r/Crappydesign | what's wrong with your face?

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we put the s and comfort and go ahead and smell comfort for me because just go ahead and spell what's up guys and welcome back to ma my name is Damon and today we're looking through our slash crappy design well blues made a mess out of all the colors you get it shows you only yellow and then that's where you have the stay and that's a perfect move this is intentional this isn't crab bit design this is intentional design and I love it may the laaser after with PB filling out my birthday I can either be born one day day two three days four days five days the 6th through the 10th 11th 12th the 13th 14th the 15th day that's most important 16th 17th 18th and 19th the 20th nihlus goes on and such an odd way to categorize like it's in numerical order but what yes I was born on July 4 days that's what my website told me that locks just gonna oh you're gonna lock the door right and then you're just gonna be able to open it right after mmm cuz it's a sliding door nice work idiot those are some funky steps grandma's broken a hip or two going down these for sure I can already tell like on one hand I think that's really cool-looking on the other that is not practical you gotta play hopscotch going down these steps you see that nice work 88 top half of the TV that little upper third can't look at it's blocked off from my view on your birthday you can get away with doing get away with what get away with what Bart what can I get away with doing skateboard tricks is that what I can get away with doing Bart Simpson this looks like a kid's birthday card I wouldn't get my child a Bart Simpson birthday card because I don't know if he'd appreciate Bart Simpson happy 10th birthday son here's Bart doing a cool skateboard trick each he says eat my shorts fruit magnets oh yeah we got it looks like go out a mango some cherries that's not a it was supposed to be a banana but someone snuck a corn into my banana peel hi best seats in the house can't get enough of it who heard this poor lady who scrunched her face up into a tiny in discret your face is in the fold of my book I am I they didn't even split it right down the middle looks like it went a little too far on one side oh you poor thing whoa what now how does this even okay I have a lot of questions about this one because that just seems like it was an accident to begin with and he just kind of rolled with that to the fact like the sinks fine the soap dispenser that this is obviously like a commercial bathroom at a gas station or something that they just not wanted how about a loss for words here that's so weird Apple says clean Apple card with a microfiber cloth avoid contact with leather and denim looks at wallet and looks at pants we keep it in a little case on the back year iPhone bub rental car locations all right well we got a p2 and p3 we got a Vantage budget dollar Palin Wade that those are all hey less and thrifty Enterprise okay so that's fine and all but uh believe we've ignored the best part of this this woman's disgustingly long arms oh look at where they answer old and row right under there no thanks she can give you a handshake halfway across the airport see what do we got here I don't know what that says but I got man and woman there what I don't know what exact okay someone's got to fill me in on here are those two is the man and female signs supposed to go on that door plank they're like are these linked up in some way is that a door to the to the Shadow Realm it's bright it might be dudes stairway to heaven I can't tell I don't know what's going on in that picture did you brush your teeth today only one of them baby only one and it's the one that's smiling and blushing Plitt cartoon flush flush label PNG and clipart the toilet and wash your hand say whatever you say you give that mattress away from me I don't know what kind of matches your selling guy but I do not want to buy any of your wares of thats the look he's gonna give me no no no you were to sleep on there's no proof yeah I'm good you know it seems like every day that goes by I realized that forethought and planning is a skill and not something that people just kind of innately have what are the kids look though they're all trying to study and they have a giant bar because if you're stupid placement of either the light or the project you know what both both of their stupid placement you're a stupid placement I want you to yeah at the classroom the single worst clock I have ever seen I actually said aloud why I agree with you why I have no idea what I was supposed to discern from this this is an abstract or art this is just a mess it looks like I dropped a bunch of Legos everywhere and just didn't clean it up and tacked it to the wall I hate it cover at my school that is the perfect size to not cover the benches get rained on idiot you want to sit down you pay the price dude you cracked your phone so hard it went off the phone you've cracked into reality I need you to get away for time collapses only betas use the stalls I a real Chad will take a dump right in the middle of the bathroom I'll stare you right in the eye and ask you about your day I don't care I'm popping out Hershey squirts and asking about the latest sports ballgames son I'm an idiot I thought this said DVD it says dad but the letters are all messed up we got as the days go by take on me deleted video eye of the tiger Breakfast Club and slave to the rhythm man deleted videos a classic it's actually you know song by David Bowie did you know that now you do hey yeah hey Belle I think that's the right way to hang those lights go ahead and open that door yeah there you go all right is it are we gonna stop ever through some wait like confused now what's going on oh no oh it's gonna turn the light off in then yeah we'll just keep the light off until you get inside and then when you close the door the light flips on that's a 200 IQ play oh that is not a family portrait I wanted to see every single one of them looks like they're gonna steal my soul and sell it back to me at a high price is that supposed to be his arm why is it like extra wrinkly like a sleeve there's so much wrong with all of these their toes are all messed up this fan I hate oh and the Johnsons come over all right so these steps are the right shape but the design makes you feel like they're none I feel like I'm gonna trip and fall huh that's that's a that's low that's actually super disorientating - I don't like that one bit it looks like you tried to clean the carpet but gave up halfway through so you have all these uneven lines I don't like it I just don't I twelve tws wireless earbuds are they that big listen if they're that big I'm not gonna be able to carry em around on my the entire towns gonna hear my conversation I don't want that know everything I'm is possible yeah well office you working on guys cuz it he should quit oh that gets a round of applause from me I love that hey honey go light a fire in the fireplace don't