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tummy i'll go take out the trash i feel great that's wonderful [Laughter] [Music] hey everybody welcome back to a new mk video my name's travis i'm a new voice on the mk channel hope you're having a lovely time here today and just kidding it is actually i jack the normal person who also narrates on this channel now and then yes you have been fooled by my brilliant idea of recently discovering how to change the pitch of my voice on my editing program be sure to like this video don't mention down below in the comments how you found travis's voice sexier than mine otherwise i will do unspeakable things to myself and you will shatter myself and let's enjoy some wholesome memes sean what are you doing come on you know better than this you forgot about anna me when i have negative thoughts about myself now after my mental health has improved oh no anyway why do we howl at this we pay respects to the ball we will never fetch dude that's deep bad news for those with allergies today's pollen count will be the highest in history oh my god oh my god i'm not the best but i'm trying my best nine-year-old me wants a bike my dad the day after uh go look outside i think i forgot something there okay okay you hit the genetic lottery because i did not look like a glamorous model when i was nine years old okay commence full personality scan yes sir sir look at these readings what it can't be these blobfish it's two beautiful words yes yes i am what do you desire trials i want a new barbie playset please that is a boy thank you holiday poor scroll scroll apple scroll you've done well you deserve a break i do don't i take care of home day take care of aaron's day take care of each other take care of ourselves day what's on tomorrow take care of the body's day oh my favorite when the total is 20 and 7 cents and you only have 20 dollars but the cashier says don't worry about it you have been my hero baby excuse me fellow human will you kindly point to me in the direction of the news and fish market uh there's a grocery store a few blocks that way thank you good boy what a nice guy lead the way my steed take me to the treasure and we'll share the spoils okey-dokey i take the dirt and there it is for you hey thank you here have a chippy new yeah today i got up cleaned the kitchen vacuumed folded and put laundry away my house actually looks clean take that depression no don't talk about this stuff but i haven't bothered to do any of it yet today you're reminding me of my failures i wish i was clever like you you're definitely clever how so clever people surround themselves with cleverer people did you just compliment us both at the same time clever right i mean he ain't wrong are you cold a little bit here i got your fam snug stray dog interrupts performance to comfort actor pretending to be injured he a little confused but he got the spirit gerate why do you treat me after walks i love walks it's not a reward it's a thank you for the great company and he wagged his tail so much that he accidentally flew away like a helicopter and was forever lost from his owner yes this wholesome mean story is actually a sad ending being jealous or angry about your friend's success nah supporting them because life shouldn't be a competition that's what losers say is what losers say when you finally confess to your crush and she admits she likes you back oh oh eight year old me when my dad gets home my dad who had a bad day but is still excited to see me when someone jokingly says we're dating and she doesn't ew immediately the best thing that can happen to a potato [Laughter] [Music] all this time and all we did was drive past them oh there's poor creatures me when i hear my friends putting themselves down you run away just yet i'm going to spit this in your face if you're having problems i feel bad for you son i got basic empathy what's it talk to me what's going on when your teacher finds some extra points to bump you up a grade yep when i see a baby crying on the bus so i make funny faces till they stop crying [Music] why are you still crying all feelings are for everyone there's no such thing as a girl feeling or a boy feeling we can all feel angry sadie scar red confident broad effect dionate i in a security ass her tiff all feelings are normal and humane what matters is how you express those feelings firefighters in california be like let's try to save everything but sire it's already spreading out of control we will do the best we can it's not like similar to the actual dialogue at all but i admire the bravery nonetheless found you okay now it's your turn to hide people are like fridges it doesn't matter if you're pretty plain tall or short or have things all over your face because what truly matters is what's inside okay i'm going to need to know who made this post because if they're walking around with a scalpel i'm not comfortable with them being my friend hey buddy i just bought some frozen meals i see you store them away you mind you might come a bit closer me internet friends whom i've never even met with their undying love and support that is that is such a cute setup please i love this hey new kid say school this school ah you can't speak what a baby i'm not a baby hey leave him alone you meanie what's your teddy called mine's called daddy sean that's a cool name a friendship mage yeah why not something cool like a thunder wizard do you need some thunder not really do you need a friend yeah that'd be nice always remember everyone can be a gamer at heart a child playing mario is not less than an adult playing witcher 3 both are treated as same in the gaming realm thank you wise not a video game character no game adaptation movies do not count oh enderman of the soil what is your wisdom clothing has no gender let guys wear dresses and girls wear suits if that's what makes them happy but but then i have nothing else to be complaining about that isn't my own personal issues i'll