Roasting our Trash Taste in Manga | Trash Taste #61

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- Oh my God! Connor, Joey! What are those amazing mugs you've got there? - Sorry, I couldn't hear you over the staring at my beautiful mug! The Trash Taste Mug, with a lid! - Oh my God! - Oh my God, is that the Trash Taste Mug that you can get from - And, there's only two weeks left as well. - There's only two weeks left, gentlemen. - Well, I better snatch my mug now. There's only two weeks left. At (Joey gasps) - It comes with a lid! - $29.99 plus shipping. Two weeks left, and once the two weeks are gone, they're gone forever. So, you better go to it right now, and snag it if you haven't yet. - Oh my God. I wish I just knew about to get these mugs right now. - I'm just so grateful that I have a perfectly sized mug for any beverage of my wanting. - And, it's got a lid so you can keep cold things cold and warm things warm. (Garnt laughing) - Joey just explained science. Back to the episode. (Joey beatboxing) - Fucking love that meme. - I'm literally cumming. (Joey beatboxing) - I just want to cum. (Joey beatboxing) - Here we go! (upbeat music) - Welcome to this episode of "Trash Taste" with me, your host Connor, and the boys, Joey and Garnt. - That's us. - Yes, that's us. - Now-- - Nice of you to be hosting the manga episode, right? - I was going to get into that, Garnt. - Okay. - We're all gentlemen here. We're all connoisseurs of the fine arts. We all read words. - You know the Trash Taste law. You know our character development, - Yeah. - And you know, the best reader of all time is obviously Connor. - Exactly. - That's true. I am reading. That's it. - Librarians wish they could have Connor's brain right now. - They wish they could access this fountain of knowledge. (Joey laughing) - And we thought obviously, the best host for the manga-centric episode, which we are going to be doing today- - We don't choose hosts, Garnt. (Garnt laughing) It's a rotation. - Yeah, and it just, the stars aligned. They were sending us a message, it's like, "It's Connor's turn." - Connor must host. - Do the manga episode. - This episode. Yeah, so that's what we're doing today. - I like how you've hosted the Doujins episode as well, I just realized by complete chance. And now, you've also hosted the manga episode, right? - What can I say, I read. - Yeah. (everybody laughing) - I'm somewhat of a reader myself. (everybody laughing) Anyway, yeah as we've said, this is the manga episode of "Trash Taste" where we're going to be discussing our favorite mangas on our favorite preferred methods. It's going to be the three-by-three, which you see on there. - We've talked about manga in the past in a lot of different episodes, but I don't think we've actually established what our all-time favorite mangas, or like our manga "tastes", quote unquote. - Yeah, it's really weird because when we were thinking about what haven't we specifically talked about on theme in an episode? And I was like, "Wait a minute, we've never talked about manga." And for some reason, I just assumed that we already had. - Yeah. - Because it feels like we have, right? - Yeah, yeah definitely. - But like, it just was like- - I was like, we did the anime one so obviously we did the manga ones as well, right? - Yeah, right. - And of course, I was thinking about the fact that I wonder, because the movie one that we did recently is probably going to have a lot more variation. I feel like there must be some more overlap this time, right? - Yeah, I really don't know. - Like there's one or two where I'm like, "I'm pretty sure if it's not on your list, you would put it on your list anyway." - There's at least one I know that I probably... I mean you're kind of limited in your... I mean you're so expansive. - I mean, I know I've probably got at least one that's the same as you. I think I might have one that's the same as Joey as well. - Here's what I realized when I recently read "Records of Ragnarok." - [Garnt] Yeah. - Is that I've only read really long running manga. - [Garnt] Yeah. - [Joey] Right. - I don't think I've read a single manga that had like less than 150 chapters. - I would actually agree with you on that. Okay so I realized when picking my three-by-three is that there isn't that much choice or there isn't as much choice as there is in the anime world, right? Of like manga that really left a deep impression on me. And that's because like manga, if you watch a season of anime, it actually takes less time to consume it than reading a really, long running manga series. Because if it's like a one shot, or like a one volume kind of thing, it probably was not going to leave that deep of an effect on me. - I don't know, man. I've read a lot of one shots that were like, "man, this is dead-ass better than some like twenty chapter plus like shows." - Yeah, like the "Death Note Donald Trump" one shot. (everyone laughing) That was good. That left an impression on me. I didn't expect to see manga Donald Trump, but... - True that. And we saw it in the best art-style as well. - Yeah yeah. - Give him a fucking fist pump to Ryoku. (group laughing) - Honestly, that one shot, I didn't realize- - It's amazing. - I didn't realize how much I missed "Death Note" until I read that one shot. And I was like, "Damn we kinda need a sequel to 'Death Note'." - He was just playing with us. That's the worst part is that it was like, the Pro coming back and just styling on everyone and then being like, "See you by the way." (group laughing) You know what I mean? Just being like, "I could come back, I could kill it." - It's like that villain wrestler, who just comes in clotheslines, then leaves. (group laughing) - Builds all your furniture. Leaves. It's like, "Oh shit, okay, that was cool." - Oh cool, thank you. - But then I also realized making this three-by-three is that I really haven't read as much manga as I have watched anime. I mean, I'm unfortunately not the manga man. That's probably Joey, right? - [Connor] I think in your head you feel like manga is easier? Maybe, because you can speak... You can read Japanese fluently. Maybe it is, because you can just pick them up. You can just go to the store, pay two bucks, get the manga, and you're good to go. - I mean, as someone called, "The Anime Man", I obviously read a lot more manga than I watch anime. - Yeah, you read more manga As we all know by now. - Go figure. - The running meme. And I do think that if that was the case, I think I would probably read more. - [Joey] Yeah. - But I think because of the fact that I'm not... I do enjoy reading digitally. I like the ease of it, but I do find that it's a little more, I don't know, it feels harder to get into. - [Joey] Yeah. - I don't know why. - Did you mean digitally? - Yeah. When I'm reading it, I like it. - Yeah. - Yeah. - But it's getting into it where I'm like, I don't know. Because when you see it in the store, you can pick it up, you can flick through. You're like, "Oh, okay." - There's no better feeling than like a physical page turner. - Yeah. - Right, right. That's how you really get into it. Especially with manga because, unlike normal books, you have to actually just read it. Manga it pops right out. You can see, oh, okay well damn, okay. - You can look at it close-by as well. - It just feels right. It feels much better. - It feels like I'm reading. You know what I mean? It really feels like I'm reading. - [Connor] Right. - Just something about it. - It feels more special, and it feels a bit more intimate, I guess. I guess like most of the manga that I put on my three-by-three, I actually read on paper. - Oh okay. - And I feel like, I don't know if that's a complete coincidence. Some of them... Some manga I know are really good and I purposely will not read it unless it's physical copies. - Yeah Other manga, I kind of maybe read online and if it's like good, then I try and go out of my way to buy physical copies. - Yeah, but I mean, like I was saying, I think that for me at least a little bit, anime is slightly easier to consume. It really depends. I don't really understand how I consume manga. - It depends on... - I don't really get it. I like to think I understand, but I don't think I get what I'm doing. - It depends on the series for me, definitely. Like there are some where it's just like, I really fucking struggled to like get into the manga. But for some reason it's really easy to watch the anime and vice versa. - Yeah also another thing when I was picking my three-by-three is that I tried not to pick titles that already had like a big anime adaptation or something that I watched the anime, and I feel like it doesn't make a difference. - So you're trying to be that guy of like, "I don't watch the main, I don't read the mainstream." - No, because like... - Trying to be artsy boy - For example like, I don't think there's any point in me putting "One Piece," on my three-by-three. - As good as the manga reads, right. - Because the manga- - I feel fucking haunted with everyone asking me, "Why haven't I started it yet?" (Joey laughing) - Yeah, because like the manga is amazing, but I feel like, with that, you could either read the manga or watch the anime, and you could either have like a good experience on each and as long as you put it- - I don't think there's a single person watching "Trash Taste" that doesn't know what "One Piece" is. - Yeah, and I'm just like, "Do I really need to tell my 'Trash Taste' viewers that I am a 'One-Piece' fan?" Like dude, do you really need to know that? - I was in my Japanese class this morning. And they was like, they made me listen to like Japanese people speak, and tell them what they were saying. And I got totally thrown off in one audio clip because there was a woman talking about her dress, but it's one piece. - One piece! - And I was like, "oh, she likes red 'One Piece'?" (laughing) What? I was like so thrown, and I couldn't listen to the rest of it because I'm like, "Did she just say 'One Piece'? Like the anime? Shit, she's a bit of a weeb." - And you just like the PTSD of the internet. And you're just like- - [Connor] Yeah, yeah I was like "One Piece!" (Connor grunting excitedly) I can't escape it! - I remember like... When I was first getting into "One Piece," I really wanted to buy the manga volumes. So obviously anime- - You typed 'One Piece.' - Yeah yeah, I typed in 'One Piece' on eBay and I'm just like, "Don't give me a fucking dress, I want the manga. Give me the manga." And I scroll down. It's just like dress, dress, dress, dress, dress. It's like, goddammit. - All right, gentlemen. It's time. - Okay. - All right. Trash box can decide it all. - All right. Man, we got some real mileage out of this. Dollar, dollar... - Thanks Navvy you're the real MVP here. - [Male Speaker] He's my son. (item jiggling in container) - 4K hearing. - 4K trash box good. - [Joey] Who's going first? - All right. First up, let me get the trash. - [Garnt] All right. - [Joey] Oh yeah. - First up is, Connor spelled incorrectly. - Conner. - Conner. - Who did this? Someone's getting fired. - [Garnt] Conner. - [Joey] Conner. - It's an 'O'! (group laughing) I'm kidding. Yeah I'm first. I think I've actually only read, coincidentally, like nine manga. - I can probably name all nine that you've read. - Well you don't need to cheat. - Wait, wait, wait can we make a guess? Can we make a guess before, before you show them? - [Joey] Do we want to? - I'm not going to confirm if you're right or wrong. You can just say. - Okay, okay. - All right. - Well obviously "Jojo." - "Jojo: Part Seven." - Yeah. - "Berserk." - Yup. - "Claymore?" (Joey laughing) - "Eyeshield 21." - "Eyeshield", "Gantz." - "Gantz." - That's five. - "Records of Ragnarok?" - No, that wouldn't be in there. (Joey laughing) There's something... what's what's like. - There's something else. - What's the cockroach one again? - Oh, "Terraform!" - [Garnt] Oh, "Terraform." - Oh shit, I didn't put that on. - Oh. - Oh damn! (Garnt laughing) - We'll talk about that. - Yeah. - We'll talk about that as well. What else has he read? "Vinland Saga?" - Yeah, "Vinland Saga." - That's seven. I can't think of any more, that he's read. - "Death Note" maybe? - Maybe. - Did you read "Death Note" or watch it? - I think he watched it. - All right, okay, you know what? Let's find out. - We've got, we've got seven. - You're going to kick yourself when you missed, you missed one that you're going to be like, "Of course." - I know there's one that's like, very obviously we missed. - All right Ashley pull it up. Put it up. - Put it up on the screen. - [Joey] Oh "One Punch Man." - [Connor] Yeah "One Punch Man." - [Garnt] Oh "One Punch Man" of course. - [Joey] Oh and "Black Butler." Oh and... (Joey laughing) - [Garnt] "You Are My Princess!" - So I just got to do a bit of self promo here real quick. I love this manga so much that I made an audio book of it. You can go buy it by the way on Book Walker. - [Garnt] Oh my god. - "You Are My Princess" full audio book edition is available. - We do not condone of this self promo. - Yeah I wasn't allowed to do this, but I'm going to do it again anyway, just by the way. It's actually okay. - That's where "Terraformers" would go. - Yeah. - Okay, okay we'll get into Terra... I'll quickly, actually I will... Let me touch on this. It's actually, genuinely, a really good BL story. - Okay. - Yeah. - If you ever want to get into BL, it's good, man. It's about a guy who's like, "Yeah, dude. I like this guy, but I don't, I don't know this isn't normal. Right?" But then he, but then yeah, he really likes the guy. (dramatic squeal) - That's literally every Yaoi. - Yeah. - No, a lot of them are really rapey. - Oh yeah, that's true. - A lot of them are like, "Oh, you don't like me. Well, let me make you cum and that'll change your mind." And it's like... - Cyber punk music playing! - It's like, hold on, wha, what? (Joey laughing) It's like isn't this, isn't this... and then everyone's like, "No no, don't say it." - [Joey] No no. - It's not weird. It's only weird if you make it weird. - Shut up, it's hot. - But it's actually a really wholesome manga. And yeah, if you want to listen to it in audio book form, you can officially license. - Anyway, do you want to go through the list in case there are some that.. - In case we didn't, mention them already? - Yep, so you've got most of them, right? - [Garnt] Yeah. - [Connor] "Claymore", "One Punch Man", "Beserk", "Jojo", "Black Butler", "Gantz", "Vinland Saga", and "Eyeshield 21." - I wasn't expecting "Black Butler" there for some reason. - Actually, I- - Yeah. - I thought you were more of a fan of the anime. - I didn't realize you read the manga of that. - Yeah. - I've read, what chapter did I read up to? I've read a good chunk of "Black Butler." I haven't caught up. 'Cause I know that a bunch of shit happened and there's a lot of big plot twists that I know about, but I haven't read yet. - [Garnt] Right. - But I've read most of "Black Butler" and it's so, so much better in manga format than anime. (Joey laughing) - [Garnt] Yeah. - [Joey] Really? - Okay, the first season is basically like kind of like a, I don't know, episodical slice of life kind of thing. That doesn't really progress the story that much. - [Joey] Yeah. - [Connor] And the second season is just non-canonical- - Right, right. - [Connor] of "Black Butler." (Connor laughing) - It's so bad, sorry. (incoherent chatter) - [Connor] Water just fell down. - [Garnt] I just dripped on myself again. - Did you miss your mouth? (group laughing) - Cue another montage of me not being able to drink liquids. - It's a shame, right. 'Cause it's the whole meme, right. I kind of, I don't really talk about it 'cause I don't want to be. - [Garnt] Yeah. - [Joey] Yeah. - You know people will kind of want to be like, "Oh, he's the 'Black Butler' guy." - [Joey] Yeah. - [Garnt] Yeah. - I don't mind talking about it now. But yeah, the third season of "Black Butler," the anime is based on like the manga and it's amazing. Like it's like a really morbid part. It's really dark and you kind of realize how good it can be. - [Joey] Right. - [Garnt] Yeah. - But yeah, the manga is a really, really good, good read. And I'd recommend it if you kind of like the idea of "Black Butler," but don't want to go through with the anime. - [Joey] Yeah. - And I wouldn't have read it if it wasn't for my YouTube videos. - Yeah. - Yeah, because like I've heard the second season of "Black Butler," is that different from the manga? - Yeah, it's totally... - That's what I heard. - They just made it up. - I think it's an anime original, yeah. - It's completely terrible. It's universally like hated. - Okay. - But like genuinely, you give the manga a shot, it's pretty good. - So what's like, different about the manga than the anime that you would recommend the manga over it? - Well, it's like way more serious, way more like it doesn't like fuck around and it doesn't really feel like, cause the anime very much feels like it's kind of just, Yaoi bait at times. - [Garnt] Yeah. - [Connor] Like it just feels like- - It's definitely trying to pertain towards its audience. - Yeah and it's very, and the first season, again, it's very casual. It doesn't really... it does cover a lot of the same things, but it does it in a way that I've just, I think, okay, eh. - I watched season one of the anime, and I thought it was like... - It's fun. It's fun. But manga does it so much better. - Yeah. - It does it so much more justice. - And I feel Toboso Yana's, like, art style was a lot just like more gritty and like kinda dark. - It's so good. - [Joey] Yeah. - But she gets better as well and it's so good. And the third season of "Black Butler" covers like a circus arc and it's so good. And the anime does it justice. - Book of cir... - Book of Circus. - Book of Circus, yeah. - And it's actually so good. - So is like the anime finished now? Or, is the manga finished, sorry. - I think the manga is still going. - The manga is still ongoing. - Oh it's still going! - It's still going, yeah. It's quite long running and I don't know how many volumes are on. I think we're over like 13 at this point. I think it's quite... - I think it's way more than that. - Yeah quite a lot. - I think it's like over 20 now. - Is it really over 20? Fuck, I think I've only read up to like 10. - [Joey] Right. - But I really enjoyed it. I don't know why I stopped. I'm probably going to read it at some point. - [Garnt] Yep. - Because you know when you catch up to a certain point, you're like, "I'm done." - [Garnt] Yeah because- - [Connor] I don't know. I don't know what I want to do. - Yeah because for me, my manga reading habits is that I just love binge reading manga so much. - Yeah, same. I can't, once I start a manga, I can't stop. - Oh, we're on volume 30 now. - Volume 30 of "Black Butler!" - I know I've read over half I think. - [Joey] Right. - But I don't know how long ago that was, because I think what was happening is I got really burned out on it. - [Joey] Yeah. - Because I read so much of it. - [Garnt] Yeah. - In like the space of a week. - And your entire career was consistently that. - Yeah and then, then that happened. Then I got... Which I think this is probably going to remind me to get back into it. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Because with "One Punch," I did that as well, which we'll talk about later. - Yeah. - But genuinely I think, even though if you've seen the show, I would give it a shot. - Yeah I've definitely, I did remember giving the "Black Butler" manga a go. - [Connor] Yeah. - Like after I finished watching season one, because I had just, at that point, season two had already finished airing and I just heard, "Don't watch season two." So I was like, all right. Time for the manga then. And then I just never got to it. - Yeah. And there's some... It's really, really dark at times. Like you forget like the main premise is that in "Black Butler," he's a demon and that he's made a contract with him to have his life at the end. And like, they kind of play off it a lot in the anime and make it seem like, "Oh, oh, it's kind of hot, hot. Mmm okay." You know? (group laughing) But yeah, in the manga, they constantly remind you sometimes like, "Oh shit. He just like, murders people." - [Joey] Yeah. - Like straight up. And they're not afraid of like showing like really morbid stuff. - [Joey] Damn. - There's some really good plot twist, you know? Like I won't spoil some of them, but there's some really fucked up shit that happens in that. - [Joey] Okay okay. - [Garnt] Yeah. - And it's really worth giving it a shot, even though all the stereotypes, not stereotypes, but the... what's the word? - Facade, I guess. - Facade or the preconceptions that a lot of the Western anime fans have. - [Garnt] Yeah. - [Joey] Yeah. - Because I think in Japan, it's pretty fucking popular I think. - Oh yeah. It is. But it's popular, but it definitely does have like a strong female audience. - Yeah I mean, Sebastian is iconic. - [Joey] Yeah. - I mean being the sexy man of anime. - I mean he was like the sexy man of anime for like the early to mid 2000's. - I'd still argue if you make a list of top five sexiest anime characters, Sebastian's on there. - [Joey] Yeah. - [Garnt] Yeah. - He is just sexy. Yeah, British! - He just has that like cult following. - Lets hit the pubs lads. (group laughing) - It's "Black Butler" innit. - Like he's just an icon of his time. For like anime and manga at the time. Like for like...there's a few, like I'd say characters in like anime that just personified a certain character trait. - [Connor] Yeah. - Like you think of Yandere for our generation, it's fucking Yuna Gasa, you know what I mean? You think sexy man, it's Sebastian from "Black Butler." - Yeah. - [Connor] Yeah. - I don't think anyone's replaced him yet. - [Connor] Yeah, no. - I mean the one that got close was maybe like Yuri from "Yuri On Ice." - Yeah, but even then like- - Even then. - Even then, yeah, yeah. - I don't think he's as charming as Sebastian, yeah. - It's the staple. Sebastian is just a staple of like, it's like the sexy butler, but also just very suave, very charismatic. - [Garnt] Yeah. - He is very entertaining and I feel like Sebastian, it does carry a lot of the time because it was just so fun. And even though he is like obedient, he's just, he makes it so entertaining. - [Joey] Yeah. And you know, again, even my videos, I didn't even remotely do him justice. He's such a, he's so witty and so clever in the anime, in the manga, sorry. Where it's just it's so he's so fun to watch. And the, you know, the third season of the anime is good and the Book of Murder, I think it's called, is that correct? Book of Murder is pretty fun. It's like kind of like a mini who done it. - [Joey] Right. - Within like in like two hours. It's pretty fun. - That's cool. - Yeah, and it's obviously Sebastian solves everything and does it magically which is always fun. Cause it's like- - My man! - Because it's like, what if Sakamoto became a butler later on in life? That is, that is Sebastian. - I feel like Sebastian and Sakamoto are just like twins separated at birth. You know what I mean? - Yeah, they are literally the same person. Like Sakamoto is just Sebastian in school. Like because they literally have the same kind of like... Maybe Sakamoto is a little more tongue in cheek. - [Joey] Yeah. - [Garnt] Yeah. - But Sebastian very much has the same kind of visual humor a lot of the time. And does like a lot of, you know, the joke is often that he is just so insanely competent that everything is- - Right, right. - Just so OP. - He's literally OP as fuck, but it's amazing. Like it's so good. I just love it. It's so, and it's, I feel like there's not a manga that has the same feeling as "Black Butler." I don't think there's a single manga that feels like it. Or anime show that it has the same kind of vibe. - Yeah. I feel it definitely like created a staple for that kind of genre. - [Connor] For sure. - Like there's probably a lot of manga that's imitating "Black Butler." - [Connor] A hundred percent, hundred percent. - Yeah. - Because there's not many manga out there that do like deal with like pretty intense themes. They have like all these like thriller aspects. They also have the, you know, the parts that appeal to the Fuja, it's quite a lot, right. - [Garnt] Yeah. - [Joey] Yeah. - So it kind of mixes a lot of genres together. And I think even Yana Tobaso herself said that she didn't even know what genre she'd put it in because it's so, it touches on so many genres throughout the manga. - [Garnt] Yeah. - [Joey] Yeah. - That's why I think it's super unique and worth reading. - [Joey] Okay. - Did you watch the anime or read the manga first? - Anime first. - Okay. I should've expected that actually. - So anime, I watched the anime and, you know, I thought... I just watched it and I thought it was kind of meh. It was kind of boring. (Connor laughing) I thought it was okay. I thought season two was God awful. - [Joey] Yeah. - [Garnt] Yeah. And at this time Book of Circus hadn't came out yet. And basically I did that and then someone was like, "Oh, you should, you should just do like character impressions for my YouTube channel." I was like "Oh, okay." And I did a few and then Sebastian just happened to be the one that I tried first, and I thought I sounded nothing like him. (Joey laughing) - Posh British Butler guy, right? - Yeah, everyone's like, "Oh my god it's him!" But then looking back, I'm like, it doesn't even sound like Jay Michael Taylor at all, but you know, I'm sure he was offended that people were comp- I'd be offended. (Joey and Garnt laughing) And then I did that and then I got, you know, I got surrounded by people who loved it and kept like telling me, read it, read it, read it. And I was like reluctant. I was like, no. - So wait what was, what was the first manga you ever read? Is it on the three-by-three? That you like distinctly, remember. - It might've been "Black But"- No, it must have been "Black Butler." Yeah, it must've was "Black Butler." It was Black Butler and I didn't read any for like two years. (Joey laughing) - He just thought "manga equals 'Black Butler.'" - Because I, the reason why I actually got into it, I remember this now, 'cause I did a manga dub of part of the, I can't remember what the boat arc's called. The Campania Arc? Campaign? - Just the boat arc. - The boat arc. - The Book of Atlantic, is it? Book of Atlantic maybe is what it's called because they made a movie about it. I haven't watched the movie. I did a comic dub of a portion of that. And so yeah, I just ended up reading it because I was like, "Oh, this arc looks cool." And I had it out of context. And I was like, "Oh, okay, well this is cool. I'm going to go read the rest." And I start reading it and I read it past that point. And then I stopped. - [Joey] Right. - But everything before I enjoyed it. But I'm probably going to go finish it. - Yeah, because what I want to know is that I'm looking at most of these and I'd say a lot of these have come from recommendations literally from us telling you to go like go out and read it. - I know exactly which ones Garnt recommended. I know which ones I recommended. - So do it in the order of I watched them, I read them. - Yeah, yeah go for it. - Okay so next up was "One Punch Man." - Okay. - Yeah so what inspired you to read "One Punch Man?" - I guess the anime, right? - Season one was too good. Like how can you, you can't cock block me like that, right? Like season one was so good and I saw the manga and I was like, "Oh." A lot of the times when I'd see the manga and when I wanted to go further, like past the anime, I would start reading the manga and I'd be like, "Eh, it's not the same." But "One Punch" was the one where I was like, "Holy shit this is insane." Like this, this artwork is just insane. - Yeah, I noticed you have two Murate Yusuke manga. - Yeah, I love his art man. His art is something. - He's a beast. - And he's so good at visually conveying like- - Action. - Action and also just kind of like metaphors I've seen. - God, yeah. Let's talk about... I swear, like, because I think especially in sports anime. Sports anime, a lot of times, live and die by the metaphor. - Yeah. - Right because how can you- - Because concepts need to be explained. - Yeah yeah. 