r/Awfuleverything | this makes me uncomfortable (Feat. @EzPz )

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whoa that is a cake that's a bear cake dude what's up guys and welcome back to ma my name is Damien and my name is Zack and today we're looking through our /oh everything thing awful everything please rinse public toothbrush after each sanitary that's yeah I mean if people rinse it it's fine it's a Florida thing you know I see this in a Tampa Bay I'm sure it's normal down there it's a communal toothbrush no I don't like that hey Zach yeah four-eyes you imagine if it was actually cut out like Biba the whole mouth the triangle and the eyes just all work there's a cut up below the mouth too yeah you could barely bring you can put a straw no one cared who I was yeah I I can't really tell what is what what is what on his face is are those flames is that water what sway Holloway what's on his left cheek not can be not wait oh wait that's tattoos on his four and I thought it was curly hair those are tattoos that is all tattoos I don't think this man has an inch of hair on his body I thought this was like a biker tick-tock oh boy wait his left Isis luck and what's the other one I can't looks like it tried to say it looks like it's supposed to be an F but it's like an M is it way can't tell it's going there's so much to decompose it's like a Andy Warhol painting there's just it's open to interpretation he kind of looks like kefir covered every single little like inch of his skin he'd look like Freddy Krueger his entire face is a george RR martin novel oh yeah haha they all come here ha put almond milk and my coffee to try something new and this is the result oh no al almond milk in coffee mm-hmm looks like a night after Taco Bell and Waffle House animated twerking bear home accents holiday what is that three double A batteries just for some twerking got power the wagon dude for ages three and up Damien three I know what I'm getting my kids know that is a kink that's a bear cake dude yeah an ashtray made with human teeth oh no that's not as bad as I thought it was gonna be yeah it's not the full thing it's just what happened to the other two T's they were stolen dude what if they had like cavities of them so or like like a tailings so someone's like the tooth fairy saw it if you got hold of it oh hey speaking of teeth there's this that is not looking like when I see babies babies pregnant what no I don't like this what imagines the advert it's like at SNL advertisement baby's first baby babies baby is pregnant too yay the Pete Davidson comes out it's all like my babies Fred this is a breed called the exotic bully people pay three thousand-plus for these holy it's like a dachshund mixed with a bulldog or a pitbull yeah 3,000 plus dollars i stubby little legs so close to the ground he's always sniffing the grout he's so close to it yo I just check the next post I'm actually kind of into this I think this is cool doing a heyguys face I don't care what it's doing this is just neat art bone cancer oh whoa yeah so weird it looks like like a stripped tree log man that I'm just imagining that being my skull and I gotta say I'm not a huge fan I think that if that is gnarly dude telling a child how they've ruined your life my kid you owe me five five dollars fifty me you owe me at least half a million dollars a new stomach new boobs and a new boot JJ sighs I call your new boobs you broke my old ones you busted them you pop them like a balloon why what you dead you can't because they're pop they're gone this pregnancy announcement oh I think I've seen this and I wish I didn't have to see it again no I tell you what I mean listen it works if it works it works one time I saw my wife got stuck in a dumpster I say later calls bread bread that's the country bro Brit Brit magic beans I admire his confidence level though oh yeah dude he does not give an absolute left a bug and her babies whoa oh I just ate man I just I did too but I'm not really grossed out by this because it's not like oh yeah yeah yeah it's like way zoomed in I baked some strawberry cakes and cat shaped pans than iced them dude that looks like like meatballs yuck I mean I just delete one Oh genuine imitation cat poop jewelry with litter box what a great gift for cat lovers ya know genuine imitation go get him as earrings which i think is worse than the necklace I mean that's one way to start off your c-3po because no my man's got a grill what are you talking about dude that's the next t-pain you know what's the deal what's the deal with the bugs today I mean you know I'm not saying I take a bite into this I'm done I'm not saying I wouldn't but how is it so well detailed on the outside that's impressive the crunch and now you've ruined you just ruined all of it it's really funny cuz when I'm alone I was like Oh Jamie it's such a wholesome man Susan with friends friends at all let's loose I let my hair out the ponytail becomes a wild mane why why is there zipper there when you're feeling a little risky but you want to wait before marriage oh excuse me it's getting a little stuffy in here oh oh excuse me sorry Howard DC feet he's kind of vibin actually yeah dude I mean he's got stoned arms to look at was confident he is happy confident Wow I have human proportions