r/Murderedbywords | BRUV

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may 9th projared becomes the first person to lose 100,000 subs in a day May 10th James Charles becomes the first person to lose 1 million subs in a day [ __ ] Jared lost his marriage dignity career and now he lost his sub loss record [Music] what's up guys and welcome back to MA my name is Damien and they were looking through our slash murdered by words I mean what else would it be what else would it be his words breaking orange woman arrested after ramming a van into the White House fence she has previously been arrested twice for trying to climb the fence three failed attempts to get into the White House who does she think she is Hillary Clayton and then no one laughs he waits he's like Hilary Coit I like to think that all the murdered by word posts are like people at comedy clubs and then they're just reiterating the joke when no one laughs police clap the new Bloomberg cover is a work of art and its marquee marking the sucker punch just sitting right there the apology machine Facebook says it cares is that enough what are you thinking about mark oh that's a lot of code that's a lot of code Marky Marky Mark speak I am sorry do you accept insults you absolute buffoon buffoon a [ __ ] who thinks he is smarter than others but cannot spell the word buffoon dead boneheads were no wedded to the newspaper called Steve Jobs out buffoon how embarrassing would that be oh no you messed up Charles Plan B is a personal robotic be designed to mimic how bees pollinate flowers and crops instead of saving the environment and helping actual bees let's spend billions on robots that do what bees would do for free well sup bro do you think I've peed 1 million times in my life heck nah son are you freakin dumb boy you better get roasted the average human urinate six to eight times a day if you've been doing that since you were born that is fifty two thousand five hundred and sixty at the high side of that average that number resembling nowhere near million had to have been configured by a dim-witted [ __ ] that's you you it has to be at least three hundred forty eight years old eight times a day to pee a million times or pee 34 times a day and live to 80 if a twelve-year-old is wrote by her father and the father takes to get an abortion the evidence of the crime will be destroyed he'll go on molesting his victim for years if however the child is born his crime will be discovered and she'll be rescued from the abuse I don't know about that Matt Walsh I don't think I like a twelve-year-old giving birth dr. o Soori mind if i heal up your stab wound the image of the statement will be going to your take you will go free hey wait if I leave it open and have you very slowly bleed to death we might just catch this guy and prevent all future stabbings chicken pox at eight years and shingles around 38 years I'm still living no need to vaccinate one of my mates got hit by a car he lived I guess we don't need any of those road safety laws congratulations on wasting one hundred billion dollars landing or remote-controlled buggy on Mars not sure how this is supposed to help us poor people here on earth but great job Jen's is going off the money doesn't get sent to Mars idiot oh they broke out the i-word it gets spit and put back into the economy just because the government isn't hand feeding it to you that doesn't mean a left America if we remove the church from tags exemptions we'd have enough money to send a rover to Mars once every two weeks forever not to mention it only cost to 2.5 billion which is what the US military spends every 33 hours and we spend 7 billion on potato chips a year yeah NASA is the bad guy law why are the world wars called the world wars when it was only a bunch of white countries beefing over who gets to control and screw up the world the most why does everything white suddenly become the world ah yes the world wars were white remember the white countries Japan China Egypt Libya Morocco Iraq Brazil the Philippines Thailand Vietnam Burma and Ethiopia and the world wars so white all girls with egg cups need to stop wasting money on bras and just buy some tank tops like the rest of the homies all guys the little wieners need to stop wasting money on boxers and just buy some panties like the rest of the girlies agree with being a heterosexual during Pride Month is like being a Jew back in Nazi Germany who sold you this tape because that is a bad one my friend that is a terrible terrible tank it's true a sympathetic gay couple have sheltered me in their attic for the last five days the gay stop came yesterday and interrogated my benefactors but they didn't search the house at least not this time I'm putting them in terrible danger but I don't know what else to do I know what happens to those who protect breeders they know it too how long will he be willing to risk their lives for me I trust them I have to what happens when the closet police come back though what happens when they're forced to choose between their safety and mine hey it doesn't come to that the crowd is marching in the street today I could hear them chanting yeah Queen the walls of my hiding place I can't tell if it's the stomp of their thigh high boots of my own shaking but it feels like an earthquake an earthquake inside my own head god there's so many of them I need to stay positive but I could feel the spidery third of Hope slipping through my fingers why didn't I listen after homo knocked I could have left there was still time but I didn't listen there's no escape now only hiding hiding and waiting for Pride Month to be over and seen this is an elementary school in Ireland within a decade I guarantee the Gaelic language and culture will cease to exist yeah the English who spent hundreds of years trying to destroy Irish culture aren't the problem 20 black kids on if your ex texts you I still love you I want you back won't be your reply see this is why I left you always texting you frickin exes thanks Jacoby tell us about your daily commute what makes it great what would you want to change hashtag city of tomorrow what do you SA aware that Spencer actually going to work unlike the 7,000 people you just laid off is that what you want to change or is that what makes it great specify here Spencer I'm a little confused so I'm at a friend's restaurant for lunch in this guy at the bar is complaining