have to focus on my own personal problems in life that i'm insecure about i don't want to do that when you're cutting wrapping paper and the scissors start gliding through it oh yes your personality on one hand gold your cute face on the other hand gold you dropped your wallet thanks i'm a pigeon crossing the road yeah you're expecting a chicken now now this joke's evolved don't worry about the change bud oh wow good karma is true yeah i've been watching you every day you you're really good person oh oh thanks you've been watching me every day even when you poop how my grandma says i look and then there's me when you start eating healthy and sleeping more and to notice how much better you feel overall i love that he could tell someone was taking a photo with him and he just poses just just owns it me sleeping peacefully without any mosquitoes in my room the spider in the corner of my room yep that's my part of the rent done purring a nice dress into makeup this is brilliant her and her favorite hoodie and leggings but i like this when someone you haven't seen in a while still goes in for a hug when they see you again huh i'm still worthy oh wait it's chris hemsworth i'm still worthy that's uh because he's australian the joke okay xzb keep cool no one knows you're an alien enjoy your meal sir i got you you too oh no that made no sense they're gonna find out hey i overheard what you said to that waiter i do it all the time you're so relatable you deserve this yay grandson hasn't ate in two hours no he's probably starving to death right now emergency procedures oh who's that pretty lady do i know her well that's you and your wedding day grandma oh and here you are again oh i remember this picture this was your fifth birthday all you wanted was a big chocolate cake so i picked you one using my mom's old recipe that's right grandma i am talk the silvan a rare and intelligent creature okay when you call yourself rare and intelligent that kind of diminishes the value of that legitimacy oh look i'll prove it turning down invites simply because you want to spend some me time is perfectly legit you are intelligent i'll give you that overcoming fear of social interaction supportive and understanding new friends oh yay i'm going to chuck them all in the furnace and wear them as i don't no no that's not the point of this metaphor when you convince your boss that it's a two-person job just so you can hang out with your bestie hey bro i'm here to put a stop to your bad mood oh bro me says a joke in class but nobody hears me my friend says the joke louder and everyone starts laughing you son of a my friend points to me he said the joke first you have been my remember everyone wants to leave a better planet for our kids i also want to leave a better kid for our planet can can we do both yes please more of this genuine intelligence me gets down on the floor to stretch my dog so you have chosen kisses why didn't you answer my calls it's hard to explain what have you found some better little kitty to play with oh that is that is not an appropriate analogy right now your cat disappears paddock comes back after some months cub comes back with cute little kittens panic why you should be gentle with people someone's life what you know about it oh look look how very little it fills up the entire board i can lift anything for i am strong can you lift me up you are brilliant and beautiful after the only person who can't see that is yourself the hell how are we gonna light it i can do it oh the teeth the teeth make it worse parallel lines have a lot in common but they never meet ever you might think that's sad but every other pair of lines meets once and then drifts apart forever which is pretty sad too oh you could be a glorious pair of side and cosine waves with every increasing frequency not only do you intersect for the rest of forever but you eventually intersect continuously yeah i'm claustrophobic here is the being you maneuver this being is a drainage expert obtain the fungus it will increase your mass okay this plant will allow you to propel fire oh how do you know all about this i have devoted much of my life to studying this being's law is that why you used to live in the basement very much so now can you guess what game they were referencing that's right it's sonic i will grant you three wishes i wish for same-sex marriage to be allowed everywhere yeah what the [ __ ] is up with that anyway you still have three wishes oh hi how are you well i like the beard it looks good on you what the beard do i know you what don't you recognize me i don't think so fair enough we haven't met for a long time here i think i have an old photo of us on my phone are you sure this is not a mystery holy shmoop ah time passes that's for sure right i absolutely for one accept this cannon me sending something loving and encouraging at 2am my friend who should be asleep my friend responding you're freaking out what the hell you should be asleep me being happy being myself okay but when you imagine that those eyebrows on the cutout board are actual eyes it comes across as either adorable because they're wearing a suit of themselves or they've killed their sibling and are now wearing their skin everyone is nervous on the first day you're gonna do great you're smart funny and lovable plus you look amazing today good luck uh first date jitters you're gonna do great they hired you because you're smart and likable plus you look amazing today thanks dad good luck i know this is meant to be sweet and wholesome because he's a ghost now but is that meant to be a cloud because it looks like he's just hiding behind a bush yeah get him get him sweetheart say what you want about their rivalry they know when to lend a hand t-posing asserts dominance hug posing asserts wholesomeness oh guess where you have your little park champ when you discover the positive side of the internet oh visible happiness daddy i want you to meet my boyfriend boyfriend well i