r/TIHI | uh,... no thanks.

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the land shock majestic is it she what's up guys and welcome back to Ma my name is Damian and the day we're looking through our slash thanks I hate it life hack have you choose the wrong spaghetti sauce you can wash it off using your washing machine that's not what a washing machines for take her from the appliance repair a guy that's gonna ruin your system don't do that why do you do that this is terrible I that's a front load that spiders gonna get ruined in a few years sir ah man everything's wrong mean Val green the main cat with a human-like face the face cut the more I looked at I was like yeah it is a human-like face is smiling at me that caught me off guard what's up Valkyrie ah yes my seller is for six thousand four hundred and forty four dollars and fifty two cents go ahead this is my pride and joy this is my boy I spent three years in a lab developing this boy you need to be yours for nearly six grand and food for thought our mashed potatoes just Irish wocka moly yes yes they are and what about it a vagina is a human summoning portal it takes nine months to activate rain and ice cubes tonight so I'm using frozen pizza rolls you're the worst kind of person you're just the worst like you're actually the worst kind of that's just I don't wanna oh man I'm gonna cry that is the worst thing I've seen man then I'm gonna be frozen for long chief you know that right a mother's touch oh you can see the thumb holding the whoa what is going on here to see half hairy half not what happened are you okay guy are you okay this is so strange but you're cute too a young man who waited for the ambulance to take me to the ER then robbed my house please please return please my honor badge my to military honor pins my military honor bracelets these items are from my children a part of my soul I beg a view to just return these three items please oh that breaks my heart I'm so sorry man I really hope you got those back please some with a happy ending to that story that's that's cruel hey I like God that's a conversation starter you want to you want to have people talking about your house party have one of these ready to go the Sponge Bob had a wiener will it be square like his body or circle and will he nut from his wiener hole or from all the holes around his wiener I just got to know this is where fan fiction writers come in someone tell us what happens don't be too graphic though I'll puke we got a new video baby monitor and I think that was a mistake because now I'm possessed whoa how do you how do you do how do you whoa whoa I'm like speechless is that that is so whoa it's like an optical illusion that is neat ah yes that lion thing observe the Headless Horseman the horseless man had the horse man the manless horse the horseless man the horseless headband the headless horse the LES horse headman and my personal favorite the horse horse horse man pick your fighter y'all ever think about how your fingers are slowly 3d printing your nails so I've been thinking about that had been able to sleep since hey bro it's 6 1 9 p.m. when he tweeted that booyaka booyaka love Rey Mysterio never seen a hard-boiled penguin egg no well today is your day why is this the shell is so gelatinous has it it might cruel for you know how that tastes that is fascinating cuz it's the the yolk what the yolk abhi is like an orange I've never seen that is so strange it looks like it looks like laundry pods almost you know that is weird fish shop busted after using googly eyes to make fish look fresher well you know I think I would know what a googly eyes looking at me because I know fish eyes aren't like that there's not a lot of things I know that is one of them yo is this real there's no way this is real like there's just no way yeah I can see where the nails are where they Photoshop the nails this isn't real this is really good work but they did not this is not a real wow that is something huh meat did you know tigers have large false eyes to ward off predators those are the false eyes those are the actual eyes no the difference there's Slimer but there's what we really all came to see please only look don't touch though where I won't try to sample those Goods Slimer yo was that a who's that the shell whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what my man's a pair of troop up in here do you love chips but hate chewing go ahead and try these doh drink goes Rangi tangy cheese what a murder ill old guy sperm more like bored jelly yeah all right what if mayonnaise came in cans man that sucks you can't microwave metal good morning to everyone except these two people they could stay in the corner I accidentally signed up for Disney - and it's just the scenes where anime characters watch my parents die this is the supplement this service sucks Bay we should roleplay to spice things up me I've been waiting for this day all my life I don't know what else to be offended at or not offended but grossed out out here I don't know why if it was my first thought but this is you know I'm okay with this I'm okay too this is this is how the borders of the state should be actually I agree with this border bone massage I once soft bones now you Dom bruh jiggles and flops towards you what huh I said what I said fun fact you are filled to the brim with organs hmm technically you're also covered in one hey don't say that man me in tagged photos and you're just given a beautiful grin what's wrong with that skeleton panda sea squirts look like cute little Halloween pets oh my god they do oh they're all my friends so I papyrus with skin I like that one I think is gonna have eyebrows like that in real life though the the eyebrows when the skeletons just for expression it's not real eyebrows dude I think you put too much dedication into the eyebrows chief girls just how I like him being got a mouth that opens like that where I can like peer in and store stuff like my wallet and my keys I'm not into it you're smashing okay Rick Thornberry two hairless spaces between his chin and his lower lip looked like spider-man's eyes oh my god they do he's spider he's spider chin dude SunnyD tastes like someone made a bet that they can make orange juice without oranges I've never had Sunny D so I can't take your I can take this as fact but I'll take your word for it I don't want to try you I don't want to try Sunny D you know I've seen this photo wait hold on I has a hundred and twenty five thousand likes rat underwear sponsored by Chanel a hundred and twenty five K I'm not just are actually buying mad you're sweet she's like I got some new sexy underwear you're like oh boy oh boy can't