r/TIHI | bruh... what's up with your face?

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what did you do to him why would you do that I hate you whoever did that I hate you what's up guys and welcome back to MA my name is Damian and today we're looking through our slash thanks I hate it is it mother I don't hate this I always thought these were cool I don't hate this at all I think this is really neat it's like a mix and match I think this is cute I like it maybe I shouldn't but I do my girl made something incredibly cursed in The Sims 4 oh god she made sans dog I mean when they don't give you sans in-game something's just gonna provide me messes up in Latin class the demon I just summoned are they're my new best friend John a demon with like Leo and Satan except you know not except not I'm old sorry everything's gonna be funny to me I think I'm having a good time today oh Jesus Lord okay face PI is something I'm not messing with Wow looks like a defect I am not into that at all Oh know how I feel like Maddie you coming home after a long day of work right near your your Suites your significant others like I made you a pie and the slide Ford face pie do you eat do you say thanks honey I wouldn't I wouldn't I don't know about you no one ariana grande's children it's how she keeps a hold of them if they wander too far she grabs on the eight foot ponytail goes away you go and I know I want it too far now ever wondered what a naked Hedgehog looks like neither have i but apparently it looks like a depressed ball sack no poor little guy you really do as well this is what mah stuf be looking life sometimes on a bad day I look in the mirror so I see yo what up mosquitoes were like bees and gathered blood to take back to a hive where some kind of blood honey was made you see in a new rarity of blood mm-hmm I was in hot topic in this guy roared at my GF I bit my lip ring so he knew what was up and he bit of snakebites I got closer and bit my lip ring again he hissed and retreated to the banti aisle my GF better hoodie sleeve in me out it appears I have won this battle I was never in the culture of uh like 2015 emo scenes I have no idea whatever it was I was not in this culture I was a wrestling kid well you were at Hot Topic I was watching good old junior commentator match The Blob Paris zoo unveils unusual organism which can heal itself and has 720 sexes what what God amongst the land wish I could it has Wolverines power can heal itself this is a cool organism this would be good for research you can figure out why and heal itself we can just like try to take that same cell regeneration for people dude the Bob's oh I do not like violet as Bob see that in the back there I kind of don't mind the baby is Bob but violet is Bob just like so that about it really just makes me sad when you walk in I've seen this meme it's just when you walk in what's wrong with that yo the Chara Chan mask collection is a face mask just straight up huh no that's not a face mask mmm I feel about that chief if it's a face mask you know what more power to you but at the same time you've totally not gotten your eyebrows to safety your eyebrows are gonna be removed I'm sorry my dudes gonna board on it that's kind of clever that I wouldn't never thought about that maybe because I'm not out of my mind I wonder what washing your hairs like at that point do you even wash your hair just imagine like I couldn't imagine waking up with that guy like waking up with that as someone with that hairstyle next to me I couldn't imagine how that would feel how I would feel as a human yo dick let's built he is a goddamn unit broad shoulder those traps are popped oh man don't take a diaper off I'll just move it aside don't say that why would you why would you let him say that whoa okay this is actually really gnarly this is cool this is this is like a real picture right this isn't 3d I hope not because this is a really neat that's super cool what how long that took like actually make that's really cool you totally you didn't like disposable plastic drinking strums we listened from 2019 all of our stalls will be 100% egg hope you like egg straw your only two choices are plastic straw or extra bringing your own you're banned from our establishment relief was vomiting all I see is the emoji giving head too and what's wrong with that this emojis got some good head game it's giving good table and I can't blame them I can't blame Shrek for going in you got eyelashes on your glasses what are you trying to fool people into thinking like what do you think are you a fool so and oh wow they have really pretty eyelashes that's on top of the glasses you're stupid I hate you I can't wrap my head around it I hate it are you cutting high holes into that pumpkin guys about Deven jack-o'-lantern zips up pants yeah I hold that's what those are oh yeah no thanks I don't like that one bit chief Oh I'll pass on this one I don't know what I hate more the chicken I'd lady or the heat lady I'd chicken because the chickens judging me the lady just wants my soul for her collection you move out of the way she's got somewhere to go she's got a place to be you ever see an image that makes you feel an emotion that doesn't exist I like this one just gonna plug it in the outlet that's guys I got charged my phone dude I'm looking at two flies having a the hanky-panky on some dudes poor hat oh I'm looking at that man I'll light leave in a minute at all makes you feel type away dude is that the foot oh it's chewy flaky and delicious aw their loved one wore it in every box sold free spicy pumpkins try one trick or treat not fall for it that's not a pumpkin chief anybody fooled that that's why I want to know these reverse heels yeah it's very clearly walking I don't know about this you know what do you King Queen oh no this is Ezra Miller who started World War one Gibby the American serial killer no no thanks I hate golbat with its mouth closed Oh what's so wrong with it's got a little buck teeth it's cute what's wrong with that it's nothing wrong with that at all he's a cute little golbat guy ah you know I don't know about that I don't like it but I also don't like it doesn't bother me I see it and I'm just like accepting that it's a reality hey what do you do for fun I like to go on Amazon and zoom into the Halloween costumes speak at a Halloween that's coming up what are you guys gonna be for Halloween I don't know when this videos coming out it might come out before Halloween but I am super pumped for Halloween man am I pumped for Halloween who is this he's going in whoever whoever this is they went in you can see the veins bulging dude he's sagging no just a little bit so I look in that like a empty beanbag chair dude hey check it out it's a blur hotdog mm-hmm was that slug not sure what is that a leech I have no idea what I'm looking at there Thanks I hate tapeworm heads it's just the pyro from tf2 what are you talking about dude this is the pyro he looks like an ice-cream listen that's what I scan we don't want to try it buddy that is not a treat imagine running from the cops new here fetch me he saw Lucifer and you look back and see this stuff full fear that is all I feel shivers running down my body yo I don't