is the actor dumbo why have they got 77 likes they do not deserve this many likes yo beethoven you suck why bother roasting him it's not like he can hear you anyway that's the joke you stupid idiot swords were invented in 3300 bc people before 3300 bc of course no dummy guns were made after swords first i blame cartoons for my taste in girls yo wait hold on was there actually a g-string in dany phantom a kid's cartoon come on really at least mr krabs has some taste some juicy taste mr krabs is not a girl hints mr crabs this is so dumb i'm never eating at another food stand again i see a stand that says lobster tails ten dollars so i figure i'll give it a shot so i hand the guy the money and he starts on with once upon a time long ago there was a lobster just curious did it say tails or tails not to embarrass you but it seems like you just misread what they were selling oh you goof psalm 34 18 the lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit the timestamp is broken bro it's not a timestamp bud it's a bible verse our slash woosh and technically the truth i guide others to a treasure i cannot possess what's so matter about this is that this entire post is technically the truth a priest a minister and a rabbit walk into a bar the rabbit says i think i'm a typo it's spelled rabbi steve this is really embarrassing for you as an author you sir or madam are part of the most intelligent species on the planet that's commons is really embarrassing for you as a simpleton unless he was doing that one no no i know i knew i knew this time when a girl tells you she lost her virginity so you offered to give her yours my mommy raised a gentleman you can't actually give virginity to someone else this guy is actually funny he should become a youtuber what the actual frick dude how you so i'd dumb big he already make the video on youtube so dumb boomer bro beautiful english oh someone has a reply to that he's a youtube you freaking dumb oh never mind so we got two redditors saying that their comment was a sarcasm me posting it to our slash whoosh anyway hey you're the bp head that does this stuff why you make me look like meanwhile in the mind of an extreme puritan society of sex didn't exist now dummy cause then how would people have babies adoption but adoption won't happen if people didn't have sex like like you're so stupid i heard that they x-rayed his brain but they found nothing because x-rays are for bone yes well done you've got the joke oh good on you here is your medal well spaghettis and spaghets that does it for our vids today thanks for watching before i wish you all a good day be sure to like this video and make sure you have subscribed with that notification bell clicked on for the latest of vidvids heck while you're still around why not check out some other videos on the channel we've got every flavored subreddit of the rainbow for your taste buds did that make much sense ned doesn't need to my name's been jack you have been a lovely person to ramble at today and i've got to go skedaddle now so you have a good one bye-bye
Channel: EmKay
Views: 589,824
Rating: 4.9579368 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, r/woooosh, r/woosh, r/wooosh, woooosh, r/woooosh best posts, r/woooosh top posts, r/woosh best posts, r/woosh top posts, r/wooosh best posts, r/wooosh top posts, r/facepalm, facepalm, reddit fail, r/therewasanattempt, r/facepalm top posts, r/facepalm best posts, r/woooosh emkay, r/wooosh emkay, reddit funny, emkay
Id: 9Zb47DWbd70
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2020
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