guess we need to have a little talk you do anything to hurt my daughter she will crush you look how strong and powerful she is uh-huh i can jugulate you with just a wooden spoon update me on the objective i was focused on a frightening scenario but then realized concern was unwarranted good but that i imagined a new frightening scenario this is not the objective i request a positive statement i will never deplete my supply of concerns no my imagination is powerful better time to get steph down what a productive day my mom me a note in my lunchbox that says she's proud of me look girl isn't it beautiful i don't know why master gets so excited over rain clouds but if he's happy i'm happy how are dogs so joyful and happy all the time when they view the world so dull honestly it's so cute that it ends up just being frustrating when architecture and engineering make everything for everyone okay damn that's actually really smart my boyfriend playing red dead redemption 2. me watching him having no idea what's going on or how it works but happy he's having fun ah yes die trash yeah but don't hurt the turtles though my mom when four-year-old me is showing her this cool looking rock i found wow oh it's such a true face i'm sorry i'm so slow that's okay when i'm with you i'm in no rush no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no just hang on i'm almost there oh how did you know i was sad let's not forget that squidward dressed up as santa for one whole day to make spongebob happy ah if only my a-hole neighbor could do that for me hey you're going to sleep yes there's no school tomorrow i don't like this it's a weirdly uncomfortable twist of this meme when you tell your non-scientist friends about your research and they don't understand it but they support you anyway yeah science an elder entering the bus my seat me a gift for you my lord now that's all right i'm perfectly happy standing but my liege it has been forged for you and i meant you're all right i must take them well could nothing get through this honor your smile is contagious when my boyfriend decides to be the small spoon i can't fully cover you but i will attempt nonetheless are you okay i don't feel special no come here thank you get there hold up but was he not trying to murder them yeah let me put you out of your misery when a small youtuber starts the video by thanking a sponsor for making today's video possible me a long time subscriber who's happy that they're finally getting the recognition they deserve well thumbs up what's wrong polar bear i'm feeling down i know what might help do you want to do that thing okay that's better my dad then strong can lift me up and swing me around can open even the tightest jar lids my dad now not that strong but now lifts my spirits up and gives the best life advices although chiseled abs is now just belly fat but still equally lovable oh no the swing is broken it's okay i was about to take a nap okay that is by far the cutest thing i've ever seen here i bought you an ice cream oh tastes so good yep it tastes really good okay yes very cute but also that could have easily gone a different direction when you're having a bad day and your friend texts to check on you the leaking oh that's wait why are they drooling as well no matter how hard it may seem you can always push through okay but with this metaphor you're implying that you've been like decapitated and then your head is slowly growing back like deadpool style i'm appreciating the uplifting metaphor but i i don't think it applies to humans yes this i love this comic it still doesn't fit it's okay at least we tried yes let's stop thinking that all relationships need to succeed for them to be a successful and good and well-meaning relationship you date for the journey not the destination me an introvert the uber driver who didn't talk the entire ride i gift the five stars oh god i caught him oh dude i'm feeling down about myself let's go for a walk oh thank you precious adorable good boy oh yeah thank you for the walk when you have a wholesome conversation with your favorite person huh i love sending text messages to myself random are missing her knitting friends me showing her zoom it's so intense well whackity doody it's time for some finale today's upload is by brown moment number 169 now they did this on flip anim which meant that their drawing skills were limited but they hope we enjoy regardless well i do like it do not question the elevated one oh sorry buster but i don't see any squiggly lines defining your levitation so i'm gonna have to ask you what's the deal with it to see your future artwork in a future mk video be sure to post it on the mk subreddit well my disastrous dodecahedron it seems you've made it to the end of today's video thank you so much for stopping by and saying hello of course if you're this far in the video you clearly enjoyed yourself so come on like it and subscribe otherwise you wouldn't be watching this video for so long you clearly enjoyed your time click that notification bell as well because do them just just do them stop questioning things you want you want the levitation guy to come after you and if you still have the time to procrastinate why not check out some more videos come on say hi to robin and lexi for me but enough panning for runtime my name's been jack you've been a lovely person to ramble at as always i always love to have you stop by hope you're having a good one and i'll see you for the next times bye
Channel: EmKay
Views: 399,043
Rating: 4.957232 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, memes, r/wholesomememes, r/wholesomememes emkay, wholesomememes emkay, wholesome memes, wholesome, blessedimages emkay, r/blessedimages emkay, blessed, cute animals, cute dogs, animal memes, cute cats, funny animals
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 40sec (1180 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2020
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