wait to get home from work you get home rat underwear I divorced her immediately you know what if you got on the rat underwear we're doing it in the flush tent cause if you're gonna make me suffer I'll make you suffer in the flush tent come in while it drips bro Teletubbies are a lot more steering when you see one next to a fully grown human being imagine you just encountering something that tall and that looked like that just randomly in the woods somewhere TV on the belly it scares me man you know two Furies are smaller and friendlier subspecies of the larger and much more hostile bone furious thank you for this bespoke nightmare bro forget that how much money do I get for our femur under my pillow $20,000 I know you ain't doing what I think you're doing you put some shoes on the road is filthy in the 1800s wealthy British landowners commissioned exaggerated paintings of their livestock as a symbol of wealth and status often the animals were painted with large rectangular bodies and that's how we like a baby that means they're ripe for harvest oh there's a tardigrade just uh I think that's a tardigrade I'm pretty sure I've seen these before that's just a little parasite well might they don't scare me then I'll scare me in the slightest the little guys man transport at a hospital after getting squirrel stuck in his rectum it's what's over the hedge pal this is a fish mouth it eats testicles well how can you prove that I think you're trying to scare me because of course we have like tongue eating parasites in fish that I didn't know existed until someone corrected me one of these last videos this is a snake with two heads which was recently discovered in West Bengal India he's just got a best friend with him at all times there's nothing wrong with that I've seen these four these are cool I don't care what you say this takes a lot of dedication and time and I think they are the neatest things I like him a lot man grows tumor with teeth inside testicles I heard about that it's he was like going through the most amount of pain in the world it sounded like I wouldn't want to be him either so a spider in his mouth that's kind of sick what an oily little guy from Beauty pie I'll eat my left testicle of leafy quits YouTube we're waiting still so everyone's favorite character for nerve god I love for nerve mom girl for 10 minutes me nah eat it raw if you like it raw you'll like it raw and won the judge Chief go ahead and crunch on that steak oh this is like a coconut crab I've seen these before these are coconut crabs they're big bastards the first temptation of christ 1 million people signed petition against netflix comedy depicting jesus is gay hey you can sign the petition all you want but that's freedom and that's artistic expression chief can't combat that nice support artistic expression odd kiss jesus that done George tried to wake up Peppa but without success well seeing as Peppa's crispy bacon I don't think he'd be succeeding anytime soon gimme thine come e WOM YZ no no I won't actually you're a puppet you made a felt it's good stain oh not a rank poop that's not what I asked for is there any way L can remove the kid to the right in these pictures he's my steps and I love these pictures of us together but I also did get any good ones with just two without him also room for the full family pictures please thanks in advance Eddie I love my stepson but I do want something without him in them already posted these ones by just want to have it both ways sounds like you don't love your stepson though he's a part of the family with you like it or not chief is that daddy's code naked honey mmm-hmm that actually sounds pretty good naked honey this is just straight organic what was the rudest thing a visitor did in your house came to visit for a few days with an infant and placenta the placenta was wrapped in a butcher paper but nothing waterproof it was half thought from a long car drive she put it in my freezer where it was all over my food Thanks this is just Shrek a donkey on a stamped penny having some intimate moment together captured in time nothing scary about that Reggie flex why is he all muscle hail aunt pokemons it lurks in cities pretending to be a lamp once it finds someone whose death is near it will show quietly after them lamp it looks like he wants to be here with you forever Oh ah just know Lavagirl beginning awaiting creamy nowaday yeah she still burns to the touch chief mom throws own may be a police officer causing devastating injuries well yeah no I see what that would do she's a piece of trash and deserves to be in the garbage can with the other with the other litter and rubbish litter like paper and cans rubbish like leftover food waste and poop my house is an ant problem that's so bad I can actually recognize the smell of ant now trick the into the thing in your hot bowls and it's a Cree Zachary trick the answer there thinking you're hot bubbles an anthill which they can live in and with the elf cold end you can put real heart and spray them all over the lawn ok real Hardy says hashtag oh whoa rubs essential oils on your bulgy bulgy don't fall for toxic vaccines you die of measles anyway oh noes I'm so sad also dies of measles and that's a short story how to build a working gas chamber in Minecraft you know I saw a video recently that Jesus that's such a bad video I saw a video recently where there was this dude traveling in his minecraft server and his friends built ash wits and the lucky no it's a theme park it's a theme park but now not wasn't was a concentration camp this is my spider verse spider Sona stupid thick Peter who's bit by a radioactive thought and killed venom by clamping his butt cheeks so hard to the sound wave to materialize them that's my favorite character honestly and thank you for watching our slash thanks I hate it if you liked the video leave a like down below and subscribe to mp4 more content if you want to catch more of me you can find me at twitch TV forward slash Damion Lee live and as always I'll be seeing you [Music] you
Channel: EmKay
Views: 991,836
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Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, reddit stories, ask reddit, funny reddit, emkay, tihi, tihi best posts, tihi top posts, thanksihateit, thanksihateit top posts, thanksihateit best posts, tihi emkay, thanksihateit emkay, thanks i hate it, makemesuffer, makemesuffer emkay, cursedcomments, noahgettheboat, r/noahgettheboat, noahgettheboat emkay, ezpz
Id: Ac_AQGU1cR4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 51sec (771 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 15 2020
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