about a dish using the word bland multiple times like it hurts give some power he really knows what it means or the dishes actually bland hint it's not I was having the same freakin thing and I've had it multiple times before so the owner walks over offers to get him a new serving now new meal now dude just wants to complain and he goes oh you serve this to a homeless person and with like a 1 second delay the owner goes well yes you strike me as someone who believes the homeless don't deserve to eat talk about seeing someone deflate and fast well played thanks the angry bartender America was founded on Christian values in the Word of God if you don't like Christianity then go to a different country and practice whatever you want ray as the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian religion as it has in no self no character of an amenity against the laws religion or tranquility what do you say Matt : kaylynn : Alan with that Alan with a silent K oh no what your name is but what do you got to say about that single woman's title miss married woman's title mrs. unknown woman's title miss married man's title mr. single man's title mr. anon men's title mr. because a woman only has status if she is married think about it added an apostrophe to mrs. misters think about it and then go throw up actually that's entirely incorrect for men in the UK and other english-speaking countries master is used for boys under 18 example master John Smith when he becomes a man he gets the title mister the women's title structure is similarly designed miss refers to a girl typically where misses short for mistress the female equivalent of mr. naught misters as you suggest is for a married woman in the early 20th century however miss was reintroduced specifically to give an unmarried woman a title that wasn't as insulting as calling an adult woman miss or unmarried one misses today miss is usually used by adult women of married unmarried or divorced status which is safe to use if unsure about her preferred title next time fact-check free go on the offensive there are really worthy causes out there which need help and attention by historically inaccurate styles of address isn't really one of them honestly climate change scares the heck out of me and it makes me so sad to see what we're losing because of it maybe you should learn some actual science Danny in stop wasn't into the criminals pushing the global warming scam no man I already wouldn't got a PhD in astrophysics seems like more than that would be overkill at this point not just do it just do it just do it stupid it's kiddy just just just get science how much do you get paid for each HPV vaccine less than the florist gets paid for the flowers at the funeral for someone who dies from HPV related cancer Frank Chad Trump's pick for ice director I can tell which migrant children who become gang members by looking into their eyes can he tell which white kids will end up being school shooters no such thing as white African you cannot claim ancestry from a country you murdered your way into Africa isn't African country in the most northern part of the continent of Africa white people are native to those lands it's cold immigration you freaking idiot if there are no white Africans then there are no black Americans or Europeans during the 18th century the politician John Montego insulted rival John Wilkes by saying upon my soul Wilkes I don't know whether you'll die upon the gallows or of syphilis towards Wilkes replied by saying that will depend my Lord on whether I embrace your principles or your mistress ooh but can I speak to the man in your haircut wow I really can't believe how people could be so judgmental over a flippin haircut yes my hair has been different lengths of this style for years I've got nothing but compliments on my hair but then again everyone's Adele's are their own opinions but you don't have to be such jerks about it would you like to speak to the page administrator about this lady's a priest I know is Forrest on Sunday to a school Manette Mass to cover her shoulders please help the priest to protect the purity of the men at Holy Mass by choosing a dress modestly the alternative is awkward for all involved thank you and if your eye causes you to sin gouge it out it's better to enter the kingdom of God with only one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into hell Mach 947 if a man's purity is at risk and seeing a woman's shoulder you should plug out his eyes what is Hollywood gonna stop piggybacking off of classics by using a female lead and essentially remaking the same movies and for all of you feminists who say anything positive about this you're being taken advantage of by Hollywood they just see you as an easy target market Hollywood has become so lazy you know that Linda Hamilton is a leading woman in both Terminator 1 and 2 correct what is that from Arnold himself men wear $60 boxers for three dollars worth of wiener women were victorious secret panties for coochie that ain't no secret no vaccine in my day or my kids day and hey we all got it and survived I guess the older generations were just more robust in the days tender flowers if you hate advancement and the improvements modern technology has brought us so much get off Facebook and carve your whining into a stone tablet and that's the end of our slash murder by words if you liked the video leave a like down below I don't know I've been trying to find ways to end these videos and have you guys participate so what do you guys like today well what made you what made you go haha that's awesome today hear a funny joke yet have a good day at school yeah at a school for those kids out of school isn't it like in America didn't we already get out of school my long going on too long subscribe for more content and as always I'll be seeing you [Music]
Channel: EmKay
Views: 2,765,402
Rating: 4.910183 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, subreddit, best of reddit, r/ top posts, top posts, top posts of all time, reddit top posts, 100% True stories, reddit true stories, top all time, reddit posts, sorrow tv, rslash, giofilms, r/murderedbywords, r/murdered by words, r/mudered by words emkay, emkay murdered by words, emkay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 27sec (687 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2019
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