'Cause like how can you convey a certain move or certain like aspect of a sport that people who are, do not understand a sport can easily understand. You go for metaphors. And by far the manga that does the best visual metaphors is "Eyeshield 21." - Yeah, yeah. - Fuck your "Haikyuu" and your fucking crows or whatever. - This is why I would want him to do a chess anime. He would explain the concept of chess through metaphors amazingly. - [Garnt] Yeah. - [Joey] Yeah. - He'd be like, "This is a pen." And he'd figure out some weird fucking way of showing it. I would love that, but sadly, it's not popular in Japan, chess. Big RIP. But yeah, "One Punch Man." I just like, dude, this one was, still to this day, one of my favorite mangas. Out of all of these, I still think that "One Punch Man" is maybe one of my favorites. Fuck it's so hard. It's- - Yeah, that's the difficult one, because you have "Jojo" there as well. - Because "Jojo" is there as well. And I think "Jojo" might be my favorite obviously, but I think "Jojo" is my fave is like, 'cause I have a difference between my favorite and the one I enjoyed the most. - Yeah. - Right. - And I think I enjoyed "One Punch Man" the most because it was just pure fun. - [Garnt] Yeah. - [Joey] Yeah. - But "Jojo" is my favorite because there's so much about Jojo that I love. And I love the style of Jojo. I love all of that. And I feel like Jojo's so much more than just the manga. It's an experience. (Garnt laughing) - It's not just a manga, it's the culture. - You know, you don't just read "Jojo"- - You live it. - You live it, you experience it. You become Jojo. - There's just something about "Jojo" which we'll talk about later. But just there's something about it. But "One Punch Man", man, like I finished season one and I was like, "Okay, I'm going to check it out. I'm going to see what happens after." 'Cause it ends... Because I mean, after you watched the Boros Fight, which you know, if you haven't, if you don't know what "One Punch Man" is, I'm going to explain it to you. It's a guy who beats everyone in one punch. That's literally it. - And he's a man. - And at the end of the season one of the anime, he has this amazing fight that is so visually stunning and just amazing. And it's so hype, it's probably one of the coolest animated fights in anime. And I was like, "Okay, I have to know where this can go." Because everyone's saying the story's amazing onwards. So I started reading it and I was like, "Oh, okay. This is pretty cool." The next arc starts. And I'm like, "Okay, this is really interesting." - [Joey] Yeah yeah. - [Garnt] Right. - Because we start the what's known, as the Monster Arc. - And the Garoah arc. - Garoah, yeah. - And they introduced Garoah, which is like one of the main characters going forward in the anime and manga and season two covers I probably say the beginning. Just barely the beginning of one of the... - It's a long arc, yeah. - It's very long, it's still ongoing on the manga. Yeah, I started reading it and I was like, "Goddamn, this man's drawings are just another level." Like actually insane. - It's insane because I remember reading "One Punch Man" before the anime came out because everyone was hyping it up. So I was like, it was the one show when I'm just like, "Let me just, let me just see. Let me just read like a chapter or two just to see." - You can't read a chapter or two. - What can I, what I can expect. So I tried reading a chapter or two and then I read everything that was out. - You can't. You can't pick that up and not read everything. It's impossible. - And then I remember reading it and being like, "There's no way the anime is going to live up to this hype." I was just like, "There's no fucking way." But like not because the art is like, I think some of the best art that's available. I mean- - Dude when you turn... There's a panel, right? Where Sitoma punches so hard, the clouds split. - [Garnt] Yeah. - [Joey] Yeah. - And in this panel, you like the detail on the Earth and the clouds is insane. - Yeah, no, there's some panels that are literally just animated key frames. Where you read it and it's, it's just like, it's just like an anime because it's just basically key frames, right? So like, I was very, very impressed at, you know, the team at Madhouse for being able to put their own spin on his amazing, fucking art. Like living up to this amazing art. But even without that, "One Punch Man" is some of the best battle shonen in like- - Hundred percent. - Art that you can find in all of anime and manga. - Yeah. And I think that I'm very glad that "One Punch Man" season one was animated the way there was because I think anime season one is more of a comedy and then season two onwards is an action. I feel like the comedy very much takes a backseat after the first arc. - Well yeah because I mean you can only do so much with that single concept right? - [Connor] Yeah. But like the way that they made it work every time was so genius and funny. Like "One Punch Man" season one is one of the funniest shows in anime. - Yeah I agree. - And in the manga, I feel that although the art is much better, I feel like the comedy doesn't hit as hard because the comedic timing is super important for jokes. And I feel like you can't have as good comedic timing when you're reading something as when you were experiencing it. The joke. I think it's just like a different experience or a different like- - It's a different type of comedy. - [Connor] But a joke read aloud will always be funnier than a joke you've read. Like that's just- (Garnt exclaiming hesitation) - I don't know. - I disagree. - I thought that too until I read like stuff like "Gin Tama." - Yeah but I've bet the "Gin Tama" animes delivers the lines funnier. - I dunno. It's hard to say. Like sometimes it does, yes. But then there are some chapters that I... I think "Gin Tama" is the only manga that's genuinely made me laugh out loud reading it. And that's like a very powerful thing to say right? 'Cause like, again, it's like, as you said, a joke is much funnier said out loud. - Yeah. But it's like timing, timing, you know, have anything playing into the joke. There's so many aspects that can help elevate the joke in anime. - I think that comes down to, at least with manga, how good you are at like framing, right. And I think Munata Yuske is so fucking good at framing like a concept that he can just somehow do that with comedy as well. Like he already proved it with "Eyeshield 21's", like, action scenes. - [Connor] Oh yeah. - [Garnt] Right. - And he, this man can also do comedy as well. I'm like, "What can this man not do?" - Yeah. I've read the original one rap comic. - Oh yeah. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. How was that? - Yeah. It's, it's a, it's a lot harder to go to. (group laughing) But also I noticed- - [Joey] So explain one can't draw. That's why he got (indistinct) - [Connor] So the original, yeah, the original "One Punch Man" is a web comic. I'm sure you guys know this. It's a web comic and then Murata Yusuke picked it up and was like, "Hey, let me draw good for you." Like real good. And then published in Shonnen, not Jump, it used to be Jump, right? - Jump Plus. - Jump Plus now. It's once a month, which is painful because I think Wandered Weekly... Is... I believe the web comics over now, right? Is it? - Kind of, I guess it's not over, it's just on hiatus. - [Connor] Oh okay. - Because I've read up to everything that's out and it's just kind of in the middle of an arc right now. - [Connor] Yeah. - But like the manga right now is adapting its so- - It's in the monster arc still. - Yeah, it's still in the monster arc. So it's taken the web comic as kind of like a, like a basis, and just really expanding on that. - Yeah. I've noticed because they've in the differences between the manga and the web comic is that they've put aspect of the story that happened. They've moved them around in the manga into like better timings. - [Garnt] Yeah, yeah. - Like there's some characters that got their backstory in the web comic a certain time that they were shifted to them when they were having a fight, they got the flashback and the backstory, like there's a superhero called Super Black Alloy. (group laughing) Who is a man that is super muscular. - [Joey] Yeah. - That's his thing. And he gets his flashback in a different time. But in the actual, the redone manga, he gets it during one of his fights with Garoah. - [Joey] Right. - Which I noticed was like, "Oh, okay. That's interesting." I didn't know they were mixing things around. - [Joey] Right. - But yeah, the manga is, oh my God, just take one look at some of these panels and you'll be, yeah, you'll be reading it for sure. - Yeah. - It's definitely one of the best action manga I've ever read. If not the best, honestly. - Yeah it's hard. I can't think of anything that in terms of just pure action and fights that comes close in mind. I mean but I haven't read many, so I can't say it, but (indistinct)- - I mean I still think it's one of the best. - It's definitely one of the best. - This episode is sponsored by ExpressVPN. - Fuck we started. (Joey laughing) - [Garnt] Using the internet without ExpressVPN is like taking a call on the train or bus on speaker for everyone to hear. And who wants to do that? - No one. - Joey did you know that your internet service provider can see every single website you visit? - You're joking. - No, I'm not joking. - I might as well just strip in front of them. - But did you know there's a way that you can stop it. - How? - By using ExpressVPN goddamit. They won't even see a website that you go to. - [Garnt] ExpressVPN creates a secure, encrypted tunnel between your device and the internet. So people can't peep on your online activity. - It's really easy to use. Just fire up the app and click one button and you're connected to the internet in a different country. - [Joey] Plus it's rated number one by SeenIt, Wired, The Verge. Works on your phones, laptops, even routers. So everyone who shares your WiFi can be protected. - Honestly, I use it all the time. It's super easy. It works on phone, laptop. Like you said, you literally just start it up, press one button and it's like done in seconds. - I mean you've been using it to watch the Olympics right? Right now? - Yep. It's super good. It just works. - It works. - It just works. - I have no complaints. - Secure your online activity today by visiting That's And you can get an extra three months for free. - Links in the description. Back to the show. - I really like, as we said, "Terraformers." "Terraformers" is a great action. - That was a great manga. - But like the story is kind of meh at times. - [Joey] Yeah. - But the action is spot on. It's so cool. Actually, we spoke about "Terraformers" before, but "Terraformers" is just, it's a manga which is one of my favorites. And it has like a ridiculous amount of chapters. I think like 400 something I think it has. - It's like 30.. - It has a lot. - It's almost 30 volumes, I think. - Yeah, and it's like, I think they just started a new arc when I stopped reading it. And it felt like it was going to be the last and biggest arc and I was like, "Fuck me." - I think it's already finished. - Is it finished? - I think. - Has it? - I don't know. - No way. - Because I only read up to around like volume, like, 11 or 12. - So the concept of "Terraformers", which dude I was so fucking sold on this concept, 'cause I was like, that's fucking badass. - Yeah it's very cool. - So they sent a mission to explore the moon. And when they got there, there was cockroaches that could just, they were just ripped like... - GigaChad. - GigaChad cockroaches. - Someone has shot their fridge into the moon and it had cockroach on there. - Yeah, may bad. Sorry about that. It's like GigaChad cockroach. I know we spoken about "Terraformers" before in like the third episode or something. - Yeah it's been a while. - Yeah. - Yeah, so there's cockroaches on the moon and turns out they're not just any normal cockroaches. They're GigaChad cockroaches that are like super human beings. Super smart, but have the senses of cockroaches. - [Garnt] Yeah. - So this whole team dies that goes there and you see this right away. So it's not a spoiler. So then Earth goes in there like, "We must do something." So they go and get warriors or people they think are worthy to fight and they inject them in their DNA with insect DNA. - [Joey] Yeah insect DNA. - So each one of them has insect attributes. So one of them is like a praying mantis mixed with a human and so he can punch really like lightning fast. - One of them I think they injected with like a flea so they can jump really fucking high. - [Connor] Yeah, yeah. And one, this was and average sort, one of them got the, what is the? Fuck what's it called? It's the shrimp that can like flick at like? - [Joey] Oh the punching shrimp. - The mantis shrimp. - [Garnt] The mantis shrimp. - The mantis shrimp that can break glass by flicking the air in front of it. And I was like, "Oh shit. I know the mantis shrimp is bad ass." And so then they send them to the moon to go and do research and fight back against- - Fight the GigaChads. - And it's so fucking cool 'cause then it turns into like a political thing because obviously if there's shit on the moon, it's going to be a lot of countries arguing about what's going on there and who did it? Why was this here? How many, how many chapters they have? - [Producer] 22 Volumes. - 22 volumes? - Okay. - It is over or is it still going? - [Producer] It's 2000.. yeah it's over. - Oh, it's over? Okay I need to finish it then. - I guess this is just the Connor needs to catch up to manga episode. - I read it three years ago? - Yeah. - And it was still ongoing. Was it? When did it end? - A couple of years ago, right? - [Producer] 2014. - No. - I think it started in 2014, didn't it? - [Producer] It started in 2011. - Oh shit. - Wait when did it finish? - [Producer] 2014. - Really? There's no way I could have read everything because when I finished reading it, it was not done. - Yeah. It was still going at that point, I'm pretty sure. - Are you sure it's over? - [Producer] Yeah I double checked. - Okay. - Either way you need to catch up on it. - Either way I need to catch up and it was such a fun manga. And if you like "One Punch Man," I think you'll love "Terraformers." - I'm curious. How did you find "Terraformers?" - I watched the anime. - Oh. Oh my God! - I'm sorry. I'm sorry you had to go through that. - I'm so sorry, what convinced you from the anime to be like, "I'll read the manga, maybe the manga." - Maybe the manga's better. - From, okay, so "Terraformers" had an anime adaptation and it was notorious for being absolutely dreadful because what they did was they made this extremely gory anime and they were like, "This is great. Let's just censor everything." But they did it in the worst fucking way. They literally just put black dots and bars across the screen. So there was some scenes where you couldn't see anything. - [Joey] Yeah. - It's literally infamous because I remember when it first- - Put some screenshots on the screen. - Because I remember I read the "Terraformers" before the anime came out and I was just like, "How are they going to adapt this?" 'Cause some of these scenes are pretty brutal, pretty gory. - There are brutal yeah. - And then I saw that, I think a famous scene as well, like the cockroach is holding someone's head and he's just holding a black dot. - A black circle. - Because dude, this I, I'm still convinced, right, if this had like a good anime adaptation, like a solid animation, like not "One Punch Man" level, but close to it. - [Joey] Yeah. - [Garnt] Right. - Of the action scenes being done that well, this would be like fucking top 10 anime. - [Joey] Oh yeah, yeah. And that's why I was looking forward to it because I remember I got recommended the manga from one of my friends who, he was like, "Dude, you have to fucking read this. This is amazing." I read, I was like, "Oh!" - Because could you imagine the shock people would get when they're like, there's a scene right, where it's very early on so it's not really a spoiler, but one of the scenes 'cause all the teams drop in different locations on the moon. So you kind of get like play by plays of where all the different teams are on the moon. And one of the scenes where one team just goes out of the ship and immediately just, they see a flash and someone lost their head already and it's like, "Holy shit!" - [Joey] And it was like right after she was injected as well so it was like, "All right, here comes, Here comes the part where she kicks ass." And then immediately dies. - Yeah, yeah. And it's like, "Oh shit, that they're stronger." And it's like, everything about the show is so hype and like reading the manga, it's like, "Okay, how are they going to build on this?" And they just keep finding ways to make it more and more interesting. It's like, "Holy shit!" - And the art style is so good. - It's so good! - The art is so good! - The art is so good. - Like the manga just never stops kicking off. It's like permanently, just kicking off. - It's called really popping off. - Yeah there's always fights. And if there's not fights, there's some like "Game of Thrones" political shit going on. And it's like, "All right. Just because we're on the moon doesn't mean that China doesn't hate Russia." Like there's stuff going on. And then it's like, it's so it's so good. Yeah. And I love how they introduce, like I love it when shows, when there's a lot of characters that is like, this is the character, this is where they're from. This is the height. This is their ability. And you're like, "Sick, sick. Thanks." Now I can mentally remember that information. - Yeah 'cause how I discovered "Terraformers" is moving on to the next show on your list which is "Gantz." Like I, I literally finished "Gantz" and I was like, "I need more shows like 'Gantz.'" - It's very reminiscent on "Gantz." - I think it's just like how brutal and unpredictable, like unpredictable it is in terms of who's going to live, who's going to die. And I feel like it's, you know, it's the meme wedge where if you can't predict what's going to happen or who's going to die, it's like, oh, it's kind of like the "Game of Thrones." But like the first time I actually was like properly shocked at who lived and who died was fucking "Gantz." - Yeah. - [Connor] Yeah. - Which I don't know if, how much we can go into spoilers about "Gantz." But like, you cannot predict who dies. - It's insane, it's insane. - Yeah. - And the anime was like, it was decent. It was pretty solid as well. - [Connor] Yeah I feel like if you are between the ages of like, even though you shouldn't be reading this for 16, but if you are the age of 16- - No this is like the perfect... I think I've watched the anime when I was 16 years old. - This is like the most I'm 16. And I want to be experiencing badass shit. (guys laugh) Because, okay, there's a scene that happens very early on right. And this is quite graphic, where, so I wish I could explain the premise, right. So "Gantz", what happens is wait, how does it very, very start. - It starts with the two main characters jumping in front of a train. - Yeah so- - Oh yeah that's, oh my God. That's right. - So the two characters die in a train crash or like they didn't- - And that scene was fucked as well. - So they died pretty brutally in a train crash. And afterwards they wake up in this room and this black circle has transported then to this room along with a lot of- - It's so fucking iconic. - Along with other people who have just died and the (indistinct)- - And everyone's wearing a suit, right. - And everyone's wearing a suit. They kind of look like they're wearing like gimp suits or whatever- - Morph suits. - Yeah. And they're told that they have to go kill this alien. - Oh wait, no, they don't wear the suits. They're told to wear the suits. - Yeah they're told to wear the suits. - Some people don't want to wear the suits. - And it looks, it looks like a fucking- - It does looks like a gimp suit. - It does kind of look like a gimp suit, right. - And there's just a moment in this anime, and the manga, it's a slight spoiler, but not really. Happens pretty early on. Where like a girl gets transported in the room and he's like a teenage boy and he's like, "Let's have sex." And she's like, "Okay." And they just have sex. And you see it. You're like, "Whoa, okay. What!" - And they don't do a "Terraformers" in the anime. They show it in the anime. - In the anime there's literally two sex scenes in the anime. - Yeah and he just starts having sex with her in the fucking hallway of this house. And it's like, "Whoa, okay. I haven't experienced this before in a manga and its just fucking happening. All right." - I don't even think Dojen's could get into the sex scenes. - Yeah it was literally a girl being like, "Do you want to have sex because we're dead?" - And he's like, "Yeah, sure." - Yeah. - And I remember watching, literally watching "Gantz," when I was about like, yeah, 15, 16. - It is the most, "I'm 16 and want a badass show." - And I'm just like, "Oh my God, they're showing a sex scene in an anime." - What do you mean even now when I, when I read it like last year. You know, it's one of those shows that there's nothing quite like it. Whoa this is really fresh. Holy Shit. I haven't experienced anything like this. - [Garnt] Yeah. - And it doesn't hold punches, you know? And the whole aspect is that they have to kill these demons that exist in the human world. - Aliens. - Yeah aliens. - Yeah, they say that there's been aliens that have been living in the human world and then they have to like kill them and so- - And they're worth points. And they have to get X amount of points to come back alive. - Yeah. - Exactly. Or, you know, there's, there's different things that they can do with points. They can bring people who have died before, back to life as well. The point is that to kill an alien first, you think it's like an easy thing to do, but like it's really, really, fucking difficult to kill these aliens. And every arc, there's a different alien that they need to kill and there's a different- - It's harder and harder. - And it gets harder and harder and progressively like more and more people die to the point where you can never really expect who's going to live and who's going to die. - Yeah. - And I remember like, I feel like the peak arc was part two, 'cause it's like separated into three parts. I think. - [Connor] Yeah. - I think part two was the best. Part three had some really, really good moments. I feel like there is a certain climax to "Gantz" that really like, it really, it made me really existential. - Yeah yeah I know what you're on about. - And without spoiling too specific details, when they find the creator of these balls, that fucking scene just like, I remember reading the events of that scene. And I'm just like, "Oh my God." - This man did like 10 tabs of LSD. It's so like give your gigabrain existentialism - I mean have you read anything else Oku Hiro? - Yeah I've I know he did the- - "Inuyashiki" was fucked. - Yeah I've heard. I know of the other stuff he's done and it's all fucked from what I've heard. - Yeah he did it in "Inuyashiki", the most recent one he did was this one called "Gigant." - I've heard of it. - "Gigant?" - Yeah "Gigant." It's like Gigith and Garnt put together. (guys laughing) - Is it another, just awful... - "Gigant" is also just like, I've started reading it. It's real- - Is it finished? - No, it's still going. - I can't fucking take this. I can't take that title seriously. - It's really fucking good but it's like, you know, it's an Oku Hiro manga because it's just fucked. - There is a, there is one scene that I will warn you is extremely questionable in the show. And we spoke about this before in the podcast. It is extremely questionable. Just giving you a heads up. Yeah. It's a little racist. It's quite racist. - Well I mean, "Eyeshield" has a similar scene. - Yeah we spoke about this before on the podcast as well, but just get heads up. If you do go into it, there is like that moment. It's very yikes in like, "Okay. All right." - It's like all right, cool. - It's, what I love about "Gantz" and "Terraformers" it's just, it's pure bat shit insane fun. It is. And like, it's, it's kind of like the edgy 16 year old in you, but like- - Hundred percent. But it brings out the 16 year old in you who thinks like just fighting and death is bad ass. - But like there's like two kind of different categories I put this in, you know, there's like the edgy 16 year old kind of shows where it brings that out of you. And it remembers what you felt like when you were 16. And then there's shows like "Elfin Lied" and "Mirai Nikki"- - I was about to say "Elfin Lied". - Yeah, that you watch and I'm just like, "Damn, why the fuck did I ever enjoy this?" - Yeah. "Gantz" I can look back and I'm like, "That was good." - [Garnt] Yeah that was good. - "Elfin Lied" I look back and I'm like, "Why was this even remotely popular" - I was like. - This show sucks. - I was like "'Elfin Lied': 10 out of 10 when I was 16 and now I'm like- - Was I this easy to trick when I was 16 when I saw blood and tits. - [Connor] Yeah, because when you were 16, this is new to you. - [Garnt] Yeah. - [Joey] yeah. - This shit is exciting. You're like, "Whoa, they can do this." - It's edgy, it's artistic. - Yeah. It's crazy. - Yeah. I remember a point when "Elfen Lied" was literally, when I joined the community, "Elfen Lied" was considered like a modern day classic. - Yeah, yeah. I remember that. - I think to a lot of people it still is. - No! - Yeah to a lot of people it still do. - Really? - Yeah. - And then someone was like, "If you thought the anime was good, read the manga." 