know its word how did you not notice that while you were cooking it though I feel a it's more on you than anything else like that's a that's a baby bird yes but at the same time that eggs are you starting to get cooking you didn't notice this shame on you dude y'all ever see the Oreo zebra and think life is gonna be okay cuz me too we live laugh love in a society don't say that you combined the two worst things though we live in a society joke and live laugh love Dodger crowbars lung extensions Shh don't only when I hand you this card with extended lungs you can scream longer breathe harder and brag about extended lungs this procedure is not legal but I'll do it for you do not tell the police or my family you could find me at extended loads at gmail.com I trust him with my life therapists detail demanding doesn't exist he can't hurt you detailed Manny all I exist and the original Little Mermaid novel the mermaids legs constantly feel she is walking on sharp knives the Prince likes to watch her dance which he does for him despite excruciating pain then he marries someone else in the mermaid kills herself once and that's the end that's in the original dark the Krabby Patty secret ingredient is crab meat mr. Krabs is a cannibal I found that out when I was younger because every menu item has the key ingredient in the name like the kelp drink you telling me mr. crass puddin his meat in the formula not as meat have you ever noticed that he's Leland I'm in town oh that's a--that's a prevailing theory I think that's a good I think that's a really good one I like that that's a good game theory oh there's this real props or is this art Leia's like 3d whoa I'm pretty sure I know who's like responsible for the actual art of this I think I've seen this guy's art before but wow that's like real real props that's terrifying what is that what I'm looking at is this a lemon this is mold what's going on I'm so confused I'm really having trouble figuring out what's happening here is this mold what is this I don't someone thought of where this is in the comments I want to say it's mold by if I can try to move my mic I I just don't know what to say this is it can't be mold is this like art it's selling is this not a lemon is this just something that looks like a lemon I mean looking at where we drop in ninja it's me Guy Fieri here what diners drive-ins and drops hot drops for you know for night holy crap what is dude what creature am I looking at what tremors monster is this dude imagine being in the ocean that bite in your toe oh I like it I never understood this paint with menstrual blood as a thing meant to empower women if I make a macaroni house in art class using juices glue is that empowering to men yes it is what are you doing rapport creeper all I could think of was anal on me sorry so that's not a good joke dawg my little brother's Pennywise Halloween costume came in from wish it's just a morph suit the face just don't look right I think this actually makes it creepier with the face beat on the morphsuit Nadia though brothers got a little bubble gut - he's gonna beer good this bird perched just stretch it out his legs don't worry about it Phineas and Ferb hey this is another realistic guy I like this stuff I think this stuff is really cool I think this stuff's super neat whoever makes this I forget his name but you do a good thing you do a good job I love your work whoever made the panties for the phone I don't like you i selling um i was telling someone about this and like oh i like it and i like now now why would you like why would you like this of all things it's the most like aggressive phone accessories Oh cap I ludian I love that kethu pie whatever you want to call him he's delicious and he's omnipotent you ever see a bird like this you know they're working for the booze huazi baby whoa I've seen this before the sushi pizza no I've seen this around like you would think that I hate it but if you pick it up like pizza I don't see a problem it's only you can pick it up like pizza if you can't pick it up like pizza this is a you waste of time oh my god what happened to you is this a real human being what did you do to yourself oh my god you've neck - oh my goodness your neck I can't look at you for too long dude plump sweet and begging for cream just - I like just how I like my strawberries what are you doing that baby it's not even old enough to walk in you're already looking on him stop stop oh that's mmm I don't know about that that's weird to look at but at the same time wait what is it no way they just like it didn't just remove the beak that is something that I'm looking at there I'm not sure what it is if you read the Bible in Reverse it's about the world's population killing each other until there's only two people left and then the woman cukes an apple and they both get naked now that's the version I wanted to read baby oh why did you give him human teeth Oh the one thing you shouldn't have given him how deep does the rabbit hole go so deep oh speaking of rabbit holes that guys in one raccoon crowd that's not a real animal stop making a panels to put in your museum bro stop it it's not real dude it's not real those square cross-sections are the human skin layers you always see in biology books but is like a Minecraft block like this I hate it thanks boys I'm friggin realistic I love them it looks like you know he looks like a well-to-do dad ah their recursive scent are half horse half recursive centaur what oh no that's so many legs Thanks I hate the reincarnation of mr. Potato Head what's so wrong about that's my best friend dude how dare you talk about about him you think you're safe hey Vsauce Michael here do you ever feel like you're being watched at night you know that music kicks in oh no not just at meet BER no Lily made his and a beak and that's really good that's funny cook it and see what happens dude I'm not in your way show me kim jonghwan and Donald Trump suck it face like the new teenage lovers I know you always show me that that's what their show I'm a vomit oh there's someone have a golden egg oh are you not a goose but I guess it's you could have it and at a future post from underscore CEM underscore m'kay swordsman vana oh my god he gives me such an RPG vibe I love him and then the RPG sense though m'kay would be his last name right theater m'kay I love them thank you so much I love that and that brings us to the end of our slash thanks I hate it if you liked the video leave a like down below and subscribe for more content from MK and as always I'll be seeing you [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,758,793
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Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, r/tihi, r/tihi best posts, r/tihi top posts, tihi, thanks i hate it, r/thanksihateit best posts, r/thanksihateit top posts, cursed images, cursed, blursed, r/diwhy, r/atbge, r/makemesuffer, r/makemesuffer top posts, r/makemesuffer best posts, make me suffer, r/tihi emkay, r/thanksihateit emkay, reddit funny, emkay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 14sec (854 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 26 2019
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