burn the table this time we learned that the already got scorch marks on the table dude you wanted to see what pepper looks like from the front didn't ya you had to see what Peppa's baby brother looked like from the front and now you know do you regret it because I sure do you need you just it couldn't be fine looking at the Peppa family from the side no no no you had to be nosey and turned them to the front now you understand that's the entire other side of their head is bare barren nothing it's just flesh in you that is all you are to them Doyle's [ __ ] Doyle's [ __ ] it's my favorite shirt ladies please note you were standing on a glass floor and guests can see up from below walking there wearing a kilt no one's gonna look down that is such an awkward way to have stairs why would you do it like that you have all those stairs going up but then those just 5 more steps going down to love let's just level 1 to level 2 has double the stairs unmanned aircraft / drones are prohibited no pedestrians bicycles only and let me say something no skateboards no skating those scooters use the stairs to East sidewalk okay how about that bicyclists are advised to walk bikes across the bridge because we got gusty winds but listen no bikes Monday through Friday today you know what just don't even come over here don't even touch the Golden Gate don't even come over here Rudi sure graphs work a bit different now that is exactly how they work that is exactly how they work listen I'm not there for the accuracy I'm just there to watch the funny bars go up and race each other that's all I'm there for the absolute crap design of my school this is the place where every hallway intersects Oh God looks like they're starting up a riot welcome Rangers time to find where you're supposed to go oh sweet baby Jesus oh good lord oh that is okay fun fact about me I am a certified appliance repairman like domestic appliances we're talking washers dryers etc I can fix this and knowing consumers that love to stuff their washer full so the washer just start shaking crazily someone's gonna get hurt this is a safety hazard man oh my god that makes me so uncomfortable not even like the impracticality of it just the safety of it man Wow hey ma'am what talk to me about this dress so all bathrooms should be designed I don't care who you are I don't care who you are I don't care where you come from that is that is exactly how bathrooms should be designed from here on out let me free throw let me get let me let me shoot a three-pointer late better never then yeah you realize your hat makes you look stupid in case of fire leave the fire area and that's some sound advice you know in case of a fire leave the fire area that makes sense to me my guy thank you I appreciate that you got a Purple Heart for that quote I started walking up the left side so many times he ports so go ahead walk right into the bush you become a pokeymon that's how I broke my leg oh goodness you know it really it shocks me the lack of you know not even forethought or planning at this point just common sense when building these things who gets paid to do this someone has to be paid money and then the project is reviewed and then approved at no point throughout this did someone think and yeah someone might get hurt on this or someone did say it and got fired because it's not about being safe it's about looking neat and funny and silly I heart lot none I heart Laden oh you and me both now see this I understand this where all the rats come out at night when the rats come out to find out what trouble they can get up to that's where they all come out see those big ones those big great sir for the giant rats to come out they make all the rules and they need the biggest grades I completely understand this one go ahead take a look at it while you're taking your pee pee you see it you see the shame you feel feel it all the time parents only to continue please enter the correct answer six times two is it's a baker's dozen you know it was a dozen you know it starts with two and ends with L it's a multiple of six one more than eleven less than thirteen it's twelve it's 12 now how am I supposed to get that QR code now now how in the world am I supposed to get a hold of that QR code laughs a box of his chocolate you never know what you're gonna get next and that's you know my favorite quote imagine spending $300 for NFL tickets just to sit behind a pillow when you lean your head to the Sun - excuse me you mind I can't see the game and so understand like oh yeah no you can't see the game what's fine also those are seats for the NFL feel kind of dingy hey you know that looks like it says no consent right really hope that's not what you meant Oh oh dear oh you can see your whole hand through that you're gonna have to feel every everything I'm not gonna go in the Dell spare you the details but have you heard of a socket my friend because it might call for one let's see what we got here we got a we got an amputee seat a passenger seat not a single cup holder except this only fits a shot glass no WTF can't don't lean forward icon so small it's hard to see we call this the fun cards will stand for your phone that's awesome hey how's my phone suddenly that big I can't take calls on that I don't want to take calls on that Oh actual size are they though are they that actual size I don't think they are dark navy almost black vinyl pool chairs things this is a good idea go ahead and lay down on my dare you if that's where my drinks coming from I'll be honest with you I don't want a single bit of it well design print for you beer money fame really you'd do that for me thanks someone just took their shirt off and pressed their bare chest against the glass of the photocopier and that's the that's the picture it was me I did it this snow white ring stays me every time it catches on something exactly as intended is that sample text oh how romantic it's Perry okay let me let me let me get this straight we break this down like a molecular level so we got the server's there right to the side kiss the you know the IT guys get a little you know antsy and have to take a pee-pee we got two urinals right there now let me ask you this why why I rest my case and that brings us to the end of our slash Krab design and if you like the video leave a like down below and if you want to see more content from MK do us a favor and subscribe and until next time I'll be seeing you [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 1,380,361
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, r/crappydesign, r/crappydesign best posts, r/crappydesign top posts, crappy design, asshole design, r/assholedesign, asshole design best posts, reddit crappy design, bad design, bad art, reddit asshole design, reddit bad design, reddit funny, r/crappydesign emkay, crappy design emkay, emkay
Id: XmpKUmSpxGI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 54sec (834 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 05 2019
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