'Cause it's like completely different. And I was like, "All right, bet." - And it's no different. - No, it is. It's actually more fucked in the manga. But like, you know, 16 year old Asian me was like, "How could they improve on this?" And then you read it now. And I'm like, "All right." (Joey laughs) - Yeah, I mean, I think I watched like "Fullmetal Alchemist" before it and just going from that where I was like, "Okay." - You went from "Fullmetal Alchemist" to "Elfen Lied?" - Yeah I was like looking at my monitor with like with all these fucking pop-ups everywhere. Like, "Whoa, what the fuck? She just cut them up and with like, ghost arms." - Yeah, I think that like the next show after "Elfen Lied" and "Mirai Nikki" was probably "Akame Ga Kill." Where... Well, I remember it got so fucking popular and I'm just like, I watched the anime. - That is peak I am 16 and edgy. - Yeah, I am 16. Like I'm 14 and this is deep. - I am convinced. Right, okay. I like "Elfen", I (indistinct). I like "Akame Ga Kill." I'm going to say it right now. I like it, okay. I don't care people say, I like it. Fuck you. I like the anime. - Wait did you finish it? - The anime? - Yeah. - Yeah. - You still like it? - I still like it. - Okay. - Okay. You can clown on me all you want. I liked it. - That's fine. That's fine. You're entitled to your wrong opinion. - This is good. I think this will make sense. It's just how I view it. - [Joey] Sure. - POV, you're a "Fairytale" fan. You're tired of "Fairytale." You want something a little edgier. You go immediately to "Akame Ga Kill" that's, it feels... Think about it. It is literally "Fairytale", with fans, but with way more edge. Because it feels like "Fairytale" in many aspects where it's like, "This is dumb, dumb shit." - Why specifically "Fairytale?" - Because... People who like "Akame Ga Kill" are "Fairytale" fans. - You are right about that. - It is literally, if you are a "Fairytale" fan, I bet you love "Akame Ga Kill." - You are right a hundred percent. - Think about it. Think about it. - I'd say it's more "Seven Deadly Sins." - It's all going to be in the same pool. - "Seven Deadly Sins" I think is slightly different. - You think so? - We need to make a chart of like what you're likely to like, based on what shows. - Can we just get like a corkboard? - Yeah we do, right. I think, I think if "Seven Deadly Sins" is on one end, it's like "Hunter x Hunter" is on the other end, I think. And then what other shonnens are there that like, I don't know, just like fucking "Seven Deadly Sins" somewhere else. - To me "Akame Ga Kill" is just like the generation that go onto "Seven Deadly Sins" or "Fairytale." And then they also have watch "Mirai Nikki." And they were like, "What if we just combine the two? What if we just combine the two and then you get 'Akame ga Kill' and you're like, great. You require even less brain cells to enjoy this. Brilliant." - I, even though I recognize the ending was fucking dumb for "Akame ga Kill," I liked it. I thought it was fun. I had a great time watching that. I'm not afraid to admit that. - The plot twist. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - I was just like, "Come the fuck on." - Yeah, is was come the fuck on. But I still had a lot of fun. Like before that, I had a lot of fun with the show. I really enjoyed it. - Yeah. Admittedly, as much as I clown on "Akame Ga Kill," first like five, six episodes-pretty fun. This is like brainless fun, but- - You know what else I read that I read all of as well? Was, I just remembered it now. Sorry, would you have anything else? - No, no, no. I was just going to say- I read all of "Deadman Wonderland." - Oh really? - Yeah. - Oh that's also I'm 16 and edgy. - Yeah yeah yeah. - It's just all rushing back now. - Because, I want it, you know what? I went on the thing where I was like- - Yeah because the anime ending sucked. - Yeah, I was like, I want it. This was like two years ago, I read it. I had the feeling, I was like, "You know what? I just want to finish an manga to an anime that didn't get an ending." And I was like, "Okay, 'Deadman Wonderland.'" And the manga was definitely better, but the manga had a shit ending too. - Yeah. I mean, not as bad as the anime, but it was still not as, yeah. - It was still shit. It was fine. "Deadman Wonderland" was very five out of 10. - Yeah, I think I was exactly the same. 'Cause I finished "Deadman Wonderland." - I like the anime a lot. - Yeah, the anime was great until about episode 10. And then the last couple of episodes where they're just like, "Oh, ran out of budget." - Yeah, basically. - And so I was like, "Okay, okay. I need to see how this ends." - Yeah. Yeah. So what did we talk about so far? - Do we need to talk about "Jojo?" Do we really need to talk about Jo? Do you want to talk about "Jojo?" - Did you have a favorite part? - To read, seven. - [Joey] Yeah. - I haven't actually read your "Jojolion" yet, but as of the time of recording this, they just announced that it's going to end next month. - Yeah next month. - I'm probably going to speed run reading "Jojolion." - Yeah I- - So that I can talk about it when it finishes. - Still have to read. I think I'm like one volume behind right now and it's pretty fucking good so far. I'm surprised they're ending it this soon though because I'm not going to go into. - I've heard that it was not too long ago that we got introduced to the main villains. So I'm not going to, I don't wanna, I don't want to say anything because I don't know anything. That's just what I know. 'Cause everyone was telling me that it had so much left, but whatever. I'm going to, I'm probably going to read it. I might make a video about it. I don't know if I should on my main channel. - It's pretty good. - Maybe I will, maybe I won't. - I wouldn't say it's as good as- - I think it would be on brand for you. - Yeah, it would be on brand for you. - In my opinion, it's not as good as like part six or seven, but it's up there. It's still pretty good. It's "Jojo." - So we'll see how it we'll see how this, how your feelings will change when the new- - Yeah. I mean, I don't know. Like the ending of "Jojolion" might be fucking amazing. Right. - Yeah true. But yeah, "Jojo," I mean- - I mean, it was the "Jojo" manga that made you a "Jojo" fan. Right? - Yeah. So it was definitely I was watching part five and I wanted more of part five because it hadn't fully aired. - [Joey] Yeah. - We were only like 10 episodes in and I was really enjoying it. So I went and picked up the manga. And I just fucking loved it. Like I said, it's such a great time. It's a shame that it's the English official release is quite slow. I think they just finished part 4 translation. - Yeah. I mean like- - Oh really? - Yeah. - Oh geez. - Like a lot of people forget that "JoJo" just like, was this super fucking underground manga? That only like a select few people really read before the anime became a thing. - In the West. - Yeah in the West. And so like, there was just no interest to translate it officially until the anime came out. Now it's weird seeing it become this like massive, one of the most biggest anime franchises. - I made a video on, what was it? It was like, I had this series like back in the day, it's like five years ago, I had this series where I would like go into manga and like kind of find like myths and like kind of secrets and stuff like that and kind of talk about it. I remember I made a video on, it was part three "Oingo Boingo" and there's that like, you know, the manga that he opens? - Oh the 9-11? - The 9-11 thing. I made a video on that five years ago. No views. No views at all. I was like, "Oh my God." And that's when I realized I was like, "Oh no one in the West knows 'Jojo'." - Yeah. - At that point. - I feel like "Jojo" was such a 50/50 on whether it would do well. I think it just- - I'm really surprised that it did. - It just got, I think it just got lucky with the memes. - I think so yeah. - I think it was, it was like, so perfected for meme culture that it was like, so ahead of its time. And it's really weird. - Because it wasn't really meme'd until part three. - Yeah, yeah. - The anime came out. - I guess so. - I feel like I did not see anything about it until part three came out. And then I saw I never stopped seeing the "Dio versus Joejaro" like steam sale memes, you know. You'd see a ton of memes with the "Ora-ora-ora" and all that. - [Garnt] Yeah. - [Joey] Yeah. - That's when it really started picking up steam I think. And then it started, I think the people started realizing how good the anime adaptation was. And then part, I remember it really kicked off during part four was airing in the West, was when it started really getting some steam. And then part five, just like insane. - Blew it out of the water. - The part five anime adaptation of "JoJo" really like sent it into like, 'cause the fucking "Giorno" theme did numbers for the meme community and "Jojo in general." I mean, how many people got into part, "JoJo" in general, from the Giorno's theme? Because I mean, it's- - It's like the, what was the "Undertail" theme? - "Megalomania?" - Yeah. - Yeah that's the one. - Yeah it's up there with "Megalovania" in terms of like iconic meme usage. - It's that of the anime community. - Because think of like iconic meme that came out in the past 10 years, what have you got there? Like actual, like iconic, like super iconic. "Giorno's theme", "Megalovania." There's probably some other than forgetting. - [Garnt] Yeah. - Chug jug. - I think that wasn't there wasn't really an explosion of like, "JoJo" never exploded. It just slowly crept up in popularity until you couldn't, you couldn't like stop- - It's almost inescapable. - I just think part five really helped. Since part five started airing, it really blew up. I feel like a noticeable change. - Yeah, in my opinion, part five is probably one of the only parts where it's actually better in the anime. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Part four I think you can go either or. - Part four is yeah either or. - Three, two, and one, hundred percent the manga. - Manga yeah. - Yeah, definitely. - I think part three was like dragged out too much in the anime. - You can speed run it in the manga. You can be like, "All right, I'm over it." Obviously don't do that, but you can through it at a good pace. - [Garnt] Yeah. - [Joey] Yeah. - But the part three of the anime is very slow, which I think "Jojo" in general is better in manga also 'cause you have part six and seven, which are very good, part seven being, especially notorious for being amazing. Part seven is- - Part seven is amazing. - Part seven is where I feel like Araqui really came into his own and finally made like the perfect "Jojo" partway. There was no pacing issues. - [Garnt] Wow. - [Joey] Yeah. - I feel like every part of "Jojo" had some kind of weird pacing at some point or another. - Every character is fun and like memorable. - Yeah. Like for example, like part three, it drags out a bunch. Part two is very short and sweet. You don't really get too much, but it's very nice. And that's why part two is really- - I mean Joseph's the only redeeming factor about part two in a lot of ways right? - Yeah Joseph is very... Yeah, the villain's boring, right. Part one. I mean it's notoriously (indistinct). It's quite boring. I won't lie. It has a lot of charm as a "JoJo" fan. - But at least it's short. - It's very short. You can read through it. Part four Kira, who is arguably one of the best villains in Jojo, isn't there for the first half. So you kind of get a slice of life for the first part, which is fun but it takes a while for it to kind of find its footing. - If you're not a fan of that kind of stuff, then you can easily like fall off it and be like, "Why is this popular? Why do people like this?" - Part five is very solid. I think that Giorno is one of the weaker "Jojo" bros. - Jo Bros. - You know but Bruno Bucciarati does carry part 5. - Yeah. - Oh yeah. - And then part 6, you know, it's good. It obviously has a bit of a controversial ending. - I really like it. - I like it but some people don't like it. I can understand why people wouldn't like it for the, some parts of part six are a little weak. But part seven is like from the start to finish, banger. Every single character, banger, like the villains, even like the side villains are amazing. - I mean it does have kind of the least memorable Jojos though. Johnny. - Yeah, I dunno. I feel like- - Johnny doesn't get good till like the last quarter, maybe? - Johnny comes into his own but I feel like Jono doesn't really come into his own at any point. Sorry if we're going on a whole thought about "Jojo." - Watch or read "JoJo." - Just talk about "JoJo." - "Jojo" fans being "Jojo" fans. - Exactly. - You need to read it. 'Cause then you can experience part seven, which you should a hundred percent read. It is amazing. No, you can't skip to it. Don't do that. Because part seven has so many references to previous parts. You'd be spoiling it. Read it all, it's amazing. - [Joey] Yeah. - All right, what else? - "Vinland Saga." - "Vinland Saga." Did you put this on your list or not or we'll get into it? - I didn't put this on my list. Yeah, I almost did. But then I was like the anime is out. - "Vinland Saga" gets to go on my list, one, because its banger, two, because they spell a Welsh town correctly. (guys laugh) - Yeah. It's got one of the most badass like antagonists in like manga, and he's Welsh. He's Welsh as well. Of course I knew you'd love this. - Let's go lads! - Represent! - Represent! They went to like somewhere, and I was so glad that they, I want, I really want it, 'cause I obviously I read it in English. I really want to see how they spelled this Welsh town. Incatacana. - Incatacana. Like, because it's like, it was like a Bruheynyuck or something. And I was like, "How the fuck do you, how the, how on earth do you"- - I don't remember how I'm pretty sure I got up to that part, but I don't remember how they spelled it. - I really want to see how they spelled it. - Oh, that's a funny name. - Because how on earth do you put the (throat) sound? - They probably don't. - They probably didn't. - Yeah, they probably did like (attempt to pronounce). But honestly, memes aside, "Vinland Saga" is amazing. - [Joey] Brilliant, yeah. - I think even if I had read more than 10 manga, it would still be on there. It is so fucking good. - And it's on hiatus and it's still amazing. - Yeah. - Is it on hiatus? - Yeah, isn't it? - I don't know. - I feel like it's still- - I read up to a certain point. I caught up and then I stopped. - What is it about like all these like Sain manga, the Sain classics, I would like to call them, that just eventually go on hiatus. - The Sain masterpieces always go on hiatus. - Yeah Sain masterpieces always go on hiatus. Right? - Man it's just "Vinland Saga" is just amazing. And like when you realize it's a fucking prologue, the first arc is just a prologue and yet it's still one of the best stories. - Okay, what do you think for, 'cause if you've seen season one of "Vinland Saga" you know what the prologue is. You know what the main beginning arc is. What do you think of the Farmland Arc? - I really like the Farmland Arc. - I'm excited to see the reaction on the anime only viewers to the Farmland Arc. - Okay so we won't talk too much about it. Don't want to spoil it, but it changes the pace drastically. - Yeah. - Okay. So if you think that if you're go into season two thinking that it's going to be in the same vein as season one, you're going to be disappointed. - The way I find a feel about it, right? Is that "Berserk" and "Vinland Saga", they have a crossroads and they both went different ways with it. - [Garnt] Yeah. - [Joey] Yeah. - Whereas, you know, for example, Guts, right. Never stops becoming violent. Guts arguably becomes more violent every time. And you know, "Vinland Saga" tries to make a character that maybe feels a little bit more guilty about that. And so that's what was really interesting for me is that they weren't just like, "Okay, this guy's good at killing." - [Joey] Yeah. - That's what he does now. [Joey] Yeah. - He just keeps killing. It's like, no, he actively, like, he matures. He doesn't want to keep doing that. And that's what's so interesting about it. And really recommend reading it. It is just amazing. - It like a huge artistic risk he took with that- - [Connor] Oh Yeah. - And it paid off. - It's like his, the worst thing he did was making the prologue so fucking good. Like imagine that being the worst thing you could do. You made it so fucking good that people expected you to keep doing that. - Yeah, yeah. - And it's like, he keeps doing it, but in a completely different type of story. Because it's like "Vinland Saga" is fucking incredible, but like the prologue is so different than the rest of the story that if you come into it with the same expectations, you're going to just get whiplash. You're going to be like, "Where's the action? Where's the killing? Where's the violence? There was so much of this in season one." And now we're just like, well, once you've realized that the story was never about that, that the story was all about- - They were building it up the whole time. - [Garnt] Yeah. When you realize that everything that his father said at the beginning was what the story was meant to be about from the get-go and everything else was just like, a bigger tangent than anything that we've ever gone on. - [Connor] Yeah. - You know, and that was.. Yeah, season one was just a tangent. - But it's so true to life because even if your dad told you shit you wouldn't fucking listen to him. But then you'll realize when you were an adult, he was right all along. - Yeah, exactly. - Exactly. - That's why and it's genius. - I'm sorry I went against you father. You were right. - It's so good because it's so like, even though the situation is obviously crazy, but even though it's not that unbelievable, because you know, it's set on like a real part of history, you know? And it builds characters in such a compelling way that is so realistic and every single character in this show, you're like, "I believe that could be a dude." You know, I believe that I see parallels to myself in some of these characters that are uncomfortable and that's what I loved about it. It was so good. And it presented war in a horrific way. - [Garnt] Yeah. - [Joey] Yeah. - As war should be. And so if you haven't please do yourself a solid and read "Vinland Saga." It is amazing. And I'm so excited. - If you like Vikings it's- - If you like Vikings. Just at least read it for Askeladd or at least watch the anime for Askeladd. - Welsh represent. - Because he is honestly like, I think one of my favorite characters. - Oh yeah in anime. - In the medium. - Straight up. And also, I mean, I'm very excited for the reaction to anime fans, anime-only fans to the- - Season two. - [Connor] Yeah season two. - Farmland arc. - To be like hey when does stuff happen? - So how long are they going to stay on this farm for? - Yeah it goes from like "Doom" to "Runescape" in like one chapter. - It's like "Doom" to "Farmville"- - It's like "Stardew Valley" or something like that. - I guess that's spoilers enough right? - I mean "Berserk" we've literally just talked about "Berserk." It's a classic for a reason. - I've spoken about "Claymore" before. "Claymore" again is a very similar to I guess "Berserk" in some ways. - Yeah, it's dark fantasy right? - Would you say you enjoyed it enough that if you had read more manga, you think it would still be in your- - I don't think it would be on here if I'd read some other big names that I know I would enjoy. I think it's got a banger first half. - [Garnt] Yeah. - And then loses its steam. - [Joey] Yeah. - Yeah, there's some stories where you're reading the manga and you're like this motherfucker planned everything- - [Joey] Yeah. - Like a blueprint. - [Garnt] Yeah. - He knew exactly what was going to happen. And he knew exactly where this was going. Whereas with "Claymore" I feel like they would, he was just like, they were just writing it and he had a core idea and he just didn't or they, I don't know if it's a guy or a girl. They just didn't really know how they wanted to finish it. But that's, there's the, I believe George R.R. Martin talks about this. There's two ways of writing stories and there's the architect and the something to do with like growing plants or something. One likes to design everything like a building. You have every single aspect, like out perfectly. And the other it's like a greenhouse, you just kind of grow things, see where it goes. See what goes with it. I definitely feel like that is a riskier way of doing stories but also can lead to some super interesting results. - [Garnt] Yeah. - [Joey] Yeah. - And I feel like "Claymore" just kind of lost itself partway through. - And I feel like the architect like type is like the downside to it is like you could build too much and then you kind of have to like, "Oh shit, I have to pick up all these pieces somewhere." - Yeah, you have so much where maybe you build too much of the world which sometimes is a bad thing. - I mean you call pull a Togashi right. And just like "Hunter x Hunter" introduce like 17,000 things. - It's just harder to maintain as well. - Yeah, exactly. - Like you put more bricks down and you put more bricks down. Then you forget the foundations you laid, then you start building a chimney where you've already built like a fireplace on the other side. It doesn't make like any sense sometimes. - Exactly, I'm running out of bricks. I don't have much time left my back hurts. I can't draw shit. I should've thought about this, that- - Or you could just be like Araqui and just be like, "I'm just going to plant the seed here and see how it goes." - Which is what I love about that he... That is the perfect example of that kind of writer. Araqui literally just gives you ideas and then he just keeps expanding on it. And you can tell you some idea of where he wants it to go, but you can tell also there's so many- - It's not completely planned out. - You can tell there's so many moments where he just like, and he even says it himself, right. When he just decides to do things because- - He doesn't remember half the shit he wrote. - It's such a fun way. And it leads to such fun writing. - Yeah, a hundred percent. - But yeah, "Claymore," although an amazing concept, amazing first half. Yeah, definitely loses steam. - [Joey] And the art is so good. - [Garnt] Yeah the art is up there as one of the best. - [Connor] Fucking amazing bro. Fucking love that shit. - What is it about dark fantasy where just the art is just always a banger? - I don't know. It's like a rite of passage, right? Oh, you want to write a dark fantasy? Show me your drawings. - You better have godly art. - And for some reason I'm a simple man. I like rankings. So whenever there's characters and they have ranks and like- - Spoken like a true gamer. - They're clearly defined as this is "number one strong," this is "number two strong." I don't know why I love that but- - Because you're a gamer. - Yeah because it's like- - I feel like there's just something embedded into like humans that just like ranking. - We love ranking things and I loved it... And then the story aspect of "number seven could actually be stronger than number two in some ways." And that's super interesting. - I can see you why you like "One Punch Man." - Yeah "One Punch"... I love the hero rating system of "One Punch Man." I think it leads to such interesting, like characters, in really strange ways. Like yeah, I love the Bicycle Man in there. - Yeah. - I mean that's just part of like Shonen anime, right? We need to rank people 'cause people like ranks. The people like power. - I love it. - [Garnt] What are the, what are the Shonen Youtubers going to make videos about if we can't fucking rank. - Exactly, right? - In Japanese companies, you get ranked on your performance with a ranking grade. - It's like, "I wanna be number one." - Yeah so like, it's like they love doing it. It's everything needs to be ranked here. (Joey laughs) - I'm going to make a bidet rank. - What I love is how everyone's just found out like power ranking things. Just like people just, you could power rank the most mundane things. - This is why we have tier lists Garnt. - This is why tier lists is a thing, right? - This is literally why tier lists exist. - Yeah it's literally just power rankings. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And then obviously "Eyeshield 21" which is... I've watched "Kuroko no Basket." I've watched "Yowamushi Pedal." What other sports anime are famous? - "Haikyuu." - I've watched "Haikyuu." - "Slam Dunk." - I haven't read "Slam Dunk." I'm going to read "Slam Dunk." - [Joey] Okay. - But so far, this is my favorite sports story. - Oh yeah, it's awesome. - And again, like the visual- - This single handedly got me into American football. - I still don't know the rules fully, but I had a fun time. - I mean, it's very deviated from real life. - It is. I'm like I'm watching real American football and I'm just like, where are the metaphors? Where? - I'm not going to lie. Like I was like, you know, when I read this, cause I was like in the prime of my childhood when this was in Shonen Jump, right. So everyone like everyone was trying to like do rodeo drives and like devil back ghosts and shit like that. - Yeah where's the devil back ghost? - It's just a great fucking manga man. It's so good. - It's good. - I'd be lying if I said, I didn't practice rodeo driving. - [Connor] Yeah. - I'm like, this is the one move that is probably like the most feasible. - If I ever throw a football ever again, you bet I'm going to like picture a fucking angel behind me. (Joey and Garnt laugh) - There's a panel where like, he throws this ball and it's like this amazing artwork of like this angel. It's like the angel throw or something. I don't remember what it was. This panel, it's like a spread, and it's fucking beautiful. And it's just, oh, so good. - I think some of the best is where you see the battle of the metaphors. And I think it just makes the, it makes the sports scene so much more hype. 