now this is what she wanted right when you said you wanted a real man help I'm 11 helped out by one help I'm 11 and pregnant by my brother help I'm 16 and pregnant by my brother help I'm 16 and pregnant help I'm 11 and pregnant by my dad help I'm 11 and pregnant help I'm 18 and pregnant all right well that one's a little that one's a little that one's understandable that was a whole I'm one [Laughter] reincarnation is real I just died and came back to life I am one hell thank God they saw Google I've lost all motor functions I just gonna need Sat Red Mill and there's in there pouring what's wrong about that what is that I'm trying to figure it out is that like mouth English I think it's an alcohol what's what is so bad about this dude it's just just a couple of boys hanging out I've stated if she sat next to a beautiful woman right now I just found the gold she has the relevant Donald brass I love it I was mindlessly twirling the wild boyfriend's pubes when this happened it has now been added to my public hair collection cubic Zak I really hope it's not public I'm an adult and nobody can stop me what are you gonna do call my parents I'm a 35 year old man drink garlic copy whatever I want if you think for one second and I'm not gonna press grew a brain that's a real bad blister that's what I thought apple pie - dirty fart burn Kim we got baby powder - baby diaper prank candle or a queen laundry - sweaty gym socks prank candle now awful you know christmas is coming up which one of these would you want well all three got it I'll take your entire stock yo why is this awful everything this kid's swag down dude this guy's living the life heat look he's got the strut this kid watches Jake ball whoa next pose whoa don't whoever took this picture is just was I mean I can't blame him we didn't have words either we screamed yeah there are no words to be said I'm just like the duality of man because while he looks so hardcore Pierce's engages he still needs classes I brought us into this hate real quick no man you hate to see it I that does why I don't wear your buds cuz like no it's why you clean your ears well yeah you clean your ears of course he's got like smudged he's through how do you get it on the earphone you're on the left you're on the far left I'm know I'm right in the middle cuz I'll have a beard you're right all right you know what I'll be the gun that's me yeah Mike would be the guy you know with the big hair like that just looking all looking you know cute for the camera like that yeah it's looking like a jojo's character right now they really do look like Jojo characters oh my god or rather sorry Jesus Christ like I like it the last one in the bottom right there's a hand reaching I like Jesus I heard you weren't repenting all right we got Ghost Rider on the far left we got a simple jack okay it's calm pumpkin pumpkin it's a jack-o-lantern stuff don't stop 2017 we edit again this can't be right legitimate like it has to be like ironic I think he's British oh I probably [ __ ] kodak about bugs this is don't stop Kodak moment all it brought is just twenty-seventh a rough sometimes you just need to unwind if you if you have to pee at this Yertle you're you if you have to get it through the straw but first you heard about wine girls at me on the martini urinal boy oh my god this is not mannequin sitting next to me on this flight she is asleep and snoring I thought I've seen everything and now you're getting like kick by one of those yeah you're you would be if you got kicked in the stomach your kidneys would just be ruptured everything I'm honestly I might accept it sometimes you just gotta let it happen and I think this is one of those times where I would accept it with loving arms her he mad because I'm not naked so he can do me missionary lol this dog is like addicted to my coochie can't say I blame him any what any any man woman or animal would be addicted to your son uses can't lie I miss daddy I'll miss you too baby lo you I think she talked about Beavis mr. Kosan huh I like that what if the father was just dis replied like what whoa-oh-oh-oh try my BAE Trumpy with a dumpy Jessie make America Dutchess again try XD Trump would not be a visco Trump he would that's not visco no this is not this is not this Co and a feature a post from user slit by pineapple spooky far from my boy no gore oh that's sick it's like a mother isn't evil a a Silent Hill villain or like a um like a Gil Mero del Toro villain I love that and that brings us the end of our slash awful everything if you liked the video leave a like down below and subscribe for more content from MK and as always I'll be seeing you [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 968,566
Rating: 4.9537711 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, r/awfuleverything, r/awfuleverything top posts, r/awfuleverything best posts, awful everything, r/thanksihateit, r/thanksihateit top posts, r/thanksihateit best posts, r/makemesuffer, r/makemesuffer top posts, r/makemesuffer best posts, r/awfuleverything emkay, r/thanksihateit emkay, reddit funny, emkay, ezpz
Id: 42mgsZJEXhs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 3sec (903 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 29 2019
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