'Cause I can't remember the exact, because it's been years and years but I remember like very vividly just someone kicking a ball and it just like, it kicked with like so much force or something that it like penetrates something that's... Fuck, I'm speaking... What was like the second to last match? - The second to last match was against the best school. And they were like the best school in Japan because that's was probably the highlight of it. And then afterwards they fight America. (Garnt laughs) - That's right. - And that kind of sucked. But yeah, they go against like the best players, the real number seven. - The real number, the real- - 21, 21. "Eyeshield 21," fucking hell. (Garnt and Joey laugh) - "EyeShield 21." - Real EyeShield 21. - The real EyeShield 21. - What was the number? - Sorry then if that's spoilers, that might be spoiler actually. (indistinct) spoiler warning. Put this before. Yeah. - Yeah, it's brilliant. - Yeah, they face the the real EyeSheild 21. - All right. - And as they all have interesting powers that is literally, it's literally "Kuroko no Basket" on the field. - I think the guy who wrote "Eyeshield 21" went on to do another Shonen Jump manga. - "Dr. Stone?" - Yeah. He wrote "Dr. Stone." - Right? - Yeah. - Oh. - That's right. - Yeah, I remember that. Very good storyteller. - Very different as well. - Yeah I like that. All these, all these I would recommend. - Honestly. All of these are very, very solid shows. I mean, it's like, it kind of gives off the vibe of just like, yeah. I've only read my manga, which you kind of have. - At you've read nine great manga. - You've read like nine great manga. - Thank you, thank you, thank you. - [Joey] Good taste. - [Garnt] Assuming the bottom left is replaced with "Terraformers." - [Connor] It's amazing. Yeah and this one you can read on Book... or listen to on Book Walker. - I guess it's kind of good you went first because I guess you can listen to some of mine and Joey's recommendations or like some of our favorite manga. I mean, I'm not going to say I recommend everyone that's on my three-by-three. - Yeah, me neither. (guys laugh) - But there are definitely some recommendations that I think everyone should read on my three-by-three. So shall we move on to who's next? - This episode is sponsored by Book Walker. - What does daddy Book Walker have for us today? - Oh I'll tell you what a daddy has. Daddy added two new titles to their exclusive catalog. Did you know? - Two brand new exclusives. - That's the right baby? And you won't believe it. One of them is a full color volume of "Why The Hell Are You Here Teacher." - Wow! I couldn't possibly miss out on the student teacher action in full color. - Joey, what is this about? - Well, I'll tell. - "Why the Hell are you Here, Teacher" is a lewd manga series depicting the awkward relationships between students and their teachers who keep getting into awkwardly embarrassing situations, inevitably developing an interest for each other by exploring the appeals of a grown woman's body. Did you get all of that? - Now that sounds spicy. - The second title they've brought to us today is a brand new series called "She's Adopted a High School Boy." - Am I dreaming, two MILF manga in one day? - I know how excited you are about that Connor. - Indeed "She's Adopted a High School Boy" brings a wholesome story of a high school student and the lady living next door to him who decides to mysteriously adopt him after he's left behind by his parents with a mountain of debt. - Now I want to know more. - Right! Then what are you waiting for? Right now until the end of August, you can get up to 50% off all of these titles on Book Walker, plus you can get 15% coin back on all eligible titles in their exclusive fair promotion. - [Joey] Also if you're a digital collector, you'll be happy to find that purchasing volume one of the eBooks included in this promotion will also come with brand new bookshelf cover images for your collection. Did you get all of that? - Oh wow. - No I didn't - [Connor] But guys, don't forget to follow Book Walker on Twitter @Book Walker_GL for the latest information on new manga titles and special promotions. - Thank you Daddy Book Walker. - Back to the episode. - Next manga three-by-three. And we have beer. - Yeah we have beer. - This just appeared. - Cheers boys. - [All] Cheers. - It's been a very civilized three-by-three so far, but I mean what, what can we complain about this? Honestly. - Normy. - Yeah. - Is it normy though? - Kinda, I'd say it's pretty normy. - I don't know I man- - Listen, ain't nothing wrong with a bit of boys' love. - [Garnt] That's all right. - That's as normy as it gets. - Who's next? - Which of you wants to go next? - I don't mind going next. - You don't want to go next? - I don't mind going next. - Let's see what Joey has to say then. - And this might be, oh no okay. - [Joey] Why is that so tiny? - Hold on while we unfold. - Joey. - Oh it's me. - Oh, okay. - I actually thought this was Garnt. I could have sworn I folded Garnt's tiny. This is not fixed, I just... I'm just saying. Put Joey's on the screen. - You exposing us Connor. You're exposing us. Scripted. - This is Joey too. (Garnt laughs) - It was destiny. - There is two Joey's. That was not me. I swear we did not... When I asked who wanted to go next. That was not fixed. - This is like the Google when people search up, "What is Gigert's real name?" - [All] Joey. (all laugh) - All right put Joey's up. - Put mine up. - It was rigged, but whatever, we'll have Joey's up next, I guess. - [Garnt] Oh, okay. - [Connor] Do I know all of these? Okay let me try and guess this. All right so "Berserk." - [Joey] Obviously. - [Connor] Obviously you put "JoJo" part six specifically. - Yeah I like part six specifically. - "Yu Yu Hakusho." - Do you know this one? - Is that Misa from "Death Note" is that- - Oh fuck, I- - Do you recognize? - I kind of recognize this. - Wait isn't it, it's the Assassins thing? - Assassins thing? - No, that's "Hitman Reborn." - No, no, no. - No this is, this was a fucking- - Wait wait! - It's a Shonen. - It's Shonen Jump. - Yeah. - "Black Cat." - It's "Black Cat." - I've seen the anime "Black Cat." - Yes. - Very good. - Is the manga good? - Yeah it's fucking awesome. - But why did the enemy suck dick? - I don't know. I didn't watch the anime. - What the anime was- - It's a manga tier list. Not tier list, three-by-three. - This is a manga three-by-three. - I had see this. I was like I've seen this boy with the X. Triple three Vin-Diesel. - That's Train. - All right so this one- - I forgot his name was Train. - Yeah it's Train. (Garnt laughs) - This is the "Line Rider," right? That many clip. - Yeah "Line Rider." - Wait, what is this? I don't know this one. - That's "Oyasumi Punpun." - Ahhh. - That's "Oyasumi Punpun." - Of course I knew that was going to be on there. - That doesn't look depressing. - It's hella depressing. - This doesn't look depressing. - He's the main character. - Yeah. - He's the main character and everyone else is a normally drawn character. - Yeah. - Okay. - And then- - Yeah, "Slam Dunk." [Garnt] And then "Slam Dunk." "Beastars." - [Connor] "To Love Ru." You bought the whole collection of "To Love Ru" recently. Right? - Yeah, accidentally. (everyone laughs) - You want to explain the story? - Okay. So I got "scammed", quote unquote. So I bought all the volumes of "Bobobo," which was one that I thought about putting up here. But it was only volume one and four though. So basically I opened up volume one and it was, I bought it second hand. So I was like, "Okay it was whatever it's cheap. So it was whatever." And I was like, "All right, cool. I'm going to relive my childhood." Open up volume one of "Bobobo", it's volume three of "To Love Ru." (guys laughing) They just literally replaced the cover. I got scammed. - [Woman] You got bamboozled. - [Joey] They literally just put the cover of "Bobobo" on the front of this but it's volume 3 of "To Love Ru." - Do you reckon they did it on purpose or on accident? - I reckon it's by accident. I was like, "Wait, don't tell me all of these are To Love Ru." Luckily they weren't. For some reason volume 1 and 4 was. - So, so it's probably just, you know, you know when you like take a DVD out to watch it and you have to put the DVD in the DVD player back in the box, and then you forget that you've just like- - Who the fuck replaces a cover though? - Yeah but, I was going to say. - I was going to say, "How does that happen?" - That analogy would be fantastic if manga were interchangeable things. - It was more like, you know, like- - Book in brain. - It was more like the "Bobobo" set was owned by like a teenager. And it was like, well, "I need to hide the degenerative shit from my mom. I'm going to put the 'Bobobo' cover." - Oh my God that was totally it wasn't it? That was totally it. - That could be it. - Like they'll never know. My mom will never know I have "To Love Ru." - My mom will never know. - She'll just think it's "Bobobo." - Some kids jacked off to your "Bobobo" volume 1. - Time to throw that out? - Is this "Junji Ito?" - So that's "Uzumaki." - Ahh. - Yeah, I still- - As this, I'll be surprised if you know it, "Ichigo 100%." - Oh it's "Ichigo 100." - I've heard of this. - I have not read it or watched it. - Okay, so which one would you like to know first? Obviously we, I think we can get rid of a "Berserk" and "Jojo" 'cause we already talked about that. - Already talked about that. - So "YuYu Hakusho" and not "Hunter x Hunter"? - Okay, I'm probably going to get destroyed. - Okay. - Okay. - Haven't read "Hunter x Hunter" yet. - Whoa. (Garnt laughs) - Whoa, I can't believe you haven't- - Wait, wait, wait. - I haven't done that but- - You haven't read- - The reason why- - Have you watched it? - Nope. (guys laugh) - Okay well I've watched it and it's amazing. - Yeah, the only reason why I- - The biggest Tohashi simp hasn't read "Hunter x Hunter." - I know so much about "Hunter x Hunter" just from outside information. But I haven't actually read it or watched it. I own all the volumes right now. - [Connor] I think it's the- - It's sitting there waiting for a rainy day. - I think it's safe to say this: it's the best Shonen anime. - I feel like- - A lot of people say that. - I feel like I've been lied to. Because the amount of times we talk about "Hunter x Hunter" and me and Connor have just like been talking about the Dark Continent. I had just- - We always meme like Netro getting hyped up. - I just always assumed that Joey was just like- - What the fuck? - Literally all the information I know is because people around me don't stop talking about "Hunter x Hunter." - What the... That is not okay. You need to go watch it, what the fuck? Or read it. The anime is amazing. - I never said I read it or watched it. - I just assumed the anime man had watched "Hunter x Hunter." - I feel like this has just been a game of "Among Us" now. - Yeah, yeah. He's a fucking imposter. - We've exposed the imposter. - I should've known the guy with anime is his name was a fucking imposter. - There's an imposter among us right now. - Again, I know so much about "Hunter x Hunter." I could probably like give you the outline of how it goes, but I don't know the details. - What are the names of the arcs? - I want to go back to every clip now that we talked about- - I know like Dark Continent arc, Chimera Ant arc, all of those. The Hunter Exam arc and all that. (Garnt and Connor laugh) I know them. Again because I hear it from every body. - You have to watch it. - What is this? - Again, I know I will love it. - Yeah. - Of course I will. I fucking love Togashi stuff. "Yu Yu Hokusho" I fucking grew up with. - Wait, what's holding you back? What's holding you back? - I don't know. It's just- - Come on, what are you waiting for? - It's just one of those shows I haven't started yet. - What I want to know is how we've just found out about this, despite the fact that we've talked about "Hunter x Hunter" so many times on the podcast. - Is this publicly known? Is this widely available information? - Yeah. - You've like been a part of the conversation. I swear to God. I don't know, we're going to have to like rewind every clip where we've talked about "Hunter x Hunter." - I've said it on streams multiple times. I've never read or watched it. - I can't be there for the whole three hours Joey. You know, I mean. - Yeah like, again, I know so much about "Hunter x Hunter" and I know I'm going to like it. That's why I'm not in a rush to read it or watch it. 'Cause I know I'm going to like it. - Me and "Fullmetal Alchemist." I get it. - It's like of course, it's like- - We've just found Joey's "Fullmetal Alchemist." - It's like it's Togashi, I already love Togashi- - It's right up your street though. It's just- - I know. And again, I know it's going to be good 'cause I love Togashi. Like "Yu Yu Hakusho" is fucking amazing. I don't know. (Connor burps) - Don't read it, watch the anime. The anime is- - Really? - The anime is better. Do you agree? - Yeah. - Because I've heard both sides of the argument. - [Connor] Listen. - What's the other side of the argument? - The other side is that the manga is good because Togoshi is good. - I mean that's... So it's so it's basically just like a preference in medium then, right? - Pretty much, yeah. - I mean, yeah- - I'm mean I'm probably going to watch and read both, to be honest, it's just a matter of which one to do first. - Yeah I mean "Hunter x Hunter" is just prime Madhouse. And Madhouse haven't been at their prime for like a long time I think. - Yeah. And the manga also looks like napkin drawings a lot of the time. - Not if you buy the volumes. - No, not in the beginning. - The volumes? - The volumes are fixed as well. - Oh so they fixed it? - In the Shonen Jump volumes, the magazines, it looks like shit. But then he redraws it for the actual volumes. - I finished the anime and then carried on reading. And I was like, "Am I reading like One Web comic right now? Like, what is this?" - It was about that drawing style wasn't it. - Honestly it's it's yeah. But I... Yeah wow. - But then he takes the time to actually redraw everything properly for the actual books. So the books look fucking amazing. - I guess that makes sense. But also kind of sad if you're a big "Hunter x Hunter" fan who waits and then you have to go back and read it. But maybe they like that. - If you read it weekly, then you'll probably yeah- - Maybe they like that- - Read it weekly Lamau. - When it was serialized weekly. - So that's your favorite Shonen Jump title of all time? - Well, I mean, here's the thing, a lot of these are Shonen Jump. - I kind of realized that what's like. What's "Black Cat" doing there? - "Yu Yu Hakusho", "Black Cat", "Slam Dunk", "Ichigo 100%", "Jojo", it's all Jump. - Let's talk about "Yu Yu Hakusho" because I haven't watched, I think I mentioned on the podcast one time I tried to start it and then I just couldn't. I couldn't stand the audio on the- I don't know it was dub or what? - Oh so you watched the anime? - I watched five minutes. I was like, "Oh I can't take this." - So "Yu Yu Hakusho", it does like a, what I like to call, a reborn. Basically it starts off as a comedy, ends up as an action. - [Connor] Right. - Right. - Same thing with "Dragon ball", right? Like "Dragon Ball" started off as a comedy and then Z came along and it became the action that it's known for. So like "Yu Yu Hakusho", the first couple of arcs, like when Yuske, the main character dies, like it's kind of like a slice of life- - Yeah that's how is starts right. That's not a spoiler. - Literally first panel Yuske, our main character, gets hit by a car and dies. - [Garnt] This was before Isakai was the thing. He didn't go to another world. He just- - He just died. - He just died. - He became a ghost. - I know a lot about "Yu Yu Hakusho" without ever of watching it. - Yeah right. - I know a lot of, I know the bad guy. I know there's an epic fight with one guy. - [Joey] Yeah. - I know who it is. And then yeah- (Joey laughs) - Because you know the Tournament arc, right? - I know the Tournament arc. - He literally just described literally every Shonen anime of all time. I know the bad guy. I know there's an epic fight with the bad guy. - I know what the bad guy- - You literally could've fucking described "JoJo." - I know what he looks like. I know who it's going to be. - The "GigaChad" right? - Yes. - Yeah. - What's his name? - I don't know, GigaChad. (guys laughing) "GigaChado." - That's Toguro. Toguro. - Toguro that's it. - I don't think he's even the best villain of the arc. - He looks like the, you know, if you watch "Fairly OddParents." - Crimson Chin? - He looks like yeah you know like... Have you watched "Fairly OddParents?" - Oh the buff fairy right? (Joey laughs) - Yeah he looks like the buff fairy from "Fairly OddParents." - I have not seen "Fairly OddParents." - Let me pull it up. Let me pull it up. - Oh my God. - It does right. That's like Toguro like 0% looks like the buff fairy from "Fairly OddParents." (everyone laugh) - Oh my God. - He looks spot on. Every time I see the bad guy from "Yu Yu Hakusho" I just see that guy. - Really going to do my boy Taguro like that. - Because he has the muscles, but like the weird neck and it's literally like "The Fairly OddParents." (everyone laughs) He looks exactly like that. - Oh my God. - Put up the picture. - You literally just ruined one of the- - Put up the picture of the villain. Like best villains in all of Shonen anime. - I can't believe Togashi copied off "Fairly OddParents." - Yeah I can't believe they did him dirty like that. Like probably Nickelodeon got plagiarized. - Oh my God. (everyone laughs) - It's the same. It looks the same. - Good old Togoru. - All right. So like, so have you ever seen the anime of "Yu Yu Hakusho"? - I have. - Oh, good. - All of it? - Not, not a fan. Not a fan - Not a fan? - It's, I dunno. It's bittersweet, right? Because it's like, same thing with "Black Cat" where it's like, I love the manga so much. - Yeah. - That like, it wasn't like the perfect adaptation that I wanted. Like, it was good, but it's like, I'd rather just reread the manga. - Well, what was missing to make it the perfect adaptation as someone who's like, I haven't read the manga of "Yu Yu Hakusho." I've only seen the anime. - Oh really? - Yeah, yeah. - Oh, did you like the anime? - I fucking loved the anime. - Well you'd fucking love the manga even more. - Okay, but like is there anything I can get from the manga that I couldn't have already gotten from the anime? Or just rewatch the anime? 'Cause I thought the anime was like a really good adaptation, especially for its time. - Yeah - Like "Records of Ragnorak." (everyone laughs) - It was better than that. - That's solid animation, you know? I mean, I dunno, like I think this might just be like the whole thing was like how manga art styles I feel age better than animation in a lot of aspects. - [Connor] Yeah I- - [Joey] In my eyes. - [Connor] "Demon Slayer" begs to differ. - You think so? - Like "Demons Slayer" in the manga just looks terrible compared to the anime. - Well I mean that's because like the animations for the character designs change differently, right? But like in the anime adaptation of "Yu Yu Hakusho" they did a pretty good job of like readapting, like, Togashi's art style, I feel. - I haven't read it, but from what I've just seen of it, it looks one-to-one to me. I don't know if that's- - [Joey] You think so? - Just a glance. That's like a person who should- - I don't know, I feel- - Glanced at both. - I sometimes look at clips of the anime of "Yu Yu Hakusho" and I'm like, "Something about this hasn't aged as well." - But like 80's... What was it 90's? - Do you- - Yeah it's 90's. - Like the 90's animation is, some of it hasn't aged very well because it was- - Yeah, I mean some of it's like very janky limited animation. This is like a 90's anime. But like, they still had like when, during the big fights there were still like those Sakaga moments. - Absolutely. - Like those have aged wonderfully. - I mean I honestly think at this point, it's just like a personal preference to me. Like the same thing with "Slam Dunk" right? It's like "Slam Dunk" for me like I watched the anime as well, a fucking banger of an anime, but it's like, I just personally prefer the manga to be honest. - I actually have like huge problems with the "Slam Dunk" anime. I think that's aged horribly. - [Joey] Really? - I've heard the "Slam Dunk" anime isn't very good. - And that's because- - Might be a nostalgia factor too. - Yeah it probably is nostalgia factor. 'Cause I watched it in university and I was just like, "Man, this is a, it's a really slow sports anime." My fucking God, it literally like take 10 episodes or something. - It's like 120 episodes. - I do think sports anime, sorry sports shows, sorry just sports properties in general, almost better in manga normally. Like just because of pacing. - [Joey] Yeah. - I think that that's true like 10 years ago or 20 years ago now because like "Slam Dunk", "EyeShield", I would like recommend the manga way over the anime because- - Yeah I watched an episode of EyeShield and I couldn't- - That's why for me like both "Slam Dunk" and "Yu Yu Hakusho" are in my manga three-by-three, not my anime three-by-three. Like I much prefer the manga. - Yeah because like, I feel like old sports anime, they had horrible pacing, but like shows like "Haikyuu", "Kuroko"- - Actually "Yowamushi Pedal" I really enjoyed the anime. - Yeah, "Yowamush Pedal." Like they, I think within the past, like new generation of sports, I mean they really fixed their pacing issues to the point where if a match last more than three episodes, then it's like a super, super important match. Have you seen "Haikyuu"? - I've watched the first two seasons. - Okay. So season three is like one single match. It's like 10 episodes. - Yeah I've heard that yeah. - When I saw that, I was like, "Here we fucking go again. Another like "Dragonball Z"-esque fight scene in a sports anime. But like that match was so fucking intense that it needed 10 episodes. And then like, it was just what it... It was not stretched out at all. And that was like, to me, like the highlight of "Haikyuu" so far of the anime. - I enjoyed "Koroko no Basket", I thought that I enjoyed the pacing on that even if it- - [Garnt] Yeah, because- - It was very quite fast really. - Yeah, I think it was like actually good pacing. 'Cause it was like never more than three episodes. Because how many times like, I can only be invested in one match for like so long, you know? There's only so much that can happen in a single match. - Kuroko was really good at building up the bullshit, I think. - Yeah. - [Connor] Or like- - What do you mean? - You know, they weren't rushing too much into like the powers, like they were pretty sparingly adding them in, I felt. And then I didn't watch the movie, but everything else- - The movie was (indistinct). - Everything past the main run of the, what is it? Three seasons? Two Seasons? - Three seasons. - Three. - After the, how many is that 50 episodes? - Something like that, I guess. - Over 50 episodes, yeah. - It's where they beat the... Does it end? It doesn't matter. But the point was that I found that out after like that, that was like not really invested anymore. - It's such a shame for me. 'Cause like I didn't watch all of "Kuroko." Like, but from what I did see, I really enjoyed it, but it sucks because for me now "Slam Dunk" is just like forever just ruined basketball anime- - I wonder if I will read "Slam Dunk" and I'll feel like I can't enjoy this, Kuroko is better, or if I'll feel that like- - It's definitely been both cases. So like I've recommended "Slam Dunk" to people who first read "Kuroko" and they were like, "Ah, it's not as good." 'Cause they're just used to the "Kuroko" format. Because unlike "Kuroko", "Slam Dunk" doesn't have any like super powers. It is like the most- - It's just very realistic. - Bare bones raw. - So it's like an NBA Jam versus NBA 2K? - Yeah, yeah, pretty much. - Basically. - Pretty much. - Yeah. It kind of like it kind of like takes the fact that it is probably one of the most realistic adaptations of sports in manga. - But it still makes it just as exciting. - But it does it in the most like cinematic, like fuck yeah, type of way. And I mean like, you know, in the case of "Slam Dunk", like when that first came out in Japan, it created a fucking cultural phenomenon. - Every time I have an old taxi man here and he asks me if I liked anime or whatever, I'll be like, "Yeah, I like anime." And then he's like, "Oh, do you like Slam Dunk?" - [Joey] Yeah. - They always ask me. If they're in their like forties plus, they always ask me if I like "Slam Dunk." - Yeah it was like a cultural phenomenon here in Japan. Wasn't it when it came out. - I think the year that it came out, I think I read something like of all like middle schools and high schools in Japan, the attendance of basketball clubs raised by 600%. - Well basketball's a huge sport in Japan as well. - Yeah but it wasn't... But it got big because of "Slam Dunk." - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - I mean it was that good. I mean, in my opinion, "Slam Dunk", the final chapter of "Slam Dunk" is still one of the most beautiful chapters in all of manga in mind. - Yeah I mean he had balls to just put zero dialogue. - The entire last chapter has zero dialogue. - I'll get there one day. - And it just ends. And it is the most cinematic final chapter of manga ever. In my opinion. But I mean like, yeah. So I mean, obviously that's great. - So "Black Cat." - All right so "Black Cat" for me- - Walk me through it. - Okay, so you know how my character, like my avatar on YouTube, has that cat mask? - Yeah. - Oh so that came from "Black Cat?" - That came from "Black Cat." - Oh my God, okay. - So, Yabuki Kentaro, who's the guy who made "Black Cat", he has this thing in all of his manga. So he also illustrated "To Love Ru" as well. - One of Joey's favorites. - And I mean, it is fucking good. But he has this like kind of Easter egg thing in all of his manga where in every chapter of his manga, he puts this like little white cat in at least one panel of every chapter of his manga, just as like a little hidden Easter egg. And it's that cat face that I use as my mask. So like originally like fucking back way back when, on like New Grounds and shit like that, that was just my logo. And then I, and then it adopted into my current avatar, but like, I don't know, "Black Cat" was like, it's weird. It's definitely heavy nostalgia factor. But I think this was the first time I ever read a manga. And I was like, "Wow, like manga artists are fucking talented." (Garnt laughs) - It was the first time where I was actually wowed by a piece of art. - Do you want to explain what happens in it. I can try and explain, but I honestly can't remember anything. - It's been a while. - Yeah, it's been a while for me as well so like, do you want to try explaining it? - He's not a black cat. - [Joey] No. - But that's like his code name? - Yeah. - He's an assassin right? - He's an assassin. He's number 13. - That's it. - His name is Train. - He has two guns. - Train Hearnet, I believe his name was. - Two guns? - Oh is that it? - Yeah. - Train Heartnet. - Train Heartnet. - Is it two guns? - Yeah, He has two guns. - Two pistols. - Yeah. - And he shoots people. - Then there's Sven and Eve, I believe were the names. - Sven and Eve, okay. - I remember that this was the first because I just got into anime. It's the only thing I remember about it. This was the first show that I was like, "Yeah, you know what? Not every anime is above a seven. Fuck." (Garnt and Joey laugh) - This is the first show that I was like, " I'm going to teach you a lesson as an example to the other anime, you're a five." You know what I mean? Like I gave it a lower score than I would have just to be like, "Yeah, you know what? I'm fair." - Just to prove a point. - I give out fair scores. So okay I give it a five. - I think I remember watching like a few episodes of "Black Cat" years ago. And it was just me... It was just that phase where you'd watch everything. And then I was like, "Cool, guy in a black coat. He looks kind of cool. I'll watch a few episodes." And it was just like, "Wow, I am-" - So what happens in it? - Extremely whelmed. - So "Black Cat" is like, he kind of, so Train, obviously he starts off as this like assassin, but then he escapes from the organization that he's part of. And he basically the entire manga, he gets chased by the organization members to come back to the organization. 'Cause he has like all the secrets or whatever. And like there's a dude in the organization or I think who also left the organization, who is like, he's basically like the quintessential male Yandere. Like it's really, like, I remember the main bad guy is like, I dunno, I've never really heard of like a male Yandere antagonist before in a manga. - [Connor] Yeah. - Especially in a Shonen manga. - I just realized, out of context, you kind of sound like you're describing John Wick or something. - (Joey laughs) A little. - It's like "And he left the organization and he is an ex assassin." - Who uses gold coins. They killed his dog. They killed his black cat. (everyone laughs) - How dare they. How dare they. - He's on a mission to tear down the organization. - But yeah, basically, and then like Sven is the guy who like, has like a, he's like an explosives expert. And then Eve is this he's like this she's like this test tube, like experimental. - This is when every single manga had to have like a ragtag band of people who could do special things. And have comedy. - Okay so, why is this in your three-by-three? I'm so curious. - It's in my three-by-three because it was one of the first mangas... Okay, so when I was growing up reading manga, I obviously started off reading things like "Doraemon" and like, you know, "KoroKoro" comic magazine, which is more aimed towards kids under the age of 10 years old. - [Connor] Right. - And then when I got to around 10, 11 years old, I was like, "Oh, you know what? 'Doraemon', 'KoroKoro' stuff, it's a bit too young for me?" - I've got a big pee pee now. - I'm a big boy now. I'm about to enter middle school, right. I want to read some of this middle school- - "Gantz." - "Gantz." So I was like, you know, I want to read this like Shonen Jump thing that I keep hearing all my Japanese friends talk about. - Yeah. - So at the time I borrowed one of my friends Shonen Jump magazines. And I think that particular magazine "Black Cat" was on the cover of it. - Oh, okay. - Because "Black Cat" had like, because like every month, every week on Shonen Jump, they have like- - Change the cover. - Yeah they changed the cover. You some chapters have like, you know, colored pages and some of them are like have like center covers and stuff like that. And I think "Black Cat" had a front color chapter. And again, like, you know, you go from the "Doraemon" to this, right. Like clearly this is going to make you go, "Whoa, what the fuck is that?" And so, yeah. And I think like, honestly I really enjoyed it. I mean, Yabuki Kentaro I think still makes some fucking godly character designs. I mean, you know, the reason why "To Lover Ru" was so fucking infamous is because like the character designs fucking cute, like he knows how to draw really just aesthetic looking characters and like, you know, "Black Cat" I feel was definitely when he was still kind of in his like younger times. Where like he hadn't quite refined his art, but near the end of "Black Cat" his art just got better and better and better and better. - Okay. - And like, I don't know. It's just like it's nothing like deep or anything or like profounding in any way. It's just a really solid Shonen manga with like really just intricate, nice art. - Would it hold up today? - You know what? I haven't read it in quite a while. I did- - Would you recommend it to someone to read now? - It's hard. It's really hard because like, I dunno, 'cause I'm obviously looking at the show, because this shows very closely to me. - It's nostalgical. - It's very nostalgical, obviously looking at this with like rose tinted gloss. So like, I don't know. Maybe if you're a fan of like "Yabuki Kintaro" stuff. If you liked what you saw on "To Love Ru." - [Connor] Okay. - And want like that, with action. - Does it, is the story just kind of wrap up? Does have a good conclusion. - Yeah, it does. Actually, it has a really nice conclusion. And like the final fight with like the male Yandere antagonist, who's a really fucking interesting character. And the powers and everything they're like super cool. - Yeah. - I dunno. It's again, it's just like a really solid Shonen Jump manga that's like very inoffensive, I feel. - I think this was the start of the the time where I started realize that anime sometimes just don't have endings. (Joey laughs) And I was like- - What do you mean? - Well because I started off with "Death Note", "Code Geass", "Fullmetal Alchemist." I'm like, "Sick, these are great." - You spoiled yourself. You literally spoiled all of anime for yourself. - Yeah. - No I did not. I had a great time. And then I started getting into shows- - Because what I mean, is that no other anime, that just is a normal anime, is just going to live up to those standards. - Yeah, exactly. - Yeah, so then I started watching shows and I'm like, "Wait, why didn't this end?" (Joey laughs) Where's the ending? And this is when, this is how, you know, everyone else had the same desperation as me. 'Cause whenever you type in the show, the first auto-fillers, "When is season three coming out of this show?" "There are no plans for season three of this show." - Literally when you click like, when you type in "No Game No Life", you know what I mean? - Or like "Spice and Wolf." - Because everyone's like, "Wait, why would there not be a season two? This was a popular show, right? There's season 2 coming right? Right? Right!" - Never happened. - And then this is when I started to realize... I'm like, "Oh, they're just not going to finish shows. They're just going to like release shows?" - They just going to be like, "We released it. We're not going to finish it. Fuck you, go read the manga." - This is where sometimes I wish anime was produced by Americans because you know that it would fucking end. They might not be good, but you know it's coming out. - And that's why I feel like manga takes more of the same form as like American TV shows. Because some manga just go on for fucking ever. And like, you're just like, "You know, I don't, I'm not... I don't know if I'm even invested to see this end anymore." Right? - Then anime will make like a billion dollars and they're like, no, I don't think we need another... No there's no more seasons. - Because like sometimes, sometimes an anime makes like a billion dollars, but then it's like 100th of the entire story. And you're just like, how are they going? Like, how are they ever going to adapt the entire story? It's going to take like fucking 10 decades to do this. And so, you know, there are some stories where I'm just like, I just, I know I'm never going to see the end of the anime. And even like manga form, like I'm still waiting. Like fucking "Ipo." Like, oh how long is "Ipo" going to go on for? - True. - Right? Like Jesus. - Or "Baki." - Or "Baki" right? - "Baki" should go on forever. - Yeah "Baki" should go on forever. - "Baki" should go on forever. - Speaking of "Baki", obviously Baki's... The fucking Itgaki sends his daughter "Beastars", fucking amazing manga. - That's like the newest one that's on there right? - That's probably the newest one. Like after I finished reading "Beastars" I was like, "Oh, that is so close to a modern masterpiece." - [Connor] How come- - In terms of manga. - How come "Baki" isn't on here? - "Baki", I don't know. Like for me, "Baki" is one of those shows where it's like, it's good, don't get me wrong. It's fucking amazing. And it's so unique, but I feel that it's like, there are some parts where it's just like, it's just a blur when you read it, you know what I mean? Or it's like, it's so long and there's so much shit that happens in it that it's just so insane and ridiculous that you think of one fight scene and it blends in with about 10 other fight scenes. - Actually yeah that's true. - That's true. - Fair enough. - Like part two for example, right, With the whole Tournament arc. I'm just like, I can only remember maybe like one or two fights. I re-read it the other day- - The fights were kinda underwhelming. - There's like 20 fights in the manga. - Yeah, and in the anime they only showed like four. - Yeah, right. - But that's pretty good because most of them are kind of underwhelming. - Yeah, true, true. - A lot of the fights, even in the anime, they only showed like six and I was like, "Eh, 3 of these are boring." - Like with "Baki", you remember the most like notable, like meme worthy ridiculous type of scenes, right. Whereas with "Beastars", for example, it was like just as like one cohesive story, it was just: A, really fucking unique, really done well. And it's just, yeah. - Has it concluded? - Yep, it ended. - When did it finish? It couldn't have been too long ago? - About a year ago. - So how many seasons of the anime do you think there should be if we were to adapt everything? - To adapt everything? - Yeah. - So we're at season two right now, which is, oh, I probably shouldn't say. - [Connor] Oh. - Where we're up to in season two. But- - I haven't watched it yet. That's probably about volume seven or eight. - And how many volumes are there? - Over 20. (Garnt winces) - Well to be fair wasn't season three announced already? - I think so. - Yeah. - I'm sure Netflix wants to keep that coming. And I am very happy with that. Please do. - [Joey] And it gets more and more interesting after that. - I'm hoping we finally get a fucking anime that finishes in anime form. We never fucking get it anymore, it's bullshit. - I mean we're getting it like the... The latest one I can think of that we're getting is "Attack on Titan" and that's only like one of the most successful anime of all time. - So it takes the whole fucking world watching it for them to be like, "Maybe we could just finish this one." It's like if the streamers are like start new anime, finish old one. And then like, "I like though..." No! Stop! Finish this one. Finish this! - It's just like, if an anime gets over three seasons, like, because even if, even if we get a season two, that's just like getting the table scraps, right. You're like, "Oh my God. I can't believe I've got a season two." (Connor panting) - Is this an OVA? - May I have some more? - May I have some more. And then for some reason there's like fucking four seasons of "Mahouka" or something. I'd like, "Well, what's going on?" - There's be like 10 seasons of- - There's a fucking spin off of Mahouka. - I'm like nobody asked for this. - There'll be like fucking 10 seasons of "Saki", like playing mash off. And I'm like, "Oh, fuck off." Fuck off, is this doing well? You cannot tell me this deserves a second season and "No Game No Life" doesn't? - [Joey] Yeah. Exactly. - Fuck right off. - But yeah so "Beastars"... So you think it's like up there as the modern classic now? 'Cause I- - I think so. The ending wasn't exactly like amazing, amazing. - [Connor] Yeah. - It was just a solid ending. - If we get the full anime adaptation of the manga in the way that it's going right now, right. Would it would be considered a masterpiece? (Joey sighs) - Man, I personally would see it as like easy nine out of 10, at least. - I mean I can see that. If the anime keeps up the quality of a story. Because I love season one, but it felt like season one just felt like a kind of a setup season. - It's like the ending of "Beastars" is very much like, the ending of part six. Where it's like the people who love it, love it. But the people who didn't like it were like, "Eh." You know? - Yeah. I mean- - It's like a lot of people say that it's like kind of an anticlimactic ending but I thought it was kind of fitting to how the entire story went. Because like the final part of "Beastars" there's like this big fight that happens. - [Connor] Obviously. - Yeah, of course, right. - And then from that big fight, it kind of suddenly winds down into just like regular stuff. - [Connor] Okay. - And like to a lot of people that was seen as "anticlimactic." - Sometimes I like that though. I like a little breathing time to say goodbye. - [Joey] Yeah right. - You know what I mean? - [Garnt] Yeah. - I like to, "All right guys, just going of read a few more chapters with you guys before you guys fuck off forever." (Connor fake cries) - 'Cause like what gets me sometimes is I know like there's always the hype around the last chapter, right? Because the last chapter you're saying goodbye to everything and you know, this is, this is where this is... And people like try to put a conclusion in the last chapter. Whereas some of like my favorite manga is when that last chapter is just, the climax is over. It's done. It's purely just an epilogue. - Yeah. - And I feel like epilogues are so fucking underrated. - Yeah. - In so many anime and manga, because most of the time, it's just like you get to the final episode, right? And half of this episode is the climax. So you've got like 10 minutes to say goodbye to all these characters. You've grown- - [Connor] Give me a full episode. Give me a full episode. - Yeah, give me a full episode. - I hate the epilogues that are like, there's like seven minutes left of the episode. It's like, "Are they going to stick the landing?" And then you know that it's a rushed epilogue when they start talking and the ending song plays. - Yeah, no no no. And it's not even, it's not even an epilogue. It's just like a slide show. (Joey laughs) - Of just like here are the characters now. - Oh, here they go. - They're going away. - There they go. - And then we have "Ichigo 100%", which again, for me is like another, I wouldn't even, it's weird. - What's this about? I've heard- - Please explain this. - Okay, so is "Ichigo 100%" is just this really just super simple romcom, essentially. Like, you know how Shonen Jump, every time, right, they replace harem romcoms right? Like once one harem romcom ends, another one takes its place kind of thing. - [Connor] True yeah. - Okay. - "Ichigo 100%" was probably- - It's like the "Terminator." - Yeah, pretty much. - "Ichigo 100%" was the one that, well, first of all, like it was like right at its prime when I started reading Shonen Jump. So again, big nostalgia factor, I'm going to completely admit that. But second of all, to me, it is like the one manga series where there was no one clear winner. Like right up until the end. It was like all the girls are so liked through and through. Like people think "Quintessential Quintuplets" is like the ultimate, like "any one of these girls could win" type of thing. It's like- - [Connor] Yeah. - No, no, it's not. "Ichigo 100%" is. Because you start off with liking one girl as you do with any harem romcom right. - [Connor] Of course. - Of course. - But "Ichigo 100%", I don't know how the fuck Kawashita Mizuki did it, but she did it in a way where by the end of it, any one of them could win. But you don't know who. Like right up until the end. And it's just so simple, but so well done. And again, I really like Kawashita Mizuki art style because again, very different. It almost doesn't even look- - It looks super 90's. - [Joey] Yeah, oh yeah. I mean because it is very nineties. - [Connor] They all look like the Chobits robots. - [Garnt] Oh yeah they do! - [Joey] A little bit yeah. I mean it's around the same era. - It looks like the exact same characters design as well. - Yeah they look like they're like all robots. - And it's weird right because- - We are programmed to fall in love with you. Beep beep beep beep beep beep. - And it's weird, right? Because it's like, to me, it's not even the best romcom manga, in my opinion. - [Connor] Oh okay. - Okay. - I think- - So is this a harem romcom? - Harem romcom. - Which we all know that Joey loves a good- - I like a good harem romcom. - Joey loves a good- - I love a good harem romcom. Don't get me wrong. In my opinion, the best romcom manga ever written is "Eyes" which is also from Shonen Jump. Which came before this one. So like this one basically replaced "Eyes." - I've heard of "Eyes." That got an anime adaptation didn't that in? - In like early 2000's I think. - Yeah it was like a very shit adaptation. I think. - It wasn't a very good adaptation. - It was forgettable. That's all I know. - But yeah, it's done by the same guy who made "Zetman." - Oh, okay okay. - And like all of those. He's done a lot of manga. But yeah, I dunno. Again, this was one of those shows that I think this show is the reason why I love harem romcoms. - Okay, so do you read the... Did you watch the anime adaptation of this at all? - Was it anime? - Yeah there is anime. - Yeah there is, there is an anime adaptation. It's not good. - Oh. - Basically every, like- - Joey's like, "There is an anime. Just don't read it. Just watch the shows." - Like basically most of the shows on here have like very mediocre anime adaptations. Aside from like- - The only, except for "Beastars"- - Aside from "Beastars" I'd argue "Yu Yu Hakusho" but that's just me. - "Beastars" and... Yeah probably "Yu Yu Hakusho" and "JoJo." - Okay, "JoJo." Well Part 6 hasn't got a dub yet. - Well Part 6 yeah. - It's coming. - Hopefully it's good. - It's coming, oh it's going to- - It's coming. - Oh it's going to- - Oh Lord she coming. - Oh Lord he coming. - Oh you know it's going to be good. - But yeah, and then we have, Uzimaki- - Of course, of course. - Junji Ito. - Honestly anything from Junji Ito could have been in here. Again, he's probably the reason why I love horror manga. - I mean, I do think "Uzimaki" is like, kind of like in terms of like a long form, I think it is his magnum opus. - I think so. - Some of my favorite works of Jinji Yuto isn't "Uzimaki." But just his one shots actually. - Yeah. - I feel like "Uzimaki" is his like only long form work that I think is like the best. - Yeah, and again, like that's why I feel like I could have put anything in there. Like I also fucking love "Tomie" which was his first one that he made. - Yeah, yeah. - Which is also brilliantly horrifying. Like if you love like your kind of body dysmorphia, McCobb horror type of thing. - I do really want to read Junji Ito at some point. - [Joey] Yeah. - It's part of the- - It's a trip. - It's on the infinite list of, "I need to get right into that." - Well it's just like with Jinji Ito, you don't even need to like be that invested in it because I, like, I think the best entry point for Jinji Ito is just to read some of his one shots. - Yeah. Because like, I feel like, one there's only like a few genres that really worked well with one shots and horror is some of them. Because all he has to do is like, he hits you with this like really weird fucking idea. And then it just ends. - It's, yeah. It's like he definitely like has taken a lot of inspiration from like classic Asian horror in the sense that the stories don't necessarily make sense. But at the end of it, you're somehow still invested and still terrified. - Yeah. - It's purely that he purely just assaults you- - Yeah. - With all of these senses of just super disturbing shit. And then kind of just like, that's the end. How do you feel? - How do you feel? Take a seat. - Why you here? (guys laughing) - I'm sold. - Yeah, so obviously I think it's no secret that I love- - Jinji Ito , yeah. - Stuff. - And then I guess we just talk about the center one. - Yeah. - There's a reason why I put it in the center 'cause I still think to this day it's one of the greatest manga series ever made. - It's the one manga series that I know. Like I'm building myself up to be ready for. - [Connor] Yeah, it's like I haven't watched the last season of "BoJack Horseman." It's not because I don't want to. - [Garnt] Yeah. - [Joey] Yeah. - I'm just kind of not in the mindset where I want to be depressed. - I mean you know, with your three-by-three, right. You were talking about like the one that you enjoyed the most and the one you think is the best is different. - Yeah. - Yeah. - This is definitely that. - The one that you think is the best? - I did not enjoy reading "Oyasumi Punpun" at all. - Yeah like you don't enjoy it. But you just can't stop. - Yeah. - But it's one of those... I know this, even though I've never read it, it's one of those series or stories, from what I understand that it's just it hits you. - Yeah. - And it sticks with you and it's like, you read it once and it's just a part of you. - I've just got like shit to do you know. Like I'm going to be sad for like a while. - [Garnt] Yeah. - [Joey] Yeah. - I got to deal with that. - I remember I binged this manga for the first time and I finished reading it at like 4:00 AM. - Yeah. - And I just kind of, the moment I finished it, I just kind of closed it and just sat on my couch. - I know exactly... Because that's like me after every "BoJack" episode. And then they're like automatically playing the next one. Like, "No, no, no. Give me a second." - Give me some time to recover. - Give me a minute man. Just give me a minute. That was so depressing. - But I think the one thing that I really like about "Oyasumi Punpun" is the fact that it almost goes beyond manga. Like what Ino Asano did to "Oyasumi Punpun" is so like... We were talking about metaphors before, right, with, you know, "EyeShield 21" stuff like that. - Yeah. - The metaphors in "Oyasumi Punpun" are insane. - Right. Because literally like what kind of mangaka has the balls to turn their main character into a metaphor? - I think it's genius. - I think it's absolutely genius. So to explain "Oyasumi Punpun" for those of you that don't know. This is the main character. His name is Punpun. He's a bird character and every other character in the manga is a human. - Yeah. - But all the human characters see Punpun as a human. - It's... Okay, so it's like how he sees himself is different from everyone else. - Yes. It's how he sees himself. But it's also how you, as the reader, see him as well. So like throughout the manga as he's gone... So basically it's this manga where it follows the life of Punpun growing up. So he starts off as a kid and he turns into a teenager and then turns into an adult. - Oh I already don't like the sound of this. I don't like shows that follow them growing up. I know its going to be fucked. - At it kind very slowly, yet steadily, it goes through every inch of his life. - Oh I don't like those. - There's a lot of things that happen to him and around him that are very fucked. - Yeah that's how- - Yeah so like it starts off with him as a kid. He meets this girl, you know, learns what falling in love is. Learns the the joys and the heartbreak of puberty. And then- - I feel you man. - And then that drags on with him. And then he has family problems. He has problems with his friends. He has problems with who he is- - Basically just a broken life, you know. - It's a broken life. And- - No! - And what's so brilliant about "Oyasumi Punpun" is that as, obviously, you know, like when he like gets older, he gets bigger, taller, but still the bird. But then there are certain points in the manga where his look completely changes. So there's one part in the manga where he just turns into a floating pyramid for about two chapters. - Oh. - Okay. - And it's not really explained why it happens. - But as you're reading it in context, it represents something in him. - [Connor] Okay - Okay. - And it's very, literal in that sense. - I'll read it. How long is it, how many chapters? - Seven volumes. - Oh. - I own all of them. I've owned all of them for years. It's been sitting- - It's 12 volumes, I think. - Okay, well- - It's 120 something chapters - Garnt's like, "Shit okay, so I own 7 of them." - Well no. I believe, at least the translated volumes. - Yeah the Western volumes are a lot thicker - They're a lot thicker. So I have, I own the- - There's 13 volumes in Japan. But it's like 120 something chapters. - So you could probably read it in one day. - You could easily read it in one day. I mean I read it in one day. - Like, it's been sitting on my shelf, I think for years. It's just been staring at me. And I'm like, I stare at it. And I'm just like, "Is today the day today I read it." - Just the thought about it- - Nope I'm happy today. - Just the thought about reading it, I hear like "Guts" theme in my head. - Yeah, basically. - My very first experience with hearing about "Oyasumi Punpun" was when I actually started dating Sydney. And, so... This was back when I didn't know Sydney too well. And she gets really, really invested in stories end of stories. And she's one of those people that, you know, that gets truly gets invested and involved into a piece of fiction. So I'm just here sitting in my room, sitting in my office doing like YouTube videos or whatever. And then I hear Sydney just like balling. I mean, this is like, I'd never seen her cry harder than this. - Yeah. - Like, she was like, like beyond ugly crying. - Yeah. - You know, it was like, I came in and like my- - Honey what's wrong? - My gut just sank because like, I've only like, this is the kind of reaction you see when someone's family member just died, you know? (Joey laughs) And I'm just like, I take a few deep breaths. I'm like, "Okay, I know, I know we're going to have to deal with something serious." - Yeah - Something really fucked up And I'm just like, "Honey, are you okay? What happened?" And she just went, "I just finished a manga." (Joey laughs) - And I dead ass just went, "What, what?" And she's like, "It's called 'Oyasumi Punpun'." I'm just like, "I am going back in my office now." - Here's some Kleenex. Clean yourself up. (Garnt laughs) - But yeah like I- - I mean like I didn't like ugly sob at the end of "Punpun"- - Yeah. - But there were definitely moments throughout "Punpun" that I kind of just opened my eyes wide and I was like, "Holy shit." Like, there are many times where I actually said to myself out loud, I was like, "No, no." - Not this like. - [Joey] Yeah not like this. And it's like, and again, it's like, it's the way that he can somehow fit this fucking bird character into a super realistic context of like very realistic setting with very realistic characters. And give this bird the most human life possible is so insane to me. And the fact that he can just do it seamlessly. Like, you know, obviously at first, if you're going into this blind. - Yeah. - First couple of pages, you're like, "What the fuck is this? What the fuck is this bird?" - Yeah true. - But you kind of like learn to grow with it. And again, like, you know, it's, it's one of those things where like a lot of people say like, "Oh, he turned it into a bird so that you yourself can put yourself into Punpun's situations." - Yeah yeah. - [Connor] Sounds like it. - So that you're not fixated on one particular type of person, you know, when concerning looks and stuff like that. Like you can just imagine this as any human. - [Connor] Yeah, yeah. - And it's just, yeah. And again, it's like Inio Asano literally just took all these like rudimentary concepts about manga and just went throw out the window and just went... I just going to draw what I think is cool And it's like, there's lots of like weird shit in it as well. But like, I mean, I've been trying to write a video about his manga for so long. But literally every time I reread it, first of all, I get destroyed for about a week. So I try not to do it. But second of all, there was just so many subtle things in it that I keep picking up on that I didn't before. That just completely makes me change the way I view this manga. And it's just, yeah, it's insane. So I like, again, probably the manga, I enjoyed the least. - [Connor] Yeah. - Yeah. - But definitely one of the best. - Yeah. I thought that's what I assumed it was going to be. - Yeah. - Which is just like, I'm not reading this manga to enjoy it. I'm reading this manga because I know it's probably going to be one of the most like powerful pieces of media I've ever consumed. - Yeah. - And that's like my assumption going into it. - And the final chapter made me cry, like fucking crazy. I was like, "Fuck man." It was brutal. But yeah, I don't know what else I can talk about. Yeah, I realized that, you know, even though I've read a lot of manga, you know what, at the end of the day, Shonen Jumps just kind of the king to be honest. - I mean it's kind of the king for, it's- - That's how it's always been. - You can't hate it. - Yeah, yeah. I mean Shonen Jump just has a formula. And I don't know what that formula is, but they just keep- - It works. - They just keep pumping out bangers, not just bangers, like everything they pump out just seems to be like a global sensation. - Yeah. - And even if it's not, it's going to have some kind of cult following behind it. - It's just kind of the ones that I remember the most for some reason. - Like, like fucking now, I remember when the Big Three ended or like, you know, "Naruto", not the big three, but the era of the Big Three were "Naruto", "Bleach" and "One Piece". "One Piece" is obviously still going on, but everyone was just like, "What's going to replace it? How can anything replace 'Naruto' and 'Bleach'?" Those were like global sensations. Then "My Hero" came out and was just like, "Hold my my beer." And then "Demon Slayer" came out and it was just like, "Hold my sword." And then like fucking now, "Jujitsu Kaisan" and now like "Chain Saw Man"'s coming out. - Yeah. - Which is going to be a massive fucking hit. - Yeah. - Like where did they miss? When did I like- - They don't. - Are they fucking aim boxing? Like, what's their secret? (Joey laughs) - Like what the fuck is going on? - We don't miss! No legit. And it's like, you know, again, it's like, you know, you kind of get in that period of your manga reading life where you're just like, "You know what, maybe, maybe it's time to graduate from the Shonens." - Yeah. - You know, it's, it's like, it's kind of formulaic. I want to try something new. So you go out, read some of the more obscure Sanin manga or the Shojo or the Jose manga or, you know, some like weird gore or edgy type of shit. And it's like, there's lots of good ones. Don't get me wrong. But at the end of the day, you're always going to go back to Shonen Jump. - [Connor] Yeah. - Yeah. - I don't know what it is. I remember I said that opinion on Twitter and I got a lot of shit for it. And I'm like look- - I agree. - I'm just spitting the facts, man. There's a reason why it's still the greatest selling- - They hated him because he told the truth. - Exactly. So, yeah, I don't know. Is it normy? - I don't know, is "Berserk" normy? - I don't know. - I feel like "Berserk" is legendary. - I just, seeing the fact that more than half of these are Shonen Jump. - I will say this now, I've got "Berserk" on my three-by-three as well. And I was just like, "Can I justify not putting "Berserk" on my three-by-three?" I just went through these, like this mental gymnastic of just like, "Is there any manga that I could like feasibly put over Berserk? No." - No. - Like, it's the GOAT for a reason. - It's one of a kind. - Guess we could talk about it at the end maybe. - Yeah, we can definitely talk about it. - But honestly like- - Good three-by-three. - No, no trash taste here. You have a very solid list. - Thank you. - Obviously there are some that I haven't seen. - Seems well-rounded though. - Again I had to recommend to anyone, who's never read any of these. Obviously "Berserk", please go read that. "Beastars", fucking fantastic. And if you can handle it, please read "Oyasumi Punpun." - [Connor] Yeah. - [Garnt] Right. - [Joey] It will change your life. - I do want to read most of these. Yeah. - Yeah. - I mean "Slam Dunk" as well is one of the greatest- - Yeah I want to read "Slam Dunk" too. - It's fucking amazing. - How many chap- because like fuck dude. "EyeShield 21" took me a long time. It's got a lot of chapters. - "Slam Dunk"'s got 30 volumes. - Oh shit. - It's long. - It's going to take you some time. - Fuck. - I mean, I'd say there's a lot of these that- - But the payoff is insane. - All right, all right, all right, all right. - If you like your sports manga, you kind of need to read "Slam Dunk." - I do, I do. - If you like sports manga you'll like it. - This is the quintessential sports manga. - And that is Joey's taste. You can judge. I mean, we've had two very solid three-by-threes now. - Let's see if we can keep up that momentum. - I'm kind of worried about mine now. I'm like, "Oh shit." - Ashley put up Garnt's three-by-three. - All right, let's take a break. - Okay, yeah. - Garnt's like "Quick manga version." - This episode is sponsored by Manscaped. - Do you have a problem maintaining your bush. If so, Manscaped is here to help you. - Thank God for Manscape because I sure do have a problem with my bush. - Luckily, or unfortunately, Joey's bush is doing better than Australia right now. And thus, he needs the Lawn Mower 4.0, which is Manscaped's some brand new Lawn Mower. - Join the two million men worldwide who trust Manscaped TM by going to for 20% off and free shipping. - It's hot as hell right now. And you know what doesn't need to be moist? Your pubes. - These nuts. - And thanks to Manscaped, I don't have to worry about these nuts. Ready for an out of world experience fellas. Well look, no further than the Performance Package 4.0. (Joey gasps) - Damn. That's a lot of performance in a package. - [Joey] Well inside this package you'll find their Lawn Mower 4.0 trimmer, Weed Whacker ear and nose hair trimmer, Crop Preserver, ball deodorant, Crop Reviver toner, performance boxer briefs, and a travel bag to hold all of your stuff in. - God damn. And you can get this in the U.S. and Canada and the UK and across Europe, Australia, South Africa, and Singapore. - Anywhere in the world you need your balls trimmed, Manscaped's got you. - [Connor] The Weed Whackers is also waterproof and uses a 9,000 RPM motor powered by a 360 degree rotary Juul blade system. - So if you want to protect these nuts, then go to for 20% off your order and free shipping. - That's 20% off plus free shipping by going to If you also want to become a Sigma male use Manscaped. - These nuts back to the episode. - If you guys read "Punpun" I'll read "Hunter x Hunter". - All right. Go on, pull up my three-by-three. - Pull up the three-by-three. Let's see. - Some of these that shouldn't be surprises at all. (Joey laughs) - [Joey] Okay okay. Okay well let's got through the order. - It's a mix. - Wow. - So before we get into it, there are some that I feel like I would put in there if there wasn't already like an amazing anime adaptation of it. - Right. - I really wanted to put "Vinland Saga" on there for example, but I'm just like, well, I also really, really enjoyed the anime, so- - Do you want to go through them? - Okay. So from going down from a "Great Teacher Onizuka", "Kingdom", "The Breaker", "20th Century Boys", "Domestic Girlfriend", "Love Hina", "Berserk", "Beck", and "Psyren." - [Joey] "Psyren", really? - [Garnt] Yeah. - [Joey] I was not expecting "Psyren." - What is... Is "Breaker" the Korean one? - That's amanhwa. - That's amanhwa. - Yeah, yeah. To me like Breaker. I'll start off on "Breaker" because that's the only one on there that is actually not actually a manga, but amanhwa. I feel like "Breaker" is that one, it takes, it's basically everything I wanted from a Shonen anime that you could not get for then Shonen Jump. Because it takes the kind of the Shonen Jump-like battle manga formula, and adds martial arts to it. And it's so rare to see something, to see a manga that just does martial arts well. And I've kind of realized if I'm looking for martial arts, because you know, if you watch the film three-by-threes you'd know that I'm a huge fucking fan of Kung Fu movies and stuff like that. And it's just so hard to find that same vibe in manga. - But amanhwa does martial arts, I mean, you know, "God of High School" as well, right? - Yeah, yeah. So you got like "God of High School." - They don't really care about kung-fu in Japan. - Yeah, exactly. - In a sense almost, yeah. - Yeah almost. But like Veratuas is like the perfect balance between martial arts and superpowers because people are like still very human in there and you know, you can still take someone out with a gun, but they have enough power that they're kind of also superhuman as well, right. So it's kind of balanced in that way. And it's like, it's got like a very, you know, it's got a very standard story. It's about this guy who has zero martial arts powers and zero ki, as you know, which is the power system there. And he just meets this guy who was, you know, he's beating up some street thugs and turns out he's just like a fucking, you know, martial arts master or whatever. - Right right. - And so to help teach this guy or to help this guy basically like protect himself and not be bullied and all that, he gives him like this medicine, which you know, is technically he gave it to him by accident and ends up this guy is just like, obviously a secret genius in martial arts and kind of like takes on the entire martial arts world. - Performance enhancing drugs. - [Garnt] Of course. - Always say yes. - Of course. - We figured use a hundred percent of your brain. - But like, it's, it's like- - It sounds cool though. - But like in terms of like formula, yeah. It's a very, very standard formula, but one, okay, like the art is fucking fantastic. - [Joey] Yeah. - I mean the cover looks amazing. - [Garnt] Yeah. It's so it's like so much more detailed than you see in a lot of just standard Shonen Jump manga, right. And what blows my mind is that this was like a weekly release, but the art quality is that of like a monthly release manga. - Right. - You know what I mean? Like "One Punch Man" for example, is a monthly release, right? - [Connor] Yeah. - So you can see why, you know, it took the time to be, to make it a monthly manga. This was released weekly and it's not as good as "One Punch Man" in terms of art quality. But it's like way better than pretty much most standard Shonen Jump weekly manga. - Damn. - And it's like the action choreography and the action art is fucking insane. And it's just like pure fun. It's just pure... You know what you're getting, this guy is like a weakling, okay. But the amount of times that he fucking does something badass unexpectedly is just like, it's just insane. And he keeps like the stakes keep rising and rising. And what I love as well is they've really built up, I really loved the world building of just like the secret organization that's of like martial artists. - [Connor] Of course. - Who like kind of rule the world, you know, it's like- - Like in real life. - Yeah, yeah. Kinda like in real life kind of thing. It's got like the same kind of like vibe as John, the "John Wick" world, if you know what I mean, - I'm down for that. I love John Wick. - Obviously the main protagonist isn't John Wick. It's someone who grows into someone who's going to be that skilled in that world. - Right, right. - But it's kind of got that same vibe in world building and it's just, I fucking love it. And not enough people talk about "The Breaker." - I've definitely heard of the title because it's just one of those shows you hear when someone says, "Oh, you know, I know a fucking amazing manhwa." Or like... What was the other one? "Solo Leveling"? - "Solo Leveling" yeah. - That like I hear a lot of and that I really need to read. - [Connor] Oh I hear that too. - I mean "Solo Leveling" I feel is it's good, but it's, I dunno why "Solo Leveling" works so well. It's basically just an Isaki in disguise, but for some reason, it feels, I think it's mostly carried by the arts. - Right right. - The arts just amazing. - Dude, manhwa art is like next level. - I don't know how they do it so consistently. - Literally every manhwa I've read has just been like, "Oh my God." - I really don't know how they do it so fucking consistently. - Yeah, it's insane. - And then- - Yeah. What else did we want to talk about? - "Kingdom"? I haven't read "Kingdom." I've been considering it. - I've read the first five volumes of "Kingdom" because I read it- - It's long right? - Yeah, it's 60 volumes. - It's it's like... Okay, okay. - [Joey] It's still going. - 60?! - It's still going too. - Okay, okay, okay. I remember because I remember when I was like trying to get new manga to read. I was just like, "Fucking hell this has 500 chapters." I'm just like, "Oh for fuck's sake." Right? And then I read the first hundred chapters in like two days and I'm like, "Thank fucking God." (Joey laughs) - This has 500 chapters. It was like one of those manga when I'm just like- - Yeah. - "I'm so glad that there is just like an infinite number of chapters." - It's not that that I dread, it's that I dread that I literally can't do anything else. Like, I can't watch anything. I can't read anything else. - I love that. I'm like that's the feeling I'm constantly looking for. - Yeah. - Because I love the feeling of just being so absorbed into this manga or anime or something that I literally can't get on with my life. Unless I'm finishing this thing. - Yeah. - Because like that to me is like pure enjoyment, right? - Yeah. - And "Kingdom" gave me that for like a good like month. - I only have time. Yeah- - Just a month. - I lost a month of my life, I think. And it was like the best month ever. It was fucking worth it. - I only read like the first five volumes of it. 'Cause I was like at a manga cafe just like chilling, waiting for a friend or whatever. And I had to leave. I was like, "No, I'm not leaving." - Yeah. - I need to continue reading. This is fucking insane. - Yeah, so like to give a brief like sell of "Kingdom"- - Yeah, sell me on "Kingdom." - So it's like when China was like fragmented into different kingdoms. - Haha, see- - Ahh. - You see what they did there? - There's three kingdoms right? - No it was, I think this one has seven kingdoms, right. And so it's the story of, it's just an epic basically. It's the very definition of an epic where it's just the story of- - Epic. - So like there's one farm boy, Shin, who's the main character. And by complete chance, he meets one of the future kings of the kingdom that he's living in, right. And throughout the entire history of China, no one's been able to unite all of the kingdoms. No one's been able to take over everything and just unite everyone. And so it's very simple. It's just the basic story of the king growing up to be a king and uniting everyone. And it's the farmer who, the farm boy who grows up literally as a peasant, and it's his story of becoming the greatest general of China. - It's basically, if you took the Golden Age arc of "Berserk" and just made it an epic. - Yeah. - That sounds good. - Which is awesome because Golden Age arc was awesome. (Garnt coughs) - I love the Golden Age arc. - Yeah, like imagine the Golden Age arc, but the biggest to me, the biggest selling point of "Kingdom" is the battles. - [Connor] This man's dying over here. - He can't contain his love for "Kingdom." - It went down the wrong hole. - He's choking up thinking about it. - Yeah I just want to talk about "Kingdom" okay. So I have never seen any other piece of media depict warfare in as much detail as I have "Kingdom" right. Because there's only like, it's been 500 chapters and one single battle can easily take up like 50 to a hundred chapters. - How many? - [Garnt] Yeah. - It's like "Lord of the Rings." - Yeah. I mean it's- - Battle for Helms deep here? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Literally like imagine- - But every battle. - Imagine if that was just every battle, right. But it's fucking, it's actually fucking insane. Go on, go for it. - Are we close to finishing the story? - No. - We're about halfway. - Oh for fuck's sake. See that puts me off. Because I don't want to get into something where I'm going to be like 50 years old and I'm like, "Hey son, my favorite manga is finishing soon." (Garnt and Joey laugh) - "Kingdom." - Literally every "One Piece" fan. - But like, it's one of those manga where it's such a simple kind of, it's well, it's simple and it's not, right. Because obviously there's a lot of, there's a lot of like politics involved. - [Connor] Yeah. - There's a lot of like intricacies into how they basically try to take over their kingdom because there's... I really can't condense it down into like, whatever I'm going to say now. - It's an epic. - Yeah, it is an epic. - Oh it's epic all right. - But like, because it's broken up into like different arcs. So you can just read one arc and you just, you can just like- - Stop. - It's kind of- - Take a breather. - You can take a breather. Like I literally binge one arc then binge another arc and then binge another arc. Because I'm just like, "I just want to see what happens at the end of this battle." And it depicts war, like I said, it depicts warfare in a better way than I've ever seen in any other manga because like, you know, you know how they like try to write smart characters in a lot of fiction, whereas to write a smart character, you have to make the other character dumb, right. So there's been so many like warfare kind of scenes where it's just like, they introduce this like really smart general or something. And it's because he sees a strategy that the other general doesn't see. And like, to the reader, it's the most obvious fucking strategy of all time. - We're going to go around the back. - [Garnt] Yeah. - Holy shit. - They'll never know if we flank them to the right. - Yeah, exactly. And with Kingdom, the reason it takes like about like 50 to a hundred chapters per battle was because it's so- - They're playing 5-D chess. - They are like it's so incredible to see so many styles of generals battling against each other. Because it is literally like watching two GM's play against each other and no, I'm absolutely serious because like you're turning the page and you're like, both sides are making moves. Both sides are like taking pieces. They're taking rooks, they're taking bishops. It is kind of like watching a chess game except because it's a battle, it's not just all about strategy. Sometimes you have people who fucking flip the board and then there's nothing you can do about that. Just because they're too powerful. And then there's some people who knows that this guy is someone who is going to flip the board and he takes that into account. And so the winner of the battle, isn't the person who's like necessarily dumber. It's just the person who maybe thinks that extra half step ahead. And you really don't know until you turn like the final few pages of an arc, how it's going to turn out. - The author must have like fucking binge read like "The Art Of War" like 10 times. - Honestly. - because like- - Honestly, like that's it. - I've only heard like the most insane battles. - I love those people that like, you know, like those reviews. - Yeah. - "Sunsu five stars." - Yeah. - "Come read my work." - Like without spoiling some of the best moments of this manga, like I think this manga has an arc, which is one of my favorite arcs of like all of manga. - Damn. - And that's because it's like, it's an arc without spoiling the exact plot points, it's an arc where you have like fucking five, six generals. All of them have like I'm playing 5-D chess with each other, making moves against each other. And you're just like, "Holy fuck." I can't even keep up with the amount of strategies going on. And the different pieces like that are being pushed around. It's absolutely fucking insane. It's so big brain that I really cannot explain. - [Connor] I don't know. I'm sold, I'm sold. - Yeah and ever since I read those five volumes of "Kingdom," I've been this close to just saying fuck it. And just buying the rest of the volumes. - Is it published weekly? - Mmm hmm. - Okay, that's good. that's good. It's published, but there's no way they're going to get to 500 chapters. - I've just given up hope on manga where they're like, "Okay, now we're publishing monthly." And I'm like "All right." And I'm never going to read it. 'Cause it's never going to finish. - Yeah. If you want to see like the brain expands meme of like of just reading something that is just like super smart without making it like seem pretentious or something. - [Connor] Yeah. - And the art is so good. - I think someone asked, I don't know who was, might have been George RR Martin, the question was like, "If you're not smart, how do you write smart characters?" If you're not smart yourself, how do you write a smart character? Like, legit. I remembered they answered something. But even me, I was thinking about it. Like, I don't know how you would. How would you? Because you wouldn't know what smart is because you're not smart. - [Joey] Yeah. - [Garnt] Yeah. - It's I think this is smart, is this smart? - Is this what smart people are like? - [Joey] Yeah. - It's like- - Ask your smart friend. - How do you write a smart character? Who's like 300 IQ when you're not 300 IQ. - [Garnt] Yeah, yeah. - Very good question. - What I would guess is that the author of this must've just studied so many like history, historic battles. Because someone like the tactics and strategies that they come up with this, it's just like, it's 300 IQ, versus 302 IQ. And it's just like, that extra 2 IQ that gives them the edge in battle. - It's the pawn that matters and- - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah exactly. It's such a good read. - I'm sold, I'm sold. - Yeah it's fucking fantastic. - Another one to add to the fucking list. - If you want something that is just an incredible epic, read "Kingdom." - Okay. - "Great Teacher Onizuka"- - Classic. - Is a classic. - I've heard all about this. I haven't watched it. - It's weird. I've never read the manga for this. I've only watched the anime. - [Connor] I've hear the anime is amazing though. - Yeah. The anime is amazing. But I've heard the manga is even better. - I think the anime is, I mean, it's good because the manga is fucking amazing. - Yeah, yeah. - Right, that's the only reason the anime is good. - The recipe so god damn good you can't mess up (indistinct). (Joey laughs) - Because like you, okay. Have you seen the anime? - I've seen the anime yeah. - When do you think it came out? - What, the anime? - Yeah. - It was like late eighties, right? Wasn't it? - It came out in the year 2000. (Connor laughs) I'm not joking. - Are you serious? - I am serious. - That was like a trap question. I felt the trap when he asked that. - It feels like late 80's manga. - It feels like late 80's- - Early 90's manga. - It feels like late 80's, early 90's, anime adaptation. - Yeah. - It came out in the 2000's. It came out after "Cowboy Bebop." - I'm so lost. - But because like, because the anime adaptation- - I wasn't expecting to have an existential crisis over GTO today, God damn. - So, I mean, I think I've talked about GTO briefly before. But to give a brief synopsis of GTO, it's about this teacher who is a delinquent. - Oh, he great. - Oh great. - Oh, he a great teacher. - He's... No, no, no, no, no, no. He's not a great teacher yet because he's just.... So his name is Onizuka. And he's delinquent who finds himself in a teaching job, right? - Let me guess, let me guess. He's just, he's not a good teacher in the start. But he learns to love the kids and he wants to help the kids. So he becomes a good teacher along the way. - No, actually he wants to be the greatest teacher in all of Japan. Hence the name: - "Great Teacher Onizuka." - "Great Teacher Onizuka." - But he's given like a very problematic class, right. And yeah, he's not like the greatest teacher academically. And that's like part of the point of this manga is that he doesn't teach academic lessons. He teaches life lessons. And I know sounds- - How do I reach these kids? - He ain't book smart. He's street smart. - This is how you wear bag kids, making you shoulder it correctly. - But like it's a manga that I think really affected me when I read this as like a teenager, because you know, it is like a completely cheesy kind of setup, right. Because you know, it's just, "Oh, it's a teacher who reforms a problematic classroom and teaches them life lessons. It makes them appreciate life and stuff." And yeah, that's exactly it. It's probably the best feel good manga I've ever read. - Japan loves those kinds of mangas though. There's another manga like that called "Rookies." I don't know if you know that one. - I don't. - It's like if you took GTO but you made them play baseball. And, but it's like, it's the exact same, like, feel good vibe. You have the delinquent teacher who like teaches a bunch of delinquents to like join a baseball team and stuff like that. - [Connor] Yeah. - Exact same feel as GTO. It's like just as good. - It's just, it's just really, it's also a comedy one. And I do like the comedy, but like, what I really love is that, you know, it doesn't teach you so much cheesy life lessons, right? It's so much, it's just teaches you that you, especially growing up in Asian culture, it tries to teach you that, you know, grades and you're like this, the school system, isn't what defines you as a person. And I feel like a lot of people might need to like hear some of the things that this manga has to say. - Especially in Japan. - Especially in Japan. And especially in Asian culture. And kind of the cherry on top is just how fucking goofy and at the same time bad ass Onizuka is. I fucking, seeing the antics they put him through is just like everything is such a treat. Like one of my favorite scenes in the manga, which never got adapted to the anime was like, he was trying to teach this like this leader of like this gang to like try to attend school and take it fucking seriously and all that shit. And so this guy, this student leads him to like this underground, like fight ring or something. I can't remember the exact setup, but he's just like, "Look, if I arm wrestle a hundred of you and win, then you got to come to school." And it's just like, this is so fucking stupid, right. Because it's just like, how are you going to fucking arm wrestle a hundred people. And then he, he beats one person. He beats two persons. He beat... He starts taking on three at a time. And like- - Three at a time? - Yeah, yeah. He starts taking on three at a time. It's Shonen manga okay. And he's just like, the way that it just kind of builds up and like escalates is like hilarious and bad-ass at the same time. - Yeah. - And it's, it's something where it's not 100% serious, but when it hits, it fucking hits. And some like, it's a manga that can really, I wouldn't say change a person, but it... If you're looking for something that affects you in the opposite way of "Punpun." Where it's just like, "Wow"- - It uses comedy to teach you. - Yeah. - Not depression. - Yeah, it still teaches you like very important life lessons, but you feel wholesome at the day. You don't want to cry. - I feel like that genre of manga is so like beloved and known and quite, you know, more common, especially to a Japanese audience. I feel it's slept on in the West. - Really? - Like there are so many like good, like feel-good comedy centered, like delinquent life lesson type of manga that is out there. And they're all fucking great. - Yeah because, I feel like to do this type of manga, or to do this type of story, it's so hard to just not be cheesy. - Yeah, true. - You know, like. And I feel like GTO is that one manga when I'm just like you see this done in any other way and it would just be cheesy. But, the way that they do it in this, just it doesn't- - It almost doesn't take itself seriously always. - Yeah, yeah. Exactly. So, yeah, Onizuka like, I think one of my favorite characters in manga for that reason. What'd you want to go on next? - Can we talk about "Psyren?" - Okay. - Why is "Psyren?" - What is "Psyren?" What the fuck is that? - Shonen Jump. - It's Shonen Jump. I'm surprised you've heard of "Psyren." - I fucking love "Psyren." - You love "Psyren." Oh my fucking God, yes! - That's why I was like, "Why is this here?" - What is "Psyren?" - It's one of those, like, it's one of those- - Please explain the plot. - Underground Shonen Jump manga that like- - Okay. - It didn't have very long run time, did it? - I mean, it had like a good hundred chapters. - Did it? - It got canceled. It got canceled. - That's right. Yeah it did get canceled. - [Connor] All right so, tell the plot. - I will tell you the plot. Okay, so there's going to be like a slight spoiler, but I feel like it's within the first four chapters. And I feel like it's a big twist that I feel is what got me hooked into this manga, right. So, that's the main... I can't actually remember the character names. 'Cause it's been so long since I've read it. - Yeah, yeah. But it's this main character and he, I don't think there's anything too special about him at the beginning. He runs a service where he solves problems, right. That's got nothing to do with what happens, right. And so he sees this girl, it looks like she looks like she's going through some issues or something. So she, he tries to help her. And in that process, he follows her and then he gets transported with her to just this new place. He doesn't know where he is, right. - He gets Isakai'd. - Yeah, he basically gets Isakai'd, right. - So goes to another world. - Yeah, yeah, kind of. He goes to another world. - Ooh I see a theme here Garnt. - Yeah, no. He goes to another world with this girl, right. And then they're in, just in, there's just in this like barren wasteland. And then they get transported with a bunch of people. And it's kinda like the "Gantz" kind of theme where it's not as brutal. 'Cause it's like Shonen Jump "Gantz." So it's not got like massive gore, but like people just start dying left, right, and center. - [Connor] Okay. - Right. And for some reason she has like a special psychic power that she uses to survive. So he kind of follows her right. And so in like fighting through this kind of "death game", kind of barren wasteland kind of thing, he like tries to figure out where the fuck he is, how he got there and what the fuck's going on, right. And then it's like the big twist at the end of episode four is that he goes on top of this like a building that's just been like, laying, it's like a, what's the word I'm looking for? - Like abandoned or- - No, not abandoned, but it's just like, it's, what's the word where it's just like, it's been years since this building's been- - Overgrown? - Dilapidated? - Dilapidated, yeah. It's this dilapidated building right. And he, and he goes on it and then he sees Mount Fuji, right. And it's just, he realizes that for some reason, he's in Japan. He's in a city that is in complete ruins and the apocalypse has happened. And so he doesn't know how he got there or where he is. - That's right. - Or, should I say it? Okay, I'm going to say it, okay- - Spoiler alert. - Or when he is, but- - I mean, I guessed when you had said that he was in Japan that is was a time thing. - When he said it was dilapidated. - Yeah, I was like okay well that's a signal the passage of time. - Yeah, yeah. So, I guess that spoils it. But yeah, I mean, so what I love about this is that it's a Shonen Jump action manga that has a mystery core. Because the core of this is him going back to his own world or his own time and kind of figuring out what the fuck happened. How did it happen? And in that process, like, that's all I'm going to say, because in that process, there's so many twists and turns that come from that and him trying to figure out what's going on. And it was just nice to see like a Shonen Jump that has action in it, but also has this really mystery aspect that keeps you coming back and just keeps you like reading the next page just to figure out what happens. Because I feel like there's been Shonen Jump with a mystery aspect, for example, what's the one where they eat kids, again? - "Promise Neverland." - "Promise Neverland." It's a bit like "Promise Neverland" and it's a bit like, obviously- - I've never heard "Promise Neverland" be described as "what's the one where they eat kids?" - I mean, am I wrong? - I don't know why I got it right away. - Am I wrong, am I wrong? - I mean- - That is what happens. - That is what it is, that is what it is. - It's not the one about the kids trying to escape. It is the one where the kids get eaten. - Don't fuck around. - Like I liked the fact that it had a mystery aspect and also a battle Shonen aspect. And I feel like it was so underground. 'Cause nobody fucking read it. - I think the problem with "Psyren" is that it kind of came out at a time where Shonen Jump was just absolutely stacked. Where like everything else in Shonen- 'Cause this was like mid 2000's Shonen Jump, right? So this was not only in the midst of the Big Three, but also like the lesser known Shonen Jump stuff that was not the Big Three was still very, very popular. - So why did they get canceled? - Just because it wasn't popular enough. - It just got axed. - I'm just like, I feel like another thing is that unfortunately the art style just looks so generic because this came after "Bleach." - It does look... The main character looks like Ichigo. - Yeah, yeah. It kind of looks so generic, but it has so many original ideas. Like I've really liked without spoiling what the main character's power is. So like anyone who goes to this world gets a special power of their own, right. And I like as an engineer, he has like a really unique power where I'm not going to spoil exactly what it is, but he can't control this power. Like he can't consciously control this power. So what he does to kind of figure out a way different ways to use his power is he makes sub routines for this power. So it's basically like he makes programming loops for this power, like to follow a set algorithm, to do exactly what he wants. - That's right. Yeah, yeah, yeah. - And I'm just like, "That's such a unique idea." - I'm like slowly, remembering this manga as you talk about it. - Man can type 2000 words per minute. (Garnt laughs) - But yeah, like, I mean, I could- - Sounds interesting. - I could have put like "Hunter x Hunter" or other Shonen jump manga on here. - It's nice to see some variation. - But yeah, like I said, every Shonen Jump manga I can think of putting on here has an anime adaptation. So that's the only reason why I put "Psyren" on here because it is my favorite Shonen Jump manga that does not have an anime. Because it got canceled because it wasn't popular enough. - The other one I would put it on there is... Gid you ever read "M Zero?" - I did not read "M Zero." - Okay that's another one that was like, kind of, it came out around the same time as "Psyren" where Shonen Jump was just stacked. Never gotten an anime adaptation, but it's so good. - What's that about? - "M Zero" is about... It's basically it's this kid who enters this magic school, but he himself has zero magic abilities. - [Connor] Yeah. - Yeah. - So this is literally like, think of like fucking "My Hero Academia" right? Where instead of quirks it's magic power. And you have like certain levels of magic. And the higher your magic level is, the more powerful of like a magic card you get that can like activate magic skills and the main character, again, he has zero magic so he gets an M Zero card. - Ahh okay. - And it's just him basically just trying to basically survive and graduate the magic school. But like the art style is so unique and it's such a dope, solid story. But again, it never got an anime adaptation. And like hardly anyone read it, because again- - Did it get canceled? - Shonen Jump. No, it didn't get canceled. It had a proper ending, it got like 12 volumes of something. - [Connor] Oh. - And it had a proper ending. It just no one read it because during that time, Shonen Jump was so stacked. - [Connor] Right, right. - With all these other insane shows- - It's stacked now as well. - It's stacked now but like mid 2000's Shonen Jump was like peak. - So you can recommend it even though there's not an ending? - Oh no, it has an ending. It's just very rushed. But like- - They were like wrap it up, come on. - "Yu Yu Hakusho" was kind of the same as well. - Yeah, but like, I feel like I can still recommend it. Because the mystery aspect got solved and it got solved in a decent amount of time. What didn't get... What was like a bit unsatisfying was just each character's resolution because it got wrapped up so quickly. But the mystery aspect, which was the reason I was so addicted to it, and reading, that gets wrapped up just fine. And that's why I can still recommend it. - So, what's "Love Hina" about? - Wait, have you not read or watch "Love Hina?" - No, I don't- - Really? - I don't know anything about "Love Hina." - Wow. - "Love Hina"- - It's about... - I'mma say right now. This is nostalgia. - I mean look, Akamatu Ken's fucking amazing. - It is. - "Love Hina" is a classic. - Listen explain yourself. What is it about? - It's nothing you haven't heard before. - It's a manga where a guy loves Hina. - Oh for fuck's sake. (Garnt laughs) - That's Hina. - Is it interesting? - And he loves Hina. - That's Naru. - Oh yeah. - That's Naru and... Okay, so a guy moves in to his grandma's onsen, right? Because his grandma owns owns an onsen and it turns out it's also a girls' dormitory and- (Connor sighs) - Ayeee. - Okay, all right. - And okay, it's a fucking harem anime okay. It's a, sorry, it's a harem manga okay. - Okay, okay. - And how can I say this? - It's a classic isn't it. - It's it's it's just a solid harem manga. And there's nothing I can do to convince you to watch it. I'm not going to try and convince you to read it, okay. I'm not here. This isn't for you, Connor. This is for me. This is for me Connor. - I never said it was. You know- - This is Garnt's "Ichigo 100%." - Honestly, this was the very first manga I have ever read. - Oh really? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. Out of everything, right? 'Cause I remember watching... it was the first anime I ever watched because before that I had this like- - First anime? - No, sorry. It's the first anime I- - I was going to say this is the first anime you ever watched? - This is the first anime I watched where before that I had this massive complex against manga, right? 'Cause I was like, no, because like- - I discriminated against manga. - Honestly, honestly, because I'm like, "How can you get into black and white drawings? I'm sorry, I'm sorry. This is disgusting. This is for peasants." - Western comics go through the trouble of coloring in. - Where's the movement? - Where's the color? - Where's the color? - Exactly, that's what I'm saying. - I'm just like, "How am I supposed to get into this?" And unlike "Love Hina" was the first anime I watch where I'm just like, "I want to see what happens." - I'll fight through the black and white. - And I want to see what happens enough, that I'll fucking read the manga. - She looks cute, but she looks like a Pokemon reject. (Joey laughs) - She's a- - I think every character in the 90's looked like a Pokemon reject. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's true. - Because I think they all had like the same kind of characteristics. - So out of 10? - I mean, I- - Just give me a fucking score Garnt. What is it? - 10. - Oh fuck off. (Garnt laughs) - That stutter was a 5. That served the ending enough. - I think "Love Hina" to this day is like a solid six or seven. - It's just a fun six or seven? - It's a fun manga. - If you like harem manga- - No. - Which you don't. So if you like harem manga, I still think "Love Hina" is such, is a very, very solid harem manga. - It still stands up to it's time. - Why do you love harem anime and manga so much? I mean what about the harem speaks to you Garnt? - I just like girls. (Connor laughs) - I want all the girls. - I'll break it down because this is going to be a really weird analogy. If I'm like, if there's a harem manga that I'm invested in, it's not, it's not specifically about, oh, there's a bunch of girls. What I equates reading a harem manga to, it's kind of like watching a sports match, right? Because like- - I knew you were going fucking to say that. - Yeah, yeah, because... Okay, because- - You pick your team when you root for them. - You pick your team and you get emotionally invested, right? - Yeah. - And you pick your best girl and you fucking root for them. And you stick through it through thick and thin. - Yup. - And then- - Even if they don't win, they've won in your heart. - Yeah, even if they don't win, but if they do win- - It's like, "Yeah!" - It's such an emotional rush. 'Cause you're like, "Yes, yes, yes!" You literally become a fucking sports fan. - I bet Garnt's never as happy as when his fucking harem of choice wins. - Honestly like, part of the best part of harems, right, Is being, is watching it with the community. Because like half the fun is seeing your girl win. But also half the fun is shitting on the fans of the losing girls as well. - Yeah. - That's like, that's like equally as fun. - That's what I loved about "Ichigo 100%" because I read it with a bunch of my Japanese friends who are all just as invested. And the all had their own winners. And when I, when my girl won, I was like, "Fuck you! I told you!" - Joey had the biggest dick that week. - I did, I did. I felt good, I felt good. - All right. Okay. I mean- - So like, I mean, I still think it's a solid harem. I think one of the biggest differences to a lot of harems I met is that I do like the character development of the main guy. He starts off as obviously a fucking loser with no personality. But as the series goes on, he actually develops. - Why do we ever get Chad's as the main characters. - Because they wouldn't be interesting. - Because then it wouldn't be a hentai. - Chad should become more- - That's the difference between- - More Chad? - Where's the space for growth if they're already a Chad. - Maybe they come more modest. Maybe they learn modesty. - No one wants to see that. - I wanna see a man learn modesty. - He goes from like this brick shit house brute. - It's just the guy who was too full of himself. And he just gets modest. I'd watch that. That'd be awesome. - I'm sure that exists somewhere. - And I guess like the other classic on there, of course is "20th Century Boys." - I thought you were going to say "Domestic Girlfriend." - Yeah, I thought you were about to say "Domestic Girlfriend." (Garnt laughs) - I was about to like give you the back hand. - While we're on shit, let's keep talking about "Domestic Girlfriend." If we're going to talk about "Love Hina." - [Garnt] Okay, okay. okay. I realize- - He's not going to stop talking you know. - Just give me. We've seen it on your channel. - Yeah. - We can and watch it. - We've seen your videos. - We can literally go and get the fountain of like nonexistent youth from you on this thing where you just never age and you talk about this for 10 years. - I can continually talk about it. - I don't want to. Give me a five minute... You've got 5 minutes Garnt. - Sell this to me because- - You have five minutes. - I watched three episodes and I immediately dropped it. - "Domestic Girlfriend" fucking awoke something in me man. (Joey laughs) - Like this single show basically dictated my hentai taste from like- - [Connor] So, so, so, so- - There's me before "Domestic Girlfriend" and there's me after "Domestic Girlfriend." - So wait, if I'm correct is it, there's a guy and there's a teacher? - [Garnt] Yeah. - And a sister. - Okay, okay, okay, so- - That's correct? Is that correct? - Okay, so let me break it down for you okay. So there's this guy who has, who's in love with his teacher, right? And one day he just randomly goes up to a meetup and he meets another girl at a karaoke. What's it called? In like a- - Bar? Bar? - [Producer] A bar? - No what's the event where- - [Sydney] A mixer. - A mixer. Thank you Sydney, you know. So he goes to a mixer. And he meets this girl. And this girl for some reason wants to lose her virginity. Because she just at that age where she just like, "Fuck it, I've got nothing better to do." - Doesn't the anime literally open with them like- - Yeah. - After having sex. - The anime literally opens with them just after sex. - [Connor] Okay, right. - And so he sleeps with this girl and then, who he's just met and they say goodbye. And then he goes home. And then he finds out that his dad's getting remarried. And then he meets the family that he's getting like, his dad's getting married to. And it turns out that the mother of, or his future mother-in-law, or no his future step-mother. She has two daughters. One is the girl he slept with and the other is the teacher he's in love with. And that is the premise of "Domestic Girlfriend." - Where is the incest sign when we need it? - This is literally, this is incest Garnt. And this is just like, this is like what if we made all porn categories into one. This is what it sounds like. - Basically. - This is like combine every porn. Where are the laundry machines? Get four of them in this house. (Joey laughs) - Okay, so like I will fully admit that- - This is porn. - The concept... I mean, yeah this is a hentai plot. - This is your "Kiss Sis." (everyone laughs) - Let's be real, it is. - No, no. It's better than "Kiss Sis." - It is. - People would want... Like when we did the anime three-by-three, people were like, "Why is the 'Domestic Girlfriend 'anime not on there?" It's because I actually read the manga. I think it's a good fucking manga and I will defend it til the day I fucking die. - Would you say it's a masterpiece? - I would say- (everyone laughs) - I'm asking. - It's a masterpiece in my heart. - Okay, I understand. - No because like, what happens is like- - If masterpiece is short for masturbating piece then yes. - But like, what I love about this manga is that it takes the most like, the situation is a complete car wreck. And it just turns to a car wreck to a train wreck to a fucking nuclear Holocaust. Like the layers of how complicated the situation gets just gets stacked on top of each other. But what offsets this is that it's actually a really well written manga. It's like a lot of thought- - Hold on, you're being very oxymoronic right now, okay. - Okay, okay. Because a lot of thought was really put into the characters. So the characters actually seem really realistic and you can kind of like empathize with them, right? What you can't relate to is the fucking situation that they're in. So you put really- - I hope not. - You put actual like realistic characters or well written characters into this really fucking trashy, wacky situation. And it's like a juxtaposition of just you're actually invested in these characters, but also the stuff that's happening is so wild that you just want to keep reading just to see what happens next. It's like a soap opera, but the characters are actually really like, you're really, really invested in these characters. - I just couldn't get to that point with the anime. Honestly, I was like- - No, no, no- - So what's more of a battle, this or "Kingdom?" What's more of an epic battle? - That's two different battle, isn't it? - Which is the bigger battle? - I don't know which one's more five head man. - One of them is like, you're physically getting hurt battle and the other is like chipping away your brain. - Okay because like the anime is the really... Okay, what the anime did is that it just took all the trashy moments in the manga without any of the character moments and just put them and just speed run it. - So, they made a bad porno. - Huh? - They made a bad porno. - Yeah, they made a bad porno. - Okay. - I mean, what porno doesn't have character development. Well how can I get invested? - Most of them. - A good one. We don't need it. - And yeah, I will keep talking about "Domestic Girlfriend"- - I'm sure if you want to hear Garnt talk about it, just ask him in public, ask him anywhere. - Watch the 17 videos he made on it. - I realize that I've made like a manga three-by-three, a hentai three-by-three, a dojin three-by-three. - This is all in one. - And an anime three-by-three. And all of them have incest in it. I just want to say for the record- - Where is the incest sign when we need it? - I just want to say for the record, I do not like incest- - You are very lucky you are an only child. (Joey and Garnt laugh) - That's all I'm saying. Otherwise the incest would've destroyed you. - Yeah. - If I put this many incest things in mine, everyone would be like, "Yo Connor's got three brothers. Oh no." - I've got a sister. And I'd be fucked. - Look, all I'm saying is at least I don't like stepmom porn because everyone has a mother. What like everyone, everyone, everyone has a mother. What's your excuse? What's your excuse Connor for mothers. "Mother Knows Breasts." - Let's not get into that. - All right, let's let's talk about "20th Century Boys." - Okay. - Because that is actually a good manga. - Okay this is my favorite manga of all time. - It's brilliant. - I've never read this. I've been wanting to read this. I've actually got it downloaded, ready to read. - Everything by Urasawa Naoki is- - Oh, I can give you the manga volumes instead. - Oh you have them with you? - Yeah that's- - In English? - Yeah in English. - Oh sick. - That's a much better- - What other language is he going to read it in? - Thai, I don't know. The cover look bad ass. - Well, yeah. It's fucking amazing. - So "20th Century Boys" is my favorite manga of all time. And I only read this just before moving to Japan and it's kind of like the "Oyuamsi Punpun" where I knew I would love this for ages. And I held off reading it until I had just the right amount of time and the right mindset. And that just so happens when I had the few week break, before I moved to Japan. - Yeah. - And I was like, "Okay, I am now ready to experience '20th Century Boys'." - I am now ready for emotions. - Yeah, and it lived up to everything and more. I like, I knew it was like a magnum opus of a piece of work. - Yeah. - And I still like, it's amazing. But also it like every lesson and every message you tried to say, like spoke to me personally as well. So it was kind of like a mixture of personally, this was my kind of story, and also it's an amazing story. - This was the manga that made me go, "Wow Urasaw Naoki is a fucking genius." - Can you give me a very quick rundown of the plot. - Sure, sure. Okay, it's so- - Because I don't really know anything about it. - It's, I'll- - It's a pretty convoluted plot isn't it? - Its a very- - Just give me the most bare bones explanation. - Okay, so I'll try to sell you this as quickly as possible. So imagine like when you're growing up as a kid, right, you play hero and villains, right? And so like you play a hero and someone plays the hero and someone plays the villain. And normally a super villain, they try to take over the world, right? It's a cartoony plot. They take over the world and the hero stops them. Now, what if you could make this very childish plot believable? That is basically what "20th Century Boys" is, right. - Sounds cool. - It's someone who basically tries to take over the world and Naoki Urusaw went, "How can we actually make this actually seem realistic and feasible?" - And terrifying. - And terrifying as well. That's like the bare bones, basic premise of this. What I love about this is that it's kind of like a mystery. So it doesn't open up with that premise. What it opens up with is this guy, who's just a normal guy who stumbles upon a conspiracy, right? And so of course, if you stumble upon a conspiracy and you see how deep this conspiracy goes. - The Earth is flat. - Yeah, exactly, exactly. And the way the story unravels is that like you are given pieces just to how deep this conspiracy, this conspiracy goes and how far it runs. And the more chapters that you read, normally, like you see a mystery and like you you're able to like, kind of get a feel for like how big this mystery is, right. What I find fucking amazing about "20th Century Boys", is that I was like five to 10 volumes in or something like that. And it felt like I was staring into an abyss in terms of this mystery, like, this feeling where you just don't know how deep this rabbit hole goes. Like you are just like, "There's no way this can go deeper." And then something gets revealed. And you're like, "Where does this end?" - [Connor] What the fuck? - How the fuck? How far does this go? - [Connor] Yeah. - And like, the way that, and I find that incredible. There's no been no other mystery that's just given me this feeling of just like, it was kind of like almost existential dread. Because I know how far this sank or how deep this went. And it's probably like, it's my favorite manga of all time. I think it's my favorite mystery of all time. - Urasawa Naoki is just so amazing at writing these just mysteries where it's just like you don't know where it's going. And also, I don't know about you, but Urasawa Naoki I feel is a genius at writing some of the most perfect antagonists- - Yeah, yeah. - In manga, I mean, he also did "Monster." - Oh. Okay you should've said that. - Yeah. - Oh yeah, yeah. It's the same guy. - Same guy writing "Monster." - Okay I'm sold. I'm sold. - But like "Monster" is like way more character-driven and I think it's like much more smaller scale. This one is like a fucking massive scale. - This fucking sucks. I've got so much to read now. Fuck. (Joey and Garnt laugh) - I'm this is never going to get anime adaptation. - No. - Because like, compared to "Monster"- - It go a live action though. - This is, yeah- - It did? - Yeah, it's shit. - It's shit. I mean, compared to "Monster", this would be like hundreds of episodes maybe. - Oh yeah. - Because that's just, that's just how, like far- - "Monster" was like 70 something episodes. This would easily be like 150-200 episodes. - Yeah, yeah. - I'm down. Make it happen. "Hunter x Hunter" got over 148. - True. - Yeah. And yeah, I feel like it's the greatest manga I've ever read and- - It's definitely up there. - Yeah, yeah. - Is there anything more than that? Can you give it higher praise than that? I guess I to read it. - [Joey] You have to read it. - Oh fuck me. - [Joey] Yeah it's brilliant. - It's my, I like, I can't even pick a favorite anime of all time, but the fact that I can pick a favorite manga of all time- - Is telling. - That's telling. - Ladies and gentlemen. - We got him. - We got him. - And it's not "Domestic Girlfriend." Surprisingly. - Thank fuck for that. - Even though it's in the middle. - Thank fuck for that. (Joey laughs) I didn't put anything significant in my middle one. I just clicked. I should have, I should have. - It was the Oromo square. That's why I put it in the middle. - And do you have, well, two more? Well, I guess one more. We'll talk about "Berserk" after. "Beck." - Yeah. - The manga for "Beck." - The manga for "Beck." - I've only watched the anime. - You've only watched the anime? - I've only watched the anime. - Joey, Joey. - Joey my boy. - I know- - You would actually love the "Beck" manga. - I mean dude I fucking loved the anime. And again, same thing. Everyone's saying the manga is even better. - The manga is even better. - Before you get your dicks out and start comparing them, walk me through the plot of "Beck." I know nothing. - I mean, it's like a... It's a music anime right. - Music. - Fuck off. It's not a music anime. - It is a music anime. - Just music? - Yup. - Yeah, yeah. - He just plays music? - He just joins a band and tries to get big. - Yeah, so- - Come on, come on. Fuck off. - I'm not even joking. - That's it? - I'm not joking. - That's it. - That's literally the plot of "Beck." - What's good about it then? - It's just the journey. - It's completely character driven. - You looked at me dead in the eyes and just said, "It's the journey." - Well it's just like some- - It really is the journey. - It's the journey. The journey. - I mean, it is. Like it's... What I love about "Beck," I mean, it's a very simple story in that sense. It's a complete character driven story where it's about a boy who joins a band and they're very underground. They're trying to make it big. And it's literally just their journey of making it big, right. And you know, I mean you've seen movies and fucking, you know, stories- - "A Star is Born." - Huh? - "A Star is Born." - Yeah, and obviously there's, I mean, there's- - "Sabrina." - Miley Cyrus, Hannah Montana. - The best of both worlds. - Sorry, sorry. - Think about that but just like better. (all laugh) - How dare you diss my Miley like that. - It's just a good musical anime? - It is just the most- - Does it just relies on the characters is that. - Oh, it's very heavily reliant on the characters. But like the way the characters are written and just the, how they like play off each other and like all the, I mean, A, it's very realistic, which is already like a big plus for me, especially with like a character driven story like that. But also just like, yeah, I don't know. It's just a really good journey. - Do you think I'd enjoy it? - Ah, do you like rock music? - I enjoy rock music. - I mean, it's if you were like... To me "Beck"- - I feel like Mark Zuckerberg answering that question. "Do you like human things? Yes I like human things." - Initiate blink. - Sorry, sorry, sorry. - I kind of realized, I asked the person who enjoys the beeps and the boobs. - I do- - Do you like rock music? - I do enjoy rock music. But I felt like the pressure was on for some reason. Sorry, go ahead. - Yeah. I mean, it's what I love about "Beck" is that it's just all, it just captures the, you know, the love for rock and you know, good old, you know, old classic rock and roll. And just like how rock has evolved through time. - So they mentioned like all of like, do they mention the fact, like they play like a cover of the Beatles and shit like that? - Yeah, yeah. - Oh okay. That's dope. - Wait, how does, is it, you know? 'Cause I just thought, wait a second. I'm like, "Oh wait. Surely you'd want to listen to the music." - Yeah, so I thought that- - That's why I watched the anime. - Yeah that's what I figured. - I thought that as well, right. Because I was just like, "Shit I kind of really want to know what happens, but I don't know if I can get it invested in a fucking manga about music where..." I don't know if you'd know anything about manga, but you can't really hear anything that's going on in the manga. - That shit don't have audio. - [Garnt] Yeah, and then then I realized the fucking... I kind of realized a super life hack when reading "Beck," right. Because you know, I also watched the anime. That's what got me into reading the manga. - I know what you're going to say. And I realized that when they're playing in their concerts and it's hype. - You play the song? - You can literally just play whatever song you fucking love and you feel the fucking emotion. - Mega brain. - Fucking brain expansion. - Brain expansion. - That sounds like a lot of work you know. I've got to go through my playlist. - Brain expansion. - I mean like you can do it if you, if you want to like really get invested and really like put yourself into this rock concert. But what what's amazing about the manga is that it somehow captures the energy of a concert so fucking well. And like if you've ever been to a gig and if you've ever like seen, - Sorry, sorry Garnt. - Thanks. Thank you Connor, thank you. No I'm joking, I'm joking. - I was just so bored. (everyone laughs) I'm kidding. - I sneeze when I'm bored. - Connor when he listens to someone talking about music. - He's having like allergic reaction to it. He's like music- (mocks sneeze) - Sorry, someone like read musical sheets near me. Go on, go on. - If you've ever been to a gig and especially like a rock concert, there's a certain like energy- - [Connor] I agree. - To seeing your favorite bands live. And I don't know how the manga, which is a medium where you can't hear anything, it captures the energy so well that you can play the music of whatever your favorite band is. And you're just like, "Holy fuck, I'm feeling hyped." And the reason this is- - It's more about conveying the feelings than the music necessarily. - Yeah, yeah, exactly. And the music is just like kind of like complementary to that as well. And like, if you like the anime, Joey, then you're going to fucking love the manga. Because the manga takes the best parts of like the best scenes of what happens in the anime. And there are scenes in the manga that are like five times as hype as anything that happens in "Grateful Sounds." - I know when I'm buying next. - I guess you're sold. - Yeah, yeah. Like, it's hard to sell "Beck" if you haven't seen the anime. Because if you haven't seen the anime, I think that's the best way to get into the manga. - Yeah. - Because it's, like I said, it's a musical manga and it might be a hard sell if you don't know what you're getting into. - So give just it a shot? - But if you like rock, if you like good old rock n roll- - I still remember that scene in "Beck" that made me be like hell yeah. It was like the scene where he does the cover of "I got a Feeling" by the Beatles. - Yeah, yeah. - That scene is like the most fucking like hell yes moment. - Fucking incredible moment. - It is so good. - I don't know what you're talking about- - [Joey] It's so good. - But hell yes. Hell yes. - It's just so steeped in rock culture. - Yeah. - That if you like that- - There's a lot of people in Japan just love fucking rock n' roll. - Oh yeah. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - People say, you know, when you see a British, like, "Oh Sex Pistols. Yeah, yeah, that's me." - That's a British fan. - Honestly, like they make so many references to like real life bands. - [Connor] Yeah. - Which is something I also love as well. - Yeah. - Like they say like, "Oh, this person's inspired by Hendricks or Sex Pistols." - I think there's another manga that does that. - "Jojo." - Yeah "Jojo." (Joey and Garnt laugh) - Exactly right? - That was the joke I was going to go for. Joey fucking stole it. - And of course, the only square that's been taken up by all three of our three-by-threes, "Berserk." - Rightfully deserved. - The legend has arrived. I think last time we spoke about it, I don't think I'd finished it on the podcast, had I? - No you hadn't. - No I don't think so. - Well I "finished it". - You caught up to it. - Yeah I caught up. But I mean, you could tell it was nearly done. - [Garnt] Yeah. - It kind of had like its own somewhat conclusion. - Kind of. - Around that point. - I mean, when I was reading it and I saw the dreaded, I saw how many chapters I had left, you know, the little sinking feeling was coming in my heart, but you know, I still, I'm very sad. 'Cause I felt like he was so close to the end. Like we were, we were there, like he was literally prepping. - [Joey] Yeah. - He was prepping. He was in the praying phase. - I think, I still think he had a lot. - I don't know because he you know, you know how before a big raid, you know, you get some new armor, you get some new stuff, right. That's what was going on. - That was definitely a prominent fight coming for sure. - We were going to, and it was gearing up that it was like, all right, we're getting a big boy fight. - Yeah. - Yeah yeah. - It might've been like 10 years away, but it was coming. - It was coming. It was on its way. - It was like, "Oh she coming." - And I'm like, do we need to re-exaplain the plot of "Berserk?" Do we? - I mean it's just- - I guess we should a little bit, right? If you haven't read "Berserk." There's probably people watching this who have not read "Berserk" because I mean, I was one of the people. - Would you like to explain the plot then? - There was a boy who was orphaned. He was thrown to the wayside in a pile of horrible fluids on the ground. And there was a woman who was like, "No, we must pick this up." And the mercenary band that was traveling with this woman, was like, "No, let him let him die." But then somehow the woman convinces the men to let her pick the baby up and raise this child who is going to be Guts, our main character. And as you can tell, this upbringing is not the best and many more horrible things happen to this child through his upbringing. - So may horrible things. - So many gross things. But the band of mercenaries also train him to be a warrior. And then, you know, because, cause he's had so many bad things happen to him during his childhood, he becomes kind of the lone gamer warrior that we all think is the coolest thing ever. - [Joey] Yeah. - But you know- - The black swordsman. - Yeah, the black swordsman, right? The guy who can carry the big ass sword that- - Not Kiruto. - Isn't that Kiruto. - Not Kiruto. - The one who can just beat everyone alone, right. And, and you know, he slowly realize that that's a bit of an empty life and wants to make friends. And then bad things happen. Very bad things happen and bad things continue to happen. And it's about getting over those bad things and trying to learn to accept people and love again I supposed in certain ways. - It poses itself as this like big bad guy with a sword fights monsters and bad dudes and tries to survive them all. But at the end of it, you realize, "Oh, it's not about that." It's about his journey. - Yeah, it's always always about that. It's always about the journey. - It's about him. It's literally just like a manga about his life. - Yeah and just the cherry on top is just God tier art. - God tier. - The art is just insane. Like it's, it's just the- - [Joey] No one can draw like Miura. - [Garnt] Yeah. - And if you haven't read it, you know, I had not read it for a very long time. - [Joey] Yeah. - I knew it was good, but I just didn't do it. - You didn't know how good it was. - I didn't know how good it was. I mean I had watched the anime and I thought, "Oh it's pretty good yeah. It's good, this thing is pretty all right." - Okay wait, the 2016 anime? - No the- - Or the 90's? - 90's anime. - Oh okay. I was about to fucking say- - That's what I was going to say. - We don't do that here. - We don't do that here. - We do not do that here. (everyone laughs) - And yeah, I read it. And I'm saying like, if you're sleeping on it or you've been putting it off, like now is the time like, you know, while it's still fresh in everyone's hearts you know. It's pay tribute to the king, read it. It's amazing. You will not regret it. Like it has, dare I say, a little something for everybody. - I mean, there's a reason why- - Whatever you want out of a manga, I guarantee you'll get something out of this. - There's a reason why- - You will get something out of this. - It's been goaded forever now. - Yeah. - It is not just like over-hyped at all. It is- - Rightfully deserved. - It is, it is not over-hyped. And I've thought of every possible reason I could to not put this on my three-by-three, because it's just like, it's just the one that- - I think we all know that we were all going to put it in. - It's just like the manga that goes on everyone's three-by-three and I'm just like, "Can I be that person?" Yes, Miura deserves it. - I've had many manga that I, well not many, most that I've had one or two chapters that I have, like, you know what, let's just kind of speed run this part. Let's get through it fast. - Yeah. - I never, ever, ever felt like that during "Berserk." Even though I'd seen the first arc. - [Garnt] Yeah. - I still was like, "Fuck this is good. Taking my time." - [Joey] Exactly. - Like what I find incredible is that, you know, people will look at "Berserk" or people who have never read "Berserk", they look at it and they see, "Oh, musty man with big sword go burr." You know, that's kind of like what it looks like on the cover, but like what everyone who's read "Berserk" and the moments that stand out in "Berserk" and the parts that people remember are always like the quiet moments. - Yeah. - It's the beautiful moments. And that's because there's the juxtaposition between like the fucked up shit that happens and the bloody and gory and amazing action that is in the manga. Like it's juxtaposed with some of like the most beautiful moments you can find in fiction. - [Joey] Just the scene of Guts standing in the field of flowers. - [Connor] Yeah, that whole like mini arc, if you will, was one of my favorite moments reading it. So I was like, "Oh shit." They just took like... They were like, "Hold up." - [Joey] Yeah. - Let's bring feels. - Yeah, because I feel like, I feel like the story of "Berserk" speaks to just a core that so many people can relate to like, to, you know, to get fucking real for a second. Like if you've ever felt lost in life or you don't know what your purpose is, or you don't know- - If it's worth it- - If you don't know if it's worth or why you're here. Like if you're just ever having a bad day, like that's exactly what Guts goes through in "Berserk." He may look like a big muscly man, but he like, the journey that he goes through is exactly the same realization that a lot of us have gone through in our lives, you know. - Under that hunk of muscle, there is a heart. - You can't chop your way through every problem. - Yeah. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - That's what, you know- - He tries and he realizes no he can't. - As much as we'd all love to be the overpowered MC like at the end of the day that this is not going to help you solve every problem. - [Garnt] Yeah, yeah. - That's what, you know, does it shows you, I guess in some ways not to get too lost in the things that are right in front of you, right. Which is a lot about what "Berserk" is about. - Yeah, I think the scene that sold me on "Berserk" if like, if I can get to do some, like small spoilers of the Golden Age arc, it's like the scene after he beats like the hundred men. Because like you, you think in warfare, you have one man takes on a hundred men. That's fucking bad ass. - Yeah. - In any other anime that would like, that's framed as like, "Holy fuck." This is an incredible feat, which it is. And like, I remember like it was just Guts' reaction. It was just realizing it doesn't fucking mean anything. - And also the aftermath of everyone coming in the forest and seeing him just murdered a hundred people. They were just like disgusted. They're like, "What the fuck?" - How is this man alive? - Yeah. - Yeah. - Like what the fuck? - But yeah, it's afterwards that he just realizes, "I'm doing this for no reason. I'm literally just killing a hundred men and it just means nothing to me." - Yeah like even right away. Like even though I, you know, I think I said this in the last episode, the last time we spoke about "Berserk." I do think that I would have preferred the first part, which they because they have like a time skip. I would've preferred they've just put that in the right time because I feel like it kind of- - Just start from like Golden Age arc. - Yeah, I think it would have been perfect to start from there. Even though I'm sure people disagree with me. 'Cause I feel like you get so many really cool experiences if you didn't know what was going to happen. And also just getting to see his childhood from the start would tell you all about the how fucked up this thing is going to be. - I guess they needed a hook, right. - Yeah. - To sell people in. - I think so. I think that's why, but like, you know, I wonder if it was done again, you know, would it be ordered differently? Looking back I wonder. - Yeah. - I don't know. That's obviously just pure speculation and I'm sure people would completely disagree with me and that's fine. That's opinions, right? That's what we're here for. - Yeah, exactly. - I think especially is especially what happened recently. "Berserk"'s really changed my perspective on how I view media as well, because I'm just like before, I'm just like something that's not finished can't be a masterpiece. And then I think about it and I'm just like "Berserk" is a pure example of something that has done more than fucking enough to be a masterpiece. - [Connor] Yeah true. - Like an unfinished masterpiece is still a masterpiece. - Yeah. - You know? And I feel like that's really changed my perspective on other shows, which maybe not have ended and may never end. And I'm just like, well, I think it's still done enough to be called like a masterpiece. - Yeah, absolutely. - And I think "Berserk" has really shown me that as well. - [Connor] I agree. - Yeah. - Read "Berserk." - Read "Berserk." Please. And listen to Guts's theme. - Even if you're not into dark fantasy, I think it's still- - I'm not in the dark fantasy. - I still think it can be very much enjoyed. - I love dark fantasy. - I love dark fantasy. - I mean, I guess there's nothing else to say really. - There's nothing else. That was- - You've had some new recommendations. - You know what Garnt, not bad. I mean, let's take into consideration this middle one. - Get that shit out of here. - Other than that, good choice. Good Choice. - Anyone who's read "Domestic Girlfriend" knows that this shit slapped. - Yeah, let us know your three-by-three on the subreddit. - [Garnt] I'm sure you will anyway. - Because we'd love to see... Like I need more recommendations. - I'm wondering how many people will have "Berserk" on there? - I'm saying, man, like- - [Connor] Listen it's- - I want to see a three-by-three that doesn't have "Berserk." - It's not normy to put "Berserk" in your three-by-three. - It's not overrated. It's just that good. - It's like you know putting a salt in my favorite condiments. It's like, it needs to go on everything. Like what do you, I'm not, come on. Don't boo me, I'm right. - It's like a three-by-three of essential things. I put water. Water is overrated. - Water, really? Wow, you really put in water, wow. I think Fanta belongs in but no water. But, yeah anyway... Yeah, please send us your three-by-three's in the subreddit. Go follow us on Twitter and Joe, you can go and do the rest of this. - Okay, well hey, let's talk about our patrons. First of all. - Oh yeah, let's do that. - Let's bring them up on the screen right now. - I bet they have good taste in manga. - I'm sure they have good taste in manga. - This guy right here has a great taste in manga. - I'm sure Grant Gaylord has great taste in manga. I love that boy. - He has "Domestic Girlfriend" in his manga. - Oh God. - I know he does. - But hey, if you'd like to support the show, then make sure to go over to our Patreon Also follow us on Twitter. Send us your memes on the subreddit or your three-by-threes on the subreddit. And if you hate our faces, listen to us on Spotify. - [Connor] Cheers gamers. - [Garnt] I honestly like there weren't too many surprises. This episode. - You know what, we went from trash today. - Just a good conversation. - We weren't "Trash Taste." We were great taste. - We were gentlemen tastes. - Yeah gentleman taste. - Refined taste. - What a nice episode with minimal arguing. - Exactly. - Next week. - I don't know. I just feel like manga. There's so much less variation in taste because everyone knows what- - We just like good things. - If there's a good manga, like everyone can kind of agree it's a good manga. No one reads like 200 chapters of something that they are not enjoying. - True. - So yeah, that's been this episode of "Good Taste." - I guess we'll see you guys soon. - All right, bye. - Bye. - [Garnt] Bye. (upbeat music)
Channel: Trash Taste
Views: 1,858,485
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TrashTaste, Trash, Trash Taste, Taste, Trash Taste Podcast, Anime, Manga, CDawgVA, Gigguk, TheAnimeMan, Joey, Connor, Garnt, Podcast
Id: 6wLBE3b_3jU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 176min 44sec (10